A testimonial from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch which appeared in the form of an editorial, Wednesday evening, May 28, 1913, at a time when Col. Roosevelt was vindicating, by a libel suit, his reputation for sobriety and temperance.
Colonel Roosevelt's fatal admission that he drank just a part of one julep at the St. Louis Country Club will come very near losing his case.
Who was ever known to drink just a part of one of Tom's? Tom, than whom there is no greater mixologist of any race, color or condition of servitude, was taught the art of the julep by no less than Marse Lilburn G. McNair, the father of the julep. In fact, the very cup that Col. Roosevelt drank it from belonged to Governor McNair, the first Governor of Missouri, the great-grandfather of Marse Lilburn and the great-great-grandfather of the julep.
As is well known, the Country Club mint originally sprang on the slopes of Parnassus and was transplanted thence to the bosky banks of Culpeper Creek, Gaines County, Ky., and thence to our own environs; while the classic distillation with which Tom mingles it to produce his chief d'oeuvre is the oft-quoted liquefied soul of a Southern moonbeam falling aslant the dewy slopes of the Cumberland Mountains.
To believe that a red-blooded man, and a true Colonel at that, ever stopped with just a part of one of those refreshments which have made St. Louis hospitality proverbial and become one of our most distinctive genre institutions, is to strain credulity too far. Are the Colonel's powers of self restraint altogether transcendent? Have we found the living superman at last?
When the Colonel says that he consumed just a part of one he doubtless meant that he did not swallow the Mint itself, munch the ice and devour the very cup.
I have known the author of "The Ideal Bartender" for many years, and it is a genuine privilege to be permitted to testify to his qualifications for such a work.
To his many friends in St. Louis, Louisville, Cincinnati, Chicago and elsewhere, my word will be superfluous, but to those who do not know him, and who are to be the gainers by following his advices, it may prove at the very beginning a stimulus to know something of his record of achievement.
For the past quarter of a century he has refreshed and delighted the members and their friends of the Pendennis Club of Louisville and the St. Louis Country Club of St. Louis. In all that time I doubt if he has erred in even one of his concoctions. Thus if there is "many a slip twixt the cup and the lip" it has been none of his doing, but rather the fault of those who have appreciated his art too highly. But why go on! His work is before you. It is the best to be had. Follow on, and as you sip the nectar of his schemings tell your friends, to the end that both they and he may be benefitted.
Fill Pousse Cafe glass one-third full of Abricontine and add Maraschino, Curacoa, Chartreuse and Brandy in equal proportions until the glass is filled. The ingredients should be poured in one after the other from a small Wine glass, with great care, to prevent the colors from blending. Ignite the Brandy on top, and after it has blazed for a few seconds extinguishing it by placing a saucer or the bottom of another glass over the blazing fluid. Then serve.
(When the customer asks for Absinthe without specifying any particular style of service).
Pour one pony of Absinthe into large Bar glass and let ice cold water drip from the Absinthe glass into Bar glass until full. The Absinthe glass has a hole in the center. By filling the bowl of the Absinthe glass partly with Shaved Ice, and the rest with water, the water will be ice cold as it drops from the Absinthe glass.
Mixing glass 3/4 full Shaved Ice.
4 dashes Gum Syrup.
1 pony Absinthe.
Shake until outside of shaker is well frosted; strain into large Champagne glass and serve.
Mixing glass 3/4 full Shaved Ice.
1/2 jigger Water.
1/2 jigger Absinthe.
2 dashes Angostura Bitters.
1 teaspoonful Benedictine.
Stir; strain into Cocktail glass and serve.
Fill medium Bar glass full of Shaved Ice.
1 teaspoonful Benedictine.
1 pony Absinthe.
Shake until outside of Shaker has frosty appearance; strain into six-ounce Shell glass and serve.
Pour 1 pony of Absinthe into a Champagne glass which is standing in a bowl. Fill the bowl of your Absinthe glass with Shaved Ice and water. Raise the bowl and let the Ice Water drip into the Absinthe until the proper color is obtained. Serve in thin Bar glass.
1 pony of Absinthe in a large Bar glass.
3 pieces Cracked Ice.
3 dashes Maraschino.
1/2 pony Anisette.
Pour Ice Water in glass, at same time stirring gently with Bar Spoon. Serve.
Drop a piece of Ice into a High Ball glass.
1 teaspoonful Pineapple Syrup.
1 teaspoonful Lemon Juice.
2/3 jigger Irish Whiskey.
2/3 jigger Tokay, Angelica or Sweet Catawba Wine.
Fill up with Apollinaris or Seltzer.
Fill an Ale glass nearly full.
1 teaspoonful of Bar Sugar.
Break in 1 whole Egg; grate a little Nutmeg on top and serve the drink with a spoon alongside of the glass.
Dissolve in an Ale glass 1 teaspoonful Bar Sugar. Fill up with Ale and serve with grated Nutmeg on top.
Fill a Pousse Cafe glass 1/4 full of Chartreuse, and add Maraschino, Curacoa and Brandy in equal proportions until the glass is filled. Then proceed as for Abricontine Pousse Cafe.
Fill large Bar glass 2/3 full Shaved Ice.
2 teaspoonfuls Powdered Sugar.
1 Lemon's Juice.
Fill up with Apollinaris; stir; strain into Lemonade glass dress with Fruit and serve.
Fill large Bar glass 3/4 full Shaved Ice.
3 dashes Gum Syrup.
3 dashes Raspberry Syrup.
1-1/4 jiggers Applejack.
Shake; strain into Cocktail glass and serve with piece of Lemon Peel twisted on top.
Fill large Bar glass with Shaved Ice.
2 teaspoonfuls Bar Sugar, dissolved in little Water.
1/4 Juice of 1 Lemon.
3 dashes of Curacoa.
4 dashes of any Fruit Syrup.
1 jigger Applejack Brandy.
Stir; dress with Fruits; serve with Straws.
Fill large Bar glass 3/4 full Shaved Ice.
2 teaspoonfuls Bar Sugar, dissolved in little Water.
3 dashes lemon or Lime Juice.
1 jigger Applejack.
Stir well; strain into Sour glass; dress with Fruit and Berries and serve.
Pour into an Ale glass or mug 1/2 Porter and 1/2 Ale, or Porter and Stout with Ale, or 1/2 Old and 1/2 New Ale.
The use of the Porter and Ale is more prevalent in England. In the United States 1/2 Old and 1/2 New Ale is usually used when this drink is called for, unless otherwise specified.
Pour into a Punch glass the Juice of 1 Lime and a little Apollinaris Water in which a heaping teaspoonful of Bar Sugar has been dissolved. Add:
1 Lump Ice.
3/4 jigger Batavia Arrack.
1/4 Jigger Jamaica Rum.
Stir well; dash with Champagne; stir again briskly; dress with Fruit and Serve.
1/2 Wineglass Port Wine.
6 dashes Jamaica Ginger.
Fill up with Brandy; stir gently and serve with little Nutmeg on top.
Into large Bar glass squeeze Juice of 1 Lemon.
