GREENWOOD, GRACE, describes women at suff. con., 314; 561; 566; at A.'s recep., 739.
GREW, MARY, first meets A., 122; 193; 251; congrat. A. on Wyoming, 676; 902.
GRIFFING, JOSEPHINE S., founds Freedmen's Bureau, 239; 260; pres. D. C. Suff. Assn., 313; 327; 350; 372; 377; suff. headqrs. at Capitol, encouraging signs, 381; 383; 387.
GRIFFITH, MRS., yields time to A., 609.
GRIMKE, SARAH, early work, 369.
GROSS, SAMUEL E., 750; 841.
GROSS, MRS. SAMUEL E., entertains A. during World's Fair, 750; let. and gift to A., 751; gift, 757; presents A. $1,000, velvet cloak, etc., 803; entertains A. in Chi. and St. Louis, 821; gift to A., 841; statuette with A.,862; New Yrs. gift to A., 900; present to Mary Anthony, 916.
GROTH, SOPHIA MAGELSSON, ad. Sen. Com., 640.
GROVER, A. J., at A.'s lecture in Chi., 468.
HAGAR, DANIEL B., principal Canajoharie Acad., girls' high school, Salem, Mass., 49.
HAIR, MINETTE CHESHIRE, descrip. of rooms where biog. was writ., 910.
HALE, JOHN P., 226.
HALE, HON. MATTHEW, opp. to wom. suff., 769; 770.
HALL, ISRAEL, gift to A., 492.
HALL, N. K., U. S. Dist. Judge, hears argu. in A.'s case, 428; denies writ of hab. corp. and increases bail, 432; present at A.'s trial but refuses to assist, 437.
HALL, OLIVIA B., gift to A., 492; 658; hospitality and generos. to A., 755; at Toledo, 756; 862.
HALL, DR. SARAH C., 697.
HALL, WM. B., election inspector, 423; tried without being brought into court, 444.
HALLOWELL, WM. R., signs call for woman's temp, con., 67.
HALLOWELL, WILLIAM AND MARY, their home A.'s Mecca, 104; 446.
HALLOWELL, MARY, 177; Phillips' lunch, 217; 711; 806.
HAMILTON, ALEXANDER, right over subsistence, power over moral being, 385; 1007.
HAMILTON, EMERINE J., leaves $500 to A., 654.
HAMILTON, GAIL, bright let., 322.
HAMMOND, NATH. J., St. Sen., 189.
HAMMOND, DR. WM. A., pres. Six O'clock Club, 648.
HAMPTON, WADE, pres. Demo. Natl. Con., 519.
HANAFORD, REV. PHEBE A., 322; 636.
HANCOCK, GEN., favors wom. claims, 520.
HARBERT, ELIZABETH BOYNTON, 360; 511; welcomes suff. con., 517; let. to A., 535; first to suggest natl. celebrat. A.'s birthday, 542; A. visits, 609; 628; 668.
HARLAN, SENATOR JAMES, grants wom. hearing before Senate com., 314.
HARPER, IDA H., State sec. Ind. arranges cons., 626; cor. sec. campn. com. in Calif., 863; chmn. Press com. visits with A., eds. daily papers in San Fr., 866; work on papers, 867; 868; at Rep. St. Con., 869; descrip. of A. and Miss Shaw bef. res. com., 870; scene in Dem. con., 873; A. invites to write her biog., work begins, 909; writing of book, 910; in attic workrooms, 911; visits with A. at Mrs. Osborne's, 917; goes with A. to Sargent home, Thousand Islands, 926; at Anthony homestead, 940.
HARPER, WINNIFRED, edits suff. dept. San Fr. Report, 866.
HARRIS, SENATOR, presents Woodhull petit., 375.
HARRISON, BENJAMIN, A. and Mrs. Sewall write open let., 642; open let. from them on "free ballot" plank in Repub. plat., 1013.
HARRISON, MRS. BENJ., 660; rec. Wom. Council, 703.
HARRISON, CARTER, escorts A. to plat. of Demo. Natl. Con., 519.
HASLAM, MRS., 572.
HATCH, REV. JUNIUS, indecent speech agnst. women, 76.
HAVEN, BISHOP GILBERT, spks. at suff. con., 322; favors wom. suff., 588.
HAVENS, MR. AND MRS. F. C., entertain A., 877.
HAWLEY, GENEVIEVE LEL, priv. sec. to A., assists in biog., 909.
HAWLEY, GEN. JOSEPH R., refuses women permis. to read their Dec. of Ind., 477; 478.
HAWTHORNE, REV. J. B., preaches agnst. wom. suff., 810.
HAY, MARY G., manag. meet, in N. Y. campn., 761; ch. St. Cent. Com. Calif. campn., 863; manages county cons., 864; at Repub. St. Con., 869; takes charge headqrs. in San Fr., 875.
HAY, JUDGE WM., helps A. at Saratoga con., 120; assists A., dedicates and wills novel to her, 144; 157.
HAYES, RUTHERFORD B., 499; forgets women, 500; can not protect negro's ballot, 522; friend of wom. suff., 757.
HAYES, MRS. RUTHERFORD B., at Luc. Mott memorial, 526.
HAYFORD, J. H., history of suff. law in Wyoming, 407; on its working, 497.
HAZELTINE, L., rebukes A. for speaking in public, 143.
HAZEN, J. T., wd. not count votes of women, 70.
HEARST, PHOEBE A., compli. A., 677; gives $1,000 to Calif, wom. suff. campn., 888; respect for A., 889.
HEARST, WM. R., A. begs to bring Examiner out for wom. suff., 867.
HEBARD, MARY L., registers and votes, 424; votes again, 434.
HEMPHILL, GEN. ROBT. R., at suff. con., 811.
HEMPHILL, MRS. W. A., recep. to con., 810.
HENDERSON, MARY FOOTE, Vice-pres. Natl. Suff. Assn., 327.
HENROTIN, ELLEN M., 702; inv. natl. suff. assn. to Wom. Cong., 704; vice-pres. Wom. Cong. Aux., 745; asks A.'s advice and help, 748; New Year's greeting to A., 900.
HENRY, JUDGE, introduces A., 492.
HENRY, PROF. JOSEPH, refuses Smithsonian Hall to women, 118.
HENRY, JOSEPHINE K., at Atlanta con., 811.
HEWITT, REV., condemns women's work in reforms, 89.
HEWITT, HON. ABRAM S., objects to wom. suff., 770.
HIGGINSON, REV. THOS. WENT., stands by women at Brick church meet., 88; doubts propriety of hold. wom. temp. con., 96; 130; 132; sermon on True Greatness, 133; 163; 270; 275; endorses wom. suff., 284; wants Lucy Stone to preside at con., 303; 328.
HILDRETH, MRS. E. S., 809.
HILL, DAVID B., recommends women in N. Y. Constit. Con., 758.
HILL, DAVID J., pres. Roch. Univers., favors admit. women, 713.
HINDMAN, MATILDA, in Col. campn., 492; in Neb., 545; in S. Dak., 685.
HINCKLEY, REV. FREDERICK W., ad. suff. con., 541; 632; response at A.'s birthday banq., 666.
HINSON, EX-JUSTICE GEO., leads mob, 208.
HIRST, REV. A. C., 830.
HOAR, SENATOR GEO. F., hopes to see A. member of House, 485; reports in favor wom. suff. and wom. to prac. bef. Sup. Court, 502; champions wom. rights com., 540; 620; let. on A.'s birthday, 669; favorable report on wom. suff., 718.
HOCH, E. W., 778.
HOLLISTER, MRS. GEORGE, gift to A., 739.
HOLLOWAY, LAURA C., invites A. to ad. Seidl Club, 653.
HOLLOWAY, COL. WM. R., favors wom. suff., 547.
HOLMES, OLIVER WENDELL, Berkshire people, 2.
HOOKER, ISABELLA BEECHER, comes into suff. work, 331; visits with A. and Mrs. Stn. at Mrs. Davis', greatly pleased, pays trib. to both, 332; optimist, view of suff. cause, own humility, praise for A., 334; works 30 yrs. for wom. suff., tries to unite two wings of suff. party, 335; 337; writes of Sumner, 339; reads husband's poem A.'s birthday, 342; 343; 350; devises schemes for Rev., 356; agrees to help edit, wishes name of paper changed, wants Mrs. Tilton at Wash. con., 357; urged by friends not to help Rev., declines, 358; offers to take charge Wash. con., writes Mrs. Stan., 371; "need not have another suff. con.," can get on without Mrs. Stan., 372; prominent speakers fail, 373; devotion to cause, con. a success, valuable worker, 374; refuses to hear Mrs. Woodhull, reconsiders, 375; ad. Cong. Com., 376; writes declaration and pledge, gives sister Catherine let. to Mrs. Woodhull, 378; result, 379; hopes for woman's deliverance thro. Repub. party, 381; repudiates Repub. and looks to Demo. for support, 382; ad. Sen. Com., 410; call for forming new party, 413; criticises A., 414; interview with Doolittle at Natl. Demo. Con., 417; lect. tour of Conn. with A., 456; describes A.'s pathetic sp., 534; 628; 629; at Natl. Rep. Con., Chic., 641; 664; genius and intellect, 665; A.'s birthday banq., 668; 705; golden wed., 709; ad. Cong. Coms., 718; at Demo. Natl. Con. Chic., ad. com., remains in con. till morn. hoping for chance to spk., 725; A. wd. love to visit self and husb., 898; birthday gift to A., 976.
HOOKER JOHN, poem on A.'s birthday, 342; confidence in A., 462; sympathy for A. in S. Dak., 689; golden wed. 709; 899.
HORTON, CHIEF-JUSTICE, A. H., congrat. A. on munic. suff. in Kan., 611; opp. to suff. pl. in Rep. plat., 779; begs wom. not to demand it, 782.
HOSMER, PRESIDENT, compli. A., 380.
HOSMER, HARRIET, wants Natl. Art. Assn. of women, 655; 656; 668; work on statue Lincoln, 821.
HOUGH, SUSAN M., registers and votes, 424.
HOVEY, CHARLES F., 131; 132; legacy for reform work, 182; 251; after slavery was abolished intended his legacy for wom. suff., 269.
HOWARD, H. AUGUSTA, arranges suff. con., 810; A. visits, 812.
HOWARD, GEN. O. O., 249.
HOWE, JUDGE ISAAC, introduces A., 657.
HOWE, JULIA WARD, 328; chmn. com. for unit. two assns., 629; 638; ad. Sen. com., 640; 675; at Fed. Clubs, 720.
HOWELL, MARY SEYMOUR, in S. Dak., 685; anec. of A., 690; experience in poor hotel, landlady's comments, A.'s speech at Madison on admis. of Wyoming, 691; dramatic scene, 692; in Kan. campn., 719; sees gov. about appointing women, 730; in N. Y. campn. 761; speaks in Rochester, 762; addresses N. Y. Constitut. Con., 769; A.'s birthday, 860.
HOWELLS, WM. DEAN, for wom. suff., 764.
HOWLAND, EMILY, 676; 772; A.'s love, 773; spks. in Atlanta, 811; opp. res. agnst. wom. Bible, 854; visits Mrs. Osborne, 917.
HOWLAND, FANNIE, describes women at cong. hearing, 338.
HOWLAND, ISABEL, work in N. Y. campn., 773.
HOXIE, HANNAH ANTHONY, famous Quaker preacher, 6; should come back to old homestead, 941; in old Quaker church, 947.
HUBBELL, MR. AND MRS., recep. to con., 903.
HUDSON, ELIZA, minority report wom. suff. plank at Kan. Popu. con., 789.
HUGHES, MRS. (Gov.), dele. Wash, con., 851.
HUGO, VICTOR, telegram to suff. con., 496.
HUMPHREY, L. H., St. Sen., asks A. to spk. at wife's funeral, 908.
HUMPHREY, MAUDE, entertains A., 739; A.'s tribute at funeral, 908.
HUNT, DR. HARRIOT K., 131; ready to work for wom. suff., 252.
HUNT, ASSOCIATE JUSTICE WARD, presides at A.'s trial, 436; refuses to allow A. to testify but admits her testimony before Com'r., 437; delivers writ. opin. without leaving bench, 438; directs jury to bring in verdict of guilty, refuses to poll jury, denies new trial, spirited encounter with A., 439; fines her $100, 440; influenced by Conkling, condemned by newspapers, 441; Van Voorhis' opinion of, 444; few apologists, 449.
HUNTER, GEN. DAVID, freed million slaves, 959.
HUSSEY, CORNELIA COLLINS, on shipboard with A., 579; New Yrs. gift to A., 900.
HUSTON, JOSEPH W., Sup. Judge, Idaho, decides in favor wom. suff., 919.
HUTCHINGS, ——, 393.
HUTCHINSON, ABBY, sings for women, 162; death, 737; (see Hutch. Family).
HUTCHINSON, ASA, favors wom. suff., 145.
HUTCHINSON FAMILY, sing for Loyal League, 227; sing at wom. Centennial, 479.
HUTCHINSON, HENRY, in Kan. campn., 286; 291.
HUTCHINSON, JOHN, favors wom. suff., 146; in Kan. campn., 286; 291; 665; A.'s birthday banq., 668; New Yrs. greet. to A., 900; (see Hutchinson Family).
HUTCHINSON, NELLIE, describes Rev. office and editors, 301.
HUTCHINSON, VIOLA, in Kan. campn., 286; 291.
INGALLS, MRS. E. B., 821.
INGALLS, SENATOR JOHN J., farewell let. to A., 547; votes agnst. wom. suff., 608; votes agnst. 16th Amend., asks interview with A., 621; proposes truce, 622; Abilene speech agnst. suff., 625; will not argue with a woman, 626; willing to stand on wom. suff. plank, "obscene dogma," 726.
INGALLS, MRS. JOHN J., entertains A., 626.
INGERSOLL, ROBT. G., shows injustice of laws and declares for wom. suff., 345; 764.
