Goodrich, Sarah Knox, work in Cal., 478 et al.
Gordon, Anna, 304.
Gordon, Kate M., 360; writes La. chap., 678; work in Sewerage and Drainage League, 682.
Gordon, Laura de Force, 57; 60; 150; work in Calif., 478 et al.
Goss, Josephine Ahnafeldt, 324.
Gottheil, Rabbi Gustave, 840; 850.
Gougar, Helen M., wom. before the law, 18; plan of work, 26; before U. S. Senate Com., 37; wom. suff. and Bible, 75; 77; before House Com., 80; 150; in Col., 520; in Ills., 599; work in Ind., 615 et al.; test case for suff., 621; in Iowa, 628; in Kas., 638 et al.; in Mass., 705; in Mich., 756; in N. Y., 839.
Gould, Helen, 340.
Grannis, Elizabeth B., 1055.
Grant, President Ulysses S., first to appoint wom. postmasters, 462.
Grant, Mrs. Ulysses S., 262; 291.
Gray, Almeda B., 75; in Cal., 500; work in Wis., 990 et al.
Gray, St. Rep. Robert S., 714.
Great Britain and Colonies, names for, Chap. LXXIII.
Greene, Dr. Cordelia, donation to Hist. of Wom. Suff., VII.
Greene, Chief Justice Roger S., 407; 412; 422; work in Wash., 967; wom. on juries, 1097.
Greenhalge, Gov. Frederick T. (Mass.), 275; on wom. suff. plat., 713; recom. wom. suff. in message, 715; 718; again recom., 729.
Greenleaf, Jean Brooks, before U. S. Sen. Com., 196; 220; at conv. of '94, 221; 224; rep. at conv. of '95, 247; assists on N. Y. chap., 839; work in N. Y., 844 et al.; 849.
Greenwood, Grace (Sara J. Lippincott), 231; 257; 364.
Gregg, Laura A., 337; in S. D., 557; in Del., 564; in Iowa, 632; in Kas., 648; in Md., 697; in Minn., 774; in Neb., 804; in O., 879; in Ok., 886-7; in Penn., 899.
Grenfell, St. Supt. Pub. Instruct. Helen M. (Col.), 523; 524.
Grew, Mary, 275; 295; 423; 426; 712; work in Penn., 898.
Griffin, Frances A., evolut. of South. wom., 335; at conv. of '99, 341; in Ala., 465-6; in Ark., 475; in Ga., 583; in La., 681; in Tenn., 926-7.
Griffing, Josephine S., 295.
Grimke, Angelina (See Weld).
Gripenberg, Baroness Alexandra (Finland), at Int'l Council, 139; 301; in Mass., 705; in N. Y., 841.
Groesbeck, Chief Justice H. V. S., 719; wom. suff. in Wy., 1092.
Gross, Emily M., 395; 612.
Groth, Sophia Magelsson (Norway), 136.
Guild, Mrs. Charles E., anti-suff., 716.
Gullen. Dr. Augusta Stowe (Canada), 301.
Gustafson, Zadel Barnes (Eng.), 135; in N. Y., 841.
Hackney, Chief Justice Leonard J. (Ind.), decis. on wom. suff. and wom. lawyers, 623.
Haggart, Mary E., at conv. of '84, 19; before House com., 45; 75; 411; 425; work in Ind., 614; in Kas., 640; in Wis., 986.
Hale, Horace M., pres. State Univ., wom. suff. in Col., 1087.
Hale, Gen. Irving, wom. suff. in Col., 1087.
Hale, Gov. William, wom. suff. in Wy., 1090.
Haley, Margaret A., 611.
Hall, Florence Howe, farce on wom, suff., 362; in Mass., 718; writes N. J. chap., 820; work in N. J., 822 et al.; in R. I., 920.
Hall, Sir John, M. P., bill for wom. suff. in N. Z., 1026; 1034.
Hall, Olivia B., 219; in Mich., 758.
Hamilton, Alexander, 407.
Hamilton, Emerine J., 174.
Hamilton, Bishop J. W., 260; 725-6.
Hamlin, Vice-President Hannibal, for wom. suff., 1075.
Hammond, Hon. Henry C., 244.
Hanaford, Rev. Phebe A., at conv. of '84, 19; 61; at Int'l Council, 128; in N. J., 827.
Haney, Mrs. C. S. Burnett, writes Fla. chap., 577-8.
Hansbrough, U. S. Sen. Henry C, for wom. suff., 546.
Harbert, Elizabeth Boynton, at conv. of '84, 17; 24; before U. S. Sen. Com., 39; 115; 164; 176; 407; work in Ills., 598; for World's Fair, 610; in N. Y., 839; in Wis., 989; 991.
Harlan, St. Sen. A. D., 423.
Harlan, Associate Justice John Marshall, 10.
Harper, Frances E. W., 425.
Harper, Ida Husted, Miss Anthony asks to write Vol. IV, Hist, of Wom. Suff., VII; preface, IX; Author of Life and Work of Susan B. Anthony, 2; resolutions at conv. of '98, 290; 291; dept. in N. Y. Sun, 326; at conv. of 1900, 357; prepares Congress'l. rep., 366; 482; 487; 488; work in Calif, campn.,490; work in Ind., 615 et al.; monograph on work of Ind. wom., 624; at Adams, 719.
Harper, Winnifred (Cooley), 490.
Harrah, Rev. C. C., 612.
Harrison, President Benjamin, 436.
Harrison, Mrs. Benjamin, receives Nat'l Council of Wom., 183.
Harrison, Mayor Carter, 608.
Harrison, Ella, 632; 783; 791.
Haskell, Asst. Atty.-Gen. Ella Knowles, at conv. of '96, 262; 297; in N. D., 547; work in Mont., 797 et al.
Hatch, Lavina Allen, 157; 235; at conv. of '95, 240; 263; writes chap., for Hist., 750; work in Mass., 752 et al.
Havens, Ruth C. D., girl of the future, 209; in Md., 697; in Va., 964.
Haviland, Laura P., 344.
Hawthorne, Rev. Dr., 237.
Hay, Mary G., 365; 444; in Ariz., 472; in Cal., 482 et al.; in Col., 530; in S. D., 559; in Del., 563; in Ills., 599; in Iowa, 632-4; in Ky., 667; in La., 680; in Miss., 784; in Neb., 804; in N. M., 836; in N. Y., 849; in O., 880; in Ok., 887; in Penn., 900; in Tenn., 927; in Utah, 949; in Wash., 976; in W. Va., 980.
Hayes, Prof. Ellen, 717.
Hayes, President Rutherford B., favors wom. suff., 1075.
Hayes, Mrs. Rutherford B., rec. Utah delegates, 937.
Hays, Atty.-Gen. S. H., wom. suff. in Idaho, 1088.
Hayward, Mary Smith, writes Neb. chap., 802; work in Neb., 803 et al.
Hazlett, Ida Crouch, in Cal., 487; in Neb., 803; in Ore., 895.
Hearst, Phoebe A., 506; endowment to Cal. Univers., 508.
Heartz, St. Rep. Evangeline (Col.), 522; 524; work in Legis., 526.
Hedenberg, J. W., 184.
Helmer, Bessie Bradwell, 609.
Hemiup, Judge Norton H., 414.
Hemphill, St. Sen. Robert R., at conv. of '95, 242; in S. C. Legis., 923.
Hemphill, Mrs. W. A., 251.
Henderson, Mary Foote (Mrs. John B.), 366; presents portrait of Miss Anthony to Corcoran Gallery, 405; 569.
Henderson, Prof. L. F., on wom. suff. in Idaho, 595.
Henrotin, Ellen M., 183; work at World's Fair, 609.
Henry, Josephine K., at conv. of '91, 179; 224; trib. to Lucy Stone, 226; 240; southern wom., wants ballot, 244; legis. rep. 248; on wom., and electricity, 249; epigrams, 340; work in Ky., 668 et al.; in Tenn., 927.
Hepburn, W. P., M. C., 84.
Hereford, Rev. Brooke, 413; opp. wom. suff., 722.
Herring, Atty.-Gen. William (Ariz.), 470.
Hewitt, Hon. Abram S., opp. wom. suff., 857.
