Lime, the praises of, vii. 17.
Lime-kilns, President of, PRAEPOSITUS CALCIS, FORMULA OF, vii. 17.
Lucania, Province of, Eusebius is recommended to take holiday in, iv. 48; rustics of, at Feast of St. Cyprian, viii. 33; Campanianus, inhabitant of, ix. 4; 'Montuosa Lucania' abounded in swine, xi. 39; measures for relief of, during presence of Gothic army, xii. 5. (See also Bruttii.)
Lucrine Port (?) to furnish tiles for repair of walls of Rome, i. 25.
Lucullanum, Castrum (Castel dell Ovo, at Naples), property at, given by Theodoric to Tulum, and by Athalaric to Joannes, viii. 25 (see note, p. 374).
Lydus, Joannes, civil servant in Constantinople under Justinian, author of 'De Dignitatibus;' his account of the dignity of the Praetorian Praefect, 40; on the official staff of the Praetorian Praefect, 94-114; his disappointment with the emoluments of the Cornicularius, 101; as to salutation of Praetorian Praefect, 297; as to Scholares, 302; jealousy of Magistriani, 303; as to supply of paper for law courts, xi. 38.
Maffei, Scipione, author of 'Verona Illustrate,' on situation of Verruca, 224.
Magic, trial of Roman Senators on accusation of practising, iv. 22, 23; punishment of, according to Edictum Athalarici, ix. 18.
MAGISTER OFFICIORUM, FORMULA OF, vi. 6; nature of his office, 36, 37; jealousy between his subordinates and those of the Praefectus Praetorio, 100, 302; Eugenius promoted to office of, i. 12, 13; office of, held by grandfather of Argolicus, iii. 12; as to Cursus Publicus, 99; iv. 47; vi. 6; letter of Witigis to M.O. at Constantinople, x. 33.
Magistriani, officers under Magister Officiorum, jealousy of, felt by members of Praefectoral staff, 303.
Magistri Scriniorum, Spectabiles, 91.
Magnus, a Spectabilis, of Gaul (?), to be reimbursed for losses sustained from the Franks, iii. 18.
Major Domus, Steward of the Royal House; Theodahad calls Vacco 'majorem domus nostrae,' and orders him to superintend the purchase of provisions for Gothic garrison of Rome, x. 18.
Mancipes mutationum, servants at posting-stations, iv. 47.
Maniarius, complaint of, as to abstraction of his slaves by the Breones, i. 11.
Manso, author of 'Geschichte des Ostgothischen Reiches,' quoted, 333, 336, 401.
Mappa, why used to denote the signal for the races, iii. 51.
Marabad, Vir Illustris and Comes, appointed Governor of Marseilles, iii. 34; instructions to, iv. 12, 46.
Marcellinus Comes, chronicler in the reign of Justinian, as to introduction of Heruli into Italy, 258 n; as to eruption of Vesuvius, 261 n, 262 n.
Marcellus on water-finding, iii. 53.
Marcian, Vir Spectabilis, employed to collect grain for Italy in Spain, v. 35.
Marcilianum (Sala, in Lucania), viii. 33.
Marinus, his petition about the property of Tupha, iv. 32.
Mark the Presbyter summoned for arrears of Siliquaticum, v. 31.
Marriage law (Edictum Athalarici), ix. 18.
Martinus, his son Romulus accused of parricide, ii. 14.
Massa Palentiana, wrested from rightful owners by Theodahad, v. 12.
Massa, a farm, viii. 23.
Massilia (Marseilles), inhabitants of, to welcome Count Marabad, iii. 34; privileges confirmed to, and exemption from taxation granted to for one year, iv. 26.
Master of the Horse, office of, abolished by Domitian, 99.
Matasuentha, granddaughter of Theodoric, married to Witigis, 49.
Maurentius, an orphan, taken under the King's guardianship, iv. 9.
Maximian, Vir Illustris, one of the Quinque-viri appointed to try Basilius and Praetextatus, iv. 22, 23.
Maximus, Flavius Anicius, Vir Illustris, Consul (523), encouraged to reward handsomely the Venator in the amphitheatre, v. 42; appointed Primicerius Domesticorum (535), x. 11, 12; married a wife of the Amal race, x. 11; discussion as to his subsequent history, 424 n.
Mercury, inventor of letters, viii. 12.
Milan, Church of, immunities granted to, ii. 29, 30; charioteers of, to receive largesse from Felix, iii. 39; Bacauda, Tribunus Voluptatum at, v. 25; Jews of, protected from molestation, v. 37; famine in, to be relieved by Datius, xii. 27; sieges and demolition of, 522.
Militia, used of the purely civil service of the staff of the Praetorian Praefect, 92; ii. 28; obligations of the title, ii. 31; used of service of Tribunus Voluptatum, v. 25; of functions of Count of Sacred Largesses, vi. 7; of functions of Comitiacus, vi. 13.
Militia Litterata, the learned staff, 479.
Millenarius (in Gothic, thusundifaths), captain of a thousand, v. 27.
Millet (panicum), to be sold to citizens of Milan at 20 modii per solidum, xii. 27.
Minors, protection of, from fraud, iv. 35.
Mommsen, Theodor, severe judgment of, on 'Chronicon' of Cassiodorus, 29, 120.
Monopoly, letters relating to, ii. 26, 30; iii. 19; x. 28.
Montanarius, bearer of money to Bishop Severus, ii. 8.
Mosaic, discription of, i. 6.
Moscius, Mons, near Scyllacium, xii. 15.
Mundus, General of Justinian, in Dalmatia, 446 n.
Munitarius (Winithar), ancestor of Theodoric, 'aequitate enituit,' xi. 1.
Music, dissertation on, ii. 40.
Narbonne, Church of, possessions granted by Alaric, wrested from, iv. 17.
Navy, Theodoric's directions as to raising, v. 16, 17.
Neapolis (Naples), territory of, suffers from eruption of Vesuvius, iv. 50; FORMULA OF COUNT OF NAPLES, vi. 23; FORMULA addressed HONORATIS POSSESSORIBUS, ET CURIALIBUS CIVITATIS NEAPOLITANAE, vi. 24.
Neotherius, a spendthrift, and brother of Plutianus, i. 7, 8.
Nero, anecdote of, giving the signal for the chariot-race, iii. 51.