IRENE, SISTER, 391; foundling hospital in N. Y., 1005.
IRISH, COL. JOHN P., introd. A., 834; asks permis. for A. to ad. Calif. Demo. Con., 874.
IRVING, HENRY, A. hears.
IVENS, MRS. C. H., 833.
JACKSON, FRANCIS, 131; gift to wom. rights cause, 166; father of Mrs. Eddy, 539.
JACKSON, SENATOR HOWELL E., reports agnst. wom. suff., 543.
JACKSON, JAMES, 132; 539.
JACKSON, DR. KATE, let. to A., 335.
JACOBI, MARY PUTNAM, petit. for wom. suff., 764; ad. N. Y. Consti. Con., 768; 802; ad. N. Y. legis., 914.
JAMES, ALVAN, marries A.'s niece, 652.
JAMES, HELEN LOUISE MOSHER, 488; lives in home of A., 513; 552; marries, family spirit, 652; 659; present to Mary S. Anthony, 916.
JAMESON, JUDGE, agnst. wom. suff., 985.
JEFFERSON, THOMAS, urged ballot for workingmen, 998.
JENKINS, DEAN M., four workers instead of one, 176.
JENKINS, HELEN PHILLEO, stands by A. at teachers' convs., 176.
JENKINS, THERESE, pres. A.'s lect., 823; 824.
JENNEY, MRS. E. S., 762.
JEWELL, MRS., 357.
JEX-BLAKE, DR. SOPHIA, A. visits, 570; 575.
JOHNS, LAURA M., in Kan. campn., 609; 625; 628; 629; ad. Wash. con., 647; trib. to A., 671; in S. Dak. 685; begs A. to come to Kan., she shall get no wounds there, 715; renews appeals, 719; at Kan. Repub. Con., 726; makes Repub. speeches, 728; Repubs. and Popu. pledg. to suff. planks, 777; president Repub. Wom. St. Assn., puts wom. suff. first, 778; Repubs. trying to influ., worried about asking for planks, 779; officers of natl. assn. write no hope without planks, bad advisers, Mr. Blackwell urges to go before Repub. res. com., 780; Anna Shaw writes will not spk. unless polit. parties endorse, 781; efficient campn. manager, tries to secure pl., but will work for Repubs. anyhow, 783; A. writes not to listen to siren tongues, 784; angry at A.'s Kan. City speech, president Repub. Wom. Con., criticises res. com. for not demand. pl., 785; presents claims of wom. to Repub. Con., 786; Repub. per se., 793; 794; thinks suff. amend. will win, 795; favors res. agnst. Wom. Bible, 854.
JOHNSON, ADELAIDE, makes bust of A., 677; makes busts of Mrs. Stn., Mrs. Mott, 713; 722.
JOHNSON, ANDREW, southern in sympathy, 255; subscribes for Rev., 297; trial not so important as A.'s, 444; proclam. to Mississippi, 960; puts power in hands of rebels, 961; claims to carry out purpose of Lincoln, 967.
JOHNSON, GEORGE W., vigorous sentiments on W. R., 73.
JOHNSON, OLIVER, 161; 162; resigns editorship A. S. Standard, 246; 349.
JOHNSON, PHILENA, inv. A. to S. Dak., 656; A. sends $100, 695.
JOHNSTON, SUP. JUDGE, opp. to suff. pl. in Kan. Rep. plat., 779; begs wom. not to demand it, 782.
JOHNSTON, R. J., faithful to A. and Revolution, 360.
JOHNSTON, SARAH, gift to A., 976.
JONES, BENJ., Garrisonian speaker, 150.
JONES, BEVERLY W., inspector who registered A., 423.
JONES, J. ELIZABETH, Garrisonian speaker, 150; 178; 902.
JONES, REV. JENKIN LLOYD, invites A. to take part in Lib. Relig. Cong., 804; as Geo. Wash. went into Continent. Cong., 805.
JONES, SEN. JOHN P., arranges interview for A. with Pres. Arthur, 538; assists A. at Repub. con., 723; 833.
JONES, PHEBE HOAG, 446; death, last Abolit. in Albany, 536.
JORDAN, PRES. DAVID S., invites A. to Stanford Univers., 830.
JUDAH, MARY JAMESON, recep. for A., 807.
JULIAN, GEO. W., endorses wom. suff., 284; offers amend. to Consti. enfranchising wom., 310; bill enfranchising wom. in D. C., 311; 313; 317; 318; 375; 415; 904.
KALLOCH, I. S., opposes wom. suff., 281.
KEARNEY, DENNIS, opp. wom. suff., 518; refuses to hear A. spk., 519.
KEEFER, BESSIE STARR, ad. Sen. Com., 640.
KEENEY, E. J., marshal who arrested A. for voting, 426.
KEIFER, WARREN, M. C., for wom. suff., 584.
KEITH, ELIZA D., suff. dept. in San Fr. Bulletin, 866.
KEITH, WM. A., presents A. with painting of Yosemite, 934.
KEITH, MRS. WM. A., entertains A., 877.
KELLEY, WM. D., M. C., endorses wom. suff. 233; 564; A. begs to take up suff. ques., 584; ad. suff. con., 647.
KELLOGG, ST. SEN. AND MRS. (Kan.), 644.
KENYON, EUNICE, boarding school, 39.
KEYSER, HARRIET A., ad. N. Y. Consti. Con. 768.
KIMBALL, MARY ROGERS, let. to A., 616.
KINGSLEY, CHARLES, for wom. suff., 368.
KIRK, ELEANOR, visits Moyamensing prison, 309; 349; 353.
KIRKMAN, MRS. VAN LEER, recep. Wom. Council, 928.
KOLSOM, MAYOR JACOB C., welcomes suff. con., 626.
KORANY, HANNAH K., ad. suff. con., 756.
KROUT, MARY H., A. at World's Fair, 751.
LABOULAYE, funeral, 561.
LAPHAM, ANSON, loans A. $4,000 for Revolution, 354; presents A. with her notes, 448; gives A. $1,000, 468; death, 481.
LAPHAM, ELBRIDGE G., believes in wom. suff., no man wd. sell right to vote, 455; prints women's addresses, 512; report in favor wom. suff., 543; 590; 591.
LAPHAM, SEMANTHA VAIL, 772; 802; 847.
LAMARTINE, ALPHONSE DE, "universal suff. only basis," 969.
LANE, SENATOR JAMES H., wd. "colonize" negroes, 962.
LANGSTON, CHAS., negro orator against wom. suff., 286.
LANGSTON, JOHN M., A.'s kindness to, 286.
LATTIMORE, PROF. AND MRS., entertain F. E. Willard and A., 472.
LAUTERBACH, EDWARD, has ad. on wom. suff. printed, 768; ad. N. Y. Consti. Con. in favor wom. suff., 770; ad. res. com. Rep. con. in favor, 774; 802.
LAWRENCE, MARG. STN., 302; at A.'s birthday banq., 666; 917.
LEASE, MARY E., advocates suff. pl. in Kan. Popu. plat., 781.
LECKY, W. E. H., 1006.
LEE, Ex-Gov., Wyoming, 533.
LEE, KATE BECKWITH, A.'s face carv. in memory of father, 733.
LEE, REV. LUTHER, assists wom. delegates at temp. con., 70.
LELAND, CYRUS, refuses A.'s offer to speak during Kan. campn.,794; thinks suff. amend. will carry, 796.
LEONARD, CLARA T., office-holder opp. wom. suff., 620.
LEWELLING, GOV. L. D., opp. to wom. suff. pl. in Kan. Popu. plat., 787; speaks for wom. suff., 795.
LEWIS, DIO., women must only coax, 457; 282.
LEWIS, SYLVESTER, challenges A.'s vote, 426.
LEYDEN, MARGARET, registers and votes, 424.
LINCOLN, ABRAHAM, too conservative, 207; calls for troops, 213; Loyal League sends address, 229; 255; 900; A. compared to, 952; always waited for voice of the people, 967.
LINN, DR. AND MRS. S. A., 860.
LIVERMORE, MARY A., 276; 315; trib. to A., 316; advises N. E. friends to forget differences, will write articles for Rev., 320; 322; res. condemning "free love," 324; asks if Natl. Assn. was organized, 327; and if A. will join her in west. lect. tour, 328; merges Agitator into Wom. Jour. and is ed.-in-chief, 361; A. wd. give million to suff., 676.
LOCKWOOD, BELVA A., defends A. in voting, 432; 479.
LOGAN, SENATOR JOHN A., champions wom. rights com., 540; friend of wom. suff., 594.
LOGAN, MRS. JOHN A., on A.'s birthday, 670.
LOGAN, OLIVE, 316; 322; 326; 360.
LONG, JOHN D., receives con., favors wom. suff., 533.
LONGFELLOW, REV. SAMUEL, advocates wom. suff., 193.
LONGLEY, MRS. M. B., 327.
LORING, GEO. B., M. C., introd. bill for 16th Amend., 511.
LOUCKS, H. L., pledges A. support Farmer's Alliance for wom. suff., 684; candidate for gov., does not mention wom. suff., 686.
LOUGHRIDGE, WM., M. C., endorses wom. suff., 284; reports in favor wom. suff., 382; pres. A.'s appeal for remis. of fine for voting, 450.
LOWE, ROBT., M.P., opp. suff. for workingmen, and then proposes to educate them, 997.
LOWELL, JOSEPHINE SHAW, petit. for wom. suff., 764; 802.
LOZIER, DR. CLEMENCE S., 234; visits Moyamensing prison, 309; 349; 368; faithfulness and generosity to A., 435; 446; 480; 495; death, 645; A. wears ring, 932; let. and gift to A., on 50th birthday, 976.
LUCAS, MARGARET BRIGHT, 564; 565; 567; 576; 577; on com. for internat. organization, 579.
LUCE, GOV. CYRUS G., introduces A., 617.
LYON, MARY, 706.
MACOMBER, MRS., greets natl. con. Iowa, 902.
MADISON, JAMES, voice in making laws, right of human nature, 979.
MAINE, HENRY C., spks. for suff., 762.
MAGUIRE, JAMES G., M. C., spks. for wom. suff. in Calif. campn., 874.
MANDEVILLE, REV., insults wom. delegates, 69.
MANN, CHARLES, pub. Vol. III Hist. Wom. Suff., 600.
MANN, REV. N. M., Garfield's relig., 536; 697.
MARSH, PRESIDENT, inv. A. to ad. Mt. Union Coll., 927.
MARSH, EDWIN F., inspector who reg. A., 423.
MARSH, HON. LUTHER R., pres. Repub. meet., 422.
MARTIN, GOV. JOHN A., signs Kan. munic. wom. suff. bill, 611.
MARTIN, GEORGE, ferries A. across Missouri river, 291.
MARTIN, ATTORNEY-GEN. LUTHER, each individ. equally free, 979.
MARTINEAU, HARRIET, A. visits home, 571.
MARVIN, WM., stands by A. at Teach. Con., 157.
MASON, MRS., in Neb., 545.
MASON, HUGH, M.P., presents wom. suff. bill in Parliament, 567.
MASON, REV. JOSEPH K., ad. suff. con., 762.
MASSON, PROF. DAVID, champions co-education, 570.
MATTHEWS, JUDGE STANLEY, constit. amendts. established polit. equal. of all citizens, 991.
MAXWELL, CLAUDIA HOWARD, arr. suff. con., 810; A. visits, 812.
MAY, SAMUEL J., friend of A., 58; assists temp. women, 65; encourages wom. dele. at Syracuse con., 69; helps wom. meet., 70; on wom. weak voices, 75; audience at Albany refuses to hear, 108; opp. Bloomer dress, 115; comforting let. to A., 151; congrat. A. on ad. on coeduca., 164; 208; hissed at Roch., 209; opp. Garrison meet. at Syracuse, 210; but gives assistance, mobbed and burned in effigy, 211; conducts funeral serv. D. Anthony, 224; loyal to women, 270; 337; 350; centennial birth. celebra., 927.
MAY, SAMUEL, JR., 132; appoints A. agent for Am. Anti. Slav. Soc., 137; recog. her ability, 148; let. sympathy to A. when ill, 841.
MAYER, MRS. D. W., writes A. come to S. Dak., 682.
MAYNARD, COL. J. B., editorial in favor of wom. suff., 517.
MAYO, REV. A. D., on wom. rights, 73; 190; tilt with A., 196.
MCBURNEY, REV. S. E., opp. wom. suff., 283.
MCCALL, JOHN A., let. to A., 136.
MCCANN, LUCY UNDERWOOD, indebtedness of women to A., 871.
MCCLINTOCK, MARY ANN, called first W. R. Con., 369.
MCCOID, MOSES A., rep. favor wom. suff., 590.
MCCOMAS, ALICE MOORE, praise for A., 862; spks. for wom. suff. in Calif. campn., 875.
MCCOOK, GOV. AND MRS., of Colo., entertain A., 387.
MCCULLOCH, EX-SEC. HUGH, writes A., 704; endors. wom. suff., 705.
MCDOWELL, ANNIE, trib. to A., 489; dedicates song to her, 548.
MCDONALD, SEN. JOS. E., favors admit. woman to prac. before Sup. Court, 502; advocates com. on wom. rights, 527.
MCFARLAND, DANIEL, kills Richardson, acquitted on ground of insanity, 351; 353.
MCKAY, JUDGE, agnst. wom. suff., 985.
MCKEE, MRS., 405.
MCKENNA, LUKE, leads mob, 211.
MCLAREN, DR. AGNES, A. praises, 568.
MCLAREN, PRISCILLA BRIGHT, 565; 567; loving let. to A., 569; com. for internatl. organiza., 579.
MCLAREN, EVA MULLER, spks. at wom. suff. meet., 566.
MCLAUGHLIN, MAJOR FRANK, ch. Cal., Repub. Cent. Com. refuses wom. suff. speakers place on Repub. plat. "too many bonnets," 883; writes county chmn. to refuse them place, 884.
