Gent. This Doublet is too stiff.
La-writ. Off with't, I hate it, And all such fortifications, feel my skin, If that be stiff, flea that off too.
Gent. 'Tis no soft one.
La-writ. Off with't, I say: I'le fight with him like a flea'd Cat.
Gent. You are well, you are well.
Cler. You must uncase too.
Sam. Yes, Sir. But tell me this, why should I mix mine honour With a fellow, that has ne're a lace in's shirt?
Gent. That's a main point, my friend has two.
Cler. That's true, Sir.
La-w. Base and degenerate Cousin, dost not thou know An old, and tatter'd colours, to the enemy, Is of more honour, and shews more ominous? This shirt, five times, victorious I have fought under, And cut through squadrons of your curious cut-works, As I will do through thine, shake, and be satisfied.
Cler. This is unanswerable.
Sam. But may I fight with a foul shirt?
Gent. Most certain, so it be a fighting shirt, Let it be ne're so foul, or lowsie, Caesar wore such a one.
Sam. Saint Denis then: I accept your shirt.
Cler. Not so forward, first you must talk, 'Tis a main point, of the French method, Talk civilly, and make your cause Authentick.
Gent. No weapon must be near you, nor no anger.
Cler. When you have done, then stir your resolutions, Take to your Weapons bravely.
La-writ. 'Tis too cold; This for a Summer fight.
Cler. Not for a world you should transgress the rules.
Sam. 'Tis pievish weather, I had rather fight without.
Gent. An 'twere in a River.
Cler. Where both stood up to th' chins.
La-writ. Then let's talk quickly, Pl—— o' this circumstance.
Cler. Are the Horses come yet?
Gent. Yes certain: give your swords to us, now civilly.
Cler. We'll stand a while off; take the things, and leave 'em, You know when, and let the children play: This is a dainty time of year for puppies, Would the old Lord were here.
Gent. He would dye with laughter.
Cler. I am sorry I have no time to see this game out, Away, away.
Gent. Here's like to be a hot fight, Call when y'are fit. [Ex. Cler. and Gent.
La-writ. Why look you Sir, you seem to be a Gentleman, And you come in honour of your Uncle, boh, boh, 'tis very cold; Your Uncle has offer'd me some few affronts, Past flesh and blood to bear: boh, boh, wondrous cold.
Sam. My Lord, mine Uncle, is an honourable man, And what he offers, boh, boh, cold indeed, Having made choice of me, an unworthy kinsman, Yet take me with you: boh, boh, pestilence cold, Not altogether.
La-writ. Boh, boh, I say altogether.
Sam. You say you know not what then? boh, boh, Sir.
La-writ. Sir me with your sword in your hand; You have a scurvy Uncle, you have a most scurvy cause, And you are—boh, boh.
Sam. Boh, boh, what?
La-writ. A shitten scurvy Cousin.
Samp. Our Swords; our Swords; Thou art a Dog, and like a Dog, our Swords.
La-w. Our weapons Gentlemen: ha? where's your second?
Sam. Where's yours?
La-writ. So ho; our weapons.
Sam. Wa, ha, ho, our weapons; Our Doublets and our weapons, I am dead.
La-w. First, second, third, a pl—— be wi' you Gentlemen.
Sam. Are these the rules of honour? I am starv'd.
La-w. They are gone, and we are here; what shall we do?
Sam. O for a couple of Faggots.
La-w. Hang a couple of Faggots. Dar'st thou take a killing cold with me?
Sam. I have it already.
La-w. Rogues, Thieves, boh, boh, run away with our Doublets? To fight at Buffets now, 'twere such a May-game.
Sam. There were no honour in't, pl—— on't, 'tis scurvy.
La-w. Or to revenge my wrongs at fisty-cuffes.
Sam. My Lord, mine Uncles cause, depend on Boxes?
La-w. Let's go in quest, if we ever recover 'em.
Sam. I, come, our Colds together, and our Doublets.
La-w. Give me thy hand; thou art a valiant Gentleman, I say if ever we recover 'em—
Sam. Let's get into a house and warm our hearts.
La-w. There's ne're a house within this mile, beat me, Kick me and beat me as I go, and I'le beat thee too, To keep us warm; if ever we recover 'em— Kick hard, I am frozen: so, so, now I feel it.
Sam. I am dull yet.
La-w. I'le warm thee, I'le warm thee—Gentlemen? Rogues, Thieves, Thieves: run now I'le follow thee. [Exeunt.
Enter Vertaign, Champernel, Beaupre, Verdone, Lamira, Annabel, Charlote, Nurse.
Verta. Use legs, and have legs.
Cham. You that have legs say so, I put my one to too much stress.
Verdo. Your Horse, Sir, Will meet you within half a mile.
Lam. I like The walk so well, I should not miss my Coach, Though it were further. Annabel thou art sad: What ails my Niece?
Beau. She's still musing, Sister, How quietly her late bed-fellow lay by her.
Nurse. Old as I am, he would have startled me, Nor can you blame her.
Char. Had I ta'ne her place, I know not, but I fear, I should ha' shreek'd, Though he had never offer'd—
Ana. Out upon thee, Thou wouldst have taught him.
Char. I think, with your pardon, That you wish now you had.
Ana. I am glad I yield you [Cornet. Such ample scope of mirth. [Musick within.
Verta. Nay, be not angry, There's no ill meant: ha? Musick, and choice Musick?
Cham. 'Tis near us in the Grove; what courteous bounty Bestows it on us? my dancing days are done; Yet I would thank the giver, did I know him.
Verdo. 'Tis questionless, some one of your own Village, That hearing of your purpos'd journey thither, Prepares it for your entertainment, and The honour of my Lady.