1 teaspoonful Bar Sugar.
1 bottle Ginger Ale off the ice.
Stir; decorate with Fruit and Berries, Serve.
Use a large Mixing glass filled with Lump Ice.
1 jigger Rye Whiskey.
2/3 jigger Orange Curacoa.
1 dash Angostura Bitters.
Shake well; strain into Cocktail glass and serve.
Use a large Mixing glass.
Fill with Lump Ice.
1/2 jigger Cusinier Grenadine.
1 jigger Bacardi Rum.
Shake well and serve in a Cocktail glass.
Use a large Mixing glass.
Fill with Lump Ice.
1/2 Lime Juice.
2 dashes Imported Grenadine.
1 jigger Bacardi Rum.
Shake well; strain into Cocktail glass and serve.
Use a large Mixing glass with Lump Ice.
1 jigger of Burnette's Old Tom Gin.
1 pony of Orange Juice.
1 Dash of Orange Bitters.
Shake; strain into Cocktail glass and serve.
Fill large Bar glass 1/3 full Fine Ice.
3/4 Sherry Wine.
3/4 Italian Vermouth.
Stir; strain into Cocktail glass. Serve.
Use a large Mixing glass with Lump Ice.
2 jiggers of Cream.
1 bottle Sarsaparilla.
Stir well and serve with Straws.
Fill large Bar glass 1/2 full Shaved Ice.
Add 1/2 dozen fresh Strawberries.
1 jigger Burnette's Old Tom Gin.
Shake well; strain into Cocktail glass and serve.
Use a Claret glass.
1/2 pony Olive Oil.
1/2 pony Vinegar.
1/2 pony Worcestershire Sauce.
Break one Ice Cold Egg into glass.
Add salt and Spanish Paprica and serve.
Place an inverted Whiskey glass on the bar, set a Pony glass on it and fill up with Benedictine. Serve all liquors straight in this manner.
1/2 teaspoonful Beef Extract in small Bar glass.
Fill glass with Hot Water. Stir well while seasoning with Pepper, Salt and Celery Salt. Serve with small glass of Cracked Ice and spoon on the side.
1 teaspoonful Bar Sugar in large Bar glass.
2 dashes Lemon Juice with the Skin of Two Slices.
Fill glass 3/4 full Shaved Ice.
1 dash Seltzer Water.
2 dashes Jamaica Rum.
Fill up with Claret or Burgundy; shake; ornament with Fruit and serve with Straws.
Before a Fire or in a Hot Oven roast 6 large Oranges until they are of a light brown color, and then place them in a deep dish and scatter over them 1/2 lb. of Granulated Sugar and pour on 1 pint of Port or Claret Wine. Then cover the dish and set aside for 24 hours before the time to serve. When about ready for the service, set the dish in boiling water; press the Juice from the Oranges with a large spoon or wooden potato masher and strain the Juice through a fine seive or cheese cloth. Then boil 1 pint of Port or Claret and mix it with the Strained Juice. Serve in stem Claret glasses while warm. A little Nutmeg on top improves the drink, but should not be added unless requested by customer or guest.
2 teaspoonfuls Vanilla Cordial in Sherry Wine glass.
1 yolk of an Egg covered with Benedictine so as not to break the yolk.
1/2 Wineglass Kuemmel.
1 light dash Angostura Bitters.
The colors should be kept separate and great care exercised to prevent the ingredients from running together.
Drop 1 piece of Ice into a Highball glass.
2 dashes Lemon Juice.
2 teaspoonfuls Pineapple Syrup.
1/2 jigger Sherry Wine.
1/2 jigger Rye or Bourbon Whiskey.
Pour Wineglass Santa Cruz or Jamaica Rum into a small Bar glass and add 1 tablespoonful of Molasses.
If to serve hot, fill glass with boiling Water and sprinkle Nutmeg on top.
If to serve cold, add 1/2 Wineglass Water. Stir well and fill up with Shaved Ice.
BLACK AND TAN PUNCH (For party of 10)
1 lb. white Sugar.
Juice of 6 Lemons.
1 quart Guinness Stout.
1 quart Champagne.
Pour into mixture of Lemon Juice and Sugar the Champagne and Stout, ice cold. Serve in Punch glasses dressed with Fruit.
Fill Mixing glass 2/3 full Shaved Ice.
1/4 teaspoonful Lemon Juice.
1 teaspoonful Syrup.
1/2 jigger Vermouth.
1/2 Jigger Sloe Gin.
1 dash Angostura Bitters.
2 dashes Orange Bitters.
Stir; strain into Cocktail glass and serve.
Fill large Bar glass 2/3 full Shaved Ice.
4 dashes Lime or Lemon Juice.
1 teaspoonful Pineapple Syrup.
1/2 teaspoonful green Chartreuse.
1 jigger Sloe Gin.
Stir; strain into Claret glass; ornament with Fruit and serve.
Drop 3 lumps Cracked Ice in a Rickey (thin Champagne) glass.
1/2 Lime or 1/4 Lemon.
4 dashes Raspberry Syrup.
1 pony Vermouth.
3/4 jigger Gin.
Fill up with Ginger Ale (imported); stir; dress with Fruit and serve.
Use two Pewter or Silver Mugs.
1 teaspoonful Bar Sugar dissolved in a little Hot Water.
1 Wineglass (or jigger) Scotch Whiskey.
Ignite the mixture, and while blazing pour it several times from one mug to the other. Serve with a piece of twisted Lemon Peel on top.
Into a large Bar glass put:
2 teaspoonfuls Bar Sugar.
2 dashes Lemon Juice.
1 dash Lime Juice.
Fill up with Shaved Ice and add:
1 pony Brandy.
1 jigger Santa Cruz Bum.
Stir; dress with Fruit and serve with Straws.
BOMBAY PUNCH (2-1/2-gallon mixture for 40 people)
Bruise the skins of 6 Lemons in 1 lb. of Bar sugar and put the Sugar in a Punch bowl and add:
1 box Strawberries.
2 Lemons, sliced.
6 Oranges, sliced.
1 Pineapple, cut into small pieces.
1 quart Brandy.
1 quart Sherry Wine.
1 quart Madeira Wine.
Stir well; empty into another bowl in which a block of Clear Ice has been placed and add:
4 quarts of Champagne.
2 quarts Carbonated Water.
Serve into Punch glasses so that each person will have some of the Fruit.
BON SOIR ("Good Night")
Fill a Sherry glass 1/2 full of Shaved Ice.
1/2 pony Benedictine.
1/2 pony Creme Yvette.
Fill up with Ginger Ale; stir gently and serve with a Straw cut in two.
1 Lemon Rind in large Bar glass. 3 lumps Ice. 1 bottle Ginger Ale. 1 bottle Sarsaparilla.
Pour a quart of Whiskey or other Liquor desired into a Bar measure or glass pitcher and add:
1 jigger Gum Syrup.
1 pony Curacoa.
3/4 pony Angostura Bitters.
Pour back and forth from one measure or pitcher into another measure or pitcher until the liquid is thoroughly mixed. Bottle and cork.
