"The measure is well counselled," said Minaya therewithal.
LXXVII. He bade them meet together at the palace, in the hall. When he found them met together he had them numbered o'er. Bivar's great Cid had with him thousands three, and thirty score. His heart was glad within him, and a smile was on his face. "Thanks be to God, Minaya, and to Mary Mother's grace. Out from Bivar the city we led a lesser power. Wealth have we, and shall have greater as at some later hour.
"Minaya, if it please thee, if it seemeth good to thee, To Castile I fain would send thee, where our possessions be, Unto the King Alphonso that is my lord by right. Out of the mighty plunder we won here in the fight I would give him five score horses, the which to him now take; kiss thou his hand and earnestly plead with him for the sake Of my wife Ximena and the twain, maids of my blood that be, If yet it be his pleasure that they be brought to me.
I will send for them. But be it known how this my message runs: The lady of my lord the Cid and her maids, my little ones, Men shall seek for in such fashion that They shall come to the strange country we have conquered by our might."
To him Minaya answered: "Yea and with right good heart." After they thus had spoken they got ready to depart. The Cid to Alvar Fanez an hundred men decreed To do his will, and serve him on the journey at his need. And he bade give to San Pedro marks of silver fifty score, And beside to Abbot Sancho a full five hundred morn
LXXVIII. Of these things while they were joyous, came thither from the East, A clerk, the Bishop don Jerome, so all men called that priest. Excelling was his knowledge, and prudent was his rede, 'Twas a mighty man of valor afoot or on the steed. Of the Cid's deeds the tidings he was seeking to procure, And he yearned sore, ever sighing for battle with the Moor. If his fill of fight and wounding with his hands he e'er should get, Therefore a Christian never need have reason for regret. When my lord the Cid had heard it, he was well pleased thereby:
"Hark, Minaya Alvar Fanez, by him who is on high, When the Lord God would aid us, let us give Him thanks again. . Round Valencia a bishopric to stablish I am fain, And I will further give it unto this Christian leal. Thou shalt bear with thee good tidings when thou goest to Castile."
LXXIX. Of that saying Alvar Fanez was glad when the Cid spake. Don Jerome his ordination there and then they undertake. In Valencia great riches have they given to his hand. God! how merry was all Christendom that now within the land Of Valencia a bishop of reverend grace had they! Glad therefore was Minaya and took leave and went his way.
LXXX. And now is all Valencia in peaceable estate. Minaya Alvar Fanez to Castile departed straight; His halts I will pass over, nor renew them to the mind. But he sought out Alphonso where the King was to find. The King to Sahagun had gone before some little space, But was come back to Carrion; he might find him in that place. Minaya Alvar Fanez was glad when this was known. With his presents he departed forthwith to Carrion.
LXXXI. Now whn the mass was over, thence did Alfonso rise, And Minaya Alvar Fanez came there in noble guise.. In the presence of the people he kneeled upon his knee He fell at don Alphonso's foot, and bitter tears shed he. He kissed his hands; unto the King most lovely words he spake:
LXXII. "A boon my lord Alfonso for the Creator's sake! My lord Cid of the battles has kissed thy hands ere now, Thy hands and thy feet likewise, for his noble lord art thou, If thou favorest him, God's favor come upon thee from above. Thou didst send him into exile and bearest him no love, Though in strange lands he thriveth. Jerica he won in war And Onda, so they call it; so also Almenar, And likewise Murviedro (for a greater town 'tis known), And he has ta'en Cebolla and further Castejon And he has stormed Penacadell that is a place of power. He is master of Valencia and these places at this hour. With his own hand the great Campeador a bishop hath ordained. He has forced five pitched battles and in each three victory gained. The gift of the Creator was a very mighty prey, Do thou behold the tokens of the truth of that I say: Here be an hundred horses that in strength and speed excel; With bridle and with saddle each one is furnished well. He kissed thy hands and begged thee thine acceptance to accord. He declares himself thy vassal, and owns thee for his lord."
The King has lifted his right hand and crossed himself thereon: "With what a wondrous booty the Campeador has won I am well pleased in spirit. Saint Isidore to speed! I am glad the Campeador does now so many a fair deed. I accept the gift of horses that the Cid to me has sent"
Though the King thereby was gladdened, was Ordonez not content;
"Meseems that in the Moorish land is no man any more, Since so his will upon them works the Cid Campeador."
To the Count the King gave answer: "So speak not of him now! In faith he doth me service of a better sort than thou."
And then outspoke Minaya, like a nobleman spoke he: "The Cid, if it shall please thee, desires a boon of thee, For his wife Dame Ximena and his daughters two beside, That they may leave the convent where he left them to abide, And may hasten to Valencia to the noble Campeador." Then said the King in answer: "My heart is glad therefor. That they be given escort I will issue the command, So that they may be protected as they travel through my land From insult and dishonor and whatever harm may be. And when these ladies shall have reached my kingdom's boundary, Have a care how thou shalt serve them, thou and the Campeador. Now hark to me, my vassals, and my courtiers furthermore: I like not that to Roy Diaz any losses shall befall, And therefore to his vassals, the Cid their lord that call, I restore that which I seized on, their possession and their fee. Let them keep their lands, no matter where the Campeador may be From harm and hurt the safety of their persons I accord. This I do that they may lightly render service to their lord."
Minaya Alvar Fanez kissed the King's hand straightway. And the King smiled upon him and a fair word did he say: ''Who'er to serve the Campeador desireh now to ride, As for me, he has permission, and God's grace with him abide. More than by further hatred by this measure shall we gain."
Counsel straightway together held the Heirs of Carrion twain. "The fame of the Cid Campeador grows great on every side, An we might wed his daughters, would our needs be satisfied. Scarce we dare frame this project e'en to ourselves alone; The Cid is of Bivar, and we are Counts of Carrion."
They hatched that plot between them, to none they told the thing. Minaya Alvar Fanez took leave of the good King:. "Ha! goest thou, Minaya? The Creator give thee grace. Take an herald. As I deem it he may help thee in this case. If thou take the ladies, serve them even as they desire. Even unto Medina grant them all that they require. The Campeador shall take them in his charge thenceforward on." After leave ta'en Minaya from the court he got him gone.
LXXXIII. And so the Heirs of Carrion did each with each consent. With Minaya Alvar Fanez in company they went: "In all things thou excellest; likewise in this excel: Greet now my lord Cid of Bivar for us exceeding well, To the utmost of our effort his partisans are we. The Cid, an he will love us, shall get no injury." Said Minaya: "In that proffer naught displeasing I discern."
Gone is Minaya. Home again did the two counts return. He hastens to San Pedro where the three ladies are. Very great was the rejoicing when they saw him from afar. To offer prayer Minaya to San Pedro did descend. He turned back unto the ladies when the prayer was at an end. "I greet thee, Dame Ximena. God thee prosper and maintain, And so likewise thy daughters, the noble children twain. In the city where he dwelleth the lord Cid greets thee fair. Good health has he and riches that are beyond compare. The King for a gift to him your freedom gave to me, To take you to Valencia our land of lawful fee. If the Cid might behold you well and unharmed again, He would be all rejoicing, but scant would be his pain." "May the Creator so decide," the Dame Ximena said. Minaya Alvar Fanez sent three horsemen on ahead, To the Cid within Valencia the men did he commend: "Announce unto the Campeador, whom the Lord God defend, That the King his wife and daughters has released unto my hands, And has ordered escort for us as we travel through his lands. Fifteen days from this time forwar, if God keep us in his care, With his wife and with his daughters I will come unto him there, With the noble ladies also their servitors that be." The riders are gone forward, to the matter they will see.
Minaya Alvar Fanez in San Pedro did abide. There might you see the household swarming in from every side; Unto my lord Cid of Bivar in Valencia would they go. They besought Alvar Fanez that he would them favor so. To them replied Minaya. "That will I gladly do." And five and sixty horsemen have swelled his retinue, And he had brought an hundred thither in his command. To accompany the ladies, they arrayed a noble band.
Minaya marks five hundred to the Abbot then gave o'er. I will tell how he expended other five and twenty score. Ximena the good lady and likewise her daughters twain, And they that served before her, the women of her train, To deck out all those ladies good Minaya did prepare With the best array in Burgos, that he might discover there, And the mules and palfreys likewise that they might be fair to see. When he had decked the ladies in this manner beautifully, Got ready good Minaya to ride upon his way. Lo now! Raquel and Vidas. Down at his feet fell they: "A boon! true knight, Minaya! If the Cid stand not our aid, He has ruined us. If only the amount to us were paid We would forego the usury!" "So will I tell the Cid, If God bring me there. High favor shall there be for what ye did. Answered Raquel and Vidas: "The Creator send it so. If not, we will leave Burgos in search of him to go."
Minaya Alvar Fanez to San Pedro got him gone. Many people came around him as he started to ride on. At parting from the Abbot great grief of heart was there: "Minaya Alvar Fanez, God keep thee in his care. The hands of the good Campeador, I prithee kiss for me That he may keep the convent still in his memory, And always may endeavor to make it prosper more, So shall increase the honor of the Cid Campeador." "Right gladly will I do it," Minaya straight replied. Their leave then have they taken and fettled them to ride, And with them went the herald on their need that was to wait. Through the King's realm an escort they gave them very great. From San Pedro to Medina in five days time they passed. Lo, the dames and Alvar Fanez to Medina came at last!
