—— Lord William, i. 202; murder of, i. 220
—— Odo (afterwards Lord Ampthill), Secretary of Legation at Florence, iii. 306; interviews with the Pope; iii. 310, 356
Russell's Modern Europe, i. 38
Russia, Hereditary Grand Duke of (afterwards Alexander II), i. 154, 172
—— Nicholas, Emperor of, i. 234; visit to England, ii. 12; Queen's opinion of, ii. 12, 14, 15, 17; effect on foreign countries, ii. 19; on the French Revolution, ii. 165; dispute with France, ii. 357; letters to and from the Queen on the Eastern Question, ii. 459-465; and Turkey, iii. 4, 5; and Napoleon, iii. 6; interview with Sir H. Seymour, iii. 26; death, iii. 63, 111
—— Empress-Dowager of, widow of Emperor Nicholas, iii. 306
—— Alexander, Emperor of, see Alexander
—— Empress Marie Alexandrovna (wife of Alexander), iii. 205
—— and England, i. 86; protector of the Porte, i. 229; and Central Asia, i. 328; France and England, ii. 20; Poland, ii. 114; dispute with France, ii. 356; war with Turkey, ii. 431; Eastern Question, ii. 437-444, 449-465, 469-471; iii. 1, 4, 5, 17, 18; Ambassador leaves London, iii. 10; England declares war with, iii. 20; Napoleon's views on the crisis, iii. 24, 25; Prussia, iii. 29; repulse by Turkey, iii. 36; defeat on the Alma, iii. 43, 50; opinion of, in India, iii. 45, 46; Balaklava, iii. 50; Inkerman, iii. 53, 54-56; death of Czar Nicholas, iii. 63; fall of Sebastopol, iii. 64; "Four Points" negotiation, iii. 65, 120; Kertsch and the gravel pits (Redan) taken, iii. 126; defeat on the River Tchernaya, iii. 135; Austrian ultimatum, iii. 152; peace and terms of settlement, iii. 158, 182-185; procrastination in carrying out terms, iii. 159, 179, 208 214; Lord Granville's opinion of, iii. 204; reported treaty with France, iii. 328, 331; Danish Question, iii. 439
Sailors' Homes, iii. 191
St Albans, Disfranchisement, ii. 381
St Arnaud, Marshal, commands French Army in Crimea, death, iii. 1, 28, 30
St Cloud, Queen's visit to, iii. 136
St Edward's Chair, i. 121
—— Chapel, i. 121, 122
St Germans, Earl of, Postmaster-General, ii. 65
St Juan, Island of, United States claim to, iii. 373
St Leonards, Queen's visit to, i. 39, 40
St Leonards, Lord (Lord Chancellor), refusal to join Government of 1858, iii. 271
Saint-Simon, Duc de, Memoires, i. 435
Sak, proposed occupation of, iii. 185
Saldanha, Marshal, ii. 90
Sale, Lady, her journal, i. 383
—— Sir Robert, success in Afghanistan, i. 370, 383, 402; pension, i. 444; death, ii. 76
Salisbury, Bishop of (Dr Fisher), Queen's reminiscences of, i. 10
—— Marquess of, President of the Council, iii. 272
Sand, George, Comtesse de Rudolstadt, novel by, ii. 27
Sandon, Viscount, Sugar Duties, i. 275
Sandwich, Countess of, i. 177
Sans Souci, death of King of Prussia at, iii. 424
Sardinia, Princess Clothilde of, marriage of, iii. 308, 331
—— Kings of, see Charles Albert and Victor Emmanuel
Sardinia, ii. 141, 175; war with Austria, ii. 178, 182, 186, 190, 193; Western Alliance against Russia, iii. 63; success against Russia, iii. 135, 154, 161; Treaty of Peace, iii. 213; alliance with England and France against Russia, iii. 307; war with Austria, and cession of Lombardy to, iii. 308; refusal to disarm, iii. 327; sympathy with, iii. 328; Government of Tuscany, iii. 329; Napoleon's promise of help, iii. 331; Duchies of Parma, Modena and Romagna, transferred to, iii. 380; disavowal of Garibaldi, iii. 380
Savoy, annexation to France, iii. 379, 385, 395
Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, House of, history of, i. 1, 2, 3
Saxe-Coburg, Ernest, Duke of, (Prince Consort's father), i. 4, 22, 48; death, ii. 6
—— Ernest, Prince of (Prince Consort's brother), i. 49, 62; illness, i. 69
—— Prince Augustus of, parentage and marriage, i. 4, 431, 458, 459
Saxe-Saalfeld-Coburg, Duchess of, i. 13, 18
—— Francis, Duke of, i. 8, 22; iii. 437
Saxe-Weimar, Prince Edward of, letter to the Queen, iii. 54
—— Prince William and Princess Louise of, i. 31
Saxony, Crown Prince of, iii. 458
—— Frederick Augustus II., King of, ii. 12, 16
Schleinitz, M., ii. 250
Schleswig, ii. 141, 182, 192, 195; union with Holstein, ii. 222, 249, 254, 258; iii. 281
School for Scandal, i. 218
Schulenberg, Countess, iii. 457
Schwartzenberg, Prince, Prime Minister of Austria, ii. 378, 380
Scone Palace, Queen's visit to, i. 429, 430
Scotch Fusiliers, wounded from the Crimea, iii. 110
Scotland, Church crisis, i. 447, 448, 450; Admission of Ministers Bill, i. 488, 489; the Queen's visit to Balmoral, ii. 321-323, 392, 394-396; to Edinburgh, iii. 406
Scott, General, iii. 469
—— Gilbert, architect, iii. 444
Scutari, iii. 2; hospital at, iii. 61, 62, 78
Search, right of, on the high seas, ii. 6; iii. 466, 468, 469
Seaton, Lord, see Colborne
Sebastopol, iii. 1, 43, 44; bombardment, iii. 50; fall, iii. 64, 142
Secretary of State, see State, Secretary of
—— at War, see War, Secretary at
Sepoys, mutiny of, iii. 224, 237, 238
Septennial Act, i. 56; ii. 121
Serpent's Island, Russia's claim to, iii. 159, 208
Settembrini, iii. 312
Sevigne, Mme. de, i. 40; iii. 172
Seville, Duke of (Don Enrique), ii. 45
Seymour, Lord (afterwards Duke of Somerset), Roebuck Committee Reports, iii. 112. See Somerset, Duke of
—— Admiral, occupies Chinese fort, iii. 223
—— Mr Digby, M.P., iii. 402, 404
—— Sir Hamilton, Minister at Brussels, i. 139, 320; Envoy-Extraordinary at Lisbon, ii. 119, 134, 179, 180, 181; Petersburg, ii. 286; Eastern Question, ii. 431; recall from St Petersburg, iii. 10; interview with the Czar, iii. 26; "neutralisation," iii. 151
Shaftesbury, Earl of, see Ashley, Lord
Sheil, Mr, Minister at the Court of Tuscany, ii. 279; death, ii. 319
Shere Singh, surrender of, ii. 217
Short, Dr Thomas Vowler (afterwards Bishop of Sodor and Man), i. 64; Sketch of History of Church of England, i. 452
Sibthorp, Colonel, iii. 76
Sicily, rising in, ii. 141, 208. See Garibaldi
Sikhs (see India), aggressive, ii. 30; defeat of, ii. 71, 77; boundaries, ii. 74; murder of two Englishmen, ii. 142; hostility of, ii. 196, 197; successful operations against, ii. 208, 217
Silesia, insurrection in, ii. 72
Silistria, Turkish success at, iii. 1, 36
Simpson, General, retirement from the command in the Crimea, iii. 64; death of Lord Raglan, iii. 128; Commander-in-Chief, iii. 130; position, iii. 134; Queen's congratulations on fall of Sebastopol, iii. 142, 143