1 tablespoonful Bar Sugar in large Mixing glass.
3 dashes Boker's or Angostura Bitters.
3 dashes Lemon Juice.
2 dashes Anisette.
1 Egg.
1 jigger Brandy
1/2 glass Shaved Ice.
Shake well; strain into tall, thin glass; fill with Apollinaris and serve.
3 lumps of Ice in tall, thin glass.
1 Wineglass Brandy.
1 bottle Ginger Ale.
Stir briskly and serve.
2 pieces of Ice in tall, thin glass.
1 Wineglass Brandy.
1 bottle plain Soda.
Stir briskly and serve.
Fill medium. Bar glass 1/4 full Shaved Ice.
1 Egg broken in whole.
2 level teaspoonfuls Bar Sugar.
1 jigger Brandy.
Shake well; strain into small Shell glass; grate a little Nutmeg on top and serve.
Fill a Cocktail glass 2/3 full of Carbonated Water.
1 pony Brandy floated on top.
(Use spoon to float the Brandy).
Into a small Bar glass pour 3/4 Wineglass of Water and stir in 1 heaping teaspoonful of Bar Sugar. Bruise 3 or 4 sprigs of Mint in the Sugar and Water with a Muddler until the flavor of the Mint has been extracted. Then withdraw the Mint and pour the flavored Water into a tall Shell glass or large Goblet, which has been filled with fine Ice, and add:
1 jigger of Brandy.
2 dashes Jamaica Rum.
Stir well; decorate with few sprigs of Mint by planting the sprigs stems downward in the Ice around the rim of glass; dress with Fruit and serve.
Fill large Bar glass 3/4 full Shaved Ice.
2 teaspoonfuls Bar Sugar dissolved in little Water.
1/2 Juice of 1 Lemon.
1/4 jigger Santa Cruz Rum.
1-1/2 jiggers Brandy.
1 slice Orange.
1 piece of Pineapple.
Shake; dress with Fruit and serve with Straw.
Into a small Wineglass pour:
Green Chartreuse.
Old Brandy.
In equal proportion to fill the glass, using care as in preparing Crustas, not to allow the colors to blend.
Fill small Bar glass 3/4 full Shaved Ice.
1 teaspoonful Bar Sugar.
Juice of 2 Limes.
1 jigger Brandy.
Shake; strain into small fancy glass and serve.
BRANDY SHRUB (2-gallon mixture for 40 people)
Into a Punch bowl put the Peeled Rinds of 5 Lemons and the Juice of 12 Lemons and add 5 quarts of Brandy. Make the bowl airtight and set it aside. At the expiration of 6 days add 3 quarts of Sherry wine and 6 pounds of Loaf Sugar, which has been dissolved in 1 quart of plain Soda. Strain through a bag and bottle.
Fill a Whiskey glass 1/2 full Hot Water and pour in:
1 jigger Brandy.
Twist a piece of Lemon Skin on top and serve.
(It may occur that a customer will ask for a little Sugar. In that case add 1/2 small teaspoonful, and stir).
In a Whiskey glass:
1 lump Ice.
1 teaspoonful Sugar dissolved in little Water.
1 jigger Brandy.
Stir; twist in a piece of Lemon Peel; grate Nutmeg on top and serve.
Fill large Bar glass 1/2 full Shaved Ice.
1 heaping teaspoonful Bar Sugar.
3 sprigs of Mint.
1 jigger Brandy.
Stir; strain into fancy Stem glass and serve.
Fill large Bar glass 3/4 full Shaved Ice.
2 teaspoonfuls Bar Sugar.
3 dashes Lemon or Lime Juice.
3 dashes Seltzer or Apollinaris Water.
1 jigger Brandy.
Stir; strain into Sour glass; dress with Fruit and serve.
Into a Whiskey glass drop 1 lump Cracked Ice.
1 teaspoonful of Bar Sugar dissolved in little Water.
Stir; place the bottle before the customer and allow him to pour his own drink.
Fill large Bar glass 3/4 full Shaved Ice.
1/3 jigger Dry Gin.
1/3 jigger French Vermouth.
1/3 jigger Italian Vermouth.
1 Slice Orange.
Shake well; strain into Cocktail glass and serve.
Place two lumps of Cut Loaf Sugar in a small, shallow dish or saucer and pour over the Sugar 1-1/2 jiggers of Cognac Brandy. Ignite the Sugar and Brandy and let them burn for about two minutes. Then cover the dish or saucer with a plate, and when the fire is extinguished pour the liquid into a small Bar glass and serve.
Fill large Bar glass 2/3 full Shaved Ice.
1 teaspoonful Gum Syrup.
2 dashes Lemon Juice.
2 dashes Orange Bitters.
1 jigger Whiskey.
Stir; strain into Cocktail glass and serve.
In a Tumbler drop 1 lump of Sugar and dissolve it in a little hot Water, and add:
1-1/4 Jiggers Rum.
1 piece of Butter about the size of a Walnut.
Grate Nutmeg on top and serve.
1 pony of Pineapple Syrup in large Bar glass.
2 jiggers California Sherry.
Fill glass with Shaved Ice; stir well; decorate with Fruit; dash a little Port Wine on top and serve with Straws.
Fill tall, thin glass nearly full Shaved Ice.
1 heaping teaspoonful Bar Sugar.
Juice of 1 Orange.
2-1/2 jiggers California Wine.
Stir; ornament with Fruit and serve with Straws.
Use a large Mixing glass; fill with lump Ice.
Juice 1 Lime.
Drop squeezed Lime in glass.
1 jigger Old Bourbon Whiskey.
Fill with Sweet Soda.
Stir well and serve.
Fill large Bar glass 1/2 full of Shaved Ice.
1 teaspoonful Bar Sugar dissolved in a little Water.
1-1/2 jiggers Catawba Wine.
1/4 slice of Orange.
Fill with Shaved Ice; stir well; decorate with Berries and serve with Straws.
Fill large Bar glass full Shaved Ice.
1 teaspoonful Lemon Juice.
1 teaspoonful Pineapple Syrup.
1 teaspoonful Celery Bitters.
Stir; strain into Fancy Wineglass with Fruit and serve.
CENTURY CLUB PUNCH (for a party of 5)
Fill glass Pitcher 1/4 full Cracked Ice.
1/2 pint Jamaica Rum.
1/2 pint Santa Cruz Rum.
2-1/2 pints aerated Water.
2-1/2 tablespoonfuls Bar Sugar.
Stir well and serve in Punch glasses.
Serve off the Ice very cold. Ice should never be put in the Wine.
1 teaspoonful Bar Sugar in large Bar glass.
1 slice Lemon Peel.
1 slice Orange Peel
Fill glass 1/2 full Shaved Ice and fill up with Champagne. Decorate with Fruit and serve with Straws.
1 lump Sugar in tall, thin glass.
1 small piece Ice.
2 dashes Angostura Bitters.
1 piece twisted Lemon Peel.
Fill up with Champagne.
Stir and serve.
