Making Free with the Waist, 321
Making It Up, 52
Making Progress, 232
Malone, Sir Anthony, 184
Man and a Brother, A, 337
Man of Letters, A, 26
Man of Metal, A, 306
Man-traps, 179
Man Without a Rival, 198
Mark of Respect, A, 100
Marriage, 82, 211
Matrimony, 349
Matter in His Madness, 8
Maule-practice, 249
Measure for Measure, 64, 146
Measure of a Brain, The, 93
Measuring his Distance, 46
Mechanical Surgeon, A, 169
Medical Opinion, A, 158
Medicine must be of Use, The, 62
Melo-dramatic Hit, 279
Men of Letters, 205
Men of Weight, 322
Merry Thought, A, 346
Michaelmas Meeting, A, 331
Milesian Advice, 77
Military Axiom, A, 276
Military Eloquence, 310
Milton on Woman, 53
Mind your Points, 242
Minding his Business, 107
Minding his Cue, 203
Miser's Charity, 53
Mistake, A, 191
Mistaken Identity, 13
Model Philanthropist, A, 251
Modern Acting, 185
Modern Sculptor, A, 188
Modest, 46
Modest Merit, 75
Modest Request, 25
Money-Borrower Deceived, The, 306
Money-Lender, A, 217
Money Returned, 21
Money's Worth, 188
Money's Worth, 233, 262
Monster, A, 215
Moral Equality of Man, 93
More Honored in the Breach, 238
Mot of Defoe, 54
Motherly Remark, 233
Much Alike, 250
Multiplying One, 366
Musical Blow-up, A, 174
Musical Taste, 214
Mystery Cleared Up, A, 237
Napoleon's Statue at Boulogne, 128
Nat Lee and Sir Roger L'Estrange, 43
National Prejudice, 247
Native Wit, 35
Natural, 300
Natural Antipathy, 228
Natural Grief, 186
Natural Transmutation, 60
Nature and Art, 273
Naval Oratory, 117
Neat Quotation, A, 65
Neat Suggestion, A, 315
Neck or Nothing, 24
Neighborly Politeness, 296
New Disguise, A, 141
New Idea, A, 296
New Reading, A, 201, 271
New Relationship, 3, 317
New Scholar, A, 98
New Sign, A, 154
New Sport, A, 104
New view, A, 255
New Way to Pay Old Debts, 29
New Way with Attorneys, A, 352
Nice Distinction, A, 95, 112
Nice Language, 120
Nicknames, 265
Night and Morning, 170
Nil Nisi, &c., 166
No Harm Done, 2
No Intrusion, 323
No Joke, 253
No Judge, 173
No Matter what Color, 242
No Music in his Soul, 329
No Pride, 171
No Redeeming Virtue, 309
No Sacrifice, 261
Noise for Nothing, A, 167
Nominal Rhymes, 83
Non Compos 260
Non Sequitur, 57
"None so Blind," &c., 58
North, Lord, Asleep, 161
North's, Lord, Drollery, 241
Nosce te Ipsum, 243
Not at all Anxious, 324
Not at Home, 207
Not Finding Himself, 347
Not giving Himself "Airs", 305
Not Importunate, 236
Not Improbable, 308
Not Insured Against Fire, 186
Not Necessary, 228
Not Polite, 119
Not Quite Correct, 252
Not Right, 20
Not Room for a Neighbor, 339
Not Sick Enough for That, 273
Not so Bad for a King, 58
Not so "Daft" as Reputed, 321
Not so Easy, 106
Not to be Believed, 342
Not to be Bought, 68
Not to be Done Brown, 276
Not to be Tempted, 218
Not to be Trifled with, 87
Not True, 154
Not v. Nott, 35
Nothing but Hebrew, 266
Nothing but the "Bill", 12
Nothing Personal, 190
Nothing Surprising, 339
Nothing to Boast of, 313
Nothing to Laugh at, 199
Notice to Quit, 125
Notions of Happiness, 181
Novel Complaint, A, 8
Novel Idea, A, 112
Novel Offence, 45
Novelty, A, 66
Ocular, 307
Odd Bird, An, 102
Odd Comparison, An, 40
Odd Family, An, 99
Odd Fellow, An, 68
Odd Foresight, 166
Odd Housekeeping, 225
Odd Humor, 324
Odd Notion, An, 277
Odd Occurrence, An, 242
Odd Question, An, 186
Odd Reason, 213
"Off with his Head", 337