I will tell you of the horsemen that brought those tidings through. When my lord the good Cid of Bivar thereof the import knew, He was glad at heart and merry. His voice he lifted straight: "Who sends a noble messenger, should like return await. Munio Gustioz, Per Vermudoz, the first of all are you, And Martin Antolinez from Burgos, tried and true, And Jerome the bishop also, a worthy clerk is he, With a hundred ride you ready to fight if need shall be. Through Saint Mary's to Molina further onward shall ye wend; Avelgalvon there holds sway my vassal and my friend. With another hundred horsemen he will watch you on your way. Ride forth unto Medina with all the speed ye may, With Minaya Alvar Fanez my wife and daughters there Haply ye shall discover as the messengers declare. Bring them hither to me nobly. In Valencia I will bide, That cost me dear. Unguarded 'twere madness undenied To leave it. 'Tis my portion. There will I stay therefore."
They fettled them for riding, when all his words were o'er; With utmost speed they hastened, their march they would not stay. They have passed by Saint Mary 's. At Fronchales rested they. Next day into Molina, their halting-place, they spurred. When those tidings the Morisco Avengalvon had heard, To welcome them with joyance unto them did he descend: "Are you then come the vassals of my heart's dearest friend? Be it known it grieves me little. Therein my joy is great."
And Muno Gustioz answered, for no man would he wait: "My lord Cid sends thee greeting, as also his command That with an hundred horsemen thou shalt serve him out of hand. In the city of Medina lie his wife and danghters twain. Thou wilt go for them straightway and bring them here again, Even unto Valencia thou shalt not from them part." Avengalvon gave answer: "I will do it with glad heart." That night he chose them escort, a mighty band were they. In the morning they got ready anew to take the way. They asked for but an hundred; ten score had he forby. They passed across the mountains that we re so steep and high, And through the thicket of Toranz, so strong they had no dread. And along through Arbujuelo adown the vale they sped.
Now round about Medina they watched on every side, Minaya Alvar Fanez that armed train descried. He was afraid and sent two knights the meaning to make plain. They delayed not, to discover his desire their hearts were fain. One stayed, to Alvar Fanez the other came once more: "A company to seek us comes from the Campeador. Per Vermudoz, lo, foremost among those ranks is he, And likewise Muno Gustioz that frankly loveth thee, And Martin Antolinez that was born in Burgos town, And don Jerome the Bishop of honorable renown. Avellgalvon the Castellan bringeth his host with these, In eagerness the honor of my lord Cid to increase. They march along together. They will be here anon." Said Minaya: "Forth now let us ride." And swiftly was it done, They would not stay. An hundred most splendidly arrayed Sallied forth on noble horses with trappings of brocade. Bells hung upon the martingales, the knights their bucklers bore At the neck, and carried lances whence flew the flags of war That Alvar Fanez' wisdom to all they might reveal, And in what guise with those ladies he had issued from Castile. All they that reconnoitering before the army ran Now lifted up their weapons, and to make good cheer began. Great mirth was there when all the rest to the Jalon drew nigh. When they came unto Minaya they did him homage high. And when Avengalvon was come, and might Minaya see, Then forward to embrace him with smiling lips came he. On the shoulder he saluted him, for such was still his way: "O Minaya Alvar Fanez! For thee what glorious day! Thou bringest here these ladies, whence we shall have great good, The fighting Cid his consort, and the daughters of his blood. We all shall do thee honor for his fortune groweth great. Though we wished him ill, we cannot diminish his estate; He will have alway our succor either in peace or war. The man who will not know the truth, he is a dolt therefor."
LXXXIV. Minaya Alvar Fanez, on his lips a smile broke out: "Ha now! Ha now! Avengalvon. Thou art his friend no doubt. If God shall bring me to the Cid and him alive I see, The things that thou has done for us shall greatly profit thee. Let us to our lodging, supper they have made ready there." Avengalvon gave answer: "'Tis a courtesy most fair; Double will I repay it ere the third morning fall." To the town they came. Minaya provided for them all. The escort that came with them, they were gladdened when they saw. Minaya the King's herald commanded to withdraw. The lord Cid in Valencia was greatly honored then, When they gave such entertainment in Medina to his men. The King paid for all. Minaya therefor had naught to pay.
At length the night was over, and came the break of day. And mass they heard, and after away they rode at last. They hastened from Medina, o'er the Jalon they pased. And down the Arbujuelo, spurring apace they ride. In haste the meadows of Toranz they cross from side to side, They came unto Molina where Avengalvon was lord. Bishop Jerome, a Christian worthy of his deed and word, Escorted the three ladies whether by day or night, And he led a good charger with his armor on his right. And he and Alvar Fanez rode aye together thus. They have entered in Molina the rich and glorious, And loyally Avengalvon the Moor has served them there. Unto the height of their desire, nothing they lacked whatever: He even bade men strike for them the horseshoe from the steed. Minaya and the ladies, God! he honored them indeed They got them upon horseback when the next morning fell. Unto Valencia loyally he served them all and well.
The Moor spent of his own estate, for naught from them took he. With such honorable matters and mirth and revelry They came nigh unto Valencia, that three leagues off doth stand. To my lord Cid who in good hour had girded on the brand, In the city of Valencia the news thereof they bore.
LXXXV. Nothing had ever gladdened him so much as this or more, For now there came good news of them for whom great love he had. Straightway two hundred horsemen to go forth to them he bade, To the good dames and Minaya fair reception to afford. But he tarried in Valencia to watch it and to ward, For he knew that Alvar Fanez with all due care would come.
LXXXVI. And lo! now the two hundred welcomed Minaya home. And the ladies and the daughters and all within the band. The Cid to them within his train had issued his command To ward full well the citadel, and the towers that were so high, And the gates that none might enter and none depart thereby. And he bade bring Bavieca that a little time before From the King of Seville he had taken, when he routed him in war. The Cid that in good season girt the brand on, of that steed Knew not if he were swift to run or to stop short at need. At the gateway of Valencia where none might work him woe, Unto his wife and daughters he desired his gear to show.
When the ladies with great honor the host had welcomed home, Then first into the city came the Bishop don Jerome. He left his horse; to chapel straightway the Bishop wet. With all men that he could gather who were of like intent And surplice-clad, with crosses of silver, once again They greeted good Minaya and the ladies of the train. He who was born in happy time tarried but little there. He has put on his surcoat. His beard was long and fair. On Bavieca saddle and caparisons they threw. The Cid took wooden weapons; forth on the steed he flew. Leaped the steed Bavieca. With a great rush did he run. 'Twas rare to see. And when he ceased they marvelled all and one. From that day Bavieca in all Spain had renown. When that career was ended, from the steed the Cid got down, And hastened forth his lady and daughters twain to greet. When Dame Ximena saw him she cast her at his feet: "Brand thou girdest in good season. Thy favour, Campeador! Thou hast brought me forth from insults that were exceeding sore. Look on me, lord! Look also on my daughters as on me. By Glod's help and thine they are noble, and gently reared they be.
And the Cid straightway embraced them, mother and daughters twain. Such joy they had that from their eyes the tears began to rain. His men rejoiced. The quintains, they pierced them with the spear. He who girt sword in a good time, hark what he said and hear.
"Oh thou my Dame Ximena, beloved and honored wife, And ye two both my daughters that are my heart and life, To the city of Valencia now do yet enter in, The fair estate that for you it was my lot to win."
His hands they have kissed straightway, the daughters and their dame. So with exceeding honor to Valencia they came.
LXXXVII. With them the lord Cid hastened to the citadel apace, He has ta 'en the ladies straightway up to the highest place. And forth in all directions they turn their lovely eyes, And they behold Valencia and how the city lies, And in another quarter they might perceive the sea. They look on fertile meadows close sown and great that be, And on all things whatever that were of fair estate God they praised with hands uplifted for that good prize and great.
My lord Cid and his followers thereof were glad and fain. And now was winter over, for March would come again. And of the countries oversea 'tis my desire to tell, Even of the King Yussuf in Morocco that did dwell.
LXXVIII. The King's heart of Morocco 'gainst the Cid was full of rage. "By force the man hath entered into my heritage, And giveth thanks to no one save Jesus Christ therefor."
And the King of Morocco gathered his hosts of war. With fifty times a thousand under arms, good men and stark, They put to sea. In galleons that army did embark To seek the Cid Rodrigo in Valencia they went, The ships came in; and straightway issued forth that armament.
LXXXIX. To Valencia that the Cid had ta'en, 'twas thither they did fare. The unbelievers haltccl and pitched pavilions there. With tidings of the chances to my lord the Cid they came.
XC. "Now thanks to the Creator and the Holy Father's name. All the goods in my possession, I have them here with me. Hardly I took Valencia, but I hold it for my fee; This side death, I cannot yield it. Glory to God again And to Holy Mary Mother that my wife and daughters twain Are here with me. From oversea cometh now my delight. Never will I forego it, I will take the arms of fight. My lady and my daughters shall see me lift the brand, They shall see how men build houses here in a foreign land, And how a livelihood is won their eyes shall see it well."
He took his wife and daughters up to the citadel. They raised their eyes and men they saw pitching tents everywhere. "Cid, what is this? So may the Lord still keep thee in His care." "Ha, wife, much honored! Therefor prithee be not troubled thus. 'Tis wealth most great and wondrous that they gather here for us. Scarce art thou come, when presents they would give thee in that hour. Thy daughters wait for marriage 'tis these that bring the dower." "Unto thee, Cid, and unto God do I give thanks again" "My lady in the palace in the citadel remain. When thou seest me in battle, fear not at all for me. By Saint Mary Mother's mercy, by God His charity, That thou art here before me, my heart grows great within. With God His help, this battle I certainly shall win."
