Jan. 8. 7a.m. 30.11 763 55 - - 22 Morning still—windless Breath from east. Warm and pleasant.
Noon. 30.02 767 77 74 61 13 Quite clear and dry. Gusts of wind. Flies very bad, even in the waste.
3p.m. 30.15 767 77 76 63 7
Cold high wind at night.
Jan. 9. 7a.m. 30.04 - 63 - - 10 Outside tent. Light clouds everywhere at dawn. Morning warm and close.
Noon. 29.91 759 80 - - 48 At El-'Usaylah. Sky covered with clouds. Sun coming out.
4p.m. 29.87 758 53 - - 23 In tent at El-'Usaylah. No wind.
Cool pleasant night. Rain in Mount Sinai(?).
Jan. 10. 6.45a.m. 29.85 - 56 - - 15 Observations in open. Cold north wind. Clear and cirri.
3p.m. 29.30 745 77 - - 1 At Maghir Shayb, under a tree.
Night cold. High wind; shook the tents.
Jan. 11. 7a.m. 29.37 747 60 - - 20 In open, on box.
Noon. 29.40 748 82 - - 8 In tent.
3p.m. 29.38 747 84 - - -4 Still. Air hot.
As a rule, at Maghir Shayb we had land-breezes; cold from north and east. Seabreezes during day, after noon.
Jan. 12. 7a.m. 29.35 746 59 - - 3 In tent. Cool. Cirri. At two a.m. cool fresh wind from north.
Noon. 29.46 747 83 - - -5 In tent. Hot sun. Light clouds.
3p.m 29.30 746 83 81 64 -9 In tent. No sun, no wind. Thin clouds.
Night warm; wind towards morning. Mosquitoes in tamarisks of Wady. Minimum thermometer, 52 degrees.
Jan. 13. 7a.m. 29.38 745 65 - - -4 Outside tent, on box. Cloudy; little wind. elt warm. Sun came out strong at ten a.m.
Noon. 29.27 744 87 87 67 -9 In big tent. Heat like summer. Flies troublesome, travel on our backs.
3p.m. 29.20 743 85 85 65 -15 Very hot. Thin clouds. Sea-breeze.
Very hot and sultry weather: Arabs say portends rain. Wind (generally) from north in morning; afternoon from sea.
Jan. 14. 7a.m. 29.01 740 63 63 55 0 In tent. Land-breeze set in. Expected heavy rain, and pitched camp higher up.
2.30p.m. 29.15 - 81-1/279 68 0 Taken by Mr. Clarke.
Rain began 2.30 a.m. (Jan. 15), small drops, then heavy, lull, and again heavy; ended about 4.30 a.m. A little wind from south-west rose after rain.
The last rain was on December 7-10, 1877; violent storms accompanied it.
Jan. 15. " 29.00 - 71-1/270 66 30 By Mr. Clarke at Maghir Shayb. Sky all covered ; little clear to west. Mist all over north. Things feel damp.
Noon. 29.06 737 76 73 65 30 All cloudy. After rain, sultry heat of noon quite disappeared.
3p.m. 29.06 738 75 73 65 25 Still cloudy. Cool.
Cold nights and mornings.
Jan. 16. 7a.m. 29.20 - 48 45 42 18 No rain. Cold. Little wind. Cloudy. No wind.
Noon. 29.05 - 69 65 54 3 Sun hot. Cool breeze from north as usual. No clouds.
3p.m. 29.25 - 69 65 52 12
Night fine and clear. Stars and moon very bright.
Jan. 17. 7a.m. 29.30 - 42 42 39 17 Clear morning. Very cold. Land breeze.
Noon. 29.36 745 69 66 54 18 Fine stiff breeze from north-east.
3p.m. 29.34 745 73 70 59 16 Fine breeze falling.
Fine clear night, moon nearly full. No clouds. Not cold. Cool at night and towards morning. Wind rose about four a.m.
Jan. 18. 7.30a.m. 29.28 745 55 55 50 26 In tent. Cool, clear. Gentle land-wind.
Noon. 29.30 - 79 79 63 16 Same weather.
3p.m. 29.25 - 81 79 62 8 Night cool. Hardly any wind.
Jan. 19. 7a.m. 29.15 - 53 52 45 16 In tent. Cold wind from north.
Noon. 29.17 - 81 79 63 9 Sun hot. Cool breeze from north. Sky clear.
3p.m. 29.15 - 80 77 60 5
Remarkably warm pleasant night.
Jan. 20. 7a.m. 29.05 - 50 48 45 19 In tent. No wind. Air sharp.
Noon. 29.10 - 79 75 63 12 Light wind (south-west). Sun hot. Sky clear.
3p.m. 29.10 - 73 73 60 8 Cool and pleasant.
Curious moonrise. Thin clouds like volcanic smoke, separated into cirri like sheep-skin: all said sign of heat. Night still and warm. Few stratified clouds to west.
Jan. 21. 8a.m. 29.13 740 56 54 50 20 In tent. Cold raw wind (El-Ayli) from north- east. High clouds. Worse near Gulf.
Noon. 29.20 743 68 66 55 16 High cold wind, continuous. Bright sun. Sky intensely blue and clear.
4.15p.m. 29.22 744 66 65 53 8 Cool. High wind.
Strong wind at night; fell about midnight; gusts at times. Very cold. Bad weather at Sharm Yahrr. Fortuna ("strong wind") began January 21st, ended January 23rd: the next gale was on night of January 28th. As a rule, the people say; black clouds show that the wind will increase; light clouds the contrary.
Jan. 22. 7a.m. 29.32 745 50 49 45 15 Cold and cloudy. El-Ayli continues.
Noon. 29.36 748 66 62 52 11 High cold north-easter rose about 11.30. Sun warm. Air cold.
Heavy purple clouds to north and west. Night still; occasional gusts. Eight p.m. quite still. Mukhbir delayed by bad weather.
Jan. 23. 7.20a.m. 29.39 748 50 50 45 19 Gusts and calm. Nimbi to west. High north wind set in.
Noon. 29.40 747 66 64 54 14 Cold in shade, hot in sun. High wind.
4p.m. - - 66 65 52 9 Wind still high. Dust.
Night alternately gusty and still. Warm. Mukhbir steamed back to her anchorage, Sharm Yhrr.
Jan 24. 7a.m. 29.29 745 55 52 47 15 Gentle breeze from north. No clouds—sign of no wind.
1.30p.m. - - 83 78 68 10 The normal hot, windless, cloudless day.
3p.m. - - 78 74 62 7 Pleasant sea-breeze. Sun hot; air coolish.
Night warm and pleasant.
Jan. 25. 7a.m. 29.30 - 61 - - 15 On box. Fine, and perfectly clear.
Noon. 29.45 - 78 - - - On road to Wady Makn, riding mule. Sea-breeze about noon, strong. Shortly after noon heavy clouds (from north and west) hid the sun.
3p.m. 30.06 - 71 - - 23 Arrived at Makn, on box.
Warm pleasant night. Appearance of rain. Wind from north. Moon clouded.
Land and sea breezes regular. Morning and evening cool. Noon hot. Evaporation immense. Healthy near shore; feverish up the valley. Damp air from neighbourhood of Mount Sinai.
Jan. 26. 7a.m. 30.02 - 68 - - 21 Cloudy. Heavy white waves on water. Wind west; dangerous for ships.
12.30p.m.30.07 - 80 77 62 21 Sun hot; sky clear. Light fleecy clouds on Sinai.
3.30p.m. 30.04 743 82 80 70 18 Air and sun hot. Clear. Sea-breeze. No gale.
Rain probably during the day in Sinai. Muttali, or "fort," of Makn showed aneroid 760 (29).
Jan. 27. 7a.m. 30.02 - 60 59 55 35 In tent. Fine clear; nice land-breeze. Rush of wind at two a.m. Wind at four a.m. Loud noise of reef.
1.30p.m. 30.04 - 80 76 68 28 In big tent, opening to south. Quite clear and bright. No clouds. Slight sea-breeze.
3p.m. 30.02 - 80 79 70 26 Hot and still.
Night glorious. No wind. Only sigh and sound of reef.
Jan. 28. 7a.m. 29.98 - 58 58 53 30 Perfectly still and clear. Light land- breeze.
12.45p.m.30.00 - 80 78 66 20 Weather breaking. Clouds forming everywhere. High horizontal cirri. North wind, whistling over country.
3p.m. 29.98 - 80 79 67 20 Packed up wet and dry bulbs.
At sunset high streaky cirri of red colour: all said wind. Same as at Maghir Shayb (January 21-23). At eleven p.m. El-Ayli (north wind from 'Akabat- Aylah?) came down upon us with a rush. Gravel like drops of rain. Tents at once on the ground. Sky still clear—stars shining.
Jan. 29. 7.15a.m.30.02 - 62 - - 19 In tent-hut. Wind violent. Cold and raw between moonrise and sunrise.
Noon. 30.04 - 81 - - 13 In tent-hut. Wind (El- Ayli) gusty and violent. Sky quite clear.
They say this gale denotes end of Zamharir ("great cold"). Wind fell about three p.m. Mild at sunset. Wind then increased, and became very violent at night (l0-11 p.m.); seems to beat down from above. Summit of quartz-hills, 2 obs. = 29.40
Jan. 30 7a.m. 30.06 - 62 - - 19 In tent-hut. Mountains perfectly clear. Fleecy clouds to north and south, sailing from west to east.
3p.m. 30.06 - 72 - - 15 Clear and fine. Wind falling.
Wind fell during afternoon and evening, but rose again at night; was at its worst about eleven p.m.
Jan. 31. 7a.m. 30.06 - 67 - - 22 In tent-but. Wind worse; signs of blowing everywhere. Light clouds north and south. Mottled clouds (cirri, mackerel- back). Gusts violent after sunrise.
Noon. 30.08 - 73 - - 19 In cabin on board Mukhbir. Wind violent. Sky clear. White clouds, as yet wind increasing. Sand and dust but mountains clear.
3p.m. 30.09 - 78 - - 22 On board Mukhbir. Wind violent. Sky covered with grey clouds.
At sunset, gleams to west and round horizon; heavy to north. Hoped for rain, but none came. Fires alight all night. Very bad night; perhaps the worst yet seen. Chain dragging. At nine p.m. sky clear, but wind worse.
Feb. 1. 7a.m. 30.08 - 70 - - 21 Wind worse than ever. Dark cirri to south. Mountains clear on all sides.
