The Leading Facts of English History
by D.H. Montgomery
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[3] The four best short histories.

IX. The Stuart Period (First Part), 1603-1649

*The Prose Works of James I (1599-1625) Jesse's Memoirs of the Court of England. *Fuller's Church History of Britain (earliest times to 1648). *Clarendon's History of the Rebellion (1625-1660). *Memoirs of Col. Hutchinson (1616-1664). *May's History of the Long Parliament (1640-1643). Carlyle's Historical Sketches of Reigns of James I and Charles I. Taine's History of English Literature. Spedding's Lord Bacon and his Times. Gardiner's History of England (1603-1649). Church's Life of Lord Bacon. Hallam's Constitutional History of England. Hume's History of England (Tory). Macaulay's History of England (Whig). Lingard's History of England (Catholic). 13 vols. Strickland's Queens of England. 10 vols. Ranke's History of England in the Seventeenth Century. 5 vols. Macaulay's Essays (Bacon, Hampden, Hallam's History). Goldwin Smith's Three English Statesmen (Cromwell, Pym, Hampden). Cordery's Struggle against Absolute Monarchy.[1] Cordery and Phillpott's King and Commonwealth.[1] Gardiner's Puritan Revolution.[1] Scott's Fortunes of Nigel (James I).

[1] The three best short histories.

X. The Commonwealth and Protectorate, 1649-1660 (see Preceding Period)

Gardiner's History of England (1649-1660). *Ludlow's Memoirs (1640-1668). *Carlyle's Life and Letters of Oliver Cromwell. Carlyle's Hero Worship (Cromwell). Guizot's Cromwell and the Commonwealth. Morley's Cromwell. Roosevelt's Cromwell. Guizot's Richard Cromwell. Guizot's Life of Monk. Masson's Life and Times of Milton. Bisset's Omitted Chapters in the History of England. Pattison's Life of Milton. Scott's Woodstock (Cromwell).

XI. Stuart Period (Second Part) 1660-1714

*Evelyn's Diary (1641-1706). *Pepys's Diary (1659-1669). *Burnet's History of his Own Time (1660-1713). Macaulay's History of England (Whig). Hallam's Constitutional History of England. Taine's History of English Literature. Strickland's Queens of England. Ranke's History of England in the Seventeenth Century. Hume's History of England (Tory). Brewster's Life of Newton. Lingard's History of England (Catholic). 13 vols. Green's History fo the English People. Stanhope's History of England. Lecky's History of England in the Eighteenth Century. Macaulay's Essays (Milton, Mackintosh's History, War of the Spanish Succession, and The Comic Dramatists of the Restoration). Creighton's Life of Marlborough. Guizot's History of Civilization (Chapter XIII). Morris's Age of Anne.[1] Hale's Fall of the Stuarts.[1] Cordery's Struggle against Absolute Monarchy.[1] Scott's Peveril of the Peak and Old Mortality (Charles II). Thackeray's Henry Esmond (Anne).

XII. The Hanoverian Period, 1714 to the Present time

*Memoirs of Robert Walpole. *Horace Walpole's Memoir's and Journals. Hallam's Constitutional History of England (to the death of George II, *1760). May's Constitutional History (1760-1870). Amos's English Constitution (1830-1880). Bagehot's English Constitution. Lecky's History of England in the Eighteenth Century. Walpole's History of England (1815-1816). Molesworth's History of England (1830-1870). Martineau's History of England (1816-1846). Taine's History of English Literature. Gibbins's Social Reformers (Wesley and Wilberforce; and the Factory Reformers) Lecky's American Revolution (edited by Professor J.A. Woodburn). Bancroft's History of the United States. Bryant's History of the United States. Stanhope's History of England (1713-1783). Green's Causes of the Revolution. Seeley's Expansion of England. Frothingham's Rise of the Republic. Southey's Life of Wesley. Southey's Life of Nelson. Wharton's Wits and Beaux of Society. Waite's Life of Wellington. Massey's Life of George III. Smith's, Goldwin, Lectures (Foundation of the American Colonies). Macaulay's Essays (Warren Hastings, Clive, Pitt, Walpole, Chatham, Johnson, Madame D'Arblay). Scott's Rob Roy, Waverley, and Redgauntlet (the Old and the Young Pretender, 1715, 1735-1753). Thackeray's Virginians (Washington). Dickens's Barnaby Rudge (1780). Smiles's Life of James Watt. Smith's, Sydney, Peter Plymley's Letters. Smiles's Life of Stephenson. Thackeray's Four Georges. McCarthy's Four Georges. Smiles's Industrial Biography. Allen's, Grant, Life of Darwin. Ashton's Dawn of the XIXth Century in England. Ludlow's American Revolution.[1] Rowley's Settlement of the Constitution (1689-1784).[1] Morris's Early Hanoverians (George I and II).[1] McCarthy's Epoch of Reform (1830-1850).[1] Tancock's England during the American and European Wars (1765-1820).[1] Browning's Modern England (1820-1874).[1] McCarthy's History of Our Own Times (1837-1897). McCarthy's England under Gladstone (1880-1884). Ward's Reign of Victoria (1837-1887). Bolton's Famous English Statesmen of Queen Victoria's Reign. Hinton's English Radical Leaders. Gibbins's Social Reformers (Kingsley, Carlyle, and Ruskin). Traill's Social England, Vol. VI. Adams's, Brooks, America's Economic Supremacy. Escott's Victorian Age. The article on Victoria in the Dictionary of National [British] Biography, Vol. LX. The English Illustrated Magazine for July 1897.[2] The Contemporary Review for June, 1897.[2] The Fortnightly Review for June, 1897.[2] King Edward VII. See Poole's Index to Reviews for 1910. McCarthy's History of Our Own Times (to accession of George V).

[1] The nine best short histories. [2] Contain valuable articles on the Victorian Era, giving general view of the reign.


I. See, on this whole subject, Professor H.L. Cannon's Reading References for English History referred to in the Short List of Books on page xxxvi. Professor Cannon's volume contains "exact references to some two thousand of the most useful and accessible works on English history." No other single volume can compare with it for usefulness in this department.

II. See E.K. Kendall's Source-Book of English History; G.C. Lee's Source-Book of English History; and Professor E.P. Cheyney's Readings of English History (1 vol.); and Professor E.P. Cheyney's Readings of English History (1 vol.); A.H.D. Acland, and C. Ransome, Outline of the Political History of England, 1 vol.

III. See, for brief but carefully written biographical and historical articles relating to English history, Chambers's Encyclopaedia, 10 vols. For fuller treatment see the New Encyclopaedia Britannica (29 vols.), The Dictionary of National [British] Biography (66 vols.), an the International Encyclopaedia (17 vols.).

IV. For recent events in English history, see Whitaker's Almanack, Hazell's Annual, the Annual Register, the Statesman's Year-Book, and other publications of this class.


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