Dec. 7. Death of Sir John Gladstone at Fasque. " Letter to Dr. Skinner, Bishop of Aberdeen, On the functions of laymen in the Church. Translation of Farini's The Roman State, 1815 to 1850, vols. i. and ii. published.
Jan. 29. Publishes An Examination of the Official Reply of the Neapolitan Government.
Feb. 20. Brings in Colonial Bishops bill.
March 15. On free trade.
April On Farini's 'Stato Romano,' in Edinburgh Review. " 2. Third son, Henry Neville, born. " 5. Protests against policy of Kaffir war. " 28. Moves second reading of Colonial Bishops bill. " 30. On Mr. Disraeli's budget statement.
May 10. Proposes rejection of bill to assign disenfranchised seats of St. Albans and Sudbury. " 11. In favour of select committee on education at Maynooth College. " 12. On paper duty. " 21. On New Zealand Government bill.
June 8 and 10. Defends action of Bishop of Bath and Wells in the case of Frome vicarage. " 23. Brings in bill to amend colonial church laws.
July 14. Re-elected for Oxford University,—Sir. R. Inglis, 1368; W. E. Gladstone, 1108; Dr. Marsham, 758.
Nov. 11, 25. In defence of principles of free trade. " 26. Defends Sir R. Peel's free trade policy.
Dec. 'Count Montalembert on Catholic Interests in the Nineteenth Century' in the Quarterly. " 6. Attacks government's income-tax proposals. " 16. Replies to Mr. Disraeli's speech in defence of his budget proposals. " 23. Appointed chancellor of the exchequer.
Jan. 20. Re-elected for Oxford University,—W. E. Gladstone, 1022; Mr. Perceval, 898.
March 3. Speech on Mr. Hume's motion for repeal of all protective import duties. " 4 and 18. On Clergy reserves (Canada) bill. " 28. At Mansion House banquet, on public opinion and public finance.
April 4. On government's proposal to improve education in England and Wales. " 8. Explains nature of proposals for conversion of portion of national debt. " 8. On Irish taxation. " 14. Opposes motion for repeal of advertisement duty, newspaper stamp tax, and paper duty on financial grounds. " 18. Introduces his first budget. " 22. Defends South Sea commutation bill.
May 9. Opposes amendment, in the interest of property, to income-tax. " 12. Explains changes proposed in succession duties. " 23. On taxation of Ireland.
June 13. Moves second reading of Savings Bank bill; and July 21.
July 1. Proposes reduction of advertisement duty to sixpence. " 29. On South Sea Annuities.
Aug. 3. On Colonial Church Regulation bill.
Sept. 27. At Dingwall and Inverness, on results of free trade and evils of war.
Oct. 12. Tribute to memory of Sir R. Peel at unveiling of statue at Manchester. At town hall on Russo-Turkish question.
Jan. 7. Fourth son, Herbert John, born.
March 6. Introduces budget. " 17. In support of Oxford University bill. " 21. Replies to Mr. Disraeli's attack on his financial schemes. " 25. At Mansion House banquet on war and finance.
April 7. On second reading of Oxford University bill. " 11. Statement on public expenditure and income.
May 8. Introduces war budget. " 22. Defends resolution empowering government to issue two millions of exchequer bonds against criticism of Mr. Disraeli. " 25. On second reading of bill for revision of parliamentary oaths. " 29. On withdrawal of Bribery Prevention bills.
June 2. Explains provisions of Revenue and Consolidated Fund Charges bill. " 21. On proposal to abolish church rates. " 29. Brings in bill for repeal of usury laws.
Dec. 13. On the Crimean war. " 2. Moves resolution for regulation of interest on Savings Bank deposits.
Jan. 29. Opposes Mr. Roebuck's motion.
Feb. 5. Explains reasons for government's resignation. " 22. Withdraws from cabinet. " 23. Explains reasons.
March 19. Explains methods adopted to meet war expenditure. " 19. In favour of free press. " 26. Defends government of Sardinia in debate on military convention.
April 20. Criticises budget of Sir G. C. Lewis. " 26. On principles of taxation. " 30. Criticises government Loan bill.
May 9. Opposes bill for amendment of marriage law. " 21. Moves adjournment of debate to discuss Vienna conferences. " 24. On prosecution of the war.
June. 'Sardinia and Rome,' in Quarterly. " 15. On civil service reform. " 15. Statement as to Aberdeen government, and terms of peace.
July 10. In favour of open admission to civil service. " 20, 23, and 27. Protests against the system of subsidies, on the guarantee of Turkish loan.
Aug. 3. On Vienna negotiations.
Oct. 12. Lecture on Colonial Policy at Hawarden.
Nov. 12. Lecture on Colonies at Chester.
Feb. 29. On report of Crimean commissioners.
April 11. Condemns government proposals for national education. " 24. On civil service reform.
