Fish, J., 20.
Fisk, M. H., 403.
Fiske, J., 397.
Fiske, M., 337.
Fiske, N. W., 337, 397, 402, 405.
Fitch, 41, 245.
Fitch, J., 7.
Flanders, B. F., 400.
Fletcher, I., 400.
Fletcher, Richard, 189, 386, 387, 393, 394, 400.
Fletcher, Robert, 376, 377.
Fletcher, S., 370, 394.
Flint, 360.
Fogg, G. G., 400, 401.
Folsom, N. S., 136, 138, 253, 260, 330, 403, 405.
Forbes, 380.
Forsythe, 79.
Foster, 20.
Foster, A., 397.
Foster, C., 407.
Foster, C. L., 407.
Foster, D., 407.
Foster, S., 403.
Fowler, D., 14.
Fowler, Jacob, 338.
Fowler, Joseph, 20.
Fox, J., 258.
Franklin, B., 58, 77.
Fredericksburg, 407.
Freeman, E., 53.
Freeman, J., 53, 394.
Frink, A., 241.
Frost, C. P., 366.
Frost, E. B., 407.
Fuller, 6.
Fuller, H. T., 404.
Furber, D. L., 303, 322.
Gale, N., 132.
Gallup, J. A., 406.
Gardiner, R. H., 278.
Gates, 76.
Geneva College, 281, 282, 283.
George II., 3.
George III., 380.
Gerrish, A., 387.
Gifford, A., 14, 71.
Gilbert, Samuel, 50.
Gilbert, Sylvester, 400.
Gillett, E., 397.
Gilman, Joseph, 260.
Gilman, Josiah, 262.
Gilman, N., 262.
Gilman, P., 22, 51.
Gilman, T., 120.
Gilmanton Theological Seminary, 311, 314.
Gladstone, 193, 206.
Goddard, C., 400.
Godding, W. W., 406.
Gooch, D. W., 400.
Goodell, W., 397.
Goodhue, A. B., 403.
Goodrich, C. B., 401.
Goodwin, I., 303.
Goodwin, J. N., 400.
Goodwin S. T., 303.
Gookin, N., 17, 18.
Gorham, 271.
Grant, U. S., 407.
Graves, M., 20.
Graves, R., 343, 402.
Gray, S., 59.
Greeley, A., 120.
Greenleaf, B., 404, 405.
Gregg, J., 330, 336, 337, 403.
Grennell, G., 400.
Griffith, R., 78.
Grimes, J. W., 400.
Griswold, 280.
Grosvenor, C. P., 403.
Grover, J., 57.
Gurley, E., 57.
Haddock, A. W., 248.
Haddock, C. B., 117, 120, 140, 241, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 269, 329, 401, 405.
Haddock, W. T., 248.
Hadley, J., 403, 406.
Hagar, 287.
Hale, B., 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 345.
Hale, T., 276.
Halifax, Lord, 41.
Hall, F., 337, 392, 403.
Hamilton College, 73, 119, 120, 186.
Hampden Sidney College, 402.
Handel Society, 318.
Hanover, Press in, 163.
Hardy, 14.
Hardy, C., 39.
Harris, W., 397.
Hartford Theological Seminary, 397.
Harvard College, 15, 48, 50, 73, 250, 263, 271, 272, 275, 316, 381, 386, 389, 390, 392, 393, 402.
Harvey, M., 189, 400.
Harwood, T., 12.
Haskell, F. A., 407.
Haven, N. A., 100.
Haven, S., 17, 18, 20.
Hayes, F. B., 368.
Hayes, J. L., 405.
Hayes, J. M., 403.
Hayes, W. A., 338, 406.
Hazen, H. A., 167, 405.
Heath, R. R., 401.
Hebron, 8, 12, 20, 31.
Henry, C. S., 403, 404.
Hibbard, A., 57.
Hibbard, H., 400.
Hill, I., 142.
