Many persons think this punch made with brandy much finer than that with rum. The best time for making it is in March, when the fruit is in the highest perfection.
Another way.
Take six quarts of good brandy, eight quarts of water, two pounds and a half of lump sugar, eighteen lemons, and one large wine-glassful of ratafia. Mix these well together; then throw in two quarts of boiling skimmed milk; stir it well, and let it stand half an hour; strain it through a very thick flannel bag till quite fine; then bottle it for use. Before you use this punch, soak for a night the rinds of eighteen lemons in some of the spirit; then take it out, and boil it in the milk, together with two large nutmegs sliced.
Norfolk Punch.
Take four gallons of the best rum; pare a dozen lemons and a dozen oranges very thin; let the pulp of both steep in the rum twenty-four hours. Put twelve pounds of double-refined sugar into six gallons of water, with the whites of a dozen eggs beat to a froth; boil and scum it well; when cold, put it into the vessel with the rum, together with six quarts of orange-juice, and that of the dozen of lemons, and two quarts of new milk. Shake the vessel so as to mix it; stop it up very close, and let it stand two months before you bottle it.
This quantity makes twelve gallons of the Duke of Norfolk's punch. It is best made in March, as the fruit is then in the greatest perfection.
Roman Punch.
The juice of ten lemons, and of two sweet oranges, the peel of an orange cut very thin, and two pounds of powdered loaf-sugar, mixed together. Then take the white of ten eggs, beaten into froth. Pass the first mixture through a sieve, and then mix it by degrees, always beating with the froth of the eggs; put the whole into an ice-lead; let it freeze a little; then add to it two bottles of champagne, or rum. Turn it round with a ladle. The above is for twelve persons.
Raspberry Liqueur.
Bruise some raspberries with the back of a spoon, strain them, and fill a bottle with the juice; stop it, but not very close. Add to a pound of fruit nearly a pound of sugar dissolved into a syrup. Let it stand four or five days; pour it from the fruit into a basin; add to it as much rich white wine as you think fit; bottle it, and in a month it will be fit to drink.
Raspberry Vinegar.
Fill a jar with raspberries, gathered dry, and pour over them as much of the best white wine vinegar as will cover them. Let them remain for two or three days, stirring them frequently, to break them; strain the liquor through a sieve, and to every pint of it put a pound and a quarter of double-refined sugar; boil it, and take off the scum as it rises. When cool, bottle and cork it up for use. A spoonful of this liquor is sufficient for a small tumbler of water.
Ratafia Brandy.
Apricot or peach kernels, with four ounces of fine sugar to a quart of brandy. If you cannot get apricot kernels, two ounces of bitter almonds, bruised a little, to the same quantity of spirit, will make good ratafia.
Shrub. No. 1.
To a gallon of rum put three pints of orange-juice and one pound of sugar, dissolving the sugar in the juice. Then put all together in the cask. It will be fine and fit for use in a few weeks. If the rum be very strong, you may add another pint of juice and half a pound of sugar to the above.
Shrub. No. 2.
Take two quarts of the juice of oranges and lemons, and dissolve in it four pounds and a half of sugar. Steep one-fourth part of the oranges and lemons in nine quarts of spirits for one night; after which mix the whole together; strain it off into a jug, which must be shaken two or three times a day for ten days; then let it stand to settle for a fortnight; after which draw it off very carefully, without disturbing the sediment.
Shrub. No. 3.
One gallon of rum, one pound and two ounces of double-refined sugar, one quart of orange-juice, mixed and strained through a sieve.
Currant Shrub.
Pick the currants from the stalks; bruise them in a marble mortar; run the juice through a flannel bag. Then take two quarts of the clear juice; dissolve in it one pound of double-refined sugar, and add one gallon of rum. Filter it through a flannel bag till quite fine.
Spruce Beer.