Higginson, Col. Thomas Wentworth, sp. at Amer. conv. of '87, 423; in Mass., 706 et al.; 712; on anti-suffragists, 716; petit. for wom. suff. in '53, 720; in R. I., 908.
Hildreth, Ellen Stephens, writes Ala. chap., work in Ala., 465 et al.
Hill, U. S. Sen. David B., 235; recom. wom. delegates, 847.
Hill, Eliza Trask, 746 et al.
Hinckley, Rev. Frederick A., 163; 174; husband and wife one, 180; on divorce, 297; in Mass., 705; same, 726; work in R. I., 908 et al.
Hindman, Matilda, 61-2; 426; in Col., 509; in S. D., 555; in Penn., 899; in Wash., 970.
Hirschler, Diana, at conv. of 1900, 362; on Miss Anthony's birthday, 398; in Del., 564; in Me., 690; in Vt., 957.
Hitt, Robert R., M.C., 347.
Hoar, U. S. Sen. George R., 12; 108; spks. in Sen. for wom. suff., 109; 164; report in favor, greeted by women, 201; 235; 267; letter to conv. of '88, 428; 433; assists wom. suff. in Mass., 704 et al.; 1003.
Hodges, Rev. Dean, 717.
Hoffman, Clara C., in S. D., 558; in Kas., 642; in La., 679; work in Mo., 790 et al.; in N. J., 820.
Hooker, Isabella Beecher, const'l rights of wom., 115; 117; on N. Y. Centen., 144; 156; 157; 163; at conv. of '90, 169; of '91, 179; before U. S. Sen. com. of '92, 189; respect of children, 194; at conv. of '98, 296; 298; in 1900, 358; work in Conn., 535 et al.; in Boston, 705; 937.
Holley, St. Rep. Carrie C., in Col. Legis., 239; 240; 521.
Hollister, Lillian M., 256; trib. to Miss Anthony, 398.
Holly, Myron, 204-5.
Holly, Sally, 204-5; 227.
Holmes, Mary E., writes Ills., chap., work in Ills., 598 et al.
Holt, Gov. Thomas M. (N. C.), opp. wom. suff., 212.
Holt, Judge William H., trib. to worn, in business, 676.
Holt, Gov. Thomas M., opp. wom. suff., 212.
Hopper, Isaac T., 207; 1055.
Home, St. Rep. Alice Merrill, work in Utah Legis., 954.
Horton, Chief Justice Albert H. (Kas.), 433.
Hosmer, Harriet, 164; 795.
Howard, H. Augusta, 201; 235; entertains nat'l conv., 237; 242; work in Ga., 581 et al.
Howe, Chief Justice J. H. (Wy.), wom. on juries, 1008.
Howe, Julia Ward, 136; sp. at Int'l. Council, 140; chivalry of reform, 170, 173; 179; trib. to Lucy Stone, 225; conv. of '94, 229; 362; at Amer. conv. of '85, 411; same, 414; at conv. of '86, 419; 423; of '87, 426; bazar in Boston, 427; conv. of '88, 428; appeal to Constit'l. Convs., 432; 546; in Kas., 640; 678; in Maine, 689; in Baltimore, 695; pres. N. E. and Mass. Ass'ns, 701; work in Mass., 702 et al.; 712; 720; in Minn., 772; in N. J., 821; in N. Y., 842; in R. I., 908 et al.; in Vt., 957; in Wis., 986.
Howell, Mary Seymour, at conv. of '84, 17; before U. S. Sen. Com., 39; wom. present and past, 116; 149; 169; the woman's war, 231; at conv. of '98, 293; 358; 536; in S. D. campn., 555; in Kas., 642; in Boston, 706; in Mo., 790; work in N. Y., 839 et al.; legis. work, 853.
Howells, William Dean, signs suff. petit., 850.
Howland, Emily, 848.
Howland, Isabel, 851.
Hoyt, Gov. John W, 569; in N. Y., 840; wom. suff. in Wy., 1090.
Hoyt, Mrs. John W., 569.
Hubbell, Mr. and Mrs. F. M., 270.
Hubner, Major Charles H., 242.
Hudson, Major J. K., 417; at Amer. conv. of '86, 418.
Hughes, Hon. James L., at conv. of '94, 231; in Mass., 715.
Hughes, Gov. L. C., work in Ariz., 470 et al.
Hughes, Mrs. L. C., assists on Ariz, chap., work in Ty., 470 et al.
Hughes, Thomas (Eng.), 321.
Hultin, Rev. Ida C., at conv. of '91, 175; 179; 184; of '94, 232; 235; sp. at conv. of '97, 284; of 1900, 359; 361; on Miss Anthony's birthday, 397; in Ills., 599; in Mich., 758; in Minn., 774; in Neb., 804.
Humphrey, St. Sen. Lester H., for wom. suff. in N. Y. Legis., 862-3.
Humphrey, Gov. Lyman U. (Kas.), 433; 652; 762.
Hunt, Gov. Frank W., wom. on juries, 596; wom. suff. in Idaho, 1088.
Hunt, Dr. Harriot K., 295; in '58, 721; first wom. phys., 748.
Hunt, Jane, 294.
Hunt, Mary H., in Ga., 585; in N. Y., 859; on "age of consent," 866.
Hunt, Assoc. Justice Ward, sentences Miss Anthony for voting, 153.
Hunting, Rev. S. S., 411; 425.
Huntington, Arria S., 843.
Hurd, Dr. Ethel E., 367; 772; work in Minn., 774 et al.
Husted, St. Sp'k'r. James W. (N. Y.), favors wom. suff., 853 et al.
Huston, Sup. Judge Joseph W. (Idaho), decis. on wom. suff. amdt., 593.
Hussey, Cornelia Collins, 417; work for wom. suff., 820; contributions, 827 et al.
Hussey, Dr. Mary D., writes N. J. chap., 820; work in N. J., 824 et al.; forms wom. lawyers' club, 833.
Hutchinson, Abby (See Patton).
Hutchinson, John W., 75; conv. of '98, 298; sings at Miss Anthony's birthday, 396; in Mass., 705.
Idaho, names for, Chap. XXXVI.
Ide, U. S. Com. Henry C, 960.
Illinois, names for, Chap. XXXVII.
Indiana, names for, Chap. XXXVIII.
Ingalls, U. S. Sen. John J., opp. wom. suff., 641.
Ingersoll, Robert J., signs suff. petit., 850.
Iowa, names for, Chap. XXXIX.
Jackson, Francis, 227.
Jackson, Dr. James C., 205; 259.
Jackson, Lottie Wilson, 343.
Jackson, Dr. Mary B., 295.
Jacobi, Dr. Mary Putnam, in Boston, 715; in N. Y. camp'n., 850 et al.
Jacobs, Judge Orange J., in Wash., 969; 976; 1096.
James, Helen Mosher, 391; 900.
Jenkins, Helen Philleo, 298; on wom. in Philippines, 331; work in Mich., 756 et al.
Jenkins, Theresa A., 253; in Col., 516; part in Wy. celebration, 1004-5.
Jenney, Julie R., 255.
Jennings, Gov. William S. (Fla.), 579.
Johns, Laura M., 149; 156; 164; 174; on work in Kas., 220; at conv. of '94, 221; 224; 248; 263; in Idaho, 284; conv. of 1900, 367; work in Ariz., 470-1; 513; in N. D., 546; in S. D. camp'n., 555; in Idaho camp'n., 591; in Iowa, 631; assists on Kas. chap., 638; work in Kas., 639 et al.; suggests yellow ribbon suff. badge, 640; describes Mrs. Diggs' sp., 646; legis. work, 650; in Boston, 706; 762; in Minn., 773; in Mo., 790-1; in N. M., 835; in Ok., 887.
Johnson, Addie M., 632; writes Mo. chap., 790; work in Mo., 791 et al.
Johnson, Adelaide, 216.
Johnson, Martin N., M. C., 189; 546.
Johnson, Mrs. Rossiter, opposes wom. suff., 382; 863.
Jones, J. Elizabeth, 275.
Jones, U. S. Sen. James K., III; opp. wom. suff., 1002.
Jones, Jenkyn Lloyd, 705.
Jones, Gov. John P. (Nev.), recom. wom. suff. amd't, 813.
