Christino cause, i. 44, 67
Church of England, Queen's early knowledge of, i. 16; her relations to, i. 51, 72, 79; Parker Society, i. 259; reform, i. 282; difficulties at Oxford, i. 373, 374; Low Church bigotry, ii. 37; ii. 115; preferments, ii. 121; Ritualists and Romanists, ii. 273, 273, 377; riots at Stockport, ii. 391; in the Colonies, ii. 448
—— of Scotland crisis, i. 447, 448, 450
—— rates, i. 56, 66; iii. 323
Churchill, Lady, iii. 407
Chusan, i. 209, 265
Chuttur Singh, surrender of, ii. 217
Cintra, Convention of, iii. 175
Cistercian Trappists, Queen Adelaide's visit to, i. 437
Civil Service, competitive examinations for, iii. 9, 11
Clanricarde, Marquess of, i. 188; ii. 427; Privy Seal, iii. 266
—— Marchioness of, i. 350
Clanwilliam, Earl of, ii. 422
Claremont, residence of King Leopold, Queen's reminiscences of, i. 10, 18, 19; regret at leaving, ii. 5, 21; residence of King Louis Philippe, ii. 160-162
—— Col., Orsini trial, iii. 273
Clarence, Duke of, see William IV.
Clarendon, third Earl of, Chief Justice-in-Eyre, death, i. 143
—— fourth Earl of, i. 97; Ambassador at Madrid, i. 281; Lord Privy Seal, i. 308; ii. 60, 83, 86, 131, 132, 169, 195, 223, 224, 236, 244; opinion on Lord Palmerston's removal, ii. 260, 263; refusal of Foreign Office, ii. 346, 348; ii. 420, 423; Foreign Secretary, ii. 431; Eastern Question, ii. 439-444, 452-471; Duke of Cambridge in Paris, iii. 14; Russian loan, iii. 35; Crimea, iii. 43; Austrian alliance, iii. 48, 51; the "Four Points," iii. 65; Government of 1855, iii. 82, 83, 86, 88, 89, 90, 92, 94, 96, 96, 97, 98, 99; Foreign Affairs, iii. 104; Emperor's proposal to take command at the Crimea, iii. 110, 111; Naples despatch, iii. 143-144; Austrian ultimatum, iii. 152, 153, 165; arranging terms of settlement, iii. 168-185; conversation with French Emperor, iii. 175; Treaty of Peace signed, iii. 183; Queen's appreciation of his services, iii. 184, 185; honours, iii. 186; iii. 190; interview with Persigny, iii. 232; and Italy, iii. 305; declines joining the new Cabinet, iii. 346; St Juan dispute, iii. 373; coronation of King of Prussia, iii. 428, 429; reception at the coronation of King and Queen of Prussia, iii. 458-460; interview with the French Empress, iii. 460; King of Prussia's views, iii. 465
Clarendon's History of the Rebellion, i. 38, 52; Private Memoirs, i. 435
Claridge's Hotel, Empress of the French stays at, iii. 419
Clark, Dr (afterwards Sir James), Physician to the Queen, i. 61, 130, 202; Bagshot Park, iii. 384; Prince Consort's illness, iii. 471, 473
Clementine, Princess, of Orleans, i. 431
Cleveland, Duke of, i. 386
Clive, Lord, Life by Sir J. Malcolm, i. 55
Close, Francis, Dean of Carlisle, iii. 206
Clyde, Lord, see Campbell, Sir Colin
Cobden, Richard, i. 300; Corn Laws, i. 415, 465; ii. 60; Peel's tribute to, ii. 83; the Whigs, ii. 84, 85, 87; Poor Law Commission, ii. 130, 131, 132; ii. 155, 216; question of marriage between Prince Frederick William of Prussia and the Princess Royal, iii. 182; on China War, iii. 223; loss of seat, iii. 226; iii. 263; refuses to join Government, iii. 307, 348, 350; and the Pope, iii. 357; Plenipotentiary for commercial treaty, iii. 379; declines honours, iii. 413, 414
Coblentz, iii. 146
Coburg (see Saxe-Coburg), House of, history of, i. 3; influence on the Queen's politics, i. 4; abuse of, i. 53
—— Queen's visit to, ii. 45
Cochrane, Mr Baillie (afterwards Lord Lamington), iii. 445
Cockburn, Sir George, Admiral of the Fleet, i. 432
—— Mr (afterwards Sir Alexander), Don Pacifico debate, ii. 252; Chief Justice of Common Pleas, iii. 215
Codrington, Major-General Sir William, wounded at Inkerman, iii. 53; commands the English army in the Crimea, iii. 64, 134, 155, 155
Colborne, Sir John (afterwards Lord Seaton), i. 57; High Commissioner, Canada, i. 102; Field-Marshal, i. 129, 130
Colchester, Lord, iii. 230
Coldstream Guards wounded from Crimea, iii. 110
Colenso, Rev. J. W., ii. 449
Coleridge, Mr, and Provostship of Eton, iii. 431
Colloredo, Count, Austrian Ambassador, ii. 439, 440
Colquhoun, Mr, iii. 44
Colvin, John Russell, Lieut.-Gov. of North-West Provinces, death of, iii. 251
Combermere, Viscount, i. 420; Constable of the Tower, ii. 393; Field-Marshal, iii. 146
Companies, Limited Liability, statute passed, iii. 64
Conroy, Sir J., comptroller to Duchess of Kent, i. 99
Conservatives in opposition, i. 56; dissensions, ii. 1; Corn Laws, ii. 66; ii. 83, 315, 384, 403; form a Government, ii. 412-430; Roebuck Motion, iii. 79, 226; Government of 1858, iii. 262, 266; possible dissolution, iii. 283-292; new Reform Bill, iii. 307; defeat, iii. 341; iii. 362; overtures to Lord Palmerston, iii. 420, 429
Consort, Prince (see Victoria, Queen), parentage, i. 4; influence of Baron Stockmar, i. 26; his character, i. 28; Princess of Hohenlohe's opinion of, i. 46; Queen's first impression of, i. 49; education of, i. 97, 109, 111; engagement to Queen Victoria, i. 141, 188; visits Italy, i. 152; Queen's views, i. 177; description of, i. 186; arrival at Windsor, i. 188; religion, i. 196; question of a peerage, i. 198; the Declaration, i. 203, 204; his Household, i. 204, 206, 207; marriage with the Queen, i. 209, 217; his grant, i. 209, 214; appointed Regent, i. 209; the Queen's confidential secretary, i. 28; name in Prayer Book, i. 249; on changes at Court, i. 256; visits Oxford, i. 291; his position on change of Government, i. 304; Lord Melbourne's opinion of, i. 306; Fine Arts Commission, i. 332; lays foundation stone of Royal Exchange, i. 376; on duelling, i. 450; domestic life, i. 464; to hold levees, i. 470, 471; reception at Birmingham, i. 509; his father's death, ii. 6; Grand Cross of St Andrew, ii. 17; birthday, ii. 20; French King's appreciation of, ii. 25; title rumours, ii. 34; interest in Osborne, ii. 42; attacks on, ii. 46; memo. on change of Government, ii. 61; council meeting, ii. 65; Sir R. Peel and memo. of their conversation, ii. 76; memo. on resignation of Sir R. Peel, ii. 80, 83; on new Government, ii. 85; Sir R. Peel, ii. 93; his self-denial, ii. 129; visits King Louis Philippe at Claremont, ii. 163; and the unemployed, ii. 168; visit to York, ii. 184; visit with the Queen to Ireland, ii. 224; opening of new Coal Exchange, ii. 228; Exhibition of 1851, ii. 231, 316-318; memo. on Lord Palmerston's Foreign Policy, ii. 235, 243, 260, 261; Mansion House speech, ii. 239; memos. on formation of a new Government, ii. 293, 297, 298, 300, 302, 306, 309, 310, 311; presides at Propagation of Gospel Meeting, ii. 319; on Lord Palmerston's successor, ii. 345-347; his fondness for politics and business, ii. 362; and the Army, ii. 365; on resignation of Lord John Russell, ii. 367, 369, 371; on change of Government, ii. 374; command of Grenadier Guards and Rifle Brigade, ii. 392; on new appointments on death of Duke of Wellington, ii. 392; on national defences, ii. 398-400; on Free Trade Debate, ii. 404; on resignation of Lord Derby, ii. 412-413; on new Government, ii. 413, 415, 420; Lord Derby's opinion of, ii. 426; on change of Ministry, ii. 427; birth of Prince Leopold (afterwards Duke of Albany), ii. 444; congratulates Mr Gladstone on his Budget speech, ii. 446; memo. on Eastern Question, ii. 454, 456; memo. on Lord Palmerston's resignation, ii. 467; Press attacks on, iii. 1, 3, 4, 7, 8; interview with Emperor Napoleon, iii. 1; President of Patriotic Fund, iii. 2; memos. on Reform Bill, iii. 20, 22, 23, 24; memo. of Government changes, iii. 33, 34; visits French Emperor, iii. 41-43; memo. on Lord John Russell's possible resignation, iii. 58; visits the French Emperor, iii. 64; memo. on Lord John Russell's resignation, iii. 72; memos. on inability of Lord Derby and Lord John Russell to form a Government, iii. 83-96; memo. on Lord Palmerston's Government of 1855, iii. 97, 98; asks Lord Aberdeen to join new Government, iii. 98; memo. of interview with Mr Gladstone, iii. 107-109; on Austria's proposal of Crimean settlement, iii. 120, 127; visits France, iii. 135; appointment of Sir W. Codrington, iii. 155; Queen's memo. on his status, iii. 192-194; title of Prince Consort conferred, iii. 196, 197, 197; French Emperor's feeling towards England, iii. 232, 233; marriage of Princess Royal, iii. 261, 263, 264; memo. on resignation of the Government, iii. 266-268; Danish Question, iii. 281; memo. on Oudh Proclamation, iii. 284; memo. on Lord Derby and dissolution, iii. 289; visit to French Emperor at Cherbourg, iii. 295; memo. on Lord Palmerston, iii. 300; Lord Stanley's position with the Queen, iii. 301-303; tours of Prince of Wales and Prince Alfred, iii. 411; Princess Alice's engagement, iii. 415; state visit to Ireland, iii. 420; Lord John Russell's despatch to America, iii. 421; failure of health, iii. 421; death of the Duchess of Kent, iii. 435-439; illness, iii. 468, 470; draft despatch to United States, last written by, iii. 469; slight rally, 472, 473; death, iii. 421, 473
Conspiracy and Assassination Bill, iii. 266
Constantin, expedition against, i. 43; taken by France, i. 96
Constantine of Russia, Grand Duchess, ii. 7; iii. 466
Constantinople, i. 232; Russian Fleet ordered to, ii. 441, 452
Constitution de la Belgique, newspaper, i. 55
Constitution, the English, i. 358
Constitutional newspaper, i. 53
Conyngham, Lady Maria, i. 12
—— Marchioness, i. 12
—— Marquess, Lord Chamberlain, i. 12, 74, 75, 84, 110, 121
Cooper, the Leicester Chartist, i. 424
Coorg, Princess of, iii. 54
Corbett, Mr, Secretary of Legation at Florence, iii. 310
Corigan, Dominic, Physician-in-Ordinary, ii. 136
Cork, Queen Victoria's visit to, ii. 224; question of dockyard, iii. 151
Corn Laws, petition against, i. 148; debates on, i. 218, 265, 278, 280, 370, 381, 415, 450, 465; Anti-Corn-Law League, i. 370, 415, 466; ii. 30, 49, 383; paragraph in the Times, ii. 48, 49; Lord John Russell's policy, ii. 59; Sir R. Peel's views, ii. 65, 66, 87; settlement, ii. 233; Earl Grey on, ii. 377; Mr Disraeli on, ii. 381
Coronation, i. 120, 127
Corry, H., ii. 306, 405
Cottenham, Earl of, Chancellor, i. 271, 308, 314; ii. 83
County and Borough Franchise, ii. 288
Couper, Sir George, iii. 254
Courvoisier murders Lord William Russell, i. 220
Covent Garden Theatre, Free Trade meetings at, ii. 131
Coventry, Earl of, i. 91
Cowell, Major (afterwards Sir John), tutor to Prince Alfred, iii. 413
Cowley, first Baron, Minister at Frankfort, i. 495
—— second Baron (created Earl 1859), ii. 146, 186, 275; Queen's high opinion of, ii. 285, 286; Ambassador at Napoleon's Court, ii. 397, 407; Napoleon's marriage, ii. 435; Eastern Question, iii. 115, 151, 153, 154, 160; council of war at Paris, iii. 168; honours, iii. 186; iii. 221; mission to Vienna, iii. 308, 323, 324-326; rumoured treaty between France and Russia, iii. 330; terms of peace at Villafranca, iii. 359, 360; England's congress representative, iii. 375; Italian Question, iii. 384, 385; stormy interview with Napoleon, 390-394; French policy in Italy, iii. 412
Cowper, Countess, i. 201
—— Lady Fanny, i. 121; her beauty, i. 123, 125; i. 266. See also Jocelyn, Lady
—— Hon. William, Priv. Sec. to Lord Melbourne, i. 220; First Commissioner of Works, iii. 443
Cracow, ii. 72, 114
Crampton, Mr (afterwards Sir John), British Minister at Washington, dismissal of, iii. 219; English Ambassador at St Petersburg, iii. 326
Cranworth, Lord, Lord Chancellor, ii. 420; iii. 103; Divorce Bill, iii. 231
Creptowitch, Count, Russian Ambassador, iii. 185
Crimea, see Eastern Question
Croker, Right Hon. J. W., Queen's declaration, i. 197
Crown, influence of the, i. 105; prerogatives of, iii. 294, 296
—— jewels, claim to, i. 439, 487
Crowther, Rev. Samuel, ii. 366
Crystal Palace, the Queen opens the, iii. 2; visit of the Emperor and Empress of the French, iii. 117; peace fete, iii. 190
Cullen, Dr, Archbishop of Armagh, ii. 281
Cumberland, second Duke of, i. 4; his character, i. 6, 72, 76. See also Hanover, King Ernest of
—— third Duke of, see Hanover, King George V.
