BM; Harv, Library Company of Philadelphia (Ridgway Branch).
Congreve's copy, with the signature "Wm. Congreve" on the title page, was item No. 350 in Catalogue No. 335 of Myers & Co., 1941; also item No. 423 in the Meyerstein Sale, Sotheby & Co., December 17, 1952. The book carries the bookplate of the Duke of Leeds and the penciled note: "bought at Hornby Castle," evidently in the sale of 1930.
502 Rousseau (Mr. de) Oeuvres diverses 2 Tom. Ch. Maj. et Corio Turcico undique deaurato
[4to. Lond.1723. 17] [ apd.Tonson ]
Jean Baptiste Rousseau (1670-1741). [OE]uvres diverses de Mr. Rousseau. Nouvelle edition. ALondres, Jacob Tonson & Jean Watts, 1723. 2 tom. 4to.
BM; Harv, LC, Clark.
A copy of this edition was item No. 549 in the Leeds Sale, 1930.
503 —— Oeuvres
[12mo. Rotterd.1719. 30]
Les [oe]uvres choisies du Sr. Rousseau, contenant ses odes, odes sacres de l'dition de Soleure, & cantates. ARotterdam, chez Fritsch & Bohm, 1719. 12mo.
504 Regis (Pierre Silvain) Cours entier de Philosophie. 3 Tom.
[4to. Amsterd 1691 14]
Pierre Silvain Regis (1632-1707). Cours entier de philosophie, ou Systme general selon les principes de M.Descartes. AAmsterdam, aux dpens des Huguetan, 1691. 3 tom. 4to.
BM; Yale, Princeton, Chicago.
505 Rogers on ye 39 Articles of ye Ch. of Engd.
[4to. London 1661 14]
Thomas Rogers (d. 1616). The faith, doctrine, and religion, professed, and protected in the realm of England ... in thirty-nine articles. London, by John Field, to be sold by George Sawbridge, 1661. 4to.
Wing R1833.
BM; Boston Public, Illinois, Wisconsin.
506 Rabelais's Works 2 Vols[.]
[8vo. Lond.1708. 28]
Franois Rabelais (1494?-1553). The whole works of F.Rabelais, M.D. London, for James Woodward, 1708. 2 vol. 8vo.
BM; Cleveland Public, Illinois.
507 Roscommon's (Earl of.) Poems. L. Paper.
[8vo. Ib.1717. 19]
Wentworth Dillon, Earl of Roscommon (1633?-1685). Poems. ... To which is added, An essay on poetry, by the Earl of Mulgrave, now Duke of Buckingham. Together with poems by Mr. Richard Duke. London, for J.Tonson, 1717. 8vo.
BM; Ham, Folg, Newberry, Texas, Hunt.
A copy of this edition was item No. 548 in the Leeds Sale, 1930.
508 Rochester's (Earl of) Poems, With ye Frag. of Valentinian
[8vo. Ib.1691. 20]
John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester (1647-1680). Poems, &c. on several occasions: with Valentinian, atragedy. [Third edition.] London, for Jacob Tonson, 1691. 8vo.
Wing R1756.
Bodleian; Harv, Folg, Chicago, Hunt.
509 Rapin's Reflections on Aristotle's Art of Poetry
[8vo. Ib.1674. 8]
Rene Rapin (1621-1687). Reflections on Aristotle's treatise of poesie. London, by T.N. for H.Herringman, 1674. 8vo.
Wing R270.
BM; Yale, NYP, Folg, Newberry.
A translation by Thomas Rymer.
510 —— Oeuvres diverses —— 2 Tomes
[8vo. Amst.1686. 12]
[OE]uvres diverses . . . concernant les belles lettres. AAmsterdam, chez Abraham Wolfgang, 1686. 2 tom. 12mo.
BM; Washington State College.
511 Regulating ye Silver Coin made easy
[8vo. 1696. 8]
[Samuel Pratt (1659?-1723)]. The regulating silver coin, made practicable and easie, to the government and subject. Humbly submitted to the consideration of both houses of Parliament. By a lover of his country. London, for Henry Bonwick, 1696. 8vo.
Wing P3184.
BM; Harv, NYP, Folg, LC, Chicago, Hunt.
512 Reignier (L'Abbe) sur le Premier Livre d'Iliade
[8vo. Paris 1700 18]
Franois Sraphin, Abb Regnier-Desmarais (1632-1713). Le premier livre de l'Iliade en vers franois. Avec une dissertation sur quelques endroits d'Homere. AParis, chez Jean Anisson, 1700. 8vo.
513 Roland l'Amoureux 2 Vol. avec Fig.
[12mo. Ib.1717. 23]
Matheo Maria Boyardo, Conte di Scandiano (c. 1434-1494). Nouvelle traduction de Roland L'Amoureux. AParis, chez Pierre Ribou, 1717. 2 tom. 12mo.
BN; Clark.
514 Racine (Mr. de) Oeuvres 2 Tom.
[12mo Ib.1697. 25]
Jean Baptiste Racine (1639-1691). [OE]uvres. AParis, chez Claude Barbin (or D.Thierry), 1697. 2 tom. 12mo.
BM; Harv.
515 Religion of a Church of Engd. Woman
[8vo. Lond.1705. 14]
Mary Astell (1668-1731). The Christian religion, as profess'd by a daughter of the Church of England. London, by S.H. for R.Wilkin, 1705. 8vo.
BM; Newberry.
516 Retz (Card) Memoires 5 Tomes
[12mo. Amst.1718 11]
Jean Franois Paul de Gondi, Cardinal de Retz (1614-1679). Mmoires du cardinal de Retz, contenant ce qui s'est pass de plus remarquable en France, pendant les premieres annes du regne de Louis XIV. Premire partie. AAmsterdam, [no printer given,] 1718. 5 tom. Small 8vo.
BN; Harv, NYP, Ohio State.
A copy of this edition was listed under No. 1292 in the Hornby Castle Sale, 1930.
517 —— Ditto Translated, 4 Vols. & bound in Turky Leather
[8vo. Lond.1723 30]
Memoirs of the Cardinal de Retz. . . . To which are added some other pieces written by the Cardinal de Retz, or explanatory to these memoirs. Translated from the French [by P.Davall]. With notes. London, for Jacob Tonson, 1723. 4 vol. 12mo.
BM; Pennsylvania, LC, Oberlin.
518 Raymond's Voyage through Italy
[12mo. Ib.1648. 6]
John Raymond. An itinerary contayning a voyage, made through Italy, in the yeare 1646, and 1647. London, Humphrey Moseley, 1648. 12mo.
Wing R415.
BM; Harv, NYP, Folg, LC, Newberry, Hunt.
Congreve's copy (item No. 532 in the Leeds Sale, 1930), with Congreve's signature on the title page, is owned by E.S. de Beer, Esq., of London. The unusual flourishes in the signature suggest an early period in Congreve's life. Mr. de Beer has shown (Review of English Studies, VIII [1932], 74-77) that Congreve borrowed for his youthful novel Incognita descriptive passages from Raymond's Itinerary.
519 Religio Medici, wth: Annotations
[12mo. Ib.1656. 6]
Sir Thomas Browne (1605-1682). Religio medici. The fourth edition, corrected and amended. London, by E.Cotes for Andrew Crook, 1656. 8vo.
Wing B5172.
BM; Harv, Folg, Illinois, Clark.
520 la Religieuse Amoureuse, ou le Comte de Clare
[12mo. _Col.1695. 26]
Mme. de Tenain. La religieuse interesse et amoureuse, avec l'histoire du comte de Clare. Nouvelle galante. ACologne, chez ***, 1695. 12mo.
BM; Yale.
521 Rowe's Lucan vide Lucan &c[.]
[—— .... 16]
See No. 343.
522 Relation de l'Invasion de L'Espagne p les Maures
[12mo. Haye 1699. 11]
See No. 302.
523 Roman Antiquities See Kennet
[—— - —— 11]
See No. 341.
524 Rowe's Pythagoras
[8vo. Lond.1707. 13]
See No. 365.
525 Revolution de Repub. Romaine. 3 Tom. vide Vertot
[12mo. Paris 1719 11]
See No. 633.
526 —— de Portugal
[12mo. Ib.1711 11]
See No. 634.
527 —— de Suede
[12mo. Ib.695 11]
See No. 635.
528 Histoire De:france En breq Par P: Daniel
[8vo. Paris: 30]
Entry by the second hand.
Pre Gabriel Daniel (1649-1728). Abreg de l'histoire de France depuis l'etablissement de la monarchie franois e dans les Gaules. AParis, chez Denys Mariette, Jean-Baptiste Delespine, Jean-Baptiste Coignard, 1723-24. 9 tom. Large 12mo.
BN; Library Company of Philadelphia (Ridgway Branch).
529 Reynard the Fox
[4to. Lond.1701 ....]
Entry by the third hand.
The most delectable history of Reynard the Fox. Newly corrected and purged, from all grossness in phrase and matter. London, by T.Ilive, for Edward Brewster, 1701. 4to, black letter.
BM; Harv, Princeton, Newberry, Hunt.
A copy of this edition was item No. 537 of the Leeds Sale, 1930.
530 Grounds of the Christian Religion
[8vo Lond.1724 ....]
Entry by the third hand.
Anthony Collins (1676-1729). A discourse of the grounds and reasons of the Christian religion. In two parts. London, 1724. 8vo.
BM; Harv, NYP, LC, Newberry, California.
531 Ramsay's Travels of Cyrus, 2 vol. unbound
[8vo Ib.1727 ....]
Entry by the third hand.
Andrew Michael Ramsay (1686-1743). The travels of Cyrus. ... To which is annex'd, Adiscourse upon the theology and mythology of the ancients. London, sold by T.Woodward and J.Peele, 1727. 2 vols. 8vo.
Bodleian; Yale, Newberry.
532 Rolli's Remarks on Voltaire's essay on Epic Poetry unbound
[8vo Ib.1728 ....]
Entry by the third hand.
Paolo Antonio Rolli (1687-1765). Remarks upon M.Voltaire's Essay on the epick poetry of the European nations. London, Tho. Edlin, 1728. 8vo.
533 Strabonis Rerum Geograph. Libri XVIII. ex Recensione Casauboni
[Fol. Paris 1620. 21]
Strabo (64/63 B.C.-A.D. 21 at least). Strabonis rerum geographicarum libri XVII. Isaacus Casaubonus recensuit. Luteti Parisiorum, typis regiis, 1620. fol.
