"Snobs of England," 74, 318
"Social Evil, The," 428
"Social Miseries," 187, 416
Social reformer, Punch as a, 124, 126, 185, 397
Socialists, and Punch's "summary justice," 235
"Song of the Shirt," 146, 176, 331-334
Sothern, Mr., adventure with a policeman, 351; and "Lord Dundreary," 424
"Spec's Remonstrance, Mr.," 316
Spelling reform, and Thackeray, 317
Spielmann, M. H., 407
Spurgeon, Mr., and Punch cartoons, 199
"Squeers, Mr.," Original of, 451
"Squib," The, 274, 275, 412, 414
Staff of Punch, relative contributions, 258-260, 263; their love of children, 294, 295; artists challenge the literary members, 372; "Family Trees," 382
Stafford, Mr., 570
Stage, The, and Punch's support, 128, 129
"Stags: a Drama of To-day, The," 315
"Standard," The, 50; and "Mrs. Gamp" and "Mrs. Harris," 211; attack on Punch, 212, 213
Stanfield, Clarkson, and the Punch Club, 93; relations between Dickens and Lemon, 353
Stephens, Mr. Henry Pottinger, 402, 403
Stewart, General Sir Henry, 183
Stone, Mr. Frank, and the Punch Club, 93
Storey, A.R.A., Mr. G. A., 41, 126, 557
"Storicules," 402
"Story of a Feather," 290
"Story of the Mhow Court Martial," 343
Stowers, Mr., 556
"Stranger, A," Contributions from, 501
Strasynski, L., 537
"Street-sweeping Machines," 155, 479
Sullivan, Sir Arthur, 64, 98
Sullivan, Mr. J. F., 567
Sunday opening of museums, 102
Sussex Hotel, Punch Dinner at, 64
Swain, Mr. Joseph, 82, 247-253, 498
Sweaters, 104
Sykes, Mr. Arthur A., 122, 372, 404, 566
Table-turning, 424
Tanner, M.P., Dr., 554
Taylor, Tom, 60, 61, 68, 69; politics, 99, 367; his lectures, 129; as an amateur actor, 134; and old jokes, 163; suggestions for cartoons, 171, 339; and Bulwer Lytton, 220; benefit for Jerrold's widow, 298; work and characteristics, 338-341
Telephone, the, Forecast of, 124, 125
Temperance movement, 102, 245
Temple, Sir R., 232, 552
Tenniel, Sir John: his portraits of Punch, 8, 9; cartoon in "Tercentenary Number," 50; Great Exhibition Number, 51; at the Dinner, 79, 80; politics, 80, 463; the cartoons, 52, 79, 81-83, 163, 170, 172, 176; dinner on his receiving a knighthood, 89; the Two Pins Club, 98; influence on the moderation of Punch, 101; as an amateur actor, 134; Goschen cartoon, 160; and Punch's types of character, 208; early contributions, 355; 372; "heard movement," 423; 461-474; on Mr. Sambourne's work, 534
Tennyson, Lord, 220; reply to Bulwer Lytton's attack, 345, 346; and Woolner's bust, 346; obituary notice, 377; parody of his "Throstle," 402
"Tercentenary Number," 50
Terry, G. W., 499
Thackeray, W. M.: on humour and laughter, 1; on the purity of Punch, 5, 6; his portrait of Punch, 8; and the "London Charivari," 12, 15; "Punch's Holidays," 50; and Frenchmen, 51; "Mahogany Tree" quoted, 53; statuette by Boehm, 60; autotype, 61; Bedford Hotel, 64, 65; Punch Dinner, 68, 76; "Snob Papers," 74, 318; relations with Jerrold, 74, 289, 311; singing of the "Mahogany Tree" after his death, 86; "Atonement Dinner," 87, 88; the Jews, 103; and Punch's attitude towards Napoleon III., 109; his lectures, 129; suggestions for cartoons, 170, 171; "Jenkins Papers," 210, 316, 319; attack on Bunn, 226; attacked in the "Puppet-Show," 239; and Mr. Swain, 253; working at Punch office, 258; relations with Albert Smith, 303; retirement from Punch, 323, 324; his work, characteristics, etc., 308-326; congratulates Mr. Burnand, 369; on Leech, 421, 437
