Long, ex-Secy, of Navy John D, on Suff. Advisory Com, 258; vice-pres. Men's Suff. League, 674.
Long, Dr. Margaret, treas. Natl. Coll. Women's League, 229; 661.
Longshore, Dr. Hannah, 73; 334.
Loomis, Rev. Alice Ball, 18; 20.
Lord. Mrs. M. B, 247.
Lord, Rev. William R, 340.
Lorimer, Rev. George C, 146.
Louisville, Ky, entertains natl. suff. conv. in 1911, 310.
Lovejoy, Dr. Owen R, shows need of wom. suff. in the cause of child labor, 496, 500.
Low, Seth, ignores women, 38.
Lowe, Caroline A, 327; speaks at hearing for 7,000,000 working women, denial of ballot greatest injustice, 350.
Lowell, Pres. A. Lawrence, Dr. Shaw joins on speaking tour for League of Nations, 740; 757.
Lowell, Josephine Shaw, 180; for wom. suff, 296.
Lowell, Judge Stephen R, 138.
Ludington, Katharine, at natl. suff. conv, 568; work in Conn, 602; 689.
Luscomb, Florence, 326.
Mack, Judge Julian, 372.
Mackay, Mrs. Clarence, on Advisory Com, 258.
McAdoo, Secy, of the Treasury William G, for Fed. Suff. Amend, 590; on suff. platform, 724; restores 8-hour day to women, 729.
McAdoo, Mrs. William G, on recep. com. for suff. conv, 515; speaks at conv. on Liberty Loan, 533.
McAfee, Effie L. D, 666.
McAneny, Mrs. George, 613.
McArthur, U. S. Rep. C. N. (Ore.), 549.
McCall, Sarah J, bequest to Natl. Suff. Assn, 407.
McClintock, Mary Ann, calls first Wom. Rights Conv, 219.
McClung, Nellie, tells of Canadian women's war work and how it brought suffrage, 544; in Minn, 669.
McClure, S. S. and T. C, for wom. suff, 296.
McCormack, Mrs. James M, 494.
McCormick, Mrs. Cyrus H, 542.
McCormick, Katharine Dexter, 286; appt. to natl. board, address on broadening effects of suff. work, 324; sends gift of suff. literature to many States, 336; pays Natl. Assn's deficit of $6,000 on Woman's Journal, 337; treas. report for 1913, 372; 419; elected vice-pres, 425; organizes Volunteer Suff. League, 442; 454; re-elected, 456; 484; unique evening program, 488; 527; re-elected, 541; contrib. to Natl. Assn, 542; on Wom. Com. of Natl. Defense, 555; chmn. assn's War Service Dept, presides at meeting, 560; refutes slanders of "antis", 560; assists Congressl. Com, 567; address at natl. conv, 597; moves res. of gratitude to Pres. Wilson, 600; 608; 615; writes chapter on war work of suffs. for History, 720; 724; 726-7; 730; 737.
McCormick, Mrs. Medill, work for Pres. suff. in Ills, 370; offers res. to ask Pres. Wilson for interview on wom. suff. and is on com, 374; chmn. Natl. Congressl. Com, 381; valuable service, estab. Woman's Independence Day, 404; 411; report of Congressl. Com's. work for Fed. Suff. Amend; reasons for introd. Shafroth Amend, and defense of it, 411-416, 418; report for Campn. Com, 418; her com. assists Neb, 420; re-apptd. chmn, 424; elected natl. auditor; produces play, Your Girl and Mine, 425; contrib. to publicity work, 426; bef. House Judic. Com, 427; shows difference between Natl. Suff. Assn. and Congressl. Union, 434; presides at conf, 444; 450; report as chmn. Congressl. Com, 452; 454; report to Senate com, 465; suff. work in Ills, 483; resigns as chmn. Congressl. Com, 506; moves for com. to confer with Red Cross War Council, is herself appt, 540; 567; 627; 629; sponsor for Shafroth Palmer Amend, 747-8.
McCormick, Vance, for Fed. Suff. Amend, 638.
McCracken, Elizabeth, 114-15; 391.
McCulloch, Catharine Waugh, 17; on legal privileges of women, 70; legal adviser to Natl. Assn, 107; conducts protest against bill admitting new Territories with women classed with insane, idiots and felons, 129; legislative work, 262; mem. tributes to Mr. Blackwell and Mr. Garrison, 278; elected natl. vice-pres, 282-3; report as legal adviser, rising vote of thanks, 286; 289; at Senate hearing as justice of the peace, shows professional women's demand for the vote, 292; pays tribute to "family of Clay," tells of new chivalry, 312; 314; 324; report on mother's equal guardianship, 327; early work for Pres. suff. in Ills, 370; presides at hearing bef. Com. on Rules, 392; 394; offers res. of non-partisanship, 490; on limited suff, 495; on tour for ratif, 606; works for Fed. Suff. Amend, 650; org. Miss. Valley Conf, 667; on Legal Status of Women, 686, 690, 697; at Repub. Natl. Conv, 703; objects to Shafroth Palmer Amend, 747; helps revise constn. of Natl. Suff. Assn, 756.
McDowell, Mary E, on The Workingwomen as a Natl. Asset, tribute to Miss Anthony and suffs, 209-10; ballot will give wage-earning women new status in industry, 356-7; 690.
McDowell, R. A, 408.
McFarland, Henry B. F, 24; 515.
McGehee, Mrs. Edward, 400.
McIvor, Mrs. Campbell (Canada), 334; 501.
McKeller, U. S. Sen. Kenneth, invites natl. suff. conv. to Chattanooga, 382; 643.
McKinley, Pres. William, for wom. suff. when a youth, 133.
McKinley, Mrs. William, gives doll for suff. bazaar, 13.
McLaren, Priscilla Bright, 31.
McLean, Frances W, 229.
McNaughton, Dr. Clara W, 435; 658.
Macy, Mrs. V. Everit, 542.
Maddox, Etta, obtains admis. of women to the bar in Md, 42; 98; 179.
Mahoney, Nonie, 541.
Malone, Collector of the Port Dudley Field, on natl. suff. platform, plea for wom. suff, says women would vote for "preparedness," Mrs. Catt and Dr. Shaw object, 459-60; bef. Senate com, 548.
Manila, natl. suff. assn. protests against "regulated" vice in, 10.
Mann, U. S. Rep. James R. (Ills.), votes for Fed. Amend, 637; chmn. Com. on Wom. Suff, 644.
Mann, Mrs. James R, 515.
Manning, Rev. William P, 682.
Mansfeldt, Lieut. Col. W. A. E. (Holland), 674.
Maps, difficulty with suff. maps, 532.
Marbury, William L, brings suit to test Fed. Suff. Amend, 654; same, 682.
Marshall, Vice-pres. Thomas R, 646; tribute to Dr. Shaw, 760.
Martha Washington Hotel, 258.
Martin, Anne, tells natl. conv. of successful suff. campn. in Nev, 401; work in Nev, 421; 425; 454; presides at Senate hearing of Congressl. Union, 466; same, 547; 549; at last suff. hearing, 585; 675; chmn. Natl. Wom. Party, 676; at natl. Repub. conv, 710.
Martin, U. S. Sen. Thomas S, unfairness in Dem. caucus on Fed. Suff. Amend, 565; same, 642.
Marvel, Lulu H, natl. suff. conv. thanks, 501.
Mathews, Dean Lois K. (Wis. Univ.), 664.
Matthews, J. N, opp. wom. suff, 437.
Matthews, Prof. Shailer, for wom. suff, 296.
Maud, Queen of Norway, 247.
Mead, Edwin D, 674.
Mead, Lucia Ames, pleads for world orgztn. for peace, 97; 105; 133; work for peace, 138; same, 176; responsibility of U. S. for Peace and Arbitration, 187; all classes of women need the suffrage, 189; 210; report on Peace conferences; Amer. School Peace League, 240; urges Natl. Suff. Assn. to work for peace, 253; 289; tells of great peace funds and endowments and "Pres. Taft's noble efforts to secure treaties," 326; 338.
Meehan, Mrs. S. D, 395.
Meeker, U. S. Rep. Jacob E. (Mo.), 516.
Memorials, to pioneer suffs. at natl. conv, 1901, 16; to Miss Anthony, 201-2; 569; 615.
Men's Leagues for Woman Suffrage, International and National, Mr. Blackwell's interest in, 278; in Calif, 288; from Calif. to Va, 311; in U. S, has an evening at natl. suff. conv. in 1912, 340; in 1913, 377; in 1914, 407; league formed in Tenn, 408; chapter on, 673.
Meredith, Ellis, address on Menace of Podunk, 15; edits Progress, 35; on effect of wom. suff. in Colo, 101; 112; 585; improved election laws, 686; at Repub. Natl. Conv, 710.
Merrick, Caroline E, 17; pioneer suff. of La, shares honors with Miss Anthony, 58; 80; 106; 137; 191; 208.
Merrick, Edwin, need of wom. suff, 80.
Meyer, Heloise, elected to Natl. Bd, 501; in war service, 517; 526-7; retires from office, 541; 724.
Michigan, gives women taxpayers a vote, 243; wom. suff. amend. defeated by fraud, 339; other reasons, 474; gives suff. to women, 550; Natl. Assn. assists campn, 557.
Milholland, Inez, 326.
"Militancy," in Gt. Brit, xv; Mrs. Snowden justifies, 237-8; Dr. Shaw and natl. suff. conv. sympathize, 238; Alice Paul's account, 280; Mrs. Pankhurst says women stood 8 hrs. at entrance of House of Commons; assault of police, 330-1.
Miller, Alice Duer, Sisterhood of Women, 283; 502.
Miller, Anne Fitzhugh, 188; tribute to Mr. Blackwell, 279.
Miller, Caroline Hallowell, 33; 45; 180.
Miller, Elizabeth Smith, 34; 60; 208; 288; memorial, 328.
Miller, Florence Fenwick, at intl. conf. in Washtn, 31; 40-1; addresses House com. on official and polit. status of women in Gt. Brit, 52; 87.
Miller, Mayor John F. (Seattle), wom. suff. record of Wash, 250.
Miller, Mrs. John O, presents suff. flag from Penn. assn. to Natl, 501; chmn. com. on Dr. Shaw's mem. fund, 613.
Miller, Mrs. Walter McNab, tells of suff. petition in Mo, 402; elected to Natl. Bd, 425; 456; report of extensive field work, 483; 485; 516; reports for assn's war com. on Thrift, 520; work as chmn. of Congressl. Com; spoke 200 times in 15 States, wrote 3,000 letters, travelled 13,000 miles; work at Washtn. headqrs, 526-7; welcomes natl. suff. conv. to St. Louis, 553; report on Food Conservation, 1918, 560; at Anthony celebr, 615; 724; work on Thrift Com, 727.
Mills, Mrs. C. D. B, 559.
Mills, Harriet May, addresses Senate com, 47; same, 110; speaks at natl. suff. conv, 187; same, 289; same, 382; on N. Y. campn, 518.
Miner, Maude E, no danger in immoral women's vote, 233; 372.
Minor, Judge Francis, urges women to vote under 14th Amend, 622; carries case to U. S. Sup. Ct, 623; wants Cong. to enable women to vote for its members, 657.
Minor, Mrs. Francis, tries to vote under 14th Amend, 623.
Mississippi Valley Conference, members opp. Shafroth Amend, 422; orgztn, great need of, valuable work, 667-671.
Mitchell, John, 288.
Mitchell, U. S. Sen. John A, 111.
Mitchell, Mrs. Willis G, 519.
Mondell, U. S. Rep. Frank W. (Wyo.), introd. Fed. Suff. Amend, 1910, 300; testimony for equal suff. in Wyo, criticises Pres. Wilson for not referring to wom. suff. in message, calls for special suff. com, 396; speaks for Amend. bef. House Judic. Com, 428; 449; natl. suff. conv. thanks for assistance, 450-1; introd. Fed. Amend, 1917, 524; speaks for Wom. Suff. Com, 548; speaks for Fed. Amend, 629; on Wom. Suff. Com, 634; majority leader, 644.
Mondell, Mrs. Frank W, 396.
Monroe, Lilla Day, 196.
Montana, successful suff. campn, 401, 409; liquor interests and copper company opp. Wom. Suff. Amend, Miss Rankin's work, 421; Repub. and Dem. women's vote, 584; gives wom. suff, 625.
Moore, Laura, 137; 204.
Moore, Mrs. Philip North (Eva Perry), pays tribute to Miss Anthony and other suff. pioneers, 171; 540; 558; 726.
Morawetz, Mrs. Victor, in N. Y. campn, 519.
Morgan, Laura Puffer, 442; 430.
Morgan, Mrs. Raymond B, 664.
Morgan, Mrs. W. Y, 495; 517.
Mormonism, attack on in anti-suff. speech, Sen. Sutherland protests; its part in wom, suff, 467-8.
Morris, Esther, 34; 73.
Morrisson, Mrs. James W, elected natl. rec. secy, 456; work for suff. parade in Chicago during Repub. Natl. Conv, tribute to Mrs. Medill McCormick, 482; 485; 501.
