Mesmerism, Dickens's interest in, i. 279, 280, 375, ii. 436.
Micawber (Mr.), in David Copperfield, original of, iii. 30-32; comparison between Harold Skimpole and, iii. 32; Mr. G. H. Lewes on, iii. 338, 348; on corn, iii. 349.
Middle Temple, Dickens entered at, i. 183, 186.
Midsummer Night's Dream at the Opera Comique, Boulogne, iii. 103.
Milnes (Monckton), ii. 472.
Mirror of Parliament, Dickens reporting for, i. 97.
Mississippi, the, i. 386.
Mitton (Thomas), i. 182, ii. 476.
Moltke (Von) and Little Dorrit, iii. 164.
Money (Lord Lytton's), a performance of, at Doncaster, iii. 175 note.
Mont Blanc, effect of, on Dickens, ii. 254.
Montreal, private theatricals in, i. 414, 417; facsimile of play-bill at, i. 415.
Moore (George), business qualities and benevolence, iii. 248.
Moore (Thomas), i. 251, 321.
Morgue at Paris, ii. 321; a tenant of the, ii. 327.
Morning Chronicle, Dickens a reporter for the, i. 97; liberality of proprietors, i. 98; change of editorship of, ii. 53, 104; articles by Dickens in the, ii. 104, 105.
Morris (Mowbray), ii. 468.
Moulineaux, Villa des, iii. 97-105, 115-119.
Mountain travelling, ii. 253.
Mr. Nightingale's Diary, the Guild farce of, ii. 397, iii. 72.
Mrs. Lirriper's Lodgings, iii. 370.
Mugby Junction, germ of, in Memoranda, iii. 290.
Mule-travelling in Switzerland, ii. 253.
Mulgrave (Lord), i. 297, 300, 305, 413, ii. 469.
Mumbo Jumbo, ii. 440.
Murray (Lord), i. 260, ii. 475.
Music, effect of, on a deaf, dumb, and blind girl, ii. 239; vagrant, ii. 387, 438.
NAMES, available, iii. 295, 296.
Naples, burial place at, ii. 186 note; filth of, ii. 186 (and see iii. 95); Dickens at, iii. 83-85.
Napoleon III. at Gore-house, ii. 334 note; at Boulogne, iii. 108; at Paris, iii. 108 note; Edwin Landseer and, iii. 147 note.
Nautical incident at Genoa, ii. 195.
Neaves (Mr.), i. 258.
Negri (Marquis di), ii. 130-132.
New Bedford (U.S.), reading at, iii. 437.
Newcastle, readings at, iii. 264, 315; alarming scene at, iii. 265.
Newhaven (U. S.), levee at, i. 313.
New Sentimental Journey (Collins's), iii. 257.
Newspaper express, a, i. 101.
Newspapers, American, iii. 400.
Newsvendors' dinner, Dickens at, iii. 535.
New-year's day in Paris, iii. 145.
New York, fac-similes of invitations to Dickens, i. 308, 309; the Carlton hotel in, i. 315 (and see iii. 361); ball at, i. 316-318; life in, i. 324; hotel bills in, i. 331 (and see 345); public institutions ill-managed at, i. 339; prisons in, i. 339-344; capital punishment in, i. 342; sale of tickets for the readings, iii. 391, 392-394; first reading in, iii. 393; fire at the Westminster-hotel, iii. 395, 399; prodigious increase since Dickens's former visit, iii. 395; Niblo's theatre at, iii. 396; sleigh-driving at, iii. 397; police of, iii. 398 (and see i. 339); the Irish element in, iii. 413; farewell readings in, iii. 441; public dinner to Dickens at, iii. 442.
New York Herald, i. 320, iii. 400.
New York Ledger, high price paid for tale by Dickens in, iii. 253.
New York Tribune, Dickens's "violated letter" in the, iii. 201, 231.
Niagara Falls, effect of, on Dickens, i. 404, 405 (and see iii. 433).
Nicholas Nickleby, agreement for, i. 145; first number of, i. 150, 165; sale of, i. 150; the Saturday Review on, i. 166; characters in, i. 167-171; opinions of Sydney Smith and Leigh Hunt on, i. 168, 169; Dickens at work on, i. 172-176; dinner-celebration of, i. 177, 178; originals of the Brothers Cheeryble in, i. 181; proclamation on the eve of publication, ii. 99, 100 note; effect of, in establishing Dickens, iii. 344 (and see 386).
Nicolson (Sir Frederick), ii. 194.
Nightingales at Gadshill, iii. 212.
Nobody's Fault, the title first chosen for Little Dorrit, iii. 155.
No-Popery riots, description of the, i. 246.
Normanby (Lord), ii. 108, 109, 320.
Norton (Charles Eliot), iii. 215, 447.
Norwich, reading at, iii. 262.
No Thoroughfare, i. 140.
Novels, real people in, iii. 22-33; episodes in, iii. 161.