Cureton, General, death of, ii. 212
—— Rev. Wm., recommended for Canonry, ii. 121
Custine, Marquis Astolphe de, La Russie en 1839, i. 501
Daily News, iii. 337
Dalhousie, Countess of, i. 397; death, ii. 450 —— tenth Earl and first Marquess of, ii. 65, 84; Viceroy of India, ii. 142; views as to the Punjab, ii. 196; Marquess, ii. 208, 221; Queen's opinion of, ii. 212; Koh-i-noor diamond, ii. 242; Rangoon, ii. 380; Cinque Ports, ii. 393; India, ii. 400, 401; on his wife's death, ii. 450; correspondence with the Queen, iii. 38, 39, 45-48, 53; desires to retire, iii. 114; retirement of, iii. 159, 179; reported failure to suppress insubordination in India, iii. 180; Lord Canning succeeds him, iii. 179; iii. 292
Dalkeith, Queen's visit to, i. 430
Dalmeny, Lord, i. 489
Danish Law of Succession, ii. 358; iii. 280
Darmes, attempts King Louis Philippe's life, i. 243
D'Aubigny, Mons., ii. 20
Davis, Jefferson, President of the Southern States, iii. 421
Davys, Rev. George, Dean of Chester, afterwards Bishop of Peterborough, instructor of Queen, i. 15, 38, 64
Dawes, Richd., Dean of Ripon, iii. 206
Dawson, Hon. Thomas Vesey, death at Inkerman, iii. 55
Deceased Wife's Sister Bill, iii. 277
Defences, national, ii. 396, 398-400; iii. 37
De Grey, Earl, Lord-Lieut, of Ireland, i. 309
Delane, John T., editor of the Times, ii. 263; and Germany, iii. 462
De la Warr, Elizabeth, Countess, i. 310
Delhi, revolt at, iii. 224, 236; capture of, iii. 236
Democracy, progress of, ii. 385
"Democratic," definition of the term, i. 107
Denison, J. E., ii. 273; Speaker, iii. 223
Denman, Lord, i. 469
Denmark, and Morocco, ii. 4; and Holstein, ii. 171, 222, 223, 249, 251, 270; peace concluded with Prussia, ii. 254, 255; Danish succession, ii. 320, 358
—— King of, letter to Queen Victoria, ii. 254
Derby, Earl of, see Stanley
Despatches, method of dealing with, ii. 221, 222
Devonshire, Duke of, ii. 14; iii. 202
Dhuleep Singh, Maharajah, Queen's impression of, iii. 39, 47, 54; iii. 219; Indian Mutiny, iii. 248, 252
Dietz, Mons., Governor of Prince Ferdinand, i. 54, 131
Dilke, Sir C. W., Baronet, iii. 477
Disbrowe, Sir Ed., British Minister at the Hague, i. 145, 409, 417
Disfranchisement Bill, ii. 380
Disraeli, Benjamin, "Young England," ii. 16; "poisoned chalice," ii. 59; protectionist, ii. 71; attack on Sir R. Peel, ii. 79, 80; leader of Opposition, ii. 208, 216, 248; motion on agricultural distress, ii. 285; protection, ii. 287; ii. 291, 301, 303, 363; on Palmerston's defence, ii. 364; Endymion, ii. 376; Chancellor of the Exchequer, ii. 381; debate on dissolution, ii. 382, 384; Militia Bill, ii. 385, 386, 387; speech on Duke of Wellington, ii. 401; Free Trade, ii. 402, 403; and Gladstone, ii. 405; Budget speech, ii. 406; loss of office, ii. 415, 427; apology for his speech, ii. 428; attack on the Government, iii. 38; Roebuck Motion, iii. 76, 79, 106; formation of Government of 1855, iii. 81, 84; attack on Lord John Russell, iii. 131; preparation for war, iii. 192; attack on the Budget, iii. 224, 226; China War debate, iii. 228, 229; speech on Indian Mutiny, iii. 239; return to office, iii. 261; Conspiracy Bill debate, iii. 265; Chancellor of the Exchequer, iii. 272; reports of the debates, iii. 274, 275, 277, 278; India Bill, iii. 279; Oudh Proclamation debate, iii. 290, 292; and Lord Stanley, iii. 301; debate on the address, iii. 340; defeat of Government, iii. 341; and the Pope, iii. 358; and Lord Palmerston's Government, iii. 429
Dissenters and Church Rates, iii. 323
Dissolution, prerogative of, ii. 91
Divorce Bill, iii. 224, 231
—— Court, Queen's objection to publication of proceedings in newspapers, iii. 378
Doabs, Eastern, disarmament of Sikhs, ii. 217
Dorset, Duke of, Master of the Horse, i. 12
Dost Mahommed, see Afghanistan, Ameer of
Douglas, General Sir Howard, iii. 175
—— Lord (afterwards Duke of Hamilton), marriage, i. 439
Douglas, Rev. Hon. A. (afterwards Bp. of Aberdeen and Orkney), iii. 102
Douro, Marchioness of, i. 486; ii. 5, 322
Doyle, Richard, i. 152
Drayton Manor, Queen's visit to, i. 509
Dresden, ii. 219
Dreux, ii. 159
Drummond, Edward, assassination of, i. 455, 456
—— Castle, Queen's visit to, i. 430
—— Henry, Member for West Surrey, iii. 76, 276
Druses, iii. 380
Dublin, Archbishop of (Richard Whateley), Queen's opinion of, i. 62
—— fear of outbreak at, ii. 169; Queen's visit to, ii. 224
Duels, military, i. 450, 485
Dufferin, Marquess of, and story of Mrs Norton and the Times, ii. 48
Duffield, Walter, ii. 41
Dumas, General, ii. 159
Duncannon, Viscount (afterwards Earl of Bessborough), Lord Privy Seal, afterwards Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, i. 99, 133, 281, 308, 344; ii. 93; death, ii. 122
Duncombe, Thomas, M.P., Finsbury, iii. 79; Roebuck Committee, ii. 106
Dundas, Vice-Admral Sir James, Commander of Mediterranean Fleet, ii. 452; iii. 1, 116
—— Rear-Admiral Richard, commands expedition to the Baltic, iii. 116
—— Mr (afterwards Lord Melville), i. 357
—— Sir David, Convention of Cintra, iii. 175
Dundonald, Earl of (formerly Lord Cochrane), iii. 9
Dunfermline, Lord (formerly James Abercromby), Speaker, i. 98; iii. 230
Dungannon, Viscount, i. 133
Dunkeld, Queen's visit to, i. 429
Dunmore, Countess of, Lady-in-Waiting, i. 384
—— Earl of, death, ii. 43
Durham, first Earl of, High Commissioner in Canada, i. 102, 103, 104; rash conduct, i. 128, 133, 137; resignation, i. 137; i. 142, 144, 155, 234
Eastern Question, ii. 431, 437, 441-444, 449, 452-471; declaration of war with Russia, iii. 1, 12, 13, 20; Turkish success, iii. 36; battle of the Alma, iii. 43, 49; Inkerman, iii. 53; Four Points negotiations, iii. 63, 65; terms of settlement and final evacuation of the Crimea, iii. 158, 182
East India Company, recall of Lord Ellenborough, ii. 1, 9, 11; giving medals, ii. 200; Sir Charles Napier, ii. 259; position of Indian princes, iii. 47, 219; Mutiny, iii. 223, 234, 237-248, 252; future Government of India, iii. 257
Eastlake, Sir Charles, Keeper of National Gallery, i. 338
Ecclesiastical Titles Bill, ii. 232, 279, 281, 283, 313, 314
Eckerforde, ii. 218
Eden, Lt.-Gen. John, C.B., iii. 39
Edinburgh, Queen's visit, i. 429
Education, Bullock's work on, ii. 214; committee on, ii. 390
Edwardes, Major, ii. 200
Egypt (see also Ali, Mehemet) and the Four Powers, i. 227, 232, 242, 252
Elchingen, Duc de, i. 83
Elcho, Lord (afterwards Earl of Wemyss), Government of 1855, iii. 98; new Foreign Office, iii. 443
Election, general 1836, i. 56; on death of William IV., i. 80, 89; ii. 126; Corrupt Practices Bill, iii. 8
Elgin, Earl of, Governor in Jamaica, ii. 47, 94; treaty with Japan, iii. 262; Postmaster-General, iii. 349
Elimar, Prince, of Oldenburg, iii. 458
Eliot, Lord, afterwards Earl of St Germans, i. 310
Elizabeth, Princess, daughter of Queen Adelaide, death, i. 31
Ellenborough, Lord (afterwards Earl of), President of Board of Control, i. 163, 309, 326; Governor-General of India, i, 344; Indian warfare, i. 407, 443; Somnauth proclamation, i. 445, 462, 468; Scinde controversy, i. 502; recall of, ii. 1, 9, 18; Earldom, ii. 10; in office, ii. 65, 70; protectionist, ii. 306; and Lord Cochrane, iii. 10; iii. 73, 81; President of Board of Control, iii. 262, 272; Oudh despatch, iii. 281, 282-289; resignation, iii. 282-285
Ellesmere, Earl of, death, iii. 227
Ellice, Mr, i. 144; ii. 92
Elliot, Captain, Chinese opium trade, i. 254, 260, 261; recalled, i. 265
—— Lady Fanny, i. 291
—— Lady Harriet, illness of, iii. 69
—— Mr (afterwards Sir Henry), P.C., G.C.B., Plenipotentiary to Naples, iii. 356, 418
Elphinstone, General, capture of, i. 254
—— Sir J. D. H., M.P. for Portsmouth, iii. 278
—— Baron, Governor of Bombay, iii. 313, 406
Ely, bishopric of, ii. 35
—— Marchioness of, iii. 378
Emlyn, Lord, marriage, i. 395
Enfield, iii. 212
England, troubles in Afghanistan, 254, 370, 373, 382, 385
—— and Austria, ii. 182, 183, 187, 190, 380; Eastern Question, ii. 432, 441, 444, 452; iii. 1, 13, 25; proposed alliance, iii. 49, 50, 65, 115, 118; Four Points, iii. 120, 144; ultimatum, iii. 152, 168, 182
—— and China, i. 260-262; successes in, i. 441; dispute with and ultimatum, iii. 223, 226, 231; treaty of Tien-tsin, iii. 262, 381; march to Pekin, iii. 381
—— and Denmark, ii. 358
—— and France, i. 93, 209, 230; ii. 1, 19, 96, 120; hospitality to King of, ii. 155; relations with as a Republic, ii. 206; on the Eastern Question, ii. 431, 443, 452, 458, 460, 470; alliance with, iii. 1, 232; feeling against, iii. 261, 264
—— and Germany, ii. 274, 275, 276
—— and India (see India)
—— and Italy, ii. 182, 186; Rome, ii. 279, 386, 387; Naples, iii. 140, 141
—— and Japan, treaty, iii. 262
—— and Persia, war, iii. 159
—— and Portugal, unpopularity, i. 57; English fleet in the Tagus, ii. 109; constitutional trouble, ii. 111, 118; conference, ii. 120; policy in, ii. 179
—— Punjab, annexation of, ii. 208
—— and Russia, i. 86; ii. 19; on the Eastern Question, ii. 431, 441-445, 452; iii. 1, 4, 11, 12, 13, 14; declaration of war, iii. 19; Crimea, iii. 24-32, 35, 36, 43; defeat at the Alma, iii. 43, 44, 50; battle of Balaklava, iii. 50; Four Points, iii. 65, 120; Sebastopol taken, iii. 141; Austrian ultimatum, iii. 152; peace and terms of settlement, iii. 158; difficulty of enforcing settlement, iii. 159-186, 213; Danish Question, iii. 439
—— and Spain, i. 433, 486, 487, 512; ii. 31, 32, 44; marriage question, ii. 72, 95-108
—— Sweden and Norway, iii. 134
—— and Turkey, Eastern Question, ii. 431, 437, 441-445, 452; iii. 1, 11, 13, 19
England and United States of America, boundary dispute, i. 254, 355, 368, 461; ii. 30, 72; rupture with, iii. 159, 219; Trent affair, iii. 421
England, General (afterwards Sir Richard), i. 402, 407
Enrique, Don, ii. 89, 90, 96, 98, 99, 103
Ense, Varnhagen, von, memoirs of, iii. 472
Erfurt, Diet of, ii. 229
Ernest, Prince, of Hohenlohe, death of, iii. 396
Ernest, King, of Hanover, i. 57, 189. See Cumberland, Duke of
—— Prince, of Saxe-Coburg, i. 48; arrival at Windsor, i. 188; i. 205; marriage, i. 380; bravery, ii. 218
Ernestine branch of Saxe-Coburg family, history of, i. 2
Erroll, Earl of, i. 300, 474
Espartero, Joaquin, Regent of Spain, i. 57, 346
Este, Sir Augustus de, i. 489
Esterhazy, Prince Paul, i. 115, 435
Eton College, ii. 21; Montem, ii. 109; resignation of Dr Hawtrey, ii. 433; extra week's holiday, iii. 200; election of Provost, iii. 431
Eu, Chateau de, i. 181, 182; Queen's visit to, i. 490; ii. 23, 89
Eugenie, Empress of the French, see Montijo
Eupatoria, disaster at, iii. 1, 63, 111
Evans, Col. (afterwards Sir G. de Lacy), i. 44, 57; iii. 53, 297
Examinations, competitive, iii. 10, 297
Executions, public, ii. 38
Exeter, Bishop of, Gorham case, ii. 273
Exeter, Marquess of, i. 312
Exhibition of 1851, in Hyde Park, ii. 231, 239; success of, ii. 283, 316, 317; ball at Guildhall, ii. 320
Factory Labour, Bill, ii. 1, 115
Fane, Hon. Julian, Secretary of Embassy, Vienna, iii. 370, 409
Farnham, Queen's visit to, iii. 400
Fawcett, Col., shot in a duel, i. 485
Featherstonhaugh, Mr., H.B.M. Consul, Havre, arranges escape of King Louis Philippe, ii. 156-160, 163
Feodore, Princess, of Leiningen, the Queen's half-sister, marriage to Prince of Hohenlohe-Langenburg, i. 3, 33; childhood, i. 18; i. 31, 37, 88, 125, 480, 510
Ferdinand, Maximilian Joseph, of Austria, Archduke, proposed marriage, iii. 211; marriage and death of, iii. 234, 240
—— Duke of Orleans, i. 234
—— see Portugal, King of
—— II., King of Naples, i. 51; rising against, ii. 141; illness and death, iii. 324
—— of Bulgaria, Prince, i. 431
Feroz Shah, Prince, iii. 47
Ferozepore, ii. 74, 208
Ferozeshah, ii. 31, 76
Fieschi attempts King Louis Philippe's life, i. 407
Fife, Earl of, Peerage, iii. 245
Fine Arts Commission, i. 332
Finlay, Mr, claim against Greek Government, ii. 231, 239
Finmark, guarantee of, iii. 134
Fiscal Policy, ii. 292
Fisher, Dr, see Salisbury, Bishop of
Fitzclarence, Lord Adolphus, i. 390
Fitzgerald, William Robert Seymour Vesey, Under Secretary for Foreign affairs, iii. 277, 445
—— Sir John, iii. 76
—— and Vesci, Lord, President of Board of Control, i. 347, 372
