"Dame Sol and Dame Elvira, cousins of mine that be, The two Heirs of Carrion have borne them dastardly. Please God that for this dealing they may get a shameful gain." And straightway he bestirred him to life to bring the twain. Deep was their swoon. Of utterance all power they had forlorn. Of his heart the very fabric thereby in twain was torn. "Oh my cousins Dame Elvira and Dame Sol," he cried and spake, "For the love of the Creator, my cousins twain, awake, While yet the day endureth, ere falls the evening-hour, Lest in the wood our bodies the savage beast devour."
In Dame Sol and Dame Elvira fresh life began to rise; And they looked on Felez Munoz when at last they oped their eyes: "For the love of God my cousins, now be of courage stout. From the time the Heirs of Carrion shall miss me from their rout, With utmost speed thereafter will they hunt me low and high. And if God will not help us, in this place we then must die." To him out spoke the Lady Sol in bitter agony: "If the Campeador, our father, deserveth well of thee, My cousin give us water, so may God help thee too." A hat had Felez Munoz, from Valencia, fine and new, Therein he caught the water, and to his cousins bore. To drink their fill he gave them, for they were stricken sore. Till they rose up, most earnestly he begged them and implored. He comforts them and heartens them until they are restored. He took the two and quickly set them a-horse again. He wrapped them in his mantle. He took the charger's rein Aud sped them on, and through Corpes Wood they took their way. They issued from the forest between the night and day. The waters of Duero they at the last attain. At Dame Urraca's tower he left behind the twain, And then unto Saint Stephen's did Felez Munoz fare. He found Diego Tellez, Alvar Fanez' vassal, there. When he had heard those tidings on his heart great sorrow fell. And he took beasts of burden and garments that excel. Dame Sol and Dame Elvira to welcome did he go. He lodged the in Saint Stephen's. Great honor did he show Those ladies. In Saint Stephen's very gentle are the men, When they had heard the tidings their hearts were sorry then. To the Cid's daughters tribute of plenteous fare they yield. In that place the ladies tarried, till the time when they were healed.
Loud they sang each other's praises, those Heirs of Carrion, And of their deeds the tidings through all these lands were known. Of the good King don Alfonso the heart for grief was torn. To Valencia the city now are the tidings borne. To my lord Cid the Campeador that message when they brought, Thereon for a full hour's space, he pondered and he thought. His hand he has uplifted and gripped his beard amain: "Now unto Christ be glory who o'er all the earth doth reign. Since thus sought they of Carrion to keep mine honor whole. Now by this beard that never was plucked by living soul, Thereby the Heirs of Carrion no pleasure shall they gain. As for the dames my daughters, I shall marry well the twain.
The Cid and all his courtiers were sorry grievously, Heart and soul Alvar Fanez a sad man was he. Minaya with Per Vermudoz straightway the steed bestrode, And good Martin Antolinez in Burgos that abode, With ten score horse that to that end the Cid set in array. Most earnestly he charged them to ride both night and day, And to the town Valencia his daughters twain to bring. About their lord's commandment there was no tarrying. Swiftly they got on horseback and rode both day and night. Into Gormaz they entered, a strong place of might. In sooth one night they lodged there. To Saint Stephen's tidings flew That Minaya was come thither to bring home his cousins two. The dwellers in Saint Stephen's, as becomes the true and brave, To Minaya and his henchmen a noble welcome gave, And for tribute to Minaya brought that night of cheer good store. He desired not to accept it, but he thanked them well therefor; "Thanks, stout men of Saint Stephen's, for ye bear you wise and well. For the honor that ye did us, for the thing that us befel, Where bides the Cid the Campeador he gives true thanks to you, As I do here. May God on high give you your payment due."
Therewith they thanked him greatly, with him were all content Then swiftly to their lodging to rest that night they went. Where bode his kin, Minaya to see them went his ways. Dame Sol and Dame Elvira upon him fixed their gaze: "So heartily we thank thee, as our eyes on God were set, And prithee thank Him for it, since we are living yet. In the days of ease thereafter, in Valencia when we dwell, The tale of our affliction, we shall have strength to tell.
CXXXII. The dames and Alvar Fanez, the tears flowed from their eyes. Per Vermudoz because of them was sorely grieved likewise. "Dame Sol and Dame Elvira, be not down-hearted still, Since you are well and living and without other ill. Ye have lost a good marriage, better matches shall ye make. Oh may we soon behold the day when vengeance we shall take!" So all that night they lay there keeping a merry tide. The next day in the morning they fettled them to ride. The people of Saint Stephen's their party escort bore, With every sort of solace e'en to Riodamor. There they took leave, and got them in stead to travel back. Minaya and the ladies rode forward on the track. They have passed Alcoceva. On the right Gormaz left they. They have come o'er the river in the place called Vadorrey, And in the town Berlanga their lodging have they made. The next day in the morning set forth the cavalcade. In the place called Medina their shelter have they sought. From Medina to Molina on the next day were they brought. And there the Moor Avengalvon was pleased in heart thereby. Forth with good will he issued to give them welcome high, For my lord Cid's love a supper he gave them rich and great. Thence on unto Valencia they have departed straight. When to him who in good honor was born the news of it was sent, Swiftly he got on horseback, and forth to greet them went. As he rode he brandished weapons; very joyful was his face. My lord the Cid came forward his daughters to embrace. And after he had kissed them he smiled upon the two: "Are ye then come my daughters? 'Gainst ill God succor you. This marriage I accepted, daring not say otherwise. May the Creator grant it, who dwelleth in the skies, That you with better husbands hereafter I may see. God! on my sons of Carrion grant me avenged to be. "The hands of their father to kiss, the two bent down. And under arms they hastened and came into the town. Their mother Dame Ximena with them good cheer she made. And he who in good hour was born, he tarried not nor stayed, But there unto his comrades so privily he spake: To King Alfonso of Castile those tidings shall they take. CXXXIII. "Where art thou, Muno Gustioz, vassal of fair report In a good time I cherished and reared thee in my court. To King Alfonso in Castile these tidings do thou take. His hands with heart and spirit do thou kiss them for my sake— I am known for his vassal, he for my lord is known— At the dishonor done me by the heirs of Carrion Shall the good King be troubled in his soul and in his heart. He gave to wed my daughters, therein I had no part. Since my girls they have deserted with great dishonor thus, If they have put an insult by that action upon us, The great part and the little, my lord's is all the scorn. My possessions, which are mighty, off with them have they borne, This and the other insult well may make me ill content. Bring them to parley with me in assize or parliament, So that I may have justice on the heirs of Carrion, For in my heart the anguish exceeding great is grown."
