"The post was in command of Captain Steward, 1st West India Regiment, who had a garrison of 1 officer and 38 non-commissioned officers and men, 1st West India Regiment; and Lieutenant Grant, 6th Regiment, with 102 of the Mumford Company of Russell's Regiment. There were also present two transport officers—Captain North, of the 47th Regiment, and Captain Duncan, R.A.—three surgeons, and two control officers; and in the palace, which was situated in the main street of the long straggling town, and used as a hospital, were 24 European soldiers and sailors, convalescents. The pickets had reported Ashantis in the neighbourhood early in the morning, and had been reinforced; but the village was far too large to be capable of defence by this small garrison; and when, about 8.30 a.m., the place was attacked from all directions by the enemy, they were able to penetrate into it. Captain North, in virtue of his seniority, assumed the command, but while at the head of his men was shot down in the street of the village, and was obliged by severe loss of blood to hand over the command to Captain Duncan, R.A.
"The enemy, as has been said, penetrated into all the southern side of the village, which they set on fire; meanwhile the sick from the hospital were removed to the stockade at the north end of the village, which was cleared as rapidly as possible, the houses being pulled down by the troops and labourers acting under Colonel Colley's order.[63]
"At half-past two, Colonel Colley reported as follows: 'We have now cleared the greater part of the village, preserving the hospital and store enclosure. Difficult to judge of numbers of the Ashantis; they attack on all sides, and occasional ones creep boldly into the village, but generally keep under cover of the thick bush, which in places comes close to the houses.' The firing ceased about 1 p.m.; but on a party going down for water an hour later, they were hotly fired upon. No further attack was made upon the post.
"This attack on Fommanah seriously interfered with the transport arrangements. Hitherto, though a few shots had been fired at different convoys, the panics and difficulties had always been overcome by the energy of the transport officers; but the vigour and strength of this attack frightened the carriers so thoroughly that it was impossible to move them for some days." In this affair the 1st West India Regiment lost one sergeant and five privates wounded, and Russell's irregulars three men wounded.
The Ashantis, although repulsed, still remained in the neighbourhood of Fommanah, and on February 3rd, an escort over a convoy of carriers, consisting of a sergeant and three men of the 1st West India Regiment, was fired upon between Dompoassi and Fommanah, the sergeant and one private being wounded.
The European Brigade pushed on to Coomassie, after several days' hard fighting, entered the Ashanti capital on the evening of the 4th of February, burned it and marched out on the 6th, and arrived at Insarfu on the downward journey on the 9th. Lieutenant-Colonel Johnston, commanding the head-quarters of the 1st West India Regiment at Insarfu, was directed to break up his post, burn the town as soon as all the troops had passed through, and then to follow to Fommanah, where Sir Garnet Wolseley intended remaining a few days, in order to endeavour to arrange a treaty with the Ashantis.
The head-quarter staff left Fommanah on February 14th for Cape Coast, and the European troops being ordered to push on, on account of the commencement of the rains, the 1st West India Regiment was detailed to relieve the 42nd as the rear-guard of the army. On it fell the duty of destroying the fortified posts to the north of the Prah, and the removal of the sick and wounded and stores. Carriers were still so scarce that it was not until the 20th that Essiaman was cleared out and the stockade destroyed, and the three rear companies of the regiment marched into the bridge-head at Prahsu—which, during the advance to Coomassie, had been held by C Company, under Captain Niven—on the 21st. On the 23rd they crossed the Prah, and the bridge was then destroyed.
By the 27th of February all the European regiments had embarked for England, the 2nd West India Regiment was under orders for the West Indies, and upon the 1st West India Regiment fell the duty of garrisoning the colony. Two hundred men were left at Prahsu, where a strong redoubt had been constructed, fifty at Mansu, and the remainder at Cape Coast. On the departure of Sir Garnet Wolseley, on the 4th of March, Colonel Maxwell, of the 1st West India Regiment, administered the government of the Gold Coast.
Previous to the departure of the General the following general order was published:
"(General Order No. 43.)
"Before leaving for England the Major-General commanding wishes to convey to the soldiers of the 1st and 2nd West India Regiments his appreciation of their soldierlike qualities, and of the manner in which they have performed their duties during the recent campaign. Portions of the 2nd West India Regiment have been in every affair in the war, and the regiment generally has undergone fatigue and exposure in a most creditable manner.
"When, owing to the desertion of carriers, the transport difficulties became serious, the men of both these regiments responded most cheerfully to the call made upon them, and, by daily carrying loads, helped to relieve the force from its most pressing difficulties.
"In saying 'good-bye,' the Major-General assures them he will always remember with pride and pleasure that he had the honour of commanding men whose loyalty to their Queen, and whose soldierlike qualities, have been so well proved in the war now happily at an end."
The rains having set in at the Prah, and much sickness prevailing, it was decided to relieve the posts between that river and the coast. In fact, the mortality that had occurred at Prahsu in 1864 showed that West India troops should not be encamped there without urgent necessity; and no such necessity now existed, as the King of Ashanti had agreed to the treaty, which had been left unsettled up to Sir Garnet Wolseley's departure. Captain J.A. Smith, with fifty men of the regiment, escorted the Ashanti chiefs sent down by the king, and arrived at Cape Coast on the 12th of March. On the 18th, H Company marched in from Prahsu, and embarked on the 20th for Sierra Leone in the transport Nebraska, which vessel also conveyed the 2nd West India Regiment to the West Indies. C Company was the last withdrawn from the Prah, arriving at Cape Coast on April 2nd.
It had been most disappointing to the two West India regiments to have been prevented from entering Coomassie, within some twenty-five miles from which their head-quarters were halted. West India regiments rarely have opportunities of seeing active service elsewhere than on the West Coast of Africa; and, although the duties assigned to them in the second phase of the war were most important, holding, as they did, the detached posts from the Prah up to the front, keeping open the communications, protecting the convoys, sick and wounded, and constantly furnishing patrols and escorts, yet they felt it rather hard to have been deprived, in their solitary field for distinguishing themselves, of the honours of fighting beside their European comrades at Amoaful and Ordahsu.
On the return of the regiment from the bush, the fatigues and exposures of the campaign began to have their effect upon both officers and men. In ordinary years, in times of peace, Europeans who are seasoned to tropical service, can serve for twelve months in the deadly climate of West Africa without suffering much loss; but any unusual exposure or hardship is at once followed by an alarming increase of sickness. The 1st West India Regiment was the only corps which, after enduring all the fatigues of a campaign in the most deadly climate in the world, did not enjoy the advantage of a change to a healthier station. Added to this, the season proved to be unusually unhealthy, and that variety of African fever known as "bilious remittent," which can only be distinguished from yellow fever by the fact of its not being contagious, broke out. Sub-Lieutenant L. Burke succumbed to this scourge on March 1st, Lieutenant T. Williams on April 9th, Lieutenant W.S. Elderton on May 10th, and Sub-Lieutenant E.W. Huntingford on June 12th, while Lieutenant-Colonel Maxwell, Lieutenant Clough and Lieutenant Roper, being invalided, died on passage to England, and Captain Butler after arriving in England. In addition to these deaths, eight other officers were invalided, and out of twenty-six officers who were serving with the regiment on the 28th of February, only ten were left in West Africa on the 30th of June.
[Footnote 63: Colonel Colley had arrived at the northern side of the village, from Ahkankuassie, soon after the command had devolved upon Captain Duncan.]
While the regiment had thus been engaged on the Gold Coast, the detachment left at Orange Walk had, in January 1874, had a narrow escape of a brush with the Santa Cruz Indians. On the 2nd of that month, in accordance with a requisition from the magistrate at Orange Walk, Captain F.B.P. White and Lieutenant J.R.H. Wilton, with forty men of the 1st West India Regiment, left that station about noon for Albion Island, in the River Hondo, distant about twelve miles, to demand the restitution of a woman who had been abducted by an armed party of Santa Cruz Indians from a place called Douglas, in British territory. The Hondo was reached about 4.30 p.m., and Captain White, finding a number of Santa Cruz Indians cutting bush, as if for an encampment, on the British side of the river, directed them to accompany him; and crossing to the island in their boats, sent them to tell the chief that he had a message to deliver to him.
On landing on Albion Island it was found that the public ball-room of San Antonio, a large, open, shed-like building peculiar to these Spanish-Indian towns, which was situated on a small hill, was occupied by an armed force of the Indians, about seventy strong. Opposite to them, on the nearest rising ground, the detachment was at once formed up, partly covered by a chapel.
After some time the chief of the Santa Cruz came over to Captain White's party, and inquired what was wanted of him; when he was told that no message could be delivered to him as long as he had an armed party on British soil, and that he must surrender his arms. After some little discussion the chief agreed to do so, provided that they were returned when his men left the island; and, on these terms, ten or eleven rifles were brought in; but while this was being done, a trumpet sounded in the public ball-room, and the Santa Cruz, quickly gathering together, began to load their rifles. The chief, being asked for an explanation of this sudden change, replied that his braves were only cleaning their guns, but at the same moment a sub-chief came up, and loudly declared that the Santa Cruz would not give up their arms.
The troops were rapidly posted in advantageous positions, and Captain White then informed the chiefs that if their men would not lay down their arms they must leave San Antonio at once, first handing over the woman who had been abducted. Some discussion ensued, but Captain White remaining firm, the chiefs agreed to go, and moved their men down to the boats. At the last moment, however, it was discovered that the woman, who was the cause of the expedition, was in one of the boats, and their departure was stopped until she was landed, and given in charge of the troops.
The Santa Cruz now refused to stir, but remained in their boats, which were moored to the bank. It being feared that the Indians were only delaying for reinforcements, thinking to overpower the British in the darkness, Captain White sent Lieutenant Wilton with ten men to give them a peremptory order to push off within a quarter of an hour. The Indians received the message with laughter, asking, "What will you do, if we do not go?" It was now rapidly becoming dark, and the country, wild and savage in itself, was entirely strange to both officers and men. After ten minutes had elapsed, without the Indians giving any sign of departure, Captain White had the "close" sounded, drew in his sentries, and descended towards the boats with fixed bayonets. Upon this the Indians pushed off, and were soon lost to sight in the darkness. The detachment remained under arms all night at San Antonio, and next morning, it having been ascertained that the Indians had retired across the frontier, the troops returned to Orange Walk.
The following letter was forwarded upon this subject:
"HORSE GUARDS, WAR OFFICE, "17th March, 1874.
"The Field-Marshal Commanding-in-Chief has perused the report which you forwarded to the Adjutant-General on the 29th of January, of the proceedings of the troops at Orange Walk, in British Honduras, who were called out in aid of the civil power against a band of Santa Cruz Indians in January last, and I am to request that you will cause Captain White, 1st West India Regiment, by whom they were commanded, to be informed that His Royal Highness considers that the discretion and firmness displayed by him in the performance of this difficult duty is very commendable to that officer.
"I have, etc., (Signed) "R.B. HAWLEY, "Asst. Mil. Sec."
In July, 1874, the head-quarters of the regiment were moved from the Gold Coast to Sierra Leone, one company being left in garrison at Cape Coast Castle, and one at Elmina. As in June the two companies stationed in Honduras had, with the one left in Jamaica, been removed to Demerara, the distribution of the regiment in July, 1874, was: Head-quarters and four companies (A, B, C, and H) at Sierra Leone, two (E and G) on the Gold Coast, and three (D, F, and I) in Demerara.
In July, 1875, disturbances once more broke out in British Sherbro. The inhabitants of the town of Mongray, on the river of the same name, in that month made a raid upon Mamaiah, a town on the British frontier, plundered several factories there, and carried off thirty-three British subjects as slaves. Fresh outrages were committed later on, and, on the 8th of October, 1875, Lieutenant-Governor Rowe, C.M.G., with forty men of the 1st West India Regiment, under Sub-Lieutenant G.V. Harrison, and sixty armed police, left Sierra Leone in the colonial steamer Lady of the Lake. The detachment was landed at Bendoo in Sherbro next day. Negotiations were at once opened with the Mongray chiefs, resulting in the surrender of the captives on the 15th, and on the 25th the party returned to Sierra Leone.
Almost immediately after, fresh disturbances broke out in another portion of Sherbro, on the Bargroo River, and, on the 15th of November, Lieutenant-Governor Rowe left Freetown in the colonial steamer Sir A. Kennedy, with Captain A.C. Allinson, Lieutenants J.H. Jones, and A.S. Roberts, and ninety men of the 1st West India Regiment, fifty armed police, a 4-2/5-inch howitzer, and a rocket-trough. The disturbance arose from a raid of Mendis upon villages in British territory, thirteen of which they plundered and destroyed, afterwards erecting a "war-fence" at a place called Paytaycoomar, in British Sherbro. Here the Commandant of Sherbro, Mr. Darnell Davis, attacked them with a few policemen, and was repulsed with a loss of three killed and several wounded, himself severely.
The expedition, on arriving at Sherbro, established a camp at Tyama Woroo in Bargroo, and all preparations for an advance being completed by the 27th of November, the troops marched on that day, occupying Mosangrah on the 30th. On the 3rd of December, Lowarnar, a town to the eastward, was entered, and on the 5th a move was made on the stockaded town of Gundomar, which was abandoned by the enemy on the approach of the force. The dead body of one of the captives taken from British Sherbro, recently strangled, was found in the stockade, and the town was accordingly burned.
On the 6th the force advanced on Moyamba, which was also found to be evacuated by the enemy, and was burned. On the 9th the troops left Moyamba and marched to Yahwi-yamah, which was also destroyed, with the outlying stockaded villages of Mocorreh, Bettimah and Mangaymihoon. On the 10th Modena was destroyed, and the force marched through Mowato and Geeavar to Sennehoo, arriving there on the 16th. To this latter town several of the chiefs came in to treat, bringing 212 of the captives with them, and on the 18th a treaty of peace was arranged, the Mendis promising to pay a fine of 10,000 bushels of rice. The troops returned to Sierra Leone on the 24th of December.
The country through which the detachment of the 1st West India Regiment had marched was most difficult. It consisted of dense forest, through which the only advance could be made along narrow paths, wide enough only for the passage of men in single file, and obstructed by fallen trees, swamps, and unbridged streams. Numerous swamps, black and full of malaria, had to be crossed, and, though the noon-day sun was excessively hot, the nights, owing to excessive damp, were very cold. Heavy showers of rain fell almost daily, and from sunset till an hour after sunrise the whole country was buried in an impenetrable fog.
The stockades were of the same character as those found at Mongray, but were here in some instances further fortified by mud walls, fifteen feet high, and about twelve feet thick at the base. Inside the walls were ditches about six feet wide and eight feet deep. In some of the towns, machicoulis galleries had been constructed over the gates, and the entrances further protected by semicircular mud bastions.
In March, 1877, the 1st West India Regiment was relieved on the West Coast of Africa by the 2nd West India Regiment, E and G Companies embarking in H.M.S. Simoom, at Cape Coast Castle, on the 24th of February, and the head-quarters, with A, B, C, and H Companies, at Sierra Leone on the 3rd of March. On arriving at the West Indies the regiment was thus distributed: Head-quarters, with A, D, E, and I Companies, at Jamaica, C and F at Honduras, G and H at Barbados, and B at Nassau.
During its three years' tour of West African service the regiment had suffered very heavy loss amongst the officers. In addition to the eight deaths that occurred in 1874, directly after the Ashanti war, Captain W. Cole died in Ireland of fever contracted on the Gold Coast; Lieutenant-Colonel Strachan and Sub-Lieutenant Turner in England; and Sub-Lieutenants S.B. Orr and G.V. Harrison at Sierra Leone in 1876.
The regiment remained without change in the West Indies until December, 1879, when the head-quarters and six companies embarked in H.M.S. Tamar for West Africa, leaving D, E, and I Companies at the depot at Demerara. The head-quarters and four companies disembarked at Sierra Leone on the 17th of January, 1880, and the two remaining companies proceeded to Cape Coast Castle.
In February, 1880, there being some slight disturbance in the neighbourhood of the Ribbie River, a small party of the 1st West India Regiment proceeded thither as an escort to the Governor, with Lieutenants Madden and Tipping. The whole returned to Sierra Leone without any casualty, after an absence of a few weeks.
On the 28th of January, 1881, news was received at Sierra Leone that the Ashanti king, Mensah, had threatened an invasion of the Gold Coast Colony, and a reinforcement was urgently demanded. In consequence, Captain H.W. Pollard, 1st West India Regiment, commanding the troops on the West Coast of Africa, despatched to Cape Coast Castle next day in the mail steamer Cameroon letter B Company, under Captain Ellis, and letter H Company, under Lieutenant Garland. These two companies arrived at their destination on the 2nd of February, and on the 9th the former proceeded to Anamaboe. This rapid arrival of reinforcements induced the king to repudiate the action of his envoys, but affairs were still in a very critical situation, and much alarm prevailed in the colony. Early in March, Lieutenant-Colonels Niven and Smith and Major White arrived from England, bringing with them letter A Company from Sierra Leone. On the 18th of March, five companies of the 2nd West India Regiment arrived in the hired transport Humber. Negotiations were protracted till April, when an embassy arrived from Coomassie, and the difficulty was finally settled. On the 2nd of May, the head-quarters, with A, F, and G Companies, returned to Sierra Leone, leaving B, C, and H at Cape Coast Castle and Anamaboe. In February, 1882, C Company also proceeded to Sierra Leone.
It was intended at the termination of the African tour of the regiment, in January, 1883, to reduce the garrisons in West Africa from six to three companies, and the steamship Bolivar was chartered to carry out the relief in two trips. That vessel, however, was wrecked off the Cobbler's Reef, at Barbados, and H.M.S. Tyne was sent in her place. The latter embarked H Company at Cape Coast Castle on the 6th of February, 1883, and F and G Companies at Sierra Leone on the 14th, all three proceeding to Jamaica under the command of Major C.J.L. Hill. On the return of the Tyne to West Africa with three companies of the 2nd West India Regiment, the head-quarters and remaining three companies of the 1st West India Regiment, at Cape Coast Castle and Sierra Leone, were embarked on the 1st and 11th of April respectively, and sailed for Jamaica under the command of Captain Ellis, arriving at their destination on the 28th of April. On the 5th of May, B, G, and F Companies embarked in the Tyne, the first two for Honduras and the third for Nassau. On the conclusion of the inter-island trooping, the Tyne proceeded with the head-quarters and three companies of the 2nd West India Regiment to West Africa, the Government having, in consequence of threatened complications with Ashanti, abandoned their scheme of reducing the African garrisons.
The distribution of the 1st West India Regiment is now (May, 1883): Head-quarters and three companies (A, C, and H) at Jamaica, two (B and G) in Honduras, one (F) in Nassau, and three (D, E, and I) in Demerara.
Major-General John Whyte 24th April, 1795. Lord Charles Henry Somerset 5th January, 1804. Sir Peregrine Maitland, K.C.B 22nd February, 1830. Major-General the Hon. Sir Henry King, K.C.B. 19th July, 1834. Lieutenant-General Sir William Nicolay, K.C.H. 30th November, 1839. Lieutenant-General Sir Henry F. Bouverie, K.C.B., G.C.M.G 13th May, 1842. Lieutenant-General Sir G.H. Bromley Way 21st November, 1843. General Sir George Thomas Napier, K.C.B. 29th February, 1844. Lieutenant-General Sir George Bowles, K.C.B. 9th September, 1855. General Sir Arthur Borton, K.C.B 2nd May, 1876.
1. Leeds Booth 23rd May, 1795 { From Brevet-Major, { 32nd Foot.
2. George Rutherford 30th Dec., 1797 { From Major, 27th Foot, { vice Booth to 87th { Regiment.
3. James Maitland 22nd April, 1803 { From 60th by purchase, { vice Rutherford, who { retires.
4. Alexander Cumine 20th March, 1804 { From 75th Foot, vice { Maitland, who exchanges.
5. C.D. Broughton 21st April, 1804 { By purchase, vice { Cumine, who retires.
6. Samuel Huskisson 2nd June, 1807 { From Major, 8th Foot, { without purchase, on { establishment of a second { Lieutenant-Colonelcy.
7. Benjamin D'Urban 29th Sept., 1807 { From 9th Garrison { Battalion, vice { Huskisson, who exchanges.
8. John Irving 9th Jan., 1808 { From 2nd West India { Regiment, vice D'Urban, { who exchanges.
9. George H. Duckworth 16th Jan., 1808 { From Major, 67th { Foot, by purchase, vice { Irving, who retires.
10. Henry Tolley 27th Feb., 1808 { From Major, 71st { Foot, without purchase, { vice Broughton, { cashiered.
11. W.S. Wemyss 18th June, 1808 { From 48th Foot, vice { Duckworth, who exchanges.
12. Joseph Morrison 2nd Dec., 1809 { From Major, 89th { Foot, with purchase { vice Tolley, appointed { to 16th Foot.
13. Jonathan Yates 21st July, 1810 { From Major, 47th { Foot, by purchase, vice { Wemyss, who retires.
14. Clement Whitby 16 July, 1811 { From Major, 17th { Foot, with purchase, { vice Morrison, { appointed to 89th Foot.
15. J.M. Clifton 10th Sept., 1814 { Without purchase, vice { Yates, appointed to { 49th Foot.
(Lieutenant-Colonel Clifton retired, Jan. 23rd 1819, and the second Lieutenant-Colonelcy was abolished.)
16. James Cassidy 12th Dec., 1822 { By purchase, vice { Whitby, who retires.
17. Francis Frye Brown 12th Jan., 1824 { From half-pay, 6th { West India Regiment, { vice Cassidy, who { exchanges.
18. Richard Doherty 6th Dec., 1827 { From half-pay, vice { Brown, who retires.
19. William Bush 4th Sept., 1835 { From half-pay, vice { Doherty, appointed to { 89th Foot.
20. Henry Capadose 22nd April, 1836 { Without purchase, on { re-establishment of a { second { Lieutenant-Colonelcy.
21. Edward Rowley Hill 1st Jan., 1847 { Without purchase, vice { Bush, appointed { Inspecting Field Officer { of a recruiting district.
22. Robert Hughes 14th April, 1848 { Vice Capadose, { deceased.
23. Fred. Aug. Wetherall 1st May, 1855 { From Major, 3rd West { India Regiment, by { purchase, vice Hughes, { who retires.
24. Luke Smyth O'Connor 21st Sept., 1855 { Without purchase, vice { Hill, appointed to a { Provisional Depot { Battalion.
25. Edward Last 24th Nov., 1857 { From Brevet { Lieutenant-Colonel, 99th { Foot, vice Wetherall, { deceased.
26. Henry Dunn O'Halloran 23rd March, 1858 { From Brevet { Lieutenant-Colonel, { Depot Battalion, vice { Last, appointed to 21st { Foot.
27. Augustus William Murray 16th March, 1860{ Without purchase, vice { O'Halloran, retired { upon full pay.
28. Bowland Moffatt 4th March, 1862 { From half-pay, vice { O'Connor, who retires { upon half-pay.
29. James Travers 4th March, 1862 { Without purchase, vice { Murray, who retires { upon half-pay on being { appointed { Deputy-Adjutant-General, { Windward and Leeward { Islands.
30. James Shortall Macauley 29th July, 1862 { Without purchase, vice { Travers, retired on full { pay.
31. William M'Bean 18th Dec., 1866 { By purchase, vice { Moffatt, who retires.
32. G. Nigel K.A. Yonge 3rd April, 1867 { From half-pay, late { 67th Foot, vice { Macauley, who retires on { half-pay.
33. Henry Anton 8th June, 1867 { Without purchase, vice { M'Bean, who retires.
34. James Maxwell 17th Aug., 1870 { From half-pay, late { 34th Foot, vice Yonge, { who retires on half-pay.
35. J.M. M'Auley 4th Oct., 1871 Vice Anton, deceased.
36. W.W.W. Johnston 24th Dec., 1873 { Vice M'Auley, who { retires.
37. W.H.P.F. Strachan 15th April, 1874 { Vice Maxwell, deceased.
38. Knox Rowan Niven 24th March, 1877 { Vice Strachan, { deceased.
39. Joseph Alexander Smith 29th Jan., 1879 Vice Johnston, retired.
40. F.B.P. White 4th March, 1882 Vice Niven, retired.
1795 (June). Head-quarters and 8 companies at Martinique.
1798 (December). Head-quarters and 6 companies at Morne Fortune, St. Lucia. 2 companies at Maboya, St. Lucia.
1801 (July). Head-quarters and 8 companies at Martinique.
1802 (January). Head-quarters and 6 companies at Martinique. 2 companies at St. Vincent.
1802 (July). Head-quarters and 6 companies at St. Vincent. 1 company at Martinique. 1 company at Antigua.
1802 (October). Head-quarters and 8 companies at St. Vincent.
1803 (April). Head-quarters and 6 companies at St. Vincent. 2 companies at Grenada.
1804 (May). Head-quarters and 6 companies at Dominica. 1 company at St. Vincent. 1 company at Grenada.
1807 (January). Head-quarters and 6 companies at Barbados. 3 companies at Grenada. 1 company at Tobago.
1807 (November). Head-quarters and 10 companies at Barbados.
1808 (January). Head-quarters and 6 companies at Barbados. 3 companies at Antigua. 1 company at Tobago.
1808 (October). Head-quarters and 9 companies at Barbados. 1 company at Tobago.
1809 (February). Head-quarters and 8 companies at Martinique. 2 companies at Barbados.
1809 (June). Head-quarters and 6 companies at Trinidad. 2 companies at Martinique. 2 companies at Barbados.
1809 (August). Head-quarters and 10 companies at Trinidad.
1814 (March). Head-quarters and 4 companies at Martinique. 4 companies at St. Lucia. 2 companies at Dominica.
1814 (July). Head-quarters and 8 companies at Guadaloupe. 1 company at Marie-Galante. 1 company at St. Martin's.
1814 (December). Head-quarters and 10 companies at New Orleans.
1815 (February). Head-quarters and 10 companies at Barbados.
1815 (August). Head-quarters and 6 companies at Barbados. 4 companies at Guadaloupe.
1815 (December). Bermuda.
1816 (March). Head-quarters and 10 companies at Barbados.
1816 (November). Head-quarters and 3 companies at Antigua. 1 company at Montserrat. 2 companies at St. Christopher's. 2 companies at St. Lucia. 2 companies at Dominica. — 10 ==
1819 (January). Head-quarters and 3 companies at Barbados. 2 companies at Antigua. 2 companies at St. Lucia. 2 companies at Dominica. 1 company at Tobago. — 10 ==
1821 (October). Head-quarters and 3 companies at Barbados. 1 company at Demerara. 1 company at Tobago. 1 company at St. Lucia. 1 company at Dominica. 1 company at Antigua. — 8 ==
1823 (May). Head-quarters and 4 companies at Barbados. 1 company at Demerara. 1 company at St. Lucia. 1 company at Dominica. 1 company at Antigua. — 8 ==
1823 (September). Head-quarters and 2 companies at Barbados. 3 companies at Demerara. 1 company at St. Lucia. 1 company at Dominica. 1 company at Antigua. — 8 ==
1824 (October). Head-quarters and 5 companies at Barbados. 1 company at St. Lucia. 1 company at Dominica. 1 company at Antigua. — 8 ==
1825 (February). Head-quarters and 4 companies at Trinidad. 1 company at Barbados. 1 company at St. Lucia. 1 company at Dominica. 1 company at Antigua. — 8 ==
1826 (February). Same as in 1825, with the addition of a recruiting company at Sierra Leone.
1827 (January). Head-quarters and 3 companies at Trinidad. 1 company at Barbados. 1 company at St. Lucia. 1 company at Dominica. 1 company at Antigua. 1 company at Grenada. 1 company at Sierra Leone. — 9 ==
1834 (May). Head-quarters and 2 companies at Trinidad. 1 company at Barbados. 1 company at St. Lucia. 1 company at Dominica. 1 company at Antigua. 1 company at Grenada. 1 company at Tortola. 1 company at Sierra Leone. — 9 ==
1837 (December). Head-quarters and 5 companies at St. Lucia. 1 company at Trinidad. 1 company at Tobago. 1 company at Demerara. 1 company at St. Vincent. 1 company at Sierra Leone. — 10 ==
1839 (December). Head-quarters and 2 companies at Demerara. 3 companies at Barbados. 1 company at Trinidad. 1 company at Tobago. 1 company at St. Lucia. 1 company at St. Vincent. 1 company at Grenada. 1 company at Dominica. 1 company at Antigua. 1 company at Sierra Leone. — 13 ==
1840 (September). Head-quarters and 2 companies at Demerara. 2 companies at Barbados. 1 company at Trinidad. 1 company at Tobago. 1 company at St. Vincent. 1 company at Grenada. 1 company at Dominica. 1 company at Sierra Leone. — 10 ==
1843 (November). Head-quarters and 5 companies at Demerara. 2 companies at Sierra Leone. 1 company at Grenada. 1 company at Tobago. 1 company at St. Vincent. — 10 ==
1844 (June). (Head-quarters) Grenadier, No. 8 and No. 5 at Demerara = 3 companies. Light and No. 1 at Jamaica = 2 No. 2 at Trinidad = 1 No. 3 at Dominica = 1 No. 4 at Sierra Leone = 1 No. 6 at Grenada = 1 No. 7 at Cape Coast = 1 — 10 ==
1845 (March). (Head-quarters) Grenadier, Light, No. 1 and No. 8 at Jamaica = 4 companies. No. 5 at Demerara = 1 No. 2 at Trinidad = 1 No. 3 at Dominica = 1 No. 4 at Sierra Leone = 1 No. 6 at Grenada = 1 No. 7 at Cape Coast = 1 — 10 ==
1846 (June). (Head-quarters) Grenadier, Light, Nos. 1, 3, 6, and 8 at Jamaica = 6 companies. No. 2 at Trinidad = 1 No. 4 at Sierra Leone = 1 No. 5 at Tobago = 1 No. 7 at Cape Coast = 1 — 10 ==
1847 (December). (Head-quarters) Grenadier, Light, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and 8 at Jamaica = 8 companies. No. 4 at Sierra Leone = 1 No. 7 at Cape Coast = 1 — 10 ==
1848 (August). (Head-quarters) Grenadier, Nos. 3, 4, 6, and 7 at Jamaica = 5 companies. Light and No. 8 at Nassau = 2 No. 1 at Honduras = 1 No. 5 at Sierra Leone = 1 No. 2 at Cape Coast = 1 — 10 ==
1849 (March). (Head-quarters) Grenadier, No. 3 and No. 6 at Jamaica = 3 companies. Light, No. 7, and No. 8 at Nassau = 3 No. 1 and No. 4 at Honduras = 2 No. 5 at Sierra Leone = 1 No. 2 at Cape Coast = 1 — 10 ==
1852 (September). (Head-quarters) Grenadier, No. 3, and No. 6 at Jamaica = 3 companies. Light, No. 7, and No. 8 at Nassau = 3 No. 1 at St. Christopher's = 1 No. 4 at Barbados = 1 No. 5 at Sierra Leone = 1 No. 2 at Cape Coast = 1 — 10 ==
1853 (December). (Head-quarters) Grenadier, Light, No. 2, and No. 5 at Jamaica = 4 companies. No. 4 and No. 7 at Barbados = 2 No. 1 at St. Christopher's = 1 No. 8 at Dominica = 1 No. 3 at Sierra Leone = 1 No. 6 at the Gambia = 1 — 10 ==
1855 (December). (Head-quarters) Grenadier, Light, Nos. 2, 5, and 8 at Jamaica = 5 companies. No. 4 and No. 7 at Barbados = 2 No. 1 at Demerara = 1 No. 3 at Sierra Leone = 1 No. 6 at the Gambia = 1 — 10 ==
1856 (December). (Head-quarters) Grenadier, Light, and No. 8 at Jamaica = 3 companies. Nos. 4, 5, and 7 at Barbados = 3 No. 1 at Demerara = 1 No. 3 at Sierra Leone = 1 No. 2 and No. 6 at the Gambia = 2 — 10 ==
1857 (June). (Head-quarters) Grenadier, Light, No. 5 and No. 8 at Nassau = 4 companies. Nos. 1, 3, and 7 at Sierra Leone = 3 Nos. 2, 4, and 6 at the Gambia = 3 — 10 ==
1861 (April). (Head-quarters) Grenadier, Light, Nos. 5, 7, and 8 at Barbados = 5 companies. No. 4 and No. 6 at Demerara = 2 No. 1 and No. 2 at St. Lucia = 2 No. 3 at Trinidad = 1 — 10 ==
1862 (December). (Head-quarters) Grenadier, Light, and No. 1 at Barbados = 3 companies. Nos. 5, 7, and 8 at Honduras = 3 No. 4 and No. 6 at Demerara = 2 No. 2 at St. Lucia = 1 No. 3 at Trinidad = 1 — 10 ==
1863 (July). (Head-quarters) A at Barbados = 1 company. B at St. Lucia = 1 C at Trinidad = 1 D and F at Demerara = 2 companies. E, G, and H at Honduras = 3 — 8 ==
1863 (November). (Head-quarters) A, B, D, and F at Nassau = 4 companies. E, G, and H at Honduras = 3 C at Trinidad = 1 — 8 ==
1864 (April). (Head-quarters) A, D, and F at Nassau = 3 companies. B, E, and G on the Gold Coast = 3 C at Trinidad = 1 H in Honduras = 1 — 8 ==
1864 (October). (Head-quarters) A, D, and F at Nassau = 3 companies. B, C, E, G, and H in Jamaica = 5 — 8 ==
1865 (November). (Head-quarters) A at Nassau = 1 company. B, C, D, E, F, G, and H in Jamaica = 7 companies. — 8 ==
1866 (August). (Head-quarters) A, D, and F at Nassau = 3 companies. B, C, E, G, and H in Jamaica = 5 — 8 ==
1867 (January). (Head-quarters) A, B, E, F, D, and G at Sierra Leone = 6 companies. H and C at the Gambia = 2 — 8 == 1868 (August). (Head-quarters) A, B, D, F, and G at Sierra Leone = 5 companies. C and H at the Gambia = 2 E at Cape Coast = 1 — 8 ==
1870 (November). (Head-quarters) A, B, D, E, and G in Jamaica = 5 companies. C and H at Nassau = 2 F and I in Honduras = 2 — 9 ==
1874 (January). (Head-quarters) A, B, C, E, G, and H on the Gold Coast = 6 companies. F and I in Honduras = 2 D in Jamaica = 1 — 9 ==
1874 (July). (Head-quarters) A, B, C, and H at Sierra Leone = 4 companies. E and G at Cape Coast = 2 D, F, and I at Demerara = 3 — 9 ==
1877 (April). (Head-quarters) A, D, E, and I at Jamaica = 4 companies. C and F in Honduras = 2 G and H in Barbados = 2 B at Nassau = 1 — 9 ==
1880 (February). (Head-quarters) A, B, H, and F at Sierra Leone = 4 companies. C and G at Cape Coast = 2 D, E, and I in Demerara = 3 — 9 ==
1881 (March). (Head-quarters) A, C, G, and H at Cape Coast = 4 companies. B at Anamaboe = 1 F at Sierra Leone = 1 D, E, and I in Demerara = 3 — 9 ==
1881 (June). (Head-quarters) A, F, and G at Sierra Leone = 3 companies. B, C, and H at Cape Coast = 3 D, E, and I in Demerara = 3 — 9 ==
1882 (March). (Head-quarters) A, C, F, and G at Sierra Leone = 4 companies. B and H at Cape Coast = 2 D, E, and I in Demerara = 3 — 9 ==
1883 (March). (Head-quarters) A and C at Sierra Leone = 2 companies. B at Cape Coast = 1 company. F, G, and H in Jamaica = 3 companies. D, E, and I in Demerara = 3 — 9 ==
1883 (June). (Head-quarters) A, C, and H in Jamaica = 3 companies. B and G in Honduras = 2 D, E, and I in Demerara = 3 F at Nassau = 1 — 9 ==
Abercrombie, J., 79, 82
Allinson, A.C., 279, 290, 318, 337
Alt, Ensign, 279
Anderson, Capt., 52
——, Ensign, 234, 237
Anton, H., 275, 278, 282, 284, 289, 298, 299, 346
Archdale, Lieut., 210
Atkins, R.W., 80
Bale, J.E., 293, 316, 318
Balmer, J., 50
Barlow, E.H., 279
Barne, W.C., 318
Beale-Browne, G.E., 318
Belizario, E. Sergt., 307, 308, 312, 313, 315
Bell, Ensign, 51
——, T., 318
Bentley, Lieut., 197
Bidwell, Pte., 309
Bingham, E.H., 210, 213, 217
Bishop, Surg., 80
Blackwell, N., 119, 120, 121, 123, 124
Bolton, H.F.S., 299, 300
Booth, Leeds, 79, 83, 99, 343
Borton, Sir A., 343
Bourke, J., 263
Bouverie, Sir H.F., 343
Bowles, Sir G., 343
Bravo, A., 278, 279, 284
Brennan, Ensign, 173, 178
Brew, R., 275
Brocklass, H., 183
Broome, W.A., 301
Broughton, C.D., 107, 113, 344
Brown, F.F., 345
——, R., 99
Bulger, C.O., 312
Burdett, G.S., 169
Burke, L., 318, 332
Bush, Lieut., 211
——, W., 194, 196, 197, 198, 199, 202, 203, 207, 345
Butler, D., 79, 82
——, F. le B., 303, 318, 320, 321, 322, 332
Byrne, T., 80, 99
Calder, J., 79
Campbell, N., 100
——, W., 32
Cantrell, D. Sergt. Major, 197
Capadose, H., 176, 177, 209, 345
Carden, J., 50
Cassidy, J., 80, 99, 124, 137, 139, 158, 161, 164, 165, 166, 167, 345
Cave, Ensign, 226
Chads, Major, 173, 200
Chadwick, B., 79, 82
Chamberlayne, W.J., 258, 259
Clarke, Bt. Lieut.-Col., 258
Clerk, A., 50
Clifton, J.M., 344
Clough, H.T., 318, 332
Coffin, E. Pte., 203, 204, 205, 206, 207
Coghlan, A., 80, 89
Cole, W., 293, 318, 340
Collins, F., 148
——, J.P., 50
Connell, F.J., 237
Connor, W., 80, 81, 99
Costello, F., 79, 99
Cotter, E., 79, 83, 99
Craddock, H., 50
Craven, Corporal, 199
Crump, Corporal, 80
Cullen, Ensign, 290, 296
Cumine, A., 343
Cunninghame, T., 79
Dalomel, Lieut., 148, 157
Dalton, Lieut., 80, 100
Darley, C.B., 80, 100
Deane, T., 79
De Winton, Lieut., 210
Dixon, C. Pte., 195, 202
Doherty, R., 345
Downie, H., 138
Duckworth, G.H., 344
D'Urban, B., 344
Duyer, G.H., 275
Edmunds, T., 275
Edwardes, C.G.W.E., 318
Egan, J., 80, 99
Elderton, W.S., 318, 332
Ellis, A.B., 318, 341, 342
Evans, Capt., 179
Fanning, J., 275
Farquhar, Ensign, 51
Fitzgerald, C.L., 261
Fletcher, R. D'O., 237, 239, 240, 242, 244, 246, 263
Fraser, J.A., 275
French, Capt., 210
Froggart, Lieut., 80, 99
Gardner, D., 316
Garland, V.J., 341
Garsia, M.C., 274, 275
Gavin, Lieut., 279, 303
Gillard, Bt. Major, 177
Gillespie, R., 79
Goodinge, H., 80
Graham, W., 80, 99
Grange, Capt., 224
Harris, W.W., 233
Harrison, G.V., 337, 340
Harward, Sub. Lieut., 318
Hemsworth, G., 177
Henderson, Lieut., 250
Henry, Capt., 37
Hill, C.J.L., 293, 301, 318, 324, 342
——, E.R., 345
Hoffer, Pte., 314, 315
Holbrook, T., 83, 100
Horsford, T., 100
Hughes, E., 318, 324, 326
——, R. Lieut.-Col., 187, 345
——, R., 223, 258, 259
Huntingford, E.W., 332
Huskisson, S., 118, 344
Innes, Colonel, 37, 39
Irving, J., 344
Isles, E. Ellis, 148, 157
Johnston, W.W.W., 302, 312, 318, 328, 346
Jones, J.H., 337
——, Lieut., 224
Kenrick, Lieut., 276
Kent, J., 51
King, Sir H., 343
Lafontaine, J. Corporal, 84
Last, E., 345
Leggatt, Lieut., 276
Lightfoot, Lieut., 80, 99
Lindsay, J., 100
Lowe, W., 50
Lowry, A.G., 279, 293
Luke, E.F., 250, 260, 289, 292
Lynch, Lieut., 173
——, R. Pte., 308
Macauley, Capt., 258
——, J.S., 277, 346
McAuley, J.M., 302, 346
McBean, W., 293, 346
M'Callum, Ensign, 80, 99
M'Connell, D., 50
McDonald, A., 148, 157
Macdonald, E.G., 301
M'Grace, D., 80, 100
M'Kay, J.C., 99
Mackay, Lieut., 261
McKenzie, Lieut., 148, 157
Mackrill, Capt., 52
McLean, Lieut., 80, 99
McShee, Lieut., 80, 99
McWilliam, D., 100
——, Lieut., 80, 100
Madden, G.C., 340
Magee, Lieut., 148, 151
Maitland, J., 99, 343
——, Sir P., 343
Malcolm, R., 63, 64, 66, 79, 90
Marraud, C., 100
Marshall, R., 50
Mason, Sergt.-Major, 263
Maturin, Lieut., 303
Mawe, T.G., 261
Maxwell, H., 79
——, J., 318, 320, 329, 332, 346
——, Pte., 314, 315
Meehan, Capt., 220
Meighan, B., 51
Merry, Sergt., 198, 207
Miles, Ensign, 174
Millar, Capt., 52
Miller, C., 99
——, Lieut., 148, 157
Moffatt, B., 346
Moffitt, J., 275
Molony, C.A., 318
Montagu, C., 50
——, G.C., 50
Montgomery, W., 179, 186, 187
Morgan, Lieut., 148, 157
Morris, W. or R.A. Pte., 314, 315
Morrison, John, 80
——, Joseph, 344
Murray, A.W., 228, 229, 232, 261, 266, 267, 271, 272, 273, 275, 346
——, Pte., 314, 315
Myers, Capt., 178
Napier, Sir G. T, 343
Nicholson, T., 275
Nicolay, Sir W., 343
Niven, K.R., 293, 301, 318, 322, 329, 341, 346
Nixon, L., 124
Nunn, A.A., 99, 106, 109, 110, 111, 115
O'Connell, Capt. 105, 106, 107, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116
O'Connor, L.S., 211, 219, 220, 226, 227, 228, 230, 232, 249, 250, 251, 256, 288, 289, 290, 294, 345
Odonnell, Lieut., 50
Ogston, M. Pte., 195 et seq.
O'Halloran, H.D., 345
Oliphant, W., 50
O'Meara, M., 100
Ormsby, W., 261, 293, 297
Orr, S.B., 340
Osborne, S. Pte., 314, 315
Owens, Capt., 276
Page, T., 80
Palmer, R., 50
Petrie, J., 50
Pilkington, Lieut., 148, 157
Plague, Corporal, 198, 207
Pogson, Ensign, 199
Pollard, H.W., 340
Powell, Capt., 221
——, W., 79, 81, 99
Pratt, Bt. Major, 261, 262, 276
Prendergast, Capt., 225
Pye, A.H., 79
Rainford, M., 50
Reed, J., 80, 99
Reid, J., 79
——, W., 80, 99
Roberts, A.S., 337
——, C.T., 80
——, J.C., 99
——, Lieut., 279
Robeson, Capt., 212
Roper, J., 321, 332
Ross, W.J., 289
Rudgley, H., 50
Russell, Ensign, 178
Rutherford, G., 343
Samson, A.M.W., 303, 318
Satchell, W. Pte., 202, 203, 204
Scott, D., 83
Shearman, F., 318, 321, 322
Smith, E., 276
——, Hopewell, 279, 281
——, J.A., 279, 303, 318, 322, 323, 331, 341, 346
——, J.G., 304, 306, 307, 308, 309, 311, 313, 315
——, Lieut., 50
——, Ensign, 51
Smithwick, W. FitzW., 279, 293, 297
Somerset, Lord C.H., 343
Speed, W.J., 99
Spencer, Lce. Corpl., 313, 315
Spitta, H.H., 318, 323
Splain, W., 51
Steward, C.B., 318, 322, 324, 326
Stewart, Capt., 171, 174, 175, 176, 178, 179
——, Ensign, 211
——, J., 79, 99
Stirling, Lce. Corpl., 314, 315
Strachan, W.H.P.F., 234, 237, 240, 246, 290, 318, 340, 346
Strong, Lieut., 173, 177
Sutherland, J., 79, 82
Tell, W. Pte., 315
Temple, A., 261, 275
Thomas, Ensign, 51
Tinkler, J., 318
Tipping, C.W.G., 340
Tolley, H., 131, 344
Torrens, Pte., 202, 203
Travers, J., 346
Tunstall, Lieut., 224
Turner, J.M.S., 340
Upton, Lieut., 228
Way, Sir G.H.B., 343
Wemyss, W.S., 344
Weston, R., 148, 151
Wetherall, F.A., 259
Whitby, C., 141, 168, 344
White, F.B.P., 312, 333, 334, 335, 336, 341, 346
Whyte, J., 77, 99, 343
Wieburg, Lieut., 210
Williams, T., 332
Wilson, R., 79
Wilton, J.R.H., 333, 335
Winkler, J., 116, 124, 126, 139, 158, 160, 164
Wylie, Lieut., 240, 246, 247
Yates, J., 344
Yonge, G.N.K.A., 299, 346