Noon. 30.06 - 74 70 63 21 Wind very bad, turning to east (?). Cirri everywere: to west formed ascending rays like sun, extending to zenith; to east were crosses and lozenges.
3p.m 30.04 - - 70 65 - Wind still bad. White clouds have thickened to south, and thinned to north. Bases of mountains blurred (by dust?); summits clear.
At sunset wind lighter. Dark clouds to south, going westward from Suez. Cirri overhead, presently disappeared; also about the horizon. At night fine zodiacal light. Wind increased. Observations in main cabin throughout voyage.
Feb. 2. 7a.m. 30.00 - 69 70 65 22 Perfectly clear. Wind worse.
Noon. 30.00 - 78 - - 21 Clear sky; only cloud, thin white strata to north.
3p.m. 29.04 - 75 73 63 19 No clouds. Wind milder. Barometer falling (sign of wind ceasing?). Wind getting warmer, and bending east.
Wind less in evening, and warmer; ceased about midnight; lasted from eleven p.m., January 28, to midnight, February 2 = five days and five nights. Zodiacal light.
Feb. 3. 7a.m. 29.93 - 56 65 56 20 On deck (wet and dry bulbs in main cabin). Fresh breeze from east. Fleecy clouds south and east.
Noon. 29.96 - 74 - - 25 On deck. Fine breeze from north.
In evening cirri to west and east. Black dots in regular lines. Night at Minat Jini. Very fine and clear; young moon and Venus. Deadly still. Zodiacal light seen every night in the 'Akabah Gulf: not outside it.
Feb. 4. 7a.m. 29.92 - 74 70 67 24 En route to Nuwaybi', along Sinai shore. Morning grey; light clouds everywhere. Dull brassy sunrise. Water dark. Wind south, felt very damp. Sinai hills clouded over: cirri strata high up; nimbi in fragments below.
Noon. 29.86 - 74 73 68 28 Under awning on board; going north. Sickly sun. Cirri to east.
3p.m. 29.80 - 75 73 66 26 Main cabin South wind strong, increased after noon. Clear horizon then. Sea foaming: wind became very strong, and raised water about sunset, then fell.
A regular day of south wind, blasts, mists, and gusts; calmed down in evening. Quiet night. All day cirri and strata high up from west. Wsit sand forming cloud.
Feb. 5. 7a.m. 30.00 - 72 68 60 9 En route to Kalh (Jezirat Farun of maps), in main cabin. Wind north. Clouds on hill-tops and to north— effects of yesterday. East mountains misty; west clear. Mottle of clouds.
Noon. 29.94 - 73 70 61 7 On deck, steaming north. Dry and wet bulbs in main cabin. Clouds— light cumuli to north, east, and west; south clear. Wind north, light.
3p.m. 29.97 - 75 70 59 19 In main cabin off island El-Kalh. Violent gusts from west, down valleys- -deflection of south wind, lasted only few minutes. Cloudy and clear.
Night clear. Violent gusts from south, lasting a few minutes, then still.
Feb. 6. 7a.m. 30.12 - 70 66 59 15 In main cabin. A regular raw and gloomy English morning. Clouds everywhere—drops of rain. Wind south, deflected west. Gusts at times. All felt damp and uncomfortable.
Noon. 30.10 - 70 65 59 26 In main cabin. Sky all covered with clouds. Wind from north, gusty. Barometer rising.
3p.m. 30.12 - 66 68 60 21 In main cabin. Sky covered; gleams of sun. Clear to south. Wind north, mild.
A few drops of rain morning and evening. Pleasant quiet night.
Feb. 7. 6a.m. 30.13 - - 62 57 19 In main cabin. Still; fresh air; no wind. Heavy clouds from west, covering east-west mountains. West mottled; north and south clear.
3p.m. 30.10 - 71 66 62 25 In main cabin. Cool breeze. Hot sun. Cloudy and clear.
Drops of rain at sunset. Wind west. Heavy rain twice at night; after midnight wetted deck. Rain at 'Akabah from west, with clouds and winds.
Rise of tide off El-'Akabah town, one foot.
Feb. 8. 7a.m. 30.20 - 56 63 61 3 On deck. Dry and wet bulbs in main cabin. At sunrise heavy purple clouds drifting over plain, covering hills on both sides. Cold, raw, wet wind. Rain on Sinai to north-west and south- west. Saw rainbow. Wind gradually turning to east (favourable). Play of light and shade over plains and hills.
Noon. 30.15 - 65 64 57 22 In main cabin. Glorious day. Blue sky; bluer sea. Strong breeze. Cloudy and clear.
3p.m. 30.16 - 67 65 58 25 In main cabin. After noon wind gradually fell, and sky cleared; became much warmer. Steamer (five and a half knots) beat the sailing tender. North perfectly clear; south and east, fleecy clouds. Sun clear and warm.
At sunset red cirri. Wind increased greatly. Waves following us, high and hollow. Bad night. Wind and water high. At midnight(?), rode with head to gale. February 9th, four a.m., turned south. Six a.m. stood for Makn (right angles, and nearly "turned turtle").
Feb. 9. 7a.m. 30.22 - - 64 26 26 In main cabin, off Sharm Dabbah. Sky quite clear. North wind colder than ever, yet we are going south. Beginning of dangerous gale which lasted till February 13th. Ugly hollow sea.
1p.m. 30.15 - - 66 58 28 In main cabin. Out of 'Akabah Gulf. Passed into a summer sea. Under lee of Tirn. On deck 63 degrees (F.).
3p.m. 30.11 - - 69 59 27 In main cabin, rounding south of Jezirat Tirn. Sky all clear, except wind cirri over 'Akabah Gulf and to west.
At nine p.m. halo round moon, and far from it—bad sign! Before midnight gusts began. Increased at one a.m. (February 10). At four a.m. very violent north wind from El-'Akabah.
Feb. 10 7a.m. 30.07 - - 69 65 30 In cabin of Mukhbir, south of Tirn. Water ruffled. Clouds everywhere. Rain on the coast. Felt raw. Mottled sky.
Noon. 30.03 - - 72 64 38 In cabin at Tirn. Sun out at nine a.m. Clouds and clear. Windy sky. Cirri to west and north- west. Dark clouds to leeward.
3p.m. 29.94 - - 74 65 25 In cabin at Tirn. Rain- storm to south-west. Wind north. Sky cloudy and clear. Cool breeze, not high.
At four p.m. a few large drops fell. Heavy rain at El-'Akabah and on east coast. Sand-veil over Sinaitic shore. Six p.m., wind gusty. Rain-clouds all over coast. Wind becoming warm. At 1.15 a.m. (February 11), terrible rush and fall of rain. Wind westing. Mild at first. Five a.m., hard Gharbi, threatening Azyab. All mist—could hardly see the shore.
Feb. 11. 7a.m. 29.82 - - 71 67 35 To windward of Tirn. Howling west wind. Sun like pale cheese. Aneroid falling. After seven a.m. the storm broke, and we narrowly escaped a wreck in two places, Tirn and Sinfir. Crisis of gale.
Noon. 29.80 - - 70 60 30 In Sinfir port, main cabin. Wind west, bending to south on falling.
3p.m. 28.20 - - 72 65 24 In main cabin. Mist and sand. English sun. Wind west and warm. Sea green and breaking.
At five p.m. the sand-mist began to clear off. Wind died away, then turned north and north-north-east. Light scud over moon, going slowly. Patches of blue, and stars. Barometer rising fast. Perfectly still night till midnight, when it began to blow, about the setting of the moon. At Suez, during the gale, red dust prevented ships seeing one another; and at Cairo trees were uprooted.
Feb. 12 " 30.13 - - 68 62 31 In main cabin. At 3.30 a.m. a violent Ayli, like that of El-'Akabah, began to blow. Gusts and shivering water. Swept off all sand-fog.
Noon. 30.17 - - 73 64 27 In main cabin. Howling wind. Sea less, because of ebb. Breeze fresh. Sky clear to south; few white clouds to north- east and west. Sun bright and warm.
3p.m. 30.14 - - 75 65 24 In cabin. Wind violent as ever, and cold from north.
During the night the wind blew from all possible directions; north-east, and at one time due west.
Feb. 13. " 30.18 - - 66 60 36 In main cabin. Howling north wind till four a.m., then milder. Hardly a speck of cloud. Fresh cool air from north. Sea very blue. All sail set. Mist- clouds on tallest peaks of coast-range. Wind diminished as we went south. Cirri everywhere, zenith and on horizon.
Noon. 30.12 - - 69 59 26 On deck. Soft pleasant air; before cold and hard. Influence of El'Akabah. Thermometer on deck 69 degrees (F.).
3p.m 30.10 - - 71 62 20 On board. Sky milky everywhere with cirri. Wind north-west, going west.
Red sunset. Distant halo round moon—cleared off soon (a good sign), and not well marked. Light westerly gale (No. 2).
Feb. 14. 7a.m. 30.06 - - 64 58 22 In cabin (open). Splendid morning. Wind west, set in hard before noon. Milk-and-water sky. Should have been kept at Sinfir.
Noon. 30.04 - - 71 60 20 West wind increased. Sky clear; but SHRR Mountains cloudy— condensing moisture.
3p.m. 30.02 - - 71 60 20 In cabin. North-west wind strong. Moved ship. Heavy black clouds on mountains.
Feb 15. " 30.10 - - 66 58 30 In cabin.
Noon. 30.13 - 72 - - 35 In cabin.
3p.m. 30.14 - 75 - - 26 On deck. Clouds above the mountains.
Cold north-west breeze at five p.m. Sea high. Aneroid observations at Sulphur Mountain—foot, 30.14; top, 29.90; difference .24 = 250 feet.
Feb. 16. 7.30a.m. 30.23 - - 63 55 20 In cabin. Aneroid unusually high. Clear and cloudy at mountains. Cool air and light breeze.
12.50p.m. 30.23- - 64 55 20 Cool. Wind north. In cabin.
3p.m. 30.20 - - 66 56 18 In cabin. Cool. No clouds.
Splendid night. Not a sign of cloud. Cool. White streak on the water (milky sea, like that of Bombay, caused by fish?). Finest weather yet seen.
Feb. 17. 6a.m. 30.17 - 66 - - 15 In cabin. Cool, clear, splendid. Forenoon warm and still. Sea glassy.