BM; Harv, NYP, LC, Minnesota.
A copy of this edition was listed under No. 1272 in the Hornby Castle Sale, 1930.
534 Stow's Survey of London
[Fol. Lond.1633 15]
John Stow (1525?-1605). The survey of London. ... Begunne first by the paines and industry of John Stow, in the yeere 1598 ... now completely finished by the study and labour of A.M[unday], H.D[yson] and others, this present yeere 1633. London, Elizabeth Purslow, sold by Nicholas Bourne, 1633. fol.
BM; Harv, NYP, Folg, LC, Newberry, Hunt.
Congreve's copy, with the signature "William Congreve" on the title page, was item No. 625 of the Leeds Sale, 1930.
STC 23345.
535 Spenser's (Edmd.) Works
[Fol. Ib.1679. 21]
Edmund Spenser (1552?-1599). The works of that famous English poet, Mr. Edmond Spenser. London, by Henry Hills for Jonathan Edwin, 1679. fol.
Wing S4965.
BM; Harv, NYP, Folg, LC, Newberry, Hunt.
536 —— Works, wth: ye Glossary. Pub. by Mr. Hughes. & Adorn'd with Cuts. 6 Vols[.]
[12mo. Ib.1715. 19]
The works of Mr. Edmund Spenser. . . . With a glossary explaining the old and obscure words. Publish'd by Mr. Hughes. London, for Jacob Tonson, 1715. 6 vol. 12mo.
BM; Harv, NYP, Folg, Newberry, Hunt.
A copy of this edition was item No. 614 in the Leeds Sale, 1930, but listed as 8vo.
537 Stobi Eclogarum Libri 2.Gr. Lat. cum Interp. Canteri. apd Plantin
[Fol. Antv.1575 21]
Johannes Stobaeus (5th century). Joannis Stobi eclogarum libri duo ... interprete Gulielmo Cantero. Antverpi, ex officin Christophori Plantini, 1575. fol.
BM; Harv, Johns Hopkins, Newberry.
538 —— Sententi ex Thesauris Gr- -corum delect. in Lat. Sermo -nem traduct a Gesnero
[Fol. Tigur 1543 21]
Sententi ex thesauris Grcorum delect ... & in sermones sive locos communes digestae, nunc primum Conrado Gesnero. Tiguri, excudebat Christoph. Froschoverus, 1543. fol.
BM; Harv, LC.
539 Scapul Lexicon Gr. Lat. Cum Meursii Glossario contracto
[Fol. Lugd.1663 15]
Joannes Scapula (fl. 1579). Joan. Scapul lexicon Grco-Latinum ... glossarium contractum. 2 pt. Lugduni, sumptibus Joannis Antonii Huguetan, & Maroi Antonii Ravaud, 1663. fol.
BM; Amherst, LC.
540 Suid Gr. Lat. Lexicon 2 Vol. Cur milii Porti
[Fol. Col.Allob 1619. 21]
Suidas, nunc primum integer Latinitate donatus ... opera & studio milii Porti. [Gr. and Lat.] Coloni Allobrogum, apud Petrum de la Rouiere, 1619. 2 tom. fol. [Vol. II: Genev, 1630.]
BM; Harv, Illinois.
541 SHAKESPEARE's Works old Edit[.]
[Fol. ——— 21]
William Shakespeare (1564—1616). Mr. William Shakespeares comedies, histories, & tragedies. Published according to the true originall copies. London, printed by Isaac Jaggard, and Ed. Blount, 1623. fol.
STC 22273.
BM; Harv, NYP, Folg, LC, Newberry, Hunt.
Congreve's copy of Shakespeare's first folio, with the signature "Will: Congreve" on the contents page (and "Charles Killigrew" on the fly leaf), is now in the Library of the University of Leeds, on loan from the Duke of Leeds.
542 —— Ditto 6 Vols. Colla- =ted & corrected by Mr. POPE. L.Papr[.]
[4to. London 1725 29]
The works of Shakespear. In six volumes. Collated and corrected by the former editions, by Mr. Pope. London, J.Tonson, 1725 (Vol.I), 1723 (Vols. II-VI). 6 vol. 4to.
BM; Harv, NYP, Folg, LC, Newberry, Hunt.
A copy of this edition was item No. 590 in the Leeds Sale, 1930. Congreve's name appears in the printed list of subscribers.
543 Ditto small paper in 12 vols by Mr Pope
[.... London 1723 ....]
Entry by the third hand.
Apparently this was a set bound specially for Congreve in twelve volumes instead of the regular six. Acopy of this edition, described as "6 vols. in 12," was listed under No. 1277 in the Hornby Castle Sale, 1930.
544 —— Ditto 9 Vols. wth Cuts L. Paper
[8vo. 1709. 19]
The works of Mr. William Shakespear; in nine volumes. Adorn'd with cuts. Revis'd and corrected, with an account of the life and writings of the author. By N.Rowe, Esq. London, for Jacob Tonson, 1709. 8vo.
Victoria and Albert; Folger, Pennsylvania.
A copy of this edition was item No. 587 in the Leeds Sale, 1930, where it was described as "6 vol. in 9, first octavo edition, large paper copy." This was one of perhaps six copies, all on large paper, bound in nine instead of six volumes (see H.L. Ford, Shakespeare, 1700-1740, p.9). The copy in the Leeds Sale, now in the Folger Shakespeare Library, was almost certainly once in Congreve's library.
545 —— Collection of Poems in Turky Leather
[12mo —- 27]
A collection of poems, viz. I. Venus and Adonis. II. The rape of Lucrece. III. The passionate pilgrim. IV. Sonnets to sundry notes of musick. London, for Bernard Lintott [1709]. 8vo (12mo size).
BM; Yale, Folg, Newberry, Hunt.
546 —— 3d. Vol vizt. Merry Wives of Windsor&c[.]
[12mo. .... 30]
Since no edition of Shakespeare printed before Congreve's death had a third volume beginning with the Merry Wives of Windsor, No. 546 is apparently the same as No. 408, aspecially bound duodecimo volume beginning with the Merry Wives. But it is still not clear why a single specially bound volume should be called the"3d."
547 Sandy's Ovid
[Fol —- 15]
See No. 428.
548 Salmon's Dispensatory, see Dispensatory
[—— .... 4]
See No. 216.
549 Stanhope's Charron vide Charron
[—— .... 33]
See No. 117.
550 Smith's Cookery vide Court Cookery
[—— .... 32]
See No. 109.
551 Shirley's Plays: or the Valiant Welchman. And also Carodoc ye Great
[4to. _ 1663 8]
This possibly consisted of Two playes, aquarto of 1657 (see Wing S3490, citing the Huth Catalogue), and The Valiant Welchman. Or, The True Chronicle History of the Life and Valiant Deeds of Carodoc the Great. ... Written by R.A. Gent. London, for William Gilbertson, 1663. 4to.
Wing A3698.
BM; Harv, Folg, Newberry, Hunt.
552 —— Six New Plays
[8vo. _ 1653. 8]
James Shirley (1596-1666). Six new playes. ... Never printed before. London, for Humphrey Robinson and Humphrey Moseley, 1653. 8vo.
Wing S3486.
BM; Harv, NYP, Folg, LC, Newberry, Hunt.
553 Swift's (Jonathan) Miscellanies in Prose & Verse Large Paper
[8vo. Lond.1711. 28]
Jonathan Swift (1667-1745) [and Alexander Pope (1688-1744)]. Miscellanies in prose and verse. London, for John Morphew, 1711. 8vo.
BM; Harv, NYP, Newberry, Texas, Hunt.
A copy of this edition was item No. 638 in the Leeds Sale, 1930.
554 —— Tale of a Tub. with ye Figures. 5th Edit. L.Papr.
[8vo. Ib.1710. 19]
Jonathan Swift (1667-1745). A tale of a tub. Written for the universal improvement of mankind. ... The fifth edition. London, for John Nutt, 1710. 8vo.
BM; Harv, Princeton, Newberry, Hunt.
555 Stanyan's Grecian History Vol 1. Adorn'd wth: Cuts L.Papr.
[8vo. Ib.1707. 13]
Temple Stanyan (d. 1752). The Grecian history. ... Adorn'd with cuts. London, for Jacob Tonson, 1707. 8vo.
The second volume appeared in 1738, nine years after Congreve's death.
556 —— Account of Switzerland Large Paper
[8vo. Ib.1714. 13]
An account of Switzerland. Written in the year 1714. London, for Jacob Tonson, 1714. 8vo.
BM; LC, Texas, Newberry.
557 Syphilis or a Poetical History of the French Disease. Engd. by N.Tate
[8vo. Ib.1686. 20]
Girolamo Fracastoro (1483-1533). Syphilis: or, Apoetical history of the French disease ... attempted in English by N[ahum] Tate. London, for Jacob Tonson, 1686. 8vo.
Wing F2049.
BM; Yale, College of Physicians (Philadelphia), Lane (Stanford).
558 Suckling's (Sir Jno.) Fragmenta aurea Collection of his Peices&c[.]
[8vo. Ib.1648 20]
Sir John Suckling (1609-1642). Fragmenta aurea. Acollection of all the incomparable peeces written by Sir John Suckling and published by a friend to perpetuate his memory. Printed by his owne copies. London, for Humphrey Moseley, 1648. 8vo.
Wing S6127.
BM; Harv, NYP, Folg, Newberry, Hunt.
A copy of this edition was item No. 630 (also a part of item No. 631) in the Leeds Sale, 1930.
559 Scaligeri (Jul. Cs.) Poetices Libri VII
[8vo _1594. 7]
Julius Csar Scaliger (1484-1558). Poetices libri septem. [Heidelberg], apud Petrum Santandreanum, 1594. 8vo.
BN; Harv, Peabody Institute (Baltimore).
560 Sollii Sidonii Apollinaris Opera, cum Notis P.Colvii
[8vo. Paris 1598 7]
Caius Sollius Apollinaris Sidonius (430?-487?). Opera. ... Petri Colvi Brugensis in Sidonium notas edi curavit. Parisiis, apud Ambrosium Drouart, 1598. 8vo.
Bodleian; Union Theological Seminary (New York).
561 Sydenham (Tho.) Opera Universa
[8vo. Lond.1705 4]
Thomas Sydenham (1624-1689). Opera universa. Londini, typis J.Heptinstall, impensis Walteri Kettilby, 1705. 8vo.
