The Duc de Guiche has returned to Paris, after having seen the royal family safely embarked at Cherbourg. The departure of the aged monarch presented a melancholy scene. At his time of life, he can never hope to behold his country again, and the sudden change from the throne of a great kingdom to a compelled exile in a foreign land is a reverse of fortune that demands a philosophy to support, with which few are blest.
There is something touching in the attachment of the Duc and Duchesse de Guiche to this unfortunate family, and above all, to the Dauphin and Dauphine. Always aware of their affection for them, I never imagined the strength of it, until the adversity which has sent so many of those who had previously loudly professed their devotion to them away, but which has increased the feelings of reverence towards them in this estimable couple, by mingling with it a sentiment of deep commiseration, that induces a still greater display of respect, now that so many others dispense with evincing it. The Duc is charged with the disposal of the property of the Dauphin; and, when this task is accomplished, he and his family will follow the fallen fortunes of Charles the Tenth, and join him at Holyrood.
Loving France as they do, and wishing their sons to be brought up in the land of their birth, strong indeed must be the affection that induces them to abandon it, in order to devote themselves to the exiled Bourbons. This devotion to the fallen is the more meritorious when the liberality of the Duc's political opinions is taken into consideration. How few sovereigns find such devotion in adversity! and how seldom are men to be met with capable of sacrificing their own interests and the future prospects of their children to a sense of duty!
* * * * *
A lapse in my journal.—All seems now settled. The foreign powers have acknowledged the King of the French; and this acknowledgment has not only delighted his subjects, but confirmed them in the belief of their own right to make or unmake sovereigns according to their will and pleasure.
The English are very popular in Paris at this moment, and the ready recognition of Louis-Philippe by our government has increased this good feeling. A vast crowd escorted the carriage of Mr. Hamilton, the Secretary of the Embassy, to his door, as he returned from his first accredited audience of the new monarch, and cries of Vivent les Anglais! filled the air. As Mr. Hamilton resides in the house next to the one I occupy, I had an opportunity of beholding this ovation offered to him, and the people certainly evinced very groat enthusiasm on the occasion.
M. Thiers, M. Mignet, Count Valeski, and Mr. Francis Raring, dined here yesterday. M. Thiers was very brilliant and amusing. It is impossible to meet him even once without being struck with the remarkable talent that characterises every sentence he utters; and yet each observation comes forth with such spirit and vivacity, that it is easy to see it has been elicited at the moment by some remark from another, and not from meditation.
There is a hardiness in his conceptions, and an epigrammatic terseness in the expression of them, that command attention; and the readiness with which he seizes, analyses, and disposes of a question, betrays such a versatility of mental power as to convey a conviction that he is a man who cannot fail to fill a distinguished place in France, where, at present, abilities furnish the master-key that opens the door to honours and fortune. M. Thiers appears to entertain a consciousness of his talents, but does not, I really think, overrate them.
The Prince and Princess Soutzo with their family, spent yesterday with us. Their eldest daughter, the Princess Helena, is a beautiful girl, with captivating manners, and highly cultivated mind, and the little Mary, though still in infancy, is one of the cleverest children I ever saw. Never did I see young people better brought up than are the sons and daughters of this excellent couple, or a more united family.
Mr. and Miss Poulter, and William Spencer the poet, I dined here yesterday. Mr. Poulter is a sensible man, and his sister is well informed and intelligent.
It is now decided that we go to England! Two years ago I should have returned there with gladness, but now!—I dread it. How changed will all appear without him whose ever-watchful affection anticipated every wish, and realised every hope! I ought to feel pleased at leaving Paris, where the heaviest trial of my life has occurred, but here I have now learned to get inured to the privation of his society, while in England I shall have again to acquire the hard lesson of resignation.
November, 1830.—This is the last entry I shall make in my journal in Paris, for to-morrow we depart for England.
