The Illustrated London Reading Book
Author: Various
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ATRO'CIOUS, a. wicked in a high degree; enormous

ATTA'CH, v.a. arrest; fix one's interest; win; lay hold on

ATTA'CK, v.a. to make an assault

ATTA'IN, v.a. gain; procure; reach

ATTAINMENT, s. an acquisition; an accomplishment

ATTE'MPT, v.a. venture upon; try; endeavour

ATTE'NDANT, s. one that attends; one that is present at anything

ATTENTION, s. the act of attending; the act of bending the mind upon it

ATTE'NTIVE, a. regardful; full of attention

ATTI'RE, s. clothing; dress; equipment

A'TTITUDE, s. position; expression

ATTRA'CT, v.a. draw to something; allure; invite

ATTRA'CTIVE, a. having the power to draw anything; inviting

ATTRIBUTE, v.a. to ascribe; to yield as due; to impute as a cause

AU'DITOR, s. a hearer

AURO'RA-BOREA'LIS, a. electrical light streaming in the night from the north; the northern lights or streamers

AUSTE'RITY, s. severity; cruelty

AUTHENTIC, a. genuine

AU'THOR, s. the first beginner or mover of anything; a writer in general

AUTHO'RITY, s. power; rule; influence; support; legal power

AU'TUMN, s. the season of the year between summer and winter

AVAILABLE, a. profitable; powerful; advantageous

AVALA'NCHE, s. immense mass of snow or ice

A'VERAGE, s. a middle proportion

AVI'DITY, s. eagerness; voracity; greediness

AVO'ID, v.a. shun; shift off; quit

AWA'KE, v.a. rouse out of sleep; put into new action

AW'KWARD, a. clumsy; inelegant; unready

A'ZURE, s. blue; faint blue


BA'CCHANALS, s. the drunken feasts of Bacchus; fabulous personages who assisted at the festivals of Bacchus

BALCO'NY, s. a frame before the window of a room

BALLO'ON, s. a large hollow ball of silk, filled with gas, which makes it rise in the air

BA'NDIT, s. a man outlawed

BA'NISH, v.a. condemn to leave one's country; drive away

BA'NISHMENT, s. the act of banishing another; the state of being banished

BARBA'RIAN, s. a savage; a man uncivilized

BA'RBAROUS, a. savage; ignorant; cruel

BA'RREN, a. unfruitful; sterile; scanty

BARRIC'ADE, v.a. stop up a passage; hinder by stoppage

BASA'LT, s. a variety of trap rock

BASA'LTIC, a. relating to basalt

BASTI'LE, s. (pronounced basteel) a jail; formerly the state prison of France

BA'TTER, v.a. beat; shatter; beat down

BA'TTLE, s. a fight; an encounter between opposite enemies

BEA'CON, s. something raised on an eminence to direct

BEA'RABLE, a. that which is capable of being borne

BEAU'TY, s. a particular grace or feature; a beautiful person

BECO'ME, v.a. befit; be suitable to the person

BEDE'CK, v.a. to deck; to adorn; to grace

BE'DSTEAD, s. the frame on which the bed is placed

BEHI'ND, ad. out of sight; not yet in view; remaining

BEHO'VE, v.n. to be fit

BELI'EVE, v.n. to have a firm persuasion of anything

BENEFA'CTOR, s. one that does good

BE'NEFIT, s. a kindness; a favour conferred; an advantage

BENE'VOLENT, a. kind; having good-will

BENI'GHT, v.a. involve in darkness; surprise with the coming on of night

BENI'GNANT, a. kind; generous; liberal

BE'NISON, s. a blessing

BENU'MB, v.a. make torpid; stupify

BESIE'GE, v.a. to beleaguer; to lay siege to

BESPRE'NT, v. def. besprinkled

BESTO'W, v.a. give; confer upon; lay up

BETWE'EN, prep. in the middle space; from one to another; noting difference of one from another

BI'LBERRY, s. the fruit of a plant so called

BO'ATMAN, s. he that manages a boat

BO'DY, s. material substance of an animal; matter; person; collective mass; main part; main army

BO'RDER, s. edge; edge of a country; a bank raised round a garden and set with flowers

BO'UNTEOUS, a. liberal; kind; generous

BOUQUE'T, s. (pronounced boo-kay) a nosegay

BOWSPRI'T, s. (a sea term) the mast that runs out at the bow of a ship

BRA'CELET, s. an ornament for the arms

BRA'CH, s. a she hound

BRA'CKISH, a. salt; somewhat salt

BRI'LLIANCY, s. brightness; lustre

BRI'LLIANT, s. a diamond of the finest cut

BRI'LLIANT, a. shining; sparkling; full of lustre

BU'BBLE, s. a small bladder of water; anything which wants solidity and firmness

BU'LKY, a. of great size or stature

BU'LWARK, s. a fortification; a security

BUO'YANCY, s. the quality of floating

BU'RDENSOME, a. grievous

BU'RIAL, s. interment; the act of putting anything under earth or water

BU'RY, v.a. inter; put in the grave; conceal

BU'TTRESS, s. a prop; a wall built to support another

CA'DENCE, s. the fall of the voice; state of sinking, decline

CALA'MITY, s. misfortune; cause of misery; distress

CA'LCULATE, v.a. reckon; adjust

CAL'CULA'TION, s. a practice or manner of reckoning; a reckoning

CA'LEDO'NIANS, s. the ancient inhabitants of Scotland

CAMPA'IGN, s. a large, open, level tract of land; the time for which any army keeps the field

CA'NADA, s. a province of the British possessions in America

CANA'L, s. any course of water made by art; a passage through which any of the juices of the body flow

CANA'RY, s. an excellent singing-bird—so called from its native place, the Canary Islands

CA'NNIBAL, s. a savage that eats his fellow-men taken in war

CA'PABLE, a. susceptible; intelligent; qualified for; able to receive; capacious; able to understand

CAPA'CIOUS, a. wide; large

CAPA'CITY, s. power; ability; state; condition; character

CAPERCA'ILZIE, s. (pronounced cap-per-kail-zeh) cock of the wood

CA'PITAL, s. the upper part of a pillar; the chief city of a nation or kingdom

CA'PITAL, a. applied to letters—large, such as are written at the beginning or heads of books

CA'PTAIN, s. a chief commander

CA'PTIVE, s. a prisoner

CAPTI'VITY, s. imprisonment; subjection by the fate of war; bondage; slavery; servitude

CA'PTURE, v.a. take prisoner; bring into a condition of servitude

CA'RAVAN, s. a conveyance; a troop or body of merchants or pilgrims, as they travel in the East

CARE'ER, s. a course; full speed; course of action

CA'RGO, s. the lading of a ship

CARNI'VOROUS, a. flesh-eating

CA'ROB, s. a plant bearing a nutritious fruit so called

CA'RRIAGE, s. the act of carrying or transporting; vehicle; conduct

CA'RRION, s. the carcase of something not proper for food

CA'RRONA'DE, s. a short iron cannon

CA'RRY, v.a. convey from a place; transport; bring forward; bear

CAR'TILAGE, s. a smooth and solid body, softer than a bone, but harder than a ligament

CARTILA'GINOUS, a. consisting of cartilages

CA'RTRIDGE, s. a case of paper or parchment filled with gunpowder, used for greater expedition in loading

CASCA'DE, s. a cataract; a waterfall

CA'STELLATED, a. that which is turretted or built in the form of a castle

CATAMARA'N, s. a rude species of boat

CA'TARACT, s. a waterfall

CATA'STROPHE, s. a final event

CATHE'DRAL, s. the head church of a diocese

CA'VALRY, s. horse soldiery

CA'VERN, s. a hollow place in the ground

CA'VIL, s. a false or frivolous objection

CA'VITY, s. a hole; a hollow place

CE'DAR, s. a kind of tree; it is evergreen, and produces flowers

CE'LEBRATE, v.a. praise; commend; mention in a set or solemn manner

CELE'BRITY, s. transaction publicly splendid

CELE'RITY, s. quickness

CELE'STIAL, a. heavenly

CE'METERY, s. a place where the dead are deposited

CE'NTRE, s. the middle

CE'NTURY, s. a hundred years

CEREMO'NIOUS, a. full of ceremony

CE'REMONY, s. form in religion; form of civility

CE'RTAIN, a. sure; unquestionable; regular; particular kind

CHAO'TIC, a. confused

CHA'PTER, s. a division of a book; the place in which assemblies of the clergy are held

CHARACTERI'SE, v.a. to give a character of the particular quality of any man

CHARACTERI'STIC, s. that which constitutes the character

CHARACTERI'STICALLY, ad. constituting the character

CHA'RITY, s. kindness; love; good-will; relief given to the poor

CHA'TEAU, s. (pronounced shat-oh) a castle

CHA'TTER, v.a. make a noise by collision of the teeth; talk idly or carelessly

CHE'RUB, s. a celestial spirit, next in order to the seraphim

CHRI'STENDOM, s. the collective body of Christianity

CHRI'STIAN, s. a professor of the religion of Christ

CHRO'NICLE, s. a register of events in order of time; a history

CHRO'NICLER, s. a writer of chronicles; a historian

CHRONO'METER, s. an instrument for the exact measuring of time

CI'PHER, s. a figure, as 1, 2

CI'RCUIT, s. a circular band

CI'RCUIT, s. ring; round; stated journey repeated at intervals

CIRCU'MFERENCE, s. the space enclosed in a circle

CIRCUMSCRI'BE, v.a. enclose in certain lines or boundaries; bound; Limit

CI'RCUMSTANCE, s. something relative to a fact; incident; event

CI'STERN, s. a receptacle of water for domestic uses; reservoir

CI'STUS, s. rock-rose

CI'TADEL, s. a fortress; a place of defence

CI'TIZEN, s. a freeman of a city; townsman

CI'TY, s. a corporate town that hath a bishop

CI'VIL, a. political; not foreign; gentle; well bred; polite

CIVI'LITY, s. politeness; complaisance

CI'VILIZA'TION, s. civilising manners

CI'VILIZE, v.a. reclaim from savageness and brutality

CLA'MOUR, s. noise; tumult; disturbance

CLA'RION, s. a trumpet

CLI'MATE, s. a region, or tract of land, differing from another by the temperature of the air

CLU'STER, s. a bunch

CO'GNIZANCE, s. trial; a badge by which one is known

COLLE'CT, v.a. gather together; bring into one place; gain from observation

COLLO'QUIAL, a. that relates to common conversation

COLO'NIAL, a. that which relates to a colony

CO'LONIST, s. one that colonises; one that dwells in a colony

COLO'SSAL, a. of enormous magnitude; large

CO'LOUR, s. the appearance of bodies to the eye only; hue; appearance

CO'LUMN, s. a round pillar; a long file or row of troops; half a page, when divided into two equal parts by a line passing down the middle

COLU'MNAR, a. formed in columns

COMBINA'TION, s. a union; a joining together

CO'MFORTABLE, a. admitting comfort; dispensing comfort

COMMA'NDER, s. a general; chief; leader

COMMEMORA'TION, s. an act of public celebration

COMME'NCE, v.a. to begin

CO'MMERCE, s. intercourse; exchange of one thing for another; trade

COMME'RCIAL, a. that which relates to commerce

CO'MMINUTE, v.a. to grind; to pulverise

COMMO'DITY, s. wares; merchandise

COMMONWE'ALTH, s. a polity; an established form of civilized life; public; republic

COMMU'NICATE, v.a. impart knowledge; reveal

COMMU'NITY, s. the commonwealth; the body politic; common possession

COMPA'NION, s. a partner; an associate

CO'MPANY, s. persons assembled together; a band; a subdivision of a regiment of foot

CO'MPARABLE, a. capable of being compared; of equal regard

COMPA'RE, v.n. make one thing the measure of another; find a likeness of one thing with another

COMPA'RISON, s. the act of comparing; state of being compared; comparative estimate

COMPE'TE, v.a. to vie; to contend; to strive; to endeavour to outstrip

COMPLA'INT, s. representation of pains or injuries; malady; remonstrance against

COMPLAI'SANCE, s. civility; desire of pleasing

COMPLE'TION, s. accomplishment; act of fulfilling

COMPLI'ANCE, s. the act of yielding to any design or demand

CO'MPLICATE, v.a. to render difficult and incomprehendable; to join one with another

