The spirit of unrest which pervaded the country had even penetrated to Yorkshire. The weavers there were rioting, and so threatening was their behaviour that about this date Mr Frederick Wentworth actually sent to offer them a bribe of L20 not to burn down Wentworth Castle. The North was deemed unsafe, and, abandoning all thoughts of visiting it, Mrs Stanhope, whose former home in Grosvenor Square had been sold, decided to settle in Langham Place. She therefore took a large house in that locality, which was entered by great gates and stood in the midst of a fine garden, and there her family swiftly resumed the old routine of their London life. Despite the mourning for the late King, Mrs Stanhope wrote: "Mrs Malcolm who called yesterday tells me there is a great deal of quiet society & that if you get into a set, you may be engaged every night." While Marianne regaled her brother with her usual "quiz."
I am not in love with the dinnerings in the neighbourhood, we met 14 people yesterday at Lord Ashtown's, none of whom I trust I shall ever see again.
I must tell you the derivation of the word dinnering. The lady of a new-made baronet in Dorsetshire informed us that her husband was put under a regiment & ordered the tippet bath to cure him of the effect of London "dinnerings."
I am afraid you did not hear of our meeting with a lady who had once nearly taken a house in Yorkshire "in a remote part, near West Riding"—which she certainly took for a town.
In June that year the arrival of the Queen brought public excitement to a climax. On the day when she was to land, greatly to the relief of the authorities who dreaded a riot, there was an unusually heavy storm. The Heavens themselves seemed in league against the unhappy woman. It poured on her first arrival in England, it poured on her return from her long exile, it was destined to pour during her last sad exit from the scene of so many humiliations. John Stanhope, who had last seen Caroline as she wrathfully turned her back upon his friend, Mr Maxwell, at Naples, was anxious to witness her reception in England as Queen. On June 6th his diary records:—
It rained heavily, and between the wet and the unexpected arrival of the Queen, London was in a state of indescribable confusion.
Lord —— had been sent down to negociate with her. He was commissioned to offer her L50,000 a year on condition of her remaining abroad and not bearing the title of Queen. These conditions she rejected, and abandoning herself entirely to the advice of Alderman Wood, did not attempt to keep the negociation open, but embarked on board the Leopold packet with Lady Anne Hamilton, Alderman Wood and her suite. Sir Neil Campbell drove me a little way on the Kent Road, the whole was lined with people, but we soon got tired of waiting—to receive the Queen in the midst of the violent storm and returned home.
The Queen arrived between six and seven. A mob was immediately assembled round Alderman Wood's house, in which she has taken up her abode, and forced people to pull off their hats as they passed the house. The Queen made her appearance on the Balcony.
The Ministers brought a green bag down to the House containing the charges against the Queen.
Mrs Spencer-Stanhope. August 8th, 1820.
The Review on Saturday went off most brilliantly—The Duke of Wellington told the King to show himself, which he did, and was received with the greatest applause.
The first day the Troops wanted to have cheered him, but were not allowed. He and the Queen did not meet, tho' she hovered about. She has now a smart coach and Royal liveries.
The public trial of Caroline, which lasted from August 19th to November 10th, entirely absorbed the public attention. The early partisanship of the Stanhopes for the unfortunate lady had waned since the conviction had become unavoidable that her manners were less "royal" than they had at first imagined. On October 13th Mrs Stanhope writes:—
Philip is much engaged with the House of Stanhope. He has been two evenings at Harrington House, last night with Lady Stanhope to the Playgoers, again to-night with the Carringtons with whom he dines. He has just been here and says it is possible the Queen's business may be over to-day, as Brougham called for one of the Government witnesses, and was told he was gone, which may give him an opportunity of concluding the affair—rather stopping it entirely. I do not think that her own witnesses have proved much in her favour, tho' they admitted facts which made against her with great reluctance.
John Stanhope attended the trial assiduously and thus describes its close:—
October 26th.
Went to Macdonald's and accompanied him to the House of Lords, heard the Attorney General's reply; thought the first part but feeble, but latterly he became very good. His delivery and his voice are bad and he is not pleasant.
October 27th.
Went to the House of Lord's, heard the conclusion of the Attorney General's speech, and the commencement of that of the Solicitor General, which was very good.
November 10th.
The Bill was read a third time, by a majority of 9. The Ministers declared that they could not think of proceeding with it with so small a majority. The joy of the people was tremendous. They forced an illumination at night.
November 11th.
A second Illumination.
November 13th.
It rained hard, towards night it cleared. I walked about the streets to see the illuminations. There were detachments of horse-guards at every street corner.
November 14th.
Some partial Illuminations.
Meanwhile, throughout the Kingdom rejoicings were taking place, and Yorkshire was not behind-hand. In Wakefield, indeed, the demonstrations were unusually effective. An ox with gilded horns was led round the town, all gaily bedecked with flowers, while on its back was conspicuously painted a device surrounded by the words Caroline Rex (sic), this being the work of a loyal and enthusiastic Irishman who lived in the town. The animal was finally roasted whole in the bull-ring, bonfires and public illuminations concluding the feast. On the Bank was exhibited a magnificent transparency, an original design, showing the Queen in a crimson glory which rose from the smoke produced by the explosion of a Green Bag, underneath which was represented Majocci in a fright, saying, "Non mi ricordo" his invariable answer at trial. In the Corn Market was displayed another huge Green Bag fixed upon a pole and bearing the inscription: "Green Bags manufactured wholesale for witnesses on oath." After hanging for some time, to the great delight of the assembled crowd, this was set on fire and exploded with much noise and brilliance.
On the 20th of November the Queen went to St Paul's to return thanks for her escape from the snares of her enemies, and the diary of John Stanhope relates:—
Went to Hyde Park at nine to see Sir Robert Wilson [20] muster his ragged Regiment of Cavalry to escort the Queen to St Paul's. Whilst he was marshalling his forces, a troop of Horse Guards passed down the line on the way to the Barracks; the contrast was admirable! At ten he marched them to Piccadilly where he waited till the Queen arrived.
She came preceded by some horsemen, driving in a barouche-and-six with a handsome equipage. She was followed by another carriage and by the great Alderman Wood.
I followed them as far as Temple Bar where I took my stand within a fishmonger's shop and waited in patient expectation till she returned, which was not till near three. The Gates then opened, the City Marshal took his stand within and bowed out the procession. There was a large detachment of shop-keepers on horseback, then came the Queen in her open carriage. She was all in white and covered with a white veil. There were loud cheers. She continued bowing. The procession was brought up by the different trades with a great variety of flags. The whole was closed by a Green Bag!
I returned home having had my pocket picked. I know not whether I was most struck at the extraordinary nature of this triumphant procession, partaking of a strong rebellious feeling and made in the teeth of the Government, or at the tranquillity with which it passed off.
Hard upon the rejoicings at the acquittal of the Queen came news of the festivities in connection with the approaching coronation, and accounts of the conduct of the new King which point to his having occupied himself more assiduously with the graver duties of his new condition than has been credited by posterity. Mrs Stanhope writes:—
January 27th, 1821.
