[68] Ad Div., lib. iii., 2.
[69] Ad Att., lib. v., 1.
[70] Abeken points out to us, in dealing with the year in which Cicero's government came to an end, B.C. 50, that Cato's letters to Cicero (Ad Fam., lib. xv., 5) bear irrefutable testimony as to the real greatness of Cicero. See the translation edited by Merivale, p. 235. This applies to his conduct in Cilicia, and may thus be taken as evidence outside his own, though addressed to himself.
[71] The Roman Triumvirate, p. 107.
[72] Caesar, a Sketch, pp. 170, 341.
[73] Professor Mommsen says no word of Cicero's government in Cilicia.
[74] I cannot but refer to Mommsen's account of this transaction, book v., chap. viii.: "Golden fetters were also laid upon him," Cicero. "Amid the serious embarrassments of his finances the loans of Caesar free of interest * * * were in a high degree welcome to him; and many an immortal oration for the Senate was nipped in the bud by the thought that the agent of Caesar might present a bill to him after the close of the sitting." There are many assertions here for which I have looked in vain for the authority. I do not know that Cicero's finances were seriously embarrassed at the time. The evidence goes rather to show that they were not so. Had he ever taken more than one loan from Caesar? I find nothing as to any question of interest; but I imagine that Caesar treated Cicero as Cicero afterward treated Pompey when he lent him money. We do not know whether even Crassus charged Caesar interest. We may presume that a loan is always made welcome, or the money would not be borrowed, but the "high degree of welcome," as applied to this especial loan, ought to have some special justification. As to Cicero's anxiety in borrowing the money I know nothing, but he was very anxious to pay it. The borrowing and the lending of money between Roman noblemen was very common. No one had ever borrowed so freely as Caesar had done. Cicero was a lender and a borrower, but I think that he was never seriously embarrassed. What oration was nipped in the bud by fear of his creditor? He had lately spoken twice for Saufeius, once against S. Clodius, and against Plancus—in each case opposing the view of Caesar, as far as Caesar had views on the matter. The sum borrowed on this occasion was 800,000 sesterces—between L6000 and L7000. A small additional sum of L100 is mentioned in one of the letters to Atticus, lib. v., 5., which is, however, spoken of by Cicero as forming one whole with the other. I can hardly think that Mommsen had this in view when he spoke of loans in the plural number.
[75] M. C. Marcellus was Consul B.C. 51; his brother, C. Claudius Marcellus, was Consul B.C. 50, another C. Claudius Marcellus, a cousin, in B.C. 49.
[76] Mommsen calls him a "respected Senator." M. De Guerle, in his preface to the oration Pro Marcello, claims for him the position of a delegate. He was probably both—though we may doubt whether he was "respected" after his flogging.
[77] Ad Att., lib. v., 11: "Marcellus foede in Comensi;" and he goes on to say that even if the man had been no magistrate, and therefore not entitled to full Roman treatment, yet he was a Transalpine, and therefore not subject to the scourge. See Mr. Watson's note in his Select Letters.
[78] Ad Div., lib. ii., 8.
[79] Ad Att., lib. v., 13.
[80] Ibid.: "Quaeso ut simus annui; ne intercaletur quidem." It might be that an intercalary month should be added, and cause delay.
[81] Ad Div., lib. viii., 2: "Ut tibi curae sit quod ad pantheras attinet."
[82] Ad Att., lib. v., 14.
[83] Ad Div., lib. iii., 5.
[84] Ad Att., lib. v., 15.
[85] Ibid., 16.
[86] Ad Att., lib. v., 17.
[87] Ad Div., lib. iii., 6.
[88] Ad Div., lib. xv., 1.
[89] Ibid., iii., 8.
[90] Ad Div., lib. viii., 8.
[91] Ad Div., lib. viii., 10.
[92] Ibid., ii., 10.
[93] This mode of greeting a victorious general had no doubt become absurd in the time of Cicero, when any body of soldiers would be only too willing to curry favor with the officer over them by this acclamation. Cicero ridicules this; but is at the same time open to the seduction—as a man with us will laugh at the Sir Johns and Sir Thomases who are seated around him, but still, when his time comes, will be pleased that his wife shall be called "My Lady" like the rest of them.
[94] Ad Div., lib. ii., 7.
[95] Ad Att., lib. v., 2.
[96] Ad Div., lib. xv., 4.
[97] Ibid., xv., 10, and lib. xv., 13: "Ut quam honorificentissimum senatus consultum de meis rebus gestis faciendum cures."
[98] Ad Div., lib. viii., 6.
[99] Ibid., 7.
[100] Ibid., iii., 7.
[101] Ibid., 9.
[102] The amount seems so incredible that I cannot but suspect an error in the MS. The sum named is two hundred Attic talents. The Attic talent, according to Smith's dictionary, was worth L243 13s. It may be that this large amount had been collected over a series of years.
[103] Ad Att., lib. v., 21.
[104] Ibid., vi., 1. This is the second letter to Atticus on the transaction, and in this he asserts, as though apologizing for his conduct to Brutus, that he had not before known that the money belonged to Brutus himself: "Nunquam enim ex illo audivi illam pecuniam esse suam."
[105] In the letter last quoted, "Flens mihi meam famam commendasti." "Believe," he says, "that I cling to the doctrines which you yourself have taught me. They are fixed in my very heartstrings."
[106] See the former of the two letters, Ad. Att., lib. v., 21: "Quod enim praetori dare consuessent, quoniam ego non acceperam, se a me quodam modo dare."
[107] Ad Att., vi., 1: "Tricesimo quoque die talenta Attica xxxiii., et hoc ex tributis." On every thirteenth day he gets thirty three talents from the taxes, the talent being about L243. Of the poverty of Ariobarzanes we have heard much, and of the number of slaves which reached Rome from his country. It was thus, probably, that the king paid Pompey his interest.
Mancipiis locuples eget aeris Cappadonum rex.—Hor. Epis., lib. i., vi.
Persius tells us how the Roman slave-dealer was wont to slap the fat Cappadocian on the thigh to show how sound he was as he was selling him, Sat. vi., 77. "Cappadocis eques catastis" is a phrase used by Martial, lib. x., 76, to describe from how low an origin a Roman knight might descend, telling us also that there were platforms erected for the express purpose of selling slaves from Cappadocia. Juvenal speaks also of "Equites Cappadoces" in the same strain, Sat. vii., 15. The descendant even of a slave from Cappadocia might rise to be a knight. From all this we may learn what was the source of the L8000 a month which Pompey condescended to take, and which Cicero describes as being "ex tributis."
[108] Ad Att., lib. vi., 2.
[109] Ad Att., lib. vi., 3.
[110] Ad Div., lib. viii., 11.
[111] Ad Att., lib. vi., 4, 5.
[112] Ad Div., lib. ii., 15: "Scito me sperare ea quae sequuntur."
[113] Ibid.
[114] Ad Att., lib. vii., 1.
[115] Ad Att., lib. vi., 8.
[116] Ad Att., lib. xi., 1.
[117] Appius and Piso were the last two Censors elected by the Republic.
[118] Ad Div., lib. ii., 15.
[119] Appian, De Bell. Civ., lib. ii., 26. The historian tells us that the Consul built a temple with the money, but that Curio had paid his debts.
[120] Mommsen, book v., ca. ix.
[121] Ad Att., lib. vii., 1: "Video cum altero vinci satius esse quam cum altero vincere."
[122] Ad Att., lib. vii., 2: "Adolescentem, ut nosti, et adde, si quid vis, probum."
[123] Ad Att., lib. vii., 20-23.
[124] Ibid., lib. viii., 4.
[125] Ibid., lib. viii., 7.
[126] Copy of letter D, enclosed in letter to Atticus, lib. viii., 11.
[127] Ad Att., lib. ix., 10.
[128] Ibid., lib. ix., 12.
[129] Ad Att., lib. x., 4.
[130] Ad Att., lib. xi., 5.
[131] Horace, Sat., lib. i., sat. 5.
[132] Ad Att., lib. xi., 7.
[133] Ad Div., xiv., 16.
[134] Ad Att., lib. xi., 24.
[135] Ad Att., lib. xi., 24.
[136] Ibid., lib. xi., 20-22.
[137] Ad Div., xiv., 22, 20. The numbers going the wrong way is only an indication that the letters were wrongly placed by Graevius.