MCLEAN, AARON, takes Anthony family to Battenville, 17; criticises A. for abolitionism, 39; defends Van Buren, condemns Clay and Webster, 42; marries A.'s sister, 43; humorous letter on raspberry exper., 159.
MCLEAN, ANN ELIZA, trip with A., 218; death, 241.
MCLEAN, GUELMA ANTHONY, born, 12; marries Aaron McLean, 43; registers and votes, 324; death, 447.
MCLEAN, JUDGE JOHN, offers partnership to Mr. A., 17; on rum drinking, 18.
MCLEAN, REV. JOHN K., 370; in Yosemite, 393; at Mirror Lake, 394; invites A. and Miss Shaw into pulpit, 826.
MCLEAN, JOHN R., entertains A., 677.
MCLEAN, MRS. JOHN R., entertains A., 677; recep. to A., 814; 70th birthday luncheon for Mrs. Grant, 858.
MCLEAN, THOMAS KING, death, 369.
MCLENDON, MRS. M. L., Atlanta Club, 811.
MCRAE, EMMA MONT, ad. Cong. Com., 511.
MCVICAR, MAYOR JOHN, welcomes natl. suff. con. Des Moines, 902.
MEDILL, JOSEPH, trib. to A. in Chi. Tribune, 549; 572.
MELLEN, MRS., 564; 565; recep. to A. and Mrs. Stn., 566.
MELLISS, DAVID M., furnishes funds for The Revolution, 295; stands by the paper, 299; breakfast to A. and Mrs. Stn., 305; 308; put $7,000 in Rev., 354.
MENDENHALL, DINAH, death, leaves $1,000 to A., heirs refuse payment, 660.
MERIWETHER, ELIZABETH A., first appearance on Natl. plat., 607; pres. Memphis Suff. Club, 807; spks. Atlanta con., 811.
MERRIAM, MRS. A. B., 519.
MERRICK, JUDGE E. T., 597; praise for A., 608; 807; 902.
MERRICK, CAROLINE E., 597; ashamed of Sen. Eustis, let. to A., 608; ad. suff. con., 639; introd. A. in N. Orleans, 808.
MILBURN, REV. WM. HENRY, refuses represent. chamber to women, 118.
MILL, JOHN STUART, 337; champions univers. suff. bill., 997.
MILLER, CAROLINE HALLOWELL, opp. res. agnst. Wom. Bible, 854.
MILLER, E. W., insulting sp. on wom. suff., 686; disgraces Democ., 687.
MILLER, ELIZ. SMITH, first to wear Bloomer costume, 113; 304; goes to Gov. Geary, 310; 327; 462; visits Mrs. Osborne with A., 714; 762; 900; 918; entertains A. and Mrs. Stn., 927.
MILLER, FLORENCE FENWICK, 564; trib. to A. at World's Fair, 747.
MILLS, C. D. B., aids Garrison, meet., 211.
MILLS, HARRIET MAY, in N. Y. campn., 761; 773; manages cons. in Calif., 864.
MILLS, W. H., 685.
MINOR, FRANCIS, first to claim wom. right to vote under Amend. XIV, 331; 338; 383; argues before Sup. Court on woman's right to vote under Amend. XIV, 453; death, 737.
MINOR, VIRGINIA L., pres. Mo. Assn., 315; 327; claims wom. right to vote under Amend. XIV, 331; 383; votes and carries case to Sup. Court, 453; 483; gives A. compli. from W. Phillips, 494; pres. suff. con., entertains A., 506; in Neb. campn., 545; 546; 629; tries to arr. for A. to ad. Catholics, 649; 659; death, leaves A. $1,000, 803.
MITCHELL, SENATOR JOHN H., 406; 407; mock trial on snow bound train, 408; rep. in favor wom. suff., 502.
MITCHELL, MARIA, A. visits at Vassar, 622; "too old to dare do nothing," 635; death, 660.
MOFFETT, MRS. P. A., 742.
MOORE, MRS. AND MRS. A. A., 877.
MOORE, E. M., fav. admit. wom. Roch. Univers., "boys are breadwinner," 713; gives A. medical certificate, 136; spks. for suff., 762; A. attends golden wedding, 929.
MOORE, REBECCA, 355; Eng. corres. for Rev., 359; 560; 566; 567; goes with A. to Edinburgh, 568.
MORGAN, GOV. E. D., signs Married Woman's Property Bill, 189.
MORGAN, JOHN T., SUP. JUDGE, Idaho, decides in favor wom. suff., 919.
MORGAN, JOHN T., SENATOR, opp. com. on wom. rights, 541.
MORSE, MRS. S. B., 349.
MORRILL, GOV. E. N., 796; 797.
MORRIS, JUDGE, ESTHER, 479; first wom. judge, 823.
MORTON, GOV. LEVI P., 561; reappoints A. on board St. Indus. Sch., 731.
MORTON, SENATOR OLIVER P., argument for wom. suff., 500; spks. on wom. suff., death, 501; 1014.
MOSHER, MRS. ARTHUR A., 598; 672.
MOSHER, EUGENE, marries A.'s sister, 46.
MOSHER, ANTHONY HANNAH, born, 12; marries Eugene Mosher, 46; registers and votes, 424; recep. to inspect. of election, 453; failing health, 487; death, 488.
MOTT, ABIGAIL, explains Unitarianism, 44; 58.
MOTT, ANNA C., friendship for A., 756.
MOTT, JAMES, at Syracuse W. R. Con., 72; arranges suff. meet. in Phila., 119; stands by women, 251; 756.
MOTT, LUCRETIA, Discourse on Women, 59; pres. Syr. W. R. Con., opp. to woman as pres., first W. R. Con., 72; as mother, 76; invites A. to visit, washes dishes and entertains guests, 122; cheering let. to A., 130; 163; confidence in A. and Mrs. Stn., 195; Garrisonian and W. R. meet. at Albany, 212; spks. Wom. Loyal League, 237; opp. to disband. Anti-Slav. Soc., 246; 251; trib. of Independent, 253; parting words to con. in New York, 260; true to woman's cause, 268; 303; pres. first Wash. con., 313; 314; A.'s unselfishness, 329; adheres to Natl. Assn., 335; Geo. Downing decl. man shd. dominate woman, 340; goes to N. Y. conf. to unite suff. org., 346; 347; 348; called first W. R. Con., 369; gift to A., 370; 434; sends A. money for law suit, 446; pres. and spks. at wom. centennial meet. in Phila., drinks tea at headqrs., 479; sends tea and thanks to A., 480; at 30th wom. rights annivers., 495; attends last con., 496; A.'s last sight of, 512; death, character, 525; memorial serv. at Wash. con., 526; A.'s trib., 527; suff. pioneer, 547; 549; bust. by Ad. Johnson, 713; 854; 895; 915; sentiment to bride and groom, 923; 934.
MOTT, LYDIA, 58; advises women to hold separate temp. meet., 65; work in 1840-48, 82; denies woman loses individuality in marriage, 170; entertains reformers, 173; in charge "depository," 199; defends wronged mother, 200; ministers to A., 202; refuses to give up mother and child, 205; old fraternity no more, 244; 246; comforts A., 415; dying, A. visits, 470; death, A.'s tribute, 471; 536.
MOTT, RICHARD, staunch support of A., 756.
MOTT, RICHARD F., teacher Nine Partner's School, 8.
MOULSON, DEBORAH, school circular, 24; school discipline, 28; 29; 30; death, 31.
MOULTON, FRANK D., birthday gift to A., 976.
MULLINOR, MR., on shipboard, 552.
MULLINOR, MR. AND MRS., entertain A., 575.
MULLER, MRS., meeting at house of, 555.
MULLER, HENRIETTA, 564; 565; 566; takes A. to see Bernhardt, 567; A. and Mrs. Stn's. visit, 576; recep. for A., 577.
NAPOLEON I, A. thinks wd. have stood for freedom of women, 562; A. compared to, 952; "empire needs mothers," 1011.
NEBLETT, A. VIOLA, at Atlanta con., 811.
NELSON, JULIA B., in S. Dak. campn., 685; at Neb. con., 697.
NEW, MRS. JOHN C., recep. for A., 517.
NEWMAN, BISHOP JOHN P., fav. wom. suff., 588.
NEWTON, REV. HEBER, favors wom. suff., 764
NEYMANN, MME. CLARA, in Neb. campn., 545; first appearance on Natl. plat., 607; 628.
NICHOL, ELIZ. PEASE, A. visits, 568; 569; 570.
NICHOLS, CLARINA HOWARD, prophecy for A., 66; injustice to wom. in divorce, 74; 93; 102; 178; debt of Kan. women to, 480; work on Hist. Wom. Suff., 529; Kan. wom. give pict. to Hist., 530; death, 595.
NOBLE, MRS. JOHN W., gives recep. in honor A., Mrs. Stn., L. Stone, 718.
NORDHOFF, CHAS., let. on A.'s birthday, 670.
NORTHROP, MRS., supports A.'s res. in Teach. Con., 100.
NORTHROP, PRES. CYRUS, introd. A. students Minnesota Univers., 929.
NYE, SENATOR JAS. W., endorses wom. suff., 284; presides over suff. con., 377.
OGLESBY, SENATOR R. J., insults women's petitions, 485.
ORME, ELIZA, entertains A., England's first wom. lawyer, 564.
ORMOND, JUDGE JOHN J., offers to present suff. memorial in Ala. legis. favors civil but not polit. rights for women, 183; after raid on Harper's Ferry declares enmity, 184.
ORTH, G. S., M. C., ad. suff. con., 541.
ORR, ELDA A., pres. Nev. Assn. entertains A., 825; New Years gift to A., 900.
OSBORNE, ELIZA WRIGHT, entertains A. and Eliz. Smith Miller, 714; entertains A. and Mrs. Stn., 917.
OSGOOD, JULIA, travels with A., 569; 570; 573.
OTIS, BINA M., on Kan. wom. suff. com., 781.
OTIS, HARRISON G., disrespectful to A. and Miss Shaw, 834.
OTIS, JAMES, man without representation is without liberty, 989.
OWEN, J. J., ed. San Jose Mercury, compli. A., 394.
OWEN, RBT. DALE, supports Wom. Loyal League, chmn. Freedmen's Inquiry Com., 235; 529.
OWEN, MRS. RBT. DALE, 349; 353.
PACKARD, HON. JASPER A., presents A. to Ind. Legis., 904.
PAINE, THOMAS, right of voting is primary right, 990.
PALMER, GEN. (Colorado), 564.
PALMER, GOV. (Ill.), 315.
PALMER, BERTHA HONORE, at Wom. Council, 702; ad. at opening World's Fair, 742; fine qualif. for pres. board lady manag., remark. record, courtesy to A., 744; in sympathy with wom. suff., pres. Wom. Cong. Auxil.,745; asks A. for suggestions, 748; thanks her for fair mindedness, 749.
PALMER, SENATOR T. W., rep. in favor wom. suff., 590; 591; urges A. to keep up suff. agitation, 593; masterly sp. on 16th Amend., 596; 637; let. on A.'s birthday, 670.
PALMER, SENATOR AND MRS., recep. for Wom. Council, 637.
PARKER, JANE MARSH, at A.'s birthday banq., 666; organizes club agnst. suff., 766.
PARKER, JULIA SMITH, ad. Cong. Com., 446; 511; at Lucretia Mott's, 512.
PARKER, MARGARET E., at Phila. Centennial, 479; 565; A. visits, 577; com. for internatl. organization, 579.
PARKER, THEO., A. visits him in study, 131; "only noise and dust of wagon," 195.
PATTERSON, MR. AND MRS. THOMAS M., entertain A. friends of wom. suff., 821.
PATTON, REV. W. W., preaches agnst. wom. suff., 596.
PEABODY, ELIZ., 131; 756.
PECKHAM, JUSTICE, RUFUS W., pays fine trib. to charac. of A., 735.
PEDRO, DOM, 477.
PEFFER, SENATOR WILLIAM A., ad. suff. con., 756.
PEET, MRS. B. STURTEVANT, tries to sec. suff. amend. from Calif. Legis., 863; A. writes obj. to Natl. W. C. T. U. Con. in San Fr., 882.
PELLET, SARAH, at Saratoga con., 121.
PENCE, LAF., M. C., addresses suff. con., 756.
PERKINS, GEO. C., 685.
PERKINS, MARY (see Randall).
PERKINS, SARAH M., 628; 629.
PERRY, A. L., invites A. to Berkshire Hist. Soc. meet, 939.
PETERS, JUDGE, advoc. suff amend., 796.
PHELPS, ELIZ. B., establishes Wom. Bureau, 320; 327; 341; 349; gives up Wom. Bureau, 360; 480.
PHILLEO HELEN (see Jenkins).
PHILLIPS, WENDELL, visits Anthony home, 60; goes with Antoinette Brown to World's Temp. Con., 101; 102; opp. Bloomer dress, 115; gives A. $50 for first canvass of N. Y., 122; refuses to let her pay it back, 128; 131; 132; spks. at N. Y. wom. rights con., 147; 162; on gift of Jackson to wom. rights cause, 165; approves A.'s N. Y. canvass, 171; lashes the mob, 174; prepares suff. memorial to legis., 175; 182; 185; 192; 193; opp. divorce resolutions, 194; attitude grieves A. and Mrs. Stn., 195; praises A., 196; 197; urges A. to restore child to father, 203; can not feel for woman, 204; declares for war, 214; refuses check for lect., 217; A. hoped wd. redeem pledge to woman, 225; A. "salt of earth," 226; 233; lively let. on A.'s getting Mrs. Stn. to invite him to speak, 237; urges A. to return East, 244; on disbanding Anti. Slav. Soc., 245; elected pres. A. S. Soc., 246; no freedom without ballot, objects to union of A. S. and W. R. Soc., 256; prevents the union, 259; argues against trying to strike "male" from N. Y. consti., 261; declines to sustain demands of women, 270; refuses to give money from Jackson fund, 275; endorses wom. suff., 284; 290; bids woman stand aside, 300; and wait for negro, 304; gives preference to negro suff., 317; wom. suff. intellectual theory, 323; first meet. with A. since dif. of opinion on Amend. XIV, 370; 373; will help toward Amend. XVI; A. stands at head of suff. movement, 495; replies to A.'s 70th birthday greet., faith in her, 538; announces Eddy legacy to A., 539; tells of suit to break will, 540; 548; 549; Harvard ad., 557; 568; 577; death, 587; 593; 859; 985; freedom without ballot is mockery, 990.