I have passed the day in taking leave of those dear to me, and my spirits have failed under the effort. Some of them I shall probably never again behold. The dear and excellent Madame Craufurd is among those about whom I entertain the most melancholy presentiments, because at her advanced age I can hardly hope to find her, should I again return to France. She referred to this to-day with streaming eyes, and brought many a tear to mine by the sadness of her anticipations.
The Duc and Duchess de Guiche I shall soon see in England, on their route to Edinburgh, to join tho exiled family at Holyrood, for they are determined not to forsake them in adversity.
Adieu a Paris! two years and a half ago I entered you with gladness, and the future looked bright; I leave you with altered feelings, for the present is cheerless and the future clouded.
* * * * *
[1: Now Baron d'Haussey.]
[2: The hermitage was lent him by Madame d'Epinay, to whom his subsequent ingratitude forms a dark page in her Memoires.]
[3: The present Lord Abinger.]
[4: Now Lord Glenelg.]
[5: Now Lord Francis Egerton.]
[6: Now Madame Emile de Girardin.]
[7: "Where thou beholdest Genius, There thou beholdest, too, the martyr's crown."]
[8: The present Earl of Cadogan.]
[9: The Duc de Guiche, being premier menin to the Dauphin, used, according to custom, the arms and liveries of that prince.]
[10: Now Marechal.]
Antiquities of this City—The Hotel du Midi—Articles of Merchandise—History of the Maison Carree—Work of Poldo d'Albenas—The Building described—Origin of it—Now used as a Museum—Monument to Marcus Attius—Cardinal Alberoni—Barbarous Project—Removal of Antiquities—The Amphitheatre described—Charles Martel—Excellent Precaution in Roman Theatres—Inscription—Officious Cicerone—Gate of Augustus—La Tour-Magne—Excavations—Fine Fountain—Temple of Diana—Brevity of Human Life, 1.
Beaucaire—Wooden Houses—Castle of King Rene—Church of St. Martha—Fabulous Monster—The Hotel described—The Hostess—Antique Furniture—Plentiful Dinner—Scrutiny—Visit to the Amphitheatre—The Prefect of Arles—Subterranean Excavations—Ancient Church of St. Anne—Altar to the Goddess of Good—Venus of Arles—Granite Obelisk—Primitive Manners—A Liberal Landlady, 14.
Situation of the Town—Antiquities—The Triumphal Arch described—Male and Female Figures—The Mausoleum—Bassi-relievi of Battles, Infantry, etc.—Figure of a Winged Female—Latin Inscription—Variously explained—Interpretation of Monsieur P. Malosse—Respect for the Departed—On The Triumphal Arch and Mausoleum at St.-Remy, 21.
The Fete Dieu—Procession through the Streets—Ecclesiastical and Military Pomp—Decorations in the Streets—Effect produced on the Mind by Sacred Music—Excitements to Religious Fervour—the Miserere, 30.
Fatiguing Journey—Landau Accident—The Hotel de la Terrasse, in the Rue de Rivoli—Six Years' Absence—The Duc and Duchesse de Guiche—Joy of Meeting—Fashion at Paris—Visit to Herhault's Temple of Fashion—Mademoiselle La Touche—Extravagant Charges—Caution to Husbands—A Word, also, to Wives—Visit to Madame Craufurd—Her prepossessing Appearance—House-hunting—Residence of the Marechal Lobau—Review in the Champ-de-Mars—Splendid Coup d'oeil—The Marchioness de Loule—Restrictions at Court—Accident to the Comte de Bourmont—Alarm of the Ladies—Charles the Tenth, the Dauphin, and the Dauphine—Melancholy Physiognomy of Charles the First—The Duchesse d'Angouleme—Her Trials and Endurance—French Love of Country—The Duchesse de Berri—Dinner at the Duchesse de Guiche's—William Lock—The Comte de l'Esperance de l'Aigle—His high breeding—The Opera—Debut of Taglioni—Her Poetical Style of Dancing—The Duc de Cazes—French and English Manners contrasted—Attentions to the Fair Sex in France—The Comtesses de Bellegarde—Character of the Duc de Gramont—Lady Barbara Craufurd—Count Valeski—Anger of the Marechal Lobau—Defect in French Houses—The Muette de Portici—Noblet—An old Danseuse—Gaiety at Tivoli—Similarity in the Exterior of Parisian Ladies—A Quadrille Party—Demi-toilette—Late Tea-Party—Luxurious Chair—Delightful House in the Rue de Bourbon—Its costly Decorations—Its Interior described—The Princesse de la Moskowa—Sad Interview—Marechal Ney, 32.