Lam. I think rather, Some of your Lordships Clients.
Beaup. What say you Cousin, If they should prove your Suitors?
Verd. That's most likely.
Nurse. I say if you are noble, be't who will, Go presently and thank 'em: I can jump yet, Or tread a measure.
Lam. Like a Millers Mare.
Nurs. I warrant you well enough to serve the Country, I'le make one, and lead the way. [Exit.
Charl. Do you note, How zealous the old Crone is?
Lam. And you titter As eagerly as she: come sweet, we'll follow, No ill can be intended. [Musick ends.
Cham. I ne're feared yet. [Exeunt.
SONG in the Wood.
This way, this way come and hear, You that hold these pleasures dear, Fill your ears with our sweet sound, Whilst we melt the frozen ground: This way come, make haste oh fair, Let your clear eyes gild the Air; Come and bless us with your sight, This way, this way, seek delight.
Enter company of Gentlemen, like Ruffians.
1 Gent. They are ours, but draw them on a little further From the foot-path into the neighbouring thicket, And we may do't, as safe as in a Castle.
2 Gent. They follow still; the President Vertaigne Comes on a pace, and Champernel limps after; The Women, as if they had wings, and walk't Upon the Air, fly to us.
1 Gent. They are welcome, We'll make 'em sport; make a stand here, all know How we are to proceed.
2 Gent. We are instructed. [Still Musick within.
1 Gent. One strain or two more. [Gent. off.
Enter Vertaigne, Champernel, Beaupre, Verdone, Lamira, Anabel, Nurse, Charlote.
Excellent, they are come.
Nurse. We cannot miss, in such a business, yet Mine ear ne'r fail'd me. [Musick for the Dance.
Charl. Would we were at it once, I do not walk, but Dance.
1 Gent. You shall have dancing. Begin, and when I give the word—
2 Gent. No more: We are instructed. [Dance.
Beaupre. But win us fairly—
1 Gent. O Sir, we do not come to try your valour, But to possess you, yet we use you kindly In that, like English Thieves, we kill you not, But are contented with the spoil.
Verta. Oh Heaven! How hath mine age deserv'd this?
Cham. Hell confound it, This comes of walking; had I kept my legs, Or my good Horse, my Armour on, My Staff in my rest, and this good Sword too, friend, How I would break and scatter these.
All Gent. Ha, ha, ha.
Cham. Do you scorn me Rogues?
Nurs. Nay, Gentlemen, kind Gentlemen, Or honest keepers of these woods, but hear me, Be not so rough; if you are taken with My beauty, as it hath been worth the seeking, Some one or two of you try me in private, You shall not find me squeamish.
Charl. Do not kill me, And do your worst, I'le suffer.
Lam. Peace vile creatures.
Vert. Do you know me, or my place, that you presume not To touch my person?
1 Gent. If you are well, rest so, Provoke not angry Wasps.
Verta. You are Wasps indeed, Never created to yield Wax or Honey, But for your Countries torment; yet if you are men, (As you seem such in shape) if true born French-men, However want compels you to these courses, Rest satisfied with what you can take from us, (These Ladies honours, and our liberties safe) We freely give it.
1 Gent. You give but our own.
Verta. Look on these grey hairs, as you would be old, Their tears, as you would have yours to find mercy When Justice shall o'retake you.
Cham. Look on me, Look on me Rascals, and learn of me too, That have been in some part of your profession, Before that most of you ere suck'd, I know it, I have rode hard, and late too.
Verta. Take heed, Sir.
Cham. Then use me like a Brother of the Trade, For I have been at Sea, as you on land are, Restore my Matrimony undefil'd, Wrong not my Neece, and for our gold or silver, If I pursue you, hang me.
Nurs. 'Tis well offer'd, And as I said, sweet Gentlemen, with sowre faces, If you are high, and want some sport, or so, (As living without action here, you may do) Forbear their tender grissels, they are meat Will wash away, there is no substance in it, We that are expert in the game, and tough too, Will hold you play.
Enter Dinant and Cleremont.
1 Gent. This Hen longs to be troden.
Din. Lackey, my Horse.
Cler. This way, I heard the cries Of distress'd Women.
2 Gent. Stand upon your guard.
Din. Who's here? my witty, scornful Lady-plot In the hands of Ruffians?
Cler. And my fine cold virgin, That was insensible of man, and woman?
Din. Justice too, Without a sword to guard it self?
Cler. And valour with its hands bound?
Din. And the great Souldier dull? Why this is strange.
Lam. Dinant as thou art noble—
Ana. As thou art valiant Cleremont—
Lam. As ever I appear'd lovely—
Ana. As you ever hope For what I would give gladly—
Cler. Pretty conjurations.
Lam. All injuries a little laid behind you.
Ana. Shew your selves men, and help us.
Din. Though your many And gross abuses of me should more move me To triumph in your miseries than relieve you,— Yet that hereafter you may know that I The scorn'd and despis'd Dinant, know what does Belong to honour, thus—
Cler. I will say little, [Fight. Speak thou for me.
Cham. 'Tis bravely fought.
Verta. Brave tempers, To do thus for their enemies.
Cham. They are lost yet.
1 Gent. You that would rescue others, shall now feel What they were born to.
2 Gent. Hurry them away. [Ex. Manent Vert. and Champernel.
Cham. That I could follow them.
Verta. I only can lament my fortune, and desire of heaven A little life for my revenge.
Cham. The Provost Shall fire the woods, but I will find 'em out, No cave, no rock, nor hell shall keep them from My searching vengeance.
Enter La-writ, and Sampson.
