Achin Head: situation of.
Address: custom of, in the third instead of the second person.
Adultery: laws respecting.
Air: temperature of.
Ala-eddin: or Ula-eddin Shah, king of Achin, lays repeated siege to Malacca. His death.
Alboquerque (Affonso d'): touches at Pidir and Pase in his voyage to Malacca.
Alligators: Superstitious dread of.
Amomum: different species of.
Anak-sungei: kingdom of.
Ancestors: veneration for burying-places of.
Animals: account of.
Annals: Malayan, of the kingdom of Achin.
Ants: variety and abundance of. White-ant.
Arabian: travellers, mention Sumatra by the name of Ramni.
Arabic: character, with modifications, used by the Malays.
Arsenic: yellow.
Arts: and manufactures.
Aru, kingdom of.
Atap: covering for roofs of houses.
Babi: island of.
Bamboo: principal material for building. Account of the.
Bangka: island of, its tin-mines.
Baniak: islands of.
Banyan: tree or jawi-jawi, its peculiarities.
Bantam: city of. Expulsion of English from thence.
Barbosa, (Odoardus): his account of Sumatra.
Barthema (Ludovico): his visit to the island.
Barus: a place chiefly remarkable for having given its name to the most valuable sort of camphor.
Bats: various species of.
Batta: country of. Its divisions. Mr. Miller's journey into it. Governments. Authority of the rajas. Succession. Persons, dress, and weapons of the inhabitants. Warfare. Fortified villages or kampongs. Trade, mode of holding fairs. Food. Buildings, domestic manners. Horse-racing. Books. Observations on their mode of writing. Religion. Mythology. Oaths. Funeral ceremonies. Crimes and punishments. Practice of eating human flesh. Motives for this custom. Mode of proceeding. Doubts obviated. Testimonies. Death of Mr. Nairne in the Batta country. Originality of manners preserved amongst this people, and its probable causes.
Batu (Pulo).
Batu Bara: river.
Beards: practice of eradicating.
Beaulieu: commander of a French squadron at Achin.
Bencoolen: river and town. Interior country visited. Account of first English establishment at.
Benzoin: or benjamin, mode of procuring. Nature of the trade. Oil distilled from.
Betel: practice of chewing. Preparation of.
Betel-nut: or areca, see Pinang.
Bintang: island of.
Birds: Species which form the edible nests. Modes of catching.
Birds-nest: edible, account of.
Biru: island of.
Blachang: species of caviar, mode of preparing.
Blades: of krises. mode of damasking.
Boulton (Mr. Matthew).
Bread-fruit: or sukun.
Breezes: land and sea.
Braham (Mr. Philip).
Broff (Mr. Robert).
Buffalo: or karbau, description of the. Killed at festivals.
Building: modes of, described.
Bukit Lintang: a high range of hills inland of Moco-moco.
Bukit Pandang: a high mountain inland of Ipu.
Burying-places: ancient, veneration for.
Chameleon: description of.
Campbell (Mr. Charles).
Camphor: or kapur barus, a valuable drug. Description of the tree. Mode of procuring it. Its price. Camphor-oil. Japan camphor.
Cannon: use of, previously to Portuguese discoveries.
Carpenters' work.
Cassia: description of the tree. Found in the Serampei, Musi, and Batta countries.
Cattle: Laws respecting.
Causes: or suits, mode of deciding.
Caut-chouc: or elastic gum.
Champaka: flower.
Character: difference in respect of it, between the Malays and other Sumatrans.
Characters: of Rejang, Batta, and Lampong languages.
Chess: game of, Malayan terms.
Children: treatment of.
Chinese: colonists.
Cloth: manufacture of.
Clothing: materials of.
Cock-fighting: strong propensity to this sport. Matches.
Coconut-tree: an important object of cultivation. Does not bear fruit in the hill country.
Codes: of laws. Remarks on.
Coins: current in Sumatra.
Company (English East India): its influence. Permission given to it to settle a factory at Achin.
Compass: irregularity of, noticed.
Compensation: for murder, termed bangun.
Complexion: fairness of, comparatively with other Indians. Darkness of, not dependent on climate.
Confinement: modes of.
Contracts: made with the chiefs of the country, for obliging their dependants to plant pepper.
Conversion: to religion of Mahomet, period of.
Copper. Rich mine of.
Coral rock.
Corallines: collection of, in the possession of Mr. John Griffiths.
Cosmetic: used, and mode of preparing it.
