Argentina, effort for wom. suff, 803.
Arizona, efforts for wom. suff. legis. action, Gov. Brodie vetoes, amendment carries; see St. chap, 10.
Arkansas, efforts for wom. suff, workers, legis. action, Primary suff; see St. chap, 16.
Arnold, Ethel M, 263; 275; 343; 403.
Arthur, Clara B, see Mich. chap, 303; 310 et seq.
Ashton, Margaret, on Liberal party in Great Brit, 824; 826; 833; 837.
Asquith, Herbert H, anti suff. action in Great Brit, 727, 730 et seq; receives suffs, 732, anti suffs, 734; converted, 743; 744.
Astor, Viscountess, urges ratif. in Va, 671; Govt. delegate to Intl. Alliance cong. in Geneva, 862, 864, 869.
Atkinson, Mrs. W. D, 198.
Augsburg, Dr. jur. Anita (Germany), 809, 814; 826; 843-4.
Australia, wom. suff. in, 752; urges it in Great Brit, 753.
Austria, women vote; in Legislature, 792.
Avery, Dr. Alida C, 30; 52.
Avery, Rachel Foster, 87; 88; 250; in N. Y, 443; Penn, 551-2; Wis, 701-2; at intl. suff. conf. in Wash, 807-8; Berlin, 811; Copenhagen, 812.
Avery, Susan Look, 682.
Axtell, Frances C, 112; 684.
Aylesworth, Dr. B. O, in Ind, 168; Md, 250; Neb, 372; N. Y, 447.
Bacon, Elizabeth D, 69; 70.
Bagley, Mrs. Frederick H, 573.
Bailey, U. S. Sen. Joseph W, opp. wom. suff. in Texas, 633, 641; women defeat, 641.
Baird, U. S. Sen. David, 428.
Baldwin, Isabel A, 45; 52.
Balentine, Katharine Reed, in Calif, 33, 53; Wash, 106-7; Maine, 238, 243, 245.
Balfour, Arthur J. (Great Brit.), on wom. suff, 730; 866.
Ball, U. S. Sen. L. Heisler, 93; 97; 100.
Bamberger, Gov. Simon (Utah), 649-50.
Bankhead, U. S. Sen. John H, 5; 8.
Barkley, Edna M, 373; 378-9; 381-2.
Barnes, Prof. Earl, 344; 417.
Barrett, Kate Waller, 572; 668-9; 671.
Barrows, Isabel C, 268; 275.
Bartlett, Gov. John H. (Vt.), 408-9; 657.
Bass, Mrs. George, in Ala, 8; Del, 94; Ills, 155, 162; La, 233.
Bass, John P, Bangor (Me.), Commercial, 241.
Bates, Mrs. Arthur L, 247.
Bates, Helen N, 236-7; 241; 243.
Bates, Gov. John L. (Mass.), 293.
Beadle, Robert Cameron, secy. Men's League, 485.
Beard, Mary R, officer Congressl. Union, 109.
Beauchamp, Frances E, 209.
Beckham, U. S. Sen. J. C. W, 213.
Beeckman, Gov. R. Livingston (R. I.), 575-6-7.
Behrman, Mayor Martin (N. O.), 225-6; 228; 231; 233.
Belgium, grants Munic. franchise, 786, 788.
Belmont, Mrs. Oliver H. P, 198; at Southern Conf, 219, 610; helps Nev, 387; enters suff. movement, 445; in N. Y, 447, 456, 469; in R. I, 567-8.
Benbridge, Helen, 172-3; 179; 180.
Benedict, Crystal Eastman, 109; 701; 703; 858.
Benedict, Elsie, 377.
Benet, U. S. Sen. Christie, 581.
Benners, Helen J, see Ala, chap, 3, 4.
Bennett, Mrs. M. Toscan, 71; 74.
Bennett, Sarah Clay (Mrs. James), 209; 596.
Benton, Pres. Guy Potter, 655.
Besant, Annie, 770; 852.
Beveridge, Edna Annette, in Ala, 6; in Md, 254; Okla, 530, 535; Tenn, 621; W. Va, 693.
Bickett, Gov. Thomas W. (N. C.), 495, 499.
Bidwell, Annie K, 28; 32; 39.
Biggers, Kate H, 521-527.
Bilbo, Gov. Theodore G. (Miss.), 338.
Bingham, Judge Robert, brings out Courier Journal for wom. suff, 208.
Bird, Mrs. Charlotte Sumner, 280-1-2; 301.
Bishop, Emily Montague, 702.
Bissell, Emily P, 103; in N. H, 401.
Black, Gov. James D. (Ky.), 213.
Blackwell, Alice Stone, 30; natl. and State officer, work in Mass, 267 et seq; 281; 393; N. H, 400; N. J, 414, 424; 441; Okla, 525; Ore, 540, 544; R. I, 565-6, 571; S. C, 579; Vt, 654, 661, 682.
Blackwell, Rev. Antoinette Brown, in Mass, 272; birthday, 280; see N. J, chap, 412.
Blackwell, Dr. Emily S, 415.
Blackwell, Henry B, 30; memorial in Del, 88; 198; 204; memorial in Md, 250; work in Mass, 267 et seq; birthday, 271; memorial in
Boston, 275; marriage, 278; in Minn, 317; N. H, 400; N. J, 414-15, memorial, 416; in Okla, 525; Ore, 540, 544; R. I, 565; for Pres. suff, 573-4; S. C, 579; Vt, 651, memorial, 653; 682.
Blair, Edna S, 309.
Blair, Emily Newell, 346; 348-9.
Blair, U. S. Sen. Henry W, 400; 402; 405.
Blake, Katharine Devereux, work in Mont, 364; N. Y, 471; West Va, 691.
Blake, Lillie Devereux, 456.
Blankenburg, Lucretia L, 160; in N. J, 414; Penn, 550 et seq; Berlin, 810-11.
Blanton, Annie Webb, 638-9.
Blatch, Mrs. Harriot Stanton, in N. H, 401; N. J, 414, 416; Seneca Falls, 444; 450; N. Y, 454, 468-9; founds Wom. Polit. Union, 486.
Blinn, Nellie Holbrook, 29; 31; 52-3.
Bloch, St. Sen. Jesse A, in West Va, 695.
Blount, Dr. Anna E, 149; 702.
Bohemia, suffrage for women, 795.
Booth, Elizabeth K, work in Ills. Legis, 150 et seq.
Borah, U. S. Sen. William E, 253; 287.
Boswell, Helen Varick, 106; 455; 547.
Bowen, Mrs. Joseph T, 159; 165.
Boyer, Ida Porter, in La, 219, 220; Mich, 309, 312; Okla, 522-526; tribute to from St. leaders, 526; Ore, 542; Vt, 652.
Brackenridge, M. Eleanor, 631.
Bradford, Mary C. C, in Ariz, 11; Colo, 61; 64; 67; Kans, 194; Neb, 371; Okla, 522; Ore, 542.
Brady, Gov. James H. (Wash.), 683.
Braly, John Hyde, work in Calif, 36, 38, 40-1, 51, 56; 198.
Brandegee, U. S. Sen. Frank B, 81.
Brandeis, Louis D, speaks for wom. suff, in Mass, 288, 298.
Brandenburg, Prof. S.J, 200.
Breckinridge, Desha, his Herald for wom. suff, 208.
Breckinridge, Mrs. Desha, in Mo, 356; N. C, 491; Ore, 547; S. C, 580; Va, 669; West Va, 688; see Kentucky chapter, 207.
Breckinridge, Prof. Sophonisba, 202; 701.
Breshkovsky, Catharine, addresses suff. meetings, 272.
British Colonies, See chapter, 752-770.
British Columbia, gains woman suffrage, 756.
Bronson, Minnie, in Calif, 44; Ind, 176; Mich, 308; Mo, 357; Mont, 366; Neb, 375, 379; Nev, 397; Vt, 662.
Brooks, Mrs. Charles H, 203; 204; 529; 573.
Brooks, John Graham, 269.
Brotherton, Belle, see Mich. chapter, 303; 312; 315.
Brough, Gov. Charles H. (Ark.), 20; 643.
Brown, Frances Fort, 610.
Brown, Rev. Olympia, in Kans, 198; Md, 254, 256-7; work in Wis, see State chapter, 699; 701; 704.
Brown, Mrs. Raymond, in Del, 92; N. J, 419; N. C, 494; R. I, 571; Vt, 658; see N. Y. chapter, 468.
Brumbaugh, Gov. Martin G. (Penn.), 561.
Bryan, William Jennings, urges ratification in La, 233; Miss, 340; Mo, 349; Neb, 376; N. C, 493, 497; Tenn, 603; Va, urges Fed. Amend, 670.
Bryan, Mrs. William Jennings, speaks for suff. in Fla, 119; Neb, 378; Tenn, 603.
Bryce, (Lord) James, on wom. suff, 727; 747.
Buck, Rev. Florence, 700.
Bulkley, Mary, in Conn, 83; Nev, 398.
Burdette, Mrs. Robert J, 51.
Burn, Harry T, in Tenn. Legis, 623-4.
Burns, Lucy, 109; 251.
Burr, Frances Ellen, 68; 70.
Butt, Hala Hammond, 326.
Bynner, Witter, 404.
Byrd, Clara Booth, see N. C. chapter, 490, 494.
Byrne, Gov. Frank M. (S. Dak.), 589.
Calder, U. S. Sen. William M, 489.
California, effort for wom. suff, names of workers, legis. action, campaign, see St. chapter, 27.
Calloway, James P, 138.
Campaigns, in Ariz, 13; Calif, 38-50; Iowa, 186; Kans, 196; La, 224, 228; Maine, 238; Mass, 283; Mich, 306; Mo, 347, 355; Mont, 363; Neb, 375; Nev, 387, 394; N. J, 423; N. Y, City, 460; second, 465; State, 468; second, 475; N. Dak, 502; Ohio, 510; second, 512; Okla, 525; second, 528; Ore, 539, 541; 544-5; Penn, 554, 558; S. Dak, 587, 589, 591-2; Tenn, 601, 611, 619; Texas, 640; Wash, 675; West Va, 688; Wis, 701.
Campbell, Jane, in Del, 86, 87; Penn, 550.
Campbell-Bannerman, Sir Henry, 727-8.
Canada, efforts for wom. suff, 753-766; Dominion suff. granted, Sir Robert Borden's work for, Sir Wilfred Laurier objects, 761-763; see Provinces; nationality of wives, 764.
Cannon, St. Sen. Martha Hughes, 646.
Capper, Arthur, 200-2-3.
Carey, Gov. Robert D. (Wyo.), 709-10.
Carr, Gen. Julian S, 491, 497.
Carruth, Prof. W. H, 202.
Castleman, Mrs. Samuel, 215.
Caswell, Mrs. George A, 37, 44.
Cates, Attorney General Charles T, Jr, 602; 621.
Cathcart, Mrs. W. C, work in S. C, 579, 580.
Catholic, St. Catherine's Welfare Assn. work in N. Y, 487.
Catt, Carrie Chapman, work in Ariz, 10; visits Ark, 18; Calif, 28; 30; 46; assists Conn, 76-7; Del, 86, 91, 95-96; criticizes Seth Low, 107; in Atlanta, 122; Chicago, 161; work in Iowa, 187; speaks in Kans, 203; Ky, 208; 216; in Maine, 236, 238, opp. campaign, 239, speaks in it, 242; work in Md, 248-9, 253, 265; speaks in Boston, 280-1, 291; work in Mich, 309, 311, 313; speaks in Minn, 317; Miss, 326; St. Louis, 342, at natl. suff. conv, 351; work in Mont, 360; Neb, 368-9, 370, 378; Nev, 390-1; N. H, 400-1-2, 407-8; N. J, 413-14, 429; N. Mex, 435-6; New York, 442, organizes Wom. Suff. Party, 445; 450; at legis. hearing, 454; 456; pres. Inter-Urban Council, 459; manages first campaign, 462 et seq; second, 469 et seq; 465; 474-5; great work, 483; in Okla, 532; Ore, 540; Penn, 558; R. I, 568, 570, 571; speaks in Tenn, 596, 598, 612; work for Fed. Amend, urges special session, 617; begins campaign, 619; U. S. Sen. Harding and Gov. Cox write, 620; her opinion of opponents, 621; in Texas, 630, 636; visits Utah, 644, speaks in Tabernacle, 649; women congratulate, 650; work in Vt, 651, 655-6; scores Gov. Clement, 659; addresses Legis, 664; in Va, 669; addresses Legis, 671; helps Wash., 682; in West Va, 691; urges special session, 694; in Wis, 705; in Wyo, 710; receives doctor's degree from Wyo. Univ, 712; visits Hawaii, 716; urges suff. for its women, 717; visits Manila and organizes women, 720; tours S. Africa, helps organize suff. assn, 767; visits Copenhagen, 778; speaks in Hungary, 793; in Geneva, 801; calls conf, in Wash, D. C, to organize Intl. Wom. Suff. Alliance and opens it, 806; work for and in conf, 806-8; at Berlin conf, presents gavel, 810; elected pres, 811; calls conf. at Copenhagen, 812; presides, tribute to Miss Anthony, 813; 815; closing words, 817; calls conf. at Amsterdam, 817; address, 820-822; wise management, 823; presides at quinquennial in London, 828; address, 829-832; speaks in Albert Hall, 836; re-elected pres, 837; calls conf. at Stockholm, honors in Copenhagen, ovation in Sweden, visits Parliament, 838; 839, 840, 846; address, 841-843; presides in Royal Opera House, 844; address at Budapest, 851; received by officials, 853; re-elected, 854; on "militancy," 854; on "white slave" traffic, 855; presides in Academy of Music, 857; farewell, 858; calls Alliance conf. in Geneva after the war, 859; address, memorial tribute to Dr. Shaw, plea for democracy, 860-1; welcomes delegates, 865; raises money, 868; re-elected, 869.