PICKLER, ALICE M., presents claims S. Dak., suff., 675; works for wom. 688; at Wash. con., 851.
PICKLER, J. A., M. C., response A.'s birthday banq., 666; 675; stands by wom. suff., 688.
PILLSBURY, PARKER, visits Anthony home, 60; facetious let. to L. Mott on A.'s work, 105; 150; great eloquence, 152; men's rights, 157; 162; preaches in Rochester, 167; on John Brown execution, 180; spks. at John Brown meet., 181; on divorce, 195; ridicules Dall con., 196; 198; let. of sympathy to A., 224; urges A. to return East, 244; on div. in Anti-Slav. Soc., 246; resigns editorship of Standard, 262; abused by N. Y. World, 264; refuses to edit Standard unless it declares for women, 269; loyal to women, 270; Susan cd. extinguish argu. with thimble, 273; 290; editor Revolution, 296; 297; 299; 301; 302; 309; offers res. that Equal Rights Assn. be transferred to Union Suff. Soc., 349; work on Rev., 354; "A. works like plantation of slaves," 356; 357; faithful to Rev., 360; "your meed of praise be sung over your grave," 363; 380; at A.'s lect. in Chicago, 468; 535; 587; urges A. to visit his home, 702; symp. for A. when ill, 842; A. visits, 895.
PILLSBURY, PARKER MRS., praises A., 535; urges A. to visit her, 702; 895.
POMEROY, SENATOR S. C., 248; contrib. money and franking privilege, 283: endorses wom. suff., 284; offers amend. to Fed. Constit. enfranchising women, 310; opens first Wash. suff. con., 313; 317; tells ladies they must accept every help in politics, 375; pres. candidate, 594; ballot for negro, 962; gift and let. to A. on 50th birthday, 974.
POMEROY, MRS. S. C., birthday gift to A., 976.
POND, ASST. U. S. DIST. ATTY., examines A. for having voted, 427.
POND, MAJOR JAMES B., compli. A. and offers $100 for parlor lect., 896.
PORTER, MARIA G., A.'s friend, 104; 711; 90th birthday, 845; death, 896.
PORTER, SAM. D., Pillsbury's adjectives, 181.
POST, AMALIA, secures suff. bill in Wyoming, 408; suff. pioneer, 823.
POST, AMY, 195; testimonial to A., 412; at 30th suff. annivers., 495; death, 660.
POST, ISAAC, home rendezvous for runaway slaves, 61.
POTTER, BISHOP H. C., for wom. suff., 764.
POTTER, BESSIE, makes statuette of A. and Mrs. Gross, 862.
POTTER, HELEN, famous impersonator, gift to A., 488; 548; present to A., 549.
POWDERLY, HANNAH, on A.'s birthday, 671.
POWDERLY, TERENCE V., on A.'s birthday, 671; invites A. to spk. at Omaha, 726.
POWELL, AARON, in Garrisonian meet., 150; 161; mobbed, 165; tries to give A.'s breakfast order, 177; 208; deputized to give notice of union A. S. and W. R. Soc., 256; refrains from doing so, 259; editorial revision in Standard feared, 262; full adv. rates for women's notices, 268.
POWELL, ELIZ. (see Bond).
PLUMB, SENATOR P. B., opp. wom. suff., 281; for wom. suff., 621.
PLUTARCH, "equality causes no war," 968.
PRIESTMAN, THE MISSES, A. visits, 577.
PRINCE, MAYOR (BOSTON), 519; receives suff. con., 534.
PRUYN, MRS. JOHN V. L., pres. remonstrants agnst. wom. suff., presents res., 765.
PRYN, REV. ABRAM, ad. John Brown meet., 181.
PUGH, SARAH, first meets A., 122; 131; 246; 251; appreciates A. and the Rev., 335; 340; 350; sends gift to A., 412; present to A., 416; 496; 527; death, 595.
PULVER, MARY, registers and votes, 424; votes again, 434.
PURVIS, ROBERT, 246; demands equal rights for women, 257; 260; willing to postpone own enfranch. in favor of women, 269; loyal to women, 270; rebukes son for opp. wom. suff., 314; 420; 527; ad. at A.'s birthday recep. in Phila., 547; presents testimonial from Natl. Suff. Assn., 548; gift to A., 549; A. writes on death of Phillips, 587; 664; at A.'s birthday banq., 666; let. from A. on Gladstone, 741.
QUARLES, RALPH P., SUP. JUDGE, Idaho, decides in favor wom. suff., 919.
RAINES, JUDGE THOMAS, for wom. suff., 762.
RAINSFORD, REV. W. S., signs petit. for wom. suff., 764.
RAMSEY, S. A., help of natl. assn. gives hope to S. Dak., 679.
RANDALL, SUPERINTENDENT, encourages A. in pub. speak., 143.
RANDALL, MARY PERKINS, teacher in Anthony home, 22; 394.
RANSOM, C. R., executor Eddy will, 539.
RAPER, J. H.,479.
READ, DANIEL, grandfather Susan B., ancestry, marriage, military service, 4; political record, religious belief, 5; literary taste, business matters, 6; sideboard well supplied, 15; military rec. makes A. Daught. of Rev., 919.
READ, JOSHUA, rescues Mr. Anthony's goods from sheriff, 35; protects sister's inheritance and pays for farm, 45; invites A. to teach in Canajoharie, 49; 121.
READ, LUCY, (See Anthony).
READ, SUSANNAH RICHARDSON, grandmother Susan B., born, 4; business qualities, 6.
REAGAN, JOHN H., M. C., opp. wom. suff., 585.
REASON, CHAS. L., 157.
REED, CHARLES WESLEY, brings in minor. rep. in fav. wom. suff. pl. and makes fight for it in Calif. Demo. Con., 873.
REED, KITTY, let. greet. natl. suff. con., 902.
REED, THOS. B., champions wom. rights com., 540; rep. favoring wom. suff., 590; 677; let. on A.'s 70th birthday, 669; "at 11th hr. all will flock in," 716; fails to spk. for wom. suff. in Calif. campn., 885; 902; 677.
REID, WHITELAW, A.'s 50th birthday, 974.
REMOND, CHARLES LENOX, A. drives with, 131; in Garrisonian meet., 150; A. describes sp., 152; 246.
REMOND, SARAH, in Garrisonian meet., 150.
REYNOLDS, MARK W., invites Train to Kan., 287; takes to woods, 288.
REYNOLDS, WM. A., 167; 279.
RICE, VICTOR M., stands by A. in St. Teach. Con., 120.
RICHARDSON, ABBY SAGE, unhappy married life, ability, marries A. D. Richardson, 351; persecuted, public sentiment in her favor, 352; meets A. in Denver, 492.
RICHARDSON, ALBERT D., killed by McFarland, married on his deathbed, 351.
RICHARDSON, MAYOR SAMUEL, presides at temp. festival, Rochester, 62.
RIDDLE, JUDGE A. G., 337; ad. House Com. for wom. suff., 376; ad. Wash. Con. 377; chief drawbacks to wom. suff., 455; 647; 660.
RIPLEY, GEO., 563.
RISTORI, A. hears, 558.
ROBINSON, GOV. CHARLES, 273; endorses wom. suff., 284; 285; takes Mrs. Stn. on speaking tour of Kan., 286; 287; 290.
ROBINSON, EMILY, wom. suff. pioneer, 722.
ROBINSON, HARRIET H., welcomes suff. con. to Boston, 533; 534.
ROBINSON, MARIUS, ed. Anti-Slav. Bugle, 722.
ROCKEFELLER, JOHN D., for wom. suff., 764.
ROGERS, DR. SETH, Worcester Hydro. Institute, 131; 132; let. agnst. individ. annihilat. in marriage, 135.
ROOT, EHIHU, opp. wom. suff. amend. in N. Y. Consti. Con., 767; presents petit. agnst., 769; supports it, 771.
ROOT, LIEUT.-GOV. J. P., let. A.'s 50th birthday, 974.
ROOT, FRANCIS T., responds for Ind. legis. at recep. for A., 904.
ROSE, ERNESTINE L., justice of wom. suff., 75; interpretation of Bible, 77; work in 1840-48, 82; prejudice agnst. on acct. of religious beliefs, 117; president suff. con., 121; 163; 185; 193; favors divorce res., 194; at Albany, 212; patriotic speech Wom. Loyal League, 229; 237; 309; repudiates "free love" res., 325; 327; leaves for Eng., 329; early work, 369; back from Eng., 458; 530; delight to see A. in Eng., 553; 554: 563; death, 737; never banished from suff. ass'n. because of religious belief, 853; 935.
ROSEWATER, EDWARD, deb. suff. with A., 545.
ROSS, SENATOR E. G., franks wom. suff. documents, 283.
ROSS, JOHN W., welcomes suff. con., D. C., 756.
ROUTT, GOV. JOHN L., speaks for wom. suff., 491; 821.
ROUTT, MRS. JOHN L., entertains A. and Miss Shaw, 821.
ROWAN, ST. SENATOR, ad. natl. suff. con., 902.
RUSSELL. FRANCES E., assists Loyal League, 234; writes for Rev., 359.
RYE, MISS, 555.
SAGE, RUSSELL, signs petit. for wom. suff., 764.
SAGE, MRS. RUSSELL, A. guest at Emma Willard dinner, 753.
ST. JOHN, COL. JOHN P., 496.
SALVADOR, A., ed. Le Soir, wishes to interview A., 561.
SANBORN, FRANK, approves wom. suff., 251; speaks at suff. con., 533.
SANFORD, DR. AND MRS. J. E., 802; 806; 70th birthday recep. to Mary Anthony, 916.
SAND, GEORGE, 733; "independence is happiness," 1008.
SANDERS, MRS. HENRY M., petit. for wom. suff., 764; 802.
SARGENT, A. A., declares for woman's rights, 405; 406; 407; 408; presents A.'s appeal for remission of fine for voting, 450; intercedes for inspectors, 452; defends woman's petitions, 486; 495; arg. for wom. suff., 500; 501; favors admit. wom. to practice before Supreme Court, 502; returns to Calif., friend of wom. suff., 507; U. S. Minister to Berlin, 553; genuine Repub., 559.
SARGENT, ELLEN CLARK, entertains A. as guest, 405; while snow bound on eastward journey, 406; 407; 480; urges A. not to be troubled, 494; 495; returns to Calif., personal characteris., 507; 509; 512; 553; genuine Repub., 559; asks Estee Chairman Natl. Repub. Con. if "free ballot" plank includes women, 642; work for S. Dak., 685; entertains A. during Wom. Cong., 829; gift to A. and Miss Shaw, 832; made pres. Calif. Suff. Assn., 835; asks A. to help in campn., 861; directs it with A., 862; on committees, 863; entertains A. and Miss Shaw during campn., 864; gives up entire home to work, her services and money, 865; at Repub. St. Con., 869; at Popu., Prohib. and Demo. Cons., 872; 888; scenes in election booths, 891; trib. to A.'s services in Calif., 892.
SARGENT, DR. ELIZ., A. visits in Zurich, 559; in Yosemite with A., 831; arrang. county cons. in Calif, campn., successful results, 864; head of literary com. and petit. work, contributes money, 865; suff. work on San Fr. Post, 866.
SARGENT, MR. AND MRS. JAMES, 772; A. assists at golden wedding, 916; entertain A. at Thous. Is., 926.
SAUNDERS, ALVIN, SENATOR, ad. suff. con., 541.
SAXE, REV. ASA, spks. for wom. suff., 762.
SAXON, ELIZABETH LYLE, ad. Cong. Com., 511; in Neb. campn., 545; in Kan. campn., 609; 808.
SAXTON, GEN. RUFUS, approves equal rights for women, 272; negroes still enslaved, 964.
SCATCHERD, ALICE, secures admission wom. dele. to Lib. Con., 576; com. for internatl. organizat., 579; ad. Senate Com., 640.
SCHOFIELD, MARTHA, A. visits industrial school, 812.
SCHUMACHER, MR. AND MRS. ADOLPH, entertain A., 652.
SCHURMAN, PRES. JACOB GOULD, welcomes suff. con., invites to visit Cornell, 800.
SCHURZ, CARL, opponent wom. suff., 415.
SCHUYLER, MARY M. HAMILTON, Art. Assn. desire to make statue rep. Philanthropy, 734; stepson obj. to having name coupled with A.'s, 735.
SCHUYLER, PHILIP, obj. to stepmother's statue by side of A., 734; enjoins Art Assn., she wd. resent attempt to couple name with A.'s, defeat in court of appeals, 735.
SCOTT, CHARLES F., urg. Mrs. Johns to call off women, 778.
SCOTT, FRANCIS M., ad. N. Y. Consti. Con. in opp. wom. suff., 769.
SEARS, JUDGE T. C., assails wom. suff., 281; res. agnst. it, 283.
SEDGWICK, CATHARINE MARIA, born in Berkshire, 1.
SELDEN, HENRY. R., women have valid claim to vote, 425; assures A. of this, 424; tells her she has committed no crime, 426; 427; appears for A. before U. S. Commiss., 428; argues for writ of habeas corpus, gives bail for A., 432; wishes he had heard her argument first, 433; defends her at trial, 436; argument before jury, 437; demands jury be polled and moves for new trial, 439; Judge Hunt's action indefensible, 441; Van Voorhis' trib., 445; A. has argument printed, 446; prepares appeal to Cong. in A.'s case; Hunt's action judicial outrage, 449; 994.