Fitzmayer, Col., iii. 182
Fitzwilliam, Earl, ii. 126-128
—— Lady Anne, i. 121
Flahaut, Madame de, ii. 39
Florence, visited by Prince Albert, i. 152; revolution in, iii. 308
Follett, Sir William, i. 219; Solicitor-General, i. 469
Fonblanque, Albany, i. 412
Foreign Enlistment Bill, iii. 2, 58
Foreign Office, new, iii. 444
Foreign Secretary, duties of, ii. 264
Forey, General, iii. 455
Fortescue, second Earl, receives the Garter, iii. 157
—— Dudley, iii. 443
Fould, Achille, French Minister, iii. 333, 418
Four Points, Crimean negotiations, iii. 63, 65, 120, 154, 158, 160-185
Fox, Charles James, i. 5, 391
—— Mr, British Minister at Washington, i. 355
France, attempts on life of King, i. 43, 243, 408; expedition to Constantin, i. 43, 57; heated debates in Chamber, i. 59, 63; Duke and Duchess of Orleans, i. 69; and England, i. 93, 97, 209, 230; and the Peninsula, i. 94; in Africa, i. 96; sympathy with Belgium, i. 102, 135; resignation of Ministry, i. 149, 151; Louis Bonaparte, i. 209; Turco-Egyptian convention, i. 227; Eastern crisis, i. 231, 235-240; friendliness with England, i. 239, 244; Thiers Ministry dismissed, i. 242; possibility of revolution, i. 246-249; and Spain, i. 347, 351, 445; Spanish marriage, i. 488; ii. 32, 44, 72, 96-109; Queen Victoria's visit to, i. 490; friction with England, ii. 1, 6, 21; England and Russia, ii. 19; hostilities with Morocco, ii. 20; fortification of Paris and Algerian trouble, ii. 31; Syrian War, ii. 68; murder of Duchesse de Praslin, ii. 115, 128; revolution, ii. 141; abdication of King, ii. 149; republic, ii. 148, 151; new Government, ii. 155, 172; national assembly, ii. 173; the Royal Family, ii. 176; entente cordiale, ii. 186, 190; English Ambassador to, ii. 190, 206; Louis Bonaparte, President of Republic, ii. 205, 210, 214; relations with England, ii. 206; state of, ii. 238; coup d'etat in Paris, ii. 334-340, 353; dispute with Russia, ii. 356; and the Swiss Government, ii. 380; champion of Italian liberty, ii. 387; Bourbons, ii. 389; position of Louis Napoleon, ii. 390; assumes imperial title, ii. 406; Eastern Question, ii. 431, 441-444, 449, 451-471; iii. 1; fleet sent to Salamis, ii. 441; and England, ii. 443; alliance with England against Russia, iii. 1, 6, 13; and Sebastopol, iii. 43, 44; Inkerman, iii. 52; and the Four Points, iii. 120; success against Russia, iii. 135; Queen's visit to, iii. 135, 136; fall of Sebastopol, iii. 142, 143, 145; desire for peace, iii. 153; peace and terms of settlement, iii. 138-185, 214, 215; rupture with King Ferdinand, iii. 158, 159; and Austria, iii. 168; bad state of army, iii. 180; feeling against England, iii. 261, 264; Italy and Sardinia, iii. 307; war with Austria, iii. 310, 314; reported treaty with Russia, iii. 328; victories, iii. 353; conclusion of peace, iii. 355; Treaty of Zurich, iii. 374; annexation of Savoy and Nice, iii. 379; expedition to Pekin, iii. 381; policy in Italy, iii. 412
Franchise, County and Borough, ii. 288, 289; Extension Committee, ii. 324; Disfranchisement Bill, ii. 380, 381; based on personal property, iii. 307; Borough, iii. 379
Francis, attempts the Queen's life, i. 370, 398, 405
—— II., King of Naples, flight to Gaeta, iii. 380, 407
Frankfort, National Assembly at, ii. 174, 188, 192
Frederic of the Netherlands, Prince, iii. 458
—— Archduke, i. 431
Frederick, William Victor Albert (afterwards German Emperor), birth of, iii. 314; christening, iii. 324
Frederick I., see Wuertemberg, King of
—— Augustus II., see Saxony, King of
—— Crown Prince of Prussia, see Prussia, Prince Frederick
Free Church of Scotland, founded, i. 448
Freemasons, i. 478
Free Trade, i. 382; ii. 132, 248, 310, 313, 344, 384, 386, 390, 399, 405, 427
Fremantle, Sir Thomas, afterwards Lord Cottesloe, i. 482
French, Emperor of the, see Napoleon
—— Empress of the, see Montijo, Mademoiselle de
French, King of the, see Louis Philippe
—— Queen of the (Marie Amelie) (see Louis Philippe), death, ii. 265
Frogmore, iii. 399; death of Duchess of Kent at, iii. 435-439, 447
Fueros, i. 188
Gaelic, in Highland schools, ii. 214
Gaeta, ii. 205
Gaillard, Gabriel Henri, La Rivalite de la France et de l'Espagne, i. 39
Gainsborough, Countess of, see Barham, Lady
Gaisford, Very Rev. Thomas (Dean of Christchurch), iii. 148
Garbett, Mr, i. 374
Gardner, Lord, i. 291
Garibaldi, guerilla leader, iii. 308; deputy for Nice, iii. 380; and Sicilian insurrection, iii. 380, 410; Lord J. Russell's letter to and reply, iii. 431, 432, 434
Geisel, Cardinal, iii. 457
George III., his politics, i. 5; family, i. 6
—— IV., marriage, i. 1; politics, i. 5; Queen's visit to, i. 11-13, 258; death, i. 19
—— V., of Hanover, see Hanover
—— Prince, of Denmark, i. 214
Germany, King of Prussia on, ii. 137; effect of French Revolution, ii. 141; anxiety in, ii. 167, 170, 174; Minor States, ii. 188, 189; interest in Lombardy, ii. 193; disorder in, ii. 199, 215; Imperial crown declined by King of Prussia, ii. 219; Union of Schleswig and Holstein, ii. 222, 249, 254; critical position of, ii. 229, 273, 275, 278; and England, ii. 274; constitutionalism, ii. 275; anxiety in, ii. 278; Diet, ii. 320; coronation, iii. 456-459; the Emperor's views, iii. 465
Ghent, disturbances at, i. 187
Gholab Singh, ii. 74
Gholam Mohammed, Prince, iii. 39
Ghuznee, surrender of, i. 402, 442; Mahmood of, iii. 46
Gibraltar, Governorship of, ii. 201
Gilbert, Major-General, ii. 217
Girardin, Emile, ii. 149
Giurgevo, Turkish success at, iii. 1, 35
Gladstone, Right Hon. W. E., Member for Newark, i. 220; President of Board of Trade, i. 370; Corn Laws, i. 381; retirement, ii. 30; Colonial Secretary, ii. 64, 65; ii. 71, 248, 252, 302, 305, 306, 368; Disfranchisement Bill, ii. 381; education minute, ii. 391; Free Trade, ii. 403, 404; and Disraeli, ii. 405; Chancellor of the Exchequer, ii. 421; first Budget, ii. 431, 446; Prince Albert's congratulations, ii. 440; Eastern Question, ii. 454; possible Leader, ii. 458; iii. 24; letter in the Morning Chronicle, iii. 8; Civil Service examinations, iii. 9, 10; Roebuck Motion, iii. 77, 79, 109; formation of Government of 1855, iii. 83, 86, 93, 94, 97, 98, 107; Chancellor of Exchequer, iii. 104; interview with Prince Albert, iii. 107; resignation, iii. 109; iii. 149; preparation for war, iii. 192; attack on Budget, iii. 224, 226; Chinese dispute, iii. 228; Divorce Bill, iii. 231; High Commissioner to Ionian Islands, iii. 262, 301, 309; Conspiracy Bill debate, iii. 265; refusal to join Government of 1858, iii. 270, 292; Oudh Proclamation debate, iii. 290; Crown prerogatives (India), iii. 295; new Reform Bill, iii. 307; Chancellor of the Exchequer, iii. 307; on the fate of the Government, iii. 341; Chancellor of the Exchequer, iii. 349; and the Pope, iii. 357; Italian policy, iii. 367; rise in Income Tax, iii. 379; desire to resign, iii. 379; Budget import duties, iii. 388; Bill for Abolition of Paper Duties thrown out, iii. 401, 402, 420; threatens resignation, iii. 403; disagreement with Palmerston, iii. 420, 423, 429
Glasgow, serious riot, ii. 141; Queen opens Waterworks, iii. 308
Glenelg, Lord, Colonial Secretary, i. 102, 104
Glenlyon, Lord (afterwards Duke of Athole), i. 429; ii. 25
Gloucester, Duchess of (Princess Mary), i. 12, 31, 172, 194, 389; ii. 174
—— Duke of, character and politics, i. 7
—— Princess Sophia Matilda of, i. 480
Gluecksburg, Prince Christian of, see Christian
Goblet, Albert Joseph, Count d'Alviella, i. 52
Goldie, Brig.-Gen., death at Inkerman, iii. 52
Goodford, Dr, Headmaster of Eton College, elected Provost, iii. 431
Gordon, Col., Deputy Quartermaster-General, censure on, iii. 174
—— Sir Robert, Ambassador to Vienna, i. 326, 359, 487, 512
Gorham, Mr, and the Bishop of Exeter, ii. 272
Gortschakoff, Prince, iii. 135; character, iii. 204, 334, 410
Gosford, Earl of, Governor of Lower Canada, i. 56
Gotha, line extinguished, i. 2
Gough, Sir Hugh (afterwards Viscount), successes in China, i. 441; baronet, i. 444; successes in India, ii. 30, 71, 73, 74; Commander-in-Chief in India, ii. 142, 208; superseded, ii. 215; Viscount, ii. 221
Goulburn, H., Chancellor of the Exchequer, i. 309; ii. 37, 38, 306; Disraeli's attack on, ii. 428
Gower, Lady Elizabeth (afterwards Duchess of Argyll), i. 449
—— Lady Evelyn Leveson, marriage, i. 489
Graham, Sir James, Home Secretary, i. 163, 219, 253, 309, 448; public executions, ii. 38, 39; Corn Laws, ii. 49; takes leave of the Queen, ii. 85, 88; as to joining the Whig Cabinet, ii. 287, 293, 298, 305, 359, 368, 375; speech on Corn Duty, ii. 382; ii. 415; Colonial Office, ii. 421; and Disraeli, ii. 428; India Bill, ii. 447; Eastern Question, ii. 454, 455; position in the Government, ii. 458; speech at Reform Club, iii. 25; Government of 1855, iii. 91, 93, 94, 97, 100; Admiralty, iii. 104; resignation, iii. 109; iii. 175, 190; Conspiracy Bill, iii. 265; defeat of the Government, iii. 267-272; Oudh Proclamation debate, iii. 290; competitive exams., iii, 297; assailed by Disraeli, iii. 341
Grahamstown, new See, ii. 448
Granby, Marquess of, iii. 76
Grantown, Queen's visit to, iii. 407
Granville, first Earl, Ambassador at Paris, i. 95, 181, 258
—— second Earl, ii. 261; Foreign Secretary, ii. 283, 343, 344, 345, 348; audience with the Queen, ii. 349; Queen's view of Foreign Policy, ii. 351, 366, 372; resignation 1852, ii. 375; Board of Trade, ii. 421; iii. 34; Government of 1855, iii. 97; President of the Council, iii. 104; iii. 141; coronation of Czar, iii. 158; iii. 196; his opinion of the Czar, iii. 203; Garter, iii. 227; China War debate, iii. 229; fails to form a Government, iii. 307, 343; and the Times disclosures, iii. 347; President of the Council, iii. 348; and the Pope, iii. 357; Sir James Hudson, iii. 377; Lord J. Russell's despatch to France, iii. 389
Graves, Lord, i. 12
Greece, throne of, i. 63; ii. 21, 199; case of Don Pacifico and Mr Finlay, ii. 231, 234; appeal to Russia, and France, ii. 242
Gregory XVI., Pope, interview with Prince Albert, i. 152; death, ii. 115
Grenadiers, wounded from Crimea iii. 110
Grenville, Lord, i. 357
Greville, Charles, journal of, i. 285; and Lord Palmerston, ii. 263; iii. 300
Grey, Sir George, Governor of Cape of Good Hope (afterwards Governor of New Zealand), iii. 201; difficulties with Hottentots, Kaffirs, and Boers, iii. 225; action at Cape Town, iii. 238
—— General, iii. 407, 473
—— second Earl, Prime Minister, i. 55; Reform Bill, i. 61; i. 283; illness, i. 512; death, ii. 43
—— third Earl, see Howick, Lord
—— Sir George, Under-Secretary for the Colonies, i. 135; Chancellor of Duchy of Lancaster, i. 308; Home Secretary, ii. 60, 86; Chartist meeting, ii. 169; officers' commissions, ii. 185; ii. 237, 244, 261; on Palmerston's successor, ii. 346; seals of office given up, ii. 374; Home Office, ii. 468; Colonies, iii. 1, 34; resignation of Lord John Russell, iii. 75, 76-78; Government of 1855, iii. 93, 95, 97, 98; Cabinet of 1855, iii. 103, 104, 149, 150; Conspiracy Bill debate, iii. 265; iii. 272; Chancellor of Duchy of Lancaster, iii. 349; on Sir James Hudson's appointment, iii. 377; Trent affair, iii. 466
—— George Henry (son of the above), iii. 103
Grimston, Lady Mary, trainbearer to the Queen, i. 121; her beauty, i. 123
Groeben, General Count von der, iii. 16
Gros, Baron, ii. 235
Grosvenor, Lord, i. 202, 204, 207
—— Lord Robert (afterwards Lord Ebury), peerage, iii. 245
Guards, The, embarkation for the Crimea, iii. 14
Guelphic Order, ii. 5
Gueronniere, M. de la, The Pope and the Congress pamphlet, iii. 313, 382
Guilford, Earl of, see North, Lord
Guizot, M., i. 237, 238, 321, 347, 348; ii, 6, 20, 44, 106, 108; a fugitive, ii. 141; ii. 145, 153, 156, 162, 170, 263
Gujerat, ii. 208, 217
Haddington, Earl of, First Lord of the Admiralty, i. 309, 432; ii. 65
Hadfield, Mr, iii. 239
Halford, Sir Henry, Court Physician, i. 144, 477
Hall, Sir Benjamin (afterwards Baron Llanover), First Commissioner of Public Works, ii. 365; iii. 135, 150
Hallam's Constitutional History, i. 435, 449
Hamilton, William, attempt on Queen's life, ii. 220
Hammond, Mr (afterwards Lord), permanent Under-Secretary at Foreign Office, iii. 466