CHAMPAGNE CUP (2-gallon mixture)
For mixing use a large Punch bowl or other suitable vessel of glass or porcelain lined.
4 Oranges, sliced.
4 Lemons, sliced.
1/2 Pineapple, sliced.
1/2 pint Chartreuse.
1/2 pint Abricontine.
1 pint Curacoa.
1 pint Cognac Brandy.
1 pint Tokay Wine.
Stir well and allow mixture to stand three hours. Strain into another bowl and add:
3 quarts Champagne.
3 pints Apollinaris Water.
1 large piece of Ice.
Stir well; decorate with Fruit; float slices of Grape Fruit on top and serve in Champagne glasses.
Place a bottle in a Champagne cooler and around it a freezing mixture of fine Ice and Salt. Twirl the bottle until it is about to freeze, when it will be ready to serve.
Fill medium size Shell glass 1/3 full Cracked Ice.
2 teaspoonfuls Bar Sugar.
2 sprigs bruised Mint.
Pour Champagne slowly into the glass, stirring gently at the same time.
Dress with fruit; dash with Brandy and serve with Straws.
CHAMPAGNE PUNCH (for a party of 6)
Into a glass Pitcher pour the Juice of 1 Lemon, and add:
1/4 lb. Bar Sugar.
1 jigger Strawberry Syrup.
1 quart bottle Champagne.
Stir with Ladle and drop in:
1 sliced Orange.
3 slices Pineapple.
Decorate with Fruit and serve in Champagne goblets.
Fill medium Bar glass 1/3 full Shaved Ice.
3 dashes Lemon Juice.
Fill up with Champagne.
Stir gently; dress with Fruit and Berries; dash with Brandy and serve with Straws.
Fill Goblet 1/2 full ice-cold Champagne. Fill up balance of Goblet with ice-cold Porter. Stir and serve.
Fill large Bar glass 2/3 full Shaved Ice.
1 teaspoonful Bar Sugar.
1/4 jigger Curacoa.
1 jigger Port Wine.
1 Egg.
Fill up with Milk; shake well; strain into Punch glass; grate Nutmeg on top and serve.
Into a large Bar glass break a fresh Egg.
1 teaspoonful Sugar.
4 lumps Cracked Ice.
Fill up with Sweet Cider.
Shake; strain into tall, thin glass and serve with grated Nutmeg on top.
4 lumps Ice in medium size Mineral Water glass.
Fill up with Claret and serve.
Dissolve one teaspoonful of Sugar with little Water in large Bar glass.
1 quartered slice Orange.
2 jiggers Claret.
Fill up with Shaved Ice and serve with Straws.
CLARET CUP (2-gallon mixture)
For mixing use a large Punch bowl or other suitable vessel of glass or porcelain lined.
6 Oranges, sliced.
3 Lemons, sliced.
2 Pineapples.
2 jiggers Abricontine.
4 jiggers Curacoa.
4 quarts Claret.
3 pints Apollinaris.
Mix well with a Ladle and set aside for three hours before using. Then strain info another bowl, and when ready to use add 3 pints of some sparkling Wine, preferably Champagne. Stir gently once or twice, and then put in a block of clear Ice and decorate the top of it tastily with Fruits and let several slices of Grape Fruit float around in the bowl. Serve in Champagne glasses.
Fill large Bar glass 1/2 full Shaved Ice.
2 heaping teaspoonfuls Bar Sugar dissolved in a little Water.
1 whole Egg broken in.
1-1/2 Jiggers Claret Wine.
Shake thoroughly; strain into Punch glass; sprinkle with Nutmeg on top and serve.
Fill large Bar glass 2/3 full Shaved Ice.
3 teaspoonfuls Bar Sugar.
4 dashes Lemon Juice.
2 slices Orange.
2 jiggers Claret.
Shake; strain into thin glass; dress with Fruit and serve with Straws.
CLARET PUNCH (5-gallon mixture for a large reception or party of 100 people)
For mixing use a large agate or porcelain-lined vessel.
4 lbs. Cut Loaf Sugar.
Juice of 25 Lemons.
2 quarts Brandy.
10 quarts Claret.
7 jiggers Chartreuse (green).
8 quarts Carbonated Water.
Stir well.
Place a large block of Ice in a Punch bowl and fill nearly full of the mixture, adding:
18 Oranges, cut in slices.
1-1/2 cans sliced Pineapples.
Serve from the bowl into Punch glasses with a Ladle, and renew the contents of the bowl from the mixing vessel as needed.
Fill large Bar glass 1/2 full Fine Ice.
1/2 pony Raspberry Syrup.
1/2 jigger Dry Gin.
1/2 jigger French Vermouth.
White of 1 Egg.
Shake well; strain into Cocktail glass and serve.
Fill Mixing glass with Lump Ice.
1/2 pony Cusenier Grenadine.
The white of one Egg.
1 jigger Sir Robert Burnette's Old Tom Gin.
Shake well and strain into a Cocktail glass.
Fill large Bar glass 1/2 full Shaved Ice.
2 dashes Angostura Bitters.
2 dashes Pineapple Syrup.
1 jigger Brandy.
Stir; strain into Cocktail glass; dress with Berries; dash with Champagne; twist a piece of Lemon Skin over the drink and drop it on top. Serve.
Fill large Bar glass 3/4 full Shaved Ice.
4 dashes Gum Syrup.
1 teaspoonful Lemon Juice.
1 teaspoonful Orange Juice.
2 jiggers Claret.
Shake; strain into tall, thin glass; fill up with Apollinaris or Seltzer; dress with Fruit and serve.
CLUB HOUSE PUNCH (for a party of 20)
For mixing use a large Punch bowl.
1/2 can Peaches.
1/2 can Pineapples.
3 Oranges, sliced.
3 Lemons, sliced.
3 quarts Sweet Catawba or Tokay.
1 pint Brandy.
1-1/2 jiggers Jamaica Rum.
1 jigger Green Chartreuse.
Set this mixture aside in ice box for 6 hours. Then place block of Ice in another bowl of sufficient capacity and strain in the mixture from the Mixing bowl. Dress the Ice with Fruit and serve with a Ladle into Punch glasses.
Fill large Bar glass 2/3 full Shaved Ice.
1 fresh Egg.
1 teaspoonful Bar Sugar.
1 jigger Port Wine.
1 pony Brandy.
Shake; strain into medium thin glass; grate Nutmeg on top and serve.
Fill large Bar glass 1/2 full Shaved Ice.
1 jigger New England Rum.
1 jigger Vermouth.
3 dashes Gum Syrup.
1 dash Orange Bitters.
1/2 juice of a Lemon
Stir and serve with a Preserved Peach and its liquor.
COLD RUBY PUNCH (2-1/2-gallon mixture for 50 people)
4 lbs. Cut Loaf Sugar.
2 quarts Port Wine.
2 quarts Batavia Arrack.
6 quarts green Tea.
Juice of 24 Lemons.
(See instructions for mixing and serving Punches in quantities.)
This drink is identical with Whiskey Skin.
COMPANION PUNCH (2-1/2-gallon mixture for a reception or party of 50 people)
Into a large Punch bowl pour:
1-1/4 pints Lemon Juice.
2 pints Gum Syrup.
3/4 pint Orange Juice.
1-1/4 pints Brandy.
6 quarts equal parts Sweet and Dry Catawba.
2 quarts Carbonated Water.
When well stirred place large block of Ice in center of bowl; dress the Ice with Fruit and serve with a Ladle into Punch glasses.
Fill a large Bar glass 2/3 full Shaved Ice.
1 teaspoonful Bar Sugar dissolved in little Water.
Juice of 1/2 Lemon.
1 jigger of Whiskey, Brandy or Gin, as preferred.
Shake; strain into Sour glass; dash with Claret and serve.
Add to a plain Lemonade 1/3 Jigger of any Cordial which the customer may prefer, and serve.
Fill large Bar glass 2/3 full Shaved Ice.
1 teaspoonful Bar Sugar.
1 pony Brandy.
1 jigger Port Wine.
1 Egg.
Shake well; strain into thin glass; grate Nutmeg on top and serve.
Fill large Bar glass 1/3 full Ice Cream.
3/4 jigger Brandy.
1 pony Bed Curacoa.
Mix thoroughly with a spoon.
Fill up with Plain Soda; grate Nutmeg on top and serve.
Fill a Sherry glass with Shaved Ice.
1 pony Creme de Menthe.
Cut Straw in two pieces and serve.
CRIMEAN CUP A LA MARMORA (for a party of 10)
Into a small Punch bowl pour:
1 pint Orgeat Syrup.
2 jiggers Jamaica Rum.
2 jiggers Maraschino.
2-1/2 jiggers Brandy.
2 tablespoonfuls Bar Sugar.
1 quart Champagne.
1 quart Plain Soda.
Stir well; pack the bowl in Fine Ice, and when cold serve in fancy Stem glasses.
Take 1-1/2 lbs. of Cut Loaf Sugar and rub the lumps on the skins of 4 Lemons and 2 Oranges until the Sugar becomes well saturated with the oil from the skins. Then put the Sugar thus prepared into a large porcelain-lined or agate Mixing vessel, and add:
12 Oranges, sliced.
1 Pineapple, sliced.
1 box Strawberries.
2 bottles (quarts) Apollinaris Water.
Stir thoroughly with oak paddle or large silver ladle, and add:
1 jigger Benedictine.
1 jigger Red Curacoa.
1 jigger Maraschino.
1/2 jigger Jamaica Rum.
1 quart Brandy.
4 quarts Tokay or Sweet Catawba Wine.
2 quarts Madeira Wine.
4 quarts Chateau Margaux.
Mix well with oak paddle or ladle and strain into another bowl in which has been placed a block of clear ice. Then pour in 6 quarts Champagne. Decorate the Ice with Fruits, Berries, etc. Serve in Punch cups or glasses, dressing each glass with Fruit and Berries from the bowl.
Use a large Bar glass.
Fill with Lump Ice.
One jigger of Sir Robert Burnette's Old Tom Gin.
1/2 pony of Italian Vermouth.
Six leaves of fresh Mint.
Shake ingredients well together.
Strain and serve in Cocktail glass.
Into a bottle which will hold a full quart, or a little over, drop 6 ounces of Orange Peel sliced very thin, and add 1 pint of Whiskey. Cork the bottle securely and let it stand two weeks, shaking the bottle frequently during that time. Next strain, the mixture, add the Syrup, pour the strained mixture back into the cleaned bottle and let it stand 3 days, shaking well now and then during the first day. Next, pour a teacupful of the mixture into a mortar and beat up with it 1 drachm Powdered Alum, 1 drachm Carbonate of Potash. Put this mixture back into the bottle and let it stand for 10 days, at the expiration of which time the Curacoa will be clear and ready for use.
Fill large Bar glass 3/4 full Shaved Ice.
2 teaspoonfuls Bar Sugar.
4 dashes Lemon Juice.
1 pony Red Curacoa.
1 jigger Brandy.
1/2 pony Jamaica Rum.
Stir; decorate with Fruit and Serve with Straws.
For mixing use a porcelain-lined or agate vessel, and put in:
1-1/2 lbs. Cut Loaf Sugar.
1 quart Currant Juice
Place vessel on the fire and let it boil slowly for 10 minutes, and skim well while boiling. Then remove vessel from fire and add 1/2 gill of Brandy to every pint of Shrub. Bottle and cork securely. This drink is served by simply pouring a little of the Syrup into Ice Water, as any drink from Fruit Syrup is prepared. The basis preparation for all Shrubs or Small Fruits, such as Cherries, Raspberries, etc., is prepared in the same way as directed for Currant Shrub, varying the quantity of Sugar used to suit the kind of Fruit.
Fill large Bar glass with Shaved Ice.
1-1/2 jiggers Calisaya.
1-1/2 jiggers Plymouth Gin.
Shake; strain into Cocktail glass and serve.
Into a Whiskey glass pour:
1/2 jigger Blackberry Brandy.
1/2 pony Peach Brandy.
2 dashes Jamaica Ginger.
Grate Nutmeg on top and serve.
Add to a plain Whiskey Cocktail:
1 dash Curacoa.
6 drops Creme de Menthe.
Fill large Bar glass 2/3 full Shaved Ice.
1 teaspoonful Bar Sugar.
3 dashes Lemon Juice.
1 white of an Egg.
1 Wineglass Milk and Cream.
1 jigger Tom Gin.
Shake thoroughly; strain into tall, thin glass; cover the top lightly with Creme de Menthe and serve.
Use a large Mixing glass; fill with Shaved Ice.
1/2 Lime Juice.
2/3 white Creme de Menthe.
1/3 Apricot Brandy.
Shake well; strain into thin Stem glass and serve.
Fill large Bar glass 2/3 full Shaved Ice.
2 teaspoonfuls Lemon Juice.
4 dashes Pineapple Syrup.
4 dashes Gum Syrup.
1/4 jigger Jamaica Rum.
1/4 jigger green Chartreuse.
1/2 jigger Tokay Wine.
1/2 jigger Brandy.
1 white of an Egg.
Shake hard; strain into thin Bar glass; dress with Fruit; dash with Seltzer; grate Nutmeg on top and serve.
Fill large Bar glass 2/3 full Shaved Ice.
3 dashes Gum Syrup
4 dashes Lemon Juice.
1 dash Lime Juice.
1 teaspoonful Abricontine or green Chartreuse.
1/2 jigger Tokay or Sweet Catawba Wine.
1/2 jigger Brandy.
Stir well and strain into a fancy Sour glass; dress with Fruits; dash with Apollinaris or Seltzer; top off with a little Claret and serve.
Fill large Bar glass with Shaved Ice.
1/3 Jigger Old Tom Gin.
1 pony Italian Vermouth.
1 pony French Vermouth.
3 dashes Acid Phosphate.
4 dashes Orange Bitters.
Shake; strain into Cocktail glass and serve.
Fill large Bar glass 2/3 Full Shaved Ice.