[138] Ad Att., lib. xi., 22.
[139] Oratoriae Partitiones, xvii., xxiii.
[140] De Officiis, lib. i., ca. xxxi.: "Catoni cum incredibilem tribuisset natura gravitatem, eamque ipse perpetua constantia roborasset, semperque in proposito susceptoque consilio permansisset, moriendum potius quam tyranni vultum aspiciendum fuit."
[141] This was Lucius Volcatius Tullus.
[142] But it is now, I believe, the opinion of scholars that Wolf has been proved to be wrong, and the words to have been the very words of Cicero, by the publication of certain fragments of ancient scholia on the Pro Marcello which have been discovered by Cardinal Mai since the time of the dispute.
[143] Ad Div., iv., 11.
[144] Pro Marcello, ii.
[145] Pro Ligario, i.
[146] Pro Ligario, iii.
[147] Ad Fam., lib. iv., 14.
[148] Ad Div., lib. ix., 16.
[149] Ad Att., lib. xii., 7.
[150] Ibid., 32.
[151] Ad Div., lib. xvi., 21.
[152] Pliny, Hist. Nat., lib. xiv., 28.
[153] Ad Div., lib. vi., 18.
[154] Ad Att., lib. xii., 12.
[155] Ibid., 18, 28.
[156] Ad Att., lib. xii., 14.
[157] Ibid., 18, 28.
[158] Ad Att., lib. xiii., 28.
[159] Suetonius, Julius Caesar, ca. xxxvii.
[160] Ad Att., lib. xiii., 44.
[161] Ad Att., lib xiii., 42.
[162] Pro Rege Deiotaro, ii.
[163] Ibid., ca. xii.: "Solus, inquam, es, C. Caesar, cujus in victoria cecide it nemo nisi armatus."
[164] Caesar, De Bello Gallico, lib. iii., 16: "Itaque, omni Senatu necato, reliquos sub corona vendidit," he says, and passes on in his serene, majestic manner.
[165] Quint., lib. x., vii.: "Nam Ciceronis ad praesens modo tempus aptatos libertus Tiro contraxit."
[166] Horace, Epis., lib. i., 1: "Nullus in orbe sinus Baiis praelucet amaenis."
[167] Ad Att., lib. xiii., 52.
[168] Ad Div., lib. vii., 30.
[169] Mommsen, book v., xi.
[170] He left Brundisium on the last day of the year.
[171] Shakspeare, Julius Caesar, act i., sc. 2.
[172] Ad Att., lib. xiv., 9, 15.
[173] Quintilian, lib. vii., 4.
[174] These words will be found in M. Du Rozoir's summary to the Philippics.
[175] Ad Att., lib. xiv., 1.
[176] Ibid., 14: "Quam oculis cepi justo interitu tyranni."
[177] Morabin, liv. vi., chap. iii., sec. 6.
[178] Velleius Paterculus, lib. ii., ca. lviii.
[179] Mommsen, book v., xi.
[180] Ad Att., lib. xiv., 4.
[181] Ibid., lib. xiv., 6.
[182] Ibid., lib. xiv., 7.
[183] Ad Att., lib. xiv., 9.
[184] Ibid., lib. xiv., 11.
[185] Ad Att., lib. xiv., 13.
[186] Ad Div., lib. xvi., 23.
[187] Ad Div., lib. ix., 11.
[188] Ad Att., lib. xiv., 21.
[189] Ad Att., lib. xv., 21.
[190] Ibid., lib. xv., 26.
[191] Ad Att., lib. xv., 27.
[192] Ibid., lib. xvi., 1.
[193] Ibid., lib. xvi., 5.
[194] Ibid., lib. xvi., 2.
[195] Ad Att., lib. xvi., 7.
[196] Phil., i., 5: "Nimis iracunde hoc quidem, et valde intemperanter." "Who," he goes on to say, "has sinned so heavily against the Republic that here, in the Senate, they shall dare to threaten his house by sending the State workmen?"
[197] Brutus, Ciceroni, lib. ii., 5: "Jam concedo ut vel Philippici vocentur quod tu quadam epistola jocans scripsisti." I fear, however, that we must acknowledge that this letter cannot be taken as an authority for the early use of the name.
[198] Phil., i., ca. vii.
[199] Ibid., i., ca. viii.
[200] Ibid., i., ca. x.
[201] The year of his birth is uncertain. He had been Consul three years back, and must have spoken often.
[202] Ad Div., lib. xii., 2.
[203] It may here be worth our while to quote the impassioned language which Velleius Paterculus uses when he chronicles the death of Cicero, lib. ii., 66: "Nihil tamen egisti, M. Antoni (cogit enim excedere propositi formam operis, erumpens animo ac pectore indignatio), nihil, inquam, egisti, mercedem caelestissimi oris et clarissimi capitis abscissi numerando, auctoramentoque funebri ad conservatoris quondam reipublicae tantique consulis irritando necem. Rapuisti tu M. Ciceroni lucem solicitam, et aetatem senilem, et vitam miseriorem, te principe, quam sub te triumviro mortem. Famam vero gloriamque factorum atque dictorum adeo non abstulisti, ut auxeris. Vivit, vivetque per omnium saeculorum memoriam; dumque hoc vel forte, vel providentia, vel utcumque constitutum, rerum naturae corpus, quod ille paene solus Romanorum animo vidit, ingenio complexus est, eloquentia illuminavit, manebit incolume, comitem aevi sui laudem Ciceronis trahet, omnisque posteritas illius in te scripta mirabitur, tuum in eum factum execrabitur; citiusque in mundo genus hominum, quam ea, cadet." This was the popular idea of Cicero in the time of Tiberius.
[204] Ad Div., lib. xii., 23.
[205] Ad Att., lib. xvi., 11.
[206] On referring to the Milo, ca. xv., the reader will see the very different tone in which Cicero spoke of this incident when Antony was in favor with him.
[207] It was a sign of an excellent character in Rome to have been chosen often as heir in part to a man's property.
[208] Horace, Odes, lib. iii., 30.
[209] Ad Att., lib. xvi., 14.
[210] Philippics, lib. vi., 1.
[211] "Populum Romanum servire fas non est, quem dii immortales omnibus gentibus imperare voluerunt."
[212] Ad Div., lib. xi., 8.
[213] Ad Div., lib. x., 3.
[214] Ad Brutum, lib. ii., 6.
[215] Appian. De Bell. Civ., lib. iii., ca. 26.
[216] Vell. Pat., lib. ii., 62: "Quae omnia senatus decretis comprensa et comprobata sunt."
[217] Ad Div., lib. xii., 7. This is in a letter to Cassius, in which he says, "Promisi enim et prope confirmavi, te non expectasse nec expectaturum decreta nostra, sed te ipsum tuo more rempublicam defensurum."
[218] Appian, lib. iii., ca. 50. The historian of the civil wars declares that Piso spoke up for Antony, saying that he should not be damnified by loose statements, but should be openly accused. Feelings ran very high, but Cicero seems to have held his own.
[219] Ad Div., lib. x., 27.
[220] Suetonius, Augustus, lib. xi.
[221] Tacitus, Ann., lib. i., x.: "Caesis Hirtio et Pansa, sive hostis illos, seu Pansam venenum vulneri affusum, sui milites Hirtium et, machinator doli, Caesar abstulerat."
[222] Philip., xiv., 3: "Omnibus, quanquam ruit ipse suis cladibus, pestem, vastitatem, cruciatum, tormenta denuntiat."
[223] Philip., xiv., 12: "O fortunata mors, quae naturae debita, pro patria est potissimum reddita."
[224] Ad Div., lib. xi., 9.
[225] Ibid., lib. xi., 10.
[226] Ibid., lib. xi., 11.
[227] Ibid., lib. xi., 18.
[228] Ad Div., lib. x., 34.
[229] Ad Brutum, lib. i., 4.
[230] Ad Div., lib. xi., 20: "Ipsum Caesarem nihil sane de te questum, nisi quod diceret, te dixisse, laudandum adolescentem, ornandum, tollendum."
[231] Ad Div., lib. xii., 10.
[232] Appian, lib. iii., 92.
[233] Dio Cassius, lib. xlvi., 46.
[234] Vell. Paterculus, lib. ii., 65.