Morton, Dr. Rosalie Slaughter, urges higher moral standard for men, 224.
Moses, U. S. Sen. George H, Roosevelt urges to vote for Fed. Amend, 571.
Moss, U. S. Rep. Hunter H. (W. Va.), votes for Fed. Suff. Amend, 631.
Mosshart, Gertrude C, 528.
Mott, Anna C, 74.
Mott, Lucretia, 185; 219; "the inspired preacher," 333-4; reminis. of, 569; calls first Woman's Rights Conv, 618; at first one in Washtn, 621; 664.
Mountford, Lydia von Finkelstein, 41.
Moylan, Penn, home of Dr. Anna Howard Shaw, 740.
Munds, Frances W, 341.
Municipal Suffrage, plan of work for, 10; Jane Addams shows women's need of, 178; campn. for, 194; Prof. Sophonisba Breckinridge urges; its value in New Orleans, 195; Anna E. Nicholas shows need of, 196; defeated in Chicago by charter conv, 195; Miss Addams tells of, 207; in Kans, 196; in New Orleans, 195-6; women's petitions for in Chicago, 392; granted in Tenn, 551; in Fla. and Atlanta, 602; in Vt, 632.
Municipal Work, women's, in New York, 38; in Phila, 177.
Murdock, U. S. Rep. Victor (Kans.), 377.
Mussey, Ellen Spencer, 205.
Myers, Dr. Annice Jeffreys, 134; 145; 147; 152; 204; memorial, 328.
Myers, Jefferson, 109; pays tribute to Miss Anthony, her co-workers and their cause, 122.
Mythen, Rev. James Grattan, 340.
Names, distinguished list on receiving com. for natl. suff. conv. of 1915, 515; those in war service, 517.
Nashville, entertains natl. suff. conv. of 1914 in Representatives' Hall, welcomed by Mayor Hilary Howse, 398.
Nathan, Maud, 95; on the Wage Earner and the Ballot, 96; 110; on Women Warriors, 181; 559.
National American Woman Suffrage Association, efforts for planks in natl. polit. convs, see Planks; work for Fed. Amend, xvii; orgztn. of two branches and their union, objects and work, 1, 2; its convs, Congressl. hearings, money raised, nation-wide efforts and their result, chapters I to XIX inclusive; list of officers, first page of each; business women's tribute, 21; calls intl. suff. conf, 24; conv. protests against "regulated" vice in Philippines, appts. com. to see Pres. Roosevelt, who declares against it and War Dept. stops it, 44; attacked on "race question" states its neutral position, 59; plan of work for 1903, 61; assists campns. in Ore, 147; S. Dak, 240; Okla, 252; Ariz, S. Dak, 253; passes res. of non-partisanship, 343; membership and petitions compared with anti-suff's, 392; permeated with new life in 1915, great accession of young women, 441; repudiates Shafroth Palmer Amend; resolves to work only for original Fed. Amend, 452; cooperation with Congressl. Union found impossible, 454; elects Mrs. Catt pres, 455-6; ovation to Dr. Shaw, 457; demand for Fed. Amend, 460; work of 63 St. auxiliaries; attacks no party, 464; Dr. Shaw shows diff. bet. it and Congressl. Union, 471; debate at Atlantic City conv. on its future policy, 486; Dr. Shaw urges no change, 487; Mrs. Catt takes same view, 501; nation-wide plan of work, 510; Call for conv. of 1917 demands Fed. Amend. from Cong, 513; officers in war service, 517; Exec. Council pledges loyalty and service to Govt, 518, 527; decides to enter polit. campns, 542; celebrates 50th anniv, 551; no conv. in 1918; conf. of Exec. Council at Indpls; Call for natl. conv. in 1919; changed character of convs, 552; nation-wide work for Fed. Amend, 554-557; campns. against anti-suff. candidates for Cong, 557; gives $30,720 to suff. campns. in Mich, S. Dak. and Okla, 558; natl. conv. vetoes proposal to merge assn. in League of Women Voters till Fed. Amend. is secured, 561; Pioneers' evening, 569; recommendations of Natl. Exec. Council for 1919, 574; first organized body of women to offer services to Govt. for war; attitude toward peace, 578; Chicago entertains last natl. suff. conv. and first cong. of League of Women Voters, 594; Jubilee conv. to celebr. end of its work, 594; Exec. Council program for future action, 596; thanks Governors who called spec. sessions to ratify amend, 600; program adopted by conv. assn. shall "move toward dissolution," 600; auxiliaries will join League of Women Voters, 601; large assistance to southern States, 603; Mrs. Shuler's tribute to, 607; presents honor rolls to early workers, 616; meets with League of Women Voters, 617; assn. was formed for amending Fed. Constitn, 622; united with American Assn, 622; works against election of anti-suff. Senators, 641; assists League of Women Voters, 698; effort for wom. suff. planks in natl. polit. platforms, 702; calls on Res. Com. of Natl. Repub. Conv. in 1920 to secure final ratif. of Fed. Suff. Amend, 718; war service to Govt. during the war, 720 et seq; Pres. Wilson approves, 725; its officers and members on Woman's Com. of Council of Natl. Defense, 726; action on Shafroth Palmer Amend, in 1914 and 1915, 750; reasons for continuing after suff. was gained, new constitn. made, officers elected, principal object to remove legal and civil discriminations against women, present status, 755-757; Official Bd. issues Mem. for Dr. Shaw, 759.
National Council of Women Voters, 42; res. for wom. suff. in 1909, 249; greetings to natl. suff. conv, 341; in Washtn, 379, 626.
Nationality of wives, Miss Rankin's bill for, 521.
National Junior Suffrage Corps, 405.
National Press Bureau, reports, Mrs. Babcock, chmn, 1901, 14; 1905, 131; 1906, 163. Miss Hauser, chmn, 1907, 204; 1908, 218; 1909, 250. Mrs. Harper, chmn, 1910, 287. Miss Reilly, chmn, 1911, 315; 1912, 336. Miss Byrns, chmn, 1913, 368; 1914, 405. Mr. Hallinan, chmn, 1915, 482. Mr. Heaslip, chmn, 1916, 494. Mrs. McCormick, chmn, 1917, 527. Mrs. Harper, 528. Miss Young, chmn, 1918, 1919, 570; Mrs. Harper, 571. At Washtn. headqrs, Miss Shuler, chmn, 1918, 1919, 573.
National Woman Suffrage Conventions, described in first 19 chapters; tribute to, 46; descrip. by Woman's Journal, 290. Changed character of, 552; see Conventions.
National Woman Suffrage Publishing Co, organized, 372; 405; 481; report, 1917, over 10,000,000 pieces of suff. literature printed, 532; 1918, 6,000,000 pieces, 573; total, 50,000,000; see Ogden, Esther G.
National Woman's Party, see Congressional Union.
Nebraska, liquor interests in suff. campn, 420; Pres. and Munic. suff. declared legal and "male" left out of new constitn, 602.
Negroes, "race question" injected at natl. suff. conv. in New Orleans, Official Board responds, 59; delegates address Phyllis Wheatley Club; its president gives flowers to Miss Anthony with touching words, 60; Dr. Shaw settles color questions, 75; 77; 80; Mrs. Catt says each State must decide, 83; Mrs. Terrill pleads for negroes, 105; Miss Anthony champions cause, 203; danger of vote in South discussed, 580; men enfranchised by Fed. Amend, 746; after Civil War, 751.
Nelson, Pres. Frank (Minn. Coll.), 669.
Nelson, U. S. Rep. John M. (Wis.), 709.
Nelson, Julia B, 132.
Nelson, U. S. Sen. Knute, 323.
Nestor, Agnes, 726.
Nevada, story of successful campn, 401.
New Jersey, sends wom. suff. deputn. to Pres. Wilson, 379; fraudulent vote on wom. suff, 630.
New Orleans, entertains natl. suff. conv, 55-6; delightful entertainment, 84.
News Letter, published by Natl. Assn, 442.
New York, gives suff. to women, xxiii; discriminates against women teachers, 294; adoption of State amend. decides suff. question, 517; natl. conv. devotes evening to victory, story of great campn.; cost $682,500, 518-19; women's war service, 533; statistics of vote on wom. suff. amend, 537; great value of, 634; Mrs. Catt describes campn, 753.
Nicholes, Anna E, women's need of Munic. suff, 196.
Nicholes, S. Grace, 408.
Nicholson, Eliza J, ed. of Picayune, 58.
Nightingale, Florence, for wom, suff, 461.
Nixon, Frederick S, 180.
Non Partisanship, natl. suff. conv. 1912, defeats res. for and then passes one, 342-3; Natl. Amer. Assn. opposed to holding party in power responsible for wom. suff, 412, 426; members of Congressl. Union give reasons for, Dems. object, 429-30; Natl. Suff. Assn. stands for non partisanship, 434; 461; 464; 471; reaffirmed at natl. conv, 1916, 490; at conv. 1919, 574.
Northrop, Dr. Cyrus, 669.
Norway, wom. suff. and women in office, 48.
Nugent, James R, 713.
Obenchain, Lida Calvert, 328.
Oberlin College, 220; 226; 255.
O'Connor, Mrs. T. P, 326.
Odenheimer, Cordelia R. P, Pres. Genl. Daughters of Confederacy, 515.
Officers, women, effect of Fed. Suff. Amend, iv; in Norway, 48; in Australia, 91, 292.
Ogden, Esther G, elected natl. vice-pres, 456; tells of Natl. Suff. Pub. Co. and little "golden flier," 481-2; reports for Natl. Suff. Pub. Co, 532; 541; 559; 573; final report of Natl. Suff. Pub. Co, 614; 716; 724.
Ohio, effort to ratify Fed. Suff. Amend, 649; 652.
Oklahoma, Natl. Assn. assists effort for wom. suff, 211; first suff. campn, 252, 277; second, 557; successful, 641.
Olds, Emma S, 67; 107; 208.
Oleson, Mrs. Peter, 610.
Oliphant, Mrs. O. D, 391; 437; 477.
Olmstead, Rev. Margaret T, 18; 20.
Olsen, Justice Harry, 372.
O'Neil, Mrs. David M, 668.
Oregon, polit. leaders urge suff. campn; Natl. Assn. agrees to assist, 147; Dr. Shaw points out responsibility of Ore. men and women, 149; assn. helps, 161; appeal for campn. funds at natl. suff. conv, 161; generous response, Miss Anthony gives her birthday money, 184; defeat of amend, 200; work of Natl. Assn, 211; 254; majority vote for amend, 1912, 332; 337.
O'Reilly, Leonora, 334; bef. Senate Com; demand of working women for the ballot, 351.
Organizations, large number endorse wom. suff, 1906, 162; none oppose, 205; in 1908, 218; in 1909, 249; in 1910, 281.
Organizations of Women, efforts for better laws, iv.
Organizers, 225 employed in 1917, instructed by Mrs. Catt, work done, 539; in 1918, work in 20 States, 556-7; list of in 1919, Mrs. Shuler praises, 603.
Osborn, Gov. Chase S. (Mich.), greets natl. suff. conv, 341.
Osborne, Eliza Wright, 219; 288; memorial, 328.
O'Shaughnessy, U. S. Rep. George F. (R. I.), 549.
O'Sullivan, Mary Kenney, 174; asks suff. for working women, injustice of Govt, 189.
Oversea Hospitals, Women's, Natl. Suff. Assn. maintains, 558; 568; 574; Assn's. fund for, 608; final report, 613; report of Mrs. Tiffany and Mrs. Brown, its directors, at natl. conv. of 1919, valuable work in France, recognition by French Govt, 732-735; financial report of Mrs. Rogers, natl. treas, 734.
Owen, U. S. Sen. Robert L, natl. suff. conv. greets mother, 269; his powerful argument for wom. suff, 274; 323; 383; 501; 504; 627; 709.
Owens, Helen Brewster, 373.
Page, Mary Hutcheson, conf. on polit. work, 286.
Palmer, Atty. Gen. A. Mitchell, 654.
Palmer, Alice Freeman, 74; for wom. suff, 296.
Palmer, Prof. George Herbert, 296.
Palmer, U. S. Sen. Thomas W, bequest to Natl. Suff. Assn, 407.
Pankhurst, Emmeline, advises U. S. suff. headqrs. to sell not give literature, 267; receives ovation at natl. suff. conv.; explains revolution of women in Gt. Brit, 330.
Parades, begun in U. S, xx; in London, 233; in Gt. Brit, 237; with Fed. Amend, petit, in Washtn, 275; in New York and Washtn, 1913, 367; in Washtn. bef. inauguration, 378-9; in New York, 470; in Chicago during Repub. Natl. Conv, 482-3; "walkless parade," in St. Louis at Dem. Natl. Conv, 483; in Chicago, 484; of British women during the war, 534; in Washtn, 625; New York, 626; Washtn, 632; Men's Leagues march, 674; in Balto, 708; rainy day parade in Chicago in 1916, 710; the "walk-less" in St. Louis, 712.