Novelists, old, design for cheap edition of, ii. 385.
Nugent (Lord), ii. 473.
"OCEAN SPECTRE," the, ii. 369 note.
O'Connell (Daniel), ii. 135.
Odeon (Paris), Dickens at the, iii. 128, 129.
Ohio, on the, i. 377.
Old Curiosity Shop, original of the Marchioness in, i. 59; originals of the Garland family, i. 60; original of the poet in Jarley's wax-work, i. 70; the story commenced, i. 200; disadvantages of weekly publication, i. 203; changes in proofs, i. 206; Dick Swiveller and the Marchioness, i. 207; effect of story upon the writer, i. 208; death of Little Nell, i. 210; close of the tale, i. 210; success of, i. 211; characterized, i. 212-214; a tribute by Bret Harte, i. 215, 216; characters in, iii. 345.
Old Monthly Magazine, Dickens's first published piece in, i. 97; other sketches in, i. 104.
Oliver Twist, commenced in Bentley's Miscellany, i. 121; characters in, real to Dickens, i. 125, 139; the story characterized, i. 146, 147, 158, 160; Dickens at work on, i. 149; the last chapter of, i. 153; the Cruikshank illustrations to, 154-157; reputation of, i. 156; reply to attacks against, i. 160-162; teaching of, i. 161; "adapted" for the stage, i. 174, 175; noticed in the Quarterly Review, i. 184; copyright of, repurchased, i. 224; original of Mr. Fang, iii. 25; character-drawing in, iii. 343; proposed reading from, iii. 448; facsimile of portion of MS. of, iii. 469.
Opium-den, an, iii. 528 (and see 464 note).
Osnaburgh-terrace, Dickens in, ii. 106.
Our Mutual Friend, title chosen for, iii. 271; hints for, in Memoranda, iii. 280, 281; first notion for, iii. 371; original of Mr. Venus in, iii. 374; Marcus Stone chosen as illustrator, iii. 373; the story reviewed, iii. 377-379.
Ouvry (Frederic), iii. 434, 539; clause inserted by, in agreement for Edwin Drood, iii. 461 note; humorous letter of Dickens to, iii. 522.
Overs (John), Dickens's interest in, ii. 109; death of, ii. 109 note.
Over-work, remains of, ii. 297.
Owen (Prof.), ii. 477.
PAINTINGS, Dickens on, ii. 167-169.
Paradise Lost at the Ambigu, Paris, iii. 130, 131.
Paris, Dickens's first day in, ii. 316; Sunday in, ii. 317; Dickens's house in, described, ii. 317-319; unhealthy political symptoms at, ii. 321, 334; the Morgue at, ii. 321; incident in streets of, ii. 321; hard frost at, ii. 324; Dickens's alarming neighbour, ii. 325; begging-letter writers in, ii. 327; sight-seeing at, ii. 330; theatres at, ii. 331; Bibliotheque Royale, ii. 333; the Praslin tragedy in, ii. 386; Dickens's life in, iii. 121-153; Dickens's house in, iii. 124; personal attentions to Dickens, iii. 124; theatres of, iii. 126-134; illumination of, iii. 144; New-year's day in, iii. 144, 145; results of imperial improvement in, iii. 145 note; Art Exposition at, iii. 146-148; a Duchess murdered in, iii. 150, 151.
Parliament, old Houses of, inconvenience of the, i. 100.
Parr (Harriet), iii. 494 note.
Parry (John), ii. 475.
Pawnbrokers, Dickens's early experience of, i. 46.
Peel (Sir Robert) and his party, i. 277; Lord Ashley and, i. 283; the Whigs and, ii. 261.
Pen Photographs (Miss Field's) iii. 235 note.
Perth, reading at, iii. 234.
Peschiere, Palazzo (Genoa), rooms in the, hired by Dickens, ii. 129; a fellow-tenant in, ii. 129; described, ii. 139-142; view of the, ii. 141; revisited, iii. 79; dinner-party at, ii. 172; owner of the, iii. 79.
Petersham, athletic sports at, i. 183.
Phelps (Mr.), ii. 475.
Philadelphia, Dickens at, i. 335-344; penitentiary at, i. 345-347; letters from, iii. 413-415 (and see ii. 38, 39).
Pickwick Papers, materials for, i. 66; first number of, i. 108; origin of, i. 110; Seymour's illustrations to, i. 111 note; Thackeray's offer to illustrate, i. 115, 116; the debtor's prison in, i. 128, 129; popularity of, i. 129 (and see iii. 385, 386); reality of characters in, i. 130, 131; inferior to later books, i. 131; Mr. Pickwick an undying character, i. 131 (and see 112); piracies of, i. 137; completion of, i. 143; payments for, i. 145; a holy brother of St. Bernard and, ii. 276; characters in, iii. 343; where it was begun, iii. 528.
Pictures from Italy, original of the courier in, ii. 171-173; publication commenced in the Daily News, ii. 219.
