RECONSTRUCTION, A.'s speech on in 1865, 247; trying period, 255; A. opposes on basis of male suff., 276; protest against it, 277; A.'s sp. in Kas. in 1865, 960.
REFORMERS, A. encouraged to join, 57; meet at Anthony home, 60; pictures of in A.'s study, 935; always stoned, women grow more tender, 945; few live to succeed, 948.
RELIGION (see Church, God, Humanities, Infidelity, Immortality, etc.)
REMINISCENCES of Elizabeth Cady Stanton, 712, 951.
REPORTS, adverse of N. Y. Constitl. Conv. on woman suff., 280; Anna Dickinson on, 280; adverse Congressl. of 1871, strong minority of B. F. Butler and others, 382; Senate adverse, 1872, 411; A.'s trial for voting, where found, 436, 446; Cong. on A.'s petition to remit fine for voting, Tremaine's, Butler's, Edmunds', Carpenter's, 450-453; U. S. Senators in 1879 in favor of report for 16th Amend., 500, 501; for and against in 1882 and 1883, 543; Congressl. Coms. on woman suff. in 1884, Reed's opinion, 590; A.'s and Mrs. Stanton's toil over report of Natl. Suff. Conv., 592; Congressl. Coms. in 1886, 607; coms. on union of two suff. assns., 630; of Intl. Council of Women, 637; A.'s financial report of 1888, 642; Congressl., first in favor of 16th Amend., 699, 700; on 16th Amend. in 1891, 718; great N. Y. campaign of 1894, 760, 772; com. in constitl. conv. on woman suff., 770, 771; woman suff. in Calif. Dem. Conv. "smothered," but finally presented, 873, 874; Mrs. Sargent's, as pres. Calif. St. Suff. Assn., tribute to A., 892.
REPRESENTATION, BASIS OF, declared by 14th Amend., 250; but one true basis, 260; shall be citizenship, 310; women counted in and refused suff., 499; Pres. Johnson's act, 961-963; suff. should form, 970 (see Taxation).
REPRESENTATION, INDIRECT, 74, 279, 491, 590, 771.
REPUBLIC, how it differs from monarchy, 982.
REPUBLICANS, birth of party, 121; A. attends first meet., 133; growth of party, 149; attitude in 1861, 207, 210, 211, 212; efforts for emancip. of slaves, 226, 235; in Kas. in 1865, 248; 255; for negro suff., 256; refuse to stand for woman suff., 265; press opposed, 266, 267; continued refusal, 269; oppose woman suff. amend, in Kas. in 1867, 275; 276; Curtis defends party, 280; its leaders sacrifice women, 281; their record in Kas., 281; official action to defeat woman suff. amend., 283; a few stand by women, 284; results, 291; press comment, 293; 304; Natl. Conv. snubs women, 305; 311; A. on attitude of leaders, 315; all believe in woman suff., 317; position in 1870, 365, 366; in 1871, 381; Mrs. Stanton and Mrs. Hooker on, 382; in Wyoming, 407, 411; party expediency, 409; plank of Natl. Conv. in 1872, 416; A. urged to support and partly agrees, 416, 417; sends out address, 418; criticised but rejoices, 419; Mrs. Stanton pessimistic, 420; Henry Wilson encourages, 420; com. sends for A., plank ignored, 421; women speak, 422; A. offends by sticking to suff. instead of politics, 422; on A.'s registering to vote, 426; woman's plank in Natl. Conv. of 1876, 476; A. on woman's allegiance to, 497, 498; support woman's paper, 509; cannot fool the women, 516; refuse women recognition at Natl. Conv. of 1880, some delegates dissent, 518; Garfield discusses their attitude toward woman suff., 521; A. reviews their position and urges him to rise above party, 522; A. hopes they will finally help women, 524; voting record in Congress on woman suff., 584, 585; A. and Mrs. Stanton advise women to work for, 594; A. shows record on woman suff., 623; suffragists appeal in vain to Natl. Conv. of 1888, 641; ladies interview Harrison, Estee destroys their hopes, 642; treatment of woman suff. in S. Dak., 687; Natl. Conv. Com. of 1892 grants hearing to A., but cannot carry plank, 723; women delegates present, 724; Kas. St. Conv. greets A., adopts woman suff. plank, Ingalls endorses, 726; on woman suff. in Col., 753; in N. Y. refuse to elect women delegates, 758; A.'s name refused, 759; N. Y. St. Conv. refuses woman suff. plank, 774; woman's connection with in Kas., 778; attitude of Kas. politicians in 1894, 778-787; same, 794; same, 797; their early record, 779; political work with women, 778-784; Woman's Assn. in Kas., 778, 783, 785; A. states her attitude toward, 792; A. repudiates in Kas., 793, 794; their part in defeating suff. amend., 797; favor woman suff. in Calif., 863; St. conv. declares for it, 869-871; invite A. to address ratification meeting, 878; in Idaho, 879; Natl. Conv. in 1896 rejects A.'s plank, adopts ridiculous substitute, 879; anger of women, 880; treachery of Central Com. in Calif., 883, 884; the orators silent, Thos. B. Reed fails the women, 885; in Alameda Co., 891; United States Senators put "male" in Constitu., 970; Natl. Conv. of 1872 on equal rights, 991; enfranchised negroes and received their support, 999; Gen. Harrison asked to include women in platform adopted by Natl. Conv. of 1888, 1013; approve of negro but not of woman suff., 1015; action on 14th Amend., 1016; Mrs. Stanton tells cannot protect black men, 1016; opp. woman suff. in Kas. in 1867, 1016, 1017; approve in Col. in 1893, 1017; give prohib. in Kas., 1017; also munic. suff, for women, 1017; for full suff., 1018; in Congress, 1018; Kas. League of Rep. Clubs refuses to endorse, 1018; must choose between women and low constituents, 1019; would drive women to Populists, 1020; adopt res. for woman suff., 1021.
RESOLUTIONS, on Bible, 76; equal pay for women teachers in 1853, 100; color question in schools, 155; coeducation in 1857, 155; Mrs. Stanton on Divorce, 193; National Loyal League in 1863, 227; women's as well as negroes' rights, 229; for an Equal Rights Assn., 259, 260; A. on proposed 14th Amend, in 1867, 276; Kas. Repubs. to defeat woman suff. amend, in 1867, 283; Equal Rights Assn. censuring A. and Mrs. Stanton, 300; same advising them to go to Democrats, 305; of Labor Congress in 1868, 307; in Hester Vaughan's case, for jury of women, 309; in Cong, in 1868 for woman suff., 310, 311; 15th Amend, dispute in Equal Rights Assn., 323, 324; Mrs. Livermore on "free love," 324; on woman's right to vote under 14th Amend., 331; Ingersoll on equal laws for women, 345; in 1871 on right of women to vote under 14th Amend., 377; indirectly on "free love," 384; declaring 14th and 15th Amends, enfranchise women, 410; attempt to secure res. from Natl. Liberal Conv. of 1872, 415; personal rights and criminal prosecution of A. for voting, 431; trial of A., 434; exclusion of women from Centennial, 474; treatment of woman's petitions by Cong., ignoring of women in Pres. Hayes' message, tyranny of Fed. Govt. over women, etc., 499; res. for woman suff. by Greenback party, 519; A.'s departure for Europe, 548; disfranch. of Utah women, 607; Blair's on 16th Amend., 617; Am. Wom. Suff. Assn. on union with Natl., 627; Farmers' Alliance and Knights of Labor in S. Dak. on woman suff., 686; Natl. Popu. Conv. adopts woman suff., 727; of N. Y. Anti-Suff. Society in 1894, 765; on woman suff. proposed by Kas. politician, 778; wom. suff. endorsed by Repub. and Popu. parties in Kas., 784; of Kas. Wom. Repub. Assn., 785; woman suff. res. refused by Kas. Repub. St. Conv., 786; res. against in Dem. St. Conv., 796; A. on women's refusing to help men while "male" is in Constitu., 839; on Woman's Bible by Natl. Suff. Assn., 853; on woman suff. at Dem. St. Conv. in Calif, in 1896, 874; Repubs. and Populists in Kas. adopt res. for woman suff., 1021.
REUNION OF ANTHONY FAMILY in Adams, Mass., in 1897, 939-947.