Cotton: two species of, cultivated.
Crisp (Mr. John).
Cultivation: of rice.
Curry: dish or mode of cookery so called.
Cycas circinalis: (a palm-fern confounded with the sago-tree) described.
Dalrymple (Mr. Alexander).
Dammar: a species of resin or turpentine.
Dancing: amusement of.
Dare (Lieutenant Hastings). Journal of his expedition to the Serampei and Sungei-tenang countries.
Datu: title of.
Debts: and debtors, laws respecting.
Deer: diminutive species of.
Deity: name for the, borrowed by the Rejangs from the Malays.
Diseases: modes of curing.
Diversion: of tossing a ball.
Divorces: laws respecting.
Dragons'-blood: a drug, how procured.
Dress: description of man's and woman's.
Dupati: nature of title.
Durian: fruit.
Dusuns: or villages, description of.
Duyong: or sea-cow.
Ears: ceremony of boring.
Eating: mode of.
Eclipses: notion respecting.
Edrisi: his account of Sumatra by the name of Al-Rami.
Elastic gum.
Elizabeth: Queen, addresses a letter to the king of Achin.
Elopements: laws respecting.
Emblematic presents.
Engano: island of.
English: their first visit to Sumatra. Settle a factory at Achin.
Europeans: influence of.
Evidence: rules of, and mode of giving.
Expedition: to Serampei and Sungei-tenang countries.
Fertility: of soil.
Feud: account of a remarkable one.
Fevers: how treated by the natives.
Filigree: manufacture of.
Fire: modes of kindling. Necessary for warmth among the hills.
Firearms: manufactured in Menangkabau.
Fish: Ikan layer, a remarkable species. Various kinds enumerated.
Fishing: mode of.
Fish-roes: preserved by salting. An article of trade.
Flowers: description of.
Foersch, (Mr.): his account of the poison-tree.
Fogs: dense among the hills.
Fortification: mode of.
Fort Marlborough: the chief English settlement on the coast of Sumatra. Establishment of. Reduced by Act of Parliament.
French: settlement of Tappanuli taken by the, in the year 1760, and again in 1809, attended with circumstances of atrocity. Sent a fleet to Achin, under General Beaulieu.
Fruits: description of.
Funerals: ceremonies observed at.
Furniture: of houses.
Gambir: mode of preparing it for eating with betel.
Gaming: laws respecting. Propensity for, and modes of.
Geography: limited ideas of.
Goitres: natives of the hills subject to. Disease not imputable to snow-water. In the Serampei country.
Gold: island celebrated for its production of. Chiefly found in the Menangkabau country. Distinctions of. Mode of working the mines. Estimation of quantity procured. Price. Mode of cleansing. Weights.
Government: Malayan.
Graves: form of.
Griffiths, (Mr. John).
Guana: or iguana, animal of the lizard kind.
Guava: fruit.
Gunpowder: manufacture of.
Hair: modes of dressing the.
Heat: degree of.
Hemp: or ganja, its inebriating qualities.
Henna: of the Arabians used for tingeing the nails.
Herbs: and shrubs used medicinally.
Hills: inhabitants of, subject to goitres.
History: of Malayan kings. Of Achinese.
Hollanders: their first visit to Sumatra.
Holloway, (Mr. Giles).
Horse-racing: practised by the Battas.
Horses: small breed of. Occasionally used in war. Eaten as food by the Battas.
Hot springs.
Houses: description of.
Human flesh: eaten by the Battas.
Iang de per-tuan: title of sovereignty.
Ibrahim (otherwise, Saleh-eddin shah): king of Achin, his origin. Enmity to the Portuguese. Transactions of his reign, and death.
Iju: a peculiar vegetable substance used for cordage.
Ilhas d'Ouro: attempts of the Portuguese to discover them.
Indalas: one of the Malayan names of Sumatra.
Indigo: Broad-leafed or tarum akar.
Indragiri: river of. Has its source in a lake of the Menangkabau country.
Indrapura: kingdom of.
Inhabitants: general distinctions of.
Inheritance: rules of.
Ink: manufacture of.
Insects: Various kinds of, enumerated.
Instruments: musical.
Interest: of money.
Ipu: river of. Sungei-ipu (a different river).
Iron: Ore smelted. Manufactures of. Mines.
Iskander Muda (Paduka Sri): king of Achin, receives a letter from king James the first, by Captain Best, and gives permission for establishing an English factory. Conquers Johor. Attacks Malacca with a great fleet. Receives an embassy from France. Again attacks Malacca. His death. Wealth and power.
Islands: near the western coast, account of.
Jack: fruit.
Jaggri: imperfect sort of sugar from a species of palm.
Jambi: river of. Colonies settled on branches of it, for collecting gold. Has its source in the Limun country. Town of.
Jambu: fruit.
James the first: king, writes a letter to the king of Achin.
Jeinal: sultan of Pase, his history.
Johor: kingdom of.
Kampar: river of. King of, negotiates with Alboquerque.
Kampongs: or fortified villages.
Kananga: flowering tree.
Kapini: island of.
Kasumba: name of, given to the carthamus and the bixa.
Kataun: or Cattown, river of.
Kima: or gigantic cockle.
Korinchi: country. Mr. Campbell's visit to it. Situation of lake. Inhabitants and buildings. Food, articles of commerce, gold. Account of lepers. Peculiar plants. Character of the natives.
Koto-tuggoh: a fortified village of the Sungei-tenang country. Taken and destroyed.
Krises: description of.
Kroi: district of.
Kulit-kayu: or coolicoy, the bark of certain trees used in building, and for other purposes.
Kuwau: argus or Sumatran pheasant.
Labun: district of.
Laksamana: a title equivalent to commander-in-chief.
Lampong: country, limits of. Inhabitants, language, and governments. Wars. Account of a peculiar people, called orang abung. Manners and customs. Superstitions.
Land: unevenness of its surface. New-formed. Rarely considered as the subject of property.
Land: and sea breezes, causes of.
Language: Nature of the Malayan. Of others spoken in Sumatra. Court. Specimens of. Batta. Nias.
Lanseh: fruit.
Laws: and customs. Compilation of.
Laye: river and district of.
Leeches: a small kind of, very troublesome on marches.
Lemba: district, inhabitants of, similar to the Rejangs.
Leprosy: account of.
Lignum-aloes: or kalambac.
Limun: district of. Gold-traders of.
Longitude: of Fort Marlborough, determined by observation.
Looms: description of.
Macdonald, (Lieutenant-colonel John).
Mackenzie, (Mr. Kenneth).
Madagascar: resemblance in customs of, to those of Sumatra.
Mahmud shah Juhan (Ala-eddin).
Mahometanism: period of conversion to.
Maize: or jagong, cultivation of.
Malacca: or Malaka, city of, when founded. Visited in 1509 by the Portuguese. In 1511 taken by them. Repeatedly attacked by the kings of Achin. In 1641 taken by the Hollanders.
Malays: name of, applied to people of Menangkabau. Nearly synonymous with Mahometan, in these parts. Difference in character between Malays and other Sumatrans. Guards composed of. Origin of. Race of kings. Not strict in matters of religion. Governments of.
Malayan: language.
Malur: or Malati flower (nyctanthes).
Mango: fruit, described.
Mangustin: fruit, described.
Manjuta: river and district of. English settlement at.
Manna: district of.
Mansalar: island of.
Mansur shah: king of Achin, besieges Malacca, and is defeated. Renews the attack, without success. Again appears before it with a large fleet, and proceeds to the attack of Johor. Murdered when preparing to sail with a considerable expedition.
Mantawei: name of race of people inhabiting certain islands.
Marco Polo: his account of Sumatra, by the name of Java minor. Visited it about the year 1290.
Marriage: modes of, and laws respecting. Rites of. Festivals. Consummation of.
Marsden (Mr. John).
Measures: of capacity and length.
Measurement: of time.
Medicinal: shrubs and herbs.
Medicine: art of.
Mega: island of.
Menangkabau: kingdom of. History of, imperfectly known. Limits of. Rivers proceeding from it. Political decline. Early mention of it by travellers. Division of the government. Extraordinary respect paid to reigning family. Titles of the sultan. Remarks on them. Ceremonies. Conversion of people to the Mahometan religion. Antiquity of the empire more remote than that event. Sultan held in respect by the Battas.
Metempsychosis: ideas of, as entertained by the Sumatrans.
Miller (Mr. Charles).
Mines: gold. Copper. Iron.
Missionaries: no attempt of, to convert the Sumatrans to Christianity, upon record.
Moco-moco: in Anac-sungei, account of.
Monkeys: various species of.
Monsoons: causes of their change.
Morinda: wood of, used for dyeing.
Mountains: chain of, running along the island. Height of Mount Ophir or Gunong Passamman. High mountain called Bukit Pandang.
Mucks: practice, nature, and causes of.
Muhammed shah (Ala-eddin or Ula-eddin): succeeds Juhan shah as king of Achin. His turbulent reign, and death.
Mukim: divisional district of the country of Achin.
Murder: compensation for.
Musi: district of.
Music: Minor key preferred.
Mythology: of the Battas.
Nako-nako: islands of.
Nalabu: port of.
Name: of Sumatra, unknown to the Arabian geographers, and to Marco Polo. Various orthography of. Probably of Hindu origin.
Names: when given to children. Distinctions of. Father often named from his child. Hesitate to pronounce their own.
Natal: settlement of. Gold of fine quality procured in the country of. Governed by datus.
Nias: island of.
Nibong: species of palm, description and uses of.
Nicolo di Conti: his visit to Sumatra.
Nutmegs: and cloves, first introduction of, by Mr. Robert Broff. Second importation. Success of the culture.
Oaths: nature of, in legal proceedings. Collateral. Mode of administering. Amongst the Battas.
Odoricus: his visit to the island of Sumoltra.
Officers: of state, in Malayan governments. At Achin.
Oil: earth-. Camphor-. Coconut-.
Ophir: name of, not known to the natives. Height of Mount Ophir or Gunong Passamman.
Opium: considerable importation of, from Bengal. Law respecting. Practice of smoking. Preparation of. Effects of.
Oranges: various species of.
Oratory: gift of, natural to the Sumatrans.
Ornaments: worn.
Padang: the principal Dutch settlement.
Padang-guchi: river of.
Padi: or rice, cultivation of upland. Of lowland. Transplantation of. Rate of produce. Threshing. Beating out.
Paduka Sri: king of Achin, see Iskander Muda.
Pagi (or Nassaus): islands of.
Palembang: river of. Rises in the district of Musi, near Bencoolen river. Dutch factory on it. Description of country on its banks. Government. City of. Many foreign settlers. Language. Interior country visited by the English.
Pandan: shrub, its fragrant blossom.
Pangeran: nature of title. Authority much limited.
Pantun: or proverbial song.
Papaw: fruit.
Pase: kingdom of.
Passamman: province of.
Passummah: Legal customs of.
Pawns: or pledges, law respecting.
Pepper: principal object of the Company's trade. Cultivation of. Description of the plant. Progress of bearing. Time of gathering. Mode of drying. White pepper. Surveys of plantations. Transportation of.
Percha (Pulo): one of the Malayan names of Sumatra.
Pergularia odoratissima: cultivated in England by Sir Joseph Banks.
Persons: of the natives, description of.
Pheasant: argus or Sumatran.
Philippine: islands, customs and superstitions of, resembling those of Sumatra.
Pidir: kingdom of.
Pigafetta (Antonio): in his voyage appears the earliest specimen of a Malayan vocabulary.
Pikul: weight.
Pinang: areca, or, vulgarly, the betel-nut-tree, and fruit.
Pinang (Pulo): island of.
Piratical habits: of Malays.
Plantain: or pisang. Varieties of the fruit.
Pleading: mode of.
Poetry: fondness of the natives for.
Polishing: leaf.
Polygamy: question of. Connexion between it and the practice of purchasing wives.
Porah: island of.
Portuguese: expeditions of, rendered the island of Sumatra well known to Europeans. Their first visit to it, under Diogo Lopez de Sequeira. Transactions at Pidir, and Pase. Conquer Malacca. Sustain many attacks and sieges from kings of Achin.
Potatoes: cultivated in the Korinchi country.
Priaman: river and district of. Invitation to the English to form a settlement there.
Puhn: or Poon, signifying tree in general, applied by Europeans to a particular species.
Puhn-upas: or poison-tree, account of.
Pulas: species of twine from the kaluwi nettle.
Pulse: variety of.
Pulo: or island.
Pulo: point and bay.
Punei-jambu: a beautiful species of dove.
Punishments: corporal. Amongst the Battas. Amongst the Achinese.
Queen: government of Achin devolves to a. Account of embassy from Madras to the.
Radin: prince of Madura.
Raffles (Mr. Thomas).
Rakan: river or estuary.
Rambutan: fruit.
Ramni: name given to Sumatra by the Arabian geographers.
Ranjaus: description of.
Rapes: laws respecting.
Rattan-cane: fruit of. Considerable export trade in.