Thereupon Muno Gustioz swiftly the steed bestrode. To wait upon his pleasure two horsemen with him rode, And with him were esquires that of his household were. They departed from Valencia as fast as they could spur, They gave themselves no respite either by night or noon. And the King don Alfonso he found at Sahagun. Of Castile is he the ruler, of Leon furthermore. And likewise of Asturias, yea, to San Salvador. As far as Santiago for lord paramount is he known. The counts throughout Galicia him for their sovereign own. As soon as Muno Gustioz got down from horseback there, Before the Saints he kneeled him, and to God he made his prayer. Where the court was in the palace straightway his steps he bent. The horsemen two that served him as their lord beside him went. As soon as they had entered amid the royal train The King saw them and knew lightly Muno Gustioz again. The King rose up and nobly he welcomed him and well. before the King Alfonso on bended knee he fell. The King's feet, Muno Gustioz, that wight, has kissed withal: "A boon, King, thee the sovereign of kingdoms broad they call. The Campeador, he kisses so well thy feet and hands; Thou art his lord; thy vassal as at all times he stands. To Carrion's Heirs his daughters were given to wed by thee. It was a glorious marriage for it was thy decree. The honor that befel us is to thee already known, What flout was put upon us by the Heirs of Carrion. Fiercely they scourged the daughters of the Cid Campeador. Naked, in great dishonor and from the scourging sore, In Corpes Wood unguarded they cast the dames away, Unto the savage creatures and the forest-fowl a prey, And lo! now to Valencia his daughters are restored. For this thy hand he kisses as a vassal to his lord, That thou bring them to confront him in assize or parliament. He holds himself dishonored, but fouler art thou shent. And King, sore should it grieve thee, and he prays, for wise art thou, That my lord Cid may have justice on the Heirs of Carrion now." The king long while was silent, pondering thereon apart: "The truth will I say to thee. It grieves me to the heart. So hast thou, Muno Gustioz, herein a true thing said, For to Carrion's Heirs, his daughters I gave indeed to wed. For good I did it, deeming that there his vantage lay. But would now that that marriage had ne'er been made today. My lord the Cid and I myself, sore grieved at heart are we. I must help him unto justice, so God my savior be. Though I would not at this season, I must do even so. And now through all my Kingdom forth shall mine heralds go, For in Toledo city a court shall they proclaim, So that counts may come and nobles that be of lesser name. The Heirs of Carrion thither I will summon furthermore; And there shall they give justice to my lord Cid Campeador. Yet while I can prevent it, he shall have no cause to mourn. CXXXIV. "And say unto the Campeador, who in good hour was born, That he may with his vassals for these seven weeks prepare To come unto Toledo. That term I grant him fair. I will hold these assizes since the Cid to me is dear. Greet them all for me fairly, let them be of joyful cheer. For what befel, of honor they yet shall have no lack." His leave ta'en, Muno Gustioz to my lord Cid turned back. Since he had undertaken that the charge on him should fall, Alfonso the Castilian delayed it not at all. To Leon and Santiago he sent letters without fail, And unto the Galicians, and the men of Portingale. Tidings to them in Carrion and in Castile they bring Of a Court held in Toledo by the much honored King, And that there they should be gathered when seven weeks should end. Who stayed at home, true vassalage no longer could pretend. And all men so determined throughout his breadth of lands Not to fail in the fulfillment of the King's high commands. CXXXV. Now are the Heirs of Carrion troubled by the report That the King within Toledo was about to hold his court. They fear my lord Cid Campeador will have his part therein, And they took counsel, seeing that they were near of kin. The King for dispensation to stay from court they prayed. Said the King: "I will not do it, as God shall stand mine aid. For my lord Cid the Campeador that place shall come unto, And you shall do him justice for he makes complaint of you. Who refuses, or denies it to come unto mine assize, Let him quit my realm. The fellow finds no favor in mine eyes."