REVOLUTION, woman suff. will cause, 620; impossible for women, 918; excusable only in enslaved, 1002; women driven to it in temp, work, 1003.
REVOLUTION, THE, first notice of, 290; A.'s delight, 294; paper started, editors and editorials, financial struggle, etc., 295-311; petitions for woman suff., 313; Train withdraws from, 319; offices moved, 320; end of paper, 354-364; prospectus, Alice Gary's story, its contributors, 359; A. will pay immense debt, 362; efforts to do so, 441, 459, 460, 468; last dollar paid, 472; comments of press, 473; 509, 655, 951.
RIGGS HOUSE, home of A. for 12 winters, 512; loses home there, 705.
SCHOOL LIFE, of father at "Nine Partners'," 8; of mother, 9; in Anthony home, 9, 19, 22, 23, 35; A. in boarding school, 24-34.
SCRAP BOOKS, used in writing Biog., vii, 910; begun in 1855, 125; of N. Y. campaign, 762; visit to Calif., 837.
SCULPTURE, A. will have statue in Washtn., 669; bust of A. by Adelaide Johnson, 677; Mrs. Stanton by same, 713; of A. by Lorado Taft, amusing corres., 721, 722; A.'s face carved on theater, 733; proposed statue of Mrs. Schuyler, 734; Harriet Hosmer's Lincoln, 821; A.'s statuette by Bessie Potter, 862; in N. Y. Capitol, 949; would have bronze if not a woman, 973.
SEASICKNESS, 395, 552, 555.
SEX DISTINCTIONS, 69, 74. 76; woman inferior by nature, 78; 79, 84, 89, 90, 93, 109; let man compare woman's position with his, 169; 306, 324; Kentucky editor's view, 504; God intended none, 945.
SLAVERY, in N. Y., 17; in Washtn., 33; 38; A.'s comments in 1839, 39; 59; Fugitive Slave Law, underground R. R., 61; A. on slaves in Washtn., 118; transition period, 149; A.'s speeches on, 153; 172, 173; South. attitude on, 184; 204; conditions in 1861, 207; efforts to abolish by emancip., 226 et seq.; A.'s appeals, 227, 230; A. on slaveholders, 228; Sumner on, 236; abolished by 13th Amend., 238; of woman, 333; 427; for feeding fugitive slave, 440; Purvis on A.'s part in abolishing, 547; makes people unjust to each other, 844; pictures in A.'s study, 934; blighting effects on women and children, 957; compact of U. S. Constitu. broken, 958; under new form, 964 et seq.; political slavery of white women, 966; of wives and negro men, 987-989; industrial in England, 996 (see Anti-Slavery, Constitution, Negroes).
SOCIAL EVIL, 53, 54; coeducation leads to, 155; A. blocks license of in N. Y., 273; Mrs. Stanton on double standard, 379; A. on same, 385; compared to Mormonism, 390; Fair-Crittenden case, 391; woman suff. leads to, 401; bill in San Fran., 404; A.'s Social Purity lect., 468, 469; woman's ballot needed, 500; abroad, 555; A. on Bethany Home, 656; objects to punishing women and letting men go free, 815; statistics, 1005; ravages of disease, 1005; attempts to license, 1006; causes of, 1006; poverty leads to, 1007; in the home, 1009; in Chicago, 1012.
SOCIAL PURITY, A.'s strong speech in Chicago, St. Louis and other places, distress of friends, comments of press, 468, 469, 472; full speech, 1004.
SOLITUDE OF SELF, wife needs, 134; A. longs for, 168; necessary in marriage, 179, 180; 216; Mrs. Stanton's sp., 717.
SOUTH, attitude before War, 184, 207; view of Slavery and Woman's Rights, 183; 209, 210; action of Legis. after War, 255; Prohibitionists conciliate, 594; A. urges its women to hold suff. conv., 722; her interest in them, 740; A. and Mrs. Catt make tour of, 806-810 (see Negroes).
SPEECHES OF MISS ANTHONY, first ever made, 53; Mrs. Stanton's help, 66; 77; dislike of speaking, 82; tour of N. Y. in 1853, 83; in Teach. Conv., 98; on pay of women, 102; 105; bef. Legis. com. in 1854, 109; first sp. in Washtn., 117; trying exper., 119, 121; in Oswego, Saratoga, no faith in self, 120; first St. canvass, 123 et seq.; at birthplace, 129; does not speak for rich, begs help, 140; struggle with sp. on Coeducation, 142; different impressions made, 143; at Saratoga in 1856, 143; Lucy Stone encourages, 145; feels discouraged, 151; synopsis of Anti-Slav, sp., 153; discards written ones, 153; in Me., 154; in Binghamton, 156; Mrs. Stanton rejoices in, 157; on Coeducation, friendly words, 164; A.'s comp. to Mrs. Stanton's, their work together, 187; on Marriage and Divorce, 194; at Agr. Fair on modern farm life, 199; sp. sometimes a failure, 216; improves, 222; in 1863 on Emancipation, 227; on equal rights, 229; on Reconstruction, 247; to negroes, 248, 249; demanding Equal Rights Assn., 260; discriminations against women, 263; inalienable right of suff., 278; to women typesetters, 308; at N. Y. Press Club on woman's proposing, 316; strong sp. on 15th Amend., 323; slavery of woman and need of ballot for wage-earners, 333; at Congressl. hearing in 1870 on woman's right to vote under 14th Amend., 338; at 50th birthday recep., 343; distrusts power to speak, 344; appeal to Congressl. Com. in 1871, 376; in the West, 387; in Salt Lake City, 388-390; in Calif., 391-394; in Oregon, 396-400; in Washtn. Ty., 401; in Victoria, 402; in Calif. again, 403-405; woman's right to vote under 14th and 15th Amends., 410; three ways of securing woman suff., 431; right to vote under 14th Amend., 433; great Constitl. Argument, 435, 436; protest against conviction for voting, 439; women's need to vote instead of sing and pray against liquor traffic, 457; on Social Purity, 468; when flowers were presented in St. Louis, 507; on Lucretia Mott, 527; at 63d birthday reception on early comrades, would have worked the same for man's enfranchis., 547; in London, 564, 565, 566, 569; in Edinburgh, 568; at Congressl. hearing of 1884, for 16th Amend., 588; injecting Bible in woman suff. discussions, 595; at New Orleans in 1884, 597; in Ills., 609; in Kas., comments of press, incidents, 609-611; spirit wouldn't soar, 611; in Wis. Senate chamber, 612; inconsistency of women, 623; scores Sen. Ingalls, 625; in Chicago in 1888, 641; to W. C. T. U. in Columbus, O., no emotions, coldly recd., 643; in Cincinnati, 648; in Ark., St. Louis, Jefferson City, Leavenworth, 649; to Seidl Club (N. Y.), 654; nephew D. R. on sp. at Ann Arbor, 658; at 70th birthday banquet, 668; at Madison, S. Dak., 691; West. N. Y. Fair, 711; Thanksgiving services in 1891, 714; Woman's Rights Annivers. in Salem, O., 722; before Natl. Repub. Conv. Com., 724; in Topeka, 726; in Roch. Chamber of Commerce on munic. suff. for women, 731; plea not to take annual suff. convs. from Washtn., 738; in Mich, in 1893, 740; great triumph at Columb. Expos., 746, 747, 748; sensation at Press Cong., 749; on Government, 750; on receiving flag, on annual reunions in Washtn., 757; in N. Y. campaign of 1894, 761-763; in constitl. conv., 767; Spiritualists and woman suff., 773; opening campaign in Kansas City, 784, 785; at Popu. St. Conv., 788; places equal rights before creeds or politics, 793; Gospel Temp. meet. in Cleveland, 800; Pilgrim Mothers' Dinner, 802; many invitations for, 803; tour of South, 806-809; Atlanta conv., 811; in S. C. and Va., 812; at Douglass memorial service, 814; in St. Louis, 821; in Denver on woman and franchise, 823; audience introd. to A. in Cheyenne, 824; in Salt Lake City, 825; in Reno, 825; Woman's Cong. in San Fr., 828, 829, 830; at Palo Alto, 830; Oakland, 831, 834, 837; San Jose, 831; Los Angeles, Pasadena, Pomona, 832; San Diego, 833; San Fran., 834; at 4th of July celebr. in same, 836; inspiration of, 838; Mrs. Stanton's 80th birthday celebr., 848; on Woman's Bible, demands religious liberty, condemns bigotry, 853; power to draw audiences, 861; in Calif. campaign, 864; at Rep. St. Conv. in Calif., 870; during campaign, at all times and places, 875-879; at Woman's Cong. in Portland, Ore., in Seattle, 877; her non-partisanship, 879; in South. Calif. from rear platform of car, 881; farewell to Calif., 893; in Reno, Kas. City, 895; before Ind. Legis., 904; to Cuban League, 908; at Mrs. Humphrey's funeral, 908; last sp. before N. Y. Legis. Com., 914; 100th birthday of Saml. J. May, 927; at Fiske University, 928; on "rings" and women in politics, 928; contrast between ovations of present and abuse of past, 929; on Reconstruction, in 1865, 960 et seq.; Constitutional Argument, right of women to vote under U. S. Constitu. delivered previous to trial for voting, 977; Woman Wants Bread Not the Ballot, 996-1003; on Social Purity in 1875, 1004; Demand for Party Recognition in Kas. campaign of 1894, 1015 (see Lectures).