Noon. 30.16 - 74 - - 20 In cabin. Sea-breeze came up strong at eleven a.m.
3p.m. 30.13 - - - - 23 In cabin. Sky clouded all the afternoon—did not see the sun. Moon veiled—not a nice look.
Night very cold (shivery). Wind Barri ("land-breeze").
Feb. 18. 6.30a.m. 30.00 - 61 - - 14 Cold and clear. Land- breeze.
Noon. 30.04 - 78 - - 33 Sea-breeze setting; land-breeze stopped. Sky perfectly clear. Sun hot. No end of flies.
3p.m. 30.04 - 78 - - 22 Fierce and violent west wind—a Gharbi, or exaggerated sea-breeze? Sky quite clear.
Night quite still. Cold wind stopped at nine p.m. rather suddenly.
The distance traversed comprised 222-1/4 statute miles, mostly through unexplored country.
On return compared aneroids:— French .............................. 763 millimetres. My Casella .......................... 762 "
Difference .......................... .001 "
Date. Time. Aneroid Ther. Hygr. Remarks. Inches. (deg.)(deg.)
Feb. 19. 6.20a.m. 30.07 65 23 In big tent at El-Muwaylah. Cool land- breeze. Sky quite clear.
Noon. 29.82 74 23 At Wady Surr, under tree in sea-breeze. Clear sky, few white clouds. Cold land- breeze in Wady Surr at ten a.m.; cold sea- breeze at eleven a.m.
3.40p.m. 29.60 76 20 At Safh Wady Malayh (Malih), in big tent. Feels as if high up.
Night perfectly still, except a gust about midnight.
Feb. 20. 6.25a.m. 29.53 60 21 In big tent at Safh Wady Malayh. Clear and fine.
11.20a.m.29.40 73 43 Under tree at base of western Ghts. Fine cool sea-breeze.
3p.m. 29.44 78 17 At Sayl Wady el-Jimm ("water-gathering"). Hot sun. Cold sea-breeze.
Night cold, with land-breeze.
Feb. 21. 6.15a.m. 29.38 64 7 In big tent at Sayl Wady el-Jimm. Clouds to north and east; air damp. High wind and clouds.
12.45p.m.28.82 71 25 On march up Wady Sadr, under tree. Cold sea-breeze. Sky quite clear; sun warm. Awful east winds down these Wadys form the Goz or sand-heaps.
3.30p.m. 28.86 76 7 In small tent at El-Nagwah, in Wady Sadr. Sun hot; breeze cold.
Night cold, but not so cold as we expected.
Feb. 22. 6a.m. 28.86 56 8 In big tent at El-Nagwah.
11.50a.m.25.40 65 4 Under tree in Wady Sadr; say, 1600 feet high. White clouds. West wind (sea-breeze deflected to north) blowing. Here cold comes from wind.
3p.m. 27.80 74 3 In big tent at Amwh el-Rikb, Wady Sadr.
At four p.m. cold and clouds; cumuli and cirri. West wind deflected to north. At five p.m. thermometer in tent 66 degrees. Fire in tent. Night cold, clear, and still. A few gusts about midnight.
Feb. 23. 6.30a.m. 27.80 53 5 In big tent foot of Ghts. Weather lovely- -clear, fine, and cold. At eight a.m. sun warm, then cold wind.
1.30p.m. 26.88 72 5 In big tent. Cold easterly gale.
4p.m. 26.90 65 2 In small tent, same place.
Violent wind at midnight. Cold; thermometer 38 degrees.
Feb. 24. 6a.m. 26.95 48 0 At head of Wady Sadr.
26.15 45 0 To summit of Khuraytat el-Jils (Pass). Above the Pass, aneroid 26.25; below, 26.70: difference, .55 = 450 feet. Walked down in twenty-six minutes.
11.30a.m.26.18 56 0 In the open, under shade. Perfectly clear of clouds. Sun hot.
3p.m. 26.26 66 -2 In big tent on Hism plateau (short descent to camping-ground). Air clear; sun hot.
Very cold when sun sets. Gusts from east at night.
Feb. 25. 6.30a.m. 26.30 42 3 In big tent.
12.30p.m.27.84 74 12 At foot of Khuraytat el-Jils. Still, no wind; no clouds.
3.30p.m. 27.83 78 17 No wind; no clouds.
Night splendidly clear and still. Felt warm.
Feb. 26. 6a.m. 27.72 64 2 In big tent on Hism plateau. Glorious orange-coloured dawn. Mild north wind. Moon in last quarter. At eight a.m. good breeze from north; at eleven a.m. cool and pleasant breeze from east.
Noon. 28.00 70 -8 On march in Shafah Mountains. Hot sun. Cold wind.
3p.m. 28.30 85 -4 Camp Majr el-Ruways. In small tent. Strong west breeze in gusts.
Night glorious at foot of the two Passes.
Feb. 27. 6a.m. 28.10 65 -4 On ground outside tent at Majr el-Ruways. Sky overhead quite clear; a few flecks to south, low clouds to east. At 8.30 a.m. wind south. Sun at first hot; then sky cloudy.
11.45a.m.28.48 80 3 At El-Rahabah, head of Wady Dmah, under tree. Fine sea-breeze. High white strata to north-east and south. No clouds elsewhere.
5p.m. 28.56 76 -5 Under thorn-tree at Wady Dmah. Fleeting cirro-cumuli.
Night very cold. Not a sign of dew till we returned on board Mukhbir.
Feb. 28. 6a.m. 28.50 44 -5 At Wady Dmah, on box in open. Clouds and sea-breeze at 8.45 a.m.
1p.m. 28.29 70 19 Under tree at Shuwk ruin. Thermometer in sun, 82 degrees. Bits of cumuli from south. At two p.m. furious wind and dust (sand-devils) scouring up valley from south, also deflected to west by Pass gorge. "Sand-devils" in Wadys Surr, Sadr, Dmah, Shuwk, and Salm.
3p.m. 28.19 71 16 In big tent.
A few gusts during early part of night; the rest very still. Cold and clear.
AT SHUWK RUIN. Mar. 1. 6.45a.m. 25.30 46 10 Very cold; hands chilled. Land-breeze at eight a.m. At barrage (dam), aneroid 28.36.
Noon. 28.37 76 17 In small tent. Noon hot. Wind gusty—not regular and strong as yesterday.
3p.m. 28.34 77 6 In small tent. Sky clear; air still and sultry.
Mar. 2. 6a.m. 28.30 58 11 In big tent at Shuwk. Air still. Clouds to east. Afterwards sky mottled, windy striae. At seven a.m. rainbow without rain; thin cloud north of sun; perpendicular streak, brilliant enough: lasted twenty minutes.
9a.m. 28.75 66 - At Shaghab ruin. Sea-breeze at eleven a.m. Clear and cool. Day slightly cloudy; sun partly hidden.
3p.m. 28.60 86 15 In big tent at Majr el-Wghir. Mild sea- breeze. Hot sun. High clouds.
Night windless, except few occasional gusts. Stars veiled. Grand zodiacal light (now the regular thing). Cool and pleasant.
Mar. 3. 6a.m. 28.55 66 14 At Majr el-Wghir, outside tent. Sky cloudy; mist to north, "mackerel's back" to east. Sea-breeze at 9.30 a.m. in Wady Dmah.
Noon. 29.13 75 26 Under tree in Wady Dmah. Cool wind from south-west. A few clouds, getting gradually darker to west and south-west.
4p.m. 29.20 78 15 At El-Kutayyifah (camp) under a tree. Cool south-west wind.
6a.m. 29.30 63 16 Cold north wind. Sea-breeze at nine a.m, In big tent at El-Kutayyifab.
Mar. 4. 11.30a.m. 29.33 68 11 In shade of rock, Umm mil.
4p.m. 29.63 80 10 In small tent at M el-Badi'h, Wady Salm. Cold, stiff gale: dust-laden sea-breeze up the ugly gorge.
5.45a.m. 29.50 60 13 At M el-Badi'h, on box in open air. Air clear; thin threads to south.
Mar. 5. 12.30p.m. 30.06 84 -3 At Zib, in big tent, open east and west, fronting the bay.
2.45p.m. 30.00 82 4 At Zib, in small tent.
AT ZIB, IN CAMP (our second halt).
Mar. 6. 6a.m. 29.92 61 15 In big tent. Rather heavy clouds to east and elsewhere. Sea-breeze began at ten a.m.
Noon. 30.04 86 10 In big tent. Air dull and heavy. "Rain- sun."
3.45p.m. 30.00 81 3 Sky quite clear.
Storm at sunset. Heavy clouds rising over arch from west to north: all said meant wind. At seven p.m. violent gusty gale; nearly blew down tents. Rushing and furious rain from north-west. Gusts lasted long. Fell about eleven p.m. Rose again very violently at midnight; then blew itself out. Followed by cold air. Rain lasted about one hour; damped the ground, and left deep puddles in the rock-hollows. Never had thunder and lightning in Midian.
Mar. 7. 6a.m. 31.12 58 15 At Zib, on box. Cold and clear. A few clouds to west.
11.30a.m.29.96 74 19 At Jebel el Ghl, in shade in the open. Fine west wind.
Night and morning cold. On summit of Jebel el-Ghl, aneroid 29.75.
Mar. 8. 6a.m. 30.04 51 11 At Myat el-Ghl (camp), on box.
March 8th is the 30th (last day of) Imshir (February), 1094. March 9th is the 1st of Barmht (March). See Chap. I. p. 22. In the early days of Barmht they expect the Husum or violent wind which destroyed the tribe of Ad. After seven nights and eight days begins the Bard el-Agz, or "old man's cold." On Barmht 12 (March 20) is the Intikl el-Shams, or "vernal equinox;" after which the weather becomes warmer.
Date. Time. Aneroid Ther. Dry Wet Hygr. Remarks. Inches. (deg.)Bulb. Bulb.(deg.)
Mar. 8. 12.40p.m.30.08 74 - - 18 Main cabin, Mukhbir.
Mar. 9. 7a.m. 30.10 20 69 62 - In cabin.
12.30p.m.30.13 73 72 64 - Quite clear. Fresh sea-breeze.
3p.m. 30.11 75 74 64 - Clouds white and streaky everywhere.
In the evening clouds on hills and mountains, especially the SHRR; elsewhere clear. Red sunset, grand. At night dew heavy on board Mukhbir; gunwales wet in morning. Moon with kind of half halo round her. Night very hot—sign of coming storm.
