As we carried him down the churchyard path, a drop or two fell from the boughs, but a gleam of sunshine, the first after many days, shot along the crags from under the cloud, and the wind paused. Standing there by the graveside, who could help being thankful that he had found so lovely a resting-place after so tranquil a falling to sleep? At his feet, parted only by the fence and the garden, is the village school; and who does not know how he loved the children of Coniston? At his right hand are the graves of the Beevers; his last old friend, Miss Susan Beever, lies next to him. Over the spot hang the thick boughs of a fir-tree—who does not know what he has written of his favourite mountain-pine? And behind the church, shut in with its dark yews', rise the crags of Coniston, those that he wearied for in his boyhood, beneath which he prayed, in sickness, to lie down and rest. "The crags are lone on Coniston."
Abbeville, Acland, Sir H.W., M.D., Acland, Sir T.D., Adairs and Agnews, Agnew, Miss Joan Ruskin, and see Severn, Mrs. A. Alessandri, Angelo, Alexander, Mrs. and Miss Francesca, Alice, Princess, Allen, Mr. George, "Amiens, The Bible of," Anderson, Mr. J.R., Anderson, Miss S.D., Andrews, Dr. and family, Animals, Ruskin and, Anne, Nurse, "Arachne," "Aratra Pentelici," Architects, Royal Institute, Architectural Association, lecture to, "Architecture, the Poetry of," "Architecture, the Seven Lamps of," "Ariadne Florentina," Armytage, J.C., Arthur, Prince, Assisi, Avallon,
Baker, Mr. George, Baxter, Mr. Peter, Beever, Miss Mary, Miss Susanna, 2 "Bibliotheca Pastorum," Bishop, Mrs. W.H., Blow, Mr. Detmar J., Boehm, Sir Edgar, Boni, Commendatore G., Botticelli, Bourdillon, Mr. F.W., Boys, T., Bradford lectures, Brantwood, Brown, Dr. John, Prof. Thomas, Rawdon, Rev. Walter, Browning, Robert and Mrs., Buckland, Dr., Bunney, J.W., Burgess, Arthur, Burne-Jones, Sir Edward,
Camberwell lectures, Cambridge lectures, Carlyle, Thomas, Mrs., Carpaccio, Carrick and Vokins, Cesnola, General L.P. di, "Cestus of Aglaia," Chamberlain, John Henry, Chamouni, Christ's Hospital lecture, Collins, "Charley," Coniston, lecture, Cooke, Mr. E., Cousen, J., Coutet, Joseph, Cowper-Temple, Mr. and Mrs. (Lord and Lady Mount Temple), "Crown of Wild Olive," Croydon, Cruikshank, George, Cutt, R.P., Cyanometer,
Dale, Rev. T., Dart, Henry, Darwin, Charles, Denmark Hill, "Deucalion," Deverell, W.H., Dickinson, Lowes, Dixon, Thomas, Domecq, Adele, Peter, Downes, David, Dublin lecture,
"Eagle's Nest," Edinburgh lectures, Edwardes, Sir Herbert, "Elements of Drawing," "Ethics of the Dust," Eton lectures, Eyre, Governor,
Fall, Richard, Faunthorpe, Rev. J.P., Fielding, Copley, Fleming, Mr. A., Florence, Forbes, Principal J.D., Forgeries of Ruskin, "Fors Clavigera," "Friendship's Offering," Friends of Living Creatures, Society of, Froude, J.A., Furnivall, F.J.,
Geneva, Geology, and see Deucalion, Minerals Giessbach, Gladstone, W.E., Glasgow Rectorship, Glenfarg, Glenfinlas, Goodwin, Mr. Albert, R.W.S., Gordon, Rev. Osborne, Gothic Revival, Gray, Euphemia (Effie), Mr. George, of Perth, Mr. and Mrs. Richard, Greenaway, Kate, Gull, Sir Wm., M.D.,
Halle, Sir Charles, Harding, J.D., Hardraw Fall, Harrison, W.H., "Harry and Lucy Concluded," Helps, Sir Arthur, Herne Hill, Hill, Miss Octavia, Hilliard, Mrs., Miss, Laurence Jermyn, Hooper, W.H., Howell, Charles Augustus, Hunt, W. Holman, Hunt, "Old" William,
Ilaria di Caretto,