BM; Yale.
562 —— English Works, Corrected by Jno. Pechey
[8vo. Ib.1705. 4]
The whole works of that excellent practical physician, Dr. Thomas Sydenham. ... The fourth edition ... by John Pechey, M.D.London, for R.Wellington, 1705. 8vo.
Royal College of Physicians (London); U.S.Surgeon General's Office, Goucher College.
563 Sanctorius's Medicina Statica, or Aphorisms. Translated by J.Quincy
[8vo. Ib.1712. 4]
Sanctorius (1561-1636). Medicina statica: being the aphorisms of Sanctorius, translated into English. ... By J.Quincy. London, for William Newton, 1712. 8vo.
BM; Yale, Library Company of Philadelphia (Ridgway Branch).
564 Sol Britannicus, Regi consecratus a Domino Ludovico de Gand.
[8vo. Ib.1641. 4]
Louis de Gand. Sol Britannicus regi consecratus. Londini, excudebat J.Beale & S.Buckley, 1641. 8vo.
Wing G194.
BM; Chicago, Clark.
565 St Real Oeuvres Vide L'Abbe de St. Real 5 Tom[.]
[.... —- 30]
See No. 18.
566 Shadwell's Dramatick Works 4 Vols.
[12mo. London 1720 33]
Thomas Shadwell (1642?-1692). The dramatick works of Thomas Shadwell, Esq. London, for J.Knapton and J.Tonson, 1720. 4 vol. 12mo.
BM; Harv, NYP, Folg, LC, Newberry, Hunt.
A copy of this edition was item No. 584 in the Leeds Sale, 1930.
567 Steele's (Sir Richd.) Rom.Eccles. History
[8vo. Ib.1715. 8]
Sir Richard Steele (1672-1729). The Romish ecclesiastical history of late years. London, for J.Roberts, 1714. 8vo.
BM; Yale, LC, Michigan, Texas, Hunt.
A copy of a 1715 edition has not been found.
568 —— Poetical Miscellanies, bound in Turkey Leather
[8vo. Ib.1714. 20]
Poetical miscellanies, consisting of original poems and translations. By the best hands. Publish'd by Mr. Steele. London, for Jacob Tonson, 1714. 8vo.
Case 279.
BM; Harv, NYP, Folg, Newberry, Hunt.
Steele dedicated this Miscellany to Congreve.
569 Scarron Romant Comique
[8vo. Par.1655. 3]
Paul Scarron (1616-1660). Le romant comique. ALeiden, chez Jean Sambix, 1655. 12mo.
Royal Library (The Hague).
A copy of a Paris edition, 1655, has not been found.
570 —— Ditto
[12mo. Amst.1695. 26]
Le romant comique. 3 pt. A Amsterdam, chez Pierre Mortier, 1695. 12mo.
See also No. 569.
571 —— Nouvelles Oeuvres Tragi-comiques 2 Tom[.]
[12mo. Paris 1665 26]
Les nouvelles oeuvres tragi-comiques. A Paris, chez Jean Ribou, 1665-79 (or, chez Jean Baptiste Loyson, 1665). 2 tom. 12mo.
BM; Harv.
572 ——'s Comical Works Translated by Mr Tho. Browne
[8vo. Lond.1712. 33]
The whole comical works of Mon. Scarron. ... Translated by Mr. Tho. Brown ... and others. The third edition, revised and corrected. London, for J.Nicholson, J. and B.Sprint, R.Parker, and Benj. Tooke, 1712. 8vo.
Bodleian; Yale, Folg, Newberry, Hunt.
573 ——'s City Romance made Eng.
[8vo. Ib.1671. 33]
Antoine Furetire (1619-1688). Scarron's city romance, made English. London, T.N. for H.Herringman, 1671. 8vo.
Wing S830.
BM; Harv, Newberry, Hunt.
This work, actually a translation of Furetire's Roman Bourgeois, was omitted from The Whole Comical Works of Mons. Scarron translated by Tho. Brown, with the following comment in the Preface to the second volume: "Some Persons may object, and ask, Why is not the City Romance here? To which we answer, It was none of his, but one father'd upon him, to make it sell."
574 Shirley's (James) Six New Plays
[8vo. Ib.1653. 8]
See No. 552.
575 Salignac (Monsr.) Evque de Cambrai, Lettres sur divers Sujets
[8vo. Paris 1718. 18]
Franois de Salignac de la Mothe Fnelon, Archbishop of Cambray (1651-1715). Lettres sur divers sujets concernant la religion et la mtaphysique. AParis, chez Jacques Estienne, 1718. 12mo.
BM; Harv, Michigan.
576 —— Dialogues sur l'Eloquence
[8vo. Ib.1718. 18]
Dialogues sur l'loquence en general, et sur celle de la chaire en particulier. AParis, chez Florentin Delaulne (or, Jacques Estienne), 1718. 12mo.
BM; Harv, Clark.
577 —— Dialogues des Morts Ancient et Modernes, 2 Tom[.]
[8vo. Ib.1718. 18]
Dialogues des morts anciens et modernes, avec quelque fables. Composez pour l'education d'un prince. AParis, chez Florentin Delaulne (or, J.Estienne), 1718. 2 tom. 12mo.
Southampton University, BN; Harv, LC.
578 —— Avantures de Telemaque, 2 Tom.
[12mo. Ib.1718. 18]
Paris, F. Delaulne, 1717. 2 tom. 12mo.
BN; Harv, NYP, Clark.
No copy of a 1718 Paris edition in 12mo has been located.
579 Scudery (Monsr.) Alaric ou Rome vaincu
[12mo. Ib.1655. 6]
Georges de Scudry (1601-1667). Alaric, ou Rome vaincu Pome hroque. AParis, chez Augustin Courb, 1655. 12mo.
BN; Yale, Folg, Newberry.
A copy of this edition was item No. 574 in the Leeds Sale, 1930.
580 la Source des Malheurs d'Angleterre
[24to Col.1689. 5]
La source des malheurs d'Angleterre, et de tous les maux, dont ce roiaume a t afflig depuis le regne de Jacques I. & qui ont caus la perte de Charles I. & la desertion de Jacques II. ACologne, chez Pierre Marteau, 1689. Small 12mo.
Leeds, Biblioteca Marucelliana (Florence).
581 Sannazarii Opera Latina
[.... Amst.1689. 5]
Jacopo Sannazaro (1458-1530). Actii synceri Sannazarii. ... Opera Latina omnia. Amstelaedami, apud Henricum Wetstenium, 1689. 12mo.
BM; Harv, Princeton, Michigan.
582 Sylvester's Parliament of Vertues Royal
[.... .... 6]
Joshua Sylvester, the Poet (1563-1618). The parliament of vertues royal. [London, H.Lownes, 1614.] 8vo.
STC 23581.
BM; Harv, NYP, Folg, Newberry, Hunt.
583 Sallustii Opera in Usum Delph
[8vo. Lond.1715. 7]
Gaius Sallustius Crispus (86-c. 34 B.C.). London, typographica M.Matthews, 1715. 8vo.
584 —— quae exstant. - - apd. Tonson Foliis deauratis
[12mo. Ib.1713. 24]
Caii Sallustii Crispi qu extant. [ed. M.Maittaire.] Londini, ex officin Jacobi Tonson, & Johannis Watts, 1713. 12mo.
BM; Harv, LC.
585 —— Eadem — — apud Elzevir
[24to. Lugd.Bat.1634. 5]
C. Sallustius Crispus, cum veterum historicorum fragmentis. [Ed. M.Z. Boxhorn.] Lugduni Batavorum, ex officina Elzeviriana, 1634. 24to.
BM; Harv, NYP, LC, Texas, Newberry.
586 —— Eadem cum Catullo Tibullo &c[.]
[24to. Amsterd.1684 5]
C. Sallustius Crispus cum veterum historicorum fragmentis, ed. nov. Amstelaedami, Janssonius, 1684. 24to.
587 Senec Epistol ex Recensione Lipsii. apud Elzevir
[24to. Lug.Bat.1639. 5]
Lucius Annaeus Seneca (c. 4 B.C.-65 A.D.). L.Anni Senec philosophi. Tomus secunda. Inquo epistol, & qustiones naturales. Lugdun. Batavor., ex officina Elseviriana, 1639. 24to.
Glasgow, Royal Library (The Hague); Harv, NYP, Princeton, University of Western Ontario.
588 Secret History of Europe - - - - -
[8vo. Lond 1712. 8]
See No. 310.
589 Scribonius Largus
[4to Patavii 1655 1]
Entry by the second hand.
Scribonius Largus (c. A.D. 1-50). Scriboni largi compositiones medic. Patavii, typis Pauli Frambotti bibliopol, 1655. 4to.
BM; Harv, U.S. Surgeon General's Office, Virginia, Northwestern.
590 Southerne's Play, called Money the Mistress
[.... Lond.1726 ....]
Entry by the third hand.
Thomas Southern (1660-1746). Money the mistress. Aplay. London, for J.Tonson, 1726. 8vo.
BM; Harv, Folg, LC, Newberry, Hunt.
591 Shakespear's Double falshood, by Theobalds
[.... Lon.1728 ....]
Entry by the third hand.
Lewis Theobald (1688-1744). Double falsehood; or The distrest lovers. Aplay. ... Written originally by W.Shakespeare; and now revised and adapted to the stage by Mr. Theobald. London, by J.Watts, 1728. 8vo.
BM; Harv, NYP, Folg, LC, Newberry, Hunt.
592 Terentii Com[oe]di . . . Ex Typogr. Regi
[Fol. Par.1642. 16]
Publius Terentius Afer (195?-159 B.C.). Publii Terentii comoediae. Parisiis, etypographia regia, 1642. fol.
BM; Harv, Union College (Schenectady, N.Y.), Newberry.
A copy of this edition was a part of item No. 675 in the Leeds Sale, 1930.
593 —— Com[oe]di cum Variis Lectionibus. Charta Majori
[4to. Cantabr 1701. 17]
Publii Terentii Afri Comoedi ad optimorum exemplarium fidem recensitae. Accesserunt vari lectiones. Cantabrigi, typis academicis, impensis Jacobi Tonson, 1701. 4to.
BM; Harv, Washington and Lee, Illinois.
