Orleans, a herald, i. 118
Orleans, Duke of, see Charles
Orly, Henri d', see Henri of Savoy
Orne, The, i. 3
Ourches, Aubert d', i. 13, 81; ii. 357
Ours, Seigneur de l', ii. 125-133
Oxford, i. 274
PALM Sunday, i. 278
Pamiers, ii. 260
Panyngel, Richard, i. 123
Paradise, mediaeval conception of, i. 236, 237
Pardiac, ii. 38 Count of, i. 147
Paris, i. xxiii, 137, 154, 368, 386; ii. 9, 19 English occupation of, i. 21, 108; ii. 55, 57 Jeanne prophesies concerning, i. 201 Charles VII to enter, i. 247 Parliament of, i. 326 synod at, i. 410, 413 Jeanne outside, ii. 50-77 governed by Duke Philip, ii. 52, 53, 58 defences of, ii. 54, 55, 60, 66 Burgundian allegiance of, ii. 57, 58 citizens of, their dislike of Charles VII, ii. 58-60 their horror of Jeanne, ii. 59 attack on, ii. 64-70, 97 Armagnac Conspiracy in, ii. 128-131 examinations for witchcraft in, ii. 1, 185-187 Bishop of, ii. 187 Henry VI crowned in, ii. 350 returns to Charles VII, ii. 352 under Charles VII, ii. 371 Jeanne's impersonator in, ii. 371-374 City of: Hotel de l'Arbre-See, ii. 125 Hotel de l'Ours, ii. 125 Hotel de la Pomme de Pin, ii. 129 Inns of, ii. 125 Les Celestins, ii. 55 Les Moulins, ii. 63, 66 Montmartre, i. 417; ii. 20, 415 Pont Neuf, ii. 125 Porte St.-Antoine, ii. 129 Porte St.-Denys, ii. 55, 350 Porte St.-Martin, ii. 53, 60 Rue Barbette, i. 358 Rue St.-Antoine, ii. 125 St.-Antoine, ii. 54 Ste.-Chapelle, i. 395 St.-Denys, i. 326, 330 St.-Eloi, i. 410 Ste.-Genevieve, i. 413; ii. 62 St.-Honore, i. xxx; ii. 66 St.-Jean-en-Greve, i. 325 St.-Laurent, i. 60 St.-Merry, i. 415 University of, i. 166, 189, 409; ii. 54, 371 consulted, by the English, i. 274 opinion of Jeanne, ii. 98, 99, 294-297 rectors of, ii. 208 claim Jeanne for the inquisition, ii. 156, 172, 177, 190 decision of, ii. 299 mediates peace, ii. 352 error of, ii. 385 of Troy, i. 138
Parlament at Poitiers, i. 186
Partada, Alonzo de, i. 298, 299
Parthenay, i. 379
Pasquerel, Jean, i. xxiv, xxx, 249, 252, 259, 267, 283, 285, 300, 302, 306, 399; ii. 41, 109, 133, 189, 388 becomes Jeanne's chaplain, i. 218, 220, 221 Jeanne confesses to, i. 290, 307 writes at Jeanne's dictation, i. 295 Jeanne talks with, i. 342, 343 superseded, ii. 86 writes to Sigismund, ii. 112
Patay, Battle of, i. xii, xx, xlii, 369-376; ii. 22, 57, 109, 356 Town of, i. 373
Patrie, la, idea of, i. lx, lxiii-lxviii
Paul, Eleonore de, i. 217
Peniscola, ii. 37, 40
Penthesilea, Queen, i. 191, 222, 382
Pepin the Short, i. 395
Perceval de Cagny, i. 227
Perche, i. 387 Earl of, see Salisbury
Perdriau, Guillaume, ii. 130
Perdriel, Jaquet, ii. 129, 130
Periapts, i. 274
Perigueux, ii. 97
Perinet, ii. 392
Perquin, Jean, ii. 127
Perrin, ii. 386
Petit, Gerard, ii. 210 Jean, i. 325; ii. 170
Pharaoh, i. 409
Philip, Duke of Burgundy, i. 91, 92, 325, 358, 361, 432, 438 welcomes the English, i. 21 ravages Vaucouleurs, i. 24 is offered Orleans as a pledge, i. 142, 233 invited to the coronation, i. 400, 456 the truce with, i. 458; ii. 7, 51-53, 107 commands Paris, ii. 52 his designs on Compiegne, ii. 139-151 exults over Jeanne, ii. 153 refuses to give her up, ii. 156, 159 makes peace with Charles, ii. 352
