Knitting, Crochet, Point-Lace, &c.
Casting on with one needle
To cast on with two needles
Plain knitting
The German manner
To make a stitch
To take up stitches
To knit two pieces together
To form a round
To cast off
Infant's shoe in knitting
The tulip-wreath flower-vase mat
A woven parasol
Netted anti-macassar
Bound couverette for an easy chair or sofa
Floral anti-macassar
Ottoman cover
Music-stool couverette
Chair cushion
Toilet-cover in crochet
Star-pattern d'oyley
Crochet d'oyley
Rose d'oyley
Toilet cover
Tidy in square crochet
Arabesque toilet cover in square crochet
Cover for a Hadrot lamp
Lamp mat
Candle-lamp mat
Crochet counterpane for a bassinet
Deep border for bassinet quilt
Crochet stripe for bed-quilt
Centre stripe for bed-quilt
Handkerchief case, for hanging to the head of a bed
Toilet sachet
A lady's nightcap
A shaving tidy
Oval tidy for easy chair
Crochet window-curtain
Window-curtain and stove apron
Netted window-curtain
A spangled wool netted cover for a tea-poy, square work-table, or if drawn together at the top, makes a glittering fire-veil
Netted anti-macassar
Short purse, in netting
Bridal purse, in crochet
Lady's short purse
Handsome purse
Mousquetaire crochet collar
Raised rose crochet collar
Point collar
Point collar, in crochet
Lounging-cap, in crochet
Crochet edgings and insertions
Venetian edging
Venetian bars
Edging Venetian bars
Sorrento bars
Open English lace
Brabant edging
Lyons point
Brussels lace
Little Venetian lace
Deep point-lace edging
Collar in Spanish rose point
Handkerchief border, in antique point lace
Apron in broderie en lacet
Pincushion cover in point lace
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There is not one art practised by ladies which is more deservedly popular than Knitting. It is so easy, requires so little eyesight, and is susceptible of so much ornament, that it merits the attention of every lady; and in giving instructions for acquiring it, we add, also, such admirable diagrams of the various processes, we are sure that no difficulty will be felt in executing any pattern.
The first process in knitting is known by the term CASTING ON. There are two ways of doing this: with one needle, and with two. Our first diagram represents the former process. Take the thread between the second and third fingers of the left hand, leaving an end of about a yard for every hundred stitches; pass it round the thumb of that hand, giving it a twist, so as to form a loop. Take a knitting-needle in the right hand, insert the point in the loop, and pass the thread from the ball round the needle; then bend the point of the needle through the loop, which tighten, and one stitch will be complete. Continue to make loops over the thumb, with the end of thread, and knit them with that from the ball until the proper number is cast on.
TO CAST ON WITH TWO NEEDLES (generally called the Spanish method), begin by making a loop on the end of the thread, into which slip the point of one needle, holding it in the left hand. Take the other needle in the right hand, and slip its point into the same loop, bring the thread round the point of this needle, and bend the needle towards you, so that the thread forms a loop on it. Slip that also on the left needle, without withdrawing it from the right. Put the thread round the right again, and repeat the process.
PLAIN KNITTING.—After all the stitches are cast on, hold the needle containing them in the left hand. Pass the thread round the little finger of the right hand, under the second and third, and above the point of the first. Then take the other needle in the right hand, slip the point in the first stitch, and put the thread round it; bring forward the point of the right-hand needle, so that the thread forms a loop on it. Slip the end of the left-hand needle out of the stitch, and a new stitch is knitted.
GERMAN MANNER.—The thread, instead of being held by the fingers of the right hand, is passed over and under those of the left. The process otherwise is exactly the same.
PURLING.—Begin by bringing the thread in front of the right-hand needle, which slip into a stitch pointing towards you; that is in the reverse of the usual mode (see diagram). Put the thread round the point of the needle, still bringing it towards you, bend the needle backwards to form a loop, and withdraw the stitch from the point of the left-hand needle.
When knitted and purled stitches occur in the same row, the thread must be brought forward before a purled stitch, and taken back before a knitted one.
TO MAKE A STITCH. Bring the thread in front, as if for a purled stitch, so that when you knit one the thread will pass over the needle, and will make a hole in the following row. This diagram shows the manner of making three stitches, and any other number could be made, by putting the thread round a proportionate number of times. In the engraving it will be seen that the thread is put twice entirely round the needle; and then brought forward, so that the next knitted stitch will take it over a third time. In doing the next row, knit one, purl one, knit one of these stitches; however many are made, they must be alternately knitted and purled in the next row. When the stitch allowing the made stitches is to be purled, the thread must be entirely passed round the needle, once for every stitch to be made, and brought forward also.
SLIP STITCH.—Pass a stitch from the left needle to the right, without knitting it. There are two ways of decreasing: first, by knitting two, three, or more stitches as one, marked in knitting, as k 2 t, k 3 t, etc. Secondly, in the following way: slip one stitch, knit-one, pass the slip stitch over: this decreases one stitch. To decrease two; slip one, knit two together, pass the slip stitch over.
A reverse stitch is taken off the left-hand needle, in the reverse way to knitting and purling. In both these, the right-hand needle is inserted in the middle of the stitch, and the point brought out towards you or otherwise. But to make a reverse stitch, you insert the point of the needle in the stitch at the back of the work, and bring it forward through the opening in which it generally is inserted. The thread is to be placed round it, as for a purled stitch.
To reverse two, three, or more stitches together, insert the needle in them all at once, from the last to the first.
TO TAKE UP STITCHES.—Insert the needle in the loop, pass the thread round, and knit it in the usual manner. Do not draw out any loop more than can be avoided, while knitting it.
TO KNIT TWO PIECES TOGETHER.—To do this there must be an equal number of stitches on both.
Hold the needles together in the right hand, and knit as usual, inserting the left-hand needle in a loop of each at the same time, and treating the two as one.
TO FORM A ROUND:—This diagram represents the French manner of performing this process by casting the whole number of stitches on one needle, and then distributing them on three, or perhaps four. But the English mode is to divide the number of stitches, and cast so many on each needle, not withdrawing the last stitch of each needle from the point of the next needle. When all are cast on, the round is made by knitting the two first stitches on to the last needle. Four needles are employed for stockings, five for doyleys and other round articles.
To cast off:—knit two stitches, insert the point of the left hand needle in the first stitch, and draw it on the other. Knit another stitch, and treat these two in the same way.
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MATERIALS.—1 ounce of white Berlin wool. 1 skein of white, and 1 of embroidery wool, 4 knitting needles, No. 21, and 2, No. 19.
With the fine needles cast 30 stitches on one, and 20 on each of two others. Join into a round, and purl one round.
1st pattern round: X slip 2, taking them off the needle in the same way as if you were going to purl them, but with the wool at the back; knit 3. X repeat all round.
2nd, 3rd, and 4th rounds: the same.
5th and 6th: purl every stitch.
7th to 10th inclusive: X knit 3, slip 2 as before, X repeat all round, 11th and 12th purled.
13th to 16th inclusive: X knit 2, slip 2 as before, knit 1, X repeat all round.
17th and 18th purled. Repeat these 18 rounds again.
Then do the same twice more; but, instead of knitting three stitches, always decrease by knitting two together (once) on the needle that has the thirty stitches in every row which is not plainly purled, until only twelve stitches are left on it.
When 72 rounds are done, the boot will be sufficiently long. Purl two rounds, divide the whole number of stitches on two needles, taking care that the 12 stitches shall be exactly in the centre of one; then join up the toe by casting off, knitting one stitch from each needle together.
Now take up the twenty centre stitches of the 70 originally cast on—that is, the twenty middle ones of the thirty that were on one needle, and which were decreased to twelve. Knit them backwards and forwards 40 rows. With another needle take up on each edge of this plain knitting 20 more stitches, so that there are 60 altogether.
These stitches must be knitted backwards and forwards thus:—
1st row: X knit 3, slip 2 as before, X repeat with the last stitch, take up one of the 70 next to the 20.
2nd: Slip 2, but as if you were going to knit plain, purl 3. Repeat; join on to the 70 at the other end.
3rd: Like first.
4th: Like 2nd.
5th: Purled; join at the end.
6th: Knitted; join at the end.
7th: X knit 2, slip 2, knit 1, X join at the end.
8th: X purl 1, slip 2, knit 2, X join as before.
9th: Like 7th.
10th: Like 8th.
11th: Purled.
12th: Knitted.
13th: X knit 1, slip 2, knit 2, X join at the end.
14th: X purl 2, slip 2, knit 1, X join.
15th: Like 13th.
16th: Like 14th.
17th: Purled, with join at the end.
18th: Knitted. The same. Repeat these 18 rows.
Take up the remaining stitches of the 70, and form the whole into a round for the ankle. Purl four rounds.
5th round: X knit 3, make 1, knit 2 together, X all round. Purl 6 more rounds, and cast off.
FOR THE TASSELS.—Plait some wool into a cord, and fasten at each end a tassel of white and pink wool combed out.
FOR THE RUCHE.—Cast on five stitches with the coarser needles, and the white embroidery wool. Knit and purl the rows alternately, winding the wool six times round two fingers of the left hand at every stitch, and taking up those threads with the stitches. Do about ten rows so; then for ten more wind the wool only for the first and last stitches, and the pink for the others of each row. Do enough to go twice round the top of each boot. Cut the loops, and comb out the wool. Sew it round the top of the boot.
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MATERIALS.—12 shades of amber, 7 shades of lilac, 4 shades of green. 4 Skeins of each colour. 5 Steel Needles, No. 14. Cardboard foundation, covered with white or amber cambric, 8 inches in diameter.
FOR THE MAT.—Knit 4 rounds of each shade of amber, beginning with the lightest. Cast on 2 stitches on each of 4 needles; bring the wool forward, knit half the stitches on the first needle; t. f. and k. [Footnote: K. means knit; k. 2+ knit two together; p. purl; t. f. thread forward.] the other half; repeat the same on each of the other 3 needles; k. the next round plain; repeat these two rounds until there are 48 stitches on each needle; then cast off, and sew this on the covered cardboard foundation.
FOR THE TULIPS.—5 tulips to be knitted in 7 shades of amber, and 5 in 7 shades of lilac; 4 rounds to be knitted of each shade; 4 needles. Cast on 2 stitches on each of 3 needles; t.f. at the commencement of each needle; k. 1 plain round; purl a round, increasing at commencement of each needle. Repeat these two rounds till there are 22 stitches on each of the three needles; then first k. 3, k. 2+, k. 1, k. 2+, k. 3; turn the work back, and purl the stitches.
3rd: K. 2, k. 2+, k. 1, k. 2+, k. 2.
4th: Turn back and purl.
5th: K. 2, k. 2+, k. 1, k. 2+, k 2.
6th: Turn back and purl.
7th: K. 1, k. 3+, k. 1.
8th: Purl.
9th: K. 3+.
20 tulips will be required.
THE LEAVES (10 of which will be necessary).—4 shades of green, 12 rows of each; 2 needles.
Cast on 3 stitches; k. plain, till before the centre stitch; t.f. and k. the centre stitch; t.f., k. the remainder plain; p. the next row; repeat these 2 rows, till there are 12 open stitches up the vein of the leaf; then k. 1, k. 2+, k. plain, till 2 from the centre stitch; then k. 2+, t.f., k. 1, t.f., k. 2+, k. plain, till 3 from the end; then k. 2+, k. 1; p. the next row; repeat till there are 8 more open stitches, that is, 20 from the beginning; then k. 2+ at the beginning and end of every other row, till the last ends in a point. Now sew the leaves round the mat by the part where the stem should be; then sew the tulips on as in engraving, sewing the leaf about 6 rows from the point on the stem of the tulip.
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The stitches used in crochet are, chain, slip, single, double, treble, and long treble crochet.
TO MAKE A CHAIN, form a loop on the thread, insert the hook in it, and draw the thread in another loop through this. Continue this to form a succession of stitches.
SLIP-STITCH is made by drawing a thread at once through any given stitch and the loop which is on the needle.
SINGLE CROCHET (written s.c.)—Having a loop on the needle, insert the hook in a stitch, and draw the thread through in a loop. You then have two on the hook; draw the thread through both at once.
DOUBLE CROCHET (d.c.)—Twist the thread round the hook before inserting it in the stitch, through which you draw the thread in a loop. Three loops being then on the needle, draw the thread through two, and then through the one just formed and the remaining one.
TREBLE CROCHET (t.c.) and LONG TREBLE (long t.c.) are worked in the same manner; in the former the thread is put twice, in the latter three times, round the hook, before inserting it into the stitch.
TO JOIN LEAVES.—When one part of a leaf, flower, etc., is to be joined to another, drop the loop from your hook, which insert in the place to be joined; draw the loop through and continue working.
TO PASS FROM ONE ROUND TO ANOTHER WITHOUT BREAKING THE THREAD.—In working mats and many similar articles this is very desirable. Having finished one round, see whether a s.c., d.c., or t.c. stitch begins the next; for s.c. make one chain, for d.c. three, for t.c. four; slip the needle out, and twist the chain, then continue working. This twisted chain will have all the appearance of a d.c. or t.c. stitch. Should the round not begin exactly in the same place, slip-stitch to the part where it commences, as it will seldom be more than a few stitches in advance.