Rau: or Rawa country.
Rayet shah (Ala-eddin): said to have been originally a fisherman, ascends the throne of Achin, having murdered the heir. During his reign the Hollanders first visited Achin. And also the English, under Captain (Sir James) Lancaster, who carried letters from Queen Elizabeth. At the age of ninety-five, confined by his son.
Reaping: mode of.
Rejang: people of, chosen as a standard for description of manners. Situation of the country. Divided into tribes. Their government.
Religion: state of, amongst the Rejang. No ostensible worship. The word dewa applied to a class of invisible beings. Veneration for the tombs of their ancestors. Ancient religion of Malays. Motives for conversion to Mahometanism. Of the Battas.
Rice: culture of. Distinctions of ladang or upland, and sawah or lowland. Sowing, mode of. Reaping, mode of. An article of trade.
Rock: species of soft. Coral.
Rum: or Rome, for Constantinople.
Sago-tree: or rambiya (confounded with the Cycas circinalis, a different tree), described.
Salt: manufacture of.
Saltpetre: Procured from certain caves.
Sanding: islands or Pulo Sandiang.
Sappan: wood.
Scorpion: flower or anggrek kasturi.
Sculpture: ancient.
Sea: encroachments of.
Sequeira (Diogo Lopez de): first Portuguese who visited Sumatra.
Serampei: country. Villages, government, features of the women. Peculiar regulation. Further account of.
Sesamum: or bijin, oil produced from.
Sexes: mistaken ideas of a considerable inequality in the numbers of the two.
Siak: river of. Survey of. Country on both sides flat and alluvial. Abundance of ship-timber. Government. Trade. Subdued by the king of Achin.
Si Biru: island of.
Silebar: river, and district of.
Sileda: attempt to work a gold mine at.
Silk-cotton (bombax).
Singapura: city of, when founded.
Singkel: river.
Si Porah: or Good Fortune, island of.
Situation: of the island, general account of.
Slavery: state of, not common among the Rejangs. Condition of negro slaves at Fort Marlborough.
Smallpox: its ravages.
Soil: described. Unevenness of surface. Fertility of.
Songs: Singing. amusement of.
Spices: see Nutmegs.
Sugar: manufacture of. Imperfect sort, called jaggri.
Sugar-cane, cultivation of.
Suits: see Causes.
Sulphur: Where procured.
Sumatra: name probably of Hindu origin.
Sungei-lamo and Sungei-itam: rivers.
Sungei-tenang: country, account of.
Superstitious opinions.
Surf: Considerations respecting. Probable cause of.
Surveys: of pepper plantations.
Swala: or sea-slug, an article of trade.
Swasa: a mixture of gold and copper so called.
Tamarind: tree.
Tanjong: flower.
Tappanuli: celebrated bay of. Settlement on the island of Punchong kechil. Taken in 1760 by the French, and again in 1809.
Taprobane: name of, applied to Sumatra in the middle ages.
Teak: timber, its valuable qualities. Attempts to cultivate the tree.
Teeth: mode of filing them. Sometimes plated with gold.
Theft: laws respecting. Proof of, required.
Thermometer: height of, at Fort Marlborough, and at Natal. So low as 45 degrees on a hill in the Ipu country.
Threshing: mode of.
Thunder: and lightning, very frequent. Effect of.
Tides: At Siak. Flow to a great distance in rivers on eastern side of the island.
Tiger: Ravages by this animal. Traps.
Tiku: river and islands of.
Timber: great variety of. Species enumerated.
Time: manner of dividing.
Tin: A considerable export of it to China.
Tobacco: cultivation of.
Toddy: or nira, how procured.
Tools: for mining. Carpenters'.
Torches: or links.
Triste: island of, see Mega.
Tulang-bawang: river.
Upas: vegetable poison, account of.
Urei: river of.
Utensils: account of.
Vegetable productions.
Venereal disease.
Villages: description of.
Virgins: their distinguishing ornaments.
Volcanoes: called gunong api, account of.
Warfare: mode of.
Waterspout: account of.
Wax: a considerable article of trade.
White pepper.
Widows: laws respecting.
Wilkins (Mr. Charles).
Wives: number of. See Marriage.
Worm-shell: or Teredo navalis.
Wood: various species of.
Woods: Mode of clearing.
Wounds: laws respecting.
Writing: On bark of tree, and on slips of bamboo. Specimens of.
Yams: various roots under that denomination.
Year: mode of estimating its length.