And now the Heirs of Carrion saw that it must be done Since they are very near of kin, counsel they took thereon. Count Garcia that to ruin the Cid sought evermore, My lord the Cid's arch-foeman, share in these matters bore. This man has given counsel to the Heirs of Carrion twain. Time came: to the assizes to hasten they were fain. Thither among the foremost doth good King Alfonso go, With him the Count don Henry, and Count don Remond also— For the sire of the most noble the Emperor was he known. There came the Count don Froila and the Count don Birbon. Out of his realm came many of wise hearts and leal All the best men were gathered of the kingdom of Castile. And there with Crespo de Granon, Count don Garcia came And he who ruled in Oca—Alvar Diaz was his name. With Gonzalvo Ansuorez, Ansuor Gonzalvez stood. Know ye well with them was Pero of the Ansuorez blood. Diego and Ferrando both to the place resort, And with them a great company that they had brought to Court. Upon my lord Cid Campeador 'tis their intent to fall. Unto the place they gather from every side and all. But he who in good hour was born, not yet hath he drawn nigh. Because so long he tarries is the king displeased thereby. My lord the Cid the Campeador is come on the fifth day. He has sent Alvar Fanez ahead of his array, That he might kiss the King his hands that is his lord of right, The King might know it surely, he would be at hand that night. Now when the King had heard it, his heart was glad indeed. With companies most mighty the King leaped on the steed, And him who in good hour was born he went to welcome there. Came the Cid and all his henchmen equipped exceeding fair. Oh! noble troops that follow a captain of such might! When good King don Alfonso of my lord the Cid got sight, My lord the Cid, the Campeador, cast himself on the sward. Himself he thus could humble and do honor to his lord. When the King saw he tarried not. "Saint Isidore to speed! This day so shalt thou never. Mount, Cid, upon the steed! If not, so ends my pleasure. Let us greet on either part With heart and soul. What grieveth thee hath hurt me to the heart. God ordereth that by thee the court this day shall honored be." My lord Cid, the true Campeador, to this "Amen" said he. He kissed his hand and fairly gave him greeting then: "To God now thanks be given, that I see thee, lord, again. To thee I bow, so also to Count don Remond I bow, To Count Henry and to all men that are in presence now. God save our friends and foremost, sire, may he cherish thee. My wife the Dame Ximena—a worthy dame is she— Kisses thy hands. My daughters, the twain do so as well, That so thou mayst have pity for the ill thing that befel." "Verily, so God help me," answered the King thereto. CXXXVI. Then homeward to Toledo, the King returned anew. Unfain to cross the Tagus was my lord Cid that night: "A boon, King. The Creator, may he shield thee in His might! Oh sire, do thou get ready to enter in the town. In San Servan my henchman and I will lay us down, For hither in the night-tide shall come those bands of mine; And I will keep my vigil here by the holy shrine. I will come to town tomorrow at the breaking of the day, And, ere I eat my dinner, to court will take my way." To him the King gave answer: "Surely, I am content." Then the King don Alfonso into Toledo went. My lord the Cid Roy Diaz lieth in San Servan. To make candles and to set them on the shrine, his order ran. To watch that sanctuary was gladness to his heart, As he prayed to the Creator and spake to him apart. Minaya, and as many as were gathered of good fame Were in accord together when at length the morning came. CXXXVII. Matins and prime they sang there till the dawn had begun, Before the sun had risen the mass was o'er and done. With rich and timely offering that chapel they endow. "Minaya Alvar Fanez—my strongest arm art thou— Thyself shall hear me company and the Bishop, don Jerome So too this Muno Gustioz and Per Vermudoz shall come, And Martin Antolinez from Burgos true and tried And with Alvar Salvadorez, Alvar Alvarez beside, And Martin Munoz who was born in a season of good grace, So likewise Felez Munoz a nephew of my race. Mal Anda wise exceeding, along with me shall go And the good Galind Garciaz of Aragon also. With these knights a round hundred of the good men here ordain. Let all men wear their tunics the harness to sustain, Let them assume the hauberks that white as sunlight glare, And upon the hauberks ermines and mantles of the vair Let them lace tight their armour, let not the arms be seen. They shall bear beneath their mantles the swords both sweet and keen. To the court in such a fashion to enter am I fain, My rights there to demand them and to speak my meaning plain. If there the Heirs of Carrion seek to dishonor me, No whit then shall I fear them, though a hundred strong they be." To him all gave their answer: "Such, lord, is our desire," Even as he had commanded they ordered their attire. He who in happy hour was born would brook no more delay. Upon his legs the hosen of fair cloth he drew straightway, And shoes adorned most richly upon his feet has done; he donned a shirt of linen fine as white as is the sun; The sleeves are laced, moreover, with gold and silver braid. The cuff fit close upon them for he bade them so be made. Thereo'er a silken tunic most fairly wrought he drew. The threads of gold shone brightly that were woven through and through. A red fur gown gold-belted he cast his tunic o'er. That gown alway he weareth, my lord Cid Campeador. He hath of finest linen a cap upon his hair, With the gold wrought, moreover, and fashioned with due care, That the locks of the good Campeador might not be disarrayed. And with a cord his mighty beard my lord the Cid doth braid. All this he did desiring well his person to dispose. O'er his attire a mantle of mighty worth he throws. Thereat might all men wonder that thereabouts did stand. Then with the chosen hundred whereto he gave command From San Servan forth issuing he got to horse apace. Under arms the Cid departed unto the judgment-place. Duly without the postern he descended from his horse, And prudently he entered the palace with his force. Midmost he went; his hundred girt him round on every side. When they had seen him enter, who was born in happy tide, Then the good King Alfonso upon his feet did rise, So also Count don Henry, and Count don Remond likewise. And they arose, the others of the court, ye well may know. To him who in good hour was born great honor did they show. One man there was arose not—'twas Crespo de Granon— Nor any of the party of the Heirs of Carrion.
The King has ta'en my lord Cid's hand: "Come sit thee, Campeador, On the bench here beside me—thy gift to me of yore. Thou art our better, though there be umbrage therefor that take." Then he who won Valencia for gratitude he spake: "Sit like a king and master on thy bench, for it is thine; In this station will I tarry here with these men of mine."
Of what my lord Cid uttered was the King's heart glad and fain. Upon a bench well carven the Cid his seat has ta'en; The hundred men that guard him are seated round him there. And all men in the Cortes upon my lord Cid stare, And the long beard he weareth that is braided with a cord. He seems by his apparel to be a splendid lord. For shame the Heirs of Carrion his gaze they could not meet. The good King don Alfonso then rose unto his feet: "Hearken ye gentle companies, so God your hands sustain. But two court have I holden in the space of all my reign. In Burgos one, in Carrion the next did I array; The third here in Toledo have I come to hold today, For the Cid's love, whose birth-hour for a glad time is known, That so he may have justice on the Heirs of Carrion. Let all men know they did him a bitter injury. The Counts Remond and Henry judges thereof shall be, And all you counts, moreover, in the feud who bear no part. In your minds turn it over, for ye are wise of heart. See that ye render justice. All falseness I gainsay. On one side and the other let us keep the peace this day. Who breaks our peace, I swear it by the Saint Isidore Shall be banished from my kingdom, nor have my favor more. His side I will maintain it whose cause is right and fair. Therefore let the Cid Campeador forthwith his suit declare. Then shall we hear what Carrion's Heirs in answer shall depose."