COMPOSI'TION, s. a mass formed by mingling different ingredients; written work

COMPREHE'ND, v.a. comprise; include; conceive; understand

CONCE'AL, v.a. hide; keep secret; cover

CONCE'IT, s. vain pride

CONCE'NTRIC, a. having one common centre

CONCE'PTION, s. the act of conceiving; state of being conceived; notion; sentiment

CONCE'SSION, s. the act of granting or yielding

CONCI'LIATE, v.a. to gain; to win; to reconcile

CONCI'SE, a. short; brief; not longer than is really needful

CONCO'CT, v.a. to devise

CO'NCORD, s. agreement between persons or things; peace; union; a compact

CONCU'SSION, s. the state of being shaken

CONDE'NSE, v.n. to grow close and weighty

CONDI'TION, s. rank; property; state

CO'NDOR, s. a monstrous bird in America

CONDU'CT, v.a. lend; accompany; manage

CONE, s. a solid body, of which the base is circular, but which ends in a point

CONFE'R, v.a. compare; give; bestow; contribute; conduce

CO'NFERENCE, s. formal discourse; an appointed meeting for discussing some point by personal debate

CONFE'SS, v.a. acknowledge a crime; own; avow; grant

CONFI'NEMENT, s. imprisonment; restraint of liberty

CO'NFLUENCE, s. the joining together of rivers; a concourse; the act of joining together

CONFORMA'TION, s. the form of things as relating to each other; the act of producing suitableness or conformity to anything

CONFO'RMITY, s. similitude; consistency

CONGE'NER, s. a thing of the same kind or nature

CONGE'NIAL, a. partaking of the same genius

CONGLO'MERATE, v.a. to gather into a ball, like a ball of thread

CO'NICAL, a. in the shape of a cone

CONJE'CTURE, s. guess; imperfect knowledge; idea

CONNEC'TION, s. union

CO'NQUER, v.a. gain by conquest; win; subdue

CO'NQUEROR, s. a victor; one that conquers

CO'NQUEST, s. a victory

CO'NSCIENCE, s. the faculty by which we judge of the goodness or wickedness of ourselves

CO'NSCIOUS, a. endowed with the power of knowing one's own thoughts and actions; bearing witness by the dictates of conscience to anything

CONSCRI'PTION, s. an enrolling or registering

CO'NSECRATE, v.a. to make sacred; to canonize

CO'NSEQUENCE, s. that which follows from any cause or principle; effect of a cause

CO'NSEQUENT, a. following by rational deduction; following as the effect of a cause

CONSI'DERABLE, a. worthy of consideration; important; valuable

CONSI'ST, v.n. subsist; be composed; be comprised

CONSI'STENCE, s. state with respect to material existence; degree of denseness or rarity

CONSI'STENCY, s. adhesion; agreement with itself or with any other thing

CONSPI'CUOUS, a. obvious to the sight

CO'NSTANT, a. firm; fixed; certain; unvaried

CONSTELLA'TION, s. a cluster of fixed stars; an assemblage of splendours

CONSTERNA'TION, s. astonishment; amazement; wonder

CO'NSTITUTE, v.a. give formal existence; produce; erect; appoint another in an office

CONSTRU'CT, v.a. build; form; compile

CONSTRU'CTION, s. the act of building; structure; form of building

CONSTR'UCTIVE, a. by construction

CONSU'MPTION, s. the act of consuming; waste; a disease; a waste of muscular flesh

CO'NTACT, s. touch; close union

CONTA'GIOUS, a. infectious; caught by approach

CONTA'IN, v.a. hold; comprehend; restrain

CONTE'MPLATE, v.a. study; meditate; muse; think studiously with long attention

CONTEMPLA'TION, s. meditation; studious thought

CONTE'MPLATIVE, a. given to thought or study

CONTE'MPORARY, s. one who lives at the same time with another

CONTE'MPTIBLE, a. worthy of contempt, of scorn; neglected; despicable

CO'NTEST, s. dispute; difference; debate

CONTE'ST, v.a. to strive; to vie; to contend

CONTI'GUOUS, a. meeting so as to touch

CO'NTINENT, s. land not disjoined by the sea from other lands; that which contains anything; one of the quarters of the globe

CONTI'NGENCY, s. accidental possibility

CONTI'NUE, v.n. remain in the same state; last; persevere

CONTRA'CT, v.a. to shrink up; to grow short; to bargain

CO'NTRARY, a. opposite; contradictory; adverse

CONTRI'VANCE, s. the act of contriving; scheme; plan; plot

CONVE'NIENCE, s. fitness; ease; cause of ease

CONVE'NIENT, a. fit; suitable; proper; well adapted

CO'NVENT, s. an assembly of religious persons; a monastery; a nunnery

CO'NVERSE, s. conversation; acquaintance; familiarity

CONVE'RSION, s. change from one state to another

CONVE'RT, v.a. change into another substance; change from one religion to another; turn from a bad to a good life; apply to any use

CONVE'Y, v.a. carry; transport from one place to another; bring; transfer

CONVU'LSIVE, a. that gives twitches or spasms

CO'PIOUS, a. plentiful; abundant

CO'PPICE, s. a low wood; a place overrun with brushwood

CO'RDIAL, a. reviving; hearty; sincere

CORONA'TION, s. the act of crowning a King

CORPORA'TION, s. a body politic, constituted by Royal charter

CORPO'REAL, a. having a body; material; not spiritual

CORRE'CT, v.a. punish; discipline; remark faults; take away fault

CORRESPONDENCE, s. intercourse; relation; friendship

CO'UNCILLOR, s. one that gives counsel

COU'NTENANCE, s. the form of the face; air; look; calmness of look; patronage

CO'UNTRY, s. a tract of land; a region; rural parts

CO'URAGE, s. bravery; boldness

CO'VERING, s. dress; anything spread over another

CRA'FTY, a. cunning; knowing; scheming; politic

CRA'TER, s. the bowl, opening, or funnel of a volcano

CREA'TION, s. the act of creating; universe

CREA'TOR, s. the Divine Being that created all things

CRE'ATURE, s. a being created; a general term for man

CRE'VICE, s. a crack; a cleft; a narrow opening

CRI'MINAL, s. a man accused; a man guilty of a crime

CRI'MINA'LITY, s. the act of being guilty of a crime

CRI'TIC, s. a judge; otherwise a censurer

CRI'TICAL, a. relating to criticism

CRO'CODILE, s. an amphibious voracious animal, in shape like a lizard

CROO'KED, a. bent; winding; perverse

CRU'ELTY, s. inhumanity; savageness; act of intentional affliction

CRU'SADE, s. an expedition against the infidels; a holy war

CRY'STAL, s. crystals are hard, pellucid, and naturally colourless bodies, of regular angular figures

CU'LPABLE, a. criminal; guilty; blamable

CU'LTIVATE, v.a. forward or improve the product of the earth by manual industry; improve

CULTIVA'TION, s. improvement in general

CU'POLA, s. a dome

CU'RFEW, s. an evening peal, by which the Conqueror willed that every man should rake up his fire and put out his light

CURIO'SITY, s. inquisitiveness; nice experiment; an object of curiosity; rarity

CU'RIOUS, a. inquisitive; desirous of information; difficult to please; diligent about; elegant; neat; artful

CU'RRENT, a. passing from hand to hand; authoritative; common; what is now passing

CU'STOM, s. habit; fashion; practice of buying of certain persons

CY'MBAL, s. a kind of musical instrument

CY'PRESS, s. a tall straight tree. It is the emblem of mourning

DALMA'TIA, s. a province of Austria

DALMA'TIAN, a. belonging to Dalmatia

DA'MAGE, s. mischief; hurt; loss

DA'NGER, s. risk; hazard; peril

DA'NGEROUS, a. hazardous; perilous

DA'STARDLY, ad. cowardly; mean; timorous

DA'UNTED, a. discouraged

DECE'PTION, s. the act or means of deceiving; cheat; fraud; the state of being deceived

DECLI'NE, v.a. shun; avoid; refuse; bring down

DE'CORATE, v.a. adorn; embellish; beautify

DECORA'TION, s. ornament; added beauty

DE'DICATE, v.a. to inscribe

DEFA'CE, v.a. destroy; raze; ruin; disfigure

DEFE'CTIVE, a. wanting the just quantity; full of defects; imperfect; faulty

DEFE'NCE, s. guard; protection; resistance

DEFI'CIENCY, s. want; something less than is necessary; imperfection

DEGE'NERACY, s. departure from the virtue of our ancestors

DEGE'NERATE, a. unworthy; base

DE'ITY, s. divinity; the nature and essence of God; fabulous Rod; the supposed divinity of a heathen god

DE'LICACY, s. daintiness; softness; feminine beauty; nicety; gentle treatment; smallness

DE'LICATE, s. fine; soft; pure; clear; unable to bear hardships; effeminate

DELI'CIOUS, a. sweet; delicate; agreeable

DELI'GHT, v.a. please; content; satisfy

DELI'NEATE, v.a. to paint; to represent; to describe

DELI'VER, v.a. set free; release; give; save; surrender

DE'LUGE, v.a. flood

DE'LUGE, v.a. drown; lay totally under water; overwhelm; cause to sink

DEME'ANOUR, s. carriage; behaviour

DEMO'LISH, v.a. raze; destroy; swallow up

DEMONSTRA'TION, s. the highest degree of argumental evidence

DENO'MINATE, v.a. to name anything

DEPA'RTMENT, s. separate allotment; province or business assigned to a particular person

DEPO'RTMENT, s. carriage; bearing

DEPO'SIT, s. a pledge; anything given as a security

DEPO'SIT, v.a. lay up; lay aside

DEPRA'VITY, s. corruption

DE'PREDA'TION, s. a robbing; a spoiling; waste

DEPRI'VE, v.a. bereave one of a thing; hinder; debar from

DE'RVISE, s. a Turkish priest

DESCE'NDANT, s. the offspring of an ancestor

DESCRI'BE, v.a. mark out; define

DESCRI'PTION, s. the sentence or passage in which anything is described

DESCRY', v.a. give notice of anything suddenly discovered; detect; discover

DE'SERT, s. a wilderness; solitude; waste country

DESE'RVE, v.a. be entitled to reward or punishment

DESI'GN, s. an intention; a purpose; a scheme

DESIGNA'TION, s. appointment; direction; intention to design

DESI'RE, v.a. wish; long for; intreat

DE'SOLATE, a. without inhabitants; solitary; laid waste

DESPA'TCH, s. to send away hastily; to do business quickly; to put to death

DE'SPERATE, a. without hope; rash; mad; furious

DE'SPICABLE, a. worthy of scorn; contemptible

DESPI'SE, v.a. scorn; condemn; slight; abhor

DE'SPOTISM, s. absolute power

DESTINA'TION, s. the place where it was our destiny to go; fate; doom

DE'STINE, v.a. doom; devote

DE'STINY, s. doom; fate

DE'STITUTE, a. forsaken; abject; in want of

DESTRO'Y, v.a. lay waste; make desolate; put an end to

DESTRU'CTION, s. the act of destroying; the state of being destroyed; ruin

DETA'CH, v.a. separate; disengage

DETA'CHMENT, s. a body of troops sent out from the main army

DETE'R, v.a. fright from anything

DETERMINA'TION, s. absolute direction to a certain end; the result of deliberation; judicial decision

DETE'RMINE, v.a. fix; settle; resolve; decide

DETE'STABLE, a. hateful; abominable; odious

DETRA'CTION, s. the withdrawing or taking off from a thing

DETRU'DE, v.a. thrust down; force into a lower place

DEVASTA'TION, s. waste; havoc; desolation; destruction

DEVE'LOP, v.a. to disentangle; to disengage from something that enfolds and conceals

DEVIA'TION, s. the act of quitting the right way; wandering

DEVO'TE, v.a. dedicate; consecrate

DE'VOTEE, s. one erroneously or superstitiously religious; a bigot

DEVO'TION, s. piety; prayer; strong affection; power

DE'XTEROUS, a. subtle; full of expedients; expert; active; ready

DIABO'LICAL, a. devilish

DI'ADEM, s. the mark of Royalty worn on the head

DI'AL, s. a plate marked with lines, where a hand or shadow shows the hour

DI'ALECT, s. subdivision of a language; style; manner of expression

DI'ALOGUE, s. a discussion between two persons

DIA'METER, s. the straight line which, passing through the centre of a circle, divides it into two equal parts