SQUARE CROCHET is a term often used, and generally understood, as the engraved patterns are mostly in it. Lest, however, any of our readers should not be familiar with the name, we will explain it. The squares are either open or close. An open square consists of one d.c., two ch.—missing two on the line beneath, before making the next stitch. A close square has three successive d.c. Thus, any given number of close squares, followed by an open, will have so many times three d.c., and one over; and any foundation made for a pattern to be worked in square crochet will have a number of chains divisible by three, leaving one over.
TO CONTRACT AN EDGE.—In forming leaves and many other things, this is very useful. It can be done in d.c., t.c., or long t.c. Having twisted the thread round the needle as often as the stitch may require, insert it in the work, and half-do a stitch. Instead of completing it, again twist the thread round, until the same number of loops are on, and work a stitch completely. Thus, for two stitches taken in the work, there is only one head. This being successively repeated materially contracts an edge.
TO JOIN ON A THREAD.—Avoid joins in open work as much as possible. In close work, whether d.c. or s.c., they will not be perceived. Finish the stitch by drawing the new thread through, allowing a couple of inches for both ends, which you hold in.
TO WORK WITH SEVERAL COLOURS.—Hold the threads not in use along the edge of the work, and work them in. When the colour is to be changed, begin the stitch with the old colour, and complete it with the new, which continue to work with, holding the other in. If only one stitch of a colour is to be used, you finish one stitch, and begin the next with it; then change. Colours are seldom intermixed, except in solid work, such as the ends of purses, mats worked over cord, and the like.
TO WORK OVER CORD.—Hold it in the left hand, with the work, and work round it, as you would if it were merely an end of thread. The stitches must, however, be sufficiently close to cover it entirely.
TO WORK WITH BEADS.—Beads must be first threaded on the silk, or other material, and then dropped, according to the pattern, on what is usually thought the wrong side of the work. This side presents a more even appearance than the other. It follows that when bead purses are worked from an engraving, they are worked the reverse of the usual way—namely, from right to left.
THE MARKS USED IN CROCHET RECEIPTS.—These are very simple when understood. They are printers' marks—asterisks, crosses, daggers, and sometimes one or two others. They are used to mark repetitions, and save space. The principal thing to observe is, that in every row or round, if one of any kind is used, a second, similar one, is sure to be found; and that the repetition occurs between the two, however far distant apart. Suppose a row of a pattern to be written thus:—X 2 d.c., 4 ch., miss 4, * 5 d.c., 1 ch., miss 1, * three times, 5 d.c., X, * twice; it would, at full length, be—2 d.c., 4 ch., miss 4, 5 d.c., 1 ch., miss 1, 5 d.c., 1 ch., miss 1, 5 d.c., 1 ch., miss 1, 5 d.c., 2 d.c., 4 ch., miss 4, 5 d.c., 1 ch., miss 1, 5 d.c., 1 ch., miss 1, 5 d.c., 1 ch., miss 1, 5 d.c. It will be seen that one repetition often occurs within another, as in the stitches between the asterisks. Another mode of shortening receipts can be used only where a row has a centre both sides of which correspond; the latter being the same as the former, worked backwards. Then the letters b, a, are used, to mark that in the latter part of the row you reverse the instructions. b, 7 d.c., 3 ch., miss 2, 1 d.c., 2 ch., miss 1, a, 1 d.c. (the centre stitch), would be, 7 d.c., 3 ch., miss 2, 1 d.c., 2 ch., miss 1, 1 d.c., miss 1, 2 ch., 1 d.c., miss 2, 3 ch., 7 d.c. These letters and the printers' marks are equally used in knitting. It is easy to see how much space is gained by the use of these abbreviations, a knowledge of which is easily acquired. Probably many of our friends are already familiar with the substance of this preliminary lesson; but as daily experience convinces us that many are still ignorant of the principles of crochet, we trust the good-nature of the adepts will lead them to excuse this occupation of a page, in consideration of the benefit it will be to their less fortunate friends.
One word on the implement termed a crochet-hook. It should not be sharp or pointed, either in the point or barb, but smooth, and quite free from any angularity that can catch the silk. Cheap and common crochet-hooks are in the end the dearest, as they break cotton, ravel silk, wear out the patience, and prick the finger. They should be of the best steel, highly polished, and firmly fixed in ivory handles. Those we use have been made at our recommendation, and have the size engraved on every handle. This saves the tiresome and uncertain reference to a gauge. These hooks are termed "tapered, indented" crochet-hooks.
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MATERIALS.—Four reels of Brooks' Great Exhibition Prize Goat's-head Crochet Cotton, No. 8, 1 ditto, No. 4, 4 ounces of turquoise blue beads.
The anti-macassar of which we give a representation in the engraving is intended to fit the top of a library chair. One half only is seen. A similar piece of crochet is to be made and sewed to it, the two forming a sort of bag, which is slipped over the back of the chair. It is a great improvement on the old-fashioned anti-macassar, as it is not liable to be displaced. A border is added to the front of it, the pattern of which is made in beads (in the style of the bassinet quilt, page 24). This, from its weight, serves to keep the anti-macassar from shifting, and is finished with a handsome fringe. Spotted muslin, or any similar material, may be used for the back of the anti-macassar, instead of crochet, for those who would prefer saving themselves the trouble of working the second piece.
The upper part may be worked from the engraving, being done in square crochet, for which we have already given full directions. Make a chain of 277 stitches. Do one row of double crochet; then work from the engraving, beginning with that row which is in open square crochet, except the first and last squares, which are close. When you come to the diminished part, begin the row thus:—Miss 1, slip on the 2nd, single crochet on the 3rd, double crochet on the 4th. Reverse the process at the end of the row. This diminishes the row one square at each end. Some few rows narrow the squares at each end. In that case miss 4 at the beginning and end, instead of one. Work in the ends as you go on. This part of the anti-macassar uses three reels of cotton. Thread the blue beads on the 4th, No. 8 reel, and work the borders.
Begin by a row of single crochet on the wrong side, on the foundation chain. All the subsequent rows are done on the same side. Begin every row with two plain stitches, beside those in the pattern.
1st pattern row: X 2 plain, 2 beads, 5 plain, 2 beads, 14 plain X repeat to the end in this and every future row.
2nd: X 1 plain, 1 bead, 2 plain, 3 beads, 1 plain, 3 beads, 14 plain X.
3rd: X 1 plain, 1 bead, 2 plain, 1 bead, 2 plain, 3 beads, 15 plain X.
4th: X 2 plain, 7 beads, 1 plain, 1 bead, 14 plain X.
5th: X 4 plain, 4 beads, 3 plain, 1 bead, 13 plain X.
6th: X 4 plain, 4 beads, 4 plain, 1 bead, 12 plain X.
7th: X 3 plain, 6 beads, 3 plain, 1 bead, 5 plain, 4 beads, 3 plain X.
8th: X 2 plain, 3 beads, 2 plain, 3 beads, 2 plain, 1 bead, 6 plain, 5 beads, 1 plain X.
9th: X 1 plain, 3 beads, 4 plain, 3 beads, 1 plain, 1 bead, 7 plain, 5 beads X.
10th: X 1 plain, 2 beads, 6 plain, 3 beads, 8 plain, 3 beads, 2 plain X.
11th: X 10 plain, 3 beads, 7 plain, 1 bead, 1 plain, 1 bead, 2 plain X.
12th: X 9 plain, 1 bead, 1 plain, 3 beads, 1 plain, 3 beads, 4 plain, 1 bead, 2 plain X.
13th: X 8 plain, 1 bead, 3 plain, 3 beads, 3 plain, 1 bead, 2 plain, 2 beads, 2 plain X.
14th: X 8 plain, 1 bead, 4 plain, 3 beads, 5 plain, 2 beads, 2 plain, X.
15th: X 8 plain, 1 bead, 3 plain, 1 bead, 1 plain, 3 beads, 3 plain, 3 beads, 2 plain X.
16th: X 9 plain, 3 beads, 3 plain, 3 beads, 2 plain, 3 beads, 2 plain X.
17th: X 16 plain, 6 beads, 3 plain, X.
18th: X 6 plain, 1 bead, 10 plain, 5 beads, 3 plain X.
19th: X 6 plain, 3 beads, 8 plain, 5 beads, 3 plain X.
20th: X 6 plain, 6 beads, 3 plain, 7 beads, 3 plain X.
21st: X 6 plain, 5 beads, 2 plain, 10 beads, 2 plain X.
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MATERIALS.—Brooks' Great Exhibition Prize Goat's-head Crochet Cotton, No. 24.
This anti-macassar must be begun on the line of d.c., forming one end. Make a chain of the required number of stitches, including the borders, and work the whole anti-macassar, except the border which is at the one end, below the foundation chain, which must be done last of all. Or the centre can be done entirely first, and the border worked all round afterwards, increasing at the corners. We, however, recommend the former method.
This pattern is extremely well adapted for darning on square netting. In that case the netting may be done in Brooks' Knitting Cord, No. 60, and the darning in Embroidery Cotton, No. 70. The centre only can be done thus—a netted border must trim it.
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MATERIALS.—Brooks' Great Exhibition Prize Goat's-head Knitting Cord, No. 40, and Embroidering Goat's-head Cotton, No. 70; mesh, one-third of an inch wide.
This anti-macassar is done in the fashionable style of netting, with a pattern darned on it after it is worked. Make a foundation, on which work sixty-seven stitches. Repeat these, backwards and forwards, until a square is done, of as many holes up the sides as along the width. Remove the foundation, and add either a crochet-bead border all round, or a netted one. The bead border makes the shape more solid; the netted one is certainly lighter, and the following is very pretty:—
With a mesh three times the size of that used for the square do one entire round, with three stitches in one at the corners.
2nd round: With the small mesh. Miss the first stitch, net the second, then the missed one, repeat all round.
3rd: X Net a stitch of each of seven stitches, miss one stitch of the last round, X repeat all round.
Observe, before doing this round, count the number of stitches; if they cannot be divided by eight, add at the corners as many as may be required. Supposing there are so many eights and five over, then three more will be wanted, and one must be added (by doing two in one) in each of the three corners.
4th: X 6 over seven, miss the long stitch, X repeat.
5th: X 5 over six, missing as before, X repeat.
6th: X 4 over five, as before, X repeat.
7th: X 3 over four, as before, X repeat.
8th: X 2 over three, as before, X repeat.
Before darning netting, wash it perfectly clean, stiffen it by dipping it into a little gum-water, and pin it out on a pillow, in the proper form, to dry. Then darn it with embroidery cotton, every square of the pattern being closely filled up.
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1st round: 9 ch., unite; 3 ch., this forms 1 l. stitch; under this circle work 24 l., that is, including the 3 ch., which reckon as "1 l.;" in fastening off this round, simply insert the hook through the 3rd loop of 3 ch., draw the cotton through, cut it off, draw it down at the back, and tie it in a neat and secure knot.
2nd: Be careful not to begin in any row in the same place where the previous row was terminated. 2 l. into every loop of last row; there should be 48 l.
3rd: 1 l. into every loop, with 1 ch. between each.
4th and 5th: 1 l. upon every l., with 2 ch. between each.
6th: Commence upon a l. stitch, * 2 l. into 1 loop, 5 ch., miss 2 loops, repeat from * 3 times more, then 3 ch., miss 2 loops, 10 l., 3 ch., miss 2 loops, repeat.
7th: * 2 l. into the 3rd loop of the 5 ch.; 5 ch., repeat from * twice more, then 10 l. on l., repeat.
8th: 3 d.c. stitches, the 1st into the 2nd loop of the 5 ch., after the l. stitches, 5 ch., repeat from * 3 times more, 12 l. the 1st into next loop, repeat.
9th: * 3 d.c. the 1st into the 2nd loop of the 1st 5 ch., 5 ch., repeat from * twice more, miss 1 loop, 18 l. the 1st in 2nd loop.
10th: D.c. into the centre loop of the 5 ch., 5 ch., d.c. into centre loop of next 5, 3 ch., 24 l. the 1st on next d.c. stitch, 3 ch., repeat.
11th: 3 d.c. the 1st into 2nd loop of 5 ch., 3 ch., 1 l. on every l., with 1 ch. between each, 3 ch., repeat.
12th: 1 l. on l., 1 ch., repeat over the l. stitches, then 3 ch., 3 d.c. on the 3 d.c., 3 ch., repeat.
13th: 1 l. on l., 1 ch., repeat this over the l. stitches, 7 ch., repeat.
14th: The same.
15th: 1 l., 2 ch. over the l. stitches, then 3 ch., 1 l. into 3rd loop of the 7 ch., 5 ch., miss 1 loop, 1 l. into next loop, 3 ch., repeat.
16th: 7 sq., 6 l., 14 sq., 3 ch., d.c. into centre loop of 5 ch., 3 ch., repeat.
17th: 6 sq., 12 l., 13 sq., 3 ch., 1 l. on d.c. stitch, 3 ch., repeat.
18th: 6 sq., 12 l., 4 sq., 9 l., 2 sq., 3 l., 3 sq., 3 ch., d.c. on d.c., 3 ch., repeat.
19th: 6 sq., 12 l., 3 sq., 12 l., 2 sq., 3 l., 3 sq., 3 ch., d.c. on d.c., 3 ch., repeat.
20th: 6 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 2 sq., 15 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 4 sq., 3 ch., d.c. on d.c., 3 ch., repeat.
21st: 6 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 5 sq., 3 ch., d.c. into centre loop of 1st 3 ch., 3 ch., d.c. into centre loop of next 3 ch., repeat.