My lord Cid kissed the King his hand. Then to his feet he rose: "My sovereign and my master great thanks I give to thee That thou this court hast summoned out of pure love for me. Against the Heirs of Carrion this matter I reclaim. They cast away my daughters. I had thereby no shame, For thou gavest them in marriage. What deed to do today Thou know'st well. From Valencia when they took my girls away, I loved with heart and spirit the Heirs of Carrion, And the two swords I gave them, Colada and Tizon— I won them in such manner as a good knight became— That they might do you service and do honor to their fame. When in the Wood of Corpes they left my girls forlorn, They lost my love forever, for they made of me a scorn. Since my sons-in-law they are not, let them give me either sword." "All of the claim is righteous,'' so the judges gave accord.
Then said Count don Garcia: "Of this let us debate." Apart from the assizes went the Heirs of Carrion straight, And all their following with them and the kindred of their name. And swiftly they debated, and to their resolve they came: "Now the Cid Campeador for us doth a great favor do, Since for his girls' dishonor for no damage doth he sue. With the King don Alfonso, we soon shall be at one. The swords them let us give him, for so the suit is done; They will hold the court no longer, when he has the swords once more. From us no further justice for the Cid Campeador." That parley being over, to court they get them now.
"Thy favor, King Alfonso, our overlord art thou. And we cannot deny it, for he gave us the two brands. And since that we return them he desires now and demands, Into his hand to give them in thy presence are we fain." Then they brought forth Colada and Tizon, the falchions twain, Straightway they gave them over to the King their sovereign's hands. The whole court shone glorious when they brought forth the brands. The pommels and the hilt-bars are all of massy gold; To the true henchmen of the court 'twas a marvel to behold. The King my lord Cid summoned, to him the swords he gave. His sovereign's hands he kisseth. He receiveth either glaive. To the bench whence he had risen, he turned him back again, And in his hands he held them, he looked upon the twain. Changelings they could not give him; he knew the two aright, And his heart laughed within him, he was filled with all delight. "Now by my beard none ever plucked," gripping it hard he spake, For Dame Sol and Dame Elvira high vengeance I will take."
By name his nephew Pero he has called out before; And stretching forth his hand, to him the sword Tizon gave o'er. "Take it nephew. The sword's master now is fairer of renown." To good Martin Antolinez the man of Burgos town, Stretching forth his hand Colada into his care he gave;
"Thou Martin Antolinez, who art a vassal brave, Take Colada that I captured from a true knight without fail, From him of Barcelona, from Remond Berenguel. That thou mayst guard it rightly, therefore I give it thee, I know if aught befall thee, if occasion e'er should be, Great fame and estimation with the sword shalt thou attain." The lord Cid's hands he kissed them. He took the sword again.
My lord the Cid the Campeador unto his feet rose he; "Now thanks to the Creator and my lord the King to thee. With the swords Colada and Tizon I am content indeed, But I have a farther issue 'gainst Carrion Heirs to plead: When with them from Valencia my daughters twain they bore, Three thousand marks of silver and gold I gave them o'er. When I did this, the winning of all their end they saw. Let them restore the treasure. They are not my sons-in-law."
Now might you hearken Carrion's Heirs, what a complaint made they. To them said the Count don Remond: "Give answer, 'Yea' or 'Nay'!', And then the Heirs of Carrion, they made their answer plain: "Therefore to the Cid Campeador we gave his swords again That he might demand naught further, for his suit is closed thereby." Then straightway the Count don Remond unto them made reply: "This say we: With the pleasure of the Sovereign if it stands, You shall give satisfaction in what the Cid demands." The good King said: "The measure with my assent doth meet." And now hath the Cid Campeador arisen to his feet:
"Say of those goods I gave you, will ye give them me anew Or render an accounting?"
Then Carrion's Heirs withdrew. For the greatness of that treasure they could not as one consent, And the two Heirs of Carrion the whole of it had spent. They returned with their decision, and spake their pleasure thus: "The Captor of Valencia, he presses sore on us. Since lust for our possession so on him hand hath laid, From our estates in Carrion the money shall be paid."
And then outspake the judges since the debt the Heirs avowed: "If it be the Cid's desire, it is not disallowed. So we ordain, for such wise with our pleasure doth it sort, That ye repay it to him in this place before the court."
Out spake the King Alfonso when their words were at an end: "The inward of this lawing we wholly comprehend, That justice is demanded by the Cid Campeador. Now of those marks three thousand, I have in hand tenscore; They were given to me duly by the Heirs of Carrion twain. Since so sore are they impoverished, I will give it them again. To the Cid born in fair hour, let them pay the money back. To pay their debt, that money I will not let them lack."
As for Ferrand Gonzalvez, what he said ye now shall hear: "We have in our possession no minted goods and gear."
To him then the Count don Remond answered to this intent: "All of the gold and silver, the twain of you have spent. Before the King Alfonso, our verdict we proclaim, That ye pay in goods. The Campeador, let him accept the same."
Now saw the Heirs of Carrion what need must be their course. Ye might have seen led thither full many a swift horse, Many fat mules, moreover, and many a well-paced jade, And every sort of armour, and many a fine blade. My lord the Cid accepted even as the court assessed, Beyond the tenscore marks whereof Alfonso stood possessed, To him who in good hour was born the Heirs have paid the price. On others' goods they borrow, for their own will not suffice Know well for fools men took them, from that suit when 'scaped the twain.
CXXXVIII. All of those great possessions my lord the Cid has ta'en. The men keep all that treasure, and they will ward it well. When this was done, a-pondering on other things they fell:
Lord King, for love of charity, a further favor yet, Of my complaints the chiefest, I cannot now forget. Let the whole court now hear me, and have pity on my woe: As for these Heirs of Carrion, the which have shamed me so, I brook not that unchallenged they may go hence away. CXXXIX. "In what thing I affronted you, ye Heirs of Carrion say, In what fashion whatsoever, in earnest or in sport. Let me make amends according to the judgment of the court. Why did ye tear in tatters the fabric of my heart? With great honor from Valencia what time ye did depart, I gave to you my daughters, and besides great wealth and gear. Now say, ye dogs and traitors, since ye did not hold them dear, Why took ye from Valencia what was their dower of right, And wherefore with the girth and spur the ladies did ye smite? Alone in Corpes Forest ye cast the twain away, Unto the savage creatures and the wood-fowl for a prey. In all ye did unto them, like vile men did ye show. Let the Court judge; satisfaction shall I get therefor or no?" CXL. And lo! Count don Garcia has risen up amain: "Let us now have thy favor, best of all kings in Spain. Of the courts proclaimed is now the Cid well versed in the affairs. Since he let it wax so mighty, 'tis a long beard he wears. Some he affrights and others are for fear in sorry case. But as for them of Carrion, theirs is a lofty race, His daughters e'en as lemans to love becomes them not. Who to them for lawful consorts those ladies would allot? When they cast them off, then did they as might the right befit. All things he says soever we value not a whit."