DI'AMOND, s. the most valuable and hardest of all the gems; a brilliant

DI'FFER, v.n. be distinguished from; contend; be of a contrary opinion

DI'FFERENT, a. distinct; unlike; dissimilar

DIFFICULTY, s. hardness; something hard to accomplish; distress; perplexity in affairs

DI'GNITY, s. rank of elevation; grandeur of mien; high place

DILA'TE, v n. widen; grow wide; speak largely

DI'LIGENCE, s. industry; assiduity

DIMI'NISH, v.a. to make less

DIMI'NUTIVE, a. small; narrow; contracted

DIRE'CT, v.a. aim at a straight line; regulate; order; command; adjust; mark out a certain course

DIRE'CTION, s. tendency of motion impressed by a certain impulse; order; command; prescription

DIRE'CTLY, ad. immediately; apparently; in a straight line

DISAGRE'EABLE, a. unpleasing; offensive

DISA'STROUS, a. calamitous

DISCI'PLE, s. a scholar; one that professes to receive instruction from another

DISCIPLINE, s. education; the art of cultivating the mind; a state of subjection

DISCONCE'RT, v.a. unsettle the mind; discompose

DISCOU'RAGE, v.a. depress; deprive of confidence

DISCO'VER, v.a. disclose; bring to light; find out

DISCO'VERY, s. the act of finding anything hidden

DISCRI'MINATION, s. the state of being distinguished from other persons or things; the mark of distinction

DISHO'NOUR, s. reproach; disgrace; ignominy

DISLO'DGE, v.a. to go to another place; to drive or remove from a place

DISMA'NTLE, v.a. strip; deprive of a dress; strip a town of its outworks; loose

DISMA'Y, s. fall of courage; desertion of mind

DISOBE'DIENCE, s. the act of disobeying; inattention to the words of those who have right to command

DISO'RDER, s. irregularity; tumult; sickness

DISPA'RAGEMENT, s. reproach; disgrace; indignity

DISPLA'Y, v.a. exhibit; talk without restraint

DISPOSI'TION, s. order; method; temper of mind

DISQUI'ETUDE, s. uneasiness

DI'SREGARD, v.a. to slight; to neglect

DI'SSIPATE, v.a. scatter every way; disperse; scatter the attention

DISSO'LVE, v.n. be melted; fall to nothing

DISTANCE, s. remoteness in place; retraction of kindness; reserve

DISTE'MPER, s. disease; malady; bad constitution of the mind

DISTI'NCTION, s. the act of discerning one as preferable to the other; note of difference; honourable note of superiority; discernment

DISTINCTLY, ad. not confusedly; plainly; clearly

DISTRE'SS, s. calamity; misery; misfortune

DISTRI'BUTE, v.a. to deal out; to dispensate

DI'STRICT, s. region; country; territory

DIVE'RGE, v.n. send various ways from one point

DIVE'RSIFY, v.a. make different from another

DIVE'RSION, s. the act of turning anything off from its course

DIVE'RSITY, s. difference; dissimilitude; unlikeness; variety

DIVI'DE, v.a. part one whole in different pieces; separate; deal out

DI'VIDEND, s. a share

DO'CILE, a. teachable; easily instructed; tractable

DOMA'IN, s. dominion; possession; estate; empire

DOME'STIC, a. belonging to the house; private

DOME'STICATE, v.a. make domestic; withdraw from the public

DOMI'NION, s. sovereign authority; power; territory

DO'RSAL, a. pertaining to the back

DO'UBLE, a. two of a sort; in pairs; twice as much

DRAMA'TIC, a. representable by action

DRA'MATIST, s. author of dramatic compositions

DRAW'INGROOM, s. a room to which company withdraw—originally withdrawing-room

DRE'ADFUL, a. terrible; frightful

DRE'ARINESS, s. gloominess; sorrowfulness

DRE'ARY, a. sorrowful; gloomy; dismal; horrid

DU'CAT, s. a coin struck by Dukes; in silver valued at about four shillings and sixpence, in gold at nine shillings and sixpence

DURA'TION, s. power of continuance; length of continuance

DU'RING, prep. for the time of the continuance

EA'RLY, ad. soon; betimes

EA'RTHQUAKE, s. tremour or convulsion of the earth

EA'STERN, a. belonging to the east; lying to the east; oriental

EA'SY, a. not difficult; ready; contented; at rest

ECLI'PSE, s. an obscuration of the heavenly luminaries; darkness; obscuration

ECO'NOMY, s. frugality; discretion of expense; system of matter

E'DIFICE, s. a fabric; a building

EDI'TION, s. publication of anything, particularly of a book

EDUCA'TION, s. formation of manners in youth

EFFE'CT, s. that which is produced by an operating cause; success; purpose; meaning; consequence

EFFE'CTUAL, a. productive of effects; expressive of facts

EFFE'MINACY, s. softness; unmanly delicacy

E'FFLUENCE, s. what issues from some other principle

E'FFULGENCE, s. lustre; brightness; splendour

EFFU'SE, v.a. to pour out; to spill, to shed

EJA'CULATION, s. an exclamation

ELA'BORATE, a. finished with care

ELE'CTRIC, a. relating to electricity

ELE'CTRO-MA'GNETISM, s. a branch of electrical science

E'LEGANCE, s. beauty, rather soothing than striking; beauty without grandeur

E'LEGY, s. a mournful song; short poem without points or turns

E'LEPHANT, s. a large quadruped

E'LEVA'TED, a. exalted; raised up; progressed in rank

ELEVA'TION, s. the act of raising up aloft; exaltation

ELOCU'TION, s. the power of fluent speech; the power of expression; eloquence; flow of language

E'LOQUENCE, s. the power or speaking with fluency and elegance

ELU'DE, v.a. to mock by unexpected escape

E'MANATE, v.a. to issue; to flow from something else

EMBA'LM, v.a. impregnate a body with aromatics, that it may resist putrefaction

EMBA'RK, v.n. to go on board a ship; to engage in any affair

EMBROI'DERY, s. variegated work; figures raised upon a ground

E'MERALD, s. a precious stone of a green colour

EME'RGE, v.n. to issue; to proceed; to rise

EME'RGENCY, s. the act of rising into view; any sudden occasion; pressing necessity

E'MINENCE, s. loftiness; height; summit; distinction

E'MINENT, a. celebrated; renowned

EMI'T, v.a. to send forth; to let fly; to dart

EMO'LUMENT, s. profit; advantage

E'MPEROR, s. a monarch of title and dignity superior to a king

EMPLO'Y, v.a. busy; keep at work; use as materials; trust with the management of any affairs; use as means

E'MULATE, v.a. to vie

EMULA'TION, s. rivalry; desire of superiority

ENA'BLE, v.a. make able; confer power

ENCA'MPMENT, s. the act of encamping or pitching tents; a camp

ENCHA'NTMENT, s. magical charms; spells; irresistible influence

ENCI'RCLING, a. environing; surrounding

ENCLO'SE, v.a. part from things or grounds common by a fence; surround; encompass

ENCOU'NTER, v.a. meet face to face; attack

ENCRO'ACHMENT, s. an unlawful gathering in upon another man; advance into the territories or rights of another

ENDA'NGER, v.a. put in hazard; incur the danger of

ENDU'RANCE, s. continuance; lastingness; delay

E'NEMY, s. foe; antagonist; any one who regards another with malevolence

ENERGE'TIC, a. operative; active; vigorous

E'NERGY, s. activity; quickness; vigour

ENGA'GE, v.a. employ; stake; unite; enlist; induce; fight

ENGINE'ER, s. one who manages engines; one who directs the artillery of an army

ENGRA'VER, s. a cutter in wood or other matter

ENGRA'VING, s. the work of an engraver

ENGRO'SS, v.a. thicken; increase in bulk; fatten; to copy in a large hand

ENJO'Y, v.a. feel or perceive with pleasure; please; delight

ENLA'RGEMENT, s. increase; copious discourse

ENNO'BLE, v.a. to dignify; to exalt; to make famous

ENO'RMOUS, a. wicked beyond the common measure; exceeding in bulk the common measure

ENQUI'RY, s. interrogation; examination; search

ENRA'GE, v.a. irritate; make furious

ENSNA'RE, v.a. entrap; entangle in difficulties or perplexities

E'NTERPRISE, s. an undertaking of hazard; an arduous attempt

E'NTERPRISING, a. fond of enterprise

ENTHU'SIASM, s. a vain belief of private revelation; beat of imagination; elevation of fancy

E'NTRAILS, s. the intestines; internal parts

ENU'MERATE, v.a. reckon up singly; number

ENVE'LOPEMENT, s. covering; inwrapment

E'PIC, a. narrative

EPI'STLE, s. a letter

EPI'STOLARY, a. transacted by letters; relating to letters

E'QUAL, a. even; uniform; in just proportion

EQUITY, s. justice; impartiality

ERE'CT, a. upright; bold; confident

ERE'CT, v.a. raise; build; elevate; settle

E'RMINE, s. an animal found in cold countries, of which the fur is valuable, and used for the adornment of the person. A fur worn by judges in England

ERRO'NEOUS, a. wrong; unfounded; false; misled by error

ERU'PTION, s. the act of bursting out; sudden excursion of a hostile kind

ESCO'RT, v.a. convoy; guard from place to place

ESPE'CIAL, a. principal; chief

ESPE'CIALLY, ad. principally; chiefly; in an uncommon degree

ESPLANA'DE, s. the empty space between a citadel and the outskirts of a town

ESSE'NTIAL, a. necessary to the constitution or existence of anything; important in the highest degree

ESTA'BLISHMENT, s. settlement; fixed state

ESTRA'NGE, v.a. keep at a distance; withdraw

ETE'RNAL, a. without beginning or end; perpetual; unchanging

ETE'RNALLY, ad. incessantly; for evermore

ETE'RNITY, s. duration without beginning or end

ETHE'REAL, a. belonging to the higher regions

EVA'PORATE, v.a. to drive away in fumes

E'VENING, s. the close of the day; beginning of night

EVE'NTUALLY, ad. in the event; in the last result

E'VIDENT, a. plain; notorious

EXA'CT, a. nice; not deviating from rule; careful

EXA'MINE, v.a. search into; make inquiry into

EXA'MPLE, s. copy or pattern

E'XCAVATE, v.a. hollow; cut into hollows

EXCE'L, v.a. to outgo in good qualities; to surpass

E'XCELLENCE, s. the state of abounding in any good quality; dignity; goodness

E'XCELLENT, a. eminent in any good quality; of great value

EXCE'PT, prep. exclusively of; unless

EXCE'SSIVE, a. beyond the common proportion

EXCI'TE, v.a. rouse; animate

EXCLU'DE, v.a. shut out; debar

EXCLU'SIVE, a. having the power of excluding or denying admission

EXCRU'CIATE, v.a. torture; torment

EXCU'RSION, s. an expedition into some distant part

EXCU'RSIVE, a. rambling; deviating

EXECU'TION, s. performance; practice; slaughter

EXE'MPLARY, a. such as may give warning to others; such as may attract notice and imitation

E'XERCISE, s. labour of the mind or body

EXE'RTION, s. the act of exerting; effort

EXHI'BIT, v.a. to offer to view; show; display

EXHIBI'TION, s. the act of exhibiting; display

EXHI'LARATE, v.a. make cheerful; cheer; enliven

EXI'STENCE, s. state of being

EXPA'ND, v.a. to spread; to extend on all sides

EXPA'NSE, s. a body widely extended without inequalities

EXPE'DIENT, s. that which helps forward as means to an end

EXPEDI'TION, s. an excursion

EXPE'L, v.a. drive away; banish; eject

EXPE'RIENCE, s. knowledge gained by practice

EXPE'RIENCED, a. wise by long practice

EXPE'RIMENT, s. a trial of anything

EXPI'RE, v.a. breathe out; close; bring to an end

EXPLO'SION, s. an outburst; a sudden crash

EXPO'RT, v.a. carry out of a country

EXPO'SE, v.a. lay open; make bare; put in danger

EXPRE'SSION, s. the form of language in which any thoughts are uttered; the act of squeezing out anything