La-writ. O cold! O fearfull cold! plague of all seconds.
Samp. O for a pint of burnt wine, or a sip Of aqua-fortis.
Cham. The rogues have met with these two Upon my life and rob'd 'em.
La-writ. As you are honourable Gentlemen, Impart unto a couple of cold combatants.
Sam. My Lord, mine uncle as I live.
La-writ. Pox take him. How that word has warm'd my mouth!
Verta. Why how now Cousin? Why, why? and where man, have you been? at a Poulters That you are cas'd thus like a rabbet? I could laugh now, And I shall laugh, for all I have lost my Children, Laugh monstrously.
Cham. What are they?
Verta. Give me leave Sir, Laugh more and more, never leave laughing.
Cham. Why Sir?
Verta. Why 'tis such a thing I smell it Sir, I smell it, Such a ridiculous thing,—
La-writ. Do you laugh at me my Lord? I am very cold, but that should not be laught at.
Cham. What art thou?
La-writ. What art thou?
Sam. If he had his doublet.— And his sword by his side, as a Gentleman ought to have.
Verta. Peace Monsieur Sampson.
Cham. Come hither little Gentleman.
La-writ. Base is the slave commanded: come to me.
Verta. This is the little advocate.
Cham. What advocate?
Verta. The little advocate that sent me a challenge, I told you that my Nephew undertook it, And what 'twas like to prove: now you see the issue.
Cham. Is this the little Lawyer?
La-writ. You have a sword Sir, And I have none, you have a doublet too That keeps you warm, and makes you merry.
Sam. If your Lordship knew The nature, and the nobleness of the Gentleman, Though he shew slight here, and at what gusts of danger His manhood has arrived, But that Mens fates are foolish, And often headlong overrun their fortunes.
La-writ. That little Lawyer would so prick his ears up, And bite your honour by the nose.
Cham. Say you so Sir?
La-writ. So niggle about your grave shins Lord Verta[ig]ne too.
Sam. No more sweet Gentleman, no more of that Sir.
La-writ. I will have more, I must have more.
Verta. Out with it.
Sam. Nay he is as brave a fellow.—
Cham. Have I caught you? [Strikes him down.
Verta. Do not kill him, do not kill him.
Cham. No, no, no, I will not. Do you peep again? Down down proud heart.
Sam. O valour, Look up brave friend, I have no means to rescue thee, My Kingdom for a sword.
Cham. I'le sword you presently, I'le claw your skin coat too.
Verta. Away good Sampson, You go to grass else instantly.
Sam. But do not murder my brave friend.
Verta. Not one word.
Cham. If you do sirra—
Sam. Must I goe off dishonour'd? Adversity tries valour, so I leave thee. [Exit.
Cham. Are you a Lawyer Sir?
La-writ. I was, I was Sir.
Cham. Nay never look, your Lawyers pate is broken, And your litigious blood about your ears sirra, Why do you fight and snarle?
La-writ. I was possest.
Cham. I'le dispossess you.
Verta. Ha, ha, ha.
La-writ. Et tu Brute?
Verta. Beat him no more.
Cham. Alas Sir I must beat him, Beat him into his business again, he will be lost else.
Verta. Then take your way.
Cham. Ly still, and doe not struggle.
La-writ. I am patient, I never saw my blood before, it jades me, I have no more heart now than a goose.
Cham. Why sirra, why do you leave your trade, your trade of living, And send your challenges like thunderbolts, To men of honour'd place?
La-writ. I understand Sir, I never understood before your beating.
Cham. Does this work on you?
La-writ. Yes.
Cham. Do you thank me for't?
La-writ. As well as a beaten man can.
Cham. And do you promise me, To fall close to your trade again? leave brawling?
La-writ. If you will give me leave and life.
Cham. And ask this noble man forgiveness?
La-writ. Heartily.
Cham. Rise then, and get you gone, and let me hear of you As of an advocate new vampt; no more words, Get you off quickly, and make no murmurs, I shall pursue you else.
La-writ. I have done sweet Gentlemen. [Exit.
Verta. But we forget our selves, our friends and Children.
Cham. We'l raise the country first, then take our fortunes. [Exeunt.
Enter one Gentleman, and Lamira.
1 Gent. Shall I entreat for what I may command?
Lam. Think on my birth.
1 Gent. Here I am only Noble, A King, and thou in my dominions, fool, A subject and a slave.
Lam. Be not a Tyrant, A ravisher of honour, gentle Sir, And I will think ye such, and on my knees, As to my Soveraign, pay a Subjects duty, With prayers and tears.
1 Gent. I like this humble carriage, I will walk by, but kneel you still and weep too, It shews well, while I meditate on the prey, Before I seize it.
Lam. Is there no mercie, Heaven?
Enter second Gent. and Anabel.
2 Gent. Not kiss you? I will kiss and kiss again.
Ana. Savage villain! My Innocence be my strength, I do defie thee, Thus scorn and spit at thee; will you come on Sir? You are hot, there is a cooler.
2 Gent. A virago?
Ana. No, loathsome Goat, more, more, I am that Goddess, That here with whips of steel in hell hereafter Scourge rape and theft.
2 Gent. I'le try your deity.
Ana. My chastity, and this knife held by a Virgin, Against thy lust, thy sword and thee a Beast, Call on for the encounter.
2 Gent. Now what think you? [Throws her and taks her Knife. Are you a Goddess?
Ana. In me their power suffers, That should protect the Innocent.
1 Gent. I am all fire, And thou shall quench it, and serve my pleasures. Come partner in the spoil and the reward, Let us enjoy our purchase.
Lam. O Dinant! O Heaven! O Husband!