Jameson, Mrs., Jeffery, W., Jephson, Dr., of Leamington, Jowett, H. (of Hazell, Watson and Viney),
"Kata Phusin," Keble, Kendal lecture, Keswick, "King of the Golden River," King's College, London, Kingsley, Rev. W.,
Langdale Linen Industry, "Laws of Fesole," Le Keux, J.H., "Leoni," Leopold, Prince, Lewis, J.F., R.A., Liddell, Dean, Lockhart, J.G., London Institution lectures, Longfellow, "Lord's Prayer, Letters on the," Loudon's Magazines, "Love's Meinie," Lucca, Luini, Lupton, Thomas,
Macdonald, Mr. Alex., W.M., of Crossmount, Mallock, Mr. W.H., Manchester lectures, Manning, Cardinal, "Marcolini," Marks, H.S., R.A., Matlock, Matterhorn, Maurice, Rev. F.D., May Queens, Meissonier's "Napoleon," Metaphysical Society, Meteorological Society, Millais, Sir J.E., Milman, Dean, Minerals and Crystals, Mitford, Miss, "Modern Painters," Moore, Prof. C.H., Rev. Daniel, Mornex, "Mornings in Florence," "Munera Pulveris," Munro of Novar, Murray, Mr. C. Fairfax, Mythology,
National Gallery, Newman, Mr. H.R., Newton, Sir Charles, Northcote, James, R.A., Norton, Prof. C.E.,
Oliver, Prof., Oxford: Ruskin as under graduate, as graduate, as Professor, his lectures, his drawing school, his Hinksey diggings, Oxford Museum,
Palermo, Paris, Patmore, Coventry, Pedigree of Ruskin, Perth, Photography, Ruskin's early use of, Pisa, Plague wind, Poems, "Political Economy of Art," Politics, Ruskin's attitude, Portraits of Ruskin, by Northcote, Richmond, Rossetti, Boehm, Posting-tours, "Praeterita," Pre-Raphaelitism, Pringle, Thomas, "Proserpina," Prout, Samuel, Publishing arrangements, Ruskin's, "Queen of the Air,"
Queen Victoria,
Railways, Ruskin's attitude toward, Randal, Mr. Frank, Religion, Ruskin's development, Reynolds, lectures on, Richardson families, Charles, Jessie, Mary (Mrs. Bolding), Dr. William, Mr. William, and see pedigree, Richmond, George, R.A., Sir William B., R.A., Roberts, David, R.A., Robson, Mr. E.R., Rogers, Samuel, Rome, Rooke, Mr. T.M., R.W.S., Rossetti, D.G., T.P., Rowbotham, Mr., "Royal Academy, Notes on the," Royal Institution lectures, Runciman, Mr., Ruskin family, John James, Mrs. (Margaret Cox, John Ruskin's mother),
St. Andrews Rectorship, St. George's Guild, St. Mark's Rest, St. Ursula, Sandgate, Saussure, Seascale, Seddon, Thomas, "Sesame and Lilies," Severn, Mr. Arthur, R.I. Mrs. Arthur, and see Agnew, Miss "Sheepfolds, Notes on the Construction of," Sheffield communists, Museum (St. George's now "Ruskin"), Sillar, W.C., Smetham, James, Smith, Elder & Co., Smith, Sydney, Socialism, Ruskin's attitude, Somervell, Mr. R., South Kensington Museum lecture, Spurgeon, C.H., Stanfield, C., R.A., Stillman, W.J., "Stones of Venice," Stowe, Mrs. H.B., Street-sweeping, Swan, Henry, Swiss towns, intended history, Talbot, Mrs., and Mr. Q., Talloires, Taylor, Sir Henry, Tea-shop, Ruskin's, Telford, Henry, Tennyson, Thackeray, Thomson, Mr. George, "Time and Tide," Tintoret, Toynbee, Arnold, Trevelyan, Sir Walter and Lady, Tunbridge Wells, lecture at, Turner, J.M.W., "Two Paths," Tyrwhitt, Rev. R, St. J.
University College, London, lecture at, "Unto this last," "Val d'Arno," Venice, Vere, Aubrey de, Verona, Waldensians, Ward, Rev. J. Clifton, William, Watts, G.F., R.A., Wedderburn, Mr. A., K.C., Whistler, J. McN., Willett, Henry, F.G.S., Windus, G., Winnington school, Withers, Charlotte, Woodward, Benjamin, Woolwich lectures, Working Men's College, Wornum, R.N., Xenophon's "Economist," "Yewdale and its streamlets," Yule, Colonel and Mrs., Zermatt,