Sinclair, Sir George, M.P., i. 448
Singapore, convict population of, iii. 278
Singh, Maharajah Dhuleep, see Dhuleep
Sinope Harbour, affair of, ii. 432, 471; iii. 115
Slavery, abolition of, i. 20, 277, 377, 382
Slidell, Mr, Southern Confederacy Envoy, iii. 466, 468, 469
Smith, Mr Robert Vernon (afterwards Lord Lyveden), Under-Secretary for War and the Colonies, i. 275, 468; iii. 76; Board of Control, iii. 109, 127, 128; annexation of Oudh, iii. 176, 219; on Indian Mutiny, iii. 239; iii. 272; Oudh Proclamation, iii. 281
—— Sir Harry, ii. 71; Governor of Cape of Good Hope, Boer War, ii. 142; wounded, ii. 200; Kaffir War, ii. 283; Orange River Free State, iii. 201
—— Sir Lionel, Governor of Jamaica, i. 141
Smithfield, Cattle Show, Queen's visit to, iii. 419
Smyth, William, Professor of Modern History, i. 435
Smythe, George, member of "Young England" party, ii. 17
Sobraon, defeat of the Sikhs at, ii. 74, 77
Socialism, possibilities in Russia, iii. 205
Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, Prince Consort presides at meeting, ii. 319
Solferino, battle of, iii. 308, 353
Solyman Pasha, i. 246
Somerset, 11th Duke of, death, iii. 145
—— 12th Duke of, First Lord of the Admiralty, iii. 349; Garter, iii. 441; iii. 466. See Seymour, Lord
—— Lord Fitzroy, afterwards Lord Raglan ii. 393, 396; Commander of Forces for the East, iii. 26; victory at the Alma, iii. 50; Field-Marshal, iii. 52, 53; Inkerman, iii. 52, 54-56; death of, iii. 64, 128; welfare of the Army, iii. 68, 69, 81
Somnauth, Gates of Temple of, i. 444-445, 468, 477
Sonderbund, the, ii. 138
Sooja, Shah, Ameer of Afghanistan, 1. 142, 209, 328, 444, 445; Koh-i-noor diamond, ii. 242
Sophia, Princess, daughter of George III., i. 31; death, ii. 147
Soult, Marshal, Duke of Dalmatia, i. 111; ii. 268
South Africa, Natal insurrection, i. 427; Sir H. Smith's proclamation in 1848, ii. 142; Dutch War, ii. 200
Southern, Mr, Secretary of Legation at Lisbon, ii. 111, 118, 119, 120
Spain, disputed succession, i. 44, 50, 57; and Portugal, i. 59, 61; ii. 119, 133; Lord Palmerston on, i. 66; battle at Bilbao, i. 67; constitution, i. 82, 83; condition of, i. 96, 102; the Fueros, i. 188; Mission, i. 330; guardianship of young Queen, i. 346; and France, i. 347, 350, 351, 374; proposed marriage of the young Queen, i. 432, 485, 486, 487; ii. 31, 32, 44, 72, 90, 96-109; Don Carlos' abdication of claim to throne, ii. 31; changes in Ministry, ii. 116; and England, ii. 120; and Sir H. Bulwer, ii. 175; and Lord Palmerston, ii. 240; Queen of Spain's desire for the Garter, ii. 323
—— Infanta of, i. 488; ii. 32, 45, 72, 97, 99, 103, 107; iii. 51
—— Queen of, see Christina
Spaeth, Baroness, i. 14, 18, 123
Spithead, accident, ii. 199
Spooner, Mr, Conspiracy Bill debate, iii. 265
Spring Rice, Mr, Chancellor of Exchequer, i. 147
Stafford, Augustus, Secretary of the Admiralty, iii. 78
Stamp Duties Bill, iii. 116; stamp on cheques, iii. 262
Standard, newspaper, iii. 8
Stanhope, Philip Henry, fourth Earl, i. 108
—— Lady Wilhelmina, i. 121, 123, 125
Stanley, Lord (afterwards fourteenth Earl of Derby), thrice Prime Minister, i. 62, 137; Colonial Secretary, i. 163, 306, 309; Corn Laws, ii. 49; resignation, ii. 54, 64; Protection dinner, ii. 87, 122; vote of censure, ii. 244, 247, 248, 287, 288; failure to form a Government, ii. 290, 291, 293, 299, 300, 311, 315; Prime Minister, ii. 368-397; and the Church, ii. 376; adherence to treaties, ii. 377; the Queen's views on Militia Bill, ii. 380; Disfranchisement Bill, ii. 380; question of dissolution, ii. 383; progress of democracy, ii. 384, 385; Protection, ii. 386; Militia Bill, ii. 386, 388, 389; Italy, ii. 386, 387; military appointments, ii. 392; national defences, ii. 396, 398-400; confusion of Parties, ii. 403-405; Budget, ii. 406; Princess Hohenlohe's marriage, ii. 408-411; resignation, ii. 412-414; attack on Lord Aberdeen, ii. 417, 418, 419, 425; takes leave of the Queen, ii. 425; Roebuck Motion, iii. 78; failure to form a Government, iii. 63, 80-87, 90; on title of Prince Consort, iii. 197, 197; China War debate, attack on Lord Palmerston, iii. 230; Conspiracy Bill, iii. 261, 264, 265; forms a Government, iii. 268-272; Oudh Proclamation and resignation of Lord Ellenborough, iii. 282-285; possible dissolution, iii. 285, 286-289; vote of censure withdrawn, iii. 290-293; competitive examinations, iii. 296, 297; new Reform Bill, iii. 307; Queen's letter to French Emperor, iii. 314; Indian Army Question, iii. 317-320; Queen's letter to Emperor of Austria, iii. 322; proposed congress to settle Italian Question, iii. 327-333; Queen's Speech, iii. 336-340; resignation on defeat of Government, iii. 307, 324, 343
—— Lord (afterwards fifteenth Earl of Derby), Colonial Secretary, iii. 148, 272, 292; his position with regard to the Queen, iii. 301-303; Indian Army Question, iii. 317, 318, 319; Peers and Money Bills, iii. 379
Stanley of Alderley, Lord, Secretary to Treasury, i. 129, 395; iii. 150
State, Secretary of, duties of, i. 100; iii. 34
Stephanie, Grand Duchess, ii. 233
Stephen, James, Under-Secretary for Colonies, retirement, ii. 131; Privy Council, ii. 132
Stockmar, Baron, private physician and secretary to King Leopold, unofficial adviser to the Queen, i. 25; accompanies Prince Albert on tour, i. 25, 152; his character, i. 25, 26, 68; i. 69, 72, 73, 76, 79, 81, 83, 211, 332; memos. on Lord Melbourne's correspondence with the Queen, i. 340, 353, 360, 361; illness, i. 392; i. 474, 476; Spanish marriage, ii. 103, 192; on a Minister's duty, ii. 238; ii. 279, 315, 362; Legion of Honour, ii. 402; iii. 49, 171; illness of, iii. 185
Stockport, riot at, ii. 391
Stopford, Admiral Sir Robert, i. 252, 258
Stowell, Lord, law of nations, iii. 466
Strafford, Earl of, ii. 126, 128, 393; Field-Marshal, iii. 146
Straits Settlements, iii. 277
Strangford, Viscount, i. 326, 482
Strangways, Brigadier-General, died at Inkerman, iii. 53
Stratford de Redcliffe, Viscount (formerly Sir Stratford Canning), ii. 138, 369; Eastern Question, ii. 431, 449, 452, 456, 457, 460-465, 469, 470; illness of, iii. 27; victory of the Alma, iii. 44; and the Pope, iii. 358
Strawberry Hill, sale of, i. 389