Philip the Good, i. 398
Philippe I, i. 459
Philippe VI, i. 79
Philippe le Bel, i. 183
Philippe of Valois, i. 148, 209, 250
Picardy, i. 388 held by England, i. 21
Pierre de Beauvau, i. 223 de la Chapelle, i. 121 de St.-Valerien, i. 167
Pierre de Versailles, i. 189 examines Jeanne, i. 194 rebukes Jeanne, i. 335 Isambard de la, i. xxvi; ii. 330, 341, 389
Pierronne of Brittany, ii. 86, 97, 119, 123, 185-187, 345
Pigache, Jean, ii. 248
Pillas, Jean, i. 271
Pinel, Dr., ii. 416
Pithiviers, i. 231
Plancy, Sire de, i. 407
Plutarch, i. xlvi
Poignant, Guyot, i. 58
Poiresson, ii. 392
Poissy, Abbey of, ii. 25
Poitiers, i. xlvii, 117, 164, 240, 326, 329, 343; ii. 81, 297, 318, 346 Battle of, i. 63, 102 Bishop of, i. 150 charged with examination of Jeanne, i. 188 Hotel de la Rose, i. 192 Parliament of, i. xvii, xxv, 187; ii. 103 examines Jeanne, i. xli, 185, 223, 239, 242; ii. 387 examines Guillaume the shepherd, ii. 166 poverty of, i. 188 Rue St.-Etienne, i. 216
Poitou, i. 148, 363; ii. 3
Pole, Alexander, i. 354 John, i. 123, 231 Sir John, i. 354 William, see Suffolk, Earl of
Pomponne, M. de, ii. 409
Pont-a-Mousson, i. 61; ii. 135, 357
Pontanus, Paul, i. xxiii
Ponthieu, i. 388; ii. 196
Pont-l'Eveque, ii. 144, 272
Pontorson, Governor of, i. 123
Pont-Ste.-Maxence, ii. 107, 139, 146
Porcien, i. 128
Porete, Marguerite la, ii. 237, 294
Porphyrius, i. 39, 41
Port de Lates, i. 163
Poton de Saintrailles, i. 115, 121, 137, 139, 142, 149, 233, 304; ii. 142, 145, 348, 357 at Blois, i. 244 attacks Jargean, i. 332 at Patay, i. 372 on the way to Reims, i. 403 taken prisoner, ii. 349
Poulengy, see Bertrand
Power, Hamish, i. 227; ii. 104 Heliote, i. 228; ii. 104
Poynings, Lord, i. 304, 310, 312
Pragmatic Sanction, ii. 379
Preaux, ii. 208 Abbot of, ii. 309
Premonstratensians, the, i. 473
Pressy, Jean de, ii. 192
Prestre, Jacquet le, i. 279
Preuilly, Jeanne de, i. 211
Preux, Les, i. 338
Priam of Troy, i. xiv, lxviii, 49, 382, 448; ii. 30
Priests, influence on Jeanne, i. xxxviii, 45-47, 64, 66, 79 adapt the prophecy of Merlin, i. 178-180 their view of her mission, i. 190 spread legends, ii. 28
Privat, ii. 165
Procops, The, ii. 110
Prophecies, adaptation of, i. 178-180 by Bede, i. 178 by Jeanne, i. 64, 67, 78, 143, 470-477; see also under Jeanne d'Arc two distinct sources of, i. 78 by Merlin, i. 175-177 concerning Jeanne, i. 166, 196; ii. 29-32, 111, 239 literal interpretation of, i. 413, 426 of our Lord by Sibyls, i. 204, 205 of the Maiden Redemptress, revised, i. 45, 59, 80 royal heed of, i. 160-162
Prostitutes in the French army, i. 253, 291; ii. 74
Provins, ii. 3, 7, 8
Pucelle, i. 143
Puy-en-Velay, i. 218, 252; ii. 204 La Vierge Noire, i. 277
Puy, Jean du, i. 217
QUENAT, Jean, ii. 357
Quicherat, Jules, i. vii, x, xxxvii, l, lxi
Quillier, Jean, ii. 369
RABAN of Helmstat, ii. 363
Rabateau, Jean, Lay Attorney-General, Jeanne in the house of, i. 191-203; ii. 103
