Take two quarts of boiled beets chopped, two quarts of cabbage chopped, one cup of grated horseradish, mix with two cups of sugar and two teaspoons of salt, add cold vinegar to cover, and place in gallon jar.
Take two pounds of cold, boiled beets, slice, place in crock in layers, sprinkle with one teaspoon of salt, one-eighth teaspoon of pepper, one teaspoon of brown sugar, one teaspoon of caraway seed, if you like, and cover with one pint of vinegar.
Cold, hard-boiled eggs may be placed in the vinegar, and sliced over the beets for decorations. The eggs will be red.
Select a medium-size, very hard head of red cabbage. Remove the outer leaves and cut the stalk off close to the head. Then cut the cabbage in quarters and take out the heart close to the leaves.
With a very sharp, thin-bladed knife cut the cabbage in shreds as fine as possible.
After the cabbage is all finely cut let cold water run over it through a colander; put the cabbage in a big kitchen bowl or a stone-crock in layers about two inches thick.
Over each layer place two or three thin slices of red onions, and sprinkle about four generous tablespoons of salt. Repeat this process till all the sliced cabbage is in the jar or bowl. Let the last layer be one of salt.
Pour a pint of cold water over this. Cover it with a plate that fits closely and lay a weight of some sort on the plate and stand the bowl in a cool place overnight.
In the morning pour the cabbage, brine and all, in a large colander to drain; let the cold water from the tap run over it for about five minutes; then return the cabbage to the receptacle in which it was salted.
A stone-crock is really the best, as the cabbage will keep in it all winter. In a kettle or saucepan over the fire add a pint of good cider vinegar, a gill of tarragon vinegar, a half pint of cold water, a half pound of granulated sugar, four bay leaves, a level tablespoon of allspice, a teaspoon of peppercorns and three ounces of stick cinnamon broken in half-inch pieces.
Let this all boil one minute and while boiling hot pour it over the cabbage in the jar; place the plate which should be of porcelain, over it; then put the cover of the jar on and let this stand for twenty-four hours. Then pour off the vinegar, heat it again till it just boils, pour it over the cabbage, cover it and put it in a cool place. It will keep in perfect condition all winter, and is one of the most delicious relishes known.
Line the bottom and sides of a clean barrel or keg with cabbage leaves. Cut into fine shreds one or two dozen large heads of white, crisp cabbage. Do this on a large slaw-cutter. Now begin to pack: First put in a layer of cabbage, say about four inches deep, and press down firmly and sprinkle with about four tablespoons of salt. Put one or two tart apples, cut up fine, between each layer, or some Malaga grapes (which will impart a fine flavor to the kraut). When four layers have been put in, pound with a wooden beetle until the cabbage is quite compact and then add more cabbage, and so on until all has been salted, always pounding down each layer. Last, cover with cabbage leaves, then a clean cloth, a well-fitting board, and a heavy stone, to act as weight on top of all. It is now ready to set away in a cool cellar to ferment. In two weeks examine, remove the scum, if any; wash the cloth, board and stone, wash also the sides of the keg or jar, and place all back again. This must be done weekly.
Boil nine ears of corn and cut from cob; chop fine large head of cabbage and salt it; chop six green peppers; two tablespoons of white mustard-seed, three pints of vinegar, one cup of granulated sugar, two tablespoons of turmeric, two tablespoons of cornstarch, and one tablespoon of dry mustard. Dissolve cornstarch and mustard in the vinegar; put on to thicken. Strain salt-water from the cabbage. Mix all the ingredients and stir in pot of vinegar. Let all get very hot and seal in pint jars. This is fine as a pickle with cold meats.
Wash and look over one pint of mushrooms carefully, put them in an earthen jar with alternate layers of salt. Let stand for twenty-four hours in a comparatively warm place; put through a fruit press and add one-fourth ounce of green ginger root cut in small pieces. Measure the mushroom liquor; to one pint of liquor add one-half ounce of peppercorn and simmer for forty minutes; then add one-fourth ounce of allspice and of cloves and one blade of mace and boil for fifteen minutes. Take from fire and cool. Strain through a cloth, bottle and seal.
Cut eight quarts of tomatoes in pieces and stew them until soft; press through a sieve to remove the skins and seeds; add one head of garlic or one-half onion, one-half tablespoon of black pepper, one-quarter teaspoon of red pepper, one-half ounce whole cloves, three-quarters of a cup of salt and one of cider vinegar; mix thoroughly and boil about three hours or until reduced one-half. Bottle without straining, then seal.
Forty-five large tomatoes, skin and cut into pieces, twenty green peppers, twenty red peppers, six onions, all cut fine, two tablespoons of salt, six small cups of vinegar, two cups of sugar. Mix all together and boil two hours, then add one tablespoon each of ginger, cloves, cinnamon and allspice, and boil up once. Bottle and seal at once.
How to set the table for the service of the "Seder" on the eve of Pesach or Passover.
Set the table as usual, have everything fresh and clean; a wineglass for each person, and an extra one placed near the platter of the man who conducts the seder. Then get a large napkin; fold it into four parts, set it on a plate, and in each fold put a perfect matzoth; that is, one that is not broken or unshapely; in short, one without a blemish. Then place the following articles on a platter: One hard-boiled egg, a lamb bone that has been roasted in ashes, the top of a nice stick of horse-radish (it must be fresh and green), a bunch of nice curly parsley and some bitter herb (the Germans call it lattig), and, also, a small vessel filled with salt water. Next to this platter place a small bowl filled with [Hebrew **] prepared as follows: Pare and chop up a few apples, add sugar, cinnamon, pounded almonds, some white wine and grated lemon peel, and mix thoroughly. Place these dishes in front of the one that conducts the seder, and to his left place two pillows, nicely covered, and a small table or chair, on which has been placed a wash-bowl with a pitcher of water and clean towel. In some families hard-boiled eggs are distributed after the seder.
About three weeks before Pesach take twenty pounds of beet-root, which must be thoroughly washed and scraped. Place the whole in a six-quart crock, cover with water. Place the cover on the crock and over this cover put a clean cloth.
When ready for use the liquor is boiled with any relishes and spices that are liked and may be used either hot or cold.
Boil as much as required for the meal, for twenty minutes or longer if desired, and thicken with beaten whole eggs that have been mixed with a little of the unboiled borsht, add the hot soup and serve. Do not boil after adding the eggs.
To two quarts of borsht take three eggs.
Place beets in a stone crock, removing greens. Cover with cold water and put in a warm place and let stand for three or four weeks or until the mixture becomes sour. This is used as a vinegar during Pesach and to make beet soup, Russian style.
To two pounds of raisins (cut in half if desired), add three quarts of cold water. Either place the mixture on a corner of the range and let it simmer for two or three days or boil it until one-third of the water has evaporated. A few tablespoons of sugar and a handful of stick cinnamon can be added if additional sweetness and flavoring are wished. When cold strain through a fine cloth. The strength of the wine depends largely upon the quality of the raisins.
Take two pounds of raisins, seeded and chopped, one pound of white loaf sugar, and one lemon. Put all into a stone jar, pour six quarts of boiling water over all and stir every day for a week. Then strain and bottle. Ready for use in ten or twelve days.
Take two pounds of ribs of beef and one chicken. Place in a large cooking-vessel with plenty of water and add a split carrot and onion, a head of celery, a little parsley root, pepper and salt to taste, and a pinch of saffron. Let the whole simmer for two hours. The meat is then removed and can be used as a separate dish.
This is an accompaniment of the Yom-tov soup described above. To each tablespoon of matzoth meal take one egg. Beat the egg separately, adding a very little ground ginger, powdered cinnamon, ground almond, pepper and salt. Now stir in the matzoth meal and make into a paste with chicken fat or clarified dripping. Form this paste into small balls and boil them for twenty minutes in the Yom-tov soup.
Three pounds of Jerusalem artichokes, two quarts of stock, one onion, one turnip, one head of celery, pepper and salt to taste. Peel and cut the vegetables into slices and boil them in stock until tender, then rub through a hair sieve. Beat the yolks of three eggs, add to the soup, and stir over the fire till just to the boiling point. The soup should be about the thickness of rich cream. If not thick enough, a little potato flour may be added.
Take three eggs, beat until a light yellow and add one-half cup of potato flour and one-half cup of water, beat well. Heat a frying-pan, grease well and pour in the batter; fry in thin leaves or wafers. Cool, cut thin as noodles. Just before serving soup, strain, then let it come to a boil and add noodles and let soup again come to a boil and serve.
Add one-eighth teaspoon of salt to two eggs, beat slightly, stir in two tablespoons of matzoth meal. Heat a little fat in spider, pour in egg mixture; when cooked on one side turn on the other. Roll the pancake and cut into noodles one-eighth inch wide. Drop into boiling soup before serving.
One tablespoon marrow creamed. Add a pinch of salt, little nutmeg and the yolk of one egg-mixed in gradually; some finely chopped parsley and then enough matzoth meal to hold; wet the hands and roll the mixture into small balls. Add to the boiling soup, and boil fifteen minutes.
One-eighth pound of almonds chopped fine. Yolk of one egg, well beaten. Add almonds to egg, pinch of salt, little grated rind of lemon. Beat white of egg stiff, then mix all together. Drop a little from end of teaspoon into boiling fat. Put in soup just before serving.
Beat one tablespoon of chicken schmalz till quite white; pour one cup of boiling water over one egg. Add it to the dripping; stir these together, then add the flour, seasoning, a little chopped parsley, ginger, pepper and salt, and enough matzoth meal to form into small balls the size of a marble. Drop these into the boiling soup and cook about fifteen minutes. Test one in boiling water and if it boils apart add more meal.
Soak four matzoth in cold water and press them after being thoroughly saturated. Add a little pepper, salt, sugar, parsley, and a half onion chopped fine, first browning the onion. Beat four eggs and add all together. Then pat in enough matzoth meal so that it may be rolled into balls. The less meal used the lighter will be the balls. They should boil for twenty minutes before serving.
Serve matzoth kleis in place of potatoes and garnish with minced onions browned in three tablespoons of fat. All matzoth meal and matzoth kleis are lighter if made a few hours before required and put in the ice-chest until ready to boil. When used as a vegetable make the balls considerably larger than for soup.
Take six matzoth, three eggs, two cooking-spoons of chicken fat, parsley, onion, salt, pepper and ginger. Soak the matzoth in boiling water a minute, then drain every drop of water out of them. Press through sieve. Fry about three onions in the two tablespoons of chicken fat, and when a light brown, put the matzoth in the spider with the fat and onions to dry them. Add one teaspoon of salt, dash of pepper and ginger and one tablespoon of chopped parsley. Add the three yolks of eggs and beat all this together a few minutes; last, add the well-beaten whites. Form into balls by rolling into a little matzoth meal. Drop in boiling salt water and boil fifteen minutes; drain and pour over them hot fat with an onion, cut fine and browned.
Prepare a matzoth dough as for the soup kleis. Make round flat cakes of it with your hands, and fill with cooked prunes (having previously removed the kernels). Put one of the flat cakes over one that is filled, press the edges firmly together and roll until perfectly round. Boil them in salt water—the water must boil hard before you put them in. Heat some goose fat, cut up an onion in it and brown; pour this over the kleis and serve hot. The kleis may be filled with a cheese mixture. Use butter in that case.
Have washed and scraped clean the nape or head and shoulders of halibut, a shad, or any good firm fish; cut it up small and lay it in a stew-pan with one pint of water and three or four good sized onions, fried in oil a light brown; put them on top of the fish with a pinch of cayenne pepper, and a teaspoon of ground ginger, with two teaspoons of salt; let it all stew gently until it is done; if there should be too much gravy on it before adding the sauce, take some off. Prepare two eggs and six good sized lemons, squeezed and strained; then take some of the gravy from the fish while it is boiling, add it to the lemon, with the two eggs well beaten, and a tablespoon of potato flour; mix smoothly with some chopped parsley; when all is well mixed, add it to the fish, shake it gently for five minutes while it is boiling, taking care not to let it burn; when it is sufficiently cooked let it stand for an hour and serve it. Garnish with slices of lemon and parsley. To be eaten cold.
Take a sole or fillets of any delicate fish. Lay on a fireproof dish, sprinkle with white pepper, salt and a little shalot, cover with claret or white wine, and let it cook in the oven till done. Draw off the liquor in a saucepan and let it boil up. Have ready the yolks of three eggs, well stirred (not beaten), the juice of a lemon, and two ounces of butter. Put all together in a bowl. Little by little add the hot sauce, stirring all the time. Pour it over the fish, and sprinkle with chopped parsley. Serve very hot. A few mushrooms are a palatable addition to this dish.