Marianne and Frances were much gratified by hearing the King's speech, which he read with great grace. He was well received. His servant who waited on Philip the day he was on duty told him that the King rises at eight. He has seldom above one or two people to dinner—when anybody. He dines at six or half-after, and occupies himself almost the whole day in writing. He looks remarkably well.
Marianne Spencer-Stanhope to John Spencer-Stanhope. May 12th, 1821.
The Carlton House ball was very superb; only one Quadrille danced at a time, & great attention paid to the dancers. His Majesty sat between Lady Conyngham and Countess Lieven, [21] great attention paid to the former, who was most superbly dressed, and violent attention paid to the Opposition. Much civility also to Lord Lauderdale and Lord Cowper, at which notice of the Opposition the Ministers were furious.
One story is that Lord & Lady Grey went up followed by two sons & three daughters, and that the King said, laughing heartily, "Did you all come in the Slap-Bang?" The Duchess of Bedford was much scolded for not bringing Miss Russell, Frank Russell's [22] sister. She was sent for out of bed. When she arrived, the King met her at the door, and presented her with a partner, & stood by her while she danced.
The King is going to the theatres to feel the public mind with regard to a coronation. The Queen stays to annoy him. She had written in her own hand to say, "As I am not to partake in our coronation, I expect to have a Gallery for myself and Ladies."
Lady Worcester [23] was not expected to live thro' last night. She was at the Birthday & at the ball, danced a great deal, felt unwell, and was fool enough to take a shower bath before she went to bed. She was seized with inflammation in her bowels & in great danger immediately.
Lord Conyngham is nicknamed the "Small toothcomb"—all back and teeth.
I hear there is a new version of an old story of the Duke of Gloucester. He went to see Bedlam; a man called out—"Ha! Silly Billy! Are you come here?" The Duke exclaimed—"God bless me! How odd he should know my name!" Upon which the keeper remarked innocently—"He has sometimes glimmerings of sense, please your Royal Highness."
They are in a great fright lest Lord Worcester [24] should marry Miss Belle Calcraft. [25] It is supposed there has been an intrigue between them for some time.
Lady Worcester's sufferings were most extreme, her complaint a twisting of the guts. She died sensible but screaming. On one side of the bed sat Lady E. Vernon, on the other, Lady Jersey, also screaming with grief. The Duke of Wellington had to drag them by force out of the room. There were eighty people standing round when she died.
The Ministers are said to be very angry with the King. Lord Liverpool sent to announce Dr Dodsworth's [26] death, and the Canonry of Windsor vacant in consequence, to ask who his Majesty would choose it to be given to. He said very short—"Oh, I have given it away already."
May 25th, 1821.
The French Play is going down fast, the Patronesses never attending, so poor Sequin wrote a memorial to the ladies to say he should be ruined, and, in consequence, last Tuesday was very well attended. I hear of no marriage excepting Miss Lockhart, who used to go about with Lady C. Durham, to an Italian Count who had followed her from Italy.
A melancholy accident happened the other day to Sir J. Smith's second son, Marriott. He was riding through the town of Bridgwater with a young man of the name of Morris who is at the same Tutor's. The horse became unmanageable, the two young men were thrown, Morris pitched on his head and was killed on the spot, young Smith was very little hurt, but his state of distress is such that they hardly know what to do with him.
Your sisters who are looking over the catalogue of books at the library have just met with Countess Moreau's Works—alias Contes Moraux.
July 21st, 1821.
We have just finished reading the newspaper account of the Coronation which must have been a magnificent spectacle. We were horrified at the Queen debasing herself so much as to ask admission at the door—a request she was certain of being denied. We long to hear how you and Philip saw the ceremony, and whether the latter is not half killed by the fatigue of it.
But John Stanhope seems to have been more interested in the various events attendant upon the Coronation than in the ceremony itself. His diary records:—
July 19th, 1821.
The morning was beautiful. I had not attempted to get a ticket for the Abbey or the Hall, so I determined after breakfast to sally forth and see the Balloon ascend, and then to walk down Palace Yard and try whether there was not a place to be got. Nothing could be more animating than the scene, the St James's Park and the Green Park were entirely covered with Spectators. The Balloon ascended to a considerable height before it was at all carried away by the wind, it rose, indeed, out of our sight.
As soon as this spectacle was over, I went to see the guns fired, and from thence to George St., where for five shillings I got a place in a Booth for which the previous night they asked as many guineas, and after waiting for some time I saw the procession go from the Abbey to the Hall,—a superb sight. I afterwards returned home much fatigued, but issued forth again to see the illuminations.
But a long time elapsed before I could get into the Park owing to the string of carriages through the large gates and the pressure of the mob through the smaller ones. At last I was obliged to go round by Grosvenor Gate.
I first directed my steps to the fireworks, which were let off under the direction of the Military from the middle of the Park. I afterwards saw the Serpentine where there was a very brilliant display. There was a splendid illumination at the lower end on the water, a car drawn by elephants with lanterns, and boats with variegated lamps, water rockets, and, at intervals, lights on the terrace at Kensington Gardens which lighted up the whole park.
From the Park I proceeded to Piccadilly, down St James's St., along Pall Mall, up the Haymarket and Bond St., and went as far as Portland Place where some of the houses were illuminated most splendidly. The French and Spanish Ambassadors' houses also produced a magnificent effect. I returned home about two o'clock, much exhausted.
July 20th.
I went to the Opera, it was very full, and after the Opera and Ballet we had a grand God Save The King. Nothing could exceed the enthusiasm of the audience. Tumults of applause at the end of every stanza, and the whole encored. A solitary hiss was heard, but it was soon silenced by cries of "Turn him out! Throw him over!"
But save for the descriptions in the newspapers and the accounts sent to her by her sons, Mrs Stanhope saw nothing of the splendid spectacle which had been taking place. That year of general rejoicing had proved for her a year of seclusion and of mourning. After her return home the health of her husband had rapidly declined, and with the coming of April, 1821, while all England was awakening to a summer of festivity and gladness, Walter Stanhope, overborne with the burden of his seventy-one years, had peacefully breathed his last.
He left behind him the record of a blameless and honourable life, and on April 21st, while his funeral was in progress in Yorkshire, his wife wrote to her son John:—
Upon this mournful day my first wish is to converse with my children- the only remaining tie I now have in this world. I hope in God you will all bear up during the awful and heart-rending Ceremony. The prayers of the poor and the afflicted will follow your beloved parent to the Grave, and may they fall upon his children.
[1] She married, March 1828, Robert Hudson, Esq. of Tadworth Court, near Reigate. Died September 1862, aged 76.
[2] He succeeded to the estates of Cannon Hall and Horsforth, etc.; married, in 1822, Elizabeth Wilhelmina, youngest daughter of Thomas William Coke, Esq., afterwards 1st Earl of Leicester. Died 1873, aged 86.