E'XQUISITE, a. excellent; consummate; complete

EXTE'MPORE, ad. without premeditation; suddenly

EXTE'ND, v.a. stretch out; diffuse; impart

EXTE'NSIVE, a. large; wide; comprehensive

EXTE'RIOR, a. outward; external

EXTE'RNAL, a. outward

EXTI'NGUISH, v.a. put out; destroy; obscure

EXTI'RPATE, v.a. root out; eradicate

E'XTRACT, s. the chief parts drawn from anything

EXTRAO'RDINARY, a. different from common order and method; eminent; remarkable

EXTRA'VAGANT, a. wasteful; not saving; otherwise, improbable, false

EXTRE'MELY, ad. greatly; very much; in the utmost degree

EXTRE'MITY, s. the utmost point; highest degree; parts at the greatest distance

FACI'LITY, s. ease; dexterity; affability

FA'CTORY, s. a house or district inhabited by traders in a distant country; traders embodied in one place

FA'CULTY, s. the power of doing anything; ability

FAMI'LIAR, a. domestic; free; well known; common; unceremonious

FAMI'LIARITY, s. easiness of conversation; acquaintance

FA'MILY, s. those who live in the same house; household; race; clans

FA'MOUS, a. renowned; celebrated

FANA'TICISM, s. madness; frenzy; insanity

FANTA'STIC, a. whimsical; fanciful; imaginary

FA'RTHER, ad. at a greater distance; beyond this

FA'SHION, v.a. form; mould; figure; make according to the rule prescribed by custom

FA'TAL, a. deadly; mortal; appointed by destiny

FATI'GUE, s. weariness

FATI'GUE, v.a. tire; weary

FAUN, s. a kind of rural deity

FA'VOURITE, s. a person or thing beloved; one regarded with favour

FE'ATHER, s. plume of birds

FE'ATURE, s. the cast or make of the face; any lineament or single part of the face

FE'ELING, s. the sense of touch; sensibility; tenderness; perception

FERMENTA'TION, s. a slow motion of the particles of a mixed body, arising usually from the operation of some active acid matter; as when leaven or yeast ferments bread or wort

FERO'CITY, s. savageness; wildness; fierceness

FE'RTILE, a. fruitful; abundant; plenteous

FERTI'LITY, s. abundance; fruitfulness

FE'STAL, a. festive; joyous; gay

FE'STIVAL, a. time of feast; anniversary-day of civil or religious joy

FESTO'ON, s. In architecture, an ornament of carved work in the form of a wreath or garland of flowers or leaves twisted together

FEU'DAL, a. dependant; held by tenure

FI'BRE, s. a small thread or string

FI'CTION, s. a fanciful invention; a probable or improbable invention; a falsehood; a lie

FIDE'LITY, s. honesty; faithful adherence

FI'GURE, s. shape; person; stature; the form of anything as terminated by the outline

FI'LIAL, a. pertaining to a son; befitting a son; becoming the relation of a son

FI'RMAMENT, s. sky; heavens

FLA'GON, s. a vessel with a narrow mouth

FLA'MBEAU, s. (pronounced flam-bo) a lighted torch

FLA'VOUR, s. power of pleasing the taste; odour

FLEUR-DE-LIS, s. (French for a lily, pronounced flur-de-lee) a term applied in architecture and heraldry

FLE'XIBLE, a. capable of being bent; pliant; not brittle; complying: obsequious; ductile; manageable

FLOAT, v.n. to swim on the surface of water; to move without labour in a fluid; to pass with a light irregular course; v.a. to cover with water

FLO'RIDNESS, s. freshness of colour

FLO'URISH, v.a. and v.n. yield; prosper; wield; adorn

FLU'CTUATE, v.n. roll to and again, as water in agitation; be in an uncertain state

FLU'ID, a. anything not solid

FLU'TTER, v.n. move irregularly; take short flights with great agitation of the wines

FO'LIAGE, s. leaves; tuft of leaves

FO'LLOWING, a. coming after another

FOME'NT, v.a. cherish with heat; encourage

FO'REFATHER, s. ancestor

FO'REIGN, a. not in this country; not domestic; remote; not belonging to

FO'REPART, s. anterior part

FO'REST, s. a wild uncultivated tract of ground, with wood

FO'RMER, a. before another in time; the first of two

FO'RMIDABLE, a. terrible; dreadful; tremendous

FORTIFICA'TION, s. the science of military architecture; a place built for strength

FO'RTITUDE, s. courage; bravery; strength

FO'RWARD, v.a. hasten; quicken; advance

FO'RWARD, a. warm; earnest; quick; ready

FO'RWARD, ad. onward; straight before

FO'RWARDNESS, s. eagerness; ardour; quickness; confidence

FOSSE, s. a ditch; a moat

FOUNDA'TION, s. the basis or lower parts of an edifice; the act of fixing the basis; original; rise

FRA'GMENT, s. a part broken from the whole; an imperfect piece

FRA'NTIC, a. mad; deprived of understanding

FREE'STONE, s. stone commonly used in building, so called because it can be cut freely in all directions

FREIGHT, s. anything with which a ship is loaded; the money due for transportation of goods

FRE'QUENT, a. often done; often seen; often occurring

FRE'SCO, s. coolness; shade; duskiness; a picture not drawn in glaring light, but in dusk

FRI'CTION, s. the act of rubbing two bodies together

FRI'VOLOUS, a. trifling; wasteful; dawdling

FRO'NTIER, s. the limit; the utmost verge of any territory

FU'RNACE, s. a large fire

FU'RNISH, v.a. supply with what is necessary; fit up; equip; decorate

GA'BLE, s. the sloping roof of a building

GA'LAXY, s. the Milky Way

GA'LLANT, a. brave; daring; noble

G'ALLEY, a. a vessel used in the Mediterranean

GA'RDEN, s. piece of ground enclosed and cultivated

GA'RMENT, s. anything by which the body is covered

GA'RRISON, s. fortified place, stored with soldiers

GAUGE, s. a measure; a standard

GENEA'LOGY, s. history of the succession of families

GE'NERAL, a. common; usual; extensive, though not universal; public

GENERA'TION, s. a family; a race; an age

GE'NEROUS, a. noble of mind; magnanimous; open of heart

GE'NIAL, a. that gives cheerfulness, or supports life; natural; native

GE'NTLE, a. soft; mild; tame; meek; peaceable

GEOGRA'PHICAL, a. that which relates to geography

GEO'GRAPHY, s. knowledge of the earth

GE'STURE, s. action or posture expressive of sentiment

GI'ANT, s. a man of size above the ordinary rate of men; a man unnaturally large

GIGA'NTIC, a. suitable to a giant; enormous

GLA'CIER, s. a mountain of ice

GLA'NDULAR, a. having glands

GLI'STER, v.n. shine; to be bright

GLO'BULE, s. a small particle of matter of a round figure, as the red particles of the blood

GLO'RIOUS, a. noble; excellent; illustrious

GLO'SSY, a. shiny; smoothly polished

GO'RGEOUS, a. fine; magnificent; gaudy; showy

GO'SLING, s. a young goose; a catkin on nut-trees and pines

GO'SSAMER, s. the web of a male spider

GOUT, s. a disease attended with great pain

GO'VERNOR, s. one who has the supreme direction; a tutor

GRADA'TION, s. regular progress from one degree to another; order; arrangement

GRA'DUALLY, ad. by degrees; step by step

GRA'NDEUR, s. splendour of appearance; magnificence

GRANGE, s. a farm

GRATIFICA'TION, s. pleasure; something gratifying

GRA'TITUDE, s. duty to benefactors; desire to return benefits

GRA'VITY, s. weight; tendency to the centre; seriousness; solemnity

GROTE'SQUE, a. distorted of figure; unnatural

GUARD, s. part of the hilt of a sword; a man or body of men whose business is to watch

GUIDE, s. director; regulator

HABITATION, s. place of abode; dwelling

HABI'TUALLY, ad. customarily; by habit

HA'GGARD, a. deformed; ugly

HARA'NGUE, v.n. make a speech

HA'RMONIZE, v.a. to adjust in fit proportion

HARPO'ON, s. a bearded dart, with a line fastened to the handle, with which whales are struck and caught

HA'ZARDOUS, a. perilous, dangerous

HE'AVY, a. weighty; burdened; depressed

HE'RALDRY, s. the art or office of a herald; registers of genealogies

HE'RBAGE, s. grass; pasture; herbs collectively

HERBI'VOROUS, a. that eats herbs

HERE'DITARY, a. possessed or claimed by right of inheritance; descending by inheritance

HE'RETIC, s. one who propagates his private opinions in opposition to the Catholic Church

HE'YDAY, s. frolic; wildness

HI'DEOUS, a. frightful; ugly

HIPPOPO'TAMUS, s. a large animal—the river horse

HISTO'RIAN, s. a writer of facts and events

HISTO'RICAL, a. that which relates to history

HI'STORY, s. narration; the knowledge of facts and events

HO'LLOW, a. excavated; not solid; not sound

HO'NEY, s. a sweet substance produced by bees

HO'NOUR, s. dignity; fame; reputation; glory

HO'RIZON, s. the line that terminates the view

HO'SPITABLE, a. giving entertainment to strangers; kind to strangers

HO'TTENTO'T, s. a native of the south of Africa

HOWE'VER, ad. in whatsoever manner; at all events; happen what will; yet

HOWI'TZER, s. a kind of bomb

HU'MAN, a. having the qualities of a man; belonging to man

HUMA'NITY, s. the nature of man; benevolence

HU'MBLE, a. not proud; modest; low

HU'MID, a. wet; moist; watery

HUMI'LITY, s. freedom from pride; modesty

HU'NDRED, s. a company or body consisting of a hundred.

HU'RRICANE, s. a blast; a tempest

HYDRAU'LIC, a. relating to the conveyance of water through pipes

HY'DROGEN, s. a gas, one of the component parts of the atmosphere

I'CEBERG, s. a hill of ice; a moving island of ice

I'CICLE, s. a pendent shoot of ice

I'DOL, s. an image worshipped as God; one loved or honoured to adoration

IGNO'BLE, a. mean of birth; worthless

IGUA'NA, s. a reptile of the lizard species

ILLE'GAL, a. unlawful

ILLUMINA'TION, s. brightness; splendour

ILLU'MINATIVE, a. having the power to give light

ILLU'SION, s. mockery; false show

ILLU'STRATE, v.a. brighten with light; brighten with honour; explain; clear

ILLUSTRA'TION, s. explanation; example; exposition

ILLU'STRIOUS, a. conspicuous; noble; eminent

I'MAGE, s. a statue; a picture; an idol; a copy

IMA'GINARY, a. fanciful; poetical

IMAGINATION, s. fancy; conception; contrivance; scheme

I'MITATE, v.a. copy; counterfeit; resemble

IMMATE'RIAL, a. incorporeal; unimportant

IMMEA'SURABLE, a. immense; not to be measured

IMME'DIATELY, ad. without the intervention of any other cause or event

IMME'NSE, a. unlimited; unbounded; infinite

I'MMINENT, a. unavoidable; perilous

IMMO'RTALISE, v.a. to render immortal

IMMORTA'LITY, s. exemption from death; life never to end

IMPA'RT, v.a. grant; give; communicate

IMPA'RTIAL, a. indifferent; disinterested; just

IMPA'SSABLE, a. not to be passed; not admitting passage

IMPA'SSIBLE, a. incapable of suffering

IMPA'TIENT, a. not able to endure; hasty; eager

IMPERCE'PTIBLE, a. not to be discovered; not to be perceived; small

IMPERFE'CTION, s. defect; failure; fault

IMPE'RIAL, a. belonging to an emperor, king, or queen; regal; monarchical

IMPE'RIOUS, a. commanding; powerful

IMPE'TUOUS, a. violent; forcible; vehement

IMPLA'CABILITY, s. irreconcileable enmity

IMPLI'CITLY, ad. with unreserved confidence

IMPO'RT, v.a. carry into any country from abroad

IMPO'RTANCE, s. thing imported, or implied; consequence; matter

IMPO'RTANT, a. momentous; weighty; of great consequence; forcible

IMPO'SE, v.a. lay on as a burden or penalty; deceive; fix on

IMPO'SSIBLE, a. that which cannot be; that which cannot be done

IMPRE'GNABLE, a. invincible; unsubdueable

IMPRE'SSION, s. the act of pressing one body upon another; mark made by pressure; image fixed in the mind

IMPULSE, s. communicated love; the effect of one body upon another

IMPU'NITY, s. freedom from punishment; exemption from punishment

INABI'LITY, s. want of power; impotence

INACCE'SSIBLE, a. not to be reached or approached

INA'CTIVE, a. sluggish; slothful; not quick

INCA'LCULABLE, a. that which cannot be counted

INCAPA'CITATE, v.a. disable; weaken; disqualify

INCARNA'TION, s. the act of assuming body

INCE'NTIVE, s. that which kindles; that which provokes; that which encourages; spur

INCE'SSANT, a. unceasing; continual

I'NCIDENT, s. something happening beside the main design; casualty

INCLO'SURE, s. a place surrounded or fenced in

INCLU'DE, v.a. comprise; shut

INCONCE'IVABLE, a. incomprehensible

INCONSI'DERABLE, a. unworthy of notice; unimportant

INCONSI'STENT, a. contrary; absurd; incompatible

INCRE'DIBLE, a. surpassing belief; not to be credited

INCU'LCATE, v.a. impress by frequent admonitions

INCU'RSION, s. an expedition

INDENTA'TION, s. an indenture; having a wavy figure

I'NDICATE, v.a. show; point out

INDI'CTMENT, s. an accusation presented in a court of justice

INDIGNA'TION, s. wrath; anger

INDISCRI'MINATE, a. without choice; impartially

INDISPE'NSABLE, a. not to be spared; necessary

INDIVI'DUAL, a. single; numerically one; undivided; separate from others of the same species

INDU'CE, v.a. persuade; enforce; bring into view

INDU'LGENCE, s. fond kindness; tenderness; favour granted

INDU'STRIOUS, a. diligent; laborious

I'NDUSTRY, s. diligence; cheerful labour

INEQUA'LITY, s. difference of comparative quantity

INE'VITABLE, a. unavoidable

INEXHA'USTIBLE, a. not to be spent or consumed; incapable of being spent

INEXPRE'SSIBLE, a. not to be told; unutterable

I'NFANTRTY, s. a body of foot soldiers; foot soldiery

INFA'TUATE, v.a. to strike with folly; to deprive of understanding

INFE'RIOR, a. lower in place, station, or value

I'NFIDEL, s. an unbeliever; a Pagan; one who rejects Christianity

I'NFINITE, a. unbounded; unlimited; immense

INFINITE'SSIMAL, a. infinitely divided

INFI'NITY, s. immensity; endless number

INFI'RMITY, s. weakness of age or temper; weakness; malady

INFLA'TE, v.a. to swell; to make larger

INFLE'XIBLE, a. not to be bent; immoveable; not to be changed

INFLI'CT, v.a. to impose as a punishment

I'NFLUENCE, s. power of directing or modifying

INFLUE'NTIAL, a. exerting influence or power

INGE'NIOUS, a. witty; inventive

INGENU'ITY, s. wit; invention; genius; subtlety

INGLO'RIOUS, a. void of honour; mean; without glory

INGRA'TITUDE, s. unthankfulness

INHA'BITANT, s. dweller; one that lives in a place

INHE'RENT, a. existing in something else, so as to be inseparable from it; innate

INI'MITABLE, a. not able to be imitated; that which is incapable of imitation

INJU'RIOUS, a. hurtful; baneful; capable of injuring; that which injures; destructive

INJU'STICE, s. iniquity; wrong

INNU'MEROUS, a. innumerable; too many to be counted

INQUI'SITIVE, a. curious; busy in search; active to pry into everything

INSCRI'PTION, s. something written or engraved; title

I'NSECT, s. a small animal. Insects are so called from a separation in the middle of their bodies, whereby they are cut into two parts, which are joined together by a small ligature, as we see in wasps and common flies

INSE'NSIBLY, ad. imperceptibly; in such a manner as is not discovered by the senses

INSE'RT, v.a. place in or among other things

INSI'DIOUS, a. sly; diligent to entrap; treacherous

INSI'GNIA, s. ensigns; arms

INSIGNI'FICANT, a. unimportant

INSI'PID, a. tasteless; void of taste

INSIPI'DITY, s. want of taste; want of life or spirit

I'NSOLENCE, s. petulant contempt

INSPE'CT, v.a. to examine; to look over

INSPE'CTION, s. prying examination; superintendence

INSPIRA'TION, s. infusion of ideas into the mind by divine power; the act of drawing breath

INSTABI'LITY, s. inconstancy; fickleness

I'NSTANT, a. instant is such a part of duration wherein we perceive no succession; present or current month

I'NSTANTLY, ad. immediately

I'NSTINCT, s. natural desire or aversion; natural tendency

INSTITU'TION, s. establishment; settlement; positive law

INSTRU'CT, v.a. teach; form by precept; form authoritatively; educate; model; form

INSTRU'CTION, s. the act of teaching; information

INSUFFI'CIENT, a. inadequate to any need, use, or purpose; unfit

INTE'GRITY, s. honesty; straightforwardness; uprightness

INTELLE'CTUAL, a. relating to the understanding; mental; transacted by the understanding

INTE'LLIGENCE, s. commerce of information; spirit; understanding

INTE'LLIGIBLE, a. possible to be understood

INTE'MPERANCE, s. the act of overdoing something

INTE'NSE, a. excessive; very great

INTE'R, v.a. cover under ground; to bury

INTERCE'PT, v.a. to hinder; to stop

I'NTERCOURSE, s. commerce; communication

I'NTEREST, s. concern; advantage; good; influence over others

INTERE'ST, v.n. affect; move; touch with passion

INTERLO'CUTOR, s. a dialogist; one that talks with another

INTERME'DIATE, a. intervening; interposed

INTE'RMINABLE, a. immense; without limits

INTE'RPRETER, s. one that interprets

INTERRU'PT, v.a. hinder the process of anything by breaking in upon it

INTERSE'CTION, s. point where lines cross each other

I'NTERSPACE, s. space between

INTERSPE'RSE, v.a. to scatter here and there among other things

INTERVE'NE, v.n. to come between

I'NTERVIEW, s. mutual sight; sight of each other

INTERWE'AVE, v.a. to intermingle; to mix one with another in a regular texture

I'NTIMATE, a. inmost; inward; near; familiar

INTONA'TION, s. the act of thundering

INTO'XICATE, v.a. to inebriate; to make drunk

I'NTRICATE, a. entangled; perplexed; obscure

INTRI'GUER, s. one that intrigues

INTRI'NSIC, a. inward; real; true

INTRODU'CTION, s. the act of bringing anything into notice or practice; the preface or part of a book containing previous matter

INTRU'DER, s. one who forces himself into company or affairs without right or welcome

INUNDA'TION, s. the overflow of waters; the flood; a confluence of any kind

INVA'LUABLE, a. precious above estimation

INVA'RIABLE, a. unchangeable; constant

INVESTIGATION, s. the act of investigating; the state of being investigated

INVI'NCIBLE, a. not capable of being conquered

INVI'SIBLE, a. not to be seen

I'RIS, s. the rainbow; the circle round the pupil of the eye

IRRA'DIATE, v.a. brighten; animate by heat or light; illuminate

IRRE'GULAR, a. deviating from rule, custom, or nature

I'RRIGATE, v.a. wet; moisten; water

I'RRITATE, v.a. provoke; tease; agitate

IRRITA'TION, s. provocation; stimulation

I'SLAND, s. a tract of land surrounded by water

I'SSUE, v.a. send forth

ITA'LIC, s. a letter in the Italian character

JA'VELIN, s. a spear; a dart; an implement of war

JE'ALOUSY, s. suspicion in love; suspicious fear; suspicious caution

JE'WEL, s. a precious stone; a teem

JO'CUND, a. merry; gay; lively

JO'URNEY, s. the travel of a day; passage from place to place

JO'YOUS, a. glad; gay; merry; giving joy

JUDI'CIOUS, a. prudent; wise; skilful

JU'GGLER, s. one who practises sleight of hand

JU'NCTION, s. union; coalition

JU'STIFY, v.a. clear from imputed guilt; maintain

KANGARO'O, s. an animal found in Australia

KE'RNEL, s. anything included in a husk; the seeds of pulpy fruits

KI'NGDOM, s. the territories subject to a monarch; a different class or order of beings, as the mineral kingdom; a region

KNI'GHTHOOD, s. the character or dignity of a knight

KNO'WLEDGE, s. information

KNU'CKLE, s. joints of the fingers, protuberant when the fingers close

LABU'RNUM, s. a kind of tree

LA'MENTABLE, a. deplorable

LAMENTA'TION, s. expression of sorrow; audible grief

LA'NCEOLATE, a. in a lance-like form

LA'NDSCAPE, s. the prospect of a country; a picture of the prospect of a country

LA'NGUAGE, s. human speech; style; manner of expression

LA'NGUOR, s. faintness; softness; inattention

LA'RVA, s. an insect in the caterpillar state

LA'TENT, a. concealed; invisible

LA'TERALLY, ad. by the side

LA'TITUDE, s. latent diffusion; a certain degree reckoned from the Equator

LA'TTER, a. lately done or past; mentioned last of two

LA'VA, s. molten substance projected from volcanoes

LE'AFLET, s. a small leaf

LE'GION, s. a body of Roman soldiers, consisting of about five thousand; military force; a great number

LE'NITY, s. mildness; gentleness

LENS, s. a glass spherically convex on both sides

LEVA'NT, s. east, particularly those coasts of the Mediterranean east of Italy

LEVI'ATHAN, s. a water-animal mentioned in the Book of Job

LI'ABLE, a. subject; not exempt

LI'BERAL, a. not mean; generous; bountiful

LI'BERATE, v.a. free from confinement

LI'BERTY, s. freedom, as opposed to slavery; privilege; permission

LICE'NTIOUSNESS, s. boundless liberty; contempt of just restraint

LI'CHEN, s. moss

LIEUTE'NANT, s. a deputy; in war, one who holds the next rank to a superior of any denomination

LI'GHTHOUSE, s. a house built either upon a rock or some other place of danger, with a light, in order to warn ships of danger

LI'NEAR, a. composed of lines; having the form of lines

LI'QUID, a. not solid; fluid; soft; clear

LI'QUOR, s. anything liquid; strong drink, in familiar language

LI'STEN, v.a. hear; attend

LI'TERALLY, ad. with close adherence to words

LI'TERARY, a. respecting letters; regarding learning

LI'TERATURE, s. learning; skill in letters

LI'TURGY, s. form of prayer

LOCA'LITY, s. existence in place

LOCOMO'TIVE, a. changing place; having the power of removing or changing place

LO'CUST, s. a devouring insect

LU'DICROUS, a. fantastic; laughable; whimsical

LU'MINARY, a. any body which gives light

LU'MINOUS, a. shining; enlightened

LU'NAR, a. that which relates to the moon

LU'PINE, s. a kind of pulse

LUXU'RIANT, a. superfluously plentiful

MACHINE, s. an engine; any complicated work in which one part contributes to the motion of another

MACHI'NERY, s. enginery; complicated workmanship

MAGAZI'NE, s. a storehouse

MA'GICAL, a. acted or performed by secret and invisible powers

MAGNANI'MITY, s. greatness of mind

MAGNA'NIMOUS, a. of great mind; of open heart

MAGNI'FICENT, a. grand in appearance; splendid; otherwise, pompous

MAJE'STIC, a. august; having dignity; grand

MAJO'RITY, s. the state of being greater; the greater number; the office of a major

MALE'VOLENCE, s. ill-will; inclination to hurt others

MA'LICE, s. hatred; enmity; desire of hurting

MALI'CIOUS, a. desirous of hurting; with wicked design

MALI'GNANT, a. envious; malicious; mischievous

MALI'GNITY, s. ill-will; enmity

MA'NDIBLE, s. a jaw

MA'NKIND, s. the race or species of human beings

MA'NNER, s. form; method; way; mode; sort

MANUFA'CTORY, s. a place where a manufacture is carried on

MANOEUVRE, s. a stratagem; a trick

MARA'UDER, s. a soldier that roves in quest of plunder

MA'RGIN, s. the brink; the edge

MA'RINER, s. a seaman

MA'RITIME, a. that which relates to the sea

MA'RSHAL, v.a. arrange; rank in order

MA'RTYR, s. one who by his death bears witness to the truth

MA'RVELLOUS, a. wonderful; strange; astonishing

MA'SONRY, s. the craft or performance of a mason

MA'SSACRE, s. butchery; murder

MA'SSIVE, a. heavy; weighty; ponderous; bulky; continuous

MA'STERPIECE, s. chief excellence

MATE'RIAL, a. consisting of matter; not spiritual; important

MATHEMA'TICS, s. that science which contemplates whatever is capable of being numbered or measured