Ana. O my Cleremont!
1 Gent. Two are our slaves they call on, bring 'em forth As they are chain'd together, let them see And suffer in the object.
Enter Dinant, and Cleremont, bound by the rest of the Gent.
2 Gent. While we sit And without pity hear 'em.
Cler. By my life, I suffer more for thee than for my self.
Din. Be a man Cleremont, and look upon 'em As such that not alone abus'd our service, Fed us with hopes most bitter in digestion, But when love fail'd, to draw on further mischief, The baits they laid for us, were our own honours, Which thus hath made us slaves too, worse than slaves.
2 Gent. He dies.
1 Gent. Pray hold, give him a little respite.
Din. I see you now beyond expression wretched, The wit you brag'd of fool'd, that boasted honour, As you believ'd compass'd with walls of brass, To guard it sure, subject to be o'rethrown With the least blast of lust.
Lam. A most sad truth.
Din. That confidence which was not to be shaken In a perpetual fever, and those favours, Which with so strong and Ceremonious duty Your lover and a Gentleman long sought for, Sought, sued, and kneel'd in vain for, must you yield up To a licentious villain, that will hardly Allow you thanks for't.
Cler. Something I must say too, And to you pretty one, though crying one; To be hang'd now, when these worshipful benchers please, Though I know not their faces that condemn me, A little startles me, but a man is nothing, A Maidenhead is the thing, the thing all aim at; Do not you wish now, and wish from your heart too, When scarce sweet with my fears, I long lay by you Those fears you and your good Aunt put upon me, To make you sport, you had given a little hint, A touch or so, to tell me I was mortal, And by a mortal woman?
Ana. Pray you no more.
Cler. If I had loos'd that virgin Zone, observe me, I would have hired the best of all our Poets To have sung so much, and so well in the honour Of that nights joy, that Ovids afternoon, Nor his Corinna should again be mention'd.
Ana. I do repent, and wish I had.
Cler. That's comfort, But now—
2 Gent. Another that will have it offer'd, Compel it to be offer'd, shall enjoy it.
Cler. A rogue, a ruffian.
2 Gent. As you love your throat,—
1 Gent. Away with them.
Ana. O Cleremont!
Lam. O Dinant!
Din. I can but add your sorrows to my sorrows, Your fears to my fears.
Cler. To your wishes mine, This slave may prove unable to perform, Till I perform the task that I was born for.
Ana. Amen, amen.
1 Gent. Drag the slaves hence, for you A while I'le lock you up here, study all ways You can to please me, or the deed being done, You are but dead.
2 Gen. This strong Vault shall contain you, There think how many for your maidenhead Have pin'd away, and be prepar'd to lose it With penitence.
1 Gent. No humane help can save you.
Ladyes. Help, help!
2 Gent. You cry in vain, rocks cannot hear you.
Actus Quintus. Scena Prima.
A Horrid noise of Musique within, Enter one and opens the door, in which Lamira and Anabel were shut, they in all fear.
Lam. O Cousin how I shake all this long night! What frights and noises we have heard, still they encrease, The villains put on shapes to torture us, And to their Devils form such preparations As if they were a hatching new dishonours, And fatal ruine, past dull mans invention. Goe not too far, and pray good Cousin Anabel, Hark a new noise. [A strange Musick. Sackbut & Troop Musick.
Ana. They are exquisite in mischief, I will goe on, this room gives no protection, More than the next, what's that? how sad and hollow, The sound comes to us. [Thieves peeping. Louder.
Lam. Groaning? or singing is it?
Ana. The wind I think, murmuring amongst old rooms.
Lam. Now it grows lowder, sure some sad presage Of our foul loss—look now they peep.
Ana. Pox peep 'em.
Lam. O give them gentle language.
Ana. Give 'em rats-bane. [Peep above.
Lam. Now they are above.
Ana. I would they were i'th' Center.
Lam. Thou art so foolish desperate.
Ana. Since we must lose.
Lam. Call 'em brave fellows, Gentlemen.
Ana. Call 'em rogues, Rogues as they are, rude rogues, uncivil villains.
Lam. Look an thou woo't beware, dost thou feel the danger?
Ana. Till the danger feel me, thus will I talk still, And worse when that comes too; they cannot eat me. This is a punishment, upon our own prides Most justly laid; we must abuse brave Gentlemen, Make 'em tame fools, and hobby-horses, laugh and jear at Such men too, and so handsom and so Noble, That howsoe're we seem'd to carry it— Wou'd 'twere to do again.
Lam. I do confess cousin, I was too harsh, too foolish.
Ana. Do you feel it? Do you find it now? take heed o'th' punishment, We might have had two gallant Gentlemen, Proper, young, O how it tortures me! Two Devils now, two rascals, two and twenty—
Lam. O think not so.
Ana. Nay an we 'scape so modestly—
Lam. May we be worthy any eyes, or knowledge, When we are used thus?
Ana. Why not? why do you cry? Are we not women still? what were we made for?
Lam. But thus, thus basely—
Ana. 'Tis against our [w]ills, And if there come a thousand so,—
Lam. Out on thee.
Ana. You are a fool, what we cannot resist, Why should we grieve and blush for? there be women, And they that bear the name of excellent women Would give their whole estates to meet this fortune.
Lam. Hark, a new noise. [New sound within.
Ana. Let 'em goe on, I fear not, If wrangling, fighting and scratching cannot preserve me, Why so be it Cousin; if I be ordain'd To breed a race of rogues.—
Enter four over the stage with Beaupre, and Verdone, bound and halters about their necks.
Lam. They come.
Ana. Be firm, They are welcom.