594 —— Com[oe]di. - - - - apd. Tonson Foliis deauratis
[12mo. Lond.1713 24]
Publii Terentii Carthaginiensis Afri Comoedi sex. Londini, ex officin Jacobi Tonson, & J.Watts, 1713. 12mo.
BM; Illinois.
595 —— Comedies Eng. by Sevl. Hands
[8vo. Ib.1694. 20]
Terence's Comedies: made English. With his life; and some remarks at the end. By several hands. London, for A.Swall and T.Childe, 1694. 8vo.
Wing T749.
BM; Harv, NYP, Folg, LC, Newberry, Hunt.
Congreve's copy, with the signature "Will: Congreve" on the title page, is in the Library of the University of Tennessee.
596 Thucydide Histoire, de la Traduction du Sieur D'Ablancourt
[Fol. Paris 1662 21]
Thucydides (c. 460-400 B.C.). L'histoire de Thucydide, de la guerre du Poloponese; continue par Xenophon. De la traduction de N.Perrot, Sr. d'Ablancourt. AParis, chez Augustin Courb, 1662. fol.
BM; Ohio State.
597 Tillotson's (ABP) Works Published by Himself. 4th. Edit.
[Fol. Lond.1704. 21]
John Tillotson, Archbishop of Canterbury (1630-1694). The works ... containing fifty-four sermons and discourses. ... Being all that were published by his grace himself. ... The fourth edition. London, for B.Aylmer and W.Rogers, 1704. fol.
598 —— Sermons Vol. 1. Pub. in his Life-Time
[8vo Ib.1694. 32]
Six sermons. London, for B. Aylmer and W.Rogers, 1694. 8vo.
Wing T1268.
BM; Harv.
See also Wing T1254, 1260, and 1260B for other sermons by Tillotson appearing in 1694 but less likely to have been represented by Congreve's No. 598.
599 —— Sermons Posthumous 14 Vols. Pub. by his Chaplain Ra. Barker
[8vo. Ib.1704 &c. 32]
[Sermons] . . . published from the originals by Ralph Baker. London, for R.Chiswell, 1700-1704. 14 vol. 8vo.
BM; Harv, Union Theological Seminary.
600 Teatro delle Favole rapprasentative. Da Flaminio Scala
[4to. Ven.1611 14]
Flaminio Scala (fl. 1620). Il teatro delle favole rappresentative. In Venetia, appresso Gio: Battista Pulciani, 1611. 4to.
BM; NYP, LC (photostat).
601 Troili et Cresaid Amorum Libri duo priores, Anglico-latini
[4to. Oxen 1635 20]
Geoffrey Chaucer (1340?-1400). Amorum Troili et Creseid libri duo priores Anglico-Latini. Oxoni, excudebat Johannes Lichfield, 1635. 4to.
STC 5097.
BM; Harv, Folg, Newberry, Hunt.
602 Treatise Theological & Political; For ye Liberty of Philoso -phizing or making use of Natural Reason
[8vo. Lond.1689 14]
A treatise partly theological, and partly political, containing some few discourses, to prove that the liberty of philosophizing ... may be allow'd. ... Translated out of Latin [from Spinoza]. London, printed in the year, 1689. 8vo.
Wing S4985.
BM; Harv, LC, Hunt.
603 Temple's (Sir Wm.) Miscellanea 3d. Part
[8vo. Ib.1701. 33]
Sir William Temple (1628-1699). Miscellanea. The third part. Containing I.An essay on popular discontents. II. An essay upon health and long life. III. Adefense of the essay upon ancient and modern learning. With some other pieces. ... Published by Jonathan Swift, A.M. Prebendary of St. Patrick's, Dublin. London, for Benjamin Tooke, 1701. 8vo.
BM; Harv, NYP, Folg, Newberry, Hunt.
604 Turkish Tales
[12mo. Ib.1708. 30]
Chec Zade (Shaikzdah). Turkish tales; consisting of several extraordinary adventures: with the history of the Sultaness of Persia, and the visiers. Written originally in the Turkish language ... for the use of Amurath II. And now done into English. London, for Jacob Tonson, 1708. 12mo.
Yale, Clark.
605 Tartarian Tales
[12mo. Ib.1716. 30]
T[homas]-S[imon] G[ueulette] (1683-1766). Athousand and one quarters of hours; being Tartarian tales. London, for Jacob Tonson, 1716. 12mo.
BM; Newberry.
606 Tacite de la Traduction du Sieur D'Ablancourt 2 Tom[.]
[12mo. Amsterd 1691. 11]
Cornelius Tacitus (c. A.D. 55-after 115). Les oeuvres de Tacite, de la traduction de N.Perrot, Sieur d'Ablancourt. AAmsterdam, chez Andre De Hoogenhuysen, 1691. 2 tom. small 8vo.
607 Theophraste Caracteres avec les Moeurs de ce Siecle Traduits du Grec p. Mr. Bruyere
[12mo. Brux.1693. 12]
Par Mr. de La Bruiere. Septime edition, corrige & augmente. ABruxelles, chez Jean Leonard, 1693. 12mo.
608 —— Ditto made English by Mr Budgell
[12mo. London 1714. 8]
The moral characters of Theophrastus. Translated from the Greek, by Eustace Budgell, Esq. London, for Jacob Tonson, 1714. 12mo.
BM; Harv, Folg, LC, Texas.
609 Tasso Gierusalemme Liberata 2 Tom[.]
[24to. Amst.1678. 5]
See No. 267.
610 Thompson's Translation of Jeffrey of Monmouth's British History.
[8vo. Lond.1718 13]
See No. 327.
611 Tale of a Tub. See Dr Swift's
[.... ——- 29]
See No. 554.
612 Trauels Gulliver 2 voll: figuerd:
[8{vo}. Lon: 29]
Entry by the second hand.
Jonathan Swift (1667-1745). Travels into several remote nations of the world. In four parts. By Lemuel Gulliver, first a surgeon, and then a captain of several ships. London, for B.Motte, 1726. 2 vol. 8vo.
BM; Harv, NYP, LC, Texas, Hunt.
Since this entry by the second hand could have been as late as 1728, Congreve's copy of Gulliver's Travels could have been from any one of the octavo editions or issues of 1726, 1727, 1728, but it was probably from the first edition.
613 Virgilii Opera cum Notis Rui in Usum Delphini
[4to. Paris 1682 22]
Publius Virgilius Maro (70-19 B.C.). P. Virgilii Maronis opera interpretatione et notis illustravit Carolus Ruus ... ad usum ... Delphini. Parisiis, apud Simonem Benard, 1682. 4to.
BM; Harv, Princeton, Chicago.
614 —— Opera - - - Charta Majori
[4to. Cantabr 1701 17]
Publii Virgilii Maronis Bucolica, Georgica, et neis. L.P. Cantabrigi, typis academicis, impensis Jacobi Tonson, 1701. 4to.
BM; Harv, Princeton, Newberry.
615 Voiture Oeuvres
[4to. Paris 1650 2]
Vincent de Voiture (1597-1648). Les oeuvres. AParis, chez Augustin Courb, 1650. 4to.
Cambridge; LC.
616 Voyage d'Olearius en Moscovie, Tartarie et Perse. Avec celuy de J.A. de Mandelslo aux Indes Orient. 2 Vol[.]
[4to. Ib.1666 28]
Adam Olearius (1600?-1671). Relation du voyage d'Adam Olearius en Moscovie, Tartarie, et Perse ... seconde partie contenant le voyage de Jean Albert de Mandelslo aux Indes orientales. AParis, chez Jean Du Puis, 1666. 2 tom. 4to.
BM; Michigan.
For the English translation see No. 4.
617 —— du Tour du Monde de Gemelli Careri 6 Tom.
[12mo. Ib.1719. 3]
Giovanni Francesco Gemelli-Careri (c. 1651-c. 1725). Voyage du tour du monde, traduit de l'Italien. AParis, chez Etienne Ganeau, 1719. 6 tom. 12mo.
BM; Harv, LC, Newberry.
618 —— du Sieur Paul Lucas dans la Grece, l'Asie Min. et l'Afrique 2 Tom[.]
[12mo Amst.1714 3]
Paul Lucas (1664-1737). Voyage . . . dans la Grece, l'Asie Mineure, la Macdoine et l'Afrique. AAmsterdam, aux dpens de la compagnie, 1714. 2 tom. 12mo.
BM; Yale, Swarthmore, LC, Ohio Wesleyan.
619 —— du Ditto au Levant 2 Tom.
[12mo Haye 1709 3]
Voyage . . . au Levant. O y trouvera entr'autre une description de la Haute Egypte, suivant la cours du Nil, depuis le Caire jusques aux Cataractes. ALa Haye, chez Guillaume de Voys, 1709. 2 tom. 12mo.
620 —— du Ditto dans la Turquie &c. 3 Tom[.]
[12mo Roven 1719 3]
Troisime voyage . . . fait en 1714 . . . dans la Turquie, l'Asie, la Sourie, la Palestine, la Haute et la Basse Egypte, etc. ARouen, chez Robert Machuel, 1719. 3 tom. 12mo.
BM; NYP, Catholic University (Washington, D.C.).
A copy of this edition was listed under No. 1218 in the Hornby Castle Sale, 1930.
621 —— du Monsr. Du Quesne aux Indes Orientales 3 Tom.
[12mo. Ib.1721. 3]
Abraham Du Quesne, the Younger (fl. 1690). Journal d'un voyage fait aux Indes orientales. ARouen, chez Jean Batiste Machuel le Jeune, 1721. 3 tom. 12mo.
BM; Newberry.
622 Virgilii Appendix, cum Supplemento multorum antehac nunquam excusorum Poematum Veterum Poetarum
[8vo. Lugd.1572 7]
Publii Virgilii Maronis appendix, cum supplemento multorum antehac nunquam excusorum poematum veterum poetarum. Josephi Scaligeri in eandem appendicem commentarii & castigationes. Lugduni, apud Guliel. Rovillium, 1572. 8vo.
BM; Library Company of Philadelphia, Chicago.
623 —— Thesaurus in Locos Communes digestus
[12mo. Paris 1683. 24]
Thesaurus P. Virgilii Maronis in communes locos olim digestus. Parisiis, apud viduam Claudii Thiboust, et Petrum Esclassan, 1683. 12mo.
Royal Library (The Hague).
624 —— Opera, foliis deauratis - - apd. Tonson
[12mo. Lond.1715 24]
P. Virgilii Maronis opera. [Ed. Michael Maittaire.] Londini, ex officin Jacobi Tonson, & Johannis Watts, 1715. 12mo.
BM; Boston Public, Princeton, Newberry, Stanford.