At noon compared ship's (Mukhbir) mercurial barometer ......................... 773 millimetres. With my aneroid by Casella .................. 765 millimetres. And (Mr. Duguid's) aneroide ................. 765 millimetres. Difference .................................. -008 millimetres. On December 19, 1877, ship's difference ..... +007 millimetres. Difference .................................. +001 millimetres.
Mar. 10. 6.30p.m. 30.12 73 69 61 - In cabin. Clouds on SHRR like flights of birds, low-lying banks to south. Morning slightly muggy: no breeze.
Noon. 30.12 76 75 60 - In cabin. Gentle sea-breeze. Sky quite clear.
3p.m. 30.11 76 76 66 - Cool, pleasant sea-breeze.
Fine night, pleasant and cool.
Mar. 11. 6a.m. 30.10 73 68 65 - In cabin. Splendid morning.
Noon. 30.10 - 80 64 - In cabin. Glorious day; sea- breeze cool and fresh.
3.30p.m. 30.05 78 77 65 - In cabin. Sea-breeze lively and strong.
Mar. 12. 7a.m. 30.04 - 67 61 - In cabin. Warmish. Splendid sunrise on SHRR; cold to north, warmer tints in centre, and glowing red-yellow flush to south.
3p.m. 30.03 78 77 70 - In cabin. Fine cool sea- breeze.
Tides high and low (March) pier shows difference of three feet in rise, about the midlength of Sharm Yhrr.
The distance traversed comprised 59 miles.
On return compared aneroids:— French (left on board Mukhbir) .... 758 millimetres. My Casella ........................ 756 " Difference ........................ 002 "
Date. Time. Aneroid Ther. Hygr. Remarks. Inches. (deg.)(deg.)
Mar. 13. 6.20a.m. 29.96 66 23 On deck of Mukhbir. Cool land-breeze; hot at nine a.m. Sea-breeze at 10.45. At Wady Sanawiyyah aneroid 29.60.
3p.m. 29.26 82 13 Under tree (acacia, but shady). Grand sea- breeze from one to three p.m.
Warm night under the SHRR, stones retaining heat. Moon misty. Very heavy dew, like rain; wetted boxes; saw for the first time inland. Will last for some three months, and must greatly assist vegetation.
Mar. 14. 6a.m. 29.30 68 28 In big tent. All the sky clouded over as if rain coming. Sea-breeze 10.30.
Noon. 29.60 88 28 Camp at Safh Wady Kusayb. Cloudy and sultry all day. Little sun, except from nine till eleven a.m. Rain-heat; seems to threaten rain.
3p.m. 29.56 86 23 In big tent. Sultry-feels like storm.
At night, violent storm of wind from north-east, with nasty warm gusts. The people call it Sabh, probably for Sab, the "Zephyr"—the Bd-i-Sab of poetry; also El-Farawi, because it blows at night. Big tent down in a moment, as at Makn. N.B.—No windstorm on the coast. At foot of Ab Shar Pass, aneroid 28.80; at foot of quartz-vein (wall), 28.50.
Mar. 15. 6a.m. 29.50 76 1 In big tent at Safh Wady Kusayb, north- east wind still blowing. No dew in morning.
11.45a.m.29.22 93 -5 In Wady Surr. Curious windy cirri to west. Wind blew itself out in Wady Surr. Pleasant sea-breeze from south.
3p.m. 28.93 100 14 In big tent at Safhat el-Wayrah, Wady Surr. Cloudy. Wind from south, a deflected sea-breeze.
Mar. 16. 6a.m. 29.86 70 2 On box outside tent. Morning grand; still, clear, warm, and dry. At seven a.m., going uphill, aneroid 28.20; at 7.35, half-way up, 27.70.
9a.m. 26.83 63 3
Noon. 26.70 82 - Under rock. Pleasant sea-breeze from north-east. Sun hot; day quite clear.
3p.m. 26.76 86 3 Shade of rock, summit of outlier. Strong wind from west.
Mean of two observations on summit of outlier, 26.79 = 3,200 feet above sea- level.
Mar. 17. 9a.m. 28.36 80 3 Under tree. Very hot sun that tired all. Breeze at 8.30 a.m.
11a.m. 28.76(?)93 - Same place. At summit of Pass el-Kuwayd, aneroid 28.13; in Wady Kuwayd, 28.20. Very small descent to 28.50, say 400 feet.
3.40p.m. 28.65 90 -9 In big tent.
Mar. 18. 4.20am 28.63 73 -4 Complete change of climate. No Khamsin to- day. Fine sea-breeze in puffes at 9:30 a.m.; came up strong about noon.
11.45am 29.43 91 5 Under tree in Wady el-Bayz.
On March 17th began what our Egyptians called the Khamsin, and the Arabs El- Dufn (Bedawin, Dafn) generically; and specifically Dufn el-Suryy ("of the Pleiades""). Sky dark without clouds. At night, yellow clouds over moon. Gusts alternately hot and cold. Highly electrical; few could sleep at night. Tents left open. It was followed by damp and gloomy weather, which the Arabs attribute to the Intikl el-Shams ("vernal equinox"). This began on March 19th, and lasted till the 22nd. Aneroid falls lower than we have yet seen it.
Date. Time. Aneroid Ther. Dry Wet Hygr. Remarks. Inches. (deg.)Bulb. Bulb.(deg.)
Mar. 18. 3p.m. 29.91 84 - - 24 In main cabin. A few light clouds.
Mar. 19. 7a.m. 29.83 - 70 64 - Under deck awning. Morning still, calm, and muggy. Clouds everywhere. Presently cool land-breeze came up. Regular Khamsin at eight a.m.
Noon. 29.80 - 79 71 - In captain's cabin. Cloudy and cool.
3p.m. 29.76 - 79 70 - In captain's cabin. Afternoon sultry. Wind Azyab, and from south. Seems to threaten a storm. Heavy clouds from west and north-west.
Mar. 20. 7a.m. 29.82 - 75 71 - In captain's cabin. Sultry, "juicy" morning.
Noon. 29.75 - 76 70 - Dark and cloudy. Cool wind from south-west.
4p.m. 29.80 - 76 68 - In captain's cabin. Sultry air; no breeze; nasty and damp. Cloudy all over. A storm somewhere (Alexandria? Suez?). Swell on sea, breaking on south reef; comes from north- west. Weather looks like that of Europe.
About eight p.m. a cool draught from north. No moon or stars. Expect it to end either in a gale or in heavy rain. It ended on morning of March 22nd, with a fine north wind; and at 9.10 p.m. with slight earthquake.
Date. Time. Aneroid Ther. Dry Wet Hydg. Remarks. Inches. (deg.)Bulb. Bulb.(deg.)
Mar. 21. 7a.m. 29.76 - 75 71 - In captain's cabin. Aneroid very low. Wind south-west. Ugly, gloomy weather. Mountains misty. Very slight roll in sea—became heavy in afternoon—mar vecchio (Bahr madfn). Bursts of half sun after nine a.m.
12.40p.m.29.84 - 77 71 - Aneroid rising. At noon sea quite calm and oily. Shortly after, sea-breeze from west set in. About one p.m. made sail; rolling began. More sun. Sails down. At two p m. rolling heavy, cross sea (mar vecchio).
3.30p.m. 29.85 - 76 73 - Damp increases.
After five p.m. sky clearer and weather finer, but still dark to south. Stars veiled.
Mar. 22. 6.15a.m. 29.92 - 73 66 - In cabin. Morning cool. Wind north. Total change of weather. Sky clear, except cirri, and wind increased. White "horses" outside. All nature gay.
Noon. 30.01 - 79 65 - In cabin. Damp disappeared.
3p.m. 30.90 - 74 64 - Fine, strong, bright sea- breeze. North wind, threatening to blow hard. Cloudy and clear. Windy sky.
At 9.10 p.m. earthquake from north to south; lasted twenty seconds; followed by strong north wind, which lasted only a short time. So end the Equinoctials.
Mar. 23. 6a.m. 30.00 - 70 61 - At Dumayghah. In cabin. Glorious morning; cool, calm, bright. Zephyr from north. At noon a few wind-clouds and cirri to north and west. Very heavy rolling (mar vecchio) from north-west. Long waves.
3p.m. 29.98 - 74 65 - At El-Wijh. Pleasant, cool north wind. Afternoon cloudy and cold, as if wind came through rain.
Cleared in the evening. Saw stars.
Mar. 24. 5.45a.m. 29.94 - 71 68 - In cabin. Grey, cloudy morning. No cold.
3p.m. 29.98 - 74 65 - In cabin. Fine north breeze. Warm sun. Air cool. Wind- clouds to east; the rest blue. Sky wondrous clear.
At 4.30 p.m. left El-Wijh, and steamed nearly due south-west. Fine breeze and long waves from north-west. Wind and waves fell. Rolled horridly from seven p.m. to midnight: no ballast; very bad steering: then turned south-east, and movement somewhat improved. Very heavy dew. Zodiacal light clear.
Mar. 25. 7.30 a.m.30.04 - 73 68 - Marvellous fine morning. Wind north. Glorious day.
12.15p.m.30.01 - 75 64 - Near El-Haur. Lovely day. Steady north breeze.
4p.m. 29.97 - 77 69 -
Mar. 26 6a.m. 29.94 70 - - 36 In cabin. Red morning, warm and still. Sea oily. Light mists. Venus throws shadow. Very heavy dew—all wet.
12.15p.m.29.91 - 74 70 - Same place. Warm sun; cool breeze from north.
3.20p.m. 29.87 - 78 74 - At sea. Cirri and wind-clouds to east and nearly everywhere.
Weather fine, yet glass falling. Damp air. Hence (possibly) many have colds, coughs, and hoarseness. Wind-clouds, but clear to north. Dew very heavy.
Mar. 27. 7a.m. 29.87 - 73 68 - In captain's cabin Dew-clouds everywhere. Air very damp.
11.45a.m.29.98 - 78 70 - Air still and pleasant.
3p.m. 29.85 - 78 72 - Day decidedly hot and damp. Aneroid very low.
Mar. 28. 6.30a.m. 29.89 - 70-1/2 68 - In cabin. Dew wetted tents and decks like heavy shower. Sky all dew; air feels soppy. Violent wind from north-west. Ship rolling.
1p.m. 29.97 - 70-1/2 67 -
Mar. 29. 7a.m. 29.97 71 - - 33 In cabin. Strong, cold north wind. Men coughing like cries of camels. Sky very clear. This kind of storm is called Haww el-'Uwwah ("last storm of March"), and blows fourteen days. Followed by El-Ni'm el- Kabir ("greater"), and El- Saghir ("less"); continues forty days.
6p.m. 28.78 74 - - 30 At Fort El-Wijh, two hours' journey up the valley.
Fine day on seaboard—not much gale. Wind north-west. Night cool, but no dew. Ship's barometer, 6 a.m., 30.7 Wind north-west. Ther. (F.) 64 deg. Ship's barometer, noon, 30.7 Wind north-west. Ther. (F.) 76 deg. Ship's barometer, 3 p.m., 30.7 Wind north-west. Ther. (F.) 76 deg.
Compared ship's (Sinnr) mercurial barometer, 30.07 (64 deg. F.), with anerold, 30.01; difference, aneroid,—0.06.
On return compared ship's (Sinnr) mercurial barometer, 29.99, with aneroid, 29.86; difference, aneroid,—0.13.
Date. Time. Aneroid Ther. Dry Wet Hydg. Remarks. Inches. (deg.)Bulb. Bulb.(deg.)
Mar. 30. 5.30a.m. 29.70 64 - - 24 At Fort El-Wijh, on box before tent. Cold and cloudy morning. Moon and stars veiled.
Noon. 29.55 90 - - 43 In camp at Umm el-Karyt— deep valley. Puffs of sea- breeze from south. Strong sun.
3.15p.m. 29.50 86 - - 29 In big tent at Umm el-Karyt- -lat. 26 deg. 13'. Sun very hot. Fresh and strong sea- breeze from east (?).
Cool and pleasant night. No sign of dew. Climate healthy. Garrison at Fort El- Wijh in excellent condition.
Mar. 31. 5a.m. 29.44 45 - - 19 In big tent at Umm el-Karyt. Very clear, still morning. West pink. At sunrise wind, and hot and cold puffs (south- east and land-breeze).
11.10p.m.29.46 90 - - -3 At Wady el-Kubbah, under tree. Very hot. Wind shifting from east to west (sea-breeze). Stones in sun so hot that they cannot be held. At noon regular Khamsin; air sandy.
Top of Jebel el-Kubbah, aneroid 29.34; in valley below, aneroid 29.46 (47?); height, 120 feet.
3p.m. 29.30 94 - - -20 At Myat el-Dasnah. Hot west wind. Thermometer in big tent, unwalled.
Night cool.
April 1. " 29.30 63 - - -12 At Myat el-Dasnah. Morning pleasant, still, and quite clear. No sign of dew or Khamsin. Hygrometer exceedingly dry. Sun rose hot. Slight breeze from eight a.m. to 8.30 a.m., when the rocks and stones have become thoroughly heated. Very refreshing: cools head; stops perspiration.
9.30a.m. 28.96 83 - - -10 At foot of Mar Rbigh, in shade of rock.
12.30p.m.28.92 99 - - -8 At Mar Rbigh, under big tent awning. About noon a medley of winds; hot blasts of Khamsin from south-west, suddenly changed to north.
3p.m. 28.88 100 - - -25 At Mar Rbigh. Hot sun. Wind in puffs, mostly south-west. No sand in air. Stones in sunshine too hot to hold; yet there are flies.
This is second day of Khamsin. Comes up about ten a.m.; wind either too much or too little. At 2.5 p.m. nearly blew tent down.
April 2. 5.10a.m. 28.98 70 - - -6 At foot of Mar Rubayyigh in Wady Rbigh. Morning perfectly still. All appearance of Khamsin. Light horizontal striae to north.
Noon. 29.15 92 - - -18 At Ab Gezz valley, under tree. Much bothered by small flies.
3.10p.m. 29.14 100 - - -25 In big tent, which was again blown down.
Third day of Khamsin. All animals weak and worn out. Wind comes up later— 11.30 a.m. to noon. Gives feeling of faintness and awful thirst. "Devils" (Zawbah) rose high in valley with electrical whirl. Evening lowering. Wind or rain clouds from west and north. Night still and cool. Threatening clouds east and west.
April 3. 5a.m. 29.20 65 - - -13 At Ab Gezz valley. Morning cool (sign Khamsin gone). Sun pleasant. Red wind-clouds to north and east. At six a.m. pleasant, cool land-breeze from south.
Noon. 28.80 90 - - -16 At El-Bad, under palm-tree. Wind west. Milky sky, all white.
3p.m. 28.75 95 - - -24 In big tent. Regular Khamsin— very nasty. Clouds to west.
Night still. Neither warm nor cool. climate fine. Colds and coughs disappeared.
April 4. 5.30a.m. 28.70 68 - - -7 On box outside tent. Traces of dew. White clouds. Looked regularly like a Khamsin day.
Noon. 28.74 90 - - 2 In big tent. No sun. Air muggy. White gleams. View poor; like rain. Strong blast from south-west. Heavy clouds west and north. Drops of rain fell three times between one p.m. and three p.m.
3p.m. 28.70 90 - - -8
At four p.m. in west a dust like general or prairie fire. A few drops of rain fell at long intervals—could not catch any for photographs. Broad parallel veins of white, red, and black cloud rising from east to west. Puffs of cold wind came on, soon growing to blasts; then storm came down upon us. No thunder or lightning. Kind of "dust-bow" in west (no rain), half the arc. Wind then turned north and felt cold and rainy. Heavy cloud-bank to west. Forms of mountains crept out of the brown and purple mist, half dust, half rain. All enjoyed storm. No rain for two years has fallen here. Rainbows at El-'Akabah (double) and at Shuwk (single). Cool and pleasant night, with dew. Mean of six aneroid observations at El-Bad, 28.78. After leaving El-Bad mornings and evenings delightful; sun warm in day; nights cool and pleasant. Dust at times.
April 5. 4.30a.m. 28.65 - - - -8 In big tent at Bad. Dust "devils." Great change after rain. Very damp.
3p.m. 28.58 86 - - -3 At 'Ayn el-Kurr, under shade of rock. Strong north wind.
Though all prophesied Azyab or "south-easter," this was perhaps the finest of all our days. Night cool. Cold wind at one a.m., of which all complained.
April 6. 5.45a.m. 28.59 58 - - 6 At 'Ayn el-Kurr, on box outside tent. White clouds to south. No wind. False sea- breeze at seven a.m.; true at ten a.m. Cloudy forenoon.
11.45a.m.28.90 84 - - - In Wady el-Kurr.
3p.m. 28.87 87 - - -3 At Wady Laylah, in big tent. Afternoon windy as usual. Puffs from west (sea-breeze), cold. Sky quite clear. Mountains milky.
Night cool, but not cold.
April 7. 4.15a.m. 28.80 60 - - +5 In big tent at Wady Laylah. Morning especially bright. Lucifer like a little moon. Breeze at eight a.m.
Noon. 29.39 54 - - +2 Wady Birkat, under rock. Going down seawards fast. Cool west wind. Good sea-breeze. Sky and sun clear—sun not unpleasant. Hot in sheltered bends.
3.10p.m. 29.46 81 - - 4 At Abl-Ajj, under tamarisks.
Dew at night.
April 8. 5a.m. 29.55 60 - - 27 Outside tent at Abl-Ajj. Cool morning; warmer at eight a.m. before breeze set in.
Noon. 29.94 83 - - 22 At the temple (El-Gasr), Wady Hamz. Sand-dust with sea- breeze, terrible at temple and around it. Eyes filled, clothes covered. Saw mirage— well defined for first time.
3p.m. 29.90 52 - - 20 At Wady Hamz. Hygrometer damp on account of sea-breeze.
April 9. 4a.m. 29.92 70 - - 25 Still, clear, and beautiful, like all these mornings. Hot sun. Blue sea, glassy near the shore. Puffs of wind from east.
Noon. 29.90 96 - - -8 In big tent at Wady Mismh. Cool breeze from north-cast. Heat strongly reflected from quartz. Vegetation dreadfully dry; plants look dead. Two bad years.
3p.m. 29.74 92 - - -18 In big tent at Abl-Mar. Another nasty afternoon. High west wind—sea-breeze, not Khamsin; tent almost blown down. Dust dreadful.
Evening charming. Night admirably cool.
April 10 4.20a.m. 29.74 - - - 0 In big tent at Abl-Mar. Splendid morning; few striae in east. Will be hot.
4.30p.m. 29.95 - 76 73 - On board Sinnr, captain's cabin. Pleasant afternoon. Cool sea-breeze.
April 11.6a.m. 29.86 - 70 66 - In captain's cabin. Felt damp strongly after the Desert.
12.30p.m.29.87 - 78 74 - All complaining of heat (white heat); damp is the cause. No sea-breeze to speak of.
3.15p.m. 29.83 - 79 75 - White clouds everywhere. Curious wind-clouds, not a little like comets.
Heavy dew. Streets of El-Wijh wet.
Date. Time. Aneroid Dry Wet Remarks. Inches. Bulb. Bulb.
April 12. 6.20 a.m. 29.89 78 73 En route to El-Muwaylah, captain's cabin. Red sunrise. Clouds thin all about horizon. Looks like regular Khamsin day. Feels exceedingly damp.
12.20 p.m. 20.80 79 70 In dead calm. Sea oily, like mirror. No winds. Thin white clouds everywhere.
3.35 p.m. 29.78 81 76 In captain's cabin. Wretched day at El-Wijh and ashore. Very muggy.
At night a "bruch" (halo) of clouds round moon, and far from it. Expect storm. "Bruchs" round moon on 13th, 14th, and 15th.
April 13. Noon. 29.84 78 70 Anchored before El-Muwaylah. No dew in morning, and clouds everywhere. No sun seen. Very hot at noon. White clouds everywhere. Smoke of steamer hangs low. Mountains look very high. Muggy. Fine drinkytite.
3 p.m. 29.80 83 73 At Sharm Yhrr. Hot and sweaty. Light west wind rose after noon; soon fell.
At night clouds and "bruch." Clear to north, thick to south.
April 14. 6.30 a.m. 29.82 78 72 At Sharm Yhrr. Nasty muggy morning. Light north breeze set in.
12.40 p.m. 29.88 82 75
3 p.m. 29.85 83 76 Warm and cloudy.
Weather threatening. The same storm that found us at Makn last year.