Lam. What mask of death is this? O my dear Brother.
Ana. My Couz too; why now y'are glorious villains.
Lam. O shall we lose our honours?
Ana. Let 'em goe, When death prepares the way, they are but Pageants. Why must these dye?
Beau. Lament your own misfortunes, We perish happily before your ruins.
Ana. Has mischief ne'r a tongue?
1 Gent. Yes foolish woman, Our Captains will is death.
Ana. You dare not do it. Tell thy base boisterous Captain what I say, Thy lawless Captain that he dares not; Do you laugh you rogue? you pamper'd rogue?
Lam. Good Sir, Good Cousin gently, as y'are a Gentleman,—
Ana. A Gentleman? a slave, a dog, the devils harbinger.
Lam. Sir as you had a Mother.
Ana. He a Mother? Shame not the name of Mother, a she Bear A bloody old wolf bitch, a woman Mother? Looks that rude lump, as if he had a Mother? Intreat him? hang him, do thy worst, thou dar'st not, Thou dar'st not wrong their lives, thy Captain dares not, They are persons of more price.
Ver. What e're we suffer Let not your angers wrong you.
Ana. You cannot suffer, The men that do this deed, must live i'th' moon Free from the gripe of Justice.
Lam. Is it not better?
Ana. Is it not better? let 'em goe on like rascals And put false faces on; they dare not do it; Flatter such scabbs of nature?
Gent. Woman, woman The next work is with you.
Ana. Unbind those Gentlemen, And put their fatal fortunes on our necks.
Lam. As you have mercy do.
Ana. As you are monsters.
Lam. Fright us no more with shipwrack of our honours Nor if there be a guilt by us committed Let it endanger those.
Ana. I say they dare not, There be a thousand gallouses, ye rogues, Tortures, ye bloody rogues, wheels.
Gent. Away.
Lam. Stay.
Ana. Stay. Stay and I'le flatter too: good sweet fac'd Gentlemen, You excellent in honesty; O Kinsmen! O Noble kinsmen!
Gent. Away with 'em. [Ex. Ver. Beaup. and Gent.
Ana. Stay yet. The Devil and his lovely dam walk with you, Come fortify your self, if they do dy, Which all their ruggedness cannot rack into me, They cannot find an hour more Innocent, Nor more friends to revenge 'em.
Enter Cleremont, disguis'd.
Lam. Now stand constant, For now our tryal's come.
Cler. This beautie's mine, Your minute moves not yet.
Lam. She sinks if Christian, If any spark of noble heat.—
Cler. Rise Lady And fearless rise, there's no dishonour meant you, Do you know my tongue?
Ana. I have heard it.
Cler. Mark it better, I am one that loves you, fairly, nobly loves you, Look on my face?
Ana. O Sir?
Cler. No more words, softly Hark, but hark wisely how, understand well, Suspect not, fear not.
Ana. You have brought me comfort.
Cler. If you think me worthy of your husband, I am no rogue nor Begger, if you dare do thus—
Ana. You are Monsieur Cleremont.
Cler. I am the same, If you dare venture, speak, if not I leave you, And leave you to the mercy of these villains That will not wooe ye much.
Ana. Save my reputation, And free me from these slaves.
Cler. By this kiss I'le do it, And from the least dishonour they dare aim at you, I have a Priest too, shall be ready.
Ana. You are forward.
Lam. Is this my constant cousin? how she whispers, Kisses and huggs the thief!
Ana. You'l offer nothing.
Cler. Till all be tyed, Not as I am a Gentleman.
Ana. Can you relieve my Aunt too?
Cler. Not yet Mistris, But fear nothing, all shall be well, away quickly It must be done i'th' moment or—
Ana. I am with ye.
Cler. I'le know now who sleeps by me, keep your standing. [Ex. Cler. and Anabel.
Lam. Well, go thy way, and thine own shame dwell with thee. Is this the constancy she shew'd, the bravery? The dear love and the life she ow'd her kinsmen? O brave tongue, valiant glorious woman! Is this the noble anger you arriv'd at? Are these the thieves you scorn'd, the rogues you rail'd at? The scabs and scums of nature? O fair modesty, Excellent vertue, whither art thou fled? What hand O Heaven is over us, when strong virgins Yield to their fears, and to their fears their fortunes? Never belief come near me more, farewel wench, A long farewel from all that ever knew thee: My turn is next, I am resolv'd, it comes But in a nobler shape, ha?
Enter Dinant.
Din. Blesse ye Lady.
Lam. Indeed Sir, I had need of many blessings, For all the hours I have had since I came here, Have been so many curses. How got you liberty? For I presume you come to comfort me.
Din. To comfort you, and love you, 'tis most true, My bondage was as yours, as full of bitterness And every hour my death.
Lam. Heaven was your comfort.
Din. Till the last evening, sitting full of sadness, Wailing, sweet Mistris, your unhappy fortunes, (Mine own I had the least care of) round about me The Captain and the company stood gaping, When I began the story of my love To you fair Saint, and with so full a sorrow, Follow'd each point, that even from those rude eyes, That never knew what pity meant or mercy, There stole down soft relentings: take heed Mistris, And let not such unholy hearts outdo you, The soft plum'd god will see again; thus taken, As men transform'd with the strange tale I told, They stood amaz'd, then bid me rise and live, Take liberty and means to see your person, And wisht me prosperous in your love, wish you so, Be wise and loving Lady, shew but you so.