Park, Alice L, 249.
Park, Maud Wood, natl. suff. conv, 1903, 83; 133; 148; at conv. in Balto, unselfishness of suff. leaders, duty of college women to assist their work, 168; 171; describes Coll. Wom. Suff. League, 226; 229; on Mass, campn, 409; 444; report for Congressl. Com, 1917, 523; presides at hearing bef. Rules Com, 549; 561; report as chmn. of Congressl. Com, 1919, 562-567; tribute to helpful Senators; names them, 566; praise for members of Congressl. Com, names them, 566; conv. gives rising vote of thanks and dele, speak words of praise, 567-8; re-elected, 574; at last suff. hearing, 577; excellent speech, 590; 604; 632; Congressl. Com. report, 633; tribute to Pres. Wilson, 640; org. Coll. Wom. Suff. League, 660-1; 664; chmn. Natl. League of Women Voters, 689; 701; bef. Repub. Natl. Com, 717.
Parker, Adella M, 255; 257; 264.
Parker, U. S. Rep. Richard Wayne (N. J.), chmn. at suff. hearing, 300; compliments speakers, makes no report, 309.
Parker, Dr. Valeria, on tour for ratif, 606; 650; on social hygiene, 686, 690, 696.
Parsons, Elsie Clews, 661.
Parsons, National Committeeman Herbert, 511.
Parsons, Mary Ely, furnishes Dr. Shaw's office, 276.
Patten, Dr. Simon N, 296.
Patterson, Hannah J, report on Penn. campn, 409; on how to organize, 444; 450; elected natl. vice-pres, 456; natl. cor. secy's, report, 1916, 481; 485; 501; 503; tribute from chmn. Congressl. Com, 509; on Woman's Com. of Council of Natl. Defense, 726; receives distinguished service medal, 739.
Patterson, U. S. Sen. Thomas M, addresses natl. suff. conv, 45.
Patterson, Mrs. Thomas M, 74.
Paul, Alice, tells of "militancy" in Gt. Brit, 280; chmn. Congressl. Com, 366; arranges for Pres. Wilson to receive wom. suff. deputation, 374; takes part in English "militant" movement, sent to prison; wants to start one in U. S. but idea frowned upon by Dr. Shaw, who appoints her chmn. Congressl. Com. to organize parade in Washtn.; shows much exec. ability; makes com. report to natl. conv, 377-381; forms Congressl. Union, is chmn.; Mrs. Catt makes inquiries, 379-80; Natl. Suff. Bd. will not permit her to act as chmn. of both and she is deposed from Congressl. Com.; remains head of Union, 381; has it fight Dem. party, 454-5; presides at hearing bef. House Com.; members attack her for trying to defeat Dems, who were friends of wom. suff; she defends this action, 474-5; asks chairman Webb what will be in Dem. platform, 476; heads Congressl. Com, 625; org. Congressl. Union, 675; reorganized as Natl. Woman's Party, 1917, Miss Paul chmn, 676; 678-9.
Peabody, George Foster, on wom. suff. platform, 340; holds Dr. Shaw's annuity fund, 458.
Peace and Arbitration, Natl. Suff. Assn. favors, 67; Mrs. Mead and Mrs. Catt appeal for, 97-8; responsibility of U. S. for, 187; natl. suff. conv. endorses recommendation of Inter Parliamentary Union, 212; 240; Mrs. Mead calls on Natl. Amer. Suff. Assn. to assist educatl, work for it, 254; Pres. Taft's effort for treaties, 326; 328; natl. suff conv. in 1914 demands women should have a voice, commends Pres. Wilson's effort for peace, 426; assn's. attitude during the war, 578; Dr. Shaw's demand for world peace, 759.
Peck, Prof. Mary Gray, elected natl headqrs. secy, 261; gives report of new headqrs, value of New York center, increased demand for literature, large sales, valuable suggestions, 267-9; on Congressl. Com, 319.
Pendleton, Pres. Ellen F, 663.
Penfield, Jean Nelson, 338; bef. Senate com, women's need of ballot in social service work, 352; on tour for ratif, 606; same, 650.
Penfield, Perle, 253; 261.
Penn, Hannah, only woman Governor, 334.
Penn, William, Govt. free only when people make laws, 334.
Pennybacker, Mrs. Percy V, report on Child Welfare, 560; 687; 690; 697.
Penrose, U. S. Sen. Boies, refuses to see suff. dele, 516; opp. to suff. plank in Repub. natl. platform, 711.
Perkins, Prof. Emma M, 212.
Perkins, Mrs. Roger G, 494.
Perkins, Mrs. S.M.C, 656.
Petersen, Florence Bennett, 669-70.
Petition of National American Suffrage Association for Federal Amendment, list of com, immense work, 258; report on vast work, Mrs. Catt's contrib. signatures of writers; automobile parade to Capitol to present; vote of thanks to members from natl. suff. conv, 1910; last petition, 274-5; distinguished signers, 300; in 1913, 368; 200,000 names presented to Senate, 378; those of suffs. and "antis" compared, 392; first to Cong, for worn, suff, 619; first for 16th Amend, 623; great petition 1913, 626; for Wom. Suff. Com, 633; to senate for Fed. Amend, 638; initiative petit, of 38,000 in Mo, 402; 98,000 Conn, women petit. Legis. for Pres. suff, 602; 11,000 in Del. to U.S. Senate for Fed. Amend, 638; treatment of petitions in Mass, 188.
Phelan, U. S. Sen. James D, 645.
Philadelphia, municipal corruption, need of women's votes, 65, 72; ignoring of women's civic work, 177; entertains natl. suff. conv. of 1912, overflow meetings, 332; great rally in Independence Square, 333.
Philippines, wom. suff. soc. formed, 561.
Phillips, Elsie Cole, at Senate hearing; need of the ballot by wives and mothers of working classes; theirs not the ignorant vote, 348; 361.
"Picketing," work of natl. Press Bureau to counteract; Mrs. Catt and Dr. Shaw condemn, editorials on, 529-30.
Pierce, Charlotte, 16; 209; sole survivor of first Woman's Rights Convention, 333; 559; natl. conv. sends letter, 1920, 610.
Pierce, Katherine, 685.
Pierce, Rev. U. G. B, 459; 515.
Pinchot, Gifford, shows nation's need of women's vote, 377.
Pinchot, Mrs. Gifford, entertains Natl. Bd, 516; report on Industrial Protection of Women, 560; 731.
Pinkham, Winona Osborne, 729.
Pioneers, at natl. conv. '02, 31; suff. luncheon at natl. conv. in Chicago, 615.
Pittman, U. S. Sen. Key, 713.
Pitzer, Annie, 341.
Planks, for Woman Suffrage, efforts to obtain in platforms of polit. parties; Repub. and Dem. endorse suff. in 1916 but not Fed. Amend.; efforts at State convs, 504-5; Natl. Assn's. effort to secure from natl. Pres. convs, in 1904, 702; in 1908, 703; in 1912, 704-8; in 1916, 509, 708; in 1920, 715. See Chapter XXIII.
Plan of work, for 1901, 10; for 1906, 163; for 1909, 240; for 1917, 510.
Platt, Margaret B, 247.
Plummer, Mary R, 667.
Podell, Nettie A, 286.
Pohl, Dr. Esther Lovejoy, 133.
Poindexter, U. S. Sen. Miles, 638.
Poindexter, Mrs. Miles, 382.
Polk, Gov. Joseph K. (Mo.), 668.
Pollock, U. S. Sen. William P, speaks for Fed. Suff. Amend, 565, 642; copies of speech sent to southern States, 603; tries to obtain needed vote, 641; 647.
Pomerene, U.S. Sen. Atlee, refuses to represent his State on Fed. Suff. Amend, 598.
Pomeroy, U. S. Sen. S. C, offers first res. for Fed. Wom. Suff. Amend, in 1868, 621.
Porritt, Annie G, Laws Affecting Women and Children, 494; 532.
Portland, Ore, entertains natl. suff. conv, 117; Mrs. Duniway and others meet the delegates, cordial welcome from press and people, 119.
Porto Rico, Natl. Assn. asks wom. suff. for, 11; suff. soc. formed, 561.
Post, Louis F, on Ethics of Suffrage, 18; 20; 205; 212.
Potter, Eva, 556.
Potter, Prof. Frances Squire, Women and the Vote, speech on coll. women's eve, 228; at Spokane, 246; masterly speech on Coll. Women and Democracy, 255-6; 260; elected natl. cor. secy, 261; 265; sends letter of regret from Natl. Suff. Bd. to Pres. Taft, 272; address on The Making of Democracy, 274; natl. cor. secy's, report, conv. gives rising vote, declines re-election, 381-3; on Res. Com, 289; 290.
Pou, U. S. Rep. Edward W. (N. C.), chmn. Rules Com, 524; 548; 628; 633; for Wom. Suff. Com, 634-5.
Pound, L. Annice, 109.
Poyntz, Juliet Stuart, 283.
Pratt, Mayor N. S, welcomes suff. dele, to Spokane, 244.
Presidential Conventions, treatment of wom. suff, see Chapter XXIII.
Presidential Suffrage, natl. assn's. early work for, 2, 11; Mr. Blackwell's argument for, 12; right of Legis. to grant, 43; great value of, 62; Chief Justice Fuller's decision, 130; line of least resistance, 219; gained in Ills. and other States, power it gives women; first suggested by U. S. Sen. Hoar, 369-70; Ills. Sup. Ct. declares legality, 407; Natl. Exec. Council strongly endorses, 452; bills introduced in 1916, 495; Mrs. Catt declares grant by Legis. legal, 520; great "drive" for begun, 528; Natl. Assn. works for, victories gained, 539; great gains in 1918, 550-1; Mo. Legis. grants during natl. suff. conv; appeals to conv. from Iowa, Tenn. and Conn, to ask their Legis. for it, 559; 98,000 women ask for in Conn, 602; granted in many States, 602, 632, 643; effect on personnel of Cong, 643.
Price, Ellen H. E, welcomes natl. suff. conv. to Phila, 33-4; 666.
Price, Lucy J, 391; 467; 476; 548; 585.
Primary Suffrage, in Texas, 551; in Ark, 632; in Texas, 641.
Prince of Wales, decorates Amer. woman doctor for war service, 735. See Finley.
Progress, natl. suff. organ, begun, 35; wide circulation, 60; 62,000 distrib, made a monthly, 162; changed to weekly, 205.
Progressive Party, adopts worn, suff, xxi; women assist, 1912, 342; Natl. Conv. declares for Fed. Suff. Amend, 480; for worn, suff, 625; formed in Chicago, adopts worn, suff, women flock into it, 705-707; strong woman suffrage plank, 714.
Prohibition, Federal Amendment adopted, xxiii; vote for compared with vote for Suff. Amend, 449; submitted by Cong; suffs. see State's rights advocates voting for it, 537.
Prohibition Party, wom. suff. in platform, 206; women assist, 1912, 342; Natl. Conv. declares for Fed. Suff. Amend, 480; accepts League of Women Voters' planks, 700; always for wom, suff, 702; 714.
Proxies, natl, suff. conv. 1912, abolishes their voting, 341.
Publishing Company, Woman Suffrage; see Natl. Wom. Suff. Pub. Co.
Pyle, Mrs. John L, work in S. Dak, 420-1; describes successful campn, 494; 570; 669; offers res. against U. S. Sen. Wadsworth in natl. suff. conv, 692.
Queen Mary, cables Dr. Shaw thanks of British women to Woman's Com. of Council of Natl. Defense, 738.
Queen Maud, of Norway, 247.
Race Problem, Natl. Suff. Assn. declares its neutral position, 59; Mrs. Catt says each State must decide it, 83; U. S. Sen. Borah's opinion, 413. See Negroes.
Rainey, Mrs. Henry T, 382.
Raker, U. S. Rep. John E. (Calif.), wom. suff. clean cut question of right, 356; demands Com. on Wom. Suff. in Lower House, 388; at hearing in 1916, 504-5; introd. Fed. Amend, and res. for Wom. Suff. Com, 1917, 524; 548; introd. new res. for Fed. Suff. Amend, 562; presides at hearing, 577; interviews Pres. Wilson, 583; 628; chmn. new Com. on Wom. Suff, 634-5-6; for Fed. Elections Bill, 658.
Raker, Mrs. John E, 382.
Rankin, Jeannette, report as field secy, 368; tells of Montana victory, 409; on Congressl. Com, 451; as U. S. Rep. addresses suff. conv, 520-1; tells of her bill for nationality of wives, 521; speaks at natl. suff. headqrs. in Washtn, 523; introd. Fed. Suff. Amend, 524; urges it at Senate hearing, 546; 548; grills anti-suff. speaker, 584; vote against war, 585; first wom. Representative, speaks at suff. headqrs. and escorted to Capitol, 632; 633; opens debate on Fed. Amend, 636.
Ranlett, Helen, 368; 405.
Ransdell, U. S. Sen. Joseph E, on Wom. Suff. Com, 383; votes for Fed. Amend, 627.