[235] Vell. Paterculus, lib. ii., 66: "Repugnante Caesare, sed frustra adversus duos, instauratum Sullani exempli malum, proscriptio."
[236] Vell. Paterculus, lib. ii., 66: "Nihil tam indignum illo tempore fuit, quam quod aut Caesar aliquem proscribere coactus est, aut ab ullo Cicero proscriptus est."
[237] Suetonius, Augustus, 27: "In quo restitit quidem aliquamdiu collegis, ne qua fieret proscriptio, sed inceptam utroque acerbius exercuit."
[238] Phil., iv., ca. xviii.
[239] In the following list I have divided the latter, making the Moral Essays separate from the Philosophy.
[240] I have given here those treatises which are always printed among the works of Cicero.
[241] De Inventione, lib. ii., 4.
[242] Quintilian, in his Proaemium or Preface: "Oratorem autem instituimus illum perfectum, qui esse nisi vir bonus non potest." It seems as though there had almost been the question whether the perfect orator could exist, although there was no question he had never done so as yet.
[243] Quint., lib. iii., 1: "Praecipuum vero lumen sicut eloquentiae, ita praeceptis quoque ejus, dedit unicum apud nos specimen orandi, docendique oratorias artes, M. Tullius." And in Tacitus, De Oratoribus, xxx.: "Ita ex multa eruditione, ex pluribus artibus," he says, speaking of Cicero, "et omnium rerum scientia exundat, et exuberat illa admirabilis eloquentia; neque oratoris vis et facultas, sicut ceterarum rerum, angustis et brevibus terminis cluditur; sed is est orator, qui de omni quaestione pulchre, et ornate, et ad persuadendum apte dicere, pro dignitate rerum, ad utilitatem temporum, cum voluptate audientium possit." This has not the ring of Tacitus, but it shows equally well the opinion of the day.
[244] De Oratore, lib. i., ca. xi.
[245] Ibid., lib. i., ca. xxv.
[246] Ibid., lib. i., ca. xliv.
[247] Ibid., lib. i., ca. lii.
[248] Ibid., lib. i., ca. lx.
[249] De Oratore, lib. ii., ca. i.
[250] Ibid., lib. ii., ca. vii.
[251] Ibid., lib. ii., ca. xv.
[252] Ibid., lib. ii., ca. xxiv.
[253] De Oratore, lib. ii., ca. xxvii.: "Ut probemus vera esse ea, quae defendimus; ut conciliemus nobis eos, qui audiunt; ut animos eorum, ad quemcumque causa postulabit motum, vocemus."
[254] Ibid., lib. ii., ca. xliv.
[255] De Oratore, lib. ii., ca. lxviii.
[256] De Oratore, lib. iii., ca. liv.
[257] Ibid., lib. iii., ca. lv.
[258] Brutus, ca. xii.
[259] Ibid., ca. xvii.
[260] Ibid., ca. xxxviii.
[261] Ibid., ca. l.
[262] Ibid., ca. lvii.
[263] Ibid., ca. lxxv.
[264] Brutus, ca. xciii.
[265] De Divinatione, lib. ii., 1.
[266] Orator, ca. ii.
[267] Orator, ca. xxvi.
[268] Ibid., ca. xxviii.
[269] Ibid., ca. xxxvi. Here his language becomes very fine.
[270] Ad. Att., lib. xiv., 20.
[271] Topica, ca. 1: "Itaque haec quum mecum libros non haberem, memoria repetita, in ipsa navigatione conscripsi, tibique ex itinere misi."
[272] Quint., lib. xi., 3. The translations of these epithets are "open, obscure, full, thin, light, rough, shortened, lengthened, harsh, pliable, clear, clouded."
[273] Brutus, ca. xxxviii.
[274] De Oratore, lib. i., ca. liii.
[275] Academica, ii., lib. i., ca. iii.
[276] Ibid., i., lib. ii., ca. vii.
[277] Ibid., lib. ii., ca. xii.
[278] Ibid., lib. ii., ca. xxix.
[279] Academica, i., lib. ii., ca. xxxvii.
[280] Ibid., lib. ii., ca. xxxix.
[281] Pro Murena, ca. xxix.
[282] De Finibus, lib. i., ca. iii.
[283] Ibid., lib. i., ca. v.
[284] De Finibus, lib. ii., ca. xxx.
[285] De Finibus, lib. iii., ca. xxii.
[286] De Finibus, lib. iv., ca. 1.
[287] De Finibus, lib. v., ca. ii.
[288] Ibid., lib. v., ca. xix.
[289] Ibid., lib. v., ca. xxiii.
[290] Epis., lib. i., 1, 14.
[291] Tus. Disp., lib. v., ca. xi.
[292] Tus. Disp., lib. i., ca. xxx.
[293] De Natura Deo., lib. i., ca. iv.
[294] Ibid., lib. i., ca. ix.
[295] Ibid., lib. i., ca. xiv.
[296] Ibid., lib. ii., ca. xxix.
[297] De Nat. Deo., lib. ii., ca. liv., lv.
[298] De Nat. Deo., lib. iii., ca. xxvii.
[299] De Divinatione, lib. ii., ca. xxxiii.
[300] De Divinatione, lib. i., ca. xviii.
[301] Ibid., lib. i., ca. xlvii.
[302] De Divinatione, lib. ii., ca. i.
[303] Horace, Ep., lib. ii., ca. i.:
"Greece, conquered Greece, her conqueror subdued. And Rome grew polished who till then was rude."
CONINGTON'S Translation.
[304] De Divinatione, lib. ii., ca. ii.
[305] Ibid., lib. ii., ca. li.
[306] The story of Simon Du Bos and his MS. has been first told to me by Mr. Tyrell in his first volume of the Correspondence of Cicero, p. 88. That a man should have been such a scholar, and yet such a liar, and should have gone to his long account content with the feeling that he had cheated the world by a fictitious MS., when his erudition, if declared, would have given him a scholar's fame, is marvellous. Perhaps he intended to be discovered. I, for one, should not have heard of Bosius but for his lie.
[307] De Republica, lib. iii. It is useless to give the references here. It is all fragmentary, and has been divided differently as new information has been obtained.
[308] De Legibus, lib. i., ca. vii.
[309] De Legibus, lib. i., ca. x.
[310] Ibid., lib. ii., ca. xviii.
[311] De Legibus, lib. iii., ca. ix., x.
[312] Ibid., lib. iii., xvii.
[313] De Senectute, ca. ix.
[314] Ibid., ca. x.
[315] Ibid., ca. xi.
[316] Ibid., ca. xviii.
[317] Ibid., ca. xxi.
[318] De Amicitia, ca. xix.
[319] De Officiis, lib. ii., ca. v.
[320] Ibid., lib. i., ca. xvii.
[321] De Officiis, lib. i., ca. xxix: "Suppeditant autem et campus noster et studia venandi, honesta exempla ludendi." The passage is quoted here as an antidote to that extracted some time since from one of his letters, which has been used to show that hunting was no occupation for a "polite man"—as he, Cicero, had disapproved of Pompey's slaughter of animals on his new stage.
[322] Ibid., lib. i., ca. xxxi.
[323] De Officiis, lib. i., ca. xxxvi. It is impossible not to be reminded by this passage of Lord Chesterfield's letters to his son, written with the same object; but we can see at once that the Roman desired in his son a much higher type of bearing than the Englishman. The following is the advice given by the Englishman: "A thousand little things, not separately to be defined, conspire to form these graces—this 'je ne sais quoi' that always pleases. A pretty person; genteel motions; a proper degree of dress; an harmonious voice, something open and cheerful in the countenance, but without laughing; a distinct and properly raised manner of speaking—all these things and many others are necessary ingredients in the composition of the pleasing 'je ne sais quoi' which everybody feels, though nobody can describe. Observe carefully, then, what displeases or pleases you in others, and be persuaded that, in general, the same thing will please or displease them in you. Having mentioned laughing, I must particularly warn you against it; and I could wish that you may often be seen to smile, but never heard to laugh, while you live." I feel sure that Cicero would laugh, and was heard to laugh, and yet that he was always true to the manners of a gentleman.
[324] De Officiis, lib. i., ca. xlii.
[325] De Officiis, lib. ii., l.
[326] Ibid., lib. ii., ca. xiii.
[327] Ibid., lib. ii., ca. xiv.