Hinckley, O. S., 337, 403.
Hitchcock, C. H., 337.
Hitchcock, H. O., 406.
Hobart College, 282.
Hoit, 354.
Hoit, B., 354.
Hollenbush, C. G., 407.
Holmes, J., 113.
Holmes, O. W., 345, 366.
Holyoke, 266.
Hood, J. E., 165, 166, 167.
Hooker, T., 7, 75.
Hopkins, E., 407.
Hopkins, S., 405.
Hopkinson, J., 113.
Hovey, A., 398, 405.
Hovey, C. E., 404.
Hovey, E. O., 403.
How, L. B., 345, 366.
Howard, 382.
Howard, T., 12.
Howe, 350.
Howe, G., 140, 336.
Hubbard, H., 400.
Hubbard, H. J., 225.
Hubbard, J., 225, 226, 228, 241, 401, 404.
Hubbard, O. P., 336, 345, 366, 378.
Hubbard, S., 393.
Hubbard, W., 263.
Hudnut, J. O., 403.
Hulbert, C. B., 402.
Hunt, J., 400.
Huntington, C., 7.
Huntington, D., 57.
Huntington Family Memoir, 7.
Huntington, J., 76.
Huntington, M., 7.
Huntington, R., 7.
Hurd, S., 403.
Hutchins, A. E., 407.
Hutchinson, 220.
Hyde, A., 397, 402.
Illinois College, 403.
Jackson, L., 230, 231.
Jackson, W., 397, 402.
Jacob, S., 394.
Jaffrey, G., 51.
James, 350.
Jarvis, R., 405.
Jefferson Medical College, 366.
Jefferson, T., 101.
Jewett, D., 20.
Jewett, L., 400.
Jewett, M. P., 403.
Johnson, D., 71.
Johnson, O., 316, 338, 404.
Johnson, Sir W., 29, 30, 219.
Joy, J. F., 402, 407.
Jubilee College, 402.
Judson, 222.
Keen, R., 39, 42, 70, 222.
Kelly, J., 370.
Kendall, A., 401, 402.
Kendall, T., 57.
Kendrick, J., 403.
Kendrick, M. T., 362.
Kendrick, S., 362.
Kent, G., 186.
Kenyon College, 402.
Kimball, G., 406.
Kimball, R., 255.
Kimball, R. B., 186, 405.
King, C., 278.
King, M. C., 278.
Kingman, Jeremiah, 392.
Kingman, Joseph, 290.
Kingman, M., 290.
Kirkland, J. T., 73.
Kirkland, S., 72, 73.
Kirkland, D., 20.
Kirkland, S., 55.
Kittredge, G. W., 387.
Knapp, S. L., 405.
Knox, 65.
Labaree, B., 402.
Laennec, 361.
Lancaster, D., 257, 260, 309, 312.
Landaff, 36, 70, 81, 83, 116.
Lang, R., 255.
Lang, S. S., 255.
Langdon, S., 17, 18, 20, 43, 65.
Lansing, A. J., 35.
Lawrence, A., 392.
Lebanon, Conn., 6, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 18, 25, 31, 35, 43, 53, 59, 71, 76, 220, 223.
Ledyard, 45.
Leeds, S. P., 324.
Library, Origin of, 70.
Lincoln, A., 202.
Lincoln, N. S., 403, 406.
Little, A., 276.
Little, E., 20.
Little, J., 276.
Little, M., 276.
Lockwood, J., 52.
Long, C., 228, 316, 329, 330, 331, 336, 404.
Long Island Medical College, 366.
Long, M. C., 329.
Long, S., 329.
Lord, E. K. L., 176.
Lord, J., 168, 405.
Lord, J. K., 337, 397.
Lord, M. P., 168.
Lord, N., 131, 143, 157, 167, 168, 169, 170, 175, 176, 256, 293, 298, 306, 308, 329, 331, 369, 391, 408.