SENEY, GEO. E., M. C., opp. wom. suff., 590.
SEVERANCE, CAROLINE M., 131; 252; 260; signs call for Am. Suff. Assn., 328; entertains A., 832.
SEVERANCE, MRS. MARK SIBLEY, recep. for A., 833.
SEVERANCE, SARAH M., work for S. Dak., 685; spks. for wom. suff. in Calif. campn., 875.
SEWALL, MAY WRIGHT, first app. on natl. suff. plat., 495; presents flowers to A. at St. Louis, 507; 511; arranges suff. con. Indpls., 517; 527; presentation speech to A., 534; chmn. natl. ex. com., 535; appears bef. House Com., 541; 545; description of honors paid A. on departure for Europe, 547; A. at New Orleans Expo., 597; applies lash to own back, 600; entertains A., 623; 626; chmn. com. on union of two assns., 628; 629; skill as pres. offic., 632; arranges internat. council, 633; originates idea of permanent Councils, 639; made cor. sec., 641; open let. to Gen. Harrison, 642; introduces A. to Classical School, 650; arranges birthday banq. for A., 664; presides, 665; 676; A. visits, 698; present to A., 707; at Fed. of Clubs, 720; 721; spks. at Rochester, 740; at opening World's Fair, 742; ch. com. org. Wom. Cong., A. glories in her work, 745; A.'s popularity at World's Fair, 746; entertains A. during World's Fair, 750; presides at lunch to Internat. Council, 751; 821; 841; wants A. to manage Stn.'s birthday, 847; death of husband, A.'s sympathy, 850; receives State officials in honor of A., 903; at Anthony homestead, 940; at Berk. Hist, meet., 944; A.'s character, 950; open let. to Gen. Harrison on "free ballot" pl. in Repub. plat., 1013.
SEWALL, SAMUEL E., endorses wom. suff., 284; 373; birthday gift to A., 976.
SEWALL, MRS. SAMUEL E., congratulat. let. to A., 640; birthday gift to A., 976.
SEWALL, THEODORE L., at World's Fair, 750; death, 850.
SEWARD, MRS. W. H., favors divorce, 195.
SEYMOUR, GOV. HORATIO, heads opposit. to A. S. meet., 210; ad. Demo. mass meet. N. Y., 305; pres. Natl. Demo. Con., 306.
SEYMOUR, HORATIO, JR., leads disturbance at A. S. meet., 208.
SEYMOUR, MARY F., reports wom. council, 637; death, 757.
SHAFROTH, MRS. JOHN F., at Wash. con., 851.
SHARKEY, WM. L., Provis. Gov. Miss., 961.
SHARSWOOD, JUDGE, agnst. wom. suff., 985.
SHATTUCK, HARRIETTE ROBINSON, spks. at suff. con. Boston, 533; 541; in Neb. campn., 545; 628.
SHAW, REV. ANNA HOWARD, in Kan., 625; 629; accepts proposals for union, 630; 636; beginning of friendship with A., 645; first appears on Natl. plat., 647; 652; at A.'s birthday banq., 665; appeal for S. Dak., 675; 676; must not attack Christian relig., 678; goes to S. Dak., 681; writes A. people anxious for her to come, 682; scores State com., better not cut loose from A., 683; 684; at Repub. con. seats for Indians, none for wom., 687; rebukes con., in Black Hills, 688; gets courage from A., longs for mother, 689; A.'s experience with crying baby, 692; her own experience, A.'s retort in case of drunken man, 693; at Deadwood, 694; hardest campn. ever known, 696; at Rochester, 698; first pres. Wimodaughsis, 700; at Wom. Council, 702; christens Avery baby, 705; present to A., 707; in Adirondacks, 708; at Chautauqua, 709; J. H. Buckley's obj. to wom. suff. from relig. standpoint, 710; at West. N. Y. Fair, 711; vice-pres.-at-large Natl. Am. Assn., 717; in Kan. campn., 719; shut out of churches bec. spoke at spiritual meet., will speak on suff. anywhere, 720; at Kan. Repub. con., at Omaha Popu. con., 726; deb. suff. with Dr. Buckley at Chau., 727; recep. at Hall of Philos., 728; spks. in N. Y. campn., 761; will not work for wom. suff. in Kan. unless politic. part. endorse it, weakness of wom., 781; opens campn. in Kan. City, 784; demands Repub. Wom. con., ask for suff. plank, 785; ad. res. com. at Repub. St. con., 786; ad. suff. mass. meet. in Topeka, 787; ad. Popu. St. con., 789; shakes hands with dele., telegram Kan. Prohib. con. adopts wom. suff. plank, 790; finishes Kan. engagements, 792; 793; Mrs. Diggs urges return to Kan., 795; in Atlanta, 811; in Columbus, 812; invit. to Calif. Wom. Cong., 820; at Chi. St. Louis, Denver, entertained by Gov. and Mrs. Routt, 821; enthusiastic greet. in Broadway Thea., 823; preaches Tabernacle, Salt Lake, "politic. sermon," 824; preaches in theater; at Inter-Mount. Suff. Assn., receptions, banq. in Ogden, at Reno, Nev., 825; spks. in theat., in Calif., at Oakland ferry, in Dr. McLean's pulpit, 826; in Congreg. church San Fr., at Wom. Cong., 827; spks. every day, royal welcome, 828; all in love with, preaches in synagogue, helps org. suff. campn., 829; ad. Congreg. ministers' meet., Unit. Club dinner, Stanford Univers., 830; social courtesies, Yosemite, names big tree S. B. A., at San Jose, 831; Los Angeles, Riverside, Pasadena, Pomona, San Diego, 832; Olivewood, Santa Monica, Los Angeles, 833; spks. in Oakland, in Method. ch., San Fr., at ministers' meet., 834; meets with Calif. Suff. Assn., 835; 4th July com. refuse to let spk., reconsider, she rides in proces. and makes sp., 836; goes to Oakland, can not find audience, starts homeward, 837; goes to Chicago, 839; stricken with fever, 840; favors res. agnst. Wom. Bible, 854; spks. at county cons. in Calif., in Sargent residence, 864; at Repub. St. Con., 869; bef. res. com., 871; ad. Dem. res. com. for two min., 873; scores con. for action on wom. suff. pl., at ratificat. meet. in San Fr., 874; spks. every night dur. campn. and donates serv. of sec., 875; 883; at "Tom Reed" rally, Oakland, 885; photo. given for pledges, 889; at Salt Lake, Kan. City, banq. at Roch., 895; R. I. suff. con., 896; A's 77th birthday, 907; present to Mary Anthony, 916; visits Mrs. Osborne, 917; A.'s letters like Paul's Epistles, 924; spks. at western conferences, 929; at Anthony homestead, 940; at A.'s right hand, 942; at Berk. Hist. meet., trib. to A., her belief in men and women, great, ideal life, 945.
SHAW, FRANCIS G., gives A. $100 for Rev., 355.
SHAW, SARAH B., 282.
SHELDON, ELLEN H., serv. for Natl. Assn., 700.
SHIPPEN, REV. RUSH R., ad. suff. con., 607.
SHERMAN, GEN. WM. T., 249.
SHERMAN, MRS. GEN., agnst. wom. suff., 377.
SIMONTON, J. W., at press dinner, 316.
SIMPSON, JERRY, M. C., ad. suff. con. 756.
SIMPSON, BISHOP MATTHEW, 337; favors wom. suff., 588.
SIZER, NELSON, phrenolog. chart of A., 85.
SKIDMORE, MR. AND MRS. THOS. J., hospitality, love of liberty, 710.
SLAYTON (Lect. Bureau), tells A. she has ruined lect. prospects, 468; cempli. circular of A.'s lect., 486.
SLOCUM, MRS., interviews Gen. Hancock, 520.
SMALLEY, GEO. W., 246.
SMITH, MRS. E. O., at Calif. Dem. Con., 872.
SMITH, ELIZ. OAKES, at Syracuse W. R. Con., 72; 316; death, 756.
SMITH, MR. AND MRS. FRANK M., entertain A., 877.
SMITH, JUDGE G. W., agnst. wom. suff., 283.
SMITH, GERRIT, suff. greatest of all rights, 75; one standard of morals, 93; advocates Bloomer costume, 113; in Cong., 118; wom. must get rid of poverty and disabling dress, 147; sleeps in church, 179; insane, 181; Garrison. meet. at Albany, 212; donation Loyal League, 234; 270; 279; endorses wom. suff., 284; bids wom. stand aside for negro, 300; "nothing to fear from women," 301; 350; helps A. pay expenses of trial, 446; death, 467; gave land to negroes, 708; 935.
SMITH, MRS. GERRIT, vice-pres. Wom. Temp. Con., 67.
SMITH, GOLDWIN, opp. wom. suff., 698.
SMITH, JULIA (see Parker).
SMITH, LEWIA C., testimonial to Judge Selden, 446; testimonial and gift for A., 558.
SMITH, MRS. M. F., 808.
SOLOMONS, SELINA, poem to A., 881.
SOMERSET, LADY HENRY, approves A.'s bust, 722; farewell teleg. to A., 729; A. has true sign of greatness, endorses her sp. on temp. at World's Fair, 747; in Twilight Park, 773; at Repub. Con., Saratoga, 774.
SOMERVILLE, MARY, endorses wom. suff., 368.
SORBIER, MADAME, tries to sec. suff. amend. from Calif. Legis., 863.
SOULE, REV. DR., 550.
SOUTHWORTH, LOUISA, 623; entertains bus. com. natl. suff. assn., leading suff. rep., friendship and generosity to A. and to assn., 801; cares for A. in illness, 840.
SPENCE, CATHERINE H., ad. suff. con., 756.
SPENCER (JUDGE) MRS., tries to sec. suff. amend. from Calif. Legis., 863.
SPENCER, REV. ANNA GARLIN, speaks at suff. con., 533, 702.
SPENCER, SARA ANDREWS, engrosses Wom. Dec. of Ind., 478; 479; petit. work, 484; 495; strong res. at Natl. Con., 499.
SPERRY, MRS. AUSTIN, treas. wom. suff. campn., com. in Calif., 863; at Repub. St. Con., 869; treas. Suff. Assn., valuable assistance, 888.
SPOFFORD, MR. AND MRS., welcome A., 701; leave Riggs House, 705.
SPOFFORD, JANE S., elect. treas. Natl. Suff. Assn., 407; hospitality to A., 512; A. writes to give up con., 526; 527; Albany people shd. take A. in their arms, 536; A.'s let. on shipboard, 551; let. from A., 562; 629; 632; 633; 643; thoughtfulness for A., 672; 676; 679; pays S. Dak. bills, 680; recep. to Wom. Council, 702; valu. assist. to A., 743.
SPRINGER, WM. M., M. C., obj. to admit. Wy. with wom. suff., 698.
STAMBACH, DR. IDA, entertains A., 881.
STANFORD, JANE L., 607; 660; A. in private car, case before Supreme Court, 824; sends passes to A. and Miss Shaw, and invites to first graduates' reception, 830; trib. of self and husb. to A. and Mrs. Stn., 850; 851; belief in wom. suff. 876; assist. in Calif. wom. suff. campn., 888.
STANFORD, SENATOR LELAND, sends A. and Mrs. Stn. passes, 390; keen perceptions, 607; in favor Amend. XVI, 621; contrib. S. Dak., 676; death, 756; appreciates A. and Mrs. Stn., predicts advancement of woman, 851.
STANFORD, SENATOR AND MRS., recep. to Wom. Council, 637.
STANSBURY, L. M., 780.
