Not a few have been "bright and shining lights" in the church. Of Jesse Appleton, Rev. Dr. Anderson says: "I have been placed in circumstances to see much of not a few great men in the Church of Christ, but I have been conversant with only a few, a very few, whose attributes of power seemed to me quite equal to his. The clearness of his conceptions was almost angelic. If I am fitted to do any good in the world, I owe what intellectual adaptation I have very much to his admirable training, especially as he took us through his favorite Butler."
Few American divines have had a wider or more varied sphere of influence than Dr. Appleton's classmate, Ebenezer Porter, a pioneer in sacred Rhetoric, one of the originators of the American Tract Society, the most prominent of the founders of the American Education Society, which he adopted as his child and heir, the beloved and honored first president of the oldest Theological Seminary in the United States.
Of Samuel Worcester, the distinguished opponent of Channing, we have the following valuable record: "When the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions was formed, his labors as the Corresponding Secretary, with the whole system now in operation for the conduct of missions abroad, required the same processes of original evolution and determination of principles and rules, as so signally characterized the formation of our Federal government. Here was displayed his peculiar, if we may not say his transcendent, power among his eminent associates. The great value of 'the Constitution of the Board, as a working instrument,' 'the nicely adjusted relations of the voluntary and ecclesiastical principles,' the 'origination of what is peculiarly excellent in the Annual Reports, and also in the Instructions to Missionaries,' and the 'American idea' of 'organizing the missions as self-governing communities,' are justly ascribed to him by the present senior Secretary, [Dr. Anderson] as conclusive witness of his extraordinary 'sagacity' and of his being far 'in advance of the age.'"
Philander Chase could found parish and diocese and seminary with equal facility, performing a work for the Episcopal Church in America unrivaled by that of any contemporary.
Nor should we overlook such names as Asa Burton, teacher of teachers in theology, who could successfully measure swords with Emmons; Samuel Wood, whose impress never left the mind of Webster; Daniel Story, a pioneer of Marietta; Mase Shepard, Jonathan Strong, Walter Harris, Ethan Smith, Alvan Hyde, William Jackson, Rufus Anderson, the honored father of a not less honored son; John Fiske, Abijah Wines, Eliphalet Gillett, whose home missionary zeal in Maine made a lasting impression upon the rising state; Kiah Bailey, who first effectually moved the springs which gave to the same State the Bangor Theological Seminary; John Smith, an earnest and honored teacher in that Seminary; Theophilus Packard, whose pupils have performed honorable service for the Master in both hemispheres; Peter P. Roots, Bezaleel Pinneo, Asa McFarland, Caleb Jewett Tenney, a leading founder of the East Windsor (now Hartford) Theological Seminary; Thomas A. Merrill, Abraham Burnham, George T. Chapman, John Brown, Daniel Poor, the pioneer in Christian learning in Ceylon and Madura; Austin Dickinson, to whom the world is under large obligations for a higher type of periodical literature; Levi Spaulding, the worthy coadjutor of Poor; Nathan W. Fiske, Daniel Temple, who carried the first missionary printing-press to Western Asia, and made for classic lands a Christian literature; William Goodell, the leading founder of two flourishing Christian missions on heathen soil, and the translator of the whole Bible into the Armeno-Turkish language; Ephraim W. Clark, John S. Emerson, and Austin H. Wright, of similar spirit; Benjamin Woodbury, Aaron Foster, a leading founder of the American Home Missionary Society, and John K. Lord, whose early death in the Queen City of the West, was as the falling of "a standard-bearer."
To these we might add many eminent living heralds of the cross, and a Hovey and a Townsend in leading Theological Seminaries. We cannot more fitly close on this head than by remarking that of the last forty-four subjects in the second volume of Sprague's invaluable "Annals of the Pulpit," eleven were Dartmouth alumni, while all the others, save eight, numbered her alumni among their teachers.
Dartmouth has an honorable record in the various departments of Law and in statesmanship. Most naturally we dwell upon the name of Daniel Webster, towering in strength and grandeur, like the mountain beside which he was born, amid the surrounding granite, who left the impress of his genius upon the jurisprudence of his native State, upon the Constitution of his adopted State, and upon nearly every conspicuous page of America's civil or political history for half a century; who loved Plymouth Rock and Bunker Hill with an undying affection, dwelling alternately beside the one or the other; who cherished as the apple of his eye his Alma Mater and the nation for whose service she had prepared him; who in early life and middle life and old age advocated the universal brotherhood of man, whether pleading in behalf of the oppressed African, or the oppressed Greek, or the oppressed Hungarian; who gave all his sympathy and all his influence in aid of every pursuit, enterprise, and institution which could ennoble the human race; who made all other human law pay homage to the Constitution of his country, and all human law to the Divine Revelation; who gave to Dartmouth a more enduring fame throughout America, and to America a more enduring fame over the whole earth: of Levi Woodbury, who as Governor of his native State clearly comprehended and carefully regarded its various interests; as a Senator commanded the profound respect of the National Legislature; as a Cabinet minister, inaugurated "a series of reforms which pervaded the whole department, and penetrated to every branch of the service," and who upon the Supreme Bench of the United States gave judicial opinions which are "monuments of patient research, ripe, and rarely erring judgment, enlarged and liberal views, and eminent attainments:" of Thaddeus Stevens, of whom his biographer says: "Thoroughly radical in all his views, hating slavery with all the intensity of his nature, believing it just, right, and expedient, not only to emancipate the negro but to arm him and make him a soldier, and afterward to make him a citizen, and give him the ballot, he led off in all measures for effecting these ends. The Emancipation Proclamation was urged upon the President by him, on all grounds of right, justice, and expediency; the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution was initiated and pressed by him:" of Rufus Choate, who combined in more majestic and graceful proportions than any other American lawyer, the ripe scholar and the successful advocate; who with the beauty and power of his language could captivate a jury, a popular audience, or the American Congress with equal facility; who gave to English literature some of its most brilliant gems, and who in his immortal eulogy upon Webster, in the opinion of competent judges, gave to the world one of the most finished and impressive examples of elegiac eloquence to which it has listened since the days of Pericles: and of Salmon P. Chase, who, when our government needed, gave to it the "sinews of war," and in the eloquent language of Evarts, "Whether by interposing his strong arm to save Mr. Birney from the fury of a mob; or by his bold and constant maintenance in the courts of the cause of fugitive slaves, in the face of the resentments of the public opinion of the day; or by his fearless desertion of all reigning politics to lead a feeble band of protestants through the wilderness of anti-slavery wanderings, its pillar of cloud by day, its pillar of fire by night; or, as Governor of Ohio, facing the intimidations of the Slave States, backed by Federal power and a storm of popular passion; or in consolidating the triumphant politics on the urgent issue which was to flame out into rebellion and revolt; or in his serene predominance, during the trial of the President, over the rage of party hate which brought into peril the co-ordination of the great departments of government, and threatened its whole frame,—in all these marked instances of public duty, as in the simple routine of his ordinary conduct, Mr. Chase asked but one question to determine his course of action,—'Is it right?'"
