194 —— L'Iliade d'Homere 3 Tom.
[12mo. Ib.1711. 18]
L'Iliade d'Homere, traduite en franois, avec des remarques par Madame Dacier. Paris, chez Rigaud, 1711. 3 tom. 12mo.
BM; Harv, LC.
195 —— de la Corruption du Goust
[12mo. Ib.1714. 18]
Des causes de la corruption du goust. A Paris, aux dpens de Rigaud, 1714. 12mo.
BM; Yale, NYP, Michigan, Clark.
196 —— Homer's Iliad Translated by Mr Ozell 5 Vols[.]
[12mo. London 1712. 6]
The Iliad . . . with notes. To which are prefix'd, alarge preface, and the life of Homer, by Madam Dacier. Done from the French by Mr. Ozell, [Broome, and Oldisworth], London, by G.James, for Bernard Lintott, 1712. 5 vol. 12mo.
197 —— (Monsieur) Trag. de Sophocle
[12mo. Amst.1693. 25]
Andr Dacier (1651-1722). L'[OE]dipe et l'Electre de Sophocle. ... Traduites en franois avec des remarques. AParis, chez Claude Barbin, 1692. 12mo.
A copy of an Amsterdam edition of 1693 has not been found.
198 —— Poetique d'Aristote
[12mo. Ib.1692. 12]
La poetique d'Aristote, contenant les regles les plus exactes pour juger du pome herque, & des pieces de thtre. ... Traduite en franois ... par Mr. [Andr] Dacier. AAmsterdam, chez George Gallet, 1692. 12mo.
Bodleian; Harv, Newberry.
In the manuscript List the "Ib." is crossed through, but nothing is substituted. For Congreve's Latin translation of the Poetica see No.8.
199 —— Oeuvres d'Horace en Lat et Francois 10 Tom[.]
[12mo. Ib.1709. 18]
Troisime edition . . . augmente par l'auteur. 10 tom. AParis, J.-B.-Christophe Ballard, 1709. 12mo.
BM; Harv, LC.
200 Dale (Sam.) Pharmacologia 2 Vol[.]
[12mo. London 1710. 4]
Samuel Dale (1659?-1739). Pharmacologia, seu Manuductio ad materiam medicam. ... Iterata editio, emendata & aucta. Londini, apud Benj. Walford, 1710. 12mo.
BM; Missouri Botanical Garden.
201 —— Lat. 1 Vol.
[.... 1705 ....]
Entry by the third hand.
Pharmacologiae . . . supplementum. Londini, impensis Sam. Smith & Benj. Walford, 1705. 12mo.
BM; U.S. Surgeon General's Office.
202 Dion Cassius's History Abridg'd by Xiphilin. Translated by Mr Manning 2 Vols[.]
[8vo. Ib.1704. 13]
London, for A. & J. Churchill, 1704. 8vo.
BM; Harv, LC, California.
203 Dodwell's (Hen.) Epistolary Discourse about ye Soul
[8vo. Ib.1706. 14]
Henry Dodwell (1641-1711). An epistolary discourse, proving, from the Scriptures ... that the soul is a principle naturally mortal; but immortalized actually by the pleasure of God. London, for R.Smith, 1706. 8vo.
BM; Harv, NYP, Texas.
204 Discourse of ye Grounds & Reasons of Christian Religion
[8vo. Ib.1724. 14]
Anthony Collins (1676-1729). A discourse of the grounds and reasons of the Christian religion. In two parts. London, [no printer given], 1724. 8vo.
BM; Harv, NYP, LC, Newberry, California.
205 Doctrine of Chances or Method of Calculating ye Probability of Events in Play
[4to. Ib.1718. 2]
Abraham de Moivre (1667-1754). The doctrine of chances: or, Amethod of calculating the probability of events in play. London, by W.Pearson for the author, 1718. 4to.
BM; Harv, NYP, LC, John Crerar.
206 Don Quixote Vida y Hechos 2 Tom.
[8vo. Amberes 1697. 11]
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (1547-1616). Vida y hechos del ingenioso Cavallero Don Quixote de la Mancha. Amberes, H. yC. (or J.B.) Verdussen, 1697. 2 tom. 8vo.
BM; Harv, NYP, LC.
207 —— Ditto Parte 1
[8vo. Bruss.1662 8]
En Bruselas, Juan Mommarte, 1662. 2 tom. 8vo.
BM; Harv, LC.
Congreve had only the first of two parts. Compare item No. 179 in the Leeds Sale, 1930, where a copy of this edition was described as "Parte Primera only (should be two)."
208 —— Translated into English
[Fol. Lond.1652. 2]
The history of the valorous and witty-knight-errant, Don-Quixote, of the Mancha. Translated out of the Spanish; now newly corrected and amended. London, by Richard Hodkinsonne, for Andrew Crooke, 1652. fol.
BM; Harv, NYP, Folg, LC, Newberry, Hunt.
A copy of this edition was item No. 134 in the Leeds Sale, 1930.
209 —— done into English 2 Vols.
[4to. Ib.1620. 3]
The history of Don-Quichote. London, for Ed. Blounte, 1620. 2 vol. 4to.
STC 4916-4917.
BM; Harv, NYP, Folg, Virginia, Hunt.
210 Don Quichotto Histoire en 4 Tom.
[12mo. Paris 1679. 23]
Histoire de l'admirable Don Quixotte de la Manche. AParis, chez Claude Barbin, 1678. 4 tom. 12mo.
A copy of the second edition, 1679, has not been found.
211 Demosthenes Orations, done from ye Greek by Several Hands
[12mo. Ib.1702. 11]
Demosthenes (385?-322 B.C.). Several orations of Demosthenes. ... English'd from the Greek by several hands. London, for Jacob Tonson, 1702. 12mo.
BM; Harv, NYP, Chicago.
212 —— Philippiques avec Remarques
[4to. ibid.1701. 22]
Philippiques de Dmosthne, avec des remarques. AParis, chez la veuve de Claude Barbin, 1701. 4to.
BN; Yale.
213 Dispensatory, Compleat English, by Quincy
[8vo. Ib.1718. 4]
John Quincy (d. 1722). Pharmacop[oe]ia officinalis & extemporanea: or, Acompleat English dispensatory. London, A.Bell, etc., 1718. 8vo.
BM; Michigan.
214 —— of ye Royal College by Ditto
[8vo. Ib.1721. 4]
The dispensatory of the Royal College of Physicians. London, by W.Bowyer, for R.Knaplock, B.Took, D.Midwinter, R.Smith, W. and J.Innys, and J.Osborn, 1721. 8vo.
BM; Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science.
215 —— by Salmon & Bates 4th Edit.
[8vo. Ib.1713. 4]
William Salmon (1644-1713). Pharmacop[oe]ia Bateana: or Bate's dispensatory. ... The fourth edition. London, for W.Innys, 1713. 8vo.
BM; Richmond (Va.) Academy of Medicine.
216 —— London, by Salmon 7th Edit.
[8vo. Ib.1707. 4]
Pharmacop[oe]ia Londinensis: or, The new London dispensatory. ... The seventh edition, corrected and amended. London, by J.Dawks, for R.Chiswell, M.Wotton, J.Walthoe, G.Conyers, J.Nicholson, J.Sprint, and T.Ballard, 1707. 8vo.
Wellcome Historical Medical Library (London).
217 —— 2d. Part, or Doron Medicum, by Salmon
[8vo. Ib.1718. 4]
Doron medicum: or, A supplement to the new London dispensatory. London, for T.Dawks, T.Bassett, J.Wright, and R.Chiswell, 1683. 8vo.
BM; Harv.
A copy of a 1718 edition has not been found.
218 —— London by Culpeper
[12mo. Ib.1654. 4]
See No. 128.
219 E. of Danby's Letters Duke of Leeds
[8vo. Ib.1710 33]
Thomas Osborne, 1st Duke of Leeds (1631-1712). Copies and extracts of some letters written to and from the Earl of Danby (now Duke of Leeds) in the years 1676, 1677, and 1678. London, for John Nicholson, 1710. 8vo.
BM; Yale, Newberry.
220 Discourse upon Gondibert Vide Davenant
[—— .... 5]
See No. 178.
221 Cullpepers Dispensatory and English physn[.]
[8vo. Lon 1675. 4]
Entry by the second hand.
Nicholas Culpeper (1616-1654). Pharmacop[oe]ia Londinensis; or The London dispensatory. London, for George Sawbridge, 1675. 8vo.
Royal College of Physicians (London), Cambridge; Cushing Library (Yale Medical School).
Congreve's No. 221 was probably made up of this work bound with Culpeper's The English Physitian, which appeared in 1653 and many later editions.
222 2 Dissertations concerning Sense, the Imagination,&c[.]
[8vo. Lon.1728 ....]
Entry by the third hand.
[Zachary Mayne (fl. 1728)]. Two dissertations concerning sense, and the imagination. With an essay on consciousness. London, for J.Tonson, 1728. 8vo.
BM; Harv, LC, Chicago.
223 Demosthene, Phillippiques traduites en Francois 2 vol[.]
[24to Ams.1688 ....]
Entry by the third hand.
Demosthenes (385?-322 B.C.). Traduction des Philippiques de Demosthene. AAmsterdam, chez Pierre Mortier, 1688. 2 tom. small 12mo.
BN; Yale, LC.
224 Dunton's Journal of the Sally Fleet
[4to Lon.1637 ....]
Entry by the third hand.
John Dunton, Mariner. A true journall of the Sally fleet, with the proceedings of the voyage. London, by John Dawson for Thomas Nicholes, 1637. 4to.
STC 7357.
BM; NYP, Folg, LC, Newberry, Hunt.
225 Daniels History vid. R.
Entry by the third hand.
See No. 528.
226 Echard's (Laur.) History of England from Julius Csar to ye End of K.James 1st. Large Papr[.]
[Fol. Lond.1707. 16]
Laurence Echard (1670?-1730). The history of England. From the first entrance of Julius Csar and the Romans, to the end of the reign of King James the First. London, for Jacob Tonson, 1707. fol.
BM; Yale, LC, Michigan.
Congreve had only the first of three volumes.
227 —— Roman History - - 2 Vols.
[8vo. Ib.1696. 13]
The Roman history, from the building of the city, to the perfect settlement of the empire, etc. London, by T.Hodgkin, for M.Gillyflower, etc., 1696-98. 2 vol. 8vo.
Wing E152.
Cambridge; St. Benedict's College (Atchison, Kansas).
228 —— Ditto continued 3 Vols Large Paper
[8vo. Ib.1704. 13]
London, for Jacob Tonson (1704) and W. Freeman, etc. (1705, 1706), 1704-1706. 3 vol. 8vo.
Bodleian; Boston Public, Oberlin.
229 English Military Discipline
[12mo. Ib.1680. 8]
English military discipline. Or, The way and method of exercising horse & foot. ... With a treatise of all sorts of arms and engines of war. London, for Robert Harford, 1680. 8vo.
Wing E3105A.
BM; Harv, Hunt.
230 Erasmi Adagiorum Epitome
[12mo. Amst.1649. 5]
Desiderius Erasmus (1466?-1536). Adagiorum D.Erasmi ... epitome. Ex novissima Chiliadum ceu ipsorum fontium recognitione excerpta. ... Cum indice rerum ac verborum. Amsterodami, apud Joan. Janssonium, 1649. 12mo.
BM; Harv, NYP, Chicago, Washington State.
231 Essays & Characters [Microcosmographie]
[12mo. Lond.1629. 5]
John Earle, Bishop of Salisbury (1601?-1665). Micro-cosmographie. Or, Apeece of the world discovered; in essayes and characters. The fifth edition much enlarged. London, for Robert Allot, 1629. 12mo.
STC 7442.
BM; NYP, Folg, Illinois, Hunt.
232 Eccles (Jno.) Collection of Songs for 1. 2 & 3 Voices&c[.]
[Fol. —— 21]
John Eccles (d. 1735). A collection of songs for one two and three voices together with such symphonys for violins or flutes as were by the author design'd for any of them. London, for J.Walsh, [1704]. fol.
BM; Yale, NYP, Folg.
233 Euremond (Monsr. de St.) Oeuvres meslees 3 Tom Grd. Papr. apud Tonson
[4to. London 1705. 17]
Charles de Marguetel de Saint-Denis, Seigneur de Saint-vremond (1610-1703). Oeuvres mesles. ... L.P. ALondres, chez Jacob Tonson, 1705. 3 tom. [2 tom. in 3]. 4to.
BM; Folg.
A copy of this edition was listed under No. 1146 in the Hornby Castle Sale, 1930.
234 Englishman, being ye Sequel of ye Guardian Large Papr.
[8vo. Lond.1714. 28]
Sir Richard Steele (1672-1729). London, by Sam. Buckley, 1714. 8vo.
BM; NYP, LC, Newberry, Hunt.
A copy of this edition (not mentioned as Large Paper) was item No. 620 of the Leeds Sale, 1930.
235 Etherege's (Sir Geo.) Plays & Poems
[8vo. Ib.1704. 20]
Sir George Etherege (1635?-1691). The works of Sir George Etherege: containing his plays and poems. London, for H.H. and sold by J.Tonson and T.Bennet, 1704. 8vo.
BM; Harv, NYP, Folg, LC, Newberry, Hunt.
236 Eustachii Summa Philosophi
[8vo. Cantabr 1640. 7]
Eustacius, a Sancto Paulo. Summa philosophi quadripartita. Cantabrigi, ex officin Rogeri Danielis, 1640. 8vo.
STC 10578.
BM; Harv, Yale, Chicago.
Congreve's copy (in the Yale Library) bears this note on the front inside cover: "Gulielmus Congreve est verus Possessor hajus Libri ex Dono Henrici Luther." Apparently in the same handwriting are the dates 1682 and 1683 on the margin of the Preface, and the signature "W: Congreve" on page iii. Congreve's signature appears at least four other times in the book. This book was bought by the Yale Library in 1942 from C.A. Stonehill, Ltd., who had the book in stock as early as 1937, stock No. 482, from some source that cannot now be traced.
