Easter massacre of the Vaudois, 390-92. England attempts to assist the Camisards, 166-7. Enniskilleners, the, 336. Evertzen, Vice-Admiral, 325. Execution of Pastors, 27.
Fabre, Jean, 265; sent to galleys, 266-9; obtains leave of absence, 269; exonerated, 270; life dramatized, and result, 270. Fermaud, Pastor, 407. Freemantle, Rev. Mr., visits of, to the Vaudois, 395, 450, 462. French labouring classes, present condition of, 397-400. Freney, gorge of, 411. Fusiliers, missionary, 293.
Galley, description of, 197-8; use in war, 200-4. Galley-slaves, treatment of, 194-204; liberation of Protestants, 204, 264 (note), 271-3. Galway, Earl of, 360. Gilly, Dr., visit to the Vaudois, 393-4, 468, 477. Ginckel, Lieut.-General, 347, 354 et seq. Glorious Return of the Vaudois, 493-5. Grace, Col. Richard, 351. Guarrison, Mdlle. de, 294. Guerin, death of, 67. Guignon betrays Cavalier, 156; executed, 159. Guil, valley of the, 466. Guillestre, 456-66. Guion executed, 57.
Herbert, Admiral, 325. Homel, tortures and death of, 40. Hood, Lord, 376. Huguenots, the (see Camisards); emigrations of, 43, 76-8, 83, 287, 316; persecution of, after Camisard insurrection, 190-204; as galley-slaves, 194-204; brought together by Court, 210-17; reorganization of, 218-228; outrages on, 228; great assemblies of, 239-40; last of the executions, 258; last of the galley-slaves, 265-273; character of, 274-5; later history of, 276-283; decrees against, 286-6; in England, 309; foreign services of, 316-17.
Ireland and James II., 331 et seq. Irish Brigade, 140-2, 359. Iron Boot, the, 102.
James II., flight of, 309, 329; lands with an army in Ireland, 309, 332; campaign against William III., 309 et seq., 333 et seq.; deserted, 328; taken prisoner, 329; his last proclamation, 330; at the French court, 331; cowardice, 337, 347-8; Catholic estimate of his character, 348. Joany, Nicholas, insurgent leader, 120, 123, 151. Johannot, 269. Julien, Brigadier, 147, 150-1.
Lagier, Jean, 452, 453 (note). Lajonquiere defeated at Martinargues, 162-4. Lalande, his interview with Cavalier, 173-6. Languedoc (see Cevennes), early liberty in, 75; Albigenses in, 75; Protestants of, 76-7; industry of, 76; emigration from, after Revocation, 78, 289; arming of people of, 85-6; outbreak of fanaticism in, 88-92; present inhabitants of, 280-3. Laporte, leader of Camisards, 109-10; organizes insurgents, 112; at Collet, 113; at Champ Domergue, 114; killed at Molezon, 117. La Salette, 404; miracle of, 405-6. La Tour, 476-80. Laugier at Guillestre, 463; at Chateau Queyras, 464. Lausanne, school for preachers at, 224; Society of Help at, 224-5. Lauteret, Col de, 413. Lauzun, Count, 339, 358. Lesdiguieres, Duc de, 402-3, 455. Limerick, siege of, 351-4, 359. Lintarde, Marie, imprisonment of, 54. Locke, John, on Protestants of Nismes, 31 (note). Londonderry, siege of, 333. Louis XIV., 2, 10, 146, 205. Louis XV., 275. Louis XVI., 276; maxim of, 285; his decrees against Protestants, 285-6; his mode of stopping the emigration of Huguenots, 287-8; expulsion of Protestants, 316; assists James II., 332. Luttrell, Capt., brilliant naval achievement of, 372.
Mackay, Major-General, 355, 357. Marillac, Michel de, inventor of the dragonnades, 288. Marion on influence of Camisard prophets, 119. Marlborough, Earl of, 354. Marteilhe, autobiography of, 195, 201-4. Martinargues, battle at, 162-4. Massillon on Louis XIV., 10. Mazel, Abraham, 120, 123. Mialet, visit to, 127-8. Milsom, Edward, 395, 451, 490-92. Missionaries, booted, 288. Montandre, Marquis de, 314. Montauban, persecutions at, 289-90. Montpellier, Protestant Church at, 32-3; the Peyron at, 72; execution of Brousson at, 73, 300. Montrevel, Marshal, in Languedoc, 149; at Pompignan, 152; adopts extermination, 153; at Tower of Belliot, 156-8; character of, 159; recalled, 167; defeats Cavalier, 168-9.