22nd: 3 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 8 sq., 5 ch., 1 l. into centre loop of centre 3 ch., 5 ch., repeat.
23rd: 2 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 2 sq., 12 l., 9 sq., 5 ch., d.c. into centre loop of 1st 5 ch., 5 ch., d.c. into centre loop of 2nd 5 ch., 5 ch., repeat.
24th: 2 sq., 3 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 10 sq., 7 l., d.c. into centre loop of 2nd 5 ch., 7 ch., repeat.
25th: 3 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 15 l., 6 sq., 5 ch., d.c. into centre loop of 7 ch., 5 ch., d.c. into centre loop of 7, 5 ch., repeat.
26th: 7 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 2 sq., 9 l., 5 sq., 5 ch., d.c. into centre loop of 5, 3 ch., 5 l., with 1 ch. between each, under the next 5 ch., 3 ch., d.c. into centre loop of 5, 5 ch., repeat.
27th: 3 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 21 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 3 sq., 5 ch., d.c. into centre ch. of 5, 3 ch., 11 l. the 1st into 3rd loop of 3 ch., 3 ch., d.c. into 5, 5 ch., repeat.
28th: 2 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 12 l., 3 sq., 3 l., 2 sq., 5 ch., d.c. into centre of 5, 3 ch., 13 l., the 1st into 3rd loop of 3 ch., 3 ch., d.c. into centre of 5, 5 ch., repeat.
29th: 2 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 24 l., 7 sq., 3 l., 2 sq., 5 ch., d.c. into centre loop of 5 ch., 3 ch., 15 l., the 1st into 3rd loop of 3 ch., 3 ch., d.c. into centre loop of 5, 5 ch., repeat.
30th: 2 sq., 15 l., 1 sq., 6 l. 1 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 3 sq., 6 l., 3 sq., 5 ch., d.c. into centre loop of 5, 3 ch., 8 l., the 1st into the 3rd loop of the 3 ch., 1 ch., miss 1 loop, 8 l., 3 ch., d.c. into centre of 5 ch., 5 ch., repeat.
31st: 2 sq., 12 l., 3 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 5 sq., 5 ch., d.c. into centre loop of 5, 3 ch., 8 l., 3 ch., d.c. into centre loop of 3 ch., 3 ch., 8 l., the 1st or 2nd d.c., 3 ch., d.c. into centre loop of 5, 5 ch., repeat.
32nd: 3 sq., 6 l., 4 sq., 15 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 7 sq., 5 ch., d.c. into centre loop of 5, 3 ch., 9 l., the 1st into 3rd loop of the 3 ch., 3 ch., d.c. on d.c., 5 ch., d.c. into same loop, 3 ch., 9 l., the 1st on next l., 3 ch., d.c. into centre loop of 5, 5 ch., repeat.
33rd: 10 sq., 12 l., 2 sq., 3 l., 6 sq., 5 ch., d.c. on d.c., 3 ch., 8 l., the 1st on 1st l., 3 ch., 5 l., with 1 ch. between each under the 5 ch., 3 ch., 8 l., the 1st on 2nd l., 3 ch., d.c. on d.c., 5 ch., repeat.
34th: 11 sq., 9 l., 2 sq., 3 l., 6 sq., 5 ch., d.c. on d.c., 3 ch., 6 l., the 1st on 2nd l., 3 ch., 9 l., the 1st on next l., 3 ch., 6 l., the 1st on 2nd l., 3 ch., d.c. on d.c., 5 ch., repeat.
35th: 4 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 6 sq., 9 l., 4 sq., 5 ch., d.c. on d.c., 4 ch., 4 l., the 1st on 2nd l., 3 ch., 11 l., the 1st into 4th loop, 3 ch., 4 l., the 1st on 2nd l., 4 ch., d.c. on d.c., 5 ch., repeat.
36th: 4 sq., 18 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 3 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 3 sq., 5 ch., d.c. on d.c., 5 ch., 2 l., the 1st on 2nd l., 6 ch., 9 l., the 1st on 2nd l., 6 ch., d.c. on d.c., 5 ch., repeat.
37th: 5 sq., 15 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 3 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 3 sq., 5 ch., 1 l. on d.c. stitch, 5 ch., 5 l., with 1 ch. between each under the 6 ch., 3 ch., 7 l., the 1st on 2nd l., 3 ch., 5 l., with 1 ch. between each under the 6 ch., 5 ch., d.c. on d.c., 5 ch., repeat.
38th: 7 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 4 sq., 3 l., 3 sq., 3 l., 3 sq., 5 ch., 1 l. on l., 5 ch., 9 l., the 1st on next l., 5 ch., 1 l. on l., 5 ch., repeat.
39th: 7 sq., 9 l., 4 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 3 l, 2 sq., 5 ch., 1 l. on l., 5 ch., 11 l., the 1st into the 5th loop of the 5 ch., 5 ch., 3 l., the 1st on 2nd l., 5 ch., 11 l., the 1st into 6th loop, 5 ch., 1 l. on l., 5 ch., repeat.
40th: 2 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 12 l., 4 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 5 ch., 1 l. on l., 3 ch., 1 l. into same loop, 5 ch., 11 l., the 1st on 2nd l., 5 ch., d.c. on 2nd l. stitch, 5 ch., 11 l., the 1st into 6th loop, 5 ch., 1 l. on l., 3 ch., 1 l. into same loop, 5 ch., repeat.
41st: 2 sq., 21 l., 5 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 2 sq., 5 ch., 5 l., with 1 ch. between each, under the 3 ch., 5 ch., 11 l., the 1st on 2nd l., 5 ch., 1 l. on d.c. stitch, 5 ch., 11 l., the 1st into 5th loop, 5 ch., 5 l., with 1 ch., between each, under the 3 ch., 5 ch., repeat.
42nd: 3 sq., 15 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 3 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 4 sq., 5 ch., 9 l., the 1st on next l., 5 ch., 11 l., the 1st on 2nd l., 7 ch., 11 l., the 1st into 5th loop of the 5 ch., 5 ch., 9 l., the 1st on next l., 5 ch., repeat.
43rd: 2 sq., 15 l., 2 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 3 sq., 6 l., 5 sq., 2 ch., 1 l., into 3rd loop, this forms another sq., and is reckoned as such in the next rows; 5 ch., 9 l. on the l., 7 ch., 11 l., the 1st on 2nd l., 7 ch., 11 l., the 1st. into 4th loop, 7 ch., 9 l. on the l., 5 ch., 1 l., into 3rd loop, 2 ch., repeat.
44th: 3 sq., 15 l., 2 sq., 3 l., 14 sq., 5 ch., 9 l. on the l., 7 ch., 9 l., the 1st on next l., 3 ch., 9 l., with 1 ch. between each, under the 7 ch., 3 ch., 9 l., the 1st on 3rd l., 7 ch., 9 l. on l., 5 ch., repeat.
45th: 5 sq., 9 l., 3 sq., 3 l., 13 sq., 7 ch., 7 l., the 1st on 2nd l., 7 ch., 9 l., the 1st into 9th loop, 3 ch., 17 l., the 1st on next l., 3 ch., 9 l., the 1st on 2nd l., 7 ch., 7 l., the 1st on 2nd l., 7 ch., repeat.
46th: 5 sq., 6 l., 4 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 12 l., 8 sq., 7 ch., 5 l., the 1st on 2nd l., 7 ch., 9 l., the 1st into 8th loop, 3 ch., 15 l., the 1st on 2nd l., 3 ch., 9 l., the 1st on 2nd l., 7 ch., 5 l., the 1st on 2nd l., 7 ch., repeat.
47th: 5 sq., 6 l., 4 sq., 21 l., 7 sq., 7 ch., 3 l., the 1st on 2nd l., 7 ch., 8 l., the 1st into 8th loop, 7 ch., 13 l., the 1st on 2nd l., 7 ch., 8 l., the 1st on 3rd l., 7 ch., 3 l., the 1st on 2nd l., 7 ch., repeat.
48th: 6 sq., 3 l., 3 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 8 sq., 5 ch., 1 l., into 4th loop, 5 ch., 1 l. on 2nd l., 5 ch., 1 l. into 5th loop, 5 ch., 6 l., the 1st on 2nd l., 5 ch., 1 l. into 5th loop, 5 ch., 11 l., the 1st on 2nd l., 5 ch., 1 l. into 5th loop, 5 ch., 6 l., the 1st on 2nd l., 5 ch., 1 l. into 5th loop, 5 ch., 1 l. on 2nd l., 5 ch., 1 l. into 4th loop, 5 ch., repeat.
49th: 10 sq., 15 l., 2 sq., 12 l., 4 sq., 5 ch., 1 l. into centre loop of the 5 ch. for 4 times, 5 ch., 4 l., the 1st on 2nd l., 5 ch., 1 l. into centre loop of 5 twice, 5 ch., 9 l., the 1st on 2nd l., 5 ch, 1 l. into centre loop of 5 ch. twice, 5 ch., 4 l., the 1st on 2nd l., 5 ch., 1 l. into centre of loop of 5, 3 times, 5 ch., repeat.
50th: 10 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 18 l., 3 sq., 5 ch., 1 l. into centre of each 5, for 5 times, 5 ch., 2 l., the 1st on 2nd l., 5 ch., 1 l. into centre of 5, 3 times, 5 ch., 7 l., the 1st on 2nd l., 5 ch., 1 l. into centre of 5, 3 times, 5 ch., 2 l., the 1st on 2nd l., 5 ch., 1 l. into centre of 5, for 5 times, 5 ch., repeat.
51st: 10 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 6 sq., 5 ch., and 1 l. into centre loop of 5 ch., for 10 times, 5 ch., 5 l., the 1st on 2nd l., 5 ch., 1 l. into centre loop of the 5 ch., for 10 times, 1 ch., repeat.
52nd: 11 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 15 l., 5 sq., 5 ch., and 1 l. into centre loop of each 5 ch., for 11 times, 5 ch., 3 l., the 1st on 2nd l., 5 ch., and 1 l. into centre loop of 5 ch., 11 times, 5 ch., repeat.
53rd: 10 sq., 33 l., 4 sq., 5 ch., and 1 l. into centre loop of the 5 ch., 5 ch., repeat.
54th: 10 sq., 24 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 4 sq., 3 ch., 7 l., the 1st on next l., * 4 ch., 1 l. on l., 4 ch., 7 l., the 1st on next l., repeat from * twice more, 4 ch., 7 l., the 1st on next l., 4 ch., 7 l., the 1st on next l., ** 4 ch., 1 l. on l., 4 ch., 7 l., the 1st on next l., repeat from ** twice more, 3 ch., repeat from beginning.
55th: 9 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 12 l., 6 sq., 3 ch, 7 l., the 1st on next l., * 7 ch., d.c. on the l. stitch, 7 ch., 7 l. on the l., repeat from * twice more, then 4 ch., 7 l. on l., 4 ch., 7 l. on l., ** 7 ch., d.c. on l., 7 ch., 7 l. on l., repeat from ** twice more, 3 ch., repeat.
56th: 9 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 5 sq., 3 ch., 7 l. on l., * 4 ch., d.c. into 4th loop of 7 ch., 3 ch., d.c. into 4th loop of 7 ch., 5 ch., 7 l. on l., repeat from * twice more, 4 ch., 7 l. on l., 4 ch., 7 l. on l., repeat from the 1st *, then 3 ch., repeat from beginning.
57th: 13 sq., 3 l., 6 sq., 3 l., 4 sq., 3 ch., 7 l. on l., * 4 ch., 1 l. into 2nd loop of 3 ch., 5 ch., 1 more l. into same loop, 4 ch., 7 l. on l., repeat from * twice more, then 4 ch., 7 l. on l., 4 ch., 7 l. on l., repeat from the 1st * again, 3 ch. then repeat from beginning.
58th: 16 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 3 l., 4 sq., now work the same as last row, only making 3 ch. instead of 5.
59th: 16 sq., 3 l., 1 sq. 3 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 4 sq., now work the same as last row.
60th: 13 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 9 l., 5 sq., now the same as last row.
61st: 8 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 3 sq., 3 l., 6 sq., now the same as last row.
62nd: 7 sq., 3 l., 3 sq., 9 l., 3 sq. 3, l., 7 sq., now the same as last row.
63rd: 14 sq., 9 l., 8 sq., now the same as last row.
64th: 25 sq., 3 ch., 7 d.c. over the l., * 3 d.c. under the 3 ch., 5 d.c. under next 3, 3 d.c. under next 3, 7 d.c. over the l., repeat from * twice more, 4 d.c. under the 4 ch., 7 d.c. on the l., 4 d.c. under the 4 ch., 7 d.c. over the l., repeat from the 1st * 3 times, 3 ch., repeat from beginning.
65th: 25 sq., making in these squares 3 ch. instead of 2, then d.c. over the d.c. stitches, 3 ch., repeat.
66th: A row of long stitches all round.
Fringe.—D.c. into a loop, make * 70 ch., rather loosely, miss loop of last round, d.c. into next loop, repeat from *.
* * * * *
MATERIALS.—Brooks' Goat's-head Netting and Knitting Cotton, No. 36. Brooks' Embroidering Goat's-head Cotton, No. 40. Rather a fine Embroidering Needle. Steel Mesh, No. 12 Steel Netting Needle.