Nicephorus Phocas, Emperor of the East (963-969), his work of restoration at Squillace, 71.
Nicomachus, see Cethegus.
Nimfadius, Vir Sublimis, his adventure at the Fountain of Arethusa, viii. 32.
Nivellius, Sebastianus, his edition of Cassiodorus, 115, 116.
Nobilissimus, title given to nearest relatives of the Emperor, 85, 86.
Nola, territory of, suffers from eruption of Vesuvius, iv. 50.
Noricum, Provincials of, to exchange their cattle with the Alamanni, iii. 50.
Notitia Utriusque Imperii, general correspondence of, with the 'Variae,' 85; on the official staff of the Praetorian Praefect, 94-114; illustration of the name, xii. 23.
Numerarii, cashiers in the Court of Praetorian Praefect, 96, 108; spoliation of churches of Bruttii alleged to be committed in their name, xii. 13; referred to, xii. 23.
Nursia, the birthplace of St. Benedict, 375; colony of Goths settled at, viii. 26.
Oath, mutual, between Athalaric and his subjects on his accession, viii. 3; between Goths and Romans, viii. 7.
Obsonia (= relishes, anything eaten with bread, especially fish), to be distributed to the Roman people, xii. 11.
Ocer, a blind Gothic warrior, reduced to slavery by Gudila and Oppas, v. 29.
Odovacar (Odoacer), King (476-493), faithful service of Liberius to, ii. 16; possible allusion to times of, iii. 12; buried in a stone chest, 207; Tupha an officer of, 251; moderate taxation under, iv. 38; Opilio filled a place under (?), v. 41.
Officium (official staff) of Praetorian Praefect, 93-114; otherwise called Praetoriani, xi. 37; to be fined if they disobey the King's orders, ii. 26; duties of in collection of Bina and Terna, vii. 21; promotion of, on Christmas Day, xi. 17; their duties and rightful claims, xi. 37.
Opilio, Count of Sacred Largesses, father of Cyprian, viii. 16, 17; chosen for a place in household of Odovacar (?), v. 41.
Opilio, son of above, Count of Sacred Largesses, viii. 16, 17; ambassador from Theodahad to Justinian (535), 45; evil character of, given by Boethius, 363.
Oppas, accused of enslaving Ocer, a blind Goth, v. 29.
Orthography, difficulties of Latin, in Sixth Century, 66.
Ostrogotha, ancestor of Theodoric, 'patientia enituit,' xi. 1.
Osuin (or Osum), Vir Illustris and Comes, made Governor of Dalmatia and Suavitt, ix. 8, 9.
Padus (Po), timber for navy to be collected upon the banks of, v. 17, 20; stake-nets to be removed from mouth of, v. 17, 20.
Palamediaci calculi = draughts, citizens fond of playing at, viii. 31.
Palmatiana, wine of Bruttii, described, xii. 12.
Panis, derivation of, from Pan, vi. 18.
Pannonia Sirmiensis, Colossaeus appointed Governor of, iii. 23, 24; an old habitation of the Goths, iii. 23.
Pantomimist, dispute as to choice of, i. 20; his menstruum (monthly allowance), i. 32, 33.
Papal election, contested between Symmachus and Laurentius (498), 26; of Felix III (526), viii. 15.
Paper, praises of, xi. 38.
Paraveredi, extra horses, v. 39. (See Errata.)
Parhippi, extra horses, iv. 47.
Parma, sanitary measures in, viii. 29, 30.
Parricide, the horror of, ii. 14.
Paschasius, Vir Spectabilas, his dispute about boundaries with Leontius, iii. 52.
Patricius, Vir Illustris, appointed Quaestor by Theodahad, x. 6, 7.
Patzenes, husband of Regina, story of his wife's intrigue with Brandila during his absence on Gaulish campaign, v. 32, 33.
Paula, an orphan, taken under the King's guardianship, iv. 9.
Paulinus, Illustris and Patrician, claims of Festus and Symmachus against, i. 23 [N.B. Compare the following passage from Boethius' 'Philosophiae Consolatio' i. 4: 'Paulinum consularem virum cujus opes palatini canes jam spe atque ambitione devorassent, ab ipsis hiantium faucibus traxi.' Considering the relationship between Boethius and Symmachus, it is impossible that Symmachus could be one of these 'palatini canes,' but perhaps not impossible that Festus may be here aimed at. Paulinus was Consul 498]; Felix is praised for cultivating the friendship of, ii. 3; allowed to repair and appropriate public granaries, iii. 29.
Paulinas (Flavius Theodoras Paulinus Junior), Vir Clarissimus, son of Venantius, grandson of Liberius, chosen Consul for 534, ix. 22.
Peace, praises of, i. 1.
Pedatura, length of wall assigned to be built by soldiers, v. 9.
Pedonensis Civitas (situation unknown), Benedictus a citizen of, i. 36.
Peraequatores, regulators of prices of provisions (?), vi. 6.
Perfectissimi, fourth grade in the Imperial service, 92, 320; not mentioned by Cassiodorus, 92.
Pervasio, forcible appropriation of landed property, condemned by Edict of Athalaric, ix. 18.
Peter, Consul (516) and rhetorician, ambassador from Justinian to Theodahad, 46, 47; x. 19, 22, 23, 24.
Petrus, Vir Spectabilis, illustrious by descent, allowed to enter the Senate, iv. 25; his troubles with the Sajo assigned to him as his Defensor, iv. 27, 28.
Physician, duty of a good, vi. 19.
Picenum, Province of, Goths resident in, iv. 14; v. 26, 27.
Pietas = pity (very nearly), iv. 26.
Pignoratio, lawless practice of, described and repressed, iv. 10.
Pincian Hill, see Rome.
Pithoeus (Pierre Pithou), editor of Cassiodorus, attributes to him the 'Computus Paschalis,' 11.
Placentia, provision dealers at, x. 28.
Placidia, unfavourable comparison of with Amalasuentha, xi. 1.
Planets, periods of, xi. 36.
Pliny, on amber, 266; on the elephant, 443.
Plutianus, a minor, Felix accused of defrauding, i. 7, 8.
Pola, Antonius, Bishop of, iv. 44.
Pollentia, battle of, represented as Gothic victory by Cassiodorus, 28.
Polyptycha, official registers, v. 14, 39.