Lothian, Marquis of, 14.
Lothrop, E., 20.
Louis, 347, 361.
Lowe, A. T., 348.
Lundy's Lane, 407.
Luzerne, Chevalier de, 77.
Lyman, J., 188.
Lyman, J. S., 400.
Lyman, P., 41.
Lyon, A., 400.
Macclion, 78.
Mack, A., 337, 404.
Malgaigne, 361.
Mann, T., 165.
March, C., 22.
Marsh, 9.
Marsh, C., 90, 96, 107, 392, 400.
Marsh, G. P., 400, 401, 405.
Marsh, J., 287, 337, 402, 404.
Marsh, L., 403.
Marshall, J., 113, 122, 189, 195.
Marston, G., 400.
Mason, 9.
Mason, D., 217.
Mason, J., 96, 114, 124, 125, 392, 400.
Mason, S., 217.
Mather, A., 37.
Mattoon, E., 400, 407.
Mayhew, 1.
McClure, D., 8, 58, 65, 221.
McDowell, E., 359.
McFarland, A., 105, 106, 107, 337, 394, 397.
McIntire, R., 400.
McKeen, J., 169, 402.
Meadville Theological Seminary, 136.
Medfield, 6.
Mendon, 6.
Merrill, T. A., 337, 397, 402.
Merton College, 203.
Metcalf, K., 403.
Metcalf, R., 401.
Miami Medical College, 351.
Michie, P. S., 378.
Michigan, University of, 366.
Middlebury College, 133, 241, 351, 402.
Miller, 407.
Miller, O., 401.
Mills, C., 403.
Milton, J., 6.
Minot, B., 241.
Monthly Anthology, 223.
Moody, J., 17, 20.
Moody, M. J., 357.
Moody, Samuel, 211, 214.
Moody, Stephen, 357.
Moore, J., 244.
Moore, M. S., 244.
Moore, Z. S., 90, 241, 244, 246, 247, 248, 256, 402.
More, J., 6, 12, 13, 40.
Morland, W. W., 405.
Morris, G., 40.
Morris, G. S., 403.
Morrison, N. J., 403.
Morse, 6.
Morse, H. B., 306.
Morse, S. F. B., 273, 274, 275.
Morton, 304.
Moseley, S., 12, 20.
Murch, E., 403.
Murch, J., 54.
Mussey, J., 349.
Mussey, R. D., 127, 266, 267, 272, 278, 339, 343, 344, 345, 349, 350, 351, 352, 353, 354, 356, 406.
Narragansett Fort, 13.
Nason, B., 387.
Nelson, Jeremiah, 400.
Nelson, John, 308, 309.
New Jersey, College of, 13, 23.
Newman, M., 404.
Newton, I., 58.
New York Medical College, 358.
New York, University of, 273, 366.
Nicholl, Sir C. G., 380.
Nicholl, F. C., 380.
Niebuhr, 199, 206, 207.
Niles, J. B., 403.
Niles, N., 89, 394.
Norris, M., 400.
Northern Academy, Formation of Society of, 161, 311.
Norton, J., 6, 20.
Noyes, D. J., 336.
Noyes, E. F., 401.
Noyes, John, 337, 400.
Noyes, Josiah, 337, 403, 406.
Nutting, W., 404.
Oakes, V. B., 407.
Occom, S., 12, 13, 14, 23, 26, 27, 42.
Odlin, W., 17.
Ohio, Medical College of, 268, 351.
Olcott, B., 89.
Olcott, Mills, 393.
Oliver, B. L., 265, 266.
Oliver, D., 87, 256, 263, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 272, 278, 279, 281, 345, 350.
Oliver, F. E., 405.
Oliver, H. K., 258.
Oliver, T., 263.
Oliver, T. F., 263.
Orange, Prince of, 78.
Orcutt, H., 404.
Ordronaux, J., 403, 406.
Orr, B., 400.
Osgood, 350.