1 tablespoonful Bar Sugar.
4 dashes Lemon Juice.
3 dashes Curacoa.
1 jigger Jamaica Rum.
Shake well; strain into tall, thin glass; fill up with Plain Soda; stir gently and serve.
Into a Hot Water glass drop:
1 lump Cut Loaf Sugar and dissolve in little Hot Water, crashing with muddler.
1/2 jigger Bourbon Whiskey.
1/2 jigger Rye Whiskey.
Fill up with boiling Water; twist a piece of Lemon Peel and grate Nutmeg on top and serve.
Fill large Bar glass 3/4 full Shaved Ice.
3 dashes Maraschino.
3 dashes Red Curacoa.
3 dashes Angostura Bitters.
1 jigger Brandy.
Stir well; strain into Cocktail glass and serve with a piece of twisted Lemon Peel on top.
Fill large Bar glass 1/2 full Shaved Ice.
2 teaspoonfuls Bar Sugar.
1 Egg
1 pony Santa Cruz Rum.
1 jigger Brandy.
Fill up with Milk; shake thoroughly until the mixture creams; strain into tall thin glass; grate Nutmeg on top and serve.
Fill large Bar glass 1/2 full Shaved Ice.
1 Egg
1 teaspoonful Bar Sugar.
3/4 jigger Brandy.
1/2 jigger Jamaica Rum.
Fill up with Milk; shake thoroughly; strain into tall, thin glass and serve with little Nutmeg grated on top.
EGGNOG (bowl of 3 gallons)
Beat the yolks of 20 Eggs until thin and stir in 2-1/2 lbs. Bar Sugar until Sugar is thoroughly dissolved. Into this mixture pour:
1-1/2 pints Jamaica Rum.
2 quarts old Brandy.
Mix the ingredients well by stirring. Then pour in the milk slowly, stirring all the while to prevent curdling. Pour carefully over the top of the mixture the whites of the Eggs, which have been beaten to a stiff froth. Fill Punch glasses from the bowl with ladle and sprinkle a little Nutmeg over each glassful.
Into small Bar glass drop:
3 lumps Ice.
1 tablespoonful Bar Sugar.
1 Egg.
Juice of 1 Lemon.
Shake well; grate Nutmeg on top and serve with Straw.
Fill large Bar glass nearly full Shaved Ice.
1 tablespoonful Bar Sugar.
1/4 jigger Whiskey.
1/4 jigger Jamaica Rum.
1/2 jigger Brandy.
1 slice Lemon.
Shake; dress with Fruit and serve with Straws.
Roast an Orange before a fire or in a hot oven. When brown cut it in quarters and drop the pieces, with a few Cloves, into a small porcelain-lined or agate vessel, and pour in 1 quart of hot Port Wine. Add 6 lumps Cut Loaf Sugar and let the mixture simmer over the fire for 30 minutes. Serve in Stem glasses with Nutmeg grated on top.
Fill large Bar glass 1/2 full Shaved Ice.
2 teaspoonfuls Bar Sugar.
3 sprigs Mint pressed with muddler in 1 jigger aerated Water.
1 jigger Whiskey.
Stir well; strain into Sour glass; dress with Fruit and serve.
Use a large Mixing glass with Lump Ice.
White of an Egg.
Juice 1/2 Lime.
2 dashes imported Grenadine.
1 jigger Bacardi Rum.
Shake and strain into Cocktail glass.
Fill large Bar glass 3/4 full Shaved Ice.
2 teaspoonfuls Bar Sugar dissolved in little Water.
1 pony Curacoa.
1 pony Brandy.
1/2 pony Jamaica Hum.
1/2 pony Whiskey.
Shake well; dress with Fruit and serve with Straws.
FISH CLUB PUNCH (for a party of 8)
Into a Punch bowl pour:
2-1/2 jiggers Lemon Juice.
4 jiggers Peach Brandy.
2 jiggers Cognac Brandy.
2 jiggers Jamaica Rum.
3 pints Ice Water.
Stir well; ladle into Punch glass and serve.
FOG HORN—Country Club Style
Use a large Mixing glass; fill with Lump Ice.
1/2 Lime Juice.
1/2 Lemon Juice.
1 teaspoonful Bar Sugar.
1 jigger Burnette's Old Tom Gin.
Stir well; strain into tall, thin glass and fill with imported Ginger Ale.
Lump Ice.
Use Shaker.
1/2 of the white of 1 Egg.
3 dashes Anisette.
1 jigger Old Tom Gin.
1 pony fresh Cream.
Shake well, serve in Cocktail glass.
Fill a Pousse Cafe glass 1/2 full of Maraschino and add: Raspberry Syrup, Vanilla, Curacoa, Chartreuse and Brandy in equal proportions until the glass is filled. Then proceed as for Abricontine Pousse Cafe.
GARDEN PUNCH (2-1/2 gallon mixture for a party of 50)
Place a good size block of Ice in a large Punch bowl.
4 jiggers Lemon Juice.
1-1/2 lbs. Bar Sugar.
2 jiggers Orange Juice.
1-1/2 jiggers green Chartreuse.
1 quart Brandy.
6 Quarts Tokay or Sweet Catawba Wine.
2 quarts Claret Wine.
Stir well; ladle into Stem glasses, and decorate each glass with Fruit before serving.
Use a large Mixing glass with Lump of Ice.
2 jiggers of Orange Juice.
2 jiggers of Grape Fruit Juice.
Fill with Seltzer Water.
Stir; ornament with Fruit and serve with Straws.
Use a large Mixing glass with Lump Ice.
1 jigger Gordon Gin.
1 pony French Vermouth.
Stir; strain and serve in Cocktail glass.
Use a large Mixing glass; fill with Lump Ice.
Juice 1/2 Lime.
1-1/2 jiggers Burnette's Old Tom Gin.
1/2 teaspoonful Bar Sugar.
Stir well and strain into Cocktail glass.
Put 1/2 oz. of Calamus Root, which has been steeped, into a quart bottle of Gin.
Serve as you would a Straight Drink.
Juice of 1/2 of a Lime.
1 pony Cusenier Grenadine.
1 jigger Sir Robert Burnette's Old Tom Gin.
Serve in a Mug with Lump Ice; fill with Seltzer.
Stir well and decorate with the skin of the Lime and fresh Mint and serve with Straws.
GIN SOUR—Country Club Style
Use a large Mixing glass.
Fill with Lump Ice.
1/2 Lime Juice.
1/2 Orange Juice.
2 dashes Pineapple Juice.
1/2 pony Rock Candy Syrup.
1 jigger Burnette's Old Tom Gin.
Shake well; strain into Cocktail glass and serve.
GIN SQUASH—Country Club Style
Use a large glass Stein; fill with Lump Ice.
1 pony Lemon Juice.
1 jigger Orange Juice.
1 pony Pineapple Juice.
1 pony Rock Candy Syrup.
1 jigger Burnette's Old Tom Gin.
Fill with Seltzer: stir well and serve.
GOLFER'S DELIGHT—Home of Bevo—18th Hole.