XCI. Now pitched are the pavilions. Apace the morning comes. And furiously the heathen beat loud upon the drums. "'Tis a great day," with a glad heart so now the lord Cid spake. But his lady was sore frighted, her heart was like to break; The ladies and his daughters were likewise all forlorn. Never had they heard such a din since the day when they were born.
Therewith the great Cid Campeador with his hand he plucked his beard. "This shall all be to your vantage. Therefore be not afeard. Ere fifteen days are over, if so God's will it be, We shall take those drums and show them you. What they are then shall you see. And then unto the Bishop don Jerome they shall be given; They will hang them in Saint Mary's, Mother of the Lord in Heaven."
It was a vow most solemn that my lord the Cid had made. Now merry were the ladies and not so much afraid. Those Moors out of Morocco in mighty haste they sped, And on into the gardens they entered without dread.
XCII. That thing beheld the outpost. He let the tocsin sound. Of the Cid Roy Diaz ready were the companies around. They sallied from the city with their arms appointed well. When they came on the Moriscos upon them swift they fell. They drove them from the gardens in exceeding sorry plight; Of the Moors a full five hundred they slaughtered in that fight.
XCIII. Even to the pavilions the pursuers would not slack; They had done much and nobly when they thought of turning back. There Alvar Salvadorez a prisoner did remain. Then those that ate his bread returned to the lord Cid again. With his own eyes he beheld it, to his face they spake thereon; My lord the Cid was gladdened of the deeds that they had done. "My knights we cannot other. Then harken unto me: 'Tis a noble day, yet nobler will tomorrow's battle be. Arm you ere dawn. The Bishop don Jerome our souls will shrive, Saying mass for us ere at them we are ready to let drive. It shall be in no other fashion, we will go smite the foe, In God's name and his Apostle's the good Saint James also. For better fight than let them in the land devour our bread." "With a good will and gladly," in reply to him they said
And then outspake Minaya, for nothing tarried he: "Since thou wishest this, give orders of another sort to me. For the sore need of battle grant me six score horse and ten; From the far flank, when thou charges will I fall on them then. On one side or the other the Lord will stand our stead." "With right good will," unto him answered the Cid and said.
XCIV. And now broke forth the morning, and now drew back the night. Those bands of Christ delayed not to get ready for the fight. At the middle cocks ere morning, mass for them Jerome did chant, And mass said, absolution in full to them did grant:
"Who face to face shall perish this day the fight within, May Christ receive his spirit, on my soul I take his sin. Cid, don Rodrigo, in good hour thou girdedst brand; to thee I sang the mass this morning. Grant then my boon to me: Give me to strike the foremost the first stroke of the war." "The thing to thee is granted," answered the Campeador.
XCV. Out through the Quarter Towers full armed away they went. The lord Cid and his henchmen did counsel and consent. Levies they left behind them, the gates to watch and keep. On the steed Bavieca sprang the lord Cid with a leap. Fair trappings and caparisons girded that steed about. With the standard from Valencia forthwith they sallied out. Were with the Cid four thousand less but a score and ten, They came gladly to a battle against fifty thousand men. Alvar Alvarez and Minaya on the other side did smite. It seemed good to the Creator, and they threw them into flight. With the lance the Cid did battle, hand he set to sword as well. So many Moors he slaughtered that their numbers none might tell. Down from his elbow streaming the blood of battle came. Even against King Yussuf three buffets did he aim. He 'scaped from underneath the sword for his steed could run apace, And bore him to Cullera, an exceeding mighty place. Even so far he of Bivar pursued them as they fled, With a host of gallant vassals in his company that sped. He who in happy hour was born from that pursuit turned back; He was gladdened of the booty they had taken inthe attack. Good to him seemed Bavieca from head to tail that day. In his hands remained the booty of that battle for a prey. Of the twoscore and ten thousand, when they were counted o'er, There 'scaped out of that battle but an hundred men and four. My lord the Cid his henchmen have sacked the field around; Of the gold and of the silver three thousand marks they found, And of the other booty was no measure to be had. My lord Cid and his vassals were all exceeding glad, For in winning of the battle God's grace to them was shown, When the king of Morocco in this guise was overthrown. The Cid left Alvar Fanez to count the spoil and slain. With fivescore horse he entered Valencia once again. Helmless he rode. Upon his brow the coif was disarrayed. Through the town on Bavieca he galloped, hand on blade. And the ladies gave him welcome, on his coming that did wait. My lord Cid stopped before them, reining in the charger great: "Ladies, I bow before you. Groweth apace my fame. While you have held Valencia in the field I overcame. This was our God's desire and all his Saints likewise, Since at your coming hither He gave us such a prize. Look on the bloody sword-blade and the steed with sweat a-foam. With such are the Moriscos in the battle overcome. Pray now to God that I may yet live some few years from this; You shall enter to great honor and men your hands shall kiss."
So he spake as he dismounted. When on the ground stood he When the dames and his daughters and his wife of high degree Saw him get off, they kneeled them down before the Campeador: "Thy will be done, and mayst thou live through many a long year more."
The Cid unto the palace returning then they brought; They rested them on benches most exquisitely wrought: "Ha! Dame Ximena, wife of mine, didst thou beg this of me? These dames thou hast brought hither so well that wait on thee, In marriage to my vassals I am fain to give them o'er, And unto every lady for her dower marks ten score. Men shall know of their good service, in the kingdom of Castile. With my maids' affairs hereafter at our leisure we shall deal." All there rose up together, and kissed his fingers straight, The rejoicing in the palace it was exceeding great. As my lord Cid commanded so they brought the thing about.
Minaya Alvar Fanez tarried on the field without, With his men to write and reckon. Arms, tents and rich array In great store they discovered. It was a sovran prey. The richest of the treasure I am fain now to recite: The tale of all the horses they could not take aright; They wandered all caparisoned. Was none to take a steed. The Moors out of their provinces had gathered wealth indeed. Though this were so, were given to the gallant Campeador Of the best of all the horses for his share fifty score. When the Cid had so many the rest content might bide. What store of rich pavilions and carven poles beside To the lord Cid and his vassals by the chance of war did fall, And the King's tent of Morocco was the richest of them all, All gold wrought are the tent-poles that pavilion that sustain. My lord Cid the great Campeador did at that time ordain That it stand pitched; to move it let not a Christian dare. "Since hither from Morocco is come a tent so fair, To Alfonso the Castilian I am fain to send it now; That the Cid hath captured somewhat then lightly will be trow."
Laden with mighty riches to Valencia came they home. That very noble cleric, the Bishop don Jerome, When a surfeit of the fighting he had had of his hands twain, Was at a loss to number the Moors that he had slain. What fell to him of booty was sovran great of worth. My lord Cid don Rodrigo (in a good time was his birth,) Of all his fifth share of the spoil has sent him the tenth part.
XCVI. The Christians in Valencia were all right glad of heart, For now excelling riches, horses and arms they had. Ximena and her daughters all three were passing glad, And the other dames; as wedded upon themselves looked they. And my lord Cid the noble in no wise would delay. "Where art thou brave Minaya? Come hither to me now. For thy great share of booty, no gratitude hast thou? Of this my fifth of all the prey, I tell thee clear and plain, Take unto thy good pleasure, but let the rest remain. And tomorrow in the morning thou shalt certainly ride out With the horses of my portion that I captured in the rout, With the saddles and the bridles and the swords that them behove, For the sake of my lady and for my daughters love. Since Alfonso sent the ladies whither they were content, These same two hundred horses to him thou shalt present, That of him who rules Valencia the King no ill may say."
He bade go with Minaya Per Vermudoz straightway. The next day in the morning they departed with all speed, And a full two hundred henchmen along with them they lead, With greetings from the Cid who fain would kiss his hands aright. Even out of the battle where my lord Cid won the fight, For a gift he sent Alfonso of horses good ten score: "While I have breath within me, I will serve him evermore."
XCVII. They have issued from Valencia. And they fettle them to fare. They must watch well so mighty a booty do they bear. And night and day they hastened for they gave themselves no rest. The mountains that divide the lauds they have passed o'er the crest. And the folk they fell to asking where Alfonso
XCVIII. O'er the mountains, o'er the rivers, o'er the hills they took the road. And at length before Valladolid where the King lay they were. Minaya and Per Vermudoz sent tidings to him there, That reception to their followers he might bid his men extend. "My lord Cid of Valencia presents with us doth send."
XCIX. Glad was the King. Man gladder you never yet did see. He commanded all his nobles to ride forth hastily. And forth among the first of them did King Alfonso go, Of him who in good hour was born the tidings for to know. Know you the Heirs of Carrion happed in that place to be, Also Count don Garcia the Cid's worst enemy. Of the tidings some were merry, and some were all folorn. They caught sight of his henchmen who in happy hour was born. They feared it was an army for no herald came before. Straightway the King Alfonso crossed himself o'er and o'er. Minaya and Per Vermudoz came forward with all speed, They leaped from the saddle, they dismounted from the steed. Before the King Alfonso upon their knees they fell. They kissed the ground beneath him, the kissed his feet as well: "Now a boon, King Alfonso. Thou art great and glorious. For my lord Cid the Campeador do we embrace thee thus. He holds himself thy vassal; he owns thee for his lord. He prizes high the honor thou didst to him accord. O King, but a few days agone in the fight he overcame The King out of Morocco, Yussuf (that is his name), With a host of fifty thousand from the field he drove away. The booty that he captured was a great and sovran prey. Great wealth unto his followers because of this did fall. He sends thee twoscore horses and doth kiss thy hands withal. Said King Alfonso: "Gladly to accept them am I fain. To the Cid who sent me such a gift I send my thanks again. When I do unto his liking, may he live to see the day."