Nor should we forget others who have left a lasting impression upon the jurisprudence of New England, and indeed our whole country. Among them Samuel S. Wilde, who had few peers as an advocate in Maine, or as a judge in Massachusetts; Ezekiel Webster, who as lawyer and statesman left a monument in New Hampshire which shall never crumble; Richard Fletcher, "whose legal acumen, clear, distinct, and precise statement, closely reasoned argument, and conscientious mastery of his subject, adorned the bench no less than the bar;" Joseph Bell, who as advocate and legislator, in ability as in station, towered above most of his associates; Ichabod Bartlett, "the Randolph of the North," who could measure swords with Mason or Webster or Clay, without either shield or shame; and Joel Parker, who honored alike the bar, the bench, and the lecture-room.
As members of one branch or the other of our National Legislature, we record other honored names in alphabetical order:
Samuel C. Allen, who voted alone in his place in Congress, in favor of suffrage without regard to color. Helium Allen, Lemuel H. Arnold, Samuel Bell, Samuel N. Bell, Silas Betton, Abijah Bigelow, John Blanchard, Daniel Breck, Elijah Brigham, David Brunson, Joseph Buffum, Dudley Chase, Daniel Chipman, Martin Chittenden, Daniel Clark, in every public position a leading spirit, Judah Dana, Samuel Dinsmoor, Daniel M. Durell, Ira A. Eastman, Thomas M. Edwards, Walbridge A. Field, Benjamin F. Flanders, Isaac Fletcher, George G. Fogg, Sylvester Gilbert, Calvin Goddard, Daniel W. Gooch, John N. Goodwin, George Grennell, James W. Grimes, pioneer statesman of the far West, Matthew Harvey, Henry Hibbard, Henry Hubbard, a man of rare abilities and influence, Jonathan Hunt, Luther Jewett, Joseph S. Lyman, Asa Lyon, Rufus McIntire, Charles Marsh, George P. Marsh, the honored son of an honored father, Gilman Marston, Ebenezer Mattoon, Jeremiah Nelson, Moses Norris, John Noyes, Benjamin Orr, Albion K. Parris, James W. Patterson, whose eminent abilities and elaborate culture have placed him in the foremost rank of the present generation of New England statesmen, Charles H. Peaslee, Edward C. Reed, Erastus Root, Joseph Richardson, Eleazer W. Ripley, equally fearless as a soldier and a statesman, Ether Shepley, alike conspicuous for mental and moral powers, John S. Sherburne, George A. Simmons, who by his own efforts attained rare eminence, Peleg Sprague, Samuel Taggart, Amos Tuck, a pioneer in philanthropic politics, John Wentworth, who in large measure maintains the reputation of an ancient and honored family, Phineas White, Leonard Wilcox, Charles W. Willard, Hezekiah Williams, and William Wilson. To which should be added the names of James C. Alvord and Sylvanus Backus, who were elected to Congress, but did not live to take their seats.
When Daniel Webster entered the American Senate, five of its twelve New England representatives were Dartmouth alumni. Their labors in Congress form a part of the history of every Administration of our National government.
Amos Kendall, beside large usefulness, in other spheres, was an honored Cabinet Minister.
Amos T. Akerman has been similarly honored, as Attorney General of the United States.
The names of Charles B. Haddock, George P. Marsh, George G. Fogg, and Edward F. Noyes, deserve honorable mention in connection with public service abroad.
The names of Samuel Dinsmoor, the younger, John Hubbard, Ralph Metcalf, Peter T. Washburn, Nelson Dingley, and Benjamin F. Prescott should be noticed, as State Governors, in addition to several who have added this honor to others, of which we have already made mention.
In Judicial life many names attract our notice beside those, which have been mentioned in other connections; among them Nicholas Baylies, Nicholas Emery, Nathan Weston, Ira Perley, Jonas Cutting, Benjamin W. Bonney, Isaac F. Redfield, Robert R. Heath, Andrew S. Woods, William H. Bartlett, John S. Sanborn, and Benjamin H. Steele, of the deceased, and William G. Woodward, Timothy P. Redfield, George F. Shepley, James Barrett, Jason Downer, Jonathan E. Sargent, Lincoln F. Brigham, Oliver Miller, and Charles Doe, among the living. Nor should we forget that of living members of the American Bar few names have been honored more in the East than that of Charles B. Goodrich, and few names have been honored more in the West than that of James F. Joy.
Dartmouth has contributed largely to American Education.
Bowdoin's first two presidents were Joseph McKeen and Jesse Appleton.
Thomas C. Upham was one of its honored Faculty for more than forty years.
Oren B. Cheney was a leading founder of Bates College, in later years.
James Marsh, John Wheeler, and Joseph Torrey were successively presidents of Vermont University, and each left upon it a most valuable and durable impression.
William Jackson and Thomas A. Merrill inscribed their names indelibly upon the foundations of Middlebury College, which numbers Benjamin Labaree and Calvin B. Hulbert among its honored presidents.
Zephaniah S. Moore, as president of Williams College, gave to it the fruits of his valuable experience at Dartmouth, and materially enhanced its usefulness; nor should we omit the name of its earnest friend and guardian, Alvan Hyde.
In naming the leading founders of Amherst College, Professor Tyler does not hesitate to place first, Rufus Graves, and next, Samuel F. Dickinson. The value of Dr. Moore's services as first president has been referred to in a previous chapter.
A record of its obligations to Professor Nathan Welby Fiske is a material part of its history.
The biographer of George Ticknor says no one contributed more than he toward the impulse which has resulted in Harvard's progress during the last half century.
Amos Kendall was the honored founder of the College for Deaf Mutes at Washington.
John M. Sturtevant has an honored place in the history of education for the Blind in the South.