Osgood, H., 350.
Pacific University, 403.
Packard, 277.
Packard, T., 397.
Packard, W. A., 337.
Paine, E., 105, 118, 392.
Palermo, Academy of, 270.
Palfrey, J. C., 378.
Palmer, B. R., 406.
Pancoast, 366.
Parish, E., 8, 225.
Park, J., 404, 405.
Parker, E., 162, 369, 384, 393.
Parker, E. H., 405.
Parker, H. E., 337, 365.
Parker, I., 162.
Parker, I. A., 403.
Parker, J., 162, 369, 370, 384, 385, 386, 394, 400.
Parker, W., 46.
Parkhurst, J. L., 287.
Parks, B., 404.
Parris, A. K., 189, 400.
Parsons, S., 18.
Parsons, U., 345, 366.
Patten, W., 10, 217.
Patterson, J. W., 186, 328, 336, 371, 400.
Payson, E., 241.
Payson, M. P., 393.
Payson, S., 394.
Peabody, D., 298, 304, 306, 307, 308, 330, 331.
Peabody, J., 304.
Peabody, L. B., 304.
Peabody, S., 310.
Peaslee, C. H., 400.
Peaslee, E. R., 339, 345, 358, 359, 360, 361, 362, 405, 406.
Peck, 365.
Pendexter, E., 329.
Pendexter, M. A., 329.
Pennsylvania, University of, 266, 268, 350.
Perkins, A. C., 404.
Perkins, C., 272, 343, 344, 404, 406.
Perley, I., 186, 337, 401.
Perry, J., 338.
Peters, A., 405, 407.
Phelps, A., 45, 46.
Phelps, E. E., 345, 366.
Philbrick, J. D., 404.
Phillips, J., 71, 81, 392.
Philotechnic Society, Formation of, 182.
Physic, 266, 350, 360.
Physicians and Surgeons, College of, 273, 364.
Pickering, J., 267.
Pierce, D., 51.
Pierce, P., 404.
Pike, J., 16, 17, 18.
Pinneo, B., 397.
Pinneo, J., 31, 34.
Pitkin, T., 52.
Pitkin, W., 52.
Plumer, W., 100, 101.
Pomeroy, B., 6, 12, 20, 30, 50, 51.
Poor, D., 397.
Pope, A., 235.
Pope, J., 235.
Porter, 222.
Porter, A. L., 406.
Porter, E., 132, 396, 405.
Portsmouth, Annals of, 15.
Potter, 222.
Powers, P., 20.
Preble, W. P., 265.
Prentiss, S., 394.
Prescott, B. F., 401.
Preston, J., 228.
Preston, R., 226.
Price, 79.
Prince, 53.
Proctor, J. C., 337.
Pulling, E., 267.
Pulling, M. R., 267.
Pumpshire, J., 12.
Punchard, G., 136, 405.
Putnam, A. B. F., 316.
Putnam, D., 403.
Putnam, I. W., 393.
Putnam, J. N., 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 326.
Putnam, S., 316.
Pynchon, W., 263.
Quimby, E. T., 337, 375.
Quimby, G. W., 407.
Quimby, J. H., 403.
Quint, A. H., 405.
Rand, A., 405.
Rawden, Lord, 79.
Redfield, I. F., 401, 405.
Redfield, T. P., 401.
Reed, E. C., 400.
Reed Hall, Erection of, 161.
Reed, W., 388, 394.
Rice, J. H., 304.
Richards, C. S., 404.
Richards, J. D. F., 403.
Richardson, D. F., 403.
Richardson, J., 400.
Richardson, W. M., 113.
Ripley, E. W., 401, 407.
Ripley, J., 217.
Ripley, S., 76, 211, 217, 218, 219, 220, 222, 233.
Roberts, J., 39.
Robinson, J., 271.
Roby, J., 345, 366.
Rockwell, A., 336.
Rockwell, R. E., 336.