Pompeius Magnus, theatre of, the origin of his epithet, iv. 51.
Pontonates (?), iv. 38.
Popes, see Agapetus, Felix III, Gregory the Great, John II, Symmachus, Vigilius.
Porticus Curba (or Curiae), near the Forum, 'fabricae' to be erected above, iv. 30.
Portus (Porto), quays and warehouses of, under the Praefectus Urbis Romae, 87; 'Portus Curas Agens,' ii. 12; Comes Portus, vii. 9; Vicarius Portus, vii. 23.
Possessores, ii. 25; vi. 8; of Aestunae, iii. 9; of Arles, iii. 44; of Velia, iv. 11.
Possessores Honorati, of Catena, iii. 49; of Forum Livii, iv. 8; of Feltria, v. 9; of Suavia, v. 14, 15; of neighbourhood of Ravenna (?), v. 38; of Sicily, vi. 22; of Neapolis, vi. 24.
POSSESSORES HONORATI, ET CURIALES, FORMULA ADDRESSED TO, vii. 27; of Parma, viii. 29; of Bruttii, exhorted to return to their cities, viii. 31.
Possessores, Curiales permitted to become, ix. 4; complain of abuses in corn-traffic, ix. 5.
Potteries (figulinae), owners of, safeguarded, ii. 23.
Praebendae, apparently = stipendia or annonae, 219; claimed both in money and kind, v. 39.
PRAEFECTUS ANNONAE, FORMULA OF, vi. 18; office of, held by Paschasius, xii. 9.
PRAEFECTUS PRAETORIO, FORMULA OF, vi. 3; FORMULA AS TO SUPERINTENDENCE OF ARMOURERS, vii. 19; dignity of the office, 39-41, 134; quotation from Lydus as to, 40; his functions described by Bethmann-Hollweg, 41 n; gradations of rank in his official staff, 93-114; fine on, for disobeying King's orders, ii. 26; not to be allowed to oppress men in humbler station, iii. 20, 27; as to Cursus Publicus, 99; iv. 47; vi. 3; Albienus appointed (527), viii. 20; was Trigguilla his predecessor? 368.
PRAEFECTUS URBIS ROMAE, FORMULA OF, vi. 4; an Illustris, 86; his functions described, 87, 88; to punish insults against the Senate, i. 30, 31; Artemidorus raised to dignity of, i. 42; Argolicus raised to dignity of (510), iii. 11; Quinque-viri associated with him for trial of Senators, iv. 22, 23; his close companionship with the Praefectus Annonae, vi. 18; Honorius ordered to see to preservation of brazen elephants at Rome, x. 30.
Praepositus Sacri Cubiculi, an Illustris, 86; his functions, 88; to refund to Symmachus expense of restoration of Pompey's Theatre, iv. 51.
Praepositi (?) have special rights as to the Cursus Publicus, v. 5.
Praerogativarius (?), Joannes appointed, xi. 27.
Praetextatus, a Roman Senator, accused of magical practices, iv. 22, 23.
Prescription, title by, i. 18; ii. 27; v. 37.
Prices, to be fixed by the Defensor of a city, vii. 11; by the Curator, vii. 12; tariff of, to be charged at Ravenna, xi. 11; regulated along the Flaminian Way, xi. 12; fixed in, Bruttii and Lucania, xii. 5; tariff of, for Istria, xii. 22, 23; of corn sold for relief of Ligurians in time of famine, x. 27; xii. 27.
Primicerius Augustalium, Beatus appointed, xi. 30 (see Augustales).
Primicerius Cubiculariorum, a Spectabilis, 88; his functions, 88.
Primicerius Deputatorum, Ursua appointed, xi. 30; (see Deputati).
Primicerius Domesticorum, Maximus appointed, x. 11, 12.
Primicerius Exceptorum, chief of shorthand writers, Patricius appointed, xi. 25.
Primicerius Notariorum, vi. 16; a Spectabilis, 91; his office (apparently) joined to that of Count of Sacred Largesses, vi. 7.
Primicerius Singulariorum, Pierius appointed, in the room of Urbicus, xi. 31, 32 (see Singularii).
Primiscrinii, officers of Court of Praetorian Praefect, 96, 103; perhaps equivalent to Adjutores, 103; might be chosen from the ordinary Exceptores, 110; retiring Primiscrinius receives rank of Spectabilis, xi. 20; Andreas obtains rank of, xi. 21; retiring Primiscrinius to receive pension, xi. 37.
Princeps, head of the Officium of the Praefectus Praetorio, nature of his office, 96, 97, 477 n; ex-Princeps, ii. 28; title of, given to Magistriani, vi. 6; FORMULA RECOMMENDING PRINCIPES TO COMES, vii. 25; FORMULA ANNOUNCING APPOINTMENT OF COMES TO PRINCEPS, vii. 28.
Princeps Augustorum, 96; xi. 35.
Princeps Magistrianorum, 97, 99, 100.
Prior, a military officer among the Goths, viii. 26; perhaps equivalent to 'Hundafath,' 375.
Probinus (or Provinus), Illustris and Patrician (perhaps same as Consul 489), obtains property by undue influence from Agapita, ii. 11; the transfer declared to be bona fide, iv. 40.
Probus, Assessor of taxes, iv. 38.
Proceres Chartarum (?), subordinate to Count of Sacred Largesses, vi. 7.
Procopius, his narrative of events in Italy in 534 and 535, 42-48; makes no mention of the name of Cassiodorus, 51; his statement of Justinian's argument as to the position of Theodoric, 143 n; his account of family of Venantius, 221; attributes the death of Amalasuentha to Theodora, 433 n; quoted, 370 n, 384 n, 390, 397, 431, 434, 518, 522, 527.
Procula, wife of Brandila, her assault on Regina, v. 32.
Prorogatores, purveyors (?), x. 28.
Prosecutores frumentorum, petition of, as to loss of cargoes, iv. 7.
Provincials, compensation to, for damage done by troops on march, ii. 8.
Publianus, Vir Illustris, messenger from the Senate to Court at Ravenna as to election of Pope (526), viii. 15.
Public property assigned on condition of improvement, vii. 44.
Pulveratica (dust-money) not to be paid to a Judge on his journeys, xii. 15.
Purple dye, history of the discovery of, i. 2.
Pyctacium (pictacium or pittacium), delegatoris, bond or document of title, i. 18; iii. 35; xii. 20.
