DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, gift and trib. to Miss Anthony on 80th birthday, 399. See chapter on D. C.
DIVORCE, 68; 100; 103; national law, women should have voice in, 165; evolution of, 297; in Wyoming, 362; in Wy., S. D. and Ok., 460.
DOMESTIC, household demands on women, 209; too much housekeeping, 210; future domestic service, 210; effect of domestic life on women, 258; home life of woman suffragists, 279; what home means, 285; woman's position in the home, 292; husbands do not support wives, 171, 208, 311; home vs. factory work, 311; college women and home, 358; need of trained work, 358. See also Domestic under Suffrage.
DONORS, to Hist. of Wom. Suff., v, vii; to Int'l. Council of Wom., 126; Mrs. Southworth, 257; Miss Anthony, 287; in Conn., 536; in Ga., 582; Mrs. Avery, 642; in N. Y., 849. —women, for education, 356; in Calif., 507; in La., 688; in Md., 700.
DOWER. See Laws in each State chapter.
DRESS, descrip. of delegates', 56; of Miss Anthony at conv. of '90, 173; on 80th birthday, 403-4.
EDUCATION, higher education of women, resume of, 463, and in each State chapter under head of Education, beginning 465. —majority would never consent to, xxii; statistics of, xxx; same, 18; 5,000 teachers in Ind. ask for ballot, 37; educated women will not stand subjection, 44; educated women deprived of ballot, 74; intellectual capacity of women, 90; 101; more than some Senators, 113; woman senior wrangler at Cambridge, 176; a century ago, 192; training of girl of future, 209; easily obtained, 292, 316; Mrs. Sewall on Govt. no right to educate women and refuse them representation, 307; its effects shown in Amer. women at Int'l. Council in London, 353; woman's from beginning of century, obstacles, direful predictions, 354-6; health of women graduates, 355; women on Faculties, 355; donations of women to, 356, 507; must lead to suff., 356; effect on domestic life, 357; Catholic, 464; same, 575; in Gr. Brit., 1024. See also Donors, Illiteracy, Public Schools, Universities.
ELECTORATE, character of, xxiii; elements needed, xxvi; what composed of, 23, 37, 39, 68, 81, 138, 148, 195, 258, 269, 316, 324, 371, 415; in Col., 514; in S. D., 556; in Wash., 1098.
ENROLLMENT, Nat'l., for wom. suff., 137; 878. See Petitions.
EQUAL RIGHTS, Association for, 14; demand for by Int'l. Council, 136; they belong to women, no thanks to men, 146; crime of denying to women, Mr. Foulke on, 167. See Progress of.
EUROPE, wom. suff. in countries of. See chapter on, 1038.
FEDERAL SUFFRAGE, argument for, 6 et seq.; Miss Anthony on, 10; 78; Sen. Blair on, 145; 201; 218; 234.
FEDERATION OF WOMEN'S CLUBS, legis. work, 452. See closing paragraph in various State chapters, beginning 465, and also page 1050.
FLAGS, at conv. of '94, 221; Col. presents one to Miss Anthony, 222-3; at conv. of '95, 236; flag not desecrated by four stars, 278; golden flag presented to Miss A., 400.
FOREIGNERS. See Immigrants.
FOREIGN COUNTRIES, wom. suff. in. See Chap. LXXIV.
FRANCE, wom. suff. in, 343, 1040; eminent advocates, 1084.
GEORGIA, curiosities in, 228; nat'l. suff. conv. in Atlanta, 236; illiterate vote, 246. See State chapter.
GODDESS OF LIBERTY, in N. Y. harbor, 47; same, 115; Miss Anthony's features, 120; Wy. represents, 201; on nat'l. Capitol, a mockery, 375.
GOVERNORS OF STATES, position on wom. suff., 212; list favoring wom. suff., 1078; of Wy. testify for wom. suff., 1087 et seq.
GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC, favors wom. suff., 184; 644; 893.
GRANGES, favor wom. suff., 184; always recognized equality of woman, 228; position of woman in, 327; nat'l. adopts wom. suff. res. in 1900, 447-8. See various State chapters.
GREAT BRITAIN, Chap. LXXIII; efforts for Parliamentary Franchise, 1012, 1020; Primrose League and Liberal Federation, 1013; better laws, 1021; local gov't., 1022; office holding, 1023; education, 1024; colonial progress, 1025 et seq.; petits. for suff., 1015, 1017, 1020. — gives local franchise to women, xiv; more liberal than U. S. on socialistic questions, 167; enfranch. workingmen, 305; same, 311; progress of wom. suff., 353; Mrs. Blatch on women on boards and wom. suff. in, 368; remonstrants in, 369; eminent advocates of wom. suff. in, 1083.
GUARDIANSHIP, equal of children. See Laws.
HAWAII, Nat'l. Suff. Ass'n. demands rights for its women, 325; injustice to them, 330; resolution against "male" in its constitn., 343; petitions Congress in behalf of its women, 346; outrageous constitn. adopted by Congress, 346; Hawaiian members object, 347; Miss Anthony's work for its women, 365; appeals to Congress for rights of its women, 446.
HEAD OF FAMILY. See Laws and pp. 458; 945; in Va., 966.
HEARINGS before Congressional Committees in '84, 36, 42; in '86, 78; in '88, before Senate com., 137 et seq.; in '89, same, 156; before House, 157; in '90, before Senate, 158, 162; before House, 163; in '92, before Senate, Mrs. Stanton on Solitude of Self, 189; before House, 194; in '94, before Senate and House, 235; in '96, before Senate and House, 267; in '98, before Senate, 305; before House, 318; in 1900, before Senate, 367, Miss Anthony's plea at 80, 373; before House, 373; first appearance of "antis," 381-4.
HISTORY OF WOMAN SUFFRAGE, how it was written and published. See Preface.
IDAHO, adopts wom. suff. amend., xxi; welcomed by nat'l. conv., 272; story of amend, camp'n., 283-4; gift to Miss Anthony, 390. See State chapter, also Statistics and Testimony.
ILLINOIS, great petits. for wom. suff., 39; laws for women, 276. See State chapter.
ILLITERACY, percentage of, smaller among women than men, xxii, 216; in Ga., 246; shut it out from electorate, 316-17; not the ignorant alone opp. wom. suff., 338, 493; decides fate of women, 371; in S. D., 556.
IMMIGRANTS, English view of, 23; their enfranchisement, 37; same, 39; polit. danger of, 68-9; German view, 73; in Neb., 81; 82; welcome to, 116; enfranchised, Mrs. Stanton on, 138; political rule of, American women in majority, 148; placed over women, 195; preferred to Amer. women, Mrs. Stanton's picture of, 269; should be welcomed but not enfranch., 316, 317; in Mich., 324; compared to Amer. women, 415; 418.
INDIA, effect on its women of English laws, 330.
INDIANS, preferred to women voters in S. D., 182, 557; Gov't. favors over women, 213; vs. American women, 313; effect on women of "land in severalty," 330; Gov't. grants privileges denied to white women, 374; authority of their women, 1041.
INDIFFERENCE OF WOMEN, xxii; same, xxiv; reasons for, xxv; same, xxix; causes of, 20; men will decide the question, 39; no means of knowing, 46; all women should not be punished for, 84; fear to speak, 92; pity for, 121; women put everything before suff., 149, 150; is result of disfranchis., 160; does not affect the right of suff., 168; Miss Blackwell on, 198; women too much flattered, 208; dangers of, 259; always existed, 275; women do not think, 285; Miss Blackwell gives examples, 320; parable of good Samaritan, 360; natural conservatism, 372; timidity and ignorance, 415; selfishness, 420; those who have all the rights they want, 461; same in Col., 517.
INDIRECT INFLUENCE, needs responsibility, 55; 96-7; suff. would destroy, 107; 168; 517.
INDIVIDUALITY of woman, suff. a guarantee of, 82; should not be allowed to wives, 100; Mrs. Stanton on right to, 189; Rev. Anna Howard Shaw on, 230, 361; Mrs. Spencer on, 328; new civilization will recognize, 336; 418.
IOWA, reasons for refusing suff. amd't., xxi; nat'l. conv. in Des Moines, 270; noted speakers before Legis., 279. See State chapter.
IRELAND, wom. suff. in, 343; wom. on school and poor law bds., 368. See chapter on Great Britain.
ISLE OF MAN, wom. suff. in, 1025.
JOURNALISM, xxv; wom. in, 154; early women writers, 295; women in at Paris expos., 343; first, 695.
JURIES, women should serve on, 38; 45; 51; in Wy., 68; men's obligations, 94; Senators discuss, 104, 106; need of women on, 182; women and jury duty in Ida., 596; in Utah, 955, 1089; in Wash., 422, 968, 1008, 1091; in Wy., 1008.
KANSAS, grants Municipal Suff. to women, xv; xxi; xxix; treatment of women, 199; suff. work of Nat'l. Ass'n. in, 220; descript. of nat'l. delegates, 221-2; first constit'n. recognizes rights of women, 407; Amer. Ass'n. meets in Topeka, 417; early work in, 418, 419; Mrs. Howe's plea for suff. in, 419. See State chapter and Statistics.
LABOR, disabilities of women, 41; relation of wom. suff. to, 70; same, 79; suff. has no influence on price of, 98; wage-earning women should marry, 98; need of ballot for working women, 115; same, 122; Knights of Labor indorse wom. suff., 123; dignifies woman, 162; immoral women come from domestic life, 162; husband does not "support" wife, 171, 208, 311; man's material achievements, 171; not woman's curse, 171; degradation of woman's labor, 177; organizations favor wom. suff., 184; indust. emancip. of women, by Carroll D. Wright, have not taken men's work, new economic factor, leads to suff., 213; suff. demanded for working women, 216; women stenographers, 228; women wage-earners in Fla., 240; Florence Kelley on labor unions and working woman's need of ballot, 311; disfranch. women an injury to labor unions, 312; Fed. of Labor greets Nat'l. Suff. Ass'n., let. from Pres. Gompers, equal pay for wom., 334; ass'n. returns thanks, 344; entrance of women into unions and effect on suff., 349; appeal of Nat'l. Fed. for wom. suff. in '99, 359; Miss Laughlin on statistics of wage-earning women, need of ballot, 360; ancient opp. to, 361; working woman's great disadvantage, 377; wages of men and wom., 379; 425; Nat'l. Fed. petit. for wom. suff. in 1900 after appeal from Miss Anthony. Nat'l. Bldg. and Trades Council, same, Int'l. Bricklayers' and Masons', same, 446; organizations for wom. suff., 448; K. of L. declare for, 568. See Statistics.
LABOR ORGANIZATIONS, for wom. suff. See above, also in Col., 514-16; in S. D., 556; in Ills., 602-4; 652; in Mass., 711-14-33; in Minn., 782; in N. J., 821; in N. Y., 850; in Ore., 893; in R. I., 917; in Wash., 974.
LAW, first woman admitted to practice before U. S. Sup. Ct., 33; second, 57; contest of Mrs. Bradwell in Ills. and U. S. Sup. Ct., 152; contest in Cal., 507; in Ind., 626; in Md., 700; in Mich. to be pros. atty., 770; in N. J., 833; in Penn., 904; Woman's Coll. of, 574; first woman to apply to practice, 609; first coll. to graduate a woman, 610. See also State chapters under Occupations. —women in, send trib. to Miss Anthony on 80th birthday, 398. —Common, 33; 49; 159; resume of and changes made, 454-8; 464; in N. Y., 865. —Constitutional, bar to wom. suff., xiv, xv; 371.
LAWS FOR WOMEN, resume of, 453-8. —Property, for women, secured by a few, xxiii; in Ky., 15; wife is moneyless, 40; inevitably one-sided, 198; nine-tenths relate to property, 200; uncertain for women, 255; in Ills., 276; women could secure good laws with suffrage, 424; present status, far from just to women, 456-8; Dower and Curtesy, 457; Guardianship of Children, and liability of "head of family" for support, 458; Divorce, and the various causes for, 459; Age of Protection, 460. See each State chapter under head of Legislative Action and Laws. For Great Britain, 1021.
LEGACIES, Mrs. Eddy's to Miss Anthony, v; to Nat'l. Ass'n., 207; 259; 275; 286; 289; 366; 900; 909.
LEGISLATURES, action on bills and resolutions for full and limited suffrage and other measures, under head of Legislative Action, in each State chapter, beginning 465; power to grant limited suff., xv; have granted much to women, 43; Congress should submit wom. suff. amdt. to, 43, 64, 113; work of women members in Col., 525-6; work of women members in Utah, 953 et seq.