Rabelais, i. lxv
Raguenel, Tiphaine, i. 338
Raimondi, Cosmo, i. 384
Rainguesson, Jean, i. 5
Rais, Marechal de, Marshal of France, i. xv, xvi, 243, 258, 266, 282, 287, 292, 318, 372, 445, 450; ii. 34, 63, 67, 370, 392 at Les Tourelles, i. 298, 299, 304 resources of, i. 348 leads to Reims, i. 403
Rampston, Thomas, i. 124
Raphael, ii. 243, 416
Ratisbonne, ii. 423
Raymond, i. 252
Recollets, Des, ii. 410
Recordi, Pierre, ii. 260
Regent, see Bedford
Regnart family, The, i. 270
Regnier de Bouligny, ii. 78
Regnault de Chartres, Chancellor of France, Archbishop of Reims, i. xli, xliii, xlix, 141, 169; ii. 10, 76, 142, 192, 299 held to ransom, i. 148 finds the coronation at Reims politic, i. 199, 392, 393, 442 at Blois, i. 243 career of, i. 153-156 gathers an army, i. 240 character of, i. 390, 476 approves of Jeanne, i. 390 crowns Charles VII, i. 447-449 questions Jeanne as to her death, ii. 15 policy of, ii. 53 tries a substitute for Jeanne, ii. 163-169, 347-351
Regnault, Guillaume, i. 354
Reims, i. 77, 143, 163, 209, 405; ii. 71, 116, 119, 211, 358, 383 Archbishop of, see Regnault de Chartres ampulla of, i. 52, 56 Cathedral of, i. 445, 453 labyrinth in, i. 320 Charles VII, crowned at, i. 443-449 citizens of, welcome Charles VII, i. 394 surrender to Charles VII, i. 437-443 invoke help of Charles VII, ii. 4, 10 coronation at, prophesied, i. 198 Jeanne's letter to, ii. 107 Jeanne's progress to, i. 333, 385 Porte Dieulimire, i. 443 Remi, Bishop of, i. 50-53 route to, i. 393 Rue du Parvis, i. 451 St.-Denys, i. 444 Tau, i. 450
Reinach, M. Solomon, i. v
Relation, La, i. xviii
Remeswelle, ii. 140
Rene d'Anjou, Duke of Bar, Count of Vaudemont, i. 18, 26, 96, 389; ii. 393 restores cattle to Domremy, i. 27 character of, i. 91 succession of, disputed, i. 92
Requests, master of, i. 169
Ressons, ii. 138
Resurrections of unbaptized children, ii. 135-137, 261
Reuilly, i. 267
Rhodes, order of, i. 264
Richemont, Arthur, Duke of Brittany, Constable of France, Count of, i. 146, 147, 155, 370, 372 held to ransom, i. 176 at Beaugency, i. 363-367
Richer, Edmond, i. lv, viii
Rifflart, i. 132, 311
Rigueur, Jean le, ii. 130
Riom, ii. 93
Robert de Baudricourt, Captain of Vaucouleurs, i. xx, 61, 77, 81, 160, 351, 451; ii. 231, 266, 357 offends the Duke of Burgundy, i. 24 seen by Jacques d'Arc, i. 58 character of, i. 61 his opinion of Jeanne, i. 66, 78, 84, 87, 97 his letters concerning Jeanne, i. 87, 160, 162, 168 death of, ii. 392
Robert de Saarbruck, makes war against Didier et Durand de Saint-Die, i. 18, 20 a formidable neighbour, i. 22, 24, 58 taxes Domremy, i. 25
Robert, Duke of Bar, i. 61 the Wise, i. 392
Robine, Marie, i. 161
Roche, Jean, ii. 126
Roche, M. Louis Charrier de la, ii. 415
Rochechouart, Lord of, i. 139
Rochefort, Sire de, i. 407, 432, 433
Rogier, i. xxxii
Rolland the Scrivener, i. 166
Romain, Henri, ii. 188
Romance of the Rose, i. 359
Rome, i. 381; ii. 26, 99, 111, 374 Empress of, i. 449
Romee, Isabelle, mother of Jeanne, see Isabelle origin of surname, i. 3