Hampden, Dr, Bishop of Hereford, ii. 115, 135, 136, 139
Hanover, House of, history of, i. 1
—— constitution abrogated, i. 57; Princess Royal's reception, iii. 454
—— King of (Ernest Augustus), the Queen's uncle, i. 6, 72, 76, 123, 126; claim to Crown jewels, i. 439; visit to the Queen, i. 477, 480-482; power to confer Orders, ii. 5; death, ii. 331; treatment of Prince Consort, iii. 192
—— King George V. of, marriage, i. 437; succeeds to the throne, ii. 334; ii. 449
Hanoverian Orders, ii. 5
Harcourt, Edward Vernon, Archbishop of York, i. 291, 292
Hardinge, Sir Henry (afterwards Viscount), i. 65; Secretary at War, i. 163, 279, 309; Governor-General of India, ii. 28, 29; settlement of Sikh boundaries, ii. 74; Queen's appreciation of, ii. 75, 77, 88; state of India, ii. 125; Ireland, ii. 188; audience with the Queen, ii. 376; Commander-in-Chief, ii. 393, 394, 396; Army promotions, iii. 39; Field-Marshal, iii. 146; Army discipline, iii. 152, 189; illness and resignation, iii. 197, 198; death and Queen's opinion of, iii. 210, 211
Hardwicke, first Earl, Lord Chancellor, i. 500, 504
—— fourth Earl, i. 384, 497; ii. 23; Lord Privy Seal, iii. 272
Harley, Lord (afterwards Earl of Oxford), i. 504
Harrow, extra week's holiday, iii. 200
Harrowby, Lord, iii. 149
Hartington, Lord (afterwards Duke of Devonshire), iii. 340
Hatzfeldt, Count, iii. 181
Havelock, Colonel, death of, ii. 212
—— General, Lucknow relief, iii. 224, 238, 249, 255, 259; death of, iii. 259
Havre, flight of King Louis Philippe, ii. 157-160
Hawes, Mr, i. 220; ii. 83
Hawtrey, Dr, Headmaster of Eton College, i. 339; Montem, ii. 109; resignation, ii. 433
Hay, Lord John, i. 44, 57
Haynau, General, attack on, ii. 231, 267, 269, 402
Hayter, Mr, artist, i. 338
—— Mr (afterwards Sir William), Liberal Whip, iii. 227
Head, Sir Francis, i. 56
Heath, Captain, H.M.S. Sanspareil, iii. 70
Heathcote, Sir William, iii. 292
Helena, Princess (afterwards Princess Christian), ii. 220
Henley, J. W., iii. 78; President of Board of Trade, iii. 272; withdrawal from Ministry, iii. 307
Hennessy, John Pope (afterwards Sir), M.P., iii. 445
Henri IV., French warship, loss of, at Balaklava, iii. 56
Herat, i. 327; iii. 159; siege of, iii. 199
Herbert, Sidney (afterwards Lord Herbert of Lea), ii. 48, 49, 84, 368; Militia Bill, ii. 388; Free Trade debate, ii. 405, 415; Admiralty, ii. 421; sends out Florence Nightingale, iii. 62; Roebuck Motion, iii. 76; formation of Government of 1855, iii. 83, 87, 91, 97, 99; Cabinet, iii. 103, 104; resignation, iii. 109; Lord Palmerston, opinion of, iii. 149, 150; declines to join the Government, iii. 150; Secretary for War, iii. 349; England's interference with Italy, iii. 364; illness and death, iii. 422
Herries, Rt. Hon. J. C., ii. 291, 303
Hesse-Cassel, ii. 272
Hesse, Prince Charles of, iii. 458
Hever Castle, Queen's visit to, i. 37
Heytesbury, Lord, Governor of Isle of Wight, i. 326, 330
Highland Volunteers, i. 429
Highlanders, 92nd, i. 429
Hill, Viscount, Commander-in-Chief, i. 100, 263; resignation and death, i. 419, 420, 421, 446
—— Lord Marcus, i. 300
Hilliers, Gen. Baraguay de, at capture of Bomarsund, iii. 36
Hindoos, public offices opened to, ii. 29; remarriage of widows, iii. 223, 235; Indian Mutiny, iii. 224, 252; address to the Queen, iii. 399
Hobhouse, Sir John Cam (afterwards Lord Broughton), President of Board of Control, i. 62, 281; ii. 86, 287
Hohenlohe, House of, history of, i. 3
—— Langenburg, Ernest, Prince of, i. 3; marriage, i. 33; ii. 402; question of his daughter's marriage, ii. 429
—— Hermann, Prince, of, iii. 396
—— Princess of, see Adelaide, Princess; Feodore, Princess
Hohenzollern, Prince of, iii. 457
Holland, Dr (afterwards Sir Henry), Court Physician, i. 237, 438; ii. 8; Prince Consort's last illness, iii. 473
—— and Belgian dispute settled, i. 43, 102, 142, 145, 146; King Leopold's views on, i. 152; and England, i. 117-120; Queens visit to, ii. 44
—— King William I. of, i. 188; abdication, i. 210, 351
—— King William II. of, as Prince of Orange, suitor to the Queen, i. 1; becomes King, i. 210; i. 379, 380, 409; visit to the Queen Sophia Frederica, ii. 42
—— King William III. of, visit to King Leopold, iii. 454
—— Queen of, visit to England, iii. 240
Holland, Lord, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, i. 245
Holstein, union with Schleswig, ii. 222, 249, 250, 251, 258, 270
Holy Alliance, i. 44
Holyrood Palace, ii. 266; iii. 50
Honfleur, ii. 157, 159
Hong-Kong, i. 261, 262; cession of, to England, i. 370; ii. 4
Hooghly River, iii. 250
Hope, A. J. (afterwards Beresford-Hope), iii. 8
Horsman, Mr, M.P., iii. 276, 404
Hospitals for sick and wounded soldiers, iii. 113
Hotham, Admiral Sir William, i. 216
House Tax, ii. 407, 411
Household appointments, ii. 373, 376
Howard, Charles, i. 419
—— de Walden, Lord, British Minister at Lisbon and Brussels, i. 96, 131, 133, 356, 485; ii. 95
Howden, Lord (formerly Sir John H. Caradoc), British Minister at Rio Janeiro and Madrid, ii. 133, 241, 323, 390
Howick, Lord (afterwards third Earl Grey), views on Canadian affairs, i. 98, 100; on civil government of the Army, i. 147; Corn Laws, i. 465; and Lord Palmerston, ii. 59; possible Colonial Secretary, ii. 59; Ireland, ii. 84; his party, ii. 86; views on resignation of Government, ii. 375; iii. 80, 81, 86, 89, 90; iii. 192; South Africa, iii. 201; refusal to join the Government of 1858, iii. 270
Howley, Dr, see Canterbury, Archbishop of
Huebner, Baron, Austrian Ambassador at Paris, ii. 422; iii. 310, 321, 327
Hudson, Sir J., British Envoy at Turin, ii. 386; iii. 161, 333; peace at Villafranca, iii. 359; iii. 375, 440
Hugo, Victor (1802-1885), Napoleon le Petit, ii. 391
Hull, Queen's visit to, iii. 49
Hume, Joseph, i. 60, 90, 147; ii. 70, 123
Humiliation, days of, Queen's views on, iii. 19, 20; national prayer and humiliation, iii. 247, 248
Hummelauer, Baron, ii. 174
Hungary, submission of, ii. 208, 223
Hunt, Mr Leigh, i. 412
Huskisson, Mr, i. 278
Hutchinson, Mrs, biographer of her husband, i. 52
Ibrahim Pasha, (son of Mehemet Ali), i. 142, 246
Idees Napoleoniennes, ii. 374
Income Tax, Queen's decision to pay, i. 387; iii. 36; Bill, i. 403, 405; raised, ii. 141, 303, 307, 312, 388; reduction for farmers, ii. 406; ii. 431; iii. 226; increase, iii. 379; reduction, iii. 420
Indemnity Act, iii. 224, 256
India (see Afghanistan and East India Co.), policy as to Herat, i. 327-329; reinforcements for China, i. 336; success in, i. 481; retention of the Scinde, i. 502; recall of Lord Ellenborough, ii. 1, 9, 18, 19; education, ii. 28; public offices opened to Hindoos, ii. 29; Sikhs aggressive, ii. 30; Sikhs defeated, ii. 71; extension of boundaries, ii. 74; prosperity under British rule, ii. 125; origin of Sikh War, ii. 142; necessity of making Punjab a British province, ii. 196; successful operations against Sikhs, ii, 208, 217; safety of English prisoners, ii. 217; disarmament of Sikhs, ii. 217; annexation of the Punjab, ii. 220; state of, ii. 400; honours to Duke of Wellington, ii. 401; India Bill, ii. 431, 447; satisfactory state of, iii. 45-48, 53; troops for the Crimea, iii. 46; Oudh placed under British control, iii. 159; Mutiny in, iii. 223, 235, 235-238; Lucknow, iii. 243, 248, 249; Cawnpore, massacre of garrison, iii. 247, 248, 249; future government of India, iii. 257, 262, 293; Oudh Proclamation, iii. 262, 281, 282; Indian Army organisation, iii. 282, 295, 302; proclamation, iii. 298; title of Viceroy, iii. 304; religious question, iii. 304; army question, iii. 317-320; termination of the Mutiny, iii. 350; status of Bussahir, iii. 360; titles and honours, iii. 387; letters of thanks to civil servants, iii. 399
Indus, ii. 74
Inkerman, battle of, iii. 252; account of the battle, iii. 54-56
Insanity, plea of, i. 469
Inverness, Duchess of (wife of Duke of Sussex), i. 479, 480
Ionian Islands, constitution of, iii. 301
Ireland, Secret Societies, i. 43; Municipal Corporations Bill, i. 56, 66; Tithe Bill, i. 66; and O'Connell, i. 130; Committee for, i. 149; registration, i. 265; repeal agitation, i. 450; Arms Bill, i. 482; indictment of O'Connell, ii. 1; report of Potato Commission, ii. 48; failure of potato crop, ii. 53; Coercion Bill, ii. 71, 79, 81; Queen's proposed visit to, ii. 93, 95, 127; alarming state of, ii. 141, 170, 188; Queen's visit to, ii. 208, 223, 224; enthusiasm of people, ii. 226; brevet promotions, ii. 227; another visit to, iii. 420
Irun, capture of, i. 57
Isabella, Queen, of Spain, i. 59, 62; guardianship of, i. 346; proposed marriage of, i. 349, 432, 485, 486, 487, 512; ii. 4, 31, 32, 44, 71, 90, 96, 107, 389; iii. 6, 51
Ismail, surrender of, iii. 159
Issendorf, M. de, iii, 455
Isturitz, Senor, Spanish statesman, flight, i. 44; ii. 97, 99
Italy, special mission to the Vatican, ii. 128; revolution, ii. 141; and Austria, ii. 174; and England, ii. 182, 183, 187, 386, 387; Piedmontese successes in Northern, ii. 191, 191, 208, 213; and Austria, iii. 306, 322; proposed congress and war, iii. 324-354; Pope's opinion of Italians, iii. 357; insurrection at Perugia, iii. 358; Treaty of Zurich and congress to settle Italian affairs, iii. 374, 379; French policy in, iii. 412; summary of events in 1861, iii. 420; Palmerston's views on, iii. 427, 428
Jackson, Serjeant J. D., Irish Solicitor-General, i. 352, 354
Jamaica, troubles in, and constitution of, i. 102, 141, 153; Bill, i. 176
James, Edwin, successful defence of Dr Bernard, iii. 274
Japan, treaty with, iii. 262
Jarnac, Count, French Ambassador, ii. 21, 160
Jaux, M. de, ii. 429
Jenkinson, Lady Louisa, i. 121
Jenner, Dr (afterwards Sir William), Physician-Extraordinary to the Queen, in attendance on Prince Consort, iii. 473, 476
Jersey, Earl of, Master of the Horse, i. 310
Jewish Disabilities Bill, iii. 224
Jocelyn, Lord, on Free Trade, ii. 403
—— Lady, i. 380; iii. 427; see also Cowper, Lady Fanny
John, Archduke, younger son of the Emperor Leopold II, i. 431; ii. 171, 188, 191, 193
—— Prince of Portugal, brother of King Pedro, iii. 457
Joinville, Prince de, i. 94, 452, 480; imprudent brochure, ii. 1, 11, 24, 27; ii. 148, 153, 167, 192, 267, 337, 353; gallant deed, ii. 192; accident to, iii. 324
—— Princess de, i. 178, 490
Jones, Sir John Thomas, Wars in Spain, i. 38
—— Mr, Vice-Consul at Havre, ii. 157
Jowett, Rev. B., Fellow of Balliol College, Professor of Greek, iii. 148
Kaffir War, iii. 201
Kainardji, Treaty of, ii. 431, 452, 464
Kalampaka, engagement at, iii. 37
Karak, island of, iii. 4
Kars, fortress of, iii. 64, 159, 178, 179, 208
Keane, Sir John (afterwards Lord), Cabul, i. 142
Kellerman, General, and Convention of Cintra, iii. 175
Kellersberg, Baron, iii. 328
Kennedy, Mr, removed from Crown Office, iii. 61
Kennington Common, Chartist meeting, ii. 169
Kensington Palace, Queen's birth-place, i. 8; Queen's early recollections of, i. 10; proposal to build National Gallery on site of, ii. 315
Kent, Duchess of (Queen's mother), biography of, i. 3, 4, 8, 9; character and disposition, i. 9; Parliamentary Grant, i. 9; education of Princess Victoria, i. 14-17; Parliamentary Grant increased, i. 19; estrangement with William IV., i. 19; visit to Belgium, i. 287; ii. 177; illness of, iii. 335; Frogmore, iii. 399; Edinburgh, iii. 405; present at Volunteer Review, iii. 406; death, iii. 420, 435-439
—— Duke of (Queen's father), politics and philanthropic views, i. 5; biography, i. 8; sudden death, i. 9
Kertsch, successful attack on, iii. 64, 126
Khalsad army, surrender of, ii. 216
Khyber Pass, i. 370, 402
Kinburn, citadel of, iii. 64
King, Mr Locke, ii. 288, 295
—— Rev. Bryan, iii. 417
Kinglake, Mr, Invasion of the Crimea, iii. 31, 36, 111
Kingstown (Ireland), Queen Victoria's visit to, ii. 225
Kinsky regiment, loss of twenty-four officers, ii. 219
Kirkpatrick, William, ii. 435
Kisseleff, General, Russian Ambassador, iii. 393
Klebelsberg, Countess, marriage, i. 13
Knatchbull, Sir Edward, Paymaster-General, i. 279, 309
Knightley, Rainald (afterwards Sir), M.P., iii. 76
Knollys, Sir William, K.C.B., iii. 39
Koh-i-noor diamond, ii. 208; history of, ii. 242
Kokan, Khan of, iii. 45