And thereupon the Campeador his beard in hand gripped he: "To God who ruleth Heaven and the whole Earth glory be. Since tenderly I kept it, is my beard grown so long. Count, say what is the reason, that thou dost my beard this wrong, That since its first growth ever has been so gently reared. No man born of woman has ever plucked that beard. Nor has son of Moor or Christian e'er torn that beard of mine, As once in Cabra Castle I did, oh Count, to thine, When at one time on Cabra and thy beard my hand I set. Not a lad but for the plucking his pinch thereof could get. Nor is it yet grown even what portion I did tear. Here hidden in my wallet those tokens yet I bear." CXLI. Now had Ferrand Gonzalvez risen to his feet that tide. What thing ye now shall hearken that there so loud he cried:
"Cid, do thou now give over the suit which thou hast made, For the whole of thy possession into thine hands is paid. Look that thou make not greater the feud twixt us and thee, For the two Counts of Carrion by lineage are we. Of kings' and emperors' daughters are we fit to win the hands; To wed the girls of little chiefs scarce with our lineage stands. When thy daughters we abandoned we did but what was right. Not worse therefor but better, are we then in our own sight."
CXLII. To Per Vermudoz Roy Diaz my lord the Cid looked now: "Speak then, good Pero Mudo, though a silent man art thou. The ladies are my daughters, thy cousins twain are they. Into thy teeth they cast it, when such a thing they say. Thou shalt not do this battle, if I the answer make.
CXLIII. And thereupon Per Vermudoz began the tale and spake. No words he utters clearly, for 'tis a tongue-halt man. Natheless no rest he gave them, be it known, when he began: "To thee, Cid, now I tell it, for such thy customs be, That in Court, Pero Mudo, ever thou callest me. And verily thou knowest that I can do no more. As for what I must accomplish, there shall be no lack therefore.
"What thing thou saidest soever, Ferrando, was a lie. Through the Campeador thy glory was risen yet more high. I can relate unto thee thine every trick and sleight. Minds't thou, near high Valencia, what time we fought the fight? Thou didst of the true Campeador for the first onslaught pray. And there a Moor thou sawest, whom thou wentest forth to slay. Or e'er thou camest to him, before him didst thou flee. If aid I had not borne thee, he had roughly handled thee. But I rushed on beyond thee, and with the Moor did close, And I made that Moor flee backward at the foremost of my blows. To thee I gave his charger, and kept the thing concealed. Until this day that cowardice I never have revealed. Before the Cid and all men thine own praises didst thou sing, How thou slewest the Morisco, and didst a gallant thing. And they believed it of thee, knowing not the truth at all. Of thy person art thou handsome, but thy courage it is small, Tongue without hands, the manhood to speak where gottest thou? CXLIV. "Do thou say on, Ferrando. That my words are truth avow: That matter of the lion in Valencia dost thou keep In mind still, when he burst his bonds while the Cid lay asleep? Ferrando, then what didst thou, when thy terror overbore? Thou didst thrust thyself behind the bench of the Cid Campeador. Thou didst hide, Ferrando, wherefore cheap today thy worth is found, But we to guard our master his pallet gathered round, Till he who won Valencia out of his sleep did wake. He rose up from the pallet, at the lion did he make. His head the lion bended, for the Cid the beast did wait. By the neck he let himself be ta'en. In the cage he thrust him straight. When came once more the Campeador, there he saw his vassals stand. He asked about his sons-in-law, but neither found at hand. For a wicked man and traitor thy person I arraign. In fight before Alfonso that same I will maintain, For Dame Sol and Dame Elvira, for the Cid's daughters' sake. Thou didst cast away the ladies thine honor cheap to make. Ye are men to all appearance, tender women are those two; Yet in every way whatever they are worthier than you. If, when we join the combat, God shall like well in his heart, Thyself shalt thou confess it, like a traitor as thou art. Whatever I have uttered shall then be known for true." And thereupon was ending of speech between these two.
CXLV. And Didago Gonzalvez what he uttered ye shall hear: "We twain are Counts by lineage of blood of the most clear. Such marriages in no way we twain would undertake, With my lord Cid don Rodrigo alliance for to make. We do not yet repent us that we put his daughters by: So long as life endureth, may they sigh many a sigh. A sore reproach upon them what we did will still remain. The same with utmost valor in the fight will I maintain: When we cast away the women we made our honor good." CXLVI. Then Martin Antolinez upon his feet he stood: Thou wretch, do thou keep silence. Mouth that truth knoweth not! The matter of the lion hast thou so soon forgot Out through the door thou fleddest lurking in the court outside, Behind the wine-press timber in that hour didst thou hide. That mantle and that tunic were worn no more by thee. In fight I will maintain it. No other can it be. Since the lord Cid his daughters forth in such plight ye threw, They are in every fashion far worthier shall you. At the ending of the combat then thine own mouth shall avow That lies are all thine utterance, and a traitor knave art thou."