Romorantin, Jeanne at, i. 346
Rosier family, The, i. 192
Rostrenen, Francois de, i. 363, 381
Rouge Bombarde, ii. 140
Roule, ii. 66
Roussel, Raoul, ii. 208, 210, 293, 388
Rouvray-St.-Denis, i. 138, 139, 213, 229, 282 Battle of, i. 370
Rouen, i. xxiii, xxxii, li, 124, 332; ii. 24, 60, 171, 196, 386 Archbishop of, i. 395 Bourg-l'Abbe, ii. 308 Jeanne at, i. 464; ii. 198 Old Market Square, Jeanne is burnt in, ii. 335-342
Royer, Thevenin le, i. 5
Roze, Jeannette, i. 5
Ru, The, i. 363
Rude, i. lxiii
SAARBRUCK, Robert de, see Robert
Sabbat, i. 150
Sabbath, fighting on the, i. 315
Sabinella, Queen, i. 35
Sablon, The, ii. 353
Sailly, i. 98
St.-Agnes, i. 208
St.-Aignan, i. 101, 392 story of, i. 118-120 shrine of, i. 236 intercedes for Orleans, i. 236, 314, 461 Charles VII at, i. 345
St.-Amance, i. 7
St.-Ambrose, i. 471
St.-Andrew, Cross of, i. 403; ii. 60, 66, 129
St.-Anthony of Padua, i. xxxix; ii. 272
St.-Augustine, i. 205
St.-Avy, Jean de, i. 142, 233; ii. 209
St.-Barbara, i. 208
St.-Bellin, Geoffroy de, ii. 124
St.-Benedict, order of, i. 189
St.-Benoit-sur-Loire, Jeanne at, i. 377
St.-Catherine, i. xxxix; ii. 139 history and martyrdom of, i. 34-41, 159, 328 her shrine and miracles at Fierbois, i. 102-105, 475 sword of, i. 223; ii. 75, 245 language of, i. 200 touches rings, i. 453 comforts Jeanne at Beaurevoir, ii. 180, 182 crown of, ii. 233 comforts Jeanne in prison, ii. 274 of Siena, i. xxxv, lxxii, 457, 469; ii. 167, 348
St. Catherine and St. Margaret, i. lvi, 194, 215, 239, 263, 333, 378, 437, 449; ii. 43 appear to Jeanne at Domremy, i. 42, 49, 57, 75 reassure Jeanne at Poitiers, i. 193 appear to Jeanne at Chinon and Tours, i. 224 bid Jeanne take the standard, i. 227 appear to Jeanne at Orleans, i. 285, 301, 340, 357 comfort Jeanne wounded, i. 307 appear at Rouen, ii. 325, 327 speak of Catherine de la Rochelle, ii. 90 foretell Jeanne's death, ii. 122 Jeanne's testimony concerning, ii. 242, 295, 296, 403-406 embraced by Jeanne, i. xxxiii; ii. 283, 404
Ste.-Catherine-de-Fierbois, i. 145; ii. 232
St.-Cecilia, i. 448
St.-Charlemagne, i. 182, 261; ii. 178
St.-Christina, i. 207
St.-Claire, Convent of Neufchateau, i. 71
St.-Clare, i. 459 order of, ii. 92
St.-Claude, i. 162
St.-Cyr, i. xxxvii
St.-Denys, i. xlv, 31, 57, 160, 189, 250, 335, 395, 417, 476; ii. 44, 46-49, 63, 265 head of, i. 326, 330; ii. 48, 61 story of, ii. 46-49 Jeanne at, ii. 46-53, 75 English sack, ii. 83 burial of Charles VII at, ii. 397
St.-Dizier, i. 26
St.-Dominic, i. xxxix order of, i. 189
St.-Dorothea, i. 207
St.-Etienne, i. 100; ii. 41 Cardinal, ii. 37
St.-Euphemia, i. 207
St.-Euphrosyne, i. 198
St.-Euverte, i. 118, 120, 392 intercedes for Orleans, i. 236, 314, 461
St.-Florentin, i. 407
St.-Florent-les-Saumur, i. 183, 353 Abbey of, i. 184
St.-Fort, i. 459
St.-Francis of Assisi, i. xxxix, 213, 220; ii. 166, 348 order of, i. 71-73
St.-Gabriel, ii. 253
St.-Genevieve, i. 208
St.-George, i. 250, 278; ii. 420 shield of, i. 130 story of, i. 159 English cry of, i. 273
St.-Georges de Boscherville, ii. 208