Offensive Preference, 325
Old Adage Refuted, An, 314
Old Age, 162
Old Friends, 311
Old Joke, An, 112
Old Stories over Again, 52
Old Times, 128
Ominous, Very!, 213
On the Right Side, 40
On the Spot, 327
One Bite at a Cherry, 150
One Fault, 312
"One for his Nob", 9
One Good Turn Deserves Another, 7
One Head Better than a Dozen, 126
One-Sided Joke, A, 353
One-Spur Horseman, The, 255
One Thing at a Time, 210
One Thing Wanting, The, 7
Only a Ninepin, 317
Only Enough for One, 200
Only for Life, 304
Open Confession, 289
Openly, 326
Opposite Tempers, 281
Orators, The, 185
Oratory, 252
Order for Two, An, 82
Order! Order!, 123
Origin of the term Grog, 268
Original Attraction, An, 79
Orthography, 277
Our English Love of Dinners, 176
"Our Landlady", 246
"Out, Brief Candle", 33
Out of Spirits, 302
Outline, An, 304
Outline of an Ambassador, 272
Outward Appearance, 28
Over-wise, 101
Oxford and Cambridge Actors, 132
Painful Examination, A, 325
Painted Charms, 327
Painting, 162, 166
Painting and Medicine, 221
Par Nobile Fratrum, 148
Pardonable Mistake, A, 6
Parliamentary Case, 272
Parliamentary Reprimand, 184
Participation in a Practical Joke, 282
Partnership Dissolved, 88
Passing the Bottle, 11
Pat Reply, A, 161
Patience, 305
Patrick Henry, 175
Paying in Kind, 130, 257
Pence Table, 108
Perfect Bore, A, 246
Perfect Discontent, 131
Personalities of Garrick and Quin, 231
Pert, 164
Pertinent Enquiry, 208
Pertinent Question, A, 310, 347
Phenomenon Accounted for, A, 63
Philanthropist, The, 165
Philip, Earl, of Stanhope, 359
Philosophical Reason, A, 255
Phonetic Joke, A, 144
Picking Pockets, 321
Pickpocketing, 97
Piece de Resistance, 123
Piece of Plate, A, 113
Pig-headed, 56
Pigs and the Silver Spoon, The, 292
Pill Gratis, A, 133
Pink of Politeness, The, 36
Pious Minister, A, 131
Place Wanted, A, 67
Placebo, A, 67
Plain Enough, 267
Plain Language, 149
Plain Speaking, 249
Play upon Words, A, 256
Player, or Lord, 320
Playing on a Word, 33
Pleasant, 252
Pleasant Deserts, 72
Pleasant for a Father, 354
Pleasant Invitation, 8
Pleasant Message, A, 363
Pleasant Partner, A, 275
Plumper, A, 325
Plural Number, The, 249
Poet Foiled, The, 190
Poetical shape, A, 64
Poets to certain Critics, The, 225
Point, A, 106
Point Needing to be Settled, A, 349
Polite Rebuke, A, 208
Polite Scholar, The, 85
Political Corruption, 80
Political Logic, 348
Political Sinecure, 240
Poor Curate, The, 296
Poor Laugh, A, 349
Poor Law, 343
Poor Substitute, A, 301
Pope's Last Illness, 281
Popping the Question, 25
Porson v. Dr. Jowett, 214
Porson's Visit to the Continent, 27
Portmanteau v. Trunk, 127
Portrait Capitally Executed, A, 8
Poser, A, 44, 203, 226, 267, 287
Poser by Lord Ellenborough, A, 170
Possible Censors, 365
Post-Mortem, 69
Pot Valiant, 225
Powder without Ball, 281
Practical Retort, 248
Precautionary, 330
Preferable Way, A, 334
Preferment, 361
Prefix, A, 283
Pressing Reason, A, 232
Pretty, 308
Pretty Metaphor, A, 26
Pretty Picture, A, 38
Pretty Reply, A, 358
Previous Engagement, A, 366
Priest's Orders, 336
Prime's Preservative, 320
Primogeniture, 22
Prince of Orange and Judge Jefferies, The, 25
Principle of Governments, The, 314
Priority, 236
Probability, A, 147
Problem for Total Abstainers, A, 352
Profession and Practice, 331
Professional, 47
Professional Aim, A, 318
Professional Candor, 329
Professional Companions, 330
Professional Recognition, 351
Profitable Juggling, 97
Promise to Pay, A, 139
Proof Impression, 23
Proof Positive, 320
Proper Answer, A, 206
Proper Distinction, 174
Proper Name, A, 299
Proper Retort, A, 116
Prophecy, A, 74
Prosiness, 363
Proud Heart, A, 191
Proverb Reversed, A, 186
Provident Boy, A, 62
Proving their Metal, 16
Pulling up a Poet, 338
Punctuation, 139
Pungent Pinch, A, 336
"Puppies never See till they are Nine Days Old", 192
Pure Folks, 144
Purser, The, 28
Putting a Stop to Pilgrim's Progress, 90
Q.E.D., 79
Quaint Epitaph, 364
Qualifying for Bail, 33
Quantum Suff, 212
Quakerly Objection, A, 80
Queer Expression, A, 282
Queer Partners, 172
Query Answered, A, 62
Query for Mr. Babbage, A, 209
Question and Answer, 60
Question Answered, 312
Question for the Peerage, A, 167
Question of Descent, A, 354
Question of Time, 133
Quick Lie, A, 346
Quid Pro Quo, 86, 216, 267, 269
Quiet Dose, A, 226
Quiet Theft, 151
Quin and Charles I., 316
Quin and the Parson, 227
Quin's Saying, 50
Quin's Soliloquy on Seeing the embalmed body of Duke Humphrey, at St. Alban's, 38
Quite Aground, 199
Quite at Ease, 271
Quite Natural, 53
Quite Perfection, 24
Quite Poetical, 219
Quite Professional, 290
Quite True, 85
Rake's Economy, A, 164
Rare Virtue, 43
Rather A-curate, 262
Rather Ethereal, 278
Rather Ferocious, 303
Rather Hard, 133
Rather Saucy, 161
Rather the Worst Half, 257
Ready-made Wood Pavement, 174
Ready Reckoner, A, 70, 163, 259
Ready Reply, A, 73
Reason, A, 311
Reason for being too Late, A, 356
Reason for Belief, A, 326
Reason for Going to Church, 70
Reason for not Moving, A, 338
Reason for Polygamy, A, 342
Reason for Running Away, 248
Reason for Thick Ankles, 293
Reason Why, The, 94, 231
Reasonable Demand, A, 149
Reasonable Excuse, A, 193
Reasonable Preference, A, 323
Reasonable Refusal, A, 241
Reasonable Request, 102
Reasons for Drinking, 242
Rebel Lords, The, 196
Rebuke, A, 251
Reciprocal Action, 355
Recruiting Sergeant and Countryman, 86
Reflection, A, 96
Reformation, 176
Relations of Mankind, 173
Remarkable Echo, A, 309
Reproof, 115
Republic of Learning, The, 107
Republic of Letters, The, 324
Reputation, 181
Resignation, 144
Resting Herself, 334
Retort Cutting, The, 31
Reverse, A, 214
Reverse Joke, A, 221
Reverse of Circumstances, 10
Richmond Hoax, The, 262
Right Organ, The, 242
Rigid Impartiality, 359
Ringing the Changes, 91
Rising Son, The, 1
Riskful Adventure, A, 331
Rivals, The, 110
Rogers—Poet and Skipper, 176
Rowing in the Same Boat, 128
Rowland for an Oliver, A, 163
Royal Favor, 63
Royal Jest, A, 366
Royal Muff, A, 164
Royal Pun, 145
Rub at a Rascal, A, 61
Rule of Practice, A, 354
Ruling Passion after Death, The, 51
Ruling Passion Strong in Death, The, 200, 350
Ruling Passion, The, 129, 218, 367
Rum and Water, 141
Runaway Knock, A, 195
Running Accounts, 291
Running no Risk, 339
Safe Appeal, A, 108
Safe Side, The, 292
Sage Advice, 28
Sage Simile, A, 61
Sailor's Wedding, 215
St. Peter a Bachelor, 286
Salad, 221
Salic Law, The, 361
Salisbury Cathedral Spire, 147
Sanitary Air, A, 218
Satisfaction, 108
Satisfactory Explanation, A, 340
Satisfactory Reason, A, 115
Satisfactory Total, 105
Saucy Answer, A, 363
Save us from our Friends, 157
Saving Time, 247
Scandalous, 25