SPEECHES OF OTHERS, Mrs. Stanton on Divorce, 67; Lucy Stone on posit. of women, 73; Antoinette Brown, same, 74; Mrs. Nichols on Divorce, 74; Mrs. Rose on Woman Suff., 75; young minister and young teacher on woman's sphere, 76; Mrs. Rose on Bible, 77; Mrs. Stanton on right to speak, 92; objections to women's, 65, 69, 76, 78, 84, 88, 92, 99, 101, 119, 143 (see Mobs); Remond on Slavery, 152; Davies on Coeducation a Social Evil, 155; Curtis on Fair Play for Women, 167; A. criticises, 172; Phillips' power, 174, 214; comparison between A.'s and Mrs. Stanton's and manner of writing together, 187, 188; Mrs. Stanton before Legis. at Albany in 1860, 189; Henry Ward Beecher on Woman's Rights, 192; Mrs. Stanton in N. Y. on Divorce, 193; at Friends' Meeting in Waterloo, 197; Sumner on Emancipation, 235; Beecher on enfranchising women at same time as negroes, 276; women on right to vote under 14th Amend., 432; Mrs. Gage on A.'s arrest for voting, 436; Judge Selden at A.'s trial for voting, 437; Mrs. Stanton's in Eng., 565, 566; of English women, 576, 577; John Bright's, 577; Warren Keifer and others for Wom. Suff. Com., 584; Reagan opposed, 585; on 16th Amend., Sens. Blair, Brown, 617; Dolph, 618; Vest, 619; Blair, 621; A. shuts Mrs. Stanton up to prepare sp., 636; Miss Willard on pioneer suffragists, 638; at A.'s 70th birthday banquet, 665; Hinckley, Purvis, Pickler, 666; Mrs. Stanton, 667; Mrs. Stanton, Mrs. Blatch, Mr. Foulke and others at union of two assns., 674, 675; at Natl. Council of Women in 1891, 702; Lucy Stone, 703; Sen. Ingalls on woman suff., 726; Mrs. Palmer at Columb. Expos., 742; in N. Y. campaign of 1894, 761; suffragists and antis in constitl. conv., 768-771; Mrs. Greenleaf on A.'s work in N. Y. campaign, 772; at Kas. Popu. Conv., 789; Mrs. Catt in South, 806-809; Mrs. Stanton on A.'s reading hers, 811; Miss Shaw's in St. Louis, 821; in Denver, 823; in Cheyenne, 823; in Salt Lake, 824, 825; in Reno, 825; Gov. West of Utah, 825; Mayor Sutro of San Fr., 827; Miss Shaw's in Calif. in 1895, 826-837; in 1896, 864; before Repub. St. Com., 871; Dem. St. Conv., 874; ratification meeting, 874; 875; of women during campaign, 875-884; Mrs. Catt, 875, 878; treatment of women speakers in Calif. campaign, 883, 884; action of men speakers, 885; Thos. B. Reed silenced, 885; Mr. Gannett on Anthony sisters, 916; at Anthony Reunion, Mrs. Catt, 942; Mrs. Avery, 943; Mrs. Upton, 943; D. R. Anthony, 944; Mrs. Sewall, 944; Mrs. Colby, 944; Miss Shaw, 945; Sumner on Equal Rights to All, 968 (see Lectures).
SPIRITUALISM, beginning of, 58; A.'s comments, 119, 158; men and women spirits, 413; A. and Miss Shaw at Lily Dale, 710; action of churches, 720; A. dares to thank, 773; 918.
STATUES (see Sculpture).
STATUS OF WOMAN, in home, church, school, society, laws, industries, State, etc., changes wrought, A.'s part in them, viii, ix, 822, 848, 948 (see Newspapers).
SUFFRAGE, greatest of rights, 75; A.'s opinion of its value, 81; necessary for negro, 245-248; Lucy Stone on negro, 275; Beecher on inalienable right, 276; A., same, 278; attitude of The Revolution, 311; secured to negroes by 15th Amend., 317; value of the right, 455; Sen. Dolph on, 618; Natl. Repub. Conv. on, 642; same, 724; men vote simply because men, 769; A.'s plea for negro suff., 960 et seq.; Sumner on value of, 968; Lord Coke on connection with taxes, 969; distinguished testimony as to right of 979-981.
SUFFRAGE, WOMAN,[141] A.'s doubt of its necessity, 61; her first declaration for, 71; her first conv., 72; justice of, 75; faith of early workers it would soon be granted, 82, 107, 129, 335, 372, 381; underlying principle of rights of women, 185; denied at close of war, 238-240; first appeal to Cong., 250; noted men favor, 251, 252; N. Y. Independent demands, 252; Purvis approves, 258; A.'s demand that U. S. Constn. shall grant, 260; repudiated by Repubs. and Abolits., 265; debate in Cong., 266; agony of leaders among women, 268-270; Labor Congress opposes, 307; resolutions for in Cong. in 1868, 310, 311; denied will lead to antagonism and outrage, 318; A.'s demand that 15th Amend, shall contain, 323; Natl. Assn. formed, 326; divis. of forces, 328, 336; right to under 14th Amend., 331, 338; A.'s plea for experiment in D. of C., 338; thinks movement can not be stopped, 340; Union Suffrage Society formed, 348; friends prefer the Natl. Assn., 383; A.'s resume of situation in 1870, 365; early advocates, 369; great petition of 1871, 378; favorable outlook, 381; attempts to secure under 14th Amend., 409 et seq.; compared to Anti-Slav. cause, 415; A. and other women vote in 1872, 423 et seq.; again, 434; refused, 447; power of U. S. Constn. over, 429, 453; three ways of securing, 431; as a right, 432; in foreign countries, 434; A. defends her right of, 439; men do not need or want it, lacks working power, 456; value in temp. work, 457, 505; women's Centennial declaration, 477; treatment of petitions by Cong., 485; in Wy., 497; in proposed Ty. of Pembina, 500; Mary Clemmer scores Congressl. report, 501; new workers in 1880, 511; letters of A. and Garfield on, 521, 522; adopted by W. C. T. U., 537; in England, 563, 567, 568, 581, 593; Congressl. and State action compared, 589; Mary L. Booth on, 615; effect on family life depicted by Sens. Brown, Eustis, Vest and others, 617-620; A. declares platform free to all creeds, 631, 655; campaign in S. Dak., 679; relation to temp., 683; debate in Cong. on Wy., 698; at Chautauqua, 708, 709, 727; in New Zealand, 733; connection with Columb. Expos., 742-744; same, 748; A. and Lady Somerset on relation to temp., 747; in Congresses on Govt., 750; granted in Col., 753; campaign for In N. Y., 758; in Kas., 777; exec. com. in Cleveland, Mrs. Southworth's gift, 801; relation of suff. to home, 828, 829; influence of ministers, 834; relation of "trusts" to, 844; indebtedness of all women to its advocates, 80, 740, 822, 848, 948, 973; in Utah and S. Australia, 852; should not be entangled with other issues, 857; Calif. campaign, 863; advocates can not offend any class, 882, 924; attitude of liquor traffic toward, 886 (see Liquor Dealers); A. on attitude of polit. parties, 898; her idea of property and educatl. qualifications, 899, 922; need of for civic reform, 920; A. objects to partial, 798, 920; change in press and audiences, 929; does not destroy womanly instincts, 944, 945; gains of 50 yrs., 949; appeal to Pres. Lincoln for, 957; appeal to Cong. for, 968; taxation and, 969; necessary to preserve republic, 971; A.'s Constitl. argument for, 977; as guaranteed by U. S. Constitn., 977-992; inalienable right, 979; Sen. B. Gratz Brown on, 979; Sumner on, 981; wage earners' great need of, 996-1003; will make new balance of power, 1002; A.'s sp. on necessity of party support to carry amend. for, 1015; contributions to (see Finance, Funds, Gifts, also Amendments, Congress, Constitutions, Conventions, Disfranchisement, Negroes, Newspapers, Pioneers, Planks, Resolutions, Temperance, etc.).