St.-Gilles, Lord, i. 372
St.-Gregoire de Tours, ii. 21
St.-Gregory, Pope, i. 85 of Nyssa, i. 206
St.-Hubert's Day, i. 371
St.-Jean-d'-Angers, ii. 139
St.-Jean-de-Braye, i. 258, 268
St.-Jean-de-la Ruelle, i. 136
St.-Jean-des-Bois, i. 198
St.-Jean-le-Blanc, i. 231, 261, 263, 268, 293, 297, 298
St.-Jerome, i. 205
St.-John the Baptist, high repute of, i. 5 day of, i. 344, 464; ii. 123, 253, 356, 362
St.-John the Evangelist, i. 206, 414, 430; ii. 165, 310
St.-Julien, i. 157
St.-Ladre, i. 136, 143
St.-Laurent-des-Orgerils, i. 112, 114, 119 English camp at, i. 131, 134, 244, 261, 276, 278, 288, 292, 303, 307, 313 pillaged by citizens of Orleans, i. 234
St.-Laurence's Eve, ii. 60
St.-Lawrence, i. 157; ii. 48
St.-Lo, ii. 208, 219 prior of, ii. 309
St.-Louis, i. 57, 159, 219, 261, 445; ii. 14, 48, 178 crown of, i. 475
St.-Loup, i. xli, 113, 134, 264 Abbaye aux Dames, i. 289 attack on, i. 284-291, 319, 461 Convent of the Ladies of, i. 287 English occupy, i. 231, 268
St.-Luke, ii. 230
St.-Marc, i. 268
St.-Marcellin, i. 180
St.-Marcoul, i. 459
St.-Marcoul-de-Corberry, i. 459
St.-Marie-de-Vaucouleurs, i. 79
St.-Margaret, i. liv, 194, 263 history and martyrdom of, i. 32-34 honoured in France, i. 31 language of, i. 200; ii. 254 Church of, at Elincourt, ii. 139 see St. Catherine and St. Margaret
St.-Mark, ii. 230
St.-Martha, i. xxix
St.-Martin-de-Tours, i. 165
St.-Martin-le-Bouillant, ii. 345
St.-Martin's Day, i. lxix; ii. 181, 253
St.-Mary Magdalen, ii. 48
St.-Maurice, i. 404; ii. 420
St.-Mesmin, Aignan de, ii. 360
St.-Michael, i. lxxiv, 118, 141, 160, 194, 263, 333, 378, 437; ii. 316, 341 patron saint of France, i. 29, 30; ii. 49 appears to St. Catherine, i. 37, 193 visits Jeanne, i. 29, 44, 56, 57, 58, 340; ii. 197, 243 Feast of, i. 314 personal appearance of, i. xxxiii; ii. 255, 278 letters from, i. xliii; ii. 267, 272
St.-Nicholas, Chapel of, i. 88
St.-Nicholas-du-Port, i. 90, 97
St.-Nicolas-le-Painteur, ii. 246
St.-Ouen, ii. 208, 308
St.-Paul, i. 55, 213; ii. 216, 267
St.-Peravy, i. 373, 374
St.-Peter, i. 51, 55, 162, 206
St.-Phal, i. 407, 412, 418, 422
St.-Pierre de Chaumont, Priory of, i. 189
St.-Pierre-le-Moustier, attack on, ii. 84, 85, 93
St.-Pol, Bastard, i. 20
St.-Prive, i. 292, 302
St.-Quentin, ii. 154
St.-Remi, i. 4, 198, 445, 447 history of, i. 49-53 miracles of, i. 54, 55
St.-Riquier, ii. 196
St.-Sanxon, ii. 362
St.-Sauveur, i. 103
Ste.-Segolene, ii. 366
St.-Sigismond, i. 256, 373, 377
St.-Sixtus, i. 51
St.-Thecla, i. 207
St.-Theresa, ii. 402
St.-Thiebault Spring, i. 9
St.-Thomas, i. lxviii
St.-Urbain, Abbey of, i. 98
St.-Urbain, Pope, i. 98
St.-Valery, ii. 198
St.-Vallier, Sire de, ii. 67
Saint Simon, ii. 410
Saints consulted, i. 337
Sakya Muni, i. xix
Salisbury, Earl of, i. 116, 151, 287; 149, 348 invades France, i. 108 reaches Janville, i. 122 death of, i. 126, 127
Salm, Count of, see Jean
Salon-en-Crau, i. xxxvi; ii. 407
Salvart, Jean, ii. 199, 201
Samoy, i. 113
Samson, i. 384
Samuel, i. 447, 448
Sanguin, Guillaume, ii. 58
Saonelle, The, i. 2