Use a large glass Pitcher; fill with Lump Ice.
2 bottles Bevo.
2 bottles Sweet Soda.
Stir well and serve in a Beer glass.
Fill a large Mixing glass with Lump Ice.
2 dashes green Absinthe.
1/2 pony Italian Vermouth.
1 jigger Sir Robert Burnette's Old Tom Gin.
Stir well and serve in a Cocktail glass.
IRISH ROSE—Country Club Style
Use a tall, thin glass; fill with Cracked Ice.
1 pony imported Grenadine.
1 jigger Old Bushmill Whiskey.
Fill with Seltzer.
Stir well and serve.
Use large Mixing glass; fill with Lump Ice.
1 jigger Apple Jack Brandy.
1 pony Italian Vermouth.
Stir well; strain and serve in Cocktail glass.
KNABENSCHUE—Country Club Style
Use a small stone Mug; Lump Ice.
1 lump Sugar.
2 dashes Angostura Bitters.
Fill with Champagne.
Stir well; dress with fresh Mint and serve.
Use a large Mixing glass.
Fill with Lump See.
1 jigger of Sir Robert Burnette's Old Tom Gin.
1/2 pony of Italian Vermouth.
1/2 pony of French Vermouth.
Stir well and strain into a Cocktail glass.
Add a Pickeled Onion and serve.
LADIES' DELIGHT—Thursday Luncheon Punch
1 quart of Orange Pekoe Tea (cold).
1 quart of Old Country Club Brandy.
1 pint of Lemon Juice.
1 pint of Orange Juice.
1/2 pint of Pineapple Juice.
2 quarts Berncastler Berg.
1 pint of Bar Sugar.
Use a large Punch bowl with one Lump of Ice.
Pour in mixture; add one quart of Cook's Imperial Champagne.
Stir well; decorate with fresh Mint, Fruit in season, and serve.
1 jigger Hungarian Apricot Brandy.
Juice of 1/2 Lime.
Fill glass with Lump Ice.
Shake well and strain into Stem glass.
LEMONADE APOLLINARIS (or Carbonated Water)
Fill large Mixing glass 2/3 full fine Ice.
1 tablespoonful Bar Sugar.
Juice of 1 Lemon.s+dd?
Fill up with Apollinaris or suitable Carbonated Water. Stir; strain into Lemonade glass; dress with Fruit and serve.
Use a large Mixing glass; fill with Lump Ice.
1 jigger Burnette's Old Tom Gin.
1/3 Italian Vermouth.
1/3 French Vermouth. s+dd? Shake well; serve in Cocktail glass.
MINT JULEP—Kentucky Style
Use a large Silver Mug.
Dissolve one lump of Sugar in one-half pony of Water.
Fill mug with Fine Ice.
Two jiggers of Old Bourbon Whiskey.
Stir well; add one boquet of Mint and serve.
Be careful and not bruise the Mint.
Use a large Mixing glass; fill with Lump Ice.
2/3 Wineglass Rye Whiskey.
2/3 Wineglass Gordon Gin.
1/2 Wineglass Imported Grenadine.
Juice 1/2 Lemon.
Juice 1/2 Lime.
Shake well; pour into tall, thin glass; add one bottle Imported Club Soda and serve.
1 jigger of Burnette's Tom Gin.
1/2 of Italian Vermouth and no Bitters used.
Large Bar glass with Cracked Ice and stir well.
Strain and serve with an Onion.
Use a Toddy glass.
1 lump of Ice.
2 dashes of Angostura Bitters.
1 lump of Sugar and dissolve in Water.
1-1/2 jiggers of Bourbon Whiskey.
Twist piece of Lemon Skin over the drink and drop it in. Stir well and serve.
Use an old-fashion Toddy glass.
1 lump Ice. s+dd? Juice of 1/2 of a Lime.
1 dash Angostura Bitters.
2 dashes of Seltzer Water.
Stir well and serve.
Use a tall, thin Bar glass.
Juice of a Lime.
Three sprigs of fresh Mint.
1 dash Cusenier Grenadine.
1/2 pony Pineapple Juice.
1/2 pony Orange Juice.
1 jigger of Sir Robert Burnette's Old Tom Gin.s+dd?
Crush ingredients together; fill with Lump Ice; add Seltzer. Stir well and serve.
PINEAPPLE JULEP (for a party of 6—Use a small punch bowl)
1 quart of Sparkling Moselle.
1 jigger Cusenier Grenadine.
1 jigger Maraschino.
1 jigger Sir Robert Burnette's Old Tom Gin.
1 jigger Lemon Juice.
1 jigger Orange Bitters.
1 jigger Angostura Bitters.
4 Oranges, sliced.
2 Lemons, sliced.
1 ripe Pineapple, sliced and quartered.
4 tablespoonfuls Sugar.
1 bottle Apollinaris Water.
Place large square of Ice in bowl; dress with the Fruits and serve Julep in fancy Stem glass.
Use a tall, thin glass.
1 lump Ice.
1 jigger Sir Robert Burnette's Old Tom Gin.
1 Cantrell & Cochran's Ginger Ale.
Stir well and serve.
Pour in Pousse Cafe glass as follows:
1/6 glass Raspberry Syrup.
1/6 glass Maraschino.
1/6 glass Green Vanilla.
1/6 glass Curacao.
1/6 glass Yellow Chartreuse.
1/6 glass Brandy.
In preparing the above use a small Wineglass with spoon for pouring in each Cordial separately.
Be careful they do not mix together.
PUNCH A LA ROMAINE (for a party of 16)
1 bottle Champagne.
1 bottle Rum.
2 tablespoons Dr. Siegert's genuine Angostura Bitters.
10 Lemons.
3 sweet Oranges.
2 pounds Powdered Sugar.
10 fresh Eggs.
Dissolve the Sugar in the Juice of the Lemons and Oranges adding the Rind of 1 Orange.
Strain through a Sieve into a bowl and add by degrees the whites of the Eggs beaten to a froth.
Place the bowl on Ice till cold, then stir in the Rum and Wine until thoroughly mixed. Serve in fancy Stem glasses.
RAMOS GIN FIZZ—Country Club Style
1 lump Ice.
1 dash Lemon Juice.
1 dash Orange Water.
White of Egg.
1 jigger Burnette's Old Tom Gin.
1 teaspoonful Powdered Sugar.
1 pony Milk.
1 dash Seltzer Water.
Shake well; strain into Highball glass and serve.
Use a medium size Fizz glass.
Peel a Lemon as you would an Apple.
Place the Rind or Peeling into the Fizz glass.
2 or 3 lumps of Crystal Ice.
1 Wineglass of Remsen Scotch Whiskey.
Fill up the balance with Club Soda; stir up slowly with a spoon and serve.
In this country it is often the ease that people call a Remsen Cooler where they want Old Tom Gin or Sloe Gin instead of Scotch Whiskey. It is therefore the bartender's duty to mix as desired.
Use a large Mixing glass; fill with Lump Ice.
1/2 Lime Juice.
