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Taurus, Statilius, 93, 364. Temples of Castor and Pollux, 8, and note, 266; of Jupiter Capitolinus repaired, 10, and notes, etc.; of Venus Genetrix, 47; Mars Ultor, 84, 92; Palatine Apollo, ib. and note; Jupiter Tonans, 93, and note; Hercules and Muses, ib.; the Parthenon, ib. and note; of Concord, 206, and note; of Vesta, 223, and note; of Augustus, 264; Jupiter Latialis, 298, and note; of Peace, 453, and note; of Claudius ib.; of Jupiter Custos, 483; of the Flavian Family, 483, 495. Terence, life of, 531. Terracina, on the road to Naples, 23; Tiberius's villa there, 217; and note. Tertia, mistress of Julius Caesar, 33. Theatres—of Pompey, 96; rebuilt, 312; of Marcellus, 93, and note; repaired, 458; of Balbus, ib.; Pompey's restored by Tiberius, 221; by Caligula, 265. Theogenes, an astrologer of Apollonia, 141. Thrax, a kind of gladiator, 487. Thurinus, a surname of Augustus, 74. TIBERIUS, descent of, 192-195; his childhood, 196; youth, 197; in the forum, 198; in the wars, ib., and 199; withdraws from Rome, ib.; retirement at Rhodes, 200, 201; returns to Rome, 202; commands in Germany and Illyricum, 204, 205; triumphs, 206; made colleague with Augustus, ib.; succeeds him, 207; governs with moderation, 210-213; sumptuary laws, 214; represses the Jewish religion, 215; and Christian, ib., and note; his rigorous justice, 216; retires to Capri, 217; his debaucheries there, 218-220; his parsimony, 221; exactions, 222; treatment of Livia, 223; of Drusus and Germanicus, 224; of Agrippina, 225; his grandsons, ib.; his harsh temper, 227; various cruelties, 228-231; his remorse, 233; his person, 234; literary pursuits, 235; his last illness, 236; and death, 237; rejoicings at it, 238; his will, 239. Tiber, inundations of the, 91, and note; bed of, cleaned, 94, and note; floods, 223; criminals thrown into, 230; island of Esculapius, in, 317, and note. Tibullus, his life and works, 185-187. Tiridates, king, at Rome, 346. Titinnius, letter of Cicero to, 528, and note. TITUS, his birth and disposition, 465; educated with Britannicus, ib.; the honours he paid him, ib.; endowments, personal and mental, 466; serves in Germany and Britain, ib.; in Judaea, ib.; takes Jerusalem, 467; returns to Rome, ib.; is colleague with Vespasian, 468; is harsh and unpopular, ib.; his attachment to Berenice, 469; his character brightens, ib.; his moderation and munificence, 470; public buildings and spectacles, ib., and note; his clemency, 471; relief of great disasters, 472; avoids shedding blood, ib.; taken suddenly ill, 473; dies on his paternal estate, 474. Toga, Praetexta, 101, 103, and notes. —— Virilis, 101, and note. Tomb of Domitian, 379, and note. Treviri (Treves), 254, 256, note. Triumphs of Julius Caesar, 24, 25; Augustus, 85; description of a, ib. note; Tiberius, 206; Germanicus, 251; of Vespasian and Titus, 454, 467; of Domitian, 484.
Valerius Cato, a grammarian, 516. ———— Maximus, account of his works, 248. Varro, remarks on his works, 65, 67. Varus' defeat by the Germans, 86, 205. Velabrum, a street in Rome, 25, 355. Velleius Paterculus, his life and Epitome, 247. Velitrae, town of, seat of the Octavian family, 71, 74. Venus of Coos, statue of, by Apelles, 457. VESPASIAN, his descent from the Flavian family, 441; his birth at Reate, 442; fondness for it, ib.; serves in Thrace, 443; has the province of Crete and Cyrene, ib.; marries Flavia Domitilla, ib.; his children, ib.; serves in Germany and Britain, 444; is proconsul in Africa, ib.; goes into retirement, ib.; the Jews, revolt, 445; he is sent to quell it, ib.; the prophecy of a ruler from the East applied to him. ib. and note; his campaign, in Judaea, 446; consults the oracle at Carmel, 447; the Moesian army declares him emperor, 448; also the legions in Egypt and Judaea, ib.; seizes Alexandria, 449; consults Serapis, ib.; performs miracles, 450, and note; returns to Rome, 451; his Jewish triumph, ib.; reforms the army, 452; his public buildings, 453; his just administration, 454; and clemency, 455; his love of money, 456; encourages learning and art, 457; his person, 459; mode of life, ib.; his wit, 460; is taken ill, 461; dies at Reate, ib. Vestal Virgins, the, 52; mode of appointment, 95; and note; their lewdness punished, 485. Via Appia, 236, and note. —- Flaminia, 94, and note, 146. —- Nomentana, 376, note. —- Sacra, a street in Rome, 31. —- Salaria, description of 376 note; tomb there, 454. Vienne, in Narbonne, 433, and note. Vines forbidden to be planted, 484; edict revoked, 491; remarkable produce of a, 524. Vindex, Julius, revolts in Gaul, 370, 406; his death, 408. Vintage, the, 99, note. VITELLIUS, his origin, 427, 428; and birth, 429; his youth vicious, 430; in favour with Caligula, Claudius, and Nero, 430; his marriages, 431; sent to Germany, ib.; saluted emperor by the troops, 432; marches to Rome, 433; governs despotically, 434; his gluttony, 435; and luxury, ib.; his cruel executions, 436; the legions declare against him, 437; agrees to abdicate, ib.; secretes himself, 438; is dragged out and slain, 439. Virgil, account of his life and works, 165-173. Vologesus honours Nero's memory 381; offers reinforcements to Vespasian, 449; demands succours, 480. Vorones, king of the Parthians, 222. Wild beasts shown in the public spectacles by Julius, 8; by Augustus, 105, 106; criminals thrown to, 305, and note; numbers exhibited, 470, note; exhibited by Domitian, 481.
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