[328] De Officiis, lib. ii., ca. xxiv.
[329] Ibid., lib. iii., ca. i.
[330] De Republica, lib. vi. It is useless to give the chapters, as the treatise, being fragmentary, is differently divided in different editions.
[331] Ad Archiam, ca. xii.
[332] De Republica, lib. vi.
[333] Academica, 2, lib. i., ca. vii.
[334] Academica, 1, lib. ii., ca. xxxviii.
[335] De Officiis, lib. i., ca. xliv.
[336] Tusc. Disputationes, lib. i., ca. xxx.
[337] De Finibus, lib. v., ca. xxiii.
Abeken, German, biographer of Cicero, ii., 39.
"Abiit, excessit, evasit, erupit," i., 228.
Academica, The, i., 33; ii., 251, 281.
Actio Prima, contra Verrem, i., 139.
Actio Secunda, contra Verrem, i., 138.
Aculeo, Cicero's uncle, i., 42.
Adjournments, on account of games in the trial of Verres, i., 138.
Advocate, duty in Rome, i., 85, 165; his duties, ii., 319.
AEdile, Cicero as, i., 162.
"AEstimatum," tax on corn in Sicily, i., 152.
Agrarian law, two speeches, i., 190; two supplementary speeches, 191.
[Greek:Aideomai Troas], i., 288.
Allobroges, their ambassadors, i., 230; alluded to by Horace, 231; rewarded, 233.
AEmilius, the Consul, bribed by Caesar, ii., 116.
Amanus, Cicero's campaign at the mountain range, ii., 90.
Amicitia, De, ii., 252; Laelius tells its praises, 313.
Amnesty, granted after Caesar's death, ii., 181; Cicero's opinion respecting it, 214.
Anatomical researches, ii., 296.
Antiochus of Comagene, Cicero pleads against, ii., 48.
Antiphon, an actor, criticism on, ii., 48.
Antonius Caius, Cicero's colleague in the Consulship, i., 185; not trusted, 186; was worth nothing, 229; Cicero expects money from, 251.
Antonius Marcus, the orator, i., 43.
Antony, abuse of, i., 151; silenced by Cicero, 204; Cassius had desired his death, ii., 178; forges Caesar's writing, 181; writes to Cicero, 184; Cicero desires to make him leave Italy, 190; desires Cicero to assist in the Senate, 191; desires that Cicero's house shall be attacked, 192; determines to answer the first Philippic, 195; left no friend to speak for him, 196; his character by Paterculus, 197; the same from Virgil, ibid.; how he sought favor with Caesar, 201; how he quarrelled with Dolabella, 202; his letter to Hirtius, 222; wages war against four Consuls, 224; one of the Triumvirate, 238.
Appius Claudius, letter to, ii., 79; runs away from Cicero, 87; takes away three cohorts, 87; sends ambassadors to Rome to praise him, 88; his dishonesty, 113; twice tried, ibid.; Censor, 114.
Apronius, who he was, and his character, i., 153.
Arabarches, nickname for Pompey, i., 291.
Aratus, the Phaenomena translated, i., 46; the Prognostics translated, 277; ii., 296.
Arbuscula, the actress, ii., 48.
Archias, Cicero's tutor, i., 47; Cicero's speech, 252.
Ariobarzanes, in debt to Pompey and Brutus, ii., 100.
Army, Cicero joins it, i., 48.
Arpinum, Cicero's birthplace, i., 40.
Asconius Pedianus, commentator of Cicero, i., 180; declares that Cicero had accused Crassus of joining Catiline, 218; tells the story of Milo's trial, ii., 61.
Asia, Cicero travels in, i., 56.
Asians, the character given them by Cicero, i., 296.
"Assectatores," who they were, i., 112.
Athens, Cicero is afraid to live there, i., 322; Cicero's description of, ii., 289.
Atticus, letters, private, i., 10, 12, 13, 16; Cicero's faith in, 19; general letters, 58; his character, 58, 166, 182; Cicero informs him as to Clodius, 255; and of his speech in Pompey's favor, 258; did not quarrel with Cicero, 302; Cicero complains of his conduct, and then apologizes, 318; leads money to Cicero, 323; no letter of his extant, ii., 139; receives a commission to see Cicero's debts paid, 188; Cicero's last letter to, 206.
Augurs, College of, ii., 58.
Augustine has produced a fragment of the De Republica, ii., 307.
Augustus, devoid of scruple, i., 77; born in the Consulship of Cicero, i., 239.
Aulus Gellius, tells a story of Cicero's house, i., 249.
Aurelia, Via, Catiline had left the city by that route, i., 228.
Autronius, selected Consul, i., 214, 252.
Bacon, compared to Cicero, ii., 100.
Balbus, messenger from Caesar to Cicero, i., 270; his citizenship defended, ii., 34; his descendant Emperor, 34.
Battle of the eagle and the serpent, i., 46.
Beesley, Mr., as to Catiline, i., 205.
Bibulus as Consul, i., 282.
Birria stabs Clodius, ii., 62.
Boasting, habit of the Romans, i., 151.
Boissier, Gaston, his book on Cicero, ii., 34.
Bona Dea, her mysteries violated, i., 255.
Bovilla, at, Milo meets Clodius, ii., 62.
Brennus, when at Rome, i., 75.
Brougham, Lord, as to "Memnon," a tale, i., 46.
Brundisium, Cicero lands at on his return from exile, ii., 129; Cicero's misery at, 142.
Brutus, proposes to make a speech in behalf of Milo, ii., 66; his usury, 96; the story of his debt in Cilicia, 97; Cicero's opinion, 103; letters from, 140; how he should be judged for the murder of Caesar, 174; his character, 180; no aptitude for ruling, ibid.; Cicero meets him at Velia, 189; his manners to Cicero, 190; praised, 216; correspondence with, doubted, 216; an honest patriot, 227; will not assist Cicero, 235; Cicero's respect for, 267.
Brutus, The, ii., 251; Brutus, or De Claris Oratoribus, 265.
Brutus, Decimus, letters from, ii., 140; preparing to fight, 206; deficient as a general, 228; is slain, 235.
Buthrotum, Atticus, writes to Cicero respecting, ii., 185.
Caecilia Metella, her tomb, ii., 160.
Caecilius, put up to plead against Verres, i., 132; ridiculed as to his insufficiency, 136.
Caecina, Cicero's speech for, i., 163.
Caelius, one of the young bloods of Rome, i., 36; his character, ii., 35; one of Clodia's lovers, ibid.; defended by Cicero, 36; harangues the people for Milo, 64; scolded for the folly of his letters, 84; asks for panthers, 85; style of his letters, 89; attached to Cicero, 90; letters from, 140.
Caelius, C., left in charge of Cilicia, ii., 106.
Caeparius, one of Catiline's conspirators, i., 232.
Caerellia, her name mentioned, ii., 186.
Caesar, devoid of scruple, i., 77; his debts, 103; his cruelty, 104; Cicero's treatment of, 152; passing the Rubicon, 176; did he join the conspiracy of Catiline, 215; in debt, 216; his prospects, ibid.; no ground for accusing him as second conspiracy, 219; his opinion of Cicero, ibid.; attempt to murder as he left the Senate, ibid.; present at the first Catiline oration, 225; speech as to Catiline, 236; his career commenced, 241; did not think of overthrowing the Republic, 242; had not thought of ruling Rome, 260; money nothing to him, 266; his general character, ibid.; his first Consulship, 282; illegality of his actions, 283; has the two Gauls allotted to him, 284; endeavors to screen Cicero, 292; naturally a conspirator, ii., 20; defence of his Proconsular power, 29, 30, 31; his doings in Gaul, 31; Cicero's conduct in reference to, 32; why Cicero flattered him, 33; intends to rule the Empire, 39; crosses into Britain, 56; money due to him by Cicero, 82; returns the two legions, 116; sits down at the Rubicon, 117; tramples on all the laws, 118; Cicero excuses his letter to, 122; his clemency to Romans, 137; absence of revenge, ibid.; does not allow Cicero to sell his property, 138; is magnificent, 139; sits as judge, 153; returns to Spain, 156; returns from Spain, 161; is likened to Romulus, 162; his five triumphs, ibid.; is flattered by Cicero, 165; sups with Cicero, 168; his death, 172; his assassination esteemed a glorious deed, 175; Cicero present, 177; an altar put up to, 185; his laws to be sanctioned, 193.