Roffey, S., 39.
Rogers, J., 18, 22.
Rogers, L., 263.
Rogers, N. P., 405.
Root, E., 400.
Roots, P. P., 397.
Rose, 78.
Rosetter, A., 20.
Rosetter, E., 20.
Ruggles, E. R., 367, 371.
Rush, B., 266, 350, 353, 354.
Rush Medical College, 362.
Ruter, M., 120.
Salter, R., 20.
Sanborn, E. D., 163, 336, 405.
Sanborn, J. S., 401.
Sandys, Sir E., 2, 3.
Sargent, J. E., 401.
Savage, S., 14, 39, 70.
Sawyer, 211.
Sawyer, A. W., 403.
Schuyler, P., 31.
Scott, C. W., 70.
Scott, T., 381.
Scott, W., 407.
Scribner, J. W., 404.
Sedgwick, 365.
Sergeant, J., 4, 5, 11.
Sewall, M., 350.
Shattuck, B., 389.
Shattuck, G. C., 162, 389, 406.
Shattuck, W., 389.
Shaw, 393.
Shaw, L. S., 407.
Shepard, M., 397.
Shepard, T., 6.
Shepherd, F., 403.
Shepley, E., 401.
Shepley, G. F., 401.
Sherburne, H., 22.
Sherburne, J. S., 401, 407.
Sherman, W. T., 186, 189, 407.
Shillaber, B. P., 165.
Shirley, J., 258.
Shropshire, 6.
Shurtleff, A. P., 134.
Shurtleff, H. C., 228.
Shurtleff, R., 89, 90, 112, 133, 135, 140, 162, 213, 225, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 336.
Shurtleff, W., 228.
Silliman's Journal, 272.
Simmons, G. A., 401.
Sinclair, J. E., 404.
Sketches of the History of Dartmouth College and Moor's Charity School, 76, 90, 94, 95, 96.
Smalley, 9.
Smalley, J., 52, 73.
Smith, A., 339, 345, 362, 363.
Smith, A. D., 135, 136, 177, 182, 189, 377, 390, 408.
Smith, C. J., 24.
Smith, E., 397.
Smith, E. P., 211.
Smith, Jeremiah, 114.
Smith, Jesse, 406.
Smith, John, 27, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 223, 233, 397.
Smith, Joseph, 211.
Smith, L. A., 406.
Smith, M. G., 366.
Smith, N., 339, 340, 341, 342, 344, 345, 346, 347, 348, 349, 350.
Smith, N. R., 348.
Smith, S. A. A., 189.
Smith, W., 40, 41, 42.
Smith, W. R., 366.
Smythe, S. S., 39.
Snell, T., 246.
Social Friends, Formation of Society of, 85.
Souther, S., 407.
Spaulding, L., 397.
Spear, C., 163, 164.
Spooner, A., 167.
Spooner, J. P., 167.
Spotswood, 78.
Sprague's Annals, 72, 117, 211, 244, 303, 309, 398.
Sprague, P., 401.
Sprague, Z., 222.
Spring, 277.
Stacey, 67.
Standish, M., 8.
Stanley, R. C., 403.
Stanwix Fort, 37.
Stark, J., 76.
St. Clair, 166.
Stearns, F., 363.
Steele, B. H., 401.
Stevens, G., 286.
Stevens, S., 30.
Stevens, T., 398.
Stiles, E., 58, 88.
St. Mary's College, 268.
Stone, 365.
Stone, S., 6.
Storrs, J., 53.
Storrs, S., 53.
Story, D., 397, 404.
Story, J., 195, 264, 265, 385, 386.
Stoughton, E. W., 392.
Stowe, C. E., 10, 243, 283, 336.
Straghn, 78.
Strong, Joanna, 313.
Strong, Jonathan, 313, 397.
Strong, N., 58.
Sturtevant, J. M., 402.
Suhm, C., 99.
Sullivan, 80, 114.