Work the same number of squares, as in the engraving, by commencing on one stitch, and increasing one at the end of every row till you get sufficient length of one side; and then decrease one at the end of every row by taking two loops into one. Then darn according to the engraving.
Make sufficient number of tassels to go round. Wind the cotton over a card three inches wide, cut one end, and draw through the loop of netting, and make four more tassels larger; over a card six inches wide for the corners. Six squares measure one inch.
* * * * *
MATERIALS:—Brooks' Goat's-head Netting Cotton, Nos. 30 and 36; Embroidering, No. 40; Steel Mesh, No. 12, and Steel Netting Needle. For the upper side of the cushion use No. 36 Cotton, and commence with one stitch, and make one at the end of every row until you have 83 loops on your mesh; then decrease one at the end of every row until you have only one left; then fasten off; then darn it with Embroidering Cotton, No. 40, according to the engraving, always taking care that there are the same number of threads in every square, and that the threads all run the same way, making as few breaks in the cotton as possible; in fastening off, or beginning again, always let it be on the under-side, that the ends may not be seen. Then for the under-side of the cushion, make another piece exactly similar to the other one in size, but with a thicker cotton, No. 30. The two pieces must then be joined together, and placed upon a cushion stuffed with wool and covered with a dark purple, crimson, or green velvet; the whole afterwards finished with a thick twisted cord in two colours, with massive tassels at the corners to match.
* * * * *
MATERIALS.—Eight reels of Brooks' Goat's-head Crochet Cotton, No. 8; crochet hook, No. 18.
This couvrette is begun in the centre, and worked round and round, the thread never being broken off but when it is so mentioned in the receipt.
Make a chain of 6; close it into a round, on which do 8 s.c. stitches.
2nd round: X 1 d.c. under a stitch (taking up both sides of the chain), 2 ch., miss none, X 8 times. Close the round with a slip stitch on the first d.c.
3rd: 1 s.c. on every chain stitch, and 2 s.c. on every d.c. in the round.
4th: 3 ch., twist them, and continue as a d.c. stitch; X 3 ch., miss 3, 3 d.c., all on the second of the 2 s.c. worked on one in last row, X 7 times; 3 ch., miss 3, 2 d.c. on last stitch of last row; slip on the top of the three-twisted chain, which completes the round.
5th: Begin this and all succeeding rounds with a d.c. stitch, made of 3 ch., X ch., miss 3 ch., 2 d.c. on first d.c., 1 on next, 2 on next, X 7 times; 3 ch., miss 3, 2 d.c. on 1 d.c., 1 d.c. on next; slip on top of the 3 chain that began the round.
6th: Worked exactly like 5th, with 2 d.c. on the first and last of every 5, and 1 on each of the intermediate, so that the round consists of 8 sides, of 7 d.c. each, divided by a chain of three.
7th: The same, with 10 d.c. over the 7.
8th: The same, with 12 d.c. over the 10.
9th: 3 ch., twist it into a d.c. stitch, X 3 more chain, 2 d.c. in the first of 12, 4 d.c. in next 4, 3 ch., miss 2, 4 d.c. in 4, 2 d.c. in last of 12, X 7 times; 3 ch., 2 d.c. in first, 4 d.c. in 4, 3 ch., miss 2, 4 d.c. in 4, 1 d.c. in the same as the twisted chain; finish with a slip stitch.
10th: Begin, as usual, with 6 ch; then on each section of the octagon, X 4 d.c. on first 4, 3 ch., miss 2, 3 d.c. on 3 ch., 3 ch., miss 2, 4 d.c. on 4, X 3 ch. between. At the last of the 8 finish with 3 d.c., as the last is made at the beginning of the round; slip on the top of it.
11th: Begin and end as usual [see note]. On each section do X 2 d.c. on 2, 3 ch., miss 2, 3 d.c. on 3 ch., 3 ch., miss 3 d.c., 3 d.c. on 3 ch., 3 ch., miss 2, 2 d.c. on last 2, 3 ch., X.
12th: Begin and end as usual. On each section work X 2 d.c. on 1, 4 d.c. on 4, 3 ch., miss 3, 3 d.c. on 3 ch., 3 ch., miss 3, 4 d.c. on 4, 2 d.c. on the last, 3 ch., X.
13th: Begin and end as usual. On each division do X 2 d.c. on 1, 8 d.c. on 8, 4 ch., miss 3, 8 d.c. on 8, 2 d.c. on 1, 3 ch., X.
14th: All d.c., increasing so as to have 26 on each side of the octagon, with the usual 3 ch. between the divisions.
15th: Begin and end as usual. Work on each part X 7 d.c. on 7, X 2 ch., miss 1, 1 d.c., X twice; 2 ch. miss 2, 1 d.c., 2 ch., miss 1, 1 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 8 d.c. on 8, 3 ch., X.
16th: Begin and end as usual. Work on each part X 2 d.c. on 1, 4 d.c. on 4, 2 ch., miss 2, 14 d.c. on 14, 2 ch., miss 2, 5 d.c. on 5, 2 d.c. on 1, 3 ch., X.
17th: Begin and end as usual. X 2 d.c. on 1, 3 d.c. on 3, 2 ch., miss 2, 6 d.c. on 6, 2 ch., miss 2, 1 d.c., 2 ch., miss 1, 1 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 5 d.c. on 5, 2 ch., miss 2, 4 ch. on 4, 2 d.c. on 1, 3 ch. X.
18th: Begin and end as usual, X 2 d.c. on 1, 4 d.c. on 4, 2 ch., miss 2, 6 d.c. on 6, 2 ch., miss 2, 13 d.c. on 13, 2 ch., miss 1, 4 d.c. on 4, 2 d.c. on 1, 3 ch. X.
19th: Begin and end as usual. X 6 d.c. on 6, 2 ch., miss 2, 6 d.c. on 6, 2 ch., miss 2, 3 d.c. on 3, 2 ch., miss 1, 1 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 1 d.c. 2 ch., miss 1, 4 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 6 d.c., 3 ch., X.
20th: Begin and end as usual. X 2 d.c. on 1, 5 d.c. on 5, 2 ch., miss 2, 6 d.c. on 6, 2 ch., miss 2, 3 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 12 d.c., 2 ch., miss 1, 5 d.c., 3 ch., X.
21st: Begin and end as usual, X 9 d.c. 3 ch., miss 2, 9 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 3 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 1 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 4 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 4 d.c., 2 d.c. in 1, 3 ch., X.
22nd: Begin and end as usual. X 10 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 9 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 3 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 7 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 5 d.c., 2 d.c. in 1, 3 ch., X.
23rd: Begin and end as usual. X 2 d.c. in 1, 11 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 12 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 7 d.c., 2 ch, miss 2, 6 d.c., 2 d.c. in 1, 3 ch., *.
24th: Break off the thread in this and the following round, and begin at the beginning of a division of the octagon, instead of at the last stitch as hitherto. X 14 d.c., beginning on the second in the division, 2 ch., miss 2, 8 d c., 2 ch., miss 2, 9 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 7 d.c., 3 ch., d.c. on the centre of the 3 chain of last round, 3 ch., X. [Work in the ends of cotton as you go on, and slip on the first stitch at the end of every round.]
25th: X miss the first d.c. of the last row, 1 diminished stitch on the two next, 12 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 12 d.c., X 2 ch., miss 2, 4 d.c., * twice; 1 diminished stitch on the next 2, ** 2 ch., miss 1, 1 d.c., ** 4 times, 2 ch., X.
26th: X 1 diminished d.c. stitch on the two first of 12, 11 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 9 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 5 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 3 d.c., 1 diminished d.c., 1 ch, miss 1, 1 d.c., 2 ch., miss 1, 1 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 4 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 1 d.c., 2 ch., miss 1, 1 d.c., 1 ch., X.
27th: X 1 diminished d.c. on two first of 11, 10 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 8 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 4 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 2 d.c., 1 diminished d.c., 3 ch., miss 2, 1 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 10 d.c., 2 ch., miss 1 d.c., 3 ch., miss 2, X.
28th: X 1 diminished d.c. (beginning on the same of last round), 6 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 3 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 4 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 5 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 2 d.c., 1 diminished d.c., 2 ch., d.c. on centre of 3 ch. in last round, 2 ch., miss 1, 7 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 7 d.c., 2 ch., miss 1, d.c. on centre of 3 ch., 2 ch., X.
29th: X 5 d.c. beginning on the diminished stitch of last round, 2 ch., miss 2, 6 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 10 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 3 d.c., 3 ch., miss 2, 7 d.c., ** 2 ch., miss 2, 1 d.c., ** twice, 2 ch., miss 2, 7 d.c., 3 ch., miss 2, X.
30th: X (begin on the second of 5 d.c.), 4 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 8 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 6 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 4 d.c., 2 ch., miss 1, ** 1 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, ** twice, 7 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 7 d.c., *** 2 ch., miss 2, 1 d.c., *** twice; 2 ch., miss 1, X.
31st: X (begin on the second of 4 d.c.), 5 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 6 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 4 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 5 d.c., 1 ch., miss 1, 1 d.c., 2 ch., miss 1, ** 1 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, ** three times, 10 d.c., *** 2 ch., miss 2, 1 d.c., *** 3 times, 2 ch., miss 1, 1 d.c., 1 ch., miss 1, *.
32nd: X (begin on the second of 5), 6 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 2 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 4 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 6 d.c., 3 ch., miss 2, 5 open squares, 1 close, 5 open, 1 d.c., 3 ch., miss 2, X.
33rd: X (begin on second of 6), 7 d.c., ** 2 ch., miss 2, 1 d.c., ** twice; 2 ch., miss 2, 7 d.c., 2 ch., miss 1, 13 open squares, 1 d.c., 2 ch., miss 1, X.
34th: X (begin on the second of 7), 1 diminished stitch, 16 d.c., 1 diminished, 2 ch., miss 1, ** 3 open squares, 1 close, ** 3 times, 3 open squares, 1 d.c., 2 ch., miss 1, X.
35th: X (begin on the first of 16), 1 diminished, 5 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 5 d.c., 1 diminished, 2 ch., miss 1, 1 d.c., 2 ch., miss 1, 2 open squares, ** 1 close, 1 open, ** 6 times, 1 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, *** 1 d.c., 2 ch., miss 1, *** twice, X.
36th: * (Begin on the first of 5), 1 diminished, 1 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 2 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 1 d.c., 1 diminished, ** 2 ch., miss 1, 1 d.c., ** twice, 2 ch., miss 2, 1 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, *** 1 close square, 3 open, *** 3 times, 1 close, 2 open, **** 1 d.c., 2 ch., miss 1, **** twice, X.
37th: X (begin on the 1 d.c.), 1 diminished, 1 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 1 d.c., 1 diminished, ** 2 ch., miss 1, 1 d.c., ** twice, *** 2 ch., miss 2, 1 d.c., *** 3 times, 2 ch., miss 2, **** 1 close, 1 open square, **** 6 times, 3 more open, 1 d.c., 2 ch., miss 1, 1 d.c., 2 ch., miss 1 X.
38th: X (begin on 1 d.c.), 1 d.c., 1 diminished over the 2 ch, 1 d.c., 2 ch., miss 1, 1 d.c., 2 ch., miss 1, 6 open squares, ** 1 close, 3 open, * twice, 1 close, 6 open, *** 1 d.c., 2 ch., miss 1, *** twice X.
Finish this round, like all the preceding, since the direction, with a slip stitch on the first stitch of the round. Then a round of open square crochet, the d.c. stitches coming on those of the last round, and allowing 2 ch. over the one diminished stitch at every point. The 40th round is entirely in d.c.
FOR THE BAND.—Make a chain of 624 stitches, and close in a round, on which work a round of d.c.
2nd round: Open square crochet.
3rd: X 4 open squares, 2 close, 2 open, X 26 times.
4th:. X 3 open, 2 close, 1 open, 1 close, 1 open, X 26 times.
5th: X 2 open, 1 close, 1 open, 1 close, 1 open, 1 close, 1 open, X 26 times.
6th: X 1 open, 2 close, 1 open 1 close, 3 open, X 26 times.
7th, 8th, and 9th: X 1 open, 2 close, 2 open, 1 close, 2 open, X 26 times.
10th: X 2 open, 3 close, 3 open, * 26 times.
11th: Open square crochet.
12th: D.c.
EDGING.—One pattern takes up the space of a pattern of the band, consequently there are 26 in the round. Each is finished before proceeding to the next. The band and edging may be done entirely without breaking off the thread, therefore continue for the latter, after closing the former. 12 s.c., 12 ch., close it into a round, under which work 23 s.c.; 9 s.c. on the edge of the band; turn the work on the wrong side,—7 ch., miss 5 of the 23 on the round, s.c. under the 6th, * 5 ch, miss 3, s.c. under 4th, * 3 times; 7 ch., s.c. under 4th of the 12 s.c. (leaving a space of 8 to the loop). Turn on the right side and work under each loop of 7, 1 s.c., 2 d.c. 4 t.c., 2 d.c., 2 s.c., and under the other loops, 2 s.c., 4 d.c., 2 s.c.: 2 s.c. more on the band complete one pattern. Fasten to the round with a row of s.c., taking a stitch of each.
NOTE.—It is to be remembered that each round begins with a d.c. of 3 ch., and 3 ch., after which the pattern between the * * is done 7 times throughout, and the eighth time the last d.c. and 3 ch. are omitted, being worked at the commencement of the round. To write this at the end of every round would make the directions tediously long, and the worker can find no difficulty if observing this note.