Koller, Baron, Austrian Ambassador, ii. 267-269
Koenigsberg, crowning of King and Queen of Prussia, iii. 420
Kossuth, Louis, champion of Hungarian freedom, flight of, ii. 208; visit to England, ii. 283; reception by Lord Palmerston, ii. 324-331, 440, 441; iii. 432
Lablache, Luigi (Queen's singing master), i. 50, 62, 89
Labouchere, Mr (afterwards Lord Taunton), President of the
Board of Trade, i. 262, 281, 308; Government of 1855, iii. 91, 150, 190, 272
Labour Bill, Mines, i. 370; Factories, ii. 1
Laeken, Royal Palace in Belgium, i. 34
Lagos, capture of, ii. 366
Lahore, ii. 217
Lamartine, M., ii. 173, 174
Lambeth Palace, i. 388
Landgravine, Princess Elisabeth, i. 212
Landseer, Sir Edwin Henry (1802-1873), artist, i. 396, 397
Langdale, Lord, Master of the Rolls, i. 335
Lansdowne, Marquess of, Lord President of the Council, i. 74, 281; ii. 83, 86, 236, 237; Government crisis, ii. 290, 308, 310, 413-417; in the Cabinet, ii. 424; Reform Bill, ii. 468; and Lord John Russell, iii. 58; formation of the Government of 1855, iii. 85-89, 90, 93, 94, 97, 98, 102; Cabinet, iii. 103, 104; his ministerial life, iii. 104; iii. 190; declines a dukedom, iii. 246
Laporte, i. 220
La Susse, French Admiral, ii. 26
Lavradio, M., Portuguese statesman, i. 58
Law, administration of, ii. 67
—— Lords, want of, iii. 145
Lawrence, Sir Henry, Military Administrator at Oudh, death at Lucknow, iii. 224, 242
Lawrence, Mrs George, courage of, ii. 217
—— Sir J., Oudh Proclamation, iii. 286
Layard, Mr, Under Secretary for Foreign Affairs, iii. 76, 98, 376, 443-447
Lee, Dr James Prince (afterwards Bishop of Manchester), ii. 131
Leeke, Admiral Sir Henry, capture of Bushire, iii. 159
Lefevre, Mr Shaw (afterwards Viscount Eversley), Speaker, i. 141, 176; iii. 223, 230
Lefroy, John Henry, Inspector-General of Army Schools, iii. 220
Lehzen, Baroness (Queen's governess), i. 12, 14, 25, 122, 224
Leicester, Earl of, i. 350
Leigh, Mr Pemberton (afterwards Lord Kingsdown), ii. 284; iii. 145; declines Lord Chancellorship, iii. 271
Leiningen, House of, history of, i. 9
—— Prince of, marriage, i. 3; death, i. 9
—— Prince Charles of (son of above), i. 13, 120, 125, 126; ii. 188; death, iii. 216, 217
—— Princess Feodore, see Feodore
Leith, proposed dockyard at, iii. 151
Le Marchant, Sir John Gaspard, Lieut. Gov. of Nova Scotia, iii. 189
Lennox, Lady Caroline, i. 121
Leopold, Prince (afterwards Duke of Albany), birth, ii. 444
—— Duke of Brabant (afterwards 2nd King of the Belgians), i. 59; ii. 6
—— 1st King of the Belgians, birth and parentage, i. 4, 22; Queen's reminiscences of, i. 10, 11, 13, 22; kindness to Duchess of Kent, i. 11; influence on, and kindness to the Queen, i. 19, 22, 23; in the Russian army, refusal of throne of Greece, i. 22; accepts Belgian throne, gallantry in war, a model ruler, i. 23; nature of correspondence with the Queen, i. 27; Queen Victoria's first letter to, i. 32; valuable advice to Queen Victoria, i. 37; newspaper abuse of, i. 53; birth of second son, i. 63; visit to the Queen, i. 91; Belgian interests, i. 134, 151, 152, 153; England and France, i. 227-251; views on dissolution, i. 282-289; Queen's visit to, i. 492, 493; friendship with Queen Victoria, ii. 10; views on Czar's visit to England, ii. 19; letters on King Louis Philippe's visit to England, ii. 23, 25; birthday letter to the Queen, ii. 39; on state of Germany, ii. 167; failure of insurrection, ii. 172; Louis Bonaparte, ii. 213; state of France, ii. 238, 342; on death of Sir Robert Peel, ii. 255; illness of Queen Louise, ii. 266; the Sovereign "People," ii. 379; on Victor Hugo, ii. 391; on death of Duke of Wellington, ii. 395; the Empress of the French, ii. 436; Eastern Question, ii. 441, 443; Press attacks on Prince Consort, iii. 5; visits the Queen, iii. 133; on the conclusion of the war, iii. 172, 185; iii. 195; review of Crimean troops at Aldershot, iii. 198; as to decorating Duke of Westmorland, iii. 202; Princess Charlotte's proposed marriage, iii. 207; on death of Prince Charles of Leiningen, iii. 216; marriage of Princess Charlotte, iii. 234, 240; on the Queen's visit to Napoleon, iii. 295; Napoleon's desire for war, iii. 315; Napoleon and the Pope, iii. 382; Italian Question, iii. 386; Prince of Wales's visit to Canada, iii. 404; Volunteer Review in Hyde Park, iii. 406; letter to the Queen, iii. 414; death of Duchess of Kent, iii. 435-439, 451; sympathy for Prince Consort's illness, iii. 471, 472
Leopold, Prince of Saxe-Coburg, ii. 89, 97, 98
Letters, Sunday delivery, ii. 244
Levis, Duc de, i. 507
Lewis, Sir George Cornewall, Chancellor of Exchequer, iii. 109; Stamp Duties Bill, iii. 116; Budget, iii. 224; Income Tax, iii. 226; financial crisis, iii. 255; Home Secretary, iii. 348; St Juan dispute, iii. 373
Lhuys, M. Drouyn de, French Foreign Minister, ii. 262; and Russian loan, iii. 35; Austria's proposed terms of Crimean settlement and resignation, iii. 120
Liberals (see Whigs), small majority, i. 176; gains at election, 1839, ii. 126, 458; Lord Palmerston's followers, the Liberal Party, iii. 110; Oudh Proclamation debate, iii. 290, 291; new Reform Bill, iii. 307; Lord Palmerston forms a Government, iii. 307, 344-349
Liddell, Mr, iii. 239
Liechtenstein, Prince and Princess of, i. 433
Liege, iii. 453
Lieven, Princess de, i. 85, 88
Ligne, Prince de, i. 109
Lincoln, Abraham, President, United States, iii. 421
—— Bishop of (John Kaye), report as to Queen's education, i. 14-16
—— Earl of (afterwards (T.N.: 1851) fifth Duke of Newcastle), Chief Commissioner of Woods and Forests, i. 466; ii. 84; ii. 294, 300, 346, 350, 354, 360, 420, 448-449, 455, 468, 471; Secretary of State for War, iii. 1; Marshal St Arnaud, iii. 30; hospital at Scutari, iii. 61; Lord J. Russell's resignation, iii. 73, 75, 80, 91, 97; Knight of the Garter, iii. 145, 154, 156; refuses to join Government of 1858, iii. 271; Colonial Secretary, iii. 349; tour with Prince of Wales, iii. 380, 405, 414
Lind, Jenny, ii. 123
Lindley, Dr, Irish Commissioner on potato disease, ii. 48
Lindsay, Lady Charlotte, i. 358
Lisbon, revolution, i. 54; run on the bank of, ii. 90
Liverpool, bank failures, ii. 131
—— third Earl of, biography of, i. 50, 165; Lord Steward, i. 169, 310; ii. 85, 89; death of, ii. 323
Llanover, Baron, see Hall, Sir B.
Lloyd, Thomas Davies, Baronetage, iii. 477
Lochnager, Queen's visit to, ii. 322
Loftus, Lord A., iii. 153
Login, Sir John, iii. 248; Oudh Proclamation, iii. 286
Lombardy, ii. 178, 182, 183, 186, 191, 194, 198; ceded to Sardinia, iii. 308
London, Bishop of (C. J. Blomfield), report on Queen's education, i. 14-16, 340; Papal aggression, ii. 281; iii. 416; (A. C. Tait), Divorce Bill, iii. 231
Londonderry, Marquis of, Ambassador at Vienna, i. 420; ii. 287; Garter, ii. 391, 393
Longley, Charles Thomas, Bishop of Durham (afterwards Archbishop of Canterbury), iii. 206
Lonsdale, John (Bishop of Lichfield), ii. 35
—— Earl of, ii. 392
Loodiana, ii. 74
Lords, House of, increase of appellate jurisdiction, iii. 158; powers in Money Bills, iii. 379, 401; throw out Abolition of Paper Duties Bill, iii. 401, 403; privilege resolutions, iii. 404
—— Justices, question of, ii. 44
Louis XVIII., character of, i. 53
Louis Napoleon, see Napoleon
—— Philippe, King of the French, biography of, i. 4; Belgian throne, i. 22; attempted assassination of, i. 43, 243, 407; letters to the Queen, i. 77; ii. 27, 57, 78, 146, 160; proposed visit to the Queen, i. 181, 182; ii. 21-22; and English Government, ii. 1, 21, 27, 68; letter from the Queen on resignation of Sir R. Peel and reply, ii. 69, 78; ii. 89; the Spanish marriages, ii. 71, 90, 102, 105, 107; ii. 118; abdication, ii. 141, 148; death of his sister, ii. 143-147; flight of, ii. 149, 152, 153-165; gratitude to the Queen, ii. 160; ii. 169; Queen Victoria's view of his policy, ii. 170, 172; position of, ii. 177, 183, 204; illness and death, ii. 231, 238, 265; compared with Napoleon III. in knowledge, iii. 124
Louis, Prince, of Hesse (afterwards Grand Duke Louis IV.), engagement to Princess Alice, iii. 405, 415, 418, 419
—— Mrs (Queen's dresser), i. 10, 14, 110; death, i. 111
Louisa, Princess, of Hesse, ii. 358
Louise (Queen of the Belgians), marriage and correspondence with the Queen, i. 28; her character, i. 34; letter on the Queen's engagement, i. 192; on death of the Duke of Orleans, i. 413, 414; ii. 7; on her father's visit to England, ii. 21, 22, 23; sorrow at Madame Adelaide's death, ii. 143-145; French Revolution and her father's flight, ii. 150; illness, ii. 266; death, ii. 266, 267; ii. 271
—— Princess, of Belgium, birth, iii. 276, 397
Loewenstein, Prince William of, i. 490
Loyd, Mr Jones (afterwards Lord Overstone), ii. 130
Lucan, Lord, censure on, iii. 175
Lucca, Duke of, i. 148
Lucknow, iii. 177; mutiny and siege of, iii. 224, 238; relief of, iii. 248, 254, 259, 262, 278
Luitpold of Bavaria, Prince, iii. 458
Lushington, Dr Stephen, Admiralty Judge, i. 62, 277; refuses a life peerage, ii. 284; iii. 145; on right to search ships, iii. 466
Luxemburg, i. 43, 102
Lyndhurst, Lord, Lord Chancellor, i. 163, 253, 308; ii. 368; on Russia's aggressiveness, iii. 35; title of Prince Consort, iii. 196, 197; Divorce Bill, iii. 231, 232
Lynedoch, Lord, death, i. 512
Lyons, Richard Bickerton Pemell, K.C.B. (afterwards Earl Lyons), the Pope's appreciation of, iii. 310; United States dispute, iii. 469
—— Sir Edmund, commands Mediterranean Fleet, iii. 116
Lyttelton, Lady (governess to the Royal children), i. 390, 394; ii. 3
—— Lord, iii. 190
Lytton, see Bulwer Lytton
M'Caskill, Sir John, death, ii. 76
M'Culloch, Mr, ii. 303
Macaulay, T. B. (afterwards Lord Macaulay), Secretary at War, i. 141; China debate, i. 219; in favour of dissolution, i. 281, 308; on Somnauth Proclamation, i. 469; Maynooth grant, ii. 37; defeat at Edinburgh, ii. 126; peerage, iii. 245
Macdonald, Captain, iii. 462
—— Lt.-Col. Hon. Bosville, iii. 70
—— Miss, ii. 220
Macmahon, Mr, Conspiracy Bill debate, iii. 265
Macnaghten, Sir William, envoy at Cabul, i. 209, 383; death, i. 386
MacNaghten, Daniel, assassin, i. 455-459; pronounced insane, i. 468, 469
MacNeill, Sir John, iii. 175
Madiai, release of the, ii. 443
Magenis, Arthur Charles (afterwards Sir), Minister at Stockholm, iii. 133
Magenta, Duc de, iii. 461
Magnan, Marshal, iii. 136
Mahmoud, Sultan, war with Pasha of Egypt, i. 141; successor, i. 182
Mahon, Lord (afterwards fifth Earl Stanhope), History of England, i. 436, 449
Malakhoff batteries, attack on, iii. 64, 128
—— Duc de, see Pelissier
Malcolm, Major, i. 446
Malegnano, Austrians defeated at, iii. 308
Malmesbury, Earl of, memoirs, ii. 2; Foreign Secretary, ii. 372-374, 397; Napoleon's title, ii. 406; secret protocol, ii. 408; question of Princess Adelaide of Hohenlohe's marriage, ii. 408-410, 422; iii. 190; Foreign Secretary, iii. 272; Orsini incident, iii. 273, 274; Danish Question, iii. 280; and Italy, iii. 305; proposed congress to settle Italian difficulties, iii. 325-335, 341, 362; Peers and Money Bills, iii. 379; and Lord Palmerston's Government, iii. 423, 429
Malta, English Church for, i. 138
Maltby, Dr Edward, Bishop of Durham, i. 122; ii. 273
Mamelon, capture of, iii. 64, 126
Manchester, riot, i. 422-424; Chartist fiasco, ii. 169
—— Duchess of (afterwards Duchess of Devonshire), Mistress of the Robes, iii. 454
Mangles, Mr, of East India Company, iii. 239
Mann, Sir Horace, i. 389
Manners, Lord John (afterwards seventh Duke of Rutland), ii. 17; Commissioner of Works, iii. 272; on John Bright, iii. 394; on new Foreign Office, iii. 443
Manning, Marie, her execution, ii. 269
Mansfield, Colonel, military adviser at Constantinople, iii. 154
—— Earl of, i. 429
Manteuffel, Baron, President of Prussian Ministry, iii. 19, 153, 181
Maria, Donna, see Portugal, Queen of
Mario, opera singer, ii. 253
Maritime Law, International, iii. 183
Markham, General, death, of, iii. 153
Marmora, General La, Sardinian General, iii. 66, 134, 135, 168
Maronites, iii. 380
Marriage Act, i. 43
Marston, North, repair of church, ii. 392
Martin, Rev. Francis, bursar, Trinity Coll., Cambridge, i. 348
—— Sir Theodore, Life of Prince Consort, iii. 41, 137; last draft prepared by Prince Consort, iii. 469
