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THIS CELEBRATED AND BEAUTIFUL WORK is published complete in one large volume, of over 300 pages, paper cover, price FIFTY CENTS; or the work is handsomely bound in one volume, cloth, gilt, price ONE DOLLAR.
ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND COPIES OF THE FORGED WILL! will be sold in a short time, and it will have a run and popularity second only to Uncle Tom's Cabin. The Press everywhere are unanimous in its praise, as being one of the most powerfully written works in the language.
THE FORGED WILL is truly a celebrated work. It has been running through the columns of the Philadelphia Dollar Newspaper, where it has been appearing for ten weeks, and has proved itself to be one of the most popular nouvelettes that has ever appeared in the columns of any newspaper in this country. Before the fourth paper appeared, the back numbers, (although several thousand extra of the three former numbers were printed,) could not be obtained at any price, and the publishers of the paper were forced to issue a Supplement sheet of the first three papers of it, for new subscribers to their paper, which induced the publisher to make an arrangement with the popular author to bring it out in a beautiful style for the thousands that wish it in book form.
If Emerson Bennett had never written his many delightful and thrilling stories of border life, of prairie scenes, and Indian warfare, this new story of the 'Forged Will' would have placed his name on the record as one of the best of American novelists. The scenes, principally, of this most captivating novel, are laid in the city of New York; and most glowingly the author pictures to us how the guilty may, for a time, escape the justice of the law, but only to feel the heavy hand of retribution sooner or later; how vice may, for a time, triumph over virtue, but only for a time; how crime may lie concealed, until its very security breeds exposure; how true virtue gives way to no temptation, but bears the ills of life with patience, hoping for a better day, and rejoices triumphant in the end. In short, from base hypocrisy he tears the veil that hides its huge deformity, and gives a true picture of life as it exists in the crowded city. We do cordially recommend this book for its excellent moral. It is one that should be circulated, for it must do good.
Price for the complete work, in one volume, in paper cover, Fifty Cents only; or a finer edition, printed on thicker and better paper, and handsomely bound in one volume, muslin, gilt, is published for One Dollar.
* * * * *
T. B. PETERSON also publishes the following works by Emerson Bennett, either or all of which will be sent by mail, free of postage, to any one, on receipt of the prices annexed to them. All should send for one or more of them at once. No one will ever regret the money sent.
CLARA MORELAND; or, Adventures in the Far South-West. By Emerson Bennett, author of the "The Forged Will," "Viola," etc. This has proved to be one of the most popular and powerful nouvelettes ever written in America, 336 pages. Price Fifty Cents in paper covers, or ONE DOLLAR in cloth, gilt.
THE PIONEER'S DAUGHTER. By Emerson Bennett, author of "Clara Moreland," "Forged Will," etc. Price 50 cents.
WALDE-WARREN, a Tale of Circumstantial Evidence. By Emerson Bennett, author of "Viola," "Pioneer's Daughter," etc. Price 25 cents.
VIOLA; or, Adventures in the Far South-West. By Emerson Bennett, author of "The Pioneer's Daughter," "Walde-Warren," etc. Price 50 cents.
Copies of either edition of the above works will be sent to any person at all, to any part of the United States, free of postage, on their remitting the price of the edition they wish, to the publisher, in a letter, post paid. Published and for Sale by
T. B. PETERSON, No. 102 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.
"We have perused this work with some attention, and do not hesitate to pronounce it one of the very best productions of the talented author. The scenes are laid in Texas, and the adjoining frontier. There is not a page that does not glow with thrilling and interesting incident, and will well repay the reader for the time occupied in perusing it. The characters are most admirably drawn, and are perfectly natural throughout. We have derived so much gratification from the perusal of this charming novel, that we are anxious to make our readers share it with us; and, at the same time, to recommend it to be read by all persons who are fond of romantic adventures. Mr. Bennett is a spirited and vigorous writer, and his works deserve to be generally read; not only because they are well written, but that they are, in most part, taken from events connected with the history of our own country, from which much valuable information is derived, and should, therefore, have a double claim upon our preference, over those works where the incidents are gleaned from the romantic legends of old castles, and foreign climes. The book is printed on fine paper, and is in every way got up in a style highly creditable to the enterprising publisher."