* * * * *
MATERIALS.—Brooks' Great Exhibition Prize Goat's-head Knitting Cord, No. 40, or 60, with a suitable hook.
This is a new and extremely pretty kind of cushion, for the back of a chair, which renders an ordinary seat almost as commodious as a professedly easy chair.
A small cushion is made, just the length of the back of the chair, and narrow in the proportion seen in the engraving, which is covered either with Berlin-wool work, or (as we have designed) with crochet. It is suspended from the top of the chair by ribbons or cords; and the lower edge is finished with either fringe or tassels. We have given two sizes of cotton as suitable for this purpose, as the dimensions must depend on those of the chair. The pattern requires a foundation chain of 274 stitches, and if No. 40 cord is used, and an ordinary hook suitable for it, the length will be as nearly as possible, half a yard. Should the chair not be so wide, the same number of stitches, with a finer cord, will decrease the cushion cover; if required larger, for any purpose whatever, by using a coarser material the same design will be proportionably increased.
And here we may be allowed to suggest a purpose to which this pattern is peculiarly applicable, and which will be found an article extremely beneficial to "the neat-handed Phillis."
In these days of homoeopathy, when the love of cold water is on the increase (as indeed it is high time it was), and while the means for thorough ablution are not perhaps as yet so extensively patronised as they deserve to be, we all know the destruction occasioned to that part of the paper which is immediately above the washhand-stand. Now we would propose a Splash Cloth, in crochet, of this or any similar design, to be worked in very coarse cotton, such as Brooks' Great Exhibition Prize Goat's-head Knitting Cord, No. 16, lined with glazed calico to match the hangings, and suspended above the washhand-stand. It will be a pretty decoration, perfectly preventing the injury usually occurring to the walls, readily washed, and always new.
As fine cotton decreases the dimensions of a piece of work, so thicker cotton, with a hook proportionately large, increases its size. The number of the cotton chosen should depend on the size of the stand. No. 40, it will be remembered, will work it about half a yard long.
When used to cover a cushion, the cushion itself should be of a colour to match with the hangings, and the crochet work is to be tacked lightly over it at each edge.
* * * * *
MATERIALS.—Brooks' Great Exhibition Prize Goat's-head Crochet Cotton, No. 24. No. 3 Penelope Hook.
1st row: Make a chain of about 180 stitches, turn back, work 1 l. into 9th loop, this will form 1 sq. in next row; then 1 l., 2 ch., 1 l. into 3rd loop, repeat. There must be 190 sq., or squares, only.
2nd: In beginning this row, make 1 l., in the 3rd ch. of the 8 ch., then 2 ch., 1 l. on l., repeat; make 5 rows of these squares. After the first 5 rows the work must not be turned.
6th: 12 sq., 3 l., 15 sq., 15 l., * 14 sq., 15 l., repeat from * till within 24 sq. of the end, then 13 sq., 3 l., 10 sq.
7th: 10 sq., 12 l., 13 sq., * 6 l., 3 sq., 12 l., 10 sq., repeat from * 6 times more, then 6 l., 3 sq., 12 l., 9 sq., 9 l., 9 sq.
8th: 8 sq., 9 l., 2 sq., 15 l., 9 sq., * 9 l., 5 sq., 9 l., 8 sq., repeat from * 6 times more, then 9 l., 5 sq., 9 l., 5 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 8 sq.
9th: 7 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 3 l., 2 sq., 9 l., 7 sq., * 3 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 5 sq., 6 l., 7 sq., repeat from * 6 times more, then 3 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 5 sq., 21 l., 4 sq., 6 l., 7 sq.
10th: 6 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 3 sq., 6 l., 6 sq., * 6 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 5 sq., 6 l., 6 sq., repeat from * 6 times more, then 6 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 13 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 7 sq.
11th: 5 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 12 l., 2 sq., 3 l., 4 sq., 9 l., 4 sq., * 12 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 4 sq., repeat from * 6 times more, then 12 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 7 sq., 18 l., 6 sq.
12th: 6 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 3 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 3 sq., 12 l., * 5 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 12 l., 2 sq., 12 l., repeat from * 6 times more, then 9 l., 1 sq., 12 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 6 sq.
13th: 7 sq., 3 l., 7 sq., 15 l., 5 sq., 21 l., * 1 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 12 l., 5 sq., 21 l., repeat from * 6 times more, then 1 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 12 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 5 sq.
14th: 7 sq., 6 l., 3 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 12 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 8 sq., * 6 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 3 sq., 6 l., 8 sq., repeat from * 6 times more, then 6 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 12 l., 5 sq., 6 l., 6 sq.
15th: 8 sq., 3 l., 2 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 2 sq., 12 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 12 l., * 5 sq., 12 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 12 l., repeat from * 6 times more, then 6 sq., 6 l., 4 sq., 9 l., 7 sq.
16th: 8 sq., 3 l., 2 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 3 l., * 4 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 15 l., repeat from * 7 times more, 7 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 8 sq.
17th: 8 sq., 3 l., 3 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 9 l., * 3 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 12 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 9 l., repeat from * 6 times more, then 3 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 12 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 27 l., 4 sq., 3 l., 7 sq.
18th: 8 sq., 3 l., 7 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 9 l., * 6 sq., 6 l., 4 sq., 3 l., 3 sq., 9 l., repeat from * 6 times more, then 6 sq., 6 l., 4 sq., 3 l., 6 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 12 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 7 sq.
19: 8 sq., 3 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 3 sq., 3 l., 3 sq., 12 l., * 7 sq., 9 l., 5 sq., 12 l., repeat from * 6 times more, then 7 sq., 9 l., 5 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 12 l., 2 sq., 3 l., 8 sq.
20th: 7 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 12 l., 2 sq., 3 l., 6 sq., 27 l., * 10 sq., 27 l., repeat from * 6 times more, then 7 sq., 3 l., 3 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 8 sq.
21st: 7 sq., 3 l., 2 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 154 sq., 6 l., 6 sq., 6 l., 9 sq.
22nd: 6 sq., 6 l., 3 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 3 l., 155 sq., 3 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 3 sq., 3 l., 10 sq.
23rd: 6 sq., 3 l., 7 sq., 6 l., 155 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 10 sq.
24th: ^{a}6 sq., 3 l., 3 sq., 27 l^{a}, 151 sq., ^{b}6 l., 1 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 11 sq^{b}. These letters will be referred to hereafter.
25th: ^{c}5 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 3 l^{c}, 151 sq., ^{d}3 l., 3 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 3 l., 11 sq^{d}.
26th: ^{e}5 sq., 3 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 6 l^{e}., 150 sq., ^{f}3 l., 6 sq., 6 l., 11 sq^{f}.
27th: ^{g}5 sq., 3 l., 2 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 6 sq., 3 l^{g}., 150 sq., ^{h}3 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 3 l., 12 sq^{h}.
28th: ^{i}5 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 3 l^{i}., 150 sq., ^{k}3 l., 1 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 15 l., 6 sq^{k}.
29th: ^{l}5 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 3 l^{l}., 150 sq., ^{m}3 l., 1 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 5 sq^{m}.
30th: ^{n}6 sq., 15 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 3 l^{n}., 150 sq., ^{o}3 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 5 sq^{o}.
31st: ^{p}12 sq., 3 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 3 l^{p}., 150 sq., ^{q}3 l., 6 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 2 sq., 3 l., 5 sq^{q}.
32nd: ^{r}11 sq., 6 l., 6 sq., 3 l^{r}., 150 sq., ^{s}6 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 3 l., 5 sq^{s}.
33rd: ^{t}11 sq., 3 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 3 sq., 3 l^{t}., 151 sq., ^{u}3 l., 1 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 5 sq^{u}.
34th: ^{v}11 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 6 l^{v}., 151 sq., ^{w}27 l., 3 sq., 3 l., 6 sq^{w}.
35th: ^{x}10 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 3 l^{x}., 155 sq., ^{y}6 l., 7 sq., 3 l., 6 sq^{y}.
36th: ^{z}10 sq., 3 l., 3 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 3 l^{z}., 79 sq., 3 l., 74 sq., ^{&}6 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 3 sq., 6 l., 6 sq^{&}.
37th: ^{a} 9 sq., 6 l., 6 sq., 6 l., ^{b}., 58 sq., 3 l., 3 sq., 3 l., 10 sq., 3 l., 4 sq., 12 l., 72 sq., ^{c}3 l., 2 sq., 12 l., 2 sq., 3 l., 7 sq^{d}.
38th: ^{e} 8 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 4 sq., 3 l., ^{f}., 58 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 15 l., 6 sq., 6 l., 3 sq., 18 l., 70 sq., ^{g}6 l., 2 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 7 sq^{h}.
39th: ^{i}7 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 12 l., 2 sq., 6 l^{k}., 57 sq., 9 l., 2 sq., 18 l., 4 sq., 9 l., 3 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 12 l., 68 sq., ^{l} 3 l, 4 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 8 sq^{m}.
40th: ^{n}7 sq., 3 l., 2 sq., 12 l., 2 sq., 3 l^{o}., 57 sq., 12 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 9 l., 2 sq., 12 l., 3 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 7 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 12 l., 53 sq., ^{p}6 l., 6 sq., 6 l., 9 sq^{q}.
41st: ^{r}6 sq., 6 l., 3 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 6 l^{s}., 46 sq., 15 l., 3 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 3 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 15 l., 2 sq., 12 l., 5 sq., 24 l., 52 sq., ^{t}3 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 3 sq., 3 l., 10 sq^{u}.
42nd: ^{v}6 sq., 3 l., 7 sq., 6 l^{w}., 49 sq., 21 l., 2 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 5 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 7 sq., 3 l., 45 sq., ^{x}3 l., 1 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 10 sq^{y}.
43rd: Repeat from ^{a} to ^{a} in 24th row, then 47 sq., 12 l., 2 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 4 sq., 3 l., 3 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 2 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 18 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 5 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 44 sq., repeat from ^{b} to ^{b} in 24th row.
44th: Repeat from ^{c} to ^{c} in 25th row, 36 sq., 3 l., 12 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 4 sq., 15 l., 4 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 4 sq., 9 l., 3 sq., 9 l., 2 sq., 15 l., 1 sq., 15 l., 4 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 2 sq., 3 l., 42 sq., repeat from ^{d} to ^{d} in 25th row.
45th: Repeat from ^{e} to ^{e} in 26th row, then 34 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 11 sq., 3 l., 2 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 3 sq., 3 l., 9 sq., 15 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 2 sq., 12 l., 2 sq., 12 l., 4 sq., 6 l., 2 sq. 6 l., 42 sq., repeat from ^{f} to ^{f}.
46th: Repeat from ^{g} to ^{g}, in 27th row, 34 sq., 30 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 9 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 9 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 15 l., 4 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 43 sq., repeat from ^{h} to ^{h}.
47th: Repeat from ^{i} to ^{i} in 28th row, 34 sq., 39 l., 2 sq., 15 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 3 sq., 18 l., 2 sq., 12 l., 3 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 15 l., 4 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 11 sq., 3 l., 32 sq., repeat from ^{k} to ^{k}.
48th: Repeat from ^{l} to ^{l} in 29th row, 35 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 15 l., 1 sq., 21 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 30 l., 3 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 9 l., 3 sq., 12 l., 3 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 7 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 32 sq., repeat from ^{m} to ^{m}.
49th: Repeat from ^{n} to ^{n}, 34 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 15 l., 1 sq., 15 l., 3 sq., 18 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 2 sq., 3 l., 4 sq., 24 l., 5 sq., 15 l., 6 sq., 18 l., 32 sq., repeat from ^{o} to ^{o}.
50th: Repeat from ^{p} to ^{p}, 34 sq., 15 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 18 l., 3 sq., 3 l., 4 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 12 l., 4 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 3 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 5 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 24 l., 31 sq., repeat from ^{q} to ^{q}.
51st: Repeat from ^{r} to ^{r}, 35 sq., 15 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 5 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 21 l., 3 sq., 12 l., 5 sq., 3 l., 3 sq., 3 l., 12 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 4 sq., 21 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 31 sq., repeat from ^{s} to ^{s}.
52nd: Repeat from ^{t} to ^{t}, 22 sq., 12 l., 10 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 21 l., 2 sq., 33 l., 1 sq., 12 l., 3 sq., 3 l., 2 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 15 sq., 6 l., 4 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 32 sq. repeat from ^{u} to ^{u}.
53rd: Repeat from ^{v} to ^{v}, 21 sq., 18 l., 8 sq., 21 l, 1 sq., 3 l., 5 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 18 l., 5 sq., 9 l., 2 sq., 9 l., 2 sq., 9 l., 3 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 13 sq., 12 l., 5 sq., 15 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 33 sq., repeat from ^{w} to ^{w}.
54th: Repeat from ^{x} to ^{x}, 22 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 6 sq., 24 l., 1 sq., 15 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 2 sq., 15 l., 4 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 5 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 5 sq., 15 l., 2 sq., 27 l., 2 sq., 18 l., 2 sq., 9 l., 8 sq., 3 l., 28 sq., repeat from ^{y} to ^{y}.