April 15. " - - - Water flooded pier, and waves broke on shore.
April 16. " - - - Ran to El-Muwaylah. Had to return to Sharm Yhrr. Furious wind from west (Gharbi) began about nine a.m.
April 17. Noon. 29.98 77 65 In captain's cabin, Sharm Yhrr.
3 p.m. 29.92 76 65
Wind changed to north. Weather became cool and pleasant. Gale still, but shows signs of abating.
On April 18th weather somewhat abated. Stopped at El-Mawaylah to drop Sayyid 'Abd el-Rahim; and steamed off for Suez, where we arrived on 20th. Voyage very slow in teeth of north wind. Yet at Suez had had south wind for some days, and congratulated us upon the fact.
(He used the French aneroide and the Centigrade thermometer bought at Cairo.)
Date. Time. Aneroid Thermometer Remarks. Millimetres. Centigrade. (deg.)
Jan. 8. Noon. 768 25 At Sharm camp.
Jan. 9. Noon. 768 25 Ditto.
Jan. 10. Noon. 761 26 Ditto.
Jan. 11. Noon. 763 19 Ditto.
Jan. 12. Noon. 763 19 Ditto.
Jan. 13. Noon. 760 30 Ditto. Very hot.
Jan. 14. Daylight 760 20 (?) 755 25 Very hot. 8 p.m. 758 23
Jan. 15. (?) 757 21 (?) 757 25 Hot. Nightfall 759 20
Jan. 16. Daylight 762 18 Mr. Duguid marched from Sharm to El-Muwaylah.
Jan. 17. Sunset. 768 25 On board Mukhbir at Sharm Yhrr.
Jan. 18. Sunrise. 766 22 On board Mukhbir. (?) 766 23 Ditto. Sunset. 764 28 Ditto. Hot.
Jan. 19. Sunrise. 763 21 Noon. 762 25 Sunset. 763 25
Jan. 20. Sunrise. 761 21 Noon. 762 25 Nightfall 762 28 Hot
Jan. 21. Sunrise. 763 23 Bad weather at Sharm Yhrr. Noon. 763 24 Sunset. 767 25
Jan. 22. Sunrise. 769 19 Mukhbir delayed by bad weather. Noon. 768 24
Jan. 24. Noon. 767 24
Mr. Duguid steamed out of Yhrr for Makn. Anchored off Sinfir Island.
Jan. 25. Sunrise. 767 23 Reached Makn. Noon. 766 24 Sunset. 765 25
Jan. 26. Sunrise. 764 23 On board Mukhbir. Noon. 763 27 Sunset. 763 29
Jan. 27. Sunrise. 765 22 Ditto. Noon. 763 23 Sunset. 763 27
Jan. 28. Sunrise. 763 21 Ditto. Noon. 762 24 Sunset. 762 22
Jan. 29. Sunrise. 763 20 Ditto. Noon. 762 22 Sunset. 762 23
Jan. 30. Sunrise. 766 20 Ditto. Noon. 764 24 Sunset. 765 24
Jan. 31. Sunrise. 765 22 Ditto. Noon. 764 23 Sunset. 764 23
Feb. 1. Sunrise. 765 21 Ditto. Noon. 764 22
Date. Time. Aneroid Thermometer Remarks. Millimetres. Centigrade. (deg.)
Feb. 18. 7 a.m. 764 18 Clear sky. Light breeze. Noon. 763 23 Same weather. 5 p.m. 764 23 Clear sky. Good breeze.
Feb. 19. 7 a.m. 764 20 Clear sky. Light wind. Noon. 764 23 Light wind. Few clouds in east. 5 p.m. 764 24 Clear sky. Light wind.
Feb. 20. 7 a.m. 765 20 Clear sky. Light east wind. Noon. 765 21 Clear sky. Light north-west wind. 5 p.m. 764 23 Clear sky. Light east wind.
Feb. 21. 7 a.m. 765 20 White clouds all round. Light east wind. Noon. 766 23 Few clouds to south. Light north-west wind.
Feb. 22. 7 a.m. 765 20 Few clouds to east. Light west wind. Noon. 764 22 Few clouds to east. Good north-west breeze. 5 p.m. 764 22 Few clouds to west. Light north wind.
Feb. 23. 7 a.m. 764 19 Clouds to south-west. No wind. Noon. 765 21 Clouds to east. Light north-west wind. 5 p.m. 765 22 Few clouds to east. Light north-west wind.
Feb. 24. 7 a.m. 767 19 Clear sky. No wind. Noon. 768 22 Clear sky. Light north wind. 5 p.m. 768 24 Same weather.
Feb. 25 7 a.m. 769 20 Clear sky. Light east wind. Noon. 769 22 Clear sky. Light west wind. 5 p.m. 768 24 Clear sky. No wind.
Feb. 26. 7 a.m. 766 20 Clear sky. Light east wind. 5 p.m. 766 20 Same weather.
Feb. 27. 7 a.m. 762 20 Few clouds to south. Light north-east wind. Noon. 762 23 Clear sky. Light north wind. 5 p.m. 761 25 Clear sky. Light west wind.
Feb. 28. 5.p.m. 764 23 Heavy clouds to west. Strong west wind.
Mar. 1. 7 a.m. 767 20 Few clouds in south. Light north wind. Noon. 767 23 Clear sky. Good north-west breeze. 5 p.m. 765 22 Few clouds to west. Light wind from west.
Mar. 2. 7 a.m. 765 20 Clouds all round. Light east wind. Noon. 765 23 Clouds all round. Light west wind. 5 p.m. 764 24 Clouds all round. Light north wind.
Mar. 3. 7 a.m. 762 20 Few clouds to east. No wind. Noon. 763 22 Few clouds to south. Good north-west breeze. 5 p.m. 763 23 Few clouds to north. Good west breeze.
Mar. 4. 7 a.m. 767 21 Clear sky. Light breeze from east. Noon. 768 23 Clear sky. Light breeze from west. 5 p.m. 767 24 Clear sky. Light breeze from north.
Mar. 5. 7 a.m. 764 20 Clear sky. Light east wind. Noon. 764 22 Clear sky. Good breeze from east. 5 p.m. 762 25 Light clouds all round. North-west wind.
Mar. 6. 7 a.m. 763 20 Heavy clouds to east. Light east wind. Noon. 763 23 A few clouds to east. Light west wind. 5 p.m. 762 24 Dark clouds all round. Strong west wind. At ten p.m. gale from west, with some flashes of lightning.
Mar. 7. 7 a.m. 766 19 Clouds to south. Wind north. Noon. 767 23 Clear sky. Good breeze from north-west. 5 p.m. 766 24 Clear sky. Wind north.
Mar. 8. 7 a.m. 763 19 Clear sky. Light east wind. Noon. 763 23 Clear sky. Light west wind.
Date. Time. Aneroid Thermometer Remarks. Millimetres. Centigrade. (deg.)
Mar. 13. 6 a.m. 762 25 Clear sky. Good breeze. Wind west. Noon. 761 26 Clear sky. Light breeze. Wind west.
Mar. 14. 6 a.m. 762 21 Light clouds all over. Wind east. Light breeze. Noon. 764 24 Same cloudy weather, but wind from east (?). 3 p.m. 763 26 Light clouds all round. Wind west and light.
Mar. 15. 6 a.m. 762 21 A few clouds to south. Wind east and light. Noon. 761 26 Light clouds all round. Moderate breeze from west. 3 p.m. 760 27-1/2 Same weather.
Mar. 16. 6 a.m. 760 24 A few clouds to south. Light east wind. Noon. 760 26 Clear sky. Wind south-west. Light breeze. 3 p.m. 759 29 Clear sky. Wind west. Very light breeze.
Mar. 17. 6 a.m. 759 24 Clear sky. Light breeze from east. Noon. 760 26 Clear sky. Wind west. Very light breeze. 3 p.m. 760 27 Same weather.
Mar. 18. 6 a.m. 760 23 Same weather, by wind west. Noon. - - Clear sky. Wind west. Very light breeze.
Mar. 19. 6 a.m. 759 23 Few clouds to north. Wind east, and very light. Noon. 758 19 Clouds to north-west. Good breeze from west. 3 p.m. 758 29 Clouds all round. Wind south-west. Good breeze.
Date. Time. Mercurial Thermometer. Remarks. Barometer. Fahr.
Mar. 29. 6 a.m. 30.7 64 Noon. 30.7 76 3 p.m. 30.7 76
Mar. 30. 6 a.m. 30.00 61 White clouds to north-east. Wind north-east. Noon. 30.05 77 3 p.m. 30.00 80 Air very damp from noon to sunset. Wind west.
Mar. 31. 6 a.m. 29.9 63 Wind north-east. Never saw barometer so low. Noon. 30.00 80 Dry and fine. 3 p.m. 29.98 82
April 1. 6 a.m. 29.94 66 Wind east. Fine day. Noon. 29.95 83 3 p.m. 29.92 83 Damp from noon to sunset.
April 2. 6 a.m. 29.90 68 Wind east. Fine day. Noon. 30.00 80 Damp. 3 p.m. 29.90 81 Red clouds at sunset.
Gale of wind at El-Wijh from north-east, began at seven p.m. Ship under shelter. Rain for half an hour.
April 3. 6 a.m. 30.00 69 Wind north. Noon. 30.20 80 Damp. 3 p.m. 30.00 79 Wind north-west at sunset.
April 4. 6 a.m. 30.00 73 Wind north-west. Noon. 30.03 76 Wind north-west all day. 3 p.m. 30.00 77
Storm on seaboard. Heavy clouds, wind, and gale all day from north-west. Sinnr rolling.
April 5. 6 a.m. 29.93 66 Wind north-west. Noon. 30.00 76 Wind north-west. 3 p.m. 30.00 75 Fine day.
April 6. 6 a.m. 29.93 62 Wind north. Noon. 30.00 74 Wind north-west. 3 p.m. 30.00 74 Same weather.
April 7. 6 a.m. 29.94 64 Wind north. Noon. 30.00 79 Fine day. 3 p.m. 30.00 76 Wind north-west from noon to sunset. Fine weather.
April 8. 6 a.m. 30.02 61 Wind east. Noon. 30.04 73 Fine day. 3 p.m. 30.04 78 From noon to sunset, fine but damp.
April 9. 6 a.m. 30.04 68 Wind east. Noon. 30.06 77 3 p.m. 30.06 81 Damp from noon to sunset.