SUFFRAGE, PARTIAL, municipal granted in Kas., 611; A. on justice and need of, 731; effects of, 732; Mich. Legis. grants, declared unconstitl., 740; a hindrance to full suff., 798; School Suff., in Wis., 624; in N. Y., 730; objections to, 920.
SUPREME COURT OF U. S., Dred Scott decis., 149; applied to women, 454, 984; on women's voting under 14th Amend., 453; women admitted to practice before, 502; 526; women will sit in, 582; on women's entering public lands, 983; 13th Amend., 986; of N. Y., decision on Mrs. Schuyler's statue, tribute to A., 735; of Mich. declares Munic. Suff. for women unconstitl., 740; of Idaho decides only majority of votes cast on amend. necessary to carry, 918; of D. C. denies right of women to vote under 14th Amend., 985; of Wyoming upholding it, 985.
TAXATION, Quaker attitude toward, 37; women should refuse, 73; without representation applied to women, 170; A. and Mrs. Stanton protest against, 277; spirited letter from A. on paying taxes, 330; protest against without representation, 441; Mary Clemmer on taxation without representation, 501; of Smith sisters in Conn., 511; A. shows conditions in Roch., N. Y., 731; Mrs. Greenleaf on, 732; Miss Willard on, 800; A. on taxpayers' suff., 899, 922; without representation, opinion of Lord Coke, 969; of Sumner, 979; early law in N. Y., 982; James Otis on, 989.
TEACHERS AND TEACHING, testimonial of Daniel Anthony's in 1814, 8; in Anthony home sch., 9; discipline, 22; father wishes daughters to teach, 23, 24; Deborah Moulson, 24 et seq.; A.'s beginning, 23, 24; in Union Village, 34; in Center Falls, 37; New Rochelle, 38, 39; Cambridge and Ft. Edward, 44; injustice to women, 45; in Canajoharie, 49; grows tired, 51, 52; ends in Rochester, 55; ignoring of teachers, 71; same and A.'s speech in 1853, 98; women do not support her, 99; sustained by a few, 100; difference in salaries, 102; A. again at conv. for rights of women, 120; conv. at Utica shows advance, 130; at Troy, A. on Coeducation, injustice in New York, 143; at Binghamton, 155; at Lockport, A.'s keen thrusts, 163; at Poughkeepsie, Antoinette Brown Blackwell's amusing account, 176; Mary S. Anthony on injustice to, 191, 192; conv. at Syracuse, A. still demanding rights, 198; attends last conv., results of labors, 221, 222; salaries of men and women, 263; A. addresses in San Francisco, 830; Mary S. Anthony, 915; indebtedness to A., 976; get only subordinate positions, 1001.
TELEGRAMS, Train in Kas. campaign, 287; Repubs. call A. to Washtn., 421; inspector's fine remitted, 452; 461, 547, 548; A. affirms belief in woman suff., 652; on 70th birthday, 671; on admis. of Wy., 691; from Lady Somerset and Miss Willard, 729; to Miss Shaw from Oakland, 837; on Mrs. Stanton's birthday, 848; death of Mr. Sewall, 850; from Miss Willard, 901; come to Ohio, 927.
TEMPERANCE, principles of A.'s father, 17, 18, 19, 37; Daughters' Unions, 53, 62; A.'s first sp., 53; organizes in Rochester, 60, 62; insulted in meeting of Sons, holds woman's, 64, 65; first Wom. State Society and convention, 66-68; A. made St. organizer, 68; women rejected and insulted at men's meeting in Syracuse, 69; hold their own, 70; signatures for Maine Law, A.'s appeal, demands suffrage, 70, 71; Lucy Stone on Maine Law, 81; first hearing of women before N. Y. Legis., 82; tour of A. and others in 1853, 83; World's Conv. in New York, 87; women rejected and hold own meeting, 88-92; reports of N. Y. papers, 89-91; second conv. Women's St. Temp. Society, 92; men gain control, 94; A. and Mrs. Stanton withdraw, 95; Women's Whole World's Conv., 96, 100; Greeley on tracts, 97; S. F. Cary opposed, 97, 102; Men's Whole World's Conv., Antoinette Brown rejected, 101; A.'s first sip of wine, 400; A. tells "crusaders" in 1874 to work for vote instead of singing and praying, letter on same, 457; Stopford Brooke in Eng., 564; meeting in Crystal Palace, 567; in Ireland, 572, 573; A. does not ask suff. because of temp, vote, 655; is total abstainer, 683; speaks at Cong. of Columb. Expos., 747; objects to connecting temp. with woman suff., 882; women driven to revolution in work for, 1003; petitions spurned, 1012 (see Intemperance, Prohibition, W. C. T. U.).
TESTIMONIALS, of people and assns. to A. on going abroad, 547, 548.
TRIALS AND CASES, McFarland-Richardson, 351-353; Fair-Crittenden, 391-392, 396; of Susan B. Anthony for voting, under 14th Amend., 425-454; arrest, 426; examination, 427; B. F. Butler's opinion, 429; denial of writ of habeas corpus, 432; her canvass of two counties, 435; sp. of Judge Selden, 437; denial of trial by jury, 439; sentence and her protest, 439; opinions of press, 441; trial of Inspectors, 444; contributions of friends, 446; appeal to Congress, 449; majority and minority reports, 450-452; pardon of Inspectors, 452; newspaper comment, 993; Election Inspectors in St. Louis for receiving vote of Mrs. Minor, 453; Beecher-Tilton, 461; Schuyler statue, 734.
TRIBUTES, of William Winter, 323; Mary Clemmer, 340; Phoebe Cary, 342; Myra Bradwell, 346; Sen. Edmunds' to speech, 512; 535; Rochester friends, 548; Chicago Tribune, 549; Mary H. Krout in 1893, 751; Mrs. Greenleaf in N. Y. campaign, 772; Tilton in 1895, 848; Mary Lowe Dickinson, Mrs. Stanford, 850; Mrs. Sargent, 892; Dr. H. W. Thomas, 900; Mrs. Catt, 942; Mrs. Colby, 944; Miss Shaw, 945; Mrs. Sewall, Miss Willard, 950; Mrs. Stanton, 951; on 50th birthday, 972 (see Birthdays, Letters, Newspapers, Resolutions, Speeches, Traits of Character).
UNIVERSITIES, COLLEGES, SCHOOLS, etc., Nine Partners, 8; home schools, 9, 19, 22, 35; Mt. Holyoke, 23; Miss Moulson's boarding school, 24; Friends' Sch. at Tarrytown, 39; Cornell, 64; People's College, 64, 77; Normal Sch. (Ills.), 469; Neb. St. Univers., 545; Glasgow, 556; Coll. of France, 561; Edinburgh, 570; Trinity, 575; Rugby, Oxford, Somerville, St. Margaret's, 575; Bishops' (Tex.), 598; weak-minded female seminary, 624; Lincoln Institute (Kas.), 649; Girls' Classical Sch. (Indpls.), 650; Mich. St. Univers., 658; Phila. Normal, 705; Mt. Holyoke, 706; Rochester, 713; Wellesley Coll., 754; Keuka College, 773; Girls' Normal Sch. (Phila.), 776; Cornell, Sage College, 800; Vassar, 803; Drexel Institute, 815; Nevada St. Univers., 825; Leland Stanford Jr., 830; Normal Sch. (San Jose), 831; Tuskeegee Institute, 914; Mt. Union Coll. (O.), 927; Fiske, 928; Minn. St. Univ., 929.