[3] She died, unmarried, 17th March, 1860, in her 72nd year.
[4] Assumed by Royal Licence, in 1816, the name and arms of Collingwood, pursuant to the will of his great-uncle, Edward Collingwood, Esq., whose estates he inherited. He married, September 9th, 1820, Arabella, daughter of General John Calcraft, of Cholderton, Hants. Died August 4th, 1866, in his 75th year.
[5] He assumed the name of Roddam on succeeding to the estates of his kinsman and godfather, Admiral Roddam of Roddam, Northumberland. He married, first, Charlotte, daughter of Henry Percy Pulleine, Esq. of Crakehall; and secondly, Selina Henrietta, daughter of John Cotes, Esq. of Woodcote. Died 1864, aged 71.
[6] He was subsequently Vicar of Weaverham in Cheshire, and for fifty-two years non-resident Vicar of Cawthorne, Yorkshire. Married Frederica Mary, daughter of the late Robert Philip Goodenough, Prebendary of Carlisle and Southwell. Died October 29th, 1874, aged 79.
[7] Died, unmarried, 1857, aged 60.
[8] Captain in the Grenadier Guards and Page of Honour to George III. and George IV. General in the Army and Colonel of the 13th Light Infantry. Married, May 2nd, 1865, Mary Catherine, relict of Edward Strickland, Esq. She died in July of the same year. General Stanhope died in 1880, aged 81.
[9] Died, unmarried, February 5th, 1885, in her 85th year.
[10] Died, unmarried, December 30th, 1884, aged 82.
[11] Barrister-at-Law of the Middle Temple; lived at Glen Alien in Northumberland, near Alnwick. Married, 1848, Amy Anne, 5th daughter of Henry Percy Pulleine, Esqre. of Crakehall. D.S.P. 1871, aged 67.
[12] It is now No. 32 Upper Grosvenor Street, the door being in the latter street. In the directories prior to 1800 it is described as being in Upper Grosvenor Street, but subsequently it was No. 28 Grosvenor Square.
[13] The culminating achievement of his public life was his strenuous promotion of the grand scheme of volunteer service at a time of great national danger: yet in his old age he used to state that the most interesting act of his existence on which he could look back was his having persuaded the Prime Minister, Pitt, to colonize Australia.
[1] Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Richard Carr Glyn, 2nd Bt. of Ewell, eminent banker of London (of the firm of Glyn, Mills, Currie & Co.), and his wife Mary, daughter of John Plumptre, Esq. Of Fredville, M.P. for Nottingham. Miss Glyn married, 14th August 1811, Edward Greated, Esq. Of Uddings, Co. Dorset, and died his widow, 17th January 1864.
[2] William Hanry West Betty, better known as "The young Roscius." See page 27.
[3] Sydney Smith, 1771-1845; Canon of St Paul's. He started the Edinburgh Review in 1802; and was celebrated for his wit and keen sense of humour.
[4] Wife of Edward, Lord de Clifford; she was for many years governess to Princess Charlotte.
[5] Sarah Trimmer (1741-1810); born at Ipswich, dau. of Joseph Kirby, and a great favourite of Dr Johnson. She wrote many books for the young. In 1762 she married Mr Trimmer and had a family of twelve children.
[6] Mrs Fitzherbert, who had been secretly married to the Prince of Wales, afterwards George IV., in 1785.
[7] Daughter of Henry Drummond, Esq., by his wife Anne, daughter of Viscount Melville.
[8] Thomas, eldest son of 1st Earl of Ranfurly and Viscount Northland. Born 1786, married 1815 Mary Juliana, daughter of the Hon. and Most Rev. William Stuart, Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of all Ireland; succeeded his father as 2nd Earl of Ranfurly, 1840. Mrs Stanhope's house in Grosvenor Square being at the corner of Upper Grosvenor Street, she refers to Mr and Mrs Knox as living "in this Street."
[9] Mrs Beaumont was the natural daughter of Sir Thomas Blackett, Bt. of Bretton, who made her his heiress. She married Col. Beaumont, M.P.
[10] Memoirs of Sir William Jones, the orientalist, appended to his Works, by Lord Teignmouth, 9 vols., 1799-1804.
[11] Maria Juliana, daughter of Robert Edward, both Baron Petre. Married 30th April 1805, to Stephen Philips, Esq., and died 27th January 1824.
[12] Charles, second son of George, 7th Baron Kinnaird, afterwards succeeded his father as 8th Baron owing to the death of his elder brother, who was killed by a tiger on the coast of Coromandel.
[13] Afterwards Sir Humphry Davy, the celebrated chemist, 1778-1829.
[14] See Annals of a Yorkshire House vol. i., page 320.
[15] Lady Anna Maria Stanhope, eldest daughter of Charles, 3rd Earl of Harrington, married Francis, 7th Duke of Bedford.
[16] Lord Alvanley, 1789-1849, entered the Coldstream Guards at an early age; but being possessed of a large fortune, he subsequently left the army, and gave himself up entirely to the pursuit of pleasure. He eventually dissipated his fortune, but throughout his life remained noted for his wit, his good humour, and his prominence in the world of fashion.
[17] Katharine, daughter of Robert Lowther, Esq., and sister of Sir James Lowther, married Henry Paulet, 6th Duke of Bolton, Admiral of the White; M.P. for Winchester, 1762-1765; Lord-Lieutenant of Hampshire and Governor of the Isle of Wight in 1782.
[18] George, 7th Baron Kinnaird, married Elizabeth, daughter of Griffin Ransom, Esq., of New Palace Yard, Westminster, Banker. Died 11th October, 1805.
[19] Archibald John, eldest son of Neil, 3rd Earl of Rosebery.
[20] Clementina, Lady Perth, a daughter of the 10th Lord Elphinstone. Her husband had died in 1800, and her daughter at this date was a child.
[21] Annals of a Yorkshire House, vol. ii. page 328.
[22] See Annals of a Yorkshire House, vol. ii. pages 52, 122, 294. Walter Ramsden Beaumont Hawkesworth, High Sheriff of Yorkshire whose father, Walter Ramsden, had assumed the surname and arms of Hawkesworth, pursuant to the will of his grandfather, Sir Walter Hawkesworth, and who himself, in 1786, assumed the surname and arms of Fawkes, pursuant to the will of his relation, Francis Fawkes of Farnley, who left him his estate.
[23] Edward, second son of the 1st Lord Vernon, Baron of Kinderton, and his second wife, Martha, third daughter of the Hon. S. Harcourt, and sister of Simon, 1st Earl Harcourt. Married, 1784, Anne, third daughter of Granville, 1st Marquis of Stafford, and upon inheriting the Harcourt estates assumed the surname of Harcourt.
[24] Sir James Graham, Bt. of Kirkstall, Co. York, born 1753, created a Baronet, 1808, M.P. for Carlisle and Recorder of Appleby. Died, 1825.