Thereat were many of good cheer and kissed his hands straightway. Grieved was Count don Garcia. Wroth was his heart within. Apart he wells a little with ten men of his kin: "A marvel is this matter of the Cid, so grows his fame. Now by the honor that he hath we shall be put to shame. Kings he o'erthroweth lightly, and lightly bringeth steeds As though he dead had found them; we are minished by his deeds."
C. Hear now of King Alfonso what he said upon this score: "Thanks be to the Creator and the lord Saint Isidore For the two hundred horses that the Cid to me hath sent. Yet shall he serve me better in this my government. To Minaya Alvar Fanez and Per Vermudoz I say That you forthwith clothe your bodies in honorable array, And as you shall require it of me take battle-gear Such as before Roy Diaz in good manner shall appear. Take then the gift I give you even these horses three. As it seems to my avisement, as my heart telleth me, Out of all these adventures some good will come to light."
CI. They kissed his hands and entered to take their rest that night. In all things that they needed he bade men serve them well.
Of the two Heirs of Carrion now am I fain to tell, How secretly they counselled what thing should be their cast: "Of my lord Cid the high affairs go forward wondrous fast. Let us demand his daughters that with them we may wed. Our fortune and our honor thereby may be well sped." Unto the King Alfonso with their secret forth went they.
CII. "As from our King and master a boon of thee we pray By favor of thy counsel we desire to obtain That thou ask for us in marriage of the Cid his daughters twain. With honor and with profit shall the match for then, be fraught."
Thereon for a full hour's space pondered the King and thought "I cast out the good Campeador, and wrong I do him still For his good to me. I know not if the match be to his will, But we in hand will take it, since so your pleasures tend."
Alvar Fanez and Per Vermudoz, for them the King let send. He took them to a hall apart: "Now harken to me both Minaya and Per Vermudoz. The Cid my service doth; The Campeador, his pardon well hath he earned of me. And shall have it. I will meet him, if so his will shall be. In parley other tidings of my court I will make known; Didago and Ferrando, the Heirs of Carrion, Are fain to wed his daughters. Bear ye the message well, And I pray you that these tidings to the Campeador ye tell. It will be unto his honor, great will his fame have grown, When he becomes the father of the Heirs of Carrion."
Minaya spake: (Per Vermudoz was glad of that he spake) "To ask him thy desire we will even undertake. And the Cid shall do thereafter as his pleasure shall decide."
"Say to the Cid Roy Diaz that was born in a glad tide, That I will parley with him in the best place he may, And there shall be the boundary wherever he shall say. To my lord Cid in all things will I show my favor plain."
Unto the King they gave farewell, and got them gone again, And onward to Valencia they hastened with their force.
When the good Campeador had heard, swiftly he got to horse, And came to meet them smiling, and strong, embraced the two. "Minaya and Per Vermudoz, ye are come back anew! There are not many countries where two such gallants dwell. From my lord King Alfonso what tidings are to tell? Is he content? Did he vouchsafe to take the gift from me?"
Said Minaya, "In his soul and heart right well content is he, And his good will he sendeth unto thee furthermore." Said the Cid: "To the Creator now mighty thanks therefor."
The Leonese Alfonso his pleasure they made known That the Cid should give his daughters to the Heirs of Carrion. He deemed it would make him glorious and cause his fame to grow. And in all truth and honor would advise him even so.
When my lord the Cid had heard it, the noble Campeador, Then a long time much pondering he turned the tidings o'er, "For this to Christ my master do I give thanks again. I was sent forth to exile and my honor suffered stain. That which is mine I conquered by mine endeavor high. Unto God for the King's favor a thankful man am I, And that for them of Carrion they ask my daughters two. Minaya and Per Vermudoz, thereof what thinketh you?"
"Whate'er shall be your pleasure, that is it we shall say." Said the Cid: "The Heirs of Carrion, of a great line are they, And they are proud exceeding, and their favor fair at court. Yet ill doth such a marriage with my desire coport. But since it is his pleasure that is of more worth than we, Let us talk thereof a little, but secret let us be. May the Lord God in Heaven accord us as is best."
"Besides all this Alfonso this word to thee addressed: He would come to parley with thee in what place thou art fain. He desireth wel1 to see thee and honor thee again. Then what to do is fittest ye might be well agreed."
Said the Cid: "Now by this saying I am well pleased indeed."
"Where thou wilt hold this parley" said Minaya, "ponder well. "In that the king desired it, no wondrous thing befell," That wherever we might find him we might seek him in his way, As to our King and Master, our high devoir to pay. Haply we may desire what good to him shall seem. Nigh to the river Tagus that is a noble stream, If so my lord desire it, we will hold the parley there."
He wrote the letters straightway and sealed them well and fair. And then unto two horsemen he gave the letters o 'er. Whatso the King desireth, that will the Campeador.
CIII. Unto the King much honored, the letters they present. When he had looked upon them, then was his heart content. "To the Cid who in good time girt brand my greeting do I send, And let us hold the parley when three weeks are at an end. If I yet live, then doubtless I shall wait him in that place." They tarried not, but hastened home to the Cid apace.
On both sides for the parley they got ready point device. In Castile was ne'er such foison of mules without a price, Nor so many fair-paced palfreys, nor strong steeds swift to guide, Nor so many noble pennons on the stout lances tied, And shields whereof the bosses did with gold and silver shine, Robes, furs and Alexandrian cloth of satin woven fine. And the King gave his order, to send much victual there, To the waters of the Tagus where the parley they prepare. The King leads many a good troop, and Carrion's Heirs are gay. And here they run in debt apace, and there again they pay, For they thought to have great profit and increase manifold, And whatso they should desire, goods of silver and of gold. And now hath King Alfonso got swiftly to his horse, With counts and little nobles and vassals in great force. As for the Heirs of Carrion great companies they bring. From Leon and from Galicia came much people with the King; Know well, the levies of Castile, they are a countless train. And straight unto the parley they rode with slackened rein.
CIV. In the city of Valencia, my lord Cid Campeador Did not tarry, but the parley, he prepared himself therefor. There were stout mules a-many and palfreys swift to course, Great store of goodly armour, and many a fleet war-horse, Many fair cloaks and mantles, and many skins withal; In raiment of all colors are clad both great and small. Minaya Alvar Fanez and Per Vermudoz that wight, Martin Munoz in Montemayor that held the rule of right, And Martin Antolinez that in Burgos had his home, And that most worthy cleric, the Bishop don Jerome, And with Alvar Salvadorez Alvar Alvarez beside, And likewise Muno Gustioz a gallant knight and tried, Also Galind Garciaz, that in Aragon abode, These to ride with the good Campeador got ready for the road. And the people in the palace prepared them all and one.
Unto Alvar Salvadorez and the man of Aragon, Galind Garciaz, his command has given the Campeador That heart and soul Valencia they shall guard it and watch o'er. And, moreover, all the others on their behests shall wait. And my lord Cid has ordered that they bar the castle gate And nowise throw it open either by night or day. His wife and his two daughters within the hold are they, Whom he loves best, and the ladies that do their pleasure still. And he has so disposed it, even as a good lord will, That not a soul among them shall venture from the tower, Till to them he returneth, who was born in happy hour.
They issued from Valencia, forward they spurred along. On their right were many horses, that were both swift and strong. The Cid had ta 'en them. No man would have given him a steed. And he rideth to the parley, the which he had decreed With the King. In passage of a day, he came the King before. When anear they saw him coming, the gallant Campeador, With great worship to receive him, forth unto him they ride. When he had looked upon them, who was born in a glad tide, He halted his companions save his knights of dearest worth. With fifteen of his henchmen he leaped down unto the earth, As he who in good hour was born had willed that it should be. Forthwith to earth he bends him on the hand and on the knee. And the grass of the meadow with his very teeth he rent, And wept exceeding sorely so great was his content. How well unto Alfonso to do homage doth he know And there before his sovereign's foot he cast him even so. As for the King Alfonso, at heart it irked him sore: "Rise up! Rise up upon thy feet, O thou Cid Campeador, And kiss my hand, nor prithee in this guise my feet embrace, And if thou wilt not do it, thou shalt not have my grace." But natheless the good Campeador yet knelt on bended knee: "As of my rightful master, I ask a boon of thee, And namely that thy favor on me thou wilt bestow, So that all men about us the thing may hear and know."
Said the King: "Now that right gladly and of good heart will I do; And here I give thee pardon, and my favor I renew. And thee unto my kingdom right welcome I will make."
My lord the Cid addressed him, after this wise he spake: "Gramercy, lord Alfonso, I will take what thou hast given. I will utter forth for this my thanks unto our God in Heaven, And then to thee, and to the bands that round about me stand."
And on his knees yet kneeling, he kissed A]fonso's hand; To his feet he rose, and on the lips greeted him with a kiss. The others in the presence they were well pleased at this. It irked Garci Ordonez and Alvar Diaz sore.