Jones, Mrs. W. H., polit. del., 439.
Jordan, David Starr, pres. Stanford Univ., 480; for wom. suff., 483.
Julian, George W., M. C., 23; for wom. suff., 614.
Julian, Laura Giddings, 61; 410.
Kansas, names for, Chap. XL.
Kearney, Belle, at conv. of '98, 293; in Miss., 789; in N. C., 874.
Keating, Martha A., 324.
Keefer, Bessie Starr (Canada), 136; 140.
Keifer, J. Warren, M. C., 31; sp. for wom. suff., 32.
Keith, Mrs. William A., 479 et al.
Kelley, Florence, 23; working wom. need ballot, 311; secures factory inspec. law, 604; 608.
Kelley, William D., M. C., spks. at suff. conv., 147; 174.
Kellogg, Atty.-Gen. L. B. (Kas.), 433; 656; 762.
Kelly, Abby (See Foster).
Kelsey, Mary Atwater, 323.
Kelsey, St. Rep. Otto, for wom. suff. in N. Y. Legis., 860 et seq.
Kent, Rev. Alexander, wom. and Hebrew scriptures, 146.
Kentucky, names for, Chap. XLI.
Kepley, Ada H., first wom. law grad., 610.
Ketcham, Emily B., 235; conv. of '99, 322-3; work in Mich., 755 et al.
Keyser, Harriette A., 256; 263.
Kilgore, Carrie Burnham, contest for right to prac. law in Penn., 904.
Kimball, Flora M., 345; work in Cal., 496.
Kimball, Sarah M., 345.
Kimber, Helen L., 644 et al.; 774.
King, Henrietta, largest cattle owner, 934.
King, William H., M. C., 941.
Kingman, Judge John W., wom. suff. in Wy., 1092.
Kingsbury, Elizabeth A., 494.
Klock, St. Rep. Frances S. (Col.), 521
Knox, Dr. Janette Hill, writes chap. for N. D., 544; 551.
Knaggs, May Stocking, at conv. of '96, 255; of '99, 324; writes Mich. chap., 755; work in Mich., 756 et al.
Kollock, Rev. Florence (See Crooker).
Korany, Hanna (Syria), 221; 228.
Krog, Gina (Norway), 1041.
Krout, Mary H., 613.
Kyle, U. S. Sen. James H., for wom. suff., 559.
Lake, Leonora M. Barry, 164; 509; 516.
Lamar, Gov. W. B. (Fla.), 578.
Langford, Sup. Judge Wm. G. (Wash.), 1098.
Langhorne, Orra, old-time South. wom., 212; 228; work in Va., 964.
Lapham, U. S. Sen. Elbridge G., 12; 36; rep. in favor of wom. suff., 47; 89; 174.
Laughlin, Gail, wage-earning wom., 360; 361; 739.
Lauterbach, Hon. Edward, sp. for wom. suff., 852.
Lawrence, Margaret Stanton, 163.
Leach, Antoinette D., suit to practice law in Ind., 626.
Lease, Mary E., 617; 657.
Le Barthe, St. Rep. Eurithe (Utah), 953.
Lee, St. Rep. Frances S. (Col.), 523.
Leedy, Gov. John W. (Kas.), 657.
Leggett, Lucy A., 323.
Leonard, Clara T., 107; 721.
Leonard, Emily J., 410.
Levanway, Dr. Charlotte, 345.
Lewelling, Gov. L. D. (Kas.), opp. wom. suff., 645; 657.
Lewis, Helen Morris, 263; 696; in S. C., 922.
Lewis, Hon. Isaac C., 536.
Lincoln, President Abraham, 305; favors wom. suff., 1075.
Lincoln, Judge Charles Z., 858; 864.
Lind, Gov. John (Minn.), 780.
Lindhagen, Carl, 301.
Lindsay, U. S. Sen. William, woman's property bill in Ky., 668.
Lippincott, Chancellor J. A., 423.
Lippincott, Sara J. (See Greenwood).
Livermore, Rev. Danled P., 701 et al.
Livermore, Mary A., 407; 408; 410; 411; let. to Amer. conv. of '85, 412; 426; 427; appeal to Constitl. Convs., 432; 517; in Maine, 689; work in Mass., 704 et al.; 712; golden wed., 715; made LL. D., 717; Sanit. Com., 719; 80th birthday, 720; 732; on mock referendum, 734; in N. J., 821; in R. I., 910; 920; in Vt., 957; in Wis., 985; same, 986; same, 989.
Locke, Josephine E., 927.
Lockwood, Belva A., 18; admit, to Sup. Ct., 33; 75; wom. journalists, 343; 569; 571; 575; 640; spks. for Utah wom., 939.
Lockwood, Mary S., wom. at Columb. Expos., 211; 254; 569; 575.
Logan, Mrs. John A., 164.
Logan, Millie Burtis, 298.
Long, Secy, of the Navy John D., 346; assists suff. work in Mass., 707 et al.; 727.
Longfellow, Rev. Samuel G., 703.
Longley, Margaret V., 494.
Longshore, Dr. Hannah Myers, 905.
Longshore, Dr. Joseph S., work for Wom. Med. Coll. in Phila., 905.
Lord, Gov. and Mrs. William P. (Ore.), on suff. platform, 891.
Lore, Chief Justice Charles B. (Del.), 565.
Lorimer, George G., D. D., 718.
Louisiana, names for, Chap. XLII.
Love, Alfred H., 300.
Low, Mayor Seth, 872.
Lowell, Francis C., pres. anti-suff. ass'n., 735.
Lowell, Josephine Shaw, 850; 856.
Lozier, Dr. Abram W., 259.
Lozier, Dr. Clemence S., 16; 146; 295; work in N. Y., 840 et al.
Lucas, Margaret Bright (Eng.), 22; 124; 174; 423.
Lucas, W. B., M. C., 559.
Luce, Gov. Cyrus G. (Mich.), 756.
Lusk, Hon. Hugh H. (N. Z.), 719.
Lux, Miranda, donat. to educat., 507.
Lyne, Sir William, Premier N. S. W., for wom. suff., 1030.
Lynes, J. Colton, 244.
Lyon, Mary, 320; 355.
MacDonald, Sir John, Premier of Canada, bill for wom. suff., 1034.
Machen, August W., 297.
Macomber, Mattie Locke, 271.
Maddox, Etta, obtains right for wom. to prac. law in Md., 700.
Madison, Pres. James, on Fed. Suff., 7; same, 8; a vote necessary, 66.
Maguire, James G., M. C., 480; 489.
Maine, names for, Chap. XLIII.
Marble, Ella M. S., 157; 176; 201; in Dak., 546; in N. M., 835.
Marsh, Annie McLean, 430.
Marshall, Dean Clara, M. D., 296; 904.
Marshall, Marie (Paris), 711.
Martin, E. W., M. C., 559.
Martin, Ellen A., 600; 604; 609.
Martin, Gov. John A. (Kas.), signs munic. wom. suff. bill, 651.
Martin, Juliet N., 417.
Maryland, names for, Chap. XLIV.
Mason, Evaleen L., 201.
Mason, Prof. Otis T., 328; 331.
Massachusetts, names for, Chap. XLV.
Massachusetts Nat'l., names for, 750.
Maxwell, Claudia Howard, 235; entertains nat'l. conv., 237; 581; 582.
May, Abby W., 146.
May, Rev. Samuel J., 227; 702.
Maybury, William C., M. C., rep. against wom. suff., 47.
Maynard, Rev. Mila Tupper (See Tupper).
McAdam, Chief Justice, right of wom. to hold office in N. Y., 1095.
McAdow, Clara L., 554; work in Mont., 797.
McCall, Samuel Walker, M. C., 712.
McClintock, Mary Ann, 288.
McCoid, Moses A., M. C., rep. in favor of wom. suff., 52.
McComas, Alice Moore, 480; in Ore., 893; writes S. Calif, chap., 494; 495; 497.
McConnell, Amanda, 174.
McConnelly, Mary A., 323.
McCulloch, Catharine Waugh, 276; 297; before House com. of 1900, 378; 393; 443; 598; work in Ills. Legis., 602; same, 603; for trustees St. Univ., 606, 607; 616; 630; 696; in Wis., 989.