Ratification of Federal Woman Suffrage Amendment, Mrs. Catt's plans and work for; sends representatives to Governors, 649-650; effort for spec, sessions of Legis, New York and Kans. lead; Mrs. Catt heads deputation to western States, 650; action of southern section; Conn, and Vt, 651; great fight in Tenn, Mrs. Catt leads, Pres. Wilson assists, 652; Maine and Ohio try referendum, U. S. Sup. Ct. decision, final victory, Amend, proclaimed, 652; Conn, then ratifies and later Vt, 653; appeals to courts, 653-655. See St. chapters in Vol. VI near end of each. Fight on by Men's Anti-Suff. Assn. in Conn, Md, W. Va, and Tenn, 681-2.
Ratifications of Federal Amendment, partial list, 606.
Red Cross, 535; natl. suff. conv. asks that women be represented on its War Council; women do much of its work, plan of worn, nurses in army hospitals orig. with a woman and first military hospital was estab. by a woman; com. appointed to confer with Red Cross, 540; branch in natl. suff. headqrs, 567.
Reed, U. S. Sen. James A, 638; 645.
Reed, Speaker Thomas B, 73; for wom. suff. 236.
Reid, Mrs. Ogden Mills, 519.
Reilley, Mrs. Eugene, 490.
Reilly, Caroline I, 249; report of Natl. Press Bureau for 1911; its work extends around the globe, 315; for 1912, 20 syndicates on list, 2,000 copies of press bulletin sent weekly to every State and many countries, spec, editions for papers prepared, 3,000 letters answered during year, 336; 604.
Remsen, Pres. Ira, presides at coll. wom. suff. evening, in Balto, 168; invites natl. suff. conv. to visit Johns Hopkins, 183.
Reports on Federal Suffrage Amendment, Senate and House Coms, urged to report, 299, 303, 309; refuse, 1912, 363; from coms, of Cong, 624; favorable from Senate, 626, 633; few reports from House, 627; from House Com. on Rules, 628; from House Judic, 631; from House Wom. Suff. Com. 635.
Republican National Committee refuses to give natl. suff. com. list of its candidates for Cong, 319; receives suff. speakers, 440; natl. suff. conv. thanks chmn. for help with Fed. Amend, 610; effort for amend, 636-638; Mrs. Catt thanks, 648; work for ratification, 651-2; in 1920 sends out appeal for it, 715.
Republican National Conventions, one in 1916 declares for wom. suff, 480; refuses plank for Fed. Amend, but endorse wom. suff, 505; struggle over plank, 509-10; action on League of Women Voters' planks, 700; on wom. suff. planks in 1904, 702; in 1908, 703; in 1912, 704; great struggle in 1916, names of friends and foes, State's rights plank, 710-712; in 1920, Natl. Suff. Assn. demands ratif. of Fed. Amend, presents plank, Res. Com. evades, 716-17; women ask representation in party, partially conceded, 717.
Republican Party, attitude toward wom. suff, xviii, xx; adopts plank, xxi; vote in Cong, xxii, xxiii; record on Fed. Suff. Amend, 430; why was it not held responsible, 434; record of members of Cong, on Fed. Suff. Amend, 474-5; vote of members of Cong, on Wom. Suff. Com, 525; vote of members of Cong, on Fed. Amend, 563, 565; members in Cong, responsible for delay of Amend, 598; promise Amend, 620; do not assist, 625; vote in Cong, on Fed. Amend, Senate, 624, 627; Lower House, 629, 636; Senate, 640, 642; House, 644; Senate, 646. See 647-8-9. Res. of Senators, 639; party makes first declaration for State's rights in wom. suff. plank, 1916, 711.
Resolutions, adopted by natl. suff. conv. of 1901, 15; of 1902, 43; 1903, 67; of 1904, 105; of 1905, 136, 145-6; of 1906, 179; of 1907, 212; of 1908, 240; of 1909, 257; of 1911, 328; of 1912, 339; of 1913, 373; of 1914, 425-6; of 1915, sacredness of home and marriage, 461; of 1916, 502; of 1917, loyalty and service to the Govt, 518; Cong. urged to submit Fed. Suff. Amend. as a War measure; rejoicing over many important victories; support for war measures of Govt; equal pay for equal work, 543; of 1919, 574-5; of 1920, 600-1.
Resolutions for Woman Suffrage by various organizations, 128.
Reynolds, Minnie J, work on natl. suff. petit, 258; secures writers' names, 275; gives eminent list at Senate hearing, 295-297.
Rhees, Pres. Rush, speaks of Anthony Mem. Bldg, 744.
Rhinelander, Rt. Rev. Philip Mercer, 343.
Richards, Janet, 260, 264; bef. House Judic. Com, 434; on recep. com, 1917, 515.
Richardson, A. Madely, 611.
Richardson, Nell, 6,000 mile motor suff. trip, 481.
Richardson, "Tom", welcomes natl. suff. conv. to New Orleans, 57.
Ringrose, Mary E, 317.
Riordan, U. S. Rep, Daniel J. (N. Y.), 548; 645.
Roberts, Gov. Albert H, helps ratif. in Tenn, 652; Dem. Natl. Com. urges to call spec. session for ratif, 717.
Robertson, Beatrice Forbes, 289.
Robins, Raymond, 289; 511.
Robins, Mrs. Raymond, pres. Natl. Wom. Trade Union League, on White Slave Traffic, 286; appeals for vote in name of the league, 302; 306; res. that suffs. support only candidates favoring Fed. Amend, stirs up Atlantic City conv, 489; asks ballot for women wage earners, 496, 499; 564; 570; chmn. Women in Industry Com, 686, 692.
Robinson, State Sen. Helen Ring (Colo.), 366.
Robinson, Margaret C, accused by Mrs. Catt of making false assertions against her during the war, 736.
Rochester University, mem. bldg. for Miss Anthony, 200-1.
Rodgers, Helen Z. M, 214.
Roessing, Mrs. Frank M, tells of Penn. campn, 444; 450; elected natl. vice-pres, 456; 485; 501; appt. chmn. Congressl. Comm, 506; report of work, 503-511; aids Congressl. Com, 525; 566; work at Repub. Natl. Conv, 710.
Rogers, Mrs. Henry Wade, elected natl. treas, 425; report, large receipts, 441; re-elected, 456; report for 1916, receipts, $81,869; obligations to "finance com. of fifty," 482-3; report as chmn. for war com. on Food Production, 520; re-elected, treas. report for 1917, comparison with early days, 541; 555; report for 1918, receipts, $107,736; Oversea Hospitals' fund, $133,339, 558; report, receipts from 1914 to 1920; with Oversea Hospitals' fund, $612,000, 608; seven years of gratuitous service, 609; at Repub. Natl. Conv, 716; 724; report of funds for Women's Oversea Hospitals during the war, 734.
Rogers, Mrs. John, 395.
Roosevelt, Alice, greets Miss Anthony, 88.
Roosevelt, President Theodore, xxi; invites Miss Anthony to White House, 88; receives natl. suff. conv, 99; it asks him to recommend Fed. Suff. Amend, 126; Miss Anthony presents list of requests, all ignored, 137; birthday letter to Miss Anthony, 191; suff. com. interviews, he says a petition would have no effect on him, 217; 222; says people have a right to change Natl. Constitn, 359; speaks for wom. suff, in Metrop. Opera House, New York, 367; urges U. S. Sen. Moses to vote for Fed. Suff. Amend, 571; favors Amend, 579; favors wom. suff. plank in Progressive platform, 625; speaks for it, 626; urges Fed. Suff. Amend, 634, 636; at Natl. Repub. Conv, 1912, 705; forms Progressive Party; its res. com. substitutes another for his wom. suff. plank, 706; he accepts and speaks for it, 707; while Pres, he refused all appeals, 706.
Roosevelt, Jr, Mrs. Theodore, 442.
Root, Mrs. Elihu, advises Pres. Taft not to welcome natl. suff. conv, 269.
Root, Martha S, 106; 146.
Rowe, Charlotte, amazing "anti" speech, 592.
Rucker, U. S. Rep. A. W, speaks for Colo, at suff. conv, 269; introd. Fed. Suff. Amend, 300; women's vote in Colo, 308; 354.
Rumely, Edward A, 548.
Russia, loyal to U. S, 28; legal and polit. status of women, 50; 213.
Ruutz-Rees, Caroline, 372; elected natl. vice-pres, 373; org. Junior Suff. Corps, 405; chmn. Com. on Literature, compiles some of Dr. Shaw's speeches, 447; bef. Senate com, 464; bef. House com, 472; at mem. service for Dr. Shaw, 611.
Ryan, Agnes E, 315; 380.
Ryerson, Mrs. Arthur, 542.
Ryshpan, Bertha, 286.
Sacajawea, statue dedicated, 132.
Safford, Rev. Mary A, 98; 541; 553.
Sage, Mrs. Russell, contributions to suff. work, 183, 191.
St. Louis, entertains Jubilee Conv. of Natl. Suff. Assn, 552; report fills 322 pages.
Salmon, Prof. Lucy M, college women's debt to suff. pioneers, address at natl. suff. conv. in Balto, 168-9; 663.
Sanders, M. J, shows need of wom. suff, 70.
Sanford, Prof. Maria L, 617; 669.
Sargent, U. S. Sen. A. A, first to present Fed. Wom. Suff. Amend, 623.
Sargent, Ellen Clark (Mrs. A. A.), 137; entertains suff. leaders, 150; 180; 208; memorial, 328.
Sargent, Mrs. James, 204.
Savage, Bessie J, 264.
Savage, Clara, 442.
Schall, U. S. Rep. Thomas D. (Minn.), 548.
Schauss, Elizabeth, shows working women's need of suff, 302.
Schneiderman, Rose, 286; no chivalry to working women, 409; 519.
Schoff, Mrs. Frederick, 135.
Schools for citizenship, under League of Women Voters, 688, 690, 698-9.
Schwimmer, Rosika (Hungary), brings petition for peace to Pres. Wilson and says wom. suff. would do away with war, 410; at Miss. Valley Conf, 669.
Scott, Mrs. Francis M, 679.
Scott, Prof. John A, invites suff. conv. to visit Northwestern Univ, 208.
Scott, Mrs. Townsend, 585.
Scott, Mrs. William Force, 391.
Seattle, entertains natl. suff. conv. of 1909, 243; receives vote of thanks, 257.
Semple, Patty Blackburn, tells of "indirect influence," 312.
Senate Committee on Woman Suffrage, 380; grants six hearings in 1913, names of com, 382-3.
Seneca Falls, has first Woman's Rights Conv, 213; 618.
Seton, Ernest Thompson, for wom. suff, 297.
Seton, Mrs. Ernest Thompson, 319; report of Art Publicity Com, 403; 442; arr. display of suff. posters, 532.
Severance, Caroline M, pioneer suff, 137; 208; 288.
Sewall, May Wright, 24; speaks for Peace and Arbitration, 67; for memorial bust of Miss Anthony, 201-2; founder Intl. Council of Women, 658.
Sexton, Minola Graham, 94.
Shafroth, U. S. Sen. John F, addresses natl. suff. conv, 45; answers Pres. Cleveland's anti-suff. article, 163; bef. Senate com. in 1910, men have usurped suff. rights, 297-8; arr. hearing for Dr. Shaw bef. House of Governors, 314; introd. Shafroth Suff. Amend, 415; answers misrepresentations on wom. suff. in Colo, 444; natl. suff. conv. thanks for assistance, 450; on suff. platform, 459; has conf. of Senators on wom, suff, 503; 700,000 copies Amend, speech circulated, 532; Mrs. Catt introd. to Senate com. as an "unfailing friend" of wom. suff; he declares it to be "simply another step in the evolution of govt," 545; tribute of chmn. Congressl. Com, 566; 571; speech for Fed. Suff. Amend, 633; 648.
Shafroth-Palmer National Woman Suffrage Amendment, full story of, 411-418, 422-424, 427; drawn up and submitted to lawyers and Senators, introd. by Sen. Shafroth and Rep. Palmer, 414-416; Official Bd. approves it, text of, 416; its merits presented to conv. by Mrs. Funk; refers to at hearing bef. Judic. Com; U. S. Sen. Bristow calls it a national initiative and referendum; Woman's Journal says it should have been submitted to Natl. Exec. Council, 416-418; strong protest at Miss. Valley Conf, 422; great dissatisfaction among suffs; Official Bd. stands by it; discussion at natl. conv; Miss Blackwell supports it, 422-3; will hasten day of Fed. Amend, 423; Mrs. Blatch objects, res. adopted, 423; effect on election of officers, 424; Mrs. Funk calls it natl. initiative; Congressl. Com. works for, 451; natl. suff. conv. 1915, rescinds last year's action; passes res. that Natl. Amer. Assn. will work only for old Fed. Amend; Dr. Shaw explains her action; end of Amend, 452-3; letters on it in Woman's Journal, 747-750.