LETTERS, telegrams, greetings, etc., to American suff. convs., see Chap. XXII; to natn'l. suff. conv. of '84, 15 et seq., from noted English, 21-2, Bishop Simpson, 24; of '85, 61; of '86, 75; of '87, from Mrs. Stanton, 113, U. S. Treas. Spinner et al., 123; of '89, from Mrs. Stanton, 145; of '91, 179; of '93, last from Lucy Stone, 213, from Bishop Hurst, 220; of '94, from Gov. Waite, Mrs. Sewall, 232; of '96, 254; of '97, from Miss Reed, 285; of '98, from Abigail Bush, Lucinda H. Stone and others, 300-1; of '99, from Samuel Gompers, 334, Mrs. Stanton, 337, 342-3; of 1900, 359, 366. —to Int'l. Council of '88, 135. —to Miss Anthony on 70th birthday, 164; on 80th, 403. —to various Conventions, 447. —to Governors of States and Territories, 212. —to members of Congress, 35, 217, 218, 247, 287, 346. —to political delegates and conventions, 440 et seq. —to State constitutional conventions, 433.
LIQUOR DEALERS, control in politics, xix; attitude toward wom. suff., xix; influence in Iowa, xxi; in Neb., 80; allied with women remonstrants, 327; opposed to wom. suff., 373; at Nat'l. Brewers' Convention, 447; in Calif., 273, 486, 491-3, 499, 500; in Idaho, 284; in Ariz., 472; in Col., 512, 517; in S. D., 556; in Kas., 650, 660; in Ok., 888.
LONGEVITY and vitality of women, 29.
LOUISIANA, Miss Anthony on women taxpayers' suff., 360. See State chapter.
MAGAZINES. See Newspapers.
MAJORITY, opposed to any reform, xxii; same, xxiii; same, xxvi; must ask for wom. suff. no argument, xxxi; xxxii; never asked for anything, 38; Miss Anthony on, 42; wom. suff. should not wait for, 84; must demand wom. suff., 92; never granted anything, 275; oppose every advance, Mrs. Catt on, 369-71.
MARRIAGE, suff. has no relation to, 90; Sen. Brown's idea of, 94 et seq.; in wom. suff. States, 103; Sen. Vest on, 106 et seq.; position of woman in, regulations made by men, obstacles to happiness, Mrs. Colby on, 151; meaning of, narrowness of wives a detriment to men, Mrs. Stanton on, 161; interdependence of husband and wife, Mrs. Wallace on, 171; Mr. Hinckley on, 180; each supports the other, 171, 208, 311; of Mr. Blackwell and Lucy Stone, 226; wife need not give up name, 226; individuality of wife, Miss Shaw on, 230; what wives want, 245. See Domestic.
MASSACHUSETTS, sentiment for wom. suff. in, 36; Lucy Stone on treatment of women by its Legis., 192; early education of women, 192; women taxpayers, 240. See State chapter.
MATRIARCHATE, Mrs. Spencer on evolution of family life, 328 et seq.; 1041.
MEDICINE, early struggles of women to study, 296; letter from Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell, 301; efforts of wom. in, 275, 355; statistics of women physicians, 275, 355, 370; first woman to graduate, 355; 463; 574; first to practice, 748; only woman dean of mixed college, 610; Johns Hopkins Medical, 700; medical societies in N. J., 833; first woman's med. coll., 904; tribute of women in, on Miss Anthony's 80th birthday, 394. See also State chapters under Occupations, and for physicians in institutions under Office Holding.
MICHIGAN, Munic. Suff. Bill vetoed, xv; vote on suff. amend., 35; Nat'l. Ass'n. meets, 322. See State chapter.
MILITARY, argument against wom. suff., nearly obsolete, xxxi; Sen. Palmer on, 64; military questions must give way to economic, 69; ability to bear arms not a voting test, 82; Sen. Blair on military service no connection with suff., 87; same on women can fight, 90; Sen. Brown on women and military service, 94, 96, 100; woman's record, 101, 113; nation's debt to her, 115; brute force passing away, 121; woman's part in war, 161-2, 195; fighting qualities necessary in women, 183; women first to see advantage of peace, 208; Miss Clay on the military argument before Senate Com., 309; Miss Shaw on, 337; how women would have managed Span. Am. War, 339.
MINISTERS, early women, 59, 260; Rev. Anna Howard Shaw on women ministers, 206; tribute from, on Miss Anthony's 80th birthday, 397; 464; ministers in favor of wom. suff., 1079. See Sermons.
MINNESOTA, difficulty of carrying wom. suff. amend., xvi; Amer. Suff. Ass'n. meets in Minneapolis, 411. See State chapter.
MOTHERHOOD, xxxi; needed in politics, 40; not a limitation, 58; Mrs. Stanton on ancient idea of, 60; Sen. Blair on maternity and suff., 91; Sen. Brown on, 94 et seq.; Sen. Dolph on, 103; Sen. Eustis on, 104; Sen. Vest on, 106; Miss Willard asks suff. for mothers, 142; mothers should be honored equally with fathers, 194; mothers should be exempt from wage-earning, 211; child dearer than all else, 226; Mrs. Stetson on, 266; not broad enough, 277; Mrs. Spencer on motherhood among primitive peoples, 328-333; suff. and, 283, 303-4, 357; fits women for suff., 309; all wom. not fitted for, 362; Congress of Mothers, 1051. See also Testimony from Wom. Suff. States, beginning 1085, and State chapters for Colorado, Idaho, Utah and Wyoming.
MUNICIPAL SUFFRAGE, in Kas., xv; bill vetoed in Mich., xv; 123; effect in Kas., 199; Australia first country to grant, 224; cities need woman's vote, 278, 420, 422; in Ireland, 343; how gained in Kas., 649 et seq.; in Kas., 652, 664; in Great Brit., 1012, 1022; in New Zealand, 1025; in Australia, 1027 et seq.; in Canada, 1035 et seq.; in other countries, 1038 et seq.
NATIONAL SUFFRAGE ASSOCIATION, membership and finance, xxx; contests for right to vote under 14th amend., 4; abandons attempt, 6; same for Federal suff., 10; begins efforts for 16th amend., 11; work in the States, 11; work before Congress, 11; effect on the franchise, 13; founded in '69, 14; conventions held, 14; work in Washington, 15; finances in '84, 27; conv. of '88, 137; finances in '89, 154; union with American Ass'n., 164; Miss Anthony declares for free platform, 169; finances in '92, 185; last app. of Mrs. Stanton and Lucy Stone, 186; at Columb. Expos., 217; freedom of platform, 224; mem. serv. for Lucy Stone, 225; finances in '95, org. com. established, 250; finances in '96, 256; headqrs. established, 257; welcomes Utah, 260; breadth of platf., 264; finances of '97, Miss Anthony's contrib., 287; reports on course of study and finance, 289; demands equal rights for women in every depart., 291; finances in '99, 342; Washt'n Post compliments, 349; advantage of meeting in capital, 351; finances in 1900, 364; holds Bazar, 365; rec'd by Pres. McKinley in 1900, Mrs. McKinley sends flowers, 384; Miss Anthony resigns presidency, action of conv., her speeches, etc., 385 et seq.; her farewell, 393; Mrs. Chapman Catt elected pres., 387; introd. by Miss Anthony, sp. of accept., 388; notices of new pres., 389; love for Miss Shaw, 389; celebrates Miss Anthony's 80th birthday, 349 et seq.; appeals to political convs. and delegates in 1900, 440-3; nat'l and State work, 450; work for rights of women in our new possessions, Chap. XIX; synopsis of constitn., officers, committees, life members and delegates, 1098 et seq. For general work, see Chaps. II-XXII.
NEBRASKA, difficulty of carrying amend., xvi; suff. amend, campn., 80. See State chapter.
NEED, of man and woman in law and politics, 179; in the home, everywhere, 180; of each for other, 266; same, 284; of both in Gov't, 310.
NEGROES, how enfranch., xvii; why disfranch., xviii; placed above women, 2; right to suff., 6; nat'l. amend. necessary, 42; women should not have suff., 105-6; 311; deprived of suff. in South, compared to white women, 325; women in smoking cars, 343; if denied suff. should not be counted in basis of represent., 376; trib. of wom. to Miss Anthony on 80th birthday, 398; her sympathy for, 403; Nat'l. Ass'n. of Colored Women, 1051.
NEW JERSEY, failure of Sch. Suff. amend., xvi; first State to grant wom. suff., 19; account of same, 830. See State chapter.
NEW SOUTH WALES, chapter on, 1029.
NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES.[502] Advertiser (New Decatur, Ala.), 465. Arena, The, 6, 927-8. Argonaut (San Francisco), 491. Australian Register, 1028. Australian Woman's Sphere (Melbourne), 1031. Boomerang (Laramie, Wyo.), 1006. Bricklayer and Mason, 446. Bulletin (San Francisco), 491. Call (San Francisco), 482, 487, 491, 505. Chicago Law Times, 609. Christian Advocate, 207. Colorado Springs Gazette, 525. Commercial Gazette (Cin'ti), 428. Congressional Record, 110. Constitution (Atlanta), 244, 246. Daily Statesman (Boise, Ida.), 319, 591. Daily Times (Seattle), 974. Democrat (Grand Rapids), 339. Democratic State Journal (Wash.), 1096. Englishwoman's Review, 22, 319, 1012. Enquirer (Cin'ti), 428. Evening News (Washtn.), 202. Evening Post (New York), 1096. Examiner (San Francisco), 491. Express (Los Angeles), 495. Fortnightly Review, 1014-5. Freemen's Labor Journal (Spokane), 974. Harper's Bazar, 716. Harper's Magazine, 203. Herald (Boston), 732. Leader (Des Moines), 271, 273. Legal News, The (Chicago), 212, 609. Lily (Amelia Bloomer, ed.), 250, 295. Liquor Dealer (Los Angeles), 499. Massachusetts papers, 711. Mirror (Seattle), 1096. Nevada Citizen, 811. New Northwest, 975. Nineteenth Century (Eng.), 1014. Oregonian (Portland), 896. Picayune (New Orleans), 680, 683. Post (San Francisco), 491. Post (Washtn.), 188, 201, 221, 236, 349, 361, 385, 387, 390-1, 393, 395, 400. Post-Intelligencer (Seattle), 1096. Public Ledger (Phila.), 227. Record (San Francisco), 491. Record-Union (Sacramento), 491. Remonstrance (Boston), 512. Report (San Francisco), 491. Rhode Island papers, 910-11. Saturday Review (Atlanta), 582. Star (Richmond, Va.), 964. Star (San Francisco), 491. Star (Washtn.), 173, 189, 318, 388. Suffrage Reveille (Kas.), 647. Suffragist (Ills.), 612. Sun (Baltimore), 698. Sun (New York), 326, 459. Sunday World (Los Angeles), 499. Sunny South (Atlanta), 238. Times (Leavenworth, Kas.), 645. Times (London, Eng.), 1019. Times (Los Angeles), 491, 499. Times (New York), 364. Town Talk (Los Angeles), 499. Transcript (Olympia), 1096. Tribune (Chicago), 93, 1009. Una (Paulina Wright Davis, ed.), 294. Wisconsin Citizen, 342, 987. Woman's Chronicle (Ark), 475-6. Woman's Column (Boston), 431, 465, 708. Woman's Exponent (Utah), 936 et al. Woman's Forum (Ills.), 613. Woman's Journal (Boston), 221, 236, 256, 342, 350, 381-2, 392, 406, 417, 423, 426, 430, 701, 726, 734, 736, 1096. Woman's Standard (Ia.), 342, 629. Woman's Tribune (Washtn.), 76, 126, 164, 296, 342, 306, 575, 970. Women's Suffrage Journal (Eng.), 22, 1015. Young Woman's Journal, 956. See Press.
NEW YORK, attempt to confer Sch. Suff. on women, xv; women demand represent. at Centennial, 156; women taxpayers, 240, 247, 313, 314; report of Const'l. Conv. of '94, 247; opinion of Atty. Gen. and other lawyers on Sch. Suff. and Office-Holding for women, 1094. See State chapter.
NEW ZEALAND, chapter on, 1029; eminent advocates of wom. suff., 1084.
OCCUPATIONS, resume of women in, 463; entrance of women, xxii, xxiii, xxv; statistics, xxx; advantage of ballot, 67; progress of women in, 133; women first in, 208; Mr. Bok on women in business, 229; danger of disfranch. women in, 312; statistics of wages, 379; business women send trib. to Miss Anthony on 80th birthday, 398. See State chapters under head of Occupations, beginning p. 465; also Labor and various professions, Law, etc.
OFFICE-HOLDING by women, resume of, 462, and in each State chapter under head of Office-Holding, beginning 465; Sen. Vest on, 108; Sen. Hoar on, 109; in Wy., 117; women first employed in Gov't dept., 123; in Nat'l. Gov't. depts. at present, 572; in Gr. Brit, 1023; in Canada, see chapter on, 1034.
OFFICERS, of Amer. Suff. Ass'n. in '84, 408; from '84 to 1900, 428; of Nat'l. Suff. Ass'n. in '84, 27; from 1869 to 1900, 387; of Nat'l.-Amer. Ass'n. in '90, 174; in '92, 186; in '94, 233; in 1900, 1099. —of first Nat'l. Council of Women, 137. —of State Suff. Assns., listed in each State chapter, beginning p. 465.