Mary, Princess, see Gloucester, Duchess of
—— of Cambridge, Princess (afterwards Duchess of Teck), proposed marriage of, iii. 206, 209
Maryborough, Lady, i. 223
Mason, Mr, Confederate Envoy, iii. 466
Mathew, Father, ii. 88
Maule, Mr Fox, see Panmure, Lord
Maundy money, ii. 37
Maurice, Rev. F. D., ii. 46
Maximilian, Archduke, see Ferdinand
Mayne, Richard, Commissioner of Police, ii. 169
Maynooth Roman Catholic College, grant, ii. 30, 36, 37, 75
Mazzini, ii. 440; iii. 359
Mecklenburg, Prince Charles of, i. 6
Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Frederic William, Grand Duke of, i. 431, 435
Medals, Peninsular, ii. 109-113; East India Company, ii. 200; Crimea, iii. 56, 116; distribution of, iii. 127
Medjid, Abdul, Sultan, i. 182; interview with Duke of Cambridge, iii. 27
Meer Shere Mahommed, i. 481
Meerut, revolt at, iii. 224
Melbourne, Viscount, Prime Minister and First Lord of the Treasury, i. 20; Ministry, i. 24; i. 67; Queen's confidence in and appreciation of, i. 74, 79, 158, 159, 174, 189, 192; letter to Queen on accession, i. 74; interview with Queen, i. 76; arrangements for King William IV.'s funeral, i. 80, 81; King Leopold's appreciation of, i. 81, 82, 87, 116, 134, 145, 175, 190; Duke of Wellington's opinion of, i. 83; indisposition, i. 84; politics, i. 89; visit to the Queen, i. 92; Canadian troubles, i. 98, 99, 100, 103, 127-129, 133, 135-137; i. 102; Coronation arrangements, i. 114, 115; Belgium and Holland, i. 118, 135; ceremony, i. 122-125; Cabinet crisis, i. 147, 149, 150; resignation, i. 154, 155; advises the Queen, i. 155, 156, 160, 161, 162, 164; Queen's distress at parting, i. 156, 159; Queen's refusal of Peel's terms, i. 167; Prince Albert's declaration, i. 196; Turco-Egyptian Convention, i. 227-232; overtures to France, i. 231; Eastern difficulties, i. 237-239; criticism on his future correspondence with the Queen, i. 254, 330, 331, 340, 353, 360, 361; Ministry in jeopardy, i. 268-287; dissolution, i. 301; takes leave of the Queen, i. 306; portrait of, i. 333, 337; on division of high offices of State, i. 357; address from Derby, i. 369; visit to the Queen, i. 371, 372, 451, 512; serious illness, i. 376, 438; on his health, i. 449, 453, 458, 462, 467, 474, 483; Queen's visit to, i. 483; on old age, ii. 8; opinion of Emperor of Russia, ii. 17; crisis in Parliament, ii. 18; on Scotland, ii. 24; Queen's letters to, ii. 36, 42; Sir R. Peel's resignation, ii. 51, 52, 67; political views of, ii. 92; Queen's advance of money to, ii. 140; Queen's birthday congratulations to, ii. 164; death, ii. 203
Melvill, Sir James, Chief Secretary, East India Company, iii. 299
Mendizabal, Don Juan Alvarez y, Spanish statesman, i. 44; Queen's opinion of, i. 59
Menschikoff, Prince, the Eastern Question, ii. 431, 442, 449
Mensdorff-Pouilly, Comte Emmanuel de, marriage, i. 97, 396, 404; ii. 333
Meredith, Mr, ii. 48
Metcalfe, Sir Charles (afterwards Lord), Governor-General of Canada, i. 454, 508; retirement, ii. 46, 94
Metchersky, Princess, iii. 387
Metternich, Prince, i. 190, 192, 231, 232, 236, 359, 487, 512; ii. 4, 114; a fugitive, ii. 141, 170, 171; Italian Question, iii. 370, 375, 412
Meyendorff, Baron, Austrian Foreign Minister, ii. 457
Meyer, Miss Eugenie, i. 461
Michael, Grand Duke, visit to the Queen, i. 494, 501
Miguel, Dom, i. 43; ii. 118; iii. 10
Milan, surrender of, ii. 191; insurrection, ii. 440; French Emperor and King Emmanuel enter, iii. 308
Milanese rising against Austria, ii. 141
Miles, Mr, M.P. for Bristol, on Sugar Duties, ii. 17; iii. 78
Militia, reconstruction, ii. 141; Bill, ii. 367, 368, 374, 380, 388; carried, ii. 388, 440; iii. 71
Milner Gibson, Mr, iii. 223; Conspiracy Bill Debate, iii. 261, 265, 266, 267; President of the Board of Trade, iii. 349; Abolition of Paper Duties Bill, iii. 401, 403
Milnes, R. Monckton (afterwards Lord Houghton), iii. 76
Ministers of State, duties of, i. 106; iii. 68, 69
Minto, Earl of, First Lord of the Admiralty, i. 281, 308; ii. 86, 107, 115; special mission to the Vatican, ii. 128, 183; ii. 196, 236; Pope's opinion of, iii. 356
Modena, Duke of, ii. 174
Mohammedan schools, ii. 29; Indian Mutiny, iii. 251
Moldavia, iii. 262
Mole, Count, French Premier and Foreign Secretary, i. 95
Molesworth, Sir William, at the Office of Works, ii. 422; Government of 1855, iii. 98; Board of Works, iii. 104; death, iii. 148
Monro, Major, i. 315
Montebello, battle of, iii. 308
Montemolin, Count of, ii. 89, 90
Montijo, Mdlle. Eugenie de (Empress of the French), parentage, marriage to Napoleon, ii. 435, 435, 436; ii. 437; visit to England, iii. 117; Queen's opinion of, iii. 122, 137; Queen's letter to, re Treaty of Paris, iii. 207, 208; attempted assassination of, iii. 261, 264; tour in Scotland and England, iii. 415; visit to the Queen, iii. 418, 419
Montjoye, Madame de, ii. 165
Montpensier, Duc de, i. 439, 501; ii. 22, 23, 24, 32; engagement to the Infanta, ii. 72, 99, 100, 102, 107, 148, 149, 155, 164, 172
Montreal, i. 508
Moodkee, ii. 31, 76
Mooltan, insurrection, ii. 196, 208
Morning Chronicle, i. 374; ii. 34, 86, 172; iii. 7, 8, 463
Morning Post, iii. 337
Morocco, ii. 4
Morpeth, Viscount (afterwards Earl of Carlisle), see Carlisle
Morris, Mr, Governor of the Bank, ii. 129
Morton, Earl of, i. 499
Mouravieff, General, takes Kars fortress, iii. 64
Muich, Loch, Queen's visit to, ii. 321, 392
Municipal Corporations, i. 43
Munro, Lieutenant, duel, i. 485
Munster, Earl of, Governor of Windsor Castle, tragic death, i. 387, 390
Muntz, George Frederick, M.P., Birmingham, iii. 79
Murat, Madame de, ii. 154
—— Joachim, formerly King of Naples, iii. 428
Murray, Sir George, Commander-in-Chief for Ireland, i. 420
—— George, Bishop of Rochester, iii. 417
Muscat, Imam of, list of presents for the Queen, i. 406
Musgrave, Dr, Bishop of Hereford (afterwards Archbp. of York), ii. 135
Mutiny Act, ii. 447
Naas, Lord (afterwards Earl of Mayo), Chief Secretary for Ireland, iii. 277
Nagpur, annexation of, iii. 178
Nana Sahib, perfidy of, iii. 238, 351
Nanking, i. 370, 442
Napier, Sir Charles (General), Scinde victory, i. 481; G.C.B., i. 484; Governor of Scinde, i. 503; receives the thanks of both Houses, ii. 1; succeeds Lord Gough, ii. 208, 215; resignation, ii. 259
—— Sir Charles (Admiral), i. 252; commands the Baltic Fleet, iii. 1, 2, 10, 16; capture of Bomarsund, iii. 36
—— Sir George, Governor of Cape Colony, i. 427
Naples, cholera panic, i. 52; slight on English Government, iii. 140, 141; seizure of the Cagliari, iii. 262, 275; triumphal entry by King of Sardinia and Garibaldi, iii. 380; flight of Francis II., iii. 380, 408; revolution doctrines, iii. 383, 397; absorption of, iii. 428
—— Francis II., King of, amnesty granted, iii. 311; letter to the Queen, iii. 409; reply, iii. 412; character, iii. 418
Napoleon I., Emperor, iii. 139, 274, 354
—— Louis (afterwards Napoleon III., Emperor of the French), lands at Boulogne, i. 209, 228; President of the French Republic, ii. 141, 178; elections, ii. 204, 205; writes to Queen Victoria, ii. 210; ii. 212, 213; universal suffrage, ii. 283; coup d'etat in Paris, ii. 334-340; assumes Imperial title, projected marriage, ii. 356, 406, 408, 422; Queen Victoria's opinion of, ii. 360, 362, 366, 374, 378; title of Emperor, ii. 389; his position, ii. 390; anecdote of, ii. 397; and England, ii. 398, 401; Queen Victoria's letter to, ii. 406; annoyance with the Powers, ii. 422; his title, ii. 433; Eastern Question, ii. 432, 442; marriage, ii. 434, 435; interview with Prince Albert, iii. 1; and Russia, iii. 6; interview with Duke of Cambridge, iii. 24-26; visit from Prince Albert, iii. 41; visit to England with the Empress, iii. 63; Palmerston's letter to, iii. 105; proposes to take command at the Crimea, iii. 110, 111, 111; visit to England, iii. 117; festivities and investiture, iii. 117; letter to the Queen, iii. 118; and reply, 119; and Austria's proposed Crimean settlement, iii. 120; attempts on his life, iii. 121; Queen's opinion of, iii. 122, 122-126, 138; Queen's visit to France, iii. 135-137; attempt on his life, iii. 142; desire to terminate hostilities, iii. 150; correspondence with the Queen on the ultimatum, iii. 162, 164, 172, 185, 188; council of war at Paris, iii, 165, 169; interview with Lord Clarendon, iii. 175; birth of Prince Imperial, iii. 181; Treaty of Peace, iii. 221; on proposed marriage of Prince Frederick William of Prussia, iii. 220; Egypt and Morocco, iii. 221; his feelings towards England, iii. 232; visit to England, iii. 240; attempted assassination of, iii. 261, 264; and the Carbonari Club, iii. 273; and Italy, iii. 305; confederacy with Sardinia, iii. 308, 331; entry into Milan, and conclusion of peace, iii. 308; Napoleon et l'Italie, iii. 313; war with Austria, iii. 313-315, 321, 332, 333; proposed congress, iii. 326; rumoured treaty with Russia, iii. 329; French victories, iii. 353; conclusion and terms of peace, iii. 354, 359, 361; annexation of Savoy and Nice, iii. 379, 385, 391-393, 397; policy in Syria, iii. 380; The Pope and the Congress pamphlet, iii. 382; Italian policy, iii. 385; stormy interview with Lord Cowley, iii. 390-394; New Year's letter to the Queen, iii. 423; reply, iii. 427; Italian Question, iii. 432; on death of Cavour, iii. 441; King of Sweden, iii. 448; Mexico, iii. 453; interview with King of Prussia, iii. 467
—— Bonaparte, Prince Jerome, iii. 160, 331
—— Eugene Louis Jean Joseph, Prince Imperial, birth, iii. 181, 182
Narvaez, General, ii. 241
Nasmyth, Lieutenant, siege of Silistria, iii. 35
Nassau, Prince of, iii. 205
National Gallery, ii. 315; iii. 196
Navigation Laws, i. 278; ii. 184; repeal of, ii. 208, 219; iii. 2
Navy, African squadron, ii. 366; Admiralty appointments, ii. 373; national defences, ii. 396, 398; bombardment of Odessa, iii. 26; Bomarsund, iii. 36; battle of the Alma, iii. 44; Balaklava and Sebastopol, iii. 50; hurricane at Balaklava, iii. 56; second Baltic expedition, iii. 115; want of a dockyard in Scotland, iii. 151; retrenchments, iii. 188; position of, iii. 191; peace establishment, iii. 191; fleet sent to Black Sea, iii. 208; want of ships and state of, iii. 242, 279, 297; use for Indian Mutiny, iii. 250; proposed increase, iii. 312, 330; change in naval uniform, iii. 402
Neild, J. C., leaves fortune to Queen Victoria, ii. 392
Neill, General, death of, iii. 254, 259
Neipperg, Count, marriage i. 439
Nelson, Lord, proposed pension for children of his adopted daughter, iii. 40, 41
Nemours, Duchesse de, see Victoire, Princess
—— Duc de, i. 63, 65; at Constantin, i. 96; marriage, i. 149; i. 414, 439, 495, 498, 506; ii. 5, 148, 153, 154, 164, 167, 173, 185, 204, 354, 360; iii. 6; death of his wife, iii. 254
Nesselrode, Count, Russian Minister, ii. 452, 456; iii. 12
Netherlands, King of the, see Holland, King William Second of
Neuchatel, ii. 138; rising in canton of, iii. 214
Neuilly, Queen's visit to, iii. 136
Neumann, M. de, Austrian Minister, i. 46, 232, 497
Newcastle, Duke of, see Lincoln, Earl of
New Forest, ii. 282
Newhaven, King Louis Philippe's flight to, ii. 159
Newman, Mr, ii. 130
Newport, riot at, i. 141, 201
New Zealand, native troubles, ii. 31; constitution granted, ii. 357
Ney, Edgar, ii. 387
—— General, iii. 182
Nice, annexation to France, iii. 379, 385, 391-393, 397
Nicholas, see Russia, Emperor of
—— Prince, of Nassau, visit to the Queen, ii. 354
Nicholson, General, death of, iii. 254
Nicolas, Grand Duke, iii. 457
Nicols, Lieut.-Gen. Sir Jasper, Commander-in-Chief, India, i. 444
Nightingale, Miss Florence, iii. 2; arrival at Scutari, iii. 62; Queen's letter of thanks to, iii. 170; presentation to, iii. 170
Nine Elms Station, ii. 133
Ningpo, i. 441
Norbury, Lord, assassination of, i. 144
Norfolk, Duchess of (governess to Royal children), i. 397, 484, 485; Papal brief, ii. 273, 277
—— Duke of, Coronation, i. 122; refusal of Garter, iii. 227
Normanby, Marquess of, Canada, i. 129; Home Secretary, i. 141, 308; Lord-Lieut. of Ireland, i. 143, 281; i. 509; ii. 100, 104; Ambassador-Extraordinary at Paris, ii. 190, 192, 206; coup d'etat, Paris, ii, 334-341; Palmerston's conduct to, ii. 334, 336, 338, 341, 344, 354, 363