Sullivan, G., 394.
Sumner, C., 385.
Swift, Dean, 3.
Taggart, S., 401.
Tarbell, 67.
Taylor, S. H., 186, 337, 404.
Taylor, T., 218.
Temple, D., 397.
Tenney, C. J., 397.
Tenney, S., 284.
Thayer, S., 182, 376, 377, 383, 384, 407.
Thayer, T., 316, 324.
Thomas, 360.
Thomas, I., 140.
Thompson, C. O., 404.
Thompson, J., 352.
Thompson, T. W., 105, 106, 107, 394.
Thornton Hall, Erection of, 256.
Thornton, J., 39, 78, 381.
Throop, B., 20.
Thurston, 165.
Ticknor, 9.
Ticknor, E., 338, 404.
Ticknor, G., 402, 405.
Tisdale, 9.
Tisdale, N., 60.
Torrey, J., 249, 253, 402, 405.
Townsend, L. T., 398, 405.
Tracy, C., 403.
Tracy, E. C., 337, 405.
Tracy, J., 405.
Treat, 1.
Trumbull, 9.
Trumbull, B., 9, 73, 337.
Tuck, A., 170, 171, 172, 401.
Twitchell, A., 362, 406.
Tyler, B., 126, 132, 133, 134, 135, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 168, 254, 260, 393, 395, 408.
Tyler, E. S., 142.
Tyler, J. E., 133, 135, 136, 406.
Tyler, W. S., 402.
Uncas, I., 13.
Union Theological Seminary, 304.
United Fraternity, Formation of Society of, 85.
Upham, J. B., 186, 405.
Upham, T. C., 402, 404.
Varney, J. R., 337.
Velpeau, 361.
Vergennes, Count de, 77.
Vermont Medical College, 362.
Vermont, University of, 366, 393, 402.
Vindication by Trustees, 94.
Virginia, Stith's History of, 2.
Virginia, University of, 273.
Vose, J., 117, 404.
Wabash College, 403.
Wainwright, 275.
Waldron, E. Q. S., 403.
Waldron, T. W., 22.
Walker, C. A., 406.
Walker, J., 384.
Washburn, P. T., 401.
Washington, G., 77, 122, 354, 392.
Weare, M., 22.
Webber, M., 272.
Webber, S., 272.
Webster, D., 113, 114, 124, 163, 164, 185, 189, 202, 248, 254, 258, 386, 393, 397, 398, 399, 400, 401.
Webster, Ebenezer, 80.
Webster, Ezekiel, 138, 248, 393, 400.
Webster, Josiah, 310.
Webster, J. C., 403.
Webster, J. D., 407.
Wellman, M., 13.
Wentworth, B., 16, 22, 29.
Wentworth Hall, Erection of, 256.
Wentworth, I., 387.
Wentworth, J., 22, 28, 35, 38, 39, 42, 43, 45, 46, 47, 51, 63, 65, 70, 79, 81, 184, 211, 218, 380, 387, 392, 401.
Wentworth, M. H., 27.
Wentworth, P., 78.
Wentworth, T., 387, 388.
West, D., 39.
Western Reserve College, 330, 331.
Weston, N., 189, 401.
West Point Military Academy, 273, 378, 383, 407.
West Point Military Academy, Boynton's History of, 383.
Wheeler, J., 393, 402.
Wheelock, 222.
Wheelock, A., 220.
Wheelock, E., 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 35, 36, 37, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 47, 49, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 65, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 83, 115, 116, 209, 212, 217, 219, 220, 224, 395, 408.
Wheelock, J., 76, 77, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 88, 89, 94, 96, 97, 99, 100, 116, 118, 214, 233, 392, 408.
Wheelock, M., 224.
Wheelock, Memoirs of, 8, 10, 68, 84, 214, 219, 223.
Wheelock, M. B., 71.
Wheelock, M. S., 79, 99.