April 10. 6 a.m. 30.06 64 Wind north. Fine day. Damp and north-west wind from noon to sunset.
Reaching Cairo, I found Dr. T. E. Maclean from Thebes, with good instruments. He kindly compared mine with his, and gave me the following results:—The difference between my aneroid (Casella) and his is very slight, varying generally from 0.05 to -0.10. He advises me to neglect this slight difference. The dry bulb is, on the whole, a little higher than his; and we have not sufficient observations for the wet bulb. The pocket thermometer wants correction; it reads from +1 deg. to +2 deg. 15'.
N&Z = Negretti and Zambra No obs. = No observation.
Date. Time. N&Z's My Differ- Casells Differ- N&Z's Casells Differ- N&Z's Casells Differ- (1878) standard Casella. ence for portable ence for dry bulb. dry bulb. ence. wet wet ence for aneroid. correc- thermo- correc- No. bulb. bulb. correc- No.1140. tions. meter tions. 39,518. tions. (deg.).
April 28. 12.30p.m. No obs. No obs. - 91 -1.6 89.4 90.0 -0.6 71.75 71.0 +0.75 3p.m. No obs. No obs. - 84 -2.1 81.9 82.5 -0.6 69.0 69.0 0.0 6.30p.m. No obs. No obs. - 73 -2.5 70.5 71.0 -0.5 61.0 61.0 0.0
April 29. 9a.m. No obs. No obs. - 69 -2.4 66.6 67.0 -0.4 59.1 59.0 +0.1 11.30p.m. 29.796 29.850 -.054 77.5 -2.0 75.5 76.0 -0.5 63.5 64.0 -0.5 3p.m. 29.755 29.752 +.003 77.5 -1.5 76.0 76.0 0.0 62.75 62.0 -0.75
April 30. 9a.m. 29.828 29.850 -.022 67.5 -2.15 65.0 66.0 -1.0 59.5 60.5 -1.0 12.30p.m. 29.822 29.850 -.028 76 -1.5 74.5 75.0 -0.5 63.75 63.5 +0.25 3p.m. 29.799 29.802 -.003 77 -2.0 75.0 73.5 -0.5 64.0 58.0 +1.5
May 1. 9a.m. 29.959 30.100 -.141 66.5 -1.75 64.75 65.5 -0.75 57.5 58.0 -0.5 12.30p.m. 29.945 29.952 -.007 76 -2.5 73.5 74.5 -1.0 61.5 62.0 -0.5 3p.m. 29.984 29.902 +.082 77.5 -1.75 75.75 76.5 -0.75 61.75 61.5 +0.25
May 2. 9a.m. 30.051 30.102 -.051 66 -1.25 64.75 65.0 -0.25 58.0 58.5 -0.5 12.30p.m. 29.978 30.000 -.022 78 -2.0 76.0 76.0 0.0 63.0 66.5 -2.5 3p.m. 29.936 29.950 -.014 78 -1.5 76.5 No obs. - 63.75 No obs. -
May 3. 9a.m. 29.961 29.952 +.009 71.5 -1.5 70.0 No obs. - 58.5 No obs. - 12.30p.m. 29.880 29.900 -.020 83 -2.5 80.5 81.0 -0.5 63.23 62.0 +1.25 3p.m. 29.820 29.850 -.030 83 -1.1 81.9 82.5 -0.6 62.0 62.5 -0.5
May 4. 9a.m. 29.716 29.750 -.024 71.5 -1.25 70.25 71.0 -0.75 63.25 63.0 +0.25 12.30p.m. 29.679 29.700 -.021 89.5 -1.25 87.75 88.0 -0.25 70.25 69.5 +0.75 3.30p.m. 29.617 29.650 -.033 89.5 -1.0 88.5 89.0 -0.5 70.0 69.0 +1.0
May 5. 9.30a.m. 29.586 29.600 -.014 76.5 -1.5 75.0 No obs. - No obs.No obs. - 12.30p.m. No obs. No obs. - 83 -2.0 81.0 82.0 -1.0 69.75 68.5 +1.25 3p.m. 29.603 29.602 -.001 82 -1.5 80.5 81.0 -0.5 69.0 67.0 +2.0
May 6. 9a.m. 29.780 29.800 -.020 70 -1.75 68.25 69.0 -0.75 63.0 63.0 0.0 12.30p.m. 29.785 29.800 -.015 77 -2.0 75.0 76.0 -1.0 65.25 65.0 +0.25 3p.m. 29.778 29.800 -.022 79 -2.0 77.0 77.5 -0.5 67.5 66.0 +1.5
May 7. 9a.m. 29.854 29.850 +.004 67 -2.0 65.0 66.0 -1.0 60.75 61.0 -0.25 12.30p.m. 29.822 29.802 -.020 80.5 -1.5 79.0 79.0 0.0 66.0 65.0 +1.0
[EN#1] The word is explained in my "Itineraries," part ii. sect. 3.
[EN#2] See Appendix IV. "Botanical Notes."
[EN#3] "Opens," i.e. the door for a higher price: it is the usual formula of refusing to sell.
[EN#4] Chap. XVI.
[EN#5] The Saturday Review, in a courteous notice of my first volume (May 25, 1878), has the following remarks:—"The Arabs talk of some (?) Nazarenes, and a 'King of the Franks,' having built the stone huts and the tombs in a neighbouring cemetery ('Aynnah). But there can be no local tradition worth repeating in this instance." Here we differ completely; and those will agree with me who know how immutable and, in certain cases, imperishable Arab tradition is. The reviewer, true, speaks of North Midian, where all the tribes, except the Beni 'Ukbah, are new. Yet legend can survive the destruction and disappearance of a race: witness the folk-traditions of the North-Eastern Italians and the adjacent Slavs. Here, however, in South Midian we have an ancient race, the Baliyy. And what strengthens the Christian legend is that it is known to man, woman, and child throughout the length and breadth of the land.
[EN#6] In Sinai "Shinnr" is also applied to a partridge, but I am unable to distinguish the species—caccabis, Desert partridge, (Ammoperdix heyi, the Arab Hajl), or the black partridge (Francolinus vulgaris).
[EN#7] Chap. IX. has already noticed Ptolemy's short measure.
[EN#8] Chap. XVII.
[EN#9] Helix desertorum (Forsk.) and Helix (sp. incert.)
[EN#10] See "The Gold Mines of Midian,'' Chap. II.
[EN#11] So in Moab the ruins of "Mron" or Mrou of the Greeks has degenerated into Umm Rass, "the Mother of Lead."
[EN#12] Their names will be given in Chap. XIII.
[EN#13] A. G., p. 24. See "The Gold-Mines of Midian," Chap. XI. Sprenger spells the word either with a Zd or a Z: I have discussed the question in my "Itineraries," part ii. sect. 4.
[EN#14] See the end of this Chapter for a list.
[EN#15] See Chap. XIV.
[EN#16] "Irwin's Voyage," 1777.
[EN#17] This was probably a misprint originally, but it has been repeated in subsequent editions. Hence it imposed upon even such careful workmen as the late Lieutenant Henry Raper, "The Practice of Navigation," etc., p. 527, 6th edition.
[EN#18] See an excellent description of the phenomenon in that honest and courageous work, "Through Bosnia and the Herzegovina on Foot," by Arthur J. Evans, B.A., F.S.A. London: Longmans, 1877.
[EN#19] There is, however, nothing to prevent its being eaten.
[EN#20] See Chap. X.
[EN#21] Chap. X.
[EN#22] Not to be confounded with the luguminous "Tanb" mentioned by Forskl ("Flora," etc., p. 197).
[EN#23] The word classically means the cypress or the juniper-tree: in Jeremiah, where it occurs twice (xvii. 6 and xlviii. 6), the Authorized Version renders it by "heath." It is now generally translated "savin" (Juniperus sabina), a shrub whose purple berries have a strong turpentine flavour. When shall we have a reasonable version of Hebrew Holy Writ, which will retain the original names of words either untranslatable or to be translated only by guess-work?
[EN#24] In Cairo generally called Espadrilles, and sold for 1.25 francs. Nothing punishes the feet at these altitudes so much as leather, black leather.
[EN#25] The explorers laid this down at a few hundred feet. But they judged from the eye; and probably they did not sight the true culmination. Unfortunately, and by my fault, they were not provided with an aneroid.
[EN#26] See Chap. V.
[EN#27] For the usual interpretations see Chapter I. The Egyptians, like other nations, often apply their own names, which have a meaning, to the older terms which have become unintelligible. Thus, near Cairo, the old goddess, Athor el-Nb ("of the Gold"), became Asr el-Nabi ("the Footprint of the Apostle").
[EN#28] "The Gold-Mines of Midian," Chap. XI.
[EN#29] See Chap. XI.
[EN#30] Chap. XII.
[EN#31] Chap XV.
[EN#32] Chap. XV.
[EN#33] Vol. ii. Chap. X. I have also quoted him in "The Gold-Mines of Midian," Chap. VI.
[EN#34] My "Pilgrimage" (Vol. I. Chap. XI.) called it "Sherm Damghah": it is the "Demerah" of Moresby and the "Demeg" of 'Ali Bey el-'Abbsi (the unfortunate Spaniard Badia).
[EN#35] See "The Gold-Mines of Midian," Chap. VII.
[EN#36] The old being the classical (Iambia Vicus), in north lat. 24. This is Yamb' el-Nakhil, in Ptolemy's time a seaport, now fifteen miles to the north-east (north lat. 24 12' 3"?) of the modern town. The latter lies in north lat. 24 5' 30" (Wellsted, ii. II), and, according to the Arabs, six hours' march from the sea.
[EN#37] Vol. I. pp. 364, 365.
[EN#38] "The Gold-Mines of Midian," Chap. IX.
[EN#39] Chap. VI. describes one of the sporadic (?) outcrops near Tayyib Ism; and Chap. IX notices the apparently volcanic sulphur-mount near El-Muwaylah.
[EN#40] See Chap. IX.
[EN#41] "The Gold-Mines of Midian," Chap. XII.
[EN#42] See "The Gold-Mines of Midian," Chap. VIII.
[EN#43] "Pilgrimage," Vol. I. Chap. XI.
[EN#44] In "The Gold Mines of Midian" (Chap. IV.) I unconsciously re-echoed the voice of the vulgar about "the harbour being bad and the water worse" at El-Wijh.