VOICES, weak ones of women, 75; A.'s voice, 77; same, 153; women's poor voices, 157; A. on men's voices, 163; A.'s in 1867, 272; pioneers' and modern women's contrasted, 729; A.'s at 75, 823; 893.
WAR, record of family in Revolution, 4; in Civil, 37; last Wom. Rights Conv. before, 212, 213; Phillips on, 214; Anna Dickinson on, 220; outlook in 1863, 226; woman's duty in, 227, 228, 230; woman's services, 239; lesson for women, 239; woman's position after, 256, 280; ravages in Europe, 562; A.'s effort to secure results of Revolution for women, 919; Civil, a step toward progress, 958; work of women in, 1015.
WEDDINGS (see Marriage).
WIVES (see Divorce, Guardianship, Laws, Marriage, Property Rights).
WOMAN'S BUREAU, estab. in N. Y., 320; Natl. Wom. Suff. Assn. formed there, 326; weekly meetings, 330; celebr. of A.'s 50th birthday, 341; clubs object to The Revolution office, Anna Dickinson's gift, 360.
WOMAN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION, 96; A. addresses in Rochester, 457; needs votes, 505; A. attends conv. in Washtn., Miss Willard introduces, delegates disapprove, society adopts woman suff., 537; delegates repudiate A.'s influence, 588; A. addresses in Kas., in Ills., 609; petitions for woman suff. in 1887, 620; A.'s addresses too practical for, 643; 674; in S. Dak., 681, 683; to A. on religious matters, 677; A. addresses in Rochester against third party, 709; petitions in N. Y. for woman suff., 766; speeches in constitl. conv., 769; Miss Willard introd. A. in Cleveland, might as well be dogs as without a vote, 800, 801; Cong. in St. Louis, 821; recep. to A. in Utah, 825; A. asks Miss Willard to withdraw conv. from Calif., 857; request granted, its women work for suff., 882; attitude toward A., 882, 901; A. declines to join protest against "yellow" journalism and prize-fighting, 923, 924.
WOMAN OF FUTURE, A. urges outdoor life, 160; the true woman, 170; physical culture, 198; her ideal of, 582; same, 860.
WOMEN'S NATIONAL LOYAL LEAGUE, great work in 1863, 225-240; address to Pres. Lincoln, 957.
WOMAN'S RIGHTS, first conv., 59; N. Y. Tribune, 61; in Worcester, 61, 75; A. demands, 71; her first conv., 72; Mayo, Geo. W. Johnson, Lucy Stone on, 73; Antoinette Brown, Mrs. Nichols, 74; Gerrit Smith, Mrs. Rose, 75; opposition of young minister and teacher, 76; abuse of advocates, 76-80; gains made, 80; 84, 90, 91, 92; Mrs. Stanton on right to speak, 92; Gerrit Smith on, 98; N. Y. conv. of 1853, A.'s vow, 102; mob rules, 103; conv. in Rochester, 105; courage required for early meetings, 119; Greeley on, 126; conv. of 1856, in New York, 147; conv. of 1858 under mob rule, 162; Geo. Wm. Curtis on, 167; A.'s tilt with, 172; conv. in New York in 1859, the mob rules, 174; from Southern standpoint, 183, 184; gradual merging into Suffrage, 185; in Albany in 1860, 186; Henry Ward Beecher on, 192; conv. of 1860 in New York and Divorce question, 193, 194; retarded by War, 225; foundation of democracy, 229; first conv. after War, 256 et seq.; Anna Dickinson's first speech for, 262; sacrificed to negro, woman avenges herself, 301; 304; divisions among workers for not recorded, 336; earliest advocates, 369; 25th annivers. first conv., 434; 30th anniv., 495; Fred. Douglass recalls first conv., 634; annivers. of first conv. in Salem, O., 722; conv. of 1866 sends address to Congress, 968 (see Suffrage, Woman).
YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION, 754; A. tells should work for woman suff., 804.
[138] Superficial and inadequate grouping.
[139] In later years churches have been so freely opened for woman suffrage meetings that it would be impossible to tabulate them.
[140] In later years this attitude changed, and it would be impossible to list the instances of their helpfulness.
[141] Only a reference to principal points is possible. Its various phases are listed under their respective heads.
ALABAMA, Birmingham, 809; New Decatur, 809; Tuscaloosa, 183.
ARKANSAS, Ft. Smith, 649; Helena, 649; Little Rock, 649.
CALIFORNIA, 52, 59, 341; A.'s first visit, 1871, 390; help in S. D. campaign, 685; 738; Woman's Cong., A. visits, 819, 826; urged to help woman suff. campaign, 861; the campaign, 863; results, 890; 922; Alameda, 865; Berkeley, 865; Chico, 404; Geysers, 394; Los Angeles, first visit, 832; second, 862; Marysville, 404; Mayfield, 405; Mt. Shasta, 404; Oakland, A.'s first visit, 394; second, 826; 831, 834; fails to find hall, 837; 865, 876, 885; Palo Alto, 830; Pasadena, 832; Pomona, 832; Red Bluff, 404; Sacramento, 869-872; San Diego, A.'s first visit, 832; second, 862; San Francisco, A.'s first visit, 390; 396; 405; 493; Woman's Congress, 819, 827; a suff. meet., 829; 834; St. Conv., 835; 4th of July, 835; 862; woman suff. headqrs., 864; same, 875; liquor dealers, 886; St. Suff. Conv., 892; San Jose, 394, 405, 831; San Luis Obispo, 881; Santa Barbara, 881; Santa Cruz, 831; Santa Monica, 833; Truckee, 826; Whittier, 832; Yosemite Valley, A. visits, 392; trees named, 831; Yreka, 403.
COLORADO, A. canvasses for woman suff., 489; granted, 752; 757; invites A. to celebr., 775; 780; party records, 1017; Boulder, 493; Del Norte, 490; Denver, A.'s first visit, 387; 492; writes lecture, 493; visit in 1895, 821; Lake City, 490; Leadville, "free love" placards, 491; Oro City, 491; Ouray, 491; Wagon Wheel Gap, 490.
CONNECTICUT, canvass for woman suff., 456; 622; Bridgeport, 89; Glastonbury, 511; Hartford, 293; first Wom. Suff. Conv., 332; 387, 535; Hooker golden wed., 709; Meriden, 705; New Haven, 535.
DAKOTA, 541, 666.
SOUTH DAKOTA, canvass for woman suff., 656; A.'s great work, 659; help of Natl. Assn., 675, 684; campaign of 1890, 679; action of polit. convs., 686, 687; results, 694, 696; 780; Aberdeen, 657, 686; Brookings, 657; De Smet, 657; Huron, Farmers' Alliance, 657, 685; 695; Madison, 657; A.'s sp., 691; Mitchell, 657, 687; Parker, 657; Pierre, 657, 695; Redfield, 657; Sioux Falls, 657; St. Lawrence, 657; Watertown, 657; Yankton, 657.
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, bill for woman suff., 266, 311; A. argues for, 338; Anacostia, 814; Washington, father visits in 1838, 33; A.'s first visit in 1854, 117; goes for The Revolution, 297; first woman suff. conv. held, 313; in 1870, 337; 370; conv. of 1871, 371; suff. headqrs. in Capitol, 381; A. comes from Calif., 408; conv. of 1872, 410; A. meets Natl. Rep. Com., 421; conv. of 1873, 431; A. takes her case for voting, 450; conv. 1874, 453; of 1875, 467; of 1876, 472; of 1877, 484; of 1878, prayer meet. conv., 494; of 1879, 499; of 1880, 511; of 1881, 526; W. C. T. U. Conv., 537; Natl. Suff. of 1882, 540; of 1883, 546; 549; of 1884, 588; of 1885, 595; A.'s Congressl. work, 605, 607; conv. of 1886, 607; A.'s amusing start for, 612; conv. of 1887, 617; union of suff. assns., 630; first Intl. Council of Wom., 636; Natl. Suff. Conv. of 1888, 639; of 1889, 647; 660; 70th birthday, 664; conv. of 1890, 674; A.'s social life, 677; love for, 679; Wimodaughsis, 700; Natl. Council, 702; Natl. Suff. Conv. of 1891, 702; A. leaves Riggs House, 705; Mrs. Stanton's last appearance, 1892, 717; conv. of 1893, 737; of 1894, 756; 778; Natl. Council, 812; 75th birthday, 813; conv. of 1896, 851; A. longs for, 901; 903, 1005.