"It is a spirited tale of frontier life, of which 'Clara Moreland' is the sequel and conclusion. Mr. Bennett seems to delight in that field of action and adventure, where Cooper won his laurels; and which is perhaps the most captivating to the general mind of all the walks of fiction. There has been, so far, we think, a steady improvement in his style and stories; and his popularity, as a necessary consequence, has been and is increasing. One great secret of the popularity of these out-door novels, as we may call them, is that there is a freshness and simplicity of the open air and natural world about them—free from the closeness, intensity and artificiality of the gas-lighted world revealed in works that treat of the vices and dissipations of large cities."—Philadelphia Saturday Evening Post.
"This is one of the best productions of Mr. Bennett. The scenes are in and near Texas. Every page glows with thrilling interest, and the characters are well drawn and sustained. An interesting love plot runs through the book, which gives a faithful representation of life in the far South-West. Mr. Peterson has issued Viola in his usual neat style, and it is destined to have a great run."—Clinton Tribune.
"We have received the above work and found time to give it an examination. The scenes are laid mostly in Texas, and pictured with all the vividness for which the author is so celebrated. Those who are particularly fond of wild and romantic adventures may safely calculate upon finding 'Viola' suited to their taste. It is well written and handsomely printed."—Daily Journal, Chicago, Ill.
"It is a very interesting book. The scenes of this most exciting and interesting Romance are found in Texas before and during the late Mexican war. It is written with much spirit and pathos, and abounds in stirring incidents and adventures, and has an interesting and romantic love-plot interwoven with it; and is a faithful representation of 'Life in the Far South-West.' The author of 'Viola,' will rank among the most popular of American Novelists, and aided by the great energy and enterprise of his publisher, T. B. Peterson, is fast becoming a general favorite."—Gazette, Rhinebeck, N. Y.
"This thrilling and interesting novel—equal to anything the celebrated author ever wrote—has been issued in a fifty cent volume; and we would advise every one who wants to get the value of his money, to get the book. Bennett's works are the most interesting of any now published."—Western Emporium, Germantown, Ohio.
THIS BEAUTIFUL AND CELEBRATED WORK is published complete in one large volume of near 300 pages, paper cover, price FIFTY CENTS; or the work is handsomely bound in one volume, cloth, gilt, price SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS.
Copies of either edition of the above work will be sent to any person at all, to any part of the United States, free of postage, on their remitting the price of the edition they wish, to the publisher, in a letter, post-paid. Published and for Sale by
T. B. PETERSON, No. 102 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia
From the Philadelphia Saturday Courier, of Sept. 10th, 1853.
"This historical romance is the most powerfully wrought work which the indomitable genius of the author has ever produced; and is amply sufficient of itself to stamp the writer as a powerful man. The startling schemes and plots which preceded the overthrow of the great Roman Republic, afford ample scope for his well-practised pen, and we may add he has not only been fortunate in producing a work of such masterly pretensions, but Mr. Herbert is equally so in the good taste, energy, and tact of his enterprising publisher. The book is admirably brought out, and altogether may be set down as one of Peterson's 'great hits' in literature."
From the Philadelphia Daily Pennsylvanian, of Sept. 8th, 1853.
"The author has made one of his happiest efforts, and given in this volume a tale which will stand the test of the most rigid criticism, and be read by all lovers of literature that embodies the true, the thrilling, the powerful, and the sublime. In fact, we would have thought it impossible to produce such a tale of the Republic in these latter days; but here we have it—Sergius Cataline, Cethegus, Cassius, and the rest of that dark band of conspirators, are here displayed in their true portraits. Those who have read 'Sallust' with care, will recognize the truthful portraiture at a glance, and see the heroes of deep and treacherous villainy dressed out in their proper devil-doing character. On the other hand, we have Cicero, the orator and true friend of the Commonwealth of Rome. We have also his noble contemporaries and coadjutors, all in this volume. Would that space permitted for a more extended notice, but we are compelled to forbear. One thing is certain—if this book contained nothing more than the story of Paullus Arvina, it would be a tale of thrilling interest."