McCulloch, Sec. of the Treasury Hugh, 259.
McDiarmid, Clara A., 475.
McDonald, Eva (Mrs. Valesh), 782.
McGlynn, Dr. Edward, spks. for wom. suff., 843.
McKinley, President William, appoints wom. com'r. to Paris Expos., 367; courtesy to suff. ass'n and Miss Anthony, 384; 570; 1010.
McKinley, Mrs. William, 384.
McLaren, Priscilla Bright, wom. suff. in Eng. and America, 22; for Int'l. Council, 124; 135; 301; 366.
McLean, Mrs. John R., 262; luncheon for Miss Anthony, 291.
McLendon, Mary L., welcomes nat'l. conv., 242; writes Ga. chap., 581; 583.
McMillan, U. S. Sen. James, 571; 572.
McPherson, Mary E., 59.
McQuaid, Bishop, for wom. suff., 366.
McSherry, Justice C. J. (Md.), denies right of wom. to prac. law, 700.
McVicar, Mayor John, 270.
Mead, Elizabeth Storrs, pres. Mt. Holyoke Coll., 709.
Mellette, Gov. Arthur C. (S. D.), 559.
Mendenhall, Dinah, 174.
Meredith, Ellis, 222; 235; writes Colo. chap., 509; 513 et al.; in N. J., 825; in Utah, 947.
Meredith, Emily R., writes Colo. chap., 509.
Meriwether, Elizabeth Avery, 72; 76; 79.
Meriwether, Lee, 72.
Meriwether, Lida A., 182; 187; sp. before U. S. Senate com., 195; 242; 247; 475; in Mich., 757; writes Tenn. chap., work in Tenn., 926 et al.
Merrick, Caroline E., 61; 81; 140; sp. at conv. of '95, 243; work in La., 678 et al.
Merrick, Chief Justice Edwin T. (La.), 275; 678.
Merrill, Estelle M. H., 710.
Merritt, Dr. Salome, 730; 750.
Michigan, names for, Chap. XLVI.
Mill, John Stuart, 26; 1019.
Miller, Annie Jenness, 615; 854.
Miller, Caroline Hallowell, sp. at conv. of '84, 20; 72; 114; 147; 187; 263; 296; 391; work in Md., 695.
Miller, Elizabeth Smith, 435; 844; 861.
Mills, C. D. B., 847.
Mills, Harriet May, 215; 265; sp. on educat'l freedom, 354; in Cal., 487; in Mich., 750; work in N. Y., 847 et al.; in O., 880.
Minnesota, names for, Chap. XLVII.
Minor, Francis, wom. suff. under 14th amend., 3; before U. S. Sup. Ct., 5; on Fed. Suff., 6; 204.
Minor, Virginia L., vote, trial and decision, 5; Sup. Ct. reference to same, 9; 17; right of women to vote under Const'n., 78; 152; 153; 156; 157; 162; 250; 295; work in Mo., 790 et al.
Mississippi, names for, Chap. XLVIII.
Missouri, names for, Chap. XLIX.
Mitchell, U. S. Sen. John A., rep. for wom. suff., 12.
Mitchell, Lucretia, 235.
Mitchell, Maria, 174.
Montana, names for, Chap. L.
Moore, Rev. Henrietta G., 558; 563; 632; 696; in O., 879; in W. Va., 980.
Moore, Laura, writes Vt. chap., work in Vt., 957 et al.
Moore, Margaret (Ireland), 135; 703; in N. Y., 840.
Moore, Rebecca (Eng.), 705.
Morgan, U. S. Sen. John T., 347; advises wom. taxpayers' suff., 468; opp. wom. suff. in Wy., 1001, 1002; favors taxpayers' suff. in Ala., 1002.
Morgan, Sup. Judge John T. (Idaho), decis. on wom. suff. amdt., 593.
Morris, Judge Esther, first wom. justice of peace, 994; presents flag to Wy., 1004.
Morris, Gov. Luzon B. (N. J.), 537.
Morris, Hon. Robert C., assists on Wy. chap., 994.
Morrison, Frank, 359.
Morrison, Mrs. (L. A.), 19.
Morrow, Lena, 337; 792; in Ore., 895.
Morse, Elijah, M. C., 718.
Mosher, Prof. Frances Stewart, 293.
Mott, James, 299.
Mott, Lucretia, 133; 205; 227; truth for authority, 260; 264; 288; 294; 295; 299.
Murdock, Mrs. W. A., 1069.
Murphy, Claudia Quigley, 219.
Murphy, Eliza, 275.
Murphy, Gov. N. O. (Ariz.), recommends wom. suff., 472.
Mussey, Dean Ellen Spencer, 569; 574; 575.
Names of eminent persons in favor of wom. suff., beginning 1075.
Nebraska, names for, Chap. LI.
Neblett, A. Viola, 289; 922.
Nelson, Julia Ballard, 74; 77; financial side of wom. suff., 79; 547; in S. D. campn., 555; writes Minn. chap., work in St., 772 et al.; legis. work, 775; in Neb., 803; in N. M., 835; in Ok., 886.
Nevada, names for, Chap. LII.
New Hampshire, names for, Chap. LIII.
New Jersey, names for, Chap. LIV.
New Mexico, names for, Chap. LV.
New York, names for, Chap. LVI.
New South Wales, names for, 1029.
New Zealand, names for, 1025.
Newcomb, Josephine Louise, endows college in La., 688.
Newell, Gov. William A. (Wash.), 967.
Newman, Bishop John P., in fav. of wom. suff., opens conv., 112.
Newton, Rev. Heber, signs suff. petit., 850.
Neymann, Clara, German and Amer. independence, 73; 77; before House Com., 81; 117; 187; 298; in Md., 695; in N. Y., 840.
Nichol, Elizabeth Pease (Scot.), 22.
Nichols, Clarina I. Howard, 61; 294.
Nixon, St. Spkr. F. S., N. Y., 846; 858; 863.
Nordhoff, Charles, 164.
North Carolina, names for, Chap. LVII.
Nozaleda, Archbishop, 348.
Nye, Edgar Wilson (Bill Nye), in favor of wom. suff., 1006.
Oates, William C., M. C., opp. wom. suff., 999.
Obenchain, Lida Calvert, 927.
Obermann, Mr., pres. Brewers' Ass'n., 448.
Odell, Gov. Benjamin F. (N. Y.), for wom. taxpayers' suff., 862; 864.
Ohio, names for, Chap. LVIII.
Oklahoma, names for, Chap. LIX.
Oliver, Rev. Anna, 23; trib. of Miss Shaw, 206; 207.
Oregon, names for, Chap. LX.
Osborne, Eliza Wright, 298; 342; 842.
Otis, James, 66, on virtual represent.
Otis, Mrs. John G., 220.
Owen, Robert Dale, 619.
Owen, Rosamond Dale, 23.
Palmer, Bertha Honore, 184; 367; at Paris Expos., 608; at Columb. Expos., 609.
Palmer, Fanny Purdy. 711; 917; 918.
Palmer, U. S. Sen. Thomas W., 12; rep. in favor of wom. suff., 47; Senate sp. in favor, 62; 127; 164; 366; 554; in Mich., 755; 756; ad. Mich. suff. conv., 758, 762.
Pardee, Lillie, 948-9.
Parker, Frances Stuart, 174.
Parker, Margaret E. (Eng.), for Int'l. Council, 124; 840.
Parker, Theodore, 720.
Parkes, Sir Henry, Premier N. S. W., bill for wom. suff., 1029; 1030.
Parkman, Francis, 413; opp. wom. suff., 721.
Parnell, Delia Stewart, in N. Y., 840.
Parrott, Lieut.-Gov. (Iowa), 279.
Passmore, Elizabeth B., 366; 900.
Patterson, Katherine A. G. (Mrs. Thomas M.), 515 et al.
Patterson, U. S. Sen. Thomas M., 522; 525; wom. suff. in Col., 1088.
Patton, Abby Hutchinson, 203.
Patton, St. Supt. Pub. Instruct. Grace Espy (Col.), 293.
Paul, A. Emmagene, wom. in street-cleaning dept., 364; 608.
Payne, U. S. Sen. Henry B., 1002.