[EN#45] This style of writing reminds me of the inch allah (Inshallah!) in the pages of a learned "war correspondent"—a race whose naive ignorance and whose rare self-sufficiency so completely perverted public opinion during the Russo-Turkish war of 1877-78.
[EN#46] Not Shaykh Hasan el-Marbit—"Pilgrimage," Vol. I. Chap. XI.
[EN#47] "Pilgrimage," Vol. I. Chap. XI., where it is erroneously called "Jebel Hasan;" others prefer Hasa'ni—equally wrong. Voyagers put in here to buy fish, which formerly was dried, salted, and sent to Egypt; and, during the Hajj season, the Juhaynah occupy a long straggling village of huts on the south side of the island.
[EN#48] There are now no less than three lines of steamers that connect the western coast of Arabia with the north. The first is the Egyptian Company, successively called Mejidyyah, Azzyyah, and Khedivyyah, from its chief actionnaire: the packets, mostly three-masted screws, start from Suez to Jeddah every fortnight. Secondly, the Austro-Hungarian Lloyd which, with the subvention of 1400 per voyage, began in 1870 to ply monthly between Constantinople, Port Sa'd, Suez, Jeddah, and Hodaydah: it has been suspended since the beginning of the Russo-Turkish war. Thirdly, the British India Steam Navigation Company sends every three weeks a ship from London vi the Canal to Jeddah, Hodaydah, and Aden. A fourth is proposed; Bymen's (Winan's?) steamers are establishing a London-Basrah (Bassorah) line, in whose itinerary will be Jeddah.
[EN#49] The observation was taken on board the Sinnr, by the first lieutenant Nsir Effendi Ahmed: of course I am not answerable for its correctness, although the latitude cannot be far out. Thus the difference of parallel between it and El-Wijh (north lat. 26 14') would be sixty-eight direct geographical miles.
[EN#50] Beni Kalb: so the Juhaynah were called in the Apostle's day.
[EN#51] The site was probably near the Shaykh's tomb, where there are wells which in winter supply water.
[EN#52] This is the volume which I have translated: see also Dr. Beke's papers in the Athenum (February 8 and 15, 1873).
[EN#53] See "Mount Sinai a Volcano" (Tinsleys). For a list of Yakut's volcanoes, see Dr. Beke, "Sinai in Arabia," Appendix, p. 535.
[EN#54] Vol. II. p. 187.
[EN#55] "The Gold-Mines of Midian," p. 213.
[EN#56] As regards these and similar graffiti see (Athenaeum, March 16, 1878) an excerpt from the last Comptes Rendues of the Acad. des Inscript. et B. Lettres, Paris. The celebrated M. Joseph Halvy attacked in their entirety (about 680) the rock-writings in the Saf desert, south-east of Damascus. The German savants, mostly attributing them to the Sab tribes, who immigrated from Yemen about our first century, tried the Himyaritic syllabaries and failed. M. Halvy traces them to the Beni Tamd (Thamudites), who served as mercenaries in the Roman army, and whose head-quarters we are now approaching. They contain, according to him, mostly proper names, with devotional formulae, similar to those of the Sinaitic inscriptions and the Kufic and later epigraphs which we discovered. For instance, "By A., son of B., in memory of his mother; he has accomplished his vow, may he be pardoned." The language is held to be intermediate between Arabic and the northern Semitic branches. Names of the Deity (El and Loo or La'?) are found only in composition, as in Abd-El ("Abdallah, slave of El"); and the significant absence of the cross and religious symbols remarked in the Syrian inscriptions, denotes the era of heathenism, which lasted till the establishment of Christianity, about the end of the third century. "At that time," M. Halvy says, "Christianity became the official religion of the Empire; doubt and scepticism penetrated amongst those Arabic tribes which were the allies of Rome, and amongst whom, for a certain time, a kind of vague Deism was prevalent until the day when they disappeared, having been absorbed by the great migrations which had taken place in those countries."
[EN#57] Some call it so; others Umm Karyt: I have preferred the former—"Mother of the Villages," not "of Villages"—as being perhaps the more common.
[EN#58] See Chap. XIX.
[EN#59] Vol. II. Chap. X.
[EN#60] This rock, assayed in England, produced no precious metal. As has been said, gold was found in its containing walls of quartz.
[EN#61] This is the valley confounded by Wallin and those who followed him (e.g. Keith Johnston) with the Wady Hamz, some forty miles to the south.
[EN#62] See the illustration, "Desert of the Exodus," p. 306.
[EN#63] Vol. II. Chap. X.
[EN#64] Described in "The Gold-Mines of Midian," Chap. XII.
[EN#65] Chap. XVIII.
[EN#66] The barbarous names, beginning from the west, are Jebels Sehayyir, 'Unk ("of the griffon"), Markh (name of a shrub), Genayy (Jenayy), El-Hazzah, El-Madhanah, Buza'mah, and Urnuwah.
[EN#67] Dr. C. Carter Blake examined the four brought home, and identified No. 1, superior pharyngeal bone and teeth (Scarus); No. 2, inferior bone and teeth of a large fish allied to Labrus or Chrysophrys; No. 3, left side, pre-maxillary, possibly same species; and No. 4, lower right mandible of Sphrodon grandoculis, Rppell.
[EN#68] The MS. of this geographer was brought to light by Professor Sprenger, and Part I. has been published by Professor de Goeje in his "Bibliotheca Geographarum Arabicorum," here alluded to.
[EN#69] We have seen (Chap. II.) that the Arabs of Midian mistake iron for antimony; and the same is the case in the Sinaitic Peninsula.
[EN#70] Ahmed Kaptn's solar observation.
[EN#71] Written in pleasant memory of two visits to Uriconium, the favourite "find" of poor Thomas Wright, under the guidance of our steadfast and hospitable friend, Mr. Henry Wace, of Brooklands, Shrewsbury.
[EN#72] The capital was also transported to Cairo; it could not have been voluted as there were only two projections.
[EN#73] Lib. xvi. c. iv. 24. The MSS. differ in the name of the "village situated on the sea;" some call it Egra, others Negra, after the inland settlement; and the commentator Kramer remarks, Mire corrupta est h?c ultima libri pars.
[EN#74] North lat. 26, which would correspond with that of the Ab'l-Maru' ruins.
[EN#75] My friend Sprenger strongly protests against lius Gallus, begging me to abandon him, as the Romans must long have held the whole coast to El-Haur, their chief settlement.
[EN#76] For a specimen of the superficiality which characterizes Lane's "Modern Egyptians," and of the benefits which, despite the proverbial difficulty of changing an old book into a new one, an edition, much enlarged and almost rewritten, would confer upon students, see Vol. III. Chap. XXI. Instead of a short abstract of all this celebrated story, we have only popular excerpts from the first volume.
[EN#77] On the maritime road between Meccah and El-Mednah, celebrated for the apostolic battle which took place in A.H. 2.
[EN#78] The names marked with interrogations are unknown to all the Arabs whom I consulted : they are probably obsolete.
[EN#79] Identified by Niebuhr and Wellsted with certains ruins south of Yamb'. See Chap. IV.
[EN#80] The straight path, the highway to Egypt or Cairo.
[EN#81] Elsewhere called Sukyat Yezd, a name now forgotten.
[EN#82] I have remarked that the name of the Patriarch Jacob is no longer connected with the Bad plain.
[EN#83] Schweinfurth (the Athenum, July 6, 1878) speaks of a "Wadi Abu Marwa ('Quartz Valley')" south of the Galalah block.
[EN#84] Chap. IX.
[EN#85] A paper describing our "finds" was read before the Anthropological Section of the British Association Meeting at Dublin on August 21, 1878, and subsequently before the Anthropological Institute of London (December 10, 1878).
[EN#86] The following was the announcement offered to the public:—
"La collection minralogique et archologique rapporte par le Capitaine Burton, de sa seconde Expdition au pays de Midian, est expose dans les salles de l'Hippodrome, avant d'tre envoye l'Exposition Universelle de Paris, sous la direction de M. G. Marie, inge'nieur des mines.
"La salle du sud renferme les croquis et les aquarelles faits par M. E. Lacaze.
"La partie du nord commence avec Akabah, point extrme atteint par l'Expdition; elle contient les rsultats du premier voyage de l'Expdition, c'est—dire: Sherm, Djebel el-Abiat, Aynouneh, Moghair-Schuaib, Mokna et Akabah.
"Le mur de l'est contient tout ce qui se rapporte la seconde exploration, c'est—dire l'Hism et le grand massif du Shrr.
"Le mur du sud contient les principaux points de vue pris au sud du pays de Midian: Wedje, la forteresse, la montagne de Omm-el-Karyt, travaille par les anciens, la mine de Omm el-Hrab, le temple antique, etc., etc.
"Sur la table sont les mdailles et la collection anthropologique fait par le Capitaine Burton.
"La salle du nord contient la collection gologique et minralogique faite par M. G. Marie; les minraux sont classs suivant l'ordre des pays parcourus, c'est—dire en commencant Akabah et finissant au Ouadi Hamz, frontire du Hedjaz.
"Tout autour de la salle sont ranges les vingt caisses contenant des chantillons que Son Altesse le Khdive envoie en Angleterre pour y tre analyss. Prs de la porte de l'est sont placs les restes du temple de l'Ouadi Hamz, les moulins pour craser le quartz, les briques rfractaires, et enfin les inscriptions Nabathennes.
"Dans les loges de l'Hippodrome, derrire les deux salles, sont dposs environ quinze tonnes d'chantillons, destins a tre analyss par une Commission locale, nomme par Son Altesse le Khdive."
[EN#87] M. Marie, 35 12s.; Haji Wali, 23; M. Philipin, 12 4s.; M. Lacaze, 3 16s.
[EN#88] Starting with a hundred camels and three Shaykhs.
[EN#89] For all hands.
[EN#90] Includes "bakhshsh."
[EN#91] Sixty-one camels, four Shaykhs.
[EN#92] For all hands.
[EN#93] Fifty camels, three Shaykhs.
[EN#94] For all hands.
[EN#95] Got from Mukhbir.
[EN#96] Fifty-eight camels, three Shaykhs.
[EN#97] For all hands.
[EN#98] Includes "bakhshsh."
[EN#99] Six months' pay.
[EN#100] Four months.
[EN#101] Four months and a half.
[EN#102] Employed on special service.
End of The Land of Midian, (Revisited) By Richard F. Burton, Volume 2. |