From the Cleveland, Ohio, True Democrat, of Sept. 8th, 1853.
"Those who have perused the former works of this distinguished author, will not fail to procure this book—It is a thrilling romance, and the characters brought forward, and the interest with which they are constantly invested, will insure for it a great run."
From the Philadelphia City Item, of Sept. 10th, 1853.
"The Roman Traitor demands earnest commendation. It is a powerful production—perhaps the highest effort of the brilliant and successful author. A thorough historian and a careful thinker, he is well qualified to write learnedly of any period of the world's history. The book is published in tasteful style, and will adorn the centre-table."
From the Boston Evening Transcript, of Sept. 6th, 1853.
"This is a powerfully written tale, filled with the thrilling incidents which have made the period of which it speaks one of the darkest in the history of the Roman Republic. The lovers of excitement will find in its pages ample food to gratify a taste for the darker phases of life's drama."
From the Philadelphia Sunday Dispatch, of Sept. 4th, 1853.
"Cataline's conspiracy has been selected by Mr. Herbert as the subject of this story. Taking the historical incidents as recorded by the most authentic authors, he has woven around them a net-work of incident, love and romance, which is stirring and exciting. The faithful manner in which the author has adhered to history, and the graphic style in which his descriptions abound, stamp this as one of the most excellent of his many successful novels."
Price for the complete work, in two volumes, in paper cover, One Dollar only; or a finer edition, printed on thicker and better paper, and handsomely bound in one volume, muslin, gilt, is published for One Dollar and Twenty-five Cents.
Copies of either edition of the work will be sent to any person at all, to any part of the United States, free of postage, on their remitting the price of the edition they wish to the publisher, in a letter, post-paid. Published and for sale by
T. B. PETERSON, No. 102 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia
Complete in two vols., paper cover, Price One Dollar; or bound in one vol., cloth. Price One Dollar and Twenty-Five Cents a copy.
T. B. PETERSON, NO. 102 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, has just published this celebrated and world-renowned work. It will be found on perusal to be one of the best, as it is one of the most celebrated works ever published in the English language, and will live, and continue to be read for generations to come, and rank by the side of Sir Walter Scott's celebrated novels.
CHAPTER I. The Letter. II. The Initials III. A. Z. IV. A Walk of no common Description. V. An Alp. VI. Secularized Cloisters. VII. An Excursion, and Return to the Secularized Cloisters. VIII. An Alpine Party. IX. Salzburg. X. The Return to Munich. XI. The Betrothal. XII. Domestic Details. XIII. A Truce. XIV. A New Way to Learn German. XV. The October Fete. A Lesson on Propriety of Conduct. XVI. The Au Fair. The Supper. XVII. Lovers' Quarrels. XVIII. The Churchyard. XIX. German Soup. XX. The Warning. XXI. The Struggle. XXII. The Departure. XXIII. The Long Day. XXIV. The Christmas Tree, and Midnight Mass. XXV. The Garret. XXVI. The Discussion. XXVII. The Sledge. XXVIII. A Ball at the Museum Club. XXIX. A Day of Freedom. XXX. The Masquerade. XXXI. Where is the Bridegroom? XXXII. The Wedding at Troisieme. XXXIII. A Change. XXXIV. The Arrangement. XXXV. The Difficulty Removed. XXXVI. The Iron Works. XXXVII. An Unexpected Meeting, and its Consequences. XXXVIII. The Experiment. XXXIX. The Recall. XL. Hohenfels. XLI. The Scheiben-Schiessen, (Target Shooting-Match.) XLII. A Discourse. XLIII. Another kind of Discourse. XLIV. The Journey Home Commences. XLV. What occurred at the Hotel D'Angle-terre in Frankfort. XLVI. Halt! XLVII. Conclusion.