Catt, George W, 249.
Cauer, Minna (Germany), 826.
Central America, 804.
Chace, Arnold Buffum, 566; 571.
Chace, Elizabeth Buffum, 565; 571.
Chapman, Mariana W, 441.
Chaponniere-Chaix, Mme. (Switz.), 810-11.
Chase, Mary N, in N. H, 400 et seq; 404; Ore, 541; Vt, 651.
Cheney, Edna D, 272.
Cherdron, Margaret Zane, 648.
Chilton, U. S. Sen. W. E, 696-7.
China, effort for wom. suff, Mrs. Catt visits, 803; suff. assn. joins Intl. Alliance, sends banner, 848.
Churchill, Winston, 401
Churchill, Mrs. Winston, 404.
Clapp, U. S. Sen. Moses E, 319; 405.
Clark, Adele, 665; 667-70.
Clark, Speaker Champ, speaks for wom. suff in La, 234.
Clark, Gov. George W. (Iowa), 183.
Clark, Jeannette Drury, writes Alaska chapter, 713.
Clark, Mrs. Orton H, 310-11.
Clark, Chief Justice Walter (N. C.), 491-2; 494.
Clarke, Grace Julian, 171-2; 175.
Clay, Laura, work in Ariz, 12; speaks in Atlanta, 123; Ind, 169; work in Kans, 200; in Ky, see St. chapter, 207 et seq.; ambulance named for, 211; opp. Fed. Amend, 212; at Dem. natl. conv, 220; in Md, 251; Mich, 309; Okla, 522, 525; Ore, 540, 544; R. I, 572; Tenn, 596, 598, 608-9, 612; opp. ratification in Tenn, 622; 665.
Clement, Gov. Percival W. (Vt.), opp. wom. suff. in Vt, 656; women visit, demand special session, 657-8; calls on Pres. Harding, attacks Fed. Amend, 658; Mrs. Catt scores, 659; vetoes Pres. suff, 659, 664.
Clendening, Grace, 503-4; 506.
Clergy, for wom. suff, names in State chapters.
Clopton, Virginia Clay, 3; 608.
Coats, Sarah Chandler, 342.
Coffin, Lillian Harris, 27; 29; 33; 36; 53; 56.
Coggeshall, Mary J, 181; bequests, 183.
Cohen, Elizabeth M, 645-9.
Coit, Stanton, 276; 342.
Coit, Mrs. Stanton, 812; 824; 837; 854; 865; Intl. Alliance treas. report, 868.
Colby, Secy. of State Bainbridge, to Ga. women, 132; proclaims Fed. Suff. Amend, 625.
Colby, Clara Bewick, in Md, 248, 251, 254; Mich, 309; Wash, 679; Wis, 700-1.
Colby, Everett, 418; 429; 431.
College Equal Suffrage League, work in Calif, 47, 51; D. C., 105, 107; Mass, 274, 279; Mich, 305; 307; Minn, 318-19; Neb, 372, 374; Nev, 396; N. Y, 469; Ore, 546; R. I, 566, 567, 569; Wash, 676; Wis, 700.
Colorado, second victory; see St. chapter, 59.
Colt, U. S. Sen. LeBaron B, 569, 576.
Colvin, Prof. Caroline, work in Me, 236.
Congressional Union (see National Woman's Party), in Colo, 64; Conn, 72; Del, 89 et seq; organized, 109; in Mass, 290; Minn, 321; N. Mex, 436; protest against in N. C, 491-2; Penn, 557.
Connecticut, effort for woman suff, workers, legis. action; see State chapter, 68.
Connor, Mabel, see Maine chapter, 236, 243, 245.
Conventions, Constitl, in Ariz, 12; Ark, 20; Ills, 162; Ind, 175; Mass, 299; Mich, 304; Neb, 383; N. H, 400; N. Mex, 438; Ohio, 509; Okla, 522; R. I, 575; Tenn, 611.
Cooley, Roselle C, 113; 118.
Coolidge, Gov. Calvin (Mass.), for wom. suff, 302.
Coolidge, Mary Roberts, 48-9; 52.
Corbin, Hannah Lee, 665.
Cornwall, Gov. John J. (West Va.), 694-5-6.
Costello, Ray, 329.
Cotnam, Mrs. T. T, work in Ark, 16-23; in N. Y, 20; 208; in Me, 238; 311; 529; 692.
Court decisions, on Pres. suff, in Ills, 158, 163; Ind, 177-8; referendum in Maine, 245; Fed. Amend., in Md, 261; Pres. suff. in Ohio, 514; Pres. suff. referendum, 516; on ratification, 519; Pres. suff. in Tenn, 605; poll tax for women, 616; right to ratify Fed. Amend, 617; U. S. Sup. Ct. on referring ratification to voters, 617; in Tenn., on ratif, 624; Texas Primary law, 637.
Cowles, Edith Clark, see Va. chapter, 665.
Cox, Gov. James M. (Ohio), urges Fed. Suff. Amend. in La, 234; telegraphs N. C, 499; helps ratification in Tenn, 620-1.
Cox, Gov. John I. (Tenn.), 608.
Cox, Lenore Hanna, see Ind. chapter, 171.
Craft, Ida, 364; 398; 448; "hikes," 451-2; West Va, 688-9.
Craigie, Mary E, 314; 401; 454; 456; 688.
Crane, Rev. Caroline Bartlett, 311; 316.
Cranston, Martha S, 86; 88-9; 90; 92-3; 102-3.
Creel, George, secy. Men's Suff. League, 485.
Crooker, Rev. Florence Kollock, 268; 270; 403.
Crossett, Ella Hawley, see N. Y. chapter, 440-448; legis. report, 454; 455-6-7.
Crowley, Teresa A., see Mass. chapter, 267 et seq; in campaign, 284-5; 302.
Culberson, U. S. Sen. Charles A, 642.
Cummings, Fannie Leake, 673; 680.
Cummings, Homer S, urges ratif. of Fed. Amend, in Ala, 8; La, 234; Miss, 340; Tenn, 618; Va, 671.
Cunningham, Minnie Fisher, work in Texas, see St. chapter, 630; Fla, 117; Miss, 334; Nev, 390; West Va, 692.
Curtis, Alice B, in Iowa, 187; Okla, 532; West Va, 691; Wis, 704.
Curzon, Lord (Great Brit.), on wom. suff, 747-8.
Czecho-Slovakia, gives wom, suff, 795.
Damrosch, Walter, 467.
Daniels, Secy. of the Navy Josephus, urges Fed. Amend, in Ala, 7; Del, 96; Miss, 340; N. C, 493, 497.
Daniels, Mrs. Josephus, in N. C, 493-4, 498; in Geneva, 869.
Darrow, Clara L, 501-2-3; 505.
Davis, Gov. Westmoreland (Va.), 668.
Day, Mrs. George, 102; 393.
Day, Lucy Hobart, 236.
Dean, Dr. Maria M, 360.
Decker, Sarah Platt, 60; 291.
Deering, Mabel Craft, 33; 45-6.
Delaware, effort for wom. suff, workers, struggle over ratification, see St. chapter, 86.
Democratic National Committee, urges ratif. of Fed. Amend, in Ga, 142; La, 234; Tenn, 618, 620; West Va, 694.
Democratic State Committees and Conventions, action on wom. suff. in Ala, 8; Ark, 21; Calif, 53-4, 56; Conn, 85; Del, 93, 99; Ky, 210-11-12; Mass, 295, 298; Minn, 322; Mo, 348; N. Y, 446, 451; N. C, 493, 495, 500; S. C, 580; Tenn, 599, 613, 618; Texas, 639; Va, 667; West Va, 691.
Denison, Flora McDonald, work in Canada, 757, 760; 815.
Denmark, work for wom. suff, entertains Intl. Alliance, wom. suff. gained, women officials, 776, 778; Mrs. Catt visits, 778.
Dennett, Mary Ware, 89; 276; 294.
DeVoe, Emma Smith, 254; work in Wash, see St. chapter, 673; ad. Legis, 685; in Wis, 700.
De Vou, Mary R, work in Del, 86, 88, 101.
Dewey, Prof. John, 485.
Dewing, Ardelia Cooke, 565-6-7.
De Young, M. H, 46.
Dietrich, Mrs. Charles H, 381; 383.
Digges, Annie L, 248.
Dillingham, U. S. Sen. William P, 408; 655-6.
District of Columbia, helps States get wom. suff, entertains natl. convs, works with Congress, names of workers, see D. C. chapter, 104.
"Dix, Dorothy," letter to Tenn, 596.
Dobson, Mrs. Henry, 812; 816; 823.
Dodge, Mrs. Arthur M, pres. Anti Suff. Assn, in Neb, 375; N. Y, 454.
Dorsett, Mrs. John W, work in Hawaii, 716-17-18.
Dorsey, Gov. Hugh M. (Ga.), 139; 142.
Douglas, Judith Hyams, 217; 330.
Drew, U. S. Sen. Irving, 401; 406.
Dudley, Mrs. Guilford, work in Tenn, 597 to 619; at Dem. natl. conv. and in Wash, 599, 600, 606, 619.
Dundore, Lavinia C, pioneer suffragist, 248.
Duniway, Abigail Scott, work in Ore, 538 et seq; honored, 548; in Wash, 679.
Dunlap, Flora, see Iowa chapter, 181.
Dunne, Gov. Edward F. (Ills.), 146; 152; 157; 159.
DuPont, T. Coleman. Pierre, Alfred I, 93-4-5; 98; 100.
Dye, Eva Emery, 541.
Eacker, Helen N, 196; 201-2.
Eastman, Max, 276; for Men's League, 484-5; 702.
Eaton, Cora Smith, in Md, 248; Minn, 317, 320; N. Dak, 501; Wash, 674, 678. See King.
Eddy, Sarah J, in R. I, 570, 578.
Edge, U. S. Sen. Walter E, 429; 430.
Edson, Katharine Philips, 36, 41.
Edwards, Betsy Jewett, 95; 172; 409.
Edwards, Gov. Edward I. (N. J.), 429, 430.
Edwards, Mrs. Richard E, 173; 180.
Elkins, U. S. Sen. Stephen B, 697.
Ellicott, Mrs. Charles E, 257; 264-5-6.
Ellicott, Elizabeth King, 263-4.
Ellington, Mrs. O. F, see Ark. chapter, 16-20, 23-25; in Va, 220.
Elliott, Albert H, 30; 48-9.
Elliott, John Lovejoy, 342.
Elliott, Maud Howe, 274; 280; 291; 578.
Elliott, Sarah Barnwell, 597-8; 608-9-10.
Engle, Lavinia, 4; 114; 579; 633; 690.
Equal Guardianship, in Mass, 291; Utah, 647.
Erwin, Margaret, 333; 607. See Ford.
Evans, Mrs. Glendower, in Maine, 238; Mass, 277; Mich, 309; R. I, 570; Wis, 702.
Evans, Sarah A, see Ore. chapter, 538, 541, 545.
Ewing, Robert, in La, 224; 226.
Fallows, Bishop Samuel, 148.
Farmer, Eugenia B, 318.
Farrell, Mrs. Percy J, 312; 315-16.
Fawcett, Millicent Garrett, pres. Brit. Natl. Suff. Assn, writes chap, for History, 725; on "militancy," 728; heads deptn. to Asquith, 733; work completed, 749; elected vice-pres. Intl. Alliance, 811; 816; 826; 827; invites Alliance to London, greets, 828; suff. work of her assn, 833; on "militancy," 834; 835; presides in Albert Hall, 836; re-elected, 837; 854; on "white slave" traffic, 855; manifesto at beginning of war, work on Headqrs. Com, 865; 867.
Federal Woman Suffrage Amendment, Ala. women demand, 5; endorsed in Ark, 20; petition from Calif, 34, Legis. appeals for, 57; Colo. Legis. demands, 63; work for in Conn, 73 et seq; Del, 88 et seq; Fla, 119; Ga, 123-4-5, 127, 130; members of Cong. vote for, 131; 136; Ills, 164; Ind, 178-180; Iowa, 185; Kans, 203-4, 206; Ky, 211; La, 218, 227-8; Maine, 237-8; Md, 257-261; Mass, 280-1, 290, 300; Mich, 305, 309; Minn, 319, 321; Miss, 331, 334; Mo, 353, 357; Neb, 372; Nev, 390; N. H, 408; N. J, 415, 429; N. Mex, 436-7; N. Y, 488-9; N. C, 493, 495; N. Dak, 504, 507; Ohio, 517; Penn, 552, 562; R. I, 566, 570-1; S. C, 580-1, 584; Tenn, 599, 600, 606-7, 609, 612-13-14, 625; Texas, 635-6, 639, 640, 642; Utah, 645, 649; Vt, 656-660; Va, 665, 668, 670; Wash, 685; West Va, 693-4; Wis, 700, 708; Wyo, 709; U. S. Sup. Ct. decision, 617; Solicitor Genl. Frierson's, 617; proclaimed by Secy. of State, 625.
Federations of Labor, for wom. suff, Ala, 8; Calif, 54; give hall for suff. meet. in Atlanta, 125, 127; for wom. suff. in Maine, 237; Md, 251, refused, 253; Mass, 273, 295; Nev, 396; N. H, 402; N. J, 415; Okla, 523; Ore, 546; Penn, 552-3; S. C, 581; Tenn, 597-9; Vt, 660; Va, 669.
Federation of Women's Clubs, record in each State chapter. Genl. Fedn. declares for wom. suff, 160; applauds it in Boston, 274.
Feickert, Lillian F, 418-19; work in N. J; see St. chapter, 420 et seq.
Fels, Mrs. Joseph, in Mass, 300; Nev, 387.
Felton, Rebecca Latimer, 126; 128; 131.
Ferguson, Gov. James E, opp. wom. suff. in Texas, 633; at Dem. Natl. Conv, 633; women work against, 634-5, 638.
Fernald, U. S. Sen. Bert, 242; 245.
Fernald, Fannie J, 236-7; 402-3.
Fess, Simeon D, chmn. Rep. Congrssl. Com, 94.
Fessenden, Susan S, in Del, 87; Mass, 270, 273; N. H, 400; Vt, 660.
Field, Sarah Bard, 398; in Ore, 548.
Finland, great "strike," wom. suff. granted, women in Parliament, 771-773; 824.
Finnegan, Annette, work in Texas, 630-1-2.
FitzGerald, Susan W, 274; 282; 294; 297; 301; 309; 406; 655.
Fitzhugh, Gen. G. T, in Tenn, 602.
Fletcher, U. S. Sen. Duncan U, 117.
Florida, effort for wom. suff, workers, legis. action, see State chap, 113.
Foley, Margaret A, in Mass, 276-7, 296, 301; Nev, 397; R. I, 572.
Foltz, Clara Shortridge, 30.
Forchhammer, Henni (Denmark), on League of Nations, 814; 871.
Ford, Mr. and Mrs. Henry, 313.
Ford, Margaret Ervin, work in Tenn; see St. chapter, 604, 607 et seq.
Fordyce, Mrs. William C, 348; 354; 357.
Fort, Gov. John Franklin (N. J.), 418.
Foster, J. Ellen, 401.
Foulke, William Dudley, 267.
France, U. S. Sen. Joseph I, 257-8.
France, effort for wom. suff, 799.
Frazier, Helen, 351.
Frelinghuysen, U. S. Sen. Joseph S, 429; 430.
French, Mrs. L. Crozier, 598; 600; 607; 609; 610; 621.
Frick, St. Sen. George Arnold (Md.), suit against Fed. Suff. Amend, 261.
Frierson, U. S. Solicitor Genl, 617.
Fuller, Minnie Rutherford, 16; 18; 22.
Funck, Emma Maddox, see Md. chapter, 248; in Wis, 701.
Funck, Dr. J. William, 249; 250-1; 256; 701.
Funk, Antoinette, in Ills, 154; Mont, 364; Nev, 398; N. H, 405: N. J, 432; Penn, 561, West Va, 691.
Furman, Eleanor, 265.
Furuhjelm, Annie, work in Finland, 772; in Parliament, 773; 815; report on wom. suff. in Finland, 824; 826; 829; elected vice-pres. Intl. Alliance, 837; 843; 854; 860; 863.
Gale, Zona, in N. H. 405; in Wis, 704; 706.
Gallinger, U. S. Sen. Jacob, 400; death, 406.
Gannett, Mrs. William C, 442; 457.
Gardener, Helen H, 105; 110; 112.
Garesche, Marie R., see Mo. chapter, 342-3.
Garrett, Mary E, 249.
Garrison, Francis J, 275.
Garrison, Wm. Lloyd, memorials, 88, 416; work in Mass, 267 et seq.
Garwood, Omar E, 62; 198; 330.
Gates, Susa Young, see Utah chapter, 644; 648; 650.
Gay, U. S. Sen. Edward J, 229.
Gay, Dr. Ruth A, 524-7.
Gellhorn, Mrs. George, 346; 350-1-2-3-4; 358.
George, Mrs. A. J, in Neb, 376; Ohio, 513; N. H, 401; R. I, 575; Vt, 661, 663.
Georgia, effort for wom. suff, workers, legis. action, see St. chapter, 121.
German American Alliance, in Neb, 377; Ohio, 510; Wis, 708.
Germany gives wom. suff, elects women, 789-92.
Geyer, Rose Lawless, 187; 241; 243; 690.
Gillett, Emma M, 106-7; 249.
Gillmore, Inez Haynes, 268.
Gilman, Charlotte Perkins, 208; 250; 276; 387; 414; 540; 630; Budapest, 857.
Glasgow, Ellen, 655; 668.
Glass, U. S. Treasurer Carter, 671.
Goldstein, Vida (Aus.), in Calif, 29; Mass, 269; intl. suff. conf, 806-7; 815.
Goodrich, Ellen Knox, 28.
Goodrich, Gov. James P. (Ind.), on ratif. of Fed. Amend, 176.
Goodwin, Grace W, 103.
Gordon, Anna A, 437.
Gordon, Rev. Eleanor, 182.
Gordon, Jean, in Atlanta, 123; in La, 216-17; 221; 225; 232; in Miss, 328.
Gordon, Kate M, proposes Primary suff, 24, 222; in Fla, 115: Atlanta, 122; work in La.: see St. chapter, 216; brings natl. conv. to New Orleans, 218; org. South. Conf, 219; Dem. natl. conv, 220; opp. Fed. Amend, 232, 622; in Miss, 328-9, 336; 338; Okla, 524, 526; Ore, 540, 542-3; S. C, 580; Tenn, 609; West Va, 688.
Gordon, Laura de Force, 33.
Graham, Gov. Horace F. (Vt.), 663.
Grand Army of the Republic, endorses wom. suff, 87, 522.
Grange, Natl. and State, endorsement of wom. suff. in many St. chapters.
Great Britain (United Kingdom), lone effort for wom. suff; action of Parliament; see chapter, 727 et seq; work of Natl. Union, 730 et seq; great pilgrimage, 737; war work, 739; society changes form, 749; Labor Party for wom. suff, 730-1, 737; war work of women, 738; Coalition Govt, 742; Conference formed, Commons passes bill, 744 et seq; Lords accept, 748; women vote, 749; favorable laws for women, 750; elected to Commons, 750; universities opened, 751; see 833.
Greece, organizes for wom. suff, King, Queen and Venizelos favor, 802.
Greeley, Helen Hoy, 46; 48; 90; 546.
Gregg, Laura, in Ariz, 12; 318; Mont, 360; Neb, 368, 370; Nev, 397; Okla, 520-1; Ore, 542.
Grenfell, Helen Loring, 61; 64.
Grey, Sir Edward, on wom. suff, 735.
Griffin, Frances A, suff. pioneer in Ala, 3; in Ga, 121.
Griggs, Prof. Edward Howard, 278.
Grim, Harriet, 148-9.
Gripenberg, Baroness Alexandra, work in Finland, 772; in Hungary, 793; 815.
Grossman, Leonard J, 126.
Guise, Mrs. John A, 317; 322.
Gullen, Dr. Augusta Stowe, work in Canada, see chapter, 754; 757.
Hackstaff, Priscilla D, 309; 401; 417; 459.
Haines, Dr. Blanche M, 310; 312.
Hale, U. S. Sen. Frederick, 247.
Hale, Mrs. Forbes-Robertson, 86; 91; 208; 309-10; 654; 692; 702.
Haley, Margaret A, 46; 48; 145.
Hall, Florence Howe, work in N. J, see St. chapter, 412; 578.
Hallam, Julia Clark, 182.
Harbert, Elizabeth Boynton, 145.
Hardie, Keir, help in Great Brit, 730; 857.
Harding, U. S. Sen. and Pres. Warren G, app. wom. Judge, 104; opposes anti-suff. referendum, 516; votes for Fed. Amend, 517; for ratification in Tenn, 620; Gov. Clement of Vt. visits, 658.
Hardwick, U. S. Sen. Thos. W, 127; 136.
Hardy, Jennie C. Law, 306; 316.
Harper, Ida Husted, speaks in Md, 263; writing in Rochester, 442; in New York, 450-7; Ore, 540; 812; memorial address for Miss Anthony in Copenhagen, 816; resolutions com. in Amsterdam, 827; in London, 837.
Harriman, Mrs. J. Borden, 86; 91.
Harris, U. S. Sen. Wm. J, votes and works for Fed. Amend, 131, 142.
Harris, U. S. Commissioner of Education, William T, 344.
Harrison, Gov. Genl. Francis Burton, 722.
Harrison, U. S. Sen. Pat, 341.
Hart, Prof. Albert Bushnell, 298.
Hart, Gov. Louis F. (Wash.), 684-5.
Hartness, Gov. James (Vt.), 660.
Harvey, Col. George, 418; 485.
Haskell, Gov. Charles W. (Okla.), 523-4.
Haskell, Oreola Williams, work in New York, see St. chapter, 459, 461.
Haslam, Thomas J. and Anna M. (Ireland), 834.
Hauser, Elizabeth J, in Ohio, 509; West Va, 688.
Havemeyer, Mrs. H. O, 424.
Haver, Jessie R, 391.
Hawaii, effort for wom. suff, action of U. S. Congress, 715-17; status of women, Mrs. Catt visits, 716; Mrs. Pitman assists, 717-18; action of Hawaiian Legis, 718.
Hawk, George, carries referendum on Fed. Suff. Amend. to U. S. Supreme Court, 519, 617.
Hay, Mary Garrett, work in Ariz, 10; Del, 86-7; speaks in Chicago, 161; in Mass, 281; work in New York, 446, 455; chmn, N. Y. City, first campaign, 461 et seq; 465; second, 469 et seq; in Ore, 547.
Hays, Natl. Chmn. Will H, interviewed by Conn. wom, 79; assists ratification in Del, 94; in Tenn, 620; in Vt, 657-8.
Hayward, St. Sen. Elizabeth A. (Utah), 645-9.
Hayward, Prof. H. H, 87-8-9.
Hayward, Mary Smith, 368-9.
Headquarters, Natl. Suff, opened in New York City, 445.
Hearst, William R, 158.
Heaslip, Chas. T, in Penn, 555; 692.
Hebard, Dr. Grace Raymond, work in Wyo, 709, 712.
Hemphill, Robert R, in Atlanta, 122.
Henderson, Arthur (Gt. Brit.), 730.
Heney, Francis J, 38.
Henrotin, Mrs. Charles, 146.
Henry, Alice, 146.
Henry, Josephine K, 207, 596.
Hepburn, Katharine Houghton; see Conn. chapter, 68 et seq; in Del, 103; in N. H, 404.
Higgins, Gov. Frank M. (N. Y.), 454.
Higgins, Gov. James H. (R. I.), 574.
Higginson, Col. Thomas W, work in Mass, 269; memorial, 278.
"Hikes" for wom. suff, 451.
Hill, Mrs. Homer M, 673; 676; 686.
Hilles, Mrs. Bayard, 90; 91; 96; 102.
Hipple, Ruth B, see S. Dak. chapter, 585; 588.
Hirsch, Mrs. Solomon, 547.
Hirschberg, Rabbi Emil, in Wis, 702.
History of Woman Suffrage, 344; Miss Anthony gives to Norwegian library, 774.
Hitchcock, U. S. Sen. Gilbert H, 383.
Hitz, Justice William, 111.
Hobby, Gov. William P. (Tex.), 636-7-8-9.
Hoch, Gov. Edward W. (Kans.), 195; 205.
Hodges, Gov. George H. (Kans.), 202; 205.
Hodges, Justice William, proposes Primary suff. for women, 24.
Hoffman, Catharine A, 195-6-7; 200; 204.
Holcomb, Gov. Marcus A. (Conn.), opp. Fed. Amend, 73, 75, 77, 81-2.
Hollis, U. S. Sen. Henry F, 405-6.
Holmes, Lydia Wickliffe, see La. chapter, 226; in Tenn, 621.
Holmgren, Ann Margret (Sweden), 815; 826; greets Alliance congress, 843, 846.
Holt, Hamilton, 485.
Hooker, Mrs. Donald, 257-260; 263.
Hooker, Isabella Beecher, 68-9.
Hooper, Mrs. Ben, in Nev, 390; in Wis, 705-6.
Hooper, Gov. Ben W. (Tenn.), 599; 608; 619.
Hosmer, Katharine Tipton, see Colo. chapter, 59; 60; 63; 65.
Howard, Prof. George W, 379.
Howard, H. Augusta, 121; 123.
Howe, Julia Ward, memorials, in Del, 88; Boston, 278; N. J, 417; work in Mass, 267 et seq; 274; R. I, 566; birthday celebr, 281, 571, 578.
Howe, Marie Jenney, 443; 448.
Howells, William Dean, 485.
Howland, Emily S, 442.
Hubbs, Harriet L, see Penn. chapter, 550; 561.
Hughes, Gov. Charles E. (N. Y.), 457.
Hughes, Dr. James L. (Canada), 754; 806.
Hughes, Rev. Kate, 146.
Hughes, U. S. Sen. William, 428.
Hughston, Augusta, in Me, 238; Mich, 314; Vt, 655-6; West Va, 693.
Hull, U. S. Rep. Harry E. (Iowa), 185.
Hultin, Rev. Ida C, 250; 267, 269, 403.
Hundley, Mrs. O. R, 4.
Hungary, struggle for wom. suff, entertains Intl. Alliance; Mrs. Catt speaks in eight cities, 793; 856.
Hunt, Alice, 265.
Hunt, Augusta M, 238; 242.
Hurd, Dr. Ethel E, 318; 320.
Hurst, Sadie D, 388; 390-1-2.
Hussey, Cornelia C, 413.
Hussey, Dr. Mary D, work in N. J, see St. chapter, 412.
Hutson, Ethel, see La. chapter, 226.
Hutton, May Arkwright, 676.
Iceland, gives suff. to women, elects to office, 776.
Idaho, 25 years of wom. suff, 143.
Ijams, Martha A, 52.
Illinois, effort for wom. suff., workers, legis. action, campaigns, see St. chapter, 145.
India, efforts for wom. suff, 769.
Indiana, effort for wom. suff., workers, legis. action, see St. chapter, 166.
Initiative and Referendum, used for wom. suff. in Ariz, 14; Mo, 347, 355-6; Neb, 372, 373; petitions, 379; fraudulent, carried into court, 380, 382; in Ohio, 511; courts reject, 515; to refer ratif. of Fed. Amend, 518; attacked, 519; in Okla, 524; Ore, 539, 544-5; S. Dak, 585.
International Council of Women, meets in Berlin, 790; Standing Com. on Wom. Suff, 805; 822.
International Woman Suffrage Alliance, inception, founding and eight Congresses, 805-871; preliminary meeting and Intl. Com. formed in Washtn, names of delegates, decl. of principles, 805; organized in Berlin, names of delegates, officers elected, 809; conf. and cong. in Copenhagen, 812; in Amsterdam, 817; quinquennial in London, 828; congress in Stockholm, 838; Budapest, 847; Geneva, after the war, 859; names of delegates and speakers, Mrs. Catt's president's address, extracts from speeches, reports, resolutions, action taken, entertainments given, under each heading; women in pulpits, Dr. Shaw in London, 838, in Stockholm, 839, in Budapest, 850; A. Maude Royden and Edith Picton Turberville in Geneva, 860; object of Alliance, 807, 810, 822, 830, 832, 844, 861, 864, 866; non-partisanship, 827, 833, 844; growth, 821, 829, 842, 851, 863; financial help of U. S, 854, 868-9; of Great Brit, 868; action on "social evil," 855; 870; attitude toward war, 861, 866; work during war, 867; position on League of Nations, 870; future of Alliance, 861-2, 871.
Iowa, effort for wom. suff, legis. action, workers, campaign; see St. chapter, 181.
Ireland, Archbishop, for wom. suff, 317.
Irish, Col. John P, in Calif, 48; Iowa, 188.
Italy, organizes for wom. suff, efforts with Parliament, civil rights granted, 797.
Ivins, William M, 485.
Ivins, Mrs. William M, 446; 448.
Jackson, Alice Day, 398.
Jacobs, Dr. Aletta, in S. Africa, 768; work in Netherlands, 783; 785; in Hungary, 793; at Berlin conf, 810; 815; brings Alliance to Amsterdam, 818; address, 820; presents Chinese banner, 849; 852.
Jacobs, Pattie Ruffner, work in Ala, see St. chapter, 3; in Miss, 333; N. C, 492; West Va, 691.
James, Ada L, 701-2; 704-5, 707-8.
Jameson, Mrs. Ovid B, 172.
Janney, Dr. O. Edward, 249; 250-1.
Janney, Mrs. O. Edward, 254; 263.
Japan, prospect for wom. suff, 803.
Jeffreys-Myers, Dr. Annice, 538-9; 540-1.
Jenks, Agnes M, work in N. H, 403-4; 410; R. I, 569, 571; Vt. 662.
Jennings, Mrs. Chester, 16; 22.
Johnson, Adelaide, 450.
Johnson, Gov. Hiram (Calif.), elected, 36; has suff. amend. submitted, fails to speak for it, 37; 57.
Johnston, Mary, in R. I, 568; Tenn, 598, 608-9; Va, 655; 668-9; West Va, 687, 698.
Johnston, Ch. Justice William A, 197-8.
Johnston, Mrs. William A, work in Kans, see St. chapter, 193.
Jones, U. S. Sen. Andrieus A, 435.
Jones, Anna Maxwell, 90; 631.
Jones, Dr. Effie McCollum, in Iowa, 187; Minn, 321; N. H, 406; West Va, 692.
Jones, Dr. Harriet B, work in West Va, see St. chapter, 687.
Jones, Jenkin Lloyd, 148.
Jones, Rosalie Gardiner, 89; 356; 364; 376; 398; organizes suff. "hikes," 451.
Jordan, David Starr, helps wom. suff. in Calif, 29, 31, 34.
Jordan, Secy. of State, Frank, 50.
Jus Suffragii, official organ Intl. Alliance, begun, 817; moved to London, 853; during the war, 854, 865.
Kansas, effort for wom. suff, legis. action, workers, campaign, see St. chapter, 193.
Kearney, Belle, in Md, 256; work in Miss, 326 et seq; in Tenn, 596; 812.
Keith, Mary McHenry (Mrs. William), work in Calif, see St. chapter, 27 et seq; contributions, 32-35; 45; 51-2.
Keith, William, gives picture to suff. bazaar, 28; 29; paints portrait of Miss Anthony, 32.
Keller, Dr. Amelia, 171-2-3.
Kelley, Florence, in Calif, 36; Ga, 123; Md, 253; N. Y, 443, 456; Vt, 660; Wis, 702.
Kelly, Dr. Howard, 263.
Kelly, Marion Booth, 282; 654.
Kendall, Dr. Sarah A, 673; 682.
Kenney, Annie (Gt. Brit.), speaks in Nev, 398; in Germany, 790.
Kenny, Mrs. John M, see Tenn. chapter, 596; 616; work for ratification, 619.
Kent, Mrs. Carrie E, 105-6.
Kent, U. S. Rep. and Mrs. William, in Del, 103; in Nev, 398.
Kentucky, effort for wom. suff, legis. action, workers, see St. chapter, 207.
Ketcham, Emily Burton, 303.
Keyes, Gov. Henry W. (N. H.), 406.
Kilbreth, Mary G, in Tenn, 621.
Kimball, Martha S, 403-4-5; 409-10.
Kimber, Helen, 193-4.
Kimbrough, Mrs. D. T, 599; 600-1; poll tax refused, 616.
King, Dr. Cora Smith, see Wash. chapter, 673; see Eaton.
Kirby, U. S. Sen. W. F, 21, 24.
Klatschken, Martha, 416; 452-3.
Koch, Dr. Margaret, 318-19-20-22.
Kollock, Alice G; see Fla. chapter, 113.
Kramers, Martina G, intl. secy, 811; edits official paper, 817; report of conf. in Amsterdam, 818; 837; Alliance thanks, 854.
Krog, Gina, work in Norway, 774; 815; 823; 848; 857.
Labor party (Gt. Brit.), on wom. suff, 730; women support, 737; in Manitoba, 754.
Labriola, Prof. Teresa (Italy), 797-8; 813.
Laddey, Clara S, in Mich, 309; work in N. J, see St. chapter, 412; Wis, 701.
LaFollette, Fola, 347.
LaFollette, U. S. Sen. Robert M, 708.
LaFollette, Mrs. Robert M, speaks in Md, 251; in R. I, 572.
Lagerloef, Selma, assists wom. suff. in Sweden, 781, 783; 839, 843; great speech, 844; 847.
Laidlaw, James Lees, in Calif, 46; pres. Natl. Men's Suff. League, 62; 126; in Mont, 364; Nev, 387; N. Y, 467; 469; work for Men's League, 485.
Laidlaw, Mrs. James Lees, in Calif, 46; Mont, 364; Nev, 387; N. Y, 450, 462, 464, 475-6-7; 488.
Lamar, Mrs. Walter D, 138-9.
Langhorne, Orra, 665.
Langley, U. S. Rep. John W. (Ky.), 213.
Larch-Miller, Aloysius, 536.
Lathrop, Julia C, chief Federal Children's Bureau, 112.
Laughlin, Gail, work in Calif, 30, 39, 49; Colo, 61; Minn, 318; Mont, 360-1; Neb, 369, 370-1; Nev, 398; Ore, 540-1, 543.
Lawrence, Mrs. Pethick (Great Brit.), 208; 704; 790; 868.
Laws, for women and children much improved, 1.
Lawther, Anna B, 184; 187.
Lea, U. S. Sen. Luke, 603; 606; 608.
Leach, Antoinette D, 167; 169.
League of Nations, attitude toward of Intl. Wom. Suff. Alliance, 870-1.
League of Women Voters, organized, chairmen, see each St. chapter near close.
Leckenby, Ellen S, 673-4.
Leech, Mrs. James A, 215.
Legislatures, action on wom. suff, listed in each St. chapter; women members, see Officers.
Leighty, Mrs. John R, 348; 352; 357-8-9.
Lenroot, U. S. Sen. Irvine L, 708.
Leonard, Gertrude Halliday, 282; 285-6-7; 299.
Leser, Judge Oscar (Md.), 261.
Leslie Woman Suffrage Commission, assists Ala, 5; Me, 243; Vt, 660; West Va, 692; Intl. Suff. Alliance, 869.
Lewis, Mrs. George Howard, contribution, 444; 456.
Lewis, Mrs. Lawrence, 109.
Lexow, Caroline, 456; 487.
Life and Work of Susan B. Anthony, 87, 253, 418.
Lindemann, Anna (Germany), 837; report of Alliance cong. in Stockholm, 846; Budapest, 850, 854; Geneva, 860, 869.
Lindsey, Judge Ben, in Kans, 198; Mass, 276; Wash, 678.
Lindsey, Gov. Washington E. (N. M.), 436; 438.
Lindsey, Mrs. Washington E, see N. Mex. chapter, 434, 436.
Lindsey, Mrs. Z. T, 373-4-5.
Lippitt, U. S. Sen. Henry F, 569.
Liquor interests, opposed to wom. suff. in Ariz, 10, 14; Calif, 27; Fla, 119; Ills, 154, 158, 163; Iowa, 188-9; Kans, 203; Ky, 210; Md, 261; Mass, 293; Mich, 307-8-9; Minn, 325; Mont, 365; Neb, 376; Nev, 394; N. J, 424-5; N. Y, 483; N. Dak, 506; Ohio, 510-11, 513; work with women "antis," 513, 515, 519; Okla, 524; Ore, 543; Penn, 561; S. Dak, 586; Wis, 703, 708.
Livermore, Mrs. Arthur L, in Md, 265; N. H, 407; N. Y, 448, 468, 476.
Livermore, Mary A, see Mass. chapter, 267 et seq; pres. from 1893; birthday, 268; tribute to Mr. Blackwell; death, 271; memorial in N. J, 414; Vt, 652.
Livingston, Deborah Knox, work in Me, 238-9, 242-3; N. H, 405; West Va, 689.
Lloyd George, action on wom. suff. in Gt. Brit, 733, 736, 744; receives deputation, has bill drafted, 745.
Lockwood, Belva A, 105; 250; 700.
Lodge, U. S. Sen. Henry Cabot, anti suff. work in N. H, 406, 408.
Loines, Mary H, 454.
London, Mary Parke, 6.
Lord, Eliza H, 253.
Lore, Ch. Justice Charles B, 88.
Lore, Emma, 88-9.
Louisiana, effort for wom. suff, legis. action, workers, Southern Conf, see State chapters, 216, 226.
Low, Seth, ignores women, 107.
Lowden, Gov. Frank C. (Ills.), 162; 164.
Ludington, Katharine, see Conn. chapter, 74; issues manifesto, 77; interviews Natl. Com. Chmn. Hays, 78; 82; in N. H, 657.
Luxemburg, grants wom. suff, 788.
Mack, Mrs. O. H, work in Nev, see St. chapter, 384.
Mackay, Mrs. Clarence, encourages Nev. women, 384-5; society in N. J, 416; organizes Equal Franchise Society, work in N. Y, 444-5, 456-7.
McAlarney, Emma L, 242; 265; 692.
McCallum, Jane Y, see Texas chapter, 630, 637.
McClung, Nellie, 321; 322; in Minn, 321-2; West Va, 691-2; Wis, 704; Canada, 755.
McComas, Alice Moore, 30; 40.
McCormack, Mrs. James M., 598; 610-11-12; 615.
McCormick, Katharine Dexter, in Mass, 276, 295; elected vice-pres. Intl. Alliance, 854; in Geneva, 862; contributes to Alliance, re-elected, 869.
McCormick, Medill, 162; 374.
McCormick, Mrs. Medill, 114; work in Ills. Legis, 154, 157; assists Mo. campaign, 355; heads deleg. to Pres. Wilson, 609.
MacCracken, Pres. Henry Noble (Vassar), 485.
McCrea, Mrs. Willis S, 149.
McCulloch, Catharine Waugh, work in Ills, see St. chapter, 145; Calif, 39, 41, 46; Ind, 176; Md, 248; Mich, 305; Ore, 540; S. Dak, 590; Wis, 700-1; Amsterdam, 827.
McDougald, Emily C, work in Ga, see St. chapter, 134.
McFarland, Henry B. F, 105.
McGraw, Mrs. J. W, work in Ills, see St. chapter, 145.
McKellar, U. S. Sen. Kenneth, assists ratif. in Del, 96; Md, 258; Tenn, 599, 603, 614; 621-2; secures suff. plank in natl. Dem. platform, 618.
McKelvie, Gov. Samuel R. (Neb), 383.
McLendon, Mary L, work in Ga, see St. chapter, 121; tries to vote, 132.
McMahon, Mrs. Albert, in Ala, 6; Del, 92, 94; Fla, 117, 119; Minn, 321; report on S. Dak, 592.
Macmillan, Chrystal, makes digest of British laws for women, 750; 823; 826; addresses Judic. Com. of House of Lords, 833; 841; 845; 854; report of Alliance conf, in Geneva, 862; 865; 869.
McNaughton, Dr. Clara, 106.
McNeel, Mrs. John D, 6.
McPike, Sara, work in N. Y, 487.
McWhirter, Mrs. Felix T, 170-1-2; 175.
McWhorter, Judge J. C. (West Va.), 689; 691.
Maddox, Etta, in Md, 253; 255; 257.
Maine, efforts for wom. suff, workers, legis. action, campn, see St. chapter, 236.
Malone, Dudley Field, 257.
Manitoba, work for wom. suff, 754.
Mann, Gov. S. A. (Utah), 644; 650.
Mansfield, Mrs. Howard, 469; 480.
Marble, Amanda J, 369; 370-1-2.
Marbury, William F, opp. wom. suff. in Md, 258; 260; brings suit, 261.
Martin, Anne, in Del, 103; see Nev. chapter, 386, 392; N. Mex, 436.
Martin, U. S. Sen. George B, 213.
Martine, U. S. Sen. James E, 123; 421.
Maryland, effort for wom. suff, legis. action, workers, great opposition, see St. chapter, 248.
Massachusetts, effort for wom. suff, New England Assn, legis. action, campaign, workers, see St. chapter, 267.
Maud, Queen, greetings to suff. cong, 836.
Mead, Edwin D, 275; 295.
Mead, Lucia Ames, in Me, 242; work in Mass, 269 et seq; in Mo, 344.
Men's Advisory Committee, in N. C, 493; West Va, 689.
Men's Leagues for Woman Suffrage, in Ala, 6; Calif, 35, 40; Conn, 75, 81; Fla, 115; Ga, 126; Ills, 147; Iowa, 187; Kans, 200-1; La, 227; Me, 237, 242; Md, 251, 263; Harvard, 278; Mass, 283, 287; Mich, 306, 313, 314; Mo, 345; Mont, 364, 366; Neb, 372, 374; Nev, 387, 394, 397; N. J, 417-18, 423; N. Y, 447, 469, 476; full account of, 484; in Penn, 552, 557; Tenn, 611; Texas, 632; Wis, 702; Sweden, 782; Netherlands, 784; Hungary, 794, 856; Italy, 798; Gt. Brit, 835; Intl. League founded, 843.
Meredith, Ellis, in Colo, 61; N. J, 414.
Meriwether, Lide A, work in Tenn, 596-7; 615.
Merrick, Caroline E, 216; 596.
Mexico, grants wom. suff, 804.
Michigan, effort for wom. suff, campaigns, legis. action, workers, see St. chapter, 303.
Miles, General Nelson, 317.
Milholland, Inez, speaks in Wis, 702.
"Militancy," 342; effect in N. Y, 466, 478; in Gt. Brit, 727; 734; analysis of by Mrs. Fawcett, 728, 834; Mrs. Catt's comment, 822, 855; attitude of Intl. Alliance, 825, 854.
Miller, Alice Duer, 702.
Miller, Anne Fitzhugh, 443; 454; 456; 682.
Miller, Elizabeth Smith, 272; 443; 682.
Miller, Florence Fenwick (Gt. Brit.), 414; at intl. suff. conf. in Washtn, 806-808.
Miller, Mrs. John O, 558; 564.
Miller, Josephine, 6; 17; 19; 22; 530; 604; 670.
Miller, Mrs. Walter McNab, in Miss, 333; work in Mo, see St. chapter, 345 et seq.; N. C, 492; N. Dak, 504.
Milliken, Gov. Carl E. (Me.), 242; 244; 246.
Mills, B. Fay, 29.
Mills, Harriet May, in Del, 87, 89; Md, 249; N. J, 414; work in N. Y, see St. chapter, 441-3-4; 448; 468; 476; edits Club Letter, 449.
Millsaps, Major R. W, 341.
Milton, George Fort, 602; 611.
Milton, Mrs. George Fort, work in Tenn, see State chapter, 596 et seq.
Minnesota, effort for wom. suff, legis. action, workers, see State chap, 317.
Minor, Virginia L, 342.
Mirovitch, Zeneide (Russia), 815; 825-6; 834.
Mississippi, effort for wom. suff, legis. action, workers, see St. chapter, 326; telegram of Legis. to Del. Legis, 96.
Missouri, efforts for wom. suff, legis. action, workers, campaign, see St. chapter, 342.
Mitchel, Mayor John Purroy (N. Y.), 465; 479; 485.
Mitchner, Lilian, 196-7; 198; 206.
Mondell, U. S. Rep. Frank W. (Wyo.), 575; offers bill for wom. suff. in Alaska, 713.
Montana, effort for wom. suff, legis. action, campaign, workers, see St. chapter, 360.
Montefiore, Dora B. (Gt. Brit.), 277; 793; 816; 825.
Moore, Laura, 652.
Moore, Mrs. Philip, 160.
Morgan, St. Rep. W. Y. (Kans.), 200; 202.
Morgan, Mrs. W. Y, 197; 203.
Morrisson, Mrs. James W, 155; 159; 161.
Morrow, Gov. Edwin P. (Ky.), 210; 213-14.
Moses, U. S. Sen. George H, 401; 406-7-8.
Moses, Judge Jacob M, 251; 253; 262-3.
Moss, Mrs. Robert, 257; 259; 266.
Mott, Lucretia, 550.
Munds, Frances W, see Ariz. chapter, 10; elected Senator, 15.
Municipal Suffrage, in Del, 89; in Fla, 120; action on in Ga, 122, 128, 129; Atlanta, 131, 136, 138; Ills, 146-7; Chicago, 149; work in Ills. Legis, 150; gained, 156; in Ind, gained, 176, adverse court decis, 177; bill to repeal in Kans. Legis, 204; in Mass, 291, 293; Mich, 310, 316; Neb, 379; N. H, 410-11; N. Mex, 438; N. Dak, 506; Ohio, 513; S. Dak, 590; Tenn, gained, 602, 616; Vt, gained, 660, 663-4; West Va, vote on, 688; in Finland, 773; Norway, 775-6; Denmark, 777; Iceland, 779; Sweden, 783; Belgium, 787.
Mussey, Ellen Spencer, 106; 108; 166; 250.
Myers, Dr. Annice Jeffreys, see Ore. chapter, 538.
Myers, Jefferson, 540.
Nash, Prof. Henry S, 567.
Nathan, Maud, in Md, 250-1; N. Y, 456; Wis, 702; Budapest, 857.
National American Woman Suffrage Association, assists Ala, 4, 6; Ariz, 10; Ark, 20; Calif, 31; Conn, 68, 76; Del, 91-2, 95, 101-2; Fla, 114, 117, 119; Kans, 199; Me, 238, 243; Md, 265; Okla, 280; Mich, 312, 314; Minn, 318, 321; Miss, 334; Mont, 365; Neb, 377; Nev, 394; N. H, 406, 408, 410; N. J, 414; N. Mex, 435; N. Y, 478; N. C, 492, 497; N. Dak, 502, 504; Okla, 530 et seq; Ore, 541-2; S. C, 579; 581-2; S. Dak, 589, 592-3-4; Texas, 640; Vt, 655, 660; Va, 667, 670; Wash, 682, 692-3; West Va, 690; Wis, 701; urges suff. for and assists Hawaiian women, 716; Filipino women, 719; Porto Rican women, 723-4.
National Council of Women Voters, 683-4.
National Woman's Party (see Congressional Union), Colo. objects to, 61; in Conn, 75, 82; Ga, 142; Mass, 301; N. Y. repudiates, 466, 478; in Tenn, 621; Va, 670; Wis, 705.
Nebraska, effort for wom. suff, legis. action, campaigns, workers, petitions, see St. chapter, 368; Omaha Men's Anti-suff. Manifesto, 873.
Negro women vote in Tenn, 606.
Nelson, Julia B, in Minn, 318; 322.
Nesbitt, W. D, 7, 8.
Netherlands, effort for wom. suff, eminent women, entertains Intl. Alliance, suff. granted, 783.
Nevada, effort for wom. suff, legis. action, campaign, workers, see St. chapter, 384.
New Brunswick, work for wom. suff, 764.
Newfoundland, work for wom. suff, 766.
New Hampshire, effort for wom. suff, legis. action, workers, see St. chapter, 400.
New Jersey, effort for wom. suff, legis. action, workers, see St. chapter, 412.
Newlands, U. S. Sen. Francis G, 389; 394.
New Mexico, effort for wom. suff, legis. action, workers, see St. chapter, 434.
Newspapers, listed in each State chapter.
New York, effort for wom. suff, legis. action, campaigns, workers, see St. chapter, 440.
New Zealand, wom. suff. in, 752.
Neymann, Clara, speaks in Wis, 702.
Nicholes, Anna, 147.
Nicholson, Meredith, speaks for wom. suff., 176.
Noble, Harriet, 167; 172-3.
Noland, Anna Dunn, work in Ind, see St. chapter, 166.
Norbeck, Gov. Peter (S. Dak.), 591; 594.
Nordica, Lillian, sings for wom. suff. in Calif, 49; in New York, 450.
Norris, U. S. Sen. George W, 383.
North Carolina, efforts for wom. suff, legis. action, workers, memorial to Dr. Shaw, see St. chapter, 490.
North Dakota, effort for wom. suff, legis. action, campaigns, workers, see St. chapter, 501.
Northrup, Dr. Cyrus, 323.
Norway, work for wom. suff, petitions, success, women in office, 774; 826.
Nova Scotia, work for wom. suff, 764.
Nozaleda, Archbishop, 719-20.
Nugent, James R, 424-5; 430.
Obenchain, Eliza Calvert, 207.
Oddie, Gov. Tasker H. (Nev.), 389.
Odell, Gov. Benjamin F. (N. Y.), 454.
Officers, Women, in Calif, 58; Colo, 64-66; D. C. (National), 108, 110-11-12; Mont, 367; Nev, 390; Okla, 537; Tex, 638; Utah, 646, 648; Wyo, 710-11-12; Gt. Brit, 750-1; Canada, 755-6-7, 764; Finland, 773; Norway, 776; Denmark, 778; Iceland, 779; Sweden, 782-3; Netherlands, 786; Luxemburg, 788; Russia, 789; Germany, 791, 864; Austria, 793; Hungary, Bohemia, Czecho-Slovakia, Poland, 794-5; Palestine, 803; 863.
Ogden, Esther G, before Natl. Dem. Com, 620.
Ohio, effort for wom, suff, legis. action, campaigns, law suits, see St. chapter, 508.
Oklahoma, effort for wom. suff, legis. action, campaigns, workers, see St. chapter, 520.
Oliver, U. S. Rep. Wm. B. (Ala.), 8.
Olzendam, Lilian H, 655-8; 660.
O'Neil, Mrs. David, 346; 351-2; 354; 357.
Ontario, work for wom. suff, 757.
Ordway, Evelyn, 216.
Oregon, effort for wom. suff, legis. action, campaigns, workers, see St. chapter, 538; Mass. contributes to campaigns, 268, 278.
O'Reilly, Leonora, 276; 456; 461.
Organizations of Women, endorsement of wom. suff, in every State chapter.
Organizers, lists of, 554; 692.
Orr, Pauline V, 333-4.
Osborn, Gov. Chase S. (Mich.), 306-7; 315.
Osborne, Eliza Wright, 442-3; 448; 456.
Osborne, Thomas Mott, 442; 572.
Otis, Harrison Gray, 46.
O'Toole, Mary, work in D. C, app. Judge, see chapter, 104.
Overman, U. S. Sen. Lee S, 493; 496.
Owen, U. S. Sen. Robert L, for wom. suff. in Okla, 522-3, 537.
Owens, Helen Brewster, 198.
Page, U. S. Sen. Carroll S, 652; 655-6.
Page, Mary Hutcheson, see Mass, chapter, 267; in N. H, 403.
Palestine, women vote and hold office, 803.
Palmer, Attorney General A. Mitchell, urges Fed. Amend. in Del, 96; Md, 257; Miss, 340; N. J, 430; Va, 671.
Palmer, U. S. Sen. Thomas W, 306.
Pankhurst, Christabel, in La, 220; Tenn, 610.
Pankhurst, Mrs. Emmeline, in Conn, 70; D. C, 107; Ky, 208, 214; Md, 252; Mass, 275, 285; Harvard refuses, 283; in Mo, 344; Neb, 372; N. J, 419; N. Y, 486; R. I, 567; Wis, 701; organizes "militant" suff. society in Great Brit, 727; its work, 728-9, 732, 734; war work, 739; in Toronto, 758; refuses to send delegates to Intl. Alliance cong, 825, 834.
Pankhurst, Sylvia, in Calif., 47; Md, 252; Mass, 285, 295; Mo, 344; N. H, 404; N. Dak, 501; Wis, 702.
Parades for Woman Suff, in Ala, 9; Calif, 54; Conn, women, 73; Del. women, 89, 91, 98, 102-3; D. C, 108; Ga, 129; Chicago, in 1913, 157, in 1914, 159, in 1916, 161; Iowa, 182; Kans. women, 203; Ky, 210; Md. women, 252, 265; Mass, 275, 279, 285-6-7, 295; Minn, women, 320-1-2; in Miss, 332; Mo, 347, 349; Mont, 366; Neb, 376; N. H, 405; N. J. women, 417-8, 421, 426; in N. Y, 450, 470, 474; first men marched, 485; R. I. women, 570; Tenn. women, 599, 609, 612; in Utah, 650; West Va, 689; Wis. women, 705; Canadian women, 759; in Holland, 785.
Pardee, Gov. George C. (Calif.), 31.
Park, Alice, in Ariz, 14; Nev, 398; see Calif, chapter, 27.
Park, Maud Wood, in Calif, 33; Del, 86; 91; Me, 238; see Mass. chap, 267; 281; in Mich, 309; Minn, 319; Neb, 372; Nev, 387; N. H, 401, 406; N. Dak, 495; Ore, 540; R. I, 566; Vt, 661; Va, 668; Wis, 700; helps wom. suff. in Hawaii, 717-18.
Parker, Adella M, 674-7; 679; 681; 686.
Parker, Gov. John M, see La. chapter from 230.
Parker, Dr. Valeria H, 391; 649.
Parkhurst, Gov. Frederick H. (Me.), 247.
Parmelee, Annette W, work for wom. suff. in Vt, see St. chapter, 651.
Parsons, Herbert, 483; 485.
Partridge, Mary, 2; 3.
Patterson, Hannah J, work in Penn, 553-4; 560; West Va, 690-1.
Paul, Alice, chmn. Congressl. Com, 108; org. Congressl. Union, 109; 394; N. C. objects to, 491.
Peabody, George Foster, 457; pres. N. Y. Men's League, 484-5.
Peck, Mary Gray, 318; describes Alliance meeting in Stockholm, 845.
Peet, Mrs. Sturtevant, 34.
Penfield, Jean Nelson, in Nev, 391; Utah, 649.
Pennsylvania, effort for wom. suff, legis. action, campaign, workers, see St. chapter, 550.
Pennybacker, Mrs. Percy, 160.
Penrose, U. S. Sen. Boies, promises help, does not give it, 561; 563.
Petition, of National Assn. for Fed. Amend, in Mass, 281-300; Mich, 305; Minn, 319, 322; Neb, 372; N. Y, 447, 465, 480; Penn, 552; R. I, 566; Utah, 645; Wis, 700; for wom. suff. in Philippines, 719.
Pettyjohn, Dr. E. S, 198.
Philippines, The, effort for wom. suff; Natl. Suff. Assn. petitions for, Gov. Genls. and Archbishop recommend, action of U. S. Congress, of Filipino Congress, Mrs. Catt visits Manila, Philippine Commssr. De Veyra and wife urge it, status of women, 719.
"Picketing," Colo, objects, 61; New York protests, 466, 478; President Wilson on, 479.
Pidgeon, Mary E, 494; 497; 592; 670; 693.
Pierce, Emma S, see N. Dak. chapter, 501.
Pierce, Katherine, see Okla. chapter, 520, 536.
Pinchot, Mrs. Gifford, 563.
Pinckard, Mrs. James S, in Ala, 7; Tenn, 621.
Pitman, Mrs. B. F, work in Mass, 279-80, 284; in Hawaii, 717-8.
Pittman, U. S. Sen. Key, 389.
Pleasant, Gov. Ruffin G. (La.), 223-4; 230; 233.
Pleasant, Mrs. Ruffin G, in Tenn, 622.
Poland, grants wom. suff, elects women, 795.
Pollock, U. S. Sen. William P, 582.
Pomerene, U. S. Sen. Atlee, 517.
Porritt, Annie G, see Conn. chapter, 68; 83.
Porto Rico, efforts for wom. suff, action of U. S. Cong; of its Legis, 722.
Portugal, 802.
Post, Mrs. Edmund M, 215.
Post, Louis F, in Wis. campaign, 701.
Post, Mrs. Louis F, in Md, 251.
Potter, Prof. Frances Squire, speaks in Calif, 36; Mass, 276; 318; Mo, 344; N. J, 416; N. Y, 446; Ore, 547.
Presidential Suffrage, legis. action, in Ills, 149, 150 et seq; gained, 156; in court, 158; women's first vote, 162; in Ind, 176; law suits, 177; re-passed, 178; Iowa, 191; Kans. Legis, 204-5; in Ky, 214; Me, 245; Md, 257; Mass, 291; Mich, 311, 316; Minn, 324-5; Mo, 351, 357-8-9; Neb, 379; N. H, 410-11; N. J, 427, 432-3; N. Mex, 438; N. C, 500; N. Dak, 506; Ohio, in court, 514, 519; Okla, 523; Penn, 562; R. I, 570, 573-4, 576; S. C, 583; S. Dak, 590; Tenn, 601-5; in court, women vote, 605; 616; Texas, 634; Vt, 660; vetoed by Gov, 664; West Va, 697; Wis, 707-8.
Primary Suffrage, Ark. Legis. grants, 19-25; legis. action in Fla, 117, 119; Iowa, 191; Miss, 339; S. C, 581; Texas Legis. grants, 634; 638.
Progressive State conventions, in Ky, 211; Mass, 297-8.
Prohibition, women's votes for, in Mich, 315; Wash, 686; Alaska, 714; 754.
Prouty, Gov. George H. (Vt.), 653.
Pyle, Mrs. John L, work in S. Dak, see St. chapter, 587 et seq.
Quebec, work for wom. suff, 765.
Quinby, Gov. Henry B. (N. H.), 403.
Qvam, Mrs. F. M, work in Norway, 774; 815; reports on wom. suff, 826; 829; brings message from Queen, 836; 848; 857.
Raker, U. S. Rep. John E, at La. Legis, 234; for wom. suff. in Hawaii, 718.
Rankin, Jeannette, 46; in Fla, 118; Md, 257; work in Mont, see St. chapter, 360; elected to Congress, 367; in N. H, 405; N. C, 493; R. I, 577; Wash, 679.
Rathbone, Eleanor (Gt. Brit.), 740; 869.
Ratification of Federal Woman Suffrage Amendment, account near end of each State chapter; see especially Ala, 7; Conn, 75; Del, 93; Ga, 140; La, 225, 230; Md, 257; Miss, 337; N. C, 495; Tenn, 616; West Va, 694.
Reed, U. S. Sen. James A, 358, 641.
Reedy, William Marion, 350.
Reid, Mrs. Ogden Mills, 475; 482.
Reports, to Intl. Suff. Cong, 808, 813, 864.
Republican National Committee, 78; 79; 80; assists ratification in Del, 94; 100; N. H, 409; Tenn, 621; West Va, 694.
Republican State conventions and committees, in Calif, 33, 53-4, 56; Conn, 76, 78, 85; Del, 93-4, 98; Ills, 146; Iowa, 186; Ky, 210-11-12; Mass, 295, 298; Minn, 322; Mo, 348; N. Y, 446, see 483; N. C, 493, 495, 500; R. I, 576; Tenn, 599, 613; Vt, 657; Va, 667; West Va, 691.
Reynolds, Minnie J, in Colo, 61; N. J, 416, 418; 420-1; 432; 449; Wash, 680.
Rhode Island, effort for wom. suff, legis. action, workers, see St. chapter, 565.
Richards, Emily S, see Utah chapter, 644 et seq.
Richards, Janet, in Del, 91; Md, 263; N. J, 415; 488; Wash, 679, 682; Stockholm, 840, 844.
Riddle, State Sen. Agnes, 64; 67; 202.
Ridgely, Mrs. Henry, 93-4; 96; 101.
Riggs, St. Rep. John A. (Ark.), 23-4-5-6.
Ringrose, Mary E, 39; 200; 398.
Roark, Mary C, 209.
Roberts, Gov. Albert H. (Tenn.), 605; Mrs. Catt asks to call extra session, 617; confers with Pres. Wilson, urged by Dems, 618; calls it, threatened with defeat, 619; message to Legis, 622; upholds ratif. and forwards certificate, 623-4.
Roberts, Caroline, 265-6.
Roberts, Margaret S, see Idaho chapter, 143.
Robertson, U. S. Rep. Alice, 528, 537.
Robertson, Sir Forbes, 548.
Robinson, State Sen. Helen Ring, in Ga, 29; in Col, 67; Ky, 208; Mass, 285; N. H, 404; Geneva, 863.
Robinson, Lida P, 10.
Roessing, Mrs. Frank M, see Penn. chap, 553 et seq; in West Va, 689; assists Intl. Alliance, 868.
Roosevelt, President Theodore, appealed to for Fed. Amend. from Calif, 34; faint praise for wom. suff, 44; Del. women petition, 88; urges wom. suff. in Me, 241; 280; petitioned by Mich. women, 303; enrolls for wom. suff, 317; appeals to U. S. Sen. Moses for Fed. Suff. Amend, 408; N. J. women petition, 415; speaks for wom. suff. in New York, 450; advice as Governor, 454.
Root, Elihu, 483.
Roraback, John Henry, 76, 78, 80.
Rowe, Charlotte, in Del, 96; La, 232; N. H, 407, 409; Okla, 529; Texas, 641-2.
Royden, A. Maude (Gt. Brit.), in Md, 250; Budapest, 857-8; preaches in Geneva, 860.
Ruhl, Mrs. John L, 687; 693-4; 697.
Rumsey, Mrs. Dexter P, 444; 448; 456; 468; 475.
Russell, Gov. Lee M. (Miss.), 339.
Russia, efforts for wom. suff, Prof. Miliukov assists, women hold cong, elected, 788-9; 825.
Ruutz-Rees, Caroline, 70.
Rye, Gov. Tom C. (Tenn.), 599; 601; 603; 616.
Sacajawea, unveiling of Statue in Ore, 540-1.
Safford, Rev. Mary A, work in Fla, 115, 119; Iowa, 183; Mass, 270.
Salamon, Dr. Alice (Germany), 791.
Sanderson, Annie Cobden (Gt. Brit.), 252; 273; 825; on "militants," 855.
Sanford, Prof. Maria, 322.
Sapp, Bernice A, 674; 686.
Sargent, Ellen Clark, see Calif. chap, 27 et seq; 52.
Saskatchewan, work for wom. suff, 755.
Schlingheyde, Clara, work in Calif, 28, 31, 50; for Intl. Suff. Alliance, 868.
Schlumberger, Mme. DeWitt, pres, natl. suff. assn. of France, 800; 843; 854; 858; 860; appeals to League of Nations for wom. suff, 867.
Schmidt, Prof. Nathaniel, 344; 444; 456.
Schools for Citizenship, in Me, 246; Mo, 352; N. H, 408; S. C, 582; Wis, 706.
Schools for Woman Suffrage, in Ala, 6; Fla, 116; Atlanta, 129, 130; Ind, 174; Iowa, 185; Kans, 204; Me, 238; Md, 265; Mich, 310; Neb, 379; N. J, 421; R. I, 570; S. C, 581; Va, 667; West Va, 688; Wis, 704.
Schoonmaker, Nancy, 74; 245-6; 572; 706.
Schurman, Pres. Jacob G, 485.
Schwimmer, Rosika, in Ky, 208; Wis, 704; 812; 815; 826; 838; 844; Intl. Suff. Alliance Cong, in Hungary, 793; 849; 854; report for Hungary, 855; 857; countrywomen honor, 858, 865.
Scott, Mrs. William Force, 44.
Sellers, Kathryn, 109; 111.
Seton, Mrs. Ernest T, 73-4.
Severance, Caroline, M, 30-1; 40.
Severance, Sarah, 34.
Sewall, May Wright, lectures in Calif, 28; organizes in Ind, 171; work in Wis, 701; 772; at cong. in Budapest, 859.
Sexton, Minola Graham, see N. J. chapter, 412 et seq.
Shafroth, Gov. and U. S. Sen. John F, 5; assists wom. suff. in Kans, 198; Md, 257; at Dem. Natl. Conv, 349; N. J, 431; Hawaii, 717; Porto Rico, 723.
Shaw, Dr. Anna Howard, letter to Ala, 4; visits Ark, 20; in Ariz. campaign, 14; entertained in Calif, 32; speaks in Del, 86, 91; memorial, 92; 102; 110; in Fla, 116-7; Ga, 122-3, 135; Iowa, 182, 187; letter to Kans, 198; speaks in Ky, 208; in southern States, 218; Md, 249, 253, 256; Mass, 270 to 294; Mich, 305, 309; Minn, 317-18-19; Miss, 326, 329, 333; Mo. 349; at natl. suff. conv. 1919, 351; memorial, 354; before Legis, 355; Mont, 364; Neb, 370-1, 373-4, 376; work in Nev, 384, 387, 397; N. H, 401-2-3; N. J, 413-14-15, 417, 420, 424, 431; N. Y, 441-2-3, 450, 455, 464, in campaign, 483; wants Men's League, 484; in N. C, 492-3; memorial bldg, 495; N. Dak, 502; Okla, 520; Ore, 540, 542-3, 545; R. I, 567-8; memorial in S. C, 581; in S. Dak, 589; Tenn, 597, 607, 613; Texas, 630, 632; Vt, 652-3; Va, 666; West Va, 688, 691, 697; work for Wis, 701-2-3; for wom. suff. in Hawaii, 718; chmn, suff. comn. Intl. Council of Women, 805; at Berlin conf. Intl. Suff. Alliance, 810; at Copenhagen, 815, memorial to Miss Anthony, 816; at Amsterdam, 826, 828; speaks in Albert Hall, 836; preaches in London, 838; great sermon in Stockholm, 839; in Budapest, 850; 857; memorial tribute in Geneva, 861.
Shaw, Mrs. Quincy A, work in Mass, 268; 269; 270; 279; in Nev, 394.
Sheepshanks, Mary, 865.
Sheldon, Rev. C. M., 202.
Sheppard, U. S. Sen. Morris, 638; 642.
Sherwood, Dr. Mary, 263.
Shields, U. S. Sen. John K, opp. wom. suff, 605; writes Pres. Wilson, 613; 614.
Shippen, Rev. Eugene R, 306.
Shuler, Marjorie, in Del, 95; Fla, 117; Nev, 391; N. H, 408; N. C, 494; Okla, 531, 536; S. C, 582; Tenn, 619-20; Utah, 649; Vt, 655, 658; West Va, 694.
Shuler, Nettie Rogers, work in Me, 238, 242; Md, 265; Mass, 280; Mich, 311; N. H, 410; N. Y, 441, 448, 456, 470; Okla, report on campaign, 529; R. I, 570; S. Dak, 593; West Va, 693-4.
Simmons, U. S. Sen. F. M, 493; 496-7.
Simons, Mrs. Seward A, work in Calif, 41-2; 52.
Simpson, Mrs. David F, 317; 321.
Sims, Rear Admiral and Mrs. William S, 578.
Slosson, Dr. and Mrs. Edwin A, 417.
Smith, Gov. Alfred E. (N. Y.), 489.
Smith, Mrs. Draper, 373; 375; 379; 381.
Smith, Ethel M, 90.
Smith, U. S. Sen. Hoke, 127; 136.
Smith, U. S. Sen. John Walter, 257.
Smith, Dr. Julia Holmes, 146; 700.
Smith, Mrs. Thos. Jefferson, 207; 215.
Snowden, M. P. Philip, 276; 285; 344; in Gt. Brit, 730.
Snowden, Mrs. Philip, in D. C, 107; Ky, 208; Md, 252; Mass, 274, 276, 285; Mo, 344; Neb, 372; Toronto, 758; London, 836; Stockholm, 844.
Somerville, Nellie Nugent, work in Miss, see St. chapter, 327; in N. C, 491.
South, Mrs. John Glover, 208; 215.
South Africa, effort for wom. suff, Premiers' action; Mrs. Catt and Dr. Jacobs visit, 767.
South Carolina, effort for wom. suff, legis. action, workers; see St. chapter, 579.
South Dakota, effort for wom. suff, legis. action, workers; see St. chapter, 585.
Southern States Woman Suffrage Conference, 218, 610.
Spain, efforts for wom. suff, 802.
Spargo, John, in N. Y. Legis, 546.
Spencer, Rev. Anna Garlin, in Mass, 269; R. I, 565-6, 571; Wis, 702.
Spencer, U. S. Sen. Selden P, 358.
Sperry, Dr. Mary, 50; 398.
Sperry, Mary S, see Calif. chap, 27 et seq; 52.
Spring, Rebecca, 30.
Springer, Elmira E, 147.
Sproul, Gov. William C. (Penn.), 562-3.
Stanford, Mrs. Leland, for wom. suff, 28.
Stanislawsky, Mrs. Henry, in Calif, 46; Nev, 384-5-6; 393.
Stanley, Gov. A. O. (Ky.), 211.
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, birthdays, 30, 90, 109; 100th, 487; memorial in Neb, 370; pioneer, 440; memorial in Seneca Falls, 444; for Intl. Suff. Assn, 805.
Starbuck, Kathryn H, 459.
Starrett, Helen Ekin, 549.
Stearns, Sarah Burger, 40.
Steinem, Pauline, 508.
Stephens, Adelia C, work in Okla, see St. chapter, 520.
Stephens, Gov. William D. (Calif.), 57.
Stevens, Doris, 309; 407.
Stevens, Isaac N, 60; 62.
Stevens, Dr. Mary Thompson, 305-6; 316.
Stewart, Ella S, in Calif, 36; Ills, 146; 149; Ind, 167; Md, 251; Mich, 309; S. Dak, 590; Wis, 702; Amsterdam, 826.
Stimson, Henry L, 483.
Stimson, Mrs. S. C, 170.
Stockwell, Maud C, work in Minn, see St. chapter, 317.
Stone, Lucy, birthdays celebr, in Del, 90; Mass, 269, 273, 278, 280; marriage, 275, 278; work in N. J, 412, 417; 423; in R. I, 565.
Stone, U. S. Sen. William R, 357-8.
Stoner, Mrs. Wesley Martin, 105; at Dem. conv, 220; in Tenn, 609; West Va, 689.
Stowe, Dr. Emily Howard, suff. pioneer in Canada, 754; memorial in Toronto, 760.
Strachan, Grace C, 254.
Stritt, Marie (Germany), 827; 845; 854; 857.
Strong, Rev. Josiah, 456.
Stuart, Gov. Henry Carter (Va.), 666.
Stubbs, Pres. J. E, 385; 389.
Stubbs, Gov. W. R. (Kans.), 195-6; 198; 202; 205.
Stubbs, Mrs. W. R, 195-6; 202; 206.
Sulzer, Gov. William (N. Y.), 451-2.
Sumner, Dean Walter T, 410.
Sutherland, U. S. Sen. Howard, 696.
Suttner, Baroness von, speaks in Wis, 702.
Sweden, efforts for wom. suff, great petitions, entertains Intl. Alliance, women in Parliament, 780, 783.
Swift, Mary Wood, see Calif. chap, 27 et seq; 52; in Denmark, 812.
Switzerland, effort for wom. suff, entertains Intl. Alliance, 795.
Taft, President William Howard, 108; appoints Miss Lathrop, 112; Tenn. women petition, 607; advises wom. suff. in Philippines, 720.
Taxes, Mrs. Sargent sues for in Calif, 27; women protest against in Atlanta, 122, 124; Dr. Shaw's car sold for, 129; women pay in Mass, 269; Miss Daniels of Vt, refuses, 654; women's poll tax refused in Tenn, 616.
Taylor, Lucretia Watson, 29; 39; 45.
Tennessee, effort for wom. suff, legis. action, workers, ratification; see St. chapters, 596, 607.
Territories of the United States, wom. suff. in, 713 et seq.
Territt, Amelia, 596; 615.
Terry, Mrs. D. D, 22.
Texas, efforts for wom. suff, legis. action, campaign, workers, see St. chapter, 630.
Thomas, Mary Bentley, 249; 254; 596.
Thomas, Pres. M. Carey, work for natl. suff. conv, 249; in R. I, 567.
Thompson, Ellen Powell, 105.
Thompson, Lily Wilkinson, work in Miss, see St. chapter, 326.
Tiffany, Mrs. Charles L, 350; 469; 573.
Tindall, Helen Rand, 105-6.
Tindall, Dr. William, 105-6; 248.
Todd, Helen, in Calif, 46; Conn, 72; Mass, 283; Mo, 356.
Tolhurst, Mrs. Shelley, 36; 40; 42.
Topping, Lucile Dyas, see Mont. chapter, 360.
Tours for wom. suff, "yellow flier," "prairie schooner," 110; in Ills, 148-9; Iowa, 183; Mass, 276-7, 283-4-5; Minn, 321; Neb, 376; N. J, 422; N. Y, 470; Ohio, 513; Wis, 702.
Townsend, Gov. John G, in Del, 91-2; 94-5; 97; 100.
Trax, Lola, 6; 91; 581.
Treadwell, Harriette Taylor, 155; 157-8.
Trinkle, Gov. E. Lee (Va.), 671-2.
Trout, Grace Wilbur, work in Ills, see St. chap, 145 et seq; in Wis, 702.
Tumulty, Joseph P, 425.
Turkey, 802.
Tyler, Pres. Lyon G, 666; 671.
Ueland, Mrs. Andreas, tribute to, 320; 323-4.
Underwood, U. S. Sen. Oscar W, 7, 10.
U. S. Supreme Court, decision on Fed. Wom. Suff. Amend, 262.
Untermeyer, Samuel, 457; 485.
Upshaw, U. S. Rep. W. D. (Ga.), 131.
Upton, Harriet Taylor, in Calif, 29; 30; Del, 89; Ind, 166; Iowa, 184; work in Ohio, see St. chapter, 508; political position, 519; helps ratific, in Tenn, 519, 619, 621; in West Va, 688.
Uruguay, effort for wom. suff, 804.
Utah, half century of wom. suff, first women voters, Council of Women, good laws, women in office, see St. chapter, 644.
Valentine, Lila Mead, in N. C, 490; S. C, 580, 583; work in Va, see St. chapter, 655.
Vanderlip, Frank A, 485.
Vanderlip, Mrs. Frank A, 86; 476; 489.
Van Sant, Gov. Samuel R. (Minn.), 317.
Van Winkle, Mina C, police lieut, 112; in N. J, 416; 421-2; 424.
Vardaman, Gov. and U. S. Sen. (Miss.), 328; 331.
Vermont, effort for wom. suff, legis. action, workers, see St. chapter, 651.
Vernon, Mabel, in Del, 89, 102; Nev, 387, 394-5; 398; N. Mex, 436.
Vertrees, Judge John J. (Tenn.), 604-5.
Vessey, Gov. Robert S. (S. Dak.), 587.
Villard, Fanny Garrison (Mrs. Henry), in Mass, 295; N. Y, 443, 448, 455-6; 682.
Villard, Oswald Garrison, work in N. Y, 456-7; for Men's League, 484-5.
Vincent, Dr. George E, declares for wom. suff, 321.
Virginia, efforts for wom. suff, legis. action, workers, see St. chapter, 665.
Wadsworth, U. S. Sen. James W, opp. wom. suff. in N. H, 408; in N. Y, 455, 483, 489; in Texas, 641.
Wadsworth, Mrs. James W, pres. Anti-Suff. Assn, in Me, 242; Texas, 641.
Waite, Clara Turnbull, see Md. chapter, 262.
Walker, Lola, 243-4; 435; 530.
Walker, Speaker Seth M, telegram to N. C. Legis, 499; opp. ratific, in Tenn, 605, 623-4; goes to Washington and Conn, to opp. 625.
Walsh, Gov. and U. S. Sen. David I, 280; 285; 286; 300.
War Work of Suffragists, see record in each State chapter and Chap. XXIV, Vol. V.
Ward, Mrs. Humphry, in Great Brit, 726.
Ward, Lydia A. Coonley, 146.
Warner, Mrs. Leslie, 598; 600; 604; 613; 614; 619.
Warwick, Countess of, speaks in Wis, 702.
Washington, efforts for wom. suff, legis. action, campaigns, workers, see St. chapter, 673.
Watkins, Gertrude, 19; 22; 334; 435; 492; 530; 593.
Watson, Elizabeth Lowe, work in Calif, see St. chapter, 34 et seq; rep. on campaign, 38; 55; in Wis, 702.
Watson-Lister, Mrs. A. (Aus.), 277.
Watterson, Col. Henry, 208.
Way, Amanda, 31.
Weaver, U. S. Rep. Zebulon (N. C.), 493.
Webb, U. S. Rep. Edwin Y. (N. C.), 493.
Weeks, Anna Ross, 692.
Weeks, U. S. Sen. John W, women defeat, 300; 408.
Wells, Emmeline B, see Utah chap, 644 et seq.
Wells, Gov. Heber M. (Utah), 650.
West, Bina M, 313.
West Virginia, efforts for wom. suff, legis. action, campaigns, workers, see State chap, 687.
Wester, Catharine J, 608-9; 611; 615.
Wheeler, Mrs. Benjamin Ide, 44.
Wheeler, Everett P, in Md, 261; Tenn, 621.
Wheeler, Grace M, see Neb. chapter, 368.
White, Gov. Albert B. (West Va.), 696-7.
White, Armenia S, 400-1; 405.
White, Mrs. Edward F, 170; 176.
White, Mrs. Lovell, 28.
White, Nettie Lovisa, in D. C, 106; in Denmark, 812.
White, Sue S, 598; 601-2; 621.
Whitehead, Judge Reah M, 684; digest of laws for women, 686.
Whitehouse, Mrs. Norman deR, work in N. Y, see St. chapter from 469; in Switzerland, 488; R. I, 578.
Whitehouse, Judge Robert Treat, 237; 243.
Whitehouse, Ch. Justice William Penn, 243.
Whiteside, Frances Smith, 128; 134.
Whitlock, Anna (Sweden), 815.
Whitman, Gov. Charles S. (N. Y.), 478-9; 483; 485.
Whitney, Charlotte Anita, work in Calif, 47; Nev, 398; Ore, 546.
Wickersham, George W, 483.
Wicksell, Anna B, work in Sweden, member League of Nations, 780; 812; 815; 844; 857; 869; on Mandates Commission, 871.
Wier, Prof. Jeanne Elizabeth, 384; 386.
Wilbour, Charlotte B, 566.
Wiley, Dr. Harvey W, 654.
Wiley, Mrs. Harvey W, 105; 108.
Wilfley, U. S. Sen. Xenophon P, 358.
Wilhelmina, Queen, 818; 836.
Wilkes, Rev. Eliza Tupper, in Calif, 31; 40; in Budapest, 850.
Willard, Mabel Caldwell, in Del, 91; Mass, 285.
Williams, Charl, in Tenn, 619, 620-1.
Williams, U. S. Sen. John Sharp, 332; 341.
Williams, Mary H, see Neb. chap. from 368.
Williams, Mrs. Richard, 444.
Williams, Gov. Robert L. (Okla.), 528; 535; 537.
Willis, Gwendolen Brown, 257; 699; 701; 706.
Wills, M. Frances, 27.
Wilson, Miss B. M, work in Nev, 387, 392, 394.
Wilson, Rev. Clarence True, 201; 547.
Wilson, Mrs. Halsey W, in Del, 91-2; Fla, 117; Me, 238; Md, 265; Mich, 311; N. H, 406; S. Dak, 593; Vt, 655-6, 658, 663.
Wilson, J. Stitt, work for suff. in Calif, 35, 48, 49; in Nev, 398.
Wilson, President Woodrow, urges Ala. Legis. to ratify Fed. Suff. Amend, 9, 10; urges Del. Legis, 96, 100; appoints women to office, 108, 111-12; urges Ga. Legis. to ratify, 142; same, La, 233; urges St. Suff. Amend. in Me, 241; 280; Miss. women petition, 331; to N. J. women, 422; votes for wom. suff, 425; assists N. Y, campn, 479; refers to "picketing", 479; 493; urges ratification in N. C, 497; in Okla, 537; Pres. suff in Tenn, 604; women call on, 609; writes Sen. Shields for Fed. Amend, 613; assists ratification, 617; telegraphs Gov. Roberts for special session in Tenn, 618; Texas women appeal to for Fed. Amend, 635; urges State amend, 640; urges ratification in Va, 671; in West Va, 694.
Wisconsin, effort for wom. suff, legis. action, campaign, workers, see St. chapter, 699.
Wise, Rabbi Stephen S, for Men's League, 484; in R. I, 569; in Budapest, 858.
Wolcott, U. S. Sen. Josiah O, 92-3; 99.
Woman Citizen, natl. suff. assn. official paper, 130; 314.
Woman Suffrage in Many Countries, manner and time of gaining, see chapter on, 771; also on British Colonies, 752.
Woman Suffrage Party, in Calif, 50; Ga, 127; La, 224-226; Md, 251; Mass, 281; N. J, 418; organized in New York, 445, 460; work in city, 461 et seq; 468 et seq; org. in State, 475; 477; in Penn, 553; R. I, 568, 572, 577.
Woman's Christian Temperance Union, work for wom. suff. referred to in each State chapter.
Woman's Journal, its founding, 275; 279; 285; 329.
Women's Political Union, work in N. J, 420, 424; in N. Y, 486.
Wood, Mary I, 402; 404; 406-7-8-9.
Wood, Judge William H, 419.
Woodall, Amelia R, 126; 129; 132.
Woods, Dr. Frances, in Ariz, 11; Okla, 521-2.
Works, U. S. Sen. John D, 575.
Worrell, Emma, 87-8; 89; 90.
Wright, Edna, 408; 705.
Wright, Harriet G. R, 60-1.
Wyoming, see St. chapter, 709; university confers doctor's degree on Mrs. Catt, 712.
Yaggy, Laura Reed, 202-3.
Yates, Elizabeth Upham, 242; work for wom. suff. in R. I, see St. chapter, 568; tribute to, 577.
Yorke, Judge Waldo M, 31; 40-1.
Yost, Mrs. Ellis A, work in West Va, see St. chapter, 687; 697.
Youmans, Theodora W, work in Wis, see St. chapter, 704 et seq.
Young, Brigham, 645; 647.
Young, Clara A, 368-9; 371-2.
Young, Rose, in New York, 469, 473, 481.
Young, Virginia Durant, 579; 582.
Younger, Maud, 38; 45; 55; 398.
Yukon Territory, grants wom. suff, 764.
Zueblin, Prof. Charles, 567; 660; 702.
* * * * *
[Transcriber's Notes:
The transcriber made these changes to the text to correct obvious errors:
1. p. 105 Assocation —> Association 2. p. 110 acompanied —> accompanied 3. p. 110 Washingon —> Washington 4. p. 135 affiliat??? —> affiliated 5. p. 145 Assocation —> Association 6. p. 150 memberehip —> membership 7. p. 223 enthusiatic —> enthusiastic 8. p. 266 Fn #78, mentiond —> mentioned 9. p. 319 typwritten —> typewritten 10. p. 340 committe —> committee 11. p. 378 specificed —> specified 12. p. 429 over held —> ever held 13. p. 531 acount —> account 14. p. 537 joint —> join 15. p. 538 ratianal —> rational 16. p. 541 Christion —> Christian 17. p. 578 ocasion —> occasion 18. p. 581 progagandists —> propagandists 19. p. 585 activites —> activities 20. p. 605 Footnote anchor #168 missing; placed at most appropriate place. 21. p. 641 acompanied —> accompanied 22. p. 648 ocasionally —> occasionally 23. p. 706 thoughout —> throughout 24. p. 753 ristory —> history 25. p. 787 shoud —> should 26. p. 795 reportd —> reported 27. p. 805 geting —> getting 28. p. 834 sacraficing —> sacrificing 29. p. 839 demonination —> denomination 30. p. 840 annnounced —> announced 31. p. 842 beginnning —> beginning 32. p. 843 Annnie —> Annie 33. p. 843 Colocel —> Colonel 34. p. 845 magnificest —> magnificent 35. p. 858 responsibilties —> responsibilities 36. p. 859 adress —> address 37. p. 863 elibility —> eligibility 38. p. 891 Milsaps —> Millsaps 39. p. 893 Parmalee —> Parmelee
End of Transcriber's Notes] |