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The Horsewoman - A Practical Guide to Side-Saddle Riding, 2nd. Ed.
by Alice M. Hayes
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This is a form of jibbing in which the horse tries to get rid of his rider by pressing her against some convenient object, such as a tree or wall. As he will naturally do this on the left side, his rider should try to turn him to the left to make him bring her away from the object in question. In other respects she should act as recommended in "Jibbing."


This is another variety of jibbing; but it is also caused by using a severe bit which a horse is afraid to face. If the bitting and saddling are right, a touch with the whip given behind the girth will generally prove effective. Sometimes a horse will deliberately back in order to kick another. In the hunting field, mares are at times very apt to try this trick, so care should be taken to prevent it.


I have found from experience that the best kind of gear in which to hold a hard puller, who goes along with his mouth open and is so headstrong that he will not slacken speed when required, is an ordinary double bridle, a cavesson nose-band and a standing martingale. It is far better for ladies, especially out hunting, to ride animals in gear in which they are able to hold them, than to have them dashing about as they like, and proving a source of danger, not only to their riders, but to the rest of the field. A lady should never ride a hard puller when hunting; but as some of us have to put up with what we can get, it is well to fix up a difficult mount of this kind in a manner that will keep him under control.

Some clever people assert that any horse can be held with a snaffle; but I am certain that pullers can, as a rule, be much better controlled by a curb, provided that it is properly put on. I have no faith in severe bits, because the desire to pull and tear away emanates from the brain of a horse, and if we hurt his mouth by using a severe bit, we only succeed in making him more headstrong than ever. Most, if not all, young horses make frantic efforts to get away after the hounds, when they are hunted for the first few times; and, until they settle down and learn that fences require jumping and not galloping into, it is far more difficult to hold them without a standing martingale than with one. If a horse is getting out of hand, even under the restraining influence of a curb, we can generally manage to turn him with the aid of a standing martingale, and so long as we can do that, he cannot run away, as I have found when I have been placed in somewhat critical situations, with my curb ineffective in preventing a headstrong youngster from urging on his wild career under the intense excitement of his first day with hounds. The desire which a puller has to get away would probably only occur in the early part of the day when the starting rush is made, but if it were successful he would bolt among a lot of horses and be almost certain to cause an accident. A cavesson nose-band properly put on, will shut the mouth of a puller which wants to keep it open, and will thus help the rider to control him. If a lady possesses doubts as to her ability to hold her horse, she should keep well away from the field, so that she may not endanger the safety of others. It is always best to put animals which are at all likely to pull, through a regular course of cub hunting from the very beginning of the season, so that they may gradually work along from the "pottering" to the galloping stage. A course of such instruction sobers them down, and they will then give their rider far less trouble than if they are dashed off into the excitement of fox-hunting without having had good preliminary training. This is a fact which ladies should bear in mind; for I have found it work very successfully.

There is nothing like plenty of regular work for taking the nonsense out of pulling horses. Mr. Caton, a well-known American trainer of match trotters, whom I met in St. Petersburg, told me that he always sent his bad pullers to do a week or two's work in one of the city tram-cars, for they always came back with a good deal of the "stuffing" taken out of them. Pulling is of course a very bad vice; for a pulling horse knows well enough what his rider is asking him, through the medium of the reins, but he shakes his head, or throws it up, if he can, as much as to say that he will not obey. A lady should not be alarmed if she finds her mount getting out of hand; but should, if possible, let him go for a short distance and then take a pull at him, at the same time speaking determinedly to him, and not in a frightened tone. If the brute will not obey, we must use severe measures, and in extreme cases, it is well to "saw" the bit from one side to the other, in order to hurt his mouth so much, that from very pain he must perforce yield. I believe that many bad accidents have occurred through riders becoming frightened and refraining from the use of force in stopping a hard puller, who is thus allowed to run away. I think that if people could keep their heads clear and not clutch on to the saddle and let the reins loose, or maintain a dead hold of them, which is equally ineffective, but husband their resources for determined attacks, very few horses would succeed in bolting with their riders. Of course a great deal depends on the strength of the seat of the rider; for we must sit very tight and not let our mount feel us wobbling about in the saddle. We should never forget the power of the voice as a factor in horse control, and our attempts to stop a pulling animal should always be accompanied by a sternly expressed word of command. In my travels abroad, I have ridden some extremely bad pullers which were said to bolt with men; but although I certainly had trouble with such animals, none of them succeeded in running away with me and taking me where they liked. My husband also has a similar record in this respect, so I cannot help thinking that when a rider is actually bolted with, he or she must have got frightened and confused at a critical moment and have allowed the animal to literally take the reins of authority in his teeth. It requires a good deal of physical strength to control a hard puller, and I have had my gloves and hands badly cut in wrestling with particularly headstrong brutes. On the other hand, some horses which have really nice mouths, get the name of being pullers, on account of having been ridden by "mutton-fisted" men who hang on to the reins and thus irritate them beyond control. I am reminded of a big Australian horse, about seventeen hands high, which Mr. Macklin, the Australian horse-shipper, brought to Calcutta and lent me to ride in a paper-chase there. This animal carried me perfectly, although his rough rider (more "rough" than "rider") afterwards showed me an unjointed snaffle bent almost double, which he said had been caused by this "pulling devil of a horse"! There is a great deal of truth in the saying, that if you don't pull at a horse, he won't pull at you. I am sure that many horsemen, and certainly every riding member of my sex, will bear me out in stating that women manage pullers far better than do men, because they do not hang on to their mouths, in order to help them in keeping their seats. Where many women greatly err in riding confirmed pullers, is in inability to take sufficiently harsh measures which are needed for their control. I am aware that there are animals, especially race-horses, which cannot be held at all until they have gone a certain distance. The pace holds them, but such headstrong animals tire themselves unnecessarily, and generally have to "shut up" before the finish of a long distance race; for the steady plodding horse will almost invariably prove the better stayer of the two. In hunting, the pace will not always hold a horse, because hounds may check at any moment, the start to a "holloa" may prove a false alarm, and leaving out the uncertain behaviour of foxes, a sudden stoppage may be caused by an impossible fence, river, railway, or by a variety of causes which would amply prove the fallacy of the pace holding a hard puller in the hunting field. As pulling horses are the cause of frequent hunting accidents, I would specially caution my readers against riding animals which they are not able to keep in hand.

If a lady is riding a good old hunter who insists on going his own pace, she should interfere with him as little as possible, even in her desire to steady him over bad ground and at his fences; because the large majority of these animals have their own method of doing business, and can be safely trusted to take care of themselves. If they are unduly checked in galloping, they are apt to pull very hard, and greatly tire their riders. I am, of course, alluding to good-tempered, well-made hunters which go best with a rider who sits still on their backs and trusts to their experience and honour.

Concerning the best kind of bridle in which to hold a puller, I cannot do better than quote the following remarks from my husband's book, Riding and Hunting:—"As regards the bitting of a puller, I would advise that with a double bridle the curb should be put low down in the mouth.... In all cases an unjointed snaffle is much the best form of bit. With a double bridle we have a choice between the two. We should bear in mind that the action of a curb is peculiarly liable to produce insensibility of the mouth on account of its pressure being distributed almost completely round the lower jaw, while that of the snaffle falls only on the upper surface of the jaw. Even the jointed snaffle and the chain snaffle leave the under surface of the jaw free from pressure, and consequently interfere comparatively little with the circulation and nervous supply of that part. Hence we should avoid riding even the worst puller continuously on the curb, the action of which we should alternate from time to time with that of the snaffle, so as to preserve the sensibility of the jaw. It is evident that the sensibility of the mouth is the means by which we are enabled to remain in touch with the forehand of the horse. I would here recommend the alternative, not the combined, employment of the curb and the snaffle." Thin bits which irritate horses' mouths often cause them to fight and pull hard; it is unfortunately no uncommon sight in the hunting field to see a tortured horse bleeding from the mouth, and yet such animals are expected to gallop and jump kindly!


To jump or not to jump, that is the question with which determined refusers have "stumped" some of the very best cross country riders. I am reminded of an instance which occurred in India, when a fine horsewoman, seeing a friend unable to make his mount jump in a paper-chase, which is nearly akin to a steeple-chase, rode him herself in the next one, with no better result, and great must have been her mortification on finding herself left on the wrong side of the first fence which the determined brute refused to look at, even when carrying this charming lady, to whom many equine bad characters had yielded obedience. This appeared to be a sheer case of equine temper and obstinacy; for the animal could jump well when he liked, but the man or woman has yet to be born who can make a horse jump when he has decided not to do so. I have a very strong belief that refusers are made, not born, for every unbroken horse which my husband had to deal with in his travels, tried his best to give satisfaction by making an effort, even if an unscientific one, to clear the obstacle, generally a heavy log of wood propped up on boxes, which was offered for his consideration. If he jumped well, and in the flippant style of a natural fencer, more boxes were produced, and sometimes these youngsters cleared quite a respectable height in one "lepping" lesson with me on their backs, and my husband at the end of the long reins. The abuse of the curb at fences is the cause of, I think, half the falls, and more than half of the refusals which we see in the hunting field. In Ireland, where the large majority of our hunters come from, the snaffle is the bit used in breaking and hunting, as it is in steeple-chasing; and although our Irish neighbours find the curb has its advantages, we must admit that they keep it in its proper place and do not allow it to usurp the snaffle when riding over fences. The sportsmen of Tipperary, Kildare, Cork and other parts of Ireland, who have to negotiate immense banks, would ridicule the idea of riding at such obstacles on the curb, because no sane person would think of checking a horse in such a manner; and the solid "cope and dash" stone walls of Galway also require to be taken by an animal whose mouth is not interfered with. Here in England we see these Irish hunters frequently ridden at fences on the curb, and the poor brutes, in order to save their mouths and keep on their legs, throw up their heads and give a half buck over the obstacle, landing on all fours, and then get a cut with the whip for having jumped badly! This is how many refusers are made. Another recipe for making a refuser is to pretend to ride hard at a fence and, at the last moment, turn the animal's head from it, and then loudly rate and "lambaste" him for refusing! Still another method is to "funk" the obstacle when it is too late, and check the horse with the curb after he has made his spring, which will cause him to crash into the middle of the fence, and probably bring both himself and his rider to grief. My husband, being a veterinary surgeon, has had hunters brought to him in a most pitiable state of laceration, caused, I believe, in many cases, by "funk" and curb, a most disastrous combination. We have in our stable at the time of writing, a very intelligent hunter who was dreadfully injured from having, it is said, "jumped bang into a fence," but I wish that patient sufferer could tell me the real cause of his accident. It was one of those crumpling falls which seem to mean death to both horse and rider, but luckily in this case, the rider escaped with a few bruises and a smashed hat. The horse was also fortunate in a way, as no bones were broken; but the skin and flesh of his near fore-leg were torn off from almost the shoulder to the knee, and I wondered, as I looked on that gaping, bleeding wound, and the poor animal quivering with pain and hardly able to bear even placing the tip of his toe on the ground, if he would ever have the courage to face a fence again. Luckily, he is all right now.

I have heard people talk about a "good fall" being the best means for teaching horses how to jump, and there is a certain modicum of truth in this, especially with young horses, and young horsemen too for that matter; but when an old hunter gets a "bad" fall, I doubt whether he ever recovers his jumping form again, any more than we ourselves who may have come an awful "buster" after we have reached the "age of discretion." Horses frequently refuse on account of some physical infirmity. Unsoundness in one or both fore legs naturally makes a horse chary of jumping, because of the painful jar which he will receive on landing, when he is obliged to place his entire weight on his fore legs. Then again, if his feet are not in a hard and sound condition, he "funks" the pain of landing over a fence and tries his best to avoid jumping. Many unsound horses, generally hirelings, are hammered along out hunting, especially on roads, with most inconsiderate cruelty. I once tried to hunt on a hireling which, I soon saw, was not in a fit state to carry me without pain. Had I insisted on having my money's worth out of the animal, it would have been nothing short of gross cruelty. His fore legs were bandaged, as is usual with hired mounts, and he galloped and jumped several small fences soundly, as far as I could feel; but when he came to a rather formidable one, he stopped and tried to rear. I at once found an easier means of egress, which took me for a short distance on a road, and the hard ground of only about 20 yards seemed to tell so much on one leg, that I felt him going decidedly short, pulled him up and walked him home. When I arrived in Melton Mowbray, a lady, the last person in the world whom I would have cared to meet, hailed me with the news that Miss So-and-so had broken her collar-bone, a fact which appeared to give her more pleasure than sorrow, "and you" she said, "have lamed your horse"! The dealer evidently expected this result; for when I rode the horse into his yard, so that I might personally explain things to him, he told me that the animal, which was only a four year old, had been "ridden very hard" by an officer, who, I am sorry to say, has since lost his life in South Africa. The dealer tried his best to make amends by subsequently offering me another mount for nothing; but he certainly did err in letting out this young unsound animal, and spoiling my day's sport, for which I had paid the usual guineas. My only regret in the matter is that I galloped and jumped an animal which was not in a fit state to perform such work.

Horses are frequently rendered refusers by being repeatedly jumped over the same fence, until they get so disgusted with the performance that they will have no more of it. Spurs and whip then come into play and make matters worse. Even if the animal jumps the fence after a good deal of unnecessary fighting, the memory of this unjust punishment remains in his mind, and is productive of the violent agitation which such horses exhibit on being taken near a jump. It is a wise plan to stop a "lepping" lesson immediately after the horse has cleared the jump in good style, and then make much of him (patting him on the neck and speaking kindly to him). Punishing horses at fences with whip and spur renders them afraid to face their jumps; because they think that they will be knocked about, even when they are trying their best to give satisfaction. Many faulty and bad tempered riders are unnecessarily cruel in this respect. If a horse refuses from seeing an animal fall in front of him, his natural prudence should not be taken as a personal affront, but he should be spoken to and encouraged to try, preferably, if possible, after another horse has got safely over the obstacle, if there is no other part of the fence negotiable. I think that by dint of patience and tactful management, many refusers may be taught to repose sufficient confidence in their riders to make an effort when required, but that can be done only by gentle means and easy tasks. Old tricky offenders cannot be cured of this or any other vice. A lady who is hunting on a doubtful jumper should be careful not to upset other horses by letting her refuser perform in front of them, but should show consideration for her companions by keeping a backward place, supposing that several horses are taking their turn at jumping the only practicable part in a fence. Refusers are detested in the hunting field, and a lady whose hunter is known to shirk his fences and stir up equine rebellion, is soon classed among the large number of those who never will be missed.


Horses are said to bore when they carry their heads down and lean heavily on the bit or bear on it to one side. As both the curb and Pelham have a tendency to make a horse carry his head low, they should not, as a rule, be used with a borer. The rider might make the animal keep his head in proper position by playing with the snaffle, the cheekpieces of the bridle of which may be shortened, so that the mouthpiece may press against the corners of the mouth and thus induce him to keep up his head. The same effect can be obtained with the gag snaffle, which has the advantage that, when one's object is gained, one can ease off the gag reins and take up the other reins, which are used in the ordinary manner. When a horse bores to one side, or when he bores with his head stuck straight out, the standing martingale will often be useful for correcting this unpleasant fault. I have seen in trotting matches a bearing-rein (called in America an "over-draw check-rein") passing between the animal's ears, going down the top of his head and attached to the pommel of the saddle, effectively employed to correct this fault. It would, of course, be too unsightly to be used by a lady, but her groom might employ it advantageously in teaching a borer to carry his head in correct position.


If practicable, we should first of all see that the saddle does not hurt the horse in any way. If this be all right, we may "shake him up" with the snaffle reins and make him carry his head high. If this be not effective, he should be given a few cuts with the whip on the shoulder. Making him hold up his head and touching him on the shoulder are done to "lighten" his forehand, and to put more weight on his hind quarters. Also, we may with much advantage give him some practice at reining back, within judicious limits, either when we are in the saddle, or with the long reins. When a horse starts kicking, the rider should take a strong grip of her crutches and lean back, as far as she is able, while holding his head up, and thus prevent herself from being thrown over his head. The most awkward kicker I ever rode was a mountain Zebra (Fig. 146), which my husband broke in at Calcutta. He kicked very neatly without lowering his head, and, as the slightest touch on his ears drove him nearly out of his mind, I had great difficulty in avoiding them, as he kicked with a sort of peculiar wriggle which complicated the performance for me, because I had had no practice on a kicking zebra, and had to pick up my knowledge as I went on. It was no use trying to rein him back; for he had a neck like a bull, with a small rudimentary dewlap, and at every kick he gave, he made a noise like a pig grunting. His skin was the best part about him, and was as lovely and soft to the touch as the finest sealskin. As I believe I am the only woman who has ridden a mountain zebra, this photograph is probably unique. It ought to be a better one, seeing the trouble I took to make my obstinate mount stand still; but he seemed to regard the camera as an infernal machine destined for his destruction, and flatly refused to pose nicely for his portrait. He was far too neck-strong to make a pleasant mount for a lady. Kickers, as I have already said, should never be taken into any hunting field.


Under this heading I shall include the minor vices of plunging and "pig-jumping." Bucking is all but unknown among English and Eastern horses, but is seen to its highest perfection among Australian and New Zealand animals, especially those that have been allowed their liberty up to a comparatively late period of life, say, four years old. I have ridden some buck-jumping Argentine horses which were expert performers: many of the wild Russian steppe horses are very bad buck-jumpers. Some English horses, especially thoroughbreds, can give a very fair imitation of this foreign equine accomplishment. I remember riding a steeple-chase horse called Emigrant, which placed quite enough strain both on me and my girths when he was first called upon to carry a side-saddle. If a horse has any buck in him, the side-saddle will be almost certain to bring it out; for with it the animal requires to be girthed up extra tightly; the balance strap "tickles and revolts" him, the lady's weight is farther back than on a man's saddle, and the unusual feeling of carrying a rider whose legs are placed on one side, tends to irritate a highly sensitive horse. If an animal, on being saddled, gets his "back up," he should not be mounted until this certain indication of the buck that is in him has been removed, which may be done by either circling him with the long reins, or letting a groom run him about a little until his back goes down. A cold saddle and a chilly day will often cause a horse to come out of his stable with his back in bucking position, and, unless a lady knows her animal well, it is best to get it down before she mounts, because he may buck as she is in the act of placing her right leg over the crutch—a part of mounting which animals that are unaccustomed to it greatly dislike, as, I suppose, they think she is going to give them a kick on the head!

As I used to do the rough-riding for my husband on his horse-breaking tours in various countries, I have had to sit a good many buck-jumpers, and, am thankful to say, I never got thrown, because, from what I have seen of men being catapulted and placed on the flat of their backs on the ground, this kind of fall must be, as Jorrocks would say, "a hawful thing." The great difficulty in sitting a buck-jumper consists in keeping the body from being jerked forward in the saddle, and slackening the reins the moment the animal makes a vicious downward snatch at them, by ducking his head; for if the rider hangs on to his head, he will pull her forward by means of the reins, and she will be unable to sit the buck which will follow. All confirmed buck-jumpers look out for this opportunity whenever the rider draws the reins tightly. Ladies who ride with the right leg hooked back would not be able to sit a buck-jumper; for I found that the chief means which prevented me from being thrown was the ability to lean back, which the forward position of my right leg gave me. When riding bad horses at my husband's classes, I was able to see beforehand what special defence such animals offered, and was, therefore, prepared to cope with them; but I have been taken unawares when mounted on Australian horses which dealers in India have lent me, when they have wanted to sell such animals as having carried a lady. I remember one very handsome Waler, which went like a lamb with me until suddenly, when cantering quietly along, he took it into his head to try and buck me off. He did his best to accomplish his purpose, and was encouraged in his efforts by my pith hat coming off and flopping about my head. I wished the thing could have fallen, but it was held by the elastic—we wore our hair in plaits at the nape of the neck in those days—and I had securely pinned the elastic with hairpins under my hair. This great wobbling hat only caused the horse to buck worse than ever, until he tired of his performance and came to a sudden halt. I was greatly exhausted, and suffering from mental tension, because I was entirely unprepared for this attack, and doubted the security of my stronghold, for the girths of my saddle had seen a lot of service, and the strain on them, caused by the violent bucking of this powerful sixteen-hand animal, was very great.

The bigger a horse is, the more difficult he is to sit when he bucks badly, because he can put much more force into the performance than a small animal, and he shakes the breath out of one much sooner. It is lucky for us that a wise providence has placed a limit on a horse's bucking capabilities. I think that ten or twelve bucks, given in good style and without an interval for recuperation, is about as much as any horse can do, but possibly my Australian readers can give statistics on this point. I hope I am not offending them in saying that Australian horses are the most accomplished buck-jumpers I have met. Australian shippers send many of them over to India, and rely on the long sea voyage to quieten them down, which it does to a certain extent. Mr. Macklin, an Australian importer, told me that a horse-carrying ship was wrecked on some part of the coast, an island, I believe, between Australia and India, and that there is a big colony of wild horses to be picked up by anyone who will go and take them. I like Australian horses, because they are excellent jumpers, have beautiful shoulders and are remarkably sound in wind and limb. They are moreover handsome breedy looking animals, and those of them which are addicted to bucking, soon give up this vice, if ridden by capable people.

A lady who finds herself on a bucking horse should try her best to keep both her head and her seat, and not be in any way disconcerted by hearing the angry grunts which such animals often give with each buck they make to get her off. She should lean back and firmly grip her crutches as in sitting over a fence, and should try to imagine that she is jumping a line of obstacles placed close together. If she feels any forward displacement after one buck, she must hastily get into position to be ready for the next one, without pausing for a moment to think, because there will be no time for thought, and her recovery of balance must be done automatically, while the animal is doubling himself up for his next buck. If her hat, which is generally the first thing to leave the saddle, flies off, no notice must be taken, because the instant the rider devotes her attention to anything else but sticking on, she relaxes her grip and stands a good chance of being thrown. The most difficult of all bucking I have experienced was when hunting in Leicestershire on a young Argentine mare, which started to buck when we were galloping down hill over deep ridge and furrow. I knew her bucking propensities, because my husband broke her in and I had had a good deal of bucking practice with her, so I was able to remain, but that down hill ridge and furrow performance was extremely hard to sit. Like most young animals, she hated ridge and furrow, and her temper was upset on finding that she had to gallop down hill over this troublesome ground. The necessity of devoting careful attention to the soundness of the girth-tugs, stirrup-leather, and balance-strap when riding a horse which is likely to buck is obvious, for of course if they give way under the strain, no lady would be able to retain her seat.


Rearing is the worst of all vices in a horse which has to carry a side-saddle, because a lady, by reason of her side position and her inability to lower her hands to the same extent as a man, is utterly powerless on a rearer. I have seen men slip off over the animal's tail, when he was standing on his hind legs, but this is a feat which a woman is unable to accomplish, as I found when a horse reared and came over with me at Tientsin in China, and hurt my spine so much that I felt its effects for several years afterwards, especially after a hard day's hunting, or a long swim. Swimming appears to tax the soundness of the spinal bones quite as much as does riding. The best thing to do with a rearer is to prevent him from fixing his hind legs, which he would have to do before he can get up, and therefore a long whip should be used, and the animal touched with it as near the hocks as possible, keeping him at the same time on the turn to the right. Confirmed rearers are however so quick in getting up on their hind legs, that the rider has no time, even were she supplied with a sufficiently long whip, to get anywhere near his hocks, and all she can do is to lean well forward and leave his mouth alone. If she is still alive when he comes down, my strong advice would be to get off his back, and give him, as the late Mr. Abingdon Baird did in the case of a similar brute, to the first passer by! Rearing is no test of horsemanship, and the sickening sight of ladies in circuses mounted on rearers is one from which every good horsewoman would recoil with horror. At Rentz circus in Hamburg I saw one of these awful sights, and noticed that the ringmaster kept touching the steiger on the fore-legs with the whip in order to make him paw the air. I have been told that so long as a rearing horse keeps pawing in this manner, he will not fall over, but such horrid exhibitions ought to be prevented. There is nothing more trying to the nerves of any rider than hunting on a refuser which has a tendency to rear, and I have known ladies whose nerves have been utterly shattered in their efforts to govern such dangerous brutes. Take my advice ladies and have nothing to do with these animals; for it is far easier to get rid of a horse than it is to recover one's nerve, and the longer a lady tries to wrestle with a rearer, the more difficulty will she have in overcoming the strain on her nervous system. I would not take a rearing horse at a gift, for such animals can never be made sufficiently reliable for any woman to ride. Horses sometimes learn this detestable vice from others. I once had an animal in Calcutta which began rearing with me without any known cause, and I was greatly mystified about his behaviour until one day I saw my syce, who was exercising him, in company with a native on a horse which was rearing badly, while my mount was imitating him, a performance which I subsequently discovered had been going on daily for some time. If a previously quiet horse suddenly starts a new form of playing up, the riding of the groom or person who has been exercising and handling him should be carefully watched, and no animal which is known to be unsteady should be allowed to teach his bad tricks to a lady's mount, for we know that horses very quickly pick up bad habits from each other. Baron de Vaux, in his book Ecuyers et Ecuyeres, tells us that Emilie Loisset, who was a brilliant high school rider, was killed by a rearer coming over with her. He says:—"Elle souffrait beaucoup, car la fourche de la selle lui avait perfore les intestins. Apres deux jours de douleurs horribles, la pauvre Emilie Loisset rendit le dernier soupir, surprise par la mort en pleine jeunesse et en plein succes." The animal she rode is described as d'origine irlandaise et de mauvais coeur.



I shall here of course omit to describe parts, such as the eyes, head and tail, for instance, which are known to everyone. The figures and letters employed in the following list, have reference to those on Fig. 147, except when Fig. 148 is mentioned.

The hoof (10) is the horny box which encloses the lower part of the leg. The front part of the hoof, near the ground surface, is called the toe; the side portions, the quarters; and the rear parts, the heels. The outer portion of the hoof is termed the wall, which is divided into a hard, fibrous outer covering, called the crust, and a soft inner layer of non-fibrous horn. The designations "wall" and "crust" are often used indiscriminately.

The frog is the triangular horny cushion which is in the centre of the ground surface of the hoof, and which, by its elasticity and strength, acts as a buffer in saving the structures inside the hoof from the injurious effects of concussion.

The cleft of the frog is the division in the middle line of the frog. In healthy feet, it consists of only a slight depression. In a disease, called "thrush," of the sensitive part which secretes the frog, the cleft forms a deep, damp and foul-smelling fissure, and the frog becomes more or less shrivelled up. The frog similar to the skin of the palms of our hands, requires frequent pressure to make it thick and strong. The horn of the hoof is merely a modification of the cuticle (scarf skin).

The bars of the hoof are the portions of the wall of the hoof which are turned inwards at the heels, and run more or less parallel to the sides of the frog. The sole is that portion of the ground surface of the foot which is included between the wall, bars and frog.

The pastern (9) is the short column of bones (two in number) which lies between the fetlock and hoof.

The fetlock (8) is the prominent joint which is just above the hoof.

The cannon bone (7) is the bone that extends from the fetlock to the knee (6), which, in the horse, corresponds to our wrist.

The back tendons or back sinews (M) form the more or less round tendinous cord which is at the back of the leg, from the knee (or hock) to the fetlock. These tendons, which are two in number, usually appear in the form of one cord; but in horses which have a very fine skin and "clean legs," we may see that one of them is placed behind the other. The term "clean legs" signifies that the limbs are not only sound, but are also free from any fulness, which would more or less obscure the contour of the bones, tendons and ligaments. Muscles are the lean of meat, and their ends are connected to bones by means of tendons, which consist of hard, fibrous and inelastic material. The ligaments of the limbs are composed of the same material (white connective tissue) as tendons, and serve to connect bones together, without the intervention of muscle. The horse has practically no muscles below his knees and hocks.

The suspensory ligament is the fibrous cord which lies between the cannon bone and the back tendons. The fact that it stands sharply out between these two structures, when viewed from the side, shows that it is in a sound condition, which is a most important point as regards usefulness; because injury to it, from accident or overwork, is a fruitful cause of lameness, especially in saddle horses that are employed in fast work.

The fore-arm (5) is the portion of the fore leg between the knee and the elbow.

The point of the elbow (I) is the bony projection which is at the top and back of the fore-arm.

The point of the shoulder (H) is the prominent bony angle which lies a little below the junction of the neck and shoulder, and consists of the outer portion of the upper end of the humerus.

The forehead (A) is the front part of the head which is above the eyes.

The nose (B) is a continuation of the forehead, and ends opposite the nostrils (C).

The muzzle is the lower end of the head, and includes the nostrils, upper and lower lips (D and E), and the bones and teeth covered by the lips.

The chin-groove (F) is the depression at the back of the lower jaw, and just above the fulness of the lower lip, which, in this case, assumes the appearance of a chin.

The angles of the lower jaw (G) are the bony angles between which the upper end of the wind-pipe lies.

The withers (4) are the bony ridge which is the forward end of the back.

The shoulders (3) are the bony and muscular portion of the body which is more or less included between a line drawn from the point of the shoulder (H) to the front end of the withers, and another line drawn from the point of the elbow (I) to the rear end of the withers. Anatomically speaking, the shoulders consist of the humerus (the bone which lies between the elbow and the point of the shoulder), shoulder blade, and the muscles which cover them.

The crest (T) is the upper part of the neck, extending from the withers to the ears.

The jugular groove (U) is the groove which is on each side of the neck, just above the wind-pipe. It marks the course of the jugular vein.

The poll (V) is the part on the top of the neck, immediately behind the ears.

The breast is the front portion of the body which we see between the fore legs and below a line connecting the points of both shoulders, when looking at the animal from the front. The chest is the cavity which is covered by the ribs, and which contains the lungs, heart, etc. Therefore, instead of saying that a horse which struck a fence without rising at it, "chested" it, we should, on the contrary, say that he "breasted" it. This confusion between the terms "breast" and "chest" is not unusual.

The brisket (16) is the part formed by the breastbone, and is the lower part of the chest.

The girth-place is that portion of the brisket which is just behind the fore legs, and which the girths pass under when the horse is saddled.

The back (4 and 11) is practically the withers and that portion of the upper part of the body which is covered by the saddle. Strictly speaking, it is that portion of the spine which is possessed of ribs. In common parlance, the term "back" is often applied to the upper part of the horse, from the withers to the highest point of the croup (Fig. 148, H). This measurement includes the loins (12) as well as the back. The bones (six vertebrae) of the loins have no ribs, and, consequently, the flanks on each side are soft to the touch, and have a tendency to "fall in" (become depressed), especially if the abdomen, which is underneath them, be insufficiently filled with food. The croup (17) is that part of the spine which is between the loins and tail. The hind legs are connected to the croup by means of the pelvis, which is firmly united to the croup by strong ligaments. The pelvis stands in the same relation to the hind legs as the shoulder blades do to the fore limbs, the chief difference between them being that the pelvis is a single bony structure composed of several bones, and the shoulder blades are separate bones. The front part of the pelvis is called the point of the hip (S).

The stifle (N) is the joint of the hind leg which is at the lower part of the flank. The thigh extends from the stifle to the hip joint.

The hock (20) is the large and freely movable joint which is immediately above the hind cannon-bone. The point of the hock (Q) is the bony projection at the back and top of the hock. The hamstring, or tendo Achillis (P), is the tendinous cord which runs up the back of the leg from the point of the hock. The gaskin (19) is the part of the leg immediately above the hock and bounded at the rear by the hamstring. The term, thigh, is usually applied to the part of the hind leg above the gaskin; but, correctly speaking, it is the part of the hind leg above the stifle.

The belly, or abdomen (15), is the underneath portion of the body of the horse which is not covered by bone.

The point of the buttock (O) is the rearmost point of the pelvis.

The dock (R) is the solid part of the tail.

The height of a horse (A B, Fig. 148) is the vertical distance of the highest point of his withers from the ground, when he is standing with his fore legs nearly vertical and with the points of his hocks in a vertical line with the points of his buttocks. I have qualified "vertical" by "nearly" when referring to the fore legs; for when the hind legs are placed as in Fig. 147, the weight of the head and neck, which are in front of the fore legs, would cause the animal to stand somewhat "over." When a pony is being measured for polo or racing, his legs should be placed in the position I have described, although his head may be lowered until his crest is parallel with the ground.

The length of the body of a horse (D E, Fig. 148), may be assumed as the horizontal distance from the front of the chest to a line dropped vertically from the point of the buttock. This measurement is a somewhat arbitrary one, but it is probably the best for the purpose. French writers generally take the length of a horse as the distance from the point of the shoulder to the point of the buttock. As this is not a horizontal measurement, I prefer to it the one just given.

The depth of the chest at the withers (A C, Fig. 148) is the vertical distance from the top of the withers to the bottom of the chest. This measurement being taken for convenience sake is an arbitrary one, because the chest is lower between the fore legs than behind the elbow, which is the spot I have selected. Besides, the actual height of the withers above the roof of the chest, has no fixed relation to the depth of the chest.

Depth of the body (F G, Fig. 148). The best and most uniform point to take this is, I think, the lowest point of the back.

Height at the croup (H I, Fig. 148) is measured from the highest point of the hind quarters.


Abdomen, 471.

Accidents, 5.

Across country, riding, 219.

Age to begin, 4.

Agricultural Hall, 167, 335.

Alderson, Colonel, 310.

Allen, Mr. John, 33.

Angles of lower jaw, 468.

Ann of Bohemia, 430.

Apron skirts, 96.

Arabs, 17, 18, 424.

Argentine horses, 457.

Ash-plant, 18.

Audry, 430.

Australia, 269.

Australian horses, 457, 460.

Ayah, 92.

Back, 469.

" tendons, 466.

Backing, 442.

Backs, sore, 350.

Badminton, 361.

Baily's Hunting Directory, 307.

Baily's Magazine, 358.

Baird, Mr. Abingdon, 463.

Balance, 148, 149.

" strap, 36, 53.

"Balking," 440.

Banks, 269, 287, 450.

Bar, stirrup, 27.

Barclay, Mr. Hedworth, 378.

Bars of the hoof, 465.

" of the tree, 26, 28.

" , safety, 38-42.

Baskets, 5.

Beckford, 315.

Beers, Frank, 246.

Belly, 471.

Belvoir, 14, 306, 335.

" Vale, 320.

Beresford, Lord William, 384.

Berliner Tattersall, 392.

Bicycles, 6, 16.

Bit, 70.

" and Bridoon, 70, 76.

", cover for, 77.

Blackmore Vale, 307.

Blazers, 270.

"Blood," 345.

"Blowing their noses," 437.

"Bobbery pack," 386.

Body, length of, 472.

Bois de Boulogne, 16, 392.

Bombay, 387.

Boots, 116.

Boring, 454.

Brandy, 350.

Breaking and Riding, 118.

Breaking classes, 166.

" tours, 458.

Breast, 469.

Breast-plate, 54.

Breeches, 110.

Bridle, adjustment of, 86.

Bridles, 70.

Bridoon, 75.

Brisket, 469.

Brooks, 335, 338.

Brow-band, 74.

Brutality, 414-417.

Buck-jumping, 457.

Bullfinch, 248.

"Bumpy shoulders," 100.

Burnaby's Butterfly, Miss, 8, 9.

Butter, 362.

Butterfly, Miss Burnaby's, 8, 9.

Buttock, point of the, 471.

Calcutta, 12, 167, 333, 382, 386, 456, 464.

Camels, 168.

Cannon bone, 466.

Canter, the, 200.

Cantering, 240.

" false, 203.

Capping, 307.

Carriages, passing, 229.

Carrots for horses, 170.

Case for extra stirrup, 42.

Catherine II., 393.

Caton, Mr., 444.

Cattle, 248.

Ceylon, 108.

Cheek pieces, 74.

Cheshire, 248, 343, 432.

Chest, 469.

" , depth of, 472.

Chifney, Sam, 165.

Children, side-saddles for, 59-66.

" , teaching, 59-64.

Child's riding dress, 60, 98.

China, 108, 388, 462.

Chin-groove, 88, 468.

Church Minshull, 320.

Circus, 169.

" in Paris, 182.

Clark, Mr., 385.

"Clean legs," 466.

Cleaning a saddle, 69.

Cloister, 287.

Cloth, 89, 90.

Coat, driving, 109.

" , fitting riding, 100.

Coats, riding, 100-108.

Coffins, jumping, 388.

Collars, 124.

Colonel, 244.

Colour of habit, 90.

Coming home, 346.

Committee, Farmers', 373.

Compensation to farmers, 373.

Condition, rider's, 351.

"Continuations," 112.

Conyers, Mr., 366.

Cook, Mrs. "Jim," 384.

"Cope and dash," 269.

Cottesmore, 14, 250, 395.

Country, 248.

Covert fund, 307.

Covering of a side-saddle, 32.

Cows, 368.

Cracked heels, 436.

Craven, 306.

Crawley and Horsham, 306.

Creed, Mr., 92, 99.

Crest, 469.

Cross-saddle riding, 426-430.

Croup, 470.

" , height at, 473.

Crown-piece, 74.

Crop, 172.

Crupper, 26, 56.

Crust of hoof, 465.

Crutch, off, 30.

" , upper, 29.

Crutches, movable, 305.

" , riding the, 146.

Cub-hunting, 338.

Cuffs, 122.

Curb-chains, 88.

Curbs, 70, 78, 208, 209, 326, 438, 443, 448, 450, 451.

Custance, Miss, 349.

"Cut-and-laid" fence, 249.

"Cut back" pommel, 28.

Dairy-farming, 248.

Damage fund, 307.

"Dancing," 437.

Davis, 2, 3.

de Vaux, Baron, 464.

Depth of chest, 472.

" " body, 473.

Devon and Somerset Staghounds, 351, 428.

Diana, 315.

"Difficult" horses, 431-464.

Dilke, Lady, 170.

Dismounting, 134.

Distemper, 398.

Dixon, Mr. Scarth, 245.

Dock, 472.

Docking horses, 21-24.

Donkeys, 20, 388.

Double bridle, 75, 208.

"Dragged," 5, 50, 64-66, 98.

Dress, riding, 89-124.

East Galway, 269, 270.

Ecuyers et Ecuyeres, 464.

Elbow, point of the, 468.

"Ellen Terry," 389.

Elliot, Mr., 246.

Elmhirst, Captain, 10, 305, 311, 314, 331, 336, 341, 345.

Emigrant, 458.

Emperor Paul, 393.

Encyclopaedia Londinensis, 430.

Esa bin Curtis, 21.

Essex and Suffolk, 307.

Esther Waters, 422.

External parts, names of, 465-473.

Falls, 376-380.

Fane, Lady Augusta, 179.

Farmers, 248, 249, 357-373, 397.

" , Compensation to, 373.

" , Committee, 373.

" , daughters, 362.

Feet, care of the, 436.

Fence, riding up to, 241.

Fences, 248.

" , "made," 219.

" , natural, 224.

Fenn, Mr., 391.

Fetlock, 466.

Field, in the, 307.

Field, The, 306.

Fillis, Mr. Frank, 168.

" , Mr. James, 118.

Firr, Tom, 247, 387.

First Lessons, 3.

Flask, 323.

Fleming, Dr. G., 23, 24.

Flirting, 375.

Flock, 32.

Foot "home," 150.

Ford, Mr., 34, 40.

Fordham, George, 180.

Fore-arm, 468.

Forehead, 468.

Forehead-band, 74.

Foxhounds in India, 387.

Foxhunting, 343, 354.

France, 16.

Franciscan, 378.

Freddie, 18, 19, 424.

Freeman, 378.

"Frivol," 375.

Frog of hoof, 465.

Front, 74.

Frost, praying for, 245.

"Funking," 450, 451.

Galway, 269, 450.

Gallop, 206.

Garsault, 430.

Garth, Mr., 384.

Gaskin, 471.

Gates, 248, 287-303, 312, 313.

Geldings, 343.

Germans, 391.

Germany, 16.

Girls riding, 4, 5.

Girth place, 469.

Girths, 51-53.

"Give and take," 163.

Gloucestershire, 361.

Gloves, 120.

"Gone away," 326.

Gowlasher, 424.

Grafton, 246.

Grand National, 332.

Graphic, The, 347.

Grip, 148, 149.

Gullet plate, 27.

Gustave, 3, 183, 331.

Habits, 89-110.

Habit-shy, 440.

Hackamore, 87.

Hacking, 227.

Hacks, 16-20.

Hair, management of, 115, 116.

Halt, the, 188.

Hames, Mr. Sam, 354.

Hamstring, 470.

Hancock's bit cover, 77.

Handkerchiefs, 323.

Hands, 160.

" steady, keeping, 163.

Harding, Miss, 210, 269.

Harrington, Lord, 179.

Hat-guards, 114.

Hats, 113.

" for the tropics, 115.

Hayes' safety skirt, 94.

Haystacks, 329.

"Head," 70, 74.

" , near, 30.

Head-stall, 70, 74.

Heavy land, 367.

Heels, 465.

Height at croup, 473.

" of horse, 472.

Henry, Colonel, 358, 361, 372.

Hidden Mystery, 332.

High School Riding, 181.

Hints to Huntsmen, 352.

Hip, point of the, 470.

Hirelings, 452.

Hock, 470.

Holloaing, 310.

Home, coming, 346.

Hoof, 465.

Hooked-back seat, 151, 154.

Hook for stirrup-leather, 38, 39.

Horn, the, 352.

Hornsby, Mrs., 371.

Horse, talking to, 229, 230.

Horse-breaking classes, 166.

" " tours, 458.

Horses for ladies, 8.

" , buying, 423.

Hospitality, 381.

Hot countries, jackets for, 108.

Humerus, 469.

Hunt balls, 365, 366.

Hunter, height of, 12.

Hunters, Australian, 8.

" , Leicestershire, 8-16.

Hunting, 395, 399.

" abroad, 381.

" ties, 122.

" whips, 312, 313.

" women, 4, 5.

Illustrated Horse-Breaking, 234, 417.

India, 92, 381, 382, 432, 449.

" -rubber mouth-piece cover, 77.

Ireland, 307, 394, 450.

Italian remounts, 390.

Jackeroo, Miss Neil's, 11.

Jackets for hot countries, 108.

Jameson Raid, 391.

Japan, 108.

Jaw, angles of lower, 468.

Jibbing, 440.

Jorrocks, 120, 244, 315, 326, 333, 341, 348, 357, 424.

Jugular groove, 469.

Jumping, 209, 449-454.

" competitions, 168, 183.

" without reins, 236.

Kaiser and Kaiserin, 392.

Keeper of whip, 174.

Kennel coat, 402.

Kent, 249.

Kickers, 10, 11, 12, 342-345.

Kicking, 455.

Kindness to horses, 414.

Knee-pad, 99.

King-King, Captain, 376.

Kirby Gate, 342.

Ladies in the Field, 383, 393.

Laertes, 124.

Lash, 173.

Leading fore leg, 7.

Leaning back, 150, 158.

Leaping head, 33-36.

Left leg, action of, 149.

" , swerving to the, 146.

Legs, position of, 3.

Leicestershire, 95, 98, 179, 196, 219, 247, 270, 311, 316, 319, 328, 334, 336, 342, 343, 357, 372, 377, 378, 395, 428, 461.

Length of body, 472.

Level-seated saddle, 55, 56.

Life of a Foxhound, 400.

Ligament, suspensory, 467.

Ligaments, 467.

Light land, 367.

Lions, 168.

Little Pedlington, 169.

Loins, 470.

Loisset, Emilie, 464.

Long reins, 233.

Lonsdale, Lord, 98, 247.

Lord Arthur, 378.

Lord Fitzwilliams, 306.

Lucknow, 386.

Lufra, 183.

Macdougal, Captain "Ding," 384.

Macklin, Mr., 385, 446, 460.

McAndrew, Mr., 387.

Magic, 424.

Major, 244.

Mameluke bit, 390.

Manifesto, 287.

Marengo, 210.

Mares, 343.

" , docking, 22, 23.

Martingale, running, 82-88.

" , standing, 82, 161.

"Mary Anderson," 389.

Measuring horses, 20.

Meerkat holes, 335.

Melton cloth, 89-92.

" Mowbray, 386, 395, 452.

Men riding, 1.

" teaching ladies, 2, 4.

Meynell, 306.

" , Mr., 347.

Mexico, 428.

Michael Hardy, 328.

Midlands, 248.

Midland stile, 250.

Mills, Mr., 400, 405.

Milton, Mr., 386.

Modern Riding, 33.

Mons Meg, 167.

Moore, George, 422.

" , Mr. John Hubert, 82, 163.

Motee, 388.

Mounting, 125-134.

Mouth-piece, cover for, 77.

Mozufferpore, 387.

Mr. Bathurst's, 306.

"Mr. Gladstone," 389.

"Mrs. Cornwallis West," 389.

" " Kendal," 389.

" " Langtry," 389.

Murray, Mrs., 384.

Muscles, 467.

Musician, 165.

Muzzle, 468.

My Leper Friends, 62.

Near head, 30.

Neckties, 124.

Neil's, Jackeroo, Miss, 11.

Neilgherry cane, 18.

Newcastle, Countess of, 430.

" , Duchess of, 337, 393.

New Zealand, 269.

" " horses, 457.

"Niggling," 163.

Nineteenth Century, 23.

North Cheshire, 14, 320, 371.

" , Lord, 306.

Nose, 468.

Nose-band, cavesson, 443.

Nose-bands, 79, 87.

Nostrils, 468.

Numdahs, 57-59.

Off crutch, 30.

Oriental women, 429.

Orlov trotters, 425.

Oxer, 250.

Pace, judging, 374.

Paget, Mr. Otho, 246, 247, 308, 309, 315, 325, 395, 396, 399.

Panel, 32, 33, 57.

Panniers, 5.

Paperchasing, 382-386.

Paris, 392.

Pastern, 466.

Pasture land, 368.

Pat, 17.

Patent leather, 118.

Pelhams, 78.

Pellier, M., 33.

Pelvis, 470.

Penrhyn, Lord, 247.

Pirouette renversee, 303.

Pilots, 373.

Pith hats, 115.

Ploughed land, 327.

Points of the tree, 27.

Poll, 469.

Pollard willows, 338.

Pollok, Mr. Arthur, 269.

Pommel, 27, 28.

Polo, 144, 179.

" ponies, 16, 17.

Posts and rails, 249.

Poultry fund, 307.

Prancing, 437.

Pretoria, 166.

Prestonpans, 244.

Pulling, 442-448.

Puppies, exercise for, 406.

" , feeding, 398, 402.

" , judging, 396, 397.

" , medicine for, 404.

" , punishing, 411.

Pytchley, 209, 306, 307, 357.

" pups, 399.

Quarters, 465.

Queen Elizabeth, 430.

Queen, The, 60, 243.

Quorn, 14, 209, 247, 306, 341.

" Friday, 113.

Rabbit holes, 335.

Ranelagh, 183.

"Rapier," 428.

Rearers and rearing, 333, 462.

Red board, 357.

" bows, 342-345.

" rag, 357, 358.

Refusers and refusing, 327, 328, 449-454.

Reining back, 214.

Reins, 78-82.

" , how to hold the, 136.

" , jerking the, 419.

" , long, 233.

" , military way of holding, 142.

" , riding without, 233.

" , shortening the, 142.

Remounts, Italian, 390.

Rentz's Circus, 463.

Richmond Show, 336.

Ridge and Furrow, 319.

Riding abroad, 381.

Riding and Hunting, 51, 57, 70, 124, 136, 180, 208, 447.

Riding masters, 155.

" without reins, 233.

Right leg, action of, 150.

" " , position of, 150.

Road, rules of the, 227.

Roberts, Mr., 246.

Romance, 8, 55.

Rotten Row, 16, 17, 392, 393.

Running away, 231.

Russia, 109, 121.

Russian cabmen, 424, 425.

" horses, 457.

Rutland, Duke of, 306, 395.

Saddle, cleaning a, 69.

" cloths, 57-59.

" to fit rider, 56.

Saddling a horse, 66-68.

Saddles, riding in men's, 426-430.

"Safe," 25, 32.

Safety bars, 38-42, 231.

" skirts, 89-110, 231.

" stirrups, 42-51, 64-66.

St. Petersburg, 393.

Salary, 14, 15.

Sample, Professor, 379.

Sandwich case, 323.

Sanminiatelli, Count, 390.

Saunders, Mrs., 384, 335.

Scots Grey, 82.

"Scrutator," 343, 354, 379.

Seats of side-saddles, 32, 55.

Seat, the, 145.

" , theory of the, 145-156.

Second horseman, 323.

" horses, 347.

Shanghai, 231, 388.

Sheep, 368.

Shires, 8, 12, 91, 176, 179, 248, 249, 250, 269, 270, 357.

Shoulder, point of the, 468.

Shouldering, 441.

Shoulders, 468.

Shying, 229, 432, 433-436.

Side-saddle, weight of, 54.

Side-saddles, 1, 2, 6, 7, 25-69.

Sideways, jumping horses, 378.

Singapore, 388.

"Sit back," 214.

Skirt, accustoming horse to, 18.

" , length of, 98.

Slipper stirrup, 42.

Snaffles, 75, 326, 438, 443, 448, 450.

Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, 396.

Sola topee, 115.

Sole of the hoof, 465.

Soltikov, 393.

Sore backs, 7, 68, 324, 350.

South Africa, 335, 391.

Spinal curvature, 6.

Sporting and Dramatic News, 428.

Spur, 177.

" on whip, 182.

Square seat, 153-155.

Stable Management and Exercise, 350.

Standing jump, 241.

Standing martingale, 439.

" "over," 472.

Stapleford Park, 250.

Staples, 54.

Stake-and-bound fence, 249.

Starting, 185.

"Steady!" 169, 204.

"Steadying" horses, 223.

Steep ground, 320.

Steiger, 463.

Steinbock, coursing, 391.

Stifle, 470.

Stirrup bar, 27.

" , case for extra, 42.

" , leather, 36-38.

" " , length of, 156.

" , man's, 50.

" , position of foot in, 156.

" too long, 146.

Stirrups, safety, 42-51, 64-66.

Stock, 122.

Stokes, William, 428.

Stone gaps, 269.

" walls, 269.

Strangers, 327.

Stuffing of saddle, 32, 33.

Stumbling, 436.

Subscriptions, hunt, 306.

Suffolk Punch, 387.

Suez, 388.

Surtees, 330.

Suspensory ligament, 467.

Swimming, 462.

Syces, 424.

Tailors, 89, 102-105.

Talking to horses, 229, 230.

Tan, 437.

Tannoform, 351.

Tautz, Mr., 94, 110.

Tendo Achillis, 470.

Tendons, 467.

Terai hat, 115.

Terence, 384.

Tientsin, 388, 462.

Tiergarten, 16, 392, 429.

Tips, 352.

Tit-bits for horses, 170.

Thanks, 352.

The Young Lady's Equestrian Manual, 305

The Wanton Mutilation of Animals, 23.

Thigh, 470, 471.

Third crutch, 305.

" pommel, 305.

Thompson, Mr. Anstruther, 352.

Thong, 173.

Throat-latch, 74, 88.

Thrush, 436, 437, 466.

Thoughts on Hunting, 315.

Throwing up the head, 438.

Toe, 465.

"Tougal," Mr., 385.

Tree, points of the, 27, 29.

" , saddle, 25, 26-31.

Trot, rising at the, 190-194.

" , the, 189-200, 239.

Turner, Captain, 384.

Turning, 187.

Tushes, 86.

Tweedie, Mrs., 428.

Twitches, 416, 417.

Under-bodice, 122.

Under-clothing, 112.

Upper crutch, 29.

Vale of White Horse, 307.

Vehicles, passing, 229.

Venus de Medici, 21.

Veterinary Notes for Horse-owners, 22, 347, 350, 436.

Vizianagram, 381.

Voice, 165, 204, 229.

Voltaire, 24.

Walers, 21.

Walk, the, 185, 239.

Walker, Colonel, 424.

Walking puppies, 394-413.

Wall of hoof, 465.

Wanton Mutilation of Animals, The, 23.

Ward, Mr. Frank, 175.

Ward's Riding School, 59, 60, 167, 331.

Warwickshire Hunt, 306, 307.

Washing horses' feet, 436.

" puppies, 402.

Watches, 323.

Watering horses, 417, 418.

Webs, 28.

Weight of side-saddle, 54.

Whip, hunting, 172.

Whips, 334.

Whissendine, 250.

Whiskey, 350.

"Whoa!" 170.

Whyte Melville, 180, 181, 209, 310, 314, 315, 376, 420.

Wilberforce, Archbishop, 376.

Willows, pollard, 338.

Wintle, Mr., 231.

Wire, 250, 357-373.

" fund, 307.

Withers, 468.

Women riding, 1.

Woodland country, 338.

Wroughton, Mr., 361.

Yelvertoft Church, 270.

Young horses, 15, 16, 166, 433, 434, 435, 443.

Zebra, riding a, 62, 456.

List of Books on Horses


The Field.—"As trainer, owner and rider of horses on the flat and over a country, the author has had a wide experience, and when to this is added competent veterinary knowledge, it is clear that CAPTAIN HAYES is entitled to attention when he speaks."

PUBLISHED BY MESSRS. HURST & BLACKETT, LTD. 13, Great Marlborough Street, W.


VETERINARY NOTES for HORSE-OWNERS. An Illustrated Manual of Horse Medicine and Surgery, written in simple language, with 267 Illustrations. Sixth Edition. Revised throughout, considerably enlarged, and 121 new and original Photographs added. Large crown 8vo, buckram, 15s. net.

"A necessary guide for horse-owners, especially those who are far removed from immediate professional assistance."—The Times.

"Of the many popular veterinary books which have come under our notice, this is certainly one of the most scientific and reliable."—The Field.

"This book leaves nothing to be desired on the score of lucidity and comprehensiveness."—Veterinary Journal.

"It is superfluous to commend a book that is an established success, and that has gone on from edition to edition extending its usefulness."—Army and Navy Gazette.

POINTS OF THE HORSE. A Familiar Treatise on Equine Conformation. Third Edition in the Press.

"Capt. Horace Hayes, the best of writers upon horses, has issued a second edition—considerably altered and enlarged, and magnificently illustrated—of his admirable work upon the 'Points of the Horse,' which is, in fact, a complete work on horses, their races and peculiarities."—Athenaeum.

"The intrinsic value of the book and the high professional reputation of the author should ensure this new edition a cordial welcome from sportsmen and all lovers of the horse."—The Times.

RIDING AND HUNTING. Fully Illustrated with upwards of 250 Reproductions of Photographs and Drawings. In 1 vol., demy 8vo, cloth. Price 16s. net.

"Capt. Hayes has produced a book which cannot fail to interest, if not to instruct the experienced horseman, and the beginner may learn from its pages practically all that it is necessary for him to know."—The World.

"We can imagine no more suitable present for one who is learning to ride than this book."—Pall Hall Gazette.

"He is no doubt the greatest authority, both on horses and horsemanship, now living in this country. Everything which he writes is lucidly expressed, and no detail is too trivial to be explained."—The Spectator.

THE HORSEWOMAN. A Practical Guide to Side-Saddle Riding. By MRS. HAYES. Edited by CAPT. M. H. HAYES. Second Edition, re-written, enlarged, and with about 150 new and original Photographic Illustrations added. 1 vol., demy 8vo. 12s. net.

"This is the first occasion on which a practical horseman and a practical horsewoman have collaborated in bringing out a book on riding for ladies. The result is in every way satisfactory, and, no matter how well a lady may ride, she will gain much valuable information from a perusal of 'The Horsewoman.'"—Field.

"A large amount of sound, practical instruction, very judiciously and pleasantly imparted."—The Times.

"We have seldom come across a brighter book than 'The Horsewoman.'"—The Athenaeum.

"With a very strong recommendation of this book as far and away the best guide to side-saddle riding we have seen."—Saturday Review.

STABLE MANAGEMENT AND EXERCISE. A Book for Horse-Owners and Students. Illustrated by numerous Reproductions of Photographs taken specially for this work. In 1 vol., demy 8vo. Price 12s. net.

"Capt. Hayes, who may justly claim to be the first authority now living on all matters connected with the horse, is always welcome, and the more so because each successive volume is a monument of 'the reason why.'"—The County Gentleman.

"Eminently practical."—The Field.

"The work of an exceptionally competent authority, who thoroughly understands his subject, and is able to make the results of his practical knowledge clear to readers."—Badminton Magazine.

ILLUSTRATED HORSEBREAKING. Second and Cheaper Edition. Large crown 8vo. Price 12s. net.

This Edition has been entirely rewritten, the amount of the letterpress more than doubled, and 75 reproductions of Photographs have been added.

"It is a characteristic of all Captain Hayes' books on horses that they are eminently practical, and the present one is no exception to the rule. A work which is entitled to high praise as being far and away the best reasoned-out one on breaking under a new system we have seen."—The Field.

"The work is eminently practical and reliable."—Veterinary Journal.

HORSES ON BOARD SHIP. A Guide to their Management. By M. H. HAYES. In 1 vol., crown 8vo, with numerous Illustrations from Photographs taken by the Author during two voyages to South Africa with horses. Price 3s. 6d. net.

"The book altogether is like the rest of Captain Hayes' works, written on sound, practical lines, and is all the more welcome in that it deals with a subject on which we have yet a great deal to learn."—The Field.

"As he has had two voyages to South Africa in charge of large consignments, his experience is eminently practical, and his book contains much valuable information, and ought to enable the War Office to avoid in the future some of the errors of the past."—Morning Post.

"We are sure that the book will be found useful and instructive to those who are new to the work of conveying either large or small numbers of horses across the seas."—County Gentleman.

TRAINING AND HORSE MANAGEMENT IN INDIA. Fifth Edition. Crown 8vo, cloth, 6s.

"We entertain a very high opinion of Capt. Hayes' book on 'Horse Training and Management in India,' and are of opinion that no better guide could be placed in the hands of either amateur horseman or veterinary surgeon newly arrived in that important division of our Empire."—Veterinary Journal.

INFECTIVE DISEASES OF ANIMALS. Being Part I. of the Translation of Friedberger and Froehner's Pathology of the Domestic Animals. Translated and Edited by the Author. With a Chapter on Bacteriology by Dr. G. NEWMAN, D.P.H. Demy 8vo, 10s. 6d. net.

"Whether considered as a work of reference for busy practitioners, as a text-book for students, or as a treatise on pathology in its widest significance, this volume meets every requirement, and is an invaluable addition to our literature."—Veterinary Record.

AMONG HORSES IN RUSSIA. With 53 Illustrations from Photographs taken chiefly by the Author. In 1 vol., large crown 8vo. Price 10s. 6d. net.

"The book is exceedingly well written and illustrated."—Graphic.

"The author has made an exceedingly entertaining book of his experiences."—Baily's Magazine.

AMONG HORSES IN SOUTH AFRICA. In 1 vol., crown 8vo. Price 5s.

"Capt. Hayes' book is genuinely interesting, and fully repays reading."—Black and White.

"The book is very readable."—Spectator.

"The book is written in a pleasant, chatty style, and with a broad mind."—Sportsman.

MODERN POLO. By Captain E. D. MILLER, late 17th Lancers. Edited by Captain M. H. HAYES. Second Edition, revised and enlarged. In one vol., demy 8vo., with numerous Illustrations from Photographs and Drawings. Price 16s. net.

"Both in the matter of polo-playing and in that of choosing or breeding polo ponies, the volume is a certain authority."—The Times.

"'Modern Polo,' written by E. D. Miller and edited by Capt M. H. Hayes, will assuredly become the authoritative work concerning the game, which is rapidly growing in favour in this country. It is clear and bright in style, and it is provided with numerous illustrations from photographs."—Black and White.

"Mr. Miller's is by no means the only work upon the Game of Polo, but it is, at least, the most complete and comprehensive work upon the subject that has yet been issued. It has had the benefit, too, of the editorship of Capt. M. H. Hayes, one of the best authorities of the day in regard to all matters connected with horsemanship. To Capt. Hayes are also due the excellent photographs by which the book is illustrated, showing almost every turn and stroke in a rather complicated game."—Graphic.


Transcriber's Note

The following typographical errors have been corrected:

xiii 68 Ready changed to 68. Ready xiii 75 Holding changed to 75. Holding xiii in Fig 77 changed to in Fig. 77 19 Arab pony, Freddie changed to Arab pony, Freddie. 48 Fig. 25. Cope's changed to Fig. 25.—Cope's 62 wanderers home changed to wanderers home. 102 Photo by changed to Photo. by 125 DISMOUNTING, changed to DISMOUNTING. 137 on both sides changed to on both sides. 174 in Fig 87 changed to in Fig. 87 195 a-well executed changed to a well-executed 250 106.—A cut and-laid changed to 106.—A cut-and-laid 273 in Fig 115 changed to in Fig. 115 478 342-245 changed to 342-345 479 Moore, George, 422 changed to Moore, George, 422. 479 Ninteenth changed to Nineteenth Ads p. 3 MANAGEMENT AND EXERCISE changed to MANAGEMENT AND EXERCISE. Ads p. 3 MANAGEMENT IN INDIA changed to MANAGEMENT IN INDIA Ads p. 4 Sportsman changed to Sportsman.

The following words were inconsistently spelled or hyphenated:

Breast-plate / Breastplate buck-jumpers / buckjumpers cavesson / cavasson cheek pieces / cheek-pieces / cheekpieces cross-saddle / cross saddle cross-country / 'cross-country / cross country / 'cross country cub-hunting / cub hunting fore-hand / forehand fore-leg / foreleg / fore leg Fox-hunting / Foxhunting hair-pins / hairpins head-stall / headstall Hooked-back / Hooked back Illustrated Horse-Breaking / Illustrated Horse Breaking / Illustrated Horsebreaking mouth-piece / mouthpiece nose-band / noseband now-a-days / nowadays paper-chase / paperchase race-course / racecourse race-horses / race-horses re-written / rewritten safety-bar / safety bar sheep-dogs / sheepdogs side-saddle / side saddle side-saddles / side saddles steeple-chase / steeplechase steeple-chasing / steeplechasing stirrup-bar / stirrup bar Thorough-bred / Thoroughbred Under-clothing / Underclothing Whyte-Melville / Whyte Melville


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