CXLVII. Between those two the parley has come unto an end. Now did Ansuor Gonzalvez into the palace wend. Was an ermine cloak about him, and his tunic trailed behind. His countenance was ruddy, for but lately had he dined. In what he had to utter small discretion did he show: CXLVIII. "How now ye noble gentlemen, was ever such a woe? With Bivar's lord Cid such honor who would have thought to find? On the Ovirna water his millstones let him grind, And take his wonted toll-corn. Would any man have thought That with the Heirs of Carrion alliances he sought?" CXLIX. And then did Muno Gustioz rise to his feet forthright: "Thou wretch, do thou keep silent! Thou wicked traitor wight! Before to prayers thou goest, certain thou art to dine. Whoe'er in peace thou kissest, sickens at that belch of thine. Whether to friend or master thou speakest perjury, False unto all, and falsest to the God who fashioned thee! And never in thy friendship will I have any part, And I will make thee say it that what I say thou art."
Said now the King Alfonso: "Let the suit quiet lie. Who have challenged shall do battle, so help me the Most High."
Soon as the suit was finished to the court two horsemen came, And Inigo Ximenez and Ojarra men them name; For Navarra's Heir-apparent, proxy-suitor was the one, The other was the suitor for the Heir of Aragon. And there the twain together have kissed Alfonso's hand, The Cid Campeador his daughters in marriage they demand, Of the realms Navarre and Aragon the lady-queens to be. May he send them with his blessing and with all courtesy. Thereat the whole court listened, and stillness fell them o'er. Upon his feet rose straightway my lord Cid Campeador: "A boon, Oh King Alfonso, my sovran lord thou art. For this to the Creator very thankful is my heart, Since both Navarre and Aragon have made request so high. Thou didst give to wed my daughters before. It was not I. Here then behold my daughters, the twain are in thine hand. With them I will do nothing, except at thy command." The King rose up. For silence in the court the word he gave: "I beg it of thee, Campeador, the true Cid and the brave, That hereto thou yield agreement. I will grant the thing this day: And it shall be consented in open court straightway, For so will grow thy glory and shine honor and thy lands." Now is the Cid arisen. He kissed Alfonso's hands: "To whatever thing shall please thee, I give consent, my lord." Then said the King: "God grant thee an excellent reward! To Inigo Ximenez and Ojarra, to you two, I yield my full permission for this marriage unto you, That Dame Sol and Dame Elvira, who the Cid's daughters are, Wed, one the Heir of Aragon, and the other of Navarre. May he yield his girls with blessings in an honorable way."
Then Inigo Ximenez and Ojarra, up rose they, And the hands of Don Alfonso in that hour kissed again. The hands of the Cid Campeador thereafter kissed the twain, And there their faith they plighted, and solemn oaths they swore, That they would fulfill entirely what they promised or yet more. Because of this were many in the court exceeding glad; But the two Heirs of Carrion, therein no joy they had.
Minaya Alvar Fanez upon his feet rose he: "As from my King and Master I beg a boon of thee, And let it not be grievous to the Cid Campeador. I have through these assizes kept my peace heretofore, But now to utter somewhat for mine own part fain am I." Said the King: "Now all my spirit, it is well pleased thereby. Say on! Say on, Minaya, what to thy heart is dear."
"You in the court, I beg you to my word to lend an ear. 'Gainst Carrion's Heirs needs must I now a charge most mighty bring: I gave to them my cousins by Alfonso's hand, the King. With blessings and with honor they took them in their care. The Cid Campeador he gave them most rich possessions there. They cast away those ladies, for all that we were loth. For wicked men and traitors I make challenge of you both. From the great sons of Gomez does your lineage come down, Whence many counts have issued of valor and renown, But this day all to certainly their cunning do we learn. For this to the Creator, now thanks do I return, That of Navarre and Aragon the Heirs in marriage sue For Dame Sol and Elvira that are my cousins two. Erst for true wives ye had them, who now their hands shall kiss And call them Dame, though sorely ye take the thing amiss. Praise to our God in Heaven and our lord the King therefor. So greatly grows the honor of the Cid my Campeador. In every way soever ye are even as I say. Is there any in the presence to reply or say me nay? Lo! I am Alvar Fanez, against the most of might!"
And thereupon did Gomez Pelaez stand upright: "Say of what worth, Minaya, is this ye speak so free? For here in the assizes are men enough for thee. Who otherwise would have it, it would ruin him indeed. If it be perchance God's pleasure that our quarrel well should speed, Then well shalt thou see whether or right or wrong ye were." Said the King: "The suit is over. No further charge prefer. Tomorrow is the combat; at the rising of the sun By the three who challenged with thee in the court it shall be done."
Thereon the Heirs of Carrion have spoken presently: "Lord King, a season grant us for tomorn it cannot be. We have given to the Campeador our arms and many a steed, First to our land of Carrion to go we have sore need." And then the King had spoken to the Campeador again: "Where thou shalt bid, this combat, let it be underta'en. "My lord, I will not do it," my lord the Cid said he, "More than the lands of Carrion Valencia liketh me."
To him the King gave answer: "Yea, Cid! Without a doubt. Give unto me your cavaliers all duly armed about. Let them go in my keeping. Their safety I assure As a lord to a good vassal; I make thee here secure That they take no harm from any count or lesser baronet. Here now in the assizes, a term for them I set, That in the fields of Carrion at the end of three weeks' space There duly in my presence the combat shall take place. Who at the set time comes not, his suit is lost thereby, From that time he is vanquished; for a traitor let him fly." The two heirs of Carrion, by that decree they stand. And thereupon my lord the Cid has kissed the King his hand;
"To thy hand are they delivered my cavaliers all three; As to my King and Master I commend them unto thee. They are ready now their duty to the full to undertake. With honor to Valencia send them me for God his sake." "So it be God's desire," answered the King and said. The Cid the Campeador did off the helmet from his head, Likewise the cap of linen as white as is the sun. He freed his beard, the cord thereof he has forthwith undone. Those in the court upon him, their full they could not gaze. To the Counts Remond and Henry forthwith he went his way. And them closely he embraces and doth heartily require To take of his possession all that suits with their desire. These twain and many others who were persons of good will He earnestly requested to take unto their fill Some took his gifts, but others would not accept a thing. The two hundred marks, he gave them once more unto the King. Whatever was his pleasure he has taken of the rest: "King, for love of the Creator one thing let me request. Sire, with thy will I kiss thine hand. Since so these deeds are done, And would fain unto Valencia which with great pain I won."