Shaw, Dr. Anna Howard, at natl. conv. in 1901, would rather starve than give up wom. suff, 7; on chivalry, scores "antis," 8; appeal against "regulated" vice, 11; 12; 20; welcomes intl. suff. conf, 26; at Balto. conv, 35; on Miss Anthony's birthday, 40; speech on Power of an Incentive, 45; addresses Senate com. and urges Cong. to investigate practical working of wom. suff, 49; at natl. suff. conv. in New Orleans, 57; responds to greetings, tribute to southern women, 58; preaches Sunday sermon, 69; presides at meetings, 70-1; tribute to Mrs. Stanton, Miss Anthony and Lucy Stone, 74; lively answers to question box, 74; on The Modern Democratic Ideal, 81; on Fate of Republics, 85; at natl. conv. of 1904, 86; prepares Decl. of Principles; dele, to Berlin conf; makes southern tour, 87; optimistic view of wom. suff, 89; 98; on hymn, America, 106; elected pres. of Natl. Assn; Mrs. Catt presents, tribute of Washtn, Star, 108; speaks on Woman without a Country, 109; recep. en route to Portland conv, 118; presides at conv, Ore. Hist. Society presents gavel, 120; gives first written address, pen picture of, 123; pays tribute to Sacajawea, 124; extols work of suffs, 125; answers criticisms of Cardinal Gibbons and ex-Pres. Cleveland, 125; describes great "dreamers" of the past, 126; chmn. of suff. com. of Intl. Council of Women, 127; 130; 135; 140; on Ore. suff. campn, 149; cordial recep. in Calif, 150; opens natl. suff. conv. in Balto, 152; responds to greetings, says people must help God to answer their prayers, 153; replies to Gov. Warfield, time women ceased to be proxy voters, 153-4; introd. Mrs. Howe and Miss Barton, 154; gives written address, hearers protest, 156; criticises Pres. Roosevelt's statement that women in industry decreases marriage, 157; that woman's domain is home, 158; has fun with the "oracles," Cardinal Gibbons, ex-Pres. Cleveland and Dr. Lyman Abbott, 157-8; women need self-respect; scores Legislatures, loss to country by women's disfranchisement, 159; great injustice from time of Civil War; when will Pres. and Cong. act, 160; would continue proxy votes at convs, 161; asks for women on Natl. Divorce Commissn, 164; guests of Miss Garrett at Balto. conv, 167; conducts Sunday services, 179; 184; closes conv. with appeal for consecrated work, 187; presides at Senate hearing, 188; Miss Anthony places the work in her charge, 191; presides over natl. suff. conv. of '07, 194; president's address, rejoices over victories; never will be orgztn. of Tories; farewell tribute to Miss Anthony and her sister, 200, 204; on mem. fund com, 202; tribute to suff. pioneers, 204; addresses Chicago Univ. girls, 206; reads last message of Mary Anthony, 207; closes conv. with hopeful words, 212; presides at natl, conv. of 1908, flowers presented, comment on teachers, 214; sends suff. assn's. greetings to Natl. W. C. T. U, 215; president's address on revolution of the pioneers; tribute of Buffalo Express, 216; opens coll. evening, 226; Mrs. George Howard Lewis gives luncheon at 20th Century Club, 230; presides at Sunday service, personal notice, believes in dignity of labor, 230; women work but do not receive wages, 232; tells of parade in London, 233; rec. first salary as Pres, 235; rec. Mrs. Lewis's gift to Natl. Assn, 236; sympathy with Brit, "militants," 238; eloquent peroration, 242; at St. Paul, 244; presented with gavel at Spokane, says blow for wom. suff. will be struck on Pacific coast, 244; opens suff. conv. at Seattle, pays tribute to Mrs. Catt, 246-7; is member of Grange, 247; 249; no stenographic report of speeches, 252; "question box," 257; 258; Sunday services, 260; thanks Miss Gordon, compliments Gov. Vessey, 261; does not know politics, 262; 263; closing speech, 264; at Expos, on suff. day, 264; opens natl. conv. of 1910, 266; presiding when Pres. Taft makes address of welcome, distressed at apparent hissing, expresses regret in the conv, sends letter to the President in name of Official Bd, 269, 272-3; tributes to Mr. Blackwell and Mr. Garrison, 280; re-elected pres, 282; presides at Sunday meeting, 289; closes conv. 290; presides at Senate hearing, tells of great petit, says democracy never has been tried; introd. speakers; scores women "antis"; begs for a report, 291-299; opens natl. conv. in Louisville, 311; gives $3,000 from unknown contrib, 315; president's address; tribute to men of Wash, and Calif, 317; guest of honor Coll. Women's Suff. League, 319; presides at Sunday afternoon meeting, introd. noted speakers, 321; re-elected, 324; closing address, "eloquent with hope," 331; "citizen of the world," 334; large fund for campns. received from Mrs. Quincy A. Shaw, 337; president's address, "American women are ruled by the men of every country in the world," 338; sends congrat. of Natl. Assn. to Governors of States with suff. victories, who respond, 341; presides at great Sunday meeting in Phila, 343; 345; at Senate hearing, 1912, 347; begs the com. to bring a Fed. Suff. Amend, bef. the Senate and to appoint a com. to investigate its working in equal suff. States, 353; speaks in 13 States and 5 countries of Europe in 1913, 367; president's address at natl. conv; has heard objections against wom. suff. but no reasons; women too emotional; compares last Pres. conv. in Balto. with natl. convs. of women, 370-1; criticizes Pres. Wilson for ignoring wom. suff. in his first message, 373-4; recd. by him and presents case for suffs, 375; appoints Alice Paul head of Congressl. Com, 378; closes conv, 382; presides at hearing for a Wom. Suff. Com, 384; 387; says suffs. would not ask partisan com, 388; business of the Govt. to protect women in their right to vote, 391; presides at natl. conv. in Nashville, presented with gavel from tree planted by Andrew Jackson, 398; pays tribute to southern women, calls on southern men to give them the ballot, 399; conv. passes res. of appreciation for her "splendid services" of past year and willingness to stand for re-election, 400; president's address, divine right of Kings soon obsolete; with wom. suff. war could be averted, 402; asks Pres. Wilson to proclaim Women's Independence Day, 402; uses her campn. fund, her long itinerary, 404; rec. testimonial from organizers, 406; tribute to people of Nashville, 409; agrees to Shafroth-Palmer Amend, 422; re-elected, 1914, 424; sits on Speaker's bench at opening of Cong; recd, by Pres. Wilson, asks him to use his influence for a Fed. Suff. Amend, and plank in Dem. natl. platform, 440; welcomes new workers, thanks God for old, 441; tribute of publicity chmn, 442; decides to retire from presidency, states reasons in Woman's Journal, 445; president's address, leading' feature of convs; outlines future work of assn, 445; shows need of loyalty and co-operation bet. officers and members; receives ovation, 446; shows Miss Anthony's pin from Wyoming women; conv. orders address printed, 447; compilation of her speeches made; speaks 30 times in N. J. campn, 447; 204 in N. Y, 457; addresses Coll. League, 450; attitude on Shafroth Amend, opposed but yields to Official Bd, thinks it was introd. too soon, 450-1; accepted presidency of Natl. Assn. in 1904 only because urged by Miss Anthony; compelled to give it up by other duties, wants Mrs. Catt for her successor, 455-6; votes for her and pays tribute, 457; natl. suff. conv. releases Dr. Shaw with beautiful ceremonies, elects her hon. pres. and friends present her with annuity, 457-8; she responds and introd. Mrs. Catt, 458; presides at mass meeting Sunday, 459-60; appreciation and thanks of Natl. Assn, 461; presides at Senate hearing, 462; takes up world questions and asks for woman's vote on them; tribute to com, 465-6; at House hearing asked to state diff. between Natl Suff. Assn. and Congressl. Union and does so, 471; urges no change in policy of Natl. Am. Assn, 487; stands for non partisanship, 490; responds to Pres. Wilson's address to natl. suff. conv, "women want suff, now," 498; presides over last evening session; closes address with a definition of Americanism and tribute to the flag, 511; reception with wives of Cabinet at suff. conv. 1917, 515; opens convention with invocation, 517; moves rising vote on pledge of war service to Govt, 518; appointed by Govt. as chmn. of Woman's Com. of Council of National Defense, 520; presides at evening session, 520; nominates Mrs. Catt for office, 522-3; condemns "picketing", 530; proposes message of loyalty and support to Pres. Wilson, which conv. sends, 533; speech on women and war, 534-6; women the army at home; must not make all the sacrifices; should be "smokeless" days; describes Woman's Com. of Natl. Defense, 536; speaks of injustice to Clara Barton; presents Mrs. Avery, 540; tribute to her oratory, 544; invocation at opening of natl. conv. 1919; presents Mrs. Catt, 553; southern dele. give illuminated testimonial and she responds, 554; moves a res. of thanks to Pres. Wilson, 558; 559; assistance to Congressl. Com, 567; at Pioneer's evening gives reminis. of Miss Anthony, 569-70; presides on last evening, 576; at last suff. hearing, 577; speech shows Govt's recognition of loyalty of Natl. Suff. Assn, 578; other countries recognize women's service by giving suff, 579; eminent supporters of Fed. Suff. Amend; to fail to ask it would be treason, 579; 581; opened natl. convs. with prayer 28 yrs, 596; tribute of Mrs. Shuler, memorial booklet by Natl. Bd; her last speech, What the War Meant to Women, 607; memorial service at natl. suff. conv, program, tribute of N. Y. Times, 611; Mrs. Catt's eulogy, beautiful comparison, 612; devotion to cause of wom. suff; nearest and dearest to Miss Anthony; great power of oratory, 612; work for her country; two college foundations estab. as memorials; her college degrees. Autobiography, Story of a Pioneer, 613; her tribute to Miss Anthony, 615; Pres. Wilson congratulates, 634; vice-pres. Coll. Equal Suff. League, 663; favors League of Women Voters, 685; appeals to Dem. natl. conv. in 1908, 704; in 1912, 707; 724; on women's attitude toward war, 725; Govt. appoints her chmn. Woman's Com. of Council of Natl. Defense, 726-7; her work, 737; telegram from Queen Mary, 738; tribute by Secy. of War Baker; receives distinguished service medal, 739; closes work of Woman's Com. but thinks it should be continued for civic work, 739; goes on speaking tour in behalf of League of Nations with former Pres. Taft and Pres. Lowell, 739; overworks and dies before it is finished, 740. Appendix, approves Anthony Mem. Bldg, 744, 754; address on resigning presidency of Natl. Amer. Assn; U. S. Govt. violates its own principles in refusing suff. to women, 750; assn. must not be swerved from its purpose, new recruits want spectacular methods, State action is the foundation, 751; on tour for League of Nations; nation mourns death, 757-8; tribute to Amer. flag; women traitors to democracy not to demand suff; receives disting. service medal; accepts it for service of all women; on Exec. Com. of League to Enforce Peace; it circulates her last speech, 758; "out of this war must come world peace; American flag means hope for the world; mothers will not endure war; will of the people must prevent it," 759; memorial of Natl. Suff. Bd; tributes of Pres. Wilson, Vice-pres. Marshall, former Pres. Taft, Director Grosvenor B. Clarkson, Secy. of the Interior Lane, Mrs. Henry Fawcett, Lady Aberdeen, Elizabeth C. Carter, Natl. and Intl. Assns, 760-1.
Shaw, Helen Adelaide, 36.
Shaw, Nicolas, 754.
Shaw, Mrs. Quincy A. (Pauline Agassiz), 202; gives fund for campn. work, 404.
Shaw, Mrs. Robert Gould, 442; contrib. to wom. suff, 542.
Shepherd, Lulu Loveland, 395.
Sheppard, U. S. Sen. Morris, speech for Fed. Amend, 572; votes for it, 627; 646.
Shetter, Charlotte, designs seal, 314.
Shibley, George H, 174.
Shores, Mrs. E. A, 317.
Shortt, Rev. J. Burgette, 136.
Shuler, Marjorie, natl. chmn. of Publicity, in Fla, 556; in Okla. campn, 558; on Congressl. Com, 566; report of Washtn. suff. press bureau, 573; on Congressl. Com, 604; on commissn. to West, 605-6; same, 650; welcomed in Washtn, 652.
Shuler, Nettie Rogers, pres. Western New York Fed. of Wom. Clubs, welcomes natl. conv, 214; elected natl. cor. secy, 501; 527; report for 1917; tells of universal demonstrations for Fed. Amend, vast distrib. of literature, suff. schools, work of 225 organizers instructed by Mrs. Catt, 538-9; work for Pres. suff, 539; re-elected, 541; campns. in western States, 550; valuable report for Com. of Campaigns and Surveys, 554-558; in campn. States, 556; 562; 568; 570; chapter for Hist, on League of Women Voters, 595, 683; sends letter of thanks to Governors for Natl. Assn, 600; report for 1919, most important year in history of assn, 601-608; lines of work indexed under respective heads; great "drive" for ratif; of Fed. Amend. from natl. headqrs, under Mrs. Catt's direction, 604-607; renders homage to her, 608; tribute to Natl. Suff. Assn, 607; chmn. Citizenship Schools Com, 690; at Natl. Repub. Conv, 716; 724; helps revise constn. of Natl. Assn, 756.