Scold's Vocabulary, The, 40
Scotch Caution, 119
Scotch Medium, 130
Scotch Penetration, 133
Scotch Simplicity, 42
Scotch Understanding, 66
Scotch "Wut", 168, 316
Scotchman and Highwaymen, 291
Scott, Sir Walter, and Constable, 288
Scott's, Sir Walter, Parritch-pan, 283
Sealing an Oath, 65
Seasonable Joke, A, 89, 273
Season-ings, The, 207
Secret Discovered, A, 357
Seeing a Coronation, 127
Seeing not Believing, 270
Self-Applause, 314
Self-Conceit, 235
Self-Condemnation, 265, 325
Self-Interest, 367
Self-Knowledge, 76
Selwyn, George, 47
Sensibility, 304
Sent Home Free, 192
Sentence of Death, 34
Sermons in Stones, 341
Servants, 267
Setting him Up to Knock him Down, 178
Setting Up and Sitting Down, 256
Settled Point, A, 256
Settler, A, 149
Severe, 261
Severe Rebuke, 285
Shakespeare Illustrated, 129
Shakespearian Grog, 350
Shaking Hands, 53
Sharp Boy, 261
Sharp Brush, A, 320
Sharp, if not Pleasant, 245
Sheepish Compliment, A, 44
Sheridan and Burke, 336
Sheridan Convivial, 268
Short and Sharp, 134
Short Commons, 160
Short Creed, A, 218
Short Journey, 170, 278
Short Measure, 168
Short-Sighted, 254
Short Stories, 79
Should not Silence Give Consent, 236
Shuffling Answer, A, 327
Sign of being Cracked, 68
Significant Difference, A, 332
Silent Appreciation, 332
Silk Gown, A, 93
Simile, A, 344
Simple Division, 19
Simplicity of the Learned Porson, 82
Sims, Dr., 211
Sinecure, A, 182
"Sinking" the Well, 297
Slack Payment, 175
Sleeping at Church, 268
Sleeping Round, 106
Slight Difference, A, 111, 238
Slight Eruption, A, 114
Small Glass, A, 92
Small Inheritance, A, 3
Small Joke, A, 343
Small Talk, 303
Small Wit, 232
Smart One-pounder, A, 143
Smart Reply, 220
Smoking an M.P., 114
Smoothing It Down, 321
Snoring, 159
Snuff-box, The, 273
Snug Lying, 205
Soft, Very!, 76
Soldiers' Wives, 253
Solomon's Temple, 202
Something for Dr. Darwin, 1
Something Lacking, 204
Something Like an Insult, 80
Something Sharp, 344
Something to be Grateful for, 350
Something to be Proud of, 293
Something to Pocket, 301
Soporific, A, 195, 310
Sought and Found, 309
Sound and Fury, 9
Sound Conclusion, A, 57
Sound Sleeper, 17
Spare Man, A, 145
Spare the Rod, 239
Speaking Canvas, The, 307
Speaking of Sausages, 245
Special Pleading, 37
Species and Specie, 189
Specific Gravity of Folly, The, 155
Specimen of the Laconic, 306
Specimen of University Etiquette, 158
Spirit and the Letter, The, 112
Spirit of a Gambler, 270
Spiritual and Spirituous, 5
Spranger Barry, 146
Sprig of Shillalah, A, 27
Staffordshire Collieries, The, 202
Steam-boat Racing, 150
Sterne, 131
Stone Blind, 71
Stop Watch, A, 184
Stopper, A, 70
Stout Swimmer, A, 334
Strange Jetsum, 133
Strange Objection, A, 143
Strange Vespers, 201
Stray Shot, A, 77
Striking Notice, A, 9
Striking Point, A, 102
Striking Reproof, 38
Subtraction and Addition, 14
Sudden Change, A, 90
Sudden Freedom, 345
Suggestion, 49
Suggestive Pair of Grays, A, 197
Suggestive Present, A, 140
Suggestive Question, A, 148
Suggestive Repudiation, 323
Suited to his Subject, 35
Summary Decision, 194
Sun in his Eye, The, 346
Superfluous Scraper, A, 356
Superiority of Machinery, The, 306
Sure Take, A, 277
Swearing the Peace, 217
Sweeps, 234
Swift, Dean, and King William, 117
Sword and the Scabbard, The, 108
Sydney Smith, 104
Sydney Smith Soporific, 223
Syllabic Difference, A, 297