OPPONENTS of wom. suff., see Church, Congress, Debates, Electorate, Indifference of Women, Liquor Dealers, Remonstrants, Reports, etc. See also for arguments of, p. 93 et seq. and p. 999 et seq.
OREGON, xxi; xxix; three classes of opponents, 249; Amer. Suff. Ass'n. aids, 408. See State chapter.
ORGANIZATION for wom. suff., plan of, 26; inadequacy of, 248; nat'l. com. established, 250; Mrs. Catt's work, 254; her report, 256; work of Utah women, 262; necessity of, 273; report of '97, obstacles to, 289; report of '99, 365; in various States, 451. See also State chapters, beginning p. 465.
ORGANIZATIONS OF WOMEN, NATIONAL, Chap. LXXV. —Ass'n for Adv'mt of Wom., 1050. —Coll. Alum., Ass'n of, 1048. —Colonial Dames of Amer., 1066. —Col'd Wom., Nat'l Ass'n of, 1051. —Council of Women, Int'l, 1044. —Council of Women, Nat'l, 1044-5. —Daughters of Amer. Rev., 1065. —Daughters of the Rev., 1066. —Daught. of Vets., Nat'l All., 1064. —Daught. of Confed., United, 1067. —Daught. of 1812, Nat. Soc, 1067. —Daughters of Rebekah, 1069. —Eastern Star, Order of, 1068. —Fed. of Clubs, General, 1050. —G. A. R., Ladies of, 1064. —Household Econ., Nat'l As., 1056. —Indian Ass'n. Wom. Nat'l., 1053. —Jewish Wom., Nat. Coun. of, 1053. —Keeley Rescue League, 1056. —Kindergarten Union, Nat'l., 1055. —Loc. Eng'rs, Ladies' Aux., 1069. —Maccabees of World, Sup. Hive, Ladies of, 1067. —Missionary Societies, 1057-1062. —Mothers, Nat'l. Cong. of, 1051. —Mt. Vernon Ladies' Ass'n., 1065. —Music. Clubs, Nat'l. Fed. of, 1056. —Needlework Guild of Am., 1057. —Prison Ass'n., Woman's, 1055. —Railroad Cond., Ladies' Aux., 1069. —Rathbone Sisters of World, Sup. Temple, 1068. —Red Cross Soc., Am. Nat'l., 1048. —Relief Corps, Woman's, 1064. —Relief Soc., Nat'l. Wom., 1052. —Sabbath Alliance, Wom., 1063. —Social Purity, Christian League for, 1054. —Sunshine Soc., Internat'l., 1052. —Wom. Chr. Temp. Union, 1045. —Women Workers, Nat'l., 1054. —Young Ladies' Mutual Improvement Ass'n., 1055. —Y'ng Wom. Chr. Ass'n., 1063. —Miscellaneous, 1069. —of Men and Women, 1070. —in Great Britain, Liberal Federation, Primrose League and Nat'l. Suff. Society, 1013-14. —general comment on, majority would not have consented to, xxii; great power of, xxv; value of anti-suff., xxix; working toward suff., xxx; suff. organizations, rank first, 188; vast increase, 396; first on record and evolution of, 1042-3; first temperance organ'zs., 1042; during Civil War, 1043; dignity of convs., 1044; great scope of objects but few for suff., 1070-1; all leading to it, 1071; value in develop, of women, 1072; number enrolled, 1072; future power, 1073; Gov't. must have their help, 1073.
PARTIES, see alphabetical list and also Conventions. So-called Third, xviii; their general attitude, 143; 425; 438-9; 441; 479; 492; 522-3-4; 554-6; 591; 600; 617; 647; 755-6; 760; 809; 963; 971-2; 974.
PEACE, Conf. at Hague, Nat'l. Suff. Ass'n. expresses sympathy, 336; res. for Peace services, 337; 344. See War.
PERSECUTION, of early workers, xxviii; not ended, xxxii; of sex causes moral chaos, 42; fate of reformers, 132.
PETITION, woman's right to, 32; have exercised it many years, 33; Congress must not deny, 93.
PETITIONS, for wom. suff., great number, 33; for many years, 36; in Ills., 39; in O., 46; 110; national enrollment, 137; million signatures, 184; size of, 268; Fed. of Labor for wom. suff., 334; in Wy., 448; in N. Y., 850. See Chap. XXIII and State chapters under Legislative Action. In Great Brit., 1015, 1017, 1020; in N. Z., 1026; in Victoria, 1032. —against wom. suff., 107; in Ills., 602; in Mass., 723, 736 et al.; in N. Y., 850; in R. I., 911.
PHILIPPINES, Nat'l. Suff. Ass'n. demands rights for their women, 325; Mrs. Spencer on our duty to the women of our new possessions, 328 et seq.; discussion, 331 et seq.; no hope for their women, 347; testimony in favor before Senate Com., 348. See Chap. XIX for full statement.
PHARMACY, in Ky., 676.
PHYSICAL ABILITY, woman lacks, 99, 100, 108. See Military.
PIONEERS, first work for wom. suff., xiii; early conditions of women, 1; at Int'l. Council, 136; in the West, 148; struggles of, 154; work of, 188; appeal for their children, 195; tributes to by Miss Anthony and Fred. Douglass, 204; trib. of Douglass to, 227; in Utah, 261; gratitude to, 290; young women should continue their work, 292; mem. services for, 293; at conv. of '98, 298-9; of '99, 336.
PLAN OF WORK, adopted by nat'l. suff. conv. of '84, 26, 62; by conv. of '87, 122; suggestions for suff. clubs, 248; of Amer. Suff. Ass'n. in '84, 410.
POLICE MATRONS, see Office-Holding in State chapters, beginning p. 465.
POLITICS, effect of women in, xix; crowding in, xxx; too hard for women, 94; in '88, 150; wom. suff. in polit. meetings, 257; should advocates suff. take part in? 280 et seq.; in Utah, 319; in N. Y., 872; anti-suffragists in, see Remonstrants.
POLITICIANS, object to wom. suff., xix; xx; xxi; women as, 99. For Politics and Politicians, see chapters for States where women vote and in which wom. suff. campaigns have been held; also Parties, Conventions, Republicans, etc.
POPULISTS, 444; in Calif., 488, 491-3; in Col., xviii, 511, '13, '16, '18, '20, '23; in Ida., 590, '92, '94; in Kas., 642-7, 652-5, 657; in Mont., 800; in Wash., 971-2. See Conventions and Parties.
PORTO RICO, Nat'l. Ass'n. demands rights for women in, 325; appeals to Cong. for same, in 1900, 446.
POSTMASTERS, women, 462.
PRAYERS, Mrs. McLaren on, 22; Mrs. Gougar on, 37; Mrs. Crooker on, 43; Miss Shaw on, 134. See Church.
PRESIDENTS, of Nat'l. Suff. Ass'n., Mrs. Stanton, in '84, 15; of united assn's. in '90, 174; resigns and made hon. pres., 186; Lucy Stone made hon. pres., 186; Miss Anthony elected pres. in '92, 186; resigns in 1900, 385; Mrs. Chapman Catt elected, 387; Miss A. made hon. pres., 389. —and Vice-Presidents of U. S. favoring wom. suff., 1075. —of Universities and Colleges, same, 1079.
PRESIDENTIAL SUFFRAGE, form of petition, 286; bill in Kas., 655.
PRESS, present attitude, xxviii; on dress of delegates, 56; change in tone, 57; Miss Anthony against starting paper, 216; report of nat'l. press work for '96, 286; for '97, 288; for '99, 365; early comment on wom. suff., 293; wom. suff. dept. in N. Y. Sun, 326; need of women on press, 326; report to Amer. conv. of '87, 425; of '88, 431; press in Calif, campn., 490, 499. See Newspapers.
PRINCE OF INDIA, everlasting record, 277.
PROGRESS OF EQUAL RIGHTS, reasons for, xiii; present status, xxv; hope for future, xxvi; more rapid in future, xxxiii; effect of Civil War on, 2; Congress'l. Com. report, 53; Sen. Palmer on, 63; 133; 134; 191; Miss Anthony on, 325; 207; 242; 306; in public sentiment, 349; in the South, 362; 369; social, educat'l, etc., Mrs. Catt on, 392; as shown in treatment of Miss Anthony, 394, 398; in position of advocates, 405; 412; in the laws, 455-8.
PROGRESS OF WOMAN SUFFRAGE, 169; 198; ears will be unstopped, 199; 290; appearances of advocates, 318; 326; 13 members electoral coll., 350; 405; 409; 425; 442; in England, 353, 1012.
PROFESSIONS, women in, see Law, Medicine, etc., also Occupations.
PROPERTY, Lucy Stone on laws in Mass., 192; owners are one-fourth women, nine-tenths of laws made for property, 200. Resume of laws, 453 et seq. See Laws, also each State chapter under Legislative Action and Laws.
PUBLIC SCHOOLS, statistics of pupils, xxx; girls formerly not admitted in Mass., 193; 464; High Schools, in Del., 566; in Phila., 906; in Providence, 920. See each State chapter under head of Education, beginning, p. 465.
QUEENSLAND, see chapter on, 1032.
RADICALS, of each new age, xxxiii; 117, 271.
RECEPTIONS, 15; 18; 56; 127; 175; 183; 188; 251; 262; 265; 270; 354; 384. See various State chapters beginning 465.
REFORMERS, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw on, 131 et seq.
RELIGION, see Church.
REMONSTRANTS, women against suff., xxix; in politics, 16; called to account, 19; Mr. Foulke on, 168; Mrs. Howe on, 170; 171; three classes of, 249; 258; Miss Blackwell on, 320; allied with liquor dealers, 327; satire on, 361; Grace Greenwood on, 364; in England, take advantage of every gain, 369; Mrs. Catt on, 370; against education, property laws, etc., 380; before Sen. com. in 1900, 381; before House com., amusing occurrences, 382; in different stages of evolution, 392; in Col., 512; in S. D., 557; in Kansas, 650; in Mass., 704, 732-3, 736 et al.; in N. Y., 850, 858-9, 861; in Ok., 888; in Ore., 895; in Wash., 971; in Austr., 1031.
REPORTS, of Congress'l coms. on wom. suff., 12; House Judic., of '84, 47 et seq., 52 et seq.; of '86, 82 et seq.; of '90, 163; of '94, 235; Senate, of '84, 47; see also 93 et seq; of '92, 201; of '96, 207; work of Miss Anthony and Mrs. Upton in securing, 366. —of nat'l. suff. conv. of '84, 15; of Intl. Council of '88, 127; on nat'l. enrollment, 137, 154, 879; of Nat'l. Council of '91, 175; of Columbian Expos. Com., 232. —State, to nat'l. suff. convs., 15; to American suff. convs., 432. —Miss Anthony's on work in conventions of 1900, 439 et seq.
REPRESENTATION, basis of, Federal Constitution on, 8; women should not be counted till enfranch., 374, 376. —Indirect, of women by men, 41; 46; 51; 64; 66; 86; 93; 168; Miss Blackwell on, 197.
REPRESENTATIVES, U. S., favoring wom. suff., 1077. See State chapters under Legislative Action.
REPUBLICANS, enfranch. negro men, xvii; 143; in Calif., 485, 487, 491; in Col., 516, 518, 520-5; in S. D., 555; in Ida., 590-2; in Ills., 605-6; in Ind., 617; in Kas., 643-7, 649-55, 661; in Mass., 712, 724, 727; in Mich., 755; in N. Y., 848 et seq., 872; in Utah, 949, 953 et seq.; in Wash., 971; in Congress on Wy., 1004; Nat'l. League of Clubs, 713-14. See Conventions.
RESOLUTIONS, at nat'l suff. conv. of '69, right of women to vote under 14th amend., 3; at conv. of '84, 25; on death of Wendell Phillips, 25; for Intl. Council, 25; on Anna Ella Carroll, 25; on creeds and dogmas., 58; memorial of '85, 61; on carrying wom. suff. into church, 75; for 16th amend. to Nat'l const'n., 85; at conv. of '87, 122; of thanks to men, ridiculed by Mrs. Stanton, 145; at conv. of '89, 154; on trial of Susan B. Anthony, 155; on disfranch. of women in Wash. Ty., 155; on represent. of wom. at N. Y. Centennial, 156; by Mrs. Stanton on the church and divorce, 165; memorial of '90, 174; at conv. of '91, 184; for Sunday opening of World's Fair, 186; to prohibit sale of liquor at same, 186; mem. of '93, to Geo. W. Curtis and others, 203 et seq.; at conv. of '93, 216; mem. of '94, 227; of '95, 250; of '96, 259; against Woman's Bible, 263; mem. of '97, 275; at conv. of '98, 290; mem. of '98, 293; of Fed. of Labor for wom. suff. in '98, 334; res. for Peace services, 337; at conv. of '99, 343; mem. of '99, 344; of Fed. of Labor in '99, 359; mem. of 1900, 366; res. on wom. suff. in Col., 383; on Miss Anthony's resignation, 386; of Amer. suff. conv. in '84, 409; mem. of Frances D. Gage and others, 409; at Amer. conv. of '85, 416; of '87, 425; for union of two suff. societies, 426; of Col. Legis., 531; of Wy. Legis., 1007. See also various State chapters beginning 465.