Strelitz, ii. 188
Strickland, Miss Agnes, i. 322
Stroekens, Major, i. 67
Strutt, Mr, Chancellor of the Duchy, iii. 34
Stuart, Miss, marriage, i. 388
—— Wortley J. (afterwards second Baron Wharncliffe), President of the Council, i. 299, 309
Sudbury, disfranchisement of, ii. 381
Suffrage, Queen's view of, ii. 333; extension of, ii. 324, 333, 366
Sugar Duty, i. 265; Colonial preference, ii. 17, 91
Sully, Maximilien, Duc de, Memoirs of, i. 38, 47
Sunday bands, iii. 135
Surrey, Earl of (afterwards thirteenth Duke of Norfolk), i. 123; Treasurer of the Household, i. 275
Sussex, Duke of, politics, i. 5, 6, 10, 11, 71, 76; Ireland, i. 129, 138; precedence, i. 207; Regency Bill, i. 209, 378, 390; will of, i. 478, 479
Sutherland, second Duke of, death, iii. 443
—— Duchess of, i. 101, 120; Queen Victoria's valued friend, ii. 371; letter to Queen on her husband's death, iii. 442
Sweaborg, bombardment of, iii. 64
Sweden, and Morocco, ii. 4; Schleswig Question, ii. 195; and Norway, iii. 134
—— and Norway, Charles XV., King of, visit to the Queen, iii. 447; his views on foreign affairs, iii. 448-450
Switzerland, internecine strife, ii. 115, 137-139; and France, ii. 380; rising in, iii. 214; protest against annexation of Savoy, iii. 380; claim to parts of Savoy, iii. 395
Syria, i. 179, 209, 240; successes in, i. 246, 252; war, ii. 69; Napoleon's policy, iii. 380
Tahiti, dispute with France, ii. 1, 21, 25
Tait, Dr A. C., Bishop of London, iii. 205
Talbot, Lady Mary, i. 121, 125
—— Monsignore, iii. 356
Tallenay, M. de, ii. 173, 186
Talleyrand, Prince, death of, i. 116
Tamburini, Sr, opera singer, i. 220
Tangiers, bombardment of, ii. 20
Tankerville, Earl of, i. 198
Tawell, Salt Hill murderer, ii. 269
Taylor, Sir Herbert, i. 68
Taymouth, Lord Breadalbane's house, Queen's visit to, i. 428
Tchernaya, River, success of the Allies at, iii. 64, 135
Teba, Count de (afterwards Count de Montijo), ii. 435
Temple, The Hon. Sir William, K.C.B., Minister Plenipotentiary, Naples, iii. 140
Templetown, Viscount, i. 62
Tennent, Sir James Emerson, i. 469
Tennyson, Alfred, poet, ii. 45; Poet Laureate, ii. 272
Terceira, Duc de, i. 55; ii. 397
Terni, cataract at, Prince Albert's visit to, i. 152
Thames, pollution of the, iii. 294
Theresa, Archduchess, i. 52
Therese, Princess, i. 453
Thiers, Louis A., French Premier, i. 149, 227; ii. 364, 389
Thirlwall, Bishop of St David's, iii. 416
Thouvenel, M. de, French Foreign Minister, iii. 382; and Lord John Russell's despatch, iii. 389; iii. 395
Threepenny pieces, circulation of, ii. 37
Ticino, Austrian troops on the, iii. 328, 333
Timber duty, i. 265
Times, newspaper, i. 425; ii. 20, 27, 30, 48, 86, 135, 172, 190, 220, 241, 244, 263, 282, 348, 411; iii. 1, 8, 16; Crimea, iii. 36; Queen's visit to France, iii. 138; enquiry on Crimean officers, iii. 174; iii. 192, 254; attacks on Prussia, iii. 455; report of a private interview, iii. 347; abuse of Germany, iii. 462, 463
Tindal, Chief Justice, i. 469
Tippoo Sahib, iii. 39
Tite, Mr (afterwards Sir William), architect, iii. 443
Tithes, i. 43
Tollbar riots, i. 450, 483, 492
Tomantoul, Queen's visit to, iii. 407
Tory party and the Royal family, i. 5, 6; consolidation of, i. 20; Queen's opinion of, i. 27, 60, 61, 203, 207, 212, 213; failure of, i. 66; organisation of, i. 90; unsuccessful attempt to form a Ministry, i. 154-170; vote of censure on Government and success at the polls, i. 253, 264; Nottingham election, i. 264; amendment to address, 1841, i. 301; Cabinet, i. 308, 309; Finance, Income-Tax, Import Duties, i. 370; Corn Law Debate, i. 465, 466; Irish Arms Bill, i. 482; dissensions (Young England party), ii. 1, 16; resignation, ii. 30, 51; return to office, ii. 30, 62; repeal of Corn Laws, ii. 71; defeat on Irish Coercion Bill. ii. 71; resignation, ii. 80, 115; on intervention in Portugal, ii. 123, ii. 216; peril of the Ministry, ii. 285; defeat of the Government, ii. 288; inability to form a Government, ii. 288-313; Parliamentary Reform, ii. 332, 333; resignation of Whig Government, ii. 368; Lord Derby becomes Prime Minister, ii. 369-377; first debate, ii. 380-383; question of dissolution, ii. 383; Free Trade debate, ii. 399; Budget, ii. 406; defeat on House Tax and resignation, ii. 411-413; China War debate, iii. 231
Tractarian movement, ii. 273, 280
Transport Land Corps, iii. 157
Transvaal, independence of, ii. 142; iii. 200
Trapani, Count, Spanish marriage, ii. 31, 32, 44, 89, 99
Treaty of 1856, settlement of Eastern Question, iii. 63, 65, 158, 182; Nanking, i. 442
Trelawney, Sir John, and Church rates, iii. 323
Trench, Richard Chenevix, Dean of Westminster, iii. 206
Trent, steamship, seizure of Envoys, iii. 466, 468
Treport, Queen's visit to, ii. 44; ii. 157
Trianon, iii. 136
Troubridge, Sir Thomas, C.B., great gallantry at Inkerman, iii. 127
Trouville, ii. 156
Truelove, trial of, iii. 273
Tuckett, Captain Harvey, i. 263
Tulloch, Colonel, iii. 175
Tunbridge Wells, Queen's visits to, i. 11, 19, 36, 38
Turgot, M., ii. 335, 339, 344
Turkey, Convention about Egypt, i. 227-243, 258; war with Russia, ii. 432; Eastern Question, ii. 437, 441-444, 449, 452, 464-465, 469-471; and Persia, iii. 4; Russian occupation of the Principalities, iii. 12, 13, 17; protocol signed for integrity of, iii. 19; success of, iii. 35; Inkerman, iii. 54-56; peace and terms of settlement, iii. 158, 161-188, 208
Turton, Dr Thomas, Dean of Ely, ii. 35
Tuscans, deputation to King Victor Emmanuel, iii. 308
Tuscany, Duke of, Pope's opinion of, iii. 357
—— Government of, iii. 308, 329
Umbria, conquered, iii. 380
Unemployed, the, ii. 67, 168
United States, dispute with Canada, i. 254, 260, 356, 368; treaty, i. 461, 462; boundary dispute with England, ii. 30; Oregon boundary, ii. 82; Foreign Enlistment Act, iii. 159, 219; financial crisis, iii. 256; military occupation of St Juan, iii. 373; Prince of Wales's visit to, iii. 380; Abolitionist troubles, iii. 381; conflict between Federal Government and Southern States, iii. 421; right to search neutral ships, iii. 466, 468, 469; draft despatch for release of Mason and Slidell, iii. 469
Unkiar Skelessi, Treaty of, i. 142
Uruguay, ii. 133
Utrecht, Treaty of, ii. 107
Uxbridge, Earl of, i. 110, 400, 467
—— Countess of, i. 400; death, ii. 8