Symbol, A, 7
Taking a Hint, 217
Taking his Measure, 121
Tall and Short, 40
Taste of Marriage, A, 165
Tavern Dinner, A, 264
Tell it not in England, 329
Telling One's Age, 225
Temperance Cruets, 284
Tender Suggestion, A, 345
Terrible Possibility, A, 343
"The Mixture as Before", 22
Theatrical Mistakes, 98
Theatrical Purgations, 314
Theatrical Wit, 124
Thelwall, Mr., 209
"Thereby Hangs," &c., 167
Things by their Right Names, 210
Three Causes, 7
Three Degrees of Comparison, 205
Three Ends to a Rope, 231
Three Touchstones, 15
"Throw Physic to the Dogs!", 233
Thurlow and Pitt, 121
Ticklish Opening, A, 324
Tierney's, Mr., Humor, 277
Tillotson, 280
Time Out of Joint, The, 187
Time Works Wonders, 112
Timely Aid, 243
Timely Flattery, 316
Timely Reproof, A, 115
Timidity of Beauty, The, 143
To the Coming Man, 313
Too Civil, 55
Too Civil by Half, 246
Too Clever, 250
Too Fast, 220
Too Good, 233
Too Grateful, 224
Too Liberal, 260
Too Many Cooks, 11
Too Much and Too Little, 244
Too Much at Once, 364
Too Much of a Bad Thing, 165
Too Cold to Change, 65
Top and Bottom, 140
Tory Liberality, 56
Touching, 109
Trade against Land, 156
Tragedy MS., 43
Transformation Scene, A, 201
Transporting Subject, A, 221
Transposing a Compliment, 41
Travellers See Strange Things, 317
Trophies, 210
True and False, 251
True Courtier, A, 43
True Criticism, 267
True Dignity, 261
True Evidence, 156
True Joke, A, 60
True of Both, 287
True Philosophy, 288
True Politeness, 164
True to the Letter, 287
True Wit, 123
Trump Card, A, 13
Truth and Fiction, 240
Truth and Rhyme, 137
Truth at Last, 133
Truth by Accident, The, 216
Truth for the Ladies, A, 100
Truth not Always to be Spoken, 88
Truth not to be Spoken at All Times, 78
Truth v. Politeness, 255
Trying to the Temper, 258
Twice Ruined, 79
Two Carriages, 275
Two Cures for Ague, 353
Two Make a Pair, 159
Two of a Trade, 77
Two Sides to a Speech, 90
Two Smiths, The, 28
Twofold Illustration, 42
Typographical Transfer, A, 332
Typographical Wit, 260
Ugly Trades, 304
Unanswerable Argument, An, 299
Uncivil Warning, 351
Unconscious Insult, An, 317
Unconscious Postscript, An, 206
Unequal Arrangement, An, 355
Unexpected Cannonade, An, 340
Unfortunate Lover, An, 181
Union is Strength, 51
Union of Opposites, 319
Unkind, 117
Unknown Tongue, 38
Unlikely Result, An, 348
Unpoetical Reply, 120
Unreasonable, 94
Unre-hearsed Effect, An, 65
Unremitting Kindness, 100
Untaxed Luxury, An, 319
Unwelcome Agreement, 158
Up and Down, 301
Up in the World, 9
Upright Man, An, 87
Use is Second Nature, 196
Useful Ally, A, 90
Utilitarian Inquiry, A, 328
Vain Search, A, 96
Vain Threat, A, 343
Valuable Beaver, A, 301
Valuable Discovery, 90
Value of Applause, 171
Value of Nothing, 241
Vast Domain, 21
Vera Cannie, 243
Verse and Worse, 118
Verses Written on a Window in the Highlands of Scotland, 15
Very Appropriate, 287
Very Clear, 46
Very Easy, 303
Very Evident, 213
Very Like Each Other, 270
Very Likely, 249, 312
Very Pointed, 22
Very Pretty, 102
Very Serious, 130
Very Shocking, if True, 254
Very True, 173, 286
Vice Versa, 190
Visible Darkness, 10
Visible Proof, 82
Visibly Losing, 293
Voluminous Speaker, A, 148
Vox et Praeterea Nihil, 147
Vulgar Arguments, 122
Vulgarity, 362
Walpoliana, 107, 111, 119
Warm Friendships, 98
Warm Man, A, 348
Warning to Ladies, 54