237 Epistol Obscurorum Virorum
[8vo. Franc.1624. 6]
Ortwinus Gratius (1491-1542). Epistolarum obscurorum virorum, ad Dn. M.Ortwinum Gratium Volumina II. Francofurti ad Moenum, 1624. 8vo.
238 Egyptian History [Prodigies of Egypt]
[8vo. Lond.1672. 3]
Murtad ibn al-Khaff. The Egyptian history, treating of the pyramids, the inundation of the Nile, and other prodigies of Egypt, according to the opinions and traditions of the Arabians. Written originally in the Arabian tongue by Murtadi, the son of Gaphiphus. Rendered into French by Monsieur Vattier, ... and done into English by J.Davies, of Kidwelly. London, by R: B. for W.Battersby (or Thomas Basset), 1672. 8vo.
Wing M3127-3128.
BM; Harv, LC.
239 Elemens de L'Histoire p Vallemont 2 Tom.
[12mo. Paris 1699. 11]
See No. 637.
240 L'Ecole parfaite des Officiers de Bouche
[12 Par.1716 ....]
Entry by the third hand.
L'escole parfaite des officiers de bouche, contenant, Le vray maistre-d'hostel. Le grand escuyer-trenchant. Le sommelier royal. Le confiturier royal. Le cuisinier royal. Et le patissier royal. Seconde dition ... corrige. Paris, 1666. 12mo.
The British Museum has also the seventh edition, Paris, 1715. Acopy of a 1716 edition has not been found.
241 Fabri (Tanaq) Epistol
[4to. Salmuri 1674. 22]
Tannequi Lefbvre (1615-1672). Tanaquilli Fabri epistol. Pars prima. Editio altera priori emendatior. Salmurii, sumptibus Isaaci Desbordes & Joannis Lesnerii, 1674. 4to.
BM; Harv, Newberry.
242 Fontenelle (Mr. de) Histoire des Oracles
[12mo. Par.1698. 25]
Bernard Le Bovier de Fontenelle (1657-1757). Histoire des oracles. AParis, chez Michel Brunet, 1698. 12mo.
BM; Gardner Sage (New Brunswick, N. J.).
243 —— Entretiens sur la Pluralit des Mondes
[12mo. Ib.1698. 25]
Quatrime dition. A Paris, chez Michel Brunet, 1698. 12mo.
244 —— Nouveaux Dialogues des Morts 2 Tom. 5. Edit[.]
[12mo. Ib.1700 25]
Cinquime edition. A Paris, chez Michel Brunet, 1700. 2 tom. 12mo.
245 —— Jugement de Pluton, sur les 2 Parties des Dialogues des Morts
[12mo. Ib.1684. 25]
A Paris, chez C. Blageart, 1684. 12mo.
246 —— Poesies Pastorales
[12mo. Ib.1698. 25]
Poesies pastorales. Avec un trait sur la nature de l'glogue, & une digression sur les anciens & les modernes. AParis, chez Michel Brunet, 1698. 12mo.
247 —— Lettres Galantes de Monsieur le Chevalier D'Her * * *
[12mo. Ib.1699. 25]
Troisime edition. A Paris, chez Michel Brunet, 1599 [for 1699]. 12mo.
BM; Harv.
248 ——'s Dialogues of ye Dead Translated
[8vo. London 1708 8]
Fontenelle's Dialogues of the dead, in three parts. ... Translated from the French [by John Hughes]. London, for Jacob Tonson, 1708. 8vo.
BM; Yale, Folg, Newberry, Clark.
249 ——'s Plurality of Worlds, Translated by Mr Glanvil
[12mo. Ib.1702. 8]
A plurality of worlds. Written in French by the author of the Dialogues of the dead. Translated into English by Mr. Glanvill. London, printed for R.W. and sold by Tho. Osbourne, 1702. 8vo.
BM; Harv, Library Company of Philadelphia, Clark.
250 Fontaine (Mr. de la) Fables Choises 4 Tom. en 2 Vol[.]
[8vo. Anvers 1699 25]
Jean de la Fontaine (1621-1695). Fables choisies. Mises en vers. AAnvers, chez la veuve de Barthelemy Foppens, 1699. 4 parts in 2 vol. 8vo.
251 Femmes des XII. Cesars p Mr. de Servies
[12mo. Paris 1718. 11]
Jacques Roergas de Serviez (1679-1727). Les femmes des douze cesars, contenant la vie & les intrigues secretes des imperatrices & femmes des premiers empereurs romains; o l'on voit les traits les plus interessants de l'histoire romaine. Tire des anciens auteurs grecs & latins, avec des notes historique & critiques. AParis, chez De Launay, 1718. 12mo.
BM; NYP, Illinois.
252 Fuller's (Tho.) Andronicus, or the unfortunate Politician
[12mo Lond.1646. 6]
Thomas Fuller (1608-1661). Andronicus, or The unfortunate politician. Shewing sin; slowly punished. Right; surely rescued. London, by W.Wilson, for John Williams, 1646. 8vo.
Wing does not list a 1646 edition in 12mo, but lists three editions of that year in 8vo: Wing F2403—Bodleian; Union Theological Sem., Clark; Wing F2405—BM; Harv, Folg, Newberry; Wing F2406—Bodleian; Yale, Hunt.
253 Filli di Sciro del Conte Guidubaldo
[24to. Amst.1678 5]
Guido Ubaldo Bonarelli della Rovere (1563-1608). Filli di Sciro, favola pastorale. In Amsterdam, nella stamperia del S.D. Elsevier, 1678. 32mo.
254 L. Florus - - Foliis deauratis. apd. Tonson
[12mo Lond.1715 24]
Lucius Annus Florus (2d century after Christ). Cui subjungitur Lucii Ampelii liber memorialis. Londini, ex officin Jacobi Tonson, & Johannis Watts, 1715. 12mo.
BM; Harv, NYP, LC, Alma College (Michigan).
255 Figgs Poems
[12mo. —- 20]
A collection of poems on several occasions. ... To which is added a pastoral, entitled, The fond shepherdess. Dedicated to Mr. Congreve. By Mrs. Sarah Fyge Egerton. London, to be sold by the booksellers, 1706. 8vo.
Folg, Texas, Clark.
For the 1710(?) edition of this work see No. 461.
256 Galliard's VI. Eng. Cantata's after ye Italian Manner
[Fol. —— 21]
Johann Ernest Galliard (1687?-1749). Six English cantatas after the Italian manner. London, for J.Walsh, [1716]. fol. [Words by Congreve and others.]
BM; Harv.
257 Gay's (Jno.) Poems on Sevl. Occasions Large Papr.
[4to. Lond.1720. 2]
John Gay (1685-1732). Poems on several occasions. London, for Jacob Tonson and Bernard Lintot, 1720. 4to.
BM; Harv, NYP, Folg, LC, Newberry, Texas, Hunt.
Three copies of this edition were in the Leeds Sale, 1930, as Nos. 257, 258, 259. Congreve's name appears in the printed list of subscribers.
258 —— Trivia, or ye Art of Walking London Streets. Large Paper
[8vo. Ib._ 28]
London, for Bernard Lintot, [no date. 1716?]. 8vo.
BM; Harv, NYP, Folg, LC, Newberry, Texas, Hunt.
A copy of this edition was item No. 256 in the Leeds Sale, 1930.
259 —— Fables
[4to Ib.1727 ....]
Entry by the third hand.
London, for J. Tonson and J. Watts, 1727. 4to.
BM; Harv, NYP, Texas.
260 Garth's (Sam.) Dispensary, a Poem. L.Papr.
[8vo. Ib.1700. 19]
Sir Samuel Garth (1661-1719). Fourth edition. London, printed and sold by John Nutt, 1700. 8vo.
Wing G276.
BM; Harv, Princeton.
261 —— Ditto 7th Edit[.]
[12mo. Ib.1714 20]
The seventh edition. With several descriptions and episodes never before printed. London, for Jacob Tonson, 1714. 12mo.
BM; Harv, Folg, LC, Michigan, Clark.
262 Guzman, ye Spanish Rogue, his Life
[Fol. Oxon.1630. 2]
Mateo Alemn (c. 1547-1614?). The rogue; or, The life of Guzman de Alfarache. [Translated into English by James Mabbe.] Oxford, by William Turner, for Robert Allot, 1630. fol.
STC 290.
BM; Harv, Yale, Folg, Newberry, Hunt.
A copy with "Will: Congreve" on the title page was item No. 9 in the Leeds Sale, 1930, and is now in the Yale Library.
263 Gaz (Theod.) Gram. Institutionis Liber Primus
[4to. Antv.1516 14]
Theodorus Gaza (1398-1478). Grammatic institutionis liber primus, sic translatus per Erasmum Roterodamum. Basileae apud Joannem Frobenium, 1516. 4to. [Imprint at the back. The Preface ends with "Antuerpi. Anno MDXVI."]
BM, Bibl. de l'Arsenal (Paris); Iowa.
264 et Luciani Dialogi 70. Gr. Lat: Schotto
[4to. Argent 1515 14]
Bracketed with No. 263 in the manuscript.
Lucian of Samosata (b. c. A.D. 120). Luciani Samosatensis deorum dialogi numero. 70. una cum interpretatione e regione latina. Argentine, Johannes Schottus, 1515. 4to.
BM; Yale.
265 Grammatices Grc Rudimenta, in Usum Schol Westmon.
[8vo. Lond.1693. 7]
Richard Busby (1606-1695). Grc grammatices rudimenta. In usum schol regi Westmonasteriensis. Londini, ex officin Eliz. Redmayne. 1693. 8vo.
Wing B6224.
Bodleian; Washington and Lee.
266 Godfrey of Bulloigne, done into Eng. Verse by Edw. Fairfax
[8vo Ib.1687. 19]
Godfrey of Bulloigne: or The recovery of Jerusalem. Done into English heroical verse, by Edward Fairfax. London, by J.M. for H.Herringman, and are to be sold by Jos. Knight, and F.Saunders, 1687. 8vo.
Congreve's copy could have belonged to any of the three issues of 1687: Wing T174 (By J.M. for H.Herringman)—BM; Harv, LC, Cincinnati; Wing T174A (By J.M. for G.Wells and A.Swalle)—Harv, Chicago; Wing T174B (By J.M. for Ric. Chiswell, Ric. Bentley, Tho. Sawbridge, and Geo. Wells)—NYP, Illinois.
267 Il Goffredo, overo Gierusalemme Liberata, del Tasso. 2 Tom[.]
[24to. Amsterd 1678. 5]
Torquato Tasso (1544-1595). Il Goffredo, overo Gierusalemme liberata. ... Con l'allegoria universale. Amsterdam, D.Elsevier, 1678. 2 tom. 16mo.
268 Gerardo, the unfortunate Spaniard
[8vo. Lond.1653. 20]
Gonsalo de Cspedes y Meneses (1585?-1638). Gerardo the unfortunate Spaniard. London, by William Bentley, and are to be sold by William Shears, 1653. 8vo.
Wing C1783.
BM; Newberry.
269 ye Grove, a Collection of Orig. Poems. Translations&c[.]
[8vo. Ib.1721. 20]
See No. 157.
270 Gherardi Theatre Italien 6 Tom[.]
[12mo. Paris 1700. 25]
Evaristo Gherardi (d. 1700). Le theatre italien de Gherardi, ou, Le recueil general de toutes les comedies & scenes franoises joues par les comediens italiens du roy, pendant tout le temps qu'ils ont t au service. AParis, chez Jean-Babt. Cusson et Pierre Witte, 1700. 6 tom. 12mo.
BN; Columbia, Iowa.
A copy of this edition was listed under No. 1219 in the Hornby Castle Sale, 1930.
271 le Gage Touch, Histoires Galantes
[.... ib.1711. 26]
Eustache Lenoble, Baron de Saint-Georges et de Tennelire (1643-1711).
A copy of a 1711 edition has not been found. Other editions may be consulted at NYP (1700), BM (1718), BN (1722), Harv (1724), and LC (1724).
272 Gassendi Philosophie Abreg p Bernier 7 Tom 6 voll[.]
[12mo. Lyon 1684. 12]
Pierre Gassend (1592-1655). Abreg de la philosophie ... par F.Bernier. Seconde dition. ALyon, chez Anisson, Pousel, & Rigaud, 1684. 7 tom. 12mo.
BM; Harv, NYP, Michigan.
273 le Guide des Londres dedi aux Voyageurs Etrangers
[12mo. —— 6]
[Franois Colsoni (fl. 1693).] Le guide de Londres dedi aux voyageurs etrangers. ... Troisime edition. ALondres, imprim pour le German Bookseller Shop near Somerset-house in the Strand, 1710. Small 8vo.
BM; Harv.
Congreve's title follows that of the "third" edition (1710) rather than that of earlier editions in 1693 and 1697.
274 Gustave Vasa, Histoire de Suede
[12mo. Par.1697. 26]
[Charlotte-Rose de Caumont de la Force (d. 1724.).] Gustave Vasa, histoire de Suede. AParis, chez Simon Benard, 1698-7. 12mo. 2 tom. 12mo.
The second volume is dated 1697.
275 Germaine de Foix, Reine d'Espagne
[12mo. Amst.1700 26]
Entry crossed through but legible.
Nicholas Baudot de Juilly (1678-1759). Germaine de Foix, reine d'Espagne. Nouvelle historique. AAmsterdam, chez Hans Henry, MDCCC [for 1700]. 12mo.
Bibl. de l'Arsenal (Paris).
276 Gulliver see Trauels
[.... .... 29]
Entry by the second hand.
See No. 612.
277 Gentelmans Jockey
[8vo. Lond:1717 4]
Entry by the second hand.
The gentleman's jockey, and approved farrier; instructing in the natures, causes, and cures of all diseases incident to horses. London, for Henry Twyford and Nath. Brook, 1671. 8vo.