REVOLUTION, will it be necessary for wom. suff.? 119; women will cause, 139.
RIGHT, SUFFRAGE A, proved by Nat'l. Constit'n, xxxii; guaranteed by it, 1, 3; 38; 45-6; Rep. Maybury denies, 47; Rep. Poland, 50; 52; Cong. Com. report, 54; Miss Eastman on, 72, 80; Cong. Com. report, 82; Sen. Blair on, 86, 89, 90; Sen. Dolph on, 101-2-5; Sen. Vest denies, 107; Mrs. Gage on, 118; Sen. Blair on, 145; Mr. Foulke on, 167-8; Mrs. Howe on, 170; Mrs. Wallace on, 172; Mrs. Stanton on, 189; Lucy Stone on, 191; Mrs. Catt on, 194; Miss Blackwell on, 197; Miss Reed on, 285; Mr. Garrison on, 305; Miss Anthony on, 325; Mrs. Blake on, 374-5; Chancellor Eliot on, 413; 441-2.
SCHOOL SUFFRAGE, bills vetoed in Calif., xv; experience in N. Y., xv; in Wis., xv; in N. J., xvi; in S. D., xvi; men do not exercise, 198, 541; 212; in Boston, 746; legality in N. Y., 1093; in Great Brit., 1022; in New Zeal., 1025; in Canada, 1034 et seq.; where possessed in U. S., 461. See chapters for these States under Suffrage.
SCIENCE and wom. suff., Mrs. Gage on, 28; botanical objection, 90.
SELF-GOVERNMENT best means of self-development, Mrs. Stanton on, 40.
SENATORS, U. S., favoring wom. suff., 1076.
SERMONS, Miss Shaw on Heavenly Vision and progress of race, 128; 136; 175; 184; 185; 202; Miss Shaw on Let no man take thy crown, 229; minister in Atlanta opp. wom. suff., 237; at Atlanta conv., 246-7; 258; dean of Chichester against wom. suff., 320; at conv. of '99. 337; at conv. of 1900, Miss Shaw on Rights of Women, 361; Cardinal Gibbons against wom. suff., 366.
SOLDIERS, women as, 309-10; wom. produce, 310; efforts to enable to vote, 335; women bear the arm-bearers, 337. See Military and War.
SOLITUDE OF SELF, address by Mrs. Stanton, 189.
SOUTH, position of women, 212; 216; speakers, 222; women orators of, 236; 238; its women want suff., 245; illiterate vote in Ga., 246; tour of by nat'l. spkrs., 251; 293; 360; Mrs. Young on progress in, 362; Ala. and Miss. grant property rights to women, 407; 928.
SOUTH DAKOTA, failure of Sch. Suff. amend., xvii; xxi; xxix; Nat'l. Ass'n. raises funds for campn., 174; Miss Shaw describes, 182; 183; suff. bill vetoed, 414. See State chapter.
SPEAKERS, at Int'l. Council of '88, 136; at Miss Anthony's 70th birthday recep., 163; at 80th birthday recep., 394-5; at nat'l. suff. convs., see respective chapters, beginning p. 14; before Congress'l. Coms., see chapters for even years; at Amer. suff. convs., see Chap. XXIV. See State chapters for State speakers. —of House of Representatives favoring wom. suff., 1077.
STATE CHAPTERS, beginning 465.
STATE'S RIGHTS, to grant suff., 50; same, 78; 118; 144; 234.
STATISTICS, of women wage-earners, xxiii, xxx; of public schools, xxx; of foreign vote in Wis., 148; of women physicians, 275, 355; health of women graduates, 355; wages of women, 360, 379; of woman vote in Col., 525; in Ida., 595; in Kas., 660; in Mass., 746; in Ohio, 883; in Utah, 952; in Wash., 412, 967; in Wyo., 1010; in New Zeal., 1026; in S. Australia, 1028; vote on wom. suff. in Kas., 647.
SUFFRAGE, WOMAN, —Advantages of, 21, 41, 53, 55, 65, 66, 83, 159, 161, 162, 178, 181. —Advocates, character of, xxxii, 412; debt owed to, 144; are not dreamers, 421; list of, 1075; see debates in Congress, 32 et seq., 85 et seq., 181 et seq.; also various chapters and p. 1075 et seq. —Bible, for and against. See Bible. —Bills for. See Bills. —Campaigns for. See Amendment Campaigns. —Church, attitude of. See Church. —Congressional Action. See Congress. —Constitutional Phases of. See Constitutions. —Conventions for. See Conventions. —Debates on. See Congress. —Decisions. See Supreme Court Decisions. —Democracy of. See Democracy. —Domestic, argument against wom. suff. losing force, xxxi; Reagan, of Texas, on this point, 31; John Quincy Adams on, 47; woman's sphere, 48; would break up home 49; proper sphere, 53; position of woman in all countries, 52, 83; fear of quarrels, 92; sphere of two sexes, 94; woman is queen, 95; would disrupt family, 99; harmony not disturbed, 103; embrace of female politician, 106-7-8, 117; woman's sphere narrowed, 190; vote of husband and wife, 198; wives of great men, 206; wom. suff. and home, effect where women vote, 315; evolution of family life, 328; college wom. and home, 357-8; no relation between suff. and housekeeping, 362; modern home happiest, 371; domestic instincts eternal, 380; effect of wom. suff. on domestic life in Colorado, 283, 356, 1087; in Idaho, 595; in Utah, 319, 1088; in Wyoming, 117, 181, 302, 1089, 1091-2. —Economics of, 308; woman as economic factor, 310; household economics, 357; basis of wom. suff., 377. —Educated, constitutional to require it, 246; argument against, 258; argument for, 292, 316; Gov't. no right to educate women and refuse representation, 307; Mrs. Stanton on, 316; education must lead to suffrage, 356. See Education. —Ethics of, 20, 43, 69, 80, 81, 116; influence of woman, 117; 119; Mrs. Stanton on, 134; Mrs. Wallace on, 170-1; 254-5; evolution of wom. suff., Mrs. Spencer on, 308. —Expediency of, xxiv; 52; Sen. Vest on, 107; 167; 172; Phillips on, 381. —Federal. See Federal Suffrage. —Illiterate. See Illiteracy. —Indifference of Women. See Indifference. —Justice of, 17, 74, 80, 82, 86, 102, 147, 162, 163, 167-8, 183; Lucy Stone on, 191; 199, 297, 305, 358, 378, 381, 413, 415; Curtis and Hoar on, 428. —Labor and. See Labor. —Legislative Action on. See Legislatures. —Liquor Dealers and. See Liquor Dealers. —Majority of women opposed. See Majority. —Military argument against. See Military. —Motherhood and. See Motherhood. —Ministers for and against. See Ministers, Church and Sermons. —Morality through, xxvi; 18, 22, 24, 39, 43, 67, 115, 120, 136, 308. —Municipal. See Municipal Suffrage. —Nature and, limitations of, 53; Mrs. Stanton on balance of forces, 58; nature opposes, 94; can not reverse laws of, 100; can be trusted, 168; same, 247; severe lessons of, 209. —Need of, 46, 69, 84, 88; Mrs. Wallace on, 119; 125, 134; to offset foreign vote, 148; 153; Senate Com. report, 156; by wives and mothers, 161; 168; 193; 244; by city and State, 306; by home, school and municipality, 379; by the Government, 429; 433. —Negroes and. See Negroes. —Non-partisanship of demand, 38, 80, 81, 143, 173; debate at nat'l. conv. of '97, 280; 344; 409. —Opposition to. See Introduction; of church, State, home and society, Mrs. Stanton on, 177; ignorance of, 276; great obstacles, 371. See also Liquor Dealers, Remonstrants, Congressional Debates and Reports. —Organization for. See Organization. —Petitions for. See Petitions. —Philosophy of, Mrs. Colby on, 254. See also Ethics. —Pioneers of. See Pioneers. —Progress of. See Progress of Wom. Suff. and Equal Rights. —Protection of, 17; Mrs. Stanton on, 41; 44-6, 51, 59, 74, 99, 107, 122, 168, 245, 378, 413; Higginson on, 424; 426; 428. —Qualifications for, Sen. Blair on, 87-91; physical, 51; 94 et seq. See also Military. —Right of. See Right, Suffrage a. —School. See School Suffrage. —Science of, scientific aspect, by Mrs. Gage, 28. —Sermons on. See Sermons. —South and. See South. —State's Rights and. See State's Rights. —Taxation and. See Taxation and Taxpayers' Suffrage. —Temperance through, xxvi; 18; Bishop Simpson on, 24; 43; Miss Willard's plea, 141; res. against liquor selling at World's Fair, 186; 196. —in Territories. See chapters on Territories. —Testimony for. See Testimony. —Universal, approved, xxvii; Cong. Com. rep., 54; same, 82; Mrs. Hooker on, 115; 257; 258; 285; 369. —War and. See War.
SUFFRAGE, WOMAN, miscellaneous, full resume of, see Introduction. Amount now possessed and how obtained, xxvii, 34, 461. See also chapters of States and Territories under head of Suffrage. Why denied to woman, xiv et seq.; effect on politics, xix; obstacles to, xx et seq.; future prospects, xxvi et seq.; where taken away, xxvii, 674, 968; attempt of women to vote under 14th Amend., 3 et seq.; capacity for, 13; evolution of, 18; Mrs. Spencer on, 308; scientific view of, 28, 90; practical experience, see Testimony, chapters on States where women vote, also Sen. Palmer on, 68, Sen. Dolph on, 103; dangers of, Sen. Brown on, 96 et seq., Sen. Vest on, 105 et seq., 999 et seq.; danger of withholding, Mrs. Stanton on, 119, 139, Mrs. Wallace on, 172; unequal struggle for, Mrs. Stanton on, 139, 338; men's indifference to, 187; peaceful effort for, 231, 245; industrial emancip. leads to, Carroll D. Wright on, 215; man improved by, 391; immense work of a few for, 449. See Vote, and Presidential, Suffrage; also chapter on Great Britain and her Colonies and Chap. LXXIV.
SUNDAY OBSERVANCE, Mrs. Stanton on, 166; 186; 217.
SUPREME COURT DECISIONS, U. S., Dred Scott case defining citizens, 4, 78; on Virginia L. Minor's attempt to vote, 5; Slaughter House Cases, 5; Yarbrough on Federal Suff., 8; on 14th amend., 79; 144; 165; against right of women to practice law, 153; on woman's right to vote, 153; recognizing slavery, 165; Justices of, favoring wom. suff., 1076. —State, on attempt of Miss Anthony, Mrs. Virginia L. Minor and other wom. to vote, 4 et seq.; on Federal Suffrage in Kellar case (Ills), 10; on property rights of women in Calif., 502; on wom. suff. in Calif., 504; on wom. suff. amend. in Ida., 272, 593; on woman's right to vote, to practice law and to sell liquor in Ind., 621-2, 626; on Munic. Suff. in Mich., 765; on Sch. Suff. in N. J., 830; on Sch. Suff. in N. Y., 867; same in O., 883; women's voting on constitn. in Utah, 948; on wom. suff. in Wash., 968-9, 1096; in Wis., 990; Justices of, favoring wom. suff., Del., 565; Ida., 593, 1089; Kas., 433, 646; Wy., 1090-1-2.
TASMANIA, chapter on, 1033.
TAXATION, without representation, xxxi; in Mass., 34; 38; 65; 66; 97; 148; of women in N. Y., Mass. and Tenn., 240; in Ga., 242; in N. Y., 247, 313, 851; of women helps pay Legislators, 374; women should be relieved of until enfranch., 376; Chicago Teachers' Fed. compels taxation of corporations, 611; 763; in Phila., 900.
TAXPAYERS' SUFFRAGE, States where possessed by women, 461. See chapters for those States under Suffrage. —in La., 681; in Miss., 787; in Mont., 799; in N. Y., 869. See also Iowa, 635.
TEACHERS, see Education, Public Schools and Universities.
TERRITORIES, demand for wom. suff. in, 417; appeals to Constit'l. Convs. of Dak., Wash., Mont. and Idaho, 439; Mr. Blackwell visits them in interest of wom. suff., 433; have a right to control suff., 1003. See Territorial chapters.
TESTIMONY, in favor of wom. suff., from Colorado, 239, 268, 283, 302-3, 338, 356, 383; Kansas, 191; Utah, 261, 283; U. S. Sen. Cannon on, 304; St. Sen. Martha Hughes Cannon on, 319; Washington, U. S. Sen. Palmer on, 68; U. S. Sen. Dolph on, 103, 421, 1096-8; in Wyoming, U. S. Sen. Palmer on, 68, U. S. Sen. Carey on, 117, 181, 200, debate on admission to Statehood, 998 et seq. See Statistics, also Testimony from Wom. Suff. States, beginning p. 1085, State chapters for Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Utah and Wyoming and pp. 1027-28.
UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES, large number of women in, xxii; women on faculties, 355; Emma Willard's school, geometry in, 355; Mt. Holyoke, Latin in, 355; first Boston High School, 355; President Eliot on girls in Boston Latin School and Radcliffe, 355; Johns Hopkins Medical, 700; Wellesley students for wom. suff., 714; teachers for, 716; same, 726; Smith, same, 716; Girton and Newnham (Eng.), same, 1015; woman suffrage in, 709; Radcliffe, 355, 749; Columbia, 871; Rochester, 871; Brown, 918-20; Oberlin, 884; Antioch, 885; State, closed to wom., 966; open to women in Gr. Brit., 1024; in other countries, 1038 et seq.; presidents of, favoring wom. suff., 1079. See also Education.
UTAH, adopts wom. suff., xxi; 252; visit of Miss Anthony and Miss Shaw in '95, 253; welcomed by Nat'l. Ass'n., 260; organiz'n for wom. suff., 262; gift to Miss Anthony, 390. See State chapter, also Statistics and Testimony.
VICTORIA, chapter on, 1031.
VOICES, of women, 240; 334-5.
VOTE, woman's, political complexion of, xviii, not wanted by politicians and others, xix; best women would not vote, 50; they would, 97; they would not, 98; women do vote, 93, 117, 181; first voted in N. J., 19, 830; future woman will be urged to vote, 211. See Statistics, Suffrage, Testimony, and chapters for Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Utah, Washington, Wyoming, Australia and New Zealand. —of nat'l. conv. on carrying wom. suff. into church, 77; on Woman's Bible, 263; in U. S. Senate on amend. for wom. suff., 112.
WAGES, see Labor and Statistics.
WILLS, see p. 455 and Laws.
WAR, hated by women, xix, 84, 208; man's part compared to woman's, 115; woman's part in war, 161-2; first to see advantages of peace, 208; pathetic war for suff., 231, 245; war should have consent of women, 335; women left to fight alone, 338; badly needed in Span. Am., 339; women and the South African, 391. See Military and Soldiers. —Civil, developed woman, 2; results frittered away, 159; woman's part in, 195.
WASHINGTON CITY, plan to beautify, xxxii; entertains nat'l. suff. convs. from '69, 14; Miss Anthony's preference as a place for holding convs., 218, 351. See accounts of nat'l. convs., Chaps. II-XXII, also chapter on District of Columbia.
WASHINGTON TERRITORY, xxi; xxix; Sen. Dolph on enfranch. of its women, 102; their disfranch. denounced, 155; full account of this, 1096-8. See State chapter, also Statistics and Testimony.
WISCONSIN, Sch. Suff. in, xv; rule of foreigners, 148. See State chapter.
WOMANLINESS, 52; 88; 95; 106; 160; Mrs. Stanton on, 165; 225; 285; 319; 1086 et seq.
WOMAN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION, petition for suff., 110; 123; Miss Willard represents before Sen. Com. of '88, 141-2; wom. suff. in '81, 215; at nat'l. conv. of '97, 278. For bills in Legislatures see pp. 451-2, and various State chapters under head of Legislative Action; also Canada, New Zealand and Tasmania; for founding and work, 1045 et seq.; attitude towards wom. suff., 1070.
WOMAN'S RIGHTS CONVENTIONS, demands of first one nearly all granted, xiii; earliest ones held, 14; 40th annivers., 125; 204; 50th anniv., 288; descrip. of, 298-9; compared to Bunker Hill, etc., 397; 1043.
WORKINGMEN, how enfranchised, xvii, same, 305; in Great Brit., 311; injured by disfranch. women, 312. See Labor.
WORKINGWOMEN, relation of wom. suff. to, 70; Nat'l. Ass'n. demands suff. for, 216. See Labor and Statistics.
WYOMING, adopts wom. suff., xxi; Nat'l. Ass'n. congratulates on admission, 176; gavel from, 238; 252; visit of Miss Anthony and Miss Shaw, 253; compared to Switzerland, 282; gift and trib. to Miss Anthony on 80th birthday, 400; petits. Cong. for 16th amend., 448; debate in Cong. on admission, 998 et seq. See State chapter, also Statistics and Testimony.
[502] It has been impossible to index every paper named in the History, and only those are given of which special mention is made.
In order that the following Index may not be overburdened with names, it has seemed best not to include those of officers and workers in the various States unless they are listed in some capacity elsewhere. While this decision causes injustice in some cases, it will be approved when it is considered that in the Massachusetts chapter, for instance, about 600 different individuals are mentioned, some of them a score of times; in those of New York and California, over 300 each, and in that of Vermont, including only seven pages, nearly 150. With half-a-dozen exceptions the State chapters are very short and it will require only a few minutes for the reader to find any name desired. Most of the prominent State workers are mentioned elsewhere and therefore are listed. Even with this arrangement the Index contains almost 1200 names.
Abbott, Dr. Lyman, 742.
Abbott, Mrs. Lyman, organizes anti-suff. soc., 850.
Abbott, Merrie Hoover, contest for office of pros. att'y., 770.
Aberdeen, Ishbel, Countess of, 301; compliments Amer. wom., 353; 354.
Adams, Abigail, on female education, 354; courtship, 422.
Adams, Gov. Alva, 302; talks suff. to Fed. of Clubs, 530; 533; on wom. suff. in Col., 1087.
Adams, Judge Francis G., 641; statistics of wom. suff. in Kas., 660.
Adams, Pearl, 27.
Adams, Samuel, on representation, 66.
Addams, Jane, 608; 718.
Adkinson, Florence M., 432; 617; 707.
Adsit, Mrs. Allen C., 322.
Alabama, names for, Chap. XXV.
Alcott, Louisa M., in favor of wom. suff., 411; 431; 702.
Alden, Cynthia Westover, 1052.
Alderson, Mary Long, writes Mont. chap., 796.
Aldridge, George W., 845.
Alford, William H., 488.
Allen, C. E., M. C., 260; on wom. suff. platform, 261; 949.
Allen, Mrs. C. E., 260.
Allen, U. S. Sen. John B., 158; favors wom. suff., 162; reports in favor, 201.
Altgeld, Gov. John P. (Ills.), 606.
Ambrose, James Clement, 802.
Ames, Rev. Charles G., 425; in Mass., 707 et al., 712.
Ames, Fanny B., 717.
Ames, Gov. Oliver (Mass.), 259; 433; recom. wom. suff. in message, 706; same, 723; 718; 727.
Amies, Olive Pond, 201.
Anderson, Mrs. Garrett, M. D., (Eng.), 1015.
Anderson, Martha Scott, 331; 774.
Anderson, Naomi, 490; 646.
Anderson, St. Rep. Sarah A. (Utah), 953.
Andrews, Bishop E. G., 206.
Andrews, Elisha Benjamin, Pres. Brown Univ., works for admis. of wom., 919.
Andrews, St. Speaker N. L., wom. suff. in Wy., 1091.
Anneke, Mathilde F., 61; work in Wis., 987.
Anthony, Col. Daniel Reed, 174; 645.
Anthony, Gov. George T. (Kas.), opp. wom. suff., 649.
Anthony, U. S. Sen. Henry B., 24; rep. in favor of wom. suff., 47; 61; 89.
Anthony Lucy E., 239; 392; in Calif, camp'n., 48;, 707; 900.
Anthony, Mary S., 298; work in N. Y., 849 et al.
Anthony, Susan B., prepares Hist. of Wom. Suff., III; rec. legacy for, V; purchases rights of Mrs. Stanton and Mrs. Gage and puts book in libraries, resigns presidency of Nat'l. Assn., VI; secures money for Vol. IV and invites Mrs. Harper to write it, VII; demands on her for inform., IX; tries to prevent "male" in Nat'l. Constit., 2; trial for voting, 4; no faith in attempt for Fed. Suff., 11; winter res. in Washt'n., 12; forms Nat'l. Ass'n., 14; issues call for conv. of '84, 15; 17; arouses interest of Eng. wom., 21; disgrace of disfranchisement, 27; never wrote addresses, 28; writes to 112 M. C.'s, 35; 36; pleads for 16th Amend, before U. S. Senate Com., 40; before House Com., 42; 56; opp. relig. debate in wom. suff. conv., 59; 62; describes first suff. meet. in Washt'n., 70; 71; 77; on Sup. Ct. decisions, 78; arrested under Fed. Law for voting, 79; 81; on congress'l action on wom. suff., 112; 114; world needed her, 120; originates Int'l Council, 124; issues call, 126; edits report, 127; opens Council, 133; 135; 136; elected vice-pres., 137; before Senate com. in '88, 140; opens conv. of '89, 144; 150; describes efforts to vote under 14th Amend., 152; conv. res. on outrage of her trial, 155; at Com. hearings, 156; wom. in war, 162; 70th birthday, 163; demands free platform, 169; as presiding officer, 173; elected vice-pres. of united ass'ns., 174; puts Int'l Council Report in libraries, 175; opens conv. of '91, 176; 180; Miss Shaw tells treatment of in S. D. Rep. Conv., 182; 184; 185; elected pres. Nat'l. Am. Ass'n., 186; winter home at Riggs House, 188; before House Com., 189; compliments Sen. Hoar, 201; 202; opens memorial service of '93, 203; young wom. should apprec. pioneers, 204; gains of forty years, 207; World's Fair Bd. Lady M'g'rs., 211; on Bd. M'g'rs. N. Y. St. Indust. Sch., 213; refused seat on W. C. T. U. platform in '81, 215; on publishing paper, 216; opp. to convs. outside of Washt'n., 218; flag present, by Col. women, 222; every inch of ground contested, 223; Suff. Ass'n. knows no section, creed or party, 224; spicy introductions, 225; 227; part in securing World's Fair Bd. Lady M'g'rs., 233; wom. never can vote under present Constit'n., 234; introd. Kate Field, 235; 236; rare qualities as presid. officer, 238; examples of repartee, 239, 40, 41; trib. in Atlanta conv., 241; young wom. know it all, 249; announces nat'l. hdqrs., 250; spks. in Southern cities, 251; forgets prayer at conv., 252; Miss Shaw tells of their visit to Western cities, 253; Miss A. jokes younger wom. on holding her bonnet, on getting crosswise with newspapers, 254; 257; spks. at mem. serv. of '96, 260; birthday luncheon, 262; sp. on Woman's Bible, 263; 265; before House Com. of '96, 267; 268; at Des Moines conv. in '97, 271; sp. at same, 272; trib. of Leader, 273; on desecrating the flag, 278; 279; on partisanship, 281; 286; 287; opens conv. of '98, 288; birthday luncheon in '98, 291; 293; with Mrs. Hooker at conv. of '98, 296; 298; congrat. on 78th birthday, 300; 301; 304; 318; before House com. of '98, 321; sp. at conv. of '99, on wom. in our new possessions, 325; 327; 328; 331; on wom. in Hawaii, 333; on women's voices, 334; 335; 337; a criminal, 339; all wom. can help, 341; 342; decides to resign presidency of Nat'l. Ass'n., 349; vigor at, conv. of 1900, 350; appearance and opening remarks, Miss Shaw tells of her recep. in London, and relates funny story, 351; rep. as delegate to Int'l. Council of '99, 352; describes recep. by Queen, value of representing something, 354; introd. Mr. Blackwell, 357; 359; 360; 364; clears ass'n. of debt, need to watch Congress, 365; 367; sp. before Senate com. of '99, 373; asks hearing for "antis," 381; kindness repudiated, 382-3; courtesy of Pres. and Mrs. McKinley, 384; urged not to resign presidency, 385; insists upon doing so, res. passed by ass'n., her response, 386; always in office, 387; introd. her successor, 388; elected hon. pres., and presented with birthday gifts, 389; Post describes occasion, 390; 391; 392; introd. her old board and makes farewell sp., description by Post, 393; 80th birthday celebration in Lafayette opera house, gifts and tributes, her acknowledgment, 394-404; evening recep. in Corcoran Art Gallery, description of Miss Anthony, hour of triumph, 404-5; 426; first app. at nat'l. polit. conv., 435; at Nat'l. Repub. conv. in '92, 436; at Nat'l. Popu. conv. in '92, 437; vast numb. of convs. attended, 439; political work in 1900, 440; 443; letters to convs., 445; ad. labor convs., 446; trib. of Brewers' nat'l. conv., 447; in Ala., 465; spks. in Ark., 475; at Calif. Wom. Cong., 480; 482; 486; in Calif. camp'n., 487; same, 489; same, 490; same, 500; on Mexicans in Col., 514; 517; visits Denver, 530; in Conn., 535; 546; plan of work to secure suff. amdt., 547; lect. tour of S. D., 553; 554; in S. D. camp'n., 555; Russian voters oppose, goes before K. of L. and Farmers' Alliance, 556; in Ga., 583; in Ills., 598; telegram to Idaho, 590; in Ind., 615; same, 616; before Ind. Legis., 618; in Iowa, 629; same, 630; work in Kas., 640; tour of Kas., 641; in Kas. camp'n., 643; same, 644; 645; 646; 648; 649; hears of munic. wom. suff. in Kas., 651; in New Orleans, 678; second visit, 679; in Maine, 690; in Baltimore, 695; in Boston, 706; 708; at Adams, 718; 755; in Mich., 756; same, 757; in Ann Arbor, 758; before Fed. of Labor in Detroit, 759; before Mich. Legis., 764; in Minn., 772-3; in Mo., 790; welcome from children in St. Louis and banq., 791-2; in Neb., 802-3; in Nev., 810-11; pioneer work in N. Y., 839; welcome home from S. D., 841; defends pioneers, 843; welcome home from Calif., 844; face carved in N. Y. capitol, 845; 846; refused by N. Y. Repubs. as delegate, 848; work in N. Y. const'l. conv., 849; same, 851; early legis. work in N. Y., 852; work for equal guardianship, 857; last ap. before N. Y. legis. com., 859; secures admis. of girls to Roch. Univ., 871; in Ore., 892; in Penn., 899; in R. I., 907; 910; at Pembroke Hall, Prov., 920; in S. C., 922; in Tenn., 926; in Utah, 936; welcomes Utah wom., 937; in Omaha, 939; teleg. to Utah, 942; same, 944; in Utah, 947; Utah ass'n. presents silk dress, 950; in Va., 964; in Wis., 985-6; same, 989; 995; hears deb. on Wy., 1000; hears of its admis., 1003; requests celebration, 1004; visits Wy., 1005; 1007.
Arizona, names for, Chap. XXVI.
Arkansas, names for, Chap. XXVII.
Armstrong, St. Sen. W. W., for wom. suff. in N. Y. Legis., 859-61-62.
Arthur, President Chester A., receives delegates, 18; 74.
Ashman, Judge William N., in Del., 564; work in Penn., 899; 904.
Atchison, Prof. Rena Michaels, 606.
Athey, Eunice Pond, 287; writes Idaho chap., 589; in Ore., 892.
Atkinson, Gov. W. Y. (Ga.), 583; 587.
Atkinson, Mrs. W. Y., 251.
Auckland, Bishop of (N. Z.), for wom. suff., 1027.
Auclert, Hubertine (France), 23; 27.
Austin, Dr. Harriet N., 205.
Australia, 1027 et seq.
Avery, Rachel Foster, 19; 27; 61; 124; arranges for Int'l. Council of Wom., 125; issues call, 126; 128; arranges Miss Anthony's birthday celebr., 163; elected secy. united ass'ns., 174; rep. of Council, 175; 218; advoc. movable convs., 219; rep. on Miss Anthony's efforts for Bd. of Lady Mgrs., 232; opens headqrs., 257; eulogy of Mr. Sewall, 259; rep. of Atlanta Expos., 262; ass'n. makes gift for 21 yrs. as sec'y., 387; 389; 443; 554; in Del., 563; at Ga. Expos., 582; work for World's Fair Wom. Cong., 610; in Kas., 640-1; contrib. to Kas. camp'n, 642; in N. J., 826; 900.
Avery, Susan Look, 612.
Babcock, Elnora Monroe, press work, 326; 342; press rep., 1900, 365; press work in N. Y., 844.
Bacon, Elizabeth D., writes Conn. chap., 535; 536.
Bagby, Fannie M., 18.
Bagley, Frances, 345.
Bailey, Hannah J., 201.
Baker, B. P., 417.
Baker, Charles S., M. C., 998.
Balderston, William, 319; writes Idaho chapter, 589; trib. to, 590.
Balfour, Hon. A. J., Premier of England, 1016; 1020.
Balfour, Lady Frances (Eng.), pres. suff. soc., 1020.
Balgarnie, Florence (Eng.), 179; 642; 708; 790.
Ballard, Adelaide, 271; 279; work in Iowa, 631; 803.
Banker, George W. and Henrietta M., 366.
Banks, Rev. Louis A., sp. at Amer. conv. of '86, 421; in R. I., 910; in Vt., 957.
Barber, Gov. Amos W., on wom. suff. in Wy., 1007.
Barrett, Mrs. L. B., 410.
Barrows, Anna, household professions for wom., 357.
Barrows, Isabel C., Miss Anthony as philanthropist, 354; 739.
Barrows, Samuel J., M.C., 297; 703; 712.
Barry, James K., 479.
Barry, Leonora M. (See Lake).
Barry, St. Rep. Dr. Mary F. (Col.), 523.
Bartlett, Rev. Caroline J. (See Crane).
Bartol, Emma J., donat. to Vol. IV Hist, of Wom. Suff., VII; 900.
Barton, Clara, at Int'l Council of Wom., 136; 150; 205; 393; trib. to Mrs. Gage, 429; for wom. suff., 569; 576; in Boston, 705; 895; 911; pres. Red Cross Ass'n., 1048.
Bascom, Emma C., 61; 75.
Bates, St. Supt. Pub. Instruct., Emma (N. D.), 551.
Bates, Lieut. Gov. John L. (Mass.), for wom. suff., 718.
Bates, Dr. Mary H. Barker, 341.
Bates, Octavia W., on wom. in our new possessions, 331.
Battersea, Lady (Eng.), 354.
Beasley, Marie Wilson, 322.
Bebel, August (Germany), 329.
Beck, U. S. Senator James B., opp. wom, suff., 157.
Becker, Lydia (Eng.), 22; 1015; 1023.
Begg, Faithfull, M. P. (Eng.), work for wom. suff., 1017; 1018.
Begole, Gov. Josiah W. (Mich.), 755.
Belden, Evelyn H., wom. and war, 339; 632; legis. work in Iowa, 634; 774; 804.
Belford, James B., M. C., spks. for wom. suff., 32.
Bell, John C., M. C., on wom. suff. in Col., 390; 524.
Benjamin, Mrs. A. S., 324.
Bennett, Sallie Clay, 6; 16; on Bible for wom. suff., 71; before U. S. Sen. Com., 138; same, 162; 174; wom. suff. under Const'n, 234; 235; 290; work in Ky., 665.
Benson (Archbishop of Canterbury) Mrs., petit. for wom. suff., 1015.
Besant, Annie (Eng.), 220; 709.
Beveridge, U. S. Sen. Albert J., for wom. suff., 616.
Bieber-Bohm, Hanna (Germany), 301.
Biggs, Caroline Ashurst (Eng.), 22; 27; 176; 1012; 1015.
Bingham, Chief Justice Edward F., (D. C.), 574.
Birney, Mrs. Theodore W., 1052.
Bissell, Emily P., fears chivalry of men, 382; in Ore., 895.
Bissell, Mrs. M. R., 323.
Bittenbender, Ada M., 802; 808.
Blackburn, Helen, 319; 369; writes chap. for Great Britain, 1012.
Blackstone, commentaries, 456.
Blackwell, Alice Stone, 156; 173-4; sp. before U. S. Sen. Com., 197; 218; rep. of conv. of '94, 221; 235; rep. of conv. of '95, 236; 243; 263; 276; at conv. of '97, 281; 291; before House com. of '98, 320; 357; answers "remonstrants" at com. hearings, 383; chap. on Amer. Suff. Ass'n., 406; 443; furnishes material for Mass. chap., 701; 712 et al.; in N. H., 816; in N. Y., 844; before N. Y. legis. com., 863; 920; in Vt., 957.
Blackwell, Rev. Antoinette Brown, 128; on first Wom. Rights conv., 292; 298; 337; mem. res. at conv. of '99, 344; 425; 426; in Boston, 708; work in N. J., 820 et al.; in N. Y., 844.
Blackwell, Dr. Elizabeth, 300; 320; 355; in Eng., 1015.
Blackwell, Dr. Emily, 707.
Blackwell, Henry B., at conv. of '90, 169; 173; 183; 189; 205; 207; reads last let. of Lucy Stone to conv. of '93, 213; 219; 226; reminis. of Lucy Stone, 227; opp. Fed. Suff., 234; 235; wom. suff. and negro problem, 246; 259; 263; 265; at conv. of '97, 280; on Presidential Suff., 286; 294; 298; Wom. Suff. and Home, 315; on wom. in uncivilized nations, 332; attraction of early convs., 357; res. on Miss Anthony's resignation, 386; 408; reports res., 409; 415; 417; 418; 425; value of woman's vote, 429; at Nat'l. Repub. conv. of '96, 439; work for Ariz., 470; in N. D., 545; 553; in S. D. camp'n., 555; in Ind., 614; in Iowa, 628-9; same, 630; in Kas., 638; same, 640; in Maine, 689; sec'y. N. E. and Mass. Ass'ns., 701; work in Mass., 704 et al.; anniv. Boston Tea Party, 913; at Nat'l. Conv. Rep. Clubs in '93, 713; same in '94, 714; 70th birthday, 715; 720; legis. work in Mass., 721; in Mich., 755; 759; in Minn., 772; in St. Louis, 791; in Mont., 797; in N. H., 816; in N. J., 827; in N. Y., 842; in Penn., 899; in R. I., 907; same, 910; in Vt., 957-8; same, 960; in Wash., 969; 973.
Blaine, U. S. Sen. James G., 325.
Blair, U. S. Sen. Henry W., 10; 24; signs fav. rep. on wom. suff., 47; great sp. in U. S. Senate in favor of enfranch. wom., 86; 93; in Senate debate, 110; sp. on Fed. Suff. for Wom., 144; debt of wom. to, 157; right of wom. to suff., 162, 164, in N. H., 815, 816.
Blake, Lillie Devereux, at conv. of '84, 17, before U. S. Sen. Com., 39, 57, plan of work, 62, Rights of Men, 114, 123, 150, 173, 182, 184, 221, trib. to Lucy Stone, 226, 242, 243, legislative rep., 248, 251, 263, 265, 290, 298, voting of soldiers, 335, legis. rep. at conv. of '99, 342, const'l argument before House com., 1900, 374, withdraws as candidate for pres., 387, at Nat'l Repub. conv. of '96, 439, in Calif., 478, 513, in N. D., 546, 553, in N. J., 822, assists on N. Y. chap, work in N. Y., 839 et al., legis work in N. Y., 853 et al., Pilgrim Moth Dinner, 873, in N. C., 874, 920, in S. C., 922.
Blanchard, Henry D. D., 689, 705.
Blankenburg, Lucretia Longshore, 18, 227, 231, in N. J., 826, writes Penn. chap., work in Penn., 898 et al., work for guardianship law, 902.
Blatch, Harriot Stanton (Eng.), 135, at conv. of '90, 167, before U. S. Senate com. of '98, wom. and economics, 310, wom. suff. in England, 368, wom. and war, 391, brings her mother's greeting on Miss Anthony's birthday, 402, in N. Y., 845, same, 861.
Bleckley, Chief Justice Logan E. (Ga.), 585.
Blinn, Nellie Holbrook, 480, legislative work, 484, 617.
Bliss Gov. Aaron T. (Mich.), 770.
Blodgett, Mrs. Delos A., 322.
Bloomer, Amelia, 250; 295.
Bloomer, Nevada, case for wom. suff. in Wash. 968, same, 1098.
Blount, Lucia E., 183.
Blue, Richard W., M. C., 150, for wom. suff. in Kas., 422, 649.
Bogelot, Isabelle (France), 135.
Bok, Edward W., 229.
Bolles, Ellen M., 200, 711; 720; work in R. I., 908 et al.
Bowditch, Hon. William I, 23, 702, 713.
Bowles, Rev. Ada C., 61; 128; 425, 723, 772, in R. I., 910; in Vt., 957.
Boyd, Annie Caldwell, writes W. Va. chap., work in W. Va., 980 et al.
Boyd, Gov. James E. (Neb), opp. wom. suff., 212.
Boyden, Sarah J., 746.
Boyer, Ida Porter, 291; press work in Penn., 898.
Boyer, Sarah A., 262.
Brackett, Gov J. Q. A. (Mass.), 718.
Bradford, Mary C. C., 279, at conv. of '97, 282, 284, effects of wom. suff. in Col., 356, 368, in Col., 514, in Del., 564, in Ida., 592, in La., 680, in Md., 696, in Miss., 783, in St. Louis, 791, in N. J., 825, 826, in Penn., 899, in Utah, 947.
Bradford, Atty. Gen. S. B., 660, 762.
Bradley Gov. William O. (Ky.), 673.
Bradwell, Myra B., contest for right of wom. to practice law, 152, 227, 250, 295.
Bray, Olive P., 417, 639.
Breeden, Rev. H. O., welcomes nat'l. conv. to Des Moines, 270.
Brehm, Mane, 619.
Brent, Margaret, 363, first wom. to ask suff., 695.
Bright, Jacob, M. P., 22, 353, 1020.
Bright, Mrs. Jacob, 22.
Bristol Augusta Cooper, 617.
Bristol, Rev. Frank M., 366.
Broderick, Case, M. C., 231.
Broderick, Jennie, 220.
Brooks, Mrs. (Neb.), 77.
Brooks, Bishop Phillips, 203; for wom. suff., 704, 911.
Brotherton, Alice Williams, 164.
Brougham, Lord, 292.
Brown, Corinne S., 184.
Brown, Mrs. F. A., 1058.
Brown, Gov. John Young (Ky.), 670.
Brown, U. S. Senator Joseph E., rep. against wom. suff., 47, 90, sp. in U. S. Senate against wom. suff., 93, Mrs. Stanton's comment, 113, 157.
Brown, Martha McClellan, 17, 173, 428.
Brown, U. S. Dist. Atty. Melville C., wom. suff. in Wy., 994, 997, 1091.
Brown, Rev. Olympia, 27, 61, 75, sp. on Rule of Foreigners, 147, 156; 157, 164, 171, 173, in S. D. camp'n, 555, 630, in Minn., 772, writes Wis. chap., work in Wis., 985 et al.
Brown, Mrs. William Thayer, 610.
Browne, Thomas M., M. C., rep. in favor of wom. suff., 52.
Brownell, Dean Louise, 353.
Bruce, U. S. Sen. Blanche K., for wom. suff., 231.
Bryan, William J., 439.
Buck, Rev. Florence, 297.
Buckley, James M., D. D., opp. to wom. in ministry, 207; opp. wom. suff. at Chautauqua, 842.
Buckley, Dean Julia, sch. work in N. J., 834.
Budd, Gov James H. (Cal.), 480; 486, 504.
Buell, Caroline B., 256.
Burns, Frances E., 324.
Burr, Frances Ellen, rep. nat'l conv. of '85, 58; 174; in Conn., 536.
Burrows, Frances P. (Mrs. Julius C.), 322; 395; 568; 575
Burt, Mary T., work in N. Y. camp'n., 850 et al.; 856.
Bush, Abigail, let. to conv. of '98, 298; 345.
Butler, Gov. Benjamin F. (Mass.), on right of wom. to vote, 204; 718.
Butt, Hala Hammond, before House com. of 1900, 378; writes Miss. chap., work in Miss., 703 et al.
Butters, Lieut.-Gov. Archibald (Mich.), favors wom. suff., 765.
Butterworth, Hezekiah, 717.
Buxton, Ida M., in Mass., 703; in Vt., 957.
Cabot, Mrs. J. Elliott, pres. anti-suff. ass'n., 741 et al.
Caine, John T., M. C., 941.
Caine, Margaret N., 941.
California, names for, Chap. XXVII.
Callanan, James C., 270.
Callanan, Martha C., entertains Nat'l Suff. Com., 270; 629; 630.
Campbell, Helen, 727.
Campbell, Jane, in N. J., 822; same, 826; work in Penn., 899 et al.
Campbell, Gov. John A., 994; wom. suff. in Wy., 1090.
Campbell, Margaret W., 411; don't class wom. with slaves, 415; 425; in Iowa, 628 et al.
Campbell, St. Sen. R. B., 784.
Canada, names for, 1034.
Candler, Gov. Allan C. (Ga.), 585.
Cannon, U. S. Sen. Frank J., 260; spks. for wom. suff., 261; 304; 949.
Cannon, Mrs. Frank J., 260.
Cannon, Cong. Del. George Q., 937; 941; 943.
Cannon, St. Sen. Martha Hughes, 301; before House com. of '98, wom. suff. in Utah, 319; work in Utah Senate, 953.
Capen, Elmer Hewett, pres. Tufts Coll., for wom. suff., 727.
Carey, U. S. Sen. Joseph M., on wom. suff. in Wyo., 117; admission as State with wom. suff., 180; 189; 207; 224; 318; 433; 710; before N.Y. Constit'l. Conv., 851; fight for admis. of Wy., 998-9; 1005; testimony for wom. suff., 1006; 1090.
Carey, Mrs. Joseph M., 117; 184; sends petit. from Wy., 449; entertains Miss Anthony, 1005; 1007.
Carpenter, Frank G., 164.
Carpenter, Mrs. Rathbone, 322.
Carroll, Anna Ella, services in Civil War, 26; efforts for, by Nat'l Ass'n., 183; 234; 416; 568.
Carruth, Prof. W. H., sp. at Amer. conv. of '86, 420; in Kas., 638; statistics of wom. suff. in Kas., 660; 706; in Boston, 715; 725; in Vt., 958.
Carruth, Mrs. W. H., 715.
Cary, Alice, 295.
Cary, Phoebe, 295; 400.
Cassidy, Jessie J. (See Saunders).
Castle, St. Sen. Miles B., 426; 612; 630.
Caswell, Lucien B., M. C., rep. in favor of wom. suff., 84; same, 163.
Catt, Carrie Chapman, first appearance on nat'l platform, 169; 187; before U. S. Sen. Com., 194; 213; presents flag to Miss Anthony, 223; 229; 245; rep. to conv. of '95, 248; 250; 254; to conv. of '96, 256; 263; sp. at conv. of '97, 274; 279; 284; organiz'n. rep. to conv. of '98, 289; to conv. of '99, 342; 346; to conv. of 1900, 365; before Senate com. of 1900, 369; elected nat'l pres., 387; introd. by Miss Anthony, sp. of acceptance, trib. to Miss A., 388; press notices, 389; presents Miss A. with birthday gifts, 389; sp. on three I's, 392; presides at birthday celebr., 396; 400; 443; at Dem. Nat'l conv. of 1900, 444; 449; in Ala., 465; work in Ariz., 471: rep. of work in Ariz., 472; 482; 483; 490; in Colo. camp'n., 514; visits Denver, 530; 535; 546; 547; in S. D. camp'n., 555; 558; 563; before Del. constit'l. conv., 564; in Ga., 583; in Idaho camp'n., 591; 592; in Ills., 599; 616; in Iowa, 629 et al.; in Kas., 642; same, 644; 645; 646; 648; in Ky., 667; before La. constit'l. conv., 680; in Maine, 690; in Md., 696; 710; 713; in Mich., 757; same, 758; 759; in Minn., 773; 774; in Miss., 783; 784; in St. Louis, 791; same, 792; in Mont., 796; same, 797; in Neb., 804; in Nev., 811; in N. H., 816; 817; in N. J., 822; same, 825; same, 826; in N. M., 836; in N. Y., 843; in N. Y. camp'n., 849; in N. Y., 860; in O., 879; same, 880; in Ok., 886; rep. of legis. work in Ok., 887; in Penn., 899; in Tenn., 926; same, 927; in Utah, 949; in Vt., 957; 973; in Wash., 976; in W. Va., 980; same, 981.
Catt, George W., 262.
Caulfield, Anna, 336.
Chace, Elizabeth Buffum, work in R.I., 907 et al.
Chace, U. S. Sen. Jonathan, III; rep. in favor of wom. suff., 156.
Chamberlain, Ella C, 240; 577.
Chanler, Margaret Livingston, work in N. Y., 843 et al.
Channing, Dr. William Ellery, 427.
Chant, Laura Ormiston (Eng.), 135; before U. S. Sen. com., 139; 163; 169; in Col., 516; in Boston, 705, 711.
Chapin, Augusta, D. D., 718.
Chapman, Maria Weston, 227.
Chapman, Mariana W., 240; 290; before U. S. Senate com. of '98, wom. as taxpayers, 313; in N. J., 825; assists on N. Y. chap., 840; work in N. Y., 844 et al.
Chase, Chief Justice Salmon P., for wom. suff., 1076.
Chase, Florence Adele, writes chapter for D. C, 567.
Chase, Mary N., in N. H., 816; in Vt., 957.
Cheney, Ednah D., in Ky., 665; work in Mass., 702; 704; 712 et al.
Chichester, Dean of (Eng.), 320.
Child, Lydia Maria, 227; 295.
Childs, George W., 75; trib. to, 227.
Choate, Hon. Joseph H., defeats wom. suff. in N. Y. Constit'l. Conv., 852.
Christiansen, Gen. C. T., 843.
Claflin, Adelaide A., 425; work in Mass., 703 et al.; in R. I., 910.
Chaflin, Gov. William (Mass.), for wom. suff., 715; 718; 727.
Clapp, Eliza J., 286.
Clapp, Atty.-Gen. Moses E. (Minn.), ad. suff. conv., 772.
Clark, U. S. Sen. Clarence D., presents wom. suff. bill, 7; wom. suff. in Wy., 1092.
Clark, George W., sings at conv., 19.
Clark, James G., 295; 415; 422; 802.
Clark, U. S. Sen. William A., 797.
Clarke, Alice Judah, assists on Ind., chap., 614.
Clarke, Prof. Benjamin Franklin, of Brown Univ., 919.
Clarke, Dr. E. H., on education, 355.
Clarke, James Freeman, D. D., 146; 412; 431; 702; petit. for wom. suff. in '57, 721.
Clarkson, U. S. Ass't. P. M. Gen. James S., wom. suff. in Col., 1086.
Clay, Laura, 174; 216; 219; trib. to Lucy Stone, 226; non-partisans, 280; 290; before U. S. Senate com. of '98, wom. suff. and physical develop., 309; 430; 616; 630; writes Ky. chap., 665; work in Ky., 665 et al.; in New Orleans, 680; in N. C., 874; in S. C., 922; in Tenn., 927.
Clay, Mary B., 15; before House com., 44; 150; 341; at Amer. conv., '84, 407; 426; work in Ky., 665; 761.
Clemmer, Mary, 295.
Cleveland, President Grover, 123; receives Intl. Council of Wom., 127; 840; 1097.
Cleveland, Mrs. Grover, rec. Intl. Council of Wom., 127; 265.
Clopton, Virginia Clay, 466; in Tenn., 927.
Clough, Gov. D. M. (Minn.), ad. suff. conv., 773.
Cobbe, Frances Power (Eng.), 21; 26.
Cobden, Jane (See Unwin).
Cobden, Richard, for wom. suff., 21.
Cockburn, Sir John, Premier S. Austr., for wom. suff., 1028.
Cockrell, U. S. Sen. Francis Marion, rep. against worn, suff., 47; 90; 93; ridiculed by Mrs. Stanton, 113.
Codman, Mrs. James M., anti-suff., 716.
Coffeen, Henry A., M. C., 231.
Coffin, Charles Carleton, 724.
Coggeshall, Mary J., 629; 633.
Cohen, Elizabeth, polit. deleg., 439.
Coke, Lord, 376.
Colby, Clara Bewick, 6; res. against creeds and dogmas, 58; sp. on same, 59; plan of work, 62; wom. suff. and labor question, 70; on the church, 76; describes campn. in Neb., 80; 117; 122; Wom. Trib. during Intl. Council, 126; wom. in marriage, 151; 157; 162; 183; 184; 187; on Wyoming, 200; on Fed. Suff., 218; 219; 234; 235; 239; 240; 247; mem. res. at conv. of '95, 250; philos. of wom., suff., 254; 263; mem. res. at conv. of '97, 275-6; 279; on Wyoming, 282; 292; mem. res. at conv. of '98, 293; 331; 337; mem. serv. at conv. of '99, 345; 360; work with Congress, 367; descript. of Miss Anthony's 80th birthday, 306; in S. D. campn., 555; 592; in Kas., 639; 640; 642; in Ky, 666; in New Orleans, 679; 719; in Mich., 757; 759; 761; work in Neb., 802 et al.; in Utah, 940; in Wash., 970; in Wis., 986; statistics from Wy., 1094.
Colcord, Gov. Roswell K. (Nev.), recom. wom. suff. amdt, 813.
Colfax, Vice President Schuyler, founds Daught. of Rebekah, 1069; for wom., suff., 1075.
Collins, Emily P., in R. I., 536; in Mass., 706.
Collyer, Rev. Robert, for wom. suff., 703.
Colorado, names for, Chap. XXIX.
Conger, Mrs. Omar D., 233.
Conine, St. Rep. Martha A. B. (Col.), 301; before House Com. of '98, 319; elected, 522; in Ills., 599; in Iowa, 632; in N. Y., 860.
Connecticut, names for, Chap. XXX.
Connor, Eliza Archard, 153.
Conway, Mrs. Moncure D., 23.
Conyers, Bennett J., 241.
Cook, Coralie Franklin, brings greetings of colored women on Miss Anthony's birthday, 398; 404.
Cook, Rev. Joseph, ad. suff. conv., 710; before Mass. Legis., 727.
Coolbrith, Ina D., 479.
Cooley, Mrs. George Eliot. (See Harper.)
Coonley, Lydia A. (See Ward.)
Cooper, Sarah B., 253; 275; 479; pres. Wom. Cong., 481; work in Calif., 488 et al.; in Ore., 893.
Corbin, Caroline F., 157.
Corey, Rev. Dr., 189.
Corn, Assoc. Justice, wom. suff. in Wy., 1093.
Cornwall, Amy K., 364; 509.
Corson, Dr. Hiram, 275.
Coudert, Frederick, signs suff. petit., 850.
Courtney, Leonard, M. P. (Eng.), work for wom. suff., 1020.
Couzins, Phoebe W., 18; res. on Phillips and Miss Carroll, 25; 27; on Goddess of Liberty, 47; 117; 163; 169; 475; 520; 695; 772; 795.
Craigie, Mrs. C. O. H., 564.
Crane, Rev. Caroline Bartlett, sermon at conv. of '91, 184; 764.
Crane, Gov. W. Murray (Mass.), 744.
Cranston, Martha S., writes Del. chap., 563; 564 et al.
Crawford, Emily (Eng.), petit, for wom. suff., 1015.
Cressingham, St. Rep. Clara (Col.), 521.
Crooker, Rev. Florence Kollock, ethics of wom. suff., 20; before House com., 43; 337; 407; 739.
Cullom, U. S. Sen. Shelby M., 347.
Cunningham, Catherine Campbell, assists on Ark. chapter, work in Ark., 475.
Curtis, Elizabeth Burrill, 257; before U. S. Senate com. of '98, are wom. represented, 314; in Mass., 715; work in N. Y. 843, et al.
Curtis, George William, 23; 164; mem. serv., 203; 372; on wom. suff., 428.
Cutcheon, Byron M., M. C, spks. for wom. suff., 35.
Cutler, Hannah M. Tracy, 275; 406; 407; mem. to Mrs. Gage, 410; 426; 703; in Vt., 957.
Dakota (North and South), names for, Chap. XXXI.
Dall, Caroline H., 294.
Dalton, Father W. J., 447; 760.
Dangerfield, Henderson, 212; 964.
Davies, Emily, Mistress of Girton (Eng.), petit, for wom. suff., 1015.
Davies, Atty.-Gen. John C., right of wom. to office in N. Y., 1094.
Davis, U. S. Sen. Cushman K., for wom. suff., 433.
Davis, Edward M., 18; 60; 76; work in Penn., 899.
Davis, John C., M. C., 231; 235.
Davis, Paulina Wright, 203; 294; work in R. I., 907; in Va., 964.
Davis, Thomas, 259.
Dawes, U. S. Sen. Henry L., 111; 164.
Decker, Sarah Platt, 529 et al.
De Garmo, Rhoda, 299.
Delaware, names for, Chap. XXXII.
Demorest, (Mme.) Louise, 75.
Dennison, Ruth C., 27.
Depew, Chauncey M., signs suff. petit., 850.
Desha, Mary, 173.
DeVoe, Emma Smith, at conv. of '96, 265; 284; in S. D., 549; 555; 590; 599; in Iowa, 630; 631; in Kas., 644; in Ky., 667; in Minn., 773; in Mont., 796; in Nev., 810; in Wis., 987.
Dexter, Rev. Morton, ed. Congregationalist, opp. wom. suff.; 725.
Deyo, Rev. Amanda, 128; 496.
Dickinson, Dr. Frances, 23; 174; 184; 201.
Dickinson, Mary Lowe, 228; 300.
Dietrick, Ellen Battelle, 174; at conv. of '91, 179; sp. at conv. of '92, 208; res. on religious liberty, 216; 219; 229; 234; 248; memorial service, 259; 430; in Ky., 666; 706; work in Mass., 709 et al.; 726; 751; in S. C., 922.
Diggs, Annie L., 61; wom. suff. in Kas., 199; at conv. of '94, 221; 234; 235; 248; 263; 268; at conv. of 1900, 363; in Ind., 617; writes Kas. chap., 638; 643; work in Kas. Legis., 652; app. St. Librarian, 657; in Md., 696; in N. J., 822; in W. Va., 980.
Dilke, Mrs. Ashton, 135; 841.
Dingley, Nelson W., M.C., 345.
District of Columbia, names for, Chap. XXXIII.
Doane, Bishop William Croswell, opp. wom. suff., 850; 858.
Dodge, Mrs. Arthur M., opposes wom. suff. before U. S. Senate com. of 1900, repudiates courtesy of Miss Anthony, 382; begs com. not to be moved by consideration for her, 383; before N. Y. legis. com., 861; same, 863.
Doe, Chief Justice Charles (N. H.), wom. may practice law, 819.
Doe, Mary L., at conv. of '99, 334; writes Mich, chap., 755; work in Mich., 756 et al.
Doggett, Kate Newell, 61; 410.
Dole, Sanford B. (Hawaii), 347.
Dolph, U. S. Sen. Joseph N., 93; sp. for wom. suff., 100; same, 104; 218; 295.
Donnelly, St. Sen. Ignatius, for wom. suff., 776-7.
Dorsett, Martha Angle, 417; work in Minn., 774 et al.
Dorsheimer, William, M. C., 51.
Doster, Chief Justice Frank (Kas.), for wom. suff., 607; 646.
Douglass, Frederick, 136; at conv. of '89, 151; reminiscences, 204; early suffragists, 227; mem. serv., 259; 298; 403; 430; in Boston, 704, 713; in R. I., 907.
Douglass, Joseph, 265; 400; 404.
Dow, Neal, 164.
Downs, H. Margaret, 322.
Doyon, Amelia E. H., 259.
Drake, Gov. Francis M. (Iowa), 270.
Du Bose, Miriam Howard, 228; 235; work in Ga., 237; 582.
Dunbar, Mrs. (Md.), 77.
Duniway, Abigail Scott, at conv. of '84, 16; 27; 151; 156; 157; 236; 239; at conv. of '95, 249; of '99, 339; of 1900, 363; in Idaho, 589; 590; in Minn., 772; in N. Y., 839; writes Ore. chap., work in Ore., 891 et al.; in Wash., 975.
Duniway, Clyde, 739.
Eagle, Gov. James B. (Ark.), 475.
Earnhart, Ida M., test case for sch. suff. in Ohio, 882.
Eastman, Rev. Annis Ford, 202; work in N. Y., 844.
Eastman, Mary F., woman's right to suff., 72; justice of it, 79; 118; 175; work in Mass., 704 et al.; legis. work, 721; in N. Y., 841; in R. I., 907; same, 910; 920.
Eaton, Charles H., D. D., for wom. suff., 840.
Eaton, Dr. Cora Smith, in N. D., 545; 551; assists on Minn, chap., 772; work in Minn., 773 et al.
Eddy, Eliza Jackson, legacy to Miss Anthony, V.
Edmunds, U. S. Sen. George F., 375; 939.
Edson, Dr. Susan A., 295; 574.
Edwards, Amelia B., petit. for wom. suff., 1015.
Eisenhuth, St. Supt. Pub. Instruct. Laura J. (N. D.), 551.
Eliot, Charles W., pres. Harvard Univ., 266; on education of wom., 355; protest against wom. suff., 704; inherits prejudice, 736.
Eliot, Chancellor Wm. G. (St. Louis), suff. a right, 413; 703.
Elkins, U. S. Sen. Stephen B., opp. wom. suff. in W. Va., 982.
Elliott, Albert H., work in Cal., 482 et al.
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 61; 1092.
Emerson, Mrs. Ralph Waldo, 206.
Ernst, Hon. George A. O., work in Mass., 710 et al.
Eskridge, Gov. C. V. (Kas.), opp. wom. suff., 645.
Estee, Hon. Morris M., 436.
Eustis, U. S. Sen. James B., opp. wom. suff., 104.
Evald, Mrs. Emmy C., 298.
Everett, Edward, 433.
Everhard, Caroline McCullough, at conv. of '92, 185; 201; work in O., 880 et al.
Fair, U. S. Sen. James G., opp. wom. suff., 36; 47.
Fairbanks, Mayor (Quincy, Mass.), 712.
Fairman, Col. Henry Clay, 238; 582.
Fall, Anna Christy (Mrs. George H.), 741; 745
Fall, St. Rep. George H., work in Mass., 744 et al.
Farwell, U. S. Sen. Charles B., rep. for wom. suff., 156; 158; 162.
Fawcett, Postmaster Gen. Henry, M. P. (Eng.), for wom. suff., 17; 61.
Fawcett, Millicent Garrett, 17; 301; wom. in India, 330; suff. meet. in London, 353; 718; work in Gr. Britain, 1014; same, 1020.
Fawcett, Philippa, 176.
Faxon, Henry H., 702 et al.
Fergusson, Cong. Del. H. B., 835.
Fessenden, Susan S., in Col., 516; in N. D., 548; work in Mass., 726 et al.; in N. H., 816; in Penn., 900.
Field, Kate, for wom. suff., 235; 275.
Fish, Sarah, 299.
Fisher, Chief Justice, wom. suff. in Wy., 1091.
Fisk, Mrs. Clinton D., 1057.
Fleming, Gov. Francis P. (Fla.), opp. to wom. suff., 212.
Flemming, William H., M. C., 586.
Fletcher, Alice C., 183; 331.
Flood, Cora Jane, endowment to univers., 507.
Florida, names for, Chap. XXXIV.
Flower, Gov. Roswell P. (N. Y.), 213; 843; recom. wom. delegates, 848; 856.
Folger, Gov. Charles J. (N. Y.), 61.
Folsom, Mariana T., in Texas, 416; 628; 931.
Foltz, Clara S., in Calif., 478 et al.
Foss, Mrs. Cyrus D., 1071.
Foster, Abby Kelly, 227.
Foster, Judith Ellen, 19; at Nat'l Repub. conv. of '96, 439; same, 1900, 444; in Col., 520; 569; 576; in Ida., 590; in Kas., 645; in Mass., 705; in R. I., 910; in Utah, 955.
Foster, Julia (Mrs. J. Heron), 19; 61.
Foster, Julia T., 19; 27; 61; 126.
Foster, Rachel G. (See Avery).
Foulke, Hon. William Dudley, sp. at suff. conv. of '90, 167; 173; 202; trib. to Lucy Stone, 225; 408; 411; 414; at Amer. conv. of '86, 418; value of dreamers, 421; independ. of politician, 422; 423; at Amer. conv. of '88, 428; 546; in Ind., 614; in Kas., 640; in Boston, 706; in Minn., 772.
Fox, Hattie E., 222.
Francis, Mary C., 245.
Franklin, Benjamin, on suff., 66.
Fray, Ellen Sully, 173.
Frear, Associate Justice W. F. (Hawaii), 347.
Fredericksen, Kirstine (Denm'k), 711.
French, St. Supt. Pub. Instruct. Permeal (Ida.), 594.
Friedland, Sofja Levovna (Russia), 364.
Fuller, Gov. Levi K. (Vt), 959.
Fyler, Lizzie Dorman, 19; 475.
Gaffney, Fannie Humphreys, 396.
Gage, Frances Dana, 61; 294; mem. serv., 409-10; trib. of Clara Barton, 429; 614.
Gage, Gov. Henry T. (Cal.), 486; 506.
Gage, Matilda Joslyn, work on Hist, of Wom. Suff., III; sells rights in, VI; VII; 27; feminine in science, 28; 57; wom. suff. under U. S. constn., 118; 126; 136; 152; 163; mem. res., 345; in Dak., 552; work in N. Y., 839 et al.; test case for sch. suff., 867; in Va., 964.
Galle, Margarethe, 301.
Gallinger, U. S. Sen. Jacob H., wom. suff. in N.H., 815.
Gamble, U. S. Sen. Robert J., for wom. suff., 559.
Gardiner, Helen H., 146; 263; 715.
Garfield, President James A., 295; on wom. suff., 1075.
Garrett, Mary E., endows Johns Hopkins Med. Coll., 700.
Garrison, Ellen Wright (Mrs. Wm. Lloyd, Jr.), 298.
Garrison, Wm. Lloyd, Sr., 23; first wom. rights petit., 720.
Garrison, Wm. Lloyd, Jr., 61; 164; 174; at conv. of '91, 183; before U. S. Senate com. in '98, 305; poem to Miss Anthony, 395; 433; work in Mass., 705 et al.; 712; in R. I., 907-8.
Gates, George A., pres. Iowa Coll., 276; for wom. suff., 629.
Gates, Merrill E., pres. Amherst Coll., 709.
Gates, Susa Young, 956.
George, Mrs. A. J., opposes wom. suff., 382; same, 741.
George, U. S. Sen. J.Z., 194; rep. against wom. suff., 201.
Georgia, names for, Chap. XXXV.
Gibbons, Abby Hopper, 207; 435; work for police matrons, 856; 1055.
Gibbons, Cardinal, opp. wom. suff., 367.
Giddings, Joshua R., 614.
Giddings, Mrs. W. D., 322.
Gifford, Prof. Jennie, 235.
Gillett, Emma M., 571; 574.
Gladstone, Wm. Ewart, 1016.
Gleed, J. W., 318.
Glenesk, Lord (Eng.), for wom. suff., 1016.
Goddard, Mary Catharine, early woman editor, 695.
Goggin, Catharine, 611.
Goldstein, Vida (Australia), 1031.
Gompers, Samuel, 184; letter approv. wom. suff., 334.
Goodnight, Isaac H., M. C., 235. |