Sarmaize, Maid of, ii. 392, 393
Satan, ii. 296
Saul, i. 447, 454
Saulcy, i. 88
Saumoussay, ii. 393
Saumur, i. 103, 379; ii. 393
Sauve, Catherine, i. 210
Savignies, ii. 348
Savin Renaud, ii. 128-130
Savoy, Duke of, see Amedee
Scales, Thomas, Lord of, i. 123, 135, 231, 245, 261 summoned by Jeanne to surrender, i. 276 at Meung, i. 362 taken prisoner at Patay, i. 375, 397, 399
Scarron, i. lv; ii. 412
Scotland, i. 154
Secret, the King's, i. 172
Seguent, Jean, ii. 207
Seguin, Brother, examines Jeanne, i. 189, 200; ii. 387
Seez, Bishop of, i. 447; ii. 53, 183
Seille, The, ii. 353
Sein, Island of, i. 204
Seine, The, i. 100, 388; ii. 4, 78
Selles-en-Berry, i. 450; ii. 9 Jeanne at, i. 338-346; ii. 78
Selles-sur-Cher, i. 101
Semendria, i. 249
Semoy, i. 268
Seneca, i. lxvii
Senlis, ii. 11, 20, 34, 44, 53, 76, 83, 144 Jeanne at, ii. 138, 165, 195, 356
Senlis, Bailie of, ii. 131 horse of bishop of, ii. 45, 261
Sens, i. 403, 410, 413; ii. 78
Sepet, Marius, i. lxi
Septfonds, i. 88
Sept-Saulx, Castle of, i. 443
Sermaize, i. 15, 16 siege of, i. 24
Severac, Marshal de, ii. 38
Seville, i. 167
Shakespeare, quoted, i. 233
Sibylla Francica, i. xxii, 473
Sibyls, The, i. 165, 175, 204, 205, 322, 385, 414; ii. 27, 30
Sicily, Queen of, see Yolande
Sidon, ii. 296
Siena, i. 249, 412
Sigismund, Emperor, i. 215; ii. 109, 112, 380
Sigy, ii. 208
Simon, Jeannotin, ii. 322 Magus, i. 162
Siquemville, Jean de, ii. 371
Soissons, i. 460; ii. 7, 11, 142, 261, 356 Charles III at, ii. 1-3
Solomon, King, i. 128, 212; ii. 187, 217
Somme, The, i. 394; ii. 197
Songs, by a Norman Clerk, i. 128
Sorel, M. Alexandre, i. vii
Spencer, Richard, i. 375
Speyer, Bishop of, ii. 363
Spiers, i. 473
Sprenger, ii. 222
Stafford, Humphrey, Earl of, ii. 202, 203
Standard, Jeanne's, i. 227, 343, 448; ii. 67 at Les Tourelles, i. 308-310
States General, The, i. 149-151
Stenay, i. 81
Stuart, John, i. 137 Lord William, i. 135, 137, 139
Suave, Catherine, i. 163
Suffolk, Earl of, i. 123, 245, 261; ii. 20, 348 summoned by, Jeanne, i. 276 in Jargeau, i. 349-354 William Pole, Earl of, i. 115, 135
Suger, Abbot, ii. 47
Sully, i. xxxi, xlix; ii. 120, 185 Jeanne at, ii. 106-118
Suzannah, ii. 80
TACHOV, ii. 110
Taille, i. 150
Talbot, Sir John, i. xvi, 115, 135, 231, 245, 345, 368; ii. 20, 348 approaches Les Tourelles, i. 132 conducts the siege, i. 260 summoned by Jeanne to surrender, i. 262, 276 sallies from St.-Laurent, i. 288 plans of, i. 301-305, 313 advance of, i. 367 taken prisoner at Patay, i. 374, 375, 377, 397, 399 William, ii. 225
Talmont, Abbot of, i. 189
Taquel, ii. 389
Tarascon, beast of, i. xxix
Tarentaise, Pierre of, ii. 265
Terence, ii. 306, 331
Termes, Sire de, i. 369, 376
Theaulde de Valpergue, i. 129
Theodosius, i. 32, 198
Therouanne, Bishop of, defends Paris, ii. 60, 202, 299, 309, 340
Thevanon of Bourges, ii. 369
Thevenin, Jeannette, ii. 386
Thibault, Gobert, i. xxix, 194, 196, 258
Thibonville, Germain de, i. 166
Thiembronne, Guichard de, ii. 143
Thoisy, Jean de, i. 398
Thoneletil, Jean de, ii. 366