Normanby, Marchioness of, coup d'etat in Paris, ii. 336-341
Normandy, ii. 4
North, Colonel, iii. 76
—— Lord (afterwards Earl of Guilford), i. 358
Northumberland, Duke of, ii. 303, 305, 306, 392
—— Duchess of, first Lady-in-Waiting to the Queen, i. 64; ill-health, ii. 376
Norton, Mrs. ii. 48
Norway and Sweden, iii. 134. See also Sweden
Nott, General (afterwards Sir William), Afghanistan, i. 370, 402, 443, 444
Nottingham election, i. 264
Novara, battle of, ii. 219
Nuneham, Queen's Visit to, i. 291
Oaths Bill, iii. 262
O'Brien, Smith, Young Ireland agitation, ii. 141
Ocean Monarch, emigrant ship, burnt, ii. 193
O'Connell, Daniel, agitator, i. 106, 130, 425, 450; arrest, i. 496; release, ii. 1; ii. 8, 141
O'Connor, Feargus, people's charter, ii. 141; Kennington Common meeting, ii. 168, 169
Odessa, bombardment of, iii. 27
Olozaga, Mons., iii. 51
Oltenitza, ii. 432
Omar Pasha, Turkish Commander, iii. 31
Opera, Queen at the, ii. 14
Oporto, Louis, Duc de, brother to King Pedro V of Portugal, iii. 332, 457, 465
Orange, Prince of, see Holland
—— Prince William Nicholas of (son of King William), iii. 185
——-River Free State, ii. 142; iii. 201
Orders, right of British subjects to accept Foreign, ii. 5
Oregon, end of boundary dispute, ii. 82
Orleanists, and French Revolution, ii. 148-162; blunders of, ii. 164
Orleans, Duke of, i. 63, 94; death, i. 408, 409, 415, 416
—— Duchess of, ii. 334
—— Princess Louise of, see Belgians, Queen of
—— Princess Marie of, i. 65; marriage and death, i. 144
—— family, ii. 321, 360, 379; iii. 7, 139
Orloff, Princess, iii. 387
—— Count, Russian Ambassador, i. 86; iii. 204
Orsini, of the Carbonari Society, execution of, iii. 261, 264, 274
Osborne, Ralph Bernal, Secretary of the Admiralty, ii. 423; iii. 78, 275, 443, 444
—— Queen's purchase of, ii, 35, 36; Queen's occupation of, ii. 42
Oscar, Prince, of Sweden, iii. 195, 397; visit to the Queen, iii. 447, 448, 450
Otho, King of Greece, ii. 199
Oudh, placed under British control, iii. 159, 176; Mutiny, iii. 224, 238; Proclamation, iii. 262, 281, 282, 291
Oudinot, Gen., ii. 208, 387
Oultremont, Countess de, i. 210
Outram, General (afterwards Sir James), war with Persia, iii. 159; annexation of Oudh, iii. 177; Indian Mutiny, iii. 249, 255; Oudh, Proclamation, iii. 262, 291
Overstone, Lord, see Loyd
Oxford, Bishop of, see Wilberforce
—— tracts, i. 373
Owen, Sir Edward, i. 384
Pacifico, Don, Claim against Greek Government, ii. 231, 235, 239, 240, 243, 248, 252, 253, 256
Paget, General Sir Edward, G.C.B., i. 420
—— Lady Adelaide, i. 121
—— Lord, Lord Melbourne's page, i. 125
Pakenham, Sir R., Minister at Lisbon, ii. 286
Pakington, Sir John (afterwards Lord Hampton), First Lord of the Admiralty, iii. 272, 278, 280; French naval preparations, iii. 297, 328
Palermo, occupation of, by Garibaldi, iii. 380
Palmella, Duc de, ii. 72, 109
Palmer, Colonel, i. 402
—— Mr, ii. 273
—— Sir Roundell, Solicitor-General, iii. 467, 477
Palmerston, Viscount, his political power and views, i. 30; i. 54, 62; speech on Spanish affairs, i. 66; i. 72, 82; visits Queen Victoria, i. 92; power of officials in public offices, i. 106; i. 113, 119; illness, i. 143; Belgium and Holland, i. 145; marriage, i. 201; Eastern crisis, i. 227-240; views on France, i. 233, 246; China and opium trade, i. 260, 261; votes for dissolution, i. 281; Foreign Secretary, i. 308; Morning Chronicle, i. 374; and Lord Grey, ii. 59; possible Foreign Secretary, ii. 60; desire for peace, ii. 68; and Lord Aberdeen, ii. 85, 86; Spanish marriage question, ii. 90, 95, 97-103, 107; incurs Queen's displeasure, ii. 136, 171, 182, 193, 195, 221, 222, 223-236, 240, 241, 248, 256; attack on Portuguese Government, ii. 179, 180; anti-Austrian sympathy, ii. 182; France and Austria, ii. 186, 192, 193; Lord Normanby's appointment to Paris, ii. 189, 206; Italian policy, ii. 197; despatch about Greece, ii. 199; supplies arms to insurgents, ii. 211; proposed removal of, ii. 212, 235; methods for redress of wrongs, ii. 229; hostility against Greece, ii. 231; Haynau trouble, ii. 231; case of Don Pacifico and Mr Finlay, ii. 231, 233-240, 243, 244, 252, 253; draft to Greece, ii. 234, 235; Prince Consort's memoranda on his Foreign Policy, ii. 235, 243, 260, 261; and Spain, ii. 240; Lord J. Russell's offer to resign, ii. 243, 244; speech on Foreign Policy, ii. 252; Schleswig draft, ii. 258; removal of, considered, ii. 260-263; Press attacks on, ii. 263; duties of a Foreign Secretary, ii. 263; Haynau despatch, ii. 267-270; Austria and Prussia, ii. 274; reception of Kossuth, ii. 283, 325-331; Louis Napoleon, ii. 283; diplomatic changes, ii. 285, 312; coup d'etat, approval of, ii. 334-341; difference with Lord Normanby, ii. 334-340; dismissal from office, ii. 342-349; inconsistency of, ii. 344; absence from Council explained, ii. 350; explanation in the House, ii. 362-364; Militia Bill, ii. 367, 368, 385, 386; refusal to serve under Lord Derby, ii. 369, 370; and Lord John Russell, ii. 378, 379, 382; iii. 58; power to appoint Commander-in-Chief, ii. 394; his aims, ii. 403, 404; Home Office, ii. 420; illness, ii. 428, 430; Eastern Question, ii. 432; peculiar position of, ii. 451, 457; objection to Reform proposals, ii. 465, 466; iii. 20, 22, 23, 24; resignation, ii. 467; withdraws his resignation, ii. 472; speech at Reform Club, iii. 26; Austrian alliance, iii. 51, and the War Office, iii. 53; iii. 57; forms a Government, iii. 63; on Lord John Russell's resignation, iii. 72; Premier, iii. 76-78; position on Lord Derby's and Lord John Russell's failure to form a Government, iii. 84, 85, 87-96; forms a Government, iii. 97-104; letter to Napoleon, iii. 105; Roebuck Committee, iii. 109; Lord John Russell's resignation, iii. 131; Neapolitan affront, iii. 141; Queen's congratulations on Treaty of Peace, 1856, iii. 186; made K.G., iii. 187; condition of defence, iii. 192; obtains majority in House of Commons, iii. 223; resume of events, iii. 225, 226; dissolution on China War debate, iii. 229, 231; Indian Mutiny, iii. 234, 239, 241-248; financial crisis, iii. 255-257; Ministry defeated over right of asylum, iii. 261; resignation, iii. 266-268; iii. 272, 276; India Bill, iii. 279; iii. 288, 290; his unpopularity, iii. 300; new Reform Bill, iii. 307; reconciliation with Lord J. Russell, iii. 307; forms a Government, iii. 307, 344-348; foreign affairs, iii. 324; and John Bright, iii. 350; Committee on Military Departments, iii. 351; differences with the Queen on Italian policy, iii. 361-373; 374-378; Peers and Money Bills, iii. 379, 401; W. E. Gladstone's resignation, iii. 402, 403; privilege resolution, iii. 404; proposed visit of Emperor of Austria, iii. 409; appointments of bishops, iii. 416; overtures from Conservative leaders, iii. 420; resume of political situation, iii. 422, 423, 429; Italian Question, iii. 427, 428; Garibaldi letter, iii. 432, 434; presses for Mr Layard's appointment, iii. 443-447; Times newspaper, iii. 462-464
Panmure, Lord (Mr Fox Maule), afterwards Earl of Dalhousie, Under Secretary for Home Office, and Secretary for War, i. 221; ii. 345; iii. 61; War Minister, iii. 63, 90, 98, 104; Crimean medals, iii. 116; fall of Sebastopol, iii. 142, 143; G.C.B., iii. 146; Land Transport, iii. 157; no troops at the camp, iii. 196; Indian Mutiny, iii. 235, 236; increase of Army, iii. 256, 260; new Cabinet, iii. 272
Panshanger, Earl Cowper's residence, i. 151; Queen's visit to, i. 296
Papal aggression, ii. 272, 273, 277-282, 294, 299, 307
Paper Duties, Bill for Abolition of, thrown out, iii. 401; passed, iii. 420
Paris, Comte de, birth, i. 243; christening, i. 266, 267; Federal Army, iii. 453
—— question of an Ambassador, ii. 189; coup d'etat, ii. 334-340; Queen's visit to, iii. 135, 136; Treaty of, iii. 160, 167, 207, 208, 214
Parke, Baron (afterwards Lord Wensleydale), i. 419; iii. 158
Parker, Admiral Sir Wm., successes in China, i. 254, 370, 441; G.C.B., i. 444; Italy, ii. 128; commands Mediterranean fleet, ii. 229, 235
—— Society, i. 259
Parks, the Royal, ii. 259
Parliament, new Houses of, ii. 363
Parliamentary reform, ii. 458
Parma, Duke of, ii. 174
Parma, Duchess of, iii. 355
Pasha, the Capitan, treachery of, i. 179
—— of Egypt, see Mehemet Ali
——Omar, see Omar
Passport Question, iii. 277
Pate, Robert, assault on the Queen, ii. 231
Patriotic Fund, established, iii. 2
Paul, Captain, ii. 157, 158
Paxton, Mr, ii. 231
Pedro, Dom, Emperor of Brazil, i. 43
—— Prince (afterwards King of Portugal, King Pedro V.); proposed marriage of, iii. 51, 207, 211; marriage of, iii. 332; death, iii. 420, 465
Peel, Captain, of the Shannon, gallantry at relief of Lucknow, iii. 252
—— Lady (wife of Sir Robert Peel), ii. 280
—— Rev. John, Dean of Worcester, ii. 40, 41
—— General Jonathan, War Secretary, iii. 272, 321
—— Sir Robert, in opposition, i. 43, 56 Glasgow speech, i. 58, 60; Hume's attack on, i. 60; sent for by the Queen, i. 141; Corn Laws, i. 148, 218, 465, 466; ii. 49; Jamaica Government, i. 153; i. 155, 156; request to form a Ministry, i. 158; Queen Victoria's impression of, i. 159; difficulties as to appointment of Queen's Household, i. 159-173, 268-274; and the United States, i. 260; Lord Melbourne's opinion of, i. 161; Free Trade, i. 279; ii. 66; vote of censure, i. 286; i. 302, 305; Prime Minister and First Lord of the Treasury, i. 308; interview with the Queen, i. 309; Roman Catholics, i. 365; ii. 30; King Leopold's opinion of, i. 462; Queen's visit to, i. 509; Queen's appreciation of, ii. 16, 64, 85; Prince Albert's title, ii. 34; resignation and interview with Prince Albert, ii. 48, 51; his attitude, ii. 53, 54; returned to office, ii. 58-66; comprehensive scheme, ii. 66; speech on opening of Parliament, ii. 73; objection to Prince Albert's memo, of their conversation, ii. 76; explanation, ii. 73, 79; personal defence, ii. 79, 80; resignation, ii. 80, 82; account of his speech, ii. 82, 83; takes leave of the Queen, ii. 85, 87; and Prince Albert, ii. 93; ii. 115; supports the Ministry, ii. 123; accident and death, ii. 231, 253-255
—— Frederick (afterwards Right Hon. Sir Frederick), maiden speech, ii. 219
Peelites, ii. 359, 368, 375, 403, 404; position in Government of 1852, ii. 412, 413, 414; iii. 63; Lord John Russell's resignation, iii. 75; Government of 1855, iii. 82, 83, 85, 88, 89, 91, 94, 98, 101, 108; retirement of, iii. 109; Chinese debate, iii. 223, 231; conspiracy debate, iii. 266; return to power, iii. 307
Peers, right of audience, i. 335, 343; powers in Money Bills, iii. 379
Pelissier, General (afterwards Duc de Malakhoff), Commander of the French army, iii. 64, 126, 129; Queen's congratulations to, iii. 143; becomes Duc de Malakhoff, iii. 143; iii. 154, 276, 314, 333
Pennefather, Chief Justice of the Irish Queen's Bench, i. 352
Penny postage introduced, i. 141, 176
People's Charter riots, i. 141; ii. 141
Pepys, Henry, Bishop of Worcester, death, iii. 416
Percy, Lord Henry Hugh Manvers, K.C.B., V.C., gallantry at Inkerman, iii. 55
Perekop, Isthmus of, iii. 44
Perim, Island of, iii. 391
Perry, Sir Erskine, ex-Chief Justice of Bombay, Indian Mutiny debate, iii. 239
Persia, Turkey, and England, iii. 4; war with England, iii. 159; siege of Herat, iii. 199; hostilities terminated, and terms of peace, iii. 223
Persigny, M. de, French Ambassador in London, iii. 121, 165, 213, 215; interview with Earl of Clarendon, iii. 232; Orsini incident, iii. 273: resignation, iii. 276; iii. 333; war with Austria, iii. 353, 369, 375; visit to the Queen, iii. 384, 396
Peshawur, ii. 218
Peterborough, Bishop of, see Davys
Pfordten, M. von der, iii. 151
Philippe (second son of King Leopold I., afterwards Count of Flanders), i. 65, 146
Phillimore, Dr, Counsel to the Admiralty, iii. 467
Phillips, Mr T. (Mayor of Newport), knighted, i. 201
Philipotts, Henry, Bishop of Exeter, ii. 140; iii. 416
Philpott, Canon Henry, Bishop of Worcester, iii. 417
Phipps, Maria Henrietta Sophia, marriage of, iii. 169
—— Hon. Sir Charles, ii. 184, 378; iii. 89, 286, 430
Pianori, Giacomo, iii. 122