Siewers, Dr. Sarah M, 71.
Simkovitch, Mary M. K, 705.
Simpson, Mrs. David, 511.
Sims, U. S. Rep. Thetus W. (Tenn.), 637.
Sioussat, Mrs. Albert L, 152.
Skinner. Mrs. Otis, 333.
Slade, Mrs. Louis F, women's war service in N. Y, 533; offers res. for women on Red Cross War Council, 539-40; New York's apology for U. S. Sen. Wadsworth, 610; 689.
Smith, Gov. Alfred E. (N. Y.), calls spec, session to ratify Fed. Suff. Amend, 650; welcomes Mrs. Catt from Tenn. campn, 652.
Smith, Caroline M, 317.
Smith, Charles Sprague, 280.
Smith, Mrs. Draper, tells of defeat in Neb, 402; campn. work, 420; 444.
Smith, U. S. Sen. Ellison D, 713.
Smith, Ethel M, estab. natl. speakers' bureau, 419; work on Congressl. Com, 448; report on Indust. Protect. of Women, 520; chmn. of publicity, 526, 528; report on Protect. of Women in Government service, 728.
Smith, U. S. Sen. Hoke, 645.
Smith, Judith W, 137; 208; 501.
Smith, Dr. Julia Holmes, 617.
Smith, Mrs. Thomas Jefferson, speaks at natl. conv, 490; elected to Natl. Bd, 501; 724.
Smithsonian Institution, gives space for suff. exhibit; list of articles including historic table on which Call for first Woman's Rights Conv. was written; story of, 609.
Smoot, U. S. Sen. Reed, "glories in every victory for wom. suff," 546; speaks at Senate hearing, 633; for wom. suff. plank in Repub. platform, 711.
Smoot, Mrs. Reed, 382.
Snell, U. S. Rep. Bertrand H. (N. Y.), 548.
Snowden, Mrs. Philip, situation in Brit. Parl, defends "militancy," 236-238.
Social Evil, natl. suff. conv. protests against "regulated" vice in Manila, and Hawaii, 10; again; govt. "regulation" in Philippines stopped by War Dept, 44; conv. protests against it in Cincinnati, 67; protests against legal sanction, 146; calls for suppression of white slave traffic, 212; discussion of social evil, 224-226; position of Natl. Suff. Assn, 340; Miss Addams shows necessity for women to deal with, 343; Mrs. Catt demands polit. power in the hands of women to deal with, 346.
Socialist Party, for wom. suff, 206; the only one, 362; Rep. Berger at House hearing, 361-2; Natl. conv. declares for Fed. Suff. Amend, 480; statistics of vote in N. Y. suff. amend, campn, 537; did not carry N. Y, 580; "antis" say they did, 584; always advocate wom. suff, 702; plank in platform, 714.
Somerville, Nellie Nugent, natl. vice-pres, 425; 671.
South, members of Cong, vote for Fed. Suff. Amend, women work for it, xxii; attitude toward wom. suff, 88; see Chap. III; child labor laws, 95; resentment of southern women against attitude of southern members of Cong. on wom. suff, 188; Dr. Shaw pays tribute to the women, says it is duty of southern men to give them suff, 399; Jane Addams speaks of the men, 409; attitude of women toward suff, 463; want Fed. Suff. Amend, 473; at natl. suff. conv, speakers demand wom. suff, 490-3; position of members of Cong. on Fed. Suff. Amend, 516; press sentiment changes, 529; southern dele. to natl. suff. conv. present testimonials to Mrs. Catt and Dr. Shaw, 554; shall southern men stand in the way, 579; Mrs. Dudley says State's rights doctrine a fallacy; negro vote discussed, 580; many petitions for Fed. Suff. Amend, 583; from Texas, 588-9; from other southern States, 589-90; Natl. Assn. gives large assistance for wom. suff. but States fail in their part, 603; vote in Cong. for Fed. Suff. Amend, 637; same, 641-647.
South Africa, iii.
South Dakota, Natl. Assn. helps campns, 240; 254; 277; liquor interests in suff. campn. 1913, 420; in 1918, 557; gives worn, suff, 641.
South, Mrs. John G, on commissn. for ratif. to West, 605; 650.
South, Mrs. Oliver, 394.
Southworth, Louisa, 146; contrib. to suff. headqrs, 754.
Southern Woman Suffrage Conference, reason for, organization, officers, plan of campn, 671; Mrs. Belmont finances, headqrs, paper started, 673; with State's rights plank in Dem. natl. platform conf. is discontinued, 673.
Spargo, John, at suff. hearing, 548.
Spencer, Rev. Anna Garlin, conv. sermon in 1902, 43; Felix Adler's tribute, 95; conv. sermon in 1908, 214; first woman's rights conv. result of wave of idealism, 221; strong speech on social evil, 225.
Spencer, U. S. Sen. Selden P, speaks at suff. conv, 561.
Sperry, Mary S, birthday gift to Miss Anthony in 1902, 40; entertains suff. leaders, 150; pres. Calif, suff. assn, responds to greetings, 1907, 194; elected to Natl. Bd, 204; 238; responds to greetings at Portland conv, 347; 249; at Louisville conv, 317; signs appeal to natl. Repub. conv, 1904, 704.
Spofford, Jane H, 13; 45; mem. res. for, 180.
Spokane, entertains dele. to natl. suff. conv, 244-246.
Springer, Elmina, 130.
Stanford, Mrs. Leland, mem. res. for, 146.
Stanley, U. S. Sen. A. O, 713.
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, work for Hist, of Wom. Suff, iii; pres. natl. suff. assn, 1; 13; letter on Church and Wom. Suff, 4, 5; Clara Barton's tribute, 25; had first idea of intl. suff. conf, 26; on Educated Suff, 32; last address to natl. suff. conv, 33; 45; tributes of Miss Anthony and Dr. Shaw, 74; early fight for wom. suff, 121; tributes from college women at natl. suff. conv. in Balto, 169-173; for admission of women to Cornell Univ, 169; 185; 213; on first Wom. Rights Conv, 1848, 215; signs Call for it, 219; at early wom. suff. hearings, 306; writes Women's Decl. of Rights, 1876, 333; bef. House Judic. Com, 428; address to Cong. in 1866, 521; mem. evening at natl. suff. conv, 569; at suff. hearings, 581; calls first woman's rights conv. and first after Civil War, 1866, prepares Memorial to Cong. 618; at first suff. conv. in Washtn, 621; deserts Amer. Equal Rights Assn, forms Natl. Suff. Assn, made pres, 621-2; address at funeral by the Rev. Moncure D. Conway; farewell words by women ministers; Miss Anthony's last birthday letter to; extended tributes in the press, 741-3.
Stapler, Martha, prepares Wom. Suff. Year Book, 332.
Statehood Protest, Natl. Suff. Assn. heads protest against bill for admitting new Territories classing women with insane, idiots and felons, 129, 130.
State's Rights, this argument against wom. suff. demolished by history of Dem. party; a continuous record of Fed. control, 430-432; all nations but U. S. regard suff. as a natl. matter, 431; fallacy shown in vote for Fed. Prohib. Amend, 449; vote for this Amend, 537; a "phantom" in South, 580; Repub. natl. conv. declares for, 711; most men in U. S. recd. suff. from Govt, not States, 745-6.
States, six more grant wom. suff, 708-9, 715.
Stearns, Sarah Burger, 146.
Steele, Mrs. W. D, 553.
Steinem, Pauline, 187-8; educatl. suff. work, 224; 260; women neglected in histories, 263; chmn. Com. on Education, 286; valuable work, 320.
Stern, Meta L, 280.
Stevens, Isaac N, 103.
Stevenson, U. S. Sen. Isaac, 320.
Stevenson, Dr. Sarah Hackett, 280.
Stewart, Ella S, reviews clergy's objection to wom. suff, 138; scores ex-Pres. Cleveland and Dr. Abbott, ridicules so-called chivalry, 166; at Congressl. hearing, 189; welcomes natl. conv. to Chicago, 194; 220-1; elected natl. vice-pres, 238; 260; witty remarks, 261-2; 265; re-elected, 282; 289; 324; at Senate hearing, 349; work for Pres. suff. in Ills, 370; at House hearing, 395; org. Miss. Valley Conf, 667-8.
Stewart, Oliver W, 199.
Stiles, Florence, 450.
Stilwell, Mrs. Horace C, director Natl. Assn, 541; assists Congressl. Com, 567.
Stockman, Eleanor C, 76.
Stockwell, Maud C. (Mrs. S. A.), welcomes natl. suff. conv. to Minneapolis, 8; meets dele, to Seattle conv, 244; 249; 668.
Stockwell, S. A, 244.
Stolle, Antonie, 40-1.
Stone, Rev. John Timothy, D. D, officiates at mem. service for Dr. Shaw, 611.
Stone, Lucinda H, 656.
Stone, Lucy, 1; marriage, 12, 33; Dr. Shaw's tribute, 74; great leader, 107; 148; Mrs. Howe tells of, 155; 185; tributes from college women at natl. suff. conv. in Balto, 160-172; for admis. of women to Cornell Univ, 169; 194; days at Oberlin Coll, 220; tribute of Mrs. Villard, 261; of Mrs. McCulloch, 278; 279; visit to Ky. in early '50's, 311; natl. suff. conv. passes res. of indebtedness, 569; 622; 664.
Stone, Melville E, for wom. suff, 296.
Stone, Collector of Port William F, welcomes natl. suff. conv, 154.
Stone, U. S. Sen. William J, for wom. suff. plank in Dem. natl. platform, 713.
Stoner, Mrs. Wesley Martin, 672.
Stowe-Gullen, Dr. Augusta (Canada), 27; 72.
Strachan, Grace C, 290.
Straight, Dorothy Whitney, contrib. to N. Y. campn, 519.
Strong, Dr. Josiah, 258.
Stubbs, Gov. W. R. (Kans.), greetings to natl. suff. conv, 341.
Stubbs, Mrs. W. R, 328.
Suffrage Schools, originated by Mrs. Catt, 538; large number in 1917, 539; Natl. Amer. Assn. endorses, 368; in S. Dak, 556-7.
Sun, N. Y, suff. dept. under Paul Dana, 14.
Susan B. Anthony Amendment, 413; Natl. Assn. endorses; Stanton family and others object to name, 423; assn. re-endorses, 452; 747.
Sutherland, U. S. Sen. George, 383; at Senate hearing, 462, 466; objects to attack on Mormons in anti-suff. speech, 467-8; introd. res. for Fed. Suff. Amend, 503; 630; 711.
Sutton, Lucy, 666.
Swanson, U. S. Sen. Claude A, 645.
Sweden, legal and polit. status of women, 51; 213.
Swift, Mary Wood, birthday gift to Miss Anthony, 1902, 40; speaks at natl. suff. conv. in New Orleans, 76; pres. Natl. Council of Women; brings its greetings to natl. conv. 1904, 106; bef. Senate com, 110; brings greetings in 1905, 120; 130; entertains suff. leaders, 150; greetings, 1907, 208.
Taft, Gov. Genl. William Howard, on social evil in Philippines, 11; same, 44.
Taft, President William Howard, accepts invitation to welcome natl. suff. conv; while speaking sound like hissing heard; Dr. Shaw's distress, 269; text of speech, 271; officers of Natl. Assn. frame a res. of appreciation of his welcome to conv, which delegates endorse and send with letter expressing sorrow at the incident; the President returns a cordial answer, 272-3; Woman's Journal says he should have welcomed conv. without declaring his opinions, 273; peace treaties, 326, 328; appoints Miss Lathrop head of Children's Bureau, 339; says Fed. Constn. guarantees self-govt, 359; 495; nominated in 1912, 705; not ready for wom. suff, 708; Dr. Shaw joins on speaking tour for League of Nations, 739, 757; his tribute to her, 760.
Taggart, U. S. Rep. Joseph (Kans.), at House hearing, scores Congressl. Union, 474; quizzes "antis", 477.
Talbot, Dean Marion, 206.
Talbot, Mrs. M. C, 467.
Talbot, Mrs. R. C, 391.
Talmage, Rev. T. De Witt, for wom. suff, 23.
Tarbell, Ida M, 736.
Tarkington, Booth, for worn, suff, 297.
Tasmania, 28.
Taylor, A. S. G, 340.
Taylor, U. S. Rep. Edward T, presents record of wom. suff. in Colo, calls it unqualified success, women back of 150 good laws, valuable campn. document, 355, 357, 373; natl. suff. conv. thanks for assistance, 450-1; Congressl. Union tries to defeat, 474; introd. Fed. Suff. Amend, 1917, 524; for Wom. Suff. Com, 548; same, 628-9.
Taylor, U. S. Rep. Ezra B. (Ohio), 99.
Taylor, Graham Romeyn, 209; 296.