Calenus, talks of peace, ii., 214; attacked by Cicero, 215.
Caninius, Consul for a few hours, ii., 272.
Capitol, description of, ii., 179; Brutus returns to, ibid.
Cappadocian slaves, ii., 101.
Cassius, Cicero says that he would not obey the Senate, ii., 219; will not assist Cicero, 235.
Castor, the temple of, in the trial of Verres, i., 143.
Castor, accuses his grandfather, Deiotarus, ii., 164.
Catiline, one of Sulla's murderers, i., 78; Cicero opposed to for Consulship, 110, 183; Cicero does not defend him, 183; the Catiline speeches described by Cicero, 191; a popular hero, 205; a step between the Gracchi and Caesar, 207; Mr. Beesley's opinion as to his high birth, 211; and courage, ibid.; his real character, 212; not elected Consul, 214; second conspiracy, 218; accused by Lepidus, 222; he leaves the city, 228; third speech against, 230; fourth speech against, 235; he dies, 239.
Cato, accuses Murena, i., 193; his stoicism laughed at, ibid.; speech as to Catiline, 238; opposed Clodius, 256; keeping gladiators, ii., 23; opposes Cicero's request for a "supplication," 105; his death, 147; Cicero praises him, 148; a glutton with books, 287; his suicide defended, 317.
Cato the elder, praise of, ii., 307.
Catullus, his epigram on Caesar and Mamurra, ii., 169.
Caudine Forks, i., 76.
"Cedant arma togae," an impotent scream, i., 65.
Cethegus, one of Catiline's conspirators, i., 232.
Chesterfield, Lord, his advice to his son, ii., 318.
Christian, Cicero almost one, ii., 325.
Christina, Queen, on Cicero, i., 19.
Chrysogonus, creature of Sulla's, i., 85, 86, 91, 92.
Churches, rules complied with for the sake of example, ii., 298.
Cicero, young Marcus, wishes to serve under Caesar, ii., 156; money allowed for living at Athens, 157; does not do well, 158.
Cilicia, governed for a year, ii., 8; Cicero's mode of government, 77; why undertaken, ibid.; Cicero's government had cost no man a shilling, 85.
"Cincia Lex De Muneribus," i., 100.
Cispius, defended, ii., 46.
"Civis Romanus," his privileges, i., 158.
Claterna, taken by Hirtius, ii., 214.
Claudian family, desecrated by Clodius, i., 275.
Clodia, her character, i., 317.
Clodius, Cicero's language to, i., 186; accuses Catiline, 213; intrudes on the mysteries of the Bona Dea, 255; acquitted, 257; quarrels with Cicero, ibid.; Cicero's speech against, 262; his Tribunate, 272; favored by Caesar and Pompey, ibid.; is made a Plebeian, 273; prepares to attack Cicero, 311; had put up a statue of a Greek prostitute as a figure of liberty, ii., 21; slaughtered, 62; his mode of travelling about, 72.
Cluentius Aulus, speech on his behalf, i., 179; work in defending immense, 189.
Cluvius, leaves Cicero a property, ii., 182.
"Cohors," Cicero, in anger, so calls his suite, ii., 107.
College of priests, oration spoken before, ii., 20.
Commentarium of Caelius, ii., 105.
Conduct, Cicero's, as governor, ii., 22.
Conservative, Cicero was one, i., 308.
Consolation, Cicero complains that nothing is of use, ii., 160.
Consular speeches, twelve, i., 190.
Consulatu de suo, Cicero quotes his own poem, i., 271.
Consulatus de Petitione, i., 108.
Consuls and other officers reconformed by Sulla, i., 78; the manner in which they were selected, 184; their duties, 187; never two bad Consuls together, ii., 14; Cicero asks them to praise him, 92; are they to be sent out of Italy? 218.
Cornelius, a Knight employed to kill Cicero, i., 223.
Cornelius Caius, speech on his behalf, i., 180.
Cornelius Nepos, on Cicero, i., 14; his sayings as to Cicero's letters, 166.
Cotta, Lucius Aurelius, elected Consul, i., 214.
Cotta, the orator, Cicero knew him in his youth, i., 43.
Courage, as to the nature of, i., 299; shown in the Philippics, ii., 199.
Cowardice, Cicero accused of, ii., 220; the charge repelled, 246.
Crassus, noted for usury, i., 102; did he join Catiline? 215; like M. Pourier, 217; present at first Catiline oration, 225; belauds Cicero in the Senate, 258; one of the Triumvirate, 267; says a man cannot be rich unless he can keep an army in his pay, 315; destroyed in Parthia, ii., 57.
Crassus, Lucius, the orator, i., 43; his death, ii., 263.
Curio the elder, Cicero's lampoon, i., 328.
Curio and Claudius, speech against, i., 262.
Curio bribed by Caesar, ii., 116; intimate with Antony, 201.
Curius, betrays Catiline's conspiracy, i., 222.
Cybea, the ship built for Verres by the Mamertines, i., 155.
Dates, as to those to be used, i., 39.
Death, endured bravely by Cicero, i., 298.
Decemviri, to be appointed under the law of Rullus, i., 198.
"Decumanum," tithe on corn in Sicily, i., 152.
"Deductores," who they were, i., 115.
Deiotarus, Cicero pleads for, ii., 163.
Democrat, Cicero wrongly called, i., 304.
De Quincey, his opinion of Cicero, i., 20; his anger against Middleton, ii., 107.
Deserter, in politics Cicero defended from the accusation, i., 305.
Despotism, personal, ill effects of, i., 309.
Dio persecuted in the trial of Verres, i., 145.
Dio Cassius, as to Cicero, i., 18; as to Cicero's oath, 241.
Diodotus, Cicero studies with, i., 50.
Dionysius, the Greek tutor, ii., 121.
Dishonesty, the charge repelled as to Cicero, ii., 245.
Diversos, Ad, letters to, i., 166.
"Divinatio, in Quintum Caecilium," i., 132.
Divinatione, De, ii., 252, 297.
Divorces, common with Romans, ii., 144.
Doctrine, Cicero does not live according to his own, ii., 291.
Dolabella, Cicero's pupil in oratory, ii., 155; his cruelty, 186.
Dorotheus, an enemy of Sthenius, i., 147; trial of Verres, ibid.
Drusus, his gardens to be bought, ii., 161.
Du Bos, Simon, ii., 304.
Duty to the state, ii., 316.
Dyrrachium, Cicero's protection of, i., 101; sojourned there during his exile, 325.
Education, expense of, i., 61.
Egypt, Cicero asked by Caesar to go there, i., 288.
Eleusinian mysteries, i., 59.
Elizabeth, Queen, glory of her reign, i., 77.
"Emptum," tax on corn, i., 152.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, character of Cicero, i., 11.
Ephesus, how Cicero was received there, ii., 85.
Epicureans, i., 58.
Epicurus, dying, ii., 286; Cicero's peculiar dislike to, 295.
Epistles, number written by and to Cicero, i., 58; the first we have, 166; do not deal with history, 167; their truth, ibid.; Tiro had collected, 70; ii., 188; his last official and military, 231.
Eques, or knight, Cicero one, i., 40.
Equites, i., 128; their duties as tax-gatherers, 280.
Equity, Cicero accused of trifling with, ii., 100.
Erasmus, his opinion of Cicero, i., 123.
Erucius, accuses Sextus Roscius, i., 84, 87.
Eryx, Mount, temple of Venus, i., 145.
Exile, Cicero's, i., 125, 297; sentence against Cicero, 322; attempt to bring him back, 329; did not write during, 330.
Famine, in Rome, ii., 18.
Fato, De, i., 252, 297, 303.
Finibus, De, i., 33; ii., 251, 284.
Fish-ponders, who they were, ii., 180.
Flaccus, speech on behalf of, i., 295.
Flavius, his goodness to Cicero when exiled, i., 323.
Florus, as to Cicero, i., 16; as to Catiline, 209.
Fonteius, Cicero's speech for, i., 163; purchase of a house, 170.
Formiae, Cicero killed at, ii., 243.
Formanum, purchases for the villa, i., 171.