Custom of letting out Furniture—The Prince and Princesse Castelcicala—Lady Hawarden—Lady Combermere—Tone of Society at Paris—Attentions paid by Young Men to Old Ladies—Flirtations at Paris—Ceremonious Decorum—Comic Charles de Mornay—Parisian Upholsterers—Rich Furniture—Lord Yarmouth—Elegant Suite of Apartments—Charles Mills—Warm Affections between Relatives in France, 56.
Domestic Arrangements—Changes in Young People—Pleasant Recollections—Lord Lilford—The Marquis and Marquise Zamperi—Comte Alexander de Laborde—The Marquis de Mornay—Mode of passing the Time—Evening Visits in France—Dinner-party—The Duc Dalberg—The Duc de Mouchy—Party to Montmorency—Rousseau's Hermitage—Sensibility, a Characteristic of Genius—Solitude—Letter of Rousseau to Voltaire—Church, of Montmorency—Baths at Enghien—The Comtesse de Gand—Colonel E. Lygon—The Marquis de Dreux-Breze—Contrast between him and the Duc de Talleyrand—The Baron and Baroness de Ruysch—Mr. Douglas Kinnaird—Sir Francis Burdett—Colonel Leicester Stanhope—The Marquis Palavicini—Charms of Italian Women—Lords Darnley and Charlemont—Mr. Young, the Tragedian—Lord Lansdowne—Estimate of his Character—Sir Robert Peel—Respect for the Memory of Sir William Drummond—Lady Drummond—"Vivian Grey"—Mr. Standish—Intermarriages between the French and the English, 64.
Charles Kemble—His Daughter's Tragedy of "Francis the First"—Recollections of John Kemble—The Opera—Count Ory—Sir A. Barnard—Secret of Happiness—Visit to Mademoiselle Mars—Her Residence described—Memorial of her Theatrical Career—The Duchesse de la Force—Madame Grassini—Anecdote of her—Visit to Orsay—Its Situation—The Princesse de Croy—Hamlet of Palaiseau—Drama of La Pie Voteuse—Family of the Duc de Guiche—The Vaudeville Theatre—Scribe's Avant, Pendant, el Apres—Its Dangerous Tendency—French Ambition—Parisian Shopkeepers—Their Officious Conduct, 78.
Lord and Lady Stuart de Rothesay—French Politeness—Mr. D—— and Mr. T—— —Study of Shakespeare—Attractions of Mrs. T—— —Lady Charlotte Llndsay and the Misses Berry—Sir William Gell—Mr. and Mrs. Hare—Female Amiability—Shopping—Hints on Female Dress—Brilliancy of French Conversation—Mr. J. Strangways—A severe Trial—The Plague-spot—Miraculous Escape—Dinner given by Comte A. de Maussion—Goethe's Faust—Character of "Margaret"—The witty Mr. M—— —Lord Byron—French Quickness of Apprehension—Sept Heures—Character of Charlotte Corday—Degenerate Taste of the Parisians—Hasty Conclusions, 91.
The celebrated Dr. P—— —Society of Medical Men—Dr. Guthrie—Requisites for a Surgeon—Celebrity and Merit—The Road to Fortune, as related by Dr. P—— —Successful Stratagem—Fancied Illness—Superfluity of Embonpoint—Mode of Treatment—Another Patient—The Doctor a-la-mode—Mr. P. C. Scarlett—Lord Erskine—Mr. H.B—— —Visit to the Theatre Italien—Madame Malibran's "Desdemona"—Defect in her Singing—The Princesse Pauline Borghese—The Family of Napoleon—Particulars of the Duchesse d'Abrantes—The Luxembourg Palace and Gardens—A Loving Couple—Holiness of Marriage—Story of the Old Bachelor and his Crafty Housekeeper, 105.
Groups of Children in the Gardens of the Luxembourg—Joyous Sounds—The Nurses—The Child of Noble Birth and that of the Parvenu—Joys of Childhood—Contrast between Youth and Age—Meeting with Dr. P—— —Arrival of General and the Comtesse d'Orsay—Attractions of the latter—Remark of Napoleon—Affection in Domestic Circles in France—The Duchesse de Guiche—The Comtesse d'Orsay—The Duc de Gramont—Madame Craufurd—The ci-devant Jeune Homme—Potter, the actor—Sir Francis Burdett—Advantages of French Society—Topics of Conversation—Pedigrees of Horses—French Politeness—Deferential Treatment of the Fair Sex—Domestic Duties of the Duchesse do Guiche—Influence of Courts—Visit to the Theatre des Nouveautes—La Maison du Rempart—Inflammable Exhibitions—Mr. Cuthbert and M. Charles Lafitte—advance of Civilization—Lady Combermere—Mr. Charles Grant (now Lord Glenelg)—Curiosity Shops on the Quai Voltaire—Madame de Sevigne—Objects that have belonged to celebrated People—A Hint to the Ladies—Pincushion of Madame de Maintenon—The Marquis de Rambouillet—Moliere's Precieuses Ridicules—Pangs of Jealousy—Julie d'Angennes—Brilliant Coterie, 120.
The Marquise de Pouleprie—-The celebrated Madame du Barry—Anecdote—Mademoiselle Mars in Valerie—Her admirable Style of Acting—Playing to the Galleries—Exclusive Nature of Parisian Society—French Conversation—Quickness of Perception—Walk in the Gardens of the Tuileries—Comparative Beauty of French and English Ladies—Graceful Walking of the Former—Difference of Etiquette—Well-bred Englishmen—Flight of Time—Colonel Caradoc, son of Lord Howden—New Year's Day—Custom of making Presents—Gallery of the Louvre—The Statues therein—Works of Art—Chefs-d'oeuvre of the Old Masters—Consolation for Men of Genius—Nicolas Poussin, 134.
Visit to the Hotel d'Orsay—Sad Change in it—Mr. Millingon, the Antiquary—Liberality of Comte d'Orsay—A Fanciful Notion—General Or-nano—Unhappy Marriages accounted for—La Gazza Ladra—Mallbran's "Ninetta"—The Calamities of Authors—Mr. D'Israeli—The Princesse de Talleyrand—Her Person described—Her Dress and Manners—Amusing Story told by the Abbe Denon—Unexpected Arrival—Yes and No, by Lord Normanby—Lady Dysart-Comte Valeski—Influence of Agreeable Manners—Effects of opposite ones—Injudicious Friends—A Candid Admission—Lord —— —Love of Contradiction—Remarks on the Novel of Pelham—Misery of receiving stupid Books—Malibran in La Cenerentola—French Customs—Proofs d'Amilie—Wedding Dresses, 146.
Comte Charles de Mornay—His Wit and Good Nature—Mademoiselle Mars, in Henri III—Some Account of the Play—Love and Ambition—Curious Incident—Romantic Notions—Passion of Love—Wordsworth's Poems—Admiration of his Writings—Religion displayed by the Upper Classes—The Duc de Bordeaux—Piety of the Great—Popularity of the Duchesse de Berri—Anecdote of her—Walter Savage Landor—His Imaginary Conversations—Sir William Gell—The Duc d'Orleans—His Enviable Situation—The Duc de Chartres—Genius of Shelley—Beauty of his Writings—His Wild Theories—William Spencer the Poet—Melancholy Change in Him—French Prejudices towards the English—Example of it—Accomplishments of French Ladies—Talent for Conversation, 169.
Consequences of the Revolution in France—Corruption of the Regency—Sarcastic Verses of St.-Evremond—Reign of Louis the Fifteenth—Lessons taught by Affliction—Dangers of Anarchy—The Haute Noblesse previously to the Revolution—Want of Affection between Parents and Children—Superficial Judgments erroneous—Power of Fashion—The Novel of Devereux—Infrequency of Elopements in France—Les Dames de B—— —Their Attachment to each other—Old Maids—Servitude in England and France contrasted—French Masters and Mistresses—Treatment of Servants—Avoidance of Politics—French Discontent—Charles the Tenth—National Prosperity—The Duchesse de Guiche and her two Sons—Position of the Duc de Guiche, 171.
Approach of Spring—Fogs on the Seine—The Jardins des Tuileries—Impurity of the London Atmosphere—Exhilaration of the Spirits—Anecdote—The Catholic Question—Lord Rosslyn—The Duke of Wellington—Merits of a Cook—Amour-propre of a Parisian Cook—English Sauce—A Gourmand and an Epicure—The Duc de Talleyrand—A perfect Dinner—The Marquis de L—— —House-hunting again—Letter from Lord B—— —The Hotel Monaco—College of St.-Barbe—The Duchesse de Guiche and her Sons—A Mother's Triumph—Spirit of Emulation—The Quarter called the Pays Latin—An Author's Dress—Aspect of the Women—A Life of Study—Amable Tastu's Poems—Effect of Living much in Society—Mr. W. Spencer—His Abstraction—Disadvantages of Civilization—Confession of Madame de —— —A Hint to Comte —— on visiting London—Suspicion of Poverty—A Diner Maigre—Luxurious Bishops, 182.
Romantic Feelings of Lady C—— —True Love—Disagreeable Neighbours—Credulity—Mademoiselle Delphine Gay—French Novels—French Critics—Eligible Mansions—Comforts of Seclusion—Genius of L.E.L.—The Comtesse d'O—— —A Brilliant Talker—Letter from Mrs. Hare—Extreme Hospitality—Longchamps—Exhibition of Spring Fashions—French Beauties—Animated Scene—Promenade at Longchamps—Extravagance of Mademoiselle Duthe—Modern Morals—Cinq Mars, by Comte Alfred de Vigny—His Style—Strictures on Mankind—The best Philosophy—Speech of Lord Grey—The Caterpillar—A Voracious Appetite—A Refined Lady—La Chronique du temps de Charles IX, by Prosper Merimee—Estimation of Sir Walter Scott—Jules Janin—Injudicious Praise—Renewal of Youth—Self-Deception—Grey Hairs, 194.
Victor Hugo's Dernier Jour d'un Condamne—Value of Common Sense—Conscience—Cunning—Curiosity Shops on the Quai d'Orsay—Expensive and Tasteful Gifts—An Avaricious Vender—A Moral—Anonymous Scribbler—Weakness of Mind—Poems of Mrs. Hemans—The Minds of Genius—Poetesses of England—Arrival of Lord D—— —The Catholic Question carried—Irish prejudices—Letters from Absent Friends—Sir William Gell—The Archbishop of Tarentum—Discoveries at Pompeii—Novel of The Disowned—Advantages to be derived from the Perusal of Works of Fiction—Politics—Charles the Tenth unpopular—Charles the First—The House of Bourbon—"Uneasy lies the Head that wears a Crown"—The Duc de T—— —Mr. Hook's Sayings and Doings—Visit to the Hotel Monaco, 207.
A new Resilience—Consolation in Sickness—House in the Rue de Matignon—Its Interior described—The Library—Drive in the Bois de Boulogne—Atmospheric Influence—The Rocher de Cancale—A Diner de Restaurant—A Gay Sight—Good Taste in Dress innate in Frenchwomen—Well-appointed Carriages—Soldier-like Air of the Male Population—Observation of the Emperor Napoleon—Characteristics of the British Soldier—National Anthem—Changes in the Journey of Life—Captain Marryat's Naval Officer—Performance of La Tour d'Auvergne—Letter of Carnot—Distinction awarded to Merit by Napoleon—National Glory—Effect of Enthusiasm—Villa of the Duchesse de Montmorency—Residences on the Banks of the Thames—Bagatelle, the Seat of the Duc de Bordeaux—Earthly Happiness—Domestic Alterations—High Rents at Paris—Terrace and Aviary—Unsettled Slate, 219.