Peavy, St. Supt. Pub. Instruct. Antoinette J. (Col.), 521.
Peelle, Stanton J., M. C., 426.
Peet, Mrs. B. Sturtevant, 484.
Peffer, U. S. Sen. William A., 231; in fav. of wom. suff., 267.
Pellew, George, 713.
Penn, Hannah, acting Gov. of Penn., 903.
Pennsylvania, names for, Chap. LXI.
Pepys, Samuel, why new gown for wife, 424.
Perkins, U. S. Sen. George C., 480; 495.
Perkins, Sarah M., 70; 150; in N. J., 820.
Pettigrew, U. S. Sen. Richard F., 554; 559.
Peabody, Elizabeth, 227.
Pearson, Mrs. (Eng.), 117.
Pence, Lafayette, M. C., 224.
Phelps, Eliz. Stuart (See Ward).
Philbrook, Mary, contest to practice law in N. J., 833.
Philleo, Prudence Crandall, 174.
Phillips, Elizabeth McClintock, 275.
Phillips, Wendell, notifies Miss Anthony of legacy, V; 15; 19; memorial res., 25; 207; 227; 345; 354; expediency, 381; 410; mem. serv. of Mass, ass'n., 702; 708; petit. for wom. suff. in '53, 720; same, 721.
Phillips, Mrs. Wendell, trib. to, 25.
Pickler, Alice M. A. (Mrs. J. A.), 173; 183; 235; 423; 544; writes S. D. chap., 552; 554.
Pickler, Major J. A., M. C., 75; 163; 174; 183; 189; on wom. suff. bill in S. D., 414; 423; efforts for wom. suff. in S. D., 543; 554.
Pierce, Gov. Gilbert A., 74; 414; 543.
Pike, Martha E., writes Wash. chap., 967; work in Wash., 976 et al.
Pillsbury, Mayor George A., 411.
Pillsbury, Parker, 276; conv. mem. res., 344; Mrs. Stanton's trib., 345; wom. suff. in N. H., 815.
Pingree, Gov. Hazen S. (Mich.), 765.
Platt, U. S. Sen. Orville H., on wom. suff., 1003.
Platt, U. S. Sen. Thomas C., favors wom. suff., 864.
Plumb, U. S. Sen. Preston B., for wom. suff., 111.
Poland, Luke P., M. C., report against wom. suff., 50; 958.
Pond, Cora Scott, 425; 427; work in Mass., 706 et al.; in R. I., 910.
Porter, Maria G., 275.
Post, Amalia B., 295; 942; work in Wy., 994; 1004.
Post, Amy, 174; 299.
Potter, Bishop Henry M., signs suff. petit., 850.
Powderly, Terence V., 164; 184.
Powell, Aaron M., in N. J., 820; mem. res., 826; 828; 843.
Preston, Dr. Ann, 295; founds Wom. Hosp. in Phila., 905.
Price, Prof. Ellen H. E., 318; 564.
Pruyn, Mrs. John V. L., organizes anti-suff. soc. 850.
Pugh, Sarah, 61; 294.
Purvis, Robert. 23; 136; 163; trib. of Mrs. Stanton, 345; in Penn., 900.
Putnam, Rev. Helen G., 555.
Quarles, Sup. Judge Ralph, decis. on wom. suff. in Idaho, 1089.
Queensland, names for, 1032.
Quincy, St. Rep. Josiah, in Mass. Legis., 723.
Quinton, Amelia Stone, 1054.
Rainsford, Rev. W. S., 850.
Ralph, Julian, 363.
Ramabai, Pundita, 136; 321.
Ranney, A. A., M. C., rep. in favor of wom. suff., 84.
Rastall, Fannie H., 613; 641.
Reagan, U. S. Sen. John H., sp. against wom. suff., 31; 1000.
Reed, Charles Wesley, 488.
Reed, Kitty, 285.
Reed, Speaker Thomas B., rep. in favor of wom. suff., 52; 164; 710.
Reel, Estelle, wom. suff. in Wy., 301; Nat'l. Supt. Indian Sch., 1010.
Renkes, Flora Beadle, 338.
Rhode Island, names for, Chap. LXII.
Rhodes, Margaret Olive, writes Ok. chap., work in Ty., 886 et al.
Rhone, Leonard, 228.
Rich, Gov. John T. (Mich.), signs munic. suff. bill, 764.
Richards, Gov. De Forest (Wy.), advocates wom. suff., 1008.
Richards, Emily S., 262; 400; 593; assists on Utah chap., work in Utah, 936 et al.; 950.
Richards, Gov. and Mrs. William A. (Wy.), 1005.
Richer, Leon (France), 23.
Richey, Clara M., writes Iowa chap., 628; 632.
Ricker, Marilla M., in Calif., 478; in N. H., 816.
Riddle, Judge Albert G., sp. at conv. of '89, 144; trib. to Francis Minor and B. F. Butler, 204.
Ripley, Dr. Martha G., 417; work in Minn., 772 et al.
Ritchie, Anne Thackeray (Eng.), 1015.
Roach, U. S. Sen. W. N., 546.
Roberts, Brigham H. (Utah), opp. wom. suff., 946.
Robertson, J. M. (Eng.), 719.
Robinson, Emily, 294.
Robinson, Gov. George D. (Mass.), opp. wom. suff., 712.
Robinson, Harriet H., 26; 721; 750.
Robinson, Lelia J., LL. B., 454; legis. work in Mass., 722; 748.
Rockefeller, John D., signs suff. petit., 850.
Roe, St. Rep. Alfred S., 715; 732.
Rogers, Caroline Gilkey, 19; before U. S. Sen. com., 38; 57; 118; work in N. Y., 839 et al.
Rogers, Gov. John R. (Wash.), 973.
Rollit, Sir Albert, M. P., work for wom. suff., 1016.
Roosevelt, President Theodore, recom. wom. suff. to N. Y. Legis., 861; 1075.
Root, Martha Snyder, 6; 173; 183; work in Mich., 756 et al.
Root, Melvin A., 183; 337; work in Mich., 756 et al.; 757.
Rose, Ernestine L., 23; 70; 203; 227; 294.
Ross, Hon. John, 224.
Routt, Eliza F. (Mrs. John L.), 224; 515; 519.
Routt, Gov. John L., 212; 224.
Russell, Sarah A. (Mrs. Daniel L.), writes N. C. chap., 874.
Russell, Thomas, 382; opp. wom. suff. in Mass. Legis., 733.
Rutherford, Annie O. (Canada), 342.
Sadler, Gov. Reinhold (Nev.), recom. wom. suff. amdt., 813.
Sage, Russell, signs suff. petit., 850.
Salisbury, Marquis of, Premier of England, for wom. suff., 1020.
Sanborn, Frank B., 722.
Sanders, U. S. Sen. Wilbur F., 1001.
Sargent, U. S. Sen. Aaron A., 23; 366.
Sargent, Ellen Clark (Mrs. Aaron A.), 287; 366; assists on Calif. chap., 478; 481; 482; in Calif. camp'n., 487; test case for suff., 504.
Sargent, Dr. Elizabeth C., 135; 366; 487.
Sargent, George C., 504.
Sartoris, Nellie Grant, 262.
Sather, Jane Krom, donat. to Cal. Univers., 507.
Saunders, Charles R., sec'y. anti-suff. ass'n., 735; 737.
Saunders, Jessie Cassidy, 288; 369.
Savage, Rev. Minot J., 703.
Sawyer, U. S. Sen. Philetus, for wom. suff., 987.
Saxon, Elizabeth Lyle, sp. at conv. of '93, 187; 201; 243; 583; 640; work in La., 678; in Neb., 802; in Tenn., 926; in Utah, 940; in Wash., 970; in Wis., 989.
Sayers, Gov. Joseph D. (Texas), 934.
Scatcherd, Alice (Eng.), 124; 135; 140; 705; in N. Y., 841.
Schenck, Elizabeth T., 61.
Schofield, Martha, 923.
Schreiner, Olive, 146; 398; petit. for wom. suff., 1015.
Scott, Francis M., opp. wom. suff., 851.
Scott, Mrs. Francis M., organizes anti-suff. soc., 850.
Scully, Rev. Father Thomas, 717; 740.