Theatricals, Punch's, 132-137, 346
Thomas, Mr. Brandon, 394, 395
Thomas, George H., 477
Thomas, Mr. W. F., 570
Thompson, Mr., 558
Thompson, Alfred, 372, 500
Thompson, Dr., Master of Trinity, and the first number of Punch, 29
Thompson, Mr. John Gordon, 516, 517
"Tickletoby's Lectures on English History, Miss," 309, 310
"Times," The, and the attack of the "Standard" on Punch, 210, 212, 213; leaders by Gilbert a Beckett, 277
Title of Punch, 24
"Toby's Diary," 390, 391
"Tomahawk," The, Matt Morgan's designs in, 41
Tomlins, F. G., 26
"Too Late!" 183
"Town, The," 378
Traill, Mr. H. D., 406
"Train," The, 313
Transfer of Punch to Bradbury and Evans, 34, 36
"Travelling Companions," 399
"Travelling Notes, by our Fat Contributor," 316
"Travels in London," 320
Trollope, Anthony, on Thackeray's art, 314
Tsar's decoy train, The, 145
Tuer, Mr. Andrew, 147, 483
Tully, Henry, 52; and the Punch Club, 93 and note
Turner, Mr. Leopold Godfrey, 407
Turner's pictures, 221
Two Pins Club, 98
Types of character, Punch's, 206-208
"Under the Rose," 399, 400
"Untiled," 378
"Up before the Beak," 517
Valentines, Punch's, 49, 282, 446, 448, 451
"Verdant Green," 129, 492, 493
"Very Much Abroad," 482
Victoria, Queen, and the Tsar, 105, 106; visit to Ireland, 106; and an amateur theatrical performance at Devonshire House, 135, 346; portraits in Punch, 214, 215; Punch's reverence for, 214-217; and the imperial crown, 243
"Victorian Era," The, 52
Viles, Mr. Arthur E., 407
"Visit to the Watering-places," 49
Vizetelly, Henry, 35, 136; and Disraeli at the Printers' Pension Society Dinner, 197-199; on Henry Mayhew, 268, 269; on Jerrold and Thackeray, 289; on Albert Smith, 303; and Rumsey Forster's revenge on Thackeray, 319, 320; on Kenny Meadows, 447
"Vocalists, Advice to," 161
"Voces Populi," 398, 400, 565
Volunteer Corps, 108, 423
"W. G.," 541
"W. R.," 499
"W. V.," 540
Wales, Prince of, and Hugh Middleton Board School, 125, 126; his illness, 183, 214; Punch's representations of, 214; wedding, 351
Walford, Mr., 85
Walker, A.R.A., Fred, 126, 523, 524
Walker, Mr. Henry, 148
Wallace, R. B., 251, 457, 547
Walters, Mr. T., 537
"Ward, Artemus," see Browne, Charles F.
Weir, Mr. Harrison, 498
Wellington, Duke of, 153, 157, 164, 184, 202, 215
Wheeler, Mr. E. J., 252, 548, 549
"Whistling Oyster," The, 56; and the Punch Club, 96; 452
William II., Emperor, and "The Modern Alexander's Feast," 192; "Wilful Wilhelm," 193; Army Bills, 193; and Prince Bismarck, 193
Williams, Rev. J. de Kewer, and the Jubilee of Punch, 6, 8
Wills, W. H., 19, 26; and Jullien, 218; 259, 260; 282, 283
Wilson, Mr. Dower, 549
Wilson, Mr. J. C., 405
Wilson, Mr. T. Harrington, 119, 251, 498
Wiseman, Cardinal, 103, 470
Women, Lack of humour in, 392, 393; as drawn by Mr. du Maurier, 506, 509, 510
Woods, F., 547
Woods, T. W., 528
"Word with Bunn, A," 232
"Word with Punch, A," 131, 227-232
Yates, Edmund, and the Punch prospectus, 19; and omnibus jokes, 144, 173; and the "Comic News," 265, 281; the "Train," 313; mistaken belief that he wrote for Punch, 390 note
"Ye Manners and Customs of ye Englyshe," 455
"Yellowplush, Mr.," 317
"Young England Party," 108, 198
"Young Reciter, Mr. Punch's," 398
Zangwill, Mr., 241
Printed by R. & R. CLARK, LIMITED, Edinburgh.