Unexpected Events—Mr. and Mrs. Mathews—Their son, Charles—Evening Party—Recitations and Songs—Pleasant Recollections—Visit to the Jardin des Plantes—Amusing Incident—Humorous Imitations—Intellectual Powers—Recourse to Reading—The Comte Montalembert—His Grief on the Death of his Daughter—Restraint imposed by Society—Fate of the Unfortunate—The Prince and Princess Soutzo—Particulars relative to them—Reverse of Fortune—Mr. Rogers and Mr. Luttrell—Memory of Lord Byron—His Lampoon on Rogers—Love of Sarcasm—Conversation of Mr. Luttrell—Lord John Russell—His Qualifications—Monsieur Thiers—Monsieur Mignet—His Vigorous Writings—Friendship between Thiers and Mignet—The Baron Cailleux—Visit to the Louvre—Taste for the Fine Arts—The Marquis and Marquise de B—— —Clever People—Lord Allen and Sir Andrew Barnard—The Culinary Art, 230.
Mr. Rogers and Mr. Luttrell—Society of Refined Englishmen—Mercurial Temperament of the French—Opposite Characters—M. Erard's Collection of Pictures—Antique Bijouterie—Lord Pembroke—The Duke of Hamilton—Dr. Parr—Reproof of the Duc de Blacas—Monsieur Mignet—His great Knowledge—A Clever Man—Influence of Conscience—Abilities of Lord Palmerston—Lord Castlereagh—His Uncle, the late Marquess of Londonderry—Dangers of Fashion—Mr. Cutlar Fergusson—The Baron and Baroness de Ruysch—A Mind at Ease—Dreary Weather—Sad State of the Streets—Fogs—Fascination of Madame Grassini—Sledge Party—Sledge of the Duc de Guiche—That of Comte d'Orsay—Picturesque Night Scene—Revival of an Old Fashion—The Prince Polignac—His Amiable Manners—His Difficult Position, 242.
Effects of Indisposition—Instability of Earthly Blessings—Captain William Anson (Brother of Lord Anson)—His varied Acquirements—The pretty Madame de la H—— —Prince Paul Lieven—Captain Cadogan (now Earl Cadogan)—Life at Sea—Visit to the Duchesse de Guiche—Her Warmth and Gentleness of Manner—Political Crisis—The Conquest of Algiers—General Excelmans—Rash Measure—Charles the Tenth—His Ministry unpopular—Prosperity of France—Extorted Concessions— Dissolution of the Chambers—The Public Press—Controversy—Commotion before the Hotel of the Ministre des Finances—The Ministers insulted—Counsel of the Duc de Guiche—Serious Aspect of Affairs—Crowds in the Streets—Household of Charles the Tenth—Noblesse of his Court—Confusion and Alarm—Riotous Conduct—Firing on the People—Formation of Barricades—Absence of the Civil Authorities—Nocturnal Impressions—Comtes d'Orsay and Valeski—Scene in the Place de la Bourse—The Corps-de-Garde set on Fire—Darkness in the Rue Richelleu.—Further disturbances—Continued Depredations—Breach between the People and the Sovereign—Anecdote of Monsieur Salvandy, 225.