55th: Repeat from ^{z} to ^{z}, 22 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 6 sq., 12 l., 3 sq., 21 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 3 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 15 l., 2 sq., 9 l., 3 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 18 l., 1 sq., 33 l., 1 sq., 18 l., 1 sq., 15 l., 6 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 24 sq., repeat from ^{&} to ^{&}.
56th: Repeat from ^{a} to ^{b}, in 37th row, 22 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 8 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 15 l., 4 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 4 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 4 sq., 15 l., 2 sq., 9 l., 4 sq., 57 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 2 sq., 9 l., 3 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 25 sq., repeat from ^{c} to ^{d}.
57th: Repeat from ^{e} to ^{f}, 22 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 15 l., 2 sq., 9 l., 5 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 4 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 4 sq., 3 l., 3 sq., 9 l., 4 sq., 12 l., 2 sq., 9 l, 2 sq., 24 l., 5 sq., 21 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 6 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 18 l., 3 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 26 sq., repeat from ^{g} to ^{h}.
58th: Repeat from ^{i} to ^{k}, 22 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 15 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 5 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 2 sq., 3 l., 2 sq., 3 l., 3 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 15 l., 1 sq., 21 l., 5 sq., 21 l., 2 sq., 15 l., 1 sq., 15 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 12 l., 6 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 24 sq., repeat from ^{l} to ^{m}.
59th: Repeat from ^{n} to ^{o}, 23 sq., 24 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 7 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 4 sq., 15 l., 1 sq., 18 l., 2 sq., 18 l., 4 sq., 18 l., 1 sq., 24 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 4 sq., 6 l., 3 sq., 9 l., 4 sq., 18 l., 26 sq., repeat from ^{p} to ^{q}.
60th: Repeat from ^{r} to ^{s}, 23 sq., 27 l., 15 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 3 sq., 3 l., 2 sq., 3 l., 5 sq., 12 l., 4 sq., 12 l., 4 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 15 l., 1 sq., 27 l., 7 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 15 l., 5 sq., 27 l., 24 sq., repeat from ^{t} to ^{u}.
61st: Repeat from ^{v} to ^{w}, 25 sq., 12 l., 2 sq., 12 l., 6 sq., 9 l., 5 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 5 sq., 3 l., 2 sq., 12 l., 2 sq., 15 l., 3 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 15 l., 1 sq., 27 l., 1 sq., 15 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 12 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 26 sq., repeat from ^{x} to ^{y}.
62nd: Repeat from ^{a} to ^{a}, in 24th row, 24 sq., 27 l., 6 sq., 15 l., 5 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 4 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 15 l., 2 sq., 12 l., 6 sq., 15 l., 3 sq., 18 l., 1 sq., 21 l., 7 sq., 3 l., 4 sq., 3 l., 32 sq., repeat from ^{b} to ^{b}.
63rd: Repeat from ^{c} to ^{c}, 23 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 7 sq., 30 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 2 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 15 l., 2 sq., 12 l., 2 sq., 12 l., 3 sq., 9 l., 2 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 3 sq., 27 l., 4 sq., 6 l., 3 sq., 3 l., 8 sq., 6 l., 23 sq., repeat from ^{d} to ^{d}.
64th: Repeat from ^{e} to ^{e}, 22 sq., 9 l., 2 sq., 3 l., 5 sq., 24 l., 3 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 12 l., 2 sq., 9 l., 4 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 4 sq., 15 l., 1 sq., 15 l., 3 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 24 l., 4 sq., 3 l., 3 sq., 3 l., 3 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 24 sq., repeat from ^{f} to ^{f}.
65th: Repeat from ^{g} to ^{g}, 22 sq., 9 l., 3 sq., 12 l., 2 sq., 12 l., 3 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 2 sq., 21 l., 3 sq., 12 l., 4 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 9 l., 5 sq., 24 l., 1 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 2 sq., 15 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 2 sq., 3 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 3 sq., 18 l., 2 sq., 12 l., 20 sq., repeat from ^{h} to ^{h}.
66th: Repeat from ^{i} to ^{i}, 23 sq., 6 l., 6 sq., 12 l., 3 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 12 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 3 l., 2 sq., 9 l., 2 sq., 3 l., 3 s., 9 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 3 sq., 21 l., 1 sq., 18 l., 1 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 5 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 5 sq., 9 l., 4 sq., 9 l., 22 sq., repeat from ^{k} to ^{k}.
67th: Repeat from ^{l} to ^{l}, 23 sq., 3 l., 5 sq., 12 l., 2 sq., 21 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 3 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 5 sq., 9 l., 2 sq., 9 l., 2 sq., 15 l., 6 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 18 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 15 l., 4 sq., 30 l., 25 sq., repeat from ^{m} to ^{m}.
68th: Repeat from ^{n} to ^{n}, 30 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 18 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 2 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 24 l., 2 sq., 18 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 15 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 5 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 15 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 4 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 4 sq., 33 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 22 sq., repeat from ^{o} to ^{o}.
69th: Repeat from ^{p} to ^{p}, 28 sq., 24 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 5 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 21 l., 2 sq., 12 l., 3 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 15 l., 4 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 3 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 1 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 12 l., 3 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 24 sq., repeat from ^{q} to ^{q}.
70th: Repeat from ^{r} to ^{r}, 27 sq., 15 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 7 sq., 18 l., 5 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 2 sq., 12 l., 2 sq., 3 l., 3 sq., 6 l., 5 sq., 15 l., 1 sq., 15 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 2 sq., 3 l., 2 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 2 sq., 3 l., 2 sq., 3 l., 7 sq., 18 l., 25 sq., repeat from ^{s} to ^{s}.
71st: Repeat from ^{t} to ^{t}, 28 sq., 12 l., 2 sq., 3 l., 8 sq., 15 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 3 sq., 15 l., 7 sq., 24 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 4 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 15 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 3 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 3 sq., 3 l., 3 sq., 6 l., 6 sq., 9 l., 2 sq., 3 l., 25 sq., repeat from ^{u} to ^{u}.
72nd: Repeat from ^{v} to ^{v}, 27 sq., 12 l., 2 sq., 3 l., 4 sq., 12 l., 2 sq., 3 l., 4 sq., 9 l., 2 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 2 sq., 3 l., 2 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 21 l., 2 sq., 3 l., 2 sq., 18 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 2 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 3 sq., 3 l., 42 sq., repeat from ^{w} to ^{w}.
73rd: Repeat from ^{x} to ^{x}, 27 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 2 sq., 9 l., 2 sq., 9 l., 6 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 11 sq., 21 l., 5 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 2 sq., 3 l., 6 sq., 3 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 40 sq., repeat from ^{y} to ^{y}.
74th: Repeat from ^{z} to ^{z}, 27 sq., 6 l., 4 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 18 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 5 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 15 l., 3 sq., 3 l., 2 sq., 9 l., 3 sq., 18 l., 1 sq., 18 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 4 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 15 l., 38 sq., repeat from ^{&} to ^{&}.
75th: Repeat from ^{a} to ^{b}, 27 sq., 3 l., 4 sq., 3 l., 2 sq., 9 l., 4 sq., 9 l., 6 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 12 l., 4 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 15 l., 2 sq., 18 l., 1 sq., 18 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 2 sq., 9 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 24 l., 36 sq., repeat from ^{c} to ^{d}.
76th: Repeat from ^{e} to ^{f}, 33 sq., 3 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 3 sq., 18 l., 2 sq., 24 l., 5 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 21 l., 1 sq., 18 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 2 sq., 9 l., 4 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 2 sq., 15 l., 34 sq., repeat from ^{g} to ^{h}.
77th: Repeat from ^{i} to ^{k}, 33 sq., 3 l., 2 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 33 l., 2 sq., 9 l., 2 sq., 3 l., 2 sq., 18 l., 2 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 4 sq., 18 l., 1 sq., 18 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 7 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 18 l., 35 sq., repeat from ^{l} to ^{m}.
78th: Repeat from ^{n} to ^{o}, 34 sq., 3 l., 7 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 12 l., 4 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 12 l., 2 sq., 15 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 7 sq., 15 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 15 l., 1 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 18 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 12 l., 32 sq., repeat from ^{p} to ^{q}.
79th: Repeat from ^{r} to ^{s}, 34 sq., 3 l., 3 sq., 27 l., 6 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 2 sq., 3 l., 2 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 8 sq., 9 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 18 l., 3 sq., 3 l., 3 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 18 l., 31 sq., repeat from ^{t} to ^{u}.
80th: Repeat from ^{v} to ^{w}, 36 sq., 3 l., 3 sq., 15 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 4 sq., 15 l., 2 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 4 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 2 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 12 l., 5 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 3 sq., 3 l., 2 sq., 21 l., 4 sq., 18 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 2 sq., 12 l., 31 sq., repeat from ^{x} to ^{y}.
81st: Repeat from ^{a} to ^{a}, 33 sq., 3 l., 6 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 12 l., 3 sq., 18 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 4 sq., 15 l., 3 sq., 24 l., 3 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 27 l., 11 sq., 18 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 31 sq., repeat from ^{b} to ^{b}.
82nd: Repeat from ^{c} to ^{c}, 34 sq., 3 l., 4 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 12 l., 4 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 15 l., 5 sq., 12 l., 3 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 21 l., 3 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 27 l., 2 sq., 12 l., 4 sq., 42 l., 30 sq., repeat from ^{d} to ^{d}.
83rd: Repeat from ^{e} to ^{e} 34 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 3 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 15 l., 5 sq., 3 l., 4 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 3 l., 2 sq., 9 l., 4 sq., 3 l., 2 sq., 24 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 12 l., 4 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 27 l., 32 sq., repeat from ^{f} to ^{f}.
84th: Repeat from ^{g} to ^{g}, 35 sq., 18 l., 3 sq., 6 l., 3 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 15 l., 10 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 21 l., 1 sq., 3 l, 1 sq., 3 l., 3 sq., 18 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 3 sq., 9 l., 6 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 35 sq., repeat from ^{h} to ^{h}.
85th: Repeat from ^{i} to ^{i} 39 sq., 3 l., 5 sq., 3 l., 3 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 21 l., 11 sq., 3 l, 1 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 21 l., 1 sq., 6 l, 1 sq., 3 l., 3 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 12 l., 46 sq., repeat from ^{k} to ^{k}.
86th: Repeat from ^{l} to ^{l},50 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 12 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 3 sq., 9 l., 3 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 7 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 47 sq., repeat from ^{m} to ^{m}.
87th: Repeat from ^{n} to ^{n},50 sq., 21 l., 2 sq., 3 l., 11 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 18 l., 2 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 6 sq., 15 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 46 sq., repeat from ^{o} to ^{o}.
88th: Repeat from ^{p} to ^{p}, 51 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 3 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 4 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 15 l., 5 sq., 12 l., 5 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 15 l., 46 sq., repeat from ^{q} to ^{q}.
89th: Repeat from ^{r} to ^{r}, 52 sq., 6 l., 6 sq., 18 l., 6 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 5 sq., 18 l., 7 sq., 9 l., 47 sq., repeat from s to ^{s}.
90th: Repeat from ^{t} to ^{t}, 52 sq., 3 l., 7 sq., 15 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 6 sq., 15 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 4 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 9 sq., 3 l., 48 sq., repeat from ^{u} to ^{u}.
91st: Repeat from ^{v} to ^{v}, 61 sq., 12 l., 2 sq., 9 l., 4 sq., 27 l., 4 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 58 sq., repeat from ^{w} to ^{w}.
92nd: Repeat from ^{x} to ^{x}, 62 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 8 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 15 l., 6 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 63 sq., repeat from ^{y} to ^{y}.
93rd: Repeat from ^{z} to ^{z}, 63 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 9 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 6 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 62 sq., repeat from & to &.
94th: Repeat from ^{a} to ^{b}, 65 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 11 sq., 3 l., 9 sq., 3 l., 62 sq., repeat from ^{c} to ^{d}.
95th: Repeat from ^{e} to ^{f}, 67 sq., 3 l., 3 sq., 3 l., 21 sq., 3 l., 61 sq., repeat from ^{g} to ^{h}.
96th: Repeat from ^{i} to ^{k} 154 sq., repeat from ^{l} to ^{m}.
97th: Repeat from ^{n} to ^{o}, 154 sq., repeat from ^{p} to ^{q}.
98th: Repeat from ^{r} to ^{s}, 154 sq., repeat from ^{t} to ^{u}.
99th: Repeat from ^{v} to ^{w}, 155 sq., repeat from ^{x} to ^{y}.
100th: Repeat from ^{a} to ^{a}, 151 sq., repeat from ^{b} to ^{b}.
101st: Repeat from ^{c} to ^{c}, 151 sq., repeat from ^{d} to ^{d}.
102nd: Repeat from ^{e} to ^{e}, 150 sq., repeat from ^{f} to ^{f}.
103rd: Repeat from ^{g} to ^{g}, 150 sq., repeat from ^{h} to ^{h}.
104th: Repeat from ^{i} to ^{i} 150 sq., repeat from ^{k} to ^{k}.
105th: Repeat from ^{l} to ^{l},150 sq., repeat from ^{m} to ^{m}.
106th: Repeat from ^{n} to ^{n},150 sq., repeat from ^{o} to ^{o}.
107th: Repeat from ^{p} to ^{p},150 sq., repeat from ^{q} to ^{q}.
108th: Repeat from ^{r} to ^{r}, 150 sq., repeat from ^{s} to ^{s}.
109th: Repeat from ^{t} to ^{t}, 151 sq., repeat from ^{u} to ^{u}.