My lord Cid spake and uttered this saying furthermore.
"To our Father and Creator I offer thanks again, That my lord the King his pardon he vouchsafed me to attain. In the day and the night season the Lord will cherish me. Thou shalt he my guest, my master, if so thy pleasure be." Said the King: "Today in no way were that seemly in my sight. Thou art but now come hither, but we came in last night. Today, therefore, Cid Campeador, thou shalt remain my guest, And on the morrow morning we shall he at thy behest."
My lord the Cid has kissed his hand, granting it should be so. Then came the Heirs of Carrion, their courtesy to show: "We greet thee Cid. Thou wast brought forth in an hour of promise high. And so far will we serve thee as in our power may lie." "So grant it the Creator," to them the Cid replied. The Cid my lord Roy Diaz, who was born in a good tide, Unto the King his master was guest for that day's space, Who could not let him from his sight, he held him in such grace. At the Cid's beard grown so swiftly, long while the King did stare. At the Cid much they marvelled, as many as were there.
And now the day was over, and upon them fell the night. The next day in the morning the sun rose clear and bright. The Cid had bidden his henchmen meat for all men to array. With my lord Cid the Campeador so well content were they That all were very merry, and moreover of one mind That for three years together so well they had not dined.
The next day in the morning, when at last the sun outshone, Then did Jerome the Bishop his matin song intone. And when from mass they issued, all gathered in one place, And the King did not tarry but began his speech apace: "Hear me now, counts and nobles, and all my henchmen leal— Unto my lord Cid Campeador I needst must make appeal. God grant unto his profit that the thing may prove to be. Dame Sol and Dame Elvira, I ask their hands of thee, That thou wilt in marriage give them to the Heirs of Carrion twain. To me the match seems noble, and thereon there hangs much gain. They ask them of thee. To that end I add my own command. On my side and thine as many as round about us stand, My henchmen and thy henchmen, let them therefor intercede. Give them to us my lord the Cid. So God thee help and speed." Said the Cid: "My girls to marry are hardly yet in state, For their days are not many, nor are their ages great. As for the Heirs of Carrion, much fame of them men say; They suit well with my daughters, and for better e'en than they. 'Twas I begot my daughters, but thou didst rear the twain. They and I for that bounty yet in thy debt remain. Dame Sol and Dame Elvira, unto thee do I present, To whom thou wilt then give them and I will be content."
Said the King: "My thanks unto thee and to all the court I own." Upon their feet got swiftly the Heirs of Carrion; Of him who in good hour was born, lightly they kissed the hands. Before the King Alfonso they made exchange of brands.
Out spake the King Alfonso like a man of gentle race: "My thanks, so noble art thou, but first to God for grace That for the Heirs of Carrion thou givest thy daughters twain. Dame Sol and Dame Elvira, in hand I have them ta'en. To Carrion's Heirs as consorts those ladies I award. I give away thy daughters as brides with thine accord, May it please God that thou therewith in full content mayest rest. Behold, the heirs of Carrion that wait on thy behest. Let them go with thee, prithee, for I from hence must wend. Three hundred marks of silver I give them to this end, To spend upon the marriage or what else pleaseth thee, Since within high Valencia in thy wardship they will be. The sons and the daughters shall thy children be all four; Whate'er shall be thy pleasure, do with them, Campeador."
The Cid received them from him, and the King's hand did kiss. "My sovereign and my master, I think thee well for this. Thou shalt give away my daughters, for I will not do the deed." After the parle was over they gave pledges and agreed That the next day in the morning when forth the sun should flame, All persons at the parley should return to whence they came. Thereby both fame and honor had the lord Cid Campeador, And many mules and mighty, and fair palfreys furthermore, And fine and precious raiment. And to give gifts he began, Whatso he would to who would take, and denied it to no man. As gifts full sixty horses did the lord Cid present. Whoe'er was at the parley therewith was full content. Now were they fain of parting, for night was like to fall.
The King the Heirs of Carrion took by the hand withal, In the power of the Cid Campeador he put them both straightway. "Behold them here thy children; since thy sons-in-law are they; From this day forth do with them as thy heart shall give accord. May they serve thee as their father, and keep thee for their lord."
"I thank thee and accept, O King, the gift which thou hast given. Mayst thou be well rewarded by God who is in heaven.
CV. "Of thee, my liege and sovran, a boon do I request Since thou givest to wed my daughters in what way likes thee best, Choose one my girls to give away, who in thy place shall stand, Since thou hast them, I will never give them o'er with mine own hand. To the Heirs. Such satisfaction to them shall be denied." "Behold here Alvar Fanez," the King to him replied, "Take them by the hand and give them to the heirs, even as I Here afar off have ta ten them, as though I were hard by; And throughout all the vigil their sponsor shalt thou be. When again to me thou comest tell all the truth to me."
Said Alvar Fanez: "Faith! My lord, I am content indeed."
CVI. To all this with due caution, know well they have agreed. "Ha! King, my lord Alfonso much honored, for a sign Of the parley that we held here, thou shalt take a gift of mine. I bring thee thirty palfreys that are trapped rich and well, And thirty fleet war-horses, each with a noble selle. Take them and I will kiss thy hand." The King Alfonso spake: "Deep in thy debt thou hast me. Thy present I will take Which thou givest. The Creator and all his saints accord For the kindness thou hast done me that thou have a fair reward. Oh my lord Cid Roy Diaz, thou hast done me honor high. Full well thou cost my service, and well content am I. Mayst thou reap of me some harvest ere my life be at an end. Into God's hands I give thee. From the parley will I wend. Hail God in Heaven! grant us our treaty well to keep."
CVII. The Cid mounted Bavieca his charger at a leap. "Here before my King Alfonso I say it openly, Who would fain go to the marriage or would have a gift of me, Let him come with me. His profit shall be great, as I conceive."
Now of his lord Alfonso the lord Cid took his leave.. His company he wished not, he departed from him straight. There might you see a many of knights of fair estate Taking leave of King Alfonso, that the while his hands did kiss: "Let it be now thy pleasure, and prithee grant us this— 'Neath the Cid to great Valencia now will we march away To see the Heirs of Carrion upon their wedding day, And Dame Sol and Dame Elvira that the Cid's daughters be."
Therewith the King was satisfied and gave them liberty. And the King's bands diminished and the Cid's increased the more. Great company of people marched with the Campeador.
They rode straight to Valencia ta'en when his star was high. On Diego and Ferrando he bade them keep an eye. Muno Gustioz and Per Vermudoz they had commandment plain— In all my lord Cid's household were not a better twain The ways of them of Carrion to discover them and find. Ansuor Gonzalvez joined the Heirs who was a noisy hind, Loose-tongued, and for untrustful in other things well known. They showered many honors on the Heirs of Carrion.
Behold them in Valencia that the Cid my lord had ta'en. When they looked upon the city they were exceeding fain. Muno Gustioz and don Pero, to them the lord Cid spake: "Straightway the Heirs of Carrion unto a lodging take, But do you tarry with them, so doth my order run. When entereth in the morning, when breaketh forth the sun, Of Dame Sol and Dame Elvira, their brides, they shall have sight."
CVIII. Then every man departed to his lodging-place that night. The Cid Campeador has entered his castle once again. Abode him Dame Ximena, she and her daughters twain.
"Campeador who in good season girt sword, thou hast come thy ways; May the eyes of our faces behold thee many days."
"I am come, wife much honored, by the Creator's grace, And sons-in-law I bring thee, whence our fame shall wax apace. I have married you well, my daughters, so thank me for it well.
CIX. Forthwith a-kissing of his hands his wife and daughters fell, And likewise all the ladies their pleasure still that did. "Thanks be to the Creator and to thee, fair-bearded Cid, What thing thou cost soever, it is well done indeed. In all thy days thy daughters shall never be in need."
"When thou givest us in marriage, great wealth to us shall fall."
CX. "Wife o'mine, Dame Ximena. praise God who made us all. Dame Sol and Dame Elvira, my girls to you I say, From your marriage in all honor shall we increase alway. But that I did not begin it, the truth now understand; My lord Alfonso sought you and stately made demand With such firm will, I wist not how to deny the thing. And I put you both, my daughters, in the keeping of the King. Know that he giveth you to wed, and that I am not the man."
CXI. To make beautiful the palace, then one and all began. There was displayed much arras on wall and pavement both, Much purple and much samite and store of precious cloth. 'Twould have pleased you in that palace to have sat you down to eat. And speedily together did his knights assembled meet.
And for the Heirs of Carrion as at that time they sent, To horse they got and onward to the palace forth they went. And fine is all their raiment, and stuff of proof likewise. They came afoot and properly, God! in what lowly guise! The Cid and all his vassals received them when they came. They bowed the head before him; they bowed before his dame; Straightway to take their places on a noble seat they strode. Of my lord Cid all the henchmen exceeding wisdom showed, His speech who in good hour was born in quiet they expect.
And now the noble Campeador hath risen up erect: "Since such a deed is toward, why do we tarry here? Come hither Alvar Fanez whom I cherish and hold dear. My daughters twain, behold them, to thy hand I give them o'er. Be it known so to perform it unto the King I swore, To fail in our agreement is in no way mine intent. To the Heirs of Carrion their brides, now with thine hand present; Let them have benediction and speed the wedding through."
To him replied Minaya: "This will I gladly do."
The ladies rose. He gave them into Minaya's care. To Carrion's Heirs, Minaya now doth his charge declare: "Lo! Minaya here before you, ye brothers born that be! By the hand of King Alfonso, who has laid this charge on me, I give to you these ladies that are both of noble blood, That to wife ye take them nobly and in fair guise and good."
And with a will and gladly to take their brides they came, And they kissed the hands straightway of my lord Cid and his dame.
They came forth from the palace when all these things were done. And then unto Saint Mary's in haste they got them gone. Bishop Jerome his vestments swiftly to him has ta 'en, And he abode the coming at the portal of the fane. He has given them his blessing, and chanted mass in course.
When from the church they issued with speed they got to horse. They hastened from Valencia forth on the sandy shore. God! the Cid and his companions, how well their arms they bore! He who in happy hour was born, three times hath changed his steed. With what he saw my lord the Cid was well content indeed, For the two heirs of Carrion have well their steeds bestrode. With the ladies to Valencia then home again they rode. In that fair hold resplendent was the wedding that they had. To rear up seven quintains the Cid next morning bade; Before they went to dinner, were the seven burst in twain.
Full fifteen days together at the wedding they remain. The fifteen days well nigh are done; homeward the nobles ride. My lord Cid don Rodrigo who was born in a good tide Of the mules and the palfreys and the battle-chargers swift, Of beasts alone an hundred has granted forth in gift, And cloaks, fur capes, and raiment of other sort great store, and bestowed wealth in money in abundance furthermore. The vassals of my lord the Cid, for they had counselled so, For their part bridal tokens upon the guests bestow. He came by great possession whoso thereof was fain, Who was at the bridal, wealthy came to Castile again. Now are all these guests together about to ride away; To Roy Diaz in good hour born their last devoirs they pay, And likewise to the ladies, and his men of high descent. My lord Cid and his vassals they left in high content. They said much honor of them as was indeed their due. Diego and Ferrando were passing merry too; Of the Count don Gonzalvo they were the children twain.
And now the guests came homeward unto Castile again. The Cid and his two sons-in-law in Valencia they stay. There dwell the Heirs until two years have well nigh passed away. It was a mighty welcome in that city that they had. The Cid and all his vassals were all exceeding glad. Saint Mary and our Father, may it please them to consent That the Cid and he who wrought it with the bridal be content. Of this Cantar the couplets come now unto their end. The Saints and the Creator preserve you and defend.
CXII. The Cid lay in Valencia with all his men beside; With him the Heirs of Carrion his sons-in-law abide. Upon his couch to slumber lay the good Campeador. There fell a hard occasion, a thing they looked not for. From his cage came forth the lion, from his bonds he broke away. All men throughout the palace in mighty dread were they. 'Neath the arm the Campeador his men their mantles up have ta'en, About his couch they gathered, and beside their lord remain. As for Ferrand Gonzalvez the Heir of Carrion, He saw no place to hide in; chamber or tower was none. Beneath the seat he crouched him so mighty was his dread. And Didago Gonzalvez out through the doorway fled, Crying aloud: "Wo! Carrion no more shall I behold." Beneath a wine-press timber he hid in fear untold. Thence he brought cloak and tunic all filthy and forlorn.
With that he woke from slumber, who in happy hour was born, And saw his good men round his couch in a close ring that stood.
"Now what is this my henchmen ~ What is it that ye would?"
"Ha, worthy lord! The lion gave us a fearful fright." The Cid leaned on his elbow, on his feet he leaped upright. He flung his cloak on shoulder. Straight for the beast he made. The lion when he saw him, so sorely was afraid That before the Cid, low cowering, to earth his head he bent. Hy lord Cid don Rodrigo him by the neck has hent. He drew him and he dragged him and within his cage shut fast. As many as heheld it thought it a marvel vast.
And then through the palace they returned unto the hall, Of his sons the Cid made question, but found them not at all. Though they shouted for them loudly, none answered to the hail. And when at last they found them, oh, but their cheeks were pale! Such mirth as in the palace was ye never saw before; But to plague them was forbidden by the lord Cid Campeador. Many thought that but for cowards themselves the twain had shown. Sore grieved at what befell them were the Heirs of Carrion.
CXIII. While thus the affair standeth wherein they had such shame, A host out of Morocco to besiege Valencia came. Their camp within the Quarter Field have they arrayed aright. For fifty thousand chieftains pavilions have they pight. 'Twas the King Bucar if perchance of him ye e'er heard tell.
CXIV. The Cid and all his henchmen, it pleased them passing well, For so by the lord's favor their gain should grow the more. But know the Heirs of Carrion at heart were very sore, For they saw of the Moriscos many and many a tent, Which liked them not. The brothers forthwith apart they went. "We would keep in mind our profit, nor for the loss have care. And now within this battle we must needs do our share." "Such a thing well may keep us from seeing Carrion more. Widows will be the daughters of the good Campeador."
But Munoz Gustioz heakened how in secret they conferred. To the Cid Campeador he came with the tale of what he heard: "The two Heirs thy sons-in-law, their courage is so strong, Because they go to battle, for Carrion they long. As God cherishes and keeps them, go bid them have good heart, That they in peace may tarry, nor in battle have a part. But with that we shall conquer, and God shall be our stay."
My lord Cid don Rodrigo with a smile went his way. "My sons, the Heirs of Carrion. God have you in his care. In your arms rest my daughters that as the sun are fair. And as I yearn for battle, so of Carrion are ye fain. In pleasance in Valencia to your hearts desire remain!, For as for the Moriscos, them well enough I know, And by grace of the Creator have courage to o'erthrow."
While they spoke thus, King Bucar sent word and commanded The Cid to quit Valencia and go his way in peace.*
*At this point a lacuna occurs in the text of the poem. The prose passage is supplied from the Chronicle of the Twenty Kings, an emendation due to Pidal.
Otherwise Bucar would exact payment for all that the Cid had done in the city. The Cid said to him who bore the message:
"Go thou and say to Bucar, that son of an enemy, that before three days are past, I will give him all that he asks."
The next day the Cid ordered all his men to take up their weapons, and marched out against the Moors. The Heirs of Carrion on that occasion sought the van of him. After the Cid had marshalled his men in order of battle, don Ferrando, one of the Heirs, went forth to attack a Moor who was called Aladraf. The Moor, when he beheld don Ferrando, came forward likewise to attack him. Thereupon the Heir of Carrion, being overcome with fear of the Moor, wheeled his horse and fled before him. Single-handed he dared not await the Moor's coming.
When Pero Vermudoz, who was hard by, beheld this, he attacked the Moor, fought with him and slew him. Then he took the Moor's horse and went in quest of the Heir who was in full flight.
"Don Ferrando," he said to him, "take this horse and tell all men that thou didst slay the Moor, his master. I will be thy witness." And the Heir replied: "Don Pero Vermudoz, I thank thee greatly for what thou sayest.
"May I see that time when payment I shall make to thee twice o'er For all that thou deserves". The twain turned back once more. Don Pero there bore witness to Ferrando's brag and lie. The Cid and all his vassals were gladdened much thereby.
"If God our Father wills it, in Heaven that doth dwell, My sons-in-law in battle shall both acquit them well."
So they spake. And the two armies now the advance began. In the Moorish host resounded of the drums the rataplan. It was among the Christians a marvel sore to some, For never had they heard it, since but newly were they come. On Diego and Ferrando greater wonder yet did fall, And of their free will thither they would not have come at all. To what he said who was brought forth in happy hour give ear: "Ho! now don Pero Vermudoz, who art my nephew dear, Didago and Ferrando now keep them well for me, For in mine eyes my sons-in-law are dear exceedingly. By God's help the Moriscos shall hold the field no more."
CXVI. "In the name of every charity I tell thee, Campeador, That today to be their keeper I never will remain. To me they matter little—let him keep them who is fain. I with my men about me against their van will smite; Do thou with thine hold firmly the rearward of the fight. Then canst thou aid me lightly if peril should arise."
Minaya Alvar Fanez came then to him likewise. "Oh, Cid, give ear, and hearken, Oh faithful Campeador! For surely in this battle shall God himself make war, And He will make thee worthy with Him therein to share. Where 'er thou deemest fitting bid us attack them there. Each man must do his duty. Upon them let us thrust. On God and on thy fortune now hangeth all our trust." My lord Cid said: "Then prithee tarry here yet awhile." Lo! don Jerome the Bishop who was armed in gallant style, He stopped before the Campeador. Fair fortune had he aye. "The Mass of Holy Trinity I sang for thee this day. For this cause from mine own country did I seek thee and ensue, Since in the slaughter of the Moor such great delight I knew. And I am fain to honor both mine order and mine hand. In the forefront of the battle it is my desire to stand. And crosses on my pennant, and blazoned arms have I. If it be God his pleasure, I am fain mine arms to try, That so at last my spirit in perfect peace may be, And thou mayst be, my lord the Cid, better content with me. If thou cost me not this honor, from thy side I will retire."
The lord Cid gave him answer: "I am pleased with thy desire. Of the Moors go make a trial, lo, where they are in sight. From hence we shall behold it, how the Abbot fights the fight."
CXVII. And don Jerome the Bishop went spurring thence away. 'Gainst the cnd of the encampment lie guided forth the fray. By his good hap and God's mercy who ever loved him well, At the first stroke he delivered two Moors before him fell. When in twain his lance was broken, he set hand upon the blade. Well was he tried. And Name of God! what a fair fight he made! Two with the lance, and with the sword five of the foe he slew. The Moors are very many. Around him close they drew, They did not pierce his armour, though they laid on strokes of power.