Seddon, Hon. H. J., Premier N. Z., for wom. suff., 1027.
Seelye, L. Clark, pres. Smith Coll., opp. wom. suff., 722.
Segur, Rosa L., 219.
Selborne, Earl of, for wom. suff., 1016.
Semple, Gov. Eugene (Wash.), signs wom. suff. bill, 155; 968.
Severance, Caroline M., 501.
Severance, Sarah M., 484; 490.
Sewall, Harriet Winslow, 174.
Sewall, May Wright, call for conv. of '84, 15; sp. at same, 19; 27; equality of sexes, 36; 71; sp. at conv. of '86, 74; before House com., 81; 117; ex. com. rep., 122; arranges for Int'l. Council, 125; call for same, 126; permanent Council, 137; wom. in camp'n. of '88, 150; Miss Anthony's birthday, 163; 173; 175; World's Fair rep. and wom. suff., 232; 259; 293; sp. before Senate com. of '98, education and wom. suff., 307; at conv. of '99, true civilization, peace conf., 336; 337; at conv. of 1900, 364; 367; 387; greetings from Int'l. Council of Wom. on Miss Anthony's birthday, 397; at World's Fair Wom. Cong., 609; 610; work in Ind., 615; 616; 617; work for club-house in Indpls., 627; at Cotton Centennial, 679; at Adams, 718; in Mich., 759; in Omaha, 939; in Wis., 986; pres. Int'l. Council, 1045.
Sewall, Judge Samuel E., 146; 227; 721; work in Mass, for wom. suff., 722 et al.
Sewall, Theodore Lovett, mem. service, 259.
Seymour, Mary F., 127; 227.
Shafer, Helen A., pres. Wellesley Coll., 726.
Shafroth, John F., M. C., on wom. suff. in Col., 267; 303; 524.
Shafroth, Virginia Morrison (Mrs. John F.), trib. and gift on Miss Anthony's birthday, 400.
Shattuck, Harriette Robinson, 16; at conv. of '84, 21; before U. S. Sen. com., 36; 57; 59; 72; 76; 115; 149; 721; 750; in N. Y., 840.
Shaw, Rev. Anna Howard, sermon on Heavenly Vision, 128; 149; 156; 163; 170; 173; 174; on S. D. camp'n., 182; 185; 186; 188; 189; before U. S. Sen. com., 199; trib. to Mrs. R. W. Emerson and Rev. Anna Oliver, 205; 215; 219; 223; on wom. behind throne, 228; sermon at conv. of '94, 229; 233; 235; 239; logic and emotion of wom., 243; sermon at conv. of '95, 247; rep. of trip to Pacific Coast, 253; Miss Anthony's comment on, 254; trib. to Mrs. Dietrick, 259; 263; on Pres. Eliot, 266; 267; on Miss Anthony in Calif., 274; no millennium till wom. vote, 278; 279; 282; 288; 304; 305; at conv. of '99, pioneer women, men are women's product, 336; 337; 339; closes conv. of '99, 346; Miss Anthony and her right bower, 351; rep. as delegate to Int'l. Council of '99, 352; 354; sermon at conv. of 1900, 361; 373; closes hearing before House com. of 1900, 380; birthday present and response, 391; trib. on Miss Anthony's 80th birthday, 402; 417; 425; 427; 431; at Nat'l. Popu. conv. in '92, 437; 449; at Calif. Wom. Cong., 480; 482; 486; in Calif, camp'n., 487; 490; visits Denver, 530; in S. D. camp'n., 555; in Del., 564; in Ills., 599; in Ind., 616; in Ia., 632; 640; tour of Kas., 641; 642; in Kas. camp'n., 643; same, 644; 645; 646; in Ky., 666; in Maine, 689; in Md., 696; in Mass., 703 et al.; in Mich., 756; same, 757; in Ann Arbor, 758; 759; 760; before Mich. Legis., 764; in Minn., 773; in Mo., 790; 791; in Neb., 803; in N. J., 825; in Nev., 810; in N. Y., 841; debates wom. suff. with Dr. Buckley, 842; in N. Y. camp'n, 849; in Ohio, 879-80; in Ore., 893; in Penn., 899; in Utah, 947; in Vt., 957; in W. Va., 981; in Wis., 986; visits Wy., 1005.
Shaw, Helen Adelaide, 361; 719 et al.
Shaw, Pauline Agassiz (Mrs. Quincy A.), gives $1,000 to pub. Vol. IV, Hist. of Wom. Suff., VII.
Shaw, Gov. Leslie M. (Iowa), 636.
Sheehan, Lieut.-Gov. William F. (N. Y.), opp. wom. suff., 854; 855; 857.
Sheldon, Ellen H., 27; 126.
Sherman, U. S. Sen. John, 7.
Shippen, Rev. Rush R., 71; 117.
Shinn, Harriet A., 228.
Shortridge, Charles M., 487.
Shortridge, Hon. Samuel, 480.
Sidgwick, Mrs. Henry, principal Newnham Coll. (Eng.), petit. for wom. suff., 1015.
Simmons, Anna R., 558; 791.
Simpson, Jerry, M. C., 231.
Simpson, Bishop Matthew, for wom. suff., 24; 61; 410.
Skidmore, Marian, 259.
Sloss, Judge M. C. (Calif.), decis. on wom. suff., 504.
Smith, Alice, 235.
Smith, Mrs. Clinton, 575.
Smith, Elizabeth Oakes, 227.
Smith, Gerrit, 203; 227.
Smith, Hannah Whitall, 121.
Smith, Dr. Julia Holmes, at Nat'l. Dem. conv. of '96, 439; 606; 610.
Smith, Rev. Samuel G., 361.
Smith, Sara Winthrop, 6; 184; 201; 218; wom. suff. under Const'n., 234.
Smith, Mrs. William Alden, 322.
Snow, Eliza R., 1052.
Solomon, Hannah G., 1053.
Somerset, Lady Henry, 710; 714; 718.
South Carolina, names for, Chap. LXIII.
Southwick, Sarah Hussey, 275.
Southwick, Thankful, 227.
Southworth, Louisa, nat'l. enrollment, 137; 219; 240; donat. for hdqrs. 250; 257; 286; work in Ohio, 878 et al.; for W. C. T. U., 879.
Spaulding, Bishop, for wom. suff., 366.
Spence, Catherine (Australia), 221; 224; 730.
Spencer, Rev. Anna Garlin, 61; sp. at conv. of '91, 179; sp. before Senate com. of '98, moral develop. and wom. suff., 308; sp. at conv. of '99, wom. in our new possessions, 328; in Boston, 707; same, 712, in N. Y., 855; writes R. I. chap., 907; work in R. I., 908 et al.; 920.
Sperry, Mary S. (Mrs. Austin), work in Cal., 486 et al.
Spinner, U. S. Treasurer F. E., 123.
Spofford, Ainsworth R., 715.
Spofford, Charles W., 15; 188; hospitality to Miss Anthony, 366.
Spofford, Jane H. (Mrs. Charles W.), 15; 27; 126; 174; work for wom. suff., 188; hospitality to Miss Anthony, 366; 571; in Maine, 690.
Spreckles, Claus, community property case, 502.
Springer, William M., M. C., opp. wom. suff., 998.
Squire, Gov. Watson C. (Wash.), testimony for wom. suff., 155; 968.
St. John, Gov. John P. (Kas.), for wom. suff., 648.
Stafford, St. Rep. Wendell Phillips, 713; 959.
Stanford, Jane Lathrop (Mrs. Leland), 356; endows univers., 507.
Stanford, U. S. Sen. Leland, trib. to, 227; founds univers., 507; 554.