Thons, i. 163
Thouars, Baron de, i. 137, 140
Tichemont, ii. 365
Tiffanges, ii. 370
Tiphaine, Jean, ii. 240, 401
Tillay, Jamet du, i. 140, 144, 169, 347 reports of Jeanne, i. 238
Tillemonts, i. lvii
Titivillus, i. lxxiv
Tobias, ii. 243
Tonnerre, i. 412
Torcenay, Jean de, ii. 210
Toul, i. xxiii, 30, 68, 73 89 Bishop of, i. 18
Toulouse, i. 111, 189, 190, 240, 337 seneschal of, ii. 96
Touque, The, i. 388
Touraine, i. 101, 108, 149, 150, 217; ii. 211
Tournai, citizens of, invited to Reims, i. 397 their loyalty to France, i. 398, 399; ii. 188, 192
Touroulde, Marguerite de la, i. xxviii; ii. 79-82, 388
Tours, i. 151, 161, 240, 254, 475; ii. 104, 139, 369 Jeanne at, i. 216-229, 319 resists pillage, i. 217 trades of, i. 221 Charles VII at, i. 331 Council at, ii. 396 prays for deliverance of Jeanne, ii. 161 loyal to Charles VII, ii. 183, 184
Tractatus, de Haeresi ii. 215
Tree of Vauru, ii. 12-14
Trent, Council of, i. xxxvii
Treves, ii. 363 Lord of, i. l, 153, 211, 331, 333, 427; ii. 183
Trie, Pierre de, i. 70
Tringant, i. ix
Trinitarians, The, i. 275
Trinte-du-mont-St.-Catherine, ii. 208
Troissy, Jean de, ii. 124, 131, 132
Troyes, i. xxvi, xxxii, 275, 389, 394, 405, 410; ii. 2, 49, 59, 71, 86, 116, 228, 383 English disposition of, i. 407 manufactures of, i. 407 Bishop of, i. 408 Charles VII at, i. 411, 421-434 Jeanne's letter to, i. 419 Council of, write to Reims, i. 420, 424, 429 treat with Charles, i. 421-431 opinion of Jeanne, i. 422 St.-Pierre, i. 423 fortifications of, i. 424 Comporte Gates, i. 427 the Madeleine, i. 427 surrender of, i. 466 Treaty of, i. xxxix, xlviii, 60, 82, 379, 408, 409, 423; ii. 158, 176, 209
Truce, with Burgundy, ii. 51-53
Tudert, Jean, ii. 76
Turelure, Pierre, i. 189, 190 examines Jeanne, i. 193
Turks, threaten Constantinople, i. 249
Turlaut, Collot, i. 24
Turlupines, The, ii. 64
Ulrich, Count of Wurtemberg, ii. 362
Unicorn and the Maid, i. 208
Ursins, Jean Jouvenel des, ii. 385
Uruffe, i. 60
VAILLY, i. 460; ii. 1
Valenciennes, ii. 193
Valens, the Emperor, i. 197
Valentia, ii. 37
Valentine of Milan, i. 358
Valois, peasants of, ii. 10
Valpergue, i. 129
Van Eyck, Brothers, i. 402
Varambon, Lord of, i. 465
Varro, i. 205, 322
Varville, i. 451
Vaucouleurs, situation of, i. 1, 2 castellany of, i. 19, 22, 24, 26 besieged by de Vergy, i. 69, 77 Jeanne at, i. xxiii, xxxviii, 57, 61, 67, 95, 161, 211, 212, 351, 451, 473; ii. 231, 353, 357, 386
Vaudemont, Count of, see Rene d'Anjou
Vaudrey, Philibert de, i. 412
Vauru, Lord Denis de, ii. 12-14
Vauseul, Jeanne le, i. 76
Vaux, Pasquier de, ii. 208
Vavasour warns King John, i. xxxvi, 63, 163; ii. 266
Vegetius, i. 302
Velleda, i. 204
Velly, Jean de, ii. 103
Venderes, Nicolas de, ii. 208, 210, 218, 329, 331
Vendome, Count of, i. xii, 347, 355, 446; ii. 8, 34, 53, 63, 76, 83, 142, 194 presents Jeanne to Charles, i. 169 at Patay, i. 372, 379
Venette, ii. 145, 150, 164
Venice, i. 130
Venus, i. 166
Verdun, Bishop of, i. 18, 24
Verduzan, Lord of, i. 137, 139
Vergy, Antoine de, i. 69, 70, 77 lays siege to Vaucouleurs, i. 87