Copies of either edition of the work will be sent to any person, to any part of the United States, free of postage, on their remitting the price of the edition they may wish, to the publisher, in a letter.
Published and for sale by T. B. PETERSON, No. 102 Chestnut St., Philadelphia To whom all Orders should be addressed, post-paid.
Price Fifty Cents in Paper Cover; or, One Dollar in Cloth, Gilt.
"This is decidedly the best novel Mr. Bennett has written. He tells his story well, and while leading the reader over the prairies of Texas into the haunts of the wild Indians, or among the equally savage bands of lawless men, that once were the terror of that country; he presents the remarkable transitions in the fortunes of his hero, in a manner which, though often startling, are yet within the bounds of probability. His dialogue is good, growing easily out of the situation and condition of the interlocutors, and presenting occasionally, especially in response, an epigrammatic poise, that is worthy of all praise. The plot abounds with adventure, and presents many scenes of startling interest, while the denouement is such as to amply satisfy the most fastidious reader's ideas of poetical justice. We would add a few words of praise for the excellent style in which this book is gotten up. It is well printed on good paper, and bound in a manner to correspond with the quality of its typography."—Arthur's Home Gazette.
"This is the best of Mr. Bennett's books. It is a brilliant and thrilling production, and will particularly interest all who love to read of life in the West and South-West. A love story runs through the volume, lending grace and finish to it. Mr. Peterson has issued the book in very handsome style; the type is new and of honest size, the binding is strong and pretty, the paper is firm and white, and the embellishments are eminently creditable. Clara Moreland should command a large sale."—Philadelphia City Item.
"On looking more carefully through this racy, spirited narrative of thrilling scenes and well-told adventures, we meet with beauties that escape a casual observation. Mr. Bennett is a keen discoverer of character, and paints his portraits so true to nature as to carry the reader with him through all his wild wanderings and with unabated interest. The author of 'Clara Moreland' takes rank among the most popular American novelists, and aided by the great energy of his publisher is fast becoming a general favorite."—McMackin's Model Saturday Courier.
"Emerson Bennett has written some very creditable productions. This is one of his longest, and is well received. Mr. Bennett is a favorite author with Western readers. It is illustrated and well printed."—Philadelphia Dollar Newspaper.
"It is a tale of wild border life and exciting incident, bustle, and turmoil."—Philadelphia North American.
"Mr. Bennett is, in some measure, a new man in this section of the universe, and, as such, our reading public are bound to give him a cordial greeting, not only for this, but for the sake of that wide-spread popularity which he has achieved in the mighty West, and more especially for the intrinsic excellence that distinguishes his glowing, brilliant productions, of which 'Clara Moreland' may be pronounced the best."—Philadelphia Saturday Courier.
"This work is of the most exciting character, and will be enjoyed by all who have a cultivated taste."—Baltimore Sun.
"The scene of this interesting Romance lies in Texas before or during the late war with Mexico. It is written with a great deal of spirit; it abounds in stirring incidents and adventures, has a good love-plot interwoven with it, and is in many respects a faithful representation of Life in the Far South-West. Mr. Bennett is destined to great popularity, especially at the South and West. His publisher has issued this book in a very handsome style."—Philadelphia Evening Bulletin.
"This is a thrilling story of frontier life, full of incident, and graphically sketched. It is published in a good style."—Philadelphia Public Ledger.
"This is a spirited narrative of stirring scenes, by Emerson Bennett. Those who love daring adventure and hair-breadth escapes will find it an engaging book."—Detroit, Mich., Paper.
"It is a thrilling narrative of South-Western adventure, illustrated by numerous engravings."—Detroit, Mich., Paper.
"It is a wondrous story of thrilling adventures and hair-breadth escapes, the scene of which is laid in the South-West. The book is illustrated with engravings representing some of the exciting events narrated by the writer."—Detroit, Mich., Paper.