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, ten yrs. work on Hist. of Wom. Suff., III; sells rights in Hist. to Miss Anthony, VI; mental vigor at 87, VII; tries to prevent "male" in Nat'l. Consti., 2; organizes Nat'l. Ass'n., 14; calls conv. of '84, 15; 21; 27; self-gov't. best means of self-development, 40; sp. at conv. of '85, 57; rights of wom. in church, 59; power of relig. over wom., 60; 70; res. on wom. suff. and church, 75; 112; ridicules rep. of Brown and Cockrell, 113; part in Int'l. Council of Wom., 124; sp. at same, 133; 136; 137; woman's constit'l. right to vote, 138; objects to thanking men for justice, 145; 150; prophecy fulfilled, 153; before U. S. Sen. com. of '90, 158; questioned by com., 161; 163; friendship for Miss Anthony, 164; great. sp. at conv. of '90, 165; 169; 174; degradation of disfranchm't, 176; last appearance at nat'l. conv., 186; Solitude of Self, 189; 205; trib. to dead, 227; 236; 80th birthday, 250; Woman's Bible, 263; Miss Anthony defends her, 264; House com. in '96, 268; 288; sp. at conv. of '98, our defeats and our triumphs, 291; 299; 304; before Senate com. of '98, history of ballot, 316; wom. are pariahs and fight their battles alone, 337; 342; trib. to Pillsbury and Purvis, 345; 353; 359; appeal to House com. of 1900, 376; long in office, 387; 402; 404; 415; first app. at polit. conv., 435; 443; 480; 517; woman's work at Centennial, 526; 715; in Minn., 772; in Mo., 790; in Neb., 802; pioneer work in N. Y., 839; 844; 846; 849; early legis. work in N. Y., 852; work for equal guardianship, 857; in Utah, 936; welcomes Utah wom., 937; in Wis., 985; ad. on Wy., 1004.
Stanton, Marguerite Berry (Mrs. Theodore), 27.
Stanton, Theodore, 23; 26.
Starrett, Helen Ekin, trib. to Lucy Stone, 407.
Stearns, Judge J. B., 774.
Stearns, Sarah Burger, in Calif., 501; 630; work in Minn., 774 et al.
Stebbins, Catharine A. F., 299; work in Mich., 760.
Stebbins, Giles B., in Mich., 760.
Stetson, Charlotte Perkins, at conv. of '96, 255; same, 258; 263; ballot and motherhood, 266; sp. at conv. of '97, 277; 479; 647; 648; in Boston, 717; in Penn., 899.
Steunenberg, Gov. Frank, on wom. suff. in Idaho, 594.
Stevens, Lillian M. N., 438; 1048.
Stevenson, J. O., 629.
Stevenson, Katherine Lente, 711; in R. I., 910.
Stevenson, Dr. Sarah Hackett, 610.
Stewart, John W., M. C., rep. against wom. suff., 82.
Stockham, Dr. Alice B., 61.
Stoddard, Helen M., writes Tex. chap., 931; work for Girls' Indus. Sch., 934.
Stone, Lucinda Hinsdale, on Dr. Stone's early belief in wom. suff., 299; 771.
Stone, Lucy, 14; 136; 164; letter to conv. of '90, 169; 174; at Nat'l Council of '91, 178; 186; 187; 189; before U. S. Sen. Com., 191; conv. of '93, her last message, 213; 221; mem. service, 225; 227; 236; 294; 320; 357; 387; acc't of conv. of Amer. Ass'n. of '84, 406; influence on Kas. laws, 407; rep. as ch. ex. com. of Amer. Ass'n., '84, 408; 411; sp. at conv. of '85, 415; acc't. of Amer. conv. of '86, 417; 418; 423; at Legislatures, 424; rep. ch. ex. com., '87, 425; on union of two ass'ns., 426; spks. at bazar in '87, 427; acc't of Amer. conv. '88, 430; appeal to Constit'l. Convs., 432; work for Ariz., 470; 509; 513; 514; 517; 546; 553; in Ills., 598; in Ind., 614; in Iowa, 628; same, 629; in Kas., 638; same, 640; in Maine, 689; in Baltimore, 695; 702; work in Mass., 703 et al.; last pub. ad., 711; death and funeral, 712; on Boston Tea Party, 713; 714; first wom. suff. petit., yrs. in office, 720; legis. work in Mass., 721; for equal guardianship, 744; in Mich., 755; 762; in Minn., 772; in N. J., 820; mem. serv. in N. J., 821; in R. I., 907; in Vt., 957; on admis. of Wy., 1004.
Strong, Lieut. Gov. John (Mich.), favors wom. suff., 763.
Stout, Sir Robert, Premier N. Z., for wom. suff., 1026.
Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 275.
Sullivan, Sup. Judge Isaac N. (Ida.), decis. on wom. suff. amdt., 593.
Sulzer, William, M. C., 856.
Sweet, Ada C., 71.
Swift, Mary Wood (Mrs. John F.), work in Calif., 482 et al.; 501.
Swisshelm, Jane Gray, 410.
Taft, Hon. Alphonso, 428.
Taft, Judge W. H., 348.
Talbot, Gov. Thomas (Mass.), 718.
Taney, Chief Justice Roger B., 4.
Tanner, Gov. John R. (Ills.), 602; 607.
Taylor, Alberta C., 238; 465.
Taylor, Ezra B., M. C., rep. in favor wom. suff., 52; same, 82; same, 163; 218; 366; assists in O., 877.
Taylor, Peter A., M. P., 22; 353.
Taylor, Mrs. Peter A., 22.
Telford, Mary Jewett, 201; 516.
Teller, U. S. Sen. Henry M., 235; sp. at conv. of '98, 303; 433; 524; approves wom. suff., 1086.
Tennessee, names for, Chap. LXIV.
Terrell, Mary Church, 298; sp. at conv. of 1900, 358; 572.
Texas, names for, Chap. LXV.
Thayer, Gov. John M., wom. suff. in Wy., 1090.
Thomann, Gallus, 448.
Thomas, Gov. Charles S., 441; 516; 531; wom. suff. in Col., 1087.
Thomas, Dean M. Carey, pres. Bryn Mawr Coll., 426; helps secure Wom. Med. Coll. of Johns Hopkins, 700; trustee Cornell Univ. 871; 906.
Thomas, M. Louise, 175.
Thomas, Mary Bentley, 239; 263; writes Md. chap., 695; 696.
Thomas, Dr. Mary F., 75; 146; 406; 407; 410; 411; letter to Amer. conv. of '85, 413; 70th birthday, 422; 425; 426; 431; 614; 616.
Thomasson, John P., M. P., 22.
Thomasson, Mrs. John P., 22.
Thompson, Elizabeth, donation to pub. Hist. of Wom. Suff., V.
Thompson, Ellen Powell, rep. on Congress'l work, 287; trib. and gift to Miss Anthony on birthday, 399; work in D. C., 568 et al.
Thompson, Col. John, 227.
Thompson, Martha J., 367; 774.
Thomson (Archbishop of York) Mrs., petit. for wom. suff., 1015.
Thomson, M. Adeline, 260; 900.
Thorpe, Dr. Juliet, 430.
Thurston, Sarah A., 417; 639 et al.
Tillinghast, Elizabeth Sheldon, 377.
Tillman, U. S. Sen. Benj. R., 925.
Tod, Isabella M. S. (Ireland), 23; 1020.
Todd, Mabel Loomis, 363.
Tomlinson, William P., 417.
Townsend, Justine V. R., 1065.
Trimble, Dr. John, 227.
Trygg, Alli (Finland), 705.
Tubman, Harriet, 718; 844.
Tupper, Rev. Mila (Maynard), 185; 201; 497.
Turner, Sup. Judge George (Wash.), 1098.
Turner, Sir George, Premier Victoria, bill for wom. suff., 1031.
Tyler, Louise M., 509; work in R. I., 909.
Uhl, Asst. Sec. of State Edwin F., 572.
Unwin, Jane Cobden (Eng.), 21; 711.
Upton, Harriet Taylor, work in Cong., 218; 233; 250; 257; sp. at conv. of '97, 279; tells of financial help of Miss Anthony, 286; rep. '98 289; 337; wom. on sch. bds., 338; treas. rep., 1900, 365; secures Congress'l. rep., 366; 443; 616; writes Ohio chap., 877; work in O., 879 et al.; work on sch. bd., 884.
Utah, names for, Chap. LXVI.
Vance, U. S. Sen. Zebulon B., 157; 158; questions Mrs. Stanton, 161; rep. against wom. suff., 201.
Van Cleve, Charlotte O., 414.
Vermont, names for, Chap. LXVII.
Vest, U. S. Sen. George G., 93; sp. against wom. suff., 105; spks. against wom. suff. in Wy., 1000.
Victoria (Aus.), names for, 1021.
Victoria, Queen, compared to Amer. women, 160; 162; rec. Int'l. Council, 354; trib. to, 1021.
Villard, Oswald Garrison, 739.
Virginia, names for, Chap. LXVIII.
Vogel, Sir Julius, Treasurer N. Z., bill for wom. suff., 1025.
Voorhees, Gov. Foster M. (N. J.), 828.
Wait, Anna C., 18; welcomes conv. to Kas. in '86, 418; assists on Kas. chap., 638.
Waite, Catharine V., 609.
Waite, Hon. Charles B., 762.
Waite, Gov. Davis H., on wom. suff. in Col., 232; signs wom. suff. bill, 513; 520; 533.
Waite, Dr. Lucy, 184.
Waite, Chief Justice Morrison R., U. S. has no voters, 5; for wom. suff., 1076.
Wall, Sarah, 298.
Wallace, Catherine P., writes N. M. chap., work in Australia and New Zeal., 835; in N. M., 836 et al.
Wallace, Zerelda G., 23; 71; wom. suff. necessity for Gov't., 119; 136; 150; sp. on a whole humanity, 171; 430; in Ills., 599; 614; 615; legis. work in Ind., 618; in Kas., 640, 650; in Ky., 665; in Boston, 706; in R. I., 910; in Vt., 957.
Walworth, Rev. Clarence A., opp. wom. suff., 851.
Ward, Eliza T., 174.
Ward, Elizabeth Stuart Phelps, 412; 735.
Ward, Prof. Lester F., 308.
Ward, Lydia A. Coonley, poem on Miss Anthony's eightieth birthday, 401; 610; 612.
Warren, U. S. Sen. Francis E., rep. in favor of wom. suff., 201; 433; 710; 1005; testimony for wom. suff., 1006; wom. suff. in Wy., 1090.
Warren, Helen M. (Mrs. Francis E.), trib. and gift on Miss Anthony's birthday, 400.
Washburn, Gov. Wm. B. (Mass.), 718.
Washington, names for, Chap. LXIX.
Washington, Booker T., 469; 906.
Washington, Mrs. Booker T., 1051.
Washington, Joseph E., M. C., opp. wom. suff., 999.
Wattles, Esther, 300.
Wattles, John O., 300.
Wattles, Susan E., 294.
Waugh, Alice, 235.
Way, Mary Heald, 564.
Webb, Alfred, M. P., 717.
Webster, Prof. Helen, 733.
Welch, Minerva C. (Mrs. A. L.), 327; wom. suff. in Col., 338; 523.
Weld, Angelina Grimke, 227.
Weld, Theodore D., 259; 702; 709.
Wells, Amos R., collects wom. suff. testimony, 1085.
Wells, Emmeline B., 262; 279; on wom. suff. in Utah, at conv. of '97, 283; writes Utah chap., work in Utah, 936 et al.; 949.
Wells, Gov. Heber M., 949; 951; 952; wom. suff. in Utah, 1089.
Wells, Kate Gannett, 413; opp. wom. suff., 704; 721.
Wellstood, Jessie M. (Scot.), 19.
Wendte, Rev. C. W., 479; 701 et al.
West, Gov. Caleb (Utah), 947.
West Virginia, names for, Chap. LXX.
Wheeler, Vice-President William A., for wom. suff., 1075.
Whelan, Carrie A., assists on Calif. chapter, 478; 489.
Whipple, Rev. A. B., 718.
Whipple, Charles K., 708.
White, Armenia S., 75.
White, John D., M. C., rep. in favor wom. suff., 12; sp. for same, 35.
White, U. S. Sen. Stephen M., 495.
Whiting, John L., 205; 702.
Whitman, Sarah Helen, 295.
Whitney, Adeline D. T., opp. wom. suff., 108; 157; 726.
Whitney, Sarah Ware, 629.
Whitney, Victoria C., 263.
Whittier, John Greenleaf, 164; 203; 205; 703.
Whittle, Dr. Ewing (Eng.), 23; 124.
Widdrington, Mrs. Percy (Eng.), in N. J., 826.
Wigham, Eliza (Scot), 19; 1020.
Wilbour, Charlotte B., 23.
Wilbur, Julia A., 27; 260.
Wilbur, Sarah, 259.
Willard, Emma, 355.
Willard, Frances E., 110; at Int'l. Council, 136; sp. before U. S. Senate Com., 141; 164; 175; 183; in Denver, 215; death, 304; 438; 517; 610; 612; 641; in Boston, 705; 710; 714; in Mont., 796; in N. C., 874; 886; work in W. C. T. U., 1047; 1048; estab. dept. franchise, 1071.
Willcox, Albert O., 295.
Willcox, Hon. Hamilton, 706; 856.
Williams, Mary H., 212.
Williamson, Frances A., 263; 483; writes Nev. chap., 810; work in Nev., 811 et al.
Williamson, M. Laura, 811.
Wilson, Edgar, M. C., 590.
Wilson, Vice-President Henry, for wom. suff., 1075.
Windeyer, Miss (Australia), 224.
Winship, Dr. A. E., 741.
Winslow, Dr. Caroline B., 275; 295; 574.
Wisconsin, names for, Chap. LXXI.
Wolcott, U. S. Sen. Edward O., 156; 235; 525.
Wolcott, Lieut.-Gov. Roger (Mass.), 713.
Wolf, John B., 59.
Wolf, Simon, 231.
Wollstonecraft, Mary, 147.
Wood, Col. S. N., 407; 653.
Wood, Mrs. S. N., 418.
Woodall, William, M. P., work for wom. suff., 1015.
Woodbridge, Mary A., 641.
Woodbury, Charles J., wom. suff. in Wash., 1096.
Woods, Dr. Frances, 592; 632; in O., 880; same, 893.
Woods, Mell C., 279; on wom. suff. in Ida., 283.
Wright, Hon. Carroll D., sp. on Indust. Emancip. of Wom., 213.
Wright, Frances, 147; 294.
Wright, St. Rep. Harriet G. R. (Col.), 523; 524.
Wright, Martha C., 288; 298; 842.
Wright, Phoebe C., 235.
Wyndham, George, M. P., 1020.
Wyoming, names for, Chap. LXXII.
Yarbrough, Jasper, case of, 8.
Yates, Elizabeth Upham, 213; sp. at conv. of '95, 228; 242; 247; 263; in Calif, campn., 487; 490; 536; 558; 696; in Boston, 707; in Mass., 714; 718; in Miss., 783; in N. J., 822; in N. C., 874; in Penn., 899; in S. C., 922; in Va., 964.
Yates, Gov. Richard (Ills.), 603.
Young, Virginia Durant, 222; 224; 235; 263; 293; wom. suff. in South, 362; 583; writes S. C. chap., work in S. C., 922 et al.
Young, Zina D. H., 939; 1052.
Zelophehad, daughters of, 372.
* * * * *
[Transcriber's Notes:
The transcriber made the following changes to the text to correct obvious errors:
1. p. xxvi posession —> possession 2. p. 23 Parlimentary —> Parliamentary 3. p. 33 acomplished —> accomplished 4. p. 74 Disfranchisement:t: —> Disfranchisement: 5. p. 175 preceeding —> preceding 6. p. 250 Senaca Falls; —> Senaca Falls, 7. p. 356 "the bottoms,'" —> "The bottoms," 8. p. 360 they want.'" —> they want." 9. p. 402 unforgetable —> unforgettable 10. p. 531 Ptolomaic —> Ptolemaic 11. p. 643 plaform —> platform 12. p. 709 Northen —> Northern 13. p. 834 in $86.21 —> is $86.21 14. p. 893 mantained —> maintained 15. p. 896 disabilites —>disabilities 16. p. 900 Committe —> Committee 17. p. 974 classess —>classes (Footnote #460) 18. p. 1020 conspicious —> conspicuous 19. p. 1030 ocupying —> occupying 20. p. 1081 Wald —> Waldo 21. p. 1088 to higher plane. —> to a higher plane. 22. p. 1091 encouragment —>encouragement 23. p. 1094 Atorney —> Attorney 24. p. 1096 'Whatever may be —> "Whatever may be
End of Transcriber's Notes] |