Wing lists eight editions, 1671-1687. BM has the first and the eighth. Harv has the seventh, 1683. Acopy of a 1717 edition has not been found.
278 Gellius (Aulus) Var. not. Gronovii
[4to Lug.B. 1706]
Entry by the third hand.
See No. 5.
279 High Treason see Collection of Statutes&c[.]
[—— .... 6]
See No. 106.
280 Howel's French & Eng Dictionary. See Cotgrave
[—— .... 9]
See No. 85.
281 Hobbes's (Tho) Leviathan, or Commonwealth Ecclesiastical & Civil
[Fol. London 1651. 9]
Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679). Leviathan, or The matter, forme, & power of a common-wealth ecclesiasticall and civill. London, Andrew Crooke (or Ckooke), 1651. fol.
Three folio editions have 1651 on the title page: Wing H2246—BM; Harv, NYP, Newberry, Hunt; Wing H2247—Bodleian; Harv, Folg, LC, Illinois; Wing H2248—BM; Harv, Princeton, Chicago.
Two copies of the 1651 folio, both listed as the first edition, appeared as item Nos. 303 and 304 in the Leeds Sale, 1930.
282 —— Translation of Thucydides History of ye Poloponnesian War
[Fol. Ib.1634. 9]
Eight bookes of the Peloponnesian warre written by Thucydides the sonne of Olorus. Interpreted ... by Thomas Hobbes. London, for Richard (or H.) Mynne, 1634. fol.
STC 24059.
BM; Harv, Folg, Illinois, Hunt.
283 Harmonia Sacra, or Divine Hymns & Dialogues Composed by ye best Masters. 2 Parts
[Fol. Ib.1703. 21]
Henry Playford (1657-1706?). Harmonia sacra: or, Divine hymns and dialogues; with a through-bass for the theorbolute, bass viol, harpsicord, or organ. Composed by the best masters of the last and present age; the words by several learned and pious persons. London, by William Pearson, for Henry Playford, 1703. fol. (Book II: by Edward Jones, for Henry Playford.)
BM; Harv, Illinois.
The first part appeared in 1688 and again in 1703. The second part appeared in 1693. Since Congreve had two parts, he probably had the 1703 edition of the first part and the first edition of the second part. An edition in two volumes described as "1703-1693" was item No. 455 in the Leeds Sale, 1930.
284 Hales (Jno) Golden Remains 3d. Edit.
[8vo. Ib.1688 14]
John Hales (1584-1656). Golden remains, of the ever memorable Mr. John Hales, of Eaton-Colledge, &c. The third impression. With additions from the authors own copy, viz. sermons and miscellanies. Also letters and expresses concerning the synod of Dort. From an authentick hand. London, by T.B. for George Pawlet, 1688. 8vo.
Wing H272.
BM; Harv, Chicago, Clark.
285 Herodote Histoires mises en Franois p DuRyer. Grd. Papr[.]
[Fol. Paris 1658 16]
Herodotus (5th Century B.C.). Les histoires d'Herodote. Mises en franois par P.Du Ryer. AParis, chez Augustin Courb, 1658. fol.
BN; Harv, Lehigh (Pennsylvania).
286 Herodotus's History Translated from the Greek by Is. Littlebury. 2 Vol[.]
[8vo. Lond.1720 13]
The history of Herodotus. Translated from the Greek. By Isaac Littlebury, London, for A.Bell, etc., 1720. 2 vol. 8vo.
Bodleian; Harv. LC.
287 Herodoti Historiarum Libri IX
[8vo. Francof.1584 7]
Herodoti Halicarnassei histori libri IX: et de vita Homeri. Francofurti, apud hredes Andre Wecheli, 1584. 8vo.
Bodleian; Harv, Vassar, Cincinnati, Hunt.
288 Hippocrate Oeuvres avec des Remarques. 2 Tom[.]
[8vo. Paris 1697. 4]
Les oeuvres d'Hippocrate traduites en Franois, avec des remarques [by A.Dacier]. AParis, par la Compagnie des Libraires (or A.Lambin), 1697. 2 tom. 12mo.
BM; Harv, U.S. Surgeon General's Office.
A copy of this edition, described as 12mo, was listed under No. 1182 in the Hornby Castle Sale, 1930.
289 Homeri qu extant Omnia Gr. Lat. cum Comment. Spondani
[Fol. Basil 1606. 9]
Homeri quae extant omnia. . . . Cum Latina versione ... Jo. Spondani ... commentariis. Basile, per Sebastianum Henricpetri, 1606. fol.
BM; Harv, Morgan, Northwestern, Hunt.
The copy with "W. Congreve" on the title page is now in the Morgan Library in New York.
290 —— Ilias et Odyssea, et in easdem Scholia Veterum. Oper et Studio Jos. Barnes 2 Vol[.]
[4to. Cantabr.1711. 22]
Homeri Ilias & Odyssea, et in easdem scholia, sive interpretatio, veterum. ... Opera, studio, & impensis, Josu Barnes. Cantabrigi, apud Cornelium Crownfield, 1711. 2 vol. 4to.
BM; Harv, NYP, LC, Newberry.
291 —— Ilias Grc
[8vo. Lond 1591. 7]
Homeri Ilias, id est, de rebus ad Troiam gestis. Londini, excudebat Georgius Bishop, 1591. 8vo.
STC 13629.
BM; Yale, NYP, Folg, Hunt.
292 —— Translated by Mr. Chapman
[Fol. —— 21]
The whole works of Homer. . . . Translated ... by Geo: Chapman. London, for Nathaniell Butter, [1616]. fol.
STC 13624.
BM; Harv, NYP, Folg, LC, Newberry, Hunt.
A copy of this edition was a part of item No. 309 in the Leeds Sale, 1930.
293 Hardoin Apologie d'Homere
[12mo. Par.1716. 18]
Jean Hardouin (1646-1729). Apologie d'Homre, o l'on explique le vritable dessein de son Iliade, et sa theomythologie. AParis, aux dpens de Rigaud, 1716. 12mo.
BM; Yale, LC.
294 l'Histoire de Charles V. Roi de France p L'Abb de Choisy
[4to. Ib.1689. 13]
Franois Timolon de Choisy (1644-1724). Histoire de Charles Cinquime roi de France. AParis, chez Antoine Dezallier, 1689. 4to.
BM; Augustana College.
295 —— Generale des Larrons
[8vo. Rov.1649. 3]
Franois de Calvi. Histoire generale des larrons. ARouen, chez Robert Dar, 1649. 8vo.
296 —— Comique de Francion 2 Tom.
[12mo. Rot.1668. 26]
Charles Sorel, Sieur de Souvigny (c. 1597-1674). La vraie histoire comique de Francion. Leyde, Hackes, 1668. 2 tom. 12mo.
National Library (Florence).
A copy of a Rotterdam edition of 1668 has not been found.
297 —— de la Cour d'Espagne
[12mo. Haye.1692. 26]
Marie Catherine Jumelle de Berneville, Comtesse d'Aulnoy (d. 1705). Histoire nouvelle de la cour d'Espagne. ALa Haye, chez Jean Alberts, 1692 12mo.
Royal Library (The Hague); Dartmouth College.
298 —— de Gil Blas 3 Tom.
[12mo. Amst.1715. 26]
Alain Ren Le Sage (1668-1747). Histoire de Gil Blas de Santillane. Par Monsieur Le Sage. Enrichie de figures. AAmsterdam, chez J.Oosterwyk, Steenhouwer & Uytwerf, 1715. 2 tom. 12mo. (Athird volume was published by Herman Uytwerf in 1725, and a fourth appeared in 1735 after Congreve's death.)
299 —— de la Vie du Pape Sixte V. de l'Italien de Greg. Leti. 2 Tom.
[12mo Anvers 1704 11]
Gregorio Leti (1630-1701). L'histoire de la vie du Pape Sixte Cinquime Traduite de l'Italien de Gregorio Leti. AAnvers, chez la veuve de Barthelemy Foppens, 1704. 2 tom. 12mo.
Bibl. de l'Arsenal (Paris).
300 —— du Card. Ximens p Mess: Flechier, Evque de Nismes. 2 Tom[.]
[12 Amsterd 1700 11]
Valentin Esprit Flchier, successively Bishop of Lavaur, and of Nmes (1632-1710). Histoire du Cardinal Ximens. AAmsterdam, chez la veuve de Bartholemy Foppens, 1700. 2 tom. 12mo.
BM; Pennsylvania, LC.
301 —— des Avanturiers Boucaniers qui se sont signalez dans les Indes. 2 Tom[.]
[12mo. Paris 1688. 3]
Alexandre Olivier Exquemelin (1645?-1707). AParis, chez Jacques Le Febvre, 1688. 2 tom. 12mo.
BN; NYP, LC, Newberry, Hunt.
302 —— de l'Invasion de l'Espagne p les Maures [Relation Galante]
[12mo. Haye 1699 11]
Nicholas Baudot de Juilly (1678-1759). Relation historique et galante, de l'invasion de l'Espagne par les Maures. ALa Haye, chez Adrian Moetjens, 1699. 4 tom. 12mo.
303 —— de Marguerite de Valois, Reine de Navarre Tom.4
[12mo. Paris.1720. 23]
[Mlle. Charlotte-Rose de Caumont de la Force (d. 1724).] Histoire de Marguerite de Valois, reine de Navarre, soeur de Franois I.A Paris, chez Franois Fournier, 1720. 4 tom. 12mo.
BN; Princeton.
304 —— de Cyrus Traduite du Grec de Xenophon p Mr Charpentier
[8vo. Haye 1717. 33]
See No. 159.
305 —— des Plantes vide Chomel.
[— —- 4]
See No. 127.
306 History off trayale by willes. see Voyage Entry by the second hand.
See No. 646.
307 History off Gilblas English 3 voll[.]
[12 Lon.1725. 6]
Entry by the second hand.
Alain Ren Le Sage (1668-1747). The history and adventures of Gil Blas of Santillane. In three volumes. The second edition. London, for Jacob Tonson, 1725 12mo.
Bodleian; Harv.
308 History of Polexander. Engd. by Wm. Browne
[Fol. London 1648. 2]
Marin LeRoy, sieur de Gomberville (1600?-1674). The history of Polexander: in five bookes. Done into English by William Browne. London, by Tho. Harper, for Thomas Walkey, 1648. fol.
Wing G1026.
Bodleian; Virginia, Newberry.
309 —— of Infamous Imposters, that have Usurp'd ye Titles of Kings&c[.]
[8vo. Ib.1683 8]
Jean Baptiste de Rocoles (1620?-1696). The history of infamous impostors. Or, The lives & actions of several notorious counterfeits, who from the most abject, and meanest of the people, have usurped the titles of emperours, kings, and princes ... done into English. London, for William Cademan, 1683. 8vo.
Wing R1766.
BM; Harv, Folg, LC, Newberry, Hunt.
310 —— Secret, of Europe
[8vo. Ib.1712. 8]
John Oldmixon (1673-1742). The secret history of Europe. ... The whole collected from authentick memoirs, as well manuscript as printed. London, printed for the booksellers of London and Westminster, 1712. 8vo.
BM; NYP, Cleveland Public, Texas.
311 —— Secret, of K. Cha. 2d. & K. James2d.
[12mo. Ib.1690. 6]
The secret history of the reigns of K. Charles II. and K.James II. Printed in the year 1600. [Place not given.] 12mo.
Wing S2347.
BM; Harv, NYP, Peabody Institute, Newberry, Hunt.
312 —— of Polybius 2 Vols[.]
[8vo. Ib.1693. 13]
See No. 472.
313 History off the Otaman Empire by Sr: P: Ricaut
[8vo. Lon:1682. 3]
Entry by the second hand.
Sir Paul Rycaut (1628-1700). The history of the present state of the Ottoman empire. ... The fifth edition. London, by T.N. for Joanna Brome, 1682. 8vo.
Wing R2403.
BM; Folg, Illinois, Washington State College.
A copy of another issue of the same year, "by T.N. for John Starkey," (Wing R2404), may be consulted at Yale.
314 Histoire du Theatre Italien de Riccoboni
[8vo Lond. ....]
Entry by the third hand.
Louis Riccoboni (1674-1753). Histoire du theatre Italien depuis la decadence de la comedie latine; avec un catalogue des tragedies et comedies Italiennes imprimes depuis l'an 1500, jusqu' l'an 1600. Et une dissertation sur la tragedie moderne. Paris, chez H.D. Chaubert [1727]. 8vo.
BM; Boston Public, Duke, Miami (Ohio), Hunt.
This book is written partly in French and partly in Italian. In another work on the theatre (translated as An historical and critical account of the theatre in Europe, London, 1744, p. 175) Riccoboni makes this comment on Congreve: "Amongst the Crowd of English Poets, Mr. Congreve is most esteemed for Comedy. He was perfectly acquainted with Nature; and was living in 1727, when I was in London; Iconversed with him more than once, and found in him Taste joined with great Learning. It is rare to find many Dramatic Poets of his Stamp."
315 Horace, Tarteron, 2 tom.
[8{vo}. Amsterdam 1710 3]
Entry by the second hand.
Les [oe]uvres d'Horace, traduites en franois par le P.Tarteron. AAmsterdam, chez Pierre de Coup, 1710. 2 tom. 12mo. [With the Latin text.]
BM; Columbia, Princeton.
316 L'Honnte Homme, et le Scelerat
[12mo. Bruss.1710 26]
L'honnte homme et le scelerat. Scavoir, si pour parvenir dans le monde, il faut tre honnte homme ou scelerat. Par Monsieur J.D.D.C.Suivant la copie de Paris. ABrusselles, chez Louis de Wainne, 1710. 12mo.
Bibl. de l'Arsenal (Paris).
317 Q. Horatii Opera cum Variis Lectionibus. Ch. Majori
[4to. Cantabr.1699 17]
Cantabrigi, impensis Jacobi Tonson. Londini, 1699. 4to.
Wing H2764.
BM; Harv, Princeton, Newberry.