His eyes beheld the Bishop, who was born in happy hour, He caught his shield, the battle-spear he laid it low along, He spurred Bavieca the well-paced steed and strong, He went to smite against them with all his soul and heart. The foremost ranks of battle did the lord Cid dispart: Of the Moors he struck down seven, and five of them hath slain. God was well pleased, the battle it was granted him to gain. My lord Cid and his henchmen in hot pursuit they went. There had you seen the stakes uptorn and may a tent-rope rent, And all the ten-poles falling that were wrought so rich and brave. From the tents, my lord Cid's vassals King Bucar's henchmen drave.
CXVIII. Out of the tents they drave them; on them in pursuit they flew. Many arms and many a hauberk, had you seen there cloven through, And many a head well helmed in the battle fallen low, And many a steed masterless that galloped to and fro. For seven miles together they followed up the flight. As he followed, on King Bucar the Cid my lord did light: "Turn hither, Bucar. thou hast come from the land over sea. The Cid whose beard is mighty thou shalt meet with presently. Let us greet, and in fast friendship let each to each be bound." To the Cid answered Bucar: "Such a friendship God confound. A sword in hand thou bearest, and I see thee spur amain, Seemeth well that thou upon me to try that blade art fain. If my horse keep from stumbling and falleth not with me. Thou shalt not overtake me till we ride into the sea." My lord Cid answered: "With the truth that word no faith shall keep." A good steed had Bucar that sprang off great leap on leap. But the Cid's Bavieca upon him fast did gain. Three fathoms from the water was Bucar overta 'en. He has lifted up Colada. A great stroke did he smite. The carbuncles upon his heml he has smitten through forthright. He cut straight through the helmet, all else in twain he crave, And slashing to the girdle of the King came down the glaive. Bucar the King from oversea the Cid hath overthrown. Well worth a thousand golden marks was the great sword Tizon, That he took there. 'Twas a victory most marvelous and great. Here my lord Cid got honor and all that on him wait.
CXIX. And now with all that booty, homeward again they wheeled. And be it known that steadfastly they plundered all the field. With him who in good hour was born to the fonts they came once more; My lord the Cid Roy Diaz, the famous Campeador, With two swords he greatly cherished through the carnage swiftly passed. O'er his brow his cap was wrinkled, back was his mail-hood cast, And but a little ruffled was the cap upon his hair. On every side his henchmen came thronging to him there. My lord the Cid saw somewhat and was well pleased thereby, For he looked forth before him lifting up his eyes on high. And Diego and Ferrando he beheld, that near him drew. Of the Count don Gonzalvo the children were the two. My lord the Cid smiled beautifully, for a glad man was he.
"Are ye come here, my sons-in-law? Ye are both sons to me. I know that with the fighting ye are right well content. To Carrion fair tidings that concern you shall be sent, How by us the King Bucar unto defeat was thrust. As sure as unto the Lord God and all his saints I trust, With the rout of the foeman shall we all we be satisfied. Minaya Alvar Fanez came now unto his side. Hacked with the swords was all the shield that at his neck he wore. The strokes of many lances had scarred it furthermore. They that those strokes had stricken, had reaped therefrom no gain. Down the blood streamed from his elbows. More than twenty had he slain. "To God and to the Father on High now praises be, And Cid who in good hour wast born so likewise unto thee. Thou slewest the King Bucar, and we ha' won the day. To thee and to thy vassals belongeth all the prey. And as for thy two sons-in-law they have been proved aright, Who got their fill of Moorish war upon the field of fight."
Said my lord Cid in answer, I therefore am right glad. Since they are proved, hereafter in esteem shall they be had."
In honesty he said it, but a jest the thing they thought. The prey unto Valencia they gathered and they brough't. My lord the Cid was merry and his vassals with him there. Six hundred marks of silver were allotted to his share.
The sons-in-law of my lord Cid, when they had ta'en away Their war-prize, when the booty safe in their hand had they, Took care that no decrease thereof should in their time be made. In the city of Valencia they were splendidly arrayed, Feeding well, and wearing noble cloaks and gallant capes of fur. The Cid and all his henchmen exceeding glad they were.
CXX. 'Twas a great day in the palace of the Cid Campeador, When he had slain King Bucar and they won the field of war. He raised his hand, he plucked his beard: "To Christ now glory be, Who is the Lord of all the Earth, for my desire I see, That with me in the battle my two sons should front the foe. Of them most noble tidings to Carrion shall go: How they are greatly honored, and what renown they gain."
CXXI. It was a mighty booty that the Cid his host had ta 'en. Part is their own. In safety they kept the rest aside. My lord the Cid gave orders who was born in a good tide, That to all men of that conquest his true share they should allot, And that the fifth of my lord Cid should nowise be forgot. And all mcn did according, being prudent one and all. For his fifth, six hundred horses to my lord Cid did fall, And there were many camels and, moreover, mules as well. Of them there were so many, that their number none might tell.
CXXII. All of this prey was captured by the great Campeador: "Now unto God be glory who is Lord the whole world o'er. Before I was in poverty who have grown rich and great, For now I have possessions, gold, honor, and estate; And the two Heirs of Carrion my sons-in-law are they. And since it is God's pleasure I win in every fray; And the Moors and the Christians they have great dread of me. And over in Morocco, where many mosques there be, Where all men are in terror lest upon them I descend On some fine night. That venture in no way I intend— I shall not go to seek them. In Valencia I shall stay. By God's aid, to me their tribute they shall render up and pay. To me or unto whom I will, they shall pay the money down."
Very great was the rejoicing in Valencia the town That rose in all the levies of the Cid Campeador, That God's will hath vouchsafed them to triumph in the war. Likewise of both his sons-in-law excelling was the mirth, For each of them won booty five thousand marks in worth. Themselves they deem right wealthy, those Heirs of Carrion twain.
And they with all the others to the palace came again. With my lord the Cid the Bishop don Jerome standeth here. And the good AIvar Fanez, the fighting cavalier. Of the Campeador his household are many others by. When the heirs of Carrion entered, they were given greeting high. By Minaya for the sake of my lord Cid Campeador: "Come, brothers, by your presence now are we honored more." When they were come the Campeador was merry of his cheer: "Lo! now behold, my sons-in-law, my faithful wife and dear, With Dame Sol and Dame Elvira that are my daughters twain, Now nobly may they serve you and nobly entertain. Now glory to Saint Mary, Mother of our Lord! God's name! You are like from these your marriages to win abundant fame. Unto the land of Carrion fair tidings shall be sped."
CXXIII. Out spake the Heir Ferrando when all the word was said: "Glory to the Creator, and, noble Cid, to thee. We have so many riches that numberless they be. Through you we have much honor, and we have fought for you; We conquered the Moriscos in the battle, and we slew King Bucar, proven traitor, so pray you have a care Now for some other matter; well marcheth our affair."
My lord the Cid his henchmen spake smiling round about Of whoso fought most fiercely or best pursued the rout.
But Diego and Ferrando mid such men they did not find. And now in all the japing the henchmen had designed Both day and night together they mocked sore the Heirs again. A very evil counsel together took the twain. Verily they are brothers, forthwith apart they turn To the thing that they have spoken, let us have no concern. "Let us return to Carrion. Here overlong we wait. The riches wc have gathered are excellent and great. We cannot hope to spend them in the mountance of our lives.
CXXIV. "Now of the Cid the Campeador let us demand our wives. Let us say that we will bear them to the lands of Carrion. The place where they are heiresses shall unto them be shown. We shall take them from Valencia, from the Campeador his reach. And then upon the journey we shall work our will on each, Ere the matter of the lion for a sore reproach and scorn They turn to our discomfort who are heirs of Carrion born. We shall bear with us of treasure nigh priceless a fair stock. Of the daughters of the Campeador we two shall make our mock. We shall be rich men always who possess such valiant things, And fit to marry daughters of emperors or kings, Who art the Counts of Carrion by virtue of our birth. The Campeador his daughters we shall mock at in our mirth. Ere the matter of the lion they throw at us in disdain."
When this they had decided the two returned again. Ontspake Ferrand Golzalvez for silence in the Court:
"Cid Campeador, so may our God abide thy strong support, May it please Dame Ximena, but first seem good to thee, And Minaya Alvar Fanez and all men here that be Give us our wives. By marriage are they ours in very deed. Unto our lands in Carrion those ladies we will lead. With the dower-lands to enfeoff them that we gave for bridal right Of the lands of our possession, thy daughters shall have sight, And those wherein the children to be born to us shall share."
The Cid my lord the Campeador scented no insult there: "I shall give you my daughters and of my wealth dispone. Ye gave them glebe of dowry in the lands of Carrion, Three thousands marks of dower shall to my girls belong. I will give mules and palfreys both excellent and strong, And great steeds of battle swift and of mighty thew, And cloth and silken garments with the gold woven through. Colada and Tizon the swords I will give to you likewise Full well ye know I got them in very gallant guise. My sons ye are, for to you do I give my daughters two. My very heart's blood thither ye carry home with you. In Leon and in Galicia and Castile let all men hear How I sent forth my sons-in-law with such abundant gear. And serve you well my daughters, your wedded wives that be. An you serve them well rich guerdon ye shall obtain of me." To this the heirs of Carrion their full assent made plain. The daughters of the Campeador were given them and ta'en, And they began receiving as the Cid's orders went. When of all their heart's desire they were at last content, Then Carrion's heirs commanded that the packs be loaded straight,
Through Valencia the city was the press of business great, And all have taken weapons and all men gallop strong, For they must forth the daughters of the Cid to speed along Unto the lands of Carrion. To mount all men prepare, Farewell all men are saying. But the two sisters there, Dame Sol and Dame Elvira, kneeled to the Cid Campeador: "A boon, so may God keep thee, O father, we implore.