Forsyth, Mr., i., 7, 9; passage quoted, 20; defends the English bar, 214; as to Cicero's exile, 298; as to the story of Brutus, ii., 99; quoted as to the Philippics, 226.
Fortitude, Roman, i., 326.
Froude, Mr., accuses Cicero of a desire for Caesar's death, i., 9, 10; his sketch of Caesar, 63; hard things said of Cicero, 123; as to Cicero's exile, 298; gives his reason for Cicero's going to Cilicia, ii., 77.
Frumentaria, De Re, third speech on the Actio Secunda in Verrem, i., 141.
Fulvia betrays Catiline's conspiracy, i., 222.
Fulvia, widow of Clodius, exposes the body of Clodius, ii., 63.
Gabinius, A., abuse of, i., 151; proposes law in favor of Pompey, 172; Consul when Cicero was banished, 312; takes his shrubs, 325; whether he shall be punished, ii., 9; comes back to Rome and is defended by Cicero, 47.
Gabinius, P., one of Catiline's conspirators, i., 232.
Gain, the source of mean or noble, ii., 318.
Gallus, Caninius, defended by Cicero, ii., 46.
Gavius, Cicero's treatment of, ii., 102.
Gavius, P., a Roman citizen, i., 158.
Geography, Cicero thinks of writing about, i., 289.
Getae, shall he bring them down on Rome, ii., 123.
Glabrio, Praetor at the trial of Verres, i., 138.
Gloria, De, translated, ii., 188.
Godhead, Cicero's belief in, ii., 26; Cicero's ideas of, 295, 326.
Gracchi, the two, i., 76; latest disciple of, 203; what they attempted, 215.
Graevius, arranged Cicero's letters, i., 168.
Greece, Cicero travels in, i., 56.
Gueroult, M., his enthusiasm for Cicero, i., 252.
Heaven, Cicero's idea of, ii., 324.
Hierosolymarius, nickname of Pompey, i., 289.
Heius, Marcus, his story in the trial of Verres, i., 155.
Helvia, Cicero's mother's story respecting, i., 42.
Heraclius, the story of, on the trial of Verres, i., 145.
Herennius, killed Cicero, ii., 243.
Hirtius, on Cicero's side, ii., 209; killed, 223.
Historians, what they would say of Cicero, i., 301.
Homer's verses of the Eagle and the Serpent, i., 46.
Honest man, how he ought to live, ii., 319.
"Honestum," what it means, ii., 315.
Horace, his boasting, i., 151; his treatment of women, 317.
Hortensius, on the trial of Verres, i., 130, 138, 161; comes to see Cicero as he leaves Rome, ii., 82.
House, purchased on the Palatine Hill, i., 250; the spot consecrated by Clodius, ii., 16.
Human race, Cicero's love for, ii., 290.
Hypsaeus, candidate for the Consulship, ii., 61.
"Imperator," Cicero is named, ii., 91.
Income, Cicero's amount of, i., 61, 99.
Insincerity of Cicero, ii., 112; almost necessary, ibid.; Cicero's defended, 247.
Invective, bitterness of Cicero's, i., 32.
Inventione, De, i., 51; four books remaining, ii., 251, 253.
"Jews," gold of their temple saved, i., 296.
Jonson, Ben, his description of Catiline, i., 208, 222.
Journey into Greece, Cicero intends a, ii., 184.
Judges, how they sat with a Praetor, i., 93.
Julia, Caesar's wife, dies, ii., 57.
Jupiter Stator, Cicero's first speech against Catiline in the temple of, i., 224; Cicero returns thanks for, in the temple, ii., 12.
Jurisdictione Siciliensi, De, i., 141.
Juvenal, as to Cicero, i., 16; as to Catiline, 209.
Killing Roman citizens, Cicero to be charged with, i., 295.
Kings, odious to Cicero as to all Romans, ii., 175.
Labienus, an optimate, i., 293.
La Harpe, his opinion of the Pro Marcello, ii., 151.
Laelius in the dialogue De Republica, ii., 307.
Lanuvium, Milo returning from, ii., 62.
Laodicea, Cicero is governor, i., 86.
Lawyers, Cicero ridicules them, i., 194.
Legacies, a source of income, i., 103.
Legions, the, are Caesarian, ii., 229.
Legibus, De, ii., 251; taken from Plato, 309.
Legation offered to Cicero, i., 292.
Lentulus, letters to, ii., 22; explaining his conduct, 51.
Lentulus, Publius Cornelius, one of Catiline's conspirators, i., 232; killed, 238; Cicero broke the law in regard to, 313.
Lepidus, his character, ii., 210; recommended peace, 221; one of the Triumvirate, 240.
Leucopetra, Cicero landed at, ii., 189.
Lex Porcia forbidden death of Roman, i., 236.
Liberty, Roman idea of, i., 26.
"Librarii," short-hand writers, i., 189.
Ligarius, Cicero speaks for, ii., 152.
Lilybaeum, Cicero Quaestor at, i., 114.
Literature, Cicero's reason for devoting himself to, ii., 256.
Livy, as to Cicero, i., 15; his evidence as to Catiline's conspiracy, 217; his political tendencies, ii., 306.
Long, Mr., his opinion of the Pro Marcello, ii., 151.
Lucan, as to Cicero, i., 15; would have extolled him had he killed himself, 303.
Lucceius, Cicero applies to him for praise, ii., 24.
Lucretius, the period at which he wrote, i., 24.
Lucullus, absent in the East seven years, i., 176.
Lucullus, The, ii., 282
Macaulay, Mr., his verdict as to Cicero's character, i., 8.
Mai, Cardinal, his opinion of the Pro Marcello, ii., 151.
Mallius, lieutenant of Catiline, i., 222; declared a public enemy, 230.
Mamertines, people of Messina, favorites of Verres, i., 155.
Manilia Pro Lege, i., 177, Appendix D.
Manilius, his law in favor of Pompey, i., 177.
Marcellus, had conquered Syracuse, i., 156.
Marcellus, M. C., is Consul, ii., 83; flogs a citizen of Novocomum, ibid.; his enmity to Caesar, 148; Cicero speaks for him, 150; is murdered, 151.
Marcellus Caius, Cicero congratulates him on his Consulship, ii., 88.
Marius, born at Arpinum, i., 40; origin of his quarrel with Sulla, 49.
Marius, a poem by Cicero, i., 47.
Martia, Legio, character of, ii., 207.
Martial, as to Cicero, i., 15.
Mendaciuncula, Cicero's use of, i., 164.
Merivale, Dean, as to Cicero, i., 9; History of Rome, 63; as to Catiline, 210; as to Cicero's exile, 297.
Metellus, Quintus on the side of Verres, i., 129, 138; the history of the family, 248; Celer, his complaint against Cicero, 246; Nepos, forbids Cicero to speak on vacating the Consulship, 240.
Middleton, his biography a by word for eulogy, i., 123; quoted as to Clodius, 274; as to Cicero's exile, 297; censures Cicero for going into, 318; nature of his biography, ii., 107.
Milo, gives public games, ii., 48; Cicero wishes him to be Consul, 56; his trial, 59; accused of bringing a dagger into the Senate, 64; demands protection, 65; condemned, 67; his mode of travelling, 72.
Milone, Pro, Cicero's oration, i., 53; specially admired, ii., 60; not heard, 67.
Mithridates, Sulla sent against, i., 50; Pompey has command against, 176.
Molo, Cicero studies with, i., 50, 56.
Mommsen, his history, i., 63; opinion of Rome, 72, 74; as to Caesar and Crassus, 218; as to Cicero's exile, 297; description of Rome during Cicero's exile, 328; deals hardly with Cicero, ii., 33; as to Cicero owing money to Caesar, 82; his interpretation of Caesar's names, 172; tells us nothing of Caesar's death, 178; his verdict as to Rome, 306.
Money, restored to Cicero for rebuilding his house, ii., 21.
Montesquieu, as to Roman religion, ii., 20.
Morabin, as to Cicero's exile, i., 297; doubts Cicero's presence at Caesar's death, ii., 177.
Moral Essays, ii., 304.
Mourning, Cicero assumes prior to his exile, i., 316.
Munda, final battle of, ii., 156.
Murena, Cicero defended, i., 191; accused of bribery, 192; and of dancing, 193; a soldier, 195.
Musical charm of Cicero's language, ii., 28.