Pic Nic Papers published, i. 241.
"Piljians Projiss," a new, ii. 376-384.
Pig-market at Boulogne, iii. 104.
Pipchin (Mrs.) in Dombey, original of, i. 55, ii. 355, 356; various names proposed for, ii. 355 note.
Pirates, literary, ii. 97; proceedings in Chancery against, ii. 97-99; warning to, ii. 100 note.
Pisa, a jaunt to, iii, 81.
Pittsburg (U. S.), description of, i. 373; solitary prison at, i. 378.
Poets, small, iii. 489.
Pollock (Chief Baron) on the death of Dickens, iii. 247 note.
Poole (John), aid rendered to, by Dickens, ii. 370; civil-list pension granted to, ii. 393.
Poor, Dickens's sympathy with the, i. 167, 168 (and see 250), ii. 146, 147, 240.
Popularity, distresses of, i. 324.
Porte St. Martin (Paris), Dickens at the, iii. 129.
Portland (U. S.) burnt and rebuilt, iii. 438.
Portrait painter, story of a, iii. 523.
Portsea, birth of Dickens at, i. 21.
Prairie, an American, i. 393, 394; pronunciations of the word, i. 396.
Praslin tragedy in Paris, ii. 386.
Prayer, Dickens on personal, iii. 485.
Preston, a strike at, iii. 69, 70; Hamlet at, iii. 70.
Primrose (Mr.), i. 258.
Printers' Pension fund dinner, presided over by Dickens, ii. 55.
Prisons, London, visits to, i. 280; American, i. 339-344, 345-347, 378; comparison of systems pursued in, ii. 234.
Procter (Bryan Waller), iii. 27, 28; Dickens's affection for, ii. 467.
Procter (Adelaide), Dickens's appreciation of poems by, iii. 495.
Publishers, hasty compacts with, i. 121; Dickens's agreements with, ii. 88, iii. 56 (and see 240-243).
Publishers, authors and, ii. 64, 72, iii. 489, 490.
Puddings, a choice of, i. 55, 56.
"Punch people," Lord Brougham and the, ii. 469; at Mansion-house dinner, ii. 477.
Q, Dickens's secretary in the United States, i. 303, 315, 322, 328, 344, 348, 366, 370, 374, 375, 393, 397, 400, 411; described, i. 410-412 (and see iii. 389 note).
Quarterly Review, prophecy in not fulfilled, i. 139 note; notice of Oliver Twist in, i. 184; on Cruikshank and Leech, ii. 418.
Queen (Her Majesty the) and Auber, iii. 134, 135; alleged offers to Dickens, iii. 503, and 503, 504 note; desire of, to see Dickens act, iii. 506; Thackeray's copy of the Carol purchased by, iii. 506, 507 note; Dickens's interview with, iii. 507, 508; grief at Dickens's death, iii. 542.
RACHEL (Madame), caprice of, iii. 137.
Ragged schools, Dickens's interest in, ii. 57; results of, ii. 57 note (and see ii. 494); proposed paper on, by Dickens, declined by Edinburgh Review, ii. 58.
Railroads, American, ladies' cars on, i. 338.
Railway travelling, effect on Dickens, iii. 450; in America, i. 336-338, 368, iii. 398, 405, 435, 436.
Ramsay (Dean) on Bleak House and Jo, iii. 47, 48.
Ramsgate, entertainments at, ii. 214 note.
Raven, death of Dickens's first, i. 235-239; of second, ii. 215.
Raymond (George), ii. 476.
Reade (Charles), Hard Cash contributed by, to All the Year Round, iii. 245.
Readings, gratuitous, iii. 61 note; private, in Scheffer's atelier, iii. 148; in Lincoln's-inn-fields, ii. 162, 174, 175. public, Dickens's first thoughts of, ii. 174, 284, iii. 60; argument against paid, iii. 61, 189; idea of, revived, iii. 189; opinions as to, asked and given, iii. 189, 190 note; disadvantages of, iii. 191; proposal from Mr. Beale respecting, iii. 196; first rough notes as to, iii. 198, 199 note; various managers employed by Dickens, iii. 223; hard work involved by, iii. 224, 445; study given to, iii. 318. first series of, iii. 223-238; sale of books of, iii. 232 note; subjects of, iii. 235. second series of, iii. 255-274; what it comprised, iii. 259; new subjects for, iii. 260. third series of, iii. 298-324; Messrs. Chappell's connection with, iii. 306-310. American, iii. 388-443; result of, iii. 415, 441.
Readings given by Dickens: Australian, contemplated, iii. 270 note (but see 272); Bulwer's opinion of, iii. 271 note. last series of, iii. 444-460 (and see 437 note).