Then the Cid commanded to give sumpter-beasts unto the embassadors of the Heirs of Navarre and Aragon, and, moreover, to let them have whatever else they required.* And he sent them forth. The King don Alfonso with all the nobles of his court got on horseback in order to ride out with the Cid who was about to leave the town. When they came to Zocodover, the Cid being on his charger Bavieca, the King said to him:
"In faith, don Rodrigo, thou must now put spur to that charger of which I have heard most fair report."
The Cid smiled and said: "Sire, in thy court, are many, gentle and simple, who would gladly do such a thing. Bid them make sport with their steeds." The King replied to him: "Cid, I am pleased with thine answer. Nevertheless I desire thee, for the love thou bearest me, to put that steed through his best paces."
*Supplied like the former prose passage from the Chronicle of the Twenty Kings.
******************* CL. The Cid then put spur to the charger and made him gallop so fast that all were astonished at the career he ran.
The King with hand uplifted signed the cross upon his face. "By San Isidro of Leon, I swear it by his grace Is no nobleman so mighty our whole country o'er." My lord Cid on the charger came then the King before, And of his lord Alfonso there has he kissed the hand. "To start fleet Bavieca thou gavest me command. Today no Moor nor Christian has a horse so strong and swift. Sire, unto thee I give him. Say thou wilt accept the gift." Then said the King: "No pleasure would I have therein indeed. If I took him, then less glorious were the master of the steed. But a horse like this befitteth too well a man like thee, Swift to chase the Moors ye routed in the battle, when they flee. Who that war-horse taketh from thee, God succor not again, For by thee and by the charger to great honor we attain." Their leave then have they taken. He left the Court forthright.
The Campeador most wisely counselled them who were to fight: "Ha, Martin Antolinez! Per Vermudoz thou, too, So likewise Muno Gustioz, my tried man and true. Be resolute in combat like the gentlemen ye be. See that of you good tidings in Valencia come to me." Said Martin Antolinez: "Oh sire, what sayest thou? For we must bear the burden we accepted even now. Thou shalt hear naught of the vanquished, though haply of the slain." He who in happy hour was born, thereof was glad and fain. Of all his leave he taketh that for his friends are known. Went my lord Cid to Valencia, and the King to Carrion. But now the three weeks' respite of the term is past and o'er. Lo! at the time appointed, they who serve the Campeador, The debt their lord laid on them they were very fain to pay. In safe-keeping of Alfonso, King of Leon, were they. There for the Heirs of Carrion for two days' space they stayed. With horses and caparisons, came the Heirs there well arrayed. And in close compact with them have agreed their kinsmen all, On the Campeador his henchmen, if in secret they might fall, To slay them in the meadows, because their lords were silent. They did not undertake it, though foul was their intent, For of Alfonso of Leon they stood in mighty dread.
Watch o'er their arms they kept that night. And prayers to God they said.
At last has night passed over, and breaketh now the dawn, And many worthy nobles there to the place have drawn, For to behold that combat, wherefore their mirth was high. Moreover King Alfonso above all men is by, Since he desireth justice and that no wrong should be done. The men of the good Campeador, they get their armour on. All three are in agreement for one lord's men are they. The Heirs of Carrion elsewhere have armed them for the fray. The Count Garcia Ordonez sate with them in counsel there. What suit they planned unto the King Alfonso they declare, That neither should Colada nor Tizon share in that war, That in fight they might not wield them, who served the Campeador That the brands were given over, they deemed a bitter ill; Unto the King they told it. He would not do their will:
"When we held the court exception unto no sword did ye take; But if ye have good weapons, your fortune they will make. For them who serve the Campeador the swords e'en so will do. Up, Carrion's Heirs, to battle now get you forth, ye two! Like noblemen this combat, ye ought duly to achieve, For the Campeador his henchmen naught undone therein will leave. If forth, ye come victorious, then great shall be your fame; But if that ye are vanquished, impute to us no blame. All know ye sought it." Carrion's Heirs were filled with grief each one. And greatly they repented the thing that they had done. Were it undone fain were they to give all Carrion's fee.
The henchmen of the Campeador are fully armed all three. Now was the King Alfonso come forth to view them o'er. Then spake to him the henchmen that served the Campeador: "We kiss thy hands as vassals to their lord and master may, 'Twixt our party and their party thou shalt be judge this day. For our succor unto justice but not to evil stand. Here Carrion's Heirs of henchmen have gathered them a band. What, or what not, we know not, that in secret they intend; But our lord in thine hand left us our safety to defend. For the love of the Creator justly maintain our part." Said then the King in answer: "With all my soul and heart." They brought for them the chargers of splendid strength and speed. They signed the cross upon the selles. They leaped upon the steed. The bucklers with fair bosses about their necks are cast. And the keen pointed lances, in the hand they grip them fast. Each lance for each man of the three doth its own pennon bear. And many worthy nobles have gathered round them there. To the field where were the boundaries, accordingly they went. The three men of the Campeador were all of one intent, That mightily his foeman to smite each one should ride. Lo! were the Heirs of Carrion upon the other side, With stores of men, for many of their kin were with the two. The King has given them judges, justice and naught else to do, That yea or nay they should not any disputation make. To them where in the field they sate the King Alfonso spake: "Hearken, ye Heirs of Carrion, what thing to you I say: In Toledo ye contrived it, but ye did not wish this fray. Of my lord Cid the Campeador I brought these knights all three To Carrion's land, that under my safe-conduct they might be. Wait justice. Unto evil no wise turn your intent. Whoso desireth evil with force will I prevent; Such a thing throughout my kingdom he shall bitterly bemoan." How downcast were the spirits of the Heirs of Carrion!