318 —— in Usum Delphini cum Notis Desprez
[8vo. Lond.1694. 7]
Q. Horatii Flacci Opera . . . illustravit Ludovicus Desprez ... in usum serenissimi Delphini. Londini, impensis R Clavel, H.Mortlock, S.Smith & B.Walford, 1694. 8vo.
Wing H2763.
BM; Boston Athenaeum, Pomona College.
319 —— Poemata cum Notis Rodellii ad Usum Delphini
[8vo. Ib.1690. 7]
Q. Horatii Flacci poemata interpretatione et notis illustravit Petrus Rodellius ... ad usum Delphini ["for the use of the Dauphin," son of Louis XIV of France]. Londini, impensis Abelis Swalle, 1690. 8vo
Wing H2780.
BM; Newberry.
320 —— Opera. Foliis deauratis. apd. J.Tonson
[12mo. Ib.1715. 24]
Quinti Horatii Flacci opera. Londini, ex officin Jacobi Tonson, & Johannis Watts, 1715. 12mo.
BM; Yale, Library Company of Philadelphia, Hunt.
321 —— Eadem cum Rutgersii Lectionibus 2 Vol.
[12mo. Traject.1699. 24]
Q. Horatii Flaccus. Accedunt J. Rutgersii lectiones. Traject[i] Batav[orum], apud Franciscum Halman, Guiljelmum van de Water, 1699. 12mo.
BM; Harv, Princeton, Chicago.
322 —— Eadem ex Recensione Heinsiana
[24to. Amstel.1676 5]
Q. Horatius Flaccus. Daniel Heinsius ex emendatissimis editionibus expressit, & reprsentavit. Amstelodami, apud Danielem Elzevirium, 1676. 16mo.
BM; Harv, LC.
323 —— Od in Locos Communes digest Jos. Langio
[12mo. Lugd.1604. 5]
Quincti Horatii Flacci . . . Od in locos communes ad lyric poseos studiosorum utilitatem digest. Studio & oper Josephi Langii. Hanovi, typis Wechelianis, apud Claudium Marnium & heredes Joannis Aubrii, 1604 8vo.
A copy of a Lugduni, 1604, edition has not been found.
324 Histoire De L'Exile De Ciceron
[12 paris. 30]
Entry by the second hand.
Jacques Morabin (1687-1762). Histoire de l'exil de Ciceron. AParis, chez Lambert Coffin, 1725. 12mo.
BM; Yale (chez Andre Cailleau, 1726).
325 Histoire De France En brege Par. P: Daniel 9 Vol - Vid - R. -
[.... .... 30]
Entry by the second hand.
See No. 528.
326 Iamblichi de mysteriis Liber Gr. Lat. p Tho. Gale
[Fol. Oxon.1678. 9]
Jamblichus, of Chalcis (c. A.D. 250-c. 325). Jamblichi ... de mysteriis liber. ... Grce nunc primum edidit, Latine vertit, et notas adjecit. Gr. & Lat. Oxonii, etheatro Sheldoniano, 1678. fol.
Wing I26.
BM; Harv, NYP, Folg, LC, Northwestern.
327 Jeffrey of Monmouth's British History Engd. by Aaron Thompson
[8vo. Lond.1718. 13]
Geoffrey of Monmouth (1100?-1154). The British history, translated into English from the Latin ... by Aaron Thompson. London, for J.Bowyer, H.Clements, and W. and J.Innys, 1718. 8vo.
BM; Harv, NYP, Newberry, Hunt.
328 Jacob's (Giles) Treatise of Laws
[8vo. Ib.1721. 32]
Giles Jacob (1686-1744). A treatise of laws: or, Ageneral introduction to the common, civil, and canon law. London, for T.Woodward, and J.Peele, 1721. 8vo.
Lincoln's Inn (London); Harv, LC.
329 —— Students Companion, or the Reason of ye Laws of Engld.
[8vo. Ib.1725. 32]
The student's companion: or, The reason of the laws of England. [London,] in the Savoy, by E. and R.Nutt, and R.Gosling (assigns of Edward Sayer), for T.Corbett, 1725. 8vo.
Inner Temple (London); Harv, LC.
330 Ino et Melicerte, Trag. p Mr de la Grange
[12mo. Paris 1713. 30]
Franois Joseph de La Grange-Chancel (1667-1758). Ino et Mlicerte, tragdie. AParis, chez Pierre Ribou, 1713. 12mo.
331 Illustres Francoises, Histoires veritables 2 Tom[.]
[12mo. Haye 1713. 26]
Robert Challes (1659-c. 1720). Les illustres Franoises, histoires veritables. O l'on trouve, dan des caracteres tres-particuliers & fort differens, un grand nombre d'exemples rares & extraordinares des belles manieres, de la politesse. ALa Haye, Hondt, 1713. 2 tom. 12mo.
National Library (Florence).
332 Justiniani (Imp.) Institutiones. Cur Vinnii
[12mo. Amst.1663. 5]
Justinianus I (483-565). D. Justiniani, sacratissimi principis, institutionum ... cura & studio Arnoldi Vinnii. Amsteldami, ex officina Elzeviriana, 1663. 12mo.
Lincoln's Inn (London); Harv, Minnesota.
333 Ignoramus, Com[oe]dia coram Rege Jac. 1mo.
[12mo. Lond.1668 5]
G. Ruggle (1575-1622). Ignoramus. Com[oe]dia [in five acts and in prose] coram Regie Jacobo et totius Angli magnatibus per Academicos Cantabrigienses habita. Editio quarta. Londini, ex officina J.R., 1668. 12mo.
Wing R2215.
BM; Yale, Folg.
334 Juvenalis et Persius Interpr. et Notis Lud. Pratei ad Usum Delph[.]
[8vo. Ib.1691. 7]
D. Junii Juvenalis et A. Persii Flacci Satyr. Interpretatione ac notis illustravit Ludovicus Prateus. ... In usum serenissimi Delphini. Londini, impensis Tho. Dring, & Abel Swalle, 1691. 8vo.
Wing J1285.
BM; Harv.
335 —— Idem, sine Notis.apd.Tonson Foliis deauratis
[12mo. Ib.1716. 24]
Decii Junii Juvenalis et Auli Persii Flacci Satyr. Londini, ex officin Jacobi Tonson, & Johannis Watts, 1716. 12mo.
BM; Harv, Illinois.
336 Justini Historiarum ex Trogo Pomp. Libri XLIV. apd. Tonson Foliis deauratis
[12mo. Ib.1713. 24]
Marcus Junianus Justinus. Justini Historiarum ex Trogo Pompeio libri XLIV. Londini, ex officin Jacobi Tonson, & Johannis Watts, 1713. 12mo.
BM; Harv.
337 Juvenal Hollady
[Fol: Ox.1673 ....]
Entry by the second hand.
Barten Holyday (1593-1661). Decimus Junius Juvenalis, and Aulus Persius Flaccus, translated and illustrated, as well with sculpture as notes. Oxford, by W.Downing, for F.Oxlad, Senior, J.Adams, and F.Oxlad, Junior, 1673. fol.
Wing J1276.
BM; Harv, NYP, Folg, LC, Newberry, Hunt.
338 Johnsons (Ben) Works V. Ben
[Fol. .... ....]
Entry by the third hand.
See Nos. 44, 45.
339 Kempii (Jo.) Monumenta Vetustatis
[8vo. Lond.1720 6]
John Kemp (1665-1717). Monumenta vetustatis Kempiana, ex vetustis scriptoribus illustrata, eosque vicissim illustrantia. [Ed. by R.Ainworth and J.Ward.] Londini, typis Danielis Bridge. Veneunt Paulo Vaillant; G. & J.Innys; & J.Osborn, 1720. 8vo.
BM; Harv.
340 Kennett's (Basil) Lives of ye Ancient Grecian Poets
[8vo. Ib.1697. 11]
Basil Kennett (1674-1715). The lives and characters of the ancient Grecian poets. London, for Abel Swall, 1697. 8vo.
Wing K297.
BM; Harv, NYP, LC, Cincinnati, Newberry, Clark.
341 —— Antiquities of Rome
[8vo. Ib.1696. 11]
Rom antiqu notitia: or, The antiquities of Rome. In two parts. I.Ashort history of the rise, progress, and decay of the commonwealth. II.Adescription of the city. An account of the religion, civil government, and art of war; with the remarkable customs and ceremonies, public and private. London, A.Swall and T.Child, 1696. 8vo.
Wing K298.
BM; Princeton, Newberry, Clark.
342 Killigrew's (Tho) 5 Plays
[Fol. Ib.1664. 9]
Thomas Killigrew, the Elder (1612-1683). Comedies, and tragedies. London, for Henry Herringman, 1664. fol.
Wing K450.
BM; Harv, NYP, Folg, LC, Newberry, Texas, Hunt.
A copy of this edition was item No. 341 in the Leeds Sale, 1930.
343 Lucan's Pharsalia Translated into Eng. Verse by N.Rowe Large Paper
[Fol. Lond.1718. 16]
Marcus Annus Lucanus (A.D. 39-65). Lucan's Pharsalia. Translated into English verse by Nicholas Rowe, Esq. London, J.Tonson, 1718. fol.
BM; Harv, NYP, Folg, LC, Newberry, Hunt.
A copy of this edition was listed under No. 1140 in the Hornby Castle Sale, 1930. Congreve's name appears in the printed list of subscribers.
344 Lucanus de Bello Civili cum Variorum Notis, accurante Schrevelio
[8vo. Lugd Bat 1669 7]
M. Annus Lucanus de bello civili . . . notis integris & variorum selectiss. Accurante Corn. Schrevelio. Lugd[uni] Batav[orum] et Roterod[ami], ex officina Hackiana, 1669. 8vo.
BM; Harv, NYP, Cincinnati, Michigan.
345 Lucain Pharsale de Mr. de Brebeuf
[12mo. Haye 1700. 24]
Georges de Brbeuf (1617?-1661). La Pharsale de Lucain ... en vers franois. La Haye, chez A.Leers, 1683.12.
BM; Princeton.
A copy of a 1700 edition has not been found.
346 Lucan's Pharsalia Eng. by Tho. May
[12mo. Lond.1635 6]
Lucan's Pharsalia: or, The civil warres of Rome, between Pompey the Great and Julius Csar. The whole ten bookes, Englished by Thomas May, Esquire. The third edition, corrected by the author. London, A.M[athewes], sold by Will: Sheares, 1635. 8vo.
STC 16889.
BM; Harv, Folg, LC, Chicago, Hunt.
Perhaps Congreve's edition (listed as 12mo) was misjudged because it is small for 8vo.
347 Lloydii Dictionarium vide Diction. Historicum
[—— .... 9]
See No. 180.
348 Locke's (Jno.) Essay concerning Human Understanding 3d. Edit[.]
[Fol. Lond.1695. 9]
John Locke (1632-1704). An essay concerning humane understanding, in four books. ... The third edition. London, for Awnsham and John Churchil, and Samuel Manship, 1695. fol.
Wing L2741.
BM; Harv, NYP.
349 —— Posthumous Works
[8vo. Ib.1706. 33]
Posthumous works. . . . To which is added, VI. His new method of a common-place-book, written originally in French, and now translated into English. London, by W.B. for A.and J.Churchill, 1706. 8vo.
BM; Harv, NYP, Hunt.
350 Lysis, ye Extravagant Shepherd, an Anti-Romance
[Fol. Ib.1654. 9]
Charles Sorel, Sieur de Souvigny (1597?-1674). The extravagant shepherd: or, The history of the shepherd Lysis. An anti-romance; written originally in French, and now made English. London, by T.Newcomb for Thomas Heath, 1654. fol.
Wing S4704.
Bodleian; Harv, LC, Newberry, Hunt.
For the French original see No. 54.
351 Longinus de Sublimitate. Cur Jac. Tollii
[4to. Traj.ad Rhen.1694 22]
Dionysii Longini de sublimitate commentarius, ceteraque qu reperiri potuere. ... Jacobus Tollius ... emendavit. Trajecti ad Rhenum, ex officin Francisci Halma, 1694. 4to.
BM; Harv, LC, Newberry.
352 Lucretii Cari de Rerum Natur, cum variis Lectionibus. Ch. Maj.
[4to. Lond 1712. 17]
Titus Lucretius Carus (94?-55? B.C.). Titi Lucretii Cari De rerum natura libri sex. ... Accesserunt vari lectiones. Londini, sumptibus & typis Jacobi Tonson, 1712. 4to.
BM; Harv, NYP, LC, Chicago.
353 —— Idem cum Notis Tho. Creech.
[8vo. Oxon.1695. 7]
Titi Lucretii Cari de rerum natura libri sex: quibus interpretationem et notas addidit Thomas Creech. Oxonii, etheatro Sheldoniano, impensis Ab. Swall, & Tim. Child, 1695. 8vo.
Wing L3445.
BM; Harv, NYP, Chicago, California.
354 —— Idem cum Interpretatione Galli- =c, ad postremam Giffanii Emen =dationem restitutus
[8vo. Paris 1659. 7]
Titi Lucretii Cari de rerum natura libri sex. Ad postremam Oberti Gifanii I.C. emendationem. Luteti Parisiorum, apud Guillelmum de Luyne, 1659. 8vo.
BM; Pennsylvania.
355 —— Idem. Foliis deauratis. apd. Tonson
[12mo. Lond.1713. 24]
Titi Lucretii Cari de rerum natura libri sex. Londini, ex officin Jacobi Tonson, & Johannis Watts, 1713. 12mo.
BM; Harv, Johns Hopkins, Reed College (Oregon).
356 Lucien Oeuvres de Sr. D'Ablancourt 2 Tom[.]
[4to. Paris 1655 22]
Lucian of Samosata (b. c. A.D. 120). Lucien de la traduction de N.Perrot, Sr. d'Ablancourt. AParis, chez A.Courb, 1655. 2 tom. 4to.
BN; Yale, LC, Iowa.