MA'XIM, s. general principle; leading truth

ME'ASURE, s. that by which anything is measured; proportion; quantity; time; degree

MECHA'NIC, s. a workman

MECHA'NICAL, a. constructed by the laws of mechanics

ME'DAL, s. a piece of metal stamped in honour of some remarkable performance

MEDI'CINAL, a. having the power of healing; belonging to physic

MEDITA'TION, s. deep thought; contemplation

ME'DIUM, s. the centre point between two extremes

ME'LANCHOLY, a. gloomy; dismal; sorrowful

ME'LLOW, a. soft with ripeness; soft; unctuous

MELO'DIOUS, a. musical; harmonious

ME'MBRANE, s. a web of several sorts of fibres, interwoven for the wrapping up some parts; the fibres give them an elasticity, whereby they can contract and closely grasp the parts they contain

MEMBRA'NOUS, a. consisting of membranes

ME'MOIR, s. an account of anything

ME'MORABLE, a. worthy of memory; not to be forgotten

ME'MORY, s. the power of retaining or recollecting things past; recollection

MENA'GERIE, s. a place for keeping foreign birds and other curious animals

ME'NTION, v.a. to express in words or in writing

ME'RCHANDISE, s. commerce; traffic; wares; anything to be bought or sold

ME'RCHANTMAN, s. a ship of trade

META'LLIC, a. partaking of metal; consisting of metal

ME'TEOR, s. any body in the air or sky that is of a transitory nature

ME'TRICAL, a. pertaining to metre or numbers; consisting of verses

METROPO'LITAN, a. belonging to a metropolis

MI'CROSCOPE, s. an optical instrument, contrived to give to the eye a large appearance of many objects which could not otherwise be seen

MI'LITARY, a. engaged in the life of a soldier; soldierlike warlike; pertaining to war; affected by soldiers

MIND, s. intellectual capacity; memory; opinion

MI'NERAL, s. fossil body; something dug out of mines

MI'NSTER, s. a monastery; a cathedral church

MI'NSTRELSY, s. music; instrumental harmony

MINU'TE, a. small; little; slender

MI'RACLE, s. a wonder; something above human power

MIRA'CULOUS, a. done by miracle

MI'RROR, s. a looking-glass

MI'SERY, s. wretchedness; calamity; misfortune

MISFO'RTUNE, s. calamity; ill-luck

MI'SSILE, s. something thrown by the hand

MI'SSIONARY, s. one sent to propagate religion

MI'XTURE, s. the act of mixing; that which is added and mixed

MO'ATED, a. surrounded with canals by way of defence

MO'DERATE, a. temperate; not excessive

MODERA'TION, s. state of keeping a due mean between extremities

MO'DESTY, s. decency; purity of manners

MODULA'TION, s. the act of forming anything to certain proportion; harmony

MO'LTEN, part. pass. the state of being melted

MO'MENT, s. an individual particle of time; force; importance

MOME'NTUM, s. the quantity of motion in a moving body

MO'NARCH, s. a sovereign; a ruler; a king or queen

MO'NASTERY, s. a residence of monks

MO'NEY, s. metal coined for the purposes of commerce

MO'NKEY, s. an animal bearing some resemblance to man; a word of contempt, or slight kindness

MO'NUMENT, s. anything by which the memory of persons or things is preserved; a memorial; a tomb

MO'RALIST, s. one who teaches the duties of life

MORA'LITY, s. the doctrine of the duties of life

MO'RNING, s. the first part of the day

MO'RTAR, s. a cement for fixing bricks together; otherwise, a kind of cannon for firing bomb-shells; a kind of vessel in which anything is broken by a pestle

MO'RTIFY, v.a. destroy vital properties, or active powers; vex; humble; depict; corrupt; die away

MO'SLEM, s. a Mussulman; relating to the Mahometan form of religion

MOSQUE, s. a Mahometan temple

MO'TION, s. the act of changing place; action; agitation; proposal made

MO'ULDED, v.n. be turned to dust; perish in dust

MO'UNTAINOUS, a. hilly; full of mountains; huge

MO'VEABLE, a. capable of being moved; portable

MULETE'ER, s. mule-driver; horse-boy

MULTIPLI'CITY, s. more than one of the same kind; state of being many

MU'LTITUDE, s. a large crowd of people; a vast assembly

MU'RMUR, v.n. grumble; utter secret and sullen discontent

MU'SSULMAN, s. a Mahometan believer

MU'TILATE, v.a. deprive of some essential part

MU'TUALLY, ad. reciprocally; in return

MY'RIAD, s. the number of ten thousand; proverbially any great number

NA'RROW, a. not broad or wide; small; close; covetous; near

NA'TION, s. a people distinguished from another people

NA'TIVE, a. original; natural

NA'TIVE, s. one born in any place

NA'TURAL, a. produced or effected by nature; not forced; tender

NA'TURALIST, s. one who studies nature, more especially as regards inferior animals, plants, &c.

NA'TURE, s. constitution of an animated body; regular course of things; disposition of mind; native state or properties of anything; sort; species

NAU'TICAL, a. that which relates to a sailor

NA'VIGABLE, a. capable of being passed by ships or boats

NAVIGA'TOR, s. a sailor; seaman

NE'CESSARY, a. needful

NECE'SSITY, s. compulsion; want; need; poverty

NEGO'TIATION, s. treaty of business

NEI'GHBOURHOOD, s. vicinity; place adjoining

NE'ITHER, pron. not either; nor one nor other

NICHE, s. a hollow hi which a statue may be placed

NIDIFICA'TION, s. the act of building nests

NI'MBLY, ad. quickly; speedily; actively

NI'TROUS, a. impregnated with nitre

NOBI'LITY, s. high-mindedness; the highest class of people in civilized life

NO'BLE, a. magnificent; great; illustrious

NO'TICE, s. remark; heed; regard; information

NOTWITHSTA'NDING, conj. although; nevertheless

NO'XIOUS, a. hurtful; harmful; baneful; guilty

NU'MBER, s. many; more than one.

NU'MBERLESS, a. more than can be reckoned

NU'MEROUS, a. containing many; consisting of many

NU'TRIMENT, s. food

OBE'DIENCE, s. submission to authority

OBE'ISANCE, s. courtesy

O'BJECT, s. that about which any power or faculty is employed

OBJE'CTION, s. adverse argument; criminal charge; fault found; the act of opposing anything

OBLI'QUE, a. not direct; not parallel; not perpendicular

OBLI'VION, s. forgetfulness

OBNO'XIOUS, a. hateful; hurtful; injurious

OBSERVA'TION, s. the act of observing, noticing, or remarking; note; remark

OBSE'RVE, v.a. watch; regard attentively note; obey; follow

O'BSTINACY, s. stubbornness

OBSTRU'CT, v.a. block up; oppose; hinder

OCCA'SION, s. occurrence; casualty; incident; opportunity; convenience

OCCA'SION, v.a. cause; produce; influence

O'CCUPY, v.a. possess; keep; take up; employ; use

OFFE'NSIVE, a. displeasing; disgusting; injurious

O'FFER, v.a. present itself; be at hand; be present

O'FFER, v.a. propose; present; sacrifice

O'FFICE, s. a public charge or employment; agency; business

OLFA'CTORY, a. having the sense of smelling

O'LIVE, s. a plant producing oil; the fruit of the tree; the emblem of peace

O'MINOUS, a. exhibiting bad tokens of futurity

OMI'SSION, s. neglect of duty; neglect to do something

OMNI'POTENT, s. the Almighty

OMNIPRE'SENCE, s. unbounded presence

OMNI'SCIENCE, s. boundless knowledge; infinite wisdom

O'NSET, s. attack; storm; assault

O'PAL, s. a precious stone

O'PALINE, a. resembling opal

OPPORTU'NITY, s. convenience; suitableness of circumstances to any end

OPPRE'SS, v.a. crush by hardship or unreasonable severity; overpower; subdue

OPPRE'SSOR, s. one who harasses others with unreasonable or unjust severity

O'PTICAL, a. relating to the science of optics

O'PTICS, s. the science of the nature and laws of vision

O'PULENT, a. rich

O'RACLE, s. something delivered by supernatural wisdom; the place where, or persons of whom, the determinations of heaven are inquired

O'RAL, a. delivered by mouth; not written

O'RATOR, s. a public speaker; a man of eloquence

O'RBIT, s. a circle; path of a heavenly body

O'RCHARD, s. a garden of fruit trees

O'RCHIS, s. a kind of flowering plant

O'RDER, s. method; regularity; command; a rank or class; rule

O'RDINANCE, s. law; rule; appointment

O'RDINARY, a. established; regular; common; of low rank

O'RDNANCE, s. cannon; great guns

O'RGAN, s. natural instrument: as the tongue is the organ of speech. A musical instrument

ORGA'NIC, a. consisting of various parts co-operating with each other

O'RGANISM, s. organic structure

O'RIENT, a. eastern; oriental; bright; gaudy

ORI'GINAL, a. primitive; first

O'RNAMENT, v.a. embellish; decorate

OSCILLA'TION, a. the act of moving backward or forward like a pendulum

O'SSEOUS, a. bony; resembling bone

OSTENTA'TION, s. outward show; pride of riches or power

OSTRICH, s. a large bird

OTHERWISE, ad. in a different manner; by other causes; in other respects

OU'TLET, s. passage outward

OU'TSET, s. setting out; departure

OU'TWARD, a. external; opposed to inward.

OVERFLO'W, v.a. deluge; drown; overrun; fill beyond the brim

OVERTA'KE, v.a. catch anything by pursuit; come up to something going before

OVERTHRO'W, v.a. turn upside down; throw down; ruin; defeat; destroy

OVERWHE'LM, v.a. crush underneath something violent and weighty; overlook gloomily

PACI'FIC, a. mild; gentle; appeasing

PA'LACE, a. a royal house

PA'LTRY, a. worthless; contemptible; mean

PA'RADISE, s. the blissful region in which the first pair were placed; any place of felicity

PA'RALLEL, a. extending in the same direction; having the same tendency

PARALLE'LOGRAM, s. in geometry, a right-lined four-sided figure, whose opposite sides are parallel and equal

PA'RAPET, s. a wall breast high

PA'RCEL, s. a small bundle; a part of a whole

PA'RDON, s. forgiveness

PARO'CHIAL, a. belonging to a parish

PARO'TIDA-SA'LIVART, a. glands so named because near the ear

PA'RTICLE, s. any small quantity of a greater substance; a word unvaried by inflection

PARTICULAR, s. a single instance; a minute detail of things singly enumerated. IN PARTICULAR, peculiarly; distinctly

PARTICULARLY, ad. in an extraordinary degree; distinctly

PA'SSAGE, s. act of passing; road; way; entrance or exit; part of a book

PA'SSENGER, s. traveller; a wayfarer; one who hires in any vehicle the liberty of travelling

PA'SSIONATE, a. moved by passion; easily moved to anger

PA'SSIVE, a. unresisting; suffering; not acting

PA'STORAL, a. rural; rustic; imitating shepherds

PATHE'TIC, a. affecting the passions; moving

PA'THOS, s. passion; warmth; affection of the mind

PA'THWAY, s. a road; a narrow way to be passed on foot.