To four mullets allow one dozen button mushrooms, one tablespoon of finely chopped parsley, two shalots, the juice of a lemon, salt and pepper. Oil some pieces of foolscap paper, lay the fish on them and sprinkle over them the mushroom, parsley, shalot, lemon juice, pepper and salt. Fold them in the cases and cook on a well-greased baking-sheet in a moderate oven for about twenty or thirty minutes. Send to the table in cases very hot.
Sift one cup of matzoth meal in a bowl, stir into it one cup of boiling soup stock or wine. When mixed add one tablespoon of chopped almonds, one teaspoon of sugar, a pinch of salt and the yolks of four eggs well beaten; then add the stiffly-beaten whites of the four eggs and fry by tablespoonsfuls in boiling hot butter or goose grease. Sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve with wine sauce.
Soak about three matzoth. In the meantime seed a handful of raisins and pound as many almonds as you have raisins. Now press every drop of water out of the matzoth, put them in a bowl and stir them to a cream; add a pinch of salt, the peel of a lemon, yolks of four eggs and a cup of sugar, the raisins and almonds, and also a little cinnamon. Heat some oil in a spider; the more fat the lighter the chrimsel will be. Last add the stiffly-beaten whites to the dough. Then fry a light brown on both sides; use about a tablespoonful of batter for each chrimsel; serve with stewed prunes. Lay the chrimsel on a large platter and pour the prunes over all. Eat hot.
Two and one-half cups of meal, four eggs, two cups of sugar, one kitchen-spoon of goose fat, one of beef fat, four apples, and spices according to taste. One glass of wine also, if convenient. Put the meal in a bowl with salt, pepper, ground, clove, allspice, and cinnamon mixed into it; peel and grate the apples, melt the fat and mix, put in eggs and then stir in the sugar which has been boiled with water to a thin syrup and cooled off. Hollow out two pieces, put cranberries or any fruit between them; form into balls the size of a medium apple, and bake them on a well-greased pie-plate for about one hour.
Break six matzoth in small pieces in a colander. Pour boiling water through them, drain quickly. They should be moist but not soggy. Beat three whole eggs well, fold the matzoth in lightly. Heat four tablespoons of goose fat or oil in a spider, add the egg mixture; scrape and scramble carefully with spoon from the bottom of the pan and while scrambling add four tablespoons of sugar and cook gently until eggs are set. Serve at once. The sugar may be omitted if so desired.
Soak six matzoth in water until soft. Squeeze out the water and mix with four beaten eggs. Add one-half teaspoon of salt and fry.
Beat up as many eggs as are required; into these dip matzoth that have been soaked in milk. Fry quickly to a light brown on both sides, lay on a large platter, sprinkle with a mixture of sugar, cinnamon and grated peel of a lemon. The more eggs used the richer this will be. Fry in butter.
Beat six eggs very light, add one-half tablespoon of salt. Heat two tablespoons of goose fat or olive oil in a spider. Break four matzoth into large, equal pieces. Dip each piece in the egg mixture and fry a light brown on both sides. Serve hot, sprinkled with sugar, cinnamon and a little grated lemon rind.
As an appetizer nothing is better than a cake of unleavened bread rubbed with a raw onion, sprinkled lightly with salt and placed in the oven for a few minutes to dry. Buttered and eaten hot, it adds a relish to breakfast or tea.
Pour one-half cup of water on one-quarter cup of matzoth meal, add one teaspoon of salt and beat the yolks of four eggs very light, add to the meal mixture, let stand five minutes. Beat whites of eggs very stiffly, fold lightly into the yolk mixture. Drop mixture by spoonfuls in small cakes on hot greased spider. Turn when brown and brown on other side. Serve with sugar, jelly or preserves.
Beat egg yolk separately. Add one teaspoon of matzoth meal and pinch of salt. Whip white to a snow, fold in the whites, and fry by tablespoonfuls in butter or fat and serve with prunes.
Soak one and a half matzoth and press dry; heat one tablespoon of fat and add the soaked matzoth. When dry add one-half cup of matzoth meal, two eggs, two tablespoons of sugar and one-eighth teaspoon of salt. Mix well and press into pie-plate with hands, as it is impossible to roll the dough. Have dough one-quarter inch thick.
Dip in boiling salted water for one minute, one matzoth for each person to be served. Put the soaked matzoth in a dish, pour over it a little olive oil and grated cheese and repeat this until you have made as many layers as you have persons to serve; cut in slices and serve. Use Hashkeval—Greek Cheese.
Into one-half pint of water put one-quarter pound of melted fat; when boiling add one-quarter pound of meal, finely sifted; it will form a thick paste. Beat up four eggs, remove the mixture from the fire and stir in the eggs. Grease some cups and put a spoonful in each; bake in a quick oven. When done sprinkle with cinnamon and cover with clarified sugar.
Soak one pair of sweetbreads for two or three hours in sufficient warm water to cover them, then drain. Put them in a stew-pan, with boiling water to cover them, and then boil gently for seven or eight minutes. They are then ready for dressing. Lay the sweetbreads in a stew-pan, pour two cups of veal stock over them, add salt and cayenne pepper to taste, and simmer gently for one hour. Lift them out on to a very hot dish, add juice of one-half lemon and one teaspoon of potato flour to the gravy, stir smoothly, and boil up, pour over the sweetbreads and serve at once.
Cut up two pounds of chuck steak; put it on to stew with salt, pepper and a little nutmeg and the juice of a lemon. Cook a few forcemeat balls, made very small, and a few potatoes cut in small pieces. Make ready a crust as follows: Boil four or five large floury potatoes; when done, strain and mash with salt and pepper, a little chopped parsley and a little melted fat; mix it with two well-beaten eggs; then put a layer of it around the bottom and sides of a deep pie-dish; lay in the stew, cover with the balance of the potato; brush it over with the yolk of an egg and bake in a quick oven till brown.
Peel and cook seven or eight large potatoes, place in a bowl, add salt, four whole eggs, one and one-half tablespoons of melted chicken fat and a little more than a cup of matzoth meal. Knead in bowl to smooth consistency. Take a handful at a time, pat smooth and flat, in the centre put a tablespoon of prune jam, form into a dumpling, place dumplings in boiling salt water, kettle half covered and allow to cook twelve to fifteen minutes. Take out with strainer and serve hot. Have ready a cup of hot melted chicken fat and sugar and cinnamon. Serve over knoedel to taste.
Take some mashed potatoes, grated cheese, well-beaten eggs; make a good paste, take tablespoonfuls of this mixture and drop in boiling oil; fry until brown. Serve with a syrup made of sugar and water.
Mix one-half pound of plain mashed potatoes smoothly with a generous teaspoon of finely chopped parsley, pepper and salt to taste; beat one egg, add it to the potato, mix well and make it into little balls the size of a cherry. Lay a tiny sprig of parsley on each, arrange the balls on a greased tin and bake till a light brown.
Place some matzoth in cold water to soak. Take the matzoth out and dry them on a towel; grease a pan with olive oil and put in matzoth enough to cover bottom of pan. Take chopped meat, bind with an egg, season with salt, pepper, and chopped parsley. Cover this with the matzoth, add some olive oil, cover with mashed potatoes and one or two well-beaten eggs and bake until brown. If so desired the meat may be omitted. Grated cheese may be used, covered with mashed potatoes and eggs.
Take three cups of potato flour mixed with three eggs, add a little water and mix well. Heat a small frying-pan, grease with a little fat and pour into it enough batter to make thin pancakes. Chop prunes, add a little sugar and fill each cake with this mixture, fold into three-cornered pieces and fry. When done put in a pan, sprinkle with sugar and bake in oven. Do not let burn.
The same pancakes can be used with meat taken from soup; fry two small onions with a little fat and chop with the meat. Add two eggs, salt and pepper to taste.
To every egg add one-half tablespoon of matzoth meal and one tablespoon of sugar. Sift meal five times, mix with sugar, one-half tablespoon of ground ginger, one-half tablespoon of cinnamon, one-fourth tablespoon of cloves; mix with the well-beaten yolks and cut and fold in gently the stiffly-beaten whites.
To the yolks of eight eggs add one and a half cups of pulverized sugar; stir until the consistency of batter, add the grated rind of a lemon, two teaspoons of ground cinnamon and two squares of chocolate grated, one teaspoon of allspice; add the juice of an orange, and one-half wine-glass of wine, and three-quarters of a cup of matzoth meal finely sifted, and one-quarter pound almonds finely pounded. Last, fold in the stiffly-beaten whites of the eggs. Bake in a moderate oven for three-quarters of an hour; try with a straw.
Soak one matzoth; beat and add to the beaten yolks of two eggs, add one-fourth teaspoon of salt, one-fourth cup of chopped almonds, one-fourth cup of raisins, one-fourth cup of currants, and mix thoroughly. Fold in the stiffly-beaten whites of two eggs and bake in a greased baking-dish.
Four eggs (yolks), one cup of sugar, pinch of salt, three matzoth (soaked in water and squeezed out), one grated apple, one lemon rind and juice, one-fourth cup of almonds, and one-fourth cup of raisins. Put the stiffly-beaten whites of eggs in last; before putting into oven. Bake in an even oven about one-half to three-quarters of an hour. To be eaten warm.
Soak three matzoth, heat two tablespoons of fat in a spider, press all the water out of the matzoth with your hands and dry them in the spider of heated fat; add about one-quarter pound of matzoth meal; stir the matzoth and matzoth meal well with a large spoon; add by degrees the yolks of five eggs and two ounces of pounded almonds, and the grated peel of one-half lemon. Add also one large sour apple, grated, a pinch of salt, and last the stiffly-beaten whites of the eggs. Line a kugeltopf well with fat, and pour about a quarter pound of hot fat over the kugel. Bake immediately; serve with wine sauce.
Four soaked matzoth; nine eggs, one cup of sugar, two grated apples, one and one-half cups of seeded raisins, one tablespoon of cinnamon, grated rind of an orange or a lemon and a few pounded almonds. Beat the sugar, eggs, and cinnamon until light; then add all the ingredients, except the matzoth, mixing well. Now drain the matzoth, gradually adding them to the mixture, beating until very light. Melt half a pound of rendered fat into the dish for baking, and then pour in the mixture. Bake in a moderately hot oven for one and one-fourth hours. Serve hot with wine, fruit, or prune sauce.
Stir the yolks of eight eggs with a cup of sugar, add four tablespoons of blanched and pounded almonds, and grate in the peel of a lemon. Add also its juice. Have ready half a pound of grated potatoes which have been cooked the day previous. Last add the stiffly-beaten whites. Add one teaspoon of salt. Grease your pudding form well, pour in the mixture and bake. Set in a pan of boiling water in the oven. The water in the pan must not reach higher than half way up the pudding form. Time required, half an hour. When done turn out on a platter. Serve with a wine or chocolate sauce. You may bake this pudding in an iron pudding form without setting it in the boiling water.
One-half pound of chopped suet, one-half pound of moist sugar, one-half pound of raisins (stoned and chopped), one-half pound of currants, one-half pound of mixed peel, two matzoth soaked in cold water and then well drained and beaten, one-quarter pound of sifted meal, the rind of half a lemon, one teaspoon of ground cinnamon, eight eggs and a wineglass of rum. Beat all these ingredients thoroughly together, and boil for eight hours in a pudding mold or basin. Serve with rum sauce.
One teacup of matzoth-meal, one pint of milk, two eggs, three ounces of brown sugar, two ounces of butter and the rind of a lemon. Mix the meal into a batter with the milk and eggs, add the sugar, butter (melted), grated rind of a lemon and a tablespoon of rum, if desired. Pour the mixture in a greased basin or mold, and boil for one hour or bake for one-half hour.
Take six eggs. Beat them until very light. Add a little fine meal, just enough to give it consistency; Drop this from the point of a spoon into boiling olive oil or fat. When light brown, take out, and drain. Serve cold with a syrup made of water, cinnamon and sugar.
One grated cocoanut, six eggs, grated rind and juice of two lemons, one cup of granulated sugar and the milk of the cocoanut; beat the yolks of the eggs with the sugar and the grated rind of lemon until light and creamy; add gradually the cocoanut and the beaten whites of the eggs, and lastly put in the milk of the cocoanut, to which has been added the juice of the lemons. Bake in a moderate oven for half an hour and serve quite cold.