625 —— Eadem, ex Recensione Heinsiana
[12mo Ultraj.1704. 24]
P. Virgilii Maronis opera. Nic. Heins . .. recensuit. Ultrajecti, apud Guil. van de Water, 1704. 12mo.
BM; Harv, NYP, Princeton, Illinois.
626 —— Eadem, ex Officina Elzeviriana
[24to. Lugd.Bat.1636 24]
Entry crossed through.
P. Virgilii Maronis opera; nunc emendatiora. Lugd. Batavor., ex officina Elzeviriana, 1636. 12mo.
BM; Harv, NYP, Newberry, Texas, Hunt.
A copy of this edition bears the inscription, "Ex libris Gul: Congreve." See J.Isaacs in TLS for September 2, 1949.
627 Velleii Paterculi Histori Rom. qu supersunt. Foliis deauratis, apd. Tonson
[12mo. Lond.1713 24]
Gaius Velleius Paterculus (c. 19 B.C.-after A.D. 31). M.Velleii Paterculi histori Roman qu supersunt. Londini, ex officin Jacobi Tonson, & Johannis Watts, 1713. 12mo.
628 Violenta or ye Rewards of Vertue. Turn'd from Boccace into Verse
[8vo. Ib.1704. 8]
[Mary (Griffith) Pix (1666-1720?)]. Violenta, or The rewards of virtue: turn'd from Boccace into verse. London, for John Nutt, 1704. 8vo.
BM; Boston Public.
629 Vie de Zizim Fils de Mahomet 2.
[8vo. Paris 1724 33]
Claude Labottire (fl. 1724). La vie et les avantures de Zizime, fils de Mahomet II. Empereur des Turcs. Avec un discours prliminaire, pour servir l'histoire des Turcs. AParis, chez Claude Labottiere, 1724. 12mo.
630 —— de Socrate p Mr. Charpentier
[8vo. Amst.1699 33]
Xenophon (c. 430-c. 354 B.C.). La vie de Socrate. [Translated by M.Franois Charpentier of the French Academy. The third edition.] AAmsterdam, aux dpens d'Etienne Roger, 1699. 8vo.
BM; NYP, Virginia, Southern California.
631 —— de Pythagore, ses Symboles, ses Vers dorez &c. 2 Tom p Mr. Dacier
[12mo. Par.1706 12]
Andr Dacier (1651-1722). La vie de Pythagore, ses symboles, ses vers dorez, & la vie d'Hierocles. AParis, chez Rigaud, 1706. 2 tom. 12mo.
BM; Yale, Library Company of Philadelphia (Ridgway Branch).
For the English translation see No. 365.
632 —— de Lazarillo de Tormes avec Fig[.]
[12mo. Bruss.1698 26]
La vie et avantures de Lazarille de Tormes. Escrites par lui meme. Traduction nouvelle. ... Embellie de plusieurs figures. ABrusselles, chez George de Backer, 1698. 12mo.
Bodleian; LC.
633 Vertot (L'Abb de) Histoire des Revolutions de la Repub. Rom. 3 Tom[.]
[12mo. Par.1719. 11]
Ren Aubert de Vertot D'Aubeuf (1655-1735). Histoire des rvolutions arrives dans le gouvernement de la Rpublique Romaine. AParis, chez Franois Barois, 1719. 3 tom. 12mo.
634 —— Hist. des Revolutions de Portugal
[12mo. Ib.1711. 11]
A Paris, chez Michel Brunet, 1711. 12mo.
Bodleian; LC.
635 —— Hist des Revolutions de Sude
[12mo. Ib.1695. 11]
Histoire des revolutions de Suede. O l'on voit les changemens qui sont arrives. AParis, chez Michel Brunet, 1695. 2 tom. 12mo.
BM; Harv.
636 —— Hist. des Chevaliers de Malte 5 vols
Entry by the third hand.
Histoire des chevaliers . . . de Malthe. AParis, chez Rollin, Quillau Pere & Fils, [et] Desaint, 1726. 5 tom. 12mo.
637 —— Vallemont (Mr de) Elemens de L'Histoire 2 Tomes
[12mo. Ib.1699. 11]
Abbe Pierre Le Lorrain de Vallemont (1649-1721). Les elemens de l'histoire, ou Ce qu'il faut savoir de chronologie, de geographie, de blazon, de l'histoire universelle, des monarchies anciennes, & des monarchies nouvelles; avant que de lire l'histoire particuliere. AParis, chez Jean Anisson, 1696. 2 tom. 12mo.
A copy of a 1699 edition has not been found.
638 Voyage to Surat by Ovington Anno 1689.
[8vo. Lond.1696 28]
See No. 440.
639 Freziers Voyage to the South Sea English.
[4to. Lon:1717 29]
Entry by the second hand.
Amde Franois Frezier (1682-1773). A voyage to the South-Sea, and along the coasts of Chili and Peru, in the years 1712, 1713, and 1714. [Trans. from the French.] London, for Jonah Bowyer, 1717. 4to.
BM; Harv, NYP, Newberry, Hunt.
A copy of this edition was item No. 250 in the Leeds Sale, 1930.
640 Ysbrants Ides to China
[4to. Lon.1705 29]
Entry by the second hand.
Everard-Isbrantz Ides (1660?-1700). Three years travels from Moscow over-land to China: thro' great Ustiga, Siriania, Permia, Sibiria, Daour, Great Tartary, &c. to Peking. Containing an exact ... description of ... those countries, and the customs of the ... inhabitants ... done into English. London, for W.Freeman, J.Walthoe, T.Newborough, J.Nicholson, and R.Parker, 1706. 4to.
BM; Harv, NYP, LC, Newberry, Hunt.
The date on the engraved title page is sometimes 1705, sometimes 1704.
641 Mandevile
[4to. Lon.1725. 29]
Entry by the second hand.
The voiage and travaile of Sir John Maundevile, Kt. Which treateth of the way to Hierusalem; and of marvayles of Inde, with other ilands and countryes. Now publish'd entire from the original MS. in the Cotton Library. London, for J.Woodman, and D.Lyon, and C.Davis, 1725. 8vo.
BM; Harv, NYP, Newberry, Hunt.
A copy of this edition was item No. 391 in the Leeds Sale, 1930, described as "Large Paper (9in. by 5in.)."
642 Funnell round ye world
[8vo. Lon 1707 29]
Entry by the second hand.
William Funnell. A voyage round the world. Containing an account of Captain Dampier's expedition into the South-Seas in the ship St. George, in the years 1703 and 1704. London, by W.Botham, for James Knapton, 1707. 8vo.
BM; Harv, NYP, LC, Newberry, Hunt.
643 Sr. Anthony Shirleys Voyages. Blue paper
[8vo. Lon.1613 29]
Entry by the second hand.
Sir Anthony Sherley (1565-1635?). Sir Antony Sherley his relation of his travels into Persia. London, for Nathaniell Butter and Joseph Bagset, 1613. 4to.
STC 22424.
BM; Yale, NYP, Folg, LC, Hunt.
644 Sally fleet voyage and Journal vid. Dunton Blue pap[.]
[4to. Lon.1637 29]
Entry by the second hand.
See No. 224.
645 Voyage De. Siam. Des. Jesuites 2 voll[.]
[12mo. Amster-1688 3]
Entry by the second hand.
[Guy Tachard (1651-1712)]. Voyage de Siam des peres Jesuites, envoys par le roy, aux Indes la Chine. AAmsterdam, chez Pierre Mortier, 1688-1689. 2 tom. 12mo.
BM; Harv, NYP (v. 1), LC, Hunt.
646 Willes History of trayale
[4to. Lon.1577. 8]
Entry by the second hand.
Petrus Martyr Anglerius (d. 1526). The history of trauayle in the West and East Indies ... done into Englyshe by Richarde Eden ... augmented, and finished by Richarde Willes. London, Richarde Jugge, 1577. 4to.
STC 649.
BM; Harv, NYP, Folg, LC, Newberry, Hunt.
647 Chaumonts Voyage to Siam
[16mo. Lon.1685. 6]
Entry by the second hand.
Monsieur de Chaumont, Ambassador to Siam (1640-1710). Arelation of the voyage to Siam ... in the year, 1685. London, by T.B. for J.Robinson and A.Churchil, sold by S.Crouch, 1688. 8vo.
BM; Harv, LC, Newberry, Clark.
A copy of a 1685 edition has not been found. Perhaps Congreve's amanuensis confused the date in the title with that of the imprint.
648 Voltaire, Henriade
[8vo. Lon.1728 ....]
Entry by the third hand.
Voltaire [Francois Marie Arouet] (1694-1778). La Henriade de Mr. de Voltaire. Seconde edition reve, corrige, & augmente de remarques critiques sur cet ouvrage. ALondres, chez Woodman & Lyon, 1728. 8vo.
BM; Harv, LC, Clark.
A variant octavo edition, 1728, may be consulted at Yale or NYP.
649 —— Id.
[4to Lon.1728 ....]
Entry by the third hand.
La Henriade de Mr. de Voltaire. A Londres, 1728. 4to.
BM; Yale, LC, Newberry, Hunt.
A copy of this edition was item No. 678 (also 679) in the Leeds Sale, 1930. The printed list of subscribers, including Congreve's name, appears in the copies at Newberry and Huntington but not in copies at BM, Yale, and LC. For the list of subscribers preserved at the Bibliothque de l'Arsenal in Paris, see J.Isaacs in TLS for September 2, 1949.
650 —— Essay on the Civil wars of France
[8vo Lon.1728 ....]
Entry by the third hand.
An essay upon the civil wars of France. ... And also upon the epic poetry of the European nations, from Homer down to Milton. London, for N.Prevost and Comp., 1728. 8vo.
BM; Folg.
651 Wycherley's Miscellany Poems
[Fol. Lond 1704 21]
William Wycherley (1640?-1716). Miscellany poems: as satyrs, epistles, love-verses, songs, sonnets, &c. London, for C.Brome, J.Taylor, and B.Tooke, 1704. fol.
BM; Harv, NYP, Newberry, Hunt.
A copy of this edition was item No. 707 (and also No. 708) in the Leeds Sale, 1930.