Lam. O Sir, are these fit hours to talk of love in? Shall we make fools of our afflictions? Can any thing sound sweetly in mine ears, Where all the noise of bloody horrour is? My Brother, and my Cousin, they are dead Sir, Dead, basely dead, is this an age to fool in? And I my self, I know not what I shall be, Yet I must thank you, and if happily You had ask'd me yesterday, when these were living, And my fears less, I might have hearkned to you.
Din. Peace to your grief, I bind you to your word.
Enter Cleremont, Anabel, Beaupre, Verdone, Charlote, Nurse, the two Gentlemen.
Lam. How? do you conjure?
Din. Not to raise dreadfull apparitions, Madam, But such as you would gladly see.
Lam. My Brother, and nephew living?
Beau. And both owe their lives To the favour of these Gentlemen.
Verd. Who deserve Our service, and for us, your gracious thanks.
Lam. Which I give freely, and become a suitor, To be hereafter more familiar [Kisse. With such great worth and vertue.
1 Gent. Ever think us Your servants, Madam.
Cler. Why if thou wilt needs know How we are freed, I will discover it, And with laconick brevity: these Gentlemen This night incountring with those outlaws that Yesterday made us prisoners, and as we were Attempted by 'em they with greater courage, (I am sure with better fortune) not alone, Guarded themselves, but forc'd the bloody thieves, Being got between them, and this hellish Cave, For safety of their lives, to fly up higher Into the woods, all left to their possession, This sav'd your Brother, and your nephew from The gibbet, this redeem'd me from my Chains, And gave my friend his liberty, this preserv'd Your honour ready to be lost.
Din. But that I know this for a ly, and that the thieves And gentlemen, are the same men, by my practice Suborn'd to this, he does deliver it With such a constant brow, that I am doubtfull, I should believe him too.
1 Gent. If we did well, We are rewarded.
2 Gent. Thanks but takes away From what was freely purpos'd.
Cler. Now by this hand, You have so cunningly discharg'd your parts, That while we live, rest confident you shall Command Dinant and Cleremont; nor Beaupre, Nor Verdone scents it: for the Ladies, they Were easie to be gull'd.
1 Gent. 'Twas but a jest, And yet the jest may chance to break our necks Should it be known.
Cler. Fear nothing.
Din. Cleremont, Say, what success?
Cler. As thou wouldst wish, 'tis done Lad, The grove will witness with me, that this night I lay not like a block: but how speed you?
Din. I yet am in suspence, devise some means To get these off, and speedily.
Cler. I have it, Come, we are dull, I think that the good fellows, Our predecessors in this place, were not So foolish, and improvident husbands, but 'Twill yield us meat and wine.
1 Gent. Let's ransack it, 'Tis ours now by the Law.
Cler. How say you sweet one, Have you an appetite?
Ana. To walk again I'th' Woods, if you think fit, rather than eat.
Cler. A little respite prethee; nay blush not, You ask but what's your own, and warrantable: Monsieur, Beaupre, Verdone, What think you of the motion?
Verd. Lead the way.
Beau. We follow willingly. [Ex. Man. Din. and Lam.
Cler. When you shall think fit, We will expect you.
Din. Now be mistris of Your promise Lady.
Lam. 'Twas to give you hearing.
Din. But that word hearing, did include a grant, And you must make it good.
Lam. Must?
Din. Must and shall, I will be fool'd no more, you had your tricks; Made properties of me, and of my friend; Presum'd upon your power, and whip'd me with The rod of mine own dotage: do not flatter Your self with hope, that any humane help Can free you, and for aid by miracle A base unthankfull woman is unworthy.
Lam. You will not force me?
Din. Rather than enjoy you With your consent, because I will torment you; I'le make you feel the effects of abus'd love, And glory in your torture.
Lam. Brother, Nephew, Help, help, for Heavens sake.
Din. Tear your throat, cry louder, Though every leaf, these trees bear, were an Echo, And summon'd in your best friends to redeem you, It should be fruitless: 'tis not that I love you, Or value those delights you prize so high, That I'le enjoy you, a French crown will buy More sport, and a companion, to whom, You in your best trim are an Ethiop.
Lam. Forbear me then.
Din. Not so, I'le do't in spite, And break that stubborn disobedient will, That hath so long held out, that boasted honour I will make equal with a common Whores; The spring of Chastity, that fed your pride, And grew into a River of vain glory, I will defile with mudd, the mudd of lust, And make it loathsome even to goats.
Lam. O Heaven! No pity Sir?
Din. You taught me to be cruel, And dare you think of mercy? I'le tell thee fool, Those that surpriz'd thee, were my instruments, I can plot too good Madam, you shall find it: And in the stead of licking of my fingers, Kneeling and whining like a boy new breech'd, To get a toy forsooth, not worth an apple, Thus make my way, and with Authority Command what I would have.
Lam. I am lost for ever: Good Sir, I do confess my fault, my gross fault, And yield my self up, miserable guilty; Thus kneeling I confess, you cannot study Sufficient punishments to load me with; I am in your power, and I confess again, You cannot be too cruel: if there be, Besides the loss of my long guarded honour, Any thing else to make the ballance even, Pray put it in, all hopes, all helpes have left me; I am girt round with sorrow, hell's about me, And ravishment the least that I can look for, Do what you please.
Din. Indeed I will do nothing, Nor touch nor hurt you Lady, nor had ever Such a lewd purpose.
Lam. Can there be such goodness, And in a man so injur'd?
Din. Be confirm'd in't. I seal it thus: I must confess you vex'd me, In fooling me so often, and those fears You threw upon me call'd for a requital, Which now I have return'd, all unchast love Dinant thus throws away; live to man-kind, As you have done to me, and I will honour Your vertue, and no more think of your beauty.
Lam. All I possess, comes short of satisfaction.
Din. No complements: the terrours of this night Imagine but a fearfull dream, and so With ease forget it: for Dinant, that labour'd To blast your honour, is a Champion for it, And will protect and guard it.
Lam. 'Tis as safe then, As if a compleat Army undertook it. [Exeunt.
Enter La-writ, Sampson, Clyents.
La-writ. Do not perswade me gentle Monsieur Sampson, I am a mortal man again, a Lawyer, My martiall part I have put off.
Sam. Sweet Monsieur, Let but our honours teach us.
La-writ. Monsieur Sampson, My honourable friend, my valiant friend, Be but so beaten, forward my brave Clients, I am yours, and you are mine again, be but so thrasht, Receive that Castigation with a cudgel.
Sam. Which calls upon us for a Reparation.
La-writ. I have, it cost me half a crown, I bear it All over me, I bear it Monsieur Sampson; The oyls, and the old woman that repairs to me, To 'noint my beaten body.
Sam. It concerns you, You have been swing'd.
La-writ. Let it concern thee too; Goe and be beaten, speak scurvy words, as I did, Speak to that Lion Lord, waken his anger, And have a hundred Bastinado's, doe; Three broken pates, thy teeth knockt out, do Sampson, Thy valiant arms and leggs beaten to Poultesses, Do silly Sampson, do.
1 Cly. You wrong the Gentleman, To put him out of his right mind thus: You wrong us, and our Causes.
La-writ. Down with him Gentlemen, Turn him, and beat him, if he break our peace, Then when thou hast been Lam'd, thy small guts perisht, Then talk to me, before I scorn thy counsel, Feel what I feel, and let my Lord repair thee.
Sam. And can the brave La-writ—
2 Cly. Tempt him no further, Be warn'd and say no more.
La-writ. If thou doest, Sampson, Thou seest my Mirmidons, I'le let 'em loose, That in a moment—
Sam. I say nothing, Sir, but I could wish—
La-writ. They shall destroy thee wishing; There's ne'r a man of these, but have lost ten causes, Dearer then ten mens lives; tempt, and thou diest: Goe home, and smile upon my Lord, thine Uncle, Take Mony of the men thou mean'st to Cousin, Drink Wine, and eat good meat, and live discreetly, Talk little, 'tis an antidote against a beating; Keep thy hand from thy sword, and from thy Laundress placket, And thou wilt live long.
1 Cly. Give ear, and be instructed.
La-writ. I find I am wiser than a Justice of Peace now, Give me the wisdom that's beaten into a man That sticks still by him: art thou a new man?
Sam. Yes, yes, Thy learned precepts have inchanted me.
La-writ. Goe my son Sampson, I have now begot thee, I'le send thee causes; speak to thy Lord, and live, And lay my share by, goe and live in peace, Put on new suits, and shew fit for thy place; That man neglects his living, is an Asse: [Exit Samp. Farewel; come chearily boyes, about our business, Now welcom tongue again, hang Swords.
1 Cly. Sweet Advocate. [Exeunt.
Enter Nurse, and Charlote.
Nur. I know not wench, they may call 'em what they will, Outlawes, or thieves, but I am sure, to me One was an honest man, he us'd me well, What I did, 'tis no matter, he complain'd not.
Char. I must confess, there was one bold with me too, Some coy thing would say rude, but 'tis no matter, I was to pay a Waiting womans ransom, And I have don't, and I would pay't again, Were I ta'n to morrow.
Nur. Alas, there was no hurt, If 't be a sin for such as live at hard meat, And keep a long Lent, in the woods as they do, To taste a little flesh.
Char. God help the Courtiers, That lye at rack and manger.
Nur. I shall love A thief the better for this while I live, They are men of a charitable vocation, And give where there is need, and with discretion, And put a good speed penny in my purse, That has been empty twenty years.
Char. Peace Nurse, Farewel, and cry not rost meat, me thinks Cleremont And my Lady Anabel are in one night, Familiarly acquainted.
Nur. I observe it, If she have got a penny too.
Enter Vertaign, Champernel, and Provost.
Charl. No more, My Lord Monsieur Vertaigne, the provost too, Haste and acquaint my Lady. [Ex. Nur. and Char.
Pro. Wonderous strange.
Vert. 'Tis true Sir, on my credit.
Cham. O mine honour.
Pro. I have been provost-Marshal twenty years, And have trussed up a thousand of these rascals, But so near Paris yet I never met with One of that Brotherhood.
Cham. We to our cost have, But will you search the wood?
Pro. It is beset, They cannot scape us, nothing makes me wonder, So much as having you within their power They let you goe; it was a Courtesy, That French thieves use not often, I much pity The Gentle Ladies, yet I know not how, I rather hope than fear.
Enter Dinant, Cleremont, Verdone, Beaupre, Lamira, Anabel, Charlote, Nurse.
Are these the prisoners?
Din. We were such.
Verd. Kill me not, excess of joy.
Cham. I see thou livest, but hast thou had no foul play?
Lam. No on my soul, my usage hath been noble, Far from all violence.
Cham. How were you freed? But kiss me first, we'l talk of that at leasure, I am glad I have thee; Niece how you keep off, As you knew me not?
Ana. Sir, I am where I owe most duty.
Cler. 'Tis indeed most true Sir, The man that should have been your bedfellow Your Lordships bedfellow, that could not smell out A Virgin of sixteen, that was your fool, To make you merry, this poor simple fellow Has met the maid again, and now she knows He is a man.
Cham. How! is she dishonoured?
Cler. Not unless marriage be dishonourable, Heaven is a witness of our happy contract, And the next Priest we meet shall warrant it To all the world: I lay with her in jeast, 'Tis turn'd to earnest now.
Cham. Is this true, Niece?
Din. Her blushing silence grants it; nay Sir storm not, He is my friend, and I can make this good, His birth and fortunes equal hers, your Lordship Might have sought out a worse, we are all friends too, All differences end thus. Now Sir, unless You would raise new dissentions, make perfect What is so well begun.
Vert. That were not manly.
Lam. Let me perswade you.
Cham. Well God give you joy, She shall not come a Begger to you Sir. For you Monsieur Dinant 'ere long I'le shew you Another Niece, to this not much inferiour, As you shall like proceed.
Din. I thank you Sir.
Cham. Back then to Paris: well that travel ends That makes of deadly enemies perfect friends. [Exeunt omnes.
To promise much, before a play begin, And when 'tis done, ask pardon, were a sin We'l not be guilty of: and to excuse Before we know a fault, were to abuse The writers and our selves, for I dare say We all are fool'd if this be not a Play, And such a play as shall (so should plays do) Imp times dull wings, and make you merry too. 'Twas to that purpose writ, so we intend it And we have our wisht ends, if you commend it.
I am sent forth to enquire what you decree } Of us and of our Poets, they will be } This night exceeding merry, so will we } If you approve their labours. They profess You are their Patrons, and we say no less, Resolve us then, for you can only tell Whether we have done id'ly or done well.
p. 373, ll. 3-40. Not in 1st folio.
p. 374, l. 2. 2nd folio misprints] aud. l. 25. 2nd folio misprints] Frcenh. l. 27. And banisht. l. 35. Will you? and yet—. l. 37. Mistris, feathers.
p. 375, l. 30. godly.
p. 378, l. 8. Epithalamin. l. 21. for 'twill be.
p. 379, l. 15. Upon a. l. 23. tempest. l. 39. Omits and.
p. 382, l. 22. 2nd folio misprints] by. l. 33. Transfers to to beginning of next line.
p. 383, l. 16. 2nd folio] their. l. 36. parts.
p. 384, l. 2. 2nd folio] beween.
p. 385, l. 25. On my.
p. 386, l. 8. make rise.
p. 387, l. 36. Those dedicates.
p. 388, l. 30. Lewis eleventh.
p. 389, l. 3. you persev'd. l. 19. danger or. l. 33. A comma has been inserted at the end of the line.
p. 390, l. 4. honours. l. 5. suffer. l. 9. loose.
p. 391, l. 8. to this.
p. 392, l. 1. up you. l. 3. 2nd folio misprints] pecies. l. 17. If you.
p. 394, l. 33. 2nd folio] Avocate.
p. 396, l. 14. Beau, instead of Cler. l. 20. what a.
p. 397, l. 18. Omits stage direction. l. 36. loose.
p. 398, l. 5. What master. l. 27. Cock a two. l. 37. makes all this plaine.
p. 399, l. 3. 2nd folio misprints] Bur. l. 19. 2nd folio] thow. l. 34. Omits singing in stage direction.
p. 400, l. 16. my whole.
p. 401, l. 13. Declare that. l. 27. And hunny out your. l. 31. 2nd folio misprints] my.
p. 404, l. 17. 2nd folio misprints] imfamie.
p. 405, l. 39. Omits not.
p. 406, l. 7. In our.
p. 409, l. 27. going lesse.
p. 411, l. 9. ye did. l. 29. Pray. l. 36. Omits do.
p. 412, l. 1. any corner. l. 5. the louer. l. 35. laughters.
p. 413, l. 10. y'are? Gentleman. l. 15. hate. l. 17. for my. l. 22. and carriage ... calls. l. 35. your.
p. 414, l. 24. Hee is.
p. 415, l. 4. will make. l. 12. Why, to it. l. 21. wake. l. 38. Slaves feed.
p. 416, l. 19. 'ore. l. 28. a meane.
p. 417, l. 6. Adds stage direction] Wine. l. 8. doe but kisse. l. 11. Will you. l. 28. Adds stage direction] Recorders.
p. 418, l. 37. thou knowest.
p. 419, l. 4. quarter. l. 12. Madman, a fool ... shew thee man. l. 14. No I'le. l. 32. no flame.
p. 420, l. 40. point you.
p. 424, l. 16. 2nd folio misprints] dies.
p. 425, l. 29. 2nd folio misprints] Cler.
p. 427, l. 5. Adds stage direction] Put off.
p. 428, l. 32. Firsts, seconds, thirds.
p. 429, l. 1. p—— on't. l. 27. still devising.
p. 431, l. 19. Gives this line to Lam. l. 22. Adds as though a stage direction] Now. l. 31. Reads My legs in my good house, my Armour on.
p. 432, l. 12. yet are, if men.
p. 435, l. 12. Reads] La-wr. Bee't then. Mens fates, etc. ll. 15 and 16. Gives these two lines to Sam. l. 18. 2nd folio] Vertagine. l. 23. Strike. l. 25. Gives No, no, ... not to Verta.
p. 439, l. 11. Corvina. l. 34. loose.
p. 440, l. 1. Quinti. l. 3. the Chamber doore.
p. 441, l. 16. 2nd folio] vills.
p. 444, l. 27. hand of heaven.
p. 445, l. 24. Omits is.
p. 448, l. 4. Omits Din. by mistake and prints enjury for enjoy.
p. 449, l. 35. My mortall.
p. 450, l. 36. mine Uncle.
* * * * *
Transcriber's Notes
Variations in abbreviated names, hyphenations, contractions, and punctuation have been retained.
Pages 421, 454: Individual braces on multiple lines represent one large brace encompassing those lines.