110th: Repeat from ^{v} to ^{v}, 161 sq., repeat from ^{w} to ^{w}.
111th: 8 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 3 sq., 3 l., 7 sq., 27 l., * 10 sq., 27 l, repeat from * till within 23 sq. of the end, then 6 sq., 3 l., 2 sq., 3 l., 2 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 7 sq.
112th: 8 sq., 3 l., 2 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 6 l., * 5 sq., 9 l., 7 sq., 12 l., repeat from * till within 20 sq., then 3 sq., 3 l., 3 sq., 6 l, 2 sq., 3 l., 8 sq.
113th: 7 sq., 6 l, 2 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 6 sq., 3 l., 4 sq., 6 l., 6 sq., 9 l., * 3 sq., 3 l., 4 sq., 6 l., 6 sq., 9 l., repeat from * till 18 sq., then 1 sq., 3 l., 7 sq., 3 l., 8 sq.
114th: 7 sq., 3 l., 4 sq., 27 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 12 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 3 sq., 9 l., * 1 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 12 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 3 sq., 9 l., repeat from * till 16 sq., then 2 sq., 6 l., 3 sq., 3 l., 8 sq.
115th: 7 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 12 l., 7 sq., 18 l., 1 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 12 l., * 4 sq., 15 l., 1 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 12 l., repeat from * till 21 sq., then 4 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 12 l., 2 sq., 3 l., 8 sq.
116th: 7 sq., 9 l., 4 sq., 6 l., 6 sq., 12 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 12 l., * 5 sq., 12 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 12 l., repeat from * till within 20 sq., then 2 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 12 l., 2 sq., 3 l., 8 sq.
117th: 6 sq., 6 l., 5 sq., 12 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 6 l., * 8 sq., 6 l., 3 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 6 l., repeat from * till 32 sq., then 8 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 12 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 3 sq., 6 l., 7 sq.
118th: 5 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 21 l., * 5 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 21 l., repeat from * till 25 sq., then 5 sq., 15 l., 7 sq., 3 l., 7 sq.
119th: 6 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 12 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 5 sq., 12 l., * 2 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 5 sq., 12 l., repeat from * till 22 sq., then 3 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 3 l., 3 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 6 sq.
120th: 6 sq., 18 l., 7 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 12 l., 4 sq., 9 l., * 1 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 12 l., 4 sq., 9 l., repeat from * till 20 sq., then 4 sq., 3 l., 2 sq., 12 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 5 sq.
121st: 7 sq., 3 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 13 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 6 l., * 6 sq., 6 l., 5 sq., 6 l., 2 sq., 6 l., repeat from * till 27 sq., then 6 sq., 6 l., 3 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 12 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 6 sq.
122nd: 7 sq., 6 l., 4 sq., 21 l., 5 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 3 l., * 7 sq., 6 l., 5 sq., 9 l., 1 sq., 3 l., repeat from * till 27 sq., then 7 sq., 9 l., 2 sq., 3 l., 2 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 6 l., 7 sq.
123rd: 8 sq., 6 l., 1 sq., 9 l., 5 sq., 9 l., 5 sq., 9 l., * 8 sq., 9 l, 5 sq., 9 l., repeat from, * till 27 sq., then 9 sq., 15 l., 2 sq., 9 l., 8 sq.
124th: 9 sq., 9 l., 9 sq., 12 l., 3 sq., 6 l., * 10 sq., 12 l., 3 sq., 6 l., repeat from * till 27 sq., then 13 sq., 12 l., 10 sq.
125th: 10 sq., 3 l., 13 sq., 15 l., * 14 sq., 15 l., repeat from * till 28 sq., then 15 sq., 3 l., 12 sq. Now 5 rows of squares.
3 d.c. stitches under every 2 chains, and long stitches all round, making 7 d.c., at each corner.
BORDER.—Begin on the long side, 3 l. into corner loop, 7 ch., 3 d.c., the 1st into 4th loop, * 7 ch., 3 l., the 1st into 7th loop, 7 ch., 3 d.c., the 1st into 7th loop, repeat from * till the end, where make 7 ch., work at corner as before, then 7 ch., 3 d.c., the 1st into 4th loop, now work down the short side; but as the will be 4 more loops on this side than can be made available for the pattern, at 4 different intervals, widely apart, take 2 loops together in making the l. stitches; that is, insert the hook through 2 loops of the foundation at the same time instead of one.
2nd: Begin at corner, 2 l. into every loop of the l. stitches at corner in last row, 7 ch., * 5 d.c., the 1st into 6th loop, 5 ch., 5 l., the 1st into 6th loop, 5 ch., repeat from *.
3rd: Work at corner as before, that is, working 2 l. into every loop, 8 ch., * 3 d.c., the 1st on 2nd d.c., 6 ch., 7 l., the 1st into 6th loop, 6 ch., repeat from *.
Begin each row with the long stitch at a corner, but not at same the corner every time; this is to prevent the joinings being seen.
4th: 6 l. on the first 6 l. at corner, 3 ch., 6 l. on the remaining 6 l., 4 ch., * 1 l. into 3rd loop, 7 ch., 1 l. into 3rd loop from the last of the 3 d.c. in last row, 2 ch., 9 l. the 1st into 3rd loop, 2 ch., repeat from *.
5th: 7 l., beginning as before, 5 ch., miss 1 loop, 7 l., * 7 ch., d.c. into centre loop of 7 ch., 3 ch., 9 l. the 1st into 2nd loop from l. stitch in last row, repeat from *.
6th: 9 l., 5 ch., miss 1 loop, 9 l., * 5 ch., d.c. into 4th loop, 7 ch., 9 l., the 1st into 3rd loop from d.c. stitch in last row, repeat from *.
7th: 12 l., 5 ch., miss 1 loop, 12 l., * 5 ch., 1 l. into centre loop of 5 ch., 9 ch., 1 l. into 3rd loop of the 7 ch., from d.c. stitch in last row, 5 ch., 3 d.c. on the centre 3 l. of the 9 l., repeat from *.
8th: 14 l., 5 ch., miss 1 loop, 14 l., * 5 d.c. under the 5 ch., 5 l. into the 1st 5 loops of the 9 ch., 5 ch., 1 more l. into same loop, 4 more l. into the remaining loops, 5 d.c. under the 5 ch., 5 ch., repeat from *.
* * * * *
MATERIALS.—Brooks' Great Exhibition Prize Goat's-head Crochet Cotton, Nos. 10, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, and Penelope Crochet Hook, Nos. 3, 3-1/2, 4.
With cotton No. 26, and hook No. 3. For centre star or a work 10 chain, make it round, and in the loop you have formed work 24 d.c.; 1 s.c. in 1st d.c. ** 5 chain, miss 2, 1 s.c. in 3rd, repeat from ** 7 times more; in 1st 5 chain, * 2 long, 7 chain, 2 long in same 5 chain, 5 chain repeat from * in each 5 chain all round, fasten off.
Fasten cotton No. 24, and hook No. 3-1/2. ** In 7 chain 4 long, 4 chain turn and on the 4 chain, miss 1, 1 d.c., 2 long; 4 long in same 7 chain; 2 chain, 1 s.c. in centre of 5 chain; 2 chain repeat ** all round.
* 2 long, 1 chain, miss 1, 2 long, 1 chain, miss 1, 2 long, 7 chain, 1 long in same as last long, 1 long in next chain, 1 chain, miss 1, 2 long, 1 chain, miss 1, 2 long, miss 4. Repeat all round, * fasten off.
b. With cotton No. 24, and hook 3-1/2, 10 chain join round; work in round loop; 16 d.c.
3rd row: 1 long, 5 chain, 1 long, 3 chain, repeat all round.
4th: 3 long in the centre of 5 chain; 4 chain, 1 s.c. in the centre of 3 chains; 4 chain; repeat all round, fasten off.
With No. 22 cotton, and the same hook. * 1 long in 2nd long of 3 long in last row; "3 chain," 1 long in same as last; 2 chain, miss 1, 2 long, 1 d.c. in last long; miss 3, 1 d.c., 2 long, 2 chain, repeat * 7 times more only in the last point in "3 chain." Join to a in the following manner: 2 chain draw through the 4th stitch of 7 chain of a, then repeat the same as before, fasten off.
2nd b. Make the same as first b till the last row, where join in precisely the same way; the 1st point to centre a and two more points to 1st b; finish the row same as 1st a, and fasten off.
Make 6 more b, joining in the same manner. You will see what points are joined in the engraving.
c. With cotton No. 30, and hook 4. 8 chain, 1 s c. in 1st: then in round loop; * 1 d.c. 5 chain repeat * 5 times more. In 1st 5 chain ** 1 d.c., 2 long, 3 chain, join to a, turn, and on 3 chain 1 d.c., 2 long: in same 5 chain, 2 long, 1 d.c. ** repeat 5 times more, joining each petal as in the engraving, fasten off.
Make 7 more cs, joining between a and bs in the same manner.
d. With cotton No. 22, and hook 3-1/2. 8 chain, make it round, and in loop work 12 d.c.; * 1 d.c. on 1st d.c., 5 chain, miss 1, repeat 5 times more, * then in each 5 chain; ** 2 d.c., 4 long, 2 d.c., ** fasten off.
With cotton No. 20, and hook 3-1/2. * 1 s.c. in 2nd d.c., 6 chain turn, miss 1, 1 d.c.; 4 chain repeat * 5 times more; miss 1, ** 5 long, 7 chain 1 long in same as last long; 4 long, miss 2, repeat ** 5 times more, except in the last two points, where in 4th chain stitch of 7 chain join to point of b, fasten off. Make 7 more ds, joining as in the engraving.
e. With cotton No. 20, and hook 3-1/2. 10 chain make round; * 2 d.c. in loop; 7 chain repeat * 3 times more. ** 5 long in 7 chain, 3 chain, 5 long repeat ** 3 times more, joining, as seen in the engraving, to b and d, fasten off. Make 7 more es, joining each between two ds.
f. With cotton No. 30, and hook 4. Make 7 chain, make into a loop, and in loop * 1 d.c., 4 chain join to b, turn, miss 1, 1 d.c., 2 long repeat * 5 times more; join in the same manner, and placed as in the engraving, fasten off. Make 7 more, joining them as you make them.
g. With cotton No. 28, and hook 4. * 1 d.c. on 1st d.c. of e 5 chain, miss 2, * repeat all round.
Make the tassels with No. 10 cotton, over a card 2 inches wide; wind it round the card 10 times, tie it round about half an inch down, draw the cotton tight and bring the ends to the top again, fasten to the d'oyley, as in the engraving.
Make a sufficient number to go round.
* * * * *
MATERIALS.—Brooks' Great Exhibition Prize Goat's-head Crochet Thread, No. 36: and Penelope Crochet Hook, No. 5.
Make a round loop the size of this O, and then commence.
1st Round: Ch. 3, and work 1 treble for 8 times in the round loop of last round, plain 1, and fasten off.
2nd: 3 treble at the top of the one treble of last round, ch. 3, and repeat round, plain 1, and fasten off.
3rd: 5 treble at the top of the three treble of last round, ch. 3, and repeat round, plain 1, and fasten off.
4th: 7 treble at the top of the five treble of last round, ch. 3, and repeat round, plain 1, and fasten off.
5th: 3 treble at the top of the seven treble of last round, ch. 4, work 1 treble in the centre of the three chain of last round, ch. 4, and repeat round, plain 1, and fasten off.
6th: 3 treble at the top of the five treble of last round, ch. 5, work 1 treble at the top of the one treble of last round, ch. 2, work 1 treble in the same loop as before, chain 5, and repeat round, plain 1, and fasten off.
7th: 2 treble at the top of the three treble of last round, ch. 6, work 7 treble in the two chain of last round, ch. 6, and repeat round, plain 1, and fasten off.
8th: 1 treble at the top of the two treble of last round, ch. 8, work 7 treble at the top of the seven treble of last round, ch. 8, and repeat round, plain 1, and fasten off.
9th: 3 treble at the top of the one treble of last round, ch. 9, work 5 treble at the top of the seven treble of last round, ch. 9, and repeat round, plain 1, and fasten off.
10th: 3 treble at the top of the three treble of last round, ch. 11, work 3 treble at the top of the five treble of last round, ch. 11, and repeat round, plain 1, and fasten off.
11th: 2 treble at the top of the three treble of last round, ch. 13, and repeat round, plain 1, and fasten off.
12th: 1 treble at the top of the two treble of last round, ch. 15, and repeat round, plain 1, and fasten off.
13th: 1 treble at the top of the one treble of last round, ch. 2, work 1 treble in the same loop as before, ch. 13, and repeat round, plain 1, and fasten off.
14th: 9 treble in the centre of the two chain of last round, ch. 12, and repeat round, plain 1, and fasten off.
15th: 9 treble at the top of the nine treble of last round, ch. 6, work 1 double in the centre of the twelve chain of last round, ch. 6, and repeat round, plain 1, and fasten off.
16th: 7 treble at the top of the nine treble of last round, ch. 8, work 1 treble at the top of the one double of last round, ch. 2, work 1 treble in the same loop as before, ch. 8, and repeat round; plain 1, and fasten off.
17th: 5 treble at the top of seven treble of last round, ch. 6, work 1 treble in the centre of the two chain of last round, then ch. 3, and work one treble three times more in the same loop as before, ch. 6, and repeat round, plain 1, and fasten off.