Beat one and a half cups of powdered sugar and the yolks of eight eggs; take one and a half cups peeled and grated raw carrots and stir all together. Add one cup of grated almonds, the rind of half a lemon chopped finely, one tablespoon of wine, and last the beaten whites of the eggs. Bake in a well-buttered and flour-sprinkled form at least one hour in a slow oven.
Take the whites of seven eggs with the yolks of ten, one-half pound of pulverized sweet almonds with one-half ounce of pounded bitter almonds, one-half pound of powdered sugar and one tablespoon of orange-flower water. Beat the eggs well with the orange water, then add the sugar and almonds gradually; beat all for one hour or until it bubbles; then grease deep pie-dishes with olive oil and pour in the mixture. They must be baked in a rather moderate oven. When the mixture is set and browned place over them a paper greased with olive oil to prevent them getting dark. Serve cold.
Powdered sugar should be sprinkled freely over the pudding before serving. If you wish to have them very rich boil one-half pound of sugar with one-half pint of water until it thickens; cool and pour over the pudding when you take it from the oven.
Take one pound blanched almonds pounded, eight eggs, cinnamon, and lemon rind. Beat the eggs for twenty minutes, then add one and one-half cups of sugar gently, and then the almonds; mix all together thoroughly. Bake in shallow pans and serve cold.
Roast one-quarter pound of sweet almonds, cut into strips lengthwise in a spider of heated sugar, not too brown. Beat one-half pound of sifted powdered sugar and the whites of five eggs to a very stiff froth. Mix all thoroughly and place teaspoonfuls of this mixture on waxed paper, and bake a light brown, in slow oven.
Pare eight apples and cut off the tops carefully, so as to be able to use them as covers to the apples. Now scrape out the inside with a knife, being careful not to break the apple. Mix the scrapings with sugar, raisins, cinnamon, pounded almonds and a little white wine. Fill this mixture into the hollow of the apple and clap on a cover for each apple; then grease a pudding dish, lay in the apples and stew them for a few minutes, but not long enough to break them. Make a sponge cake batter of eight eggs and two scant cups of sugar and a pinch of salt and add the grated peel of a lemon and beat until thick, at least half an hour. Fold in a cup of matzoth flour, sifted very fine. Pour this batter over the apples and bake in a moderate oven. Serve with wine sauce. Half this quantity is sufficient for a small family.
Take six good-sized apples, six yolks of eggs, one-half cup of sugar (or to taste), one-half pound of grated almonds, or one-half cup of matzoth-meal, one-half teaspoon of salt, one-half teaspoon of cinnamon. Pare the apples and leave them whole. Then grate all the apple from the pulp. To this add the above, also about three tablespoons of chicken or goose grease. When all is well mixed, add the whites well beaten to a stiff froth. Mix very light. Bake in well-greased baking dish.
Soak three matzoth and squeeze the water out well; put them in a bowl with three good-sized apples cut in small thick pieces; add one-quarter pound of currants, one-quarter pound of raisins, a little cinnamon, some rind of lemon cut thin, one-quarter pound of brown sugar and two ounces of melted fat; mix all well together with six beaten eggs; pour in a greased dish and bake in a moderate oven. This pudding can be boiled if preferred. Serve with rum sauce.
Four egg; whites, well beaten; add one tablespoon of vinegar drop by drop, one cup of sugar, one tablespoon of vanilla; beat for twenty minutes. Line spring form with this batter on all sides. Reserve a little of the mixture and drop by drops on top of torte. Let bake forty-five minutes in moderate oven; when baked remove. Serve with sliced bananas, peaches and cream or strawberries.
Take eight eggs, one pound of granulated sugar, grated rind of a lemon, and six ounces of fine matzoth-meal. Beat the eggs, sugar and lemon rind together until very light, to about the thickness of a custard, then add the meal, stirring it in without much beating. Bake in a moderately quick oven one-half hour.
Take eight eggs, one and one-half cups of granulated sugar, one cup of mixed matzoth-meal and potato flour and flavoring to taste.
Beat the yolks of the eggs and the sugar together until very light. Then add the flavoring, matzoth-meal and potato flour and last of all the whites of the eggs beaten to a stiff froth. Stir lightly and bake in a moderately quick oven.
Separate the whites and yolks of nine eggs. Beat the whites of seven eggs very stiff. To the well-beaten yolks of nine eggs and the whites of two, add one and three-quarter cups of sugar and juice and rind of one lemon. Beat thoroughly, add one scant cup of potato flour, and beat again. Now fold in the beaten whites very carefully, and bake slowly in a moderate oven. Bake forty to fifty minutes. Nice for invalids.
Beat until very light the yolks of four eggs and three-quarters of a cup sugar; add rind of one-half lemon, a pinch of salt, one-half cup of sifted matzoth meal, and last the stiffly-beaten whites of the eggs. Bake in two shallow square pans in a moderate oven.
When cold lay a cake on a platter, spread thickly with strawberries that have been well sugared. Put the other cake on top. Spread over the top and sides with cream that has been sweetened, flavored and whipped very stiff.
Take any kind of old cake, cut up in slices, dip in wine or sprinkle some wine over all. Make a custard with one pint of milk and four eggs. Put one tablespoon of potato flour with the yolks, sweeten to taste, boil the custard, flavor and pour over cake in pudding dish. Beat whites to a stiff froth, add sugar and spread over all. Put in oven to brown slightly. Eat cold.
Take one-quarter pound of goose-oil, stir it to a cream, and stir in gradually the yolks of ten eggs and three-quarters of a pound of sifted sugar, the grated peel of a lemon, also its juice and one-half teaspoon of salt. Add last one-half pound of potato flour and the stiffly-beaten whites of the eggs. Have the pudding form well greased before putting in the mixture. Bake in a moderate oven. Serve with raspberry sauce, made of jelly. Take a glass of red raspberries, press them through a hair sieve, add a wineglass of red wine, add sugar to taste, and let it boil hard for about five minutes.
Cream together the yolks of nine eggs, and one-half pound of powdered sugar, weigh one pound of walnuts before shelling; when shelled, grind; to the creamed yolks and sugar add two tablespoons of well sifted matzoth flour, a pinch of salt, and one teaspoon of vanilla, then mix in the ground walnuts. Fold in gently the nine beaten whites. Bake three-quarters of an hour.
Eight eggs, one and one-quarter cups of pulverized sugar, two tablespoons of ground cinnamon and cloves mixed, one cup of matzoth-meal; one-half pound seeded dates, cut fine, and the juice of half a lemon.
Beat the yolks of the eggs and sugar together until very light, add the matzoth meal, spices, dates and lemon, and finally put in the whites of the eggs, beaten to a stiff froth. Bake in a moderate oven three-quarters of an hour.
Beat the yolks of four eggs with one-half cup of sifted sugar, add one-quarter pound of grated sweet almonds, one-quarter pound of finely-grated vanilla chocolate, and one-quarter pound of raisins, one-half cup of matzoth meal sifted fine, juice of an orange, one-quarter cup of wine, and lastly the stiffly-beaten whites. Bake one hour in a slow oven, in a form lined with greased paper.
Sift together one-half cup of matzoth meal and one-fourth cup of potato flour. Add one-half cup of sugar, one-fourth cup of chopped almonds and two eggs. Rollout in potato flour mixed with sugar. Cut and bake on greased tins in a hot oven.
One pound of almonds, pounded; one pound of sugar, one or two eggs and enough cinnamon to give a strong flavor. Bake in a shallow pan and cut into small sections.
One pound of almonds ground fine, one and one-half pounds of powdered sugar, the whites of five eggs and the grated rind of two lemons. Beat the whites of eggs to a snow, add the sugar and the grated lemon rind and almonds; mix it well together. Grease a very thin paper with olive oil, sprinkle some powdered sugar over it, place on a tin. Form the cakes and place them a little distance from each other and bake in a very moderate oven. When done let them cool before you touch them.
Grate one-half pound of almonds, beat the whites of four eggs to a stiff froth, add gradually one pound of pulverized sugar and a tablespoon of cinnamon. Roll out this dough into half finger lengths and about as thick as your little finger. Bake, and when done ice each one with boiled frosting.
Take two cups of matzoth flour, one-quarter pound of powdered ginger, mix together with three eggs. Set this dough aside until it dries. Take one-half pound of honey and three-quarters pound of sugar and boil until it gets a reddish color. Beat in the ginger and matzoth dough, mix it with honey, set back on stove, stirring constantly; when the mixture is thick and a reddish color, place on the board so as to cool; roll and cut in two-inch lengths.
To each tablespoon of matzoth-meal take one egg, a pinch of salt, half a teaspoon of sugar, a teaspoon of ground almonds, a few stoned and chopped raisins, a pinch of ground cinnamon, a spoon of oil, or its equivalent of beef dripping, and just enough water to make the whole into a stiff paste. Mix the ingredients very thoroughly.
Now take a large enamelled saucepan and about half fill it with oil or fat. Bring this to boiling point but do not let it burn. Shape the paste into small pieces and drop them into boiling fat, turning them continually until well browned and then take out and drain carefully on a strainer. May be eaten hot or cold.
Make a thick syrup by dissolving one pound of sugar in one-half pint of water over the fire, adding one ounce of pounded almonds while the syrup is clarifying. Take the saucepan off the fire and when the contents have become moderately cool stir in carefully the well-beaten yolks of twenty eggs. It will need rather prolonged stirring to blend the eggs with the syrup. Now flavor with vanilla or wine and cook over a slow fire, stirring constantly and taking great care that the mixture does not burn.
Take black radishes, clean and cut them in strips. Weigh, and to three pounds of radishes take one pound of honey and one and one-half pounds of sugar. Set the radishes on to boil with water, pour off this water, add fresh water and let cook awhile; pour off the second water, add the honey to radishes and let cook well. Then add the sugar and let cook again. When the radishes begin to get brown add one-quarter pound of white ginger, and some walnuts broken into quarters. Stir. When brown, remove from stove. Must come out of the pan dry; no syrup must remain.
Cut beets in strips like noodles, wash, cook in water one-half hour. To three pounds of beets take one pound of honey and one pound of sugar. When the beets have cooked on slow fire until white, strain off and add the honey. Let cook well and add sugar; cook, add white ginger to taste, stirring continually, add one-quarter pound of almonds, cut in slices; one-quarter of an hour before being done, mix, and when the beets brown put in jars.
Wash the prunes well, first in warm water, then in cold. Cut up half a lemon, some stick cinnamon and sugar to taste. Cook them in the oven, covered tight, allowing a liberal quantity of water; stew slowly for two hours; thicken with a teaspoon of potato flour, and wet the potato flour with the juice of an orange before adding.
If the prunes are for chrimsel, leave out the thickening.
Take seven lemons, slice thin and remove seeds. Draw string through slices, fasten ends, lay them in a pan with water; boil a short time, remove the lemon, pour off water; cook two pounds of sugar with two cups of water. When the sugar is syrupy add one-half pound of large raisins, put in the lemon and let cook until the syrup is thick.
Lemon and orange peel if saved can be put to excellent use. Take out the greater portion of the white inside; throw the rinds into boiling water and simmer gently for twenty minutes. Drain, weigh, and take a pound of sugar to every pound of peel. Put a layer of sugar and a layer of fruit into the preserving kettle; stand it over a slow fire until the sugar melts. When melted, cook slowly until the rinds are transparent. Lift them out; drain them and when nearly dry roll in granulated sugar.
One cup of white wine, half a cup of water, grated peel of lemon, teaspoon of potato flour wet with cold water, add the yolks of two eggs, stirring constantly; when thick, add the beaten whites and serve.
Beat yolks of two eggs with a tablespoon of sugar, and a small cup of cold water, a wineglass of rum and the juice of a lemon, and bring to boiling point, stirring all the time. The two whites of eggs may be whipped very firm and spread over the pudding just before serving.
Two cups of brown sugar, one cup of boiling water, and cinnamon to taste. Stir the ingredients together in a saucepan until the sugar is dissolved and then let the mixture simmer slowly until it thickens.
Use between and on top of layer cakes, or as a filling for torten.
Peel and grate one large sour apple, three-quarters cup of white sugar, white of one egg; beat all together a long time, flavor with vanilla or grated rind of one-half lemon. Mix the apple with the sugar as soon as possible or it will turn dark.
Put on to boil the yolks of five eggs, one-half cup of granulated sugar, the juice of three lemons and grated rind of one, and about a brandy glass of water. Stir constantly so as to prevent curdling. When it has thickened and comes to a boil take it from the range and add the beaten whites of eggs.
This is made of unblanched, pounded almonds, grated apples, chopped raisins, brown sugar, plenty of cinnamon and the grated rind of a lemon.