Now with the King the judges have marked the boundaries out. They have cleared all the meadow of people roundabout. And unto the six champions the boundaries have they shown— Whoever went beyond them should be held for overthrown. The folk that round were gathered now all the space left clear; To approach they were forbiddden within six lengths of a spear. 'Gainst the sun no man they stationed, but by lot gave each his place. Forth between them came the judges, and the foes are face to face. Of my lord Cid the henchmen toward the Heirs of Carrion bore, And Carrion's Heirs against them who served the Campeador. The glance of every champion fixes on his man forthright; Before their breasts the bucklers with their hands have they gripped tight, The lances with the pennons now have they pointed low, And each bends down his countenance over the saddlebow; Thereon the battle-chargers with the sharp spurs smote they, And fain the earth had shaken where the steeds sprang away. The glance of every champion fixes on his man forthright. Three against three together now have they joined the fight. Whoso stood round for certain deemed that they dead would fall. Per Vermudoz the challenge who delivered first of all, Against Ferrand Gonzalvez there face to face he sped. They smote each other's bucklers withouten any dread. There has Ferrand Gonzalvez pierced don Pero's target through. Well his lance-shaft in two places he shattered it in two. Unto the flesh it came not, for there glanced off the steel. Per Vermudoz sat firmly, therefore he did not reel. For every stroke was dealt him, the buffet back he gave, He broke the boss of the buckler, the shield aside he drave. He clove through guard and armour, naught availed the man his gear. Nigh the heart into the bosom he thrust the battle-spear. Three mail-folds had Ferrando, and the third was of avail. Two were burst through, yet firmly held the third fold of mail. Ferrando's shirt and tunic, with the unpierced iron mesh, A handsbreadth by Per Vermudoz were thrust into the flesh. And forth from his mouth straightway a stream of blood did spout. His saddle-girths were broken; not one of them held out. O'er the tail of the charger he hurled him to the ground. That his death stroke he had gotten thought all the folk around. He left the war-spear in him, set hand his sword unto. When Ferrand Gonzalvez saw it, then well Tizon he knew. He shouted, "I am vanquished," rather than the buffet bear. Per Vermudoz, the judges so decreeing, left him there.
CLI. With Didago Gonzalvez now doth don Martin close The spears. They broke the lances so furious were the blows. Martin Antolinez on sword his hand he laid. The whole field shone, so brilliant and flawless was the blade. He smote a buffet. Sidewise it caught him fair and right. Aside the upper helmet the glancing stroke did smite. It clove the helmet laces. Through the mail-hood did it fall, Unto the coif, hard slashing through coif and helm and all, And scraped the hair upon his brow. Clear to the flesh it sped. Of the helm a half fell earthward and half crowned yet his head. When the glorious Colada such a war-stroke had let drive, Well knew Didago Gonzalvez that he could not 'scape alive. He turned the charger's bridle rein, and right about he wheeled. A blade in hand he carried that he did not seek to wield. From Martin Antolinez welcome with the sword he got. With the flat Martin struck him. With the edge he smote him not. Thereon that Heir of Carrion, a mighty yell he gave: "Help me, Oh God most glorious, defend me from that glaive." Wheeling his horse, in terror he fled before the blade. The steed bore him past the boundary. On the field don Martin stayed. Then said the King: "Now hither come unto my meinie. Such a deed thou hast accomplished as has won this fight for thee." That a true word he had spoken so every judge deemed well. CLII. The twain had won. Now let us of Muno Gustioz tell, How with Ansuor Gonzalvez of himself account he gave. Against each other's bucklers the mighty strokes they drave. Was Ansuor Gonzalvez a gallant man of might. Against don Muno Gustioz on the buckler did he smite, And piercing through the buckler, right through the cuirass broke. Empty went the lance; his body was unwounded by the stroke. That blow struck, Muno Gustioz has let his buffet fly. Through the boss in the middle was the buckle burst thereby. Away he could not ward it. Through his cuirass did it dart. Through one side was it driven though not nigh unto the heart. Through the flesh of his body he thrust the pennoned spear, On the far side he thrust it a full fathom clear. He gave one wrench. Out of the selle that cavalier he threw. Down to the earth he cast him, when forth the lance he drew. And shaft and lance and pennon all crimson came they out. All thought that he was wounded to the death without a doubt. The lance he has recovered, he stood the foe above. Said Gonzalvo Ansuorez: "Smite him not for God his love. Now is won out the combat for all this game is done." "We have heard defeat conceded," said the judges every one. The good King don Alfonso bade them clear the field straightway. For himself he took the armour upon it yet that lay. In honor have departed they who serve the Campeador. Glory be to the Creator, they have conquered in the war. Throughout the lands of Carrion was sorrow at the height. The King my lord Cid's henchmen has sent away by night, That they should not be frightened or ambushed on the way, Like men of prudent spirit they journeyed night and day. Ho! in Valencia with the Cid the Campeador they stand. On Carrion's Heirs of knavery the three have put the brand, And paid the debt the lord Cid set upon them furthermore. On that account right merry was the Cid Campeador. Upon the heirs of Carrion is come a mighty smirch. Who flouts a noble lady and leaves her in the lurch, May such a thing befall him, or worse fortune let him find. Of Carrion's Heirs the dealings let us leave them now behind. For what has been vouchsafed them now were they all forlorn. Of this man let us make mention who in happy hour was born. And great are the rejoicings through Valencia the town, Because the Campeador his men had won such great renown. His beard their lord Roy Diaz hard in his hand has ta'en: "Thanks to the King of Heaven, well are 'venged my daughters twain. Now may they hold their Carrion lands. Their shame is wiped away. I will wed them in great honor, let it grieve whom it may."
They of Navarre and Aragon were busied now to treat, And with Alfonso of Leon in conference they meet. Dame Sol and Dame Elvira in due course wedded are. Great were their former matches, but these are nobler far. He gave with greater honor than before the twain to wed; He who in happy hour was born still doth his glory spread, Since o'er Navarre and Aragon as queens his daughters reign; Today are they kinswomen unto the kings of Spain. From him came all that honor who in good hour had birth. The Cid who ruled Valencia has departed from the earth At Pentecost. His mercy may Christ to him extend. To us all, just men or sinners, may He yet stand our friend. Lo! the deeds of the Cid Campeador! Here takes the book an end.