The Dead paraded through the Streets to inflame the Populace—The Shops closed—The Duc de Raguse censured—His Supineness—Devotion of the Duc de Guiche to his Sovereign—The Military Dispositions defective—Flag of the Bourbons—Troops in Want of Refreshment— Destruction of the Royal Emblems—Disgusting Exhibition—Rumours of Fresh Disasters—Opinion of Sir Roger de Coverley—Revolutions the Carnivals of History—Observation of Voltaire—Doctors Pasquier and de Guise—Report of Fire arms—Paucity of Provisions—Female Courage—Domestic Entrenchment—Further Hostilities—Conflicting Rumours—The Sublime and the Ridiculous—Juvenal Intrepidity—Fatality—The Soldiers and the populace—Visit to Madame Craufurd—Barricade in the Rue Verte—Approaching Mob—Safe Arrival in the Rue d'Anjou—Terror of Madame Craufurd—Her Anxiety for her Relatives—Composure of the Marquis d'Aligre—Riotous Assembly in the Rue Verte—Their Conduct towards the Author—Dangerous Symbol of Aristocracy—Arrival at Home, 282.
Familiarity of French Servants—Power of the People—Misguided Men—Further Rumours—Who are the People?—An Intruder—A Revolutionary Hero—The Tuileries and the Louvre taken—Sir Thomas Lawrence's Portrait of the Dauphin—The Terrible and the Comic—Trophies of Victory—The Palace of the Archbishop of Paris sacked—Concessions of Charles the Tenth—The Duchesse de Berri—Lord Stuart de Rothesay—Noble Conduct—The Duchesse de Guiche—Her trying Situation—The Provisional Government—The Tri-coloured Flag—Meeting of the Deputies—Bitter Feeling towards the Royal Family Bravery of the Populace—Lafayette and his followers—Scene in the Street—"The Good Cause"—The wealthy M. Laffitte—Valuable Collections at Paris—Courageous Conduct of the Duchesse de Guiche—Her Champions—Attack on the Hotel of the Duc de Guiche—Comte Alfred d'Orsay—Painful Position, 272.
Sanctuary of Home—Madame C—— —Intoxicated Revolutionist—His Good-Nature—the Proprietor of a Wine-Shop—Politeness of all Classes in France—Barracks in the Rue Verte—Difficulty of obtaining Admission—Agitation of Madame C—— —Comte Valeski—The Barracks attacked and taken—Dangerous Route—Impassable Gulf between the Sovereign and the People—The Royal Cause hopeless—A Fine Youth killed—Reflections on his Death—Number of Persons killed during the last Three Days—Details of a Battle—Rumour respecting the Dauphin—Interment of the Page—Fatality attending the Bourbons—Absence of the Dauphine—Revolt of the Troops—The Duchesse de Guiche at St.-Germain—Her noble Bearing—The Duc de Gramont—The Chateau du Val, the Residence of the Princesse de Poix—The Fugitive Duchess—Popularity of Lafayette—The duc d'Orleans named Lieut.-General of France—Order restored—Abdication of Charles the Tenth—Renewed Excitement—Clamour against the King—A Fickle People—Wicked Rumours—The King quits Rambouillet—School of Adversity—Desertion by Friends—Route to Cherbourg, 294.
Rumour relative to the Son of Napoleon—Unsettled State of Affairs—Conflicting Rumours—The Duke of Orleans—Charms of a Crown—Aspect of the Champs-Elysees—Unsought popularity—Comte d'Orsay—Scene of Destruction—Shattered Trees—Pride of the People—Re-action after Excitement—Anecdote—The Jeweller's Wife—Passion of the French—Playing at Soldiers—Enthusiasm of the Garde Nationale—Return to Paris of the Duchesse de Guiche—Confidence of the Duc—Courage of the Duchesse—General Gerard—The Duke of Orleans accepts the Crown—Popularity, an unstable Possession—Abilities of Louis-Philippe—Expectations formed of him—Person of Lafayette—Appearance in Public of the new Sovereign—The Queen—Her painful Position—The King of the French in the Place Vendome—Monsieur Mignet—His varied Acquirements—The celebrated General Peppe—Strange Infatuation—Charles the Tenth embarks at Cherbourg—Devotion to the exiled Bourbons—The English Popular at Paris—Mr. Hamilton, Secretary of the Embassy—Brilliant conversation of M. Thiers—The Prince and Princesse Soutzo—Mr. Poulter—Lesson of Resignation—Departure for England—Leave-taking—Adieu to Paris, 294.