Piccolomini, Max, i. 395
Piedmont, war with Austria, ii. 178, 190, 191, 386, 387; invasion of, iii. 308
Piedmontese, ii. 178, 191
Pierri, execution of, iii. 261
Piraeus, fleet sent to, ii. 231
Pitt, William, i. 391
Pius IX., Pope, ii. 115; flight to Gaeta, ii. 204, 208; letter to the Queen, ii. 204; reply, ii. 210; Papal brief, titles for English bishops, ii. 232, 272; papal aggression, ii. 273-282; and England, iii. 310; invasion of the Papal States, iii. 380; iii. 415
Playfair, Dr, Irish Commissioner, potato disease, ii. 48
Plombieres, compact of, iii. 308, 385
Poerio, iii. 312
Poles and Russia, ii. 15, 17
Polk, President (U.S.A.), ii. 30
Pollock, General (afterwards Sir George), successes in Afghanistan, i. 370, 402, 442; G.C.B., i. 444
Pollon, Count, Sardinian Minister, i. 148
Ponsonby, Lord (Ambassador at Constantinople), i. 232, 234; ii. 114
Poor Law Act, i. 20, 102, 108, 382; State maintenance of the poor, ii. 67; commission, ii. 130
Pope, see Pius IX. and Gregory XVI. The Pope and the Congress, famous pamphlet, iii. 382
Porte, the, i. 179; and Austria, i. 191; convention of 1828, i. 229, 232; and Mehemet Ali, i. 237; Eastern Question, ii. 431, 441-444, 449, 452-465, 469; iii. 1, 12, 13, 20; Turkish success, iii. 36; Alma, iii. 43, 50; Inkerman, iii. 53; Four Points Negotiation, iii. 63, 65; protection of Christian subjects, iii. 152
Portland, third Duke of, i. 357
—— fifth Duke of, iii. 227
Portugal, revolution, i. 43, 54, 92; and England, i. 57, 149, 356; ii. 111, 118, 134; and Spain, i. 59, 62; ii. 119; new Ministry, i. 92; slave trade, i. 115; insurrection, ii. 72, 90; civil war and constitutional troubles, ii. 109, 116, 117, 119, 120, 129; Lord Palmerston's attack on, ii. 179; case of Don Pacifico, ii. 231, 234, 235, 239, 240, 243
—— King of (Prince Ferdinand of Saxe-Coburg), i. 45; Queen's opinion of, i. 46; Commander-in-Chief, i. 47, 55; Queen's letter to, on slave trade, i. 115; and Lord Howard de Walden, i. 133
—— Maria da Gloria, Queen of, i. 4, 43, 44, 94; letter on Queen's engagement, i. 200; dismissal of Ministry, ii. 109, 134; iii. 10
—— Stephanie, Queen of, iii. 332, 466
—— Prince of, the Pope sponsor to, i. 392
Post Office, inauguration of penny post, i. 141, 176; Sunday delivery, ii. 244
Pottinger, Sir Henry, successes in China, i. 254, 265; G.C.B., i. 444; i. 446, 447, 449
Powys, Captain, i. 426
Pozzo di Borgo, Count, Russian Ambassador, i. 67
Praet, Van, i. 134, 136
Praetorius, Dr, i. 361
Praslin, Duchesse de, murdered by her husband, ii. 115, 128
Prescott (Canada), i. 136
—— Mr, Deputy Governor of the Bank, ii. 130
Presentations, fatigue of receiving, i. 470, 471
Preston, riot, i. 424
Pretorius, Boer leader, ii. 200
Prime Minister, Lord Melbourne on origin of term, i. 358
Primogeniture, i. 56 Prince, loss of the steamer, at Balaklava, iii. 56
Principalities, the Danubian, Russia's invasion of, iii. 1, 12, 13, 17, 32; relinquishment of Russia's protectorate, iii. 152, 158, 180, 233, 262
Prior, Matthew, i. 504
Privilege Question, i. 209
Property, qualification, i. 56
Protection, i. 278; ii. 66, 293, 294; Lord Derby, ii. 384; abandoned by Disraeli, ii. 404
Protectionists, ii. 66, 71, 81, 83, 86, 123, 216, 231; check to, ii. 233, 248, 283, 289, 298, 315, 384, 468; iii. 88
Protestant, Prince Consort's declaration, i. 203-205; Low Church bigotry, ii. 37; Church in Ireland, ii. 83
Proxy, voting, i. 56
Prussia (see Prussia, King of), and Holland, i. 119; ii. 275, 278; Eastern Question, ii. 452; alliance with Austria, iii. 1; position in impending war, iii. 17, 115; and England, iii. 161; admission to war conference, iii. 171, 181
—— King of (Frederick William IV.), i. 365; visit to Queen Victoria, i. 376, 378-380; on Swiss quarrels, ii. 137; on French Revolution, ii. 150; declines Imperial Crown of Germany, ii. 219; Diet of Erfurt, ii. 229; peace with Denmark, ii. 254; and Austria, ii. 276, 280; Queen Victoria's letter to, on his position, iii. 17; reply, iii. 28; Russia's influence over, iii. 31; letter from the Queen, iii. 107; iii. 454; account of his death, iii. 420, 423-426
Prussia, Queen of, iii. 425, 426
Prussia, Prince of (afterwards King William I.), visit to Queen Victoria, ii. 172, 251, 253; a refugee, ii. 176; Queen's appreciation of, ii. 256; coronation, iii. 455, 456-459; interview with Napoleon, iii. 467
—— Prince Frederick William of (afterwards Emperor Frederick), question of marriage, iii. 142, 146, 147, 182, 195, 205, 220; marriage to the Princess Royal, iii. 253, 261, 455; birth of a son (present Emperor), iii. 314; death of the King of Prussia, iii. 423-426; coronation of the King and Queen of Prussia, iii. 456-459
—— Marie Louise Augusta, Princess of (grandmother of present German Emperor), ii. 106, 318, 319; Queen writes to, on death of Czar, iii. 112
Pulteney, Mr (afterwards Earl of Bath), i. 391
Punjab (see India), ii. 142, 196; annexation of, ii. 208, 220; iii. 178
Puseyites, ii. 16, 273, 277, 282, 376
Quadruple Alliance, i. 488; ii. 353
Rachel, Madame, i. 290
Racine, Jean Baptiste (1639-1699), tragedian and poet, i. 40
Radetzky, Marshal, Austrian General, ii. 141, 178, 182; defeats Piedmontese at Custozza, ii. 191, 219
Radicals, i. 56, 66, 90; ii. 123, 216, 313, 364, 403; defeat Government on House Tax, ii. 411-413; inclusion in Lord Aberdeen's Government, ii. 412-430; iii. 300
Radnor, third Earl of, i. 335
Radowitz, General, Prussian Minister for Foreign Affairs, ii. 378, 379
Raglan, Lady, iii. 129
—— Lord, see Somerset, Lord Fitzroy
Railways; accident near Reading, i. 369; Queen's first journey on G.W.R., i. 404
Rajpoot Hill States, ii. 74
Ramnuggur, English reverse at, ii. 142
Ramsgate, Queen's visit to, i. 11, 19
Rangoon, ii. 380
Raphael, painter, i. 334
Rawul Pindee, ii. 217
Rechberg, Count, Austrian Foreign Minister, iii. 409
Redan batteries, attack on, iii. 64, 126, 129, 163, 165
Redschid Pasha, Turkish Minister, ii. 460; iii. 27
Reeve, Henry, ii. 263
Reform Bill, i. 20, 61; ii. 294, 332, 361, 369, 466; withdrawn, iii. 2, 8, 15, 16, 20, 23, 59; introduced by Disraeli, iii. 307, 324
Reform, parliamentary and municipal, i. 20
Refugee Question, ii. 440
Regency Bill, i. 209
Reinhardtsbrun, i. 186; ii. 45
Rellstab, Louis, novelist, i. 501, 506
Review in Windsor Park, ii. 13; Crimean troops at Aldershot, iii. 198, 199, 200; field day, 1860, iii. 400; at Edinburgh, iii. 407
Revue des Deux Mondes, ii. 132
Revue Retrospective, ii. 183
Rianzares, Duke of, marriage, ii. 2, 97
Rice, Mr, M.P. for Dover, iii. 78
Rich, Mr, iii. 79; Baronet, iii. 477
Richmond, Duchess of, i. 124
—— Duke of, i. 122, 308
Rio Janeiro, ii. 133
Riots, Manchester, i. 422; tollbar, i. 450, 483, 492, 493; Chartist demonstration, ii. 167, 168; Birmingham, i. 179; Stockport, ii. 391
Ripon, first Earl of (Mr Robinson), Chancellor of the Exchequer, speech on Queen's education, i. 9, 10, 299; President of Board of Trade, i. 309; political history, i. 309; ii. 65
River Plate, ii. 133
Robinson, Mr, see Ripon Earl of,
Rocky Mountains, Canada, dispute as to territory, ii. 30
Roden, third Earl of, iii. 19
Roebuck, Mr, ii. 247, 363; motion on conduct of Crimean War, iii. 63, 72, 76-78; result, iii. 78, 79; Committee, iii. 89, 107, 108, 109, 112; Chinese dispute, iii. 228; Ireland, iii. 277; Reform Bill, iii. 324
Rokeby, Lord, iii. 60
Rolle, Lord, Queen's Coronation, i. 122
Rollin, Charles, Histoire Ancienne, i. 39
—— Ledru, French President, ii. 174, 239
Romagna, The, assembly of, and Victor Emmanuel, iii. 308; iii. 380
Roman Catholics, Maynooth College grant, ii. 30, 36; Bill, ii. 81, 84; papal aggression, ii. 232, 277-282, 303, 376
Romano, Giulio, painter, i. 334
Rome, Prince Albert's visit to, i. 152; Pope's flight from, ii. 205; and England, ii. 279; Lord Russell's draft on the Roman Question, iii. 441
Romilly, Sir John, Master of the Rolls, iii. 216
Rosebery, fourth Earl of, i. 62
Rosenau, the, ii. 45
Rosslyn, Lady, i. 310
Rothesay, Lord Stuart de, Ambassador at St Petersburg, i. 326
Rothschild, Baron, iii. 262
Rowan, Colonel, Commissioner of Police, ii. 167
Roxburgh, Duke of, i. 278
Royal Charter, wreck of, iii. 308
Royal Exchange opened by the Queen, ii. 1, 27
—— Princess, see Victoria
Royston, Lord, i. 384
Runjeet Singh, i. 233; ii. 217; Koh-i-noor diamond, ii. 242
Russell, Lord John (afterwards Earl), Irish Municipal Bill, i. 66; Leader of the House, i. 77; result of the elections, i. 90; i. 106; death of his wife, i. 130, 131, 133; Home Secretary, i. 141; civil government of the Army, i. 147; Corn Laws, i. 148, 381; politics, i. 267, 277, 278, 281; Sugar Duties, i. 274; Colonial Secretary, i. 308; political career of, i. 309; reply to Plymouth address, i. 365; opposition to Income Tax Bill, i. 406; conversion to repeal of Corn Laws, ii. 30, 49; views on Queen's absence from England, ii. 43; unable to form a Government, ii. 58-60, 70; resignation of Sir R. Peel, ii. 80, 81; undertakes to form a Government, ii. 83, 86; pensions, ii. 88; Queen's views on a dissolution, ii. 91; Spanish marriage difficulties, ii. 96-103, 107; Portuguese and Spanish affairs, ii. 117, 118, 119, 132; possible dissolution, ii. 121; crisis in the City, ii. 130; birth of second son, ii. 170; difficulty as to despatches, ii. 179, 220, 221, 222; Germany, ii. 229; case of Don Pacifico and Mr Finlay, ii. 233-236, 242; report, ii. 243; Prince Albert's memos. on Lord Palmerston's Foreign Policy, ii. 235, 243, 260, 261; offer to resign, ii. 243; on Lord Palmerston's removal, ii. 262; Haynau despatch, ii. 267-270; on Ritualism, "No Popery," ii. 273; and Sir James Graham, ii. 286; defeat of Government, ii. 288, 289, resignation of, ii. 290; failures to form a new Government, ii. 289-308; memo. as to uniting with Peelites, ii. 296; old Government to continue, ii. 312; memo. on state of Government, ii. 313; Palmerston's reception of Kossuth, ii. 324-331; Parliamentary Reform, ii. 332, 333; Lord Palmerston's approval of coup d'etat, Paris, ii. 334-340; dismissal of Lord Palmerston, ii. 342; and Lord Palmerston's successor, ii. 343-347; discomfiture of Lord Palmerston in the House, ii. 362-364; resignation, ii. 367; Lord Grey's opinion of, ii. 374, 375; and Lord Palmerston, ii. 379; ii. 381; on dissolution, ii. 382; Militia Bill blunder, ii. 387; education, ii. 390; ii. 403; refusal of Foreign Office, ii. 413-418; accepts Foreign Office, ii. 422-427; resigns Foreign Secretaryship, ii. 431; Leadership without office, ii. 438; pledged to introduction of Reform Bill, ii. 451 possible retirement, ii. 457, 458; war measures, ii. 467; President of the Council, iii. 1, 34; withdraws Reform Bill, iii. 2, 8, 15, 16, 23; incomprehensible actions, iii. 21, 22; Disraeli's attack on, iii. 38; Austrian alliance, iii. 48, 50; urges more vigorous measures, iii. 53; proposed resignation, iii. 57-60; and Mr Kennedy's loss of office, iii. 61; Ministry defeated, resignation, iii. 64, 72, 74, 79; visit to Paris, iii. 69; failure to form a Government, iii. 87-96; Government of 1855, iii. 98; Vienna Conference, iii. 64, 105; Colonial Office, iii. 109, 110; Austria's proposed terms of Crimean settlement, iii. 120; attacks on, and resignation, iii. 121, 131, 132, 133; iii. 190; Chinese dispute, iii. 223, 228; and the House of Lords, iii. 227; retains his seat, iii. 231; financial crisis, iii. 256; Conspiracy Bill, iii. 266; Reform Bill, iii. 276; India Bill, iii. 279; competitive examinations, iii. 297; new Reform Bill, iii. 307, 324; reconciliation with Palmerston, iii. 307; Foreign Secretary, iii 345-349; France and Austria, iii. 352; differences with the Queen on Italian policy, iii. 361-373, 374-378, 382-390, 395-398; Reform Bill, iii. 379; revolution doctrines, iii. 383; despatch to French Government, iii. 390; Abolition of Paper Duties Bill, iii. 401-404; proposed visit of Emperor of Austria, iii. 409; disagreement with Palmerston, iii. 420, 423; goes to the House of Lords, iii. 420, 423; despatch to America, iii. 421; iii. 428; and Gen. Garibaldi, iii. 431, 432, 433, 434; Danish Question, iii. 439; draft to Rome, iii. 441; the Garter, iii. 441; peerage, iii. 444 |