[25] Frederick Edward Vernon, afterwards Vernon-Harcourt, fourth son of the above; Admiral R.N.; married Marcis, daughter of Admiral J. R. Delap Tollemache.
[26] The Hon. Henrietta Maria Monckton, second daughter of Viscount Galway.
[27] George Granville Vernon, afterwards Vernon-Harcourt, eldest son of the Bishop of Carlisle, afterwards Archbishop of York. Married first Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Richard, 2nd Earl of Lucan; secondly, Frances Elizabeth, Countess-Dowager of Waldegrave.
[28] See Annals of a Yorkshire House, vol. ii. page 291.
[29] General Count Woronzow, Ambassador to England. A celebrated Russian General who played a prominent part in the overthrow of Bonaparte in 1814.
[30] See Annals of a Yorkshire House, Vol. II., pages 151-152.
[31] Mark Singleton, Esq., married in 1785 to Lady Mary Cornwallis, only daughter of the 1st Marquess Cornwallis, Governor-General of India, who had died in India, 5th October 1805.
[32] Charlotte Augusta Matilda, Princess Royal of England (1766-1828). In 1797 she married the future Elector and King of Wurtemburg. She behaved with exceptional tact under the trying ordeal of receiving her country's foe, and Napoleon treated her with a courtesy and consideration which he seldom exhibited.
[33] Sir Robert Calder, Bt., 1745-1818, son of Sir James Calder of Muirton in Morayshire. He entered the Navy at the age of fourteen, and in 1796 officiated as Captain of the Fleet, when he contributed to gain the famous victory off Cape St Vincent. In 1798 he was created a baronet, and in 1799 attained to the rank of rear-admiral. In 1805 he was sent to cruise off Finisterre in order to intercept the combined French and Spanish Fleet under Villeneuve, and an engagement took place on June 22nd, as a result of which Admiral Calder was severely censured, both for his mode of attack and his failure to complete the engagement on the following day. On his return to England he was tried by Court-martial, and was found guilty of not having done his utmost to take and destroy the enemy's ships, owing to an error of judgment; and was severely reprimanded. Later, the opinion gained ground that he had been harshly treated. In 1810 he was appointed port-admiral at Plymouth.
[34] Lord Erskine.
[35] Lord Grenville.
[36] Lord Henry Petty.
[37] "And everyone that was in distress and everyone that was in debt and everyone that was discontented, gathered themselves unto him, and he became a Captain over them."
[38] William Henry, afterwards 3rd Baron Lyttleton. Born 1782, married 1813, Lady Sarah Spencer, eldest daughter of 2nd Earl Spencer, succeeded his half-brother in 1837.
[39] Osborne Markham, Esq., M.P., of Cufforth Hall, Co. York, born 1769, married first, June 10th, 1806, the Lady Mary Thynne, daughter of Thomas, 1st Marquis of Bath.
[40] "The Pilot that weathered the Storm" was a song composed by Canning to be sung on the birthday of William Pitt, May 28th, 1802.
[41] Edinburgh.
[1] Ralph Collingwood of East Ditchburn, tempo Charles First, had two sons: first, Cuthbert Collingwood, from whom the family of Lord Collingwood is said to be descended; secondly, Edward Collingwood, from whom the family of Winifred Collingwood was descended, and who were known as the Collingwoods of Byker, Dissington, and Chirton.
[2] Robert Roddam, Senior Admiral of the Red, Commander-in-Chief at Portsmouth, etc.; see Annals of a Yorkshire House, vol. ii. pages 223, 248.
[3] Edward Collingwood, usually known as the Younger, of Chirton, Byker, and Dissington, uncle to Mrs Spencer-Stanhope. See Annals of a Yorkshire House, vol. ii. page 164.
[4] A letter to J. E. Blackett, Esq., written November 2nd, 1805.
[5] The soundings gave but thirteen fathoms of water with the Trafalgar rocks to leeward.
[6] Governor-General of Andalusia.
[7] Viscount Castlereagh (1769-1822), who became, in 1821, 2nd Marquis of Londonderry, was War Minister from July 1805 to January 1806, and again from April 1807 to September 1809.
[8] Hansard's Parliamentary Debates.
"Feb. 11th. Lord Collingwood's Annuity Bill.
"Mr Spencer Stanhope, who stated that he had long had the honour of being acquainted with Lord Collingwood and his family, recommended that instead of the limitations at present in the Bill, it should be arranged that in the case of the death of the meritorious officer, L1000 a year of the proposed annuity should descend to his widow and L500 per year to each of his daughters, to be held by them during their lives. This plan would be infinitely more suitable than that which the Bill contained as Lord Collingwood was not likely to have any more children and sure he was that it would be much more agreeable to the family of that noble Lord and of course to the feelings of that noble Lord himself. It would serve to relieve much of that anxiety which must naturally arise in the breast of a parent who is daily exposed to death in his country's cause, and who must be sorely afflicted by the idea that his death would leave his family with a very limited provision. Parliament, the Hon. Member had no doubt, would be happy and prompt to release the feelings of that noble Lord from such an afflicting prospect."
[9] Kindly lent to the author by Alfred Brewis, Esq., of Newcastle-on- Tyne.
[1] Charles William, Viscount Milton, afterwards 5th Earl Fitzwilliam; born May 4th, 1786, and at the age of twenty, in July 1806, married Mary, fourth daughter of Thomas, 1st Lord Dundas.
[2] George, afterwards 6th Earl of Carlisle, K.G., Lord-Lieutenant of the East Riding of Yorkshire; born, 1776; married, 1801, Georgiana, eldest daughter and co-heir of William, 5th Duke of Devonshire, K.G.; died 1848.
[3] Caroline Isabella, eldest daughter of Frederick, 5th Earl of Carlisle; married John, 1st Lord Cawdor, and died in 1848.
[4] William Wilberforce, 1759-1833. Returned as M.P. for Hull 1780, for Yorkshire 1784. Although a great friend of Pitt, he was independent of party. For nineteen years he fought for the abolition of the Slave Trade, and was successful in 1807. He then fought for the total abolition of slavery until compelled to retire from public life in 1825.
[5] Woolley Park, near Wakefield, then the seat of Godfrey Wentworth, formerly Armytage, Esq., J.P. and D.L., who had assumed the surname and arms of Wentworth on succeeding to the property of Woolley on the death of his grandfather Godfrey Wentworth, Esq. of Woolley and Hickleton, M.P. for York. The eldest daughter of the latter, Anna Maria, married Sir George Armytage, Bart, of Kirkless, Co. York, and her third son thus succeeded his grandfather in 1789.
[6] Godfrey Wentworth Armytage, Esq., afterwards Wentworth, married, in 1794, Amelia, daughter of Walter Ramsden Beaumont Hawksworth, Esq., who afterwards took the name of Fawkes under the will of his cousin, Francis Fawkes, Esq., of Farnley, Co. York.
[7] The governess.
