The Iliad of Homer - Translated into English Blank Verse
by Homer
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terms Of gentle sort he stay'd him. Sir, he cried, It is unseemly that a man renown'd As thou, should tremble. Go—Resume the seat Which thou hast left, and bid the people sit. 225 Thou know'st not clearly yet the monarch's mind. He proves us now, but soon he will chastize. All were not present; few of us have heard His speech this day in council. Oh, beware, Lest in resentment of this hasty course 230 Irregular, he let his anger loose. Dread is the anger of a King; he reigns By Jove's own ordinance, and is dear to Jove, But what plebeian base soe'er he heard Stretching his throat to swell the general cry, 235 He laid the sceptre smartly on his back, With reprimand severe. Fellow, he said, Sit still; hear others; thy superiors hear. For who art thou? A dastard and a drone, Of none account in council, or in arms. 240 By no means may we all alike bear sway At Ilium; such plurality of Kings Were evil. One suffices. One, to whom The son of politic Saturn hath assign'd The sceptre, and inforcement of the laws, 245 That he may rule us as a monarch ought.[8] With such authority the troubled host He sway'd; they, quitting camp and fleet again Rush'd back to council; deafening was the sound As when a billow of the boisterous deep 250 Some broad beach dashes, and the Ocean roars. The host all seated, and the benches fill'd, Thersites only of loquacious tongue Ungovern'd, clamor'd mutinous; a wretch Of utterance prompt, but in coarse phrase obscene 255 Deep learn'd alone, with which to slander Kings. Might he but set the rabble in a roar, He cared not with what jest; of all from Greece To Ilium sent, his country's chief reproach. Cross-eyed he was, and halting moved on legs 260 Ill-pair'd; his gibbous shoulders o'er his breast Contracted, pinch'd it; to a peak his head Was moulded sharp, and sprinkled thin with hair Of starveling length, flimsy and soft as down. Achilles and Ulysses had incurr'd 265 Most his aversion; them he never spared; But now, imperial Agamemnon 'self In piercing accents stridulous he charged With foul reproach. The Grecians with contempt Listen'd, and indignation, while with voice 270 At highest pitch, he thus the monarch mock'd. What wouldst thou now? Whereof is thy complaint Now, Agamemnon? Thou hast fill'd thy tents With treasure, and the Grecians, when they take A city, choose the loveliest girls for thee. 275 Is gold thy wish? More gold? A ransom brought By some chief Trojan for his son's release Whom I, or other valiant Greek may bind? Or wouldst thou yet a virgin, one, by right Another's claim, but made by force thine own? 280 It was not well, great Sir, that thou shouldst bring A plague on the Achaians, as of late. But come, my Grecian sisters, soldiers named Unfitly, of a sex too soft for war, Come, let us homeward: let him here digest 285 What he shall gorge, alone; that he may learn If our assistance profit him or not. For when he shamed Achilles, he disgraced A Chief far worthier than himself, whose prize He now withholds. But tush,—Achilles lacks 290 Himself the spirit of a man; no gall Hath he within him, or his hand long since Had stopp'd that mouth,[9] that it should scoff no more. Thus, mocking royal Agamemnon, spake Thersites. Instant starting to his side, 295 Noble Ulysses with indignant brows Survey'd him, and him thus reproved severe. Thersites! Railer!—peace. Think not thyself, Although thus eloquent, alone exempt From obligation not to slander Kings. 300 I deem thee most contemptible, the worst Of Agamemnon's followers to the war; Presume not then to take the names revered Of Sovereigns on thy sordid lips, to asperse Their sacred character, and to appoint 305 The Greeks a time when they shall voyage home. How soon, how late, with what success at last We shall return, we know not: but because Achaia's heroes numerous spoils allot To Agamemnon, Leader of the host, 310 Thou therefore from thy seat revilest the King. But mark me. If I find thee, as even now, Raving and foaming at the lips again, May never man behold Ulysses' head On these my shoulders more, and may my son 315 Prove the begotten of another Sire, If I not strip thee to that hide of thine As bare as thou wast born, and whip thee hence Home to thy galley, sniveling like a boy. He ceased, and with his sceptre on the back 320 And shoulders smote him. Writhing to and fro, He wept profuse, while many a bloody whelk Protuberant beneath the sceptre sprang. Awe-quell'd he sat, and from his visage mean, Deep-sighing, wiped the rheums. It was no time 325 For mirth, yet mirth illumined every face, And laughing, thus they spake. A thousand acts Illustrious, both by well-concerted plans And prudent disposition of the host Ulysses hath achieved, but this by far 330 Transcends his former praise, that he hath quell'd Such contumelious rhetoric profuse. The valiant talker shall not soon, we judge, Take liberties with royal names again.[10] So spake the multitude. Then, stretching forth 335 The sceptre, city-spoiler Chief, arose Ulysses. Him beside, herald in form, Appeared Minerva. Silence she enjoined To all, that all Achaia's sons might hear, Foremost and rearmost, and might weigh his words. 340 He then his counsel, prudent, thus proposed. Atrides! Monarch! The Achaians seek To make thee ignominious above all In sight of all mankind. None recollects His promise more in steed-famed Argos pledged, 345 Here to abide till Ilium wall'd to heaven Should vanquish'd sink, and all her wealth be ours. No—now, like widow'd women, or weak boys, They whimper to each other, wishing home. And home, I grant, to the afflicted soul 350 Seems pleasant.[11] The poor seaman from his wife One month detain'd, cheerless his ship and sad Possesses, by the force of wintry blasts, And by the billows of the troubled deep Fast lock'd in port. But us the ninth long year 355 Revolving, finds camp'd under Ilium still. I therefore blame not, if they mourn beside Their sable barks, the Grecians. Yet the shame That must attend us after absence long Returning unsuccessful, who can bear? 360 Be patient, friends! wait only till we learn If Calchas truly prophesied, or not; For well we know, and I to all appeal, Whom Fate hath not already snatch'd away, (It seems but yesterday, or at the most 365 A day or two before) that when the ships Wo-fraught for Priam, and the race of Troy, At Aulis met, and we beside the fount With perfect hecatombs the Gods adored Beneath the plane-tree, from whose root a stream 370 Ran crystal-clear, there we beheld a sign Wonderful in all eyes. A serpent huge, Tremendous spectacle! with crimson spots His back all dappled, by Olympian Jove Himself protruded, from the altar's foot 375 Slipp'd into light, and glided to the tree. There on the topmost bough, close-cover'd sat With foliage broad, eight sparrows, younglings all, Then newly feather'd, with their dam, the ninth. The little ones lamenting shrill he gorged, 380 While, wheeling o'er his head, with screams the dam Bewail'd her darling brood. Her also next, Hovering and clamoring, he by the wing Within his spiry folds drew, and devoured. All eaten thus, the nestlings and the dam, 385 The God who sent him, signalized him too, For him Saturnian Jove transform'd to stone. We wondering stood, to see that strange portent Intrude itself into our holy rites, When Calchas, instant, thus the sign explain'd. 390 Why stand ye, Greeks, astonish'd? Ye behold A prodigy by Jove himself produced, An omen, whose accomplishment indeed Is distant, but whose fame shall never die.[12] E'en as this serpent in your sight devour'd 395 Eight youngling sparrows, with their dam, the ninth, So we nine years must war on yonder plain, And in the tenth, wide-bulwark'd Troy is ours. So spake the seer, and as he spake, is done. Wait, therefore, brave Achaians! go not hence 400 Till Priam's spacious city be your prize. He ceased, and such a shout ensued, that all The hollow ships the deafening roar return'd Of acclamation, every voice the speech Extolling of Ulysses, glorious Chief. 405 Then Nestor the Gerenian,[13] warrior old, Arising, spake; and, by the Gods, he said, Ye more resemble children inexpert In war, than disciplined and prudent men. Where now are all your promises and vows, 410 Councils, libations, right-hand covenants?[14] Burn them, since all our occupation here Is to debate and wrangle, whereof end Or fruit though long we wait, shall none be found. But, Sovereign, be not thou appall'd. Be firm. 415 Relax not aught of thine accustomed sway, But set the battle forth as thou art wont. And if there be a Grecian, here and there, One,[15] adverse to the general voice, let such Wither alone. He shall not see his wish 420 Gratified, neither will we hence return To Argos, ere events shall yet have proved Jove's promise false or true. For when we climb'd Our gallant barks full-charged with Ilium's fate, Saturnian Jove omnipotent, that day, 425 (Omen propitious!) thunder'd on the right. Let no man therefore pant for home, till each Possess a Trojan spouse, and from her lips Take sweet revenge for Helen's pangs of heart. Who then? What soldier languishes and sighs 430 To leave us? Let him dare to lay his hand On his own vessel, and he dies the first. But hear, O King! I shall suggest a course Not trivial. Agamemnon! sort the Greeks By districts and by tribes, that tribe may tribe 435 Support, and each his fellow. This performed, And with consent of all, thou shalt discern With ease what Chief, what private man deserts, And who performs his part. The base, the brave, Such disposition made, shall both appear; 440 And thou shalt also know, if heaven or we, The Gods, or our supineness, succor Troy. To whom Atrides, King of men, replied. Old Chief! Thou passest all Achaia's sons In consultation; would to Jove our Sire, 445 To Athenaean Pallas, and Apollo! That I had ten such coadjutors, wise As thou art, and the royal city soon Of Priam, with her wealth, should all be ours.[16] But me the son of Saturn, Jove supreme 450 Himself afflicts, who in contentious broils Involves me, and in altercation vain. Thence all that wordy tempest for a girl Achilles and myself between, and I The fierce aggressor. Be that breach but heal'd! 455 And Troy's reprieve thenceforth is at an end. Go—take refreshment now that we may march Forth to our enemies. Let each whet well His spear, brace well his shield, well feed his brisk High-mettled horses, well survey and search 460 His chariot on all sides, that no defect Disgrace his bright habiliments of war. So will we give the day from morn to eve To dreadful battle. Pause there shall be none Till night divide us. Every buckler's thong 465 Shall sweat on the toil'd bosom, every hand That shakes the spear shall ache, and every steed Shall smoke that whirls the chariot o'er the plain. Wo then to whom I shall discover here Loitering among the tents; let him escape 470 My vengeance if he can. The vulture's maw Shall have his carcase, and the dogs his bones. He spake; whom all applauded with a shout Loud as against some headland cliff the waves Roll'd by the stormy South o'er rocks that shoot 475 Afar into the deep, which in all winds The flood still overspreads, blow whence they may. Arising, forth they rush'd, among the ships All scatter'd; smoke from every tent arose, The host their food preparing; next, his God 480 Each man invoked (of the Immortals him Whom he preferr'd) with sacrifice and prayer For safe escape from danger and from death. But Agamemnon to Saturnian Jove Omnipotent, an ox of the fifth year 485 Full-flesh'd devoted, and the Princes call'd Noblest of all the Grecians to his feast. First, Nestor with Idomeneus the King, Then either Ajax, and the son he call'd Of Tydeus, with Ulysses sixth and last, 490 Jove's peer in wisdom. Menelaus went, Heroic Chief! unbidden, for he knew His brother's mind with weight of care oppress'd. The ox encircling, and their hands with meal Of consecration fill'd, the assembly stood, 495 When Agamemnon thus his prayer preferred. Almighty Father! Glorious above all! Cloud-girt, who dwell'st in heaven thy throne sublime, Let not the sun go down, till Priam's roof Fall flat into the flames; till I shall burn 500 His gates with fire; till I shall hew away His hack'd and riven corslet from the breast Of Hector, and till numerous Chiefs, his friends, Around him, prone in dust, shall bite the ground. So prayed he, but with none effect, The God 505 Received his offering, but to double toil Doom'd them, and sorrow more than all the past. They then, the triturated barley grain First duly sprinkling, the sharp steel infix'd Deep in the victim's neck reversed, then stripp'd 510 The carcase, and divided at their joint The thighs, which in the double caul involved They spread with slices crude, and burn'd with fire Ascending fierce from billets sere and dry. The spitted entrails next they o'er the coals 515 Suspended held. The thighs with fire consumed, They gave to each his portion of the maw, Then slash'd the remnant, pierced it with the spits, And managing with culinary skill The roast, withdrew it from the spits again. 