Mix the ingredients together and fill the hollowed out center of the chrimsel with them. Then place one chrimsel upon another, being careful not to let the filling escape from its hollow and fasten the edges securely together with the fingers, keeping the rounded shape uninjured. Fry them in boiling fat, turning them from one side to the other until a dark brown. Serve hot with sugar syrup.
Line a dish with macaroons, wet them with wine, put over this a box or quart of strawberries, and sugar them well. Beat the yolks of four eggs with one small cup of sugar, grated rind of lemon and half its juice. Beat the whites to a stiff froth, and half the yolks; pour over all in your pudding dish. When baked spread the other half of the whites on top, having previously sweetened the remaining whites with sugar. Bake a light brown. Eat cold with whipped or plain cream.
Ambrosia Anchovy Canapes Anchovy Canapes with Tomatoes Black Olives Brain (Appetizer) Canapes—How to Make Caviar Canapes Celery Relish Cheese Balls Chicken Liver Paste, No. 1 Chicken Liver Paste, No. 2 Chopped Herring Chopped Onion and Chicken Fat Delicious Appetizer, A Deviled Eggs with Hot Sauce Egg Appetizer Filled Lemons Grapefruit Cocktail Imitation Pate de Foi Gras Musk Melons Nut and Cheese Relish Peach Cocktail Pineapple and Banana Cocktail Raspberry Cocktail Red Pepper Canapes Salted Almonds Salted Peanuts Sardellen Sardine Canapes Strawberry Cocktail Stuffed Eggs Stuffed Yellow Tomatoes White Caviar
Anchovy Brown Bread Celery Cheese and Nut Chestnut Chicken Chicken with Mayonnaise Date and Fig Deviled Tongue Egg Egg and Olive Fig Fish Lettuce Minced Goose Mustard Sardine Paste Nut and Raisin Olive Poached Egg Ribbon Russian Salmon and Caviar Salmon and Brown Bread Sandwiches, How to make Sardine Surprise Toasted Cheese Tongue Veal White and Brown Bread
Artichoke Barley Barley and Vegetable Beer Beer (Parve) Beet—Russian Style Beet—Russian Style (Fleischig) Black Bean Borsht Bouillon Brown Flour Brown Stock Cherry Chicken, No. 1 Chicken, No. 2 Chicken Broth Cold Sour Consomme Cream Soup Cream Soup—How to Make Cream of Almond Cream of Asparagus Cream of Cauliflower Cream of Celery Cream of Corn Cream of Herring (Russian Style) Cream of Lettuce Cream of Lentil Cream of Tomato Cream Wine Dried Pea Farina Fish Chowder Fruit Green Kern Green Pea Green Pea Puree Julienne Leek Lentil (Linzen) No. 1 Lentil (Linzen) No. 2 Milk Milk and Cheese Mock Fish Chowder Mock Turtle Mulligatawny Mushroom and Barley Mutton Broth Noodle Okra Gumbo (Southern) Onion Oxtail Pigeon Potato Potato (Fleischig) Red Wine Rice Broth Schalet or Tscholnt (Shabbas Soup) Sour Milk Sour Soup (for Purim) Soup Stock, Directions Spinach Split Pea (Milchig) Tchorba (Turkish) Tomato Tomato with Rice Turkey Turnip Veal Vegetable Vegetable (Milchig) White Stock
Baking Powder Croutons Drop Dumplings for Cream Soups Egg Egg Custard Egg Drop (Einlauf) Farina Flour Balls with Almonds Force-meat for Kreplech Fritter Beans Grated Irish Potato Kreplech or Butterflies Liver Kloesse Noodles Pfaervel or Grated Egg Plaetchen Schwem Kloesse Spatzen Sponge
Baked—Directions Baked Bass a la Wellington Baked Black Bass Baked Chopped Herring Baked Fish—Turkish Style Baked Flounders Baked Mackerel Baked Shad Boiled—Directions Boiled Salt Mackerel Boiled Trout Boned Smelts, Sauted Broiled—Directions Broiled Salt Mackerel Cod Fish Balls Cream Salmon Croquettes of Fish Directions: How to Bone How to Clean How to Open How to Skin Filled Fish—Turkish Style Fillet of Sole a la Creole Fillet of Sole a la Mouquin Finnan Haddie Finnan Haddie and Macaroni Fish for Stock Fish with Garlic Fish with Horseradish Sauce Fish with Sauerkraut Fresh Cod or Striped Bass Fritada Frying Fish—Jewish Method Frying Fish—Another Method Gefillte Fisch Gefillte Fisch with Egg Sauce Hecht (Pickerel) Kedgeree Lemon Fish Marinirte Marinirte Herring (Pickled) Paprika Carp Pickle for Salmon Pike with Egg Sauce Piquant Remarks and Directions Redsnapper with Tomato Sauce Russian Fish Cakes Salmon Cutlet Salmon Loaf Salt Herring Sauted—Directions Scalloped, No. 1 Scalloped, No. 2 Scalloped Fish Roe Shad Roe Soused Herring Stuffed Herring Sweet and Sour Sweet Sour Sweet Sour with Wine Swiss Creamed Fish Turkish Sauces for Fish Agristoga Ahilado Zuemimo
General Remarks Anchovy Bernaise Cream Mustard Cucumber Curry Drawn Butter Hollandaise Maitre d'Hotel Butter Mustard Pickle Piquante Quick Bernaise Sardellen or Herring Spanish Tartare Tomato Vinaigrette White (for Vegetables)
Apple Bordelaise Brown Caraway Cranberry Garlic Horseradish, No. 1 Horseradish, No. 2 Kimmel Knoblauch Lemon Maitre d'Hotel Mint Mushroom Olive Onion Raisin Stewed Cranberries Wine
Bread Crumbs, Prepared for Frying Frying—Directions To Render Goose, Duck or Beef Fat To Make Hard White Soap
Aspic (Sulz) Brains with Egg Sauce Brains, Sweet and Sour Boiled Tongue, Sweet and Sour Calf's Brains, Sour Calf's Brains, Fried Calf's Feet, Prunes and Chestnuts Calf's Feet, Scharf Calf's Foot Jelly, No. 1 Calf's Foot Jelly, No. 2 Calf's Liver Smothered in Onions Cauliflower Croquettes Chicken Croquette, No. 1 Chicken Croquette, No. 2 Chicken Fricassee with Noodles Chicken Livers Chicken a la Sweetbread Croquettes—Directions Croquettes of Calf's Brains Croquettes of Fish Deviled Brains Eggplant Croquettes (Roumanian) Filled Tongue Gansleber in Sulz Gansleber Puree in Sulz Gefillte Milz (Milt) Goose Liver Goose Liver Aspic Goose Liver with Glaced Chestnuts Goose Liver with Mushroom Sauce Hashed Calf's Lung and Heart Home-made Chicken Tamales Jellied Chicken Kischkes Kischkes—Russian Style Meat Croquettes Meat and Boiled Hominy Croquettes Milt, Stewed Peanut and Rice Croquettes Pickled Beef Tongue Potato Croquettes Pressed Chicken Rice Croquettes, No. 1 Rice Croquettes, No. 2 Smoked Tongue Smothered Tongue Spanish Liver Sweetbreads Sweetbread Croquettes Sweetbread Glace Sweetbread Saute with Mushrooms Sweet Potato Croquettes Tripe a la Creole Tripe, Family Style Veal Croquettes Veal Sweetbread
An Easy Pot Roast Baked Hash Beef Loaf Beefsteak, Broiled Beefsteak, Fried Bitki (Russian Hamburger Steak) Boiled Corned Beef Braised Oxtails Breast Flank (Short Ribs) and Yellow Turnips Breast of Mutton, Stewed with Carrots Breast of Veal, Roasted Brisket of Beef (Brustdeckel) Brisket of Beef with Sauerkraut Brunswick Stew Carnatzlich (Roumanian) Calf's Hearts Chopped Meat with Raisins (Roumanian) Curried Mutton Directions for Cooking Meats Enchiladas Fricasseed Veal with Cauliflower Fried Steak with Onions Gewetsh (Servian) Goulash, Hungarian Goulash, Russian Hamburger Steak Home-made Corned Beef Irish Stew Lamb Chops Lamb and Macaroni Lamb Stew—Tocane Left-over Meats Marrow Bones Meat Olives Meat Pie Meat and Spaghetti Mock Duck Mutton Chops Pan Roast Beef Pickled Meat—Home-made Corned Beef Pot Roast (Braised Beef) Roast Beef, No. 1 Roast Beef, No. 2 Roast Beef—Russian Style Roast Mutton with Potatoes Roast Veal Rolled Beef—Pot-Roasted Sauerbraten Short Ribs of Beef—Spanish Shoulder or Neck of Veal—Hungarian Style Smoked Beef Soup Meat Stewed Veal Stuffed Shoulder of Mutton Stuffed Shoulder of Veal Sulze von Kalbsfuesen To Broil Steak by Gas Vienna Roast Veal Loaf Vienna Sausage Wiener Braten (Vienna Roast)
Amastich Boiled Chicken, Baked Broiled Spring Chicken Broiled Squab Chicken en Casserole Chicken Curry Chicken Fricassee Chicken a la Italienne Chicken Paprika with Rice Chicken with Rice Chicken with Spaghetti en Casserole Chicken—Turkish Style Chili Con Carne Duck Duck a la Mode in Jelly Fried Spring Chicken Gaenseklein Geschundene Gans Giblets Goose Grieben (Cracklings) Goose Meat Preserved in Fat Minced Goose—Hungarian Style Pigeon Pie Pilaf—Russian Style Pilaf—Turkish Style Poultry, to Dress and Clean Roast Duck Roast Chicken Roast Goose Roast Goose Breast Roast Turkey Smoked Goose Smoked Goose Breast Smothered Chicken Spanish Pie Squab or Nest Pigeons Squab en Casserole Stewed Goose, Piquante Stuffed Chicken—Turkish Style Stuffed Goose Neck Stuffed Goose Neck—Russian Style To Truss Chicken Turkey Neck, Stuffed—Turkish Style
Bread Dressing for Fowl Chestnut Stuffing Crumb Dressing Meat Dressing for Poultry Potato Stuffing Raisin Stuffing To Stuff Poultry
Arday-Influs Asparagus Asparagus, Canned Asparagus, Hungarian Artichokes, French or Globe Artichokes, French with Tomato Sauce Artichokes, Jerusalem Baked Beans with Brisket of Beef Beans and Barley Beet Greens Beets, Baked Beets, Boiled Beets, Sour, Buttered Belgian Red Cabbage Boston Roast Brussels Sprouts Cabbage, to Boil Cabbage Boiled with Carrots Cabbage, Creamed New Cabbage, Filled Cabbage, Fried Cabbage, Red Cabbage, Red, with Chestnuts and Prunes Cabbage, Stewed Carrots Carrots Boiled with Cabbage Carrots with Brisket of Beef Carrots, Compote of—Russian Style Carrots, Flemish Carrots, Lemon Carrots and Green Peas Carrots, Simmered Cauliflower Cauliflower—Hungarian Style Cauliflower with Brown Crumbs Cauliflower (Roumanian) Cauliflower, Scalloped Cauliflower, Spanish Celeriac Celeriac, Puree of Celery, Creamed Celery with Chestnuts (Turkish) Chestnuts, Boiled Chestnuts with Celery (Turkish) Chestnuts and Prunes Chestnut Puree Chestnuts and Raisins Chestnuts, Roasted Cold Slaw Corn, Canned Corn off the Cob Corn on the Cob Corn and Potatoes Cucumbers, Fried Cucumbers, Stuffed Dandelions Dried Beans—Directions Dried Lima Beans, Baked Dried Pea Puree Eggplant, Baked Eggplant and Baked Tomatoes Eggplant, Broiled Eggplant, Fried Eggplant Fried in Oil—Turkish Style Eggplant (Roumanian) Farsole Farsole Dulce General Remarks Green Peas Green Peas with Pfaervel Green Peas and Rice Haricot Beans and Beef Hot Slaw Kal Dolmar Kale Kidney Beans with Brown Sauce Kohl-rabi Kohl-rabi with Breast of Lamb Lentils, Baked Lentil Sausages Lettuce Lettuce, Boiled Lima Beans, Green Linzen, Sweet Sour Meat Substitutes Mock Chili Con Carne Mushrooms, Broiled Mushrooms, Creamed Mushrooms, Scalloped Mushrooms, Sauted Nahit (Russian Peas) Nut Loaf Nut Roast Okra, Boiled Onions, Boiled Onions, Scalloped Oyster-plant—Salsify Parsnips Pea Puree Peppers, Green Peppers, Green, Broiled Peppers, Stewed Peppers, Green, Stuffed with Vegetables Peppers, Stuffed Peppers, Stuffed (Arday-influs) Peppers Stuffed with Meat Peppers Stuffed with Nuts Potato Balls with Parsley Potato Cakes Potato Puff Potato Puff, Bohemian Potato Ribbon Potato Surprise Potatoes Potatoes for Twenty People Potatoes, Baked, No. 1 Potatoes, Baked, No. 2 Potatoes, Boiled Potatoes Boiled in their Jackets Potatoes with Caraway Seeds Potatoes and Corn Potatoes, Creamed Potatoes, Curried Potatoes, French Fried Potatoes, German Fried Potatoes au Gratin Potatoes Hashed Brown, Lyonnaise Potatoes—Hungarian Style Potatoes, Imitation New Potatoes, Mashed Potatoes, New Potatoes and Pears Potatoes, Roast Potatoes, Saratoga Chips Potatoes, Scalloped, No. 1 Potatoes, Scalloped, No. 2 Potatoes, Stewed Potatoes, Stewed with Onions Potatoes, Stewed Sour Potatoes, Stuffed Radishes Salsify Salsify, Scalloped Sauerkraut, Boiled Savoy Cabbage Savoy Cabbage with Rice Slaitta (Roumanian) Spanish Beans Spanish Onion Rarebit Spinach Spinach with Cream Sauce Spinach—Fleischig Squash, Stewed String or Green Snap Beans String Beans with Lamb String Beans, Sweet Sour String Beans with Tomatoes Succotash Sugar Peas Sweet Potatoes and Apples Sweet Potatoes, Boiled Sweet Potatoes, Candied Sweet Potatoes, Fried Sweet Potatoes, French Fried Sweet Potatoes, Plums and Meat Sweet Potatoes, Roast Sweet Potatoes Roast with Meat Sweet Sour Beans Sweet Sour Beans and Linzen Swiss Chard Tomato Custards Tomato Puree Tomatoes, Baked, and Eggplant Tomatoes, Canned, Stewed Tomatoes, Creole Tomatoes, Fried Tomatoes, Green, Fried Tomatoes with Rice Tomatoes, Scalloped Tomatoes, Stewed Tomatoes, Stuffed Tsimess Turnips Turnips, Boiled Turnips, Hashed Vegetables Vegetable Hash Vegetable Meat Pie Wax Beans, Sweet and Sour
Boiling Meats Broiling Meats Cooking Vegetables Roasting Meats
Boiled Boiled with Olive Oil (Parve) Colored Mayonnaise Dressing for Cold Slaw Dressing for Lettuce French Mayonnaise Mayonnaise Especially for Salmon Mayonnaise, White Mayonnaise with Whipped Cream Mustard Russian Sour Cream
Directions for Making To Marinate Asparagus Banana Dainty Beet Beet and Cauliflower Bohemian Brain Cauliflower Celery Root Baskets Celery Root, Boiled Chestnut Chicken Chicken for Twenty People Chiffonade Cold Slaw or Cabbage Cottage Cheese Cream Cheese Cream Cheese with Pineapple Cucumber Eggplant—Roumanian Style Eggplant—Turkish Style Fish Fish for Twenty People Fruit Fruit and Nut Grape-fruit Green Green Pepper for Salad Herring, No. 1 Herring, No. 2 Hungarian Fruit Hungarian Vegetable Lettuce Lima Beans Mackerel Marshmallow Mayonnaise of Flounder Monterey Neapolitan Niagara Nut Pepper Peppers and Cheese Polish or Piquant Potato, No. 1 Potato, No. 2 Potato, No. 3 Russian Russian Fruit Salmon Squash—Turkish Style String Bean Sweetbread Tomato (French Dressing) Tomato, Mayonnaise of (whole) Tomatoes, Stuffed Tomatoes, Stuffed, Cheese Veal Waldorf Water-Lily (Egg)
Apple Compote Apple Delight Apple Float Apple Sauce, Victoria Baked Apples Baked Prunes Baked Rhubarb Bananas Blueberries Chilled Bananas Compote of Pears Compote of Raspberries Dried Fruits Fig Sauce Fried Apples Frosted Apples Grape-fruit Huckleberry Compote Oranges Peaches Peach Compote Pineapple Pineapple Compote Pineapple Souffle Prune Souffle Prunes without Sugar Raspberry Raspberry and Currants Ripe Tomatoes Rhubarb Sauce Snowflakes Steamed Prunes Stewed Prunes Strawberries Sweet Apples, Steamed Sweet Entree of Ripe Peaches Tutti-Frutti Watermelons
Almond Strudel Apple Slump Apple Kugel Apple Schalet, No. 1 Apple Schalet, No. 2 Apple Strudel, No. 1 Apple Strudel, No. 2 Bairische Dampfnudeln, No. 1 Bairische Dampfnudeln, No. 2 Birne Kloesse Boiled Apple Dumplings Boiled Macaroni Baked Macaroni with Cheese Broad Noodles Carrot Schalet Cabbage Strudel Cheese Kreplich Cherry Roley Poley Cherry Strudel Dough for Schalet (Merber Deck) Dumplings for Stew Egg Barley or (Geroestete Fervelschen) Farina Dumplings Huckleberry Dumplings Kaese Kracpfli Kartoffel Kloesse Kraut Kugel Kugel Leberknadel Mandel Strudel Merber Deck Milk Noodles Noodle Kugel Noodle Schalet Noodles Noodles and Apples Noodles and Mushrooms Noodles with Butter Noodles with Cheese Pfaervel Pfaervel—Fleischig Peach Dumplings Pear Dumplings Pear Kugel Plum Knoedel (Hungarian) Potato Dumplings Potato Noodles Potato Pudding, Boiled Potato Schalet Quark Strudel (Dutch Cheese) Rahm Strudel Rice Strudel Rice Kugel Savory Macaroni Scalloped Noodles and Prunes Scharfe Kugel Seven Layer Schalet Shabbas Kugel Sour Spatzen Spaetzlen or Spatzen Spaghetti Strudel aus Kalbslunge Sweet Potato Pudding Wiener Kartoffel Kloesse
Apples with Rice Baked Apple with Oatmeal Baked Rice Barley Boiled Rice Boiled Rice with Pineapple Cold Oatmeal Cornmeal Mush Directions for Cooking Eggs Baked in Rice Farina Hominy Laws about Cereals Left-over Cereals Marmelitta Oatmeal with Cheese Oatmeal Porridge Pilaf Polenta Rice and Nut Loaf Rice in Milk Rice with Grated Chocolate Sago Sauted Cornmeal Mush Spanish Rice Steamed Rice Sweet Rice Tapioca Wheat Cereals
Baked Baked with Cheese Baked with Tomatoes Boiled Corn Omelet Curried Egg Piquant Egg Rarebit Eggs a la Mexicana Eggs en Marinade Eggs, Poached or Dropped Eggs Poached in Tomato Sauce Eggs with Cream Dressing Eggs with Fresh Mushrooms Fricasseed Fried Herb Omelet Krosphada Omelet for One Plain Omelet Poached with Fried Tomatoes Remarks Rum Omelet Scalloped Scalloped (Fleischig) Scrambled Scrambled with Brains Scrambled with Sausage Smoked Brisket of Beef and Eggs Souffle Omelet Spanish Spanish Omelet Sweet Almond Omelet Sweet Omelet Sweet Omelet for One To Keep Egg Yolks To Preserve Eggs Tomato with Egg White Sauce Omelet
Cheese Balls, No. 1 Cheese Balls, No. 2 Cheese Bread Cheese Fondue Cheese Omelet Cheese Souffle Cheese and Sweet Green Peppers Cheese Timbals for Twelve People Cottage Cheese (Pot Cheese) Crackers and Cheese Delicious Cream Cheese, A Golden Buck Green Corn, Tomatoes and Cheese Koch Kaese (Boiled Cheese) Macaroni Cheese Ramekins of Eggs and Cheese Rice and Cheese Tomatoes, Eggs and Cheese—Hungarian Style Welsh Rarebit
Arme Ritter Barches Bread Sticks Buns Butterbarches Buttered Toast Cinnamon Toast for Tea Crescent Rolls Flour French Rolls Gluten Graham Home-made Yeast Individual Loaves Milk or Cream Toast Potato Potato-Rye Raisin Raisin or Currant Buns Rolled Oats Rolls Rye (American), No. 1 Rye, No. 2 Tea Rolls To Make Bread Variety Bread White Bread Yeast Zwiebel Platz
Abgeruehrter Kugelhopf Apple Cake or Kuchen Baba a la Parisienne Berliner Pfannkuchen Bohemian Kolatchen Bola Bunt, Plain Cheap Coffee Cake, A Cherry Cake or Kuchen Cheese Cake or Pie Cinnamon Rolls Coffee Cake or Kuchen Dough Chocolate Coffee Cake French Coffee Cake Fresh Prune Kuchen Huckleberry Cake Huckleberry Pie Kaffee Kuchen (Cinnamon) Kindlech Krapfen (Purim) Mohntorts Mohn Cakes, Small Mohn (Poppy Seed) Roley Poley Mohn Wachtel Napf Kuchen Peach Kuchen Pocket Books Prune Kuchen Puffs (Purim) Rendered Butter Savarin Schnecken Sour Cream Kolatchen Spice Roll Stollen Tea Cakes, Russian Topfa Dalkeln (Cheese Cakes) Wiener Kipfel Wiener Studenten Kipfel Yeast Krantz Zwieback
Baking-Powder Baking-Powder Batters Baking Powder Biscuits Bran Bread Bran Muffins Brown Bread Cinnamon Buns Corn Bread Corn Muffins, No. 1 Corn Muffins, No. 2 Crullers Dough for Open Face Pies Doughnuts Doughnuts, French Drop Biscuits Fruit Wheels Gingerbread Gingerbread, Eggless with Cheese Gingerbread Gems, Eggless Gluten Gems Graham Muffins Johnnie Cake Muffins Popovers Rice Muffins Rye Flour Muffins Sour Milk Biscuits Strawberry Short Cake (Biscuit Dough) Waffles, One Egg Waffles, Three Egg Wheat Muffins White Nut Bread
Apple Fritters Bell Fritters Blintzes Bread Pancakes Buckwheat Cakes Cheese Blintzes Corn Fritters Dried Pea Fritters or (Erbsen Lievanzen) French Pancakes French Puffs Fritter Batter German Pancakes, No. 1 German Pancakes, No. 2 German Pancakes, No. 3 Griddle Cakes Grimslich Macrotes Matrimonies Noodle Puffs Orange Fritters Pineapple Fritters Potato Cakes Potato Pancakes Queen Fritters Rice Pancake or Griddle Cakes Shavings (Kraus-Gebackenes) Snip Noodles, Fried Snowballs (Hesterliste) Sour Milk Pancakes Squash Fritters Sweet Blintzes Vegetable Fritters Windbeutel
General Directions To Bake Angel Food Apple Jelly Cake Apple Sauce Cake Almond Cake or Mandel Torte, No. 1 Almond Cake or Mandel Torte, No. 2 Blitz Kuchen Bremen Apple Torte Brod Torte Bunt Kuchen (Baking-Powder) Burnt Almond Torte Caramel Layer Cake Chestnut Torte Chocolate Brod Torte Chocolate Eclairs Chocolate Layer Cake Chocolate Torte Cinnamon Cake (Baking-Powder) Cocoanut Layer Cake Coffee Cake, German Coffee Cake, Quick Covered Cheese Cake Cream Layer Cake Cream Puffs Cup Cake Date Torte Dobos Torte Dominoes Eggless, Butterless, Milkless Cake Fruit or Wedding Cake Gold Cake Grafton Layer Cake Grafton Small Cake Green-tree Layer Cake and Icing German Hazelnut Torte Huckleberry Cake Jelly Roll Koenig Kuchen Lady Fingers Lemon Cake Linzer Torte Little French Cakes Loaf Cocoanut Cake Marble Cake Mocha Torte Nut Cake Nut Honey Cake One Egg Cake Orange Cake Peach Shortcake Potato Cake Pound Cake Rye Bread Torte Russian Punch Torte Sand Torte Spice Cake Sponge Cake Sponge Cakes, Small Sunshine Cake Time-table for Baking Vienna Prater Cake Walnut Torte, No. 1 Walnut Torte, No. 2 Wedding Cake White Cake Zwieback Torte
Almond Icing Banana Filling Boiled Icing Chocolate Glazing Chocolate Icing, Unboiled Cocoanut Icing Coffee Filling Cream Filling Fig Filling Instantaneous Frosting Lemon Extract Lemon Jelly for Layer Cake Lemon Peel Maple Sugar Icing Marshmallow Filling Mocha Frosting Nut Icing Orange Icing Plain Frosting Unboiled Icing Vanilla Extract White Caramel Icing
Apple Custard Pie Apple Fladen (Hungarian) Apple Pie, No. 1 Apple Pie, No. 2 Banbury Tarts Blackberry and Currant Pie Blaetter Teig Cheese Straws Cherry Pie, No. 1 Cherry Pie, No. 2 Cocoanut Pie Cocoanut Lemon Pie Cream Pie Fleischig Pie Crust Fruit Tartlets Grape Pie Grated Apple Pie Huckleberry Pie Individual Apple Dumplings Lamplich Lemon Pie, No. 1 Lemon Pie, No. 2 Lemon Tart (Fleischig) Linser Tart Macaroon Tarts Meringue, To Make and Bake Mince Pie Mirlitious Mock Cherry Pie Mock Mince Pie Mohntorte Parve Cookie and Pie Dough Peach Pie, No. 1 Peach Pie, No. 2 Peach Cream Pie Peach Cream Tarts Pie Crust (Merber Teig) Pineapple Pie, No. 1 Pineapple Pie, No. 2 Plum Pie Prune Pie Prune and Raisin Pie Puff Paste Pumpkin Pie Rhubarb Pie Snowballs Strawberry Pie Sweet Potato Pie Tartlets Vienna Pastry for Kipfel Vinegar Pie Whipped Cream Pie
General Directions Almond Macaroons, No. 1 Almond Macaroons, No. 2 Almond Macaroons with Figs Almond Sticks Almond Sticks—Fleischig Anise Seed Cookies Anise Zwieback Baseler Loekerlein (Honey Cakes) Caraway Seed Cookies Cardamom Cookies Chocolate Cookies Citron Cookies Cocoanut Kisses Cornflake Cocoanut Kisses Croquante Cakes Date Macaroons Dutch Stuffed Monkeys Filled Butter Cakes Ginger Wafers Hamburger Cookies—Old Fashioned Honey Cake, No. 1 and 2 Honey Corn Cakes Hungarian Almond Cookies Hurry Ups (Oatmeal) Kindel Lebkuchen Lebkuchen, Old-Fashioned Lekach Mandelchen Merber Kuchen Molasses Cookies, Old-Fashioned Mother's Delicious Cookies (Merber Kuchen) Nutmeg Cakes—Pfeffernuesse Parve Cookies Pecan, Walnut or Hickory Nut Macaroons Plain Wafers Poppy Seed Cookies Purim Cakes Sour Milk Cookies Springele Sugar Cookies Teiglech Vanilla Cookies
Ambrosia Apple and Honey Pudding Apple and Lady Finger Pudding Apple Slump Apple Snow Apple Tapioca Pudding Auflauf Bird's Nest Pudding Black Bread Pudding Blanc Mange Bohemian Cream Boiled Custard Bread Pudding Brown Betty Caramel Custard Cherry Pudding Chestnut Pudding Chocolate Cornstarch Pudding Chocolate Custard Corn Pudding Cornmeal Pudding Cup Custard for Six Dessert with Whipped Cream Dimpes Dampes Farina Pudding with Peaches Fig Dessert Floating Island Huckleberry Pudding Ice-box Cake Leaf Puffs Lemon Puffs Lemon Sauce Macaroon Island Pistachio Cream Prune Custard Prune Pudding Prune Whip Pudding a la Grande Belle Queen Bread Pudding Queen of Trifles Red Raspberry or Currant Float Rhubarb Pudding Rice Custard Rice Pudding Rothe Gritze Sago Pudding with Strawberry Juice Scalloped Peaches Strawberries a la Bridge Suet Pudding with Pears Tipsy Padding Tapioca Custard Whipped Cream
Almond Pudding Carrot Pudding Cherry Pudding Date Pudding Directions for Steaming Honey Pudding Napkin Pudding Noodle Pudding Peach Pudding Plum Pudding for Thanksgiving Day Plum Pudding, No. 2 Prince Albert Pudding Prune Pudding Rye Bread Pudding Steamed Berry Pudding
Brandy Sauce Caramel Sauce Chocolate Sauce, Nos. 1 and 2 Cream Sauce Foam Sauce Fruit Sauce Hard Sauce Jelly Sauce Kirsch Sauce Lemon Sauce, Nos. 1 and 2 Prune Sauce Vanilla Sauce or Cream Wine Sauce, Nos. 1 and 2
Apricot Ice Apricot Ice Cream Banana Ice Cream Biscuit Tortoni, Nos. 1 and 2 Cafe a la Glace Canned Fruit, Frozen Cherry Diplomate Chocolate Ice Cream, Nos. 1 & 2 Coffee Ice Cream Freezing Creams and Water Ices Frozen Cream Cheese with Preserved Figs Frozen Custard Frozen Puddings, Directions Fruit Sherbets Lemon Ginger Sherbet Lemon Ice Maple Bisque Maple Mousse Mocha Mousse Nesselrode Pudding Orange Ice Peach Ice Cream Peter Pan Dessert Pineapple Ice Pineapple Ice Cream Preparing Salt Punch Ices Raspberry Ice Rum Pudding Strawberry Ice Cream Tutti-Frutti Ice Cream Vanilla Ice Cream, No. 1 Vanilla Ice Cream, No. 2 Watermelon Sherbet
Candied Cherries, Pineapple and other Fruits Dates, Stuffed with Fondant Dates, Stuffed with Ginger and Nuts Divinity Frosted Currants Fruit Loaf Fudge Glace for Candies Orange Chips Pinoche Stuffed Dates Stuffed Figs Stuffed Prunes White Fondant
Blackberry Cordial Blackberry Wine Breakfast Cocoa Cherry Bounce Cherry Brandy Cherry Syrup Chocolate Nectar Chocolate Syrup Clabbered Milk Claret Cup Coffee Coffee Coffee for Twenty People Cold Egg Wine Cordial Delicious and Nourishing Summer Drink Egg Lemonade Egg Nog Filtered Coffee French Coffee Fruit Drinks Fruit Syrups Fruit Punch for Twenty People Fruit Juices—Other Glueh (Hot Wine) Hot Chocolate Iced Chocolate Iced Coffee Lemonade in Large Quantities Maraschino Lemonade Milk Lemonade Mulled Wine Orangeade Pineapple Lemonade Quick Lemonade Raspberry Vinegar Reception Cocoa Russian Iced Tea Sherry Cobbler Soda Cream Strawberry Sherbet Tea Tea, Russian Style Turkish Coffee Unfermented Grape Juice
General Rules Baked Crab-apple Preserves Baked Cranberry or Cherry Preserves Baked Quinces Baked Sickel Pears Canning Fruit, Baked in Oven Canning Fruit, in a Water Bath Canning in the Preserving Kettle Canned Blackberries Blueberries Cherries Cherries for Pie Currants Gooseberries Pears Peaches Peaches Pineapple Pineapple Plums Quinces Raspberries Raspberries and Currants Rhubarb Rhubarb Ready for Use Strawberries Sterilizing Jars, etc.
General Remarks Jelly Glasses—To Cover Apple Jelly Blackberry Jelly Crab-apple Jelly Cranberry Jelly Currant Jelly Grape Jelly Neapolitan Jelly Quince Jelly Raspberry Jelly Raspberry and Currant Jelly Strawberry Jelly To Test Jelly Made at Home Utensils for Jelly Making Winter Jelly, A
Amber Marmalade Apple Butter Apple and Quince Conserve Cherry Conserve Cherry Marmalade Citron Preserve Damson Jam German Prune Butter Gingered Pears Gooseberry Relish Grape Conserve Grape Preserves Jellied Quinces Marmalade—Directions Orange Marmalade Peach Butter Peach Syrup Pickled Cantaloupe or Muskmelons Crab-apples Figs Husk Tomatoes Peaches Pears Plums Plum Conserve, No. 1 Plum Conserve, No. 2 Preserved Blackberries Cherries Damson Plums Figs Peaches Pineapple Quinces Strawberries Quince Cheese Raisin Compote Raspberry Jam Rhubarb and Orange Marmalade Spiced or Pickled Apples Spiced or Pickled Cherries Spiced Cucumbers Spiced German Plums Spiced Grapes Strawberries and Pineapple Strawberries in the Sun Tomatoes Watermelon Pickle
Brandied Cherries Brandied Peaches Brandied Pears Brandied Quinces French Prunes in Cognac Melange
Directions for Canning
Boiled Beans Corn Early Fall Vegetables Mock Olives (Plums) String Beans (Raw)
Beet and Horseradish Relish Cabbage Beet and Horseradish Relish Chow Chow Corn Relish Cucumbers in Oil Delicious Mustard Pickles (Senfgurken) Dill Pickles for Winter Use Directions for Making Pickles Green Dill Tomatoes Green Tomato Pickle (French Pickle) Mixed Pickle Dressing Mother's Dill Pickles Mushroom Catsup Mustard Pickle Pepper Mangoes Piccalilli Pickled Beans Pickled Beets Pickled Cauliflower Pickled Onions Pickled Red Cabbage (Hungarian Style) Prepared Mustard Salt Pickles Salzgurken Sauerkraut Small Dill Pickles Sweet Pickles Teufelsgurken (Hot Pickles) Tomato Catsup Tomato Sauce (Chili)
Almond Balls for Soup Almond Cake Almond Hills Almond Macaroons Almond Pudding, No. 1 and 2 Apple Pudding Apple Sponge Pudding Batter Pudding Beefsteak Pie Beet Preserves (Russian) Beolas Birmoilis (Turkish) Candied Lemon and Orange Peel Carrot Pudding Chrimsel, Nos. 1 and 2 Chocolate Cake Cinnamon Sticks Cocoanut Pudding Cookies Date Cake Egg Marmalade English Lemon Stewed Fish Filled Matzoth Kleis Filling for Chrimsel Foam Torte German Puffs Grated Apple Pudding Hasty Pudding How to Set the Table for the Seder Service Imberlach Kentucky Chrimsel Kremslekh Lemon Cream Filling Lemon Preserves Mamouras (Turkish) Marrow Dumplings Matzoth Charlotte, Nos. 1 and 2 Dipped in Eggs, No. 1 Dipped in Eggs, No. 2 Eirkuchen Kleis, No. 1 Kleis, No. 2 Kugel Meal Cake Meal Kleis, No. 1 Meal Kids, No. 2 Meal Macaroons Meal Noodles Plum Pudding with Scrambled Eggs (Ueberschlagene Matzoth) Shalet Spice Cake Meat Blintzes Mina (Turkish) Mock Whipped Cream Palestine Soup Pesach Borsht Pesach Cake with Walnuts Pie Crust Potato Flour Noodles Potato Flour Pudding Potato Flour Sponge Cake Potato Marbles Potato Plum Knoedel (Hungarian) Potato Pudding Prunes Prune Blintzes Radish Preserves (Russian Style) Raisin Wine, Nos. 1 and 2 Red Mullet in Cases Rosel, Beet Vinegar Rum Sauce Scrambled Matzoth Sole with Wine (French Recipe) Sponge Cake, Nos. 1 and 2 Stewed Sweetbreads Strawberry Dessert Strawberry Shortcake with Matzoth Meal Sugar Syrup Wine Sauce Yom-Tov Soup Zwiebel Matzoth
Abgeruehrter Kugelhopf Agristoga Sauce for Fish Ahilado (Sauce for Fish) Almond Balls Burnt, Torte Cake Cake Cream of Hills Icing Macaroons Macaroons Macaroons with Figs Pudding Sticks Sticks—Fleischig Amastich Amber Marmalade Ambrosia Anchovy Canapes Anchovy Canapes with Tomatoes Anchovy Sandwiches Anchovy Sauce Angel Food Anise Seed Cookies Appetizers Apple and Honey Pudding and Lady Finger Pudding and Quince Conserve Baked Baked with Oatmeal Butter Cake Compote Custard Pie Delight Fladen Float Fried Fritters Frosted Jelly Jelly Cake Kuchen Pickled Pie Pudding Sauce Sauce Cake Sauce, Victoria Slump Snow Spiced Sponge Pudding Sweet, Steamed Tapioca Pudding with Rice Apricot Ice Apricot Ice Cream Arday-influs Arme Ritter Artichoke, Jerusalem Artichoke Soup Artichokes, French or Globe Artichokes, French, with Tomatoes Asparagus Canned Cream of (Hungarian) Salad Aspic Auflauf
Baba a la Parisienne Bairische Dampfnudeln Baked Cherry Preserves Crab-apple Preserve Cranberry Preserves Quince Preserves Sickel Pear Preserves Baking-Powder Batters Biscuits Bunt Kuchen Cinnamon Cake Dumplings German Coffee Cake Banana Dainty Banana Filling Banana Ice Cream Bananas Bananas, Chilled Banbury Tarts Barches Barley Barley and Vegetable Soup Barley Soup Baseler Loekerlein Bass, Black, Baked Bass, Baked, a la Wellington Batter Pudding Bean, Black, Soup Beans and Barley Baked with Brisket of Beef Dried Dried Lima, Baked Green Lima Green Snap Haricot and Beef Kidney, with Brown Sauce Pickled Spanish String String, Boiled, Preserved in Brine String, Raw, Preserved in Brine String, Sweet and Sour String, with Lamb String, with Tomatoes Sweet Sour Sweet Sour and Linzen Wax, Sweet and Sour Beef, An Easy Pot Roast of Boiled, Corned Braised, Pot Roast Breast, Flank with Yellow Turnips Brisket of, Brustdeckel Brisket of, with Sauerkraut Corned (Home-made) Fat, to render Loaf Pan Roast Pickled Pot Roast Roast Roast, Russian Style Roast, Vienna Rolled, Pot Roasted Short Ribs of, Spanish Smoked Smoked Brisket of, with Eggs Tongue, Pickled Beefsteak, Broiled Beefsteak, Fried Beefsteak, Fried with Onions Beefsteak Pie Beefsteak to Broil by Gas Beer Soup Beer Soup (Parve) Beet Greens and Cauliflower Salad and Horseradish Relish Preserves (Russian) Salad Soup (Russian) Soup (Russian) Fleischig Beets, Baked Boiled Pickled Sour Buttered Bell Fritters Beolas Berliner Pfannkuchen Bernaise, Sauce Beverages Bird's Nest Pudding Birmoilis (Turkish) Birne Kloesse Biscuit Tortoni Bitki (Russian) Blackberry and Currant Pie Blackberry Cordial Blackberry Jelly Blackberry Wine Blackberries, Canned Blackberries, Preserved Black Bread Pudding Black Olives Blaetter Teig Blanc Mange Blintzes Cheese Meat Prune Sweet Blitz Kuchen Blueberries Blueberries, Canned Bohemian Cream Bohemian Salad Bola Bordelaise Sauce Borsht Boston Roast Bouillon Brain (Appetizer) Brain Salad Brains with Egg Sauce Brains, Sweet and Sour Bran Muffins Brandied Fruits Brandy Sauce Braune Mehlsuppe Bread Bran Brown Brown, Sandwiches Corn Crumbs, Prepared for Frying Dressing for Fowl Graham Gluten Individual Loaves Pancakes Potato Potato, Rye Pudding, Rye Raisin Rolled Oats Rye (American) Rye Sticks To make Variety White White and Brown, Sandwiches White Nut Bremen Apple Torte Brod Torte Brown Betty Brown Sauce Brown Stock Brunswick Stew Brussels Sprouts Buetterbarches Buns Cinnamon Currant Raisin Bunt Kuchen
Cabbage, Beet and Horseradish Relish Belgian Red Boiled with Carrots Creamed, New Filled Fried Red Red, with Chestnuts and Prunes Red, Pickled, Hungarian Style Salad Savoy Savoy, with Rice Stewed To Boil Cafe a la Glace Cakes Cakes—General Directions for Making Cakes, To Bake Calf's Brains, Fried Calf's Brains, Sour Calf's Feet, Prunes and Chestnuts Calf's Feet, Scharf Calf's Foot Jelly Calfs' Hearts Calf's Liver, Smothered in Onions Calf's Lung and Heart, Hashed Canapes Candied Fruits Candied Lemon and Orange Peel Candies and Sweets Canned Fruit, Frozen Canned Fruits General Rules Sterilizing Jars, etc. Canned Vegetables Canning Fruit Baked in Oven Canning Fruit in a Water Bath Canning in the Preserving Kettle Cantaloupes, Pickled Caramel Custard Caramel Layer Cake Caramel Sauce Caramel White Icing Caraway Seed Cookies Caraway Sauce Cardamom Cookies Carnatzlich (Roumanian) Carp, Paprika Carrot Pudding Carrots and Peas Boiled with Cabbage Compote of, Russian Style Flemish Lemon Simmered with Brisket of Beef Cauliflower Cream of (Hungarian) Pickled Roumanian Salad Scalloped Spanish with Brown Crumbs Caviar Canapes Cereals Cereals—Directions Cereals, Laws about Celeriac Celeriac, Puree of Celery, Creamed Cream of Relish Root Baskets Root (Boiled) Salad Sandwiches with Chestnuts (Turkish) Cheese and Nut Sandwiches Balls Bread Cake Cake, Covered Cake, Hungarian Cottage Fondue Pie Pot Salads Souffle Straws Timbals with Macaroni Cherries Brandied Candied for Pies Pickled Preserved Spiced Cherry Bounce Brandy Cake Conserve Diplomate Marmalade Pie Pudding Roley Poley Soup Syrup Chestnut Pudding Puree Salad Sandwiches Stuffing Torte Chestnuts and Prunes and Raisins Boiled Roasted with Celery (Turkish) Chicken a la Italienne a la Sweetbread Boiled, Baked Broiled Spring Broth Casserole Curry Fricassee Fricassee, with Noodles Fried Spring Jellied Liver Paste Livers Paprika with Rice Pressed Roast Salad Salad for Twenty People Sandwiches Sandwiches with Mayonnaise Smothered Soup Stuffed (Turkish Style) Tamales, Home-made To Truss Turkish Style with Rice with Spaghetti en Casserole Chiffonade Salad Chilli Con Carne Chilli Sauce Chocolate Brod Torte Cake Coffee Cake Cookies Cornstarch Pudding Custard Eclairs Glazing Hot Ice Cream Iced Icing, Unboiled Layer Cake Nectar Sauce Syrup Torte Chow-Chow Chrimsel Cinnamon Cake Cinnamon Sticks Citron Cookies Citron Preserves Claret Cup Cocoa, Breakfast Cocoa, Reception Cocoanut, Cornflake Kisses Icing Kisses Layer Cake Lemon Pie Pie Pudding Cod, Fish Balls Cod, Fresh, or Striped Bass Coffee Boiled Cake, a Cheap Cake, French Cake, German Cake, Quick Cakes (Kuchen) Filling Filtered for Twenty People French Ice Cream Iced Turkish Cold Sour Soup Compotes and Fresh Fruits Consomme Cookies Cordial Corn, Canned Cream of, Soup and Potatoes Fritters Green, Tomatoes and Cheese Muffins off the Cob on the Cob Preserved in Brine Pudding Relish Cornmeal Mush Cornmeal Pudding Crab-apple Jelly Crab-apples, Pickled Crackers and Cheese Cranberry Jelly Cranberry Sauce Cranberries, Stewed Cream Filling Layer Cake Mustard Sauce Pie Puffs Sauce Soup Soups, How to Make Wine Soup Croquante Cakes Croquettes, Directions Calf's Brains Cauliflower Chicken Eggplant (Roumanian) Meat and Boiled Hominy of Fish Peanut and Rice Potato Rice Sweetbread Sweet Potato Veal Croutons Crullers Crumb, Dressing Cucumber Salad Fried in Oil Sauce Spiced Stuffed Cup Cake Currant Float Currant Jelly Currants Currants, Frosted Curry Sauce Custard, Boiled Cup, for Six Egg Pie
Damson Jam Damson Plums, Preserved Dandelions Date and Fig Sandwiches Cake Macaroons Pudding Stuffed Stuffed with Fondant Torte Dates, Stuffed with Ginger and Nuts Delicious and Nourishing Summer Drink Delicious Appetizer Delicious Cream Cheese Delicious Mustard Pickle Dessert with Whipped Cream Desserts Deviled Brains Deviled Eggs with Hot Sauce Deviled Tongue Sandwiches Dill Pickles for Winter Use Dill Pickles, Small Dimpes Dampes Divinity Dobos Torte Dominoes Dough for Coffee Cake Dough for Open-face Pies Dough for Schalet Doughnuts Doughnuts, French Drawn Butter, Sauce Dressing, Boiled Dressings for Salads Dried Fruits Drop Biscuits Duck Duck Fat, to Render Duck Roast Duck a la Mode in Jelly Dumplings and Garnishes for Soups Dumplings, Apple Boiled Apple Calf's Liver Drop Farina for Cream Soups for Stew Huckleberry Peach Pear Potato Dutch Stuffed Monkeys
Early Fall Vegetables, Preserved in Brine Egg and Olive Sandwiches Egg Appetizer Barley Custard Drop (Einlauf) Dumplings for Soup Eggless, Butterless, Milkless Cake Eggless Ginger Gems Eggless Gingerbread with Cheese Egg Marmalade Nog Rarebit Sandwiches Wine, Cold with Tomato Yolks, to Keep Eggplant and Baked Tomato Baked Broiled Fried Fried in Oil, Turkish Style Roumanian Salad (Roumanian) Salad, Turkish Style Eggs a la Mexicana Baked Baked in Rice Baked with Cheese Baked with Tomatoes Boiled Curried en Marinade Fricasseed Fried Piquant Poached or Dropped Poached in Tomato Sauce Poached with Fried Tomatoes Scalloped Scalloped Fleischig Scrambled Scrambled, with Brains Scrambled with Sausage Spanish Stuffed To Preserve with Cream Dressing Einlauf, Egg Drop Enchiladas Entrees Erbsen Lievanzen
Farina Pudding, with Peaches Soup Farsole Farsole Dulce Fat, to Render Fig and Date Sandwiches Dessert Filling Sandwiches Sauce Figs, Pickled Preserved Stuffed Filled Butter Cakes Filled Lemons Filling for Chrimsel Finnan Haddie Finnan Haddie and Macaroni Fish Baked Baked, Turkish Style Boiled Broiled Chowder English Lemon Stewed Filled, Turkish Style Frying Frying, Jewish Method Lemon Marinirte Piquant Roe, Scalloped Salad Salad for Twenty People Sandwiches Sauted Scalloped Stock Sweet and Sour Sweet Sour Sweet Sour, with Wine to Bone to Clean to Open to Skin with Garlic with Horseradish Sauce with Sauerkraut Floating Island Flour Balls, Boiled with Almonds for Soup Brown, Soup Foods Flounders, Baked Foam Sauce Foam Torte Freezing Creams and Water Ices French Dressing French Pancakes French Puffs French Prunes in Cognac Fritada Fritter Batter Fritter Beans Frosting, Instantaneous Frosting, Plain Frozen Cream Cheese, with Preserved Figs Custard Desserts Puddings, Directions Fruit and Nut Salad Cake Drinks Juices Loaf Punch for Twenty People Salad Sauces Sherbets Soup Syrups Tartlets Wheels Fruits, Fresh Frying, Directions for Fudge
Gaenseklein Gansleber in Sulz Gansleber Puree in Sulz Garlic, Sauce Garnishes and Dumplings for Soups Gefillte Fisch Gefillte Fisch with Egg Sauce Gefillte Milz (Milt) German Hazelnut Torte German Pancakes German Puffs Geroestete Fervelehen Geschundene Gans Gewetsh (Servian) Giblets Gingerbread Ginger Wafers Glace for Candies Glueh Gluten Gems Gold Cake Golden Buck Goose Cracklings (Grieben) Breast, Roast Fat, to Render Liver Liver Aspic Liver with Glaced Chestnuts Liver with Mushroom Sauce Meat Preserved in Fat Minced, Sandwiches Minced, Hungarian Style Neck, Stuffed Neck, Stuffed, Russian Style Roast Smoked Stewed Piquant Gooseberries, Canned Gooseberry Relish Goulash, Hungarian Russian Grafton Cake, Layers and Small Cakes Graham Muffins Grape Conserve Jelly Pie Preserves Grapefruit Cocktail Salad Grapes, Spiced Grated Apple Pie Grated Apple Pudding Green Kern Soup Green-tree Layer Cakes and Icing Griddle Cakes Grieben Grimslich
Hamburger Steak Hard Sauce Hash, Baked Hasty Pudding Hecht (Pickerel) Herring, Chopped Chopped, Baked Cream of, Soup, Russian style Marinirte Salad Salt Soused Stuffed Hesterliste Hickory Nut Macaroons Hollandaise Sauce Hominy Honey Cakes Honey Corn Cakes Honey Pudding Horseradish and Beet Relish Horseradish Sauce How to Set the Talk for the Seder Service Huckleberry Cake Compote Pie Pudding Hungarian Almond Cookies Hungarian Fruit Salad Hungarian Goulash Hungarian Vegetable Salad Hurry Ups (Oatmeal Cookies) Husk Tomatoes, Pickled
Ice-box Cake Icing, Boiled Icing, Unboiled Icings and Fillings for Cakes Imberlach Imitation Pate de Foi Gras Irish Stew
Jellies and Preserves To Cover Jelly Glasses To Test Jelly Made at Home Jelly Roll Jelly Sauce Johnnie Cake Julienne Soup
Kaffee Kuchen (Cinnamon) Kal Dolmar Kale Kartoffel Kloesse Kedgeree Kentucky Chrimsel Kimmel Sauce Kindel Kindlech Kirsch Sauce Kischkes Kischkes, Russian Style Knoblauch, Sauce Koch Kaese (Boiled Cheese) Koenig Kuchen Kohl-rabi Kohl-rabi with Breast of Lamb Kolatchen Kraus-gebackenes Kremslekh Kreplech, Cheese Kreplech, Force-meat for Kreplech or Butterflies Krosphada Kugel Apple Kraut Matzoth Noodle Pear Rice Scharfe Shabbas
Lady Fingers Lamb and Macaroni Lamb, Breast of, with Kohl-rabi Lamb Chops Lamb Stew (Tocane) Lamplich Leaf Puffs Leberknadel Lebkuchen Lebkuchen, Old-fashioned Leek Soup Left-over Meat Left-over Cereals Lekach Lemon Cake Cream Filling Extract Ginger Sherbet Ice Jelly for Layer Cake Peel Pie Preserves Puffs Sauce for Puffs Sauce Tart (Fleischig) Lemonade, Egg in Large Quantities Maraschino Milk Pineapple Quick Lentil, Cream of Soup Sausages Soup Lentils, Baked Lettuce Boiled Cream of Soup Dressing for Salad Sandwiches Lima Bean Salad Lima Beans, Green Linser Tart Linzen (Lentil) Soup Linzen, Sweet Sour Linzer Torte Little French Cakes Liver, Kloesse Loaf, Cocoanut Cake
Macaroni, Baked with Cheese Boiled Savory with cheese Macaroon Island Tarts Mackerel, Baked Boiled, Salt Broiled, Salt Salad Salt, Broiled Macrotes Maitre d'Hotel Butter Maitre d'Hotel Sauce Mamouras (Turkish) Mandel Torte Mandelchen Maple Bisque Mousse Sugar Icing Maraschino Lemonade Marble Cake Marinirte Fish Marmalades—Directions Marmelitta Marrow Bones Marrow Dumplings Marshmallow Filling Marshmallow Salad Matrimonies Matzoth Charlotte Dipped in Eggs Eirkuchen Kleis Kleis, Filled Meal Cake Meal Kleis Meal Macaroons Meal Noodles Plum Pudding Scrambled Shalet Spice Cake with Scrambled Eggs Mayonnaise Colored Dressing Especially for Salmon of Flounder of Whole Tomatoes White with Whipped Cream Meat Chopped, with Raisins (Roumanian) Dressing for Poultry Olives Pie Substitutes Meats Mehlspeise (Flour Foods) Melange Merber Deck Merber Kuchen Merber Teig Meringue, to Make and Bake Milk and Cheese, Soup Milk or Cream Soup Milk, Clabbered Milt, Stewed Mina, Turkish Mince Pie Mint Sauce Mirlitious Mixed Pickles and Dressing Mocha Frosting Mocha Mousse Mocha Torte Mock Cherry Pie Chilli Con Carne Duck Fish Chowder Mince Pie Olives Turtle Soup Whipped Cream Filling Mohn Cakes, Small Plaetzchen (Poppy Seed) Roley Poly Wachtel Mohntorte Mohntorts Monterey Salad Mother's Delicious Cookies Mother's Dill Pickles Muffins Muffins and Biscuits Mulled Wine Mulligatawny Soup Mushroom and Barley Soup Mushroom Catsup Mushroom Sauce Mushrooms Broiled Creamed Fresh, with Eggs Sauted Scalloped Muskmelons Muskmelons, Pickled Mustard Dressing Pickles Sardine Paste for Sandwiches Sauce Mutton Broth Breast of, Stewed with Carrots Chops Curried Roast with Potatoes Stuffed Shoulder
Nahit (Russian Peas) Napf Kuchen (Bunt) Napkin Pudding Neapolitan Jelly Salad Nesselrode Pudding Niagara Salad Noodle Puffs Pudding Soup Noodles and Apples and Mushrooms Broad for Soup Milk Scalloped, and Prunes with Butter with Cheese Nut Cake Honey Cake Nutmeg Cakes (Pfeffermiesse) and Cheese Relish and Raisin Sandwiches Icing Loaf Roast Salad
Oatmeal, Cold Cookies Porridge with Cheese Okra, Boiled Gumbo (Southern) Soup Old-fashioned Hamburger Cookies Old-fashioned Molasses Cookies Olive Sandwiches Sauce Omelet Corn Cheese Herb Rum Souffle Spanish Sweet Sweet Almond Sweet, for One White Sauce One-Egg Cake Onion, Boiled Chopped, and Chicken Fat Pickled Sauce Scalloped Soup Orangeade Orange Cake Chips Fritters Ice Icing Marmalade Oranges Oxtail Soup Oxtails, Braised Oyster Plant—Salsify
Palestine Soup Pancakes, Fritters, etc. Paprika Carp Parsnips Parve Cookie and Pie Dough Parve Cookies Passover Dishes Pea, Dried, Fritters Dried, Soup Green, Puree Green, Soup Puree Split, Soup (Milchig) Peas and Carrots Green Green and Pfaervel Green, and Rice Sugar Peach Butter Cocktail Compote Cream Pie Cream Tarts Ice Cream Kuchen Pie Pudding Short Cake Syrup Peaches Brandied Canned Pickled Preserved Scalloped Pears, Canned Brandied Compote of Gingered Pickled Pecan Nut Macaroons Pepper and Cheese Salad Mangoes Salad Peppers, Green Green, Broiled Green, for Salad Green, Stuffed with Vegetables Stewed Stuffed Stuffed with Meat Stuffed with Nuts Sweet Green, and Cheese Pesach Borsht Pesach Cake with Walnuts Peter Pan Dessert Pfaervel and Green Peas Grated Egg for Soup Fleischig Piccalilli Pickerel Pickle for Salmon Sauce Pickles and Relishes Pie Crust Fleischig Merber Teig Pies and Pastry Pigeon Pie Soup Pigeons, Nest or Squabs Pike with Egg Sauce Pilaf (Turkish Style) (Russian Style) Pineapple and Banana Cocktail Candied Canned Compote Fritters Ice Ice Cream Pie Preserved Souffle Pinoche Piquante Fish Piquante Sauce Pistachio Cream Plaetchen Plain Bunt Plain Wafers Plum Conserve Knoedel (Hungarian) Pie Pudding Pudding for Thanksgiving Day Plums, Canned Pickled Spiced German Sweet Potatoes and Meat Poached Egg Sandwiches Pocket Books Polenta Polish Salad Popovers Poppy Seed Cookies Potato Balls with Parsley Boiled, Pudding Cake Cakes Croquettes Flour Noodles Flour Pudding Flour Sponge Cake Grated Irish, for Soup Marbles Noodles Pancakes Plum Knoedel (Hungarian) Pudding Puff Puff, Bohemian Ribbon Salad Soup Stuffing Surprise Potatoes and Corn and Pears au Gratin Baked Boiled Boiled in their Jackets Creamed Curried for Twenty People French Fried German Fried Hashed Brown, Lyonnaise (Hungarian Style) Imitation New Mashed New Roast Saratoga Chips Scalloped Stewed Stewed with Onions Stewed, Sour Stuffed with Caraway Seeds Poultry to Clean to Dress to Stuff Pound Cake Prepared Mustard Preparing Salt for Freezing Creams Preserved Fruit Prince Albert Pudding Prune and Raisin Pie Custard Fresh, Cake German, Butter Kuchen Pie Pudding Sauce Souffle Whip Prunes and Chestnuts Baked Steamed Stewed Stuffed without Sugar Pudding a la Grande Belle Sauces Puff Paste Pumpkin Pie Punch Ices Purim Cakes Krapfen Puffs
Queen Bread Pudding Queen Fritters Queen of Trifles Quick Bernaise Sauce Quince Cheese Jelly Quinces, Canned Brandied Jellied Preserved
Radish Preserves, Russian Style Radishes Raisin Compote Sauce Stuffing Wine, No. 1 No. 2 Raisins and Chestnuts Ramekins of Egg and Cheese Raspberry and Currant Jelly Cocktail Ice Jam Jelly Vinegar Raspberries and Currants and Currants, Canned Canned Compote of Red Mullet in Cases Red Pepper Canapes Red Raspberry Float Redsnapper with Tomato Sauce Red Wine Soup Rendered Butter Rhubarb and Orange Marmalade Baked Canned Canned, Ready for Use Pie Pudding Sauce Rice and Cheese and Green Peas and Nut Loaf Baked Boiled Boiled, with Pineapple Broth Custard in Milk Muffins Pancakes or Griddle Cakes Pudding Steamed Sweet with Grated Chocolate with Tomatoes Rolls Cinnamon Crescent French Rosel, Beet Vinegar Rothe Gritze Rum Pudding Rum Sauce Russian Dressing Fish Cakes Fruit Salad Goulash Iced Tea Punch Torte Salad Tea Cakes Rye Bread Pudding Rye Bread Torte Rye Flour Muffins
Sago Pudding with Strawberry Juice Salad Dressings Salads, Directions for Making Green to Marinate Salmon and Brown Bread and Caviar Sandwiches Creamed Cutlet Loaf Salad Sandwiches Salsify, Scalloped Oyster Plant Salt Pickles Salted Almonds Salted Peanuts Salzgurken Sand Torte Sandwiches Saratoga Chips Sardellen Sardellen, or Herring Sauce Sardine Canapes Sardine Sandwiches Sauces for Fish and Vegetables Sauces for Meats Sauerbraten Sauerkraut and Brisket of Beef Boiled Sauted Corn Meal Mush Savarin Schalet (Shabbas Soup) Apple, No. 1 Apple, No. 2 Carrot Noodle Potato Seven Layer Schnecken Schwem Kloesse Senfgurken Shad, Baked Shad Roe Shavings Sherry Cobbler Slaitta (Roumanian) Slaw, Cold Cold, Dressing for Hot Smelts, Boned, Sauted Snip Noodles, Fried Snowballs Snowflakes Soap, to Make Soda Cream Sole, Fillet of Sole with Wine (French Recipe) Soup Meats Soup Stock, Directions White Soups Sour Cream Dressing Cream Kolatchen Milk Biscuits Milk Cookies Milk Pancakes Milk Soup Soup (for Purim) Spatzen Spaghetti Spaghetti and Meat Spanish Onion Rarebit Liver Pie Rice Sauce Spaetzlen or Spatzen Spatzen Spice Cake Spice Roll Spinach Fleischig Soup with Cream Sauce Springele Sponge Cake Cakes, Small Dumplings Squab en Casserole Squabs or Nest Pigeons Broiled Squash Fritters Stewed Salad (Turkish Style) Steamed Berry Pudding Steamed Puddings Stollen Strawberries a la Bridge and Pineapple Preserves Canned in the Sun Preserved Strawberry Cocktail Dessert Ice Cream Jelly Pie Sherbet Shortcake with Matzoth Meal Shortcake, Biscuit Dough String Bean Salad Striped Bass Strudel aus Kalbslunge Almond Apple Cabbage Cherry Mandel Quark (Dutch Cheese) Rahm Rice Succotash Suet Pudding with Pears Sugar Cookies Sugar Syrup Sulz Sulze von Kalbsfuessen Sunshine Cake Sweetbread Salad Saute with Mushrooms Sweetbreads Glace; Sauce Jardiniere with Spaghetti Stewed Sweet Entree of Ripe Peaches Sweet Pickles Sweet Potato Pie Sweet Potato Pudding Sweet Potatoes and Apples Boiled Candied Fried French Fried Plums and Meat Roast Roast with Meat Swiss Chard Swiss Creamed Fish