357 —— avec Annot. de J. Baudoin
[4to. Ib._ 14]
Les [oe]uvres de Lucian de Samosate autheur Grec de nouveau traduites en Franois ... par J.B. [Jean Baudoin], AParis, chez Jean Richer, [1613]. 4to.
358 Lees (Nat.) Plays
[4to. Lond _ 28]
Nathaniel Lee (1653?-1692). The works of Mr. Nathaniel Lee, in one volume. London, for R.Bentley, 1694. 4to.
Wing L845A.
Bodleian; Harv.
Another possibility: London, for Richard Bentley and S.Magnes, 1687. 4to. Wing L845—Clark.
359 Lilly's (Wm.) Prophecies
[4to. Ib.1644. 8]
William Lilly (1602-1681). England's propheticall Merline, foretelling to all nations of Europe until 1663 the actions depending upon the influence of the conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter, 1642 3. By William Lilly, student in astrologie. London, by John Raworth, for John Partridge, 1644. 4to.
Wing L2221.
BM; Harv, NYP, Folg, Newberry, Hunt.
360 Ld Lansdown's (Granville) Poems
[8vo. Ib.1712. 20]
George Granville, Baron Lansdowne (1667-1735). Poems upon several occasions. London, for J.Tonson, 1712. 8vo.
A copy of this edition was item No. 273 in the Leeds Sale, 1930.
BM; Harv, NYP, Folg, Newberry, Hunt.
361 Lactantii Opera omnia
[8vo. Cantabr.1685. 14]
Caecilius Firmianus Lactantius (A.D. 250?-317?). Lucii Coelii Lactantii Firmiani opera, qu extant omnia. Cantabrigi, ex officin Johan. Hayes, impensis Hen. Dickinson, & Rich. Green, 1685. 8vo.
Wing L140.
BM; Harv, Hunt.
362 Livii Historiarum quod exstat. Ex Recensione Gronovii
[12mo. Amsterd 1678 6]
Titus Livius (59 B.C.-A.D. 17). Titi Livii historiarum libri, quot extent. Ex recensione J.F. Gronovii. Amstelodami, apud Danielem Elzevirium, 1678. 12mo.
BM; Harv, Free Library (Philadelphia), Newberry.
363 —— Tomus 1. Gronovii
[12mo. Lugd Bat 1654 5]
Titi Livii historiarum libri ex recensione J.F. Gronovii. 3 tom. Lugd [uni] Batavorum, ex officin Elzevirian, 1654. 12mo.
BM; Harv, NYP (v. 2 only), Oberlin, Newberry.
364 Lipsius de Constantia - - - apd. Plantin
[4to. Antv.1584 7]
Justus Lipsius (1547-1606). Justi Lipsi de constantia libri duo. Antverpiae, apud Christophorum Plantinum, 1584. 4to.
BM; Harv, Oregon.
365 Life of Pythagoras Translated from the French Edit. of Mr. Dacier. With the Golden Verses, from ye Greek, by Nic. Rowe Large Paper
[8vo. Lond 1707. 13]
Andr Dacier (1651-1722). The life of Pythagoras, with his symbols and golden verses. By M.Dacier. ... Now done into English ... by N.Rowe, Esq. London, for J.Tonson, 1707. 8vo.
BM; Harv, NYP, LC, Michigan, Hunt.
See No. 631 for the French source of Rowe's translation.
366 —— of Almanzor wth: ye History of ye Conquest of Spain by the Moors
[8vo. Ib.1695. 8]
Miguel de Luna (fl. 1600).
A copy of a 1695 edition has not been found. Acopy of a 1693 edition may be consulted at BM; Harv, Michigan.
367 Lives and Characters of ye English Dram: Poets. 2 Vols. Large Paper
[8vo. Ib.1719. 28]
Giles Jacob (1686-1744). The poetical register: or, The lives and characters of the English dramatick poets. London, for Edmund Curll, 1719. 8vo.
An historical account of the lives and writings of our most considerable English poets. London, for Edmund Curll, 1720. 8vo.
BM; Harv, Folg, LC, Ohio State, Hunt.
The Poetical Register, 8vo, 1719, was a part of item No. 414 in the Leeds Sale, 1930.
368 Lives of the Grecian Poets
[8vo Lond.1709 ....]
Entry by the third hand.
See No. 340 for what may be an earlier edition.
No copy of a 1709 edition has been found.
369 Littlebury's Herodotus 2 Vols.
[8. Ib.1720. 13]
See No. 286.
370 Lambs Cookery Vide Compleat Court Cook
[—— .... 32]
See No. 110.
371 Liturgia Ecclesi Anglican Grc
[8vo. Cantabr 1665. 14]
A Greek translation of the Book of Common Prayer of 1662, by James Duport, Dean of Peterborough (1606-1679). Published at Cambridge by the University printer, John Field, 1665.
Wing B3632.
BM; NYP, Divinity School of the Protestant Episcopal Church (Philadelphia).
Congreve's copy, with the inscription "Ex libris Gulielmi: Congreve," is owned by the Reverend J.F. Gerrard, Wigan, England.
372 Lettres Historiques et Galantes p Mad. de C.{xxx} 4 Tom Lent to Ds. M-h.
[12mo. Colon 1710 26]
Anne Marguerite Petit Du Noyer (1663-1719). Lettres historiques et galantes. ACologne, chez Pierre Marteau, 1707-1718. 7 tom. 12mo.
Perhaps Congreve had the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth volumes, dated 1710, 1711, 1712, 1713.
373 —— Persanes 2 Tom[.]
[12mo. Ib.1721. 26]
[Charles Louis de Secondat, Baron de la Brde et de Montesquieu (1689-1755).]
Lettres Persanes. Seconde edition. 2 tom. Cologne, chez Pierre Marteau, 1721. 12mo.
BM; Harv, NYP.
374 Lettres sur Les Anglois et les francois
[12mo. Cologn 1725 30]
Entry by the second hand.
[Beat Louis de Muralt (1665-1749)]. Lettres sur les Anglois et les Franois. Et sur les voiages. ACologne, [no publisher given] 1725. 12mo.
BM; NYP, Cleveland Public, Michigan, Hunt.
375 Mezzo Tinto Prints by J. Smith Large Papr.
[Fol. —- 10]
No copy of a folio volume of prints by John Smith (1652-1742) has been found. Congreve probably made a collection of Smith's prints and had them bound.
376 Montaigne (Seignr. de) Essais
[Fol. Paris 1658. 15]
Michel Eyquem de Montaigne (1533-1592). Essais. ... Avec augmentation de la version franoise des passages italiens. Nouv. d. AParis, E.Couterot (or P.Le Petit, etc.), 1657. fol.
BM; Harv, LC.
No copy of a folio edition, Paris, 1658, has been found.
377 —— Essais 3 Tom[.]
[12mo. Ib.1659. 5]
Les essais de Michel de Montaigne. A Paris, chez Christophle Journel (or L.Rondet), 1659. 3 tom. 12mo.
BN; Harv, Princeton.
378 —— Ditto. 3 Tom[.]
[12mo. Bourdeaux 1582 6]
Essais . . . edition seconde, reveu & augmente. ABourdeaus, impr. de S.Millanges, 1582. 2 tom. en 1. Small 8vo.
BM; Harv, NYP.
379 —— English by Cha. Cotton 3 Vols[.]
[8vo. Lond.1695. 12]
Essays. . . . Made English by Charles Cotton. London, for M.Gilliflower, W.Heusman, R.Bentley, and J.Hindmarsh, 1693. 3 vol. 8vo.
BM; Harv.
Congreve's copy probably belonged to the second edition, 1693. No copy of a 1695 edition has been found, and the edition of 1700 is called the third.
380 Milton's (Jno.) Poetical Works in 2 Vols Large Paper
[4to. Lond.1720. 17]
John Milton (1608-1674). The poetical works. London, for Jacob Tonson, 1720. 2 vol. 4to.
BM; Harv, NYP, Folg, Newberry.
A copy of this edition was listed under No. 1153 in the Hornby Castle Sale, 1930.
381 —— Ditto 3 Vols. with Cuts Large Paper
[8vo. Ib.1705. 19]
Paradise Lost . . . seventh edition, adorn'd with sculptures. 2 vol. London, for Jacob Tonson, 1705. 8vo.
382 Malebranche de la Recherche de la Verit
[4to. Paris 1712 2]
Nicholas Malebranche (1638-1715). De la recherche de la verit, o l'on traitte de la nature de l'esprit de l'homme, & de l'usage qu'il en doit faire pour viter l'erreur dans les sciences. 6{e} d. AParis, chez Michel David, 1712. 2 tom. enlarged 4to.
BN; Harv.
383 Musarum Anglicanarum Analecta. 2 Vol. Charta Maj.
[8vo. Oxon 1699. 19]
Musarum Anglicanarum analecta . . . in duo volumina congesta. Oxon., etheatro Sheldoniano, impensis J.Crosley, 1699. 2 vol. 8vo.
Wing M3136.
BM; Newberry, Texas, Hunt.
384 Milbourne's (Luke) Notes on Mr Dryden's Virgil
[8vo. Lond.1698. 8]
Luke Milbourne (1649-1720). Notes on Dryden's Virgil. In a letter to a friend. With an essay on the same poet. London, for R.Clavill, 1698. 8vo.
Wing M2035.
BM; Harv, Folg, LC, Newberry, Clark.
385 Manilius's Astronomy & Astrology, done into Eng. Verse, wth: Notes
[8vo. Ib.1697. 20]
Marcus Manilius (fl. A.D. 9). The five books of M.Manilius, containing a system of the ancient astronomy and astrology: together with the philosophy of the Stoicks. Done into English verse. With notes [by T.C., i.e. T.Creech]. London, for Jacob Tonson, 1697. 8vo.
Wing M430.
BM; Harv, NYP, Folg, LC, Miami (Ohio), Hunt.
386 Moore's (Sir Jonas) Treatise of Artillery or great Ordnance
[8vo. Ib.1683. 8]
Sir Jonas Moore (1617-1679). A general treatise of artillery ... writ in Italian by Tomaso Moretti, ... translated ... by Sir Jonas Moore. London, by A.G. and J.P. for Obadiah Blagrave, 1683. 8vo.
Wing M2726.
BM; Clark.
387 Molyneux's (Wm) Case of Ireland's being bound by Acts of Parl. in Engld. Stated
[8vo. Dublin 1698. 8]
William Molyneux (1656-1698). The case of Ireland's being bound by acts of Parliament in England, stated. Dublin, by Joseph Ray, 1698. 8vo.
Wing M2402.
BM; Harv, NYP, Hunt.
Another octavo edition: Dublin, by and for J.R. And are to be sold by Rob. Clavel, and A. and J.Churchil, booksellers in London, 1698. (Wing M2403—Cambridge;LC)
388 Menandri et Philemonis Reliqui Gr. Lat. cum Notis Hug. Grotii et Jo. Clerici
[8vo. Amsterd 1709. 7]
Menander (342?-291? B.C.) and Philemon (361?-263? B.C.). Menandri et Philemonis reliqui ... cum notis Hugonis Grotii et Joannis Clerici. Amstelodami, apud Thomam Lombrail, 1709. 8vo.
BM; Harv, LC, Michigan.
389 de la Motte Fables Nouvelles
[8vo. Paris 1719. 30]
Antoine Houdar de La Motte (1672-1731). Fables nouvelles. AParis, chez Gregoire Depuis, 1719. 12mo.
BN; Harv, NYP.
390 —— Poesies et autres Ouvrages 2 Tom[.]
[12mo. Brux.1707 24]
Posies de Monsieur de la Motte avec un discours sur la posie en general, & sur l'ode en particulier. Suivant la copie de Paris, & se vend, ABruxelles, chez les Frres t'Serstevens, 1707. Small 8vo.
Biblioteca Marucelliana (Florence).
391 —— l'Iliade, Poeme, avec un Discours Sur Homere
[8vo. Paris 1714. 18]
A Paris, chez Gregoire Depuis, 1714. 8vo.
Bodleian; LC.
392 Marzio Coriolano Drama p Musica
[12mo. Ven.1698. 30]
Matteo Noris (c. 1640-1708). Marzio Coriolano. Drama per musica. Da rappresentarsi nel famoso teatro di S.Gio: Grisostomo. L'anno 1698. In Venezia, Nicolini, 1698. 12mo.
BN, Biblioteca Nationale Vittoria Emanuele (Rome); LC (Schatz 8303).
393 Moliere Oeuvres 8 Tom. avec Fig. en Taille-douce
[12mo. Paris 1697 25]
Jean Baptiste Poquelin de Molire (1622-1673). Les [oe]uvres de Monsieur de Molire. Reveus, corriges & augmentes. Enrichies de figures en taille-douce. 8 tom. AParis, chez Denys Thierry, Claude Barbin, et Pierre Trabouillet, 1697. 12mo.
BM; Harv, Chicago.
394 Maisons de Campagne de Pline, avec des Remarques p Felibien
[12mo. Lond.1717. 12]
Jean Franois Flibien (c. 1658-1733). Les plans et les descriptions de deux des plus belles maisons de campagne de Pline le Consul. ALondres, chez David Mortier, 1707. 12mo.
Bodleian; Princeton.
Perhaps Congreve's "1717" is an error for "1707." There seems to have been no 1717 edition.
395 Sieurs de Maucroy et de la Fontaine Ouvrages de Prose et de Posie
[12mo. Amst.1688 12]
Franois de Maucroix (1619-1708) and Jean de La Fontaine (1621-1695). Ouvrages de prose et de posie. AAmsterdam, chez Pierre Mortier. 1688. 12mo.
BN; Yale, LC.
396 Miege's State of Denmark
[12mo. Lond 1683 8]
Guy Miege (1644-1718?). The present state of Denmark. London, for Tho. Basset, 1683. 8vo.
Wing M2024.
397 Malthus's Treatise of Artificial Fireworks
[8vo. Ib.1629. 6]
Francis Malthus (Franois de Malthe). A treatise of artificial fireworks both for warres and recreation: with divers pleasant geometrical observations, fortifications, and arithmeticall examples. ... Englished by the author Tho: [or rather Fra:] Malthus. London, for Richard Hawkins, 1629. 8vo.