520 Thus, all their task accomplished, and the board Set forth, they feasted, and were all sufficed. When neither hunger more nor thirst remain'd Unsatisfied, Gerenian Nestor spake. Atrides! Agamemnon! King of men! 525 No longer waste we time in useless words, Nor to a distant hour postpone the work To which heaven calls thee. Send thine heralds forth. Who shall convene the Achaians at the fleet, That we, the Chiefs assembled here, may range, 530 Together, the imbattled multitude, And edge their spirits for immediate fight. He spake, nor Agamemnon not complied. At once he bade his clear-voiced heralds call The Greeks to battle. They the summons loud 535 Gave forth, and at the sound the people throng'd. Then Agamemnon and the Kings of Greece Dispatchful drew them into order just, With whom Minerva azure-eyed advanced, The inestimable AEgis on her arm, 540 Immortal, unobnoxious to decay A hundred braids, close twisted, all of gold, Each valued at a hundred beeves,[17] around Dependent fringed it. She from side to side Her eyes cerulean rolled, infusing thirst 545 Of battle endless into every breast. War won them now, war sweeter now to each Than gales to waft them over ocean home.[18] As when devouring flames some forest seize On the high mountains, splendid from afar 550 The blaze appears, so, moving on the plain, The steel-clad host innumerous flash'd to heaven. And as a multitude of fowls in flocks Assembled various, geese, or cranes, or swans Lithe-neck'd, long hovering o'er Cayster's banks 555 On wanton plumes, successive on the mead Alight at last, and with a clang so loud That all the hollow vale of Asius rings; In number such from ships and tents effused, They cover'd the Scamandrian plain; the earth 560 Rebellow'd to the feet of steeds and men. They overspread Scamander's grassy vale, Myriads, as leaves, or as the flowers of spring. As in the hovel where the peasant milks His kine in spring-time, when his pails are fill'd, 565 Thick clouds of humming insects on the wing Swarm all around him, so the Grecians swarm'd An unsumm'd multitude o'er all the plain, Bright arm'd, high crested, and athirst for war. As goat-herds separate their numerous flocks 570 With ease, though fed promiscuous, with like ease Their leaders them on every side reduced To martial order glorious;[19] among whom Stood Agamemnon "with an eye like Jove's, To threaten or command," like Mars in girth, 575 And with the port of Neptune. As the bull Conspicuous among all the herd appears, For he surpasses all, such Jove ordain'd That day the son of Atreus, in the midst Of Heroes, eminent above them all. 580 Tell me, (for ye are are heavenly, and beheld[20] A scene, whereof the faint report alone Hath reached our ears, remote and ill-informed,) Tell me, ye Muses, under whom, beneath What Chiefs of royal or of humbler note 585 Stood forth the embattled Greeks? The host at large; They were a multitude in number more Than with ten tongues, and with ten mouths, each mouth Made vocal with a trumpet's throat of brass I might declare, unless the Olympian nine, 590 Jove's daughters, would the chronicle themselves Indite, of all assembled, under Troy. I will rehearse the Captains and their fleets. [21]Boeotia's sturdy sons Peneleus led, And Leitus, whose partners in command 595 Arcesilaus and Prothoenor came, And Clonius. Them the dwellers on the rocks Of Aulis followed, with the hardy clans Of Hyrie, Schoenos, Scholos, and the hills Of Eteon; Thespia, Graea, and the plains 600 Of Mycalessus them, and Harma served, Eleon, Erythrae, Peteon; Hyle them, Hesius and Ocalea, and the strength Of Medeon; Copae also in their train Marched, with Eutresis and the mighty men 605 Of Thisbe famed for doves; nor pass unnamed Whom Coronaea, and the grassy land Of Haliartus added to the war, Nor whom Plataea, nor whom Glissa bred, And Hypothebae,[22] and thy sacred groves 610 To Neptune, dark Onchestus. Arne claims A record next for her illustrious sons, Vine-bearing Arne. Thou wast also there Mideia, and thou Nissa; nor be thine Though last, Anthedon, a forgotten name. 615 These in Boeotia's fair and gallant fleet Of fifty ships, each bearing o'er the waves Thrice forty warriors, had arrived at Troy. In thirty ships deep-laden with the brave, Aspledon and Orchomenos had sent 620 Their chosen youth; them ruled a noble pair, Sons of Astyoche; she, lovely nymph, Received by stealth, on Actor's stately roof, The embraces of a God, and bore to Mars Twins like himself, Ascalaphus the bold, 625 And bold Iaelmenus, expert in arms. Beneath Epistrophus and Schedius, took Their destined station on Boeotia's left, The brave Phocensians; they in forty ships From Cyparissus came, and from the rocks 630 Of Python, and from Crissa the divine; From Anemoria, Daulis, Panopeus, And from Hyampolis, and from the banks Of the Cephissus, sacred stream, and from Lilaea, seated at its fountain-head. 635 Next from beyond Euboea's happy isle In forty ships conveyed, stood forth well armed The Locrians; dwellers in Augeia some The pleasant, some of Opoeis possessed, Some of Calliarus; these Scarpha sent, 640 And Cynus those; from Bessa came the rest, From Tarpha, Thronius, and from the brink Of loud Boagrius; Ajax them, the swift, Son of Oileus led, not such as he From Telamon, big-boned and lofty built, 645 But small of limb, and of an humbler crest; Yet he, competitor had none throughout The Grecians of what land soe'er, for skill In ushering to its mark the rapid lance. Elphenor brought (Calchodon's mighty son) 650 The Euboeans to the field. In forty ships From Histriaea for her vintage famed, From Chalcis, from Iretria, from the gates Of maritime Cerinthus, from the heights Of Dios rock-built citadel sublime, 655 And from Caristus and from Styra came His warlike multitudes, all named alike Abantes, on whose shoulders fell behind Their locks profuse,[23] and they were eager all To split the hauberk with the pointed spear. 660 Nor Athens had withheld her generous sons, The people of Erectheus. Him of old The teeming glebe produced, a wondrous birth! And Pallas rear'd him: her own unctuous fane She made his habitation, where with bulls 665 The youth of Athens, and with slaughter'd lambs Her annual worship celebrate. Then led Menestheus, whom, (sage Nestor's self except, Thrice school'd in all events of human life,) None rivall'd ever in the just array 670 Of horse and man to battle. Fifty ships Black-prowed, had borne them to the distant war. Ajax from Salamis twelve vessels brought, And where the Athenian band in phalanx stood Marshall'd compact, there station'd he his powers. 675 The men of Argos and Tyrintha next, And of Hermione, that stands retired With Asine, within her spacious bay; Of Epidaurus, crown'd with purple vines, And of Troezena, with the Achaian youth 680 Of sea-begirt AEgina, and with thine, Maseta, and the dwellers on thy coast, Wave-worn Eionae; these all obeyed The dauntless Hero Diomede, whom served Sthenelus, son of Capaneus, a Chief 685 Of deathless fame, his second in command, And godlike man, Euryalus, the son Of King Mecisteus, Talaues' son, his third. But Diomede controll'd them all, and him Twice forty sable ships their leader own'd. 690 Came Agamemnon with a hundred ships, Exulting in his powers; more numerous they, And more illustrious far than other Chief Could boast, whoever. Clad in burnish'd brass, And conscious of pre-eminence, he stood. 695 He drew his host from cities far renown'd, Mycenae, and Corinthus, seat of wealth, Orneia, and Cleonae bulwark'd strong, And lovely Araethyria; Sicyon, where His seat of royal power held at the first 700 Adrastus: Hyperesia, and the heights Of Gonoessa; AEgium, with the towns That sprinkle all that far-extended coast, Pellene also and wide Helice With all their shores, were number'd in his train. 705 From hollow Lacedaemon's glen profound, From Phare, Sparta, and from Messa, still Resounding with the ring-dove's amorous moan, From Brysia, from Augeia, from the rocks Of Laas, from Amycla, Otilus, 710 And from the towers of Helos, at whose foot The surf of Ocean falls, came sixty barks With Menelaus. From the monarch's host The royal brother ranged his own apart, and panted for revenge of Helen's wrongs, 715 And of her sighs and tears.[24] From rank to rank, Conscious of dauntless might he pass'd, and sent Into all hearts the fervor of his own. Gerenian Nestor in thrice thirty ships Had brought his warriors; they from Pylus came, 720 From blithe Arene, and from Thryos, built Fast by the fords of Alpheus, and from steep And stately AEpy. Their confederate powers Sent Amphigenia, Cyparissa veiled With broad redundance of funereal shades, 725 Pteleos and Helos, and of deathless fame Dorion. In Dorion erst the Muses met Threician Thamyris, on his return From Eurytus, Oechalian Chief, and hush'd His song for ever; for he dared to vaunt 730 That he would pass in song even themselves The Muses, daughters of Jove AEgis-arm'd. They therefore, by his boast incensed, the bard Struck blind, and from his memory dash'd severe All traces of his once celestial strains. 735 Arcadia's sons, the dwellers at the foot Of mount Cyllene, where AEpytus sleeps Intomb'd; a generation bold in fight, And warriors hand to hand; the valiant men Of Pheneus, of Orchomenos by flocks 740 Grazed numberless, of Ripe, Stratia, bleak Enispe; Mantinea city fair, Stymphelus and Parrhasia, and the youth Of Tegea; royal Agapenor these, Ancaeus' offspring, had in sixty ships 745 To Troy conducted; numerous was the crew, And skilled in arms, which every vessel brought, And Agamemnon had with barks himself Supplied them, for, of inland realms possessed, They little heeded maritime employs.[25] 750 The dwellers in Buprasium, on the shores Of pleasant Elis, and in all the land Myrsinus and the Hyrminian plain between, The rock Olenian, and the Alysian fount; These all obey'd four Chiefs, and galleys ten 755 Each Chief commanded, with Epeans filled. Amphimachus and Thalpius govern'd these, This, son of Cteatus, the other, sprung From Eurytus, and both of Actor's house. Diores, son of Amarynceus, those 760 Led on, and, for his godlike form renown'd, Polyxenus was Chieftain o'er the rest, Son of Agasthenes, Augeias' son. Dulichium, and her sister sacred isles The Echinades, whose opposite aspect 765 Looks toward Elis o'er the curling waves, Sent forth their powers with Meges at their head, Brave son of Phyleus, warrior dear to Jove. Phyleus in wrath, his father's house renounced, And to Dulichium wandering, there abode. 770 Twice twenty ships had follow'd Meges forth. Ulysses led the Cephallenians bold. From Ithaca, and from the lofty woods Of Neritus they came, and from the rocks Of rude AEgilipa. Crocylia these, 775 And these Zacynthus own'd; nor yet a few From Samos, from Epirus join'd their aid, And from the opposite Ionian shore. Them, wise as Jove himself, Ulysses led In twelve fair ships, with crimson prows adorn'd. 780 From forty ships, Thoas, Andraemon's son, Had landed his AEtolians; for extinct Was Meleager, and extinct the house Of Oeneus all, nor Oeneus self survived; To Thoas therefore had AEtolia fallen; 785 Him Olenos, Pylene, Chalcis served, With Pleuro, and the rock-bound Calydon. Idomeneus, spear-practised warrior, led The numerous Cretans. In twice forty ships He brought his powers to Troy. The warlike bands 790 Of Cnossus, of Gortyna wall'd around, Of Lyctus, of Lycastus chalky-white, Of Phaestus, of Miletus, with the youth Of Rhytius him obey'd; nor these were all, But others from her hundred cities Crete 795 Sent forth, all whom Idomeneus the brave Commanded, with Meriones in arms Dread as the God of battles blood-imbrued. Nine ships Tlepolemus, Herculean-born, For courage famed and for superior size, 800 Fill'd with his haughty Rhodians. They, in tribes Divided, dwelt distinct. Jelyssus these, Those Lindus, and the rest the shining soil Of white Camirus occupied. Him bore To Hercules, (what time he led the nymph 805 From Ephyre, and from Sellea's banks, After full many a city laid in dust.) Astyocheia. In his father's house Magnificent, Tlepolemus spear-famed Had scarce up-grown to manhood's lusty prime 810 When he his father's hoary uncle slew Lycimnius, branch of Mars. Then built he ships, And, pushing forth to sea, fled from the threats Of the whole house of Hercules. Huge toil And many woes he suffer'd, till at length 815 At Rhodes arriving, in three separate bands He spread himself abroad, Much was he loved Of all-commanding Jove, who bless'd him there, And shower'd abundant riches on them all. Nireus of Syma, with three vessels came; 820 Nireus, Aglaea's offspring, whom she bore To Charopus the King; Nireus in form, (The faultless son of Peleus sole except,) Loveliest of all the Grecians call'd to Troy. But he was heartless and his men were few.[26] 825 Nisyrus, Casus, Crapathus, and Cos Where reign'd Eurypylus, with all the isles Calydnae named, under two valiant Chiefs Their troops disposed; Phidippus one, and one, His brother Antiphus, begotten both 830 By Thessalus, whom Hercules begat. In thirty ships they sought the shores of Troy. The warriors of Pelasgian Argos next, Of Alus, and Alope, and who held Trechina, Phthia, and for women fair 835 Distinguish'd, Hellas; known by various names Hellenes, Myrmidons, Achaeans, them In fifty ships embark'd, Achilles ruled. But these were deaf to the hoarse-throated war, For there was none to draw their battle forth, 840 And give them just array. Close in his ships Achilles, after loss of the bright-hair'd Briseis, lay, resentful; her obtained Not without labor hard, and after sack Of Thebes and of Lyrnessus, where he slew 845 Two mighty Chiefs, sons of Evenus both, Epistrophus and Mynes, her he mourn'd, And for her sake self-prison'd in his fleet And idle lay, though soon to rise again. From Phylace, and from the flowery fields 850 Of Pyrrhasus, a land to Ceres given By consecration, and from Iton green, Mother of flocks; from Antron by the sea, And from the grassy meads of Pteleus, came A people, whom while yet he lived, the brave 855 Protesilaues led; but him the earth Now cover'd dark and drear. A wife he left, To rend in Phylace her bleeding cheeks, And an unfinish'd mansion. First he died Of all the Greeks; for as he leap'd to land 860 Foremost by far, a Dardan struck him dead. Nor had his troops, though filled with deep regret, No leader; them Podarces led, a Chief Like Mars in battle, brother of the slain, But younger born, and from Iphiclus sprung 865 Who sprang from Phylacus the rich in flocks. But him Protesilaues, as in years, So also in desert of arms excell'd Heroic, whom his host, although they saw Podarces at their head, still justly mourn'd; 870 For he was fierce in battle, and at Troy With forty sable-sided ships arrived. Eleven galleys, Pherae on the lake, And Boebe, and Ioelchus, and the vale Of Glaphyrae supplied with crews robust 875 Under Eumelus; him Alcestis, praised For beauty above all her sisters fair, In Thessaly to King Admetus bore. Methone, and Olizon's craggy coast, With Meliboea and Thaumasia sent 880 Seven ships; their rowers were good archers all, And every vessel dipped into the wave Her fifty oars. Them Philoctetes, skill'd To draw with sinewy arm the stubborn bow, Commanded; but he suffering anguish keen 885 Inflicted by a serpent's venom'd tooth, Lay sick in Lemnos; him the Grecians there Had left sore-wounded, but were destined soon To call to dear remembrance whom they left. Meantime, though sorrowing for his sake, his troops 890 Yet wanted not a chief; them Medon ruled, Whom Rhena to the far-famed conqueror bore Oileus, fruit of their unsanction'd loves. From Tricca, from Ithome rough and rude With rocks and glens, and from Oechalia, town 895 Of Eurytus Oechalian-born, came forth Their warlike youth by Podalirius led And by Machaon, healers both expert Of all disease, and thirty ships were theirs. The men of Ormenus, and from beside 900 The fountain Hypereia, from the tops Of chalky Titan, and Asteria's band; Them ruled Eurypylus, Evaemon's son Illustrious, whom twice twenty ships obeyed. Orthe, Gyrtone, Olooesson white, 905 Argissa and Helone; they their youth Gave to control of Polypoetes, son Undaunted of Pirithoues, son of Jove. Him, to Pirithoues, (on the self-same day When he the Centaurs punish'd and pursued 910 Sheer to AEthicae driven from Pelion's heights The shaggy race) Hippodamia bore. Nor he alone them led. With him was join'd Leonteus dauntless warrior, from the bold Coronus sprung, who Caeneus call'd his sire. 915 Twice twenty ships awaited their command. Guneus from Cyphus twenty and two ships Led forth; the Enienes him obey'd, And the robust Peroebi, warriors bold, And dwellers on Dodona's wintry brow. 920 To these were join'd who till the pleasant fields Where Titaresius winds; the gentle flood Pours into Peneus all his limpid stores, But with the silver-eddied Peneus flows Unmixt as oil;[27] for Stygian is his stream, 925 And Styx is the inviolable oath. Last with his forty ships, Tenthredon's son, The active Prothoues came. From the green banks Of Peneus his Magnesians far and near He gather'd, and from Pelion forest-crown'd. 930 These were the princes and the Chiefs of Greece. Say, Muse, who most in personal desert Excell'd, and whose were the most warlike steeds And of the noblest strain. Their hue, their age, Their height the same, swift as the winds of heaven 935 And passing far all others, were the mares Which drew Eumelus; on Pierian hills The heavenly Archer of the silver bow, Apollo, bred them. But of men, the chief Was Telamonian Ajax, while wrath-bound 940 Achilles lay; for he was worthier far, And more illustrious were the steeds which bore The noble son of Peleus; but revenge On Agamemnon leader of the host Was all his thought, while in his gallant ships 945 Sharp-keel'd to cut the foaming flood, he lay. Meantime, along the margin of the deep His soldiers hurled the disk, or bent the bow. Or to its mark dispatch'd the quivering lance. Beside the chariots stood the unharness'd steeds 950 Cropping the lotus, or at leisure browsed On celery wild, from watery freshes gleaned. Beneath the shadow of the sheltering tent The chariot stood, while they, the charioteers Roam'd here and there the camp, their warlike lord 955 Regretting sad, and idle for his sake. As if a fire had burnt along the ground, Such seem'd their march; earth groan'd their steps beneath; As when in Arimi, where fame reports Typhoeus stretch'd, the fires of angry Jove 960 Down darted, lash the ground, so groan'd the earth Beneath them, for they traversed swift the plain. And now from Jove, with heavy tidings charged, Wind-footed Iris to the Trojans came. It was the time of council, when the throng 965 At Priam's gate assembled, young and old: Them, standing nigh, the messenger of heaven Accosted with the voice of Priam's son, Polites. He, confiding in his speed For sure deliverance, posted was abroad 970 On AEsyeta's tomb,[28] intent to watch When the Achaian host should leave the fleet. The Goddess in his form thus them address'd. Oh, ancient Monarch! Ever, evermore Speaking, debating, as if all were peace; 975 I have seen many a bright-embattled field, But never one so throng'd as this to-day. For like the leaves, or like the sands they come Swept by the winds, to gird the city round. But Hector! chiefly thee I shall exhort. 980 In Priam's spacious city are allies Collected numerous, and of nations wide Disseminated various are the tongues. Let every Chief his proper troop command, And marshal his own citizens to war. 985 She ceased; her Hector heard intelligent, And quick dissolved the council. All took arms. Wide flew the gates; forth rush'd the multitude, Horsemen and foot, and boisterous stir arose. In front of Ilium, distant on the plain, 990 Clear all around from all obstruction, stands An eminence high-raised, by mortal men Call'd Bateia, but the Gods the tomb Have named it of Myrinna swift in fight. Troy and her aids there set the battle forth. 995 Huge Priameian Hector, fierce in arms, Led on the Trojans; with whom march'd the most And the most valiant, dexterous at the spear. AEneas, (on the hills of Ida him The lovely Venus to Anchises bore, 1000 A Goddess by a mortal man embraced) Led the Dardanians; but not he alone; Archilochus with him and Acamas Stood forth, the offspring of Antenor, each, And well instructed in all forms of war. 1005 Fast by the foot of Ida, where they drank The limpid waters of AEsepus, dwelt The Trojans of Zeleia. Rich were they And led by Pandarus, Lycaon's son, Whom Phoebus self graced with the bow he bore. 1010 Apaesus, Adrastea, Terie steep, And Pitueia—them, Amphius clad In mail thick-woven, and Adrastus, ruled. They were the sons of the Percosian seer Merops, expert in the soothsayers' art 1015 Above all other; he his sons forbad The bloody fight, but disobedient they Still sought it, for their destiny prevailed. The warriors of Percote, and who dwelt In Practius, in Arisba, city fair, 1020 In Sestus, in Abydus, march'd behind Princely Hyrtacides; his tawny steeds, Strong-built and tall, from Sellcentes' bank And from Arisba, had him borne to Troy. Hippothous and Pilmus, branch of Mars, 1025 Both sons of Lethus the Pelasgian, they, Forth from Larissa for her fertile soil Far-famed, the spear-expert Pelasgians brought. The Thracians (all whom Hellespont includes Within the banks of his swift-racing tide) 1030 Heroic Acamas and Pirous led. Euphemus, offspring of Troezenus, son Of Jove-protected Ceas, was the Chief Whom the spear-arm'd Ciconian band obey'd. Paeonia's archers follow'd to the field 1035 Pyraechmes; they from Amydon remote Were drawn, where Axius winds; broad Axius, stream Diffused delightful over all the vale. Pylaemenes, a Chief of giant might From the Eneti for forest-mules renowned 1040 March'd with his Paphlagonians; dwellers they In Sesamus and in Cytorus were, And by the stream Parthenius; Cromna these Sent forth, and those AEgialus on the lip And margin of the land, and some, the heights 1045 Of Erythini, rugged and abrupt. Epistrophus and Odius from the land Of Alybe, a region far remote, Where veins of silver wind, led to the field The Halizonians. With the Mysians came 1050 Chromis their Chief, and Ennomus; him skill'd In augury, but skill'd in vain, his art Saved not, but by AEacides[29] the swift, With others in the Xanthus[30] slain, he died. Ascanius, lovely youth, and Phorcis, led 1055 The Phrygians from Ascania far remote, Ardent for battle. The Moeonian race, (All those who at the foot of Tmolus dwelt,) Mesthles and Antiphus, fraternal pair, Sons of Pylaemenes commanded, both 1060 Of the Gygaean lake in Lydia born. Amphimachus and Nastes led to fight The Carians, people of a barbarous speech,[31] With the Milesians, and the mountain-race Of wood-crown'd Phthira, and who dwelt beside 1065 Maeander, or on Mycale sublime. Them led Amphimachus and Nastes, sons Renown'd of Nomion. Like a simple girl Came forth Amphimachus with gold bedight, But him his trappings from a woful death 1070 Saved not, when whirled beneath the bloody tide To Peleus' stormy son his spoils he left. Sarpedon with the noble Glaucus led Their warriors forth from farthest Lycia, where Xanthus deep-dimpled rolls his oozy tide. 1075




The armies meet. Paris throws out a challenge to the Grecian Princes. Menelaus accepts it. The terms of the combat are adjusted solemnly by Agamemnon on the part of Greece, and by Priam on the part of Troy. The combat ensues, in which Paris is vanquished, whom yet Venus rescues. Agamemnon demands from the Trojans a performance of the covenant.


[1]Now marshall'd all beneath their several chiefs, With deafening shouts, and with the clang of arms, The host of Troy advanced. Such clang is heard Along the skies, when from incessant showers Escaping, and from winter's cold, the cranes 5 Take wing, and over Ocean speed away;[2] Wo to the land of dwarfs! prepared they fly For slaughter of the small Pygmaean race. Not so the Greeks; they breathing valor came, But silent all, and all with faithful hearts 10 On succor mutual to the last, resolved. As when the south wind wraps the mountain top In mist the shepherd's dread, but to the thief Than night itself more welcome, and the eye Is bounded in its ken to a stone's cast, 15 Such from beneath their footsteps dun and dense Uprose the dust, for swift they cross the plain. When, host to host opposed, full nigh they stood, Then Alexander[3] in the Trojan van Advanced was seen, all beauteous as a God; 20 His leopard's skin, his falchion and his bow Hung from his shoulder; bright with heads of brass He shook two spears, and challenged to the fight The bravest Argives there, defying all. Him, striding haughtily his host before 25 When Menelaus saw, such joy he felt As hunger-pinch'd the lion feels, by chance Conducted to some carcase huge, wild goat, Or antler'd stag; huntsmen and baying hounds Disturb not him, he gorges in their sight. 30 So Menelaus at the view rejoiced Of lovely Alexander, for he hoped His punishment at hand. At once, all armed, Down from his chariot to the ground he leap'd When godlike Paris him in front beheld 35 Conspicuous, his heart smote him, and his fate Avoiding, far within the lines he shrank.[4] As one, who in some woodland height descrying A serpent huge, with sudden start recoils, His limbs shake under him; with cautious step 40 He slow retires; fear blanches cold his cheeks; So beauteous Alexander at the sight Of Atreus' son dishearten'd sore, the ranks Of haughty Trojans enter'd deep again: Him Hector eyed, and thus rebuked severe. 45 Curst Paris! Fair deceiver! Woman-mad! I would to all in heaven that thou hadst died Unborn, at least unmated! happier far Than here to have incurr'd this public shame! Well may the Grecians taunt, and laughing loud, 50 Applaud the champion, slow indeed to fight And pusillanimous, but wondrous fair. Wast thou as timid, tell me, when with those Thy loved companions in that famed exploit, Thou didst consort with strangers, and convey 55 From distant lands a warrior's beauteous bride To be thy father's and his people's curse, Joy to our foes, but to thyself reproach? Behold her husband! Darest thou not to face The warlike prince? Now learn how brave a Chief 60 Thou hast defrauded of his blooming spouse. Thy lyre, thy locks, thy person, specious gifts Of partial Venus, will avail thee nought, Once mixt by Menelaus with the dust. But we are base ourselves, or long ago, 65 For all thy numerous mischiefs, thou hadst slept Secure beneath a coverlet[5] of stone.[6] Then godlike Alexander thus replied. Oh Hector, true in temper as the axe Which in the shipwright's hand the naval plank 70 Divides resistless, doubling all his force, Such is thy dauntless spirit whose reproach Perforce I own, nor causeless nor unjust. Yet let the gracious gifts uncensured pass Of golden Venus; man may not reject 75 The glorious bounty by the Gods bestow'd, Nor follows their beneficence our choice. But if thy pleasure be that I engage With Menelaus in decision fierce Of desperate combat bid the host of Troy 80 And bid the Grecians sit; then face to face Commit us, in the vacant field between, To fight for Helen and for all her wealth. Who strongest proves, and conquers, he, of her And hers possess'd shall bear them safe away; 85 While ye (peace sworn and firm accord) shall dwell At Troy, and these to Argos shall return And to Achaia praised for women fair. He ceased, whom Hector heard with joy; he moved Into the middle space, and with his spear 90 Advanced athwart push'd back the Trojan van, And all stood fast. Meantime at him the Greeks Discharged full volley, showering thick around From bow and sling;[7] when with a mighty voice Thus Agamemnon, leader of the host. 95 Argives! Be still—shoot not, ye sons of Greece! Hector bespeaks attention. Hear the Chief! He said, at once the Grecians ceased to shoot, And all sat silent. Hector then began. Hear me, ye Trojans, and ye Greeks mail-arm'd, 100 While I shall publish in your ears the words Of Alexander, author of our strife. Trojans, he bids, and Grecians on the field Their arms dispose; while he, the hosts between, With warlike Menelaus shall in fight 105 Contend for Helen, and for all her wealth. Who strongest proves, and conquers, he, of her And hers possess'd, shall bear them safe away, And oaths of amity shall bind the rest. He ceased, and all deep silence held, amazed; 110 When valiant Menelaus thus began. Hear now me also, on whose aching heart These woes have heaviest fallen. At last I hope Decision near, Trojans and Greeks between, For ye have suffer'd in my quarrel much, 115 And much by Paris, author of the war. Die he who must, and peace be to the rest. But ye shall hither bring two lambs, one white, The other black;[8] this to the Earth devote, That to the Sun. We shall ourselves supply 120 A third for Jove. Then bring ye Priam forth, Himself to swear the covenant, (for his sons Are faithless) lest the oath of Jove be scorn'd. Young men are ever of unstable mind; But when an elder interferes, he views 125 Future and past together, and insures The compact, to both parties, uninfringed. So Menelaus spake; and in all hearts Awaken'd joyful hope that there should end War's long calamities. Alighted each, 130 And drew his steeds into the lines. The field Glitter'd with arms put off, and side by side, Ranged orderly, while the interrupted war Stood front to front, small interval between. Then Hector to the city sent in haste 135 Two heralds for the lambs, and to invite Priam; while Agamemnon, royal Chief, Talthybius to the Grecian fleet dismiss'd For a third lamb to Jove; nor he the voice Of noble Agamemnon disobey'd. 140 Iris, ambassadress of heaven, the while, To Helen came. Laoedice she seem'd, Loveliest of all the daughters of the house Of Priam, wedded to Antenor's son, King Helicaeon. Her she found within, 145 An ample web magnificent she wove,[9] Inwrought with numerous conflicts for her sake Beneath the hands of Mars endured by Greeks Mail-arm'd, and Trojans of equestrian fame. Swift Iris, at her side, her thus address'd. 150 Haste, dearest nymph! a wondrous sight behold! Greeks brazen-mail'd, and Trojans steed-renown'd. So lately on the cruel work of Mars Intent and hot for mutual havoc, sit Silent; the war hath paused, and on his shield 155 Each leans, his long spear planted at his side. Paris and Menelaus, warrior bold, With quivering lances shall contend for thee, And thou art his who conquers; his for ever. So saying, the Goddess into Helen's soul 160 Sweetest desire infused to see again Her former Lord, her parents, and her home. At once o'ermantled with her snowy veil She started forth, and as she went let fall A tender tear; not unaccompanied 165 She went, but by two maidens of her train Attended, AEthra, Pittheus' daughter fair, And soft-eyed Clymene. Their hasty steps Convey'd them quickly to the Scaean gate. There Priam, Panthous, Clytius, Lampus sat, 170 Thymoetes, Hicetaon, branch of Mars, Antenor and Ucalegon the wise, All, elders of the people; warriors erst, But idle now through age, yet of a voice Still indefatigable as the fly's[10] 175 Which perch'd among the boughs sends forth at noon Through all the grove his slender ditty sweet. Such sat those Trojan leaders on the tower, Who, soon as Helen on the steps they saw, In accents quick, but whisper'd, thus remark'd. 180 Trojans and Grecians wage, with fair excuse, Long war for so much beauty.[11] Oh, how like In feature to the Goddesses above! Pernicious loveliness! Ah, hence away, Resistless as thou art and all divine, 185 Nor leave a curse to us, and to our sons. So they among themselves; but Priam call'd Fair Helen to his side.[12] My daughter dear! Come, sit beside me. Thou shalt hence discern Thy former Lord, thy kindred and thy friends. 190 I charge no blame on thee. The Gods have caused, Not thou, this lamentable war to Troy.[13] Name to me yon Achaian Chief for bulk Conspicuous, and for port. Taller indeed I may perceive than he; but with these eyes 195 Saw never yet such dignity, and grace. Declare his name. Some royal Chief he seems. To whom thus Helen, loveliest of her sex, My other Sire! by me for ever held In reverence, and with filial fear beloved! 200 Oh that some cruel death had been my choice, Rather than to abandon, as I did, All joys domestic, matrimonial bliss, Brethren, dear daughter, and companions dear, A wanderer with thy son. Yet I alas! 205 Died not, and therefore now, live but to weep. But I resolve thee. Thou behold'st the son Of Atreus, Agamemnon, mighty king, In arms heroic, gracious in the throne, And, (though it shame me now to call him such,) 210 By nuptial ties a brother once to me. Then him the ancient King-admiring, said. Oh blest Atrides, happy was thy birth, And thy lot glorious, whom this gallant host So numerous, of the sons of Greece obey! 215 To vine-famed Phrygia, in my days of youth, I journey'd; many Phrygians there I saw, Brave horsemen, and expert; they were the powers Of Otreus and of Mygdon, godlike Chief, And on the banks of Sangar's stream encamp'd. 220 I march'd among them, chosen in that war Ally of Phrygia, and it was her day Of conflict with the man-defying race, The Amazons; yet multitudes like these Thy bright-eyed Greeks, I saw not even there. 225 The venerable King observing next Ulysses, thus inquired. My child, declare Him also. Shorter by the head he seems Than Agamemnon, Atreus' mighty son, But shoulder'd broader, and of ampler chest; 230 He hath disposed his armor on the plain, But like a ram, himself the warrior ranks Ranges majestic; like a ram full-fleeced By numerous sheep encompass'd snowy-white. To whom Jove's daughter Helen thus replied. 235 In him the son of old Laertes know, Ulysses; born in Ithaca the rude, But of a piercing wit, and deeply wise. Then answer thus, Antenor sage return'd. Princess thou hast described him: hither once 240 The noble Ithacan, on thy behalf Ambassador with Menelaus, came: Beneath my roof, with hospitable fare Friendly I entertained them. Seeing then Occasion opportune, I closely mark'd 245 The genius and the talents of the Chiefs, And this I noted well; that when they stood Amid the assembled counsellors of Troy, Then Menelaus his advantage show'd, Who by the shoulders overtopp'd his friend. 250 But when both sat, Ulysses in his air Had more of state and dignity than he. In the delivery of a speech address'd To the full senate, Menelaus used Few words, but to the matter, fitly ranged, 255 And with much sweetness utter'd; for in loose And idle play of ostentatious terms He dealt not, though he were the younger man. But when the wise Ulysses from his seat Had once arisen, he would his downcast eyes 260 So rivet on the earth, and with a hand That seem'd untutor'd in its use, so hold His sceptre, swaying it to neither side, That hadst thou seen him, thou hadst thought him, sure, Some chafed and angry idiot, passion-fixt. 265 Yet, when at length, the clear and mellow base Of his deep voice brake forth, and he let fall His chosen words like flakes of feather'd snow, None then might match Ulysses; leisure, then, Found none to wonder at his noble form. 270 The third of whom the venerable king Inquired, was Ajax.—Yon Achaian tall, Whose head and shoulders tower above the rest, And of such bulk prodigious—who is he? Him answer'd Helen, loveliest of her sex. 275 A bulwark of the Greeks. In him thou seest Gigantic Ajax. Opposite appear The Cretans, and among the Chiefs of Crete stands, like a God, Idomeneus. Him oft From Crete arrived, was Menelaues wont 280 To entertain; and others now I see, Achaians, whom I could recall to mind, And give to each his name; but two brave youths I yet discern not; for equestrian skill One famed, and one a boxer never foiled; 285 My brothers; born of Leda; sons of Jove; Castor and Pollux. Either they abide In lovely Sparta still, or if they came, Decline the fight, by my disgrace abash'd And the reproaches which have fallen on me.[14] 290 She said; but they already slept inhumed In Lacedemon, in their native soil. And now the heralds, through the streets of Troy Charged with the lambs, and with a goat-skin filled With heart-exhilarating wine prepared 295 For that divine solemnity, return'd. Idaeus in his hand a beaker bore Resplendent, with its fellow cups of gold, And thus he summon'd ancient Priam forth. Son of Laoemedon, arise. The Chiefs 300 Call thee, the Chiefs of Ilium and of Greece. Descend into the plain. We strike a truce, And need thine oath to bind it. Paris fights With warlike Menelaues for his spouse; Their spears decide the strife. The conqueror wins 305 Helen and all her treasures. We, thenceforth, (Peace sworn and amity) shall dwell secure In Troy, while they to Argos shall return And to Achaia praised for women fair. He spake, and Priam, shuddering, bade his train 310 Prepare his steeds; they sedulous obey'd. First, Priam mounting, backward stretch'd the reins; Antenor, next, beside him sat, and through The Scaean gate they drove into the plain. Arriving at the hosts of Greece and Troy 315 They left the chariot, and proceeded both Into the interval between the hosts. Then uprose Agamemnon, and uprose All-wise Ulysses. Next, the heralds came Conspicuous forward, expediting each 320 The ceremonial; they the beaker fill'd With wine, and to the hands of all the kings Minister'd water. Agamemnon then Drawing his dagger which he ever bore Appendant to his heavy falchion's sheath, 325 Cut off the forelocks of the lambs,[15] of which The heralds gave to every Grecian Chief A portion, and to all the Chiefs of Troy. Then Agamemnon raised his hands, and pray'd. Jove, Father, who from Ida stretchest forth 330 Thine arm omnipotent, o'erruling all, And thou, all-seeing and all-hearing Sun, Ye Rivers, and thou conscious Earth, and ye Who under earth on human kind avenge Severe, the guilt of violated oaths, 335 Hear ye, and ratify what now we swear! Should Paris slay the hero amber-hair'd, My brother Menelaues, Helen's wealth And Helen's self are his, and all our host Shall home return to Greece; but should it chance 340 That Paris fall by Menelaues' hand, Then Troy shall render back what she detains, With such amercement as is meet, a sum To be remember'd in all future times. Which penalty should Priam and his sons 345 Not pay, though Paris fall, then here in arms I will contend for payment of the mulct My due, till, satisfied, I close the war. He said, and with his ruthless steel the lambs Stretch'd panting all, but soon they ceased to pant, 350 For mortal was the stroke.[16] Then drawing forth Wine from the beaker, they with brimming cups Hail'd the immortal Gods, and pray'd again, And many a Grecian thus and Trojan spake. All-glorious Jove, and ye the powers of heaven, 355 Whoso shall violate this contract first, So be the brains of them and of their sons Pour'd out, as we this wine pour on the earth, And may their wives bring forth to other men! So they: but them Jove heard not. Then arose 360 Priam, the son of Dardanus, and said, Hear me, ye Trojans and ye Greeks well-arm'd. Hence back to wind-swept Ilium I return, Unable to sustain the sight, my son With warlike Menelaues match'd in arms. 365 Jove knows, and the immortal Gods, to whom Of both, this day is preordain'd the last. So spake the godlike monarch, and disposed Within the royal chariot all the lambs; Then, mounting, check'd the reins; Antenor next 370 Ascended, and to Ilium both return'd. First, Hector and Ulysses, noble Chief, Measured the ground; then taking lots for proof Who of the combatants should foremost hurl His spear, they shook them in a brazen casque; 375 Meantime the people raised their hands on high, And many a Grecian thus and Trojan prayed. Jove, Father, who on Ida seated, seest And rulest all below, glorious in power! Of these two champions, to the drear abodes 380 Of Ades him appoint who furnish'd first The cause of strife between them, and let peace Oath-bound, and amity unite the rest! So spake the hosts; then Hector shook the lots, Majestic Chief, turning his face aside. 385 Forth sprang the lot of Paris. They in ranks Sat all, where stood the fiery steeds of each, And where his radiant arms lay on the field. Illustrious Alexander his bright arms Put on, fair Helen's paramour. [17]He clasp'd 390 His polish'd greaves with silver studs secured; His brother's corselet to his breast he bound, Lycaon's, apt to his own shape and size, And slung athwart his shoulders, bright emboss'd, His brazen sword; his massy buckler broad 395 He took, and to his graceful head his casque Adjusted elegant, which, as he moved, Its bushy crest waved dreadful; last he seized, Well fitted to his gripe, his ponderous spear. Meantime the hero Menelaues made 400 Like preparation, and his arms put on. When thus, from all the multitude apart, Both combatants had arm'd, with eyes that flash'd Defiance, to the middle space they strode, Trojans and Greeks between. Astonishment 405 Seized all beholders. On the measured ground Full near they stood, each brandishing on high His massy spear, and each was fiery wroth. First, Alexander his long-shadow'd spear Sent forth, and on his smooth shield's surface struck 410 The son of Atreus, but the brazen guard Pierced not, for at the disk, with blunted point Reflex, his ineffectual weapon stay'd. Then Menelaues to the fight advanced Impetuous, after prayer offer'd to Jove.[18] 415 King over all! now grant me to avenge My wrongs on Alexander; now subdue The aggressor under me; that men unborn May shudder at the thought of faith abused, And hospitality with rape repaid. 420 He said, and brandishing his massy spear, Dismiss'd it. Through the burnish'd buckler broad Of Priam's son the stormy weapon flew, Transpierced his costly hauberk, and the vest Ripp'd on his flank; but with a sideward bend 425 He baffled it, and baulk'd the dreadful death. Then Menelaues drawing his bright blade, Swung it aloft, and on the hairy crest Smote him; but shiver'd into fragments small The falchion at the stroke fell from his hand. 430 Vexation fill'd him; to the spacious heavens He look'd, and with a voice of wo exclaim'd— Jupiter! of all powers by man adored To me most adverse! Confident I hoped Revenge for Paris' treason, but my sword 435 Is shivered, and I sped my spear in vain. So saying, he sprang on him, and his long crest Seized fast; then, turning, drew him by that hold Toward the Grecian host. The broider'd band That underbraced his helmet at the chin, 440 Strain'd to his smooth neck with a ceaseless force, Chok'd him; and now had Menelaus won Deathless renown, dragging him off the field, But Venus, foam-sprung Goddess, feeling quick His peril imminent, snapp'd short the brace 445 Though stubborn, by a slaughter'd[19] ox supplied, And the void helmet follow'd as he pull'd. That prize the Hero, whirling it aloft, Threw to his Greeks, who caught it and secured, Then with vindictive strides he rush'd again 450 On Paris, spear in hand; but him involved In mist opaque Venus with ease divine Snatch'd thence, and in his chamber placed him, fill'd With scents odorous, spirit-soothing sweets. Nor stay'd the Goddess, but at once in quest 455 Of Helen went; her on a lofty tower She found, where many a damsel stood of Troy, And twitch'd her fragrant robe. In form she seem'd An ancient matron, who, while Helen dwelt In Lacedaemon, her unsullied wool 460 Dress'd for her, faithfullest of all her train. Like her disguised the Goddess thus began. Haste—Paris calls thee—on his sculptured couch, (Sparkling alike his looks and his attire) He waits thy wish'd return. Thou wouldst not dream 465 That he had fought; he rather seems prepared For dance, or after dance, for soft repose. So saying, she tumult raised in Helen's mind. Yet soon as by her symmetry of neck, By her love-kindling breasts and luminous eyes 470 She knew the Goddess, her she thus bespake. Ah whence, deceitful deity! thy wish Now to ensnare me? Wouldst thou lure me, say, To some fair city of Maeonian name Or Phrygian, more remote from Sparta still? 475 Hast thou some human favorite also there? Is it because Atrides hath prevailed To vanquish Paris, and would bear me home Unworthy as I am, that thou attempt'st Again to cheat me? Go thyself—sit thou 480 Beside him—for his sake renounce the skies; Watch him, weep for him; till at length his wife He deign to make thee, or perchance his slave. I go not (now to go were shame indeed) To dress his couch; nor will I be the jest 485 Of all my sex in Ilium. Oh! my griefs Are infinite, and more than I can bear. To whom, the foam-sprung Goddess, thus incensed. Ah wretch! provoke not me; lest in my wrath Abandoning thee, I not hate thee less 490 Than now I fondly love thee, and beget Such detestation of thee in all hearts, Grecian and Trojan, that thou die abhorr'd. The Goddess ceased. Jove's daughter, Helen, fear'd, And, in her lucid veil close wrapt around, 495 Silent retired, of all those Trojan dames Unseen, and Venus led, herself, the way. Soon then as Alexander's fair abode They reach'd, her maidens quick their tasks resumed, And she to her own chamber lofty-roof'd 500 Ascended, loveliest of her sex. A seat For Helen, daughter of Jove AEgis-arm'd, To Paris opposite, the Queen of smiles Herself disposed; but with averted eyes She sat before him, and him keen reproach'd. 505 Thou hast escaped.—Ah would that thou hadst died By that heroic arm, mine husband's erst! Thou once didst vaunt thee in address and strength Superior. Go then—challenge yet again The warlike Menelaues forth in fight. 510 But hold. The hero of the amber locks Provoke no more so rashly, lest the point Of his victorious spear soon stretch thee dead. She ended, to whom Paris thus replied. Ah Helen, wound me not with taunt severe! 515 Me, Menelaues, by Minerva's aid, Hath vanquish'd now, who may hereafter, him. We also have our Gods. But let us love. For never since the day when thee I bore From pleasant Lacedaemon o'er the waves 520 To Cranaee's fair isle, and first enjoy'd Thy beauty, loved I as I love thee now, Or felt such sweetness of intense desire. He spake, and sought his bed, whom follow'd soon Jove's daughter, reconciled to his embrace. 525 But Menelaues like a lion ranged The multitude, inquiring far and near For Paris lost. Yet neither Trojan him Nor friend of Troy could show, whom, else, through love None had conceal'd, for him as death itself 530 All hated, but his going none had seen. Amidst them all then spake the King of men. Trojans, and Dardans, and allies of Troy! The warlike Menelaues hath prevailed, As is most plain. Now therefore bring ye forth 535 Helen with all her treasures, also bring Such large amercement as is meet, a sum To be remember'd in all future times. So spake Atrides, and Achaia's host With loud applause confirm'd the monarch's claim. 540




In a Council of the Gods, a dispute arises between Jupiter and Juno, which is at last compromised, Jove consenting to dispatch Minerva with a charge to incite some Trojan to a violation of the truce. Minerva descends for that purpose, and in the form of Laodocus, a son of Priam, exhorts Pandarus to shoot at Menelaus, and succeeds. Menelaus is wounded, and Agamemnon having consigned him to the care of Machaon, goes forth to perform the duties of commander-in-chief, in the encouragement of his host to battle. The battle begins.