[8] Robert Monckton Arundell, 4th Viscount Galway, K.B.; a Privy Councillor and representative of York and Pontefract in different Parliaments; married, in 1803, as his second wife, Mary Bridget, relict of Peter Auriol Hay-Drummond, Esq., and only child of Pemberton Milnes, Esq. of Bawtry Hall, Co. York.
[9] Michael Angelo Taylor, son of Sir R. Taylor, architect, whose fortune endowed the Taylorian buildings at Oxford.
Michael Angelo was Recorder of Poole in 1784, and became member for that borough the same year. He lived to be Father of the House. He was a constant source of amusement to his fellow Parliamentarians on account of his vanity and ostentation, and was a celebrated subject for Gilray's caricatures. The summit of his ambition was reached when the Prince Regent became his guest. See Annals of a Yorkshire House, vol. ii. pages 40-43.
[10] John Beaumont, Esquire of Whitley Beaumont, Yorkshire, born 1752, died 1831; married Sarah, daughter of Humphrey Butler, Esquire of Hereford.
[11] Francis Ward, second son of Neil, 3rd Earl of Rosebery.
[12] Angelica Catalani (1779-1849), who at this date was twenty-seven years of age, was famous throughout Europe for her exquisite voice. She had displayed extraordinary vocal powers from the age of six. In the previous year, 1806, she had made L10,000 during an engagement of six months in London.
[13] So called from the actor and manager, Michael Kelly.
[14] The two Princes of Holstein then visiting England were Auguste of Schleswig-Holstein-Oldenburg (b. 1783) and his brother Peter Frederick George (b. 1784). Denmark had secured Holstein in the previous September.
[15] Mrs Cator, Elizabeth Louisa, daughter of Sir Ross Mahon, Bart. of Castlegar, Co. Galway, and Anne, daughter of the 1st Earl of Altamont.
[16] John Dennis, 3rd Earl of Altamont, created Marquis of Sligo in Ireland 1800, and a Peer of the United Kingdom as Baron Monteagle of Westport, Co. Mayo, 1806.
[17] John Cator, Esq. of Beckenham Place, Kent, and of Woodbastwick Hall, Norfolk, mar., September 1806, Elizabeth Louisa, daughter of Sir Ross Mahon, Bart. of Castlegar, Co. Galway.
[18] The Right Hon. John Smyth of Heath Hall, M.P. for Pontefract, and successively a Lord of the Admiralty and Treasury, Master of the Mint and Privy Councillor in 1772. Married Lady Georgiana Fitzroy, eldest daughter of Augustus Henry, 3rd Duke of Grafton. See Annals of a Yorkshire House, vol. ii., pages 108-113.
[19] Prince Paul Esterhazy, Austrian Minister at the Court of St James's.
[20] Isabella, eldest daughter and co-heir of Charles Ingram, 9th Viscount Irvine, wife of the 2nd Marquis of Hertford, K.G., Lord Chamberlain.
[21] Wife of Sir William Scott, afterwards Baron Stowel.
[22] See Annals of a Yorkshire House, vol. ii., page 319.
[23] Cecil-Jane, sixth daughter of the 2nd Baron Glentworth, who was created Viscount and Earl of Limerick in 1803. She married, in 1828, Count John Leopold Ferdinand Casimir de la Feld, a Count of the Holy Roman Empire.
[24] Francis Pierrepont-Burton, 2nd Baron Conyngham, who, on inheriting the titles and estates of his uncle, assumed the surname and arms of Conyngham, married, in 1759, the eldest daughter of the Right Hon. Nathaniel Clements, and sister of Robert, Earl of Leitrim. She died in 1814.
[25] Lady Charlotte Stewart, daughter of Alexander, 6th Earl of Galloway, married, in 1759, John, 4th Earl of Dunmore.
[26] Susan, third daughter of the 4th Earl of Dunmore, married, first, in 1788, Joseph Tharpe, Esq. of Chippenham, Cambridge; secondly, John Drew, Esq.; and thirdly, in 1809, the Rev. A. E. Douglas.
[27] Augusta, second daughter of 4th Earl of Dunmore, married, at Rome, the 4th of April 1793, Prince Augustus Frederick, Duke of Sussex, and was re-married to H.R.H. the following December at St George's Church, Hanover Square.
[28] Edward Charles, second son of William, 2nd Duke of Portland, and Lady Margaret Cavendish Harley, only daughter and heir of Edward, 2nd Earl of Oxford. Lord Edward Bentinck married Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Richard Cumberland, Esq., and had one son and three daughters. He died in 1819.
[29] The three Miss Bentincks were: Harriet, married, 1809, Sir William Mordaunt Sturt Milner, Bart.; Elizabeth, married, 1812, Captain Henry Wyndham; and Charlotte married Major Robert Garrett.
[30] Thomas, Viscount Cranley, who succeeded his father in 1814 as 2nd Earl of Onslow.
[31] Robert Pemberton Milnes, Esq. of Fryston Hall and Bawtry Hall, Co. York., M.P. for Pontefract, married, in 1808, the Hon. Henrietta Maria Monckton, daughter of Robert Monckton Arundell, 6th Viscount Galway.
[32] This was probably one of the first occasions on which a waltz was danced in England. See vol. ii. pages 182-183.
[33] Augusta, daughter of John, 9th Earl of Westmoreland, married, July 1781, Sir William Lowther, Bart., afterwards Baron and Viscount Lowther, and who on April 7th, 1807, became Earl of Lonsdale. Elizabeth was their eldest daughter.
[34] Sir John Sinclair, Bart. (1754-1835), was admitted to both the Scotch and English Bars, and sat in Parliament 1780-1811. He established the Board of Agriculture in 1793. He was an extensive and valuable author.
[35] Sir John Smith of Sydling, St Nicholas, Co. Dorset, born 1744, died November 13th, 1807. Created a Baronet, 1774.
[36] The mother-in-law of John Wyldbore, son of Sir John Smith, afterwards 2nd Baronet, who married, in 1897, Elizabeth Ann, second daughter and co- heiress of the Rev. James Marriott, D.C.L., of Horsemonden, Co. Kent.
[37] Jacquetta of Luxemburg, widow of the Duke of Bedford, married, secondly, the brave and handsome knight, Sir Richard Woodville, when she came to England in 1435 to claim her dower. The birth of her eldest child Elizabeth probably occurred in 1436. The marriage caused great scandal and Sir Richard was imprisoned; but was subsequently released and they settled at Grafton Castle. The Duchess kept the rank of aunt to the King; and on occasions of ceremony was the first lady in the land till the marriage of the King. Her daughter Elizabeth subsequently took high rank among the maids of honour of Margaret of Anjou and was the belle of her Court.
[38] John Grey, heir of Lord Ferrars of Groby.
[39] In the above extract, the spelling, as transcribed by Mrs Stanhope, has been adhered to.
[1] Archibald John, Viscount Primrose and his brother Francis, sons of Neil, 3rd Earl of Rosebery. They were given the nicknames of "Roast Beef" and "Plum Pudding" owing to their invariable habit of dining with Mr and Mrs Spencer-Stanhope every Sunday.
[2] Count Charles Holmar, a subject of the King of Denmark, but Master of the Horse to the Duke of Holstein Oldenburg, and Tutor to the Princes of Holstein Oldenburg.
[3] John, second Marquis of Lansdowne, married, 27th May 1805, Maria Arabella, daughter of the Rev. Hinton Maddock of "Darland," Wales, and relict of Sir Duke Gifford, Bart, of Castle Jordan in Ireland, who died in 1801. In her Will, dated December 31st, 1821, Lady Lansdowne mentions five daughters by her first husband.
[4] Almach's, vol. iii., pages 201-2.
[5] Archibald John, Viscount Primrose, afterwards 4th Earl of Rosebery, married, first, on May 20th, 1808, Henrietta, second daughter of the Hon. Bartholomew Bouverie, and grandson of William, 1st Earl of Radnor. He divorced her in 1815.
[6] Emily, daughter and heiress of Gerard de Visme, Esq. Lady Shelley, her schoolfellow, describes her as "the most beautiful being I have ever beheld. Her classic-shaped head and Spanish air—her mother was a Portuguese—added to a slight and not too tall figure, attracted much attention, and she was universally admired. Her accomplishments were as remarkable as her beauty. She played the harp exquisitely, and excelled also on the piano and in singing. She spoke French and Italian fluently and with a perfect accent." Diary of Frances, Lady Shelley, pub. John Murray, 1812, page 15. Miss De Visme married, June 28th, 1810, Henry (Sir) Murray, K.C.B., a distinguished officer, born 1784, died 1860, fourth son of David, 7th Viscount Stormont and 2nd Earl of Mansfield, by his second wife Louisa, third daughter of Charles, 9th Lord Catheart, of the 14th Dragoons.
[7] Probably Miss Calcraft, who married, in 1812, Sir John Burke of Marble Hill, Bt., sister to Miss Belle Calcraft. See p. 356.
[8] The Argyle Rooms in Regent's Street were looked upon as a rival to the still more fashionable Almack's. Balls and masquerades were given there, presided over by Colonel Greville, a man of the haut ton, who ruled, however, with a less arbitrary sway than the famous Patronesses of Almack's. The facade of the building to-day remains much as it was a century ago.
[9] Henry Bankes, Esq. of Kingston Hall, M.P. for Corfe Castle from 1780 to 1826, and for Co. Dorset from that time to 1831, married Frances, daughter of William Woodey, Esq., Governor of the Leeward Islands, and, besides four sons, had two daughters, Anne Frances, married Edward 4th Viscount and 1st Earl of Falmouth, died 1864, and Maria Wynne, married the Hon. Thomas Stapleton.
[10] John Stanhope adds some years later: "I have associated with many persons engaged in that memorable retreat, and I gather from their remarks that as far as Astorga, it was admirably conducted, and that to the rapidity of their march, the army was entirely indebted for its safety. But from that period, at which there appeared to be no further occasion for so rapid a movement, its celerity was increased. The Troops were passing through a mountainous district, which at every step offered them an admirable position for attack, and they were pursued by an army which they might have defeated at any time with as much ease as they subsequently defeated it at Corunna. It appears also that they suffered more from the rapidity of the march than they could have done in any general engagement; but it is not easy to form a correct opinion on the subject without knowing the situation of the army with respect to provisions and money; and also without being able to judge whether there was danger of their retreat being cut off.
"I have been informed that Moore ought on no account to have evacuated Corunna, that he had ample facilities for defending it against all the efforts of the French....
"Undoubtedly, as a diversion, Sir John Moore's advance into Spain fully succeeded and probably saved the Peninsula; but as that was not a result upon which he calculated, I doubt whether it can be adduced as a justification for a measure undertaken against his own judgment; subsequent events have shewn how much higher his reputation would have stood had he persevered in his original intentions. What the Duke of Wellington now is, Sir John Moore would almost inevitably have been."
[11] Henrietta Maria, eldest daughter and co-heir of Robert Vernon Atherton, Esq., of Atherton Hall, Co. Lancaster, married, 1797, Thomas, Baron Lilford, and had six sons and six daughters.
[12] Charles Bankes, Major in the Army, second son of Philip, 2nd Earl Stanhope, born 1785, killed at the Battle of Corunna, January 16th, 1809.
[13] Lord James Murray, son of the 4th Duke of Athol, a Major-General in the Army, who in 1821 became Lord Glenlyon. He then resided in Cumberland Place. He died in 1837, and his son succeeded as 6th Duke of Athol in 1846.
[14] Reminiscences of Michael Kelly, vol. ii., pages 281-284.
[15] Julia, only child and heiress of Sir George Augustus William Shuckburgh, Bart., and Julia Annabella, d. and sole heiress of James Evelyn of Felbridge, Co. Surrey. Married 1810, the Hon. Charles Cope Jenkinson and died in 1814.
[16] The Colonel was addicted to drink.
[17] Katherine, Duchess of Bolton (see ante, page 18), died March 21st, 1809, at 32 Grosvenor Square.
[18] Not only shoes were often home-made, but at a later date Mrs Stanhope had a maid who could make her gloves. The latter articles of attire, moveover, were more elaborate than those of to-day. The long gloves of the days of the Empire had a piece inserted at the elbow which made them sit without creasing to the shape of the arm, so that they had none of the untidy appearance which modern long gloves are apt to present, and the term "to fit like a glove" was then singularly appropriate.
[19] John Russell, Earl Russell, K.G., 1792-1878, the third son of the 6th Duke of Bedford, studied at the University of Edinburgh, and in 1813 was returned for Tavistock. He became a prominent politician. In 1830 he was Paymaster of the Forces; he was one of the four Members of the Government entrusted with the task of framing the first Reform Bill, and on him devolved the honour of proposing it. In 1846 he became Prime Minister till 1852, and again in 1865 on the death of Lord Palmerston, but was defeated in the following June on his new Reform Bill, and resigned.
[20] Sir William Henry Douglas, Bart, Vice-Admiral of the Blue, died unmarried, May 1809. The title devolved upon his brother, Sir Howard who had married, in July 1799, Anne, eldest daughter of James Dundas, Esq.
[21] The story which Lord Houghton used to tell on the subject was that after his father had refused the place in the Ministry pressed upon him by Mr Perceval, he sent to the friend with whom he had made the bet (whose name had never transpired) a copy of Mr Perceval's letter, and a cheque for L100. See The Life, Letters and Friendships of Monckton Milnes, Lord Houghton, by T. Wemyss Reid (1890), vol. i., page 2.
[22] The Hon. Mr Eden, eldest son of Lord Auckland, a fine sensible youth of five-and-twenty. He left his parents' house about 9.30 in the evening, saying he would be home in half an hour. A month later his body was found in the Thames, and was identified by his watch and seals.
[23] On February 11th, 1910, Sir Thomas Gascoigne Bt. of Parlington Hall, Co. York, died of grief for the loss of his son who had been killed by a fall from his horse a short time previously.