652 Willis (Tho.) Opera omnia, Studio G. Blasii M.D.
[4to Amst.1682 2]
Thomas Willis (1621-1675). Opera omnia. ... Studio & opera Gerardi Blasii. Amsteldami, apud Henricum Wetstenium, 1682. 4to.
BM; Virginia, Chicago.
A copy of this edition was listed under No. 1244 in the Hornby Castle Sale, 1930.
653 Waller's (Edmd.) Poems. 6 Edit[.]
[8vo. Lond.1694 20]
Edmund Waller (1606-1687). Poems, &c. written upon several occasions, and to several persons. ... The sixth edition; with several additions, never before printed. London, for H.Herringman, sold by Jacob Tonson, 1694. 8vo.
Wing W519.
BM; Harv, Texas, Hunt.
654 Wilkin's (Bp.) Mathematical Magick
[8vo. Ib.1648. 8]
John Wilkins, Bishop of Chester (1614-1672). Mathematicall magick. Or, The wonders that may be performed by mechanicall geometry. London, by M.F. for Sa. Gellibrand, 1648. 8vo.
Two editions appeared in 1648: Wing W2198-BM; Yale, NYP; Wing W2199-BM; Harv, LC, Hunt.
655 Wild's Iter Boreale, & other Poems
[12mo. Ib.1670. 6]
Robert Wild (1609-1679). Iter Boreale, with large additions of several other poems. London, for John Williams, 1670. 8vo.
Wing W2137.
BM; Harv, Folg, Chicago, Hunt.
656 Wynter of Bathing - two copies
[8vo Ib.1728 ....]
Entry by the third hand.
John Wynter. Of bathing in the hot-baths, at Bathe; chiefly with regard to the palsie, and some diseases in women. London, for W.Innys and James Leake, 1728. 8vo.
BM; U.S. Surgeon General's Office, John Crerar.
A copy of this edition was a part of item No. 659A in the Leeds Sale, 1930.
657 Westmonasteriensium Comitia
[fol. Ib.1728 ....]
Comitia Westmonasteriensium, in collegio Sti Petri habita die anniversario fundatricis su regin Elizabeth inaugurat Jan. XV. London, typis Guil. Bowyer, 1728. fol.
BM; Harv, Iowa, Hunt.
658 Young's Vindication of Providence
[8vo Lon.1728 ....]
Entry by the third hand.
Edward Young (1683-1765). A vindication of providence; or, Atrue estimate of human life. ... Preach'd in St. George's Church near Hanover-Square, soon after the late king's death. The second edition corrected. London, for T.Worrall, 1728. 8vo.
BM; Harv, NYP, Clark.
659 Zayde, Histoire Espagnole p Mr. de Segrais 2 Tom[.]
[12mo. Paris 1705 23]
[Marie Madeleine, Comtesse de La Fayette (1634-1693).] Zayde, histoire espagnole. Par M. de Segrais [pseudonyn of the Comtesse de La Fayette]. AParis, chez Pierre Aubouyn [or Christophe David], 1705. 2 tom. 12mo.
BN; Cornell, Illinois.
Numbers refer to the items
Addison, Joseph, 23, 413, 427. Aesop, 483. Ainworth, R., 339. Alemn, Mateo, 262. Alessandro, Guglielmo, 115. Alexandre, Alexander ab, 17. Ampelius, Lucius, 254. Amyot, Jacques, Bishop of Auxerre, 20. Anacreon, 190. Anglerius, Petrus Martyr, 646. Angoulme, Margaret d', 124. Arbuthnot, John, 34, 35. Aretino, Pietro Bacci, 25. Aristophanes, 192. Aristotle, 7, 8, 9, 198, 509. Arnauld, Antoine, 11. Astell, Mary, 515. Athenaeus Naucratita, 1, 33. Atterbury, Bishop Francis, 16. Aubrey, John, 15. Augustanus, G. X., 457. Aulnoy, Marie Catherine Jumelle de Berneville, Comtesse d', 297, 405b.
Balzac, Jean Louis Guez de, 55, 56. Barclay, Robert, 53. Barnes, Jos., 290. Bates, 215. Baudoin, Jean, 357. Baudot de Juilly, Nicholas, 275, 302. Bayle, Pierre, 172. Beaumont, Francis, 42, 407b. Behn, Aphra, 411. Bentley, Thomas, 140. Bernier, F., 272. Bible, Holy, 69. Bignon, Abb Jean Paul, 27. Blackmore, Sir Richard, 46, 47, 48, 49, 422. Blasius, Gerardus, 652. Blount, Thomas, 50. Boccaccio, Giovanni, 68, 123, 164, 628. Boccalini, Trajano, 43. Bonarelli della Rovere, Guido Ubaldi, 253. Bononcini, Giovanni Battista, 65. Boileau-Despraux, Nicholas, 57, 58, 59. Bouhours, Le P. Dominique, 31. Bourdeille, Pierre de, Seigneur de Brantme,63. Boyer, Mr., 404. Boyardo, Metheo Maria, Conte di Scandiano, 513. Boxhorn, M. Z., 585. Boyle, Charles, 60. Brbeuf, Georges de, 345. Brent, Nathanael, 453. Brignole Sale, Antonio Giulio, 114. Broome, William, 196, 438. Brown, Thomas, 411, 572. Browne, Sir Thomas, 519. Buckingham, Duke of, 411. Budgell, Eustace, 608. Bulstrode, Whitlocke, 52. Burgersdijck, Franco Petri, 62. Burnaby, Mr., 473. Burnet, Gilbert, 37, 38. Burnet, Thomas, 39, 40, 41. Busbecq, Augier Ghislain, 64. Busby, Richard, 265. Bussy-Rabutin, Roger de, 21.
Caesar, Gaius Julius, 71, 72, 73, 74. Calvi, Franois de, 295. Cambridge Dictionary, 87. Camoens, Luiz de, 152. Camus, Jean Pierre, Bishop of Belley, 14. Canterus, Gulielmus, 537. Cartwright, William, 90. Casaubon, Isaac, 1, 533. Cassandre, Franois, 9. Catullus, Gaius Valerius, 91, 92, 93, 94,95. Caumont de la Force, Charlotte-Rose de, 274, 303. Cebes, 108. Celimauro, Il, Istoria Spagnvola, 114. Celsus, Aulus Cornelius, 118, 158. Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 115, 116, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210. Cspedes y Meneses, Gonsalo de, 268. Challes, Robert, 331. Chapelain, Jean, 30. Chapman, George, 292, 407d, 407e. Chardin, Sir John, 81. Charpentier, Franois, 159, 630. Charron, Pierre, 117. Chaucer, Geoffrey, 75, 76, 77, 164, 601. Chaumont, Monsieur de, Ambassador to Siam, 647. Chifflet, Laurent, 130. Chomel, Pierre Jean Baptiste, 127. Chorier, Nicholas, 398. Cicero, Marcus Tullius, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149. Clericus, Joannis, 388. Cluverius, Philippus, 131. Cockman, Thomas, 138. Collection of Poems, etc., A, 410. Collection of Poems, 157. Collection of the Several Statutes, etc., A, 106. Collection of Treaties, etc., 105. Collier, Jeremy, 100, 101, 139. Collins, Anthony, 204, 530. Colsoni, Franois, 273. Colvius, Petrus, 560. Comines, Philippe de, 150, 151. Comitia Westmonasteriensium, etc., 657. Congreve, William, 96, 97, 98, 99, 163, 256, 411, 413, 427, 429. Contes et Nouvelles en Vers, 126. Conti, Natale, 1, 424. Cooper, Thomas, 86. Corneille, Pierre, 82, 83. Corneille, Thomas, 86. Cornelius Nepos, 132. Cotgrave, Randle, 85. Cotton, Charles, 379, 468. Cowley, Abraham, 78, 79, 80, 411. Creech, Thomas, 104, 353, 385. Cuisinier Royal et Bourgeois, 107. Culpeper, Nicholas, 128, 218, 221.
Dacier, Andr, 197, 198, 199, 288, 365, 480, 631. Dacier, Madame Anne Lefvre, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196. Dale, Samuel, 200, 201. Dalechamps, Jacob, 1. Daniel, Pre Gabriel, 528. Davenant, Charles, 179. Davenant, Sir William, 177, 178. Davall, P., 517. Davies, John, 4, 238. Davisius, Joannes, 146, 147, 148, 149. Defense of Dramatic Poetry, A, 101. Deloney, Thomas, 405g. Demosthenes, 211, 212, 223. Dennis, John, 186, 187, 188, 189. De Sandisson, 27. Descartes, Ren, 185. Desjardins, Marie Catherine Hortense, 26. Desprez, Ludovicus, 318. Diaper, William, 423. Dictionnaire Universel Franois et Latin, 173. Diemerbroeck, Isbrandus de, 184. Dillon, Wentworth, Earl of Roscommon, 507. Dio Cassius, 202. Dispensatory of the Royal College of Physicians, The, 214. Dodwell, Henry, 203. Donne, John, 157, 182, 183. Dousica, 452. Dryden, John, 157, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 384, 406a, 427, 429, 431. Dufresny, Charles Rivire, 482. Duke, Richard, 507. Du Noyer, Anne Margaret Petit, 373. Dunton, John, 224. Duport, James, 371. Du Quesne, Abraham, 621. Du Ryer, P., 285. Dyson, H., 534.
E. S. [Elkanah Settle?], 101. Earle, John, 231, 416. Eccles, John, 232. Echard, Laurence, 226, 227, 228. Ecole Parfaite des Officiers de Bouche, L', 240. Eden, Richard, 646. Edmonds, Clemt., 74. Egerton, Sarah Fyge, 255, 461. English Military Discipline, 229. Erasmus, Desiderius, 230, 263. Estienne, Charles (Carolus Stephanus), 180. Estienne, Henri, 456. Estienne, Henry, sieur Des Fossez, 12. Etherege, Sir George, 235. Eustacius, a Sancto Paulo, 236. Exquemelin, Alexandre Olivier, 301.
Fabri (Lefbvre), Tannequi, 241. Fairfax, Edward, 266. Famous and Renowned History of . . . Hercules of Greece, The, 405d. Fanshaw, Richard, 152. Flibien, Jean Franois, 394. Fnelon, Franois de Salignac de la Mothe, 575, 576, 577, 578. Fenton, Elijah, 446. Filmer, Edward, 101, 103. Flchier, Valentin Esprit, 300. Fletcher, John, 42, 407b. Florus, Lucius Annus, 254. Fontenelle, Bernard de Bovier de, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249. Fracastoro, Girolamo, 557. Frederickus, Johannes, 5. Frezier, Amdee Franois, 639. Fuller, Thomas, 252. Funnell, William, 642. Furetire, Antoine, 573.