For one quarter cask of thirty gallons take ten or twelve ounces of essence of spruce and two gallons of the best molasses; mix them well together in five or six gallons of warm water, till it leaves a froth; then pour it into the cask, and fill it up with more water. Add one pint of good yest or porter grounds; shake the cask well, and set it by for twenty-four hours to work. Stop it down close. Next day, draw it off into bottles, which should be closely corked and set by in a cool cellar for ten days, when it will be as fine spruce-beer as ever was drunk. The grounds will serve instead of yest for a second brewing.
In a hot climate, cold water should be used instead of warm.
Bittany Wine.
Take six gallons of water and twelve pounds of sugar; put your sugar and water together. Let it boil two hours; then, after taking it off the fire, put in half a peck of sage, a peck and a half of bittany, and a small bunch of rosemary; cover, and let it remain till almost cold; then put six spoonfuls of ale yest; stir it well together, and let it stand two or three days, stirring two or three times each day. Then put it in your cask, adding a quarter of a pint of lemon-juice; when it has done working, bung it close, and, when fine, bottle it.
Sham Champagne.
To every pound of ripe green gooseberries, when picked and bruised, put one quart of water; let it stand three days, stirring it twice every day. To every gallon of juice, when strained, put three pounds of the finest loaf sugar; put it into a barrel, and, to every twenty quarts of liquor add one quart of brandy and a little isinglass. Let it stand half a year; then bottle it. The brandy and isinglass must be put in six weeks before it is bottled.
Cherry Wine.
Pound morella cherries with the kernels over-night, and set them in a cool place. Squeeze them through canvas, and to each quart of juice put one pound of powdered sugar, half an ounce of coarsely-pounded cinnamon, and half a quarter of an ounce of cloves. Let it stand about a fortnight in the sun, shaking it twice or three times every day.
Another way.
Take twenty-four pounds of cherries, cleared from the stalks, and mash them in an earthen pan; then put the pulp into a flannel bag, and let them remain till the whole of the juice has drained from the pulp. Put a pound of loaf sugar into the pan which receives the juice, and let it remain until the sugar is dissolved. Bottle it, and, when it has done working, you may put into each bottle a small lump of sugar.
Cowslip Wine. No. 1.
To twenty gallons of water, wine measure, put fifty pounds of lump sugar; boil it, and skim it till it is very clear; then put it into a tub to cool, and, when just warm, put to it two tea-spoonfuls of ale yest. Let it work for a short time; then put in fifteen pecks of cut cowslips, and the juice of twenty large lemons, likewise the outward rinds pared off as thin as possible. Keep it in the tub two or three days, stirring it twice each day. Then put it all together in a barrel, cleansed and dried. Continue to stir twice a day for a week or more, till it has done working; then stop it up close for three months, and bottle it off for use.
The cowslips should be gathered in one day, and the wine made as soon as possible after, as the fresh flowers make the wine of a finer colour than when they are withered; but they will not hurt by being kept for a few days if they are spread on a cloth, and moved every day.
Cowslip Wine. No. 2.
To a gallon of water put three pounds of lump sugar; boil them together for an hour, skimming all the while. Pour it upon the cowslips, and, when milk warm, put into it a toast, with yest spread pretty thick upon it; let it stand all night, and then add two lemons and two Seville oranges to each gallon. Stir it well in a tub twice a day for two or three days; then turn it; stir it every day for a fortnight, and bung it up close. It will be fit for bottling in six weeks. To every gallon of water you must take a gallon of cowslips. They must be perfectly dry before they are used, and there should be as many gallons of cowslips as gallons of water; they should be measured as they are picked, and turned into the cask. Dissolve an ounce of isinglass, and put to it when cold. The lemons must be peeled.
Cowslip Wine. No. 3.
Take fourteen gallons of water and twenty-four pounds of sugar; boil the water and sugar one hour; skim it till it is clear. Let it stand till nearly cold; then pour it on three bushels of picked cowslips, and put to it three or four spoonfuls of new yest; let it stand and work in your vessel till the next day; then put in the juice of thirty lemons and the peels of ten, pared thin. Stir them well together; bung up the vessel close for a month; then bottle it.
Currant Wine. No. 1.
Gather the currants dry, without picking them from the stalks; break them with your hands, and strain them. To every quart of juice put two quarts of cold water, and four pounds of loaf sugar to the gallon. It must stand three days, before it is put into the vessel. Stir it every day, and skim it as long as any thing rises. To ten gallons of wine add one gallon of brandy, and one of raspberries, when you put it in the vessel. Let it stand a day or two before you stop it; give it air fourteen days after; and let it stand six weeks before you tap it.
Currant Wine. No. 2.
To every gallon of ripe currants put a gallon of cold water. When well broken with the hands, let it stand twenty-four hours. Then squeeze the currants well out; measure your juice, and to every gallon put four pounds of lump sugar. When the sugar is well melted, put the wine into a cask, stirring it every day, till it has done hissing; then put into it a quart of brandy to every five gallons of wine; close it well up; bottle it in three months.
Currant Wine. No. 3.
Put into a tub a bushel of red currants and a peck of white; squeeze them well, and let them drain through a sieve upon twenty-eight pounds of powdered sugar. When quite dissolved, put into the barrel, and add three pints of raspberries, and a little brandy.
Currant or Elder Wine.
After pressing the fruit with the hand or otherwise, to every gallon of juice add two gallons of water that has been boiled and stood to be cold. To each gallon of this mixture put five pounds of Lisbon sugar. It may be fermented by putting into it a small piece of toasted bread rubbed over with good yest. When put into the cask, it should be left open till the fermentation has nearly subsided.
Black Currant Wine.
Ten pounds of fruit to a gallon of water; let it stand two or three days. When pressed off, put to every gallon of liquor four pounds and a half of sugar.
Red Currant Wine.
Gather the fruit dry; pick the leaves from it, and to every twenty-five pounds of currants put six quarts of water. Break the currants well, before the water is put to them; then let them stand twenty-four hours, and strain the liquor, to every quart of which put a pound of sugar and as many raspberries as you please.
Another way.
Take twenty-four pounds of currants; bruise them, and add to that quantity three gallons of water. Let it stand two days, stirring it twice a day; then strain the liquor from the fruit; and to every quart of liquor put one pound of sugar. Let it stand three days, stirring it twice a day; then put it in your barrel, and put into it six-pennyworth of orris-root well bruised. The above quantities will make five gallons.
Red or White Currant Wine.
Take to every gallon of juice one gallon of water, to every gallon of water three pounds and a half of the best Lisbon sugar. Squeeze the currants through a sieve; let the juice stand till the sugar is dissolved; dip a bit of brown paper in brimstone, and burn in the cask. Then tun the wine, and to every three gallons put a pint of brandy. When it has done hissing, stop it close; it will be fit to drink in six months, but it will be better for keeping ten or twelve.
White Currant Wine.
To each sieve of currants take twenty-five pounds of moist sugar, and to every gallon of juice two gallons of water. Squeeze the fruit well with the hands into an earthen pan; then strain it through a sieve. Throw the pulp into another pan, filling it with water, which must be taken from the quantity of water allowed for the whole, and to every ten gallons of wine put one bottle of brandy. In making the wine, dissolve the sugar in the water above-mentioned, and put it into the cask; then add the remaining juice and water, stirring it well up frequently. Stir it well every morning for ten successive days, and as it works out fill up the cask again until it has done fermenting. Then put in your brandy, and bung it quite close. In about eight months it will be fit to drink; but, if you leave it twelve, it will be better.
Damson Wine.
Take four gallons of water, and put to every gallon four pounds of Malaga raisins and half a peck of damsons. Put the whole into a vessel without cover, having only a linen cloth laid over it. Let them steep six days, stirring twice every day; then let them stand six days without stirring. Draw the juice out of the vessel, and colour it with the infused juice of damsons, sweetened with sugar till it is like claret wine. Put it into a wine vessel for a fortnight; then bottle it up; and it may be drunk in a month.
All made wines are the better for brandy, and will not keep without it. The quantity must be regulated by the degree of strength you wish to give to your wine.
Elder Wine. No. 1.
Take elderberries, when ripe; pick them clean from the stalk; press out the juice through a hair sieve or canvas-bag, and to every gallon of juice put three gallons of water on the husks from which the juice has been pressed. Stir the husks well in the water, and press them over again; then mix the first and second liquor together, and boil it for about an hour, skimming it clean as long as the scum rises. To every gallon of liquor put two pounds of sugar, and skim it again very clean; then put to every gallon a blade of mace and as much lemon-peel, letting it boil an hour. After the sugar is put in, strain it into a tub, and, when quite cold, put it into a cask; bung it close down, and look frequently to see that the bung is not forced up. Should your quantity be twelve gallons or more, you need not bottle it off till about April, but be sure to do so on a clear dry day, and to let your bottles be perfectly dry; but if you have not more than five or six gallons, you may bottle it by Christmas on a clear fine day.
Elder Wine. No. 2.
To a gallon of water put a quarter of a peck of berries, and three pounds and a half of Lisbon sugar. Steep the berries in water forty hours; after boiling a quarter of an hour, strain the liquor from the fruit, and boil it with the sugar till the scum ceases to rise. Work it in a tub like other wines, with a small quantity of yest. After some weeks, add a few raisins, a small quantity of brandy, and some cloves. The above makes a sweet mellow wine, but does not taste strong of the elder.
Elder Wine. No. 3.
Take twenty-four pounds of raisins, of whatever sort you please; pick them clean, chop them small, put them into a tub, and cover them with three gallons of water that has been boiled and become cold. Let it stand ten days, stirring it twice a day. Then strain the liquor through a hair sieve, draining it all from the raisins, and put to it three pints of the juice of elderberries and a pound of loaf-sugar. Put the whole into the cask, and let it stand close stopped, but not in too cold a cellar, for three or four months before you bottle it. The peg-hole must not be stopped till it has done working.
The best way to draw the juice from the berries is to strip them into an earthen pan, and set it in the oven all night.
Elder Wine. No. 4.
Mash eight gallons of picked elderberries to pieces, add as much spring water as will make the whole nine gallons, and boil slowly for three quarters of an hour. Squeeze them through a cloth sieve; add twenty-eight pounds of moist sugar, and boil them together for half an hour. Run the liquor through your cloth sieve again; let it stand till lukewarm; put into it a toast with a little yest upon it, and let it stand for seven or eight days, stirring it every day. Then put it into a close tub, and let it remain without a bung till it has done hissing. Before you bung up close, you may add one pint of brandy at pleasure.
Elder Wine. No. 5.
Half a gallon of ripe berries to a gallon of water; boil it half an hour; strain it through a sieve. To every gallon of liquor put three pounds of sugar; boil them together three quarters of an hour; when cold, put some yest to it; work it a week, and put it in barrel. Let it stand a year. To half a hogshead put one quart of brandy and three pounds of raisins.
Elder-flower Wine.
To six gallons of water put eighteen pounds of lump-sugar; boil it half an hour, skimming it all the time. Put into a cask a quarter of a peck of elder-flowers picked clean from the stalks, the juice and rinds of six lemons pared very thin, and six pounds of raisins. When the water and sugar is about milk warm, pour it into the cask upon these ingredients; spread three or four spoonfuls of yest upon a piece of bread well toasted, and put it into the cask; stir it up for three or four days only; when it has done working, bung it up, and in six or eight months it will be fit for bottling.
Sham Frontiniac.
To three gallons of water put nine pounds of good loaf-sugar; boil it half an hour; when milk-warm, add to it nearly a peck of elder-flowers picked clear from the stalks, the juice and peel of three good-sized lemons, cut very thin, three pounds of stoned raisins, and two or three spoonfuls of yest; stir it often for four or five days. When it has quite done working, bung it up, and it will be fit for bottling in five days.
Mixed Fruit Wine.
Take currants, gooseberries, raspberries, and a few rose-leaves, three pints of fruit, mashed all together, to a quart of cold water. Let it stand twenty-four hours; then drain it through a sieve. To every gallon of juice put three pounds and a half of Lisbon sugar; let it ferment; put it into a cask, but do not bung it up for some time. Put in some brandy, and bottle it for use.