[24] Of Kirkleatham, Yorkshire.
[25] Sir Francis Burdett, M.P., for Westminster supported Gale Jones, a Radical Orator in the seditious speech. He was accused of breach of privilege and a warrant issued for his arrest. The Westminster mob rose on his behalf, and he barricaded his house in Piccadilly in order to defy the warrant, but was ultimately arrested and confined in the Tower. Riots ensued, and the town was guarded by thousands of soldiers.
[26] Thomas Dundas, Esq., of Fingask Hall, Co. Stirling, M.P., married, 1784, Lady Elizabeth Eleanora Home, daughter of Alexander, 9th Earl of Home.
[27] Their daughter Charlotte, called by Mrs Stanhope La Belle, was extremely handsome, and at one time considered the belle of Edinburgh.
[28] Lord James Murray, second son of the 4th Duke of Athol, married, May 19th, 1810, Emily Frances, second daughter of Hugh, 2nd Duke of Northumberland.
[29] Anne Maria, daughter of Sir H. W. Dashwood, Bt., married, 1810, John, 2nd Marquis of Ely, K.P.P.C., died 1857.
[1] Charles (Sir) Stuart, G.C.B., born 1779, afterwards Ambassador at the Court of France; grandson of John, 3rd Earl of Bute. He was created Baron Stuart de Rothesay in Jan. 1828. He married, 1816, Elizabeth Margaret, 3rd daughter of Philip, third Earl of Hardwick, and died in 1845.
[2] A portion of the Journals of John Spencer-Stanhope, relating to this period, has been edited (see Memoirs of A. M. W. Pickering, 1903), but all the following anecdotes collected from his letters and notes at that date are here published for the first time.
[3] William Carr Beresford (1768-1854). After a brilliant military service he was, in 1814, elevated to the Peerage as Lord Beresford and advanced to the Viscounty in 1823. In 1832 he married his cousin, the widow of Thomas Hope, Esq., of Deepdene, Surrey. See ante, page 49.
[4] James, Viscount Macduff, afterwards 4th Earl of Fife, K.T., G.C.B., Knight of the Order of St Ferdinand of Spain and of the Sword of Sweden, obtained a Barony of the United Kingdom as Baron Fife in 1827. Born 1776, married, 1799, Mary Caroline, second daughter of the late John Manners, Esq., and Louisa, Countess of Dysart; she died Dec. 20th, 1805, without issue. The Earl greatly distinguished himself during the Peninsular War, having volunteered his services, and obtained the rank of major-general in the Spanish patriotic army. He was wounded at the battle of Talavera, and again at the storming of Fort Matagorda, near Cadiz, of which he was one of the most celebrated defenders. He died in 1857, and was succeeded by his nephew.
[5] Aloys von Reding (1765-1818), as Captain General of his own canton, repulsed the French at Morgarten in 1808.
[6] Jose de Palafox y Melzi, Duke of Saragossa, born in 1780, made the heroic defence of Saragossa, from July 1808 to February 1809; was carried prisoner to France and not released till 1813. He was made Duke of Saragossa in 1836 and grandee of Spain 1837 and died in 1847.
[7] Andrew Thomas, Lord Blayney, born, 30th Nov. 1770, died, April 1838. In 1794 he became major of the 89th foot, having raised part of that regiment. He served in Holland, Malta, Minorca, and the Cape, and after the expedition to Buenos Ayres was sent to Cadiz in July 1810, as major- general. He was, however, taken prisoner on making an attack with a small mixed force on Malaga, and was not released until 1814.
[8] John, Viscount Kelburne and Lord Boyle, eldest son of George, 4th Earl of Glasgow, by his first wife Augusta, daughter of James, 14th Earl of Erroll, born 12th August 1779, served in R.N.; taken prisoner by the French and sent to Verdun, where he was detained till July 1814; died at Tunbridge Wells, 1818.
[9] Christopher, eldest son of the Ven. John Strachey, Archdeacon of Suffolk, and Chaplain in Ordinary to George III., by his wife Anne, only daughter of George Wombwell, Esqre., consul at Alicant and head of the eldest branch of the family of Wombwell, of Yorkshire. Born 1778, Christopher became rear-Admiral in the Royal Navy, and Knight of the Russian order of St Vladimir. He married Mlle. Marguerite, only daughter of Col. de la Roche of Verdun-sur-Meuse, France, Knight of St Louis, etc., and died in 1855, having had a family of nine children, six of whom survived him.
[10] A lady who collects for some charitable purpose.
[11] Extracts from the Journals of John Spencer Stanhope, 1810-1813. Published, 1903. Page 452.
[1] Walter Boyd, born in 1745; of the firm of Boyd, Benfield, & Co; an intimate friend of Pitt and Melville. He is supposed to have been saved from bankruptcy by a loan which Lord Melville advanced to him out of the public funds, and on account of which the latter was afterwards impeached. See Annals of a Yorkshire House, vol. ii., pages 287-291.
[2] With reference to this episode at the Institute Stanhope adds: "I find that the learned Editor of the Quarterly Review has been as much taken in as were the savants of whom he speaks. One of his articles states that the late President of the Cour of Cassation—the Magistrate, according to M. Roger Collard, of whom regenerated France has most reason to be proud— expressed himself as follows to three of the most distinguished men of science of the day: 'I regard the discovery of a dish as a more interesting event than the discovery of a star, for we have always stars enough, but we never have too many dishes; and I shall not regard the Sciences as sufficiently honoured or adequately represented among us, until I see a cook in the first class of the Institute.'
"It is quite evident from this that the Editor supposes that M. de Baure was quite serious in making that observation, and no less so that the distinguished literary men, from some of whom he must have derived his information, must have been equally convinced of the fact. I was present, however, on the occasion, and can assert that nothing could be more contrary to the real state of the case."
[3] Olympia or Topography illustrative of the actual state of the Plain of Olympia and of the Ruins of the City of Elis, published by John Murray in 1817. It was re-published in 1824 and 1835, and again, with the addition of many engravings, in 1865, under the title of Plataea, Olympia, Elis.
[4] Joachim Murat, an inn-keeper's son, born in 1771, at the Revolution entered the army and soon rose to be Colonel. He served under Bonaparte in Italy and Egypt, became General of Division, and in command of the Cavalry at Marengo he covered himself with glory. Bonaparte gave him his sister, Caroline, in marriage. In 1806 the grandduchy of Berg was bestowed upon him; in 1808 he was proclaimed King of the Two Sicilies, as Joachim 1st, and took possession of Naples. After Napoleon's final overthrow he proceeded with a few followers to the coast of Calabria, and proclaimed himself King; but being taken, he was tried by Court-martial, and shot on October 15th, 1815. His widow subsequently assumed the title of Countess of Lipona and lived near Trieste. He left two sons, the elder of whom married a niece of Washington.
[5] Frederick Douglas, 1791-1819, M.P. for Banbury, a son of Lord Glenbervie.