Valliant, Marshal, Minister of War, iii. 43; G.C.B., iii. 146; opinion of Morocco, iii. 221; goes to Italy in 1859, iii. 333
Vane, Lord Harry, Conspiracy Bill debate, iii. 265
Varna, Allied Forces sailing from, iii. 1, 36
Venice, Republic proclaimed, ii. 141; ii. 198; Venetia in 1859, iii. 308
Verney, Sir Harry, ii. 390
Versailles, Queen's visit to, iii. 136
Vico, Colonel, death of, iii. 135
Victoire, Princess, of Saxe-Coburg, i. 149; marriage to Duc de Nemours, i. 213; flight from France, ii. 155, 167, 176, 177; visits Queen Victoria, ii. 184, 185
Victor Emmanuel, King of Sardinia, ii. 208, 218; visit to England, iii. 64, 156; joins the Western Alliance, iii. 66; rumoured conversation with Louis Napoleon, iii. 168; proposed marriage, iii. 207; war with Austria, entry into Milan, and conclusion of peace, iii. 308; and the Pope, iii. 311; cession of Savoy and Nice, iii. 385; war with Austria, iii. 386; as King of Italy, iii. 420
Victoria, Queen, ancestry of, i. 1-7; political position of, i. 17; memoir of her early years, i. 18-21; relations and friends, i. 22-26; close correspondence and relationship with King Leopold, i. 23; formation of her character, i. 22-26; interesting points in her correspondence, i. 27-29 1819 Born 24th May at Kensington Palace, i. 8 1819-1826 Reminiscences of early childhood, written by herself, i. 10-14 1824 Miss Lehzen becomes her governess, i. 25 1826 Visits George IV. at Windsor, i. 11-13; serious illness, i. 13, 14 1827 Visits George IV. at Windsor, i. 13 1828 First letter to Prince Leopold, i. 32 1830 Duchess of Kent's memo, on education, i. 14-16; June, George IV. died and William IV. succeeded, i. 19; Duchess of Northumberland appointed official governess, i. 25 1832 King Leopold on the necessity of forming her character, i. 35 1834 Visits Hever Castle, i. 37; reading and studies, i. 37-40 1835 Confirmation, i. 41 1836 Painful scene between the Duchess of Kent and William IV., i. 19; possible suitors, i. 47, 48; admiration for Prince Albert, i. 48, 49, 50; visits Lord Liverpool at Buxted Park, i. 50; Church matters, i. 52; 72; change of name discussed, i. 55 1837 Music with Prince Albert, i. 59; her establishment, i. 64, 68; William IV. offers her an independent income, i. 68; 24th May—attains her majority, i. 69; accession imminent, i. 71; reliance on Lord Melbourne, i. 72; 20th June—death of William IV.: Queen Victoria's accession, i. 75; reminiscences of events on the King's death, i. 75; address of condolence and congratulation, i. 77; her nationality, i. 78; her Ministers, i. 79; 13th July—goes to Buckingham Palace, i. 84; 17th July—prorogues Parliament, i. 86; singing lessons, i. 89; the elections, i. 89; King Leopold's visit to Windsor Castle, i. 91; visit to Brighton, i. 92; goes to the House of Lords and gives her assent to the Civil List Bill, i. 97 1838 Prince Albert's education, i. 111; distress at death of Louisa Louis, i. 111, 112; deaths of old servants, i. 112; arrangements for the Coronation, i. 113, 114; draft letter to the King of Portugal on Slave Trade, i. 115; brilliant ball, i. 115; 28th June—Coronation Day, Queen's reminiscences of, i. 120-125; 9th July—Coronation Review in Hyde Park, i. 126; at Windsor Castle, i. 130 at Brighton, i. 140; 1839 Death of Princess Marie of Orleans, i. 144; opens Parliament, i. 146; disagreement with King Leopold, i. 151-154; Prince Albert's tour in Italy, i. 152; resignation of Lord Melbourne, i. 154; audience with Duke of Wellington and Sir R. Peel, i. 157-159; refusal to allow Sir R. Peel to appoint Ladies of her Household, i. 161-169; Lord Melbourne's return to office, i. 170; ball at Buckingham Palace, i. 172; views on Cabinet crisis, i. 174; feelings for Prince Albert, i. 177, 178; at the Opera, i. 178; arrival of Princes Albert and Ernest at Windsor Castle, i, 188; announcement of her engagement to Prince Albert, i. 188, 189; her happiness, i. 191; her letters to the Royal Family, i. 193, 194; letters to Prince Albert, i. 195, 196, 199, 200, 203, 206, 208, 211-213, 217; reads Declaration before the Privy Council, i. 196; suggested peerage for Prince Albert, i. 196-199; Prince Albert's Household, i. 200-207 1840 Queen opens Parliament and announces intended marriage, i. 212; Prince Albert's grant, i. 214; marriage of the Queen to Prince Albert, i. 209, 217; disturbance at the Opera, i. 220; Prince Albert and politics, i. 224; attempted assassination by Oxford, i. 225; views on foreign affairs, i. 248, 249; birth of Princess Royal, i. 251 1841 Christening of Princess Royal, i. 255; speech from the Throne, i. 256, 257; operations in China, i. 261, 262; the Budget, i. 265; Household appointment difficulties, i. 268-273; impartiality, i. 285; visit to Ascot and Nuneham, i. 291; visit to Woburn Abbey, i. 295, 296; carriage accident, i. 298; resignation of Whig Ministry, i. 301; Prince Albert as adviser, i. 304, 305; interview with Sir R. Peel and sorrow at parting with Lord Melbourne, i. 309; seals of office exchanged, i. 315; question of future correspondence with Lord Melbourne, i. 330, 331, 340, 353, 360, 361; indisposition, i. 364; birth of first son, now King Edward VII., i. 364; he is created Prince of Wales, i. 366; domestic happiness, i. 366 1842 Christening of the Prince of Wales, i. 376, 381; visit to Brighton, i. 383; excursion to Portsmouth, i. 384; decision to pay Income Tax, i. 387; selection of a governess, i. 390, 394; ball at Buckingham Palace, i. 392, 393; attempt by Francis on the Queen's life, i. 398; Ascot and review of cavalry, i. 401; first railway journey, i. 404; list of presents sent by the Imam of Muscat, i. 406; attempt by Bean on the Queen's life, i. 407; death of the Duke of Orleans, i. 408, 409, 413, 416; strike riots, i, 422-428; prorogues Parliament, i. 425; visit to Scotland, i. 428, 429; return to Windsor, i. 430; steam yacht, i. 432; domestic happiness, i. 436; visit to Walmer Castle, i. 436, 438, 443; King of Hanover's claim to Crown jewels, i. 439, 487; and France, i. 445, 446 1843 Gaieties at Windsor, i. 451; visit and recollections of Claremont, i. 451; education of Prince of Wales, i. 463; domestic happiness, i. 464; new chapel at Buckingham Palace, i. 466; views on the verdict, not guilty