Waste of Time, 42
Waste Powder, 18
Way of the World, 75
Way of Using Books, 175
Weak Woman, A, 11
Wearing Away, 347
Well-bred Horse, 9
Well Matched, 6
Well Said, 268
Well Turned, 346
Wellington, Duke of, and the Aurist, 87
Wellington Surprised, 250
Welsh Wig-ging, A, 26
Wet and Dry, 141
What Everybody Does, 294
What is an Archdeacon?, 295
What's a Hat without a Head?, 285
What's Going On?, 159
What's in a Name?, 279
What's in a Syllable?, 151
What's my Thought Like?, 305
Wheel of Fortune, The, 195
Where it came from, 316
Where is the Audience?, 183
Whig and Tory, 67
Whist, 244
Whist-Playing, 229
Whitbread's Entire, 359
White Hands, 287
White Teeth, 275
Who's the Fool?, 132
Who's to Blame?, 136
Whose?, 192
Why are Women Beardless?, 208
Why Master of the House?, 330
Wide-awake Minister, A, 347
Wide Difference, A, 345
"Wide, Wide Sea," The, 315
Wife at Forty, A, 45
Wignell, the Actor, 72
Wilberforce, Miss, 298
Wilkes and Liberty, 161
Wilkes and a Liberty, 143
Wilkes's Ready Reply, 224
Wilkes's Tergiversation, 114
Wilkie's Simplicity, 91
Will and Away, A, 259
Will and the Way, 193
Will, The, 104
Windy Minister, A, 259
Winner at Cards, A, 303
Winning a Loss, 160
Wise Decision, A, 348
Wise Fool, A, 198
Wise Precaution, 13
Wise Son who knew his own Father, A, 6
Wit and Quackery, 95
Wit Defined, 95
Wits Agreeing, 354
Witty at his own Expense, 365
Witty Coward, 236
Witty Proposition, A, 348
Witty Thanksgiving, 338
Wolfe, General, 167
Woman's Promises, A, 62
Women, 229
Wonderful Cure, A, 179
Wonderful Sight, A, 258
Wonderful Unanimity, 331
Wonderful Woman, A, 5
Wooden Joke, A, 314
Woodman, A, 63
Woolsack, The, 232
Word in Season, A, 340
Word to the Wise, A, 135
Words that Burn, 11
Worst of all Crimes, The, 63
Worst of Two Evils, The, 269
Worth the Money, 35
Worthy of Credit, 129
"Write me Down an Ass", 135
Writing for the Stage, 234
Writing Treason, 230
Written Character, A, 6
Wrong Leg, The, 48
Yorke, Mr. Charles, 361
Yorkshire Bull, A, 353
"You'll Get There Before I Can Tell You", 239
Young, Dr., 156
Young Idea, The, 247
Transcriber's notes
Corrections to the Text. Page 49, diagreeable corrected to disagreeable. Page 72, betyraing corrected to betraying. Page 171, LITLLE corrected to LITTLE. Page 178, ill-conwenience corrected to ill-convenience. Page 197, your're corrected to you're. Page 275, distingushed corrected to distinguished. Page 297, aud corrected to and. Page 309, secretely corrected to secretly. Page 341, Eor corrected to For. Page 364, duplicated a removed. Punctuation printing errors were corrected throughout the text.
Corrections to the Index. Acres and Wiseacres, 335 corrected to 355. Affectation, 90 corrected to 98. Best Wine, The, 193 corrected to 300. Brief Correspondence, 178 corrected to 179. Cause and Effect, 318 corrected to 344. Hinc Illae Lachrymae, 70 corrected to Ille, as per entry on page 70. Sage Advice, 128 corrected to 28. Reverse of Circumstances, 9 corrected to 10. Reason Why, The, 213 corrected to 231. New Scholar, A, 82 corrected to 98. Naval Oratory, 108 corrected to 117. Money's Work, 188 corrected to Money's Worth, as per entry on page 188. Omnious, Very!, 213 corrected to Ominous, as per entry on page 213. Explanation, An, 180, was out of order alphabetically, and was moved one line down.