Jonathan P. Cushing resuscitated Hampden Sydney College when life was nearly extinct, and made it again "a power in the land."
Philander Chase, in founding Kenyon and Jubilee Colleges, gave to the Episcopalians of the West two of their leading literary institutions.
John M. Ellis founded Illinois College, which, with the influences that centered around it, in large measure "gave character" to the State.
Not less plainly did he write his name upon the foundations of Wabash College, and not less plainly have Charles White, Edmund D. Hovey, and Caleb Mills written their names upon the superstructure.
A proper estimate of the valuable labors of Joseph Estabrook, Stephen Foster, and George Cooke, successively presidents of the College of East Tennessee, can only be made by those who are familiar with the history of the institution.
Drury College, so admirably located, bears the impress of Nathan J. Morrison.
Beyond the Rocky Mountains, Samuel H. Willey and George H. Atkinson will ever be honored among the leading founders and guardians of the College of California, and the Pacific University.
No history of American education will be complete which does not portray the earnest and valuable labors, in numerous other collegiate institutions East, West, North, and South, of a long roll of Dartmouth alumni; among them, beside many others, already noticed, Joseph Dana, James Dean, Josiah Noyes, Frederick Hall, George T. Chapman, James Hadley, Rufus W. Bailey, Benjamin F. Farnsworth, George Bush, Cyrus P. Grosvenor, Oramel S. Hinckley, Samuel Hurd, Caleb S. Henry, John Kendrick, Charles D. Cleaveland, Leonard Marsh, Forrest Shepherd, Charles B. Dana, Nathaniel S. Folsom, Jarvis Gregg, Milo P. Jewett, Diarca H. Allen, Kendrick Metcalf, Jacob H. Quimby, John B. Niles, Daniel F. Richardson, Amos Brown, Calvin Tracy, John C. Webster, Edmund Q. S. Waldron, Augustus Everett, Erastus Everett, Jonas De F. Richards, Abner H. Brown, Henry L. Bullen, George P. Comings, David Dimond, Charles H. Churchill, Amos B. Goodhue, Joshua J. Blaisdell, Artemas W. Sawyer, Mark Bailey, Gideon Draper, Joseph O. Hudnut, Henry E. J. Boardman, Charles S. Farrar, Nathan S. Lincoln, John Ordronaux, John M. Hayes, Daniel Putnam, Martin H. Fisk, Isaac A. Parker, Ephraim March, William E. Barnard, Ambrose W. Clarke, Amos N. Currier, Richard C. Stanley, Albert S. Bickmore, George S. Morris, and John W. Scribner. It is hardly possible to overestimate the influence of these men in shaping the thought and life of our country.
If we turn to academies we find that Mark Newman, Osgood Johnson, and Samuel H. Taylor, especially the two latter, were largely instrumental in placing Phillips Academy, at Andover, at the head of such institutions in America. Few schools of the kind have a more brilliant record than Kimball Union Academy, and few American educators have acquired more permanent renown than Cyrus S. Richards.
The labors of Amos J. Cook at Fryeburg, of John Vose at Atkinson and Pembroke, of Andrew Mack at Gilmanton and Haverhill, of John Hubbard at New Ipswich, of Ezra Carter at Peacham, of Clement Long and William Nutting at Randolph, of James K. Colby at St. Johnsbury, of Ebenezer Adams at Leicester, of Proctor Pierce at Deerfield, of Caleb Butler at Groton, and Benjamin Greenleaf at Bradford, constitute a vital portion of the history of academic education in New England. Nor must we forget that such men as Albert C. Perkins, at Exeter, C. F. P. Bancroft, at Andover, and Homer T. Fuller, at St. Johnsbury, are still laboring in this important sphere, while Hiram Orcutt is performing valuable service in a somewhat similar sphere at West Lebanon. Worcester Free Institute is under large obligations to Charles O. Thompson and John E. Sinclair.
If we turn to the metropolis of New England we find that John D. Philbrick has made her schools and school-houses in their leading features models for a world, fit successor to Elisha Ticknor, the leading founder of her primary schools, and Caleb Bingham and John Park, who in large measure revolutionized female education in America.
Beaumont Parks taught successfully for forty years in Indiana and Illinois; Charles E. Hovey founded the Illinois Normal School—worthy followers of Daniel Story at Marietta, the pioneer professional teacher of the West.
John Eaton, as Commissioner of General Education, has stamped his name, indelibly, upon our country's history.
In Literature, Dartmouth has a worthy record.
In Philosophy, the names of James Marsh, Thomas C. Upham, and Caleb S. Henry, command universal respect.
In History, the names of George Ticknor, Joseph B. Felt, Joseph Tracy, George Punchard, Samuel Hopkins, John Lord, and Edwin D. Sanborn, will live as long as our language.
In Scientific popular literature, the names of Abel Curtis, who is believed to have given to America its first English Grammar in a separate and distinct form, of Caleb Bingham, who followed in his footsteps and enhanced the value of his work, of Daniel Adams, who gave to the world the invaluable Arithmetic, of Benjamin Greenleaf, whose mathematical works have added materially to the usefulness of his long and busy life, of Charles D. Cleaveland and Alphonso Wood, are stars of the first magnitude.
In Periodical literature, the names of John Park, David Everett, Thomas G. Fessenden, Asa Rand, Russell Jarvis, Absalom Peters, Nathaniel P. Rogers, Ebenezer C. Tracy, Amasa Converse, Henry Wood, Nathaniel S. Folsom, Alonzo H. Quint, and Henry A. Hazen, deserve especial notice.
In Polite literature, the names of Nathaniel H. Carter, Charles B. Haddock, Rufus Choate, George P. Marsh, Richard B. Kimball, and John B. Bouton, command universal admiration.
The writings of Samuel L. Knapp, Henry Bond, and Nathan Crosby are valuable contributions to American Biography.
In Professional and Classic literature, the alumni of Dartmouth have done a good work. We can only glance at leading names, many of which have been mentioned in their more appropriate places. Among them are Asa Burton, Jesse Appleton, Ebenezer Porter, Samuel C. Bartlett, Alvah Hovey, Luther T. Townsend, Isaac F. Redfield, Silas Durkee, Edmund R. Peaslee, W. W. Morland, F. E. Oliver, Jabez B. Upham, Edward H. Parker, Joseph Torrey, Nathan W. Fiske, George Bush, and Alpheus Crosby.
In Industrial literature, the names of Henry Colman and John L. Hayes will be honored so long as agriculture and manufactures shall have a prominent place among human pursuits.
In Medicine, a goodly proportion of her most eminent sons have given to Dartmouth their personal services as teachers; we have only to recall in this connection the honored names recorded in a preceding chapter,—Mussey, Perkins, Crosby, and Peaslee. But other names claim our notice. Amos Twitchell, by tireless industry and fidelity in his regular professional work, and his boldness and skill as an operative surgeon, gained a reputation equaled by few in New England, and extending to the Old World. The name of George C. Shattuck shines with equal lustre, as the benefactor of his Alma Mater, and the friend of suffering humanity in the metropolis of New England.
Luther V. Bell wrote his name as plainly upon the foundations of the McLean Asylum, at Somerville, as did his honored father, Samuel Bell, upon the jurisprudence of New Hampshire. The name of John E. Tyler is scarcely less conspicuous upon the superstructure.
New Jersey will never forget her obligations to Lyndon A. Smith for the earnest efforts which gave to that State a similar institution. Nor should we be silent in regard to the services of living men who are now conducting or prominently connected with similar institutions; among them, Jesse P. Bancroft, Clement A. Walker, John Ordronaux, Homer O. Hitchcock, William W. Godding, and John P. Brown.
As Medical lecturers, we cannot fail to notice other honored names; among them, Josiah Noyes, Joseph A. Gallup, James Hadley, Jesse Smith, Arthur L. Porter, Gilman Kimball, Benjamin R. Palmer, Noah Worcester, Abner Hartwell Brown, Nathan S. Lincoln, and Phineas S. Conner.
A reference to all the living medical alumni of Dartmouth, who are acting the part of useful practitioners or teachers, added to the above, would take us to nearly every leading medical institution, and nearly every family, in our broad land.
In Productive industry and the development of our national resources, the alumni of Dartmouth have an honorable place.
Eastern New England will never be unmindful of her obligations to William A. Hayes, for his successful efforts to introduce a better grade of wool than had ever before been produced in that region; nor will the country or the world forget their obligations to his honored classmate, Henry Colman, the American pioneer in scientific agriculture. The names of Thomas G. Fessenden and Amos Brown also deserve notice in this connection.
Petroleum, instead of being at the present time a leading American product, might have remained, in large measure, in its ancient bed, but for the skillful, persevering enterprise of George H. Bissell and Francis B. Brewer.
In Railroad enterprise, the names of Erastus Hopkins, Thomas M. Edwards, and Francis Cogswell, in the East, and James F. Joy, in the West, are "familiar as household words."
The sons of Dartmouth have performed honorable service in the field. More than a score were soldiers of the Revolution. Among them John S. Sherburne, who lost one of his limbs; Absalom Peters, whose efficient service in Vermont contributed largely to the protection of our Northern frontier; and Ebenezer Mattoon, who by forced marches with his gallant men furnished cannon which "told" at Saratoga.
In the War of 1812-1815 they acted well their part. Eleazer Wheelock Ripley, at Lundy's Lane, after General Scott had been disabled (with the aid of the gallant Miller), wrested victory from an almost triumphant foe, on the bloodiest field of the war.
In that War, too, Sylvanus Thayer gained a measure of the renown which has rendered the name of the most efficient founder of the Military Academy at West Point illustrious in both hemispheres.
In the late War one of the most valuable coadjutors of two of its leading captains—Grant and Sherman—was Joseph Dana Webster.
In letters of living light we write many other names, among them Charles and Daniel Foster—par nobile fratrum—Samuel Souther, Charles Augustine Davis, Isaac Lewis Clarke, Calvin Gross Hollenbush, Valentine B. Oakes, Franklin Aretas Haskell, Arthur Edwin Hutchins, Lucius Stearns Shaw, Horace Meeker Dyke, Edwin Brant Frost, William Lawrence Baker, Charles Whiting Carroll, George Washington Quimby, George Ephraim Chamberlin, Charles Lee Foster, Henry Mills Caldwell, and Stark Fellows, who at Bull Run, Antietam, Fredericksburg, the Wilderness, Cold Harbor, and elsewhere, gave their lives in defense of the American Union.
No aggregation of volumes would adequately portray the whole work of Dartmouth's alumni. In quiet places, the great majority, day by day, and year by year, have performed their allotted tasks. In such places all over America, and in other lands, they have built their most enduring monuments. The calm lustre of their lives is almost as widely diffused as the morning light.
Eleazer Wheelock founded the college, in faith and hope, for the enlightenment and evangelization of future generations in that mighty storehouse of thought and action, central New England.
John Wheelock carried forward the work with energy and zeal, and a large measure of success.
Francis Brown gave a valuable life for the protection of his still youthful Alma Mater.
Daniel Dana was a man of kindred spirit, and not less devoted to his work.
Bennet Tyler magnified his office, and, laboring in season and out of season, added "goodly ornaments."
Nathan Lord added new halls, new departments and modes of instruction, gave larger prestige, and left the impress of a great mind upon two thousand pupils.
Asa D. Smith added yet other halls, secured new endowments, and provided a long line of scholarships, for the development of latent talent, and the encouragement of genuine worth.
Samuel C. Bartlett brings to the accomplishment of his task the name of an ancient and honored family, and the experiences of an earnest and fruitful life.
Dartmouth has blessed New England and Old England, North America and the whole world.
Her location, unrivaled in many respects by that of any sister institution, her history, so full of romance and of reality, and her work, recorded first in the history of the eighteenth century, and indelibly impressed upon the history of the nineteenth, all warrant the hope that her walls may stand, through all the ages of the future, strong as the everlasting hills, and beautiful as the celestial dome.
L s. d.
His Most Gracious Majesty 200 Mr. Isaac Akerman 5 5 0 Mr. John Atkins 5 5 0 Messrs. Adair, Jackson & Co. 5 5 0 Mr. William Ames 5 5 0 Mr. Joseph Armitage 5 5 0 Mr. Joseph Aldersey 2 2 0 Mr. Ebenezer Atkinson 2 2 0 Mrs. Allovine 2 2 0 The Rev. Mr. Ashworth of Daintree 1 0 0 Mr. Atwell, A. B. 10 6 Mr. John Anther 10 6 Anonymous 5 3 Mr. Andrews 5 0 Mrs. Sarah Axford 1 0 The Rev. Mr. Sam. Brewer's Collection 141 2 6 Messrs. Day. Barclay & Sons 31 10 0 Mrs. Brine 20 0 0 Robert Butcher, Esq. 10 10 0 Mr. John Bradney 10 10 0 Mr. Diederick Beckman 10 10 0 Mr. John Bonus 10 10 0 Messrs. Bland & Barnett 10 10 0 Mr. Thomas Brooks 10 10 0 Jam. & Hen. Baker, Esqs. 10 10 0 Thom. Smalley Browning, Esq. 10 10 0 John Bond, Esq. 10 10 0 Bank Note, K 483 10 0 0 Sir —— Blackmore 6 6 0 Robert Bird, Esq. 5 5 0 Mrs. Sarah Bradney 5 5 0 Mrs. B. W. 5 5 0 Mr. Blunkett of Peckham 5 5 0 John Buchanan, Esq. 5 5 0 Mr. Clement Bellamy 5 5 0 Mr. Geo. Baskerville 5 5 0 Mr. Michael Barlow 5 5 0 Mr. John Bayley 5 5 0 Mr. Frederick Ball 5 5 0 Mr. Jonathan Bond 5 5 0 Mr. Bowles 5 5 0 Mr. Bush 5 5 0 Mr. Richard Brown 3 3 0 Mr. William Butler 3 3 0 Mr. Guy Brian 2 2 0 Mr. J. Bosley 2 2 0 Dr. Bragge 2 2 0 Mrs. Bragge 2 2 0 Mr. Jonathan Bowles 2 2 0 —— Brooks, Esq., of Cambridge 2 2 0 Mr. Joseph Burch 2 2 0 B. C. 2 2 0 Mrs. Blakesly 1 11 6 Mr. Henry Burder 1 1 0 Mr. Burkitt 1 1 0 The Rev. Charles Bowles 1 1 0 Mrs. B-f-t 1 1 0 Mr. George Braithwaite 1 1 0 Mr. Joseph Barnardistone 1 1 0 Mr. Bassingtine 1 1 0 Mr. William Brown 10 6 Mr. Biggs, Junior 10 6 A Banker's Clerk 10 6 Mr. Wt. B. 7 0 Mr. Ball 5 3 Mr. John Baker 5 3 Mr. William Baker 5 0 Mr. Benjamin Coles 20 0 0 Messrs. Capel, Hanbury, Oswald & Co. 10 10 0 Mr. James Crafts 5 5 0 Mr. William Cross 5 5 0 Mr. Cranch, in the Borough 5 5 0 Mr. James Cox 5 5 0 Mr. Benjamin Clempson 3 3 0 Mr. Lawrence Charlesson 3 3 0 Mr. Creswell, of Stourbridge per Mr. Micklin the Mercer 3 3 0 Mr. Cross 2 2 0 Mr. Benjamin Champion 2 2 0 Mr. Compson 2 2 0 Mr. John Collier 2 2 0 Mr. John Colebrooke 1 11 6 C. T. F. 1 3 0 Mr. John Cox 1 1 0 Mr. Joseph Cowper 1 1 0 Mr. William Coombes 1 1 0 Mr. Cooper 1 1 0 Mrs. Cooper 1 1 0 Mr. John Cobb 1 1 0 Mr. William Crooke 10 6 Mr. Joseph Clarke 10 6 Mr. Henry Cowling 10 6 Rt. Hon. William, Earl of Dartmouth, a Trustee and President 50 0 0 Messrs. Deberdt & Burkitt 20 0 0 Mr. John Dick 5 5 0 D. T. 5 5 0 Mrs. Davis 5 5 0 Mr. William Dermer 5 5 0 Phil. Dotton, Esq., of Plymouth, per Mr. Sheppard 2 17 0 Mr. Darnford 2 2 0 Miss Dixon 2 2 0 Mrs. Dewn 1 1 0 Mr. Denne 1 1 0 Mr. James Donald 1 1 0 Mr. James Deethait 1 1 0 Mr. James Duncan 1 1 0 Mr. D. 1 1 0 Mr. Benjamin Dickers, per Dr. Gibbons 1 1 0 Mr. D. D. 10 6 Mr. Dudds 10 6 Mr. Dell 10 6 Mrs. Davis 5 3 Mr. Zephaniah Eade 6 6 0 Mrs. Anna Eade 6 6 0 Mr. Samuel Ewer 1 1 0 Mr. Edwards 1 1 0 Mr. E. H. 1 1 0 Mr. John Elliott 1 1 0 Mr. Eaton 1 1 0 Dr. Fothergill 21 0 0 A Friend of the Cause 20 0 0 Mr. Fuller & Son 10 10 0 Thomas Fletcher, Esq. 5 5 0 Mr. Benjamin Forsitt 5 5 0 The Rev. Mr. Ford. 5 5 0 Dr. John Ford 5 5 0 Mr. William Fisher, Sen. 5 5 0 Messrs. Flight & Halliday 5 5 0 Messrs. Freeman & Grace 5 5 0 Mr. William Fletcher 3 3 0 Mr. George Flower 2 2 0 Mr. Fassett 1 1 0 Mr. F. P. 1 1 0 Mrs. Flight 1 1 0 Mr. David Field 1 1 0 A Friend in the Country 10 0 Sir John Griffin Griffin 20 0 0 Mr. William Grace 10 10 0 Mr. Daniel Gallopine 10 10 0 Mr. Gerrish 5 5 0 Mrs. Sarah Gale 5 5 0 Mrs. Gumley 5 5 0 Mr. Grainger 5 0 0 Mr. John Geere, Sen., collected by him 4 14 6 Mr. Robert Griffiths 4 4 0 Mr. Daniel Goodwin 3 7 6 Mr. John Geere, of Hythe 3 3 0 Thomas Gibbons, D.D. 2 2 0 Mr. Walter Gelly 2 2 0 G. E. 2 2 0 Mr. Griffin 2 2 0 Mr. Joseph Gibbon 2 2 0 Mr. Gardner 2 2 0 Mr. Grote 2 2 0 Mrs. Nellaby Gibson 1 1 0 Mr. John Gould 1 1 0 Miss Gould 1 1 0 Messrs. G. 1 1 0 Mrs. Ann Gusthart 1 1 0 Mr. Samuel Gordon 1 1 0 Mr. Owen Griffith 1 1 0 Mr. Good 10 6 Mrs. G——s 10 6 Mr. William Gardiner 5 0 Isaac Holles, Esq. 100 0 0 The Rev. Mr. Holden's collection of Deptford 51 2 0 Sir Charles Hotham, a Trustee, deceased 50 0 0 Mrs. Halsey 50 0 0 Charles Hardy, Esq., a Trustee 25 0 0 Mr. Robert Hodgson 20 0 0 Sir Joseph Hankey and partners 10 10 0 Mr. William Hervey 10 10 0 Edward Hollis, Esq. 5 5 0 Thomas Hollis, Esq. 5 5 0 Mr. Richard Hawtyn 5 5 0 Mr. Peregrine Hogg 5 5 0 Mr. Hugh Humstone 5 5 0 Mr. John Hose & Son 5 5 0 Richard Hill, Esq. 5 5 0 Thomas Hall, Esq., of Harnfel Hall, near Henley 5 5 0 Messrs. Higgins, Garrett & Hartfield 5 5 0 Mr. Joseph Hart 5 5 0 Mr. Benjamin Horrocks 3 3 0 Miss Hillier 3 3 0 Mr. Howell 2 12 6 Mrs. Ann Holloway 2 2 0 Mr. Thomas Heckley, per Dr. Gibbons 2 2 0 Mr. Holdgate 1 1 0 Mr. Thomas Houston 1 1 0 Mr. William Heathfield 1 1 0 Mr. Horton 1 1 0 Mr. Nathaniel Hillier 1 1 0 Mr. Hett 1 1 0 Mr. Hunt 10 6 Mr. Heath 10 6 Mr. Harley 10 6 Mr. Richard Hatt 10 6 Mr. William Hunter 10 6 Mrs. Harle 10 6 The Rev. Mr. Hatham, of Loughborough 10 6 Mrs. Halford and Son 7 6 Mrs. H. P. 5 0 I. S. 20 0 0 Mr. Jackson, of the Temple 10 10 0 Mr. Thomas Justis 5 5 0 Mr. John Jones 3 3 0 Mr. Edward Jefferies 2 2 0 J. P. 2 2 0 I. R., per John Sabatier 2 2 0 Mr. Thomas Jefferys 2 2 0 Mr. Jacomb 1 1 0 Mr. Jackson, Basinghall St. 1 1 0 Mr. J. G. 1 1 0 Mr. Judd 10 6 Mr. Richard Jeffreys 10 6 Mr. Philip Jones, at Upton in Worcestershire 5 3 Mr. Robert Keen, a Trustee 25 0 0 Mr. William Kelly 5 5 0 Mr. King 3 3 0 Mr. John Kennedy 2 2 0 Miss Kingsley 1 1 0 Samuel Lloyd, Esq. 21 0 0 Collected at the Rev. Mr. John Langford's 13 0 0 Mr. George Lowe 10 10 0 Mr. Thomas Lowe 10 10 0 Mr. John Laurence 5 5 0 Mr. L. F. 2 2 0 Mr. Samuel Luck 2 2 0 Mr. L. G. 2 2 0 Mr. Robert Lathroppe 1 1 0 Mrs. L. G. 1 1 0 Mr. L. D. 1 11 6 Mr. John Lefevre 1 1 0 The Rev. Dr. Langford 1 1 0 Mrs. Lavington 1 1 0 Mr. Lawrence 10 6 His Excellency, General Monckton 21 0 0 Mr. B. Mills 20 0 0 Messrs. R. H. & R. Maitland 10 10 0 The Rev. Mr. Martin's Collection at Deptford 5 10 0 Mr. James Mabbs 5 5 0 John Mills, Esq. 5 5 0 Mr. Thomas Maltby 5 5 0 Mr. Thomas Mason 5 5 0 Mr. Samuel Moody 5 5 0 Mr. Maine, of Kensington 5 5 0 Mr. Thomas Mayor 5 5 0 Mrs. Marlow, per Dr. Gifford 5 5 0 The Rev. Mr. Madan 5 0 0 Mr. Millet 4 5 0 Mrs. Molineaux 3 6 6 Mr. Mangles 2 2 0 Mr. Brough Maltby 2 2 0 Mr. Messenger 2 2 0 Mr. Samuel Matthews 2 2 0 Mr. Peter Mallard 2 2 0 Mr. Morris 2 2 0 Mr. Mace 1 1 0 Mr. Thomas Matravers 1 1 0 Mr. Moggridge 1 1 0 Miss March 1 1 0 Mrs. M. 1 1 0 Mr. Marston 1 1 0 Mr. D. Maitland 1 1 0 Mr. Morrison 1 1 0 Mr. James Murray 10 6 Mr. Samuel Mason 10 6 Mr. Samuel Munday 10 6 M. C. 10 6 Mr. Robert Newton, per Charles Steer 50 0 0 Mr. Ric. Neave & Son 21 0 0 Mr. Edw. Thomas Nelson 2 2 0 Mr. and Mrs. Noyes 2 2 0 Miss Nichols 2 2 0 Mr. Noton 1 1 0 Mr. Abraham Ogier 2 2 0 Mr. John Orton 2 2 0 Mr. Olney 1 1 0 Mr. John Oldham 1 1 0 Mr. John Oliver 10 6 Thomas and Richard Penn, Esqs. 50 0 0 Messrs. Pewtress & Robarts 10 10 0 Mr. James Pearson 5 5 0 Mr. Pomeroy 2 2 0 Mrs. Rachel Phipps 2 2 0 Mr. Michael Pearson 2 2 0 Mr. Thomas Prettyman 2 2 0 Mr. Rowland Page 2 2 0 Mr. John Prentice 1 1 0 Mr. John Page 1 1 0 Mrs. P. 1 1 0 Mr. John Price 1 1 0 Mr. Chancey Poole 1 1 0 Mr. Petree 1 1 0 Mr. Parks 1 1 0 Mr. Edward Pitts 1 1 0 Mr. George Prettiman 10 6 Mrs. Mary Parker 10 6 Mr. John Payne 10 6 Mr. N. Paul 5 3 The Rev. Mr. Phillips 5 0 Mr. Peakes 2 6 The Rev. Mr. Romaine's Collection at St. Anne's, Black Friar's 107 13 3 Samuel Roffey, Esq., a Trustee 50 0 0 Mrs. Roffey, of Lincoln's Inn Fields 10 10 0 Marchioness of Rockingham 10 10 0 Mr. Samuel Rickards 10 10 0 Mrs. Russel 10 0 0 Mrs. Radcliffe 10 0 0 Mr. Henry Rutt 3 3 0 Mr. John Robarts 5 5 0 Mr. Matthew Randall 5 5 0 Mr. George Rutt 3 3 0 Mr. and Mrs. Rawlins 2 2 0 Miss Rymers 2 2 0 Mr. John Robin 1 1 0 Mrs. Russel, of Greek Street 1 1 0 Mr. Stephen Roe 10 6 Mr. Rumley 10 6 Mr. Robarts 5 3 Right Hon. Earl of Shaftesbury 81 10 0 Mr. Samuel Savage, a Trustee 100 0 0 Samuel Sparrow, Esq. 50 0 0 Rev. Dr. Stennett's Collection 42 10 11 The Rev. Mr. Charles Skelton's Collection 13 13 0 The Rev. Mr. Stafford and his Friends 10 10 0 William Stead, Esq. 10 10 0 Mr. Robert Stuart 10 10 0 Mr. Baron Smythe, a Trustee 6 6 0 Mr. Samuel Stainton 5 5 0 Mr. Sherland Swanstone 5 5 0 Mr. James Smith 5 5 0 Mr. J. Short 5 5 0 Mr. John Striteal 5 5 0 The Rev. Sam. Martin Savage 5 5 0 Mr. Sainsbury Sibley 5 5 0 Mr. Smith (partner with Mr. Nash) 5 5 0 Mrs. Sowdon 4 4 0 Mr. Thomas Smith 3 3 0 S. W. 3 3 0 Messrs. Simmonds & Co. 3 3 0 Mr. Self 2 12 6 The Rev. and Hon. Mr. Shirley 2 2 0 Mr. R. Saddington 2 2 0 Mr. Sarney 2 2 0 Mr. Joseph Smithers 2 2 0 Mr. Somerhayes 1 1 0 Mrs. S. G. 1 1 0 Mr. John Seaber 1 1 0 Mr. Shrapnell 1 1 0 S. F. 1 1 0 The Rev. Mr. Spilsbury 1 1 0 Mr. Thomas Savage 1 1 0 Mr. James Still 1 1 0 Mr. Thomas Spicer 1 1 0 The Rev. Mr. Sheppard 1 1 0 Mr. James Smith 1 1 0 Mr. John Sparks 1 1 0 Mr. William Slow 1 1 0 Mr. Edward Shickle 18 0 Mr. Statham 10 6 Mr. Francis Simpson 10 6 Mr. Stibbs 10 6 Mrs. Scott 5 3 S. S. 5 3 John Thornton, Esq., a Trustee and Treasurer 100 0 0 Barlow Trecothick, Esq. 21 0 0 Sir John Toriano 20 0 0 Sir John Thorold, Bart. of Cranwell 10 10 0 Mr. William Tatnall 10 10 0 Mr. Thomas Turville 10 10 0 A Lady Unknown, per Mr. Thompson 10 10 0 The Rev. Mr. Thomson 5 5 0 Mr. John Townsend 5 5 0 Mr. Robert Trevors 2 2 0 T. B. 1 1 0 Mr. Robert Territ 1 1 0 Messrs. Tredway & Bayley 1 1 0 T. 1 1 0 Mr. Twelves 1 1 0 Mr. John Thorne 1 1 0 Mr. Timothy Topping 1 1 0 Mr. Taylor 12 0 Mrs. Tomkins 10 6 Miss Ann Tayleure 10 6 A Person Unknown 50 0 0 A Gentleman and several Ladies to be unknown 30 9 0 James Vere, Esq. 20 0 0 Mr. Vowell the Stationer 2 2 0 A Providential Guinea 1 1 0 A Lady Unknown 5 5 0 A Person Unknown 2 2 0 Ditto 2 2 0 Cash Unknown 2 2 0 Unknown 10 10 0 Unknown, four entries, each 1 1 0 A Lady Unknown 10 6 Unknown, nine entries, each 10 6 Ditto, per Rev. Mr. Traile 10 6 Ditto, per Rev. Mr. Franks 10 6 Mr. Veck 10 6 Unknown, four entries, each 5 5 Wm. Wilberforce, Esq. 25 5 0 Mr. Rich. Wilson and Lady 25 5 0 Dan. West, Esq., a Trustee 25 0 0 Samuel Wordsworth, Esq. 10 10 0 Miss Ann Wordsworth 10 10 0 Mr. John Wallaston 10 10 0 Mr. Stephen Williams 10 10 0 Messrs. Welch & Rogers 10 10 0 Mr. Thomas Whitehead, per Rev. Mr. Romaine 6 14 9 Mr. Jonathan Wathen 5 5 0 Mr. Rob. Waller, at Gosport 5 5 0 Mr. Nathaniel Weeks 5 5 0 Mr. Robert Watkinson 5 5 0 Mr. Thomas Wilson 5 5 0 Mr. Moses Willatts 5 5 0 Mr. George Wilkinson 5 5 0 Mr. William Willatts 5 5 0 Mr. John Wathen & Son 3 3 0 Mr. James Walker 3 3 0 Mrs. Mary Ward 3 3 0 Mr. Wheelar 3 3 0 Messrs. Thomas & John Wellings 2 2 0 Dr. Wray 2 2 0 Mr. Woodroffe 2 2 0 Mr. Walker, in Whitechapel 2 2 0 Mr. Walcot, of Dartmouth 2 2 0 Mr. Whiten & Co. 1 1 0 Mr. Wilson 1 1 0 The Rev. Mr. Watson 1 1 0 Mr. Caleb White 1 1 0 Mr. Joseph Wolmer 1 1 0 Mr. Wells 1 1 0 Mr. Samuel Williams 1 1 0 Mrs. Waddilove 1 1 0 Mr. Wilton 1 1 0 Mr. Wells 1 1 0 Mr. Withers 1 1 0 Mr. Wallis 1 1 0 Mrs. Wordsworth 10 6 Rev. Dr. Worthington 10 6 Mr. Welch 10 6 Mrs. Williams 5 3 Mr. William W. 4 0 X. Q. 50 0 0 Y. R. 1 1 0 Z. 5 3 —————— Total in London L3165 3 8
Mr. Joseph Butlar 21 0 0 Mr. Joseph Tomkins 10 10 0 Mr. William Tomkins 10 10 0 Mr. Benjamin Tomkins 10 10 0 Mrs. Tomkins 10 10 0 Mr. Nathaniel Roberts 5 5 0 Rev. Mr. John Moore 2 2 0 Miss Palmer 2 2 0 Mr. Thomas Flight 2 2 0 Mrs. Elizabeth Flight 1 1 0 Mr. Joseph Fuller 1 1 0 Mrs. Sarah Fuller 1 1 0 Rev. Mr. Daniel Turner 1 1 0 Mrs. Elizabeth Turner 10 6 The Public Collection 5 6 6
The Rev. Mr. Bradford, of Buckfastleigh 5 5 0 Mr. Richard Bennett, etc. 1 14 3 Mrs. Mary Berry 13 0 Mrs. Susannah Bennett 3 0 Mr. Cocksley 10 6 Miss Eals 10 6 Mr. Peter Fabyon, etc. 1 6 9 Mr. Nicholas Fabyon, etc. 15 0 Mr. James Furman 10 6 Mr. Richard Harris 1 1 0 Mr. Joseph Leaman 10 6 Rev. Mr. Naylor, vicar of Ashburton 1 1 0 Mr. Walter Park and Family 2 0 0 Mrs. Mary Rennell, etc. 18 9 Mrs. Sowter 10 6 Miss Soper and Sister, each 10 6 Mr. Soper 5 3 Messrs. John, Richard & Moses Tozer 1 16 6 Mr. Nicholas Tripe 10 6 A Person Unknown 7 6 Samuel Windeat 10 6 Mr. Winsor 5 3 The Rev. Mr. Waters 10 6 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Waters' 8 16 7
Collected at Rev. Messrs. Hiron's and Gill's 22 2 2-1/4
Mr. Benjamin Harrison 1 1 0 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Brook's 9 1 9-3/4 Do. at Rev. Mr. Gillabrand's 5 0 0
Collected at Rev. Mr. Rawlins' 2 8 11
Collected at the Rev. Mr. Broadhurst's 2 4 5
Collected at the Rev. Mr. Evan's 8 0 0
Mr. Ariel 2 2 0 Mr. P. Allard 1 1 0 T. & M. Allard 1 1 0 Mrs. Allison 1 1 0 Mr. Robert Atkins 1 1 0 Mr. William Arnold 1 1 0 Mr. Apthorp 1 1 0 John & Fran. Bull, Esqs. 10 10 0 Miss Brown 5 5 0 Miss Sarah Barrow 3 0 0 Mr. Britton 2 12 6 Sarah, Mary, and Nathaniel Britton 1 1 0 Mrs. Bull and Miss Bull one guinea each 2 2 0 Mr. Blake 1 1 0 Mr. Edward Bright 1 1 0 Mr. Edward Brice 1 1 0 Mrs. Badcocke 1 1 0 Mr. John Bryant 1 1 0 Mr. Beverston 1 1 0 Mr. Jas. and Miss Brown 1 1 0 Mr. Daniel Brown 10 6 Mr. Baker 5 0 Mr. John Collett 5 5 0 Mr. James Cowles 5 5 0 Mr. Robert Coleman 3 3 0 Mr. Robert Cottle 3 3 0 Mr. Francis Collins 2 2 0 Rev. Mr. Cook of Dington 2 2 0 Mr. William Cowles 2 2 0 Lady Croston 1 1 0 Mrs. Cheston 1 1 0 Mrs. Collins 1 1 0 Mr. Richard Champion 1 1 0 Mr. Ric. Champion, Jr. 1 1 0 Mr. George Champion 1 1 0 Mr. Benjamin Chandler 10 6 Mr. Richard Carpenter 10 6 Mr. Cottles' men 4 0 Mr. Henry Durbin 2 2 0 Mrs. D. 2 2 0 Mrs. Davis 2 2 0 Mr. Dugdale 1 11 6 Mr. Edward Daniel 1 1 0 Mr. Dallaway 1 1 0 Mr. John Dafforn 10 6 Mr. William Day 10 6 Mr. E. Daniel 2 6 Mrs. Drew 5 0 Mr. Daniel 2 6 Mr. John Evans 3 3 0 Mr. Thomas Evans 1 1 0 Mr. John Edwards 10 6 Mrs. Edwards 10 6 Mrs. E. H. 5 3 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Evan's Meeting 30 0 0 Rev. Mr. Wm. Foote 2 2 0 Mr. Frampton 2 2 0 Mr. George Fownes 2 2 0 Mr. Farnall 1 1 0 A Friend 10 6 Mr. Frame 10 6 Mr. Francis 4 6 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Foot's, at Kally Hill 6 10 7 Mr. Gordon 5 5 0 Mr. Jos. Green 3 3 0 Mr. Garlick 2 2 0 Mr. Gomond 2 2 0 Mrs. George 2 2 0 Rev. Mr. Grand, Rector of Durham 2 2 0 Mr. Griffith 1 1 0 Mr. Granger 1 1 0 Mr. Robert Gordon 1 1 0 Mr. J. Gordon 1 1 0 Mr. Grimes 1 1 0 Mrs. Joanna Gough 1 1 0 Mrs. Gorton 10 6 Collected at Mr. Gillard's, Castle Green 11 0 9 Mr. R. A. Hawksworth 5 5 0 Mr. William Hazle 5 5 0 Mr. John Harris 5 5 0 Mr. Mark Hartford, Jr. 2 2 0 Mr. William Hale 1 1 0 Mrs. Hale 1 1 0 Mrs. Howard 1 1 0 Mrs. Hibbs 1 1 0 Mr. Haddocke 1 1 0 Messrs. Howlett and Rainsford 15 9 The Rev. Mr. Hart 10 6 The Rev. Mr. Haines 10 6 Mrs. Hill 10 6 Mr. George Harris 10 6 Mr. Hollister 10 6 Mr. Hopkins 10 6 Mr. Harmer 10 6 Mr. Hall 10 6 Mr. Howell Harris 10 6 Mr. Hewlett and Children 11 0 Mr. Hinton 4 0 Collected at Mr. Harwood's 6 11 4 Capt. James 5 5 0 Mr. James Ireland 5 5 0 Mrs. Mary Johnson 3 3 0 The Rev. Mr. Jillard 2 2 0 Mrs. Elizabeth Johnson 2 2 0 Mr. James 1 7 0 John Jennys, Esq. 1 1 0 Mrs. Mary Jackson 1 1 0 Mr. Iredel 1 1 0 Mr. Sam. Johnson 10 6 