STANTON, ELIZABETH CADY, first impression of A., 64; advice to pub. speakers, writes to please self, 66; elected pres. State Temp. Con., 67; divorce and practical relig., 68; opp. to woman as pres. of first con., 72; co-education, bondage of relig., 73; as mother, 76; work in 1840-'48, 82; woman's right to speak in public, 92; admit men to Woman's Temp. Soc., 94; objected to as pres. of society, 95; ad. N. Y. Legis., 108; appeal for rights of women, 110; Bloomer costume, 113; renounces it, 115; drawbacks to her efforts for women, 130; takes turns with A. in writing and baby-tending, 142; congrat. A. on stirring up teachers, 157; appeals for equal rights, 175; martyrdom of John Brown, what she will say to St. Peter, 181; 185; will obey Napoleon, 187; describes A. and self working together, 188; ad. N. Y. legis., 189; declares for divorce, 193; replies to Greeley, Luc. Mott approves, 195; blows struck at men's stronghold, 196; on divorce at Friends' meet., 197; offers to help A. on agricult. sp., 199; 208; hissed at Roch. anti-slav. meet., 209; Garrisonian meet at Albany, 212; on "Adam Bede," prepares anti-slav. ad., 217; 221; call for Loyal League, 226; spks. for League, 227; pres. League, 229; 234; lively let. from Phillips, 237; humiliation of women at seeing negro placed above their heads, 239; love for A., 244; 246; 249; petit. Cong. for wom. suff., 250; urges women to work for suff., 251; 253; sounds alarm when men show signs of treachery, 256; eloquent demand for wom. suff., 257; 259; last moments of con., 260; influenced by eloquence of Phillips and Tilton but repudiates it, 261; easily psychologized, 262; compliments Democrats, 263; ridiculed by N. Y. World, 264; 265; will sign every petit. if necessary, scores "old guard," 268; protests agnst. negro's receiv. rights denied women, 269; comes to meetings rested and refreshed, ad. joint coms. of N. Y. legis. on new constit., 273; memorial to Cong., 277; before N. Y. Consti. Con., 278; 279; encounter with Greeley, name forbidden in Tribune, 280; 282; goes into Kansas campn., 283; unpleasant nights, 284; homage for her talents, 285; tour of Kan. with ex-Gov. Robinson, 286; invites Train to assist, 287; 290; arranges lect. tour with Train, at polls, 291; praised by Leav. Commercial, 292; admiration of Mr. Train, defers to A.'s judgment, tour with A. and Train, 293; censured and repudiated by friends for alliance with Train, claims right to accept his aid for wom. suff., 294; begins The Revolution, abuse of N. Y. Times, 295; comment N. Y. Independent, Cin'ti Enquirer, 296; descrip. of Revolution, wom. have lost self-respect, 297; defends The Revolution, 298; on desire to edit paper, 299; objects to treatment by Equal Rights Assn., Revolution an individ. matter, 300; described by Nellie Hutchinson, 302; presides at Equal Rights Assn., 303; Blackwell praises work in Kan., independent com. formed, 304; attends Demo. mass meet. in N. Y., comment of Sun, 305; attends Natl. Demo. Con. in Tammany Hall, 306; finishes home at Tenafly, 308; 309; goes to Gov. Geary in behalf of Hester Vaughan, 310; 314; western tour, 315; 316; almost alone in demanding word "sex" in Fifteenth Amend., 318; writes old friends to ignore the past, 320; presides Equal Rights Assn., 322; presides Natl. Suff. Assn., 327; 328; describes Newport con., 329; 330; forms friendship with Mrs. Hooker, 332; 337; ad. Cong. com., 338; 339; described by Mary Clemmer, 340; 343; 344; urges union of suff. orgz'tns and offers to resign office, 347; forbids use of name for pres., women protest, at Apollo Hall con., at dissolut. of Equal Rights Assn., 348; 349; mass meeting in McFarland-Richardson case, 352; beautiful appearance, 353; no salary on Revolution, 354; objects to change name of Rev., "Rosebud" will not answer, 357; 358; declines to serve longer as editor, 360; urges A. to roll load off her shoulders, 361; 362; 366; 368; work in 1845, called first W. R. con., 369; wants A. for pres. of assn. but willing to exalt Mrs. Hooker, 371; sends $100 to Wash. con., 372; bet. two fires, 374; answers men who object to Mrs. Woodhull, 379; no faith in Repub. party, 382; supports Mrs Woodhull, 383; chmn. Natl. com., 384; starts to Calif., 387; bliss in marriage if both equals, 388; first sp. in San Fr., visits Mrs. Fair in jail, 390; sympathizes with her, goes to Yosemite, 392; can not mount pony, hard trip, 393; 396; ad. Sen. com., 410; call for forming new party, 413; criticises A., 414; let. to N. Y. World urging Demo. to stand by women, 416; let. from Cochran, 418; not grateful to Repubs., "white mules turn long ears," 420; spks. on Repub. plat. in N. Y., 422; defends A. in voting, 432; 434; annual protest agnst. Wash. con., 467; objects to A.'s lecture on Social Purity, 468; opens Centennial headqrs., 475; prepares wom. Dec. of Ind., 476; refused permis. to read Dec., 477; evils of manhood suff., 479; begins Hist. of Wom. Suff., 480; at Mrs. Davis' funeral, 481; appeal for 16th Amend., 483; hates lecturing, thankful for abuse, friendship for A., 488; her children's love for A., 489; prayer-meet. in Cap. at Wash., 494; 495; re-elect. pres. Natl. Assn., 496; strong res. at Natl. Con., 499; ad. to Pres. Hayes, 500; 507; corres. editor Ballot-Box, 510; writes res. and ad., 516; work on Hist., 524; tries to vote, 525; A. compels to attend cons., pres. at Wash. con., 526; eulogy on Luc. Mott, 527; 528; valuable work on Hist. Wom. Suff., 531; present is time to write history, 532; entertainment by Bird Club, Boston, 534; illness, fears of not finish. history, 537; 540; 541; sails for Europe, 543; always strength to A., 544; urges A. to come to Eng., 546; 547; 549; 553; calls on Channing in Eng., 554; 564; spks. at Prince's Hall, 565; spks. at St. James Hall, 566; advises suff. for married women, 568; Mrs. McLaren appreciates, 569; 575; 576; 577; confidence of Eng. women, 579; open let. on Douglass marriage, 585; prepares natl. con. report, begins work on Vol. III Hist. of Wom. Suff., 592; advises women to work for Rep. party, 594; res. denounc. dogmas and creeds, 595; rebukes Rev. Patton for sermon agnst. woman suff., upholds A.'s remarks, 596; work on Hist. Wom. Suff., 599; ease-loving nature, A. urges to work, Mrs. Sewall pities, "exercises by lying down," 600; women complain of use of "blue pencil," 601; 70th birthday, "Pleasures of old age," let. H. Stanton Blatch., 602; aesthetic cons., 605; revises History proofs, sells rights to A., fine ability, 613; adv. A. to burn old letters, 625; advised not to take presidency united assns., 628; 629; willing to decline, but lets. insist she shall take presidency, 630; A. spks. in her favor, 631; elect. pres., 632; 633; friendship for A., coming back to Amer. to do best work, 635; dreads ocean trip, can not come to Council, A. brings her and shuts her up to write sp., 636; at recep. for Wom. Council, 637; trib. of Fr. Willard, 638; ad. Sen. com., 640; 642; 654; 659; 664; looks like Lord Chief. Just., 665; response at A.'s birthday banq., thorn in side, meets A. in London, oblig. to her, 667; inspiration to A., 668; A. will have her under thumb, ad. Cong. Coms., presides Natl. Am. Assn., 674; honored to go abroad as its represent., farewell, 675; The Matriarchate, 702; 703; re-elect. pres. natl. assn., 704; keep home and be cremat. in own oven, 707; returns to Amer., A. urges to make home with her and prepare writings for posterity, 712; goes for month's visit to A., sits for bust by Ad. Johnson, sp. in favor opening Roch. Univers. to women, cartoon in Utica paper, 713; settled in N. Y., children urge to give up work, paper on Solitude of Self, ovation at con., begs scepter be transfer. to A., elect. hon. pres. natl. assn., last app. at Wash. con., 717; ad. Cong. Coms., recep. in Wash., 718; 719; 729; trib. to disting. dead, 737; natl. com. sends greet. to, 739; paper for Educat. Cong. World's Fair, 751; ad. to N. Y. women contrib. to Sun, 763; prep. call for natl. con., 801; cosy home, 802; thanks A. for read. her papers, 811; memorial to Fred. Douglass, 814; A. visits to tell about cons., etc., 815; portrait at Utah Con., 825; let. sympathy to A., 842; 80th birthday, 845; all wom. shd. pay tribute, 846; birthday sp., 847; magnific. fete, Tilton's testimonial, 848; recep. by Mrs. H. Villard, birthday celebrat. in Roch., 849; extolled by Sen. Stanford, 851; prepares Woman's Bible, res. agnst. introd. in natl. suff. con., 852; always announc. to be her individ. work, 853; always in advance of times, A. defends her, 854; urges that she and A. resign office, 855; A. tells her she is talking down to people in her Bible commentary, 856; and says suff. wd. take women out of relig. bigotry, urges not to send Bible literature to Calif., 857; women only class left to fight battles alone, 879; A. wishes she were young and strong, 880; 896; 915; at Mrs. Osborne's, 917; A. writes of Mrs. Besant and Theosophy, 918; at Geneva, 927; pict. in Anthony parlor, 934; A.'s magnanimity, honesty, heroism, tenderness, "to be wedded to an idea may be holiest and happiest of marriages," dedicates Reminiscences, 951; to "my steadfast friend.," 952; ad. to Pres. Lincoln, "free women as you have slaves," 957; ad. to Cong., eloquent demand for woman's enfranchisement, 968; birthday gift to A., 976; Repubs. will lose power to protect black men in right to vote, 1016.
STANTON, HENRY B., on condition of country, urges A. to gird on armor, 226.
STANTON, MRS. HENRY B., Greeley's revenge, 280; 972.
STANTON, THEODORE AND MARGUERITE, 532; take A. to Chamber of Deputies, to St. Cloud, to station, 561.
STARRETT, HELEN EKIN, compares A. and Mrs. S. when in Kan., 273; how A. won all hearts, 285; 287.
STEARNS, JUDGE J. B., introd. A., 656; 902.
STEBBINS, GILES AND CATHARINE F., old friends of A., 658; visit A., 711; golden wed., 896.
STEBBINS, REV. H. H., for wom. suff., 762.
STEPHENS, PROF. KATE, in Germany, 560.
STETSON, CHARLOTTE PERKINS, opp. res. agnst. Wom. Bible, 854; visits A. and spks. in Rochester, 901.
STERN, JUDGE, ad. wom. suff. con., 762.
STEVENS, THADDEUS, tries to have women included in Amend. XIV, 250; bids women stand aside for negro, 267; 318; elective franchise inalienable right, 979; Amendment XIV, 1016.
STEVENSON, DR. SARAH HACKETT, at Fed. Clubs, 720; let. from A. on maternity hospital, 843.
STEWART, SEN. WM., favors wom. suff., 500.
STOCKER, ALICE M., Calif. Dem. Con., 872.
STONE, LUCY, first meets A., 64; unjust laws for women, 73; does not favor Maine law, 81; 87; 90; on divorce, 93; assists Whole World Temp. Con., 96; commends A., praises Channing, 111; writes A. regarding Bloomers, 115; defends costume, but abandons it, 116; marries, 128; playful letter on marriage, 130; will retire from public work, 135; 139; encourages A. to speak in public, 145; shows legal posit. of women, has faith in A., 146; pres. N. Y. con., 147; sympathetic let., 151; care of children, 162; trustee of Jackson fund, 165; wd. use Hovey fund for test cases, 171; 185; opp. divorce res., 195; pres. Loyal League meet., 229; 234; petit. for Cong. action, 250; 253; favors union of A. S. and W. R. Soc., 256; abused by N. Y. World, 264; campn. in Kan., money from Jackson fund for it, treachery of Repub. Com., censures Tribune and Independent, 275; 281; wants Mrs. Stn. to edit paper, 299; A. desires her to edit paper, 300; 303; Repub. party false unless it protects woman, 304; repudiates "free love" res., 325; 328; chmn. ex. com. Am. Suff. Assn., 329; for dissolution of E. R. Assn., 349; asst. ed. Wom. Jour., 361; early work, 369; asks A.'s attitude toward parties, 497; Eddy legacy, 539; 540; on com. for union of two assns., 627; meets A. in Boston, submits plan, 628; appoints conf. com., 629; 630; chmn. ex. com. united assns., 632; 634; at recep. for Wom. Council, 637; trib. of Fr. Willard, 638; let. on A. birthday, 668; let. greet. Natl. Am. Con., 675; authoriz. A. to sign name, 676; requests women celebrate admiss. Wyoming, 699; invites A. to Mass. suff. annivers., sympathizes with illness, 701; at Wom. Council, had stood beside A. on many a battlefield, 703; hon. pres. Natl. Am. Assn., 717; at recep. in Wash., 718; 729; last let. to natl. con., greeting sent her, 738; memorial serv. at Wash. con., 756; 935.
STORRS, WM. C., U. S. Commissr., 426; examines A. for having voted, 427.
STOUT, IRA, 164.
STOWE, CALVIN E., endorses wom. suff., 284.
STOWE, HARRIET BEECHER, will help Revolution, 356; gives name as ed., later declines, 358; 360; 548; 902; 935.
STRATTON, SEN. AND MRS. FRED., entertain A., 877.
STUDWELL, EDWIN A., 349; 368.
SULLIVAN, ISAAC N., Sup. Judge, Idaho, decides in favor wom. suff., 919.
SULLIVAN, MARGARET B., on shipboard with A., 579.
SUMNER, CHAS., work for emancip., 226; presents petit. for emancip. in Senate, 235; writes A. must "blast idea of property in man," 236; acknowl. indebtedness to A., 238; efforts to omit "male" in Amend. XIV, 256; L. M. Child's petit. "inopportune," 265; concedes right to disfranchise taxpayers, 269; bids women stand aside, 300; 317; interested in suff. hearing, 339; 373; did not realize women felt degredat. of disfranchise, 411; never a public word for woman, 456; ext. from great sp., 968; all citizens entitled to equal rights, 979; no doubt but women have constit. right to vote, 981; 1014; negro enfranchisement, 1015; wrote 19 pp. foolscap to keep "male" out of Amend. XIV, 1016.
SUNDERLAND, REV. BYRON S., attacks W. R. women, 79.
SUTRO, MAYOR ADOLPH, welcomes Wom. Cong., San Fr., 827.
SWEET, ADA C., 607.
SWEET, EMMA B., priv. sec. to A., 843; goes with her to Calif., 862; in the campn., 892.
SWIFT, JOHN F., 892.
SWIFT, MARY WOOD, on Calif. wom. suff. campn. coms., 863; at Repub. St. Con., 869; pres. Century Club, entertains A., 876; elect. pres. Calif. Suff. Assn., 892; valuable services, 893.
SWIFT, RICHARD L., mob at A. S. meet., 209.
SWING, DAVID, quotation from, 667.
TAFT, LORADO, bust of A., sex nothing to do with art, 721; Miss Willard's compli. 722.
TANEY, CHIEF JUSTICE ROGER B., decision in Dred Scott case, 454; citizens those who conduct govt. through representatives, 984; infamous decision, 985.
TAYLOR, EZRA B., M. C., rep. in favor wom. suff., 590; conducts fight for wom. suff., 607; 651; secures Cong. rep. in favor wom. suff., 699; gives credit to Mrs. Upton, 700; 705.
TAYLOR, HELEN, 337; 565; 577.
TAYLOR, MR. AND MRS. LANSING G., A. teaches in family of, 44.
TAYLOR, HON. T. T., introd. munic. wom. suff. bill in Kan. legis., 611.
TELLER, SENATOR HENRY M., ad. suff. con., 756.
TELLER, MRS. HENRY M., at Wash, con., 851.
TERRY, ELLEN, A. hears, 555.