"It is a work replete with stirring adventure. Romance, incident, and accident, are blended together so as to form a highly interesting work of 334 pages."—New York Picayune.
Published and for sale by T. B. PETERSON, No. 102 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia
Have you read it? If not, then do so.
Price Fifty Cents in Paper; or Seventy Five Cents in Cloth.
Wild Oats Sown Abroad is a splendid work. It is the Private Journal of a Gentleman of Leisure and Education, and of a highly cultivated mind, in making the Tour of Europe. It is having a sale unprecedented in the annals of literature, for nothing equal to it in spiciness, vivacity, and real scenes and observations in daily travel, has ever appeared from the press.
Opening the Journal. Adventure in search of Ruin. Parting Tribute to Love. Three Desperate Days! The Poetry of Sea-Sickness. The Red Flannel Night-Cap. A Ship by Moonlight. Arrival in London. The Parks of London. Poet's Corner, Westminster Abbey. England's Monuments. Madame Tussaud's Wax Works. The "Beauties" of Hampton Court. Love and Philosophy. "Love's Labor Lost." A Peep at "The Shades." The Modern "Aspasia." Noble Plea for Matrimony. The Lily on the Shore. English Mother and American Daughter. The "Maid of Normandie." An Effecting Scene. "Paris est un Artist." The Guillotine. "Give us Another!" Post Mortem Reflections. Fashionable Criticism. Whiskey Punch and Logic. "Shylock asks for Justice!" "Lorette" and "Grisette." Kissing Day. The Tattoo. The Masked Ball. The Incognita. The Charms of Paris. Changing Horses. A View in Lyons. Avignon—Petrarch and Laura. Our First Ruin. The Unconscious Blessing. A Crash and a Wreck. The Railroad of Life. A Night Adventure. "The Gods take care of Cato." The Triumphs of Neptune. The Marquisi's Foot. Beauties of Naples Bay. Natural History of the Lazaroni. The True Venus. Love and Devotion. The Mortality of Pompeii. Procession of the Host. The Ascent of Vesuvius. The Mountain Emetic. The Human Projectile. The City of the Soul. The Coup de Main. Night in the Coliseum! Catholicity Considered. Power Passing Away! Byron Among the Ruins. A Gossip with the Artists. Speaking Gems. "Weep for Adonis!" The Lady and the God. The Science of Psalmistry. "Sour Grapes." A Ramble about Tivoli. Illumination of St. Peter's. The "Niobe of Nations." A Ghostly Scene! "Honi soit qui mal y pense." A "Ball" without Music. Abelard and Heloise. Scenes on the Road. The "Tug of War." "There they are, by Jove!" The Raven-Haired One! Heaven and Hell! The "Hamlet" of Sculpture. The Modern Susannah. Hey, Presto! Change! The Death Scene of Cleopatra. An Eulogy on Tuscany. A Real Claude Sunset. Tasso and Byron. The Shocking Team! Floatings in Venice. The Venetian Girls. The Bell-Crowned Hat! The "Lion's Mouth." The "Bridge of Sighs!" A Subterranean Fete! Byron and Moore in Venice. Diana and Endymion. The Pinch of Snuff. The Rock-Crystal Coffin! Eccentricity of Art. Thoughts in a Monastery. The Lake of Como. Immortal Drummer Boy. Wit, and its Reward! The Cold Bath. "Here we are!" The Mountain Expose. The "Last Rose of Summer." Waking the Echoes. Watching the Avalanche. A Beautiful Incident. A Shot with the Long Bow. Mt. Blanc and a full stop.
Price for the complete work, in paper cover, Fifty cents a copy only; or handsomely bound in muslin, gilt, for Seventy-Five cents.
Copies of either edition of the work will be sent to any person at all, to any part of the United States, free of postage, on their remitting the price of the edition they wish, to the publisher, in a letter, post paid.