Vergy Jean de, Seneschal of Burgundy, i. 26, 69
Vermandois, i. 442; ii. 159 bailie of, ii. 353
Verneuil, i. xlvii, 25, 63, 106, 123, 229, 145, 146; ii. 197 Crotoy Tower, i. 183, 185
Versailles, ii. 407 bishop of, ii. 415
Vesle, The, i. 443
Vian de Bar, i. 465
Vienne, The, i. 158 University of, ii. 366
Vierzon, i. 155
Vignolles, Etienne de, see La Hire
Vigny, Alfred de, i. lxix
Villars, i. 121 Lord of, i. 296, 304 reports of Jeanne, i. 238
Villedart, Thevenin, i. 272; ii. 369
Villette, Lord of, ii. 366
Villon, Francois, i. lxv
Vincennes, Castle of, ii. 57 Fort of, i. 386
Virgil's AEneid, ii. 306, 331
Virgin Mary, The, position of, i. 206 image of, at Tours, i. 219 intercedes for Orleans, i. 327
Virginity, special virtues of, i. 204-211, 322; ii. 367
Virgo, i. 166
Viriville, Vallet de, i. vii, lxi
Visconti, The, ii. 41
Vittel, Jeannette de, i. 5, 12 Thiesselin, de, i. 5, 20
Vivien, i. 175
Vitre, i. 338
Voices, hallucinatory, i. xxxiii; ii. 22, 401-406 first heard by Jeanne, i. 29 reveal her mission, i. 44, 47, 56 at Vaucouleurs, i. 62, 78 at Neufchateau, i. 74 at Chinon and Tours, i. 224 at Orleans, i. 295 at Les Tourelles, i. 308 at St.-Denys, ii. 76 Jeanne questioned concerning, i. 193, 197; ii. 229-235, 238, 242, 253, 258, 261, 268, 272, 277, 283 instruct Jeanne as to the English, i. 260 visit Jeanne daily, i. 340 counsel Jeanne before Patay, i. 370 foretell French victory, i. 457 speak of Paris, ii. 65 forbid escape, ii. 181 instruct Jeanne that she must see Henry VI, ii. 160 forbid her revelations, ii. 223, 234, 237, 255, 269 Jeanne in prison sustained by, ii. 235, 258, 289, 291, 293 bid Jeanne protest against Erard, ii. 311, 325 bid her recant, ii. 314 see also under Ste.-Catherine, St.-Michael, and Jeanne d'Arc
Voltaire, i. lvii
Vouthon, Henri de, i. 3, 15, 16, 47; ii. 393 Isabella de, i. 59 at Puy, i. 252 Jean de, i. 25; ii. 392 Mengette de, i. 7, 24, 48, 76 Nicolas de, i. 252 Perrinet de, i. 16
WALDAIRES, Jean, i. 70
Wallon, H., i. lxi
Wals, Jean de, i. 81
Walter, Richard, i. 124
War of the Apple Baskets, i. 92; ii. 8 a punishment for sin, i. 235 a trade, i. 395
Warwick, Earl of, i. li, 129; ii. 177, 198, 202, 213, 240, 319, 324, 328, 348
Wearmouth, i. 178
Well-dressings, i. 156
Wells, Mr. H.G., i. lxix
William, Duke of Normandy, i. 123
Winchester, i. 177 Bishop of, i. 107 Cardinal of, i. 441; ii. 20, 110, 213, 309, 319, 340
Windecke, Eberhard de, i. xxii
Windsor, i. 275, 359
Wine, valued, i. 279
Witchcraft, i. 190 suspected at Domremy, i. 13, 15 Jeanne suspected of, i. 69, 274; see Jeanne and wounds, i. 306 trials for, ii. 207, 222
Witches, burnt, i. 163; ii. 187
Wurtemberg, Count Ulrich of, ii. 362
YOLANDE of Aragon, Queen of Sicily, Duchess of Anjou, i. 26, 91, 92, 147, 152, 211, 217, 240, 389, 458; ii. 8, 183, 216, 351 sends victuals to Orleans, i. 92, 240 at Blois, i. 243
Yonne, The, i. 100, 407; ii. 78
Ysabeau, Queen, i. 22, 60, 80, 172, 395, 423; ii. 41, 58, 178
ZABILLET, Romee, i. 3
Zacharias, ii. 230
Zizka, ii. 115