Ufford, Earl of Suffolk. See Suffolk. Ughtred, Sir Thomas. Ulster. Ulster, Hugh de Lacy, Earl of. Ulster, Lionel of Clarence, Earl of. See also Lionel. Ulster, Richard de Burgh, Earl of. Umfravilles, the. Umfraville, Gilbert of, Lord of Redesdale. Unam Sanctam Bull. Union, treaty of, between England and Scotland. Universities, the. See also Cambridge, Montpellier, Oxford, Paris. Urban IV, Pope. Urban V, Pope. Ure, the river. Usk Castle and town. Usk, River; Valley, the. Usury.
Vaissete's Histoire de Languedoc. Vallee aux Clercs, near Crecy. Valois, house of. Valois, Charles of. See Charles. Valence, Aymer of. See Pembroke, Aymer, Earl of, and Aymer, Bishop of Winchester. Valence, William of, Lord of Pembroke. Valence, William of Savoy, Bishop-elect of. Valenciennes. Vander Kindere's Siecle des Artevelde. Vannes. Venice. Vercelli, Church of St. Andrew at. Vermandois, the. Verneuil. Vescy, John de, 131 Vescy, Lady, 248 Vespers, the Sicilian, 146 Vic, De, his Histoire de Languedoc, 462. Vidal de la Blache's Tableau de la Geographie de la France. Vienne, the river; Council of. Vierzon. Villeins, the. Vincennes, Convention of the Wood of. Vinogradoff's Villainage in England. Visconti, Bernabo. Visconti, Galeazzo. Visconti of Milan, the. Visconti, Violante, daughter of Galeazzo, of Pavia. Vision of Piers Plowman, Langland's. Viterbo. Vitoria, Vyve-Saint-Bavon, truce of.
Wadicourt. Wace's Brut. Wages affected by Black Death. Wake, Lord. Wakes, the, of Liddell and Lincolnshire. Waleis, Henry le, Mayor of London. Wales; statute of; records of; annals of. Wallace, Sir William, of Eldershe. Wallon's Louis IX. Wallingford Castle and town. Walsingham, Thomas, Gesta. Abbatum S. Albani; Historia Anglicana of. Walton. Wardrobe accounts. Ware. Warenne, William, Earl (d 1240). Warenne, John, Earl (d 1304), son of above. Warenne, John, Earl (d 1347), grandson of above. Wark, the Lord of. Warwick Castle. Warwick, Beauchamps of. See Beauchamps; Neufbourg, Earls of. Warwick, Guy of Beauchamp, Earl of. Warwick, Henry of Neufbourg, Earl of. Warwick, John du Plessis, Earl of. Warwick, Thomas of Beauchamp, Earl of. Warwick, William Beauchamp, Earl of. Waverley, Annals of Abbey of. Weald, the. Wear, the river. Wells, Hugh of, Bishop of Lincoln. Wells, Bishops of Bath and, See Burnell; Robert; Drokensford; Sandale. Wenceslaus of Luxemburg, Duke of Brabant, brother of the Emperor, Charles IV. Wendover, Roger of; his Flores Historiarum. Westminster; Abbey; the Provisions of; the first statute of; second statute of; third statute of; Hall; St. Stephen's Chapel. Westminster, Abbot of. See also Lansham, Simon. Westminster, Matthew of, imaginary chronicler. Westmoreland. Weyland, Sir Thomas, Chief Justice of the Common Pleas. Weymouth. Whalley Abbey. Wharton's Anglia Sacra. Whitecastle. White Friars, the. Whittaker, W.J., his edition of Le Mirroir des Justices. Whittingtons, the. Whittlesea, William, Archbishop of Canterbury. Wicklow. Wigford. Wight, Isle of. Wigmore, Castle; house of. Wigmore, Roger Mortimer of. See Mortimer, Roger. Wilkin of the Weald. Wilkins' Concilia. William I. of Avesnes, Count of Hainault, Holland and Zealand. William II. of Avesnes, Count of Hainault, Holland and Zealand. Son of the above. William of Bavaria, Count of Hainault, Holland and Zealand. William of Hatfield, son of Edward III. William of Holland, King of the Romans. William of Norwich, St. William of Savoy, Bishop-elect of Valence and Winchester. William of Valence, Lord of Pembroke. William I. the Conqueror. William the Lion, King of Scots. Wiltshire. Winchelsea; naval battle off. Winchelsea, Robert, Archbishop of Canterbury. Winchester; bishopric of; Cathedral of; parliament of March 1330, at; Annals of. Winchester, Bishops of. See Edington, William; Roches, Peter des; Stratford, John; Aymer of Valence; Woodlock, Henry; William of Savoy; Wykeham, William of. Winchester, Hugh Despenser, the elder, Earl of. See Despenser. Winchester, Saer de Quincy, Earl of. Windsor, town and castle; Round Table at; Chapel, St. George's at. Wingham, Henry. Wishart, Robert, Bishop of Glasgow. Wither, William. Wolvesey Castle, Winchester. Women in the law courts; French law of succession of. Woodlock, Henry, Bishop of Winchester. Woodstock. Wool trade. Worcester; Bishops of, see Cantilupe, Walter; Reynolds, Walter. Worcester, Provisions of; Annals of. Wright's, T., Political Songs; Political Songs and Poems. Writs, Parliamentary, edited by Sir F. Palgrave. Wycliffe, John; his writings. Wye, the river. Wykeham, William of, Bishop of Winchester; his Register. Wykes, Thomas, Chronicle of. Wynn, John. Wyntoun, Andrew, Originale by.
Yale. Yarmouth. Year Books, the. York; parliaments at; house of. York, Archbishops of. See Giffard, Walter; Greenfield, William; Grey, Walter; Melton, William; Thoresby, John; Zouch, William de la. York, Edmund of Langley, Earl of Cambridge, Duke of. See Edmund. Yorkshire. Ypres. Yrvon, the river. Ystradvellte.
Zealand, county of. Zouch, William de la, Archbishop of York. Zwyn, the river; harbour.
Chapter II, Paragraph 5, for Roger Bigod read Hugh Bigod.
Chapter X, Paragraph 4, for Earl of Cornwall read Earl of Lancaster. |