STC 17217.
BM; Harv, Folg, Hunt.
398 Meursii Eleganti Latini Sermonis
[12mo. ——— 24]
Nicholas Chorier (1612-1692). Joannis Meursii eleganti latini sermonis. [No place or date. Perhaps 1680. Wrongly attributed to Johannes van Meurs.] 12mo.
Bodleian; Chicago.
399 Macrobii Opera cum Notis Pontani 3 Vol.
[8vo. Lugd.Bat.1628 7]
Ambrosius Theodosius Macrobius (fl. c. A.D. 400). Aur. Theodosii Macrobii ... opera. Joh Isacius Pontanus secundo recensuit: adjectis ad libros singulos notis. Lugduni Batavorum, ex officin Joannis Maire, 1628. 8vo.
BM; Harv.
400 Management of ye War 2 Parts, with other Pamphlets
[8vo. Lond.1711. 33]
[Francis Hare, Bishop of Chichester (1671-1740)]. The management of the war. In a letter to a Tory-member. London, for A.Baldwin, 1711. 8vo.
BM; Harv, NYP, Newberry.
A second pamphlet with the same title was soon published by A.Baldwin "In a second letter to a Tory-member," and each was issued several times during 1711.
401 Minsheu's Spanish & Eng. Dictionary vide Dictionary
[.... ——- 2]
See No. 181.
402 May's Lucan see Lucan &c[.]
[.... .... 6]
See No. 346.
403 Moivre's Doctrine of Chances
[4to. Lond.1718. 2]
See No. 205.
404 Memoirs of the Count de Grammont
[8vo Lon 1714 ....]
Entry by the third hand.
Anthony Hamilton (1645?-1719). Memoirs of the life of Count de Grammont. ... Translated from the French by Mr. Boyer. London, J.Round, W.Taylor, J.Brown, W.Lewis, and J.Graves, 1714. 8vo.
BM; Harv, Newberry.
405 Miscellanies bound together Vizt.
[4to. —— 28]
a b Mother Shipton — Tales of c ye Fairies — Dr. Merryman d Hist. of Hercules of Greece e —— of Sir. Jno. Hawkwood f —— of Dorastus & Fawnia g —— of ye Gentle Craft h —— of ye Destruction of Troy i —— of ye Eng. Rogue j —— of Captain Hind k —— of Sir. Jno. Mandevile
Number 405 probably included the following:
(a) Richard Head (1637?-1686?). The life and death of Mother Shipton. London, for B.Harris, 1677. 4to.
Wing H1257—Hunt. (Or one of the quartos of 1684, 1687, or 1694.)
(b) Marie Catherine Jumelle de Berneville, Comtesse d'Aulnoy (d. 1705). Tales of the fairys. Translated from the French. London, for C.Cockerill, 1699. (Term Catalogues, III, 123, but described as in "twelves.")
(c) S[amuel] R[owlands] (1570?-1630?). Doctor Merry-man: or, Nothing but mirth. London, for F.Coles, T.Vere, J.Wright, J.Clarke, W.Thackeray, and T.Passinger, 1681. 4to.
Wing R2083—BM; Hunt. (Or one of the quartos of 1609, 1616, 1618, 1619, 1627, 1657, or 1671.)
(d) The famous and renowned history of the life and glorious actions of the mighty Hercules of Greece. [London, 1710?]. BM; Folg. (The Folger has a second undated copy printed for S.Bates, probably about 1719.)
(e) Sir John de Hawkwood (d. 1394). The honour of the taylors; or, The famous and renowned history of Sir John Hawkwood. London, by Alexander Milbourn, for William Whitwood, 1687. 4to.
Wing H2599.
BM; Yale, Newberry, Hunt.
(f) Robert Greene (1560?-1592). The plesant historie of Dorastus and Fawnia. London, for F.Faulkner, 1636. 4to. STC 12292—BM; Folg, Hunt. (Or one of the quartos of 1648, 1655, 1664, 1677, 1684, 1688, 1694, or 1703.)
(g) Thomas Deloney (1543?-1600). The plesant and princely history of the gentle craft. [London,] P.Wilde and sold by P.Brooksby, J.Deacon, J.Back, J.Blare, and E.Tracy, 1696.
Wing D962—Bodleian; Newberry. (Or one of the many earlier quartos.)
(h) Raoul Le Fvre (fl. 1460). The auncient historie, of the destruction of Troy. ... Translated from the French into English by W.Caxton. London, by Thomas Creede, 1596. 4to.
STC 15379—Bodleian; Folg, LC, Hunt. (Or one of the many quartos of the next century and a quarter.)
(i) Richard Head (1637?-1686?). The life and death of the English rogue. London, for Eben. Tracy, [1700?]. 4to.
Wing H1263.
BM; Clark.
(j) We have brought our hogs to a fair market; or, Strange news from New-Gate; being a most plesant and historical narrative of Captain J[ames] H[ind]. London, for George Horton, 1651. 4to.
Wing W1178.
BM; Hunt.
(k) Sir John Mandeville (1300?-1372). The voyages and travels of Sir John Mandeville, knight: wherein is set down the way to the Holy Land, and to Hierusalem. London, by A.Wilde, for G.Conyers and A.Bettesworth, 1722. 4to.
Bodleian; Harv, NYP, Library Company of Philadelphia (Ridgway Branch), Michigan. (Or any of the earlier quartos.)
406 —— bound together Vizt.
[4to —- 27]
a Dryden's Essay on Dram. Poetry b Horace's Art of Poetry by ye E. of Roscommon—and c the Rehearsal
This specially bound collection of three quartos, with Congreve's signature on each of the three title pages, was item No. 209 in the Leeds Sale, 1930. Since the dates on these title pages are 1684, 1684, and 1687, the quartos could have been only the following:
(a) Of dramatick poesie, an essay. By John Dryden. London, for Henry Herringman, 1684. 4to.
Wing D2328.
BM; Harv, Folg, Chicago, Hunt.
(b) Horace's Art of poetry. Made English by the Right Honourable the Earl of Roscommon. London, for Henry Herringman, and sold by Joseph Knight and Francis Saunders, 1684. 4to.
Wing H2769.
BM; Harv, Princeton, Illinois, Hunt.
(c) The rehearsal. . . . The fifth edition. London, for Thomas Dring, and sold by John Newton, 1687. 4to.
Wing B5327.
BM; Harv, NYP, Folg, Texas, Hunt.
407 —— bound together Vizt.
[4to. —- 28]
a A mad World my Masters b c Cupid's Revenge — Merry d Wives of Windsor — Byron's e Conspiracy — Chapman's Homer, f and Heliodorus's History in Verse by Wm Lisle
Number 407 probably included the following:
(a) Thomas Middleton's A mad world my masters, in a quarto of 1608 (STC 17888—BM; Harv, NYP, Folg, Hunt) or of 1640 (STC 17889—BM; Harv, Folg, Newberry, Texas, Hunt). No. 490 indicates that the reference here is to Middleton's play rather than to Breton's dialogue (STC 3667).
(b) Beaumont and Fletcher's Cupid's revenge, in a quarto of 1615 (STC 1667—BM; Harv, Hunt), of 1630 (STC 1668—BM; Harv, Folg, Newberry, Texas, Hunt), or of 1635 (STC 1669—Bodleian; Harv, NYP, Folg, LC, Newberry, Hunt).
(c) Shakespeare's The merry wives of Windsor, in the 1630 quarto (STC 22301—BM; Harv, NYP, Folg, Hunt). Also possible, but less likely because of the wording of the titles, are the quartos of 1602 (STC 22299—BM; Folg, Hunt) and 1619 (STC 22300—BM; Harv, Folg, Hunt).
(d) George Chapman's The conspiracie, and tragedie of Charles Duke of Byron, Marshall of France, in a quarto of 1608 (STC 4968—BM; Harv, Folg. Illinois, Texas, Hunt) or of 1625 (STC 4969—BM; Harv, Folg, LC, Newberry, Hunt).
(e) George Chapman's Seaven bookes of the Iliades of Homere, prince of poets. London, by John Windet, 1598. 4to.
STC 13632.
BM; Harv, NYP, Folg, Hunt.
(f) The famous historie of Heliodorus. Amplified, augmented, and delivered paraphrastically in verse; by ... William Lisle. London, by John Dawson for Francis Eglesfield, 1638. 4to.
STC 13048.
BM; Yale, Folg, Newberry, Hunt.
408 —— bound together Vizt.
[12mo. Lond. 30]
Merry Wives of Windsor King Henry IV. 2 parts Julius Caesar — Hamlet & Othello Moor of Venice
The sequel of Henry the Fourth: with the humours of Sir John Falstaffe, and Justice Shallow. ... Alter'd from Shakespeare, by the late Mr. Betterton. London, for W.Chetwood, and T.Jauncey, [c. 1720]. 8vo.
BM; Yale, Folg, Hunt.
Since The sequel was the only "second" part of Henry IV available before Congreve's death, it must have been one of the six plays in No. 408. The other five, as Dr. Giles Dawson of the Folger Shakespeare Library has kindly pointed out, were all available about 1720-1721 in the second edition of the T.Johnson octavos and may be consulted at the Folger Library. Furthermore, these octavos were small, about the size of the duodecimos of the period, and would have fitted well with The sequel into a volume which might easily have been classified according to size as 12mo.
409 Miscellaneous Poems & Translations vizt. Statius Thebais&c.
[8vo. Lond.1712. 20]
Miscellaneous poems and translations. By several hands. London, for Bernard Lintott, 1712. 8vo. [Begins with Pope's trans. of the Thebais of Statius and ends with Pope's Rape of the Lock.]
Case 260 (i) (a).
BM; Harv, NYP, Folg, Newberry, Hunt.
410 —— Poems vizt. Temple of Death &c[.]
[8vo. Ib.1701. 20]
A collection of poems: viz. The temple of death: by the Marquis of Normanby ... &c. London, for Daniel Brown and Benjamin Tooke, 1701. 8vo. [Congreve's Epilogue to Oroonko is printed on pp. 280-2.]
Case 151 (e).
BM; Yale, Folg, LC, Newberry, Texas, Clark.
411 —— Poems by ye D. of Bucks Cowley &c[.]
[8vo. Ib.1692. 20]
[Charles Gildon (1665-1724)]. Miscellany poems upon several occasions: consisting of original poems, by the late Duke of Buckingham, Mr. Cowley, Mr. Milton, Mr. Prior, Mrs. Behn, Mr. Tho. Brown, &c. London, for Peter Buck, 1692. 8vo. [Contains some of Congreve's earliest printed work, including "Upon a Lady's Singing, Pindarick Ode, by Mr. Congreve," pp. 35-40. Other poems that may be Congreve's are "The Decoy, aSong: By W.C.," pp. 64-65, and "The Masque, aSong: By W.C.," pp. 71-72.]
Wing G733A; Case 197.
BM; Harv, Folg, Newberry, Texas, Clark.
412 —— Poems by Oxford & Cambride Hands
[8vo. —- 20]
Possibly the same as No. 446 (or the issue of [1709]).
413 —— Poems on ye Victories of Blenheim & Ramil- -lies by ye most Eminent Hands
[Fol London 1708. 15]
No. 413 was apparently a specially bound volume made up of Addison's Campaign (which had appeared twice in 1705 and again in 1708), Congreve's APindarique Ode on the Victorious Progress of her Majesties Arms (1706), and other poems. In Sotheby's catalogue for the Leeds Sale, 1930, item No. 5 reads as follows: "Addison (J.), William Congreve and others. ACollection of Poems ... upon the Victories of Blenheim and Ramillies, panelled calf. folio. 1708." And perhaps it was this same unique volume that Sotheby advertised for sale on 23 November 1931: "ACollection of Poems ... upon the Victories of Blenheim and Ramilies. By the most Eminent Hands, 1708." (CHEL, II, 188)
414 —— Poems by Mr. Steele
[8vo Lond.1714 ....]
Entry by the third hand.
See No. 568.
415 —— Tea-Table
[24to .... ....]
Entry by the third hand.
Allan Ramsay (1686-1758). The tea-table miscellany. Edinburgh, by Mr. Thomas Ruddiman, for Allan Ramsey, 1724. Small 12mo.
Case 333.
Leeds; LC, Hunt.
416 Microcosmographie or Characters
[24to Lond.1629 ....]
Entry by the third hand.
See No. 231, an entry by the first hand, which lists Congreve's copy of the Microcosmographie (1629) as 12mo. This entry by the third hand (No. 416) probably refers to the copy mentioned in No. 231, and no doubt errs in giving the format as 24to. The seven known editions of the Microcosmographie between 1628 and 1638 are all in 12mo.
417 Miscellaneous Letters & Essays
[8vo. Lond.1694. 8]
[Charles Gildon, 1665-1724.] Miscellaneous letters and essays, on several subjects. Philosophical, moral, historical, critical, amorous, &c. in prose and verse. Directed to John Dryden, Esq; the Honourable Geo. Granville, Esq; Walter Moyle, Esq; Mr. Dennis, Mr. Congreve, and other eminent men of the age. By several gentlemen and ladies. London, for Benjamin Bragg, 1694. 8vo.
Wing G732.
BM; Harv, NYP, Folg, Newberry, Hunt.
418 Miscellanies in Prose & Verse See Dr Swift's
[.... - - —— 28]
See No. 553.
419 Medicina Statica vide Sanctorius
[.... .... 4]
See No. 563.
420 Miscellanies, Pope & Swift - 3 vol.
[8{vo}. Lond:1727. 27]
Entry by the second hand.
Miscellanies in prose and verse. London, for Benjamin Motte, 1727. 8vo. [The fourth and fifth volumes appeared in 1732 and 1735, after Congreve's death.]
Case 343-344(?).
BM; Harv, NYP, LC, Newberry, Hunt.
421 Newton's (Sir Isaac) Opticks
[4to. London 1704. 2]
Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727). Opticks: or, Atreatise of the reflexions, refractions, inflexions and colours of light. London, Sam. Smith, and Benj. Walford, 1704. 4to.
BM; Harv, NYP, Folg, LC, Illinois, Hunt.
A copy of this edition was item No. 469 in the Leeds Sale, 1930.
422 Nature of Man, a Poem. L. Paper[.]
[8vo. Ib.1711. 28]
[Sir Richard Blackmore (d. 1729)]. The nature of man. Apoem. In three books. London, for Sam. Buckley, and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, 1711. 8vo.
BM; Harv, Newberry, Clark.
423 Nereides, Sea Eclogues
[8vo. Ib.1712. 20]
[William Diaper (d. 1717)]. Nereides: or, Sea-eclogues. London, by J.H. for E.Sanger, 1712. 8vo. [Poetic dedication to Congreve.]
BM; Harv, LC, Newberry.
A copy of this edition was item No. 190 in the Leeds Sale, 1930.
424 Natalis Comitis Mythologi Libri X
[8vo. Genev.1651 7]
Natale Conti (1520?-1580?). Natalis Comitis Mythologi, sive Explicationis fabularum, libri decem. Genev, sumptibus Petri Chout, 1651. 8vo.
BM; Yale, Washington and Lee, Chicago.
425 Nouvelles toutes Nouvelles
[12mo. Amsterd 1710. 26]
Chevalier de Mailly (d. c. 1724). Nouvelles toutes nouvelles, par M.D. L.C. AAmsterdam, aux dpens d'Estienne Roger, 1710. 12mo.
BM; Minnesota.
426 Newton's Chronology, unbound
[4to Lon.1728 ....]
Entry by the third hand.
Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727). The chronology of ancient kingdoms amended. London, for J.Tonson, and J.Osborn and T.Longman, 1728. 4to.
BM; Harv, NYP, LC, Newberry, Hunt.
427 Ovid's Metamorphoses in XV. Books: Translated by ye most Eminent Hands: and adorn'd wth. Sculptures. Large Paper
[Fol. Lond.1717. 16]
Publius Ovidius Naso (43 B.C.-A.D. 17). Ovid's metamorphoses in fifteen books. Translated by the most eminent hands. [J.Dryden, J.Addison, W.Congreve, etc.]. London, for Jacob Tonson, 1717. fol.
Case 298.
BM; Harv, Folg, Newberry, Hunt.
A copy of this large paper edition was item No. 486 in the Leeds Sale, 1930. Congreve translated a part of BookX.
428 —— Ditto Translated by G. Sandys
[Fol. Ib.1640. 15]
Ovids metamorphosis Englished, mythologiz'd, and represented in figures. ... By G[eorge] S[andys]. London, J.L[egatt] for Andrew Hebb, 1640. fol.
STC 18968.
BM; Harv, NYP, Folg, LC, Illinois, Hunt.
429 —— Art of Love, Together with his Remedy of Love &c Translated into Eng. Verse By Eminent Hands - & adorn'd wth. Cuts. Large Papr.
[8vo. Ib.1709. 28]
Ovid's Art of love. In three books. Together with his remedy of love. Translated into English verse by several eminent hands [J.Dryden, W.Congreve, and N.Tate.] Adorn'd with cuts. London, for Jacob Tonson, 1709. 8vo.
Case 252.
BM; Harv, Folg, Clark.
Congreve translated Book III of the Art of Love, pp. 179-267.
430 —— Ditto. Small Paper
[8vo. Ib.1709. 20]
See No. 429.
431 —— Epistles Translated by Several Hands
[8vo. Ib.1681. 20]
Ovid's epistles, translated by several hands. [Preface by Dryden.] The second edition, with the addition of a new epistle. London, for Jacob Tonson, 1681. 8vo.
Wing O660.
BM; Harv, Folg, Michigan, Clark.
432 Ovidii Elegiarum sive Amorum Libri
[——— .... 6]
P. Ovidii Nasonis amorum libri tres. Cum interpretatione gallica et recentioribus notis. Luteti Parisorum, apud viduam Petri Lamy, 1661. 8vo.
BM; Yale, Columbia, Iowa.
433 —— Opera 3 Vol. Foliis deauratis. apud. Jac. Tonson
[12mo. Ib.1715 24]
P. Ovidii Nasonis opera tribus tomis comprehensa. Londini, ex officin Jacobi Tonson, & Johannis Watts, 1715. 12mo.
BM; Harv, Pennsylvania, Chicago.
434 —— his Art of Love English'd; wth: ye Loves of Hero & Leander a Mock Poem
[12mo. Ib.1684. 20]
Ovid de arte amandi, and The remedy of love Englished. As also The loves of Hero and leander, amock poem: together with choice poems, and rare pieces of drollery. London, printed in the year 1684. 12mo.
Wing O653.
Yale, Folg.
435 Ogelby off the Roads
[8vo Lond.1727 4]
Entry by the second hand.
John Ogilby (1600-1676). Britannia depicta or Ogilby improv'd; being a correct copy of Mr. Ogilby's actual survey of all ye direct & principal cross roads in England and Wales. London, Tho. Bowles, 1720. 8vo.
BM; Harv, NYP, LC, Newberry.
A copy of a 1727 edition has not been located.
436 Olearius's Travels, by Davis; V. Ambassador's
[Fol. Lond.1669 ....]
Entry by the third hand.
See No. 4.
437 Ovidii Amorum Lib.
[8vo .... ....]
Entry by the third hand.
See No. 432.
438 Oak and Dunghill, a Fable
[Fol. Ib.1728 ....]
Entry by the third hand.
[William Broome (1689-1745?)]. The oak, and the dunghill. Afable in verse. London, J.Roberts, 1728. fol.
BM; Harv, Illinois.
439 Ocean, an Ode
[.... Ib.1728 ....]
Entry by the third hand.
Edward Young (1683-1765). Ocean. An ode. Occasion'd by His Majesty's late royal encouragement of the sea-service. ... By the author of The universal passion. London, for Tho. Worrall, 1728. 4to.
BM; Harv, Folg, Newberry, Texas, Clark.
440 Ovington's Voyage to Surat Anno 1689
[8vo. London 1696 28]
John Ovington (1653-1731). A voyage to Suratt, in the year, 1689. London, for Jacob Tonson, 1696. 8vo.
Wing O701.
BM; Yale, NYP, LC, Newberry.
441 Oldham's Works, with his Remains
[8vo. Ib.1686. 20]
John Oldham (1653-1683). The works of Mr. John Oldham, together with his remains. 4 pt. London, for Jo. Hindmarsh, 1686. 8vo.
Brooks 21; Wing O228.
BM; Yale, Folg.
Congreve's copy, with the signature "Will: Congreve" on the title page, was item No. 479 in the Leeds Sale of 1930 (where the date was wrongly given as 1687) and is now in the Yale Library. An examination of this copy shows that it belongs to the last of the three editions of 1686.
442 Oughtred's Circles of Proportion
[8vo. Oxon 1660 8]
William Oughtred (1575-1660). The circles of proportion and the horizontal instrument. Oxford, by W.Hall, for R.Davis, 1660. 8vo.
Wing O572.
BM; Cincinnati, Michigan.
A copy of this edition was item No. 485 in the Leeds Sale, 1930.
443 Officiers de Bouche
[8vo. Par.1716. 32]
See No. 240.
444 Otway's (Tho.) Plays
[4to. London 1687. 27]
Thomas Otway (1652-1685). Apparently these "Plays" consisted of separate quartos which Congreve had bound in one volume. Such a volume, with Congreve's signature on the title page, was item No. 484 in the Leeds Sale, 1930. The date assigned to this volume is probably derived from one of the two quartos dated 1687: Alcibiades (Wing O540—BM; Harv, LC, Newberry, Texas, Hunt) and The Souldiers Fortune (Wing O564—BM; Harv, LC, Newberry).
445 Orpheus Britannicus vide Purcell
See No. 462.
446 Oxford & Cambridge Miscellany Poems
[8vo —- 20]
[Elijah Fenton (1683-1730), ed.] Oxford and Cambridge miscellany poems. London, for Bernard Lintott, [1708]. 8vo.
Case 248.
BM; Harv, Folg, LC, Texas.
Lintott brought out another issue in [1709].
NYP, Princeton, LC, Chicago.
447 L: Ortographe Francoise par Ozinde
[4to. Lon.1725 30]
Entry by the second hand.
J. B. Ozinde. Pratique de l'ortographe et de la pronunciation de la langue franoise. ALondres, chez Henry Woodfall, 1725. 8vo.
448 Plauti: Comedi Notis Variorum 4 vol.
[8vo. Amstelmi: 29]
Entry by the second hand.
M. Acci Plauti Com[oe]di. Accedit commentarius ex variorum notis & observationibus, ex recensione Joh. Frederici Gronovii. Editio novissima. Amstelodami, ex typographia Blaviana, 1684. 2 vol. 8vo.
BM, Royal Library (The Hague); NYP, LC, Michigan.
Perhaps Congreve had a copy specially bound in four volumes.
449 Prideaux Connexion of the Old & New Testam[.]
[Fol Lond.1717 ....]
Entry by the third hand crossed through but legible.
See No. 454.
450 Plautus's 3 Comedies made Eng.
[8vo. Lond.1694 20]
Titus Maccius Plautus (254?-184 B.C.). Plautus's comedies, Amphitryon, Epidicus, and Rudens, made English: with critical remarks upon each play. London, for Abel Swalle and T.Child, 1694. 8vo.
Wing P2415.
BM; Harv, NYP, Folg, LC, Newberry, Hunt.
451 Plautii Com[oe]di Notis Lambini. apd. Maceum
[Fol. Paris 1587 16]
M. Accius Plautus ex fide, atque auctoritate complurium librorum manuscriptorum opera Dionys. Lambini emendatus & comentariis explicatus. Luteti [Paris], apud Bartholomum Macum, 1587. fol.
BN; Harv.
A copy of this edition was a part of item No. 417 in the Leeds Sale, 1930.
452 —— Fabul ex Recensione Doussica
[12mo. Franc.1604 5]
Fabul. . . . Ex recensione Dousica, etc. Francofurti, excudebat Joannes Saurius, impensis Petri Kopffij, 1604. 12mo.
BM; Mount Holyoke.
453 Paul's (Father) History of ye Council of Trent. Eng. by Brent
[Fol. Lond.1620. 15]
Paolo Sarpi (1552-1623). The historie of the Councel of Trent. ... Written in Italian ... translated into English by Nathanael Brent. London, Robert Barker and John Bill, 1620. fol.
STC 21761.
BM; Harv, Folg, Newberry, Hunt.
454 Prideaux's (Humph.) Connection of ye Hist. of ye Old & New Testament. 2 Vols[.]
[Fol. Ib.1717. 15]
Humphrey Prideaux (1648-1724). The Old and New Testament connected in the history of the Jews and neighbouring nations. 2 pt. London, for R.Knaplock and J.Tonson, 1717-1718. fol.
BM; Washington and Lee, Indiana.
455 Pembroke's Arcadia, written by Sir Ph. Sidney. With his Life &D.
[Fol Ib.1674. 15]
Sir Philip Sidney (1554-1586). The Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia. The thirteenth edition. London, for George Calvert, 1674. fol.
Wing S3770.
BM; Harv, NYP, Folg, Newberry, Hunt.
A copy of this edition was item No. 600 in the Leeds Sale, 1930.
456 Poet Grac Principes, apd. H. Steph.
[Fol. Paris 1566 15]
Henri Estienne (1528-1598). Poetae grci principes heroici carminis, & alii nonnulli. [Paris], excudebat Henricus Stephanus, 1566. fol.
Royal College of Physicians (London); Harv, LC, Illinois.
457 Pausani accurata Grci De- -scriptio Gr. Lat.
[Fol Hanov 1613 15]
Pausanius (fl. 174 A.D.). Pausani accurata Grci descriptio ... aGuilielmo Xylandro Augustano diligenter recognita. Hanovi, typis Wechelianis, apud hredes Claudi Marnii, 1613. fol.
BM; Harv, NYP, Chicago.
458 Prior's (Mat.) Poems - - Large Papr.
[Fol. Lond 1718 16]
Matthew Prior (1664-1721). Poems on several occasions. L.P. London, for Jacob Tonson, and John Barber, 1718. fol
BM; Harv, NYP, Folg, LC, Newberry, Hunt.
Congreve's name appears in the printed list of subscribers. Acopy of this large paper edition was item No. 522 (also No. 523) in the Leeds Sale, 1930.
459 —— Ditto - - - Small Papr[.]
[Fol. Ib.1718. 15]
See No. 458.
460 —— Ditto
[8vo. Ib.1709. 20]
Poems on several occasions. London, for Jacob Tonson, 1709. 8vo.
BM; Harv, Princeton, Newberry, Texas, Hunt.
A copy of this was item No. 521 in the Leeds Sale, 1930.
461 Poems on Sevl. Occasions by Mrs S.F[.]
[12mo. Ib. _ 20]
S[arah] F[yge Egerton]. Poems on several occasions, together with a pastoral. By Mrs. S.F. London, printed, and are to be sold by J.Nutt, [1710?]. 8vo.
BM; Harv, Folg, Newberry.
An earlier edition, dated 1706, is probably represented by No. 255 above. The pastoral is dedicated to Congreve.
462 Purcell's (Hen.) Orpheus Britannicus. or Collection of Songs 2 Vols[.]
[Fol. Ib.1698. 21]
Henry Purcell (1658-1695). Orpheus Britannicus. Acollection of all the choicest songs for one, two, and three voices. London, by J.Heptinstall, for Henry Playford, 1698-1702. 2 vol. fol. [Vol. II, 1702: by William Pearson, for Henry Playford]
Wing P4218; Day and Murrie, English Song Books, No. 166.
BM; Harv, NYP, Folg, LC, Hunt.
Congreve's copy, with his signature on the title page of the first volume, was item No. 459 in the Leeds Sale, 1930.
463 Pinto's Voyages & Travels
[Fol. Ib.1663. 2]
Fernam Mendes Pinto (1509?-1583). The voyages and adventures, of Ferdinand Mendez Pinto, aPortugal: during his travels for the space of one and twenty years in the kingdoms of Ethiopia, China, Tartaria, Cauchinchina, Calaminham, Siam, Pegu, Japan, and a great part of the East-Indies. With a relation and description of most of the places thereof; their religion, laws, riches, customs, and government in the time of peace and war. Where he five times suffered shipwrack, was sixteen times sold, and thirteen times made a slave. ... Done into English by H[enry] C[ogan]. London, by J.Macock, to be sold by Henry Herringman, 1663. fol.
Wing M1706.
BM; Yale, Pennsylvania, LC, Newberry.
A copy of this edition was part of item No. 480 in the Leeds Sale, 1930. In Love for Love Congreve refers to Pinto as a "Liar of the first magnitude."
464 Pindari Opera. Cura Schmidii
[4to. Witeb.1616 21]
Pindar (518-438 B.C.) . . . hoc est Pindari lyricorum principis. ... Opera Erasmi Schmidii Delitiani. [Witeberg], sumptibus Zachari Schureri, 1616. 4to.
BM; Harv, LC.
465 Pope's (Mr Alex.) Translation of ye ILIAD of Homer in VI. Vols. Large Paper
[4to. Lond 1715 17]
Alexander Pope (1688-1744). The Iliad of Homer. Translated by Mr. Pope. London, by W.Bowyer, for Bernard Lintott, 1715-1720. 6 vol. 4to.
BM; Harv, NYP, LC, Newberry, Texas, Hunt.
A copy of this edition was part of item No. 312 and also of item No. 313 in the Leeds Sale, 1930. Congreve's name appears in the list of subscribers printed in the first volume. Although the regular subscribers received the first volume on 6 June 1715 (see the Post Boy for Tuesday, 31 May 1715), Congreve received his copy five days in advance, as shown by Congreve's holographic receipt preserved at the Huntington Library: "June 1st: 1715 Received of Mr. Lintott the first volume of Mr Popes translation of Homer by me Wm Congreve." Pope's dedication of his Iliad to Congreve appears in the last volume, 1720, pp. 220-221.
466 —— Translation ye ODYSSEY in 5 Vols Large Paper
[4to. Ib.1725. 11]
The Odyssey of Homer. London, for Bernard Lintott, 1725-1726. 5 vol. 4to.
BM; Harv, NYP, LC, Newberry, Texas, Hunt.
A copy of this edition was part of item No. 312 and also of item No. 313 in the Leeds Sale, 1930.
Congreve's name appears in the printed list of subscribers.
467 —— Works - - Large Paper
[4to. Ib.1717. 2]
The works of Mr. Alexander Pope. London, by W.Bowyer, for Bernard Lintot, 1717. 4to.
BM; Harv, NYP, LC, Newberry, Texas, Hunt.
A copy of this edition was listed under No. 1172 in the Hornby Castle Sale, 1930.
468 Ponti's (Sieur de) Memoirs Eng. by Charles Cotton
[Fol. Ib.1694. 15]
Louis de Pontis (1583-1670). Memoirs of the Sieur de Pontis; who served in the army six and fifty years, under King Henry IV. Lewis the XIII. and Lewis the XIV. ... Faithfully Englished by Charles Cotton, Esq. London, by F.Leach, for James Knapton, 1694. fol.
Wing P2807.
BM; Yale, Folg, Newberry, Clark.
469 Pratique du Theatre
[4to. Par.1657 14.]
Franois Hdelin, Abb d'Aubignac (1604-1676). La pratique du theatre, [oe]uvre tres-necessaire a tous ceux qui veulent s'appliquer la composition des pomes dramatiques. AParis, chez Antoine de Sommaville, 1657. 4to.
BM; Vassar, Chicago.
For the English translation of this work see No.10.
470 Plutarch's Lives Translated by Several Hands 5 Vols. wth. Cuts - - Large Paper
[8vo. London 1693 13]
Plutarch (c. A.D. 46-after 120). Plutarch's lives. Translated from the Greek, by several hands. London, by R.E. for Jacob Tonson, 1693. 5 vol. 8vo.
Wing P2367.
Cambridge (Trinity College); Folg, Newberry.
471 Patru (Mr. de) Plaidoyers et Oeuvres Diverses
[8vo. Paris 1681. 14]
Olivier Patru (1604-1681). Plaidoyers et [oe]uvres diverses de Monsieur Patru. ... Nouvelle dition. 2 pt. Paris, chez Sebastien Mabre-Cramoisy, 1681. 8vo.
BM; Harv, LC.
472 Polybius's History of ye World. English'd by Sir H: Sheers 2 Vols.
[8vo. London 1693 13]
Polybius (c. 203?-c. 120 B.C). The history of Polybius. ... Translated by Sir H.S[hears]. To which is added, acharacter of Polybius and his writings: by Mr. Dryden. London, for Samuel Briscoe, 1693. 2 vol. 8vo.
Wing P2786.
BM; Harv, NYP (v. 2), Folg, LC, Clark.
473 Petronius Arbiter's Satyr. English'd by Mr Burnaby
[8vo. Ib.1694. 8]
Titus Petronius Arbiter (d. 66 A.D.). The satyr of Titus Petronius Arbiter, aRoman knight. With its fragments, recover'd at Belgrade. Made English by Mr. Burnaby of the Middle-Temple, and another hand. London, for Samuel Briscoe, 1694. 8vo.
Wing P1881.
BM; Harv, Cleveland Public, Clark.
474 Plinii Secundi Historia Naturalis, Variorum Notis 3 Vol.
[8vo. Lugd.Bat.1669. 4]
Gaius Plinus Secundus (A.D. 23/4-79). C. Plinii Secundi naturalis histori. Lugd. Batav., apud Hackios, 1669. 3 vol. 8vo.
BM; Harv, NYP, LC, Michigan.
475 Parnell's (Tho.) Poems
[8vo. Lond.1722. 20]
Thomas Parnell (1679-1718). Poems on several occasions. ... Published [with a dedication, in verse] by Mr. Pope. London, for B.Lintot, 1722. 8vo.
BM; Harv, NYP, LC, Newberry, Hunt.
476 Pomey Pantheon Mythicum, seu Fabu -losa Deorum Historia
[12mo. Ultraj.1697. 24]
Franois Antoine Pomey (1618-1673). Pantheum mythicum, seu Fabulosa deorum, historia, hoc primo epitomes eruditionis volumine, breviter dilucidque comprehensa. Editio quinta. Ultrajecti, apud Guiljelmum van de Water, 1697. 12mo.
477 Patin (Guy) Lettres Choises 3 Tom.
[12mo. Par.1692. 12]
Guy Patin (1602-1672). Lettres choisies. AParis, chez Jean Petit, 1692. 2 tom. 12mo.
BM; Pennsylvania, LC, Newberry.
478 —— Lettres nouvelles 2 Tom.
[12mo. Amst.1718. 12]
Nouvelles lettres . . . tires du cabinet de Mr. Charles Spon. AAmsterdam, chez Steenhouwer & Uytwerf, 1718. 2 tom. 12mo.
BM; Harv, LC.
479 Phillippes's Mathematical Manual
[.... Lond.1678 6]
Henry Phillippes. A mathematical manual. London, by A.Clark, for W.Fisher, E.Thomas, J.Northcot, and E.Harlock, 1677. 8vo. [Included are tables printed in 1678.]
Wing P2048A.
480 Platon Oeuvres avec des Remarques 2 Tom[.]
[12mo. Paris 1699 12]
Plato (e. 429-347 B.C.). Les [oe]uvres de Platon [the dialogues only] traduites en franois, avec des remarques ... [by A.Dacier.] AParis, chez Jean Anisson, 1699. 2 tom. 12mo.
481 Pedantius, Com[oe]dia
[12mo. Lond.1631. 5]
Pedantius. Com[oe]dia, olim. Cantabrig. Acta in Coll. Trin. Londini, excudebat W.S., impensis Roberti Mylbourn, 1631. 12mo.
STC 19524.
BM; Harv, NYP, Folg, Newberry, Hunt.
482 le Puits de la Verit, Nouvelle Gauloise
[12mo. Amst.1699. 6]
Charles Rivire Dufresny (1654-1724). Le puits de la verit, nouvelle gauloise. Suivant la copie imprime Paris. AAmsterdam, chez Henry Desbordes, 1699. 12mo.
Acad. Lugduni Batavorum (Leyden); LC.
483 Phdri Fabularum sopicarum Lib. V. Foliis deauratis. apd. Tonson
[12mo. Lond.1713. 24]
Phaedrus (c. 15 B.C.-c. A.D. 50). Phdri ... Fabularum sopiarum libri quinque. Londini, ex officin Jacobi Tonson, & Johannis Watts, 1713. 12mo.
BM; Harv, LC.
484 Il Pastor Fido del Guarini con Fig.
[24to. Amsterd.1678. 5]
Giovanni Battista Guarini (1538-1612). Il pastor fido, tragicomedia pastorale. In Amsterdam, nella stamperia del S.D. Elsevier. Et in Parigi si vende appresso Thomaso Jolly, 1678. 16mo.
BM; Boston Public.
485 Poems on Blenheim vide Miscellaneous Poems
[Fol. —- 15]
See No. 413.
486 Polexander vide History of &c[.]
[Fol. —- 2]
See No. 308.
487 Philippiques de Demosthene
[4to. Paris.1701. 22]
See No. 212.
488 Philosophi de Gassendi 7 Tom[.]
[12mo. Lyon 1684. 12]
See No. 272.
489 Pharsale de Lucain
[12mo. Haye 1700. 24]
See No. 345.
490 Plays a Mad World my Masters &c[.]
[4to. —- 28]
See No. 407(a).
491 —— Merry Wives of Windsor &c[.]
[12mo —— 30]
See No. 408.
492 Pemberton's View of Newton's Philosophy
[4to Lond.1728. ....]
Entry by the third hand.
Henry Pemberton (1694-1771). A view of Sir Isaac Newton's philosophy. London, printed by S.Palmer, 1728. 4to.
BM; Harv, NYP, LC, Newberry, Hunt.
A copy of this edition was listed under No. 1149 in the Hornby Castle Sale, 1930.
493 Quintiliani Institut. Oratori Apud Rob. Stephanum
[4to. Paris 1542 22]
Marcus Fabius Quintilianus (First century after Christ). M.Fabii Quintiliani oratoris eloquentissimi, institutionum oratoriarum. Parisiis, ex officina Rob. Stephani typographi regii, 1542. 4to.
BM; Illinois.
A copy of this edition was listed under No. 1272 in the Hornby Castle Sale, 1930.
494 Quevedo Oeuvres 2d. Tome, contenant le VII. Visions
[12mo. Bruss.1699. 29]
Francisco Gomez de Quevedo Villegas (1580-1645). Les oeuvres. ... Seconde partie. Contenante les sept visions. ABrusselles, chez Josse de Grieck, 1699. 12mo.
495 —— Oeuvres 2 Tomes, avec Fig.
[12mo. Ib.1718. 26]
Les [oe]uvres. A Bruxelles, chez Joseph t'Serstevens, 1718. 2 tom. 12mo.
Royal Library (The Hague).
496 Quinte Curce de la Traduction de Vaugelas.
[12mo Amst.1696. 11]
Quintus Curtius Rufus (fl. A.D. 50). Quinte Curce, de la vie & des actions d'Alexandre le Grand. De la traduction de M. de Vaugelas. AAmsterdam, chez Henry Wetstein, 1696. 8vo.
497 Quintus Curtius—-Foliis deauratis. apd Tonson
[12mo Lond.1716. 24]
Quinti Curtii Rufi de rebus gestis Alexandri Magni libri. [Ed. Michael Maittaire.] Londini, ex officin Jacobi Tonson, & Johannis Watts, 1716. 12mo.
BM; Harv, LC, Ohio Wesleyan, Hunt.
498 Quincy's Dispensatory See Dispensatory
[—— - - - - 4]
See No. 213.
499 Raii (Jo.) Historia Plantarum 2 Vol. Charta Majori
[Fol. Lond 1686 16]
John Ray (1627-1705). Historia plantarum, etc. Londini, typis Mari Clark, prostant apud Henricum Faithorne & Joannem Kersey, 1686-1704. 3 tom. fol.
BM; Harv, NYP, LC, Michigan.
Apparently Congreve had only the first two volumes. These were listed under No. 1181 in the Hornby Castle Sale, 1930, as "fol. 1686-8."
500 Rycaut's (Sir Paul) Royal Commentaries of Peru. Illustrated wth. Sculptures
[Fol. Ib.1688. 15]
Garcilasso de la Vega, el Inca (c. 1540-1616). The royal commentaries of Peru. ... rendered into English, by Sir Paul Rycaut. London, by Miles Flesher, for Jacob Tonson, 1688. fol.
Wing G217.
Harv, NYP, LC, Newberry, Hunt.
Congreve's copy was probably of the issue by Jacob Tonson, but it could have belonged to any one of the other three folio issues of 1688: Wing G214 (By Miles Flesher, for Richard Tonson)—Bodleian; Virginia; Wing G215 (By Miles Flesher, for Samuel Heyrick)—Cambridge; Yale, Folg, Michigan; Wing G216 (By Miles Flesher, for Christopher Wilkinson)—BM; Harv, Chicago, Hunt. Copies of a 1688 folio edition were listed under Nos. 1199 and 1223 in the Hornby Castle Sale, 1930.
501 Rhodigini (Lud. C[oe]lii) Lectiones Antiqu. apd. Wecheli Heredes
[Fol. - —— 1599. 15]
Ludovicus Coelius Richerius (1450-1520). Ludovici Caelii Rhodigini lectionum antiquarum libri XXX ... Postrema editio. [Frankfurt], apud heredes Andreae Wecheli Claudium Marnium & Joannem Aubrium, 1599. fol. |