Galland, Antoine, 120. Galliard, Johann Ernest, 256. Gallus, Gaius Cornelius, 94. Gand, Louis de, 564. Garouville, 28. Garth, Sir Samuel, 260, 261. Gassend, Pierre, 272. Gay, John, 257, 258, 259. Gaza, Theodorus, 263. Gellius, Aulus, 5, 6. Gemelli-Careri, Giovanni Francesco, 617. General Collection of Treatys, etc., A, 105. Gentleman's Jockey, The, 277. Geoffrey of Monmouth, 327. Gesnerus, Conradus, 538. Gherardi, Evaristo, 270. Giffanius, O., 354. Gildon, Charles, 411, 417. Glanvill, Mr., 249. Godefroy, Denys, 150. Godfrey of Bulloigne, 266. Goulston, Theodor, 7. Graevius, Joannes Georgius, 92, 134, 135, 136, 143, 144, 145. Granville, George, Baron Lansdowne, 360. Gratius, Ortwinus, 237. Greene, Robert, 405f. Gronovius, J. F., 363, 448. Gronovius, Jakob, 5, 137. Grotius, H., 388. Grove, The, 157, 269. Guarini, Giovanni Battista, 484. Gueulette, Thomas-Simon, 122, 605.
Hales, John, 284. Hamilton, Anthony, 404. Hardoin, Jean, 293. Hare, Francis, Bishop of Chichester, 400. Hawkwood, Sir John de, 405e. Head, Richard, 405a, 405i. Hdelin, Franois, Abb d'Aubignac, 10, 469. Heinsius, Daniel, 322. Heinsius, Nicholas, 625. Heliodorus, The Famous Historie of, 407f. Her, Chevalier d', 247. Herodotus, 285, 286, 287. Hippocrates, 288. Hobbes, Thomas, 281, 282. Holy Bible, 69. Holyday, Barten, 337. Homer, 164, 193, 194, 196, 289, 290, 291, 292, 293, 391, 407e, 465, 466, 650. Honnte Homme et le Scelerat, L', 316. Hopkins, Charles, 51. Horace (Quintus Horatius Flaccus), 104, 199, 315, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 406b. Houdar de La Motte, Antoine, 389, 390, 391. Hughes, John, 248.
Ides, Everard-Isbrantz, 640.
Jacob, Giles, 328, 329, 367. Jamblichus, of Chalcis, 326. J. D. D. C., Monsieur, 316. Johnson, T., 108. Jonson, Ben, 44, 45. J. P., 24. Justinianus I, 332. Justinus, Marcus Junianus, 336. Juvenalis, Decimus Junius, 163, 334, 335, 337.
Kemp, John, 339. Kennet, Basil, 340, 341. Killigrew, Thomas, the Elder, 342.
Labottire, Claude, 629. La Bruyre, Jean de, 607. La Chapelle, Jean de, 22. Lactantius, Caecilius Firmianus, 361. La Fayette, Marie Madeleine, Comtesse de, 659. La Fontaine, Jean de, 19, 125, 250, 395. La Grange-Chancel, Franois Joseph de, 330. Lamb, Patrick, 110. Lambini, 451. Langio, Joseph, 323. Lawes, Henry, 10. Lazarillo de Tormes, La Vie et Avantures de, 632. Le Bossu, Ren, 61. Lee, Nathaniel, 358. Leeds, 1st Duke of, 219. Lefbvre, Tannequi, 241. Le Fevre, Raoul, 405h. Lenoble, Eustache, Baron de Saint-Georges et de Tennelire, 24, 271. Le Roux, Philibert Joseph, 176. Le Roy, Marin, sieur de Gomberville, 308. Le Sage, Alain Ren, 298, 307. Leti, Gregorio, 299. Lilly, William, 359. Lingu Roman Dictionarium, etc., 87. Lipsius, Justus, 364. Lisle, William, 407f. Littlebury, Isaac, 286. Lives of the Grecian Poets, 368. Livius, Titus, 362, 363. Lloyd, Nicholas, 180. Locke, John, 348, 349. Longinus, 351. Longus, 20. Lucanus, Marcus Annus, 343, 344, 345, 346. Lucas, Paul, 618, 619, 620. Lucian of Samosata, 264, 356, 357. Lucretius (Titus Lucretius Carus), 352, 353, 354, 355. Luna, Miguel de, 366. Lyttelton, George Baron, 70.
Mabbe, James, 262. Macrobius, Ambrosius Theodosius, 399. Malebranche, Nicholas, 382. Mailly, Chevalier de, 425. Maittaire, Michael, 132, 584, 624. Malory, Sir T., 13. Malthus, Francis (Franois de Malthe), 397. Maucroix, Franois de, 395. Mandelslo, John Albert de, 4, 616. Mandeville, Sir John, 405k, 641. Manilius, Marcus, 385. Manning, 202. Marchand, P., 18. Margaret of Navarre, 124. Marini, Giovanni Ambrogio, 113. Marini, Giovanni Battista, 2, 3. May, Thomas, 346. Mayne, Zachary, 222. Menander, 388. Meurs, Johannes van, 398. Middleton, Thomas, 407a. Miege, Guy, 396. Milbourne, Luke, 384. Milton, John, 380, 381, 411, 650. Minshew, John, 181. Miscellaneous Letters and Essays, etc., 417. Miscellaneous Poems and Translations, 409. Miscellaneous Poems by Oxford & Cambridge Hands, 412. Moivre, Abraham de, 205. Molire, Jean Baptiste Poquelin de, 393. Molyneux, William, 387. Monmouth, Geoffrey of, 327. Montaigne, Michel Eyquem de, 376, 377, 378, 379. Montesquieu, Baron de, 373. Montfaucon de Villars, Abb de, 119. Moore, Sir Jonas, 386. Morabin, Jacques, 324. Moretti, Tomaso, 386. Motteux, Peter Anthony, 36. Munday, A., 534. Muralt, Beat Louis de, 374. Murtada ibn al-Khaff, 238. Musarum Anglicanorum Analecta, 383.
Newton, Sir Isaac, 421, 426, 492. Nicole, Pierre, 11. Normanby, Marquis of, 410. Noris, Matteo, 392. Nouveau Cuisinier Royal et Bourgeois, Le, 107.
Ogilby, John, 435. Oldham, John, 441. Oldisworth, 196. Oldmixon, John, 102, 310. Olearius, Adam, 4, 616. Osborne, Thomas, 1st Duke of Leeds, 219. Otway, Thomas, 444. Oughtred, William, 442. Ovid (Publius Ovidius Naso), 164, 427, 428, 429, 430, 431, 432, 433, 434. Ovington, John, 440. Ozell, John, 196. Ozinde, J. B., 447.
Paccius, Alexandrus, 8. Parnell, Thomas, 475. Parker, Samuel, 139. Paterculus, Gaius Velleius, 627. Patin, Guy, 477, 478. Patru, Olivier, 471. Pausanius, 457. Pechey, John, 562. Pedantius, 481. Pemberton, Henry, 492. Perceval, Richard, 181. Perrot, N., Sr. d'Ablancourt, 356, 596, 606. Persius (Aulus Persius Flaccus), 163, 334, 335, 337. Ptis de la Croix, Franois, 121. Petronius (Titus Petronius Arbiter), 473. Phaedrus, 483. Philemon, 388. Philips, John, 88. Phillippes, Henry, 479. Pindar, 464. Pinto, Fernam Mendes, 463. Pix, Mary, 628. Plato, 480. Plautus, Titus Maccius, 448, 450, 451, 452. Playford, Henry, 283. Pliny (Gaius Plinus Secundus), 474. Plutarch, 470. Polybius, 472. Pomey, Franois Antoine, 476. Pontanus, I., 399. Pontis, Louis de, 468. Pope, Alexander, 409, 420, 465, 466, 467, 475, 542, 553. Portus, A., 540. Prateus, Ludovicus, 334. Pratt, Samuel, 511. Prideaux, Humphrey, 454. Prior, Matthew, 411, 458, 459, 460. Propertius, Sextus, 91, 92, 93, 94. Purcell, Henry, 462. Pythagoras, 365, 631.
Quevedo Villegas, Francisco Gomez, 494, 495. Quillet, Claude, 89. Quincy, John, 213, 563. Quintilianus, Marcus Fabius, 493.
Rabelais, Franois, 506. Racine, Jean Baptiste, 514. R. A. Gent., 551. Ramsay, Allan, 415. Ramsay, Andrew Michael, 531. Randolph, Thomas, 112. Rapin, Rene, 509, 510. Ray, John, 499. Raymond, John, 518. Regis, Pierre Silvain, 504. Regnier-Desmarais, Abb (Franois Sraphin), 142, 512. Rehearsal, The, 406c. Retz, Cardinal de (Jean Franois Paul de Gondi), 516, 517. Reynard the Fox, The Most Delectable History of, 529. Riccoboni, Louis, 314. Richelet, Pierre, 174. Richerius, Ludovicus Coelius, 501. Roberti, Antonius, 111. Rocoles, Jean Baptiste de, 309. Rodellius, Petrus, 319. Roergas de Serviez, Jacques, 251. Rogers, Thomas, 505. Rolli, Paolo Antonio, 532. Roscommon, Earl of, 406b. Rosseto, Jo., 72. Rousseau, Jean Baptiste, 502, 503. Rowe, Nicholas, 89, 343, 365, 544. Rowlands, Samuel, 405c. Ruus, Carolus, 613. Rufus, Quintus Curtius, 496, 497. Ruggle, G., 333. Rutgers, J., 321. Rycaut, Sir Paul, 313, 500. Rymer, Thomas, 509.