[6] John Stanhope subsequently wrote: "I know the existence of the conspiracy is denied, but how account for the conduct of Napoleon after his return save from the supposition that he was fettered by the engagements he had made in his exile?... He threw himself entirely into the arms of that party to which he had hitherto evinced the greatest hostility, and which, upon principle, were opposed to his system of Government. He appointed Fouche, whom he had offended and disgraced, and Carnot, the most unbending republican in France, to be Ministers instead of resuming the Empire just as he had left it. He did not establish himself in the Palace of the Tuileries, by which he showed his weakness without gaining a single partisan.... He should either at once have entered upon the Imperial Government, prorogued the Chamber till the fate of France was decided by arms, or he should have adopted the Constitution which he found actually existing, pledging himself to make, subsequently, such modifications as the country might desire; but, in fact, till he found himself at the head of his army he was not his own master, he was bound by the chains he himself had forged, and which he, no doubt, would have immediately broken had he been successful at Waterloo.... The legislative body were undoubtedly prepared to adopt any expedient for limiting the Imperial or Royal Prerogatives, and it was a great oversight on his part to leave them sitting. He should not have remained in Paris at all, but to have put himself immediately at the head of the army and to have given the Government of Paris to a General in whom he could implicitly confide. His only chance was to have been able to say, 'L'Empire—c'est moi!'"
[1] Alderman Richard Carr-Glyn, an eminent banker of London, born 1755, eldest son of Sir Richard Glyn, 1st Bart, of Ewell, by his wife Elizabeth, daughter and co-heir of Robert Carr, Esq., served as Lord Mayor in 1798 and was created a baronet in 1800. He married Mary, daughter of John Plumtre, Esq., M.P. for Nottingham. Died in 1838.
[2] Thomas Christopher, 1789-1827, 3rd son of the above, afterwards a barrister-at-law. Married Grace Julia, daughter of Thomas Charles Bigge, Esq.
[3] William Fitzhugh, Esq., lived at Bannister Lodge, near Southampton, and represented Tiverton in five Parliaments. His wife was celebrated for her infatuation for Mrs Siddons, whom she entertained constantly at Bannister Lodge, and whom she followed to London, for years attending on the celebrated actress all day and spending the evening in her dressing- room at the theatre. In 1803 Mrs Siddons wrote, "My dear Mrs Fitzhugh grudges every moment that I am not by her side."
[4] Joseph Jekyll, 1754-1837. Celebrated wit, raconteur, and diner-out. Jerder speaks of him as having a somewhat Voltaire-like countenance, a flexible person and agreeable voice.
[5] He was second son of George Adams, afterwards Anson, who inherited the fortune of his uncle, Admiral Lord Anson; and he was brother to Thomas, afterwards Viscount Anson of Shugborough, who married Anne Margaret, second daughter of Thomas William Coke, Esq., afterwards 1st Earl of Leicester.
[6] Douglas, fifth son of 7th Baron Kinnaird, a banker in Westminster; born, 1788; died, unmarried, 1830.
[7] A Tilbury, so-called after the maker, was a very tall gig on two large wheels, for driving in which ladies usually wore what was termed a "riding-dress."
[8] John Charles, eldest son of 2nd Earl Spencer, (1782-1845). A distinguished member of the House of Commons, and Chancellor of the Exchequer from 1830 to 1834. Succeeded his father as 3rd Earl Spencer in 1834.
[9] Lady Caroline Lamb, 1785-1828, known by the nickname of the Bat, daughter of the 3rd Earl of Bessborough, by his wife, Lady Henrietta Spencer, sister of Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire. She married, June 3rd, 1805, William Lamb, afterwards Lord Melbourne. Her infatuation for Byron caused much scandal during 1812-13.
[10] Prince Theodore Demetrius de Bauffremont-Courtenay, born 22nd Dec. 1793, married, in 1819, Mlle. de Montmorency.
[11] Almack's, a novel, vol. iii., pp. 227-9.
[12] This rumour must have been false, as Madame Catalani did not retire from the stage till 1827, when she settled near Florence. She had accumulated a large fortune by her successful career, and had continued to charge a price for her services which at that date was unprecedented. It is said that on one occasion, when she had been invited to Stowe as a guest, she was asked to sing, and in consequence charged the Duke L1700 for the pleasure she had afforded his guests. But doubt has been cast on this story. Her Susannah, in Le Nozze di Figaro, was one of her most famous impersonations. She died of Cholera in 1849.
[13] Sir Philip Hales, Bart. of Brymore, Somerset, died 12th February 1824, having married in 1795 Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Smith of Keyworth, Notts. She died 1834.
[14] Sophia, third daughter of Colonel and Mrs Beaumont.
[15] Charles Peter Shakerley, Esq., of Somerford Park, born 27th December, 1792, created a baronet, 1838. Married first in 1819 Rosalba D'Avaray, daughter of the Due D'Avaray, and secondly, in 1831, Jessy, daughter of James Scott, Esq. He was the son of Charles Watkin John Buckworth, Esq., of Somerford Park, Cheshire, who had assumed by Act of Parliament in 1790 the Surname and Arms of Shakerley only, and was High Sheriff of the Co. of Chester in the following year.
[16] William Frederick, 2nd Duke of Gloucester, 1776-1834, served as Colonel of First Foot Guards in Flanders in 1794. Married, in 1816, his cousin Mary, 4th daughter of George III.
[17] See ante.
[18] An Irish lady whose maiden name was Owenson. She married Sir Charles Morgan, and wrote various novels, being often called by the name of one of them—The Wild Irish Girl. Two of her works, France and Italy, made some stir at the time of their publication. Their sale was forbidden in Sardinia, Rome and Austria, and their author prohibited from visiting the latter kingdom.
[19] Edward, third son of Walter Spencer-Stanhope and Mary Winifred, his wife, who, in 1820, married Arabella, daughter of General Calcraft. See ante, Dramatis Personae. page ix.
[20] General Sir Robert Thomas Wilson, 1777-1849. He fought at Lutzen and Brantzen in 1813; he was M.P. for Southwark in 1818-1830. He was dismissed from the Army for his conduct at Queen Caroline's funeral, but reinstated in 1830. He published military and autobiographical works.
[21] The wife of a Russian Ambassador. She was an admirable musician.
[22] Probably Francis, eldest son of Lord William Russell; born 1793, died, unmarried, 1832.
[23] Georgina Frederica, daughter of the Hon. Henry Fitzroy; married, July 25th, 1814, Henry, Marquis of Worcester, died May 11th, 1821, and left two daughters. She died at the house of her uncle, the Duke of Wellington. She was very pretty, and one of the leaders of fashion.
[24] He married again in June, 1822, Emily Frances, daughter of Charles Culling Smith, Esq., and his wife, nee Lady Anne Wellesley.
[25] See ante, p. 157.
[26] Frederick Dodsworth, D.D., Senior Canon of Windsor, who died in his eighty-third year, 31st March 1821.