18th: 3 treble at the top of the five treble of last round, ch. 4, work 2 treble in the first three chain of last round, ch. 3, work 2 treble in the same loop as before, ch. 1, and work the same in the next two three chains of last round, ch. 4, and repeat round, plain 1, and fasten off.
19th: 2 treble at the top of the three treble of last round, ch. 2, then work as follows in each of the three chains of last round, 3 treble, ch. 3, work 3 treble all in the first three chain of last round, ch. 2, and work the same in the next two three chains of last round, ch. 2, and repeat round, plain 1, and fasten off.
20th: 1 treble at the top of the two treble of last round, then work as follows in each of the three chains of last round, 3 treble, ch. 3, work 3 treble in the same loop as before, ch. 3, and repeat the same in the next two three chains of last round, repeat round, plain 1, and fasten off, which completes the d'oyley.
* * * * *
MATERIALS.—Brooks' Great Exhibition Prize Goat's-head Crochet Cotton, Nos. 14, 16, 18, 20, 28. Walker's Penelope Hook, Nos. 3, 3-1/2, 4.
a. With cotton No. 20 and hook 3-1/2, work 13 chains: make it round and in loop 24 d.c., 1 d.c. on d.c., 7 chain, miss 2, repeat 7 times more; in 4th chain stitch of 7 chain, 1 s.c., 12 chain, 1 s.c. in 6th chain from hook; 7 chain, 1 s.c. in same at last s.c.; 5 chain, 1 s.c., in same as last s.c., 5 chain, 1 s.c. in next chain stitch to 1st of 12 chain; 5 chain, repeat 7 times more, fasten off.
b. With cotton No. 18 and hook 3-1/4, work 10 chain, make it round, and in loop 24 d.c. * In 1st d.c. work 3 chain, 3 long, 3 chain, 1 d.c., miss 1, and repeat * 7 times more. Those only in the last, 2 long, join to 4th chain stitch of 7 chain of a, 1 long, 3 chain, 1 d.c., fasten off. Make 7 more b, joining to the 7 chains of a.
c. With cotton No. 16 and hook 3, ** 1 s.c. in the centre of the two 5 chains of a, nearest the foundation: 7 chain, 1 s.c. in the centre of 5 chain; 5 chain, 1 s.c. on 2nd long of 1st division of b; * 3 chain, 1 d.c. on next division, repeat * 5 times more, 5 chain; 1 d.c. in next 5 chain, 7 chain, repeat ** 7 times more, fasten off.
D.c. all round the chain and fasten off.
d. With cotton No. 28 and hook 4, * 7 chain, 1 s.c. in 1st chain, and in round loop 1 d.c., 4 long, 3 chain; join to d.c. stitches where the two 5 chains are found together, turn, and on the 3 chain 1 d.c., 3 long; then in round loop, 4 long, 1 d.c.; then join to the d.c. on the opposite side, and fasten off. Repeat * 7 times more.
e. With cotton No. 18 and hook 3. Where you left off in d, join on No. 18 cotton; 9 chain, 1 s.c. in 5th chain; then in round loop ** 1 d.c., 5 chain, join to 5th d.c. from where you joined No. 18 cotton on; 5 chain, turn, and on 10 chain, 1 d.c., 9 long; 1 d.c. in round loop, 7 chain join to the top d.c., 3 chain. 1 s.c. in the 7th chain, 3 chain, 1 d.c. in the 7th chain; * 2 * 5 long, 1 d.c. in same as 1st d.c., 1 d.c. in round loop, repeat ** from ** without joining the 10 chain twice. The second time only work to * 2 *, work 3 long, join to 5th d.c. from where you joined No. 18 cotton on; 2 more long on 7 chain, 1 d.c.; then 3 s.c. down the stem. Make 7 more joining in the same way: fasten off.
f. With cotton No. 16 and hook 3. In 14th d.c. of c from where you joined No. 18 cotton on, * 1 d.c., 4 chain, join to 1st 3 chain of e of 1st section, 4 chain, join to 2nd 3 chain of e of 1st section; 8 chain join to 1st 3 chain of e of 2nd section, 3 chain, join to 2nd 3 chain of e of 2nd section; 8 chain, join to 1st 3 chain of e of 3rd section; 3 chain, join to 2nd 3 chain of e of 3rd section; 4 chain, repeat all round; d.c. all round.
g. With cotton No. 16 and hook 3, 10 chain, make it round and in loop; 8 d.c. join to the same place, where you began the long chain of f 5 d.c., * 5 chain join to 8th d.c. of f from where you joined the d.c.: 6 chain, turn, 1 d.c., 7 long, 1 d.c., miss 1, 1 s.c. in next d.c., repeat * 4 times more. Join in the same place only to last petal. In the last petal work down the chain as follows: 1 d.c.; 4 long, join to 8th d.c. from where you joined the 1st d.c.; 3 long, 1 d.c., fasten off. Make 7 more. Joining each as you make them.
h. With cotton No. 16 and hook 3, 15 chain, 1 s.c. in 1st stitch: then in loop; 24 d.c., * 1 d.c. on d.c., 7 chain, miss 2, repeat * 7 times more, then in each 7 chain, 9 d.c., except the last, which work as follows: 5 d.c. join to 3rd point of g, 4 d.c. in same 7 chain.
The next h, join in the same manner to point of f make sufficient to go round, joining alternately to g's and fs.
i. With cotton No. 14 and hook 3, ** 1 s.c. on 5th d.c. of 1st division of h, * 5 chain, 1 s.c. in next division, repeat * 5 times more, 9 chain join to next point of g "9 chain," 1 s.c. in next point of g, 9 chain, repeat ** from all round; d.c. all round, and when you have come to the end of "9 chain" 4th d.c. join to the 9th d.c.; * 7 chain, miss 2, 1 d.c. in next, * repeat 9 times the 10 and 11, join to the other side and fasten off.
* * * * *
MATERIALS.—Brooks' Great Exhibition Prize Goat's-head Crochet Cotton, No. 36, with a fine hook.
The pattern for this toilet cover being so elaborate, it must be worked in cotton not coarser than that we have indicated, if intended for an ordinary toilet cover. Worked in a coarser material, No. 8 or 12, of Brooks' Great Exhibition Prize Goat's-head Crochet Cotton, it would make a beautiful quilt for a small bed; and in some of the coarser sizes of the knitting cord, a large counterpane might be worked, and from the clear appearance this material presents, would look very rich and handsome.
Like all square crochet, this design must be worked from the engraving. The number of foundation chain for working it is 529, reckoning the length, or 346 for the width, if that mode of working be preferred as less cumbersome. It will not, however, answer so well for a toilet cover, as the stitches would go the wrong way. For a counterpane, on the contrary, it would be preferable.
For the border of a toilet cover, we should recommend one of the patterns in bead work, found in other parts of this volume. For the edge of a counterpane, nothing can be handsomer than the border and fringe of the bassinet quilt.
It should be worked with the same cotton as the centre, and the fringe a degree coarser.
Crochet counterpanes should be laid over one of the American patent quilted coverlets, which have recently been sold in London, and for invalids, especially, are so extremely comfortable.
* * * * *
MATERIALS.—Brooks' Great Exhibition Prize Goat's-head Crochet Cotton, No. 14: Walker's Penelope Crochet-hook, No. 21/2.
Make a chain of 289 stitches, which will form ninety-nine squares; with this cotton and hook it will measure twenty-five inches; the pattern must be worked from the engraving, and may be increased in size by using a coarser cotton and thicker hook.
* * * * *
This pattern should be worked in Brooks' Great Exhibition Prize Goat's-head Crochet Cotton, exactly to the size of the top of the table, in rather thick cotton, to make it look massive, and to retain its form; the edging must be worked in blue beads in crochet to the pattern, and a number of beads given exactly to go round the table and to hang down, and finished with a tassel at each corner.
* * * * *
MATERIALS.—Half-a-dozen skeins of each of seven shades of green wool, and four of scarlet ditto. A fine netting-needle, four knitting-needles, No. 14, and the same of No. 16.
With the darkest green wool cast on 96 stitches on each of three of the coarsest knitting-needles (that is, 288 altogether), and close into a round.
1st round: Plain knitting.
2nd: * knit 1, make 1, knit 6, knit 3 together, knit 6, make 1, * 18 times.
3rd: Plain knitting.
4th: Change to the darkest scarlet, and repeat the second round.
5th: Knit 7, * knit 3 together, knit 13, * 17 times; knit 3 together, knit 6.
6th: * knit 1, make 1, knit 5, knit 3 together, knit 5, make 1, * 18 times.
7th: Plain knitting.
8th: Change to the next shade of green, and repeat the 6th round.
9th: Knit 6, * knit 3 together, knit 11, * 17 times; knit 3 together, knit 5.
10th: * knit 1, make 1, knit 4, knit 3 together, knit 4, make 1, * 18 times.
11th: Plain knitting.
12th: Change to the next shade of scarlet, and repeat the 10th round.
13th: Knit 5, * knit 3 together, knit 9, * 17 times; knit 3 together, knit 4.
14th: * knit 1, make 1, knit 3, knit 3 together, knit 3, make 1, * 18 times.
15th: Plain knitting.
16th: Change to the next shade of green, and repeat the 14th round.
17th: Knit 4, * knit 3 together, knit 7, * 17 times; knit 3 together, knit 3.
18th: * knit 1, make 1, knit 2, knit 3 together, knit 2, make 1, * 18 times.
19th: Knit 3, * knit 3 together, knit 5, * 17 times; knit 3 together, knit 2.
20th and 21st: Plain knitting, using the finer needles, and decreasing until there are only 96 stitches in the round.
22nd: * knit 1, make 1, knit 2 together, make 1, knit 2 together, knit 1, make 1, knit 2 together, knit 1, slip 1, knit 1, pass the slip stitch over, make 1, knit 1, * times.
23rd: * knit 1, make 1, knit 2 together, twice, knit 7, * 8 times.
24th: Like 22nd.
25th: * slip 1, knit 1, pass the slip stitch over, make 1, slip 1, knit 1, pass the slip stitch over, make 1, knit 8, * 8 times.
26th: * slip 1, knit 4, pass the slip stitch over, make 1, slip 1, knit 1, pass the slip stitch over, make 1, knit 3, make 1, slip two together, knit 1, pass the 2 slip over, make 1, knit 2, * 8 times.
27th: Like the 25th.
28th: * knit 1, make 1, knit 2 together, make 1, knit 2 together, knit 1, slip 1, knit 1, pass the slip stitch over, make 1, knit 1, make 1, knit 2 together, knit 1, * 8 times.
29th: * knit 1, make 1, knit 2 together, make 1, knit 2 together, knit 7, * 8 times.
30th: Like 28th.
31st: * ** slip 1, knit 1, pass the slip stitch over, make 1, ** twice, knit 8, * 8 times.
32nd: * ** slip 1, knit 1, pass the slip stitch over, make 1, ** twice, knit 1, slip 1, knit 1, pass the slip stitch over, make 1, knit 3, make 1, knit 2 together, * 8 times.
33rd: Like 31st.
Repeat these 12 rows (that is, from the 22nd to the 33rd, inclusive of both), six times more, doing two patterns (that is, 24 rounds) of one shade, and then changing to the next lightest. After the 7th pattern, continue as follows, in order to decrease and form the neck for the lamp.
1st decreasing round: * knit 1, make 1, knit 2 together, make 1, knit 3 together, make 1, knit 2 together, knit 1, slip 1, knit 1, pass the slip stitch over, make 1, knit 1, * 8 times.
2nd: * knit 1, make 1, knit 2 together, make 1, knit 2 together, knit 6, * 8 times.
3rd: * knit 1, make 1, knit 2 together, make 1, knit 2 together, make 1, knit 2 together, knit 1, slip 1, knit 1, pass the slip stitch over, make 1, knit 1, * 8 times.
4th: * ** slip 1, knit 1, pass the slip stitch over, make 1, ** twice, knit 7, * 8 times.
5th: * * slip 1, knit 1, pass the slip stitch over, make 1, ** 3 times, knit 3 together, knit 2, * 8 times.
6th: * slip 1, knit 1, pass the slip stitch over, make 1, slip 1, knit 1, pass the slip stitch over, make 1, knit 4, knit 2 together, * 8 times. After this, do two inches of ribbed knitting in the same shade. It is done by alternately knitting and purling two stitches. Cast off.
The edges of the Vandykes are trimmed with tatting, of which five graduated ones surround each. Fill the netting-needle with the darkest shade of wool, and make for every point at the base of the corner the following seven loops:—
1st: 9 double stitches; draw it up to a half-circle.
2nd: 11 double; the same.
3rd: 13 double; the same.
4th: 15 double; draw it up tightly.
5th: Like 3rd.
6th: Like 2nd.
7th: Like 1st.
This cover is intended to protect the lamp from the dust, which greatly injures the bronzing of the Hadrot lamp.
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MATERIALS.—6 skeins of white netting silk, and 3 skeins each of four shades of cerise ditto, the darkest being almost brown, and the lightest a rich and brilliant cerise. A hank of rather large steel beads, a string of short square steel bugles, and 1 oz. of fluted ditto, 1/2 inch long. A skein of rather fine white cotton cord, and 54 rings. Tapered, indented crochet-hook, No. 22. Begin with the darkest cerise, and do not change until the directions require it. |