Readings (alphabetical list of): Aberdeen, iii. 234. Albany (U. S.), iii. 435; receipts at, iii. 441. Baltimore (U. S.), iii. 418, 419, 427; receipts at, iii. 441. Belfast, iii. 229. Berwick-on-Tweed, iii. 266. Birmingham, iii. 311. Boston (U. S.), iii. 391, 403, 440; receipts at, iii. 441. Brighton, iii. 263. Brooklyn (New York), iii. 416; receipts at, iii. 442. Buffalo (U. S.), iii. 431; receipts at, iii. 441. Cambridge, iii. 317. Canterbury, iii. 264. Chester, iii. 268, 313. Dover, iii. 264. Dublin, iii. 220-228, 317. Dundee, iii. 233. Edinburgh, iii. 233, 267, 451, and 450 note. Exeter, iii. 224, 268. Glasgow, iii. 234. Harrogate, iii. 230. Hartford (U. S.), iii. 441. Liverpool, iii. 225, 268, 311, 313, 314. London, iii. 223, 234, 258, 269. Manchester, iii. 232, 268, 308, 311, 314. New Bedford (U. S.), iii. 437; receipts at, iii. 441. Newcastle, iii. 265, 315. Newhaven (U. S.), iii. 428; receipts at, iii. 441. New York, iii. 393, 410, 441; receipts at, iii. 441. Norwich, iii. 262. Paris, iii. 272. Perth, iii. 234. Philadelphia (U. S.), iii. 414, 418, 427; receipts at, iii. 441. Portland (U. S.), iii. 438; receipts at, iii. 441. Providence (U. S.), iii. 428; receipts at, iii. 441. Rochester (U. S.), iii. 431; receipts at, iii. 441. Springfield (U. S.), iii. 441. Syracuse (U. S.), iii. 431; receipts at, iii. 441. Torquay, iii. 268, 451. Washington (U. S.), iii. 421, 425, 426; receipts at, iii. 441. Worcester (U. S.), iii. 441. York, iii. 231, 454.
Reeves (Sims), ii, 475.
Reformers, administrative, iii. 70, 71 note.
Regiments in the streets of Paris, iii. 143 note.
Regnier (M.) of the Francais, ii. 330, 429, iii. 127, 137.
Rehearsals, troubles at, ii. 371.
Religion, what is the true, ii. 149.
Reporters' gallery, Dickens enters the, i. 96; ceases connection with, i. 116.
Reporter's life, Dickens's own experience of a, i. 99-101 (and see ii. 265).
Revolution at Geneva, ii. 298-301; traces left by, ii. 300; abettors of, ii. 301.
Rhine, Dickens on the, ii. 222, 223; travelling Englishmen on the, ii. 223.
Richard Doubledick, story of, iii. 154.
Richardson (Sir John), iii. 519.
Richardson's show, a religious, iii. 273.
Richmond (U. S.), levees at, i. 354.
Rifle-shooting, Lord Vernon's passion for, ii. 270; at Lausanne, ii. 247, 298, 299.
Rising Generation (Leech's), Dickens on, ii. 414-418.
Ristori (Mad.) in Medea, iii. 137.
Roberts (David), iii. 85.
Robertson (Peter), i. 259, ii. 135, 475; sketch of, i. 253, 254.
Robertson (T. W.), iii. 530, 531.
Robinson Crusoe, Dickens's opinion of, iii. 135 note (and see i. 264 note).
Roche (Louis), employed by Dickens as his courier in Italy, ii. 106; resources of, ii. 172, 196, 199 (and see 111, 325); Count d'Orsay and, ii. 204 note; illness of, ii. 421; death of, ii. 255 note.
Rochester, early impressions of, i. 28 (and see iii. 213); Watts's Charity at, iii. 154 note.
Rochester Castle, adventure at, ii. 22.
Rochester Cathedral, brass tablet in, to Dickens's memory, iii. 154 note.
Rochester (U. S.), alarming incident at, iii. 431.
Rockingham-castle, Dickens's visit to, ii. 481-483; private theatricals at, ii. 481, iii. 83.
Rocky Mountain Sneezer, a, iii. 409.
Rogers (Samuel), i. 251, ii. 190; sudden illness of, ii. 466 (and see 486 note).
Rome, Dickens's first impressions of, ii. 185; Dickens at, iii. 85-89; a "scattering" party at Opera at, iii. 86, 87; marionetti at, iii. 87, 88; malaria at, iii. 88, 89.
Rosemont (Lausanne), taken by Dickens, ii. 225; view of, ii. 229; Dickens's neighbours at, ii. 231, 242 note, 252; Dombey begun at, ii. 241; the landlord of, ii. 246 note.
Rothamsted, Rev. Mr. Lawes's club at, iii. 244.
Royal Academy dinner, Dickens's last public words spoken at, iii. 537.
Roylance (Mrs.), the original of Mrs. Pipchin in Dombey, i. 55, ii. 355.
Ruskin (Mr.) on Hard Times, iii. 66, 67.
Russell (Lord J.), a friend of letters, ii. 369, 393; on Dickens's letters, iii. 481; dinner with, ii. 483; Dickens's tribute to, iii. 501, and note.
Ryland (Arthur), letter of Dickens to, iii. 56 note.
SALA (G. A.), Dickens's opinion of, ii. 454 note; tribute by, to Dickens's memory, iii. 516.
Salisbury Plain, superiority of, to an American prairie, i. 394; a ride over, ii. 461.
Sand (Georges), iii. 138, 139.
Sandusky (U. S.), discomforts of inn at, i. 400.
Sardinians, Dickens's liking for, iii. 92.
Satirist, editor of, hissed from the Covent-garden stage, ii. 50.
Saturday Review on the realities of Dickens's characters, i. 166.
Scene-painting, iii. 166.
Scheffer (Ary), portrait of Dickens by, iii. 148, 149; reading of Cricket on the Hearth in atelier of, iii. 149.
Scheffer (Henri), iii. 150.
Schools, public, Dickens on, iii. 236.
Scotland, readings in, iii. 232-235.
Scott (Sir W.), real people in novels of, iii. 22, 29.
Scott monument at Edinburgh, ii. 392.
Scribe (M.), dinner to, ii. 469; social intercourse of Dickens with, iii. 134, 135; author-anxieties of, iii. 136; a fine actor lost in, iii. 138.
Scribe (Madame), iii. 136.
Sea-bathing and authorship, ii. 28.
Seaside holidays, Dickens's, ii. 403-441, iii. 97-120.
Sebastopol, reception in France of supposed fall of, iii. 110.
Serenades at Hartford and Newhaven (U. S.), i. 314.
Servants, Swiss, excellence of, ii. 246.
Seven Dials, ballad literature of, i. 230.
Seymour (Mr.) and the Pickwick Papers, i. 111 note; death of, i. 115.
Shaftesbury (Lord) and ragged schools, i. 283, ii. 57, 58 note, 493, 494 (and see 494).
Shakespeare Society, the, i. 185.
Shakespeare on the actor's calling, iii. 191.
Shakespeare's house, purchase of, ii. 392.
Sheffield, reading at, iii. 232.
Sheil (Richard Lalor), ii. 53.
Shepherd's-bush, the home for fallen women at, ii. 488.
Sheridans (the), ii. 468.
Ship news, i. 296.
Short-hand, difficulties of, i. 91.
Shows, Saturday-night, i. 61.
Siddons (Mrs.), genius of, ii. 473, 474.
Sierra Nevada, strange encounter on the, iii. 385, 386.
Sikes and Nancy reading, proposed, iii. 448; at Clifton, iii. 451; Macready on the, iii. 451; at York, iii. 454, and note; Dickens's pulse after, iii. 532.
Simplon, passing the, ii. 174.
"Six," Bachelor, iii. 124.
Sketches by Boz, first collected and published, i. 113; characterized, i. 114.
Slavery in America, i. 327, 352-354, 388-390; the ghost of, iii. 419.
Slaves, runaway, i. 389.
Sleeplessness, Dickens's remedy for, iii. 249.
Sleighs in New York, iii. 397.
"Slopping round," iii. 432.
"Smallness of the world," i. 372, ii. 222, iii. 204.
Small-pox, American story concerning, iii. 305 note.
Smith (Albert), Battle of Life dramatized by, ii. 323.
Smith (Arthur), iii. 168; first series of Dickens's readings under management of, iii. 199, 200 (and see 263 note); distresses of, iii. 225 note; first portion of second series planned by, iii. 258; serious illness of, iii. 260, 261; death of, iii. 261; touching incident at funeral, iii. 261 note.
Smith (Bobus), ii. 190.
Smith (O.), acting of, i. 174, ii. 96.
Smith (Porter), ii. 476.
Smith (Southwood), ii. 53, 108.
Smith (Sydney), i. 311, ii. 108; on Nicholas Nickleby, i. 168, 176 note; death of, ii. 190.
Smithson (Mr.), i. 182; death of, ii. 93.
Smoking party, a feminine, ii. 292, 293.
Smollett (Tobias), a recollection of, i. 128; real people in novels of, iii. 22.
Snuff-shop readings, ii. 336.
Solitary confinement, effects of, i. 345, 346, ii. 234, 235.
Somebody's Luggage, the Waiter in, iii. 351, 370.
Sortes Shandyanae, ii. 242.
Sparks (Jared), i. 304.
Speculators, American, iii. 391, 393, 408, 409, 411, 428.
Spiritual tyranny, ii. 231 note.
Spittoons in America, i. 338.
Squib Annual, the, i. 109, 110.
St. Bernard, Great, proposed trip to, ii. 271; ascent of the mountain, ii. 274; the convent, ii. 274; scene at the top, ii. 274, 275; bodies found in the snow, ii. 275; the convent a tavern in all but sign, ii. 276; Dickens's fancy of writing a book about the, iii. 184.
St. George (Madame), ii. 176.
St. Giles's, Dickens's early attraction of repulsion to, i. 39; original of Mr. Venus found in, iii. 374.
St. Gothard, dangers of the, ii. 198, 199.
St. James's Hall, Dickens's final readings at, iii. 532, 533.
St. Leger, Dickens's prophecy at the, iii. 175.
St. Louis (U. S.), levee at, i. 386; slavery at, i. 388; pretty scene at, i. 390, 392; duelling in, i. 396.
Stage-coach, queer American, i. 363, 364.
Stage, training for the, ii. 213, 214, (and see iii. 191).
Stanfield (Clarkson), i. 181, ii. 47 note, 160, 162, 175, iii. 521; sketches in Cornwall by, ii. 42; illustrations by, to Battle of Life, ii. 310; price realized at the Dickens sale for the Lighthouse scenes, iii. 71 note (and see ii. 296, iii. 164, 243); at work, iii. 166; death of, iii. 320.
Stanfield Hall, Dickens at, ii. 462
Stanley (Dr. A. P.), Dean of Westminster, compliance with general wish, iii. 543; letter and sermon iii. 544.
Stanton (Secretary), curious story told by, iii. 422, 423 (and see 508).
Staplehurst accident, iii. 304; effect on Dickens, iii. 376.
Staples (J. V.), letter from Dickens to, ii. 90 note.
Statesmen, leading American, i. 349, 350.
State Trials, story from the, iii. 283, 284.
Stealing, Carlyle's argument against, i. 333.
Steamers, perils of, i. 293, 305, 326, 331 (and see iii. 80-83).
Stevenage, visit to the hermit near, iii. 246.
Stirling (Mr.), a theatrical adapter, i. 174.
Stone (Frank), ii. 385. iii. 105; sketch of Sydney Dickens by, ii. 368, 369 note; fancy sketch of, ii. 383; death of, iii. 256 note.
Stone (Marcus), designs supplied by, to Our Mutual Friend, iii. 373 note.
Streets, Dickens's craving for crowded, ii. 144, 151, 277, 281, 282, 283, 287, iii. 515.
Strange Gentleman, a farce written by Dickens, i. 116.
Stuart (Lord Dudley), ii. 472.
Sue (Eugene), ii. 331.
Sumner (Charles), i. 305, iii. 421, 426.
Sunday, a French, ii. 317, 485 note.
Swinburne (Algernon), ii. 428.
Switzerland; splendid scenery of, ii. 198; villages in, ii. 199; Dickens resolves to write new book in, ii. 220; early impressions of, ii. 226, 227; climate of, ii. 244 note; the people of, ii. 245, 246, 259; mule-travelling in, ii. 253; Protestant and Catholic cantons in, ii. 260; Dickens's last days in, ii. 311-315; pleasures of autumn in, ii. 313; revisited, iii. 76-95.
Syme (Mr.), opinion of, as to Dickens's lameness, iii. 453, 454.
Syracuse (U. S.), reading at, iii. 431.
TAGART (EDWARD), ii. 59, 470.
Taine (M.), on Martin Chuzzlewit, ii. 78; criticisms by, on Dickens, ii. 102 (and see 251 note, iii. 326-331); a hint for, ii. 419; on Hard Times, iii. 67 note; Fielding criticized by, iii. 348.
Tale of Two Cities, titles suggested for, iii. 279; first germ of Carton in, iii. 280 (and see 360); origin of, iii. 354; the story reviewed, iii. 354-360; titles suggested for, iii. 354, 355.
Talfourd (Judge), i. 180, ii. 97, 98, 293, 294, 427, 470 (and see iii. 509); Dickens's affection for, ii. 427.
Tatler (Hunt's), sayings from, iii. 26 note.
Tauchnitz (Baron), letter from, iii. 57 note; intercourse of, with Dickens, iii. 462 note (and see 125 note).
Tavistock-house, sketch of, iii. 54; a scene outside, iii. 165; Stanfield scenes at, iii. 243; sale of, iii. 257; startling message from servant at, iii. 276.
Taylor (Tom), ii. 472.
Taylor (the Ladies), ii. 271.
Telbin (William), at work, iii. 166.
Temperance agitation, Dickens on the, ii. 409, 410.
Temperature, sudden changes of, in America, i. 347.
Temple (Hon. Mr.), ii. 190.
Tennent (Sir Emerson), ii. 476, iii. 80; death and funeral of, iii. 454.
Tennyson (Alfred), Dickens's allegiance to, ii. 25, 136, 472, iii. 357 note.
Ternan (Ellen Lawless), iii. 561.
Tete Noire Pass, ii. 255; accident in, ii. 256, 257.
Thackeray (W. M.), ii. 188; offers to illustrate Pickwick, i. 115, 116; on Maclise's portrait of Dickens, i. 178 note; on the Carol, ii. 89 (and see ii. 53, 470); dinner to, iii. 73; at Boulogne, iii. 105 note; in Paris, iii. 126; tribute to, by Dickens, iii. 236; death of, iii. 298-300; estrangement between Dickens and, iii. 298 note.