Saint-Evremond, Seigneur de, Charles de Marguetel de Saint-Denis, 233. Saint-Ral, Csar Vichard de, 18, 129. Sallust (Gaius Sallustius Crispus), 583, 584, 585, 586. Salmon, William, 215, 216, 217. Sanctorius, 563. Sandys, George, 428. Sannazaro, Jacobo, 581. Sanson d'Abbeville, Sr., 73. Sanvitale, Fortuniano, 2, 3. Sapho, 190. Sarpi, Paolo, 453. Scala, Flaminio, 600. Scaliger, Joseph Juste, 622. Scaliger, Julius Csar, 559. Scapula, Johannes, 539. Scarron, Paul, 569, 570, 571, 572, 573. Schmid, Erasmus, 464. Schrevelio, Corn., 344. Scoto, Lorenzo, 2, 3. Scribonius Largus, 589. Scudery, George de, 32, 579. Secondat, Charles Louis de, Baron de la Brde et de Montesquieu, 373. Secret History of the Reigns, etc., The, 311. Seneca, Lucius Annaeus, 587. Sraphin, Franois, abb Regnier-Desmarais, 142, 512. Settle, Elkanah, 101. Shadwell, Thomas, 566. Shakespeare, William, 407c, 408, 541, 542, 543, 544, 545, 546. Sherley, Sir Anthony, 643. Shirley, James, 551, 552. Sidney, Sir Philip, 455. Sidonius, Caius Sollius Apollinaris, 560. Smith, John, 375. Smith, Richard, 109. Sophocles, 197. Sorel, Charles, Sieur de Souvigny, 54, 296, 350. Souciet, E., 174. Source des Malheurs d'Angleterre, etc., La, 580. Southerne, Thomas, 590. Spenser, Edmund, 535, 536. Spinoza, 602. Spondani, Jo., 289. Stanhope, George, 117. Stanyan, Temple, 555, 556. Statius, Publius Papinius, 409. Statutes Now in Force, etc., The, 106. Steele, Sir Richard, 234, 567, 568. Stephanus, Carolus (Charles Estienne), 180. Stobus, Johannes, 537, 538. Stow, John, 534. Strabo, 533. Suckling, Sir John, 157, 558. Suidas, 540. Swift, Jonathan, 420, 553, 554, 603, 612. Sydenham, Thomas, 561, 562. Sylvester, Joshua, 582.
Tachard, Guy, 645. Tacitus, Cornelius, 606. Tarteron, P., 315. Tasso, Torquato, 29, 267. Tate, Nahum, 429, 557. Temple, Sir William, 603. Tenain, Mme. de, 520. Terence (Publius Terentius Afer), 191, 592, 593, 594, 595. Theobald, Lewis, 591. Theophrastus, 607, 608. Thompson, Aaron, 327. Thucydides, 282, 596. Tibullus, Albius, 22, 91, 92, 93, 94. Tillotson, John, Archbishop of Canterbury, 597, 598, 599. Timolon de Choisy, Franois, 294. Tollius, Jacobus, 351. Treatise Partly Theological, etc., A, 602. Trogus, Pompeius, 336.
Vallemont, Abbe Pierre Le Lorrain de, 637. Vattier, Monsieur, 238. Vaugelas, M. de, 496. Vega, Garcilasso de la, el Inca, 500. Veneroni, Giovanni, 175. Vertot D'Aubeuf, Ren Aubert, 633, 634, 635, 636. Vinnius, Arnoldus, 332. Virgil (Publius Virgilius Maro), 161, 162, 187, 384, 613, 614, 622, 623, 624, 625, 626. Voiture, Vincent de, 615. Voltaire (Franois Marie Arouet), 648, 649, 650. Vossius, Isaac, 95.
Waller, Edmund, 653. Walsh, William, 157. Ward, J., 339. We Have Brought Our Hogs to a Fair Market, etc., 405j. Westmonasteriensium Comitia, 657. Wild, Robert, 655. Wilkins, John, Bishop of Chester, 654. Willes, Richard, 646. Willis, Thomas, 652. Wilmot, John, Earl of Rochester, 508. Wycherley, William, 651. Wynter, John, 656.
Xenophon, 159, 596, 630. Xiphilinus, 202.
Young, Edward, 439, 658.
Zade, Chec, 604.
Amsterdam, 3, 6, 11, 20, 22, 29, 57, 58, 59, 94, 116, 118, 124, 125, 126, 131, 134, 135, 136, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 176, 190, 191, 197, 198, 223, 230, 253, 267, 275, 298, 300, 315, 322, 332, 362, 388, 395, 425, 448, 478, 482, 484, 496, 504, 510, 516, 570, 581, 586, 606, 609, 618, 630, 645, 652. Antwerp (Amberes, Anvers, Antuerpiae), 206, 250, 263, 299, 364, 537.
Basel, 33, 263, 289. Bourdeaux, 378. Brussels (Bruxelles), 28, 130, 150, 207, 316, 390, 494, 495, 607, 632.
Cambridge (Cantabrigiae), 62, 87, 91, 140, 146, 147, 148, 149, 236, 290, 317, 361, 371, 593, 614. Cologne, 21, 123, 372, 373, 374, 520, 580.
Dublin, 387.
Edinburgh, 415.
Frankfort (Francofurti), 237, 287, 452, 501.
Geneva (Geneve, Coloniae Allobrogum), 174, 424, 540.
Hague, The (La Haye), 18, 19, 27, 159, 297, 302, 331, 345, 619. Hanau (Hanoviae), 17, 323, 457. Heidelberg, 1, 559.
Lausanne, 72. Leiden (Lugduni Batavorum), 5, 63, 64, 95, 137, 158, 296, 344, 363, 399, 474, 585, 587, 626. London, 4, 7, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23, 24, 30, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 60, 65, 68, 70, 71, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 81, 85, 86, 88, 89, 90, 93, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 108, 109, 110, 112, 117, 128, 132, 139, 151, 152, 157, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 177, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 196, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 208, 209, 211, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 221, 222, 224, 226, 227, 228, 229, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 238, 248, 249, 252, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 265, 266, 268, 269, 273, 277, 281, 282, 283, 284, 286, 291, 292, 307, 308, 309, 310, 313, 314, 318, 319, 320, 327, 328, 329, 333, 334, 335, 336, 339, 340, 341, 342, 343, 346, 348, 349, 350, 352, 355, 358, 359, 360, 365, 366, 367, 368, 379, 380, 381, 384, 385, 386, 387, 394, 396, 397, 400, 404, 405a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, 406a, b, c, 407a, b, c, d, e, f, 408, 409, 410, 411, 413, 416, 417, 420, 421, 422, 423, 426, 427, 428, 429, 430, 431, 433, 434, 435, 438, 439, 440, 441, 444, 446, 447, 450, 453, 454, 455, 458, 459, 460, 461, 462, 463, 465, 466, 467, 468, 470, 472, 473, 475, 479, 481, 483, 492, 497, 499, 500, 502, 505, 506, 507, 508, 509, 511, 515, 517, 518, 519, 529, 530, 531, 532, 534, 535, 536, 541, 542, 543, 544, 545, 551, 552, 553, 554, 555, 556, 557, 558, 561, 562, 563, 564, 566, 567, 568, 572, 573, 582, 583, 584, 588, 590, 591, 594, 595, 597, 598, 599, 602, 603, 604, 605, 608, 610, 612, 624, 627, 628, 639, 640, 641, 642, 643, 644, 646, 647, 648, 649, 650, 651, 653, 654, 655, 656, 657, 658. Lyons (Lugduni), 272, 323, 539, 622.
Naples, 114.
Oxford (Oxoniae), 69, 138, 262, 326, 337, 353, 383, 442, 601.
Paris (Lutetia Parisorum), 2, 3, 8, 9, 12, 26, 29, 30, 31, 32, 55, 56, 61, 73, 82, 83, 84, 107, 119, 120, 121, 122, 127, 129, 173, 175, 178, 192, 193, 194, 195, 197, 199, 210, 212, 240, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 251, 270, 271, 274, 285, 288, 293, 294, 301, 303, 324, 330, 354, 356, 357, 376, 377, 382, 389, 391, 393, 432, 451, 456, 469, 471, 477, 480, 482, 493, 512, 513, 514, 528, 533, 560, 569, 571, 575, 576, 577, 578, 579, 592, 596, 613, 615, 616, 617, 623, 629, 631, 633, 634, 635, 636, 637, 659. Padua (Patavii), 589.
Rotterdam, 38, 111, 172, 296, 503. Rouen, 53, 82, 83, 84, 295, 620, 621.
Saumur (Salmurii), 241. Strasbourg (Argentine), 264.
Trevoux, 173.
Utrecht (Trajecti ad Rhenum, Trajecti Batavorum, Ultrajecti), 92, 184, 321, 351, 476, 625.
Venice, 113, 115, 392, 600.
Wittenberg (Witebergae), 464.
Zurich (Tiguri), 538.
* * * * * * * * *
Errata Noted by Transcriber:
Errors in the modern (1955) material have been corrected. Other irregularities are noted here but were left unchanged.
No. 238
Murtad ibn al-Khaff [the letters shown here as , were printed with macrons]
Modern Material
Introduction 338 (55 per cent) in the Harvard Library [_closing parenthesis missing_] No. 257 ... in the Leeds Sale, 1930, as Nos. 257, 258, 259. [258. 259] No. 264 Bracketed with No. 263 in the manuscript. [363] No. 307 London, for Jacob Tonson, 1725 12mo. [1725 12mo] No. 313 _BM; Folg, Illinois, Washington State College._ [_. missing_] No. 463 _BM; Yale, Pennsylvania, LC, Newberry._ [Pennsylvannia] No. 506 Rabelais's Works 2 Vols_[.] [_editorial [.] misprinted as [.[_] No. 572 revised and corrected [_"and / and" at line break_] Index La Fayette, Marie Madeleine, Comtesse de, 659. [Comtessee] Murtada ibn al-Khaff, 238. [_unchanged: body text has Murtad_] Vaugelas, M. de, 496. [de.,]
Original Material
No. 236 Gulielmus Congreve est verus Possessor hajus Libri No. 278 [4to Lug.B. 1706] [columns as shown] No. 313 History off the Otaman Empire No. 331 Illustres Francoises [printed with cedilla under s instead of c] No. 412 Poems by Oxford &/Cambride Hands No. 451 M. Accius Plautus No. 523 [—— - —— 11] [printed as shown] No. 573 "Some Persons may object, and ask, Why is not the City Romance here? To which we answer, It was none of his, but one father'd upon him, to make it sell." [Passage italicized as shown. With italic main text, the expected form would be: "Some Persons may object, and ask, Why is not the City Romance here? To which we answer, It was none of his, but one father'd upon him, to make it sell."] No. 645 [12mo. Amster-1688 3] Index Padua [alphabetized after "Paris", as shown; other cities are alphabetized by their modern names]