So much for the moral and social aspect of Absenteeism. Now, let us examine, a little, the ground taken up by Mr. J.R. M'Culloch, who maintains that, according to the accepted principles of political economy, the fact of Irish landed proprietors residing out of their country inflicts no injury upon it. For Mr. Prior's views on Absenteeism he manifests great contempt, but treats himself with a kind of respectful commiseration, as being, in spite of his ignorance of political economy, "a gentleman in other respect—of great candour and good sense." He quotes his assertion that the aggregate of the absentee rents, amounting then to L627,799 annually, was entirely sent to the Absentee landlords in treasure, "which," continues Mr. Prior, "is so great a burthen upon Ireland that I believe there is not in history an instance of any one country paying so large a yearly tribute (!) to another." The parenthetic note of astonishment is Mr. M'Culloch's, who says, with regard to this passage, "it would really seem that in this, as in some other things, the universality and intensity of belief has been directly as the folly and falsehood of the thing believed."[315]
It was in his examination in 1825, before a Parliamentary Committee, that Mr. M'Culloch put forward his views on Irish Absenteeism. He was asked this question: "Supposing the largest export of Ireland were in live cattle, and that a considerable portion of rent had been remitted in that manner, does not such a mode of producing the means of paying rent, contribute less to the improvement of the poor than any extensive employment of them in labour would produce?" He replies: "Unless the means of paying rent are changed when the landlord goes home, his residence can have no effect whatever." "Would not," he is asked, "the population of the country be benefited by the expenditure among them of a certain portion of the rent, which (if he had been absent) would have been remitted (to England)?" "No," he replies, "I do not see how it could be benefited in the least. If you have a certain value laid out against Irish commodities in the one case, you will have a certain value laid out against them in the other. The cattle are either exported to England or they stay at home. If they are exported the landlord will obtain an equivalent for them in English commodities; it they are not he will obtain an equivalent for them in Irish commodities; so that in both cases the landlord lives on the cattle, or on the value of the cattle: and whether he lives in Ireland or England there is obviously just the very same amount of commodities for the people of Ireland to subsist upon."[316] Mr. Senior exposes this fallacy in the following words; "This reasoning assumes that the landlord, whilst resident in Ireland, himself personally devours all the cattle produced on his estates; for, on no other supposition can there be the very same amount of commodities for the people of Ireland to subsist upon, whether their cattle are retained in Ireland or exported."[317] It may be said with equal truth, that to assume, as Mr. M'Culloch assumes, the Irish absentee's residence in England to be of no advantage to the people there, is assuming that "himself personally" devours all the cattle and corn sent to him in the shape of rent. But the landlord does not in either case devour all the beef and all the corn; by far the greater portion of those products go to house, and clothe, and feed the persons who minister to his various wants.
In the beginning of his Essay on Absenteeism Mr. M'Culloch, referring with apparent satisfaction to his evidence before the Committee, says, "it had been previously established, and is now universally conceded that the gentlemen who consume nothing in their families but what is brought from abroad are quite as good, as useful, and as meritorious subjects as they could be, if, they consume nothing but what is produced at home; and such being the case, it will require a sharper eye than has yet looked at this subject, to discover the great injury which is said to be done by their going abroad."[318]
With the greatest respect for Mr. M'Culloch's skill as a political economist, this proposition has neither been established nor conceded in the unlimited sense in which he here puts it forward. Enthusiastic men, who become enamoured of some favourite theory, are apt to attach too much importance to it—push it too far, and try to fit things into it which it will not contain, without being modified or enlarged. This has been the case with political economists to a remarkable extent; a fact which John Stuart Mill notices and complains of as injurious to the science.[319] The chief flaw in Mr. M'Culloch's apology for Absenteeism (as his essay may well be called) is, that he entirely overlooks the peculiar nature of Irish exports. Those exports consist almost exclusively of raw, or, to use Adam Smith's word, of rude produce; and where this is the case Mr. M'Culloch's principle will not hold without large modifications. Mr. Senior saw this, and, in dealing with Irish Absenteeism he modifies the principle accordingly. In discussing the proximate cause deciding the rate of wages, he lays down as his third proposition, that "It is inconsistent with the prevalent opinion,[320] that the non-residence of landlords, funded proprietors, mortgagees, and other unproductive consumers can be detrimental to the labouring inhabitants of a country which does not export raw produce."
Mr. Senior here affirms Mr. M'Culloch's proposition, quoted above, but with the qualifying clause—"which does not export raw produce." I have italicised this clause because it contains the very exception which makes the general proposition inapplicable to Ireland, and to every country whose chief exports are, like Ireland's, raw produce.
To use the words of Mr. Senior, "If an Irish landlord reside on his estate he requires the services of certain persons, who must be also resident there to minister to his daily wants. He must have servants, gardeners, and, perhaps, gamekeepers. If he build a house, he must employ resident masons and carpenters; part of his furniture he may import, but the greater part of it must be made in his neighbourhood; a portion of his land, or, what comes to the same thing, a portion of his rent, must be employed in producing food, clothing, and shelter for all these persons, and for those who produce that food, clothing, and shelter. If he were to remove to England all these wants would be supplied by Englishmen. The land and capital which was formerly employed in providing the maintenance of Irish labourers, would be employed in producing corn and cattle to be exported to England, to provide the sustenance of English labourers. The whole quantity of commodities appropriated to the use of Irish labourers would be diminished, and that appropriated to the use of English labourers increased."[321] Giving credit for ordinary prudence to the persons employed by resident Irish landlords, they would save a part of their earnings, and the part saved would go to increase the capital of the country; but when the landlords reside in England the moneys so paid away go into the pockets of English servants and mechanics, and their savings are added to the sum of English capital; for it is a fundamental principle of Political Economy that capital and all additions to capital are the result of saving. Writers on Ireland have been long proclaiming with all their might, that the first and greatest want of that country is capital. Half a century ago, when Mr. M'Culloch published his views of Irish Absenteeism, the rents annually paid to our absentee landlords were set down at from four to four and millions of pounds sterling. They have very much increased since, but let us still accept four and a-half millions as the amount. Were the absentee landlords resident, the whole of that rental would not be spent at home, as some of it would go for foreign commodities, such as tea, sugar, wine; but the greater part of it would be spent at home. Now, although the savings of the employees of Irish landlords could not, perhaps, be called large in any one year, yet had those savings gone on from Mr. Prior's time—1729—taking into account the increase of capital by the use of capital,—who can calculate the additions that would have been made to Irish capital, by this means, during so long a period? And as Mr. Mill's first fundamental proposition respecting capital is, that "Industry is limited by capital," who can measure the consequences to Irish industry of the capital lost to it by Absenteeism?
But the soundness of the principle laid down by Mr. M'Culloch as universally received, and which Mr. Senior accepts (with the qualification affecting raw produce) has not passed unchallenged. For greater clearness I shall repeat that principle here. "The gentlemen," says Mr. M'Culloch, "who consume nothing in their families but what is brought from abroad are quite as good, as useful, and as meritorious subjects as they could be if they consume nothing but what is produced at home." And the reason for this is to be found in his Principles of Political Economy where he says that, Foreign commodities are always paid for by British commodities, therefore, the purchase of Foreign commodities encourages British industry as much as the purchase of British commodities" (Principles of Political Economy, p. 152). The important exception to this theorem arising from the nature of the commodities exported and imported has been already dealt with. Let us examine the vital principle of the theorem. "The capital," says Adam Smith, "which is employed in purchasing in one part of the country in order to sell in another, the produce of the industry of that country, generally replaces by every such operation two distinct capitals, that had both been employed in the agriculture or manufactures of that country, and thereby enables them to continue that employment. When it sends out from the residence of the merchant a certain value of commodities it generally brings back in return at least an equal value of other commodities. When both are the produce of domestic industry it necessarily replaces by every such operation two distinct capitals which had both been employed in supporting productive labour, and thereby enables them to continue that support. The capital which sends Scotch manufactures to London, and brings back English corn and manufactures to Edinburgh, necessarily replaces, by every such operation, two British capitals, which had both been employed in the agriculture or manufactures of Great Britain.
"The capital employed in purchasing foreign goods for home consumption, when this purchase is made with the produce of domestic industry, replaces too, by every such operation, two distinct capitals; but one of them only is employed in supporting domestic industry. The capital which sends British goods to Portugal, and brings back Portuguese goods to Great Britain, replaces, by every such operation, only one British capital. The other is a Portuguese one. Though the returns, therefore, of the foreign trade of consumption should be as quick as those of the home trade, the capital employed in it will give but one half of the encouragement to the industry or productive labour of the country.
"But the returns of the foreign trade of consumption are very seldom so quick as those of the home trade. The returns of the home trade generally come in before the end of the year, and sometimes three or four times in the year. The returns of the foreign trade of consumption seldom come in before the end of the year, and sometimes not till after two or three years. A capital, therefore, employed in the home trade, will sometimes make twelve operations, or be sent out and returned twelve times, before a capital employed in the foreign trade of consumption has made one. If the capitals are equal, therefore, the one will give four and twenty times more encouragement and support to the industry of the country than the other."[322]
If this position of Adam Smith's be tenable, it cannot be true, that the purchase of foreign commodities encourages British industry as much as the purchase of British commodities. In order to have a clear idea of his reasoning it will be useful to repeat some of the leading principles which regulate and explain the nature of capital. 1. Capital is usually defined to be the accumulated stock of the produce of labour. A definition which, if not completely satisfactory, is sufficiently correct for our present purpose. 2. Capital is essential to production. 3. Capital employed in production is wholly consumed in the process of production. "Capital," as Mill, and in fact as every political economist says, "is all consumed; though not by the capitalist. Part is exchanged for tools or machinery, which are worn out by use; part for seed or materials, which are destroyed as such, by by being sown or wrought up, and destroyed altogether by the consumption of the ultimate product. The remainder is paid to labourers, who consume it for their daily wants; or if they, in their turn, save any part, this also is not generally speaking, hoarded, but (through savings banks, benefit clubs, or some other channel) re-employed as capital, and consumed."[323] These principles open the way to the understanding of what Adam Smith means by the replacing of capital.
Capital is consumed in production, and must be replaced. How is it replaced? By the new product. It reappears in the new product; in the production of which it was consumed. Moreover it reappears with a profit to the capitalist, who has employed it for the purposes of production. Let us hear well in mind that the capital consumed in production is consumed, not by the capitalist himself, but in the purchase of various things necessary for production, and in wages. All this capital which is employed and consumed in production, is the net spendable income of the producing nation. And it is spent in food, raiment, lodging, and other necessaries; and of course in luxuries too; and when it is spent, or "consumed," as the word is, the nation, so far from being the poorer, has grown richer; because the capital consumed has reappeared, or, as Adam Smith says, has been replaced by the new product, and, in the usual course, with an increase in the form of profit.
It is plain, then, according to this reasoning, that for every portion of capital consumed in production, a new capital re-appears. If two capitals are consumed in production, two new capitals reappear in their place: if three are consumed, three reappear; and so on. Let us now go back to Adam Smith's words quoted above: "The capital which sends British goods to Portugal, and brings back Portuguese goods to Great Britain, replaces, by every such operation, only one British capital. The other is a Portuguese one. Though the returns, therefore, of the foreign trade of consumption should be as quick as those of the home trade, the capital employed in it will give but one half of the encouragement to the industry or productive labour of the country." Applying this principle to the subject in hand, we find that Absenteeism inflicts an injury upon Ireland, in addition to, and quite distinct from the one, which results from the nature of the commodities sent by Ireland to England. An Irish absentee in London buys British commodities with Irish commodities. In doing so, he replaces two capitals, one British and one Irish; but if he resides in Ireland, and buys Irish commodities with Irish commodities, he replaces two Irish capitals instead of one, as happens, when he resides in England; and thus gives double the encouragement to Irish industry which he would give to it if he resided in England.
"The entire price or gross value of every home-made article constitutes net revenue, net income to British subjects. Not a portion of the value, but the whole value, is resolvable into net income and revenue maintaining British families, and creating and sustaining British markets. Purchase British articles with British articles, and you create two such aggregate values, and two such markets for British industry. Whereas, on the contrary, the entire value of every foreign article imported is net income to the foreigner and sustains foreign markets. Purchase foreign articles with British articles, and you only create one value for your own benefit instead of creating two, and only one market for British industry instead of two. You lose the acquisition of the entire value on one side, which you might have had, as well as on the other, and you lose a market for British industry to the full extent of that gross value."[324]
If the principle laid down by Adam Smith were unsound, that the man who buys British commodities with British commodities replaces two British capitals, whilst he who buys foreign commodities with British commodities replaces but one British capital, Mr. M'Culloch had an inviting opportunity of exposing its unsoundness in the edition of The Wealth of Nations edited by him; and in fact he has written an elaborate note on the passage, but, as it seems to me, without proving the doctrine which it enunciates to be incorrect. Here is the portion of Mr. M'Culloch's footnote which deals with the subject: "Dr. Smith does not say that the importation of foreign commodities has any tendency to force capital abroad; and unless it did this, it is plain that his statement with respect to the effect of changing a home for a foreign trade of consumption, is quite inconsistent with the fundamental principle he has elsewhere established, that industry is always in proportion to the amount of capital." From this, his opening sentence, it would seem that Mr. M'Culloch mistook the force and tendancy of Adam Smith's reasoning, who does not, in the passage annotated by Mr. M'Culloch, advocate the change of a foreign for a home trade of consumption. He only goes to prove that a home trade is more profitable to a nation than a foreign one, in as much as it replaces two home capitals, whilst the foreign trade replaces but one. For a country with vast manufactories, like Great Britain, the home trade would not be at all sufficient, but—as far as it goes—it is double as advantageous as the foreign trade. Adam Smith seeks to prove no more. But Mr. M'Culloch meets the question more directly as follows: "Suppose, for the sake of illustration, that the case put by Dr. Smith actually occurs—that the Scotch manufactures are sent to Portugal; it is obvious, if the same demand continue in London for these manufactures as before they began to be sent abroad, that additional capital and labourers will be required to furnish commodities for both the London and Portuguese markets. In this case, therefore, instead of the industry of the country sustaining any diminution from the export of Scotch manufactures to a foreign country, it would evidently be augmented, and a new field would be discovered for the profitable employment of stock."
As this reasoning is only a continuation of the misconception of Adam Smith's meaning just noticed, a very few words upon it will suffice. If the same demand continue in London for the Scotch manufactures as before they were sent to Portugal, or elsewhere, the Scotch manufacturers will be only too glad to continue to supply London and Portugal too; and the trade of the nation will be expanded; and the capital of the nation will be augmented by the foreign trade, because by that foreign trade British capital is replaced, and with a profit; but surely this does not in any way disturb the principle that the Scotch manufactures sold in London replace, or re-produce two British capitals, whilst those sold in Portugal replace, or reproduce only one.
From these considerations on Absenteeism, it may, I think, be fairly inferred that popular belief regarding its injurious effects is well founded, although misconceptions may be entertained as to the precise way in which the injury occurs.
[314] "We started at daybreak for Glenties, thirty miles distant, over the mountains; and after leaving the improved cottages and farms on the Gweedore estate, soon came upon the domain of an absentee proprietor, the extent of which may be judged of by the fact, that our road lay for more than twenty miles through it. This is the poorest parish in Donegal, and no statement can be too strong with respect to the wretched condition, the positive misery and starvation in which the cottiers and small farmers on this immense domain are found."—James H. Tuke's Report to the Relief Committee of the Society of Friends. Appendix, p. 149. "We proceeded to Glenties [from Dungloe], still on the same property; and throughout our journey met with the most squalid scenes of misery which the imagination can well conceive. Whilst thousands of acres of reclaimable land lie entirely neglected and uncultivated, there are thousands of men both willing and anxious to obtain work, but unable to procure it."—Ib. p. 150.
[315] Note to his Essay on Absenteeism.
[316] From the Report, 814, Sess. 1826. Quoted by Mr. Senior.
[317] Political Economy, 5th Ed., p. 167.
[318] Political Economy. Book 3, c. I.
[319] Treatise on Political Economy, pp. 223-4.
[320] That is the common opinion of Political Economists.
[321] Political Economy, p. 155-6. 5th Ed.
[322] Adam Smith here regards Scotland as an integral part of Great Britain, the same as he would regard Yorkshire or Lancashire. Wealth of Nations, Book II., Chap. v.
[323] Principles of Political Economy, Book I, c. v. sect. 5.
[324] "Sophisms of Freetrade, and popular Political Economy examined." By a Barrister, 4th. Ed.
* * * * *
At this period the railway mania was at its full height, and so many Bills for the construction of various lines were before Parliament, that what was called a Committee of Selection was appointed by the House of Commons. This Committee divided those railway Bills into groups, and a Sub-committee was formed to consider and report on each group. Smith O'Brien was named on the Committee whose duty it was to examine group eleven. Mr. Estcourt was its chairman. In order to insure punctual attendance, the House, on the 12th of February, passed resolutions declaring the attendance of members upon such Committees to be compulsory. In due time the Committee on group eleven met, but Mr. O'Brien was absent; which circumstance the chairman reported to the House, as he was bound to do; whereupon the Speaker enquired if Mr. O'Brien were in his place. He was; and rising thanked the Speaker for the opportunity he afforded him (Mr. O'Brien) of explaining, but he had, he said, done so in a correspondence with the chairman of the Committee of Selection; he would withdraw nothing he had written on the subject, and with this observation he bowed to the Speaker and left the House. Mr. Estcourt, as chairman of the Committee on which Mr. O'Brien was appointed to serve, then rose and said it was his painful duty to give a narrative of facts that would explain the matter as far as he was concerned in it. He called attention to the resolutions of the House passed in February, compelling the attendance of members on Committees. Mr. O'Brien, he said, had received notice on the 3rd of April, that his attendance would be required on the 27th, in reply to which he wrote to him (Mr. Estcourt), enclosing a letter which he (Mr. O'Brien) had written the year before, to the effect, that he would not serve upon any Committee for the consideration of private Bills not having reference to Ireland. His words were: "Desiring that none but the representatives of the Irish nation should legislate for Ireland, we have no wish to intermeddle with the affairs of England or Scotland, except so far as they may be connected with the interests of Ireland, or with the general policy of the empire." Having read the above, Mr. Estcourt drew special attention to the next passage: "In obedience to this principle, I have abstained from voting on English or Scotch questions of a local nature; and the same motive now induces me to decline attendance on Committees on any private Bills, except such as relate to Ireland." The answer, Mr. Estcourt said, he had given to this communication was, that the Committee could not recognise such an excuse; he reminded Mr. O'Brien of the resolutions of the 12th of February, but offered to consult for his convenience, inasmuch as important Irish business was before the House, by postponing, if possible, his attendance to a later period; but that unless he had heard from him (Mr. O'Brien), assenting to this, he must abide the coming vote of the House on Wednesday. Mr. O'Brien did reply, telling Mr. Estcourt that his former communication contained his final determination; adding, that the matter was not one of private convenience but of public principle.
This statement Mr. Estcourt followed up by a motion, "That William Smith O'Brien, Esq., having disobeyed the order of the House, by refusing to attend the Committee to which the railway group eleven has been referred, has been guilty of a contempt of this House."
On this resolution having been put, O'Connell rose and asked the House to pause before it passed it. In the first place, he said, the House should consider, how far the Act of Union with Ireland gave the power to the members of that House, to enforce the process of contempt and committal against the representatives of Ireland; there was no common law jurisdiction for it, and before 1800 there could be no jurisdiction at all, for both that House and the Parliament of Great Britain disclaimed, in 1783, any species of interference with the representatives of Ireland. The jurisdiction, then, of this House could not stand on common law, nor upon the Act of Union, because that Act gave no jurisdiction. In the second place, as to the Committee of Selection, the question was, by the law and usage of Parliament, could they delegate to a committee the power to make regulations punishable by "Contempt," by placing the party in custody, whereas the House had not the jurisdiction by common law to compel the attendance of members. He took it, the House had no such common law power, because by the Sixth of Henry VIII. it was enacted, that the members of that House should attend the House. Now if the common law jurisdiction existed, this statute would have been wholly unnecessary.
The Attorney-General, Sir William Follett, replied, that all the members of the House had consented to the resolutions of the 12th of February, thereby making them binding upon themselves; and that as Mr. O'Brien might have objected then, but did not, he was of course bound by them; and as to the Act of Union, he considered there was no force in the argument drawn from it, because the third article of that Act had made one Parliament of the two, enacting "that the said United Kingdom be represented in one and the same Parliament, to be styled the Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland."
Sir Robert Peel, addressing himself to the most practical point of the discussion, said the question was—"Have we or have we not the power to require the attendance of members on public committees?" He apprehended there could be no distinction between service on Committees and service in the House; and if the Act of Union did not give the power, it was from a belief that such a power was inherent in Parliament. The great man, he said, who drew up those Acts of Union for Ireland and Scotland did not take a statutable sanction, for they all rested on higher grounds.
Sir Thomas Wilde, in giving his view of the case, made a distinction with regard to the common law; saying, that if there was no authority under the common law of the land to compel attendance on committees, there was under the common law of Parliament; a law not so old as the common law of the land, but as old as was necessary. Complimenting O'Connell as a lawyer, he believed, he said, the opinion he had given was not the result of his legal knowledge, but of a laudable desire to release his friend from a difficulty. The House, he said, could send the public to Committees, why not a member? Had they more power over the public than the members of their own House? The question was not whether neglecting to attend a Committee was contempt of the House or not; the question was, whether disobedience to the order of the House did or did not constitute a contempt of the authority of the house.
The resolution having been put, was carried by 133 to 13.
It was then moved that Mr. W.S. O'Brien be given up to the Sergeant-at-Arms. Mr. Ward moved the postponement of the motion to Thursday, the 30th of April; the Premier agreed, and it was accordingly postponed. Smith O'Brien, remaining fixed in his determination, was on that day taken into custody by Sir Wm. Gossett, the Sergeant-at-Arms, and lodged in prison. After being twenty-five days there, Mr. Frederick Shaw made a motion for his release, without, he said, having consulted him, and in fact believing such motion to be contrary to his wishes. It was made on the ground that he had been sufficiently punished by twenty-five days' imprisonment. It was carried nem con, that he be released, "on paying his fees."
Although several of the leading Irish Liberal members sustained Smith O'Brien on this occasion, they did not approve of his persisting in his refusal to serve on the Committee, as there was no principle vindicated by his persistence or his imprisonment; his first refusal and the discussion upon it having effected all that could be usefully done in the case.
Whilst Smith O'Brien was yet in prison, the following case was submitted to Mr. Anstey on his behalf:
"1. Whether there is any, and what inherent power or privilege in the House of Commons to imprison its members for constructive contempt of its authority?
"2. Whether there is any and what prescriptive power or privilege in said House to imprison its members for such contempt?
"3. Whether the refusal to serve on the Committee in question can be construed into a contempt of the authority of the house?
"4. Whether, assuming the commitment or detainer to have been unlawful, Mr. Smith O'Brien has any and what legal remedy, and against whom?
"5. Whether the House of Commons has any, and what right, to insist on his paying into the fee fund of the House any, and what fees—either by way of preliminary condition to his discharge out of the custody of the Sergeant-at-Arms or otherwise?"
Mr. Anstey's opinion was in the following terms:
"I am of opinion that the commitment and imprisonment of Mr. Smith O'Brien, by order of the House of Commons for the constructive contempt set forth in the vote and proceedings of the House, and the other papers which have been laid before me, are, in every respect, illegal. The House, in my opinion, has no power to enforce its orders by any such penalty, except under the authority of the statute or common law, and no such authority can be shown to justify the commitment and imprisonment complained of. I am further of opinion that, even supposing the House to possess such authority, still the informality of the proceedings in the present case has been such as to vitiate them ab initio, and to render null and void everything that has been done under the colour of such authority."
Mr. Anstey further maintained that the Speaker's Warrant, under which Smith O'Brien was arrested, was informal and invalid, that the House had no general authority of commitment for non-attendance on "calls"—that such authority for not attending select committees was never claimed until the previous session; that "the Committee to which Railway Group No. 11 had been referred" was unduly appointed under the Standing Orders, and that Mr. O'Brien had his right of action against the Speaker and the Sergeant-at-Arms.
* * * * *
(NOTE C.)—TREASURY MINUTE, dated August 31st, 1846.
My Lords have before them the Act 10 Vict., cap. 107,—"To facilitate the employment of the labouring poor for a limited period in distressed districts in Ireland," and proceed to consider the revised instructions which the provisions of this Act and the experience which has been acquired from the operations for the relief of the people suffering from the failure of the potato crop in Ireland, since the month of November last, render it desirable should be issued to the Board of Works, and to Commissary-General Sir R. Routh, who is in charge of the duties lately executed by the Relief Commission.
"No authority can, from the present date, be given for the execution of any new works under the 9th Vict., cap. 1; and such works as may hereafter be required for the relief of distress must be presented and sanctioned according to the provisions of the 10th Vict., cap. 107."
The Board of Works were instructed by the Treasury Minute, dated the 21st ultimo, to bring to an early close all the works under the 9th Vict., cap. 2, which were not required for the relief of urgent distress; and the Board were informed, that if the parties interested desired that works so discontinued should afterwards be recommenced and completed, it was open to them to take the usual steps to provide for that object, either by obtaining loans secured by grand jury presentment, or by other means.
Their Lordships desire that the Board of Works will report to what extent works have been discontinued under these instructions, on the ground of their not being really required for the purpose of giving relief, and that it may be understood, in accordance with the passage above adverted to in the Minute of the 21st July, that if it should become necessary to recommence any such works, the renewal of them must be provided for either in the manner above referred to, or under the 10th Vict., cap. 107.
With a view to give every practicable assistance to the presentment sessions, the Board of Works should be prepared with plans and estimates of those works in each district in which relief is likely to be required, on which the destitute poor might with the greatest public advantage be employed; and an officer of the Board should be in attendance at the sessions, to furnish every explanation that may be called for.
In order to prevent labourers from being induced to leave their proper employments and to congregate on the relief works, in the hope of getting regularly paid money wages in return for a smaller quantum of work than they have been accustomed to give, the following rules ought, in their Lordships' opinion, to be strictly observed:—
No person should be employed on any relief works who can obtain employment on other public works, or in farming or other private operations in the neighbourhood.
The wages given to persons employed on relief works should, in every case, be at least 2d. a day less than the average rate of wages in the district.
And the persons employed on relief works should, to the utmost possible extent, be paid in proportion to the work actually done by them.
Their Lordships suggest for the consideration of the Lord Lieutenant, that it may be advisable that in every case in which it may be determined to assemble extraordinary sessions, for tin presentment of works under the 10th Vict, cap. 107, instructions should also be issued to the lieutenant of the county, to reassemble the relief committees of the districts in which such works are proposed to be carried on, making such changes in the individuals composing the committees as circumstances may require; or, if no relief committees have yet been organized in the districts in question, to appoint new committees in accordance with the rules prescribed by the relief commission.
Their Lordships also suggest that, in order to obviate inconveniences which have been experienced during the late relief operations, the following alterations should be made in the instructions under which the local relief committees have hitherto acted:—
First, with regard to the assistance given by the relief committees in the proper appropriation of the relief provided under the 10th Viet. cap. 107, by means of public works:—
That tickets should not hereafter be issued by the relief committees entitling persons to employment on such public works. That, instead thereof, the relief committees should furnish (according to a form to be supplied to them for that purpose) the officers in charge of the works on the part of the Board of Works, with lists of persons requiring relief, noting them in the order in which they are considered to be entitled to priority, either on account of their large families or from any other cause; that the committees should revise these lists from time to time, as occasion may require, and that the officers of the Board of Works, from the information contained in these lists, or acquired by them from other sources, should themselves furnish tickets entitling persons to employment on the relief works, for certain limited periods, according to the circumstances of each case.
Secondly, as regards the functions performed by the relief committees, independently of the relief works carried on under the provisions of Acts of Parliament.
Their lordships consider that donations in aid of private subscriptions may be made, when necessary, as heretofore, from the public funds placed for that purpose at the disposal of the Lord Lieutenant; and that these donations may continue to be, as a general rule, in the proportion of from one-third to one-half of the amount of the private subscriptions, according to the extent of the destitution and the means of the subscribers.
But their lordships are of opinion, that, in consideration of the assistance so to be given from the public purse, the proceedings of the relief committees in the appropriation of the funds administered by them should be subjected to any degree of control on the part of the Government that may be considered desirable; for which purpose their accounts and correspondence should, at all times, be open to the inspection of Government officers appointed for the purpose, and any further explanations that may be required on any particular point should be immediately furnished.
In order to keep in check, as far as possible, the social evils incident to an extensive system of relief, it is indispensably necessary that the relief committees should not sell the meal or other food provided by them, except in small quantities to persons who are known to have no other means of procuring food; that the price at which the meal is sold should, as nearly as possible, be the same as the market prices which prevail in the neighbourhood; that the committees should not give a higher rate of wages, nor exact a smaller quantum of work, in any works carried on by them from funds at their own disposal, than is the case in respect to the works carried on under the superintendence of the Board of Works, and that works should be carried on by them only to the extent to which private employment is proved not to be available.
The serious attention of every person who will have to take a part in the measures of relief rendered necessary by the new and more complete failure of the potato crop should be particularly called to this important fact, that the limitations and precautions which have been prescribed to the Government boards and officers in carrying out the relief operations, with the object of rendering the necessary interference with the labour and provision markets productive of the smallest possible disturbance of the ordinary course of trade and industry, will be rendered nugatory if the same prudence and reserve are not practised by the relief committees in the administration of the funds placed at their disposal by private or public benevolence; and their Lordships therefore feel it to be their duty earnestly to request that every person concerned will, to the extent of the influence possessed by him, endeavour to secure such a restriction of the measures of relief to cases of real destitution, and such a just consideration for the interests of merchants and dealers, in the free exercise of whose callings the public welfare is so deeply concerned, that instead of the habitual dependence upon charitable aid which might otherwise be apprehended from the extensive measures of relief in progress, every description of trade and industry may be stimulated by them, and the bonds of society may become more firmly knit, by the benevolent and intelligent cooperation of the different orders and ranks of which it is composed, to avert a common calamity, and to prepare for recommencing the ordinary occupations of social life with advantages which are at present only imperfectly enjoyed in some parts of Ireland.
The limited grant fund, provided by the 10th Vic., cap. 109, entitled, "an Act to authorise a further issue of money in aid of public works of acknowledged utility in poor districts in Ireland," is, according to the terms of the Act, applicable only to the case of unimproved districts, like parts of the Counties Kerry, Galway, Mayo, and Donegal, where, although roads and other works would be productive of more than usual public advantage, the districts are too poor to bear the whole expense of them; and the Act therefore directs that in cases in which the repayment of loans to the amount of at least a moiety of the estimated expense of such works shall have been secured, and such further contributions shall have been made as the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury shall think fit to require from the individuals principally interested in the projected works, such aid shall be afforded from this fund in the shape of grants, as the occasion may appear to require.
The applications which may be received for grants under this Act will have to be carefully examined and inquired into by the Commissioners of Public Works, who will recommend for sanction those works which appear to them to combine the greatest permanent utility with the relief of urgent distress, taking care that the proprietors specially interested are required to contribute in addition to their share of the general assessment for the repayment of half the expense of the works, sums proportioned in some degree to the special benefits they will derive from them.
My Lords have considered with the careful attention which the importance of the subject demands the measures proper to be taken, with a view to continue the late commissariat operations to the extent which may be absolutely necessary for the purpose of providing supplies of food for sale in districts to which the ordinary operations of the provision trade cannot be expected to extend, the strictest regard being at the same time paid to the pledge which has been given, not to interfere in any case in which there is a reasonable expectation that the market will be supplied by mercantile enterprise; and they will proceed to state the course which appears to them to be the best adapted to secure the important object in view.
Their Lordships have already given directions that no portion of the stock of meal remaining in store in the different depots should be sold merely for the sake of disposing of it, of which depots they will relieve Commissary-General Coffin, who will remain on full pay, with a view to his being employed hereafter, as the occasion may require.
It has been fully established by the experience of the late operations, that the ports on the northern, eastern, and southern coasts, from Londonderry to Cork, and those parts of the interior which are ordinarily supplied from them, may safely be left to the foresight and enterprise of private merchants; and it will only be necessary to the government, so far as this part of Ireland is concerned, to take effectual precautions that the supplies introduced by private traders from abroad are properly protected, both while they are in transit and when they are stored for future consumption; and for this purpose their Lordships rely upon the Lord Lieutenant making every necessary arrangement in communication with the Commander of the Forces in Ireland, and the Inspector-General of the Constabulary Force.
Acting on this principle, their Lordships have directed that the supplies of food now in store should be concentrated without delay at the following depots:—
In the interior—Longford, Banagher.
On the coast—Limerick, Galway, Westport, Sligo.
And Commissary-General Hewetson has been instructed to take immediate steps for the transfer of the quantity remaining in store in the depot at Cork to Limerick, in the charge.
Subordinate depots will be established, under the charge of the constabulary, at other places on the western coast, as the necessity for taking such a step may become apparent.
Their Lordships desire that it may be fully understood that even at those places at which government depots will be established for the sale of food, the depots will not be opened while food can be obtained by the people from private dealers at reasonable prices; and that even when the depots are opened, the meal will, if possible, be sold at such prices as will allow of the private trader selling at the same price with a reasonable profit.
The Relief Commission ceased on the 15th ultimo, since which period Commissary-General Sir Randolph Routh has continued to transact such business as required immediate attention; and, considering the experience which has been acquired by that officer, and his well-proved ability for the task, their Lordships are of opinion that the duties confided to the Relief Commission during the late operations may with great public advantage be entrusted to Sir Randolph Routh, acting under the authority of the Lord Lieutenant, and in constant communication with this Board.
Their Lordships have taken steps to procure the early arrival in this country, from the stations where they are employed abroad, of a sufficient number of well qualified commissariat officers, not only to take charge of the depots which it has been determined to retain, but also, under the orders of Sir Randolph Routh, to communicate with the local relief committees, and to afford, through him, to Her Majesty's Government, correct information as to the state of the districts in which they will be stationed.
Measures have also been taken for strengthening the Board of Works, to enable it to meet the coming emergency, on which subject a separate communication will this day be made to the Board of Works, and his Excellency the Lord Lieutenant.
Transmit a copy of this Minute to Mr. Redington, and request that he will move the Lord Lieutenant, if he shall concur therein, to give the necessary directions in regard to such of the arrangements as more immediately depend upon his Excellency for carrying them into effect.
Also transmit a copy to the Commissioners of Public Works, and to Commissary-General Sir Randolph Routh, for their information and guidance.
* * * * *
Dublin Castle, 5th October, 1846.
"Sir—I am directed by the Lord Lieutenant to inform you that His Excellency has had under his consideration the various representations which have been made to him of the operation of the Poor employment Act, and of the difficulty of finding, in the greater number of baronies, public works upon which it would be expedient or beneficial to expend money to the extent requisite for affording employment to the people during the existence of the present distress; and with a view of obviating the bad effects of a great expenditure of money in the execution of works comparatively unproductive, he desires that the Commissioners of Public Works will direct the officers acting under them, in the respective counties, to consider and report upon such works of a reproductive character and permanent utility as may be presented, in the manner hereinafter mentioned, at any Sessions held under the above Act; and His Excellency will be prepared to sanction and approve of such of those works as may be recommended by the Board, and so presented, in the same manner as if they had been strictly 'public works,' and presented as such in the manner required by the Act.
"1. The Presentment Sessions will estimate the sum which it may be necessary to raise off the barony for the purpose of affording employment.
"2. They will also ascertain the proportion of such assessment, which, according to the last poor law valuation may be chargeable upon each electoral division of an union or portion of an electoral division (if the whole shall not be included) in the barony; and they will obtain for this purpose, from the clerk of each poor law union, a copy of such valuation.
"3. They will present for such useful and profitable works to be executed in each electoral division, to the amount of its proportion of the assessment ascertained as above.
"In the case of drainage, however, and subsoiling, so far as it shall be connected with drainage, an undertaking shall be given in writing, and transmitted with the presentments by the person or persons whose lands are proposed to be drained (being 'proprietor' in the terms of the Act 5 and 6 Vic., chap. 89), stating that the money so to be expended shall be a charge exclusively on the lands so to be improved, and be levied from the same, according to an award made by the Commissioners, as under the last mentioned Act and its amendments.
"His Excellency wishes it to be further understood that, in case these regulations are not acted upon, and the portions of the assessment which would be leviable from each electoral division, are not presented to be expended on some work, within such division, the proceedings at such Sessions must be considered with strict reference to the provisions of the 9th and 10th Victoria, cap. 107.
"His Excellency considering also that many baronies have already held Sessions under that Act, to which baronies the opportunity of making applications in the manner now prescribed has not been afforded, it is his desire that all works already sanctioned in these baronies, or applied for, and which it may become requisite to sanction in order to afford continued employment, shall be proceeded with until other Sessions may be conveniently held in such baronies.
"His Excellency, in taking upon himself the responsibility, under the urgent circumstances of the case, of inviting the magistrates and cess-payers to provide employment for the people by the execution of useful and reproductive works, confidently trusts, with their assistance and the blessing of the Almighty on their united exertions, that the calamity with which it has pleased Providence to afflict Ireland may yet in its results become conducive to the production of a greater abundance of human food from the soil, and to the future permanent improvement of the country, I have the honour to be, sir, your obedient servant.
The Chairman of the Board of Public Works."
Abbeystrowry, Churchyard of, 277. Aberdeen, Lord, 93. Absenteeism, 39; Mr. M'Cullagh's views on, 40; tax on, 107, 249, 327, 395, 396; Note A, 524. Achill, 32; deputations from, 222 (note). Act to allow Catholics to testify allegiance, 43. Acts to employ Irish people, 117, 168. Adair, Mr. A. Shafto (now Lord Waveney), 418. Agriculture, 11. Aldridge, Dr., on Soyer's soups, 432. Alms, a poor man's, 120 (note). American Ships, 513. Analysis of 500 letters, 67. Anti-Corn Law League, 78. Arranmore, 397. Assemblies of the people, 119. Assflesh used as food, 390 (note), 391. Assizes of 1741, 19. Association, British, 509.
Bailiff, or Driver, reply of, 120, 263 (note). Ballinrobe, 454. Ballydehob, 401, 408. Banks, Sir Joseph, 4, 5, 6. Bantry, 412, 416, 417; workhouse of, 417, 418. Baker, John Wynne, 28, 29. Barry, Rev. Mr., 413, 415, 416. Baronies, Loans to, 217. Barren Works an error, 244. Batatas, Spanish name for potato, 3. Beaufort, Dr., 44. Belfast, 367, 368. Bentinck, Lord George, 104, 116, 301, 333 (note), 335, 336, 337, 338, 339, 340, 341, 342, 343, 344, 346, 347, 355, 356; on threat of resignation, 357; division on his Railway bill, 359, 361, 362. Berkeley, Right Rev. Dr., 23. Bernard, Lord, 262. Bessborough, Earl of, 132, 246. Bianconi, Mr., 355, 356. Bingham, Lord, 109. Bishop, Commissary, 407. Blake, Right Rev. Dr., 119. Blight, first appearance of, 48, 49; of 1850, 50, 51; of 1845, 51, 52; loss by, in 1845, 63; made a party question, 71; Blight of 1846, 151, 152, 153; Supposed cause of, 154, 155. Board of Health, Report of, 481. Board of Works, 158, 221; delays of, 257, 261, 338, 339. Bogs, reclamation of, 43. Boulter, Primate, 13, 35, 39. Boundaries, Change of, 245. Boyle, 394. Bread riot in Dublin, 18. Bristol barrel, Capacity of, 29. Brougham, Lord, 101 (note), 295, 296. Buckland, Mr., 2. Buller, Mr., 88. Burgoyne, Sir John, 406. Burke, Study, 223 (note.). Butler, Lord James, 510. Byrne, James (his case), 386.
Cabinet Councils, 91, 94, 95, 97. Caffin, Commander, of the Scourge, 402; his letter, 403. Caheragh, 233. Cape Clear, 399. Cashel, 455. Castle Oliver, 29 (bis). Catholics, The, 45. Celts, The, cultivate the potato, 11, 36, 37. Census, The, of 1821, 33. Cessation of rot, 68. Chancellor of the Exchequer, 350, 360. Charters to Sir W. Raleigh, 4. Children, clothing and rations to, 511. Civil bill ejectments, 113. Clare Abbey, State of, 207. Clare, County, 268, 365, 366. Clare, Lord, 36. Clarendon Street Chapel, inscription on, 45 (note). Clergy, Letters of, from various localities, 64. Clinton, Lord R., 510. Cloncurry, Lord, Letter of, 160. Clusius, 5, 6. Cobden, Mr. R., 79, 80, 116, 122. Coercion Bill, 109, 112, 116. Coffins, 257, 266, 267, 401; Hinged, 418. Commercial restraints, 37. Commissioners of Health, 474, 475. Committee, General, 509; General Central Relief, 511. Committees, Local, 209. Committee, London Tavern, 31. Commissariat Relief Office, 221, 223. Conduct of the people, 395, 402, 414, 450, 457, 460, 473. Cooper, Mr., Markree Castle, 156. Coracles (fishing boats), 396, 397. Cork, 22, 368, 410, 411, 479. Corn in the haggards, 252. Corn Laws, 76, 81, 82, 105; Repeal of, 116. Corporation of Dublin, 53, 70. Corporation of London, Address of, to the Queen, 71. Cox, Sir Richard, Crowbar Brigade, 47. Crowley, Dr., 408. Cummins, Mr. J.P., 273. Curl. Disease in the potato, 30 (note).
Days' work system, 209. Dead, The, among the living, 272. Deaths, 22, 107, 266, 383, 390, 479. Debate, two days', in Conciliation Hall, 139 et seq.; its character, 146 (note). De Bry, 5. Depots of Meal, 225, 226. Deputation to Lord Lieutenant, 55. Desmonds, The, 6, 13. Devon, Lord, Report of, 115; on Public Works, 160, 299, 485. Dickens, Charles, on the Irish Famine, 516, 517. Dinner given away, 414. "Disgrace to Christianity," 113. Dismissals from Public Works, 424, 448, 451, 452, 454, 455. Distress said to be exaggerated, 201, 214. D'Israeli, Mr. B., on Sir Robert Peel, 81 (note), 110, 111, 302 (note). Dobree, Commissary-General, 224. Donegal, 395. Donovan (or O'Donovan), Dr., 233, 234, 274, 275; Post mortem examination by, 259; another, 265, 267, 269, 271. Downing, M'Carthy, M.P., 236, 267, 522. Dowse, Baron, 522. Doyle, Rev. Mr., 118. Drake, Sir Francis, 3. Driscoll, Mary, 263, 264. Drought, Great, 18. Duffy, C.G. (Sir), 142. Dublin, Bay of, 24, 480. Dunfanaghy, 396. Dungarvan, 229; Riot at, 231. Dungloe, 397, 398. Dysentery, 478.
Edward's Life of Raleigh, 4 (note). Egan, Mr., 393. Election, General, of 1826, 45. Elective Franchise, 45. Elections, policy of Repealers on, 139. Electoral Divisions, 427. Eleven Measures, The, 136, 151. Emigration, 292, 293, 481, to Peterborough, 483, 484 (note), 485, 486, 487, 488; Mr. Godley's scheme, 488, 489, 490; to be a Catholic Emigration, 490, 492, 494, 495; Deaths among emigrants on voyage, 496, 497; to United States, 498; Mortality, 499; Money sent home, 503, 504. Employees on Public Works, 219. England, 35. English Colony, 37. Enniskillen, 268. Ennistymon, 212. Epidemics, 22. Evelyn, Author of the "Sylva," 2. Evening Mail, Dublin, 72, 74. Evening Packet, Dublin, 73. Evictions, 265, 353, 354, 388, 389. Expenditure, Total, on Famine, 507, 508; Weekly, 219.
Fagan, Mr. J., M.P., on reclamation, 439, 440. Famine, The, 7, 13, 17, 24, 30, 36, 118, 119, 196, 197, 224, 442, 507; Monuments to, 24. Farms, Canting of, 9. Fast, General, 17. Fermoy, 228. Fetherstone, Mr., 444, 445. Fever, 409, 473, 475, 476, 477, 478, 481; Average weekly cost of patients, 481, 482. Finance Committees, 420. Fingal, Lord, on the character of O'Connell, 465. Fitzgerald Mr. (a landlord), 261, 262. Fleming, Michael, 232. Food depots, 121 (note), 170, 223, 227. Food rioters, Shooting down of, 20. Forbes, Dr., on Conversions, 519. Forde, William, 53. Forster, Mr., 391, 395. Forty-shilling Freeholders, 45, 46, 47 (note). Foster, Mr. Campbell (Times' Commissioner), 59, 60, 61. Frost of 1739-40, 14; its effects, 15, 16. Funerals, 272, 303.
Galway, 22. Galwey, Mr., J.P., 233, 235. Gangs of Robbers, 19. Gerarde, 5. Gentlemen Undertakers, 6. Gibson, Rev. C.B., 163. Gilbert, Sir Humphrey, 4. Gladstone, W.E., 98. Glenquin Sessions, 204. Glenties, 397, 398. Government, Action of, 65, 309, 328, 329, 345. Government Grants, 33. Graham, Sir James, 83, 84, 88, 89, 93, 104, 105. Grants, 118. Grattan, H., 345. Gray, Sir John, M.P., 349. Grazing, 9, 11, 12, 13, 21. Gregory, William Henry, 330. Grey, Lord, 97. Griffin, John; value of his furniture, 164. Griffith, Sir R., 444. "Groans of Ireland," 23. Gweedore, 397.
Haliday Pamphlets, 8, 9. Hall, Rev. Traill, 402, 404, 407. Hamilton. Lord Claude, 107. Harding, Lord, 117. Harvests, many bad, 13. Hawkins, Sir John, 3. Hegarty, Jeremiah (his cross), 263. Hennessy, W.M., assault on, 206. Herbert, Sidney, 80, 93. Heriot, Thomas, 4. Hewetson, Commissary-General, 171. Heytesbury, Lord, 75, 85, 88, 90. Higgins, M.J., "Jacob Omnium," 510. Hoare, Dean, 73. Hooker, 7. Hottentot, State of the, 165. House of Lords, 109. Howley, Mr., 231. Hudson, Mr. G., 338, 351, 352. Humphrey, Alderman, 332.
Illustrated London News, 275 (note). Indian Corn, price of, 171, 303; Cargo of, 160. Innishowen West, 268. Ireland, 159, 177, 198, 199, 251, 437, 443. Irish Manufacture, 37, 38. Irish Party, 347, 349.
Jacquet, M., on Soyer's soup, 430, "Jamestown," The, 513. Jones, Lieut.-Colonel, 201, 202, 312, Judges, Partisan, 114.
Kane, Sir Robert, 52. Kells and Fore, Relief Committee of, 181; reasons for re-productive works, 182; Suggestions, ib. 183, 184. Kelly, Mr. (farmer), 262. Kennedy, J.P., 186. Kerry, 269; state of, 409. Killala, Dean of, 442. Killiney Hill, Obelisk on, 24; view from, 25, 26. Kilmacthomas, 229.
Labour Rate Act, 168, 193. Minute on, 169, 173; Fatal blot in, 175, 176, 296; labour the property of the tenant, 114. Labouchere, Mr., 132, 133, 175; Letter of, 194, 245; his defence, 298, 300, 328, 329, 449, 450, 452, 453, 454. Lancet, The, on Soyer's soups, 430. Laing, Mr., 388. Land laws, 113, 114. Landlords, 31, 40, 42, 45, 46, 106, 119, 177, 181, 193, 199, 244, 249, 260, 261, 295, 296, 327, 328, 353, 387, 399, 460. Lansdowne, Lord, 159, 458. Last Sacraments, Administration of, 386, 393, 413. Le Hunt, Mr., 21. Letters, Analysis of, 67, 500. Limerick, 118. Lindley, Professor, 90, 91, 94. Linen Trade, 38. Lists, preparation of, 21, 112. Loan of L8,000,000, 118, 424. London Tavern Committee, 31, 33. Lords, House of, 295. Lord Lieutenant, deputation to, 55; his reply, 56; deputation bowed out, 203. Loss by Blight of 1845, 69.
Macaulay, T.B., 113. Mansion House Committee, 33. "Macedonian," The, 513. Macroom, 233, 236. Maginn, Rt. Rev. Dr., on Emigration Scheme, 494. Mallow, 164, 165, 228. Malpas, John, 26. Malta, Comptroller at, mill-power there, 240. Marsh, Sir Henry, on Soup, 433, 434. Mathew, Rev. Theobald, 410, 411. Maryborough, 268. Mayo, Co., 203, 268, 269, 300, 385, 386, 387. M'Culloch, J.R., 40. M'Evoy, Rev. Dr., 51. M'Hale, Edmund (his case), 270. M'Kennedy, Denis, inquest on, 257, 258, 259. M'Loughlin, Patrick (his case), 269, 270. M'Namara, Major, 210. M'Neill, Rev. Hugh, 515. Meagher, T.F., 134, 143, 144, 145. Mealmongers, 222. Memorandums, Sir R. Peel's to his Cabinet, 91, 93, 95, 96. Millet, Mr., 212, 213. Mill-power, 237, 238, 239, 240, 242. Milltown, Lord, letter of, 137. Misrepresentation of Blight, 202. Mitchel, John, 142, 143, 146. Monsell, Mr. (now Lord Emly), 188, et seq. Monteagle, Lord, 197, 198, 204. Moore, G.H., 315. Moore, Rev. Wm.P., 118, 178,179. Moral Force, 147, 148. Morning Chronicle, 118, 199, 200, 266. Motion for a Committee on the state of Ireland, 108. Mountcashel, Lord, 228. Mount Gabriel, 401. Mulock, Mr. Thomas, on the Emigration Scheme, 493. Murray, Sir James, 63.
Naremberga, a name for the potato, 5. Nation, The (Dublin. Newspaper), 147. Navigation Laws, 10. Newry, 119. New York, Committee on Emigration at, 498, 500; Report, 500; Witnesses, 500, 501, 502. Notices, Threatening, 232.
Obelisk at Castletown, 16; at Killiney, 25, 26. O'Brien's bridge, 256. O'Brien, Mr. C., M.P., 210, 211. O'Brien, Sir Lucius, 29. O'Brien, Stafford, 104. O'Brien, Wm. Smith, 105, 106, 134, 139, 297, 308 (note), 326, 344, 347, 348, 449; his imprisonment (Note B.), 540. O'Connell, 45; his plan to meet the Famine, 53, 105, 110, 111; Remarkable speech of, 112, 134, 135, 136, 137, 184, 187; his death, and character, 460, 461, 462, 463, 464, 465, 466, 467, 468, 469. O'Connell, John, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145. O'Connor, Rev. B., statement of, 274. Old Ireland, 138. Opanawk, a name for the potato, 5. Osborne, Mr. Bernal, 326, 344, 350. O'Sullivan, Archdeacon, 519. Overseers, 205.
Palmerston, Lord, 133. Pamphlets, Haliday, 8, 9. Papas, a name for the potato, 6. Parliament, 293. Parliamentary Papers, 506. Parnell, Sir Henry, 43, 44. Peace Resolutions, The, 138; interpretation of, 142. Peel, Sir Robert, 58, 76, 77, 78 (bis), 80, 81, 82, 84, 86, 89, 91; differences in his Cabinet, 93; Reasons for not resigning, 94; resigns, 97, 99, 100, 102, 103, 109, 110; defeated, 116, 117; speech on resignation, 122, 123; death of, 124; character, 124, et seq., 149, 160, 304, 324, 345, 354, 355, 356. Penal Laws, 21. Pensions to Apostate Priests, 44. Perceval, Captain, 242. Pigot, Sir Hugh, 408. "Pits," The (large graves), 278. Playfair, Professor, 90, 91, 94. Poor Laws, 458. Potato (Sweet), 3; Potato of Virginia, 3, 5, 10, 12, 27, 28, 29, 32, 34, 36; 458, 476 (two years old). "Potato Mirage," 119 (note); price of, 119; value of whole crop, 153; failure said to be exaggerated, 201; value of whole crop, 300. Power, "Lame Pat," 229. Prior, Mr. Thomas, 39. Proclamation, Proceeding by, 88. Protectionists, 100. Public Subscriptions, 509, 523. Public Works, Commissioners of, 118; Close of, for 1846, 216; increase of Labourers on, 218, 424; cost of, ib.
Quarter Acre "Gregory" Clause, 331; Division on, 333. Quarterly Review, 87. Queen Elizabeth, The name "Virginia" given in her honour, 5, 34. Queen's Speech, 99, 166, 294; letters, 510. Quern, The Irish, 241. Quito, 6, 36.
Railroads, 245, 335, 337, 338, 339, 340, 341, 351, 352, 361. Raleigh, Sir Walter, 2, 3, 4, 6; grants of land to him, 6, 7 (note), 27. Rations, Quantity and quality of, 426, 499. Reclamation of the waste lands, 436, 438, 439, 442, 443, 444, 445, 450. Redington, Mr., 132. Red man, State of, 165 (note). Relapse, 481. Relief Bill of 1829, 46. Relief Commissioners, 422, 446, 447, 458, 459, 460, 469; money issued, 469; numbers relieved, 470, 471; expenses, 471, 472. Relief Lists, Numbers on, 219, 220. Religious view of the potato blight, 514, 515, 516. Rents, 21, 40, 41. Repeal Association, 106, 137. Report of Professors Lindley and Playfair, 69. Reproductive Works, 244. Resignation of the people, 207 (note). Resolutions of Mansion House Committee, 65, 66. Resolutions, The Peace, 138. Robbers, Gangs of, 19. Roebuck, Mr., M.P., 344. Rot partially ceases, 68. Rotation of Crops, 12. Rotunda, Great Meeting at, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290. Routh, Sir B., 180, 197, 226. Royal Agricultural Society, 52, 88, 246, 252, 253, 254, 255. Russell, Lord John, 97, 109, 116, 131, 132, 149, 150, 162, 163, 167; letter to Duke of Leinster, 247; Puzzling, 250, 251, 304; why there was not an Autumn Session, 304; Irish Measures, 305, 300, 307, 308, 312, et seq., 344, 345; Meeting at his house, 346, 358; Verdict of wilful murder against him, 416, 417; on the Emigration Scheme, 425.
Savings' Banks, Deposits in, 214; Explained, 215. Scarlet, Mr., 408. Scotland, Potato Blight in, 248. Scrope, Mr. Poulett, M.P., 161 (note); on reclamation, 325, 440, 441. Scurvy, 482. Seed for next year, 85, 94. Senior, Nassau William, 518. Shannon, Great Flood in, 31. Shaw, Mr., M.P., 104. Sheil, R.L., 132. Sibthorpe, Captain, 231. Sicca, Peter, 6. Silver, scarcity of, 216. Single drop of blood principle, 147. Skibbereen, 32, 233, 273; visit to, 275, 365, 520. Skull, 399, 400, 407. Slave Owners, Money granted to, 162. Sligo, Marquis of, 228, 315. Smerwick, 3. Society of Friends, 368, 391, 393; Committee, 512. Soup, Definition of, 423, 427. Soup Kitchens, 311, 314, 315. Soyer, M., 428, 429, 430, 434, 435, 436. Staff of Board of Works, 338. Stanley, Lord, 94, 296. Steele, Tom, 143. Stephenson, 338. St. Germans, Lord, 109. Strezelecki, Count, 391, 392, 393. Stuart de Decies, Lord, 162 (note), 236. Sullivan, Mick, 164. Sullivan's, Case of the, 271. Sweet Potato, 3. Swelling of the Extremities, 272. Swift, Jonathan, 12, 41. Swinford, 479.
Taratoufle, a name for the potato, 5. Task Work, 205, 206 (note), 208, 209. Taxes on Property, Partial, 172. Temporary Relief Act, 421, 425, 427. Tenant Right, 115. Tenants, 21. Terlagh Gurranes, Races at, 23. Theodore, King, 162. Theories, Various, on the Blight, 513. Tickets, 213. Times Newspaper, 135, 260. Times Commissioner, 59, 60, 61, 62. Tools, Difficulty of getting, 216. Tory Party, Old, 104. Townsend, Rev. Mr., 260, 302, 303. Tranquillity of Ulster, Cause of it, 115. Treasury Minute, 169, 198 (letter), 423; Note C., 543. Trevelyan, Mr. (now Sir Charles E., Bart.), 171 (note); his proposal, 406. Tuam, State of, 257. Tuke, James H., 165 (note). Twelve nights' debate on the Corn Laws, 102. Tyrone, Lord, 29.
Unions, 427; Grants to, 510. Useless Works, 208.
Vaughan, Right Rev. Dr., 256. Viceroy, Address of, 20. Virginia, 5. Voluntary Subscriptions, 118.
Wages, Rate of, 205. Wakley, Mr., M.P., 162 (note). War Expenditure, 339. Waste Lands, Reclamation of, 184, 185, 186, 324, 325. Weather, 391. Wellington, Duke of, 122. Westport, Deaths at, 228, 393. W.G.'s Letters on Mayo, 385, 386, 387. Whately, Archbishop, 518; His Convert, 518. Wheat, Price of, in 1740, 18. William the Third, 10, 38. Woollen Manufacture, 38. Workhouses, 121. Works, Board of, see Board of Works. Works, unfinished, 204. Wynne, Capt., 206, 207, 210, 365, 366. Wyse, Thomas, 132.
Youghal, 236. Young, Arthur, 27, 28, 41, 44. Young Ireland, 138. Young Irelanders retire from Conciliation Hall, in a body, 145.
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