Taylor, Dr. Howard S, 197.
Ten Eyck, John C, 391.
Tennessee, grants Pres. and Munic. suff. to women, 602; Legis. gives final ratif. of Fed. Suff. Amend, 652; Speaker and opposing members carry case to Washtn, 653.
Terrell, Mary Church, pleads for negroes, 105.
Terry, Mrs. D. D, 316.
Testimony in favor of wom. suff. from Governors, 87; from Colo, 100-105, 112-115, 127.
Texas, officials invite natl. suff. conv, 540; prominent citizens petition for Fed. Suff. Amend; Legis. gives Primary suff. to women, 588-9; defeats St. wom. suff. amend; court declares Primary suff. legal, 602.
Thaw, Mrs. William, Jr, 542.
Thomas, U. S. Sen. Charles S, friendly chmn. of Senate Com. on Wom. Suff, 380; his re-election opposed by Congressl. Union, 453; presides at Senate com. hearing; Dr. Shaw's tribute, 462; Mrs. Catt's, 465; refuses to preside at Congressl. Union hearing, 466; re-elected, 476; reports Fed. Suff. Amend, from com, 503; effort for a vote, 504; "never failing friend of wom. suff," urges Fed. Amend, 546; 626; 630; 632.
Thomas, Pres. M. Carey of Bryn Mawr, arr. College Women's evening at natl. suff. conv. in Balto, 152, 167; her own strong speech, shows increase of women in colleges, their inevitable demand for suff, their gratitude to early leaders, 171-2; splendid tribute to Miss Anthony, 172; conv. sends letter of thanks, 180; assists Miss Garrett in hospitality, 182; with Miss Garrett raises large fund for suff. work, 183; declares in intellect no sex; elected pres. Natl. Coll. Wom. Equal Suff. League, 229; 230; 233; 283; 316; presides over Coll. League, 319; says coll. women's work for social reconstruction amounts to little without franchise, 321; 338; presides at college women's evening at natl. conv. 1912, 343; same, 1915, 450; presents Dr. Shaw with laurel wreath, 457; on com. to confer with Red Cross War Council, 540; speaks for Fed. Suff. Amend, 630; work for Coll. League, contrib. to, 661-664; invites Dr. Shaw for trip to Spain, 757.
Thomas, Mary Bentley, 67; 87; 180; 188; 666.
Thompson, Ellen Powell, 106; 204.
Thompson, Harriet Stokes, appeals to House com. for working girls, future mothers of the race and teachers who train citizens, 472.
Thompson, Jane, field secy, presents testimonial of organizers to Dr. Shaw, 406.
Thompson, Dr. Mary H, 120.
Thompson, U. S. Sen. William Howard, bef. Senate com, tells beneficent results of wom. suff. in Kans, 546, 548; 630; 633; 638.
Tiffany, Mrs. Charles L, 450; in N. Y. campn, 519; 564; report on Oversea Hospitals, 560, 568, 614; work for Hospitals, 732.
Tillinghast, Anna C, 556.
Tinnin, Glenna, 441.
Todd, Helen, motor suff. trip, 367; bef. Com. on Rules, 394; bef. House com, 473; heated dialogue, 475; at Repub. Natl. Conv, 705.
Tone, Mrs. F. J, in N. Y. campn, 519.
Tours, pilgrimages to Washtn, 378; the "golden flier," motor suff. trip from New York to San Francisco, 481.
Towle, Mary Rutter, report as legal adviser to assn, 338, 372, 442.
Treadwell, Harriet Taylor, at Anthony celebr, 615.
Troupe, Hattie Hull, 152.
Trout, Grace Wilbur, work for Pres. suff. in Ills, 370; on limited suff, 495; 561; chmn. com. of arr. for natl. suff. conv, 595; welcomes dele, 597; at Repub. natl. conv, 710.
Trumbull, Lillie R, 120.
Tucker, Mrs. James, 381.
Tumulty, Joseph P, 515.
Turner, Robert, of Mass. Anti-Suff. Assn, 479.
Twain, Mark, for wom. suff, 297.
Ueland, Mrs. Andreas, bef. House com. 473; 568; arr. Miss. Valley Conf, 669-70; 689.
Underhill, Charles L, 391.
Underwood, U. S. Rep. Oscar (Ala.), 397; as U. S. Senator, 628; 640; 645.
United Mine Workers of America, 249.
United States Elections Bill to permit women to vote for members of Cong, 504, 659; Natl. Suff. Assn. and Southern Women's Conf. favor, 660. See Federal Elections Bill.
Upton, Harriet Taylor, treas. report at natl. conv. of 1901, 12; 41; 44; accepts charge of suff. headqrs, 61; presents testimonials to the Misses Gordon, 84; 88; work as natl. treas, love for suff. cause, 94; tribute of Washtn. Post, 99; 129; report, 1005, 130; has interview with Pres. Roosevelt, 137; how to deal with newspapers, 175; 176; report for 1906, 183; bef. Senate com, 188; on Anthony mem. com, 202; report for 1907, 211; 212; interviews Pres. Roosevelt, 217; report for 1908; salaries paid for first time, 235; 244; 248; treas. report for 1909, where the money went, 252; 257; report for 1910; legacies recd, work as treas. for 17 yrs; ed. of Progress 7 yrs; conv. thanks, 276-7; re-elected, resigns, 282; bef. House com, urges that the mother heart and home element be expressed in Govt, 303; 315; on Congressl. Com, 319; 346; bef. House com, 395; 402; 444; on limited suff, 495; 516; 561; speaks at Anthony celebr, 615; in Tenn. ratif. campn, 652; 669; res. against U. S. Sen. Wadsworth, 692; at Repub. natl. conv, 1904, 703-4; 754; elected director of Natl. Amer. Assn, 756.
U'Ren, W. S, father of Initiative and Referendum, 136.
Valentine, Lila Meade, pres. Va. suff. assn, 288; speaks to House of Governors, 367; asks suff. for development of woman and the race, 492-3; on Congressl. Com, 506; 568.
Vanderlip, Frank A, on recep. com. for natl. suff. conv, 515.
Van Klenze, Camilla, 333.
Van Rensselaer, Prof. Martha (Cornell), Financing the War, 533.
Van Sant, Gov. Samuel R. (Minn.), 7.
Van Winkle, Mina, 444; 456.
Van Wyck, Mayor Robert A. (New York), women without a vote waste time appealing to legislators, 307.
Varney, Rev. Mecca Marie, 203.
Vermont, struggle for ratif. of Fed. Amend, 651, 653.
Vernon, Mabel, bef. House com, 473; 549.
Vessey, Gov. Robert S. (S. Dak.), 261.
Victoria (Australia), gives women State vote, 243.
Victory Convention of National American Woman Suffrage Association in Chicago to celebr. end of its work; Call, 594; largest ever held, 595; list of frat. dele, 506; festivities, 610.
Villard, Fanny Garrison (Mrs. Henry), 40; on Anthony Fund Com, 202; 220-1; at natl. suff. conv, 1908, 220; at St. Paul, recalls visit with her husband when N.P. R.R. was completed, 244; same at Spokane, 245; at Seattle, his devotion to wom. suff. and education, 251; she appeals for wom. suff, 251; tribute to Lucy Stone, 261; 263; mem. tribute to Mr. Blackwell and Lucy Stone, 277; by Dr. Shaw's side when she resigns natl. presidency, 457.
Villard, Henry, 244-5; 251.
Villard, Oswald Garrison, 37-8.
Vincent, Dr. George E, declares for wom. suff, 670.
Volunteer League, eminent officers, 442.
Von Suttner, Baroness Bertha, plea for peace of world and wom. suff. as necessary factor, 345-6.
Vorce, Mrs. Myron, 402; 570.
Wadsworth, U. S. Sen. James W, 560; refuses to represent his State on Fed. Suff. Amend, 598; 645; censured by Natl. League of Women Voters, 692; opp. wom. suff. plank, 1916, 711.
Wadsworth, Mrs. James W, re-elected pres. Natl. Anti-Suff. Assn; during natl. suff. conv. issues circular in Washtn. saying suffs. are pacifists and Socialists and the N. Y. victory was due to latter; Mary Garrett Hay answers, 536-7; at Senate com. hearing, 548; calls suffs. pro-Germans and "slackers," 560; at last suff. hearing, 577; introd. her "staff", 584; scores members of Cong. who favor Fed. Suff. Amend, 585; 592; 679; Mrs. Catt resents her attacks during the war, refers to her father, John Hay, 736-7.
Wainwright, Mrs. Richard, bef. coms. of Cong, 547, 549, 585; 675.
Waite, Judge Charles B, 280; 656.
Wald, Lillian D, 705.
Waldo, Clara H, 120.
Walker, Elizabeth Wheeler, 525; 567; 607.
Walker, Dr. Mary, 438.
Walker, Speaker Seth (Tenn.), opp. Fed. Amend, 653; goes to Washtn. and Conn, to prevent, 682.
Wallace, Zerelda G, suff. petit. scorned, 297.
Walsh, U. S. Sen. David I, for Fed. Suff. Amend, 548; voted for it, 641.
Walsh, U. S. Sen. Thomas J, bef. Senate com, "duty of Govt. to see that every citizen is assured of fundamental right of suff"; speech widely circulated, 547; same, 633; 645; for wom. suff. plank in Dem. platform, 713.
Ward, Lester F, on development of sexes, 92.
Ward, Lydia Avery Coonley, 42; 185.
Warfield, Gov. Edwin (Md.), welcomes natl. suff. conv, pays tribute to suffs, 153; later sends letter of appreciation, 180; 182.
Warner, Mrs. Leslie, speaks at natl. suff. conv, 568.
Warren, Ohio, natl. suff. headqrs, removed to, 61, 93.
War Service of Women in Europe, natl. conv. devotes evening to it, speakers from various countries, 544; of suffs. in the Civil War, 618.
War Work of Organized Suffragists, vi, xxii; in Canada, 400; 410; in U. S, officers of suff. assns. in service; Mrs. Catt urges necessity for war work, 517; Exec. Council of Natl. Assn. pledges loyalty and service to the Govt, 518; four depts. of work, 520; war work of suffs. reviewed by Mrs. Katharine Dexter McCormick; "Dr. Shaw's appt. as chmn. of Woman's Com. of Council of National Defense has made cooperation with Govt. closer", 520; Natl. Assn. plans more depts. of war work, reaffirms loyalty to Govt and support of its war measures, 543; all officers of Natl. Assn. in service, 555; Oversea Hospitals, 558, 568; mass meeting in Washtn, 564; reports of War Coms, 1918, Mrs. McCormick's chapter on, refutes charges of "antis", 560; 574; Natl. Assn. first organized body of women to offer services to Govt; President accepts and calls upon suff. leaders to cooperate, 578; patriotism where women vote, 579; see Chap. XXIV, 720; Mrs. Catt calls Exec. Council of Natl. Assn. to Washtn, 720; board of officers submits plan for aiding the Govt, which is discussed and adopted, 722; depts. of work, 723; mass meeting held and plan sent to Pres. Wilson by Secy. of War Baker; he expresses approval and assn. begins its work, 724-5; Dr. Shaw, its hon. pres, appt. by Council of Natl. Defense chmn. of Woman's Com, which is named, 726-7; assn. makes Mrs. McCormick genl. chmn. of its War Service Dept, reports of heads to natl. suff. conv. of 1917, 727-730; to conv. of 1919, 730-732; report of Oversea Hospitals, 732-734; to conv. of 1920, 734-5; women's war work in N. Y. obtains the suff. for them, 737; work of suits, on Woman's Com. of Council of Natl. Defense, 737; its work ended, Secy. Baker's tribute, 739; heroic record, 740.
Washington City, entertains natl. suff. conv. of 1904, 86; of 1910, 266; of 1913, 364; of 1915, 439; of 1917, under war conditions, 513; distinguished recep. com, 515.
Washington, State, wom. suff. amend, carried, xx; how women were disfranchised when Territory, 257; adopts constitl. amend, for wom. suff, 310; Dr. Shaw's comment; reports from State officers, 317; natl. conv. sends greetings, 328; 625.
Waterman, Julia T, opp. wom. suff, 363.
Watson, Elizabeth Lowe, tells of Calif. victory, 317.
Watson, U. S. Sen. James E, chmn. Senate Wom. Suff. Com, 645-6; at Natl. Repub. Conv. 1920, 717.
Watson-Lister, Mrs. A, tells of wom. suff. in Australia, 91, 111.
Watterson, Col. Henry, 329.
Way, Amanda, 132.
Weaver, Ida M, 52.
Webb, U. S. Rep. Edwin Y. (N. C.), 307; 434; chmn. Judic. Com, 469; tells suffs. they should not come "bothering" Congress, 472; says there will be no wom. suff. plank in Dem. platform, 476; tries to prevent Wom. Suff. Com, 525; suppresses report on Fed. Amend, 504; unfair treatment of res, 631, 633, 635.
Webster, Jean, for wom. suff, 297.
Weeks, Anna O, 373.
Welch, Prof. Lillian, 663.
Weld, Louis D. (Swift and Co.), addresses League of Women Voters, 695.
Wells, Mrs. James B, 476; amuses House com, 478.
Wentworth, Jennie Wells, 404.
West, Gov. Oswald (Ore.), greetings to natl. suff. conv, 341.
Wester, Catharine J, 395.
Western New York Federation of Women's Clubs, first to admit suff. societies, 214.
Wetmore, Maude, 726.
Wheat, Fannie J, vase to Miss Anthony, 13.
Wheeler, Everett P, bef. Com. on Rules, 391; 438; at last suff. hearing, 583; brings suit against Fed. Suff. Amend, 654; org. Men's Anti-Suff. Assns. in N. Y, Tenn, and Maryland, conducts cases in court, 680-682.
White, Armenia S, 137; 208.
White, Natl. Dem. Chmn. George, Mrs. Catt thanks in name of Natl. Amer. Suff. Assn. for his own and party's support of Fed. Suff. Amend, 648.
White, Mrs. George P, 467.
White, Mrs. Henry, 437.
White, Mary Ogden, 528; report on natl. publicity, returns reach millions of words; instances given, 530; work on Woman Citizen, 571; 614.
White, Nettie Lovisa, 40; 67; secures names to Fed. Amend, petition, 275; 341.
White, Ruth, 506; natl. exec, secy, 525; resigns, 566.
Whitehouse, Norman deR, 458.
Whitehouse, Mrs. Norman deR, interviews Pres. candidate Hughes, 507; on N. Y. campn, 519.
Whitney, Charlotte Anita, tells of Coll. Women's League in Calif, campn, 319; elected natl. vice-pres, 342; work in Calif, 662.
Whitney, Mrs. Henry M, 678.
Whitney, Rosalie Loew, at last suff. hearing, 578, 580.
Wickersham, George W, 680; 682.
Wilbur, Henry, 284.
Wildman, John K, 146.
Wiley, Dr. Harvey W, address at natl. suff. conv, 1911, 322-3.
Wilkes, Rev. Eliza Tupper, 140.
Willard, Mabel Caldwell, at natl. suff. headqrs, 526; work in Del, 556-7; 604.
Willcox, William R, chmn. Repub. Natl. Com, 636.
Williams, Charl, 652.
Williams, Fannie Barrier, offers tribute of colored people to Miss Anthony, 203.
Williams, Jesse Lynch, 340.
Williams, U. S. Sen. John Sharp, 640; 713.
Williams, Mrs. Richard, 108; 214.
Williams, Sylvanie, addresses Miss Anthony, 60.
Willis, Gwendolen Brown, 668.
Willis, Sarah L, 209.
Wills, M. Frances, 317.
Wilson, Agnes Hart, 515.
Wilson, Mrs. Benjamin F, entertains natl. suff. conv. 410.
Wilson, Mrs. Halsey W, instructs suff. schools, 539; elected natl. rec. secy, 541; 556; 570; at ratif. banquet, 610; 689.
Wilson, Margaret, on hon. com. for natl. suff. conv, 440; showers Dr. Shaw with flowers, sits on suff. platform, 459; at suff. meeting in Washtn, 724.
Wilson, Gov. Woodrow (N. J.), approves of School suff. for women, 320.
Wilson, Pres. Woodrow, converted to wom. suff, xxi; first delegation recd. is a group of suffs; they quote from his book The New Freedom, 374; urged by natl. suff. conv. to make Fed. Suff. Amend. administration measure and recommend it in his message; he pays no attention; Dr. Shaw and conv. resent; make appt. to call on him; he receives them, first President to do so, 373-4; Dr. Shaw presents their case, tells how Cong. has ignored them, asks him to send spec. message and recom. a Wom. Suff. Com. in Lower House; he answers that he cannot speak as an individual but only as directed by his party but he favors the Wom. Suff. Com; delegation pleased, 374-5; 378; asked to proclaim Women's Independence Day, 404; Miss Schwimmer brings petition for peace, 410; favors initiative and referendum, 417; Natl. Suff. Assn. commands effort for peace, 426; 434; with seven of his Cabinet declares for wom. suff; votes in N. J. for amend; receives natl. suff. conv; says he is thinking of suff. plank in Dem. platform, 440; natl. conv. expresses appreciation of his declaration for wom. suff, 461; it received more votes at last election than he did, 473; 475; 488-9; addresses natl. suff. conv. in 1916; scene in theater, 495-6; listens to other speakers; Mrs. Catt introduces; text of speech, 496; pictures the evolution of the Govt, says movement for wom. suff. has come with conquering power and will prevail; he has come to fight with its advocates and they will not quarrel as to method, 496-498; Dr. Shaw tells him women want it in his administration and he smiles and bows, 498-9; signs Natl. Child Labor Law "with pride and pleasure," 500; suff. leaders urge him to endorse Fed. Amend, but he declines, 507; sends congrat. to natl. suff. conv; has reached a belief in Fed. Amend, 520; calls extra session of Cong. asks for declaration of war, 523; says creation of Com. on Wom. Suff. would be very wise act, 524; "democracy a rule of action," 533; Dr. Shaw proposes message of loyalty and support which conv. sends, 533; chairmen of four minor parties petition for Fed. Suff. Amend, 548; sends best wishes for Fed. Amend, to natl. suff. conv; it returns appreciation of his support, 558; Dem. members call on him; he advises submission of Fed. Suff. Amend, 562; appeals to Senate in person, 563; makes second appeal, 564; accepts services of Natl. Suff. Assn. for war, 578; favors Fed. Amend, 579; anti-suffs. misuse his declaration on wom. suff, 580; members of House com. interview and he urges it, 583; sends best wishes to League of Women Voters, 599; natl. conv. expresses gratitude, 600; inaugurated, receives four deputns. for wom. suff, 626; favors it, 630; favors Wom. Suff. Com, 633; 634; declares for Fed. Suff. Amend, 635; Dem. women confer with, 639; appeals to Senate, 640; second appeal, 640; cables from Paris, 642-3; calls spec. session of Cong, 644; Mrs. Catt pays tribute for his support of Fed. Suff. Amend, 648; assists ratif. in Tenn; sends message to jubilee suff. meeting, 652; on wom. suff. in 1912 and 1915, 708; suggests wom. suff. plank in 1916, 713-14; explains it; does not disapprove Fed. Amend, 714; Natl. Amer. Wom. Suff. Assn. offers its services for war work, 722; he expresses appreciation, 725; women ask representn. at Peace Conf, 738; he pays tribute to Woman's Com. of Council of Natl. Defense, 739; Dr. Shaw answers his declaration that U. S. wants nothing material out of the war, 759; tribute to Dr. Shaw after her death, 760; with Mrs. Wilson sends sympathy and flowers, 760; address to U. S. Senate urging submission of Fed. Suff. Amend; "wom. suff. necessary to prosecution of the war and trust of other peoples," 761-763.
Winslow, Rose, 364; brings to natl. conv. res. for suff. of Natl. Wom. Trade Union League, 394.
Winsor, Mary, 319.
Wise, Rabbi Stephen S, 141.
Wollstonecraft, Mary, 185.
Woman Citizen, Woman's Journal and other papers merged in, 528; work for Fed. Amend, 556; acct. of Senate debate on Fed. Suff. Amend, 563; "service indispensable," 614; 698.
Woman Suffrage, status in 1901, 16.
Woman Suffrage Committee, gives five days' hearing on Fed. Suff. Amend, reports favorably, 562; again, 565.
Woman Suffrage Party, name widely adopted, 313.
Woman Suffrage Publishing Co, Natl, final report, printed and distrib. 50,000,000 pieces of literature, 614. See Ogden, Esther G.
Woman's Christian Temperance Union, State of Tasmania sends greetings to natl. suff. conv, 28; World's, endorses wom. suff, 205; action of States, 206; close cooperation with suff. assns, 215; 247; many references.
Woman's Committee of Council of National Defense, Govt. appoints Dr. Anna Howard Shaw, chairman, 520; she describes its duties, asks cooperation of Natl. Suff. Assn, 534-536; further acct, other members, 726-7; 730; great work, 737; its duties ended, Secy, of War Baker's tribute, 739.
Woman's Journal, 39; on natl. conv. in New Orleans, 55; 73; 79; 89; accounts of suff. conv. in Portland, 118-19; compliments to, 132; tribute to Miss Anthony, 134; comment on change of heart of Miss Anthony and Mr. Blackwell, 147; report on wom. suff. in Legislatures, 211; Miss Blackwell's work on, 260; account of expos, at Seattle and suff. day, 264; criticises Pres. Taft's speech to natl. suff. conv, 373; Mr. Blackwell's work on paper, 277; Miss Blackwell offers to make it offic. organ of Natl. Amer. Assn, which accepts, 289; descrip. of natl. suff. convs, 290; founder and editors, 311; first report under auspices of Natl. Amer. Assn, 315; high praise for Ky. women, 331; bound vols. at natl. suff. headqrs, 335; deficit under control of Natl. Assn, paid by Mrs. McCormick and paper returned to Miss Blackwell, 337; says Shafroth Amend, should have been submitted to Natl. Exec. Council but supports it, 415, 422; merged in Woman Citizen, 528; 667.
Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania, Foundation in Preventive Medicine, mem. to Dr. Shaw, 613.
Woman's Rights Convention, first, 16; 60th anniv. celebr, 213; Mrs. Stanton's and Miss Howland's descriptions, 215; program of meeting, 219.
Women's Trade Union League, Natl. res. for wom. suff, 394.
Wood, C. E. S, 135.
Wood, Harriette Johnson, 238.
Wood, Henry A. Wise, at last suff. hearing, "voting a man's job," 585.
Wood, U. S. Rep. William R. (Ind.), 548.
Woods, Dr. Frances, 20; 208.
Woodward, Mrs. C. S, 229.
Woolley, Rev. Celia Parker, 18; 20; 703.
Woolley, Pres. Mary E, at natl. suff. conv. in Balto, shows indebtedness of higher education of women to suff. leaders, tribute to Miss Anthony, plea for wom, suff, 168-9; 442; signs Call for Natl. Coll. Wom. Suff. League, 661; an officer, 663.
Woolsey, Kate Trimble, 239.
Working women, laws for, 95; need of vote, 97; 143; suff. movement needs, 165-6; their need of vote, injustice of Govt, 189; 209; their need of suff, 210; conditions in New York, 231; duty of women of leisure, 233; Congressl. suff. hearing devoted to, 301; 302; 304; Miss Lathrop says theirs would not be the ignorant vote, 345; their case presented at natl. suff. conv, 348, 350-2; 356; 357; 361; on natl. wom. suff. platform, 1913, the ballot and a square deal demanded, 364-5; their large orgztns. want suff, 392; laws for in equal suff. States, 393; they demand the vote, 394; no chivalry for, 409; 472; they only can reach working men, 519.
Works, U. S. Sen. John D, 339; 347.
Works, Mrs. John D, 383.
Wright, Carroll D, for wom. suff, 196.
Wright, Dr. George H, objects to Shafroth Amend, 747.
Wright, Martha C, in anti-slavery days, 203; calls first Wom. Rights Conv, 219.
Writers and editors, eminent list sign petit, for wom. suff, 296-7.
Wyoming, first to give wom. suff, 34; effect of, 52; 624.
Yates, Elizabeth Upham, pres. R. I. assn, 288; report on Pres. suff, 325, 338; shows value of Pres. suff. already gained, 447; 539-40.
Yellowstone Park, delegates visit, 21.
Yost, Mrs. Ellis A, describes W. Va. suff. campn, 494.
Youmans, Mrs. Henry, at Anthony celebr, 615.
Young, Ella Flagg, 394; 515.
Young, Rose, describes Mrs. Catt's address to Cong, 521; report of Woman Citizen and Leslie Bureau of Educatn. in 1917; founded with Mrs. Frank Leslie fund under six depts, 527-8; 561; report in 1919, vast field of activity described, 570; in 1920, 614; arranges tableaux at last suff. conv, 617; 716.
Young, Virginia Durant, 35; 69; 204.
Younger, Maud, at Rules Com. hearing, 549; at Wom. Suff. Com. hearing, 585.
Zakrzewska, Dr. Marie, 74.
* * * * *
Transcriber's note:
The transcriber made the following changes to the text to correct obvious errors:
1. p. 98 February 15, **illegible text** Anthony's 84th birthday —> February 15, was Miss Anthony's 84th birthday 2. p. 102 applicaation —> application 3. p. 175 pertainng —> pertaining 4. p. 191 suffrange —> suffrage 5. p. 297 this chapter. —> this chapter.] 6. p. 415 we though —> we thought 7. p. 457 wth —> with 8. p. 457 triumpant —> triumphant 9. p. 668 Misissippi —> Mississippi 10. p. 717 Gellborn —> Gellhorn 11. p. 756 acordance —> accordance 12. p. 765 Punctuation in Index standardized 13. p. 790 Cingressl. —> Congressl. 14. p. 812 U'Rea —> U'Ren