May 6. On treaty of peace. " 19. Criticises budget.
July 1. On differences with the United States government on recruiting for the British army. " 11. Criticises County Courts Amendment bill. " 23. Strongly opposes the Bishops of London and Durham Retirement bill.
Aug. 'The War and the Peace' in Gentleman's Magazine.
Sept. 'The Declining Efficiency of Parliament' in the Quarterly. " 29. At town hall, Mold, in support of Foreign Missionary Society; in the evening at Collegiate Institution, Liverpool, for Society for Propagation of the Gospel.
Jan. 'Homer and His Successors in Epic Poetry,' and 'Prospects Political and Financial' in Quarterly. " 31. At Stepney, on duty of rich to poor.
Feb. 3. Criticises government's foreign policy and financial measures. " 5. In support of motion to appoint committee on the Hudson Bay Company. Nominated member of the committee. " 20. Condemns budget of Sir G. C. Lewis.
March 3. Supports Mr. Cobden's resolution on China. " 6. Proposes reduction of tea duty, and condemns Sir G. C. Lewis's financial proposals. " 10. Moves resolution in favour of revising and reducing expenditure. " 27. Returned unopposed for Oxford University.
April. 'The New Parliament and its Work' in Quarterly.
June 2. Speaks at Oxford at inauguration of Diocesan Spiritual Help Society.
July. 'The Bill for Divorce,' and 'Homeric Characters In and Out of Homer' in Quarterly. " 9. At Glenalmond College on Christian and classical education. " 16. On the Persian war. " 17. Denounces war with China. " 21. On Lord J. Russell's Oaths Validity Act Amendment bill. " 22, Aug. 4. Criticises and moves amendments to Burials Act Amendment bill. " 24. Explains strong objections to Divorce and Matrimonial Causes bill. " 29. Opposes Superannuation Act Amendment bill. " 31. Opposes second reading of the Divorce bill.
Aug. 7. Protests against unequal treatment of men and women in Divorce bill. " 12. Supports continuance of tea and sugar duties. " 14. On Balkan Principalities. " 14. Personal explanation regarding his connection with Lord Lincoln's divorce.
Oct. 12. At Chester, on duty of England to India. " 22. At Liverpool, urging closer connection between the great manufacturing towns and the universities.
Dec. 4 and 7. Criticises the Bank Issues Indemnity bill. " 9. Protests against proposal to increase pension of Sir Henry Havelock. " 11. On appointment of select committee on Bank Act.
Feb. 19. Opposes Conspiracy to Murder bill.
March. Studies in Homer and the Homeric Age published.
April. 'The Fall of the Late Ministry' in Quarterly. " 19. On Mr. Disraeli's budget statement. " 21, June 8. Criticises Church Rates Abolition bill. " 26 and 30. On proposals for government of India.
May 3. On financial condition of the country. " 3, June 7, 14, 17, and July 1. On government of India. " 4. Moves address on Danubian Principalities. " 21. Defends Lord Canning in debate on the Oude Proclamation.
June 1. On the Suez Canal, condemning English interference with the project. " 28. Supports Funded Debt bill.
July 1 and 5. Proposes additional clause to Universities (Scotland) bill facilitating the creation of a national university. " 6. Moves that the army of India be not employed beyond the frontiers of India without permission of parliament. " 19. On Government of British Columbia bill. " 20. On Hudson Bay Company.
Oct. 'The Past and Present Administrations' in Quarterly. " 17. Address at Liverpool on university extension.
Nov. 8. Leaves England for Corfu, on appointment as lord high commissioner extraordinary of the Ionian Islands.
Dec. 3. Addresses Ionian Assembly.
Feb. 5. Presents new constitution to Ionian Chamber of Deputies.
" 12. Returned unopposed for Oxford University.
March 8. Returns to London. " 29. On Representation of the People bill.
April. 'The War in Italy' in the Quarterly. " 18. On the state of Italy. " 29. Returned unopposed for Oxford University.
June 17. Letter to the provost of Oriel. " 20. Appointed chancellor of the exchequer. " 22. Presides at annual dinner of Royal Literary Fund.
July 1. Re-elected for Oxford University,—Mr. Gladstone, 1050; Marquis of Chandos, 859. " 12. Supports bill enabling Roman catholics to hold office of chancellor of Ireland. " 18. Introduces budget. " 21. Replies to Mr. Disraeli's criticisms.
Aug. 8. In defence of government's Italian policy.
Oct. On 'Tennyson's Poems' in Quarterly.
Nov. 1. At Cambridge, in support of Oxford and Cambridge mission to Central Africa. " 12. Elected Lord Rector of University of Edinburgh,—Mr. Gladstone, 643; Lord Neaves, 527.
Dec. 'Nelda, a Romance,' translated from Grossi, in Fraser's Magazine.
[394] All speeches unless otherwise stated were made in the House of Commons.