Thou begottest us. Our mother she brought us forth in pain. Our liege-lord and our lady, here do ye stand ye twain. Now to the lands of Carrion to send us is your will; It is our bounden duty thy commandment to fulfil. And so we two together ask but this boon of thee, That in the lands of Carrion thy tidings still may be." My lord the Cid has clasped them, and he has kissed the twain.
CXXV. This hath he done. Their mother hath doubled it again. "Go, daughters! the Creator of you henceforth have care Mine and your father's blessing you still with you shall bear. Go forth where you are dowered in Carrion to dwell. I have, after my thinking, married you passing well." The hands of their father and their mother kissed the two. Blessing and benediction they gave to them anew.
My lord Cid and the others have fettled them to ride, With armor and with horses and caparisons of pride. From Valencia the splendid were the Heirs departing then. They took leave of the ladies and all their bands of men. Through the meadow of Valencia forth under arms they went. The Cid and all his armies were very well content. He who in good hour belted brand in signs had seen it plain That these marriages in no way should stand without a stain. But since the twain are married, he may not repent him now.
CXXVI. "My nephew Felez Munoz, I prithee where art thou? Thou art my daughters' cousin in thy soul and in thine heart. With them even unto Carrion I command thee to depart. Thou shalt see what lands for dower to my girls are given o'er, And shalt come again with tidings unto the Campeador.''
Quoth Felez Munoz: "Heart and soul that duty pleases me." Minaya Alvar Fanez before the Cid came he: "Back to the town of Valencia, Oh Cid, now let us go; For if our God and Father the Creator's will be so, To Carrion's lands thy daughters to visit we shall wend. Dame Sol and Dame Elvira, to God do we commend. Such things may you accomplish as will make us glad and fain."
The sons-in-law gave answer: "Now that may God ordain."
They lamented much at parting. Daughters and sire wept sore, So also wept the cavaliers of the Cid Campeador. "Thou, cousin, Felez Munoz, now hark to this aright. Thou shalt go by Molina, and there shalt lie one night, And greet fair the Morisco Avengalvon my friend; That he may most fair reception to my sons-in-law extend. Tell him I send my daughters to the lands of Carrion, In all their needs his courtesy as beseemeth shall be shown. Let him ward them to Medina for the love he beareth me. For all that he cloth for them I will give him a rich fee."
They parted then, as when the nail out of the flesh is torn.
He turned back to Valencia who in happy hour was born. And now the Heirs of Carrion have fettled them to fare. Saint Mary of Alvarrazin, their halting-place was there.
From thence the Heirs of Carrion plied furiously the spur. Ho! in Molina with the Moor Avengalvon they were. The Morisco when he heard it in his heart was well content, And forth with great rejoicings to welcome them he went. Ah, God! how well he served them in what e 'er their joy might be! The next day in the morning to horse with them got he. He bade two hundred horsemen for escort forth to ride. They crossed the mountains of Luzon (so are they signified), And the Vale of Arbujuelo to the Jalon they came. The place where they found lodging, Ansarera is its name. Unto the daughters of the Cid, the Moor fair presents gave, And to either Heir of Carrion beside a charger brave. For the love he bore the Campeador, all this for them he wrought.
They looked upon the riches that the Moor with him had brought And then together treason did the brothers twain concert. "Since the daughters of the Campeador we shortly shall desert, If but we might do unto death Aengalvon the Moor, The treasure he possesses for ourselves we should secure Safe as our wealth in Carrion those goods we will maintain. And ne'er will the Cid Campeador avenge on us the stain." While they of Carrion this shame complotted each with each, In the midst a Moor o'erheard them, that could of Latin speech. He kept no secret. With it to Avengalvon he ran: "Thou art my lord. Be wary of these persons, Castellan. I heard the heirs of Carrion that plotted death for thee."
CXXVII. This same Avengalvon the Moor, a gallant man was he He got straightway on horseback with servitors ten score. He brandished high his weapons, he came the Heirs before. And the two Heirs with what he said but little pleased they are: "If for his sake I forebore not, my lord Cid of Bivar, I would do such deeds upon you as through all the world should ring,
And then to the true Campeador his daughters would I bring. And unto Carrion never should you enter from that day.
CXXVIII. What I have done against you, ho! Heirs of Carrion, say, For without guile I served you, and lo, my death ye plot. For wicked men and traitors I will leave you on the spot. Dame Sol and Dame Elvira with your good leave I go; For of these men of Carrion I rate the fame but low. God will it and command it, who is Lord of all the Earth. That the Campeador hereafter of this match have joy and mirth." That thing the Moor has told them, and back he turned him there. When he crossed over thee Jalon, weapon he waved in air. He returned unto Molina like a man of prudent heart.
And now from Ansarera did Carrion's Heirs depart; And they began thereafter to travel day and night. And they let Atienza on the left, a craggy height. The forest of Miedes, now have they overpassed, And on through Montes Claros they pricked forward spurring fast. And then passed Griza on the left that Alamos did found. There be the caves where Elpha he imprisoned underground. And they left San Estevan, on their right that lay afar. Within the woods of Corpes, the Heirs of Carrion are. And high the hills are wooded, to the clouds the branches sweep, And savage are the creatures that roundabout them creep; And there upon a bower with a clear spring they light And there the Heirs of Carrion bade that their tent be pight. There with their men about them, that night they lay at rest. With their wives clasped to their bosom their affection they protest, But ill the twain fulfilled it, when the dawn came up the East. They bade put goods a plenty on the back of every beast. Where they at night found lodging, now have they struck the tent. The people of their household far on before them went. Of the two Heirs of Carrion so the commandment ran, That none behind should linger, a woman or a man. But Dame Sol and Dame Elvira their wives shall tarry still, With whom it is their pleasure to dally to their fill.
The others have departed. They four are left alone. Great evil had been plotted by the Heirs of Carrion. "Dame Sol and Dame Elvira, ye may take this for true: Here in the desert wildwood shall a mock be made of you. Today is our departure, we will leave you here behind. And in the lands of Carrion no portion shall you find. Let them hasten with these tidings to the Cid Campeador. Thus, the matter of the lion, we avenge ourselves therefor."
Their furs and their mantles, from the ladies they have whipped. In their shifts and their tunics they left the ladies stripped. With spur on heel before them those wicked traitors stand, And saddle-girths both stout and strong they have taken in the hand. When the ladies had beheld it, then out spake Sol the dame: "Don Diego, don Ferrando, we beeech you in God's name. You have two swords about you, that for strength and edge are known. And one they call Colada, the other is Tizon. Strike off our heads together, and martyrs we shall die. The Moriscos and the Christians against this deed shall cry. It stands not with our deserving that we should suffer thus. So evil an example, then do not make of us. Unto our own abasement, if you scourge us, you consent, That men will bring against you in parle and parliament."
Naught profits it the ladies, however hard they pray. And now the Heirs of Carrion upon them 'gan to lay. With the buckled girths they scourged them in fashion unbeseen, And exceeding was their anguish from the sharp spurs and keen. They rent the shifts and wounded the bodies of the two, And forth upon the tunics the clear blood trickled through. In their very hearts the ladies have felt that agony. What a fair fortune were it, if God's will it might be, Had then appeared before them the Cid the Campeador.
Powerless were the ladies, and the brothers scourged them sore. Their shifts and their sullies throughout the blood did stain. Of scourging the two ladies wearied the brothers twain,
Which man should smite most fiercely they had vied each with each. Dame Sol and Dame Elvira had no longer power of speech. Within the wood of Corpes for dead they left the pair.
CXXIX. Their cloaks and furs of ermine along with them they bare, In their shifts and tunics, fainting, they left them there behind, A prey to every wild-fowl and beast of savage kind.
Know you, for dead, not living, they left them in such cheer. Good hap it were if now the Cid, Roy Diaz, should appear.
CXXX. The Heirs of Carrion for dead have left them thus arrayed, For the one dame to the other, could give no sort of aid. They sang each other's praises as they journeyed through the wood: "For the question of our marriage we have made our vengeance good. Unbesought, to be our lemans we should not take that pair, Because as wedded consorts for our arms unfit they were. For the insult of the lion vengeance shall thus be ta'en."
CXXXI. They sang each other's praises, the Heirs of Carrion twain. But now of Felez Munoz will I tell the tale once more. Even he that was nephew to the Cid Campeador. They had bidden him ride onward, but he was not well content. And his heart smote within him as along the road he went. Straightway from all the others' a space did he withraw. There Felez Munoz entered into a thick-grown straw, Till the coming of his cousins should be plain to be perceived Or what the Heirs of Carrion as at that time achieved. And he beheld them coming, and heard them say their say, But they did not espy him, nor thought of him had they. Be it known death he had not scaped, had they on him laid eye. And the two Heirs rode onward, pricking fast the spur they ply. On their trail Felez Munoz has turned him back again. He came upon his cousins. In a swoon lay the twain. And crying "Oh my cousins!" straightway did he alight. By the reins the horse he tethered, and went to them forthright. |