Now, on the golden floor of Jove's abode The Gods all sat consulting; Hebe them, Graceful, with nectar served;[1] they pledging each His next, alternate quaff'd from cups of gold, And at their ease reclined, look'd down on Troy, 5 When, sudden, Jove essay'd by piercing speech Invidious, to enkindle Juno's ire. Two Goddesses on Menelaus' part Confederate stand, Juno in Argos known, Pallas in Alalcomene;[2] yet they 10 Sequester'd sit, look on, and are amused. Not so smile-loving Venus; she, beside Her champion station'd, saves him from his fate, And at this moment, by her aid, he lives. But now, since victory hath proved the lot 15 Of warlike Menelaus, weigh ye well The matter; shall we yet the ruinous strife Prolong between the nations, or consent To give them peace? should peace your preference win, And prove alike acceptable to all, 20 Stand Ilium, and let Menelaus bear Helen of Argos back to Greece again. He ended; Juno and Minerva heard, Low-murmuring deep disgust; for side by side They forging sat calamity to Troy. 25 Minerva through displeasure against Jove Nought utter'd, for with rage her bosom boil'd; But Juno check'd not hers, who thus replied. What word hath pass'd thy lips, Jove most severe! How? wouldst thou render fruitless all my pains? 30 The sweat that I have pour'd? my steeds themselves Have fainted while I gather'd Greece in arms For punishment of Priam and his sons. Do it. But small thy praise shall be in heaven. Then her the Thunderer answer'd sore displeased. 35 Ah shameless! how have Priam and his sons So much transgress'd against thee, that thou burn'st With ceaseless rage to ruin populous Troy? Go, make thine entrance at her lofty gates, Priam and all his house, and all his host 40 Alive devour; then, haply, thou wilt rest; Do even as thou wilt, that this dispute Live not between us a consuming fire For ever. But attend; mark well the word. When I shall also doom in future time 45 Some city to destruction, dear to thee, Oppose me not, but give my fury way As I give way to thine, not pleased myself, Yet not unsatisfied, so thou be pleased. For of all cities of the sons of men, 50 And which the sun and stars from heaven behold, Me sacred Troy most pleases, Priam me Most, and the people of the warrior King. Nor without cause. They feed mine altar well; Libation there, and steam of savory scent 55 Fail not, the tribute which by lot is ours. Him answer'd, then, the Goddess ample-eyed,[3] Majestic Juno: Three fair cities me, Of all the earth, most interest and engage, Mycenae for magnificence renown'd, 60 Argos, and Sparta. Them, when next thy wrath Shall be inflamed against them, lay thou waste; I will not interpose on their behalf; Thou shalt not hear me murmur; what avail Complaint or force against thy matchless arm? 65 Yet were it most unmeet that even I Should toil in vain; I also boast a birth Celestial; Saturn deeply wise, thy Sire, Is also mine; our origin is one. Thee I acknowledge Sovereign, yet account 70 Myself entitled by a twofold claim To veneration both from Gods and men, The daughter of Jove's sire, and spouse of Jove. Concession mutual therefore both thyself Befits and me, whom when the Gods perceive 75 Disposed to peace, they also shall accord. Come then.—To yon dread field dispatch in haste Minerva, with command that she incite The Trojans first to violate their oath By some fresh insult on the exulting Greeks. 80 So Juno; nor the sire of all refused, But in wing'd accents thus to Pallas spake. Begone; swift fly to yonder field; incite The Trojans first to violate their oath By some fresh insult on the exulting Greeks. 85 The Goddess heard, and what she wish'd, enjoin'd, Down-darted swift from the Olympian heights, In form a meteor, such as from his hand Not seldom Jove dismisses, beaming bright And breaking into stars, an omen sent 90 To mariners, or to some numerous host. Such Pallas seem'd, and swift descending, dropp'd Full in the midst between them. They with awe That sign portentous and with wonder view'd, Achaians both and Trojans, and his next 95 The soldier thus bespake. Now either war And dire hostility again shall flame, Or Jove now gives us peace. Both are from Jove. So spake the soldiery; but she the form Taking of brave Laodocus, the son 100 Of old Antenor, throughout all the ranks Sought godlike Pandarus.[4] Ere long she found The valiant son illustrious of Lycaon, Standing encompass'd by his dauntless troops, Broad-shielded warriors, from AEsepus' stream 105 His followers; to his side the Goddess came, And in wing'd accents ardent him bespake. Brave offspring of Lycaon, is there hope That thou wilt hear my counsel? darest thou slip A shaft at Menelaus? much renown 110 Thou shalt and thanks from all the Trojans win, But most of all, from Paris, prince of Troy. From him illustrious gifts thou shalt receive Doubtless, when Menelaus he shall see The martial son of Atreus by a shaft 115 Subdued of thine, placed on his funeral pile. Come. Shoot at Menelaus, glorious Chief! But vow to Lycian Phoebus bow-renown'd A hecatomb, all firstlings of the flock, To fair Zeleia's[5] walls once safe restored. 120 So Pallas spake, to whom infatuate he Listening, uncased at once his polished bow.[6] That bow, the laden brows of a wild goat Salacious had supplied; him on a day Forth-issuing from his cave, in ambush placed 125 He wounded with an arrow to his breast Dispatch'd, and on the rock supine he fell. Each horn had from his head tall growth attain'd, Full sixteen palms; them shaven smooth the smith Had aptly join'd, and tipt their points with gold. 130 That bow he strung, then, stooping, planted firm The nether horn, his comrades bold the while Screening him close with shields, lest ere the prince Were stricken, Menelaus brave in arms, The Greeks with fierce assault should interpose. 135 He raised his quiver's lid; he chose a dart Unflown, full-fledged, and barb'd with pangs of death. He lodged in haste the arrow on the string, And vow'd to Lycian Phoebus bow-renown'd A hecatomb, all firstlings of the flock, 140 To fair Zeleia's walls once safe restored. Compressing next nerve and notch'd arrow-head He drew back both together, to his pap Drew home the nerve, the barb home to his bow, And when the horn was curved to a wide arch, 145 He twang'd it. Whizz'd the bowstring, and the reed Leap'd off, impatient for the distant throng. Thee, Menelaus, then the blessed Gods Forgat not; Pallas huntress of the spoil, Thy guardian then, baffled the cruel dart. 150 Far as a mother wafts the fly aside[7] That haunts her slumbering babe, so far she drove Its course aslant, directing it herself Against the golden clasps that join'd his belt; For there the doubled hauberk interposed. 155 The bitter arrow plunged into his belt. It pierced his broider'd belt, stood fixt within His twisted hauberk, nor the interior quilt, Though penetrable least to arrow-points And his best guard, withheld it, but it pass'd 160 That also, and the Hero's skin inscribed. Quick flowed a sable current from the wound. As when a Carian or Maeonian maid Impurples ivory ordain'd to grace The cheek of martial steed; safe stored it lies, 165 By many a Chief desired, but proves at last The stately trapping of some prince,[8] the pride Of his high pamper'd steed, nor less his own; Such, Menelaus, seem'd thy shapely thighs, Thy legs, thy feet, stained with thy trickling blood. 170 Shudder'd King Agamemnon when he saw The blood fast trickling from the wound, nor less Shudder'd himself the bleeding warrior bold. But neck and barb observing from the flesh Extant, he gather'd heart, and lived again. 175 The royal Agamemnon, sighing, grasp'd The hand of Menelaus, and while all Their followers sigh'd around them, thus began.[9] I swore thy death, my brother, when I swore This truce, and set thee forth in sight of Greeks 180 And Trojans, our sole champion; for the foe Hath trodden underfoot his sacred oath, And stained it with thy blood. But not in vain, The truce was ratified, the blood of lambs Poured forth, libation made, and right hands join'd 185 In holy confidence. The wrath of Jove May sleep, but will not always; they shall pay Dear penalty; their own obnoxious heads Shall be the mulct, their children and their wives. For this I know, know surely; that a day 190 Shall come, when Ilium, when the warlike King Of Ilium and his host shall perish all. Saturnian Jove high-throned, dwelling in heaven, Resentful of this outrage, then shall shake His storm-clad AEgis over them. He will; 195 I speak no fable. Time shall prove me true. But, oh my Menelaus, dire distress Awaits me, if thy close of life be come, And thou must die. Then ignominy foul Shall hunt me back to Argos long-desired; 200 For then all here will recollect their home, And, hope abandoning, will Helen yield To be the boast of Priam, and of Troy. So shall our toils be vain, and while thy bones Shall waste these clods beneath, Troy's haughty sons 205 The tomb of Menelaus glory-crown'd Insulting barbarous, shall scoff at me. So may Atrides, shall they say, perform His anger still as he performed it here, Whither he led an unsuccessful host, 210 Whence he hath sail'd again without the spoils, And where he left his brother's bones to rot. So shall the Trojan speak; then open earth Her mouth, and hide me in her deepest gulfs! But him, the hero of the golden locks 215 Thus cheer'd. My brother, fear not, nor infect With fear the Grecians; the sharp-pointed reed Hath touch'd no vital part. The broider'd zone, The hauberk, and the tough interior quilt, Work of the armorer, its force repress'd. 220 Him answer'd Agamemnon, King of men. So be it brother! but the hand of one Skilful to heal shall visit and shall dress The wound with drugs of pain-assuaging power. He ended, and his noble herald, next, 225 Bespake, Talthybius. Haste, call hither quick The son of AEsculapius, leech renown'd, The prince Machaon. Bid him fly to attend The warlike Chieftain Menelaus; him Some archer, either Lycian or of Troy, 230 A dexterous one, hath stricken with a shaft To his own glory, and to our distress. He spake, nor him the herald disobey'd, But through the Greeks bright-arm'd his course began The Hero seeking earnest on all sides 235 Machaon. Him, ere long, he station'd saw Amid the shielded-ranks of his brave band From steed-famed Tricca drawn, and at his side With accents ardor-wing'd, him thus address'd. Haste, Asclepiades! The King of men 240 Calls thee. Delay not. Thou must visit quick Brave Menelaus, Atreus' son, for him Some archer, either Lycian or of Troy, A dexterous one, hath stricken with a shaft To his own glory, and to our distress. 