Strangford, Viscount, ii. 146-148, 152.
Stuart, Sir John, i. 412; ii. 79-80.
Stuermer, ii. 565.
Subervie, Gen., ii. 496, 502.
Suchet, Marshal, i. 243-244, 250-257, 469; ii. 300-301, 305-306, 313, 379-380, 408, 414, 415, 455.
Suez, i. 181, 194, 197, 199.
Sugar, price of, ii. 218.
Suvoroff, i. 216.
Swabia, i. 244, 246; ii. 45-48.
Sweden, i. 263; ii. 1-2, 5-6, 13, 114, 136, 140-141, 143-144, 208, 223, 237-239, 296-298, 322, 380.
Swiss Guards, the, i. 36.
Switzerland, i. 64, 179, 243, 244, 265, 294, 308, 334, 336, 377, 389-400, 403, 405, 416, 420; ii. 1, 6, 8, 103, 215, 381, 403.
Sydney, i. 379-382.
Syria, i. 201-215; ii. 229.
Tabor, Mount, i. 207.
Talavera, battle of, ii. 198-199.
Talleyrand, i. 150, 163-166, 168, 175, 177, 222, 234, 278, 294, 304, 306, 337, 341-343, 357, 361, 365-371, 395, 417, 423-426, 432, 458, 459, 463, 468, 500; ii. 18, 35, 44, 46, 47-49, 63, 66-67, 70-72, 79, 82-84, 87, 127, 141, 146, 149, 166, 180-182, 187, 205, 368, 415, 424-426, 437, 439-440, 446-447.
Tallien, i. 156, 451.
Tallien, Madame, i. 73, 155, 443.
Tauenzien, ii. 350.
Terror, the, i. 58, 59, 62, 68, 267.
Tettenborn, ii. 280.
Theo-philanthropie, i. 179, 272, 273-277.
Thibaudeau, i. 290, 305, 467.
Thiebault, i. 71, 111; ii. 37, 39, 40, 416, 484.
Thielmann, Gen., ii. 460, 467, 468, 471, 477, 482, 489.
Thornton, Mr., ii. 318, 321-322, 352.
Thugut, i. 142.
Ticino, i, 92.
Tilsit, ii. 123, 126-128.
Tilsit, Treaty of, ii. 134-137, 145, 155.
Tippoo Sahib, i. 200, 373.
Tobago, i. 311-312, 314, 333, 341, 439; ii. 390, 436.
Tolentino, i. 137.
Toll, ii. 335, 340, 341, 419.
Tomkinson, Col., ii. 307, 493.
Tormassov, ii. 244.
Torres Vedras, ii. 209.
Tortona, i. 88, 252.
Toulon, i. 39, 40, 44, 46-56, 70, 80, 180-182.
Toussaint l'Ouverture, i. 359-362, 367.
Trachenberg, compact of, ii. 321-323, 332.
Trafalgar, battle of, ii. 26-28.
Treves, i. 141.
Trianon Decree, the, ii. 214, 216.
Tribunate, i. 230, 238, 270, 286-287, 305, 319-324, 467.
Trieste, i. 121; ii. 201.
Trinidad, i. 166, 311-312, 314-315, 333, 343, 495; ii. 150.
Tronchet, i. 289, 321.
Tugendbund, ii. 184, 237.
Tuileries, i. 71, 162.
Turin, i. 79, 85, 87, 89, 250.
Turkey, i. 65, 183, 188, 201, 216, 261, 343, 389, 408-410, 420, 428, 431-432; ii. 44, 72-73, 108, 110, 114, 130-131, 135-137, 175-176, 181, 182, 207, 208, 236, 238, 272.
Tuscany, i. 64, 103, 129, 263, 264, 312, 366-369.
Tyrol, i. 101; ii. 45-48, 193.
Tyrolese, ii. 189, 201.
Ulm, ii. 14-16, 18-20.
United States, i. 264, 365-372, 509-510 (App.); ii. 156, 212-213, 221, 269.
Uxbridge, Lord, ii. 483.
Valais, i. 392; ii. 214.
Valeggio, i. 101.
Valencay, Treaty of, ii. 379.
Valence, i. 14-16, 18.