Nantes, Revocation of Edict of, and its results, 1-19, 24, 44-5, 78; contemporary opinion upon, 1-10; enactments of Edict of Revocation, 12-15, 285-6. Neff, Felix, 427-32; life of, 394, 404; his account of winter at Dormilhouse, 447; his charge, 469. Nelson, Lord, eulogium on Capt. Riou, 368; at the battle of Copenhagen, 378-9. Ners, visit to, 131. Newton Butler, engagement at, 333. Nismes, Protestant Church at, 31; petition from, 41; Brousson at, 57, 69; Guion at, 57; country about, 81, 130-2; success of Camisards near, 143; Cavalier at, 144-5, 177-83; treaty of, 179-80; Huguenot meetings at, 265.
Ormond, Duke of, 349.
Palons, 433-6. Paulet, Mdlle., forgeries in name of, 32-4. Pechell, Augustus, 315. Pechell, Capt. William Cecil, 315. Pechell, Col. Jacob, 313. Pechell, Paul, 314. Pechell, Samuel, extraordinary probity of, 314. Pechell, Sir G. R. Brooke, 315. Pechell, Sir Thomas, 315. Pechels de la Boissonade, Samuel de, narrative of his persecutions, 291 et seq.; imprisonment, 296, 299-301; meeting with his wife, 297; condemned to banishment, 299; embarkation, 302; sails for America, 303; sufferings, 304-5; reaches the West Indies, 305; illness and arrival in London, 307; accepts a commission in the English army, 309; campaign in Ireland, 310; return to London, 311; removal with his wife and son to Dublin, 312; death of, 312; his descendants, 313. Pechels, family of, 290. Pechels, Madame de, inhumanity towards, 294-5; touching interview with her husband, 297; further trials, 297; escape to Geneva, 298; in London, 308; reunited to her husband, 311. Pelice, Valley of the, 472. Pelisson, 323. Pont-de-Montvert, outbreak at, 92-7; description of, 93-4; end of Camisard insurrection at, 187-9. Portland, Earl of, 361, 363. Portland Vase, 363. Poul, Captain, in Upper Cevennes, 108; at Champ Domergue, 114-16; takes Laporte at Molezon, 117; defeated and killed near Nismes, 143-4. Pra du Tour, 486-90, 499. Preachers, education of, 221-4; hardships of, 225-9, 236-8. Project, the, 34. "Protestant wind," the, 325. Protestantism in France, present chances of, 417.
Quoite, execution of, 53.
Rapin, Capt. Paul, birth and education, 321-2; emigrates to England, 322; embarks for Holland, 323; a cadet in the Dutch army, 324; sails for England, 325; encounters a storm, 326; with the army of William III., 335 et seq.; aide-de-camp, 350; wounded and promoted, 354; conciliatory spirit, 358-9; at Kinsale, 359; tutor to Lord Woodstock, 360; presented to the King, 371; makes the "grand tour" with his pupil, 362-3; secures the Portland Vase, 363; marriage, 363; at the Hague and Wesel, 364; his "Dissertation on the Origin and Nature of the English Constitution," 364; "History of England," 364-7; death of, 366. Rapin, Daniel de, 324. Rapin family, 317-21, 367. Rapin, Solomon, 354, 360. Ravanel, insurgent leader, defeats Royalists near Nismes, 143; near Bouquet, 145; supplants Cavalier, 182-5; death of, 189. Redothiere, Isabeau, 53. Resseguerie, M. de la, 297. Rey, Fulcran, his preaching and death, 25-7. Riou, Capt., R.N., Lord Nelson's opinion of, 368; ancestry, 368-70; birth and education, 370; becomes a midshipman, 370; accompanies Capt. Cook in his last voyage, 371; witnesses the murder of the captain, 371; return to England and appointed lieutenant, 372; a sharer in the glory of Capt. Luttrell's brilliant achievement, 372; appointed to the command of the Guardian, 373; letters to his mother, 373, 377; his ship strikes upon an iceberg, 374; remains with the vessel, 375; letter to the Admiralty, 375; extract from his log, 376; rescued by Dutch whalers, and return to England, 376; receives the special thanks of the Admiralty, 377; commander of the royal yacht Princess Augusta, 378; at the battle of Copenhagen, 378-9; death of, 379; his character, 379-80; monument in St. Paul's Cathedral, 380. Rochemalan, Vaudois struggles at, 482-6. Roger, Jacques, 213. Roland, nephew of Laporte, 111; insurgent leader, 113; succeeds Laporte, 118; in Lower Cevennes, 122; organizes Camisards, 123-5; takes Sauve, 137; at Pompignan, 152; at Salindres, 164-5; at Font-Morte, 176-7; at Pont-de-Montvert, 187; death of, 188. Romanche, Valley of the, 401, 408. Rosen, Count, 332; indignation against King James, 337. Rostan, Alpine missionary, 460 (note). Rou, Jean, 363-4. Roussel, Alexandre, 232. Ruvigny, Major-General, 357.
St. Bartholomew, doubt thrown upon massacre of, 27. Saint-Etienne, Rabout, 276-7. St. Hypolite, meeting at, 35. Saint-Ruth, Marshal, 38; in Ireland, 38 (note), 354 et seq. Saint-Simon on the treatment of converts, 23. Sands, Captain, 357. San Veran, 468. Sarsfield, General, 351-3, 356. Savoy and France, war declared, 520. Savoy, Duke of, takes refuge with the Vaudois, 520. Schomberg, Marshal, 309 et seq., 317, 344 et seq.; death of, 345. Schomberg, Count, 348. Sedan, prosperity of, before Revocation, 64-5; Brousson at, 65-6. Seguier, Pierre, insurgent leader, 96, 103; at Frugeres, 104; at Font-Morte, 106; taken, tried, and executed, 106-7. Sirven, 263; case of, taken up by Voltaire, 264. Society of Friends in Languedoc, 281-2. Souverain executed, 52. Squeezers, the, 101 (note). Synod of French Protestant Church, 283.
Talmash, Major-General, 357. Telford, anecdote of, 82. Testart, Marie Anne, 363. Tetleau, Major-General, 357. Toleration, Edict of, 276. "Troopers' Lane," 310. Tyrconnel, Earl of, 331-2. Tyrconnel, Lady, retort to King James, 348.
Val Fressinieres, 423-5, 432-43. Val Louise, 420; massacre at, 422. Vaudois, the country of, 385; early Christianity of, 386-6; early persecutions of, 388; Easter massacre of, 390-1; visits of Dr. Gilly to, 393-4, 468, 477; passiveness of, 420-1; massacre of, at Val Louise, 422; persecutions of, 424-6, 455, 481, 495-500, 513-20; refuges of, 459, 467, 475, 477, 481; struggles of, at Rochemalan, 482-6; flight at the Revocation, 495; apparently exterminated, 500; in Switzerland, 501; prepare to return, 502; Arnaud appointed leader, 502; assisted by William of Orange, 503; The Glorious Return of, 504-13; struggles of, at the Balsille, 515; assist Duke of Savoy, 520; emancipation of, 521-2. Venours, Marquis de, death of, 335. Vesson, 212, 214. Vidal, Isaac, preacher, 48. Villars, Marshal, on prophetic mania in Languedoc, 90; appointed to command in Languedoc, 167; at Nismes, 169; clemency of, 172-86; treats with Cavalier, 177, 185; suppresses insurrection of Camisards, 188. Vincent, Isabel, prophetess, 89, 90. Vivens, death of, 56. Voltaire, takes up case of Calas, 259-63; takes up case of Sirven, 264; case of Chaumont, 271.
Waldenses, the, 384. Walker, Dr. George, death of, 348. Waller, Sir James, 359. Wheel, punishment of the, 258 (note). William of Orange lands in England, 308; proclaimed King, 309; campaign against James II., 309 et seq., 340 et seq.; his fleet, 325-7; wounded, 342; death of, 364. Woodstock, Lord, 360-3. Wurtemberg, Duke of, 340, 357.