GEORGIA, 757; Atlanta, 758; Natl. Suff. Conv., 810; Columbus, 812.
IDAHO, campaign for woman suff., 878; granted, 902; A. on Sup. Ct. decis., 919.
ILLINOIS, 345, 364, 433, 469; Batavia, 347; Bloomington, 364, 519; Natl. Prohib. Conv., 520; Carbondale, 469; Champaign, 347; Chicago, 242; A. visits in 1865, 249; 293, 305, 315, 316, 321, 330; lecture bureau, 344; 361, 380, 387; trunk lost, 408; 446, 460; speaks on Social Purity, 468; on Bread and Ballot, 472; 515, 608, 617, 640; Natl. Repub. Conv., 641; 655; Fed. of Clubs, 720, 721; Natl. Dem. Conv., 725; World's Fair opens, 742; Wom. Cong., 745; 793, 799, 821, 840, 862; $6,000 bed, 902; 929, 1004; Elwood, 347; Evanston, 364, 609; Farmington, 347; Harvey, 751; Lake Bluff, 609; Lake Geneva, 609; LaSalle, 347; Mattoon, 345; Mendota, 347; Peoria, 345; Peru, 347; Quincy, 347; Sandwich, 611; Springfield, 293, 315.
INDIANA, 345, 380, 433; canvass for wom. suff., 626; Bloomington, 626; Evansville, 623, 626; Ft. Wayne, 433, 626; Indianapolis, 516; Natl. Suff. Conv., 517; 623; A. calls on Gen. Harrison, 641; at Classical Sen., 650; 698, 821; 903; A. addresses Legis., 904; 1013; Kokomo, 626; Lafayette, 519, 623, 626; Logansport, 626; Madison, 626; Marion, 434; Muncie, 626; New Albany, 626; Richmond, 623; Rushville, 655; South Bend, 626; Terre Haute, 503, 519, 626; Vincennes, 626; Wabash, 626.
IOWA, A. canvasses for woman suff., 469; 470, 493; Ames, 644; Burlington, 380; Cedar Rapids, 380; Council Bluffs, 380; Davenport, 380; Des Moines, 380, 698, 728; Natl. Suff. Conv., 901; Mt. Pleasant, 380; Ottumwa, 380; Sioux City, 688.
KANSAS, early days, 121; John Brown's raid, 144; 169; A. plans campaign, 178; first visit, 242; pioneer discomforts, 247; Lucy Stone canvasses, 274; campaign of 1867, 281; A. and Mrs. Stanton go, 283; 364, 469, 493, 496, 519; canvass in 1887, 609; munic. suff. for women, 611; canvass of 1887, 625; calls A. to assist, 715; canvass of 1892, 719; polit. convs., 726; Legis. submits wom. suff., 754, 755; campaign for in 1894, 777; 920; patriotism, 960; early amends., 1016; party records, 1017, 1018; 1020; Abilene, 611; Ingalls' sp., 625; Anthony, 611; Atchison, 248, 291, 626, 697; Burlington, 290; Emporia, 290, 644; Florence, 611; Fort Scott, 289, 608, 611, 697, 840; Humboldt, 289; Hutchinson, 611, 796; Independence, 611; Junction City, 290; Kansas City, 379, 471; A. sp. on planks, 784, 1015; Lawrence, 248, 285, 286, 287, 288, 379, 611; Leavenworth A. visits in 1865, 242; 248; woman suff. campaign 1867, 287, 290, 291; 379, 408; A. nurses brother, 471; sister's death, 487; 608; false report on woman suff., 622; 644, 648; A. in munic. campaign, 649; 697, 785, 799, 840; Leroy, 290; Lincoln, 610; Mound City, 289; Olathe, 288, 379; Ottawa, 288; Ottumwa, A.'s sp. in 1865, 247, 960; Paola, 288, 379; Salina, 609, 610; Topeka, 274, 275, 290, 379, 785, 786; Popu. conv., 1894, 787; A.'s advice to women, 839; Wichita, 611; Repub. St. conv., 655; Winfield, 611; Wyandotte, 290.
KENTUCKY, 230, 502, 806, 919; Lexington, 806; Louisville, 293, 806, 877; Milan, 806; Owensboro, 806; Paducah, 806; Wilmore, 806.
LOUISIANA, 806; New Orleans, A.'s first visit, 597; second, 807; Shreveport, 808.
MAINE, 519; Bangor, 154; Portland, 535; Skowhegan, 502.
MARYLAND, Baltimore, A. visits in 1854, 118; Natl. Dem. Conv., 417; 756.
MASSACHUSETTS, Laws for wives, 200; 265, 459; Adams, Anthony family settle, 3, 4; Read family same, 5, 9; A. born, 13; Anthonys leave, 17; grandfather hears A. speak, 129; A. visits in 1860, 198; in 1887, 624; 926; Anthony Reunion in 1897, 939; changed conditions, 944; A.'s birthplace, 947; Berkshire Hills, beauty of, 1, 2, 13; noted people, 1, 2; Beecher, Holmes and Goodale sisters on, 2; Bryant, Julia Taft Bayne, 13; A. visits in 1889, 653; in 1897, 947; Boston, Van Buren visits, 42; 72; Wom. Rights Conv., 1855, 131; Anti-Slavery Soc., 137; 182; W. R. Conv. 1860, 196; A. visits for anti-slav., 199; Phillips' sp. 1861, 214; A. visits, 219; 252, 256; Equal Rights Assn., 262; 293, 332, 335; lecture bureau, 344; Wom. Journal estab., 361; Natl. Suff. Conv., 533; Phillips' funeral, 588; 597, 598, 628; remonstrants, 695; A.'s illness, 701; 895; Bowen's Corners, 5, 948; Bunker Hill, 132, 153, 277; Charleston, 132; Cheshire, 4, 5, 706; Concord, A. speaks in, 251; invited to Sch. of Philos., 510; Danbury, 525; Dartmouth, 3, 4; Framingham, 219; Green Mts., 1, 9, 947; Greylock Mt., 3, 9, 13, 199; A. visits in 1897, 947; Lenox, 1, 3, 46; Lexington, 4; Lynn, 131; Magnolia, 624; Medford, 895; Rehobeth, 4; Salem, 49, 131; Scituate, 4; Springfield, 293; Stafford's Hill, 4, 57; Stockbridge, 1, 3; West Newton, 252; Worcester, 61, 75, 88; Hydropathic Ins., 131, 132, 133; 252, 293.
MICHIGAN, father visits in 1844, 45; 345; A. canvasses in 1874, 460; munic. suff., 740; Ann Arbor, 380; St. conv., 755; 862; Battle Creek, 249, 720, 740; Bay City, 740; Charlotte, 740; Detroit, 176; A.'s lect., 1870, 345; 369, 658, 740; Dowagiac, 733; Grand Rapids, 379, 519, 720, 740, 929; Hillsdale, 740; Jackson, 380; Jonesville, 347; Kalamazoo, 379, 929; Lansing, 380, 740; Saginaw, 740; Sturgis, 347.
MINNESOTA, Duluth, 656; Minneapolis, 656; Natl. Repub. Conv., 723; 929; St. Paul, 505.
MISSISSIPPI, Johnson's Reconstruct. Proclam., 960; Greenville, 808; Jackson, 808.
MISSOURI, in 1865, 242; 469, 493, 806; Chillicothe, 249; Jefferson City, 649; Kansas City, 785, 895; Macon City, 249; St. Louis, A. addresses negroes in 1865, 249; 286, 293, 315; Mr. Minor's sp., 330; Mrs. M. attempts to vote, 453; A. speaks on Social Purity, 469; suff. conv. 1878, 506; 546, 598, 609, 649; A. visits in 1895, 821; Natl. Repub. Conv., 879; St. Joseph, 248, 291.
NEBRASKA, A. canvasses for woman suff., 544; Beatrice, 493, 727; St. conv., 799; Fremont, 697; Lincoln, 380, 545; Omaha, 286, 293, 380, 408, 544, 545, 616, 644; Peru, 728.
NEVADA, Nevada City, 405; Reno, 406, 825, 895; Virginia City, 406.
NEW HAMPSHIRE, Concord, 535, 702, 895; Dover, 535; Keene, 535.
NEW JERSEY, Cape May, 624; Orange, 802; Tenafly, 309, 368, 502, 525, 533, 707.
NEW YORK, first Wom. St. Temp. Conv., 67; convs. for better laws, 110; A. canvasses for Woman's Rights, 123; for Abolitionists, 148, 149; second canvass, 208; for woman suff. amend. in 1867, 271; 369, 459, 519; Constitl. Conv., 758; campaign for woman suff. in 1894, 759-773; 785; Adirondacks, 708; Albany, 44; A. meets Lydia Mott, 58; driven out of temp. meet., holds another, 64, 65; women first appear bef. Legis., 82; 88, 105; Wom. Rights Conv. 1854, 108; 125; petitions presented in 1856, 140; A. works in Legis., 173; 186; A. and Mrs. Stanton before Legis., 189; anti-Slav. depot, 199; runaway mother, 200; mayor prevents mob in 1861, 211; last Wom. Rights Conv. before war, 212; Anti-Slav. Conv. of 1862, 217; Equal Rights Conv. of 1866, 263; A. and Mrs. Stanton before Legis., 273; before Constitl. Conv., 278; 293; A. denied habeas corpus, 432; addresses Constitl. Com., 433; A. no home, 536; bef. Legis., 622; same, 1892, 719; anti-suff. org., 765, 766; Constitl. Conv. meets, women address, vote taken, 767-772; A.'s face carved in Capitol, 949; Angelica, 124; Attica, 139; Auburn, 127, 140, 241, 249, 714, 914, 917; Avon, 176; Ballston Spa, 176; Battenkill, 17, 35, 37; Battenville, Anthonys remove to, 17; 22, 24, 41, 43, 51, 119, 896; Bensonhurst, 753; Binghamton, A. stirs up Teach. Conv., 155; 222; Brighton, 733; Brighton Beach, 653; Buffalo, 73, 83; mob rule in 1861, 208; 271, 293, 446, 730, 741, 762; Brockport, 845; Brooklyn, A. first speaks in, 83; teachers' salaries in 1856, 143; 353, 363, 464, 653; St. Suff. Conv., 753; 761, 763; anti-suff. org., 765; Byron Center, 642; Cambridge, 44; Canajoharie, A. goes to teach in 1846, 49; 51; gives first speech, 53; trustee refuses church, 121; Canandaigua, A.'s trial for voting, 436; inspector's trial, 443; Castile, 901; Catskills, 773; Center Falls, 37; A. teaches in, 43; family leave, 46; Chautauqua, 708, 709; Miss Shaw's debate with Dr. Buckley, 727; Clifton, 176; Corning, 124; Dansville, 138, 446, 452; Deerfield, 10; Dundee, 199; Elmira, 71, 124; Thos. K. Beecher, 178; Easton, 19, 24, 46, 51; anti-slav. meet., 152; A. and Quaker preacher, 177; Fairfield, 272; Farmington, 10; Fayetteville, 601; Fort Edward, 44; Fort William Henry, scene at hotel, 176; A. and Southern Judge, 183; 653; Geneva, 900, 927; A. defends "rings," 928; George, Lake, attentive Quaker, 126; 176; Gregory's Grove, 215; Hall's Corners, 138; Hardscrabble, 35, 37; Hempstead, 654; Hornellsville, 364, 448; Hudson, 83; Ithaca, 800; Jamaica, 753; Jamestown, 642; Johnstown, 592; Junius, 215; Lily Dale (Cassadaga Lake), 710, 728, 773; Lockport, 163; A. lect. on Coeducation, 164; Long Island, 42; Long Pond, 653; Lyons, 652; Manitou Beach, 709; Mayville, A. begins first canvass for Woman's Rights, 123; Mecklinburg, 222; Milton-on-the-Hudson, 252; Mt. McGregor, 653; Mt. Morris, 138; Newburgh, 847; Newport, first woman suff. meeting, 330; New Rochelle, A. teaches in, 37, 39; Van Buren's visit, 41; 42; New York City, father visits in 1838, 34; A. attends church in 1839, 40; Rynder's mob, 63; A. first speaks in, 83; 86; Brick Church meet., 87; women's meet., 89; Whole World's Temp. Conv., 96; same, 100; mob rule, 101; Wom. Rights Conv., 102; Anti-Slav. Anniv., 129; teachers' salaries, 1856, 143; Wom. Rights Conv. 1856, 147; of 1857, mob rules, 162; same in 1859, 174; Beecher's Wom. Rights lect., 192; conv. of 1860, 193; A. with runaway child, 201; Wom. Rights Conv. of 1861 given up, 213; again in 1862, 218; A. in art gallery, 219; Natl. Loyal League org., 226; draft riots, 230; May annivers. after War, 246; Wom. Rights Conv., 1866, 256, 259; again, 264; Equal Rights Assn., 1867, 276; 293, 305, 307, 309; Press Club dinner, 316; Woman's Bureau, 320; lecture bureau, 344; Fifth Ave. Suff. Conf., 346; Equal Rights Com. meet., 348; McFarland-Richardson trial, 352; 356; 20th anniv. wom. suff., 367; Natl. Conv., 1871, 383; foundlings, 391; Mrs. Woodhull and suff. conv., 414; conv. 1873, 434; 446; in 1874, 458; 470, 474, 488, 537; Mrs. Stanton's 70th birthday, 603; 607; St. conv., 1889, 651; 654; Mrs. Stanton's home, 712; 739, 753; campaign for woman suff., 761; prominent women in, 763; anti-suff. soc., 766; 768, 801, 802, 815; Mrs. Stanton's 80th birthday, 845; 895, 896, 968, 1005; Nunda, 138; Niagara Falls, husband fails to appreciate, 141; 175, 896; Olean, 124; Oneida, 39; Ontario Beach, 223; Oswego, A. at St. Teach. Conv., 120; Palatine Bridge, 10, 35, 47, 49; Penn Yan, 198; Peterboro, 113; Gerrit Smith's church, 179; Plattsburg, water cure experience, 126; Port Byron, 198, 210; Poughkeepsie, 83; Pillsbury's sp., 152; A. stirs up Teach. Conv., 176; Reid's Corners, 24; Richmond, 753; Riverhead, women afraid to attend lecture, 127; 753; Rochester, parents visit on wedding tour in 1817, 10; father buys farm in 1845, 45; family removes to, 47; 52; A.'s farm life, 55; Spiritualism, 58; first Wom. Rights Conv. meets, 59; Fred. Douglass removes to, 59; temperance and Abolitionism, 60, 62; 64; first Wom. St. Temp. Conv., 67; anti-slav. conv., 71; 83; second St. Temp. Conv., 92; A.'s first St. Teach. Conv., 98; Wom. Rights Conv. of 1853, 104; A.'s first exper. in canvass., 108; Sunday night lect., 135; 140; anti-capital punish. meet., mob rules, 164; Free Church meet., 167; John Brown meet., 180; A.'s lect. course, 190; mob rule in 1861, 208; Phillips' and Tilton's lectures, 217; A. attends last Teach. Conv., 221; 249, 264, 293, 365, 370, 380, 387, 412; women's Repub. meet., 422; A. votes, 423; 446; visits inspectors in jail, 452; 471, 472, 488; 30th anniv. Wom. Rights Conv., 495; death of mother, 512; A. lect. on Bread and Ballot, 546; publishing Hist., 601; 615, 651, 658; St. Suff. Conv., 698; A. goes to housekeeping, 706; St. Fair, 711; Mrs. Stanton's visit, 713: Thanksgiving, 714; Mount Hope, 719; charter meet., 731; 740; headqrs. suff. campaign 1894, 760; opening meet., 762; anti-suff. soc., 766; 791, 800, 802; defends negroes, 815; Mrs. Stanton's birthday, 849; A.'s birthday, 860; home from Calif., 895; 896, 901; Douglass' birthday, 904; A.'s 77th celebr., 905; Cuban League, 907; A.'s Biog. begun, 909; Monday evenings, 913; Mary Anthony's birthday, 914; Anthony home, 933; Rome, mob rule in 1861, 210; Rondout, 124; Saratoga Springs, new country, 7; Van Buren visits, 41; A. visits in 1840, 43; Wom. Rights Conv. in 1854, 120; in 1855, 130, 131; in 1856, 143; 176; Wom. Suff. Conv. in 1869, 329; in 1870, 365; 653, 706; St. polit. convs., 775, 776; Sandy Hill, 44; Schoharie, 124; Seneca Falls, first Wom. Rights Conv., 59; A. meets Mrs. Stanton and Lucy Stone, 63, 64; 181; A. and Mrs. Stanton write speeches, 187; 219; Sherman, 123; Sharon, 176; Sing Sing, 83; Skaneateles, 354; Stone Arabia, 4; Syracuse, 55, 58, 63; women silenced in temp. conv., 69; A.'s first Wom. Rights Conv., 72; 79, 83; A. at St. Teach. Conv., 198; mob rule in 1861, 211; 293; St. conv., 729; 762; May's 100th birthday, 927; Tarrytown, 39, 41; Thousand Islands, 926; Ticonderoga, 4; Trenton Falls, 176; Troy, 36, 37, 47, 83; A. speaks on Coeducation in 1856, 143; 198; Union Springs, 10; Union Village, 34; Utica, 47, 70, 83, 89; A.'s lect. on Coeducation, 130; mob rule in 1861, 210; 713, 766; Warsaw, 138, 711, 739; Waterloo, 197; Watertown, 215; Wendte's Station, 138; Westchester, 251; Mrs. Greeley's petition, 279; 330.
OHIO, 345, 364, 433; Alliance, 927; Akron, 652; Ashtabula, 845; Cincinnati, 130; A. misses Woman's Rights Conv. of 1855, 134; 293, 331; Natl. Lib. Conv., 415; 515; Dem. Natl. Conv., 519; 648, 741; Cleveland, Wom. Rights Conv. 1853, 103; 147, 293; Am. Wom. Suff. Assn. formed, 328; second conv., 349; 623, 679; W. C. T. U. meet., 800; Columbus, 380, 643; Crestline, 380; Dayton, 331, 380; Lakeside, 840; Mentor, 520; Painesville, 380, 704; Salem, 380, 722; Springfield, 380; Toledo, 315, 316, 740; 25th suff. annivers., 756; 929; Warren, 651, 704, 820.
OREGON, votes on woman suff., 592; 738; Eugene, 403; Oregon City, 399, 403; Portland, A.'s first visit, 395, 400; Woman's Cong., 877; Roseburg, 403; Salem, 399; The Dalles, 399; A.'s first taste of wine, 400.
PENNSYLVANIA, 345, 369; Altoona, 408; Bradford, 720; Hamilton, A. attends boarding school in, 24, 26, 27; Kennett Square, 601; Philadelphia, 24, 26, 34, 88, 119; Wom. Rights Conv. of 1854, 121; at Lucretia Mott's, 122; anti-slav. meet., 234; 251; A. and Phillips at Anti-Slav. meet. in 1866, 267; 340; Labor Cong., 367; Natl. Repub. Conv. 1872, 416; women's part in Centennial, 474; 512; mass meet. in 1880, 517; A.'s homes in, 527; testimonial to A., 534; 538; Natl. Suff. Conv., 541; farewell recep. to A., 546, 547; sets sail, 550; 603, 622; conv. Am. Assn., 627; 650; wedding of niece, 652; 654, 660, 705, 719, 753, 776, 799, 802, 814, 858; Somerton, 814; Waynesburg, 516.
Rhode Island, 525; Newport, Wom. Suff. Conv. 1869, 329; Portsmouth, 3; Providence, 72, 87; A. visits, 332, 368; 535, 896; Valley Falls, 896.
SOUTH CAROLINA, 757; Aiken, 812; Columbia, 812.
TENNESSEE, 806, 964; Memphis, 807; Nashville, A. visits, Woman's Council, 927.
TEXAS, 59; Marshall, 598.
UTAH, bill to disfranch. women, 607; admis. to Union, 851; A.'s advice to women, 897; woman suff. granted, 902; Ogden, 406; Salt Lake City, A.'s first visit, 388; second, 824.
VERMONT, Danby, 19; A. visits, 43; 46.
VIRGINIA, father visits in 1844, 44; 177, 370; Alexandria, 118; Culpepper, 812; Harper's Perry, 180, 181; Lincoln, 814.
WASHINGTON, 608; Olympia, 399, 400; Port Gamble, 400; Port Madison, 400; Seattle, 399; Tacoma, 652; Walla Walla, 399.
WISCONSIN, 469, 493; suit for wom. suff., 624; 625; Eau Claire, 612; Evansville, 612; Grand Rapids, 612; Green Bay, 612; LaCrosse, 612; Madison, 315; A.'s sp. in St. House, 612; 929; Milwaukee, 315, 316, 380, 446, 519, 612; St. Conv., 655; Oshkosh, 612; Racine, 609, 611; Ripon, 612; Waukesha, 612.
WYOMING, A.'s tribute to, 388; polit. record on woman suff., 407, 411; Repubs. and woman suff., 411; slanders on woman suff., 497; 676, 691; debate on admission, 698; women delegates to Natl. Repub. Conv., 724; 757; Cheyenne, 408; A. visits in 1895, 823; Granite Canyon, 408; Laramie City, 387, 407; Medicine Bow, 407; Sherman, 407.
VICTORIA, B. C., 402.
CANADA, 216, 703; Montreal, 653; Quebec, 4; Toronto, 658.
CUBA, 858; A.'s sp. on, 908.
EUROPE, A. visits in 1883, farewell receptions, gifts, newspaper comment, departure, 546-550; letters describing tour, 551-578; compared to America, 558; blotting out of women, 562; interview on arrival home, 581; Hist. of Wom. Suff. in libraries, 614; work for Intl. Council of Wom., 633.
ENGLAND, London, Anthony ancestry, 3; A. visits, 553, 554, 562; speaks for Natl. Suff. Soc., 565; in St. James Hall, 566; sight-seeing, receptions, etc., 562-568, 575-578; 704; Basingstoke, 554, 562; Bayswater, 553; Bedford Park, 563; Birmingham, 576; Cambridge, 3; Haworth, Bronte Sisters, 576; Hempstead, 3; Leamington, 573, 575; Leeds, 575, 576, 577; Liverpool, A. arrives, 553; departs, 579; Manchester, 576; Oxford, 575; Rugby, 575; Stratford, 575; Tunbridge Wells, 563; woman suff. in, 563, 567, 568, 581, 593; farmers enfranchised, 593; wage-earners same, results, 996-998.
SCOTLAND, Ambleside, 571; Callander, trunk lost, 570; Edinburgh, 568-571; Kirkstone Pass, 571; Patterdale, 571; Penrith, 571.
IRELAND, 59; Belfast, 573; Connemara, 574; Cork, 572, 573; Dublin, 575; Galway, 574; Killarney, mother and babies, 573; Macroom, 573; Youghal, 575.
FRANCE, greeting to A., 652; Basle, 555; Calais, 555; Paris, 561, 562.
GERMANY, Cologne, Anthony ancestry, 3; A. visits, 559; Alsace and Lorraine, 561; Berlin, A. visits, 559; mail declared incendiary, 559; Heidelberg, 560; Mayence, 560; Munich, 559; Nuremberg, 559; Potsdam, 560; Strasburg, 560; Worms, 559.
ITALY, Capri, 557; Florence, 558; Genoa, 556; Milan, 555, 558; Naples, 556; Palermo, 557; Pompeii, 556; Rome, A. visits, 555; Vesuvius, 557; Vatican, 558; palace and orphan asylum, 943.
SWITZERLAND, 603; Zurich, 559.
POLAND, 75, 369.
AUSTRALIA, SOUTH, woman suff. granted, 853.
NEW ZEALAND, woman suff. granted, 733.
* * * * *
[Transcriber's Notes:
The transcriber made these changes to the text to correct obvious errors:
1. p. 844 disfranchished —> disfranchised 2. p. 1034 conferference —> conference 3. p. 1035, men's govt., 393 —> men's govt., 693 4. p. 1043 municiipal —> municipal 5. p. 1133 canvassses —> canvasses 6. p. 1133 conferference —> conference 7. Punctuation has been standardized in the Index 8. Images and autographs located within a paragraph have been moved to the end of the paragraph, which may be on a different page.
Also, many occurrences of mismatched quotes remain as they were in the original.
End of Transcriber's Notes] |