Valenza, i. 88, 89, 92.
Valetta, i. 110.
Valteline, i. 152.
Valutino, battle of, ii. 253.
Vandamme, ii. 39-40, 41, 296, 332-333, 342, 344, 346-349, 408, 454, 460, 463, 469, 470.
Vandeleur, ii. 498, 504, 508.
Van Diemen's Land, i. 379-382.
Vaubois, i. 122, 127.
Vauchamps, battle of, ii. 394.
Vaud, i. 180, 397.
Vendee, La, i. 47, 61, 64, 65; ii. 268, 449.
Vendemiaire, the affair of, i. 68-73.
Vendetta, i. 3, 4.
Venetia, ii. 45-48, 438.
Venice, i. 101, 142, 168-172.
Verdier, i. 111, 115; ii. 120.
Verling, Dr., ii. 565.
Verona, i. 122, 124, 144, 145.
Viasma, battle of, ii. 260.
Vicenza, i. 126.
Victor, Gen., i. 52, 138, 369; ii. 120-122, 198, 254, 264, 266, 332, 345, 362, 381, 396, 397, 404, 407, 408, 431, 454.
Victor Amadeus III., i. 78.
Vienna, Congress of, ii. 437-439, 453.
Villeneuve, i. 490-493, 495-503, 506; ii. 12, 26-27.
Vimiero, battle of, ii. 172.
Vincent, Baron, ii. 181.
Visconti, i. 151.
Vitrolles, Count de; ii. 413, 419.
Vittoria, battle of, ii. 308-313.
Vivian, Sir Hussey, ii. 457, 482, 491, 508.
Volney, i. 75, 182, 206, 484.
Voltaire, i. 21, 25-27; ii. 179, 567.
Voltri, i. 82, 83.
Voss, Countess von, ii. 132-133.
Wagram, battle of, ii. 195-197.
Walcheren, expedition of, ii. 200.
Walewska, Countess of, ii. 111, 436.
Walmoden, Gen., ii. 352.
Walpole, Lord, ii. 272, 283.
Warden, Surgeon, ii. 534.
Warren, Admiral, i. 406, 410, 423; ii. 81.
Warsaw, Duchy of, ii. 134, 411.
Waterloo, the position at, ii. 490-492.
Wavre, movement on, ii. 488.
Wellesley, Marquis, i. 373, 377-379, 440.
Wellesley, Sir Arthur. See Wellington.
Wellington, i. 332; ii. 143, 171-172, 194-197, 209, 229, 256, 299, 301-304 306, 364, 368, 378-379, 414-415, 418, 429, 437, 439, 446, 456, 460, 464, 473-475, 481, 489, 499, 501, 504, 506-511, 516, 537-538, 548, 573.
Wertingen, ii. 21.
Wessenberg, Count, ii. 283, 417.
West Indies, i. 490-492, 496-499; ii. 229, 390.
West Indies, French, ii. 56.
Westphalia, ii. 134, 194.
Weyrother, ii. 36.
Whigs, the, i. 22, 167, 427, 452, 494; ii. 209, 447, 457, 527, 559.
Whitbread, Mr., M.P., ii. 447.
Whitworth, Lord, i. 403-404, 415-416, 418-425.
Wieland, ii. 183-184.
Wilks, Governor, 539, 545, 546, 547.
Wilson, Sir R., ii. 258, 262.
Windham, i. 452.
Winzingerode, ii. 401, 405-406.
Wittgenstein, ii. 250, 254, 287-288, 294, 335, 341, 345.
Wrede, ii. 419.
Wright, Capt, i. 451-452, 456.
Wuermser, i. 105-107, 110-117, 127, 136.
Wuertemberg, ii. 46, 59-60.
Wuerzburg, ii. 46.
Yarmouth, Lord, ii. 72, 79, 81-83, 85.
Yorck, Gen., ii. 270, 339, 358-359, 392, 393-394, 407.
York, Duke of, i. 217, 261.
Yorke, i. 450.
Young Guard, ii. 503.
Zach, i. 257.
Ziethen, Gen., ii. 460, 461, 463, 464, 505, 508.
Znaim, Armistice of, ii. 197.
Zuerich, battle of, i. 180, 217.
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