Ginger Wine. No. 1.
With four gallons of water boil twelve pounds of loaf-sugar till it becomes clear. In a separate pan boil nine ounces of ginger, a little bruised, in two quarts of water; pour the whole into an earthen vessel, in which you must have two pounds of raisins shred fine, the juice and rind of ten lemons. When of about the warmth of new milk, put in four spoonfuls of fresh yest; let it ferment two days; then put it into a cask, with all the ginger, lemon-peel, and raisins, and half an ounce of isinglass dissolved in a little of the wine; in two or three days bung it up close. In three months it will be fit to bottle. Put into each bottle a little brandy, and some sugar also, if not sweet enough.
Ginger Wine. No. 2.
Twenty-six quarts of water, eighteen pounds of white Lisbon sugar, six ounces of bruised ginger, the peel of six lemons pared very thin: boil half an hour, and let it stand till no more than blood warm. Put it in your cask, with the juice of six lemons, five spoonfuls of yest, and three pounds of raisins. Stir it six or seven times with a stick through the bung-hole, and put in half an ounce of isinglass and a pint of good brandy. Close the bung, and in about six weeks it will be fit for bottle. Let it stand about six months before you drink it. If you like, it may be drawn from the cask, and it will be fit for use in that way in about two months.
Ginger Wine. No. 3.
To ten gallons of water put eight pounds of loaf-sugar and three ounces of bruised ginger; boil all together for one hour, taking the scum off as it rises; then put it into a pan to cool. When it is cold, put it into a cask, with the rind and juice of ten lemons, one bottle of good brandy, and half a spoonful of yest. Bung it up for a fortnight: then bottle it off, and in three weeks it will be fit to drink. The lemons must be pared very thin, and no part of the white must, on any account, be put in the cask.
Ginger Wine. No. 4.
To every gallon of water put one pound and a half of brown sugar and one ounce of bruised ginger, and to each gallon the white of an egg well beaten. Stir all together, and boil it half an hour; skim it well while any thing rises, and, when milk-warm, stir in a little yest. When cold, to every five gallons, put two sliced lemons. Bottle it in nine days; and it will be fit to drink in a week.
Gooseberry Wine. No. 1.
To every pound of white amber gooseberries, when heads and tails are picked off and well bruised in a mortar, add a quart of spring water, which must be previously boiled. Let it stand till it is cold before it is put to the fruit. Let them steep three days, stirring them twice a day; strain and press them through a sieve into a barrel, and to every gallon of liquor put three pounds of loaf-sugar, and to every five gallons a bottle of brandy. Hang a small bag of isinglass in the barrel; bung it close, and, in six months, if the sweetness is sufficiently gone off, bottle it, and rosin the corks well over the top. The fruit must be fall grown, but quite green.
Gooseberry Wine. No. 2.
To three quarts of full grown gooseberries well crushed put one gallon of water well stirred together for a day or two. Then strain and squeeze the pulp, and put the liquor immediately into the barrel, with three pounds and a half of common loaf-sugar; stir it every day until the fermentation ceases. Reserve two or three gallons of the liquor to fill up the barrel, as it overflows through the fermentation. Put a bottle of brandy into the cask, to season it, before the wine; this quantity will be sufficient for nine or ten gallons. Be careful to let the fermentation cease, before you bung down the barrel.
The plain white gooseberries, taken when not too ripe, but rather the contrary, are the best for this purpose.
Gooseberry Wine. No. 3.
A pound of sugar to a pound of fruit: melt the sugar, and bruise the gooseberries with an apple-beater, but do not beat them too small. Strain them through a hair strainer, and put the juice into an earthen pot; keep it covered four or five days till it is clear: then add half a pint of the best brandy or more, according to the quantity of fruit, and draw it out into another vessel, letting it run into a hair sieve. Stop it close, and let it stand one fortnight longer; then draw it off into quart bottles, and in a month it will be fit for drinking.
Gooseberry Wine. No. 4.
Proceed as directed for white currant wine, but use loaf-sugar. Large pearl gooseberries, not quite ripe, make excellent champagne.
Grape Wine.
Pick and squeeze the grapes; strain them, and to each gallon of juice put two gallons of water. Put the pulp into the measured water; squeeze it, and add three pounds and a half of loaf-sugar, or good West India, to a gallon. Let it stand about six weeks; then add a quart of brandy and two eggs not broken to every ten gallons. Bung it down close.
Lemon Wine.
To every gallon of water put three pounds and a half of loaf-sugar; boil it half an hour, and to every ten gallons, when cold, put a pint of yest. Put it next day into a barrel, with the peels and juice of eight lemons; you must pare them very thin, and run the juice through a jelly-bag. Put the rinds into a net with a stone in it, or it will rise to the top and spoil the wine. To every ten gallons add a pint of brandy. Stop up the barrel, and in three months the wine, if fine, will be fit for bottling. The brandy must be put in when the wine is made.
Sham Madeira.
Take thirty pounds of coarse sugar to ten gallons of water; boil it half an hour; skim it clean, and, when cool, put to every gallon one quart of ale, out of the vat; let it work well in the tub a day or two. Then put it in the barrel, with one pound of sugar-candy, six pounds of raisins, one quart of brandy, and two ounces of isinglass. When it has done fermenting, bung it down close, and let it stand one year.
Orange Wine. No. 1.
Take six gallons of water to twelve pounds of lump-sugar; put four whites of eggs, well beaten, into the sugar and water cold; boil it three quarters of an hour, skim while boiling, and when cold put to it six spoonfuls of yest, and six ounces of syrup of citron, well beaten together, and the juice and rinds of fifty Seville oranges, but none of the white. Let all these stand two days and nights covered close; then add two quarts of Rhenish wine; bung it up close. Twelve days afterwards bottle and cork it well.
Orange Wine. No. 2.
To make ten gallons of wine, pare one hundred oranges very thin, and put the peel into a tub. Put in a copper ten gallons of water, with twenty-eight pounds of common brown sugar, and the whites of six eggs well beaten; boil it for three quarters of an hour; just as it begins to boil, skim it, and continue to do so all the time it is boiling; pour the boiling liquor on the peel: cover it well to keep in the steam, and, two hours afterwards, when blood warm, pour in the juice. Put in a toast well spread with yest to make it work. Stir it well, and, in five or six days, put it in your cask free from the peel; it will then work five or six days longer. Then put in two quarts of brandy, and bung it close. Let it remain twelve or eighteen months, and then bottle it. It will keep many years.
Orange Wine. No. 3.
To a gallon of wine put three pounds of lump sugar; clarify this with the white of an egg to every gallon. Boil it an hour, and when the scum rises take it off; when almost cold, dip a toast into yest, put it into the liquor, and let it stand all night. Then take out the toast, and put in the juice of twelve oranges to every gallon, adding about half the peel. Run it through a sieve into the cask, and let it stand for several months.
Sham Port Wine.
Cover four bushels of blackberries with boiling hot water, squeeze them, and put them into a vessel to work. After working, draw or pour off the liquor into a cask; add a gallon of brandy and a quart of port wine; let it work again; then bung it up for six months, and bottle it.
Raisin Wine. No. 1.
Take one hundred weight of raisins, of the Smyrna sort, and put them into a tub with fourteen gallons of spring water. Let them stand covered for twenty-one days, stirring them twice every day. Strain the liquor through a hair-bag from the raisins, which must be well pressed to get out the juice; turn it into a vessel, and let it remain four months; then bung it up close, and make a vent-hole, which must be frequently opened, and left so for a day together. When it is of an agreeable sweetness, rack it off into a fresh cask, and put to it one gallon of British brandy, and, if you think it necessary, a little isinglass to fine it. Let it then stand one month, and it will be fit to bottle; but the longer it remains in the cask the better it will be.
Raisin Wine. No. 2.
Take four gallons of water, and boil it till reduced to three, four pounds of raisins of the sun, and four lemons sliced very thin; take off the peel of two of them; put the lemons and raisins into an earthen pot, with a pound of loaf-sugar. Pour in your water very hot; cover it close for a day and a night; strain it through a flannel bag; then bottle it, and tie down the corks. Set it in a cold place, and it will be ready to drink in a month.
Raisin Wine. No. 3.
To one hundred pound of raisins boil eighteen gallons of water, and let it stand till cold, with two ounces of hops. Half chop your raisins; then put your water to them, and stir it up together twice a day for a fortnight. Run it through a hair-sieve; squeeze the raisins well with your hands, and put the liquor into the barrel. Bung it up close; let it stand till it is clear; then bottle it.
Raisin Wine. No. 4.
Take a brandy cask, and to every gallon of water put five pounds of Smyrna raisins with the stalks on, and fill the cask, bunging it close down. Put it in a cool dry cellar; let it stand six months; then tap it with a strainer cock, and bottle it. Add half a pint of brandy to every gallon of wine.
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Transcriber's Note
The following errors were corrected.
Page Error vii —— ragout changed to ——, ragout x a la paysanne changed to a la paysanne 18 Pistacio changed to Pistachio 30 cheeses (plain) changed to cheeses (plain), 47 large large leeks changed to large leeks 57 half: cayenne changed to half; cayenne 63 the blood changed to the blood. 76 litle pepper changed to little pepper 79 bread crum bs changed to bread crumbs 83 fine white white, changed to fine white, 85 the to pcrust changed to the top crust 89 Omelets changed to Omelets. 95 sprinkle a little flower changed to sprinkle a little flour 97 Jamiaca pepper changed to Jamaica pepper 99 add ketcheup changed to add ketchup 103 carrots, &c; changed to carrots, &c.; 120 ake it red changed to make it red 132 common basonful changed to common basinful 133 (common.) changed to (common). 134 souce changed to souse 135 chopped parlsey changed to chopped parsley 140 Game), a changed to Game) a 144 and squeze changed to and squeeze 166 a fow land changed to a fowl and 190 the crum changed to the crumb 196 A spoonful o changed to A spoonful of 196 piece of butter: changed to piece of butter; 206 three table-spooonfuls changed to three table-spoonfuls 216 ratifia flavour changed to ratafia flavour 238 One pour of flour changed to One pound of flour 248 become magotty changed to become maggoty 342 strain it ever changed to strain it over 357 four days: changed to four days; 366 head of garlick changed to head of garlic 389 Raisin Wine. No. 3 (first instance) changed to Raisin Wine. No. 2
The following words were inconsitently spelled or hyphenated.
a-la-mode / alamode bay-leaf / bay leaf bay-leaves / bay leaves beef-steaks / beef steaks beef-suet / beef suet beet-root / beet root bung-hole / bunghole black-pepper / black pepper bread-crumb / bread crumb bread-crumbs Calf's-head / Calf's head calf's-head / calf's head cocks'-combs / cocks-combs Cod's-Head / Cod's Head curry-powder / curry powder dessert-spoonful / dessert spoonful Elder-berry / Elderberry elder-flower / elder flower eschalot / shalot fire-side / fireside force-meat / forcemeat juniper-berries / juniper berries laurel-leaf / laurel leaf laurel-leaves / laurel leaves lemon-peel / lemon peel loaf-sugar / loaf sugar lump-sugar / lump sugar Macaroni / Maccaroni maccaroons / macaroons mackarel / mackerel mushroom-powder / mushroom powder mustard-seed / mustard seed olive-oil / olive oil orange-peel / orange peel Orange-water / Orange Water Pepper-pot / pepper pot plum-pudding / plum pudding Potage / Pottage puff-paste / puff paste rolling-pin / rollingpin rump-steaks / rump steaks sauce-boat / sauceboat saw-dust / sawdust scate / skate Slip-cote / Slipcote Souffle / Souffle sweet-herbs / sweet herbs / sweetherbs table-spoonful / table spoonful tea-spoonfuls / teaspoonfuls wine-glass / wine glass wine-glasses / wine glasses wine-glassful / wine glassful