Pythias, Count, pronounces decree in favour of liberty of Ocer, a blind Goth, v. 29.
QUAESTOR, FORMULA OF, vi. 5; duties of the office of, 14, 135; v. 4; vi. 5; other Quaestors besides Cassiodorus between 501 and 510, 25 n; Ambrosius appointed (526), viii. 13; Felix appointed (527), viii. 18; Patricius appointed (534), x. 6.
Quidila, son of Sibia, made 'Prior' of the Goths in Reate and Nursia, viii. 26.
Quinque-viri associated with Praefectus Urbis to try two Senators accused of magical arts, iv. 22, 23.
Raetia (Grisons and Tyrol), Servatus, Duke of, i. 11; Alamannic refugees received in, ii. 41; guarded by fortress of Verruca, iii. 48; duties of the Duke of, vii. 4; derivation of the name from rete, vii. 4.
Rationales, bailiffs superintending the royal estates under the Comes Rerum Privatarum, vi. 8.
Rationalii, persons charged with distribution of the annona, 114.
Rations for three days only, to be given to Provincial Governors and others journeying to Scyllacium, xii. 15.
Ravenna, Basilica of Hercules (?) at, i. 6; mosaic ordered for, i. 6; ships ordered round from, to Liguria, ii. 20; favour bestowed on Church of, ii. 30; marbles to be transported to, iii. 9, 10; marble chests in which the citizens of Ravenna buried their dead, iii. 19; blocks of marble to be forwarded from Faventia to, v. 8; fleet to be mustered at, v. 17, 19; aqueduct of, to be kept clean, v. 38; drinking water of, de-appetising, v. 38; police of, vii. 8; elevation of Athalaric at, viii. 2, 5; provision dealers at, x. 28; tariff of prices at, xi. 11; siliquatarius of, xii. 17; defences of, to be strengthened, xii. 17; Deusdedit, a Scribe of, xii. 21; wine, oil, and corn to be furnished by Provincials of Istria to, xii. 22, 23, 24.
Reate (Rieti, in the Sabine territory), Goths settled at, viii. 26.
Rector Decuriarum, Governor of Guilds, v. 21, 22; same as Judex Decuriarum of Theodosian Code, 278.
Referendi Curiae, Armentarius and his son Superbus appointed, iii. 33.
REFERENDARIUS, FORMULA OF, vi. 17; Cyprian's services as, v. 40, 41; viii. 22; Joannes, Vir Spectabilis, holds the post of, viii. 25.
Regerendarius (or Regendarius), officer charged with regulation of the postal-service, 109; Cartherius appointed, xi. 29.
Regina, wife of Patzenes, her intrigue with Brandila, v. 33; assaulted by Brandila's wife, v. 32.
Religious toleration practised by Theodoric, 21, 22; principle of, stated, ii. 27; v. 37; x. 26.
Remission of taxes, i. 16.
Renatus complains that he is harassed by litigation of Inquilina, iv. 37.
Reparatus, brother of Pope Vigilius, appointed Praefect of the City, ix. 7; his subsequent history, 390.
Restitutio in integrum, 252.
Retentator, a wrongful detainer, ii. 10.
Rhegium (Reggio) derivation of the name, xii. 14; the citizens of, to be exempt from 'coemptio' of wheat and lard, xii. 14.
Roccella, near Squillace, probable site of Scyllacium, 68.
Roman law only to be administered between Romans, ix. 14.
Roman citizens, release of, imprisoned on suspicion of sedition, ix. 17.
Rome, Theodoric's measures for embellishment of, i. 21; ii. 7; walls of, to be repaired, i. 25, 28; ii. 34; the nephews of Filagrius detained at, for their education, i. 39; 'everyone's country,' i. 39; blocks of marble lying about in, to be used, ii. 7; sons of Ecdicius detained at, ii. 22; marbles on the Pincian Hill to be transported to Ravenna, iii. 10; repair of granaries in, iii. 29; Cloacae of, iii. 30; repair of aqueducts and temples in, iii. 31; vii. 6; sons of Valerian detained at, iv. 6; new buildings overlooking Forum of, iv. 30; 'turris circi et locus amphitheatri' wrested from sons of Volusianus, iv. 42; burning of Jewish synagogue at, iv. 43; theatre of Pompey restored by Symmachus, iv. 51; to receive supplies of corn from Spain, v. 35; brazen elephants in Via Sacra, x. 30; police of, vii. 7; statues of, vii. 13, 15; dissensions between citizens of, and Gothic troops (535), x. 14; a Gothic garrison for, x. 18; owns the shrines of the Apostles, xi. 2; scarcity in, relieved by corn-distributions, xi. 5; Roman citizens, and they only, to receive obsonia, xii. 11; high character given to the Roman populace, xii. 11.
Romulus, assured that Theodoric's gift to him through the Patrician Liberius shall not be revoked, iii. 35; probably this is the ex-Emperor Romulus Augustulus, 216; subsequent disposal of his palace, the Lucullanum, 374.
Romulus accused of murder of his father, ii. 14.
Rufinus, Praetorian Praefect under Arcadius, his usurpation caused some of Praetorian Praefect's powers to be transferred to the Magister, 99.
Rusticiana, farm of, in Bruttii, gold discovered at, ix. 3.
Rusticus, a priest and a friend of Theodahad, sent on return embassy with Peter to Justinian, 431 n; x. 20, 24.
Sabinus, ex-Charioteer, his pension increased, ii. 9.
Sacrilege, the folly of, xii. 13.
St. Cyprian's fair (in Lucania) described, viii. 33.