THACHER, MAYOR GEO. H., declares for free speech, 211; protects Garrison meet., 212; 733.
THACHER, JOHN BOYD, asks record of father, fails to put suff. wom. on N. Y. Board Lady Manag., 733.
THAYER, JOHN M., ad. on Mary Anthony's birthday, 916; poem to A. at Berkshire Hist. meet., 944; ad. on A.'s birthday, 860.
THOMAS, REV. H. W., introd. A. in Chicago, 617; her great heart like Christ, 805; trib. to A. "saint of liberty," 900; introd. A. at Lib. Cong. Relig. Nashville, 928.
THOMAS, MR. AND MRS. JOHN W., recep. to Wom. Council, 928.
THOMAS, M. LOUISE, 511; 550; treas. Natl. Council, 639; A. visits, 654.
THOMASSON, MRS. J. P., 563; recep. for A. and Mrs. Stn., 565; 567.
THOMPSON, ELIZABETH, gives A. $1,000 for History, 524; pres. Art. Assn. desiring to make A.'s statute, 734.
THOMPSON, GEO., 63; encourages Wom. Loyal League, 233; spks. at first annivers. 237; rebukes America for slavery, 996.
THOMSON, ADELINE, first meets A., 122; 327; 527; 538; present to A., 549; 550; entertains A. at Cape May, 624; love for A., 651; gift to A., 741; death, gives A. $1,000, 814.
THOMSON, ANNIE, first meets A., 122; 527; present to A., 549; 814.
THURMAN, SENATOR ALLEN G., insults wom. petit., 485; 486.
THURSTON, SARAH A., on Kan. wom. suff. com., 781.
TIFFANY & CO., 278.
TILTON, ELIZ. R., funeral of baby, 308; 346; demure, motherly, sweetness needed, 357; selects poetry for Rev., 359; 360; during Beecher-Tilton trouble, 461; beautiful character, not wicked, 463; love and veneration for pastor, 464; born into Plymouth church, pitiable condition, crushed, 465; let. to A. on 50th birthday, 975; gift, 976.
TILTON, THEODORE, "noise-making twain," A. and Mrs. Stn., 188; gets Beecher's sp. in Independent, 192; A.'s "sphere," 217; on Emancip. Proclam., millenium on the way, 225; announces birth of son, 232; supports A.'s plan, proposes E. R. Assn., strong ed. in N. Y. Independent, 252; favors union of A. S. and W. R. Soc., 256; 259; 260; argues agnst. trying to strike "male" from N. Y. constit., 261; 264; 270; refuses to champion wom. suff. in 1867, 281; 290; res. to send A. to Natl. Demo. Con., 305; deserts wom. suff. for negro suff., 317; wom. suff. presented as "intellect. theory," 323; tries to unite suff. assns., 346; made pres. Union Society, 348; 349; sends com. to Am. Suff. Assn. proposing union, 350; 357; assists Mrs. Bullard in ed. Rev., 361; 368; at Lib. Repub. Con., 415; derides women, 419; A.'s affection for, 463; brilliant and attractive, Beecher's love for, 464; respect for wife, 465; testimonial to A. and Mrs. Stn., 848; let. on A.'s 50th birthday, 975; gift, 976.
TOD, ISABELLA M. S., entertains A., 572; 573.
TOWNS, MIRABEAU L., has ad. on wom. suff. printed, 768.
TOWNSEND, S. P., arranges temp. meet, for A. and others, 83.
TRAIN, GEO. FRANCIS, offers assist. to wom. suff. campn. in Kan., 286; first sp. at Leav., 287; obj. to hard route, says A. knows how to make man ashamed, speaking tour, 288; dons evening dress before speaking, attacks Gen. Blunt, advice to sick people, 289; will furnish money for wom. suff. paper, A. proprietor, praised by D. R. Anthony, 290; fails to reach Atchison, makes final arrange. with A. at St. Joe for paper and lect. trip, 291; method of speaking, personal descript., 292; pays all expenses for lect. tour of himself, A. and Mrs. Stn., 293; scored by suff. advocates, 294; furnishes funds for The Revolution and reserves space for his own opinions, 295; comment N. Y. Independ., 296; defended by Mrs. Stn., 297; goes abroad, is put into Dublin jail, 298; not able to meet all financ. obligat. to Rev., 299; 301; 308; withdraws from paper, 319; put in $3,000, 354; 408.
TRALL, DR., 88.
TREMAINE, LYMAN, rep. agnst. A.'s appeal for remission of fine, shows ignorance of matter, 450.
TRUESDALE, SARAH, registers and votes, 424.
TRUTH, SOJOURNER, at W. R. con., 103.
TRYGG, ALLI, ad. Senate Com., 640.
TUCKER, GIDEON J., for wom. suff., 767.
TUCKER, JOHN RANDOLPH, M. C., opp. wom. suff., 590; rep. agnst. wom. suff., 607.
TUPPER, REV. MILA (Maynard), at Wash. Wom. Council, 702; in Calif. campn., 875.
TURNER, BISHOP HENRY M., favors wom. suff., 588; spks. with A., 812.
TUTTLE, REV. J. H., 165.
UNDERWOOD, Judge, women have right to vote, 985.
UPTON, HARRIET TAYLOR, 652; influ. Cong. Com. report, 700; 705; 812; 820; on Wom. Bible res., 856; at Anthony homestead, 940; at Berkshire Hist. Meet., 943.
VAIL, MOSES, teaches A. algebra, 43.
VAN BUREN, MARTIN, at Tarrytown, New York, his habits, 41; at Saratoga, 42; urged ballot for workingmen, 998.
VANCE, SENATOR ZEBULON B., rep. agnst. wom. suff., 718.
VAN DYCK, HENRY H., ST. SUPT., opposes co-education, 156.
VAN VOORHIS, JOHN, M. C., retained in A.'s case, 428; shows mistake of giving bail, 433; defends her in trial at Canandaigua, 436; defends inspectors, refused permiss. to ad. jury, opinion of case after 24 years, 444; trib. to Judge Selden, 445; prepares appeal to Cong., declares trial by jury annihilated, 449; favors wom. suff., 543.
VAUGHAN, HESTER, accused of murdering child, 309; pardoned and sent back to Eng., 310.
VAUGHN, MARY C., pres. temp. meet., 65; 82; 95.
VEST, GEORGE G., SENATOR, opposes com. on wom. rights, 540; speech in opp. to wom. suff., 619; harrowing picture, too much "gush," 620.
VILLARD, MRS. HENRY, daught. W. L. Garrison, recep. to A. and Mrs. Stn., 849.
VINCENT, JOHN H., learn law of love from God's women, 708; invites A. to Chautauqua, 727.
VOSBURG, MRS. J. R., stands by A. in Teach. Con., 100.
VROOMAN, MRS. HENRY, entertains A., 877.
WADE, SENATOR BENJAMIN F., encourages Wom. Loyal League, 233; argues for wom. suff., 266; 317.
WADLEIGH, SENATOR BAINBRIDGE, insults wom. petit., 485; opp. wom. suff., scored by Mary Clemmer, 501.
WAGENER, MR., agnst. wom. suff. pl. in Kan. Repub. plat., 780.
WAGNER, SILAS J., advises inspect. not to register women, 426.
WAIT, ANNA C., in Kan. campn., 609.
WAITE, JUDGE C. B., 315; compli. Hist. Wom. Suff., 531.
WAITE, CHIEF-JUSTICE MORRISON R., decides agnst. woman's right to vote under Amend. XIV, 453.
WAITE, MRS. MORRISON R., recep. to A. in Wash., 739.
WALKER, MR. AND MRS. T. B., entertain A., 723.
WALLACE, ZERELDA G., ad. Cong. com., 511; trib. to A., "Christ-like," 535; 617; pres. petit. for wom. suff., 620; 626; let. urg. A. for. pres. united assns., 631; 652; will work in S. Dak. only under A.'s direction, 683; detained by illness, apprecia. of A., 685; 708; at Chautauqua, 709; at Mrs. Sewall's with A., 904.
WALTERS, BISHOP, favors wom. suff., 588.
WALWORTH, REV. CLARENCE A., ad. N. Y. Constit. Con. in opp. to wom. suff., 769; 770.
WASHINGTON, BOOKER, A. spks. with for Tuskeegee Instit., 914.
WASHINGTON, ASSOC.-JUST. BUSHROD, citizens have right to franchise and office, 984; 986.
WASSON, REV. D. A., sermons and presence inspire A., 133.
WATKINS, LETITIA V., canvasses Kan., 625.
WATSON, ELIZABETH LOWE, 405; entertains A., 831.
WATTERSON, HENRY, favors wom. suff. 519; 725.
WATTLES, SUSAN E., suff. work in Kan., 178.
WARD, ELIZA T., 632.
WARDALL, POPU. CHMN., in Calif, campn., 883.
WARDALL, ALONZO, inv. A. to S. Dak., 657; pres. claims of State at Wash, con., 675; urges A. to come S. Dak., 679; at Minneap., pledges A. supp. of Farm. Alli. for wom. suff., 684; at Kan. Popu. Con., 790.
WARDALL, ELIZABETH M., let. to A., 679; campn. report, 694; A. sends $100, 695.
WARNER, SEN. WILLARD, presides at wom. suff. con., 377.
WARNER, CHAS. DUDLEY, praises A., 334.
WARNER, DANIEL J., advises women to be registered, 426.
WARREN, SEN. FRANCIS E., working of wom. suff. in Wy., 716; fav. com. rep. on wom. suff., 718; 823.
WARREN, BISHOP HENRY W., favors wom. suff., 588.
WAYMIRE, JUDGE AND MRS. J. A., entertain A., 877.
WEBB, ALFRED, 572; 575.
WEBSTER, PROF. HELEN L., wants Wom. Suff. Hist. for Wellesley, 754.
WEED, THURLOW, assists temp. women, 65; 329.
WELD, ANGELINA GRIMKE, 73; spks. for Loyal League, 227; for wom. suff., 229; early work, 369.
WELLMAN, ALICE H., entertains A., 877.
WELLS, EMMELINE B., pres. Utah assn., 825; at natl. suff. con., 902.
WELLS, IDA B., lect. in Roch., interrupt. by theolog. stu., A. comes to defense, takes her home, 815; stenographer refuses to work for her, 816.
WEST, GOVERNOR (UTAH), recep. to A., 825.
WHALEY, J. C. C., 307.
WHEELER, VICE-PRES. WILLIAM A., presents wom. petit., 500.
WHELPLEY, A. W., arrang. lect. for A., 648.
WHIPPLE, REV. A. B., invites A. to annual meet. Berkshire Hist. Soc., 940; places meet. in her charge, 942.
WHIPPLE, EDWIN P., lectures for Loyal League, 233.
WHITE, PRES. ANDREW D., compli. Hist. Wom. Suff., 531; wife one of A.'s kind, 850.
WHITE, ARMENIA S., urges A. to visit her, 702; 895.
WHITE, BETSEY DUNNELL, A.'s aunt, talks politics, 57.
WHITE, JOHN D., M. C., champions wom. rights com., 540; rep. in favor wom. suff., 543; tries to get wom. suff. com., 585.
WHITE, MRS. LOVELL, arrang. trip for A. to Mt. Tamalpais, 877.
WHITING, LILLIAN, trib. to A., 672; 673.
WHITING, MR. AND MRS. WM., A, visits, 705.
WHITNEY, ADELINE D. T., opp. wom. suff., 620.
WHITTIER, JOHN G., A. calls on, 525; let. on A.'s birthday, 669; death, 737.
WHITTLE, DR. EWING, recep. to A. and Mrs. Stn., 579.
WILBERFORCE, CANON, A. hears on temp., 567.
WILBOUR, CHARLOTTE B., 234; 327; ad. Wash. con., 337; arrang. 50th birthday recep. for A., 341; 349; for union of two suff. assns., 350; 368; 561.
WILBUR, JULIA A., stands by A. in Teach. Con., 155.
WILCOX, BIRDSEYE, heads pro-slavery mob, 208.
WILDER, MAYOR CARTER, pres. Repub. meet., 422; friendship for A., 615.
WILDER, D. WEBSTER, praises Hist. Wom. Suff. and A., 615.
WILDER, SAMUEL, friendship for A., 615.
WIGHAM, ELIZA, 568; 570.
WILLARD, FRANCES E., asks A. to sit on plat. at lect. in Roch., 472; 496; A. does not coincide with views, 505; has lever but no fulcrum, 506; 511; introd. A. at Natl. W. C. T. U. con. in Wash., 537; favors State rights on suff. ques., A. criticises and tells her Prohib. party will throw wom. suff. overboard, prophecy fulfilled, 594; A. visits, 609; corres. with A. regard. suff. plank in Prohib. plat., 622; 631; sp. and let. about A. at Wom. Council, 638; presents constit. for Councils of Women, 639; ad. Sen. com., presides Central Music Hall, Chicago, 640; let. on A.'s birthday, 669; 685; presides trienni. meet. Woman's Council, introd. A. as one of double stars, 702; suff. day at Chautauqua, 709; at Fed. Clubs, 720; urges A. to visit her and have bust made by L. Taft; "wom. wd. not allow male grasshop. on lawn," 721; will have A.'s bust in Senate and White House, one man has seen her great soul, 722; describes A. at two natl. polit. cons., "such souls meet God," 725; farewell teleg. to A., 729; delight over A.'s laurels at World's Fair, Lady Henry's compli., 747; in Twilight Park, 773; at Repub. con., Saratoga, describes A. before res. com., 774; century's foremost figure, 775; introd. A. to W. C. T. U. gospel meet., Cleveland, as ordained of God, declares for wom. suff., 800; A. begs to withdraw W. C. T. U. con. from Calif., 857; A. repeats the entreaty, 881; accedes to request, 882; depart. for Europe, 883; sends tele. of greet. on A.'s return from Calif., invites her to sanitarium in Castile., 901; sends roses for A.'s birthday, 906; asks A. to join in protest agnst. yellow journal. and prize fight., 923; when she refuses, writes affect. let., urges to come to World's and Natl. W. C. T. U. Cons., 924; testimonial to A's character, courage, self-sacrifice, integrity, personal kindness, in next world women will stand on plane of perfect equality, 950.