Mutina, ambassadors sent to Antony before, ii., 209; the battle, 223; badly managed, 228.
Names, Roman, as to forms to be used, i., 38; usual with Romans to have three, 41.
Nasica, his joke, ii., 262.
Natura Deorum, De, ii., 252, 266, 294.
"Nomenclatio," the meaning, i., 113.
Nonis Juliis, ii., 188.
"Novus ante me nemo," i., 202.
Octavius, comes to Rome, ii., 181; meets Cicero, ibid.; quarrels with Antony, 204; feared by Cicero, 205; would he be Consul, 232; marches into Rome, ibid.; his enmity to Cicero, 233; his insolence, 237; is reconciled to Antony, ibid.; the meeting in the island at Bologna, 238; his conduct, ibid.; letter to him, supposed from Cicero, but a forgery, 240.
Officiis, De, ii., 205, 252; perfect treatise on morals, 314.
"O fortunatam natam," i., 277.
"Old Mortality," torture as there described, i., 88.
Oppianicus, his life, i., 179.
Oppius Publius, his trial, i., 126.
Optimates, Pompey their leader, i., 175.
Optimo Genere Oratorum, De, ii., 251, 264.
Orations, how Cicero treated his own, ii., 167.
Oratiuncula, twelve consular speeches so called, i., 190.
Orator, The, ii., 251; graced by the name of Brutus, 266.
Oratore, De, Cicero's dialogues, ii., 38; sent to Lentulus, 46, 251, 256, 270.
Oratoriae Partitiones, ii., 145, 265.
Oratory, Cicero's three modes of speaking, i., 94; his charms, 137; purposes of, ii., 274.
Ornament, Greek taste for, i., 154.
Otho's law, speech concerning, i., 190, 204.
Pagan, Cicero one, ii., 330.
Palinodia, or recantation, by Cicero, ii., 23.
Palatine Hill, Cicero's house destroyed, i., 325.
Pansa, the Consul on Cicero's side, ii., 209; slain, 223.
Paradoxes, the six, ii., 146.
Partitiones, Oratoriae, ii., 251.
Peel, Sir Robert, i., 303.
Perfection, required in an orator, ii., 257; Cicero fails in describing it, 257, 258, 261.
Perfect orator, not desirable, ii., 275.
Philippics, origin of the name, ii., 192; the first, 193; the second not intended to be spoken or published, 198; commences with satire against Antony, 199; the third and fourth, 206; the fifth, 210; the sixth, 211; the seventh, 212; the eighth, 215; the ninth, ibid.; the tenth, ibid.; the eleventh, 217; the twelfth, 220; the thirteenth, 222; the fourteenth, ibid.
Philo, the academician, i., 43; Cicero studies with, 50, 51.
Philodamus, and his daughter in the trial of Verres, i., 142.
Philology, discussed with Caesar, ii., 170.
Philosophy, Cicero's nature of, i., 33, 58, 59; rumor that Cicero will devote himself to it, 97; Cicero did not believe in it, 194; devotes himself to it, ii., 163; the nature of Cicero's treatises, 277; the nature of his feeling, 278; Greek laughed at by Cicero, ibid.; not real with him, 280; apologizes for, 319.
Philotomus, freedman of Terentia, ii., 105.
Phaenomena, The, by Aratus, i., 46.
Pindenissum, Cicero besieges, ii., 91; his letter to Cato respecting, 92.
Pirates, picked up by officers of Verres, i., 160; commission given to Pompey against, 171; their power, 172.
Piso, abuse of, i., 151; Consul when Cicero was banished, 312; Cicero appeals to him, 320; robs Cicero, 324; Cicero's speech against, ii., 41; of high family, ibid.; becomes Censor, 42; speaks for Antony in the Senate, 220.
Piso, Calpurnius, Cicero defended, i., 191.
Plancius, very kind to Cicero, i., 325; Cicero pleads for, ii., 49.
Plancus, Lucius, letters from, ii., 140; Cicero writes to him, 211; may have been true, 228, 230, 234.
Plancus, Munatius, Cicero's joy at his condemnation, ii., 74.
Pliny, the elder, as to Cicero, i., 204.
Plato, Cicero describes himself as a lover of, ii., 288.
Plutarch, is to Cicero, i., 16; accuses him of running from Sulla's wrath, 57.
Poetry, Cicero as a poet, i., 47.
Poetus, gave some books to Cicero, i., 13; Cicero's correspondence with, ii., 172; Cicero took his books, 328.
Political opinions, Cicero's, i., 54, 55; definition made by Cicero, ii., 28.
Pollio, may have been true, ii., 228, 234.
Pompeia, Caesar's wife divorced, i., 255.
Pompeius, Strabo, father of Pompey the Great, i., 49.
Pompey, the rising man, i., 55; devoid of scruple, 77; appointed to put down the pirates, 172; his character, 173; how regarded by Caesar, 216; his intercourse with Caesar, 243; Cicero's letters to, 244; chosen by him as his leader, 246; called home to act against Catiline, 247; returns from the East, 257; his jealousy, 259; Mommsen's opinion, ibid.; one of the Triumvirate, 267; his marriage with Julia, 282; his ingratitude to Cicero, 287; his nick-names, 289, 291; promises to help Cicero against Clodius, 294; the story of Cicero kneeling to him, 321; Cicero forgives him, 327; offended by Cicero's praise of himself, ii., 15; commissioned to feed Rome, 19; Cicero to be his lieutenant, ibid.; his games, Cicero's description of, 44, 45; sole Consul, 59; Dictator, 63; would be unwilling to bring back Clodius, 73; claims money from Ariobarzanes, 101; begins to attack Caesar, 105; borrowed Cicero's money, 111; Cicero clings to, 119; was murdered at the mouth of the Nile, 126.
Pomponia, her treatment of her husband Quintius, ii., 79.
Pontius Glaucus, a poem, i., 44.
Popilius Laenas, killed Cicero, ii., 243, 244.
Populace of Rome, condition of, ii., 11.
Praetor, Cicero elected, i., 171, 176.
Praetura Urbana, De, first speech in the second action In Verrem, i., 141.
Proconsul, his desire for provincial robbery, i., 99, 100.
Property, redistribution of, i., 196.
Provinces, the struggle for, ii., 206.
Pseudo Asconius, commentaries on the Verrine orations, i., 180.
Publicani, their duties, i., 280.
Publilia, married to Cicero, ii., 155.
Publius Quintius, speech on his behalf, i., 80.
Punic wars, the, i., 76.
Puteoli, at, the story he tells of himself, i., 120.
Quaestor, Cicero elected, i., 107; his character in regard to the Proconsul with whom he acted, 133.
Quintilian, as to Cicero, i., 16, 182, 225; as to Cicero's education, 57; says that Cicero's speeches were arranged by Tiro, 95; description of bar oratory, 96; accuses Cicero of running into iambics, ii., 43; his opinion of the Pro Milone, 60; Pro Cluentio, 61; cases given by him, 255; his description of an orator's voice, 275, 276.
Quintus Cicero (the elder), i., 42; service in Gaul, 62; his character, 169; sent out as Propraetor, 262; his brother's letter to him, 277, 278; affecting letter to, 326; speaks ill of his brother to Caesar, ii., 139; and his son, are killed, 243.
Quintus Cicero (the younger) wishes to go to the Parthian war, ii., 163; declares his repentance, 187; had been Antony's "right hand," ibid.; his fate, ibid.; his hypocrisy and the vanity of Cicero, 188.
Quirites, their mode of living, i., 111.
Rabirius, Cicero defends, i., 190.
Rabirius Postumus, Cicero defends, ii., 53.
Raillery, not good at the Roman bar, ii., 262.
Reate, Cicero speaks for the inhabitants, ii., 48.
Religion, Cicero's, ii., 321.
Republic, Cicero swears that he has saved it, i., 241; Cicero's guiding principle, 309; held fast by the idea of preserving it, 310; as conceived by Cicero, ii., 227.
Republica, De, Cicero's treatise, ii., 38, 251; six books, 305.
Republican form of government, popular, i., 261.
Retail trade, base, i., 102.
Rheticorum, four books addressed to Herennius, i., 51; ii., 251.
"Rhetores," their mode of tuition, i., 52.
Rhythm, Cicero's lessons too fine for our ears, ii., 271.
Roman citizens, their mode of life, i., 315.