Sajo, Saio, or Sajus (henchman), description of his office, 177 n; to go straight to object of his mission, and not to make pleasure tours at the public expense, iv. 47; Nandius, sent to summon Goths to war, i. 24; to support Ecdicius in levying Siliquaticum, ii. 4; Fruinarith to enquire into conduct of Venantius, ii. 13; Grimoda ordered to redress the oppression of Faustus, iii. 20; Leodifrid ordered to superintend building of houses near fort Verruca, iii. 48; Amabilis (?) ordered to superintend grain traffic from Italy to Gaul, iv. 5; Gesila ordered to make Gothic defaulters in Picenum and Tuscia pay their taxes, iv. 14; Tezutzat assigned as Defensor to Petrus, iv. 27; Amara has wounded Petrus, whose Defensor he nominally was, iv. 27, 28; Duda (Vir Spectabilis and Comes), instructions to, iv. 28, 32, 34; Gudisal ordered to reform abuses of Cursus Publicus, iv. 47; Mannila receives like instructions, v. 5; Veranus to see that the Gepidae march peaceably through Liguria, v. 10; Gudinand and Avilf ordered to muster sailors and collect timber for navy, v. 19, 20; Tata ordered to conduct recruits to Count Julian, v. 23; Guduim ordered to summon Gothic captains to Court, v. 27; Catellus and Servandus (?), 'Viri Strenui,' to collect fines from fraudulent shipowners, v. 35; a Sajo (unnamed) accused of rough treatment of a deacon, viii. 24; Dumerit sent to repress robbery at Faventia, viii. 27; Quidila sent with Athalaric's orders to Sicily, ix. 10; to execute vengeance on Pervasores, ix. 18; BOND FOR PROPER USE OF SAJO'S SERVICES, FORMULA OF, vii. 42; was he necessarily the instrument by which 'tuitio regii nominis' was given? 341; Sajones assigned to various Cancellarii, xii. 3; their duties and temptations, xii. 3; Paulus, Vir Strenuus, perhaps a Sajo, xii. 26.
Salamander, nature of, iii. 47.
Salona (in Dalmatia), inhabitants of, to be armed and drilled, i. 40; Bishop of, takes 60 tuns of oil from one John, iii. 7.
Salt-works at Venice, xii. 24.
Samaritans contest possession of a house in Rome with the Roman Church, iii. 45.
Samnium, Province of, Sunhivad appointed Governor of, iii. 13; practice of pignoratio prevalent in, iv. 10; Goths resident in, v. 26, 27; Anatholius, Cancellarius of, xi. 36; retiring allowance of Cornicularius charged on revenues of, xi. 36.
Sarsena (?), Curia of, ii. 18.
Scholares, household troops, under Magister Officiorum, v. 6.
Scholaris, Sextus (?), Justus appointed, xi. 26.
Schubert, von, author of 'Unterwerfung der Alamannen,' 120, 524, 527.
Science, list of Greek men of, whose works were translated by Boetius, i. 45.
Scribe, importance of the office of, xii. 21.
Scrinia, the four, under the Magister Officiorum, 36, 112; to provide themselves with paper, xi. 38.
Scriniarii, vii. 21, 22.
Scriniarius, 106.
Scriniarius Curae Militaris, 109; Lucillus appointed, xi. 24.
Scrinium Memoriae, 102.
Scriniarius Actorum, Catellus obtains rank of, xi. 22.
Scyllacium (Squillace), birthplace of Cassiodorus, 6; the Greek colony, Scylletion, 6, 7; Roman colony, Minerva Scolacium, 7, 8; appearance of, 8; xii. 15; modern remains at, 9; Cassiodorus founds his monasteries at, 55; topography of, 68-73; citizens of, not to be called on to contribute to the Cursus Publicus, xii. 15.
Scythian, vagueness of the term, which was often applied to the Goths, 31, 32.
Senarius, Vir Illustris, appointed Comes Patrimonii, iv. 3, 4; instructions to, as Comes Privatarum Rerum, iv. 7, 11, 13.
Senate of Rome, attitude of Theodoric and Cassiodorus towards, 26, 27; flattery of, i. 13, 42; iii. 12; v. 41; not to degrade themselves by altercations with the mob in the Circus, i. 27, 30; enquiry into character of candidates for admission to, i. 41; iv. 25; Senators' taxes in arrear, ii. 24; Senators with Gothic names, ii. 29, 35; iii. 13; proceedings on trial of Senators, iv. 22, 23; vi. 21; addressed on election of Pope Felix III, viii. 15; Theodahad's elevation announced to, x. 4; chidden by Theodahad for not accepting his invitation to Ravenna, x. 13; Theodahad announces arrival of Gothic garrison to, x. 18; ordered by Theodahad to communicate with Justinian, x. 19; Cassiodorus writes to, on his elevation to the Praetorian Praefecture, xi. 1; petition of, to Justinian for peace, xi. 13.
Severinus (or Severianus), Vir Illustris, appointed a Commissioner for Province of Suavia, to remedy financial abuses, v. 14, 15; again sent to Suavia and Dalmatia with Osuin, ix. 9.
Severus, Vir Spectabilis, apparently Governor of Bruttii and Lucania, vii. 31-33.
Sextarius, corn measure, ii. 26.
Sicily, inhabitants of, suspicious, and with difficulty won over to the rule of Theodoric, i. 3; Filagrius, a citizen of Syracuse, asks leave to return to, i. 39; possessions of Milanese Church in, ii. 29; Valerian, a citizen of Syracuse, allowed to return thither, iv. 6; FORMULA OF COUNT OF SYRACUSE, vi. 22; augmentum imposed by Theodoric remitted by Athalaric, ix. 10, 11, 12; oppressive acts of Censitores and Count of Syracuse rebuked, ix. 11, 14.
Sidonius, Apollinaris, possible quotation from, iii. 16.
Sigismer, Illustris and Count, sent to administer to the Senate the oath of fidelity to Athalaric, viii. 2.
Signine Channel, near Ravenna (?), shrubs growing in, to be rooted up, v. 38.
Sila, Mount, in Bruttii, celebrated for its cheese, xii. 12.
Silentiarii, thirty life-guards, 88.
Siliqua, one-twenty-fourth of solidus, 173.
Siliquaticum, a tax of one-twenty-fourth on sales in open market, collection of, ii. 4; exemption from, ii. 30; iv. 19; collection of arrears of, in Dalmatia, iii. 25; collection of arrears of, in Apulia and Calabria, v. 31.
Siliquatarii, ii. 12, 26; xii. 17.
Simeon, Vir Illustris and Comes, appointed to collect arrears of taxation in Dalmatia, iii. 25, 26.
Simeonius (an Apulian or Calabrian), summoned for arrears of Siliquaticum, v. 31.
Simony practised at Papal elections, edict against, ix. 15, 16.
Simplicius, Pope (468-483), bought a house at Rome claimed by the Samaritans, iii. 45.
Singularii, servants charged with conveying the orders of the Praetorian Praefect into the Provinces, 113; origin of their name, 113. (See also, xi. 31, 32.)
Sipontum in Apulia, merchants of, despoiled by Byzantine fleet (?), ii. 38.
Sirmium, war of (504), Tulum's services in, viii. 10; Cyprian's services in, viii. 22.
Slave of a Senator, murderer of a freeborn citizen, to be surrendered, i. 30; as to levy of slaves for the navy, v. 16; Gothic soldier made a slave wrongfully, v. 29; degrading services (servitia famulatus) not to be claimed of freeborn Goths, v. 30, 39; Tanca is accused of unjustly enslaving two rustic neighbours, viii. 28.
Slaves, runaway, to be restored to their owners, iii. 43; did free Italians sell their children as? viii. 33 n.
Solidus, 'the ancients wished that it should consist of 6,000 denarii' (?), i. 10.
Sona, Illustris, iii. 15.
Sontius (Isonzo), River of, Theodoric's crossing of, made an era in lawsuits as to landed property, i. 18; the Lucristani (?) on, ordered to attend to the Cursus Publicus, i. 29.
Sors, land-allotment, ii. 17.
Sors nascendi of the Curialis, ii. 18.
Spain, to send corn-supplies to Rome, v. 35; abuses in administration of, to be repressed, v. 39.
Spatarius, sword-bearer, an officer in the royal household, iii. 43.
Spectabiles, second class of Ministers, who belonged to it? 90, 91; honour of, conferred on Stephanus, ii. 28; Comes Primi Ordinis, highest of, vi. 12; FORMULA CONFERRING RANK OF, vii. 37; Antianus, ex-Cornicularius, receives rank of, xi. 18; retiring Primiscrinius receives rank of, xi. 20.
Spes, Spectabilis, has a concession for draining land, ii. 21.
Spoletium (Spoleto), gratuitous admission to baths at, ii. 37; rebuilding behind the Baths of Turasius at, iv. 24; Honoratus, advocate at, v. 4.
Staletti, near Squillace, near the site of Vivarian Monastery, 71.
Starcedius, Vir Sublimis, allowed to retire from military service, but without a pension, v. 36.
Statue, theft of brazen, at Comum, ii. 35, 36.
Statues, care of, at Como, ii. 35, 36; at Rome, vii. 13, 15.
Ste. Marthe, Denys de, author of 'Vie de Cassiodore,' 118.
Stephanus, killed by his servants and left unburied, ii. 19.
Stephanus, petition of, against Bishop of Pola, iv. 44.
Stratonicea, Edict of, by Diocletian, 'de pretiis venalium rerum,' 470.
Style, Cassiodorus on the different kinds of, 139.
Suarii, pork-butchers, subject to Praefectus Annonae, vi. 18.
S(u)avia (Sclavonia), Fridibad appointed Governor of, iv. 49; order to be maintained in, iv. 49; grievances of the Possossores of, to be redressed, v. 14; Osuin appointed Governor of, ix. 8, 9.
Subadjuvae, deputy cashiers (?), 109.
Sublimis, epithet used in the 'Variae,' 91 n; equivalent to Spectabilis (?), 91.
Suevi (perhaps here the same as Alamanni) invade the Venetian Province (536), xii. 7.
Sulcatoriae (?), some kind of merchant ships, ii. 20.
Sundial, description of, to be made by Boetius for Gundibad, i. 45.
Superbus, son of Armentarius, appointed Referendus Curiae, iii. 33.
Sustineo, technically used of the King's reception of his guests, iii. 22 (and 28).
Swords, description of, sent by King of the Vandals to Theodoric, v. 1.
Symmachus, Pope (498-514), contested election with Laurentius, 26.
Symmachus the Elder, orator and leader of the Pagan party in the Senate, 78; was he also a historian? 78.
Symmachus, Q. Aurelius Memmius, Consul (485), Patrician, father-in-law of Boethius, information as to, in the 'Anecdoton Holderi,' 74, 77-79; his speech for the 'Allecticii,' 78; his Roman History, 78; his claims against Paulinus, i. 23; one of the Quinque-viri appointed to try Barilius and Praetextatus, iv. 22, 23; commended for his restoration of buildings in Rome, iv. 51; a saying of, xi. 1.
Table of the King, provision of delicacies for, vi. 9; xii. 4, 18.
Tabularii, Cashiers of a municipality, a lower class of Numerarii, 108.
Tacitus, on amber, quoted, v. 2.
Tanca, a Goth (?), accused of unjustly enslaving free rustics, viii. 28.
Tarvisium (Treviso), corn-warehouse at, to be opened, x. 27.
Taxation, arrears of, ii. 24, 25; iv. 14; v. 31; immunity from, ii. 30; remissness in tax-collectors condemned, iii. 8; xii. 10; remission of, for citizens of Aries, iii. 32; remission of, for all Provincials of Gaul, iii. 40; iv. 19; remission of, for one year, for citizens of Marseilles, iv. 26; weight of, to be lessened, iv. 38; regulation of, for Province of Suavia, v. 14, 15; abuses of, in Spain, corrected, v. 39; collection of Bina and Terna, vii. 20-22; remission of super-assessment for Dalmatia, ix. 9; similar remission for Sicily, ix. 10, 11, 12; remission of, for a monastery, x. 26; proper manner of collecting, xi. 7; correction of abuses of, in Liguria, xi. 16; commutation of cattle-tax for Lucania and Bruttii, xi. 39; taxes to be paid punctually, xii. 2; in Lucania and Bruttii in time of war, xii. 5; remission of, for Venetia, on account of invasion of the Suevi, xii. 7; tax-gatherer allowed to make prepayment of his taxes, xii. 8; Trina Illatio to be collected regularly, xii. 16; special requisition from Istria, xii. 22, 23; contributions from Venetia remitted, xii. 26; remission of half of, for Liguria, xii. 28.
Teias, King of the Goths (552-663), his battle with Narses on Monte Lettere, 468 n.
Tenues = the poor, ii. 24, 25.
Terna, a kind of tax (not to be confounded with the Tertiae or the Trina Illatio), iii. 8; collection of, vii. 20, 21, 22.
Terracina, inscription at, as to draining Marsh of Decennonium, 188.
Tertiae, probably either the land assigned to the Goths in Italy or the pecuniary equivalent paid by the Roman possessor for an undivided 'Sors Barbarica,' 152; (tax), to be collected at same time as ordinary tribute, i. 14; (land), demarcation of, by Liberius, ii. 16; (tax), immunity from, ii. 17.
Theodagunda, Illustris Foemina, apparently a Gothic princess, ordered to do justice to Renatus, iv. 37.
Theodahad, nephew of Theodoric, associated in the sovereignty by Amalasuentha, 44; x. 1-4; his character, 44; he dethrones Amalasuentha (April 30, 535), and puts her to death, 45; his negotiations with Justinian, 47; his deposition and death, 49; style of address in the 'Variae,' 86; ordered to undertake a case of contumacy, iii. 15; his avarice condemned, iv. 39; v. 12; to receive farms which had belonged to his mother, viii. 23; declares that his character has changed with his accession, x. 5; chides the Senate for their suspicions of him, x. 13; thinks himself much superior to Theodoric, x. 22; intended journey of, to Rome, xii. 18, 19; his questionable generosity in releasing his mortgage on the Church plate to the Pope, xii. 20.
Theodora, Augusta (married to Justinian 525, died 548), letter of Amalasuentha to, x. 10; letters of Gudelina to, x. 20, 21, 23; alleged complicity of, in murder of Amalasuentha, 433, 435.
Theodoric, King of the Goths and Romans (493-525), his position in Italy, 16, 19; story of his inability to write, 15; relation of Cassiodorus to, 16, 19; his religious tolerance, 21, 22; his persecution of the Orthodox, 35; condemnation of Boethius and Symmachus, 35; death of (Aug. 30, 526), 37; may possibly have called himself King of Italy, 62 n; 455 n; confusion between him and Theodoric II the Visigoth, 116; letters written in the name of, 141-293; learned in the Roman Republic the art of governing Romans with equity, i. 1; relations between him and Anastasius, i. 1; allusion to his adoption by Zeno (?), i. 20; his intervention in Gaul (508), i. 24; his friendship for Artemidoras, i. 43; motto for his reign, ii. 21; inscription recording his drainage of Decennonial Marsh, 188; his attempts to prevent war between Alaric and Clovis, iii. 1-4; calls himself 'Romanus Princeps,' iii. 16; his high purpose in ruling, iii. 43; his alliance with the Thuringians, iv. 1; his alliance with the Heruli, iv. 2; his rides after the hours of business with Cyprian his Referendarius, v. 40; Cassiodorus speaks of his 'oculus imperialis,' viii. 18; praises of, by Witigis, x. 31; his especial characteristic was patience, xi. 1.
Theodoric I, King of the Franks (511-534), death of, xi. 1; 452 n; 455 n.
Theodoric, or more probably Theodorus, Patrician, accused of assaulting the Green party in the Circus, i. 27.
Theodorus, candidate for office of Pantomimist, i. 20.
Theodoras, report of, as to gold in Bruttii, ix. 3.
Theodosian Code, perhaps referred to in the words 'Statuta Divalium sanctionum,' iv. 12; as to Decuriae Librariorum, &c. 277; as to Delegatio, 479 n.
Theodosius, man of Theodahad (?), exhorted to abstain from violence, x. 5.
Thessalonica, Praefect of, entreated by Witigis to speed his ambassadors on their way to Justinian, x. 35.
Theudimer, father of Theodoric, 'pietate enituit,' xi. 1.
Thomas, father of Germanus, iii. 37.
Thomas, Vir Clarissimus, complains that he cannot collect arrears of taxes in Apulia, v. 31.
Thomas, Vir Honestus, hopelessly in debt for taxes on Apulian farms, v. 6, 7.
Thomas the Charioteer to receive a monthly allowance, iii. 51.
Thorbecke, August, author of 'Cassiodorus Senator,' 119.
Thorismuth, predecessor of Theodoric, 'castitate enituit,' xi. 1.
Thuringians, King of, appealed to by Theodoric to prevent war between Clovis and Alaric, iii. 3; Herminafrid, King of, married to Amalabirga, niece of Theodoric, iv. 1.
Tiber to be crossed by a bridge of boats, xii. 19.
Ticinum (Pavia), inhabitants of, ordered to provision the Heruli on their journey to King's Comitatus, iv. 45; corn warehouse at, to be opened, x. 27; xii. 27; provision dealers at, x. 28; Count Winusiad, Governor of, x. 29.
Tituli, practice of affixing to property, condemned, ix. 18.
Totila, words of, as to exceptional favour accorded to Sicily, 397.
Trajan, oath taken by, to the Roman people, viii. 3; noble saying of, to an orator, viii. 13.
Transmund (Thrasamund), King of the Vandals (496-523), complained of for sheltering Gesalic, Theodoric's enemy, v. 43; the reconciliation, v. 44.
Transmutation of metals (?), viii. 3.
Treasure, buried, search for, iv. 34.
Tribuni Maritimorum (in islands of Venetia), xii. 24.
TRIBUNUS VOLUPTATUM, MINISTER OF PUBLIC AMUSEMENT, FORMULA OF, vii. 10; Bacauda appointed, at Milan, v. 25; referred to, vi. 19.
Tridentum (Trient), proprietors in district of, ii. 17; new city to be erected in district of, v. 9; corn warehouse at, to be opened, x. 27.
Trigguilla, 'Regiae Praepositus Domus,' was he the Praetorian Praefect whose misgovernment is denounced, viii. 20?
Trina Illatio, three instalments for payment of taxes, ii. 24; x. 27 (?); xi. 7, 35, 36, 37; xii. 2, 16, 27 (?).
Trittheim, John (Trithemius), Abbot of Spanheim, his notice of date of Cassiodorus' birth, 9, 10, 66; as to office of Abbot held by Cassiodorus, 56 n.
TUITIO REGII NOMINIS, FORMULA BESTOWING, vii. 39; promised to owner of potteries, ii. 23; to Milanese Church, ii. 29; to Maurentius and Paula, iv. 9; alluded to in Edictum Athalarici, ix. 18 (p. 404).
Tullianus, son of Venantius, 221.
Tulum, Patrician, his early history and character, viii. 9, 10; embassy to Constantinople (?), viii. 9; share in the war of Sirmium, viii. 10; in the Gaulish wars (508 and 523), viii. 10; his escape from shipwreck, viii. 10; marriage with an Amal princess, viii. 9; letter written on his behalf to the Senate, viii. 11; declared Patrician, viii. 9, 10, 11, 12; receives Castrum Lucullanum from Theodoric and hands it over to Joannes, viii. 25.