PA'TIENCE, s. the power of suffering; perseverance

PA'TIENTLY, ad. with steadfast resignation; with hopeful confidence

PA'TRIARCH, a. one who governs by paternal right; the father and ruler of a family

PA'THIMONY, s. an estate possessed by inheritance

PA'TRIOT, s. one who loves his country

PA'TRON, s. one who countenances, supports, or protects; defender

PEA'CEABLE, a. not quarrelsome; not turbulent

PE'CTORAL, a. belonging to the breast

PECU'LIAR, a. appropriate; not common to other things; particular

PECULIARITY, s. particularity; something found only in one

PE'DESTAL, a. the lower member of a pillar; the basis of a statue

PE'DIMENT, s. an ornament that finishes the fronts of buildings, and serves as a decoration over gates

PE'NANCE, s. infliction, either public or private, suffered as an expression of repentance for sin

PE'NDULOUS, a. hanging

PE'NETRATE, v.a. enter beyond the surface; make way into a body; affect the mind

PENINSULA, s. laud almost surrounded by water

PE'NURY, s. poverty; indigence

PE'OPLE, s. a nation; the vulgar

PERCEI'VE, v.a. discover by some sensible effects; know; observe

PERCE'PTIBLE, a. such as may be known or observed

PERFECTION, s. the state of being perfect

PERFO'RM, v.a. execute; do; accomplish

PE'RFORATE, v.a. pierce with a tool; bore

PERHA'PS, ad. peradventure; may be

PE'RIL, s. danger; hazard; jeopardy

PE'RIOD, s. length of duration; a complete sentence from one full stop to another; the end or conclusion

PE'RISIH, v.n. die; be destroyed; be lost; come to nothing

PE'RMANENT, a. durable; unchanged; of long continuance

PERNI'CIOUS, a. destructive; baneful

PERPENDICULAR, a. a straight line up and down

PERPE'TUAL, a. never-ceasing; continual

PERPLE'X, v.a. disturb; distract; tease; plague

PERPLE'XITY, s. anxiety; entanglement

PE'RSECUTE, v.a. to harass or pursue with malignity

PERSEVE'RANCE, s. persistence in any design or attempt; constancy in progress

PERTINA'CITY, s. obstinacy; stubbornness; constancy

PERTURBA'TION, s. restlessness; disturbance

PERU'SAL, s. the act of reading

PETI'TION, s. request; entreaty; single branch or article of prayer

PHA'LANX, s. a troop of men closely embodied

PHENO'MENON, s. appearance

PHILOSOPHER, s. a man deep in knowledge

PHILOSOPHICAL, a. belonging to philosophy

PHILO'SOPHY, s. moral or natural knowledge

PHY'SICAL, a. relating to nature or to natural philosophy; medicinal; relating to health

PICTO'RIAL, a. produced by a painter

PIC'TURESQUE, a. beautiful; magnificent

PI'LCHARD, s. a kind of fish

PI'LGRIMAGE, s. a long journey

PI'OUS, a. careful of the duties owed by created beings to God; godly; religious

PI'RATE, s. a sea robber

PISTA'CHIO, s. a dry fruit of an oblong figure

PI'TIABLE, a. that which deserves pity

PLA'CABLE, a. willing or able to be appeased

PLA'INTIVE, a. complaining; lamenting; expressive of sorrow

PLA'NETARY, a. pertaining to the planets; produced by the planets

PLANTATION, s. a place planted; a colony

PLAU'SIBLY, ad. with fair show

PLEA'SANT, a. delightful; cheerful; merry

PLEA'SANTRY, s. merriment; lively talk

PLEA'SURE, s. delight

PLE'NTIFUL, a. copious; fruitful; abundant

PLI'ABLE, a. flexible; easy to be bent; easy to be persuaded; capable of being plied

PLI'ANT, a. bending; flexible; easy to take a form

PLU'MAGE, s. feathers; suit of feathers

PNY'X, s. a place where assemblies of the people were held

PO'ETRY, s. sublime thought expressed in sublime language

POI'GNANCY, s. power of irritation; sharpness

POI'SON, s. that which taken into the body destroys or injures life; anything infectious or malignant

POLI'TE, a. glossy; smooth; elegant of manners

POLITICAL, a. that which relates to politics; that which relates to public affairs; also cunning, skilful

PO'PULAR, a. vulgar; familiar; well known

POPULARITY, a. state of being favoured by the people; representation suited to vulgar conception

POPULA'TION, s. the state of a country with respect to numbers of people

PO'RTABLE, a. manageable by the hand; supportable

PO'RTION, s. a part; an allotment

PORTMA'NTEAU, s. a chest, or bag, in which clothes are carried

POSI'TION, s. state of being placed; situation

PO'SITIVE, o. absolute; particular; real; certain

POSSE'SS, v.a. have as an owner; be master of; seize; obtain

POSSESSION, s. property; the thing possessed

POSSIBLE, a. having the power to be or to be done; not contrary to the nature of things

POSTE'RITY, s. succeeding generations

PO'TENTATE, s. monarch; prince; sovereign

PO'WER, s. command; authority; ability; strength; faculty of the mind

PRACTICABLE, a. capable of being practised

PRA'CTICAL, o. relating to action; not merely speculative.

PRAE'TOR, s. a functionary among the ancient Romans

PRAI'RIE, s. a meadow

PRECAUTION, s. preservative caution; preventive measures

PRECE'PTOR, s. a teacher; an Instructor

PRE'CINCT, s. outward limit; boundary

PRECI'PITOUS, a. headlong; steep

PREDECE'SSOR, s. one who was in any state or place before another; ancestor

PREDOMINANCE, s. prevalence; ascendancy

PREDOMINANT, a. prevalent; ascendant; supreme influence

PREDOMINATE, v.n. prevail; be supreme in influence

PREFI'X, v.a. appoint beforehand; settle; establish; put before another thing

PRELI'MINARY, a. previous; introductory

PREJUDICE, s. prepossession; judgment formed beforehand; mischief; injury

PREPARATION, s. anything made by process of operation; previous measures

PREROGATIVE, s. an exclusive or peculiar privilege

PRE'SCIENT, a. foreknowing; prophetic

PRESENT, a. not past; not future; ready at hand; not absent; being face to face; being now in view

PRESE'NT, v.a. offer; exhibit

PRESE'RVE, v.a. save; keep; defend from destruction or any evil

PRESU'MPTION, s. arrogance; blind confidence

PREVE'NT, v.a. hinder; obviate; obstruct

PRINCIPAL, a. chief; capital; essential; important; considerable

PRINCIPLE, s. constituent part; original cause

PRO'BABLE, a. likely

PRO'BABLY, a. very likely

PROBA'TION, s. proof; trial; noviciate

PROCEE'D, v.n. pass from one thing or place to another; go forward; issue; arise; carry on; act; transact

PRO'CESS, s. course of law; course

PROCE'SSION, s. a train marching in ceremonious solemnity

PRODI'GIOUS, a. enormous; amazing; monstrous

PRO'DUCE, s. amount; profit; that which anything yields or brings

PRODU'CE, v.a. offer to the view or notice; bear; cause; effect

PRODU'CTION, s. the act of producing; fruit; product; composition

PROFESSION, s. vocation; known employment

PROFU'SE, a. lavish; too liberal

PROFUSION, s. extravagance; abundance

PRO'GRESS, s. course; advancement; motion forward

PROHI'BIT, v.a. forbid; debar; hinder

PROJE'CT, v.a. throw out; scheme; contrive; form in the mind

PRO'PAGATE, v.a. extend; widen; promote

PRO'PER, a. fit; exact; peculiar

PRO'PHECY, s. a declaration of something to come

PROPHE'TIC, a. foreseeing or foretelling future events

PROPORTION, s. symmetry; form; size; ratio

PROPOSITION, s. one of the three parts of a regular argument, in which anything is affirmed or denied; proposal

PROPRIETOR, s. possessor in his own right

PROPRI'ETY, s. accuracy; justness

PROSA'IC, a. belonging to or resembling prose

PROTE'CTOR, s. defender; supporter; guardian

PROTRU'DE, v.a. thrust forward

PROVI'DE, v.a. procure; furnish; supply; stipulate

PROVIDE'NTIAL, a. effected by Providence; referrible to Providence

PRO'VINCE, s. a conquered country; a region

PROVINCIAL, a. that which relates to provinces

PROVISION, s. the act of providing beforehand; measures taken beforehand; stock collected; victuals

PROVOCATION, s. an act or cause by which anger is raised; an appeal to a judge

PROXI'MITY, s. nearness

PTA'RMIGAN, s. (pronounced tar-mi-gan) a bird of the grouse species

PU'BLIC, s. the people; general view; open view

PU'LLEY, s. a small wheel turning on a pivot, with a furrow on its outside, in which a rope runs

PU'NISH, v.a. to chastise; to afflict with penalties or death for some crime

PU'NISHED, a. chastised

PU'PIL, s. a scholar; one under the care of a tutor

PU'RCHASE, v.a. acquire; buy for a price

PU'RITY, s. clearness; freedom from foulness or dirt; freedom from guilt; innocence

PU'RPOSE, v.t. intention; design; instance

PU'TRIFY, v.n. to rot

PU'ZZLE, v.a. perplex; confound; tease; entangle

PY'RAMID, s. a solid figure, whose base is a polygon and whose sides are plain triangles, their several points meeting in one

PYTHA'GORAS, s. the originator of the present system universe

PYTHAGORE'ANS, s. followers of Pythagoras

QUALIFICATION, s. accomplishment; that which makes any person or thing fit for anything

QUA'NTITY, s. any indeterminate weight or measure; bulk or weight; a portion; a part

QUA'RRY, s. game flown at by a hawk; a stone mine

RA'DIANT, a. shining; emitting rays

RAMIFICA'TION, s. division or separation into branches; small branches; branching out

RA'NCID, a. strong scented

RAPA'CIOUS, a. given to plunder; seizing by violence

RAPI'DITY, s. celerity; velocity; swiftness

RA'PTURE, s. transport; haste

RA'TTLE, s. a quick noise nimbly repeated; empty and loud talk; a plant

RA'TTLESNAKE, s. a kind of serpent, which has a rattle at the end of its tail

REA'CTION, s. the reciprocation of any impulse or force impressed, made by the body on which such an impression is made

RE'ALISE, v.a. bring into being or act; convert money into land.

REA'SON, s. the power by which man deduces one proposition from another; cause; ground or principle; motive; moderation

REASONABLENESS, s. the faculty of reason

REASONING, s. an argument

REBE'LLION, s. insurrection against lawful authority

RECE'DE, v.n. fall back; retreat; desist

RECEI'VE, v.a. obtain; admit; entertain as a guest

RE'CENT, a. new; late; fresh

RECE'PTACLE, s. a vessel or place into which anything is received

RECOGNITION, s. review; renovation of knowledge; acknowledgment; memorial

RECOLLE'CTION, s. recovery of notion; revival in the memory

RECOMME'ND, v.a. make acceptable; praise another; commit with prayers

RECOMMENDA'TION, s. the act of recommending; that which secures to one a kind reception from another

RE'COMPENSE, s. reward; compensation

RECOMPENSE, v.a. repay; reward; redeem

RE'CORD, s. register; authentic memorial

RECREA'TION, s. relief after toil or pain; amusement; diversion

RE'CTIFY, v.a. to make right

RE'CTITUDE, s. straightness; rightness; uprightness

REDE'MPTION, s. ransom; relief; purchase of God's favour by the death of Christ

REDU'CE, v.a. bring back; subdue; degrade

REFLECTION, s. that which is reflected; thought thrown back upon the past; attentive consideration

REFLE'CTOR, s. considerer

REFRA'CT, v.n. break the natural course of rays

REFU'LGENT, a. bright; splendid

REGA'LIA, s. ensigns of Royalty

REGA'RD, v.a. observe; remark; pay attention to

RE'GIMENT, s. a body of soldiers under one colonel

RE'GION, s. tract of land; country

RE'GULAR, a. methodical; orderly

REINFO'RCE, v.a. strengthen again

REJE'CT, v.a. cast off; refuse; throw aside

RE'LATIVE, s. a near friend; a relation; a kinsman

RE'LATIVE, a. having relation

RELAXATION, s. the act of loosening

RELA'XED, a. slackened; loosened; let loose; diverted; eased; refreshed

RELEA'SE, v.a. quit; let go; slacken; free from

RELE'NT, v.n. slacken; remit; soften; melt

RE'LIC, s. that which remains

RELIE'VE, v.a. ease pain or sorrow; succour by assistance; support; assist

RELI'GION, s. a system of divine faith and worship

RELU'CTANT, a. unwilling; acting with repugnance

REMAI'N, v.n. continue; endure; be left

REMAINDER, s. the part left

REMA'RKABLE, a. observable; worthy of note

RE'MEDY, s. a medicine by which any illness is cured; that which counteracts any evil; reparation