245 So saying, he roused Machaon, who his course Through the wide host began. Arriving soon Where wounded Menelaus stood, while all The bravest of Achaia's host around The godlike hero press'd, he strove at once 250 To draw the arrow from his cincture forth. But, drawing, bent the barbs. He therefore loosed His broider'd belt, his hauberk and his quilt, Work of the armorer, and laying bare His body where the bitter shaft had plow'd 255 His flesh, he suck'd the wound, then spread it o'er With drugs of balmy power, given on a time For friendship's sake by Chiron to his sire. While Menelaus thus the cares engross'd Of all those Chiefs, the shielded powers of Troy 260 'Gan move toward them, and the Greeks again Put on their armor, mindful of the fight. Then hadst thou[10] not great Agamemnon seen Slumbering, or trembling, or averse from war, But ardent to begin his glorious task. 265 His steeds, and his bright chariot brass-inlaid He left; the snorting steeds Eurymedon, Offspring of Ptolemy Piraides Detain'd apart; for him he strict enjoin'd Attendance near, lest weariness of limbs 270 Should seize him marshalling his numerous host. So forth he went, and through the files on foot Proceeding, where the warrior Greeks he saw Alert, he roused them by his words the more.[11] Argives! abate no spark of all your fire. 275 Jove will not prosper traitors. Them who first Transgress'd the truce the vultures shall devour, But we (their city taken) shall their wives Lead captive, and their children home to Greece. So cheer'd he them. But whom he saw supine, 280 Or in the rugged work of war remiss, In terms of anger them he stern rebuked. Oh Greeks! The shame of Argos! Arrow-doom'd! Blush ye not? Wherefore stand ye thus aghast, Like fawns which wearied after scouring wide 285 The champain, gaze and pant, and can no more? Senseless like them ye stand, nor seek the fight. Is it your purpose patient here to wait Till Troy invade your vessels on the shore Of the grey deep, that ye may trial make 290 Of Jove, if he will prove, himself, your shield? Thus, in discharge of his high office, pass'd Atrides through the ranks, and now arrived Where, hardy Chief! Idomeneus in front Of his bold Cretans stood, stout as a boar 295 The van he occupied, while in the rear Meriones harangued the most remote. Them so prepared the King of men beheld With joyful heart, and thus in courteous terms Instant the brave Idomeneus address'd. 300 Thee fighting, feasting, howsoe'er employed, I most respect, Idomeneus, of all The well-horsed Danaei; for when the Chiefs Of Argos, banqueting, their beakers charge With rosy wine the honorable meed 305 Of valor, thou alone of all the Greeks Drink'st not by measure.[12] No—thy goblet stands Replenish'd still, and like myself thou know'st No rule or bound, save what thy choice prescribes. March. Seek the foe. Fight now as heretofore, 310 To whom Idomeneus of Crete replied, Atrides! all the friendship and the love Which I have promised will I well perform. Go; animate the rest, Chief after Chief Of the Achaians, that the fight begin. 315 For Troy has scatter'd to the winds all faith, All conscience; and for such her treachery foul Shall have large recompence of death and wo. He said, whom Agamemnon at his heart Exulting, pass'd, and in his progress came 320 Where stood each Ajax; them he found prepared With all their cloud of infantry behind. As when the goat-herd on some rocky point Advanced, a cloud sees wafted o'er the deep By western gales, and rolling slow along, 325 To him, who stands remote, pitch-black it seems, And comes with tempest charged; he at the sight Shuddering, his flock compels into a cave; So moved the gloomy phalanx, rough with spears, And dense with shields of youthful warriors bold, 330 Close-following either Ajax to the fight. Them also, pleased, the King of men beheld, And in wing'd accents hail'd them as he pass'd. Brave leaders of the mail-clad host of Greece! I move not you to duty; ye yourselves 335 Move others, and no lesson need from me. Jove, Pallas, and Apollo! were but all Courageous as yourselves, soon Priam's towers Should totter, and his Ilium storm'd and sack'd By our victorious bands, stoop to the dust. 340 He ceased, and still proceeding, next arrived Where stood the Pylian orator, his band Marshalling under all their leaders bold Alastor, Chromius, Pelagon the vast, Haemon the prince, and Bias, martial Chief. 345 Chariot and horse he station'd in the front; His numerous infantry, a strong reserve Right valiant, in the rear; the worst, and those In whom he trusted least, he drove between, That such through mere necessity might act. 350 First to his charioteers he gave in charge Their duty; bade them rein their horses hard, Shunning confusion. Let no warrior, vain And overweening of his strength or skill, Start from his rank to dare the fight alone, 355 Or fall behind it, weakening whom he leaves. [13]And if, dismounted from his own, he climb Another's chariot, let him not affect Perverse the reins, but let him stand, his spear Advancing firm, far better so employ'd. 360 Such was the discipline, in ancient times, Of our forefathers; by these rules they fought Successful, and laid many a city low. So counsell'd them the venerable Chief Long time expert in arms; him also saw 365 King Agamemnon with delight, and said, Old Chief! ah how I wish, that thy firm heart Were but supported by as firm a knee! But time unhinges all. Oh that some youth Had thine old age, and thou wast young again! 370 To whom the valiant Nestor thus replied. Atrides, I could also ardent wish That I were now robust as when I struck Brave Ereuthalion[14] breathless to the ground! But never all their gifts the Gods confer 375 On man at once; if then I had the force Of youth, I suffer now the effects of age. Yet ancient as I am, I will be seen Still mingling with the charioteers, still prompt To give them counsel; for to counsel youth 380 Is the old warrior's province. Let the green In years, my juniors, unimpaired by time, Push with the lance, for they have strength to boast. So he, whom Agamemnon joyful heard, And passing thence, the son of Peteos found 385 Menestheus, foremost in equestrian fame, Among the brave Athenians; near to him Ulysses held his station, and at hand The Cephallenians stood, hardy and bold; For rumor none of the approaching fight 390 Them yet had reach'd, so recent had the stir Arisen in either host; they, therefore, watch'd Till the example of some other band Marching, should prompt them to begin the fight, But Agamemnon, thus, the King of men 395 Them seeing, sudden and severe reproved. Menestheus, son of Peteos prince renown'd, And thou, deviser of all evil wiles! Adept in artifice! why stand ye here Appall'd? why wait ye on this distant spot 400 'Till others move? I might expect from you More readiness to meet the burning war, Whom foremost I invite of all to share The banquet, when the Princes feast with me. There ye are prompt; ye find it pleasant there 405 To eat your savory food, and quaff your wine Delicious 'till satiety ensue; But here you could be well content to stand Spectators only, while ten Grecian troops Should wage before you the wide-wasting war. 410 To whom Ulysses, with resentful tone Dark-frowning, thus replied. What words are these Which have escaped thy lips; and for what cause, Atrides, hast thou call'd me slow to fight? When we of Greece shall in sharp contest clash 415 With you steed-tamer Trojans, mark me then; Then thou shalt see (if the concerns of war So nearly touch thee, and thou so incline) The father of Telemachus, engaged Among the foremost Trojans. But thy speech 420 Was light as is the wind, and rashly made. When him thus moved he saw, the monarch smiled Complacent, and in gentler terms replied. Laertes' noble son, for wiles renown'd! Short reprimand and exhortation short 425 Suffice for thee, nor did I purpose more. For I have known thee long, that thou art one Of kindest nature, and so much my friend That we have both one heart. Go therefore thou, Lead on, and if a word have fallen amiss, 430 We will hereafter mend it, and may heaven Obliterate in thine heart its whole effect! He ceased, and ranging still along the line, The son of Tydeus, Diomede, perceived, Heroic Chief, by chariots all around 435 Environ'd, and by steeds, at side of whom Stood Sthenelus, the son of Capaneus. Him also, Agamemnon, King of men, In accents of asperity reproved. Ah, son of Tydeus, Chief of dauntless heart 440 And of equestrian fame! why standest thou Appall'd, and peering through the walks of war? So did not Tydeus. In the foremost fight His favorite station was, as they affirm Who witness'd his exploits; I never saw 445 Or met him, but by popular report He was the bravest warrior of his day. Yet came he once, but not in hostile sort, To fair Mycenae, by the godlike prince Attended, Polynices, at what time 450 The host was called together, and the siege Was purposed of the sacred city Thebes. Earnest they sued for an auxiliar band, Which we had gladly granted, but that Jove By unpropitious tokens interfered. 455 So forth they went, and on the reedy banks Arriving of Asopus, there thy sire By designation of the Greeks was sent Ambassador, and enter'd Thebes. He found In Eteocles' palace numerous guests, 460 The sons of Cadmus feasting, among whom, Although a solitary stranger, stood Thy father without fear, and challenged forth Their best to cope with him in manly games. Them Tydeus vanquish'd easily, such aid 465 Pallas vouchsafed him. Then the spur-arm'd race Of Cadmus was incensed, and fifty youths In ambush close expected his return. Them, Lycophontes obstinate in fight, Son of Autophonus, and Maeon, son 470 Of Haemon, Chief of godlike stature, led. Those also Tydeus slew; Maeon except, (Whom, warned from heaven, he spared, and sent him home With tidings of the rest) he slew them all. Such was AEtolian Tydeus; who begat 475 A son in speech his better, not in arms. He ended, and his sovereign's awful voice Tydides reverencing, nought replied; But thus the son of glorious Capaneus. Atrides, conscious of the truth, speak truth. 480 We with our sires compared, superior praise Claim justly.[15] We, confiding in the aid Of Jove, and in propitious signs from heaven, Led to the city consecrate to Mars Our little host, inferior far to theirs, 485 And took seven-gated Thebes, under whose walls Our fathers by their own imprudence fell. Their glory, then, match never more with ours. He spake, whom with a frowning brow the brave Tydides answer'd. Sthenelus, my friend! 490 I give thee counsel. Mark it. Hold thy peace. If Agamemnon, who hath charge of all, Excite his well-appointed host to war, He hath no blame from me. For should the Greeks (Her people vanquished) win imperial Troy, 495 The glory shall be his; or, if his host O'erpower'd in battle perish, his the shame. Come, therefore; be it ours to rouse at once To action all the fury of our might. He said, and from his chariot to the plain 500 Leap'd ardent; rang the armor on the breast Of the advancing Chief; the boldest heart Had felt emotion, startled at the sound. As when the waves by Zephyrus up-heaved Crowd fast toward some sounding shore, at first, 505 On the broad bosom of the deep their heads They curl on high, then breaking on the land Thunder, and o'er the rocks that breast the flood Borne turgid, scatter far the showery spray; So moved the Greeks successive, rank by rank, 510 And phalanx after phalanx, every Chief His loud command proclaiming, while the rest, As voice in all those thousands none had been Heard mute; and, in resplendent armor clad, With martial order terrible advanced. 515 Not so the Trojans came. As sheep, the flock Of some rich man, by thousands in his court Penn'd close at milking time, incessant bleat, Loud answering all their bleating lambs without, Such din from Ilium's wide-spread host arose. 520 Nor was their shout, nor was their accent one, But mingled languages were heard of men From various climes. These Mars to battle roused, Those Pallas azure-eyed; nor Terror thence Nor Flight was absent, nor insatiate Strife, 525 Sister and mate of homicidal Mars, Who small at first, but swift to grow, from earth Her towering crest lifts gradual to the skies. She, foe alike to both, the brands dispersed Of burning hate between them, and the woes 530 Enhanced of battle wheresoe'er she pass'd. And now the battle join'd. Shield clash'd with shield[16] And spear with spear, conflicting corselets rang, Boss'd bucklers met, and tumult wild arose. Then, many a yell was heard, and many a shout 535 Loud intermix'd, the slayer o'er the maim'd Exulting, and the field was drench'd with blood. As when two winter torrents rolling down The mountains, shoot their floods through gulleys huge Into one gulf below, station'd remote 540 The shepherd in the uplands hears the roar; Such was the thunder of the mingling hosts. And first, Antilochus a Trojan Chief Slew Echepolus, from Thalysias sprung, Contending valiant in the van of Troy. 545 Him smiting on his crested casque, he drove The brazen lance into his front, and pierced The bones within; night overspread his eyes, And in fierce battle, like a tower, he fell. Him fallen by both feet Calchodon's son 550 Seized, royal Elephenor, leader brave Of the Abantes, and in haste to strip His armor, drew him from the fight aside. But short was that attempt. Him so employ'd Dauntless Agenor mark'd, and as he stoop'd, 555 In his unshielded flank a pointed spear Implanted deep; he languid sunk and died. So Elephenor fell, for whom arose Sharp conflict; Greeks and Trojans mutual flew Like wolves to battle, and man grappled man. 560 Then Telamonian Ajax, in his prime Of youthful vigor Simoeisius slew,[17] Son of Anthemion. Him on Simois' banks His mother bore, when with her parents once She came from Ida down to view the flocks, 565 And thence they named him; but his parents' He lived not to requite, in early youth Slain by the spear of Ajax famed in arms. For him advancing Ajax at the pap Wounded; right through his shoulder driven the point 570 Stood forth behind; he fell, and press'd the dust. So in some spacious marsh the poplar falls Smooth-skinn'd, with boughs unladen save aloft; Some chariot-builder with his axe the trunk Severs, that he may warp it to a wheel 575 Of shapely form; meantime exposed it lies To parching airs beside the running stream; Such Simoeisius seemed, Anthemion's son, Whom noble Ajax slew. But soon at him Antiphus, son of Priam, bright in arms, 580 Hurl'd through the multitude his pointed spear. He erred from Ajax, but he pierced the groin Of Leucus, valiant warrior of the band Led by Ulysses. He the body dragg'd Apart, but fell beside it, and let fall, 585 Breathless himself, the burthen from his hand. Then burn'd Ulysses' wrath for Leucus slain, And through the foremost combatants, array'd In dazzling arms, he rush'd. Full near he stood, And, looking keen around him, hurl'd a lance. 590 Back fell the Trojans from before the face Dispersed of great Ulysses. Not in vain His weapon flew, but on the field outstretch'd A spurious son of Priam, from the shores Call'd of Abydus famed for fleetest mares, 595 Democoon; him, for Leucus' sake enraged, Ulysses through both temples with his spear Transpierced. The night of death hung on his eyes, And sounding on his batter'd arms he fell. Then Hector and the van of Troy retired; 600 Loud shout the Grecians; these draw off the dead, Those onward march amain, and from the heights Of Pergamus Apollo looking down In anger, to the Trojans called aloud. Turn, turn, ye Trojans! face your Grecian foes. 605 They, like yourselves, are vulnerable flesh, Not adamant or steel. Your direst dread Achilles, son of Thetis radiant-hair'd, Fights not, but sullen in his fleet abides.[18] Such from the citadel was heard the voice 610 Of dread Apollo. But Minerva ranged Meantime, Tritonian progeny of Jove, The Grecians, rousing whom she saw remiss. Then Amarynceus' son, Diores, felt The force of fate, bruised by a rugged rock 615 At his right heel, which Pirus, Thracian Chief, The son of Imbrasus of AEnos, threw. Bones and both tendons in its fall the mass Enormous crush'd. He, stretch'd in dust supine, With palms outspread toward his warrior friends 620 Lay gasping life away. But he who gave The fatal blow, Pirus, advancing, urged Into his navel a keen lance, and shed His bowels forth; then, darkness veil'd his eyes. Nor Pirus long survived; him through the breast 625 Above the pap, AEtolian Thoas pierced, And in his lungs set fast the quivering spear. Then Thoas swift approach'd, pluck'd from the wound His stormy spear, and with his falchion bright Gashing his middle belly, stretch'd him dead. 630 Yet stripp'd he not the slain, whom with long spears His Thracians hairy-scalp'd[19] so round about Encompassed, that though bold and large of limb Were Thoas, from before them him they thrust Staggering and reeling in his forced retreat. 635 They therefore in the dust, the Epean Chief Diores, and the Thracian, Pirus lay Stretch'd side by side, with numerous slain around. Then had Minerva led through all that field Some warrior yet unhurt, him sheltering safe 640 From all annoyance dread of dart or spear, No cause of blame in either had he found That day, so many Greeks and Trojans press'd, Extended side by side, the dusty plain.




Diomede is extraordinarily distinguished. He kills Pandarus, who had violated the truce, and wounds first Venus and then Mars.


Then Athenaean Pallas on the son Of Tydeus,[1] Diomede, new force conferr'd And daring courage, that the Argives all He might surpass, and deathless fame achieve. Fires on his helmet and his shield around 5 She kindled, bright and steady as the star Autumnal,[2] which in Ocean newly bathed Assumes fresh beauty; with such glorious beams His head encircling and his shoulders broad, She urged him forth into the thickest fight. 10 There lived a man in Troy, Dares his name, The priest of Vulcan; rich he was and good, The father of two sons, Idaeus this, That, Phegeus call'd; accomplish'd warriors both. These, issuing from their phalanx, push'd direct 15 Their steeds at Diomede, who fought on foot. When now small interval was left between, First Phegeus his long-shadow'd spear dismiss'd; But over Diomede's left shoulder pass'd The point, innocuous. Then his splendid lance 20 Tydides hurl'd; nor ineffectual flew The weapon from his hand, but Phegeus pierced His paps between, and forced him to the ground. At once, his sumptuous chariot left, down leap'd Idaesus, wanting courage to defend 25 His brother slain; nor had he scaped himself His louring fate, but Vulcan, to preserve His ancient priest from unmixt sorrow, snatch'd The fugitive in darkness wrapt, away. Then brave Tydides, driving off the steeds, 30 Consign'd them to his fellow-warriors' care, That they might lead them down into the fleet. The valiant Trojans, when they saw the sons Of Dares, one beside his chariot slain, And one by flight preserved, through all their host 35 Felt consternation. Then Minerva seized The hand of fiery Mars, and thus she spake. Gore-tainted homicide, town-battering Mars! Leave we the Trojans and the Greeks to wage Fierce fight alone, Jove prospering whom he will, 40 So shall we not provoke our father's ire. She said, and from the fight conducted forth The impetuous Deity, whom on the side She seated of Scamander deep-embank'd.[3] And now the host of Troy to flight inclined 45 Before the Grecians, and the Chiefs of Greece Each slew a warrior. Agamemnon first Gigantic Odius from his chariot hurl'd. Chief of the Halizonians. He to flight Turn'd foremost, when the monarch in his spine 50 Between the shoulder-bones his spear infixt, And urged it through his breast. Sounding he fell, And loud his batter'd armor rang around. By brave Idomeneus a Lydian died, Phaestus, from fruitful Tarne sent to Troy, 55 Son of Maeonian Borus; him his steeds Mounting, Idomeneus the spear-renown'd Through his right shoulder pierced; unwelcome night Involved him; from his chariot down he fell,[4] And the attendant Cretans stripp'd his arms. 60 But Menelaus, son of Atreus slew With his bright spear Scamandrius, Stropius' son, A skilful hunter; for Diana him, Herself, the slaughter of all savage kinds Had taught, on mountain or in forest bred. 65 But she, shaft-aiming Goddess, in that hour Avail'd him not, nor his own matchless skill; For Menelaus, Atreus son spear-famed, Him flying wounded in the spine between His shoulders, and the spear urged through his breast. 70 Prone on his loud-resounding arms he fell. Next, by Meriones, Phereclus died, Son of Harmonides. All arts that ask A well-instructed hand his sire had learn'd, For Pallas dearly loved him. He the fleet, 75 Prime source of harm to Troy and to himself, For Paris built, unskill'd to spell aright The oracles predictive of the wo. Phereclus fled; Meriones his flight Outstripping, deep in his posterior flesh 80 A spear infix'd; sliding beneath the bone It grazed his bladder as it pass'd, and stood Protruded far before. Low on his knees Phereclus sank, and with a shriek expired. Pedaeus, whom, although his spurious son, 85 Antenor's wife, to gratify her lord, Had cherish'd as her own—him Meges slew. Warlike Phylides[5] following close his flight, His keen lance drove into his poll, cut sheer His tongue within, and through his mouth enforced 90 The glittering point. He, prostrate in the dust, The cold steel press'd between his teeth and died. Eurypylus, Evemon's son, the brave Hypsenor slew; Dolopion was his sire, Priest of Scamander, reverenced as a God. 95 In vain before Eurypylus he fled; He, running, with his falchion lopp'd his arm Fast by the shoulder; on the field his hand Fell blood-distained, and destiny severe With shades of death for ever veil'd his eyes. 100 Thus strenuous they the toilsome battle waged. But where Tydides fought, whether in aid Of Ilium's host, or on the part of Greece, Might none discern. For as a winter-flood Impetuous, mounds and bridges sweeps away;[6] 105 The buttress'd bridge checks not its sudden force, The firm inclosure of vine-planted fields Luxuriant, falls before it; finish'd works Of youthful hinds, once pleasant to the eye, Now levell'd, after ceaseless rain from Jove; 110 So drove Tydides into sudden flight The Trojans; phalanx after phalanx fled Before the terror of his single arm. When him Lycaon's son illustrious saw Scouring the field, and from before his face 115 The ranks dispersing wide, at once he bent Against Tydides his elastic bow. The arrow met him in his swift career Sure-aim'd; it struck direct the hollow mail Of his right shoulder, with resistless force 120 Transfix'd it, and his hauberk stain'd with blood.

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