Thanet races, Dickens at the, ii. 24.
Theatre Francais (Paris), conventionalities of the, iii. 128.
Theatres, Italian, ii. 182; French, ii. 330, 331.
Theatrical Fund dinner, Dickens's speech at, ii. 491, 492 (and see 221, iii. 537).
Theatricals, private, at Montreal, i. 413-415; at Rockingham, ii. 481; at Tavistock House, iii. 62-64 (and see ii. 108).
Thomas (Owen P.), recollections of Dickens at school, i. 76-81.
Thompson (Mr. T. I.), ii. 476.
Thompson (Sir Henry), consulted by Dickens, iii. 321; a reading of Dickens's stopped by, iii. 452; opinion as to Dickens's lameness, iii. 453, 454.
Ticknor (George), i. 304, 308.
Ticknor & Fields (Messrs.), commission received by, on the American readings, iii. 446.
Timber Doodle (Dickens's dog), ii. 24, 25, 28, ii. 134 note; death of, iii. 144 note.
Times, the, on Dickens's death, iii. 542, 543 note.
Tintoretto, Dickens on the works of, ii. 168, iii. 92.
Titian's Assumption, effect of, on Dickens, ii. 168.
Tobin (Daniel), a schoolfellow of Dickens, i. 76; assists Dickens as amanuensis, but finally discarded, i. 81.
Toole (J. L.), encouragement given to in early life, by Dickens, iii. 54 (and see iii. 302 note).
Topping (Groom), i. 220, 221, 234, 235, 413.
Toronto, toryism of, i. 412.
Torquay, readings at, iii. 268, 451.
Torrens (Mrs.), ii. 476.
Tour in Italy (Simond's), ii. 116 note.
Townshend (Chauncy Hare), iii. 256; death and bequest of, iii. 417.
Tracey (Lieut.), i. 280, ii. 23.
Tramps, ways of, iii. 210 note, 249, 250.
Tremont House (Boston, U. S.), Dickens at, i. 300.
Trossachs, Dickens in the, i. 264.
True Sun, Dickens reporting for the, i. 96.
Turin, Dickens at, iii. 92, 93.
Turner (J. M. W.), ii. 110.
Tuscany, wayside memorials in, ii. 188 note.
Twickenham, cottage at, occupied by Dickens, i. 180-182; visitors at, i. 180-182; childish enjoyments at, i. 182 note.
Twiss (Horace), ii. 468.
Tyler (President), i. 350.
Tynemouth, scene at, iii. 315, 316.
Uncommercial Traveller, Dickens's, iii. 247-253.
Uncommercial Traveller Upside Down, contemplated, iii. 270.
Undercliff (Isle of Wight), Dickens's first impressions of, ii. 426; depressing effect of climate of, ii. 431-433.
Unitarianism adopted by Dickens for a short time, ii. 59.
Upholsterer, visit to an, i. 189; visit from an, i. 190.
Up the Rhine (Hood's), Dickens on, i. 185.
Utica (U. S.), hotel at, iii. 435.
VAUXHALL, the Duke and party at, ii. 470.
Venice, Dickens's impressions of, ii. 163-166, iii. 90; habits of gondoliers at, iii. 90; theatre at, iii. 91.
Verdeil (M.), ii. 233.
Vernet (Horace), iii. 147 note.
Vernon (Lord), eccentricities of, ii. 270, 271, 298.
Vesuvius, Mount, iii. 83.
Viardot (Madame) in Orphee, iii. 138 note.
Village Coquettes, the story and songs for, written by Dickens, i. 116.
Vote, value of a, in America, iii. 420.
WALES, Prince of, and Dickens, iii. 509.
Wainewright (the murderer), recognized by Macready in Newgate, i. 184 (and see ii. 334 note); made the subject of a tale in the New York Ledger, iii. 253; portrait of a girl by, ii. 334 note (and see ii. 468, iii. 279).
Wales, North, tour in, i. 184.
Ward (Professor) on Dickens, iii. 352, 353 note.
Washington (U. S.), hotel extortion at, i. 345; climate of, i. 347; Congress and Senate at, i. 349; a comical dog at reading at, iii. 425; readings at, iii. 424, 425.
Wassail-bowl presented to Dickens at Edinburgh, iii. 197.
Waterloo, Battle of, at Vauxhall, ii. 470.
Watson, Mr. (of Rockingham), ii. 231, 264, 479; death of, iii. 55.
Watson (Sir Thomas), note by, of Dickens's illness in April, 1869, iii. 457-459; readings stopped by, iii. 458; guarded sanction given to additional readings, iii. 458 (and see 466, 531 note); Dickens's letter to, iii. 459 note.
Watts's Charity at Rochester, iii. 154 note.
Webster (Daniel), Dickens on, i. 308.
Webster (Mr.), ii. 475.
Webster murder at Cambridge (U. S.), iii. 402, 403.