REME'MBER, v.a. bear in mind; not to

REMO'NSTRANCE, s. strong representation

REMO'RSELESS, a. without remorse

RE'NDER, v.a. restore; give back; represent; exhibit; give

REPEA'T, v.a. use again; do again; speak again

REPO'RT, s. rumour; popular fame; sound; loud noise

RE'PRESENT, v.a. exhibit; describe; personate; exhibit to show

REPRESENTA'TION, s. image; likeness; public exhibition

REPRIE'VE, s. respite after sentence of death

REPRI'SAL, s. something seized by way of retaliation for robbery or injury

RE'PTILE, s. an animal that creeps on many feet

REPU'BLIC, s. commonwealth; a government without a King or other hereditary head

REPU'GNANT, a. disobedient; contrary; opposite

REPU'LSE, v.a. beat back; drive off

REPUTA'TION, s. character of good or bad; credit

REPU'TE, s. character; reputation

REQUE'ST, s. petition; entreaty; demand

RE'QUIEM, s. a hymn, in which they ask for the dead, requiem or rest

REQUISITE, a. necessary

RE'SCUE, v.a. set free from any violence, confinement, or danger

RESE'MBLE, v. a to be like; to compare; to represent as like something else

RESE'NTMENT, s. anger; deep sense of injury

RE'SERVOIR, s. a receiver; a large basin which receives water

RESIDENCE, s. dwelling; place of abode

RESOU'RCE, s. resort; expedient

RESPECTIVE, a. particular; relating to particular persons or things

RESPIRA'TION, s. the act of breathing; relief from toil

RESPLENDENT, a. bright; shining; having a beautiful lustre

RESPONSIBLE, a. answerable; accountable

RESTRAINT, s. abridgment of liberty; prohibition; restriction

RETALIATION, s. requital; return of like for like

RETA'RD, v.a. hinder; delay

RE'TINUE, s. a number attending upon a principal person; train

RETROSPECTION, s. act or faculty of looking backward

RETU'RN, s. the act of coming back to the same place; act of restoring or giving back

REVELA'TION, s. discovery; communication; apocalypse; the prophecy of St. John, revealing future things

REVE'NUE, s. income; annual profits received from lands or other funds

RE'VERENCE, s. veneration; respect; title of the clergy

REVE'RSE, v.a. turn upside down; overturn

RHINO'CERUS, s. a large animal with a horn on its nose

RHODODE'NDRON, s. the rose-bay

RI'BALDRY, s. mean, lewd, brutal language

RI'DICULE, s. contemptive mockery

RI'VET, v.a. fasten strongly

RI'VULET, s a small river; streamlet; brook

ROMA'NTIC, a. wild; fanciful

ROO'KERY, s. a nursery of rooks

ROYA'LIST, s. adherent to a King

RU'BY, s. a precious stone of a red colour

RU'DIMEMT, s. the first principle

RU'GGED, a. rough; uneven; rude

RU'STIC, a. rough; rude; pertaining to the country

RUSTI'CITY, s. rural appearance; simplicity

SA'CRAMENT, s. an oath; an outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace

SA'CRED, a. immediately relating to God; holy

SA'CRIFICE, v.a. offer to heaven; destroy or give up for the sake of something else; destroy; kill

SAGA'CITY, a. quickness of scent; acuteness of discovery

SA'LINE, a. consisting of salt; constituting bait

SA'NCTITY, s. holiness; goodness; purity

SA'NGUINARY, a. cruel; bloody; murderous

SA'PPHIRE, s. a precious stone, of a blue colour

SAU'RIAN, s. a reptile belonging to the order of Sauris or lizards

SAVA'NNAH, s. an open meadow without wood

SCABBARD, s. the sheath of a sword or dagger

SCE'NERY, s. the appearances of places or things; the background of the scenes of a play

SCE'PTRE, s. the ensign of royalty borne in the hand

SCI'ENCE, s. knowledge; certainty grounded, on demonstration

SCIENTIFIC, a. producing demonstrative knowledge

SCREECH, s. cry of horror and anguish; harsh cry

SCRI'PTURE, s. sacred writing; the Bible

SCU'RRY, a. mean; vile; dirty; worthless

SCU'LPTURE, s. carved work

SE'AMAN, s. a sailor

SE'ASON, s. one of the four parts of the year; a fit time

SE'CRET, s. something studiously hidden; privacy; solitude; a thing unknown

SECRE'TE, v.a. put aside; hide

SECU'RITY, s. protection; safety; certainty

SEE'MING, s. appearance; show; opinion

SELE'CT, v.a. choose in preference to others rejected

SELE'CTION, s. the act of choosing; choice

SE'MI-GLO'BULAR, a. half circular

SE'MINARY, s. place of education

SE'NATOR, s. a public counsellor

SENSA'TION, s. perception by means of the senses

SENSIBI'LITY, s. quickness of sensation; delicacy

SENSORIO'LA, s. plur. little sensoriums

SENSO'RIUM, s. the seat of sense; organ of sensation

SE'NTINEL, s. one who watches or keeps guard, to prevent surprise

SEPARATION, s. the act of separating; disunion

SE'QUEL, s. conclusion; consequence; event

SEQUE'STER, v.a. separate from others for the sake of privacy; remove; withdraw

SERE'NITY, s. calmness; mild temperature; peace; coolness of mind

SE'RIES, s. sequence; order; succession; course

SERRA'TED, a. formed with jags or indentures, like the edge of a saw

SE'RVANT, s. one who attends another, and acts at his command

SERVICEABLE, a. active; diligent; officious; useful; beneficial

SE'VERAL, a. different; divers; many

SHA'NTY, s. a temporary wooden building

SHE'LTER, s. cover; protection

SI'GNAL, s. a notice given by a sign; a sign that gives notice

SI'GNIFY, v.a. to declare; to make known; to declare by some token or sign; to express; to mean

SILT, s. mud; slime; consisting of mud

SI'MILAR, a. like; having resemblance

SIMPLICITY, s. plainness; not cunning; silliness

SIMULTANEOUS, a. acting together; existing at the same time

SINCE'RITY, s. honesty of intention

SI'NGER, s. one that tings; one whose profession or business is to sing

SI'NGULAR, a. single; particular

SI'TUATE, part. a. placed with respect to anything else; consisting

SKE'LETON, a. the bones of the body preserved together, as much as can be, in their natural situation

SKI'RMISH, s. slight fight; contest

SLA'TY, a. having the nature of slate

SLEIGHT, s. artful trick; dexterous practice

SLU'GGISH, a. slow; slothful; lazy, inactive

SOBRI'ETY, s. soberness; calmness; gravity

SOCI'ETY, s. company; community

SO'CKET, s. a hollow pipe; the receptacle of the eye

SO'LDIER, s. a fighting man; a warrior

SO'LEMN, a. religiously grave; awful; grave

SOLE'MNITY, s. gravity; religious ceremony

SOLI'CITOUS, a. anxious; careful; concerned

SOLI'CITUDE, s. anxiety; carefulness

SO'LID, a. not liquid; not fluid; not hollow; compact; strong; firm; sound; true; profound; grave

SOLI'LOQUY, s. a discourse made by one in solitude to himself

SO'LITARY, a. living alone; not having company

SO'LITUDE, s. loneliness; a lonely place

SO'RROW, s. grief; pain for something past; sadness

SOU'THERN, a. belonging to the south

SO'VEREIGN, s. supreme lord.

SPA'NGLE, s. any little thing sparkling and shining

SPA'NIEL, s. a dog used for sport in the field, remarkable for tenacity and obedience

SPEA'KER, s. one that speaks; the prolocutor of the Commons

SPE'CIES, s. a sort; class of nature; show

SPECIMEN, s. sample; a part of any thing exhibited, that the rest may be known

SPE'CTACLE, s. a show; sight

SPECTA'TOR, s. a looker-on; a beholder

SPECULA'TION, s. examination by the eye; view; spy

SPHE'RICAL, a. round; globular

SPI'CULA, s. plur. little spikes

SPI'CY, a. producing spice; aromatic

SPI'DER, s. the animal that spins a web for flies

SPI'RAL, a. curved; winding; circularly involved

SPI'RIT, s. breath; soul of man; apparition; temper

SPI'RITUAL, a. that which regards divinity; that which regards the soul; not temporal

SPLE'NDID, a. showy; magnificent; pompous

STABI'LITY, s. steadiness; strength to stand

STA'GNANT, a. motionless; still

STA'GNATE, v.a. lie motionless; have no stream

STA'NDARD, s. an ensign in war; a settled rate

STA'RLING, s. a bird that may be taught to whistle, and articulate words

STA'TESMAN, s. a politician; one employed in public affairs

STA'TION, v.a. place in a certain post or place

STA'TUE, s. an image; solid representation of any living being

STA'TURE, s. the height of any animal

STE'RIL, a. barren; unfruitful

STO'IC, s. an ancient philosopher of a particular sect, that met under the Stoa or portico of the temple

STO'ICAL, a. pertaining to the Stoics

STRA'TAGEM, s. an artifice in war; a trick by which some advantage is gained

STRU'CTURE, s. building; form

STRU'GGLE, v.n. labour; strive; contend

STU'DENT, s. a bookish man; a scholar

STUPE'NDOUS, a. wonderful; amazing; astonishing

STU'PIFY, v.a. make stupid; deprive of sensibility

SUB-DIVI'DE, v.a. to divide a part into more parts

SUBDIVI'SION, s. the act of subdividing; the parts distinguished by a second division

SUBDU'E, v.a. crush; oppress; conquer; tame

SUB'JECT, s. one who lives under the dominion of another; that on which any operation is performed

SUBME'RGE, v.a. to put under water; to drown

SUBMI'SSIVE, a. humble

SU'BSEQUENT, a. following in train

SUBSI'STENCE, s. competence; means of supporting life; inherence in something else

SU'BSTANCE, s. something real, not imaginary; wealth; means of life

S'UBSTITUTE, s. one placed by another to act with delegated power

SUBTERRA'NEOUS, a. living under the earth

SUBVE'RSION, s. overthrow; ruin

SU'CCEED, v.a. follow; prosper

SUCCE'SSFUL, a. prosperous; happy; fortunate

SUCCE'SSION, s. a series of persons or things following one another; a lineage

SU'CCOUR, s. aid; assistance; help in distress

SU'CCULENT, a. juicy; moist

SU'DDEN, a. coming unexpectedly; hasty; violent

SU'FFER, v.a. bear; undergo; endure; permit

SUFFI'CE, v.n. be enough; be sufficient; be equal to the end, or purpose

SUFFI'CE, v.a. afford; supply; satisfy

SUFFI'CIENT, a. equal to any end or purpose

SU'LLY, v.a. spoil; tarnish; dirty; spot

SU'LTRY, a. hot and close

SU'MMON, v.a. call up; raise; admonish to appear

SU'MPTUOUS, a. costly; expensive; splendid

SUPE'RB, a. grand; pompous; lofty; magnificent

SUPERINCU'MBENT, a. lying on the top of something else

SUPERINDU'CE, v.a. bring in as an addition to something else

SUPERINTE'NDENCE, s. superior care; the act of overseeing with authority

SUPERINTEN'DENT, s. one who overlooks others authoritatively

SUPE'RIOR, a. higher; greater in dignity or excellence; preferable; upper

SUPERIO'RITY, s. pre-eminence; the quality of being greater or higher than another

SUPERSE'DE, v.a. make void by superior power

SUPERSTI'TIOUS, a. full of idle fancies or scruples with regard to religion

SUPPLY', v.n. fill up a deficiency; yield; afford; accommodate; furnish

SUPPLY', s. relief of want; cure of deficiencies

SUPPO'RT, s. act or power of sustaining; prop

SUPPO'RT, v.a. sustain; prop; endure

SUPPO'SE, v.a. admit without proof; imagine

SU'RFACE, s. superficies; outside

S'URPLUS, s. overplus; what remains when use is satisfied

SURROU'ND, v.a. environ; encompass; enclose on all sides

SURVE'Y, v.a. view as examining; measure and estimate land; overlook

SUSCE'PTIBLE, a. capable of anything

SUSPI'CION, s. the act of suspecting; imagination of something ill without proof

SWA'LLOW, v.n. take down the throat; take in

SY'CAMORE, s. a tree

SY'COPHANT, s. tale-bearer

SY'MMETRY, s. adaptation of parts to each other; proportion; harmony

SY'MPHONY, s. harmony of mingled sounds

SY'NAGOGUE, s. a Jewish place of worship

SY'STEM, s. any combination of many things acting together

SYSTEMA'TIC, a. methodical; written or formed with regular subordination of one part to another

TA'BLET, s. a small level surface; a surface written on or painted

TA'BULAR, a. set in the form of tables or synopses

TA'CTICS, s. the art of ranging men on the field of battle

TA'FFETA, s. a thin silk

TA'NKARD, s. a large vessel with a cover for strong drink

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