Romans, the, had no religion, ii., 321.
Rome, falling into anarchy, i., 50; how she recovered herself, ii., 204.
Roscius, the actor, Cicero pleads on his behalf, i., 105.
Roscius, Titus Capito, i., 85, 90.
Roscius, Titus Magnus, i., 85, 89.
Rosoir, Du M, his testimony as to Cicero, i., 127; his accusations against, 178; as to Cicero's exile, 297; his accusations, ii., 176; accuses Cicero of cowardice, 191.
Rubicon, the passage of, i., 125; ii., 120.
Ruined man, Cicero returns from exile as, ii., 16.
Rullus, brings in Agrarian laws, i., 196; his father-in-law had acquired property under Sulla, 198; ridiculed for being "sordidatus," 199; spoken of in the Senate, 203.
"Saga," when worn, ii., 223.
Salaminians agree to be guided by Cicero, ii., 99.
Sallust, as to Cicero, i., 17; as to Catiline, 187, 209, 219; his story not conflicting with Cicero's, 220, 227.
"Salutatores," who they were, i., 112.
Sampsiceramus, nickname for Pompey, i., 291.
Sappho, the statue of, by Silanion, i., 157.
Sassia, her life, i., 179.
Saufeius twice acquitted, ii., 67.
Scaevola, Quintus, instructed Cicero, i., 43.
Scaptius, the story of, ii., 93, 102; agent of Brutus in getting his debts paid, 96, 99.
Scipio the great, gives the idea of Roman power, i., 76.
Scipio the younger, in the dialogue De Republica, ii., 307; his dream, 308; translated, 333.
Scipio, Q. Metellus, candidate for the Consulship, ii., 61.
Sempronia, accused by Sallust of dancing too well, i., 193; Catiline's plot carried on at her house, 230.
Sempronia Lex declares that a Roman should not be put to death, i., 237.
Senate, their honors, i., 116; their disgrace, 117; pass a vote that they will go into mourning for Cicero, 319; Cicero's presence demanded in, ii., 189.
Senate house scene described in a letter to Quintus, ii., 22, 23; is burnt, 63; archives destroyed, 70.
Senectute, De, ii., 252; Cato tells its praises, 312.
Servilius, compliment paid to, at the trial of Verres, i., 140.
Serving his fellow creatures, Cicero's way of doing, ii., 300, 301.
Sextus, letter to, as to borrowing money, i., 249; defence of, ii., 27; Cicero's gratitude to, ibid.
Sextus Roscius Amerinus, i., 80.
Shakespeare, his conception correct as to Caesar's death, ii., 173.
Shelley, version of the Eagle and the Serpent, i., 46.
Short hand writing, the system of, i., 189.
Sicilians invite Cicero to take their part against Verres, i., 118; their wishes for his assistance, 135.
Sicily divided into two provinces, i., 114.
Signis, De, fourth speech at the second action In Verrem, i., 141.
Slaves, tortured to obtain evidence, i., 88.
Solitude, he had not strength to exercise, ii., 320.
Soothsayers, appeal made to them as to Cicero, ii., 26.
Soothsaying, ii., 300.
"Sordidatus," Cicero's dress before going into exile, i., 301.
Speeches made by Cicero on his return from exile, ii., 9; question whether they be genuine, 10.
States, Italian, jealousy of, leading to first civil war, i., 49.
Statilius, one of Catiline's conspirators, i., 252.
Statues, purchase of, i., 170.
Stenography, the Roman system, i., 189.
Sthenius, his trial, i., 127, 146.
Suetonius, accuses Caesar of joining Catiline, i., 217; character of Caesar, 273.
Sulla, Cicero served with, i., 49; declared Dictator, 54; Cicero on Sulla's side in politics, 55; goes to the East, 67; his massacres, 68; reorganizes the law, 69; his resignation, 70; attacked by Cicero, 92.
Sulla, P., elected Consul, i., 214; Cicero's speech for, 252.
Sulpicius, Publius, the orator, i., 43.
Sulpicius, Servius, laughed at as an orator, i., 194; one of the ambassadors dies on his journey ii., 213.
Superstitions of old Rome, ii., 25.
"Supplicatio," decreed to Cicero, i., 282, nature of, ii., 104; granted for Mutina for fifty days, 225.
Suppliciis, De, fifth speech in the second action In Verrem, i., 141.
"Symphoniacos homines," i., 160.
Syracuse, robberies of Verres, i., 156.
Tablets of wax used by judges, i., 93.
Tacitus, as to Cicero, i., 16; De Oratoribus, 51.
Terentia, Cicero's wife, i., 98; Cicero's affection for, 324; as to the divorce, ii., 105; his style to is changed, 115; Cicero in a sad condition as to, 138; divorced, 145, 154.
Teucris, nickname for Antony, Cicero's colleague, i., 251.
Thapsus, battle of, ii., 147.
Thessalonica, Cicero's sojourn there during his exile, i., 325.
Tiro, Cicero's slave and secretary, i., 42; Cicero's affectionate letters to, ii., 119; Cicero writes to, respecting Antony, 184.
Toga virilis, Cicero assumes it, i., 48.
Topica, The, prepared for Trebatius, ii., 189, 252; taken from Aristotle, 272, 273.
Torquatus, elected Consul, i., 214.
Torquatus, young, attacks Cicero, i., 253.
Translating, Roman feeling in doing it, ii., 252.
Travels, gives his own reasons for going to Greece and Asia, i., 58.
Trebatius, confided to Caesar, i., 62; recommends him to Caesar, ii., 48, 49.
Trebonius, massacred by Dolabella, ii., 217.
Tribunate, Cicero's defence of, ii., 311.
"Triennium fere fuit, urbs sine armis," i., 67.
Triumph, Cicero applies for, ii., 103; nature of, ibid.; the cause of trouble to him, 115, 120.
Triumvirate, the first, i., 264; not mentioned by Mommsen, 265; description by Horace, ibid.; not so known, 269.
Tubero, accuses Ligarius, ii., 153; Cicero refuses to alter his speech, 154.
Tullia, Cicero's daughter, i., 106, 170; betrothed to Caius Piso, 171; meets Cicero at Brundisium, ii., 11; she is a widow, ibid.; divorced from Crassipes, 58; marries Dolabella for her third husband, 111; Cicero had desired that she should marry Tiberius Nero, ibid.; calls her the light of his life, 115; dies, 158; her proposed monument, 160.
Tullius Marcus Decula, defended by Cicero, i., 123.
Tusculanae Disputationes, i., 33; ii., 251, 290; their five heads, 291.
Tusculum Villa, gives commission for purchase of statues, i., 170.
Tusculum, Dialogue de Oratore held there, ii., 259.
Twenty-six years old when Cicero pleaded his first cause, i., 54.
Tyranny, in the Senate, Cicero charged with, ii., 72.
Tyrrell, Mr., arrangement of Cicero's letters, i., 169; doubts thrown on a letter to Atticus, 191.
Usury, base, i., 102.
Valerius Maximus, as to Catiline, i., 209.
Valerius, Cicero stays at his villa, ii., 189.
Varenus, his trial, i., 127.
Vargunteius, a knight employed to kill Cicero, i., 223.
Varro, the period at which he wrote, i., 24.
Vatinius, speech against, ii., 28; Cicero defends, 48.
Velleius Paterculus, as to Cicero, i., 15; as to Catiline, 209.
Veneti, Caesar's treatment of, ii., 166.
Vercingetorix, conquered at Alesia, ii., 74.
Verres, his trial, i., 125; Governor for three years, 126; retires into exile, 141; standard-bearer to Hortensius, 149; fined and sent into exile, 161.
Vibo to Velia, Cicero's journey in a small boat from, i., 138.
Vigintiviratus, offered to Cicero, i., 12; Cicero repudiates, 288.
Vindemiolae, the way Cicero expends them, 177.
Virgil, Cicero intended by, i., 14; his version of the Eagle and the Serpent, 46; his boasting, 151; his allusion to Cicero, 203; description of Catiline, 209.
Volcatius, does not speak for Marcellus, ii., 150.
Voltaire, version of the Eagle and the Serpent, i., 40; description of Catiline, 208.
Wolf, his criticism on the Pro Marcello, ii., 151.
Work, the amount of, done by Cicero, ii., 122.