Published and for sale by T. B. PETERSON, No. 102 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia
Cheap Book, Magazine, Newspaper, Publishing and Bookselling Establishment, is at No. 102 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.
T. B. PETERSON has the satisfaction to announce to the public, that he has removed to the new and spacious BROWN STONE BUILDING, NO. 102 CHESTNUT STREET, just completed by the city authorities on the Girard Estate, known as the most central and best situation in the city of Philadelphia. As it is the Model Book Store of the Country, we will describe it: It is the largest, most spacious, and best arranged Retail and Wholesale Cheap Book and Publishing Establishment in the United States. It is built, by the Girard Estate, of Connecticut sand-stone, in a richly ornamental style. The whole front of the lower story, except that taken up by the doorway, is occupied by two large plate glass windows, a single plate to each window, costing together over three thousand dollars. On entering and looking up, you find above you a ceiling sixteen feet high; while, on gazing before, you perceive a vista of One Hundred and Fifty-Seven feet. The retail counters extend back for eighty feet, and, being double, afford counter-room of One Hundred and Sixty feet in length. There is also over Three Thousand feet of shelving in the retail part of the store alone. This part is devoted to the retail business, and as it is the most spacious in the country, furnishes also the best and largest assortment of all kinds of books to be found in the country. It is fitted up in the most superb style; the shelvings are all painted in Florence white, with gilded cornices for the book shelves.
Behind the retail part of the store, at about ninety feet from the entrance, is the counting-room, twenty feet square, railed neatly off, and surmounted by a most beautiful dome of stained glass. In the rear of this is the wholesale and packing department, extending a further distance of about sixty feet, with desks and packing counters for the establishment, etc., etc. All goods are received and shipped from the back of the store, having a fine avenue on the side of Girard Bank for the purpose, leading out to Third Street, so as not to interfere with and block up the front of the store on Chestnut Street. The cellar, of the entire depth of the store, is filled with printed copies of Mr. Peterson's own publications, printed from his own stereotype plates, of which he generally keeps on hand an edition of a thousand each, making a stock, of his own publications alone, of over three hundred thousand volumes, constantly on hand.
T. B. PETERSON is warranted in saying, that he is able to offer such inducements to the Trade, and all others, to favor him with their orders, as cannot be excelled by any book establishment in the country. In proof of this, T. B. PETERSON begs leave to refer to his great facilities of getting stock of all kinds, his dealing direct with all the Publishing Houses in the country, and also to his own long list of Publications, consisting of the best and most popular productions of the most talented authors of the United States and Great Britain, and to his very extensive stock, embracing every work, new or old, published in the United States.
T. B. PETERSON will be most happy to supply all orders for any books at all, no matter by whom published, in advance of all others, and at publishers' lowest cash prices. He respectfully invites Country Merchants, Booksellers, Pedlars, Canvassers, Agents, the Trade, Strangers in the city, and the public generally, to call and examine his extensive collection of cheap and standard publications of all kinds, comprising a most magnificent collection of CHEAP BOOKS, MAGAZINES, NOVELS, STANDARD and POPULAR WORKS of all kinds, BIBLES, PRAYER BOOKS, ANNUALS, GIFT BOOKS, ILLUSTRATED WORKS, ALBUMS and JUVENILE WORKS of all kinds, GAMES of all kinds, to suit all ages, tastes, etc., which he is selling to his customers and the public at much lower prices than they can be purchased elsewhere. Being located at No. 102 CHESTNUT Street, the great thoroughfare of the city, and BUYING his stock outright in large quantities, and not selling on commission, he can and will sell them on such terms as will defy all competition. Call and examine our stock, you will find it to be the best, largest and cheapest in the city; and you will also be sure to find all the best, latest, popular, and cheapest works published in this country or elsewhere, for sale at the lowest prices.
" Call in person and examine our stock, or send your orders by mail direct, to the CHEAP BOOKSELLING and PUBLISHING ESTABLISHMENT of
T. B. PETERSON, No. 102 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia