The Life of the Truly Eminent and Learned Hugo Grotius
by Jean Levesque de Burigny
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and goes to Hamburg, 125 Refuses a pension from France, 127 His thoughts on the education of children, 129 His first acquaintance with Salvius, 130 Is courted by several princes, 131 Is desirous of a reconciliation with Holland, 133 The high Chancellor Oxensteirn sends for him, ibid His veneration for the great Gustavus, ibid Goes to Oxensteirn at Francfort, 136 Is nominated ambassador from Sweden to France, ibid His public declaration that he ought no longer to be looked on as a Dutchman, 137 His journey to and arrival in France, 141 Objections made to his nomination, 142 His public entry into Paris, 143 His first audience of the king, 144 Renews his acquaintance with the Prince of Conde, 145 His conference with Boutillier and father Joseph concerning the treaty concluded in France with the envoys of the allies, 147 Another conference on the same subject with cardinal Richelieu, 150 His discussions with the ministers of Charenton, 154 Resolves to have divine service celebrated in his own house, 156, 157 His several journeys to court, and negotiations with the ministers, 158 et seq. His audiences of the cardinal, 162, 164, 167 Abstains from visiting his eminence, 170 Becomes odious to the court, 172 Accused of being a pensioner of France, 174 Disgusts he receives, 175 Is uneasy about the payment of his salary, 178 The Venetian ambassador contends with him for precedency, 179 Opposes the Swedes sending plenipotentiaries to the congress of Cologn, 181 His dispute with Godefroy concerning the right of precedency between France and Sweden, 182 Another dispute with the Venetian ambassador, 183 His explanation with the earl of Leicester in relation to the precedency of England and Sweden, 186 Several audiences which he has of the king, 189 Compliments the queen on her pregnancy, 196 His conversation with the prince of Conde, 200 His negotiation with Chavigny concerning the truce that was proposed, ibid Smalz's bad behaviour to him, 204 Is in great danger of his life, 207 His compliments to the king and queen on the birth of the Dauphin, 210 His esteem for the duke of Weymar, 215 Labours to obtain the elector Palatine's liberty, and succeeds, 218 He negotiates the exchange of marshal Horn for John de Vert, 225 The share he has in the renewal of the alliance between France and Sweden, 228 His small regret for the death of cardinal Richelieu, 230 Visits not cardinal Mazarine, 231 His audience of the queen mother, ibid The regency of Sweden are instigated against him, 232 The distaste he takes to his embassy, ibid Desires be recalled, which request is readily granted, 233, 234 The gracious letter queen Christina writes to him on that subject, 234 His departure for Stockholm, 235 Honours he receives by the way, 236 His reception in Sweden, 237 He asks leave to retire, ibid His departure from Stockholm, ibid Anecdote concerning his last audience of the queen, 238 Conjectures to which his departure gave rise, 238 His arrival at Rostock, and his death, 239 Reports spread in relation to it, 241 His epitaph by himself, 244 His portrait, ibid His embassy did not interrupt his literary labours, 244 He again cultivates Poetry, 245 His notes on Tacitus, 246 On Statius, ibid On Lucan, ibid His Anthologia, 247 His prodigious readiness at writing, 251 His history of the antiquity of the Goths, 252 The account he gives of this work to the high chancellor, ibid. His annals of the Low Countries, 256 His treatise of the truth of the christian religion, 259 Is accused, on account of this book, of Socinianism, 260 His defence, ibid His Florum sparsio ad jus Justinianeum, 263 His Commentary on the scriptures, 264 His esteem for father Petau, 266 His writings on Antichrist, 269 The many enemies they stir up against him, 270 His treatise of faith and good works, 273 His Via ad pacem ecclesiasticam, ibid Expects his reward from posterity, ibid His writings against Rivetus, 274 His other theological works, ibid His treatise of the origin of the Americans, 275 His history of the siege of Grolla, 277. His Introduction to the laws of Holland, ibid His other writings, ibid His translation of the Supplicantes of Euripides, 278 Manuscripts he left at his death, ib. et seq. His Letters, and their praise, 279 Why censured, and for what esteemed, 280, 281 His circumspection with regard to the news he wrote to the high Chancellor, 281 His sentiments in relation to the Jesuists, 282, 288 His veneration for antiquity, ibid Leans towards the Roman Catholics, 284 His elogium of pope Urbin VIII., ibid His disesteem of the reformers, ibid Disapproves of the separation of the protestants, 286 Indignation with which he speaks of Calvin, 285, 287 Is a partisan of the Hierarchy and the pope's supremacy, 288 Entertains hopes of reuniting christians, 290 His sentiments concerning the Eucharist, 291 A kind of formula proposed by him in relation to it, 292 Justifies the decision of the council of Trent concerning the number of sacraments, 294 His sentiments on several other controverted points, ibid. His fondness for the works of the apostolic fathers, 297 What order of Monks he most esteemed, 299 In what manner he speaks of the council of Trent, ibid What has been said of his disposition to turn Roman Catholic, 300 His connections with father Petau, ibid His religion problematical, 301 His project of reuniting all christians, 302 Proposes to Lewis XIII. to pacify the differences which prevailed in Christendom, 304 What encouraged him in this project, 306 Flatters himself with being supported by cardinal Richelieu, 307, 312 His letter on this subject to baron Oxensteirn, 307 Communicates to his father his project of a coalition, 309 The shortest way which he proposed of bringing it about, 310 Entertains hopes of success, 311 His connection with father Petau on this occasion, 313 The enemies which this design raised up to him, 314 It embroils him with Salmasius and several others, ibid He becomes suspicious and peevish, 317 Is accused of socinianism, 318 His vindication from this charge, 319 His letters to Crellius, 321 Is accused of being a Semi-pelagian, 325 Other accusations brought against him, ibid. Elogiums and opinions of the learned concerning him, 326 Medals struck in honour of him, 337 His regard for the church of England, 338 Plan of study sent by him to William Grotius, 357 Altercation between them, 360.

Grotius, William, prints his brother's poems, 20 Grotius directs his studies, 357 His verses on the Decalogue, 358 The confidence which his brother places in him, ibid His marriage, 359 Is a successful pleader, ibid His Lives of the advocates, ibid Refuses the place of pensionary of Delft, ibid. The East India Company chuse him for their advocate, 360 His altercation with his brother, 360 His book on the Law of Nature, 361 The merit of this work, ibid.

Grotius, Mary, second daughter of Grotius, her death, 356 Grotius's letter to his father on that occasion, ibid.

Grotius, Peter, advice given him by his father with regard to his method of pleading, 23 What he relates concerning his father's Annals of the Low-Countries, 259 His bad state of health while a child, and his studies, 341 His uncertainty what course of life to follow, 344 Applies to the study of the law, 346 Uneasiness which his irresolution gives his father, ibid His marriage, 347 The edition which he purposed to publish of his father's works, ibid Enters into the service of the elector Palatine, 348 Is nominated pensionary of Amsterdam, ibid Rise of his displeasure against France, ibid. Goes ambassador to Stockholm, 349 His great knowledge of men, 349 Is made pensionary of Rotterdam, and nominated ambassador from Holland to France, 350 Success of his embassy, ibid Involved in the disgrace of the De Wits, 351 Arrested and acquitted, ibid His death, 352 His elogium by Vicquefort, ibid.

Gustavus, king of Sweden, Grotius great veneration for that prince, 133 His esteem for Grotius, 135 Purposes to engage him in his service, ibid Gives orders before his death for employing him in the Swedish ministry, ibid The value he set upon his treatise of War and Peace, ibid.


Heemskerke, Elselinga, her family, and marriage with Hugo de Groot, 2 Her children, ibid.

Heinsius, Daniel, his elogium of Grotius when a boy, 7 His Aristarchus Sacer, 264 The rival and secret enemy of Grotius, ibid Ill success of his commentary on the New Testament, 266 Grotius's management of him, ibid. Verses by Heinsius to be put under Grotius's picture, 330.

Heinsius, Nicholas, 18, 351.

Henry IV., the reception given by him to Grotius, 11.

Hoffman, calls Grotius the Phoenix of his age, 334.

Holland, the counts of, who was the first, 27 Their power and authority, ibid.

Holland, the states of, their first regulation with regard to the Arminians and Gomarists, 41 They declare for a toleration, 46. Their edict on this subject, 47 Authorise the magistrates of the towns to raise troops, 49 Deputation sent by them to the town of Amsterdam, and its success, 50, 57 Vain scheme prepared by them for a re-union, 54 Afraid of the holding of a national synod, why, 55 Deputation sent by them to Utrecht, on what occasion, 56 Consent to the holding of the synod of Dort, 60 Their complaints against the imprisonment of Barnevelt, and the rest, 61 They are accused of favouring Socinianism, 82 Their apology by Grotius, ibid.

Holland, the grand pensionary of, his office, and power, 29.

Hoogerbetz, pensionary of Leiden, deputed to Utrecht, on what occasion, 56 Arrested by order of prince Maurice, 58 Is condemned to perpetual imprisonment, 73 Is removed to the fortress of Louvestein, 74 He comes out of prison, 107 His death, ibid.

Horn, Marshal, made prisoner at the battle of Norlinguen, 139, 225 Grotius negotiates his exchange for John de Vert, 225.

Houteville, the Abbe de, his opinion of Grotius's treatise of the truth of the christian religion, 263.

Huet, his thoughts of the project of reuniting christians, 302.


James I. king of England, the gracious reception he gives Grotius, 31 He approves of the project of that learned man and Casaubon for a coalition of the Protestants and Roman Catholics, 33 Does not disapprove, upon the whole, of the edict published by the States in the dispute between the Arminians and Gomarists, 49 What he finds fault with in it, ibid Assistance given by him to his nephew the elector Palatine, 215.

Jeannin, the president, writes a letter to Grotius, inviting him to France, 88 His friendship for him, 93.

Images, Grotius's thoughts on the use of Images in churches, 294.

Joseph, Father, a Capuchin, cardinal Richelieu's confident, 147 Confers with Grotius on the treaty concluded in France with the ambassadors of the allies, ibid Another conference between Grotius and the Cardinal, at which father Joseph was present, 159 Confers with Grotius concerning the subsidies, 161 A warm opposer of Grotius, 173 Wants to be treated as a minister, ibid.

Jurieu, his account of the circumstances attending Grotius's death, 241.


Laet, John de, attacks Grotius's book on the origin of the Americans, 275 Grotius's answer, and Laet's reply, 277.

Laurent, James, Grotius advises him to read the works of Vincent de Lerins instead of Calvin's Institutions, 285 Reproaches Grotius with changing sides, 299.

Ledenberg, secretary of the city of Utrecht, arrested by order of prince Maurice, 57 Makes away with himself in prison, 60.

Lehman, his elogium of Grotius, 334.

Leicester, earl of, made governor and lieutenant general of the United Provinces, 9 Makes a bad use of his power, ibid Sent ambassador extraordinary to France, 171 ordered not to visit cardinal Richelieu, ibid His conference with Grotius, concerning the precedency of the English and Swedes, 186 Solicits the elector Palatine's liberty, 217 Negotiation with Grotius on that subject, 218.

Limneu[Greek: retiche], the design of that work, and its author, 16 Translated by Grotius into latin, ibid.

Linchovius, hinders Peter Grotius from being made Greffier of Amsterdam, 347.

Lipsius, Justus, John de Groot studies under him, 3 Lipsius's esteem for him, ibid Letter which he writes to him, ibid His commendation of Grotius's edition of Aratus, 17 His opinion of the tragedy entitled Adamus exsul, 19.

Lewis XIII. in vain solicits a pardon for Barnevelt and his associates, 63 Grants Grotius a pension on his arrival in France, 94 Out of regard to him takes under his protection such as were condemned in Holland, 94 Takes Grotius under his special protection, 101 The treatise of war and peace dedicated to him, 109 Grotius proposes to him the pacification of the differences among the churches, 304.

Lewis XIV. the confederation which he expresses for Peter Grotius, 349.

Low Countries, Grotius's Annals of the, 256 Baillet's opinion of this book, 258.

Lubert, Sibrand, writes against Vossius and the States of Holland, 82 Is confuted by Grotius, ibid His answer to this confutation, 84.

Lusson, preceptor to Grotius, 6.

Lusson, William de, his endeavours to serve Grotius, 126 The latter's acknowledgments to him, 127.


Malherbe, translates into French verse Grotius's Prosopopoeia of the town of Ostend, 19.

Mallet, what he says in his book on atheism of Grotius's religion, 325.

Manassah Ben Israel, Grotius's particular esteem for that Jew, 264

Mazarine, cardinal, made prime minister, 230, 231 Grotius does not visit him, ibid.

Meibomius, his elogium of Grotius, 334.

Menage, his epigram on the diversity of sentiments concerning Grotius's religion, 302 In what terms he speaks of that learned man's merit, 327.

Menagiana, anecdote related in it concerning Grotius's last audience of queen Christina, 238 What it says of his death, 241 And of father Petau's thoughts of Grotius's disposition to turn Catholic, 301.

Mercoeur, the duke de, styled by Grotius the most learned of all the princes, 144 His adventures, ibid.

Meursius, his high commendation of Grotius when very young, 7, 326.

Mombas, John Barthon viscount of, driven out France, 349, 357. Marries Cornelia, Grotius's eldest daughter, and is obliged to leave Holland, 357.

Morhof, calls Grotius the phoenix of his age, 334.


Nassau, prince Henry Frederic of, corresponds by letters with Grotius, 102 Succeeds count Maurice his brother in the post of Stadtholder, 107 He enters not into the projects against the Arminians, ibid Approves of the proceedings of the states general against Grotius, 123.

Nassau, count Maurice of, rise of his hatred against Grotius and Barnevelt, 50 Declares for the Gomarists, ibid The project of re-union rejected by him, 55 Causes Barnevelt, Grotius, and Hoogerbetz to be arrested, 58 Persecutes the Arminians, 59 Is offended at the court of France for protecting Barnevelt and the other prisoners, 64.


Ocean, contents of Grotius's treatise on the freedom of the ocean, 24 The several answers to it, 26.

Oldemburg, his elogium of Grotius, 334.

Orange, William prince of, his death, 8 What confusion it occasions in the United Provinces, ibid.

Ostend, Prosopopoeia of that town, written by Grotius, 18 The great character of this piece, ibid.

Overchie, Alida, her marriage with John de Groot, 4 Her family, ibid Her death, ibid.

Oxensteirn, high Chancellor of Sweden, sends for Grotius, 133 Is his patron at Gustavus's court, 135 Nominated regent of Sweden during the minority of queen Christina, ibid Opposes the treaty made with France by the envoys of the allies, 147 His journey to France and arrival at court, 151 Makes a new treaty with the french king, 153 His satisfaction with Grotius's preface to his history of the antiquity of the Goths, 255.

Oxensteirn, Benedict, a relation of the high Chancellor, sent to France by king Gustavus, 134 Esteem which he conceives for Grotius, ibid.


Patin, Guy, what he says of the manner of Grotius's death, 242 His elogium of that learned man, 333.

Patiniana, what it says of Grotius's pretended inclination to judaism, 325.

Pau, ambassador from Holland to France, at a loss how to behave to Grotius, 144 The ill offices which he doth him, 173

Petau, Father, Grotius's esteem for him, 266 Sends him his commentary on the Gospels, ibid His connection with Grotius, 300 Says mass for his soul, 301 The account he gives of his first acquaintance with that learned man, 313.

Peyresc, Nicholas, visits Grotius on his arrival at Paris, 90 Sets him about writing the treatise of war and peace, 108 Services which he did him when compiling his annals of the Low Countries, 259 His esteem for him from his youth, 327.

Pontanus, Isaac, his elogium of Grotius when a boy, 7, 326.

Pope, Grotius maintains and proves his supremacy, 288.

Provinces, United, state of their affairs at Grotius's birth, 7 Embassy sent by them to Henry III. of France, ibid refuse to make peace with Spain, 10 Embassy sent by them on that subject to Henry IV., ibid Refuse the truce offered them, 11 Nominate Grotius to be their historiographer, 21 See Dutch.

Puffendorf, allows that little remained to be said after what Grotius had written of war and peace, 110.


Quistorpius, John, minister of Rostock, assisted Grotius at his death, 239 Relation which he gives of it, ibid.


Reigersberg, Grotius's brother-in-law, troubles which Grotius's enemies endeavoured to stir up to him, 119 Blondius's ill treatment of him, 317.

Reigersberg, Mary, her birth, 24 Her marriage to Grotius, and her elogium, ibid Is denied permission to continue with him, even to see him, or speak with him during his imprisonment, 59, 66 Obtains liberty to see him in his prison at Louvestein, 74 The means she made use of to obtain his liberty, 78 Is confined, but afterwards discharged, 80, 81 Comes to her husband at Paris, 93 Her journey to Zealand, and return, 105 Goes to her husband at Francfort, 136 Waits on the french queen to compliment her on her pregnancy, 196 Her answer to Salmasius's slanders against her husband, 337 Professes the religion of the church of England, 338 Her death, ibid.

Religion, Grotius first composes in Dutch verse his treatise of the truth of the christian religion, 76 Afterwards publishes it in latin, 259 The general approbation, and several translations of this work, 259, 260 Accusation brought against the author on account of it, 260 A new edition of it with additions, 262 The opinion of the learned concerning this performance, ibid.

Remonstrants, see Arminians.

Renaudot, publishes an article in his Gazette which gives offence to Grotius, 186.

Richelieu, cardinal, seems to blame the conduct of Mess. de Luynes with regard to Barnevelt's death, 66 Nominated prime minister, 116 Confers with Grotius, ibid Gives him great hopes, ibid His stratagem to make the Swedes comply with his desires, 149 Is unwilling the high Chancellor should come to France, 151 Makes a new treaty with him, 153 The English dispute the privileges of his cardinalship, 170 He purposes to take Brisac out of the duke of Weymar's hands, 213 His uneasiness at not gaining that prince, ibid Is suspected of contributing to cut him off, 214 The death of the cardinal, 230 Gives orders that Grotius's works may be printed without passing the examination of the censors, 266 Grotius flatters himself without reason that the cardinal will favour his project of re-uniting christians, 312 The cardinal ranks Grotius among the three most learned men of his age, 330

Rights of war and peace, the author's view in writing this book, 109 Barbeyrac's commendation of it, 110 Translations of it, 110, 111 Its defects, 112 Put into the Index Expurgatorius at Rome, 113.

Rivetus, how he treats Grotius with regard to his writings in favour of a coalition, 274 Grotius's answer, ibid.

Ruarus, his opinion of Grotius's writings on Antichrist, 271 His judgment of Grotius's scheme for a coalition, 316.


St. Chaumont, the marquis, sent ambassador from the French king into Germany, 164 Is disliked by Grotius, ibid Is ordered to demand Grotius's recall, 172.

Saints, Grotius's opinion of the invocation of Saints, 295.

Salvius, vice-chancellor of Sweden, the esteem he conceives for Grotius, 135 Advantageous report which he makes of him to the high chancellor, ibid.

Sandes, translates Grotius's tragedy, entitled Christus Patiens, into English verse, 19.

Sarrau, his friendship for Grotius, 315 Rise of their quarrel, ibid Rank which Sarrau assigns Grotius in the republic of letters, 316, 332 How he speaks of him after his death, 332.

Salmasius, his opinion of Grotius's poems, 20 Speaks with contempt of his treatise of the rights of war and peace, 111 His character, ibid He communicates to Grotius his corrections of the Anthologia, 247 A coldness between him and Grotius, 285 Rise of their difference, 315 In what manner he spoke of Grotius during their friendship, 334 The letter, in which he cruelly treats that learned man's memory, 335 The answer of Grotius's wife to it, 337.

Scaliger, Joseph, is looked upon as the dictator of the republic of letters, 6 Directs Grotius's studies, ibid Engages him to publish a new edition of Martianus Capella, 4 His encomium of Grotius's edition of the Phoenomena of Aratus, 17 His testimony in Grotius's favour, with regard to the Prosopopoeia of the town of Ostend, 18 His thoughts of his poetical talents, 19.

Schmalz, 202 Ill offices which he does Grotius, 204 Grotius complains of him to the High Chancellor, ibid Schmalz's quarrel with Crusius, 205 He continues to injure Grotius, 206 His return to Sweden, ibid Sequel of his adventures, 207.

Scriptures, holy, studied by Grotius at all times, 97 His commentary on them, 264 Opinion of the learned concerning it, 268 et seq.

Seguier, chancellor, the affront he put upon Grotius, 175, 227 The difficulties he throws in his way with regard to the printing his commentary on the New Testament, 267.

Selden, his Mare clausum, on what occasion it was composed, 26 The instance he gives of the rage of Grotius's enemies against him, 67.

Servien, secretary at war, is visited by Grotius, 160 Promises him his good offices in the affairs he recommended to him, 161.

Sibrand, See Lubert.

Silleri, chancellor, his irresolution, 100 Grotius thinks of dedicating his Stobaeus to him, 104.

Simon, his opinion of Grotius's Commentary on the Bible, 268

Sophomphaneus, a tragedy by Grotius, 19, 130.

Soul, Grotius falsly accused of disbelieving its immortality, 326.

States General, entirely devoted to prince Maurice, 55 Convene the synod of Dort, ibid Disband the new levies, 56 The placard issued by them in relation to the imprisonment of Barnevelt and the others, 58 The ill offices they do Grotius by their ambassadors on his arrival at Paris, 89 Condemn his Apology, and proscribe him, 95 The new ordinance which they publish against him, 123.

Statius, Grotius's notes on that poet, 246.

Stobeus, the subject and use of his work, 103 Grotius gives a new edition of it, ibid A copy of it found with notes in Grotius's hand writing, 104.

Swedes, state of their affairs when Grotius entered into their service, 137 Their defeat at the battle of Nordlinguen, 139 The assistance they received from Lewis XIII., ibid Discussions between them and France, 146 The difficulties they make about the treaty concluded with that crown by the envoys of the allies, 147 Grotius diverts them from sending plenipotentiaries to the congress at Cologn, 181 Their dispute with the English for precedency, 184 Consternation into which they are thrown by the death of the duke of Weymar, 215 Renew their alliance with France, 228.


Tacitus, Grotius's notes on that historian, 246.

Thou, the president de, Grotius's esteem and veneration for him, 11 Their correspondence together, 12 The friendship which that magistrate expresses for Grotius, ibid Grotius's elogium of him, 13 His approbation of Grotius's edition of Martianus Capella, 15 commends his edition of Aratus's Phoenomena, 17.

Thou, Francis de, son of the president, generously gives Grotius the use of his library, 105 His visit to him on his arrival in France in the character of Swedish ambassador, 141.

Trent, council of, its decision concerning the number of sacraments defended by Grotius, 293 Respect with which he spoke of that council, 299.


Valois, M. what he says of Grotius's connection with father Petau, and his disposition to turn Roman Catholic, 300.

Vassor, character of that historian, 281 His judgment of Grotius's letters, ibid.

Venice, its ambassador disputes with Grotius for precedency, 179 another discussion between them, 183

Vert, John de, made prisoner by the duke of Weymar, 194 Is exchanged for marshal Horne, 227.

Voetius, attacks Grotius's treatise of the truth of the christian religion, 260 Grotius's opinion of his criticism, ibid.

Vondel, a famous Dutch poet, translates Grotius's tragedy of Joseph into Dutch, 19 His conjectures concerning Grotius's departure from Stockholm, 238.

Vossius, Gerard, his encomium of Grotius on occasion of his edition of Martianus Capella, 15 His opinion of the tragedy of Joseph, 19 His thoughts of his poetical talents, 20 Grotius gives him an account of his studies while in prison, 75 His commendation of Grotius's Apology against Sibrand Lubert, 84 The pains he took to keep Grotius in Holland, 122 His letter, containing that learned man's reasons for returning thither, 124 The value he set upon Grotius's notes on Lucan, 246 Grotius complains of his too great timidity, 270 His poem in honour of Grotius, 328.

Vossius, Isaac, inherits his father's esteem for Grotius, 248 Offers him his service for his literary commissions, 249 Superintends the printing of the Anthologia, 250.

Urbin VIII., 180 His elogium by Grotius, 284 Gives the cardinals the title of Most eminent, 334.

Utengobard, prepares the remonstrance delivered to the States by the Arminians, 45 The esteem with which he speaks of Grotius, 328.

Vulcanus Bonaventura, his encomium of Grotius on occasion of his edition of Aratus's Phoenomena, 17.


Wallaeus, Antony, letters written to him by Grotius, concerning his religious sentiments, 282, 283.

Weymar, duke of, confidence which he placed in Grotius, 215

Wicquefort, his encomium of Grotius, 333 In what manner he speaks of Peter Grotius his son, 352.

Witt, the grand pensionary de, advises Peter Grotius to prefer the place of pensionary of Rotterdam to that of ambassador at the court of France, 350.


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