Tupha (Tufa), an officer of Odovacar, who deserted to Theodoric and then betrayed him, 251; lawsuit about his property, confiscated to the Treasury, iv. 32.
Tusciae (Thusciae) utraeque, iv. 14; Goths resident in, iv. 14; Canonicarius of, to buy a fitting quantity of paper, xi. 38.
Ulpianus, guarantor for Venantius, has lost 400 solidi by his default, ii. 13. (As this occurred 'administrationis suae tempore,' Ulpianus must have held some kind of public office.)
Ulysses, reputed founder of Scyllacium, xii. 15.
Unalamer (Walamir), uncle of Theodoric, 'fide enituit,' xi. 1.
Unimundus (Hunimund), collateral ancestor of Theodoric, 'forma enituit,' xi. 1.
Uraias, nephew of King Witigis, his capture of Milan (539), xii. 27.
Usener, Hermann, editor of 'Anecdoton Holderi,' 73-84, 119.
Vacco, Major Domus to Theodahad, x. 18; to superintend purchase of provisions for Gothic garrison, x. 18.
Valentinian III, Emperor (425-455), quotation from Novellae of, ix. 18; Placidia's guardianship of, xi. 1.
Valerian, a Spectabilis, citizen of Syracuse, sons of, to be detained in Rome, iv. 6.
Valeriana, Adeodatus condemned for rape of, iii. 46.
Vandals, King of (Thrasamund), sends presents to Theodoric, v. 1. (See also Transmund and Hilderic.)
Vandals, allusion to, v. 17.
'VARIAE' of Cassiodorus, their style described, 16-19; not arranged in chronological order, 22; time and manner of their editing, 51, 52; reason of the name, 138, 139.
Velia (or Volia), dispute between Possessores and Curiales of, iv. 11.
Venantius (1), guardian of Plutianus, his accusation of Felix, i. 7, 8.
Venantius (2), by his dishonesty has caused his guarantor Ulpianus to forfeit 400 solidi, ii. 13.
Venantius (3), son of Liberius, Vir Illustris, praises of, ii. 15; made Comes Domesticorum, ii. 15, 16; rebuked for remissness in collection of taxes when Corrector of Bruttii and Lucania, iii. 8; complaints of Firminus against, iii. 36; his alleged unjust judgment of Adeodatus, iii. 46; descended from the ancient Decii, ix. 23; congratulated on Consulship of his son Paulinus (534), ix. 23.
Venerius, a farmer, unjustly reduced to slavery by Tanca, viii. 28.
Venetia, Province of, Gepidae on their way to Gaul to march peaceably through, v. 10, 11; famine in 'devotae Venetiae' to be relieved by corn distribution, x. 27; Canonicarius of, ordered to collect wine for the King's table, xii. 4; taxes of, remitted, on account of invasion of the Suevi, xii. 7; 'Venetiae praedicabiles,' xii. 24; scarcity of crops in, xii. 26.
Venice, letter containing first historical notice of (537), xii. 24.
Veranilda, convert from Arianism to Catholic faith, interceded for by Justinian, x. 26.
Vercelli, grant of freedom from taxation made to Church of, i. 26.
Veredarii, drivers of the royal mail, ii. 31.
Veredi, post-horses, not to be overworked, iv. 47.
Verruca (perhaps Dos Trento), near Trient, description of the fort of, iii. 48; meaning of the word, 223, n 1.
Vesuvius, eruption of, iv. 50.
Vicarius, a Spectabilis and Governor of a Diocese, 90; i. 37.
Vicarius Praefectorum (?), title borne by Gemellus as Governor of Gaul, iii. 16.
VICARIUS URBIS ROMAE, FORMULA OF, vi. 15; limits of his jurisdiction, 88.
Vice-dominus (?), servants of, have oppressed Provincials of Suavia, v. 14.
Victor Tunnunensis, chronicler (died in 569), as to the death of Amalafrida, 384 n.
Victor, Vir Spectabilis, Censitor of Sicily, severely rebuked for acts of oppression, ix. 12.
Vigilus, Pope (537-555), allusion to by Cassiodorus, 6; brother of Reparatus, 390; perhaps alluded to by Gudelina, x. 20 (see p. 433 n).
Villiciorum Tuitio (?), removed in Spain, as being costly and unpopular, v. 39.
Virgil quoted, 63 n; xii. 14.
Vivarian Monastery, founded by Cassiodorus, near Scyllacium, 55; site of, 71.
Vivianus, Spectabilis, renouncing the world, foregoes the benefit of an unjust decree which he has obtained against Joannes, iv. 41.
Volcanoes, nature of, iii. 47; iv. 50.
Volusianus, one of the Quinque-viri appointed to try Basilius and Praetextatus, iv. 22, 23; died at Easter, iv. 42; his sons robbed of their possessions by a heartless intriguer, iv. 42.
Vulcanian Islands (Lipari), a murderer banished to, iii. 47.
Walamir (see Unalamer).
Warni (or Guarni), King of, appealed to by Theodoric to prevent war between Clovis and Alaric, iii. 3.
Water-clock, description of, to be made by Boetius for Gundibad, i. 45.
Water-finder has come from Africa to Rome, iii. 53; description of his art, iii. 53.
Wine, Acinaticium, xii. 4; Palmatiana, xii. 12; of Gaza, xii. 12; Sabine, xii. 12.
Winithar (see Munitarius).
Winusiad, Comes, Governor of Ticinum, recommended to visit baths of Bormio, x. 29.
Witigis (or Vitigis), King of the Goths (536-540), proclamation announcing his accession, 49; x. 31; letters written in the name of, x. 32-35; his vengeance on Theodahad, x. 32; his marriage with Matasuentha, x. 32; his siege of Rome, 506; possibly alluded to in xii. 19; 509; the Burgundians' fear of him, xii. 28.
Witigisclus (or Wigisicla), Vir Spectabilis, Censitor of Sicily, severely rebuked for acts of oppression, ix. 12.
Zeno, Emperor (474-491), his concessions to Theodoric, x. 22.
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Printed at the University Press, Oxford
By HORACE HART, Printer to the University