Well-boring at Gadshill, iii. 209.
Weller (Sam) a pre-eminent achievement in literature, i. 131.
Wellington, Duke of, fine trait of, ii. 264.
Wellington House Academy (Hampstead-road), Dickens a day-scholar at, i. 74-84; described in Household Words, i. 75; Dickens's schoolfellows at, i. 76-84; Beverley painting scenes at, i. 84; revisited after five-and-twenty years, i. 76.
Weyer (M. Van de), ii. 477.
Whig jealousies, i. 250 (and see ii. 261).
Whitechapel workhouse, incident at, iii. 75.
White-conduit-house, reminiscence of, ii. 132.
Whitefriars, a small revolution in, ii. 302.
White (Rev. James), character of, ii. 424-426 (and see ii. 426, iii. 126).
White (Grant) on the character of Carton in the Tale of Two Cities, iii. 359, 360.
Whitehead (Charles), i. 109.
Whitworth (Mr.), ii. 475.
Wieland the clown, death of, iii. 166 note.
Wig experiences, ii. 380.
Wilkie (Sir David), on the genius of Dickens, i. 178; death of, i. 252.
Willis (N. P.), fanciful description of Dickens by, i. 107 note.
Wills (W. H.), ii. 453, iii. 256, 493.
Wilson (Professor), i. 259; sketch of, i. 253, 254; speeches of, i. 255 note, ii. 136.
Wilson (Mr.) the hair-dresser, fancy sketch of, ii. 379-383.
Wilton (Marie) as Pippo in the Maid and Magpie, iii. 236, 237 note.
Women, home for fallen, ii. 488 (and see iii. 286).
Wordsworth, memorable saying of, iii. 381.
Worms, the city of, ii. 223.
YARMOUTH first seen by Dickens, ii. 462.
Yates (Edmund), tales by, in All the Year Round, iii. 245; Dickens's interest in, iii. 495.
Yates (Mr.), acting of, i. 174, ii. 96.
Yesterdays with Authors (Fields'), ii. 42 note.
York, readings at, iii. 231, 454.
Yorkshire, materials gathered in, for Nickleby, i. 172.
Young Gentlemen and Young Couples, sketches written by Dickens for Chapman & Hall, i. 149 note.
ZOOLOGICAL Gardens, feeding the serpents at, iii. 169 note.
Zouaves, Dickens's opinion of the, iii. 143, 144.
* * * * *
Volume III
Page xi, "a" changed to "at" (Scene at Tynemouth)
Page 46, "inpressed" changed to "impressed" (impressed on the better)
Page 108, "Gore-House" changed to "Gore-house" to match rest of usage (often at Gore-house)
Page 129, "Ca" changed to "Ca" (the Ca Ira!)
Page 130, "Ca" changed to "Ca" (memory—Ca Ira)
Page 137, "entertaiments" changed to "entertainments" (the day entertainments)
Page 141, "diner" changed to "diner" (Le diner que)
Page 166, "hereon" changed to "thereon" (thereon may be beheld)
Page 166, "under aking" changed to "undertaking" (of the little undertaking)
Page 175, "Th" changed to "The" (The landlord came up)
Page 214, "chesnuts" changed to "chestnuts" (limes and chestnuts)
Footnote 224, "chalet" changed to "chalet" ("The chalet," he wrote)
Page 241, "cap ble" changed to "capable" (might be capable)
Page 241, "Sha espeare" changed to "Shakespeare" (a line from Shakespeare)
Page 245, "alled" changed to "called" (it called for)
Illustration entitled THE CHALET, "CHALET" changed to "CHALET".
Page 324, "hi" changed to "his" (interval of his)
Footnote 259, "counils" changed to "councils" (held several councils)
Footnote 260, "nett" changed to "net" (out the net profit)
Page 339, "delf" changed to "delft" (worked in delft)
Page 404, "diner" changed to "diner" (diner a tout)
Page 539, "for" changed to "four" (four figures representing)
Page 581, "iii." inserted into text (storm at, iii. 264.)
Page 581, "Duplessis" changed to "Du Plessis" (Du Plessis (Marie))
Page 581, "iii." inserted into text (amount paid for, iii. 461 note)
Page 582, "chalet" changed to "chalet" (chalet presented by)
Page 583, "Hill" changed to "hill" (Fox-under-the-hill)
Page 583, "Chalet" changed to "Chalet" (sketch of Chalet at)
Page 583, "christian" changed to "Christian" (list of Christian)
Page 584, "Halevy" changed to "Halevy" (Halevy (M.))
The volume number was added to the following entries in the index:
the editor's modest estimate of it, i. 142 death of, i. 234, 235;
To retain the integrity of the original text, varied hyphenations, capitalizations, and, at times, spellings were retained.
For example:
Varied hyphenation and capitalization of Devonshire Terrace was retained. Also fac-simile and facsimile. Varied spelling of A'Beckett/A'Becket was retained.