but insane, in Macnaghten trial, i. 469; Prince Consort to hold levees for the Queen, i. 470, 471, 472, 473; the toast of the Prince, i. 475; birth and christening of Princess Alice, i. 480, 481; Turnpike riots in South Wales, i. 483, 492; resignation of the Duchess of Norfolk as Bedchamber Woman and successor, i. 484, 485, 486; suppression of duelling, i. 485; the Crown jewels, i. 487; visit to the King and Queen of France at Chateau d'Eu, i. 490; visit to Belgium, i. 492; visit to Cambridge, Wimpole, and Bourne, i. 496, 497, 500, 503; visit to Sir R. Peel at Drayton Manor, i. 504, 509; visit of Prince Consort to Birmingham, i. 507, 509, 510; visit to Belvoir Castle and Chatsworth, i. 509, 510 1844 Opens the new Royal Exchange, ii. 1, 27; visit to Claremont, ii. 4, 5; carriage accident, ii. 5; death of the Duke of Saxe-Coburg Gotha, ii. 6; brochure of Prince de Joinville, ii. 11; visit of the Emperor Nicholas of Russia, ii. 1, 12-16, 17, 20; domestic happiness, ii. 6, 7; uncle and niece, ii. 10; review in Windsor Great Park, and Ascot races, ii. 13; visit of King Louis Philippe, ii. 21, 27 1845 Spanish marriage question, ii. 32, 44; state of Buckingham Palace, ii. 33; question as to Prince Albert's title, ii. 34; sponsor to Sir R. Peel's grandson, ii. 35; Queen's purchase of Osborne, ii. 35, 42; Low Church bigotry, ii. 37; King Leopold's birthday letter, ii. 39; visit of the King of Holland, ii. 42; on the Queen's absences from England, ii. 43; visit to Holland and Coburg, and to Treport to King Louis Philippe, ii. 44; Sir R. Peel's resignation and return to office, ii. 48-67; letter from King Louis Philippe, ii. 57; reply, ii. 69-70 1846 Opening of Parliament in person, ii. 73; defeat of the Sikhs, ii. 74-76; Coercion Bill, Ireland, ii. 79; resignation of Sir R. Peel, ii. 80-85; Lord John Russell forms a Government, ii. 85-87; parting with Ministers, ii. 87; Spanish marriage question, ii. 89, 90, 96-107; views as to dissolution, ii. 91; the Government of Canada, ii. 94; Duke of Wellington's statue, ii. 95; indignation at the engagement of the Queen of Spain, ii. 99-109; visit to Jersey, ii. 100; visit to Osborne, ii. 105; Peninsular War medals, ii. 109, 112, 113 1847 Views as to governing Portugal, ii. 117-120; Church patronage, ii. 121; difference with Lord Palmerston, ii. 122, 136; at the Opera to hear Jenny Lind, ii. 123; Duke of Wellington's statue, ii. 124; visit to Ardverikie, ii. 128; and Mr. Cobden, ii. 131; foreign policy, ii. 132-134; on the Swiss dispute, ii. 138; the Bishops and Dr Hampden, ii. 139; advance of money to Lord Melbourne, ii. 140 1848 Madame Adelaide's death, ii. 143-146; abdication and flight of King Louis Philippe to Claremont, ii. 149-164; Princess Louise born 18th March, ii. 166; Chartist demonstration, ii. 167-169; displeased with Lord Palmerston, ii. 171, 190, 191, 193, 195, 234, 240, 241, 256; position of the French Royal Family, ii. 176, 177; views on Foreign Policy, ii. 180; eulogy on Prince Albert, ii. 192; describes Balmoral, ii. 194; views of the Austrian and Italian Questions, ii. 197; stays at Osborne, ii. 197, 204; letter from Pope Pius IX., ii. 204; relations with France, ii. 206 1849 Receives the Koh-i-noor diamond, ii. 208; correspondence with Pope Pius IX., ii. 209, 210; letter from Napoleon, ii. 210; memo. on French Republic, ii. 213, 214; Hamilton's attempt on her life, ii. 220; method of dealing with despatches, ii. 221, 222; on Schleswig-Holstein Question, ii. 223, 250, 251, 257, 258; visits Ireland (Cork, Dublin, Waterford, Kingston, Belfast), ii. 223-249; Coal Exchange opened, ii. 228; thanksgiving after cholera epidemic, ii. 228; death of Queen Adelaide, ii. 230 1850 Pate's attack, ii. 231, 253; the draft to Greece, ii. 234, 238, 240; Prince Albert's speech, ii. 240; Koh-i-noor Diamond, ii. 242; birth and christening of Prince Arthur, ii. 251; stays at Osborne, ii. 256; death of first Duke of Cambridge, ii. 256; duties of the Foreign Secretary, ii. 264; death of King Louis Philippe, ii. 265; visits Scotland, ii. 265; death of the Queen of the Belgians, ii. 266, 271, 272; Lord Palmerston and the Haynau despatch, ii. 269, 270; on Germany, ii. 274, 278; on religious strife, ii. 277, 278; Papal aggression, ii. 279-282 1851 Principle of diplomatic appointments, ii. 285, 286; memo. on Sir J. Graham joining the Cabinet, ii. 286, 287; resignation of Government, ii. 289, 304; difficulties in forming a Government, ii. 288-315; success of the Exhibition in Hyde Park, ii. 317, 318, 320; Guildhall ball, ii. 320; visit to Balmoral, Allt-na-Giuthasach and Lochnagar, ii. 321-323; Lord Palmerston and Louis Kossuth, ii. 325-331; death of King of Hanover, ii. 331; views on Franchise and Suffrage proposals, ii. 332; Louis Napoleon's coup d'etat, ii. 334; dismissal of Lord Palmerston, ii. 342-348; review of Foreign Affairs, ii. 351 1852 Crown of Denmark, ii. 358; women and politics, ii. 362; New Houses of Parliament, ii. 363; pressure of business, ii. 366; change of Government, ii. 368-377; Household appointments, ii. 373, 376; on Foreign Affairs, ii. 377, 380; visits Osborne, ii. 378, 390, 417; on Italy, ii. 386, 387; Louis Napoleon's position, ii. 390; visits Osborne, ii. 391; inherits Mr Neild's fortune, ii. 392; visits Balmoral, ii. 392; views on national defence, ii. 396, 398-400; death of the Duke of Wellington, ii. 392-396, 401, 402; her admiration of his character, ii. 394; Louis Napoleon becomes Emperor, ii. 397, 407, 408; letter to him, ii. 407; secret Protocol, ii. 408; views on Princess of Hohenlohe's marriage, ii. 408-411, 422, 429; Lord Aberdeen's new Government, ii. 412-430; Lord Derby's tribute to, ii. 427 1853 French Emperor's marriage, ii. 433-435; Eastern Question, ii. 431, 441-444, 449, 452-465; views on Lord John Russell's position, ii. 438; birth of Prince Leopold (afterwards Duke of Albany), ii. 444; congratulations from the Emperor of Russia, ii. 444; views on India Bill, ii. 447; correspondence with Emperor of Russia on Eastern Question, ii. 459-465; Lord Stratford's despatch, ii. 469 1854 Opens Crystal Palace, iii. 2; Press attacks on Prince Albert, iii. 1, 3, 7, 8; on reception of Orleans family, iii. 6, 7; Reform Bill, iii. 8, 15; on competitive