Wheelock, Ralph, 6, 7, 35, 337.
Wheelock, Rebecca, 6.
Wheelock, S. D. M., 71.
Wheelock, Vt., 80.
Whitaker, N., 20, 23, 26, 27, 35, 42, 45, 221.
White, C., 403.
White, D. A., 100.
White, J. H., 387.
White, P., 401.
White, S., 20.
White, W., 337.
Whitefield, G., 25, 26, 27, 30, 56, 222.
Whitehouse, B., 392.
Whiting, 36.
Whiting, S., 8.
Wight, J., 20.
Wilberforce, W., 381.
Wilcox, L., 401.
Wilde, S. S., 400.
Wilderness, 407.
Willard, 30.
Willard, C. W., 401.
Willard, J. D., 337, 392.
Willey, S. H., 403.
William and Mary's College, 3.
Williams College, 120, 245, 247, 311, 402.
Williams, E., 4, 8, 12, 40.
Williams, H., 401.
Williams, J., 67.
Williams, S., 60.
Williams, S. W., 345, 366.
Wilson, W., 401.
Windham, 7, 8, 12, 13, 20, 31.
Wines, A., 397.
Winthrop, 263.
Wirt, W., 113.
Wistar, 266, 350.
Wood, A., 405.
Wood, H., 337, 405.
Wood, S., 397.
Woodbridge, T., 35.
Woodbury, B., 397.
Woodbury, L., 398.
Woodhouse, 350.
Woodman, A. H. C., 326.
Woodman, J. S., 316, 326, 327, 328, 329, 371.
Woodman, N., 326.
Woods, A. S., 401.
Woods, L., 135.
Woodward, B., 58, 80, 211, 220, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226.
Woodward, D., 53.
Woodward, H., 220.
Woodward, I., 31, 34, 220.
Woodward, M. S., 220.
Woodward, W. G., 401.
Woodward, W. H., 112, 114.
Woolley, J., 12, 13.
Worcester, E., 337.
Worcester, N., 406.
Worcester, S., 233, 310, 396.
Wright, A. H., 397.
Wright, J., 37, 53, 54.
Wright, N., 53.
Wyllis, 45.
Wyllis, G., 42.
Yale College, 4, 8, 12, 41, 48, 50, 58, 59, 88, 220, 223, 250, 349, 358, 371.
Young, C. A., 337.
Young, C. K., 255.
Young, I., 276, 290, 291, 293, 294, 295, 296, 298, 329, 330.
Young, J. K., 387.
Young, R. B., 290.
Young, S., 290.
Page 22, for Mishech, read Meshech.
" 53, for relation, read relative.
" 60, for Simeon, read Simon.
" 65, for M'Clare, read M'Clure.
" 136, for Meadville College, read Meadville Theological Seminary.
" 182, for Alphaeus, read Alpheus.
" 222, for consideratio, read consideratis.
" 241, for nineteen, read fifteen.
" 303, for Furbur, read Farber.
" 349, for Elizabeth, read Elisabeth.
" 420, for Brompton, read Brampton.
" 420, for Calumpton, read Columpton.
" 439, for Bultell, read Bulteel.
Transcriber's Notes:
The caret character (^) indicates a superscript.
There is one instance of m which indicates a bar over the m in the original.
The footnote on page 84 does not have an anchor in the text. I have guessed the correct placement is after 'fundamental rules of Arithmetic.'
The footnote on page 167 does not have an anchor in the text. I have guessed the correct placement is after 'were printed by them at about the same period.'
On page 14, it is unclear what the fraction is, but the bottom number is clearly 4, so I have guessed at 1/4. "L66 17s. 7-1/4d., lawful money."
Inconsistencies in the spelling of names in the Appendix, misspelled words within quoted material (i.e. neccessary), and inconsistencies in hyphenated words have all been retained.
Inconsistencies between spelling in the text and in the Index have been normalized. For instance, Delancey was changed to De Lancey.