WILLARD, MARY B., let. to A., 804.
WILLIAMS, SARAH L., editor Ballot-Box, 509; 510.
WILLIS, SARAH L., birthday gift to A., 672; 711; contrib. N. Y. suff. campn., 772; 806.
WILSON, VICE-PRES. HENRY, acknowledges indebtedness to A., 238; wd. keep wom. suff. separate from negro suff., 266; bill to enfranchise women in D. C., 311; 317; spks. for wom. suff., 322; pres. at suff. con., 377; advocates wom. suff., 417; Repubs. ought to recognize women, 418; appreciates A.'s suggestions, 420; 454.
WINCHESTER, MARGARET E., 348; 349; 368.
WINDEYER, MISS, ad. natl. suff. con., 756.
WINTER, WILLIAM, pays trib. to A., 323.
WOLF, HON. SIMON, ad. Wash. suff. con., 756.
WOOD, HON. B. R., opp. wom. delegates, 88.
WOOD, HON. D. P., advocates wom. rights, 109.
WOOD, DR. RUTH M., suff. work in Leavenworth, 609.
WOOD, SAMUEL N., urges wom. suff. be discussed in Kan., 274; plans meet., 283; 287.
WOODALL, WM., M.P., pres. at wom. suff. meet., 566; amends suff. bill, 593.
WOODHULL, VICTORIA C., goes before Cong. Com. with memorial, fine presence, 375; first app. on suff. plat., scene described, 376; "veins contain ice," 377; advent creates commotion, 378; vanquishes Cath. Beecher, defended by Mrs. Stn., 379; at suff. con. in N. Y., papers use this as reproach to movement, makes strong argument, 383; issues call for con. to form new party, 413; tries to secure control of suff. con., 413; 414; 596.
WOODS, MRS. M. C., 902.
WORDEN, MRS., 195; 249.
WRIGHT, DANIEL, teacher of A., 35.
WRIGHT, DAVID, at wom. temp. meet., 65.
WRIGHT, FRANCES, early work, 369; 935.
WRIGHT, MARTHA C., sec. wom. rights' con., 72; pres. wom. rights' con., 131; Garrison. meet. at Albany, 212; 249; 260; let. of friendship to A., 301; 368; called first W. R. Con., 369; sarcasm regard. Cath. Beecher, comments on Wash. politicians, 372; comforts A., 415; only hope for suff. movement lies in A., elected pres. of assn., 458; death, A.'s grief, 467; 917.
YATES, ELIZ. UPHAM, spks. at Atlanta con., 811; favors res. agnst. Wom. Bible, 854; in Calif. campn., 864; at Rep. St. Con., 869; makes 100 speeches, 875.
YOUNG, JOHN RUSSELL, compli. A., 384.
ZAHNER, REV. LOUIS, pays trib. to Anthony family, 942.
[137] Lists of names not included in index will be found in footnotes on pp. 284, 327, 353, 566, 590, 621, 772.
ABOLITIONISTS, 39, 40, 44, 59; meetings, in Anthony home, 48, 60, 61; A.'s first meeting with, 60, 63; 78, 198; attitude in 1861, 207; canvass under A.'s management, 208; at beginning of War, 214; need of in 1863, 226; dissensions among, 244-247; one wing demands negro suff., 256; refuse to stand for woman suff., 265; almost all desert women, 268, 270; Lucy Stone on, 275; 311, 498; Robert Purvis on A.'s services to, 547; 567; in Scotland, 568, 570; in Ireland, 572, 575; 724; Southern prej. against A., 740; same, 812; 924; A. speaks on at Fiske Univers., 928; pictures in A.'s home, 934, 935; foresight of, 1010.
ADDRESSES, APPEALS, TESTIMONIALS, etc., A.'s for temp. and woman suff., 71; for better laws in N. Y., 110; memorial to all Legislatures in 1859, 175; first to Cong. for Woman Suff. in 1865, 250; Woman's Rights Soc. to Cong. in 1866, 259, 968; A. and Mrs. Stanton to Cong. for woman suff. in 1867, 277; to women on polit. parties in 1872, 418; A.'s to Cong. to remit her fine for voting, 450; Natl. Wom. Suff. Assn. at Centennial in 1876, 475; 483; Wom. Natl. Loyal League to President Lincoln, 957; Natl. Wom. Rights Conv. to Cong. in 1866, 968.
AMENDMENTS to U. S. Constitution, 13th, 238; dif. of opinion on A.'s attitude, 245; 14th, "male" first used, protest of A., Mrs. Stanton and Lucy Stone, 250; Independent criticises, 252; Sumner would avoid "male," 256; women implore not to be excluded, 267; campaign for woman suff. in Kansas, 274; same, 281 et seq.; efforts for in N. Y., 278-280; Pomeroy, Julian and Wilson present resolutions for woman suff. in 1868, 310, 311, 317; first effort to secure woman suff. in U. S. Constn., 313; 15th adopted, first suggested by Anna Dickinson, 317; dispute over in Equal Rights Assn., A. demands it shall include women, 323, 324; Francis Minor on woman's right to vote under 14th, 331; A. on same, 338; A. will never cease working for 16th, 343; Natl. Wom. Suff. Assn. on right of women to vote under 14th, 377; attempt to make 14th and 15th enfranch. women, 409-411; A. and other women vote in 1872, 423-453; women vote again, 434; woman's right to vote under 14th, 431, 432; Mrs. Minor attempts to vote under 14th, 453; it does not confer suffrage, 454; for woman suff. submitted in Mich., 459; defeated, 461; beginning of systematic efforts for 16th, 483; war amends. will fail to protect black men, 500; Mrs. Stanton on same, 1016; for woman suff. submitted in Neb., 544, 545; in Ore., 592; A.'s argument for 16th before Congressl. Coms. in 1884, 588; defeat of woman suff. in Ore., 592; Palmer in U. S. Senate, on 16th, 596; first vote in Senate on, 617, 621; for woman suff. in S. Dak., A. canvasses for, 656; urged to assist, 679; Natl. Assn. contributes to, 675; campaign for, 679 et seq.; 16th in Cong. in 1891, 718; for woman suff. in charter of Rochester, 731; woman suff. carried in Col., 753; Kas. Legis. submits, 754; campaign for, 777; Calif. Legis. submits, 820; campaign for, 863; causes of its defeat, 886 et seq.; Secy. of State breaks his word, 890; Idaho Sup. Court decides only majority of votes cast on amend. necessary to carry, 918; war amends. and woman suff., 979-984; 16th not necessary, Sumner on, 981; Grant on 15th, 991; A. on efforts to keep "male" out of 14th, 1016; A.'s speech in Kas. for woman suff., 1015-1021.
AMERICA, her women envied, viii; position of woman compared to Gr. Brit., 257; Europe compared to, 558; Sargent's love of, 559; A. longs for, hope of women, 562; public schools, 564; mountains, 571; institutions compared, 571; railroads, 572; A. steps on shore, 579; U. S. an oligarchy, not a republic, 982.
AMERICAN WOMAN SUFFRAGE ASSOCIATION, formed, 328; efforts at union with Natl. Assn., 346, 347; concluded, 627-632; 674.
AMUSEMENTS, early dances, 36; theatre, 41; school exhibition, circus, ball, 51; A.'s festival in Rochester, 62; picnic, 175; Irving and Terry, 555; Ristori, 558; opera in Paris, 561; Court Theater in London, 564; Bernhardt, 567; 802; see Receptions.
ANECDOTES, A. on grandmother's cooking, 14; Susan and the elders, 21; in boarding school, 29, 30; the dancing school, 36; on women's voices, 75; at Greeley home, 86; A. at Teachers' Conv., 98; the minister's advice to A., 108; Bloomers, 113; church at Canajoharie, 121; water cure, 126; women afraid of A., 127; cold dinners for wives, 128; man's horror of woman's speaking, 143; A.'s raspberry experiment, 159; waiter refuses A.'s order, 176; effect of Mrs. Blackwell's sermon on Gerrit Smith, 179; Mayo on Marriage, 196; A. on ownership of slaves and children, 204; a Kansas experience, 248; encounter in Standard office bet. A. and Phillips, Tilton and Mrs. Stanton, 261; why Mrs. Stanton looked fresh and A. tired, 273; A. and Greeley on ballot and bullet, 278; Mrs. Greeley's petition, 279; Greeley's revenge, 280; Geo. Francis Train in Kas. campaign, 289; women in penitentiary, 309; of Beecher family, 373; of Catharine Beecher and Mrs. Woodhull, 378; A.'s first taste of wine, 400; Douglass prayed with heels, 457; man and his children in Neb., 493; Dennis Kearney and the suffragists, 518; A. and Skye terrier, 527; Edinburgh professor, 570; Killarney babies, 573; Jacob Bright's son, 577; A. and St. Paul, 595; Dr. Patton, 596; Mrs. Stanton "exercising," 600; the yellow dog, 617; Sen. Blair's little jokes, 606, 626; women and Indians in Repub. conv., 687; A. and cyclone, 690; low ebb of humanity, 690; hotel in S. Dak., 691; children and motherhood in S. Dak., 692; A. and drunkard, 693; co-education in Rochester Univers., 713; A. and her bust carved by a man, 721; A. and Miss Shaw at Kas. Popu. Conv., 788, 790; Dem. delegates in Calif., 874; A. and Mrs. Sargent on election night, 891; A. and the palace, 943; mother's mop stops mill, 944; the wife's false teeth, 988; Howard Mission, 1011.
ANNUITY presented to A., 813; writes to contributors, 814.
ANTI-SLAVERY SOCIETY, A. attends first meeting, 63; 70, 101, 129; Bazar in 1855, 132; A. invited to act as agent, 137; arrangements made, 148; canvass, 150 et seq.; Bazar money lost, 172; 173; suffrage needs spirit of, 177; A.'s efforts for appreciated, 182; close connect. with Woman's Rights in Southern mind, 183; depot of supplies at Albany, 199; 217; dissensions, Phillips' attitude, A.'s, Pillsbury's, Garrison's, 244-246; at time of Reconstruction, 256-270; same, 281, 304, 322-326; meet. in Phila., 267; compared to woman's cause, 415 (see Abolitionists, Negroes, Slavery).
ANTI-SUFFRAGISTS, in 1852, 76-80; first move in Washtn., 377; petition from New Eng., 620; in S. Dak. campaign, 695; protest against admis. of Wy., 698; alliance with liquor dealers in Col., 753; organization and work in N. Y. woman suff. campaign, 765; amusing instance in Rochester, A.'s and newspaper comment, 766; size of petitions, 769; alliance with liquor dealers in N. Y., 770; friendship of Joseph H. Choate, 767, 771; lone represent. in Calif. campaign, 873; charge suff. will destroy womanly instincts, 944, 945; Miss Shaw denies their theory that man is the head, woman the heart, 945.
ART, A. at N. Y. Acad. of Design, productions of women, 219; in Europe, 557-561; Harriet Hosmer on Natl. Assn., 655; A.'s portrait, 677; New York Assn., 734; A.'s feeling towards art, 859 (see Sculpture).
"AUNT" SUSAN, A. objects to name, 546.
BIBLE, in boarding school, 29, 30; favors woman's equality, 76; interpretation of, 77; used against women, 78; 79; relation to matrimony, 109; teaches women should stay at home, 119; A. on Apocrypha, 132; A. quotes it on peace, 177; read by A.'s mother, 513, 558; miracles, 563; different interpret. of, 595; A. objects to discussion on, confutes St. Paul, 595; 616; Bible and woman suff., 617-619; A. on Proverbs, 897.
BIBLE WOMAN'S, res. against of Natl. Wom. Suff. conv., discussion and vote, 852-854; A.'s indignation, 853; letter to Mrs. Stanton on resigning presidency, 855; to her cabinet on their "methods of the inquisition," 855; interview regarding matter, 856; Mrs. Stanton's work on Bible not needed, 856; objects to mixing woman suff. with religious doctrine, 857; Mrs. Greenleaf's view, 856.
BICYCLE, costume for, 844; A.'s opinion of, 859.
BILLS, see Laws and Legislatures.
BIOGRAPHY, reasons for writing during lifetime of subject, v, vi; methods of writing, vi-ix; Mrs. Blatch would write, 544; A. thinks she will leave nothing for posterity, 712; preparations for writing, 860; writer selected, immense amount of material, work begun, 909; the "attic workrooms," 910; A.'s restiveness over literary work, 913; chapters read to Mrs. Stanton, 917; work suspended for summer, 926; A. will make charming one, 995.
BIRTHDAYS, birth of A., 13; 18th birthday, 29; celebrat. of 50th, 341; A. congrat. Phillips on 70th, 538; celebrat. of A.'s first suggested, 542; A.'s 73d celebrated in Phila., 546; Mrs. Stanton's 70th, 602; Kas. grants Munic. Suff. on A.'s 67th, 611; A.'s 70th, her distress over charging for banquet tickets, 663; amusing letters on same, 664; the banquet, gifts, toasts, letters, newspaper comment, etc., 664-674; her contemporaries, 672; 73d, in Rochester, 739; 74th, flag presented, 757; 75th, banquet, "annuity" presented, 813; Maria Porter's, 845; Mrs. Stanton's 80th, 845-849; A. celebrates her mother's, 850; A. assists at Mrs. Grant's 70th, 858; A.'s 76th in Roch., 860; 90th of Eliz. Buffam Chace, 896; Frederick Douglass' in Rochester, 904; reception in Rochester on A.'s 77th, 905; Mary S. Anthony's 70th, 914; 100th of Saml. J. May, 927; newspaper comment on A.'s 50th, 972; letters from eminent people on same, 974. |