examinations, iii. 10, 11; desires augmentation of Army, iii. 12; Baltic Fleet sails, iii. 16; correspondence with King of Prussia on Eastern Question, iii. 16-19, 28-30, 31-33; declaration of war with Russia, iii. 19; on the defenceless state of England, iii. 36; on the state of India, iii. 38, 53; views on Army promotions, iii. 39; disapproves of special prayers for illness, iii. 40; French Emperor's letter after Prince Albert's visit, iii. 41, 42; battle of the Alma, iii. 44, 49; treatment of Indian Princes, iii. 47; views on Austrian Alliance, iii. 48, 50; Balaklava, iii. 50, 51; Inkerman, iii. 52, 54-56; Crimean medal, iii. 56; condition of hospital at Scutari, iii. 61 1855 Visits the French Emperor, iii. 64; King of Sardinia visits England, iii. 64; opinion on the "Four Points" negotiations, iii. 65; confidence in Lord Aberdeen, iii. 66-68; on the duties of Ambassadors and Foreign Secretaries, iii. 68, 69; on Lord John Russell's resignation, iii. 72-75; memo. on the crisis, iii. 74, 75; on Government's resignation, iii. 79; inability of Lord Derby and Lord John Russell to form a Government, iii. 80-96; Lord Palmerston forms a Government, iii. 96-104; letter to King of Prussia, iii. 107; visit to the wounded from Crimea, iii. 110; letter to Princess of Prussia on sudden death of the Czar, iii. 112; hospitals for sick and wounded soldiers, iii. 113; Crimean medals, iii. 116; visit of the Emperor and Empress of the French, iii. 117; review in Windsor Park, iii. 117; investiture of the French Emperor, iii. 117; letter from the Emperor, and reply, iii. 118, 119; Queen's opinion of French Emperor, iii. 122-126; distribution of medals, iii. 127; power of appointing Governor-General of India, iii. 127, 128; death of Lord Raglan, iii. 129; letter to Lady Raglan, iii. 129; message to the Army, iii. 130; Lord John Russell resigns, iii. 131, 132; Gen. Simpson's difficulties in the Crimea, iii. 134; Sunday bands, iii. 135; account of her visit to France, iii. 135-140; letter to French Emperor, iii. 137; first occupation of Balmoral, iii. 141; Sebastopol taken, iii. 142; Queen's message, iii. 142, 143; Princess Royal's proposed marriage with Crown Prince of Prussia, iii. 146, 147; Queen's desire for a dockyard on the Forth, iii. 151; discusses proposals of peace, iii. 152-154 1856 Victoria Cross, iii. 160; correspondence with French Emperor on the ultimatum, iii. 162-164, 172, 185; views on the council of war at Paris, iii. 168, 169; views of King of Sardinia, iii. 198; England's policy, iii. 169; letter to Florence Nightingale, iii. 170; distribution of honours, iii. 171; Commission on the conduct of Crimean officers, iii. 174; question of marriage of Princess Royal, iii. 182, 188, 220; Queen's views on Treaty of Peace, iii. 182-188; peace fete at Crystal Palace, iii. 190; enquiries before appointments offered, iii. 190; memorandum on her husband's status, iii. 192-194, 196; Sunday bands, iii. 194; title of Prince Consort conferred, iii. 197; review of Crimean troops, iii. 198, 199, 200; proposed marriage of Princess Mary, iii. 206, 209; letter to Empress of the French as to Treaty of Paris, and reply, iii. 207, 213; Balmoral, iii. 209; defence of England, iii. 212; death of Prince Charles of Leiningen, iii. 216, 217; letter to Louis Napoleon, iii. 221 1857 Indian Mutiny, iii. 223, 234, 236; China War debate, iii. 223, 231; French Emperor's feelings towards England, iii. 233; Princess Beatrice born, iii. 234; marriage of Princess Charlotte of Belgium, iii. 234, 241; Victoria Cross decoration, iii. 235; visit of the Emperor and Empress of the French, iii. 240, 242; views on defenceless state of England, iii. 241-242; urges reinforcements for India, iii. 242-246; on necessity of increasing the Army, iii. 245, 257, 260; anxiety for India, iii. 246; marriage of Princess Royal, iii. 253; death of Duchesse de Nemours, iii. 254; financial crisis, iii. 255; opens Parliament in person, iii. 256 1858 Prince Frederick William of Prussia (afterwards Emperor Frederick), married to the Princess Royal, iii. 261; death of Duchess of Orleans, iii. 261; parting with the Princess Royal, iii. 263, 264; defeat of the Government on Conspiracy Bill, iii. 265; formation of new Government, iii. 267-272; Prince of Wales's confirmation, iii. 278; enquiries into the state of the Navy, iii. 279, 297; Crown prerogatives, iii. 294, 295, 296; visit to the Emperor of the French, iii. 296; Proclamation to people of India, iii. 298, 304; duties of Secretary of State, iii. 299; Princess Royal's reception by the Prussians, iii. 454-456 1859 Dissolution on new Reform Bill, iii. 307; necessity for a strong Army and Navy, iii. 309; Queen's speech, iii. 313, 314; birth of first grandchild (present German Emperor), iii. 314, 324; letter to French Emperor advising peace, iii. 315; Indian Army Question, iii. 316-320; opens Parliament, iii. 317; letter to Emperor of Austria, and reply, iii. 322, 323, 324, 325; proposed congress to settle the Italian Question, iii. 325-334; Queen's speech, iii. 335-340; defeat of the Government, iii. 342; Lord Palmerston forms a new Government, iii. 344-349; Committee on Military Departments, iii. 351; views on the war between France and Austria, iii. 353, 354; conclusion of peace arranged between the two Emperors, iii. 354, 359, 360; the Pope's opinion of England's policy, iii. 356-359; differences with Lord Palmerston and Lord J. Russell on England's Italian Policy, iii. 361-373, 374-377; objection to publication of divorce cases in daily papers, iii. 378; congratulates French Emperor on peace, iii. 378 1860 Volunteer Review in Hyde Park, iii. 379; Prince of Wales visited Canada and United States, iii. 380, 405; difficulties with Lord John Russell over the Italian Policy, iii. 383; Gladstone's Budget statement, iii. 388; Earl Cowley's stormy interview with French Emperor, iii. 390-394; Prince of Wales visits Coburg and Gotha, iii. 396; letters of thanks to Indian Civil servants, iii. 398; visit to Aldershot, iii. 400; Abolition of Paper Duties Bill thrown out by the House of Lords, iii. 400-403; engagement of Princess Alice to Prince Louis of Hesse, iii. 405, 415, 418, 419; visits Holyrood, iii. 406; Balmoral, iii. 407; proposed