1 jigger Burnette's Old Tom Gin.
2 dashes Imported Grenadine.
Shake well; strain into Cocktail glass and serve.
Use a large Bar glass.
Fill half the glass with Porter and half with Ginger Ale. It is also made with half Ale and half Ginger Ale.
Put 2 dashes Dr. Siegert's genuine Angostura Bitters in a Sherry glass and roil the glass 'till the Bitters entirely cover the inside surface.
Fill the glass with Sherry and serve.
STINGER—Country Club Style
Use a large Mixing glass; fill with Lump Ice.
1 jigger Old Brandy.
1 pony white Creme de Menthe.
Shake well; strain into Cocktail glass and serve.
Use a tall, thin glass; fill with fine Ice.
1/2 pony Lemon Juice.
1/2 pony Orange Juice.
2 dashes Rock Candy Syrup.
1 jigger Old Tom Gin.
Leave in Ice; stir well and serve.
Use a large Mixing glass with Cracked Ice.
1 jigger Orange Juice.
1 jigger imported Ginger Ale.
Shake well; strain into Cocktail glass and serve.
Use a large Brandy Roller glass.
Fill Roller half full of Fine Ice.
Add 1 pony of Old Brandy.
1 jigger of green Creme de Menthe and serve.
Make a batter by separating the yolks from whites of a given number of Eggs; beating the whites to a stiff froth and stirring the yolks until very thin. Then mix together in a Tom and Jerry bowl, stirring in Bar Sugar slowly until the batter is stiff and serve as follows:
Fill Tom and Jerry Mug 1/4 full of Batter.
1/2 jigger Rum.
1/2 jigger Brandy.
Stir well with Bar spoon; fill up with Hot Water; stir more; grate Nutmeg on top and serve.
Out of 6 pounds of Tokay Grapes, select one pound to be put into the Punch last. Now make a boiling Syrup of three pounds of Sugar and one quart of boiling Water and pour this over the remaining five pounds of Grapes. When partly cold rub it through a sieve, leaving skins and seeds behind. Then add the Juice of two Oranges and two Lemons and one quart of St. Julien Claret, 1 jigger of Angostura Bitters.
Then strain and freeze.
Before serving add 1 pint of good Brandy and an Italian Meringue Paste of six Egg whites, colored a nice red and drop in the remaining Grapes.
Use a large Mixing glass with Lump Ice.
1 jigger Bourbon.
1/2 pony Italian Vermouth.
Juice of whole Lime.
Shake well; strain into a Champagne glass; fill with Seltzer and serve.
Use a large Mixing glass; fill with Lump Ice.
One jigger Bourbon Whiskey.
1/2 pony Italian Vermouth.
1/2 pony Pineapple Syrup.
1/2 pony Lemon Juice.
Shake well; strain into Stem glass and serve.
1 lump Sugar dissolved in Hot Whiskey glass.
1 jigger Scotch Whiskey.
Fill up with Hot Water.
1 slice Lemon Peel.
Stir and serve with Nutmeg sprinkled on top.
Substitute Irish for Scotch Whiskey and proceed as for Hot Scotch Whiskey.
Page Abricontine Pousse Cafe Absinthe Absinthe, American Service Absinthe Cocktail Absinthe Frappe Absinthe, French Service Absinthe, Italian Service Admiral Schley High Ball Ale Flip Ale Sangaree American Pousse Cafe Apollinaris Lemonade Apple Jack Cocktail Apple Jack Fix Applejack Sour "Arf-And-Arf" Arrack Punch Astringent Auditorium Cooler All Right Cocktail
Bacardi Cocktail Bacardi Cocktail—Country Club Style Baldy Cocktail Bamboo Cocktail Black Cow Blood Hound Cocktail Bombay Cocktail Benedictine Beef Tea Bishop Bishop A La Prusse Bismarck Bizzy Izzy High Ball Black Stripe Black and Tan Punch Blackthorne Cocktail Blackthorne Sour Bliz's Royal Rickey Blue Blazer Boating Punch Bombay Punch Bon Soir ("Good Night") Boston Cooler Bottle of Cocktail Brace Up Brandy and Ginger Ale Brandy and Soda Brandy Flip Brandy Float Brandy Julep Brandy Punch Brandy Scaffa Brandy Shake Brandy Shrub Brandy Skin Brandy Sling Brandy Smash Brandy Sour Brandy Toddy Bronx Cocktail Burnt Brandy Buster Brown Cocktail Buttered Rum
California Sherry Cobbler California Wine Cobbler Carleton Rickey—St. Louis Style Catawba Cobbler Celery Sour Century Club Punch Champagne Champagne Cobbler Champagne Cocktail Champagne Cup (2-gallon Mixture) Champagne Frappe Champagne Julep Champagne Punch (for party of 6) Champagne Sour Champagne Velvet Chocolate Punch Cider Eggnog Claret and Ice Claret Cobbler Claret Cup, (2-gallon mixture) Claret Flip Claret Punch Claret Punch (5-gallon mixture for a large reception or party of 100 people) Clover Club Cocktail Clover Leaf Cocktail Club Cocktail Club House Claret Punch Club House Punch (party of 20) Coffee Cocktail Cohasset Punch Cold Ruby Punch (2-1/2-gallon mixture for 50 people) Columbia Skin Companion Punch (2-1/2-gallon mixture for a reception or party of 50 people) Continental Sour Cordial Lemonade Country Cocktail Couperee Creme De Menthe Crimean Cup A La Marmora Country Club Punch Cooperstown Cocktail Curacoa Curacoa Punch Currant Shrub
Deronda Cocktail Diarrhea Draught Dixie Cocktail Dream Delusion Doray Punch Doray Sour Duplex Cocktail Durkee Cocktail
Eagle Punch East India Cocktail Egg Milk Punch Eggnog Eggnog (bowl of 3 gallons) Egg Sour El Dorado Punch English Bishop Punch
Fancy Whiskey Smash Fannie Ward Fedora Fish Club Punch Fog Horn—Country Club Style Free Love Cocktail—Club Style French Pousse Cafe
Garden Punch G.O.P Gibson Cocktail Gillette Cocktail—Chicago Style Gin and Calamus Gin Daisy Gin Sour—Country Club Style Gin Squash—Country Club Style Golfer's Delight
Horse Thief Cocktail
Irish Rose
Jersey Lightning Cocktail
L.P.W. Ladies' Delight Leaping Frog Lemonade Apollinaris Lone Tree Cocktail
Mint Julep—Kentucky Style
Overall Julep—St. Louis Style Onion Cocktail Old Fashion Cocktail Ojen Cocktail
Pequot Semer Pineapple Julep Polo Players' Delight Pousse Cafe—St. Louis Punch A La Romaine Ramos Gin Fizz Remsen Cooler
September Morn Cocktail Shandy Gaff Sherry and Bitters Stinger Stone Sour Samton Cocktail
Tom Tom Tom and Jerry Tokay Punch Twilight Cocktail
Whiskey Punch—St. Louis Style Whiskey Scotch Hot Whiskey Irish Hot