meeting with the Emperor of Austria, iii. 408, 409; appeal from the King of Naples, iii. 409; reply, iii. 412; appointment of bishops, iii. 416, 417 1861 Death of Duchess of Kent, iii. 420; third visit to Ireland, iii. 420, 452; New Year's letter from French Emperor, and reply, iii. 423, 427; detailed account of death of the King of Prussia, iii. 424-426; happiness of the Princess Royal, iii. 430; wedding day anniversary, iii. 433; Garibaldi letter, iii. 434; death of the Duchess of Kent, iii. 420, 435-439, 447, 448; Mr Layard as Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, iii. 444-447; King of Sweden's visit to Osborne, iii. 447; his views on the Foreign Affairs, iii. 448-450; the Queen's views, iii. 450; visits Frogmore, iii. 451; visits Ireland, iii. 452; coronation of the King and Queen of Prussia, iii. 456-458; Queen of Prussia on Foreign Policy, iii. 460; appreciation of her Highland servant, iii. 461; Times newspaper's attacks on Prussia, iii. 462-464; America's right to search neutral ships, iii. 466, 468; Prince Consort's illness, iii. 468, 470; slight improvement, iii. 470; the crisis, iii. 472, 473; pathetic letter to King Leopold on death of Prince Consort, iii. 473, 476; death of Lady Canning, iii. 475; sympathetic letter to Viscount Canning, iii. 477
Victoria, Princess Royal, birth, i. 251; i. 319, 322, 358, 364, 436, 451, 493; ii. 3, 5; at opening of new Coal Exchange, ii. 228; ii. 276, 317; riding accident, ii. 322; her character, iii. 156; question of marriage, iii. 146, 147, 182, 188, 195, 218, 221; confirmation of, iii. 185; birthday, iii. 216; iii. 240; marriage, iii. 253, 261; parting from the Queen, iii. 263, 264; reception by the Prussians, iii. 454-456; birth of the present German Emperor, iii. 313, 314; iii. 332; visit to the Queen, iii. 335; birth of Princess Charlotte, iii. 406; detailed account of death of King of Prussia, iii. 424-426; domestic happiness of, iii. 430; death of Duchess of Kent, iii. 435, 438
Victoria and Albert, Queen's yacht, ii. 42
—— Cross, iii. 160, 235
—— (Australia), governorship of, iii. 190
Vienna, Congress of, i. 3; Treaty of, ii. 72, 114, 455, 469; Crimean Conference, its failure, iii. 63, 64; Conference of the Powers, iii. 104
Villafranca, peace concluded at, iii. 308, 355, 359, 361
Villiers, George William Frederick, afterwards fourth Earl of Clarendon. See Clarendon
—— Hon. Henry Montagu, Bishop of Carlisle, iii. 417
—— Mr Charles, "Father of the House," i. 148; Free Trade motion, ii. 381, 399, 404; proposed for office, ii. 422
Viscount, meaning of term, i. 124
Vivian, Sir Hussey, Master-General of the Ordnance, i. 279
Volunteer Review, iii. 406
Vor-Parlament, ii. 192
Waddington, Dr, Dean of Durham, i. 453
Walcheren Expedition, iii. 76
Wales, Albert Edward, Prince of, afterwards King Edward VII., birth, i. 364; Order of Black Eagle conferred, i. 372; christening, i. 376, 380; education, i. 463, 475; Grand Cross of St Andrew, ii. 17; present from the King of the French, ii. 27; Duke of Cornwall, ii. 100; Irish title, ii. 224; opening of new Coal Exchange, ii. 228; Foreign Orders, ii. 390; confirmation, iii. 278; visit to Napoleon at Cherbourg, iii. 296; visit to Rome, iii. 306, 311, 321; tour in Canada and United States, iii. 380, 411, 413, 414; visit to Coburg and Gotha, iii. 396; visit to Ireland, iii. 420, 452; goes to Cambridge, iii. 433; death of Prince Consort, iii. 476
—— tollbar disturbances, i. 450, 483, 492
Walewski, Madame, iii. 333
—— Count, ii. 133; coup d'etat, Paris, ii. 334, 339, 344, 347, 407; proposed marriage of Louis Napoleon, ii. 410, 422, 429; Eastern Question, ii. 442; Prince Albert's visit to Louis Napoleon, iii. 42; want of transports, iii. 51; curious letter, iii. 85, 154; Treaty of Peace, iii. 160, 213, 215; right of asylum despatch, iii. 261, 266, 276; and war with Austria, iii. 333, 333; resignation, iii. 383
Walker, Colonel, iii. 410
Wallachia, iii. 262
Walmer Castle, i. 436; Queen's visit to, i. 438, 443
Walpole, Spencer, ii. 374; Militia Bill, ii. 386, 388; on education, ii. 390, 391, 428; iii. 76; Home Secretary, iii. 272, 278; withdraws from Ministry, iii. 307
—— Sir Robert, i. 358
War, Secretary at, duties of, i. 100; power to appoint Commander-in-Chief, ii. 393
Warburton, Mr, Corn Law debate, i. 218
Ward, Mrs Horatia, daughter of Lord Nelson, iii. 41; pension for her children, iii. 40, 41
—— Rev., Dean of Lincoln, ii. 46
Warre, Lieut.-Gen., Sir Wm., i. 423
Wasa, Princess Caroline Stephanie of, ii. 408
Washington, Prince of Wales's reception at, iii. 405
Waterford, Queen's visit to, ii. 225
—— Marquess of, i. 388
Watson, Dr (afterwards Sir Thomas), Prince Consort's last illness, iii. 473
—— Admiral, iii. 250
Weikersheim, iii. 396
Weimar, Grand Duke of, i. 180; iii. 456, 458
Wellesley, Lord Charles, ii. 23
—— Sir Arthur (afterwards Duke of Wellington), and Convention of Cintra, iii. 175
Wellington, Duke of, Foreign Secretary, i. 30; Reform Bill, i. 61, 89; on Canadian difficulty, i. 100; i. 106, 155; interview with the Queen, i. 157; convention of 1828, i. 229; i. 253; illness, i. 259; i. 300; in the Cabinet, i. 309; Roman Catholic Question, i. 365; christening of the Prince of Wales, i. 376; Commander-in-Chief, i. 420; on duelling, i. 450, 485; i. 509; Corn Laws, ii. 49, 63; ii. 55, 63, 65; on dissolution, ii. 81; statue, ii. 95, 123, 124; Peninsular War medals, ii. 109, 113; on intervention in Portugal, ii. 123; on defence of England, ii. 141; Queen's tribute to, ii. 219; Brevet promotions, ii. 227; Sir Charles Napier's resignation, ii. 259; views on formation of new Government, ii. 295; appeal to, ii. 308, 309; death, ii. 357, 392; Queen's appreciation of, ii. 394; funeral arrangements, ii. 396; India's homage to, ii. 401; funeral, ii. 402
—— College, foundation stone, iii. 195
Welsh language, in schools, ii. 215
Wemyss, Earl of, see Elcho
Wessenberg, Baron, ii. 197
Westbury, Lord, see Bethell, Sir Richard
Westminster Abbey, the enthronisation, i. 121, 122
Westminster, Marquess of, K.G., iii. 227
Westmorland, eleventh Earl of, Minister at Berlin, ii. 241, 250, 274; question of decorations, iii. 202
Weyer, Sylvain van de, Belgian Foreign Minister, i. 58, 61, 182, 205; visit to the Queen, i. 255; ii. 299, 362, 372; iii. 101, 109, 386
Whalley, Mr, M.P., iii. 402
Wharncliffe, first Baron, Lord President of the Council, i. 299, 309
Whateley, Richard, Archbishop of Dublin, i. 62
Wheeler, General Sir Hugh, mutiny at Cawnpore, iii. 238
Whewell, Professor, i. 348
Whig Party, and the Royal Family, i. 5; power of, i. 20; weakness of, i. 43, 209; Ministry of, i. 56, 66, 102, 106; resignation of, i. 154; resume office, i. 171; Queen's opinion of, i. 213; verge of dissolution, i. 230; defeat, i. 253; in jeopardy, i. 268; vote of censure, i. 289; dissolution, i. 301; Cabinet, i. 308; Corn Law debate, i. 465; unable to take office, ii. 30, 58-63; and Protectionists, ii. 71; take office, ii, 71; Irish Coercion Bill, ii. 79, 81, 82; and Cobden, ii. 84; jealousies, ii. 86; Factory Act, ii. 115; intervention in Portugal, ii. 123; Poor Law Commission, ii. 130; repeal of Navigation Laws, ii. 208, 219; case of Don Pacifico and Mr. Finlay, ii. 231, 233-239, 243, 244, 247; suggested rearrangement of offices, ii. 236; Foreign Policy defended, ii. 252; in difficulties, ii. 283; Government defeat and resignation, ii. 288, 291; return to office, ii. 314; attempted fusion with Peelites, ii. 359; Militia Bill, ii. 368; resignation, ii. 368, 385; confusion of parties, ii. 403; defeat Government on House Tax, ii. 411, 412, 413, 423, 425; Lord Aberdeen forms a new Government, ii. 412-430; withdrawal of Reform Bill, iii. 16, 23; resignation of Lord John Russell, iii. 58, 61, 63, 73-76; Lord Palmerston becomes Premier, iii. 76; Roebuck Motion, iii. 76, 78; and Lord John Russell, iii. 86; Government of 1855, iii. 97, 102; Cabinet, iii. 103, 108, 109; Lord John Russell accepts the Colonial Office, iii. 109; dissolution on Chinese debate, iii. 229; return to power, iii. 307
Whiteside, Mr, iii. 239
Whiting, page to Queen Victoria, i. 12
Wilberforce, Archdeacon (afterwards Bishop of Oxford), i. 333; ii. 35, 82, 135; Divorce Bill, iii. 231, 232
Wilkie, Sir David, i. 313
William I., King of Prussia, see Prussia
—— King of the Netherlands, see Holland
—— IV. of England (formerly Duke of Clarence), politics, i. 5; marriage, i. 8, 14, 24; succession to the Throne, i. 19; estrangement with Duchess of Kent, i. 19, 27, 68; death and review of his reign, i. 19, 20, 56; illness, i. 71, 72, 73; death, i. 74; his children, i. 258
Williams, General Fenwick, gallant defence of Kars, iii. 64
—— Mr, i. 374
Willis's Rooms, iii. 341
Willoughby, Lord, receptions at Court, iii. 385
Wilson, James, Financial Secretary to Treasury, afterwards Privy Councillor, ii. 190
Wimpole, i. 504
Winchester, Marquess of, ii. 393
Windsor, Queen's opinion of, i. 85; beauty of, i. 372
Wiseman, Cardinal, made Archbishop of Westminster, ii. 232, 273, 278
Woburn Abbey, Queen's visit to, i. 295
Wodehouse, Lady, iii. 205
—— Lord (afterwards Earl of Kimberley), iii. 377
Women and Politics, Queen Victoria's view of, ii. 362
Wood, Sir Charles (afterwards Viscount Halifax), Chancellor of the Exchequer, ii. 84, 86, 109, 130, 132, 139, 312, 324, 359; Seals of Office given up, ii. 375; Board of Control, ii. 421; and Disraeli, ii, 428; India Bill, ii. 447; and Lord John Russell, iii. 59; Government of, 1855, iii. 93, 97, 98; India Board, iii. 104; first Lord of Admiralty, 1855, iii. 109, 149, 253; position of Naval Force, iii. 191; financial crisis, iii. 256; Secretary for India, iii. 349; Italian Policy, iii. 366; Indian titles, iii. 394; Indian Civil Service, iii. 398; artillery in India, iii. 473; letter on death of Prince Consort, iii. 474
Woods, Sir William, i. 204
Woolwich Arsenal, ii. 22
Worcester, Deanery of, ii. 40; See of, iii. 416
Wordsworth, Rev. Dr Christopher, Headmaster of Harrow, i. 348
Woronzow, Prince Michael, i. 494
Worsley, Lord, i. 287
Woulfe, Stephen, afterwards Chief Baron for Ireland, i. 62
Wrangel, General von, iii. 454
Wuertemberg, Alexander, Duke of, marriage, i. 4
—— Crown Prince of, iii. 458
—— King of, marriage, i. 1; visit to the Queen, i. 90
—— Prince Alexander, of, i. 89, 144, 145, 199
Wuertemberg, Princess Alexander of, death, i. 144, 150
—— Queen of, i. 11; visit to Frogmore, i. 13
Wyse, Mr, British Envoy at Athens, ii. 229, 234, 235, 243
Yang-tze River, i. 442
Yeh, Chinese Governor, and Sir John Bowring, iii. 223; ultimatum, iii. 223
York, Duke of, character, i. 5, 10
—— Prince Consort's visit to, ii. 184
Yorke, Sir Joseph, death, i. 384
Young, Sir John, High Commissioner, iii. 309
"Young England" party, ii. 1, 16
Zichy, Count Eugene, i. 115
Zollverein, i. 289
Zouaves, iii. 136
Zurich, Treaty of Peace at, iii. 308, 374
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Printed by Hazell, Watson & Viney, Ld., London and Aylesbury. Paper supplied by John Dickinson & Co., Ld., London.
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Transcriber's note:
Page 20: extraneous "the" removed. (...what they are—the the Queen...)
Page 111: so-fond: hyphen removed
Page 142: 'as replaced with 'at'. (The great event has at length taken place...)
Page 171: 'Fiday' corrected to 'Friday' (Lord Clarendon starts for Paris on Friday.)
Page 209: (indistinct) 'a s' corrected to 'pas', to conform with wording of earlier draft (...ces dangers seront ecartes a l'instant que la France s'unira a nous pour tenir un langage ferme a la Russie qui tache de nous desunir et il ne faut pas qu'elle y reussisse.)
Page 261: 'eighy' corrected to 'eighty' (...joined with eighty-four Liberals and four Peelites...)
Page 281, Footnote 28: 'wote' corrected to 'wrote'.
Page 325: 'sentimens' [sic; instead of 'sentiments'] (Lord Cowley a ete aupres de moi le digne interprete des sentiments de votre Majeste, ....)
Page 325: 'independans' [sic; instead of 'independants'] Etats independans.
Page 325: 'sentimens' [sic; instead of 'sentiments'] C'est dans ces sentimens que je renouvelle a votre Majeste....
[The omission of 't' in the above words may have been a personal idiom. They have been left as such.]
Page 390: Date corrected from 7th March 1863 to 7th March 1860.
Page 432: 'preseved' corrected to 'preserved' (...by which the peace of Europe may be preserved.)
Page 444: '1831' corrected to '1851' (...your Majesty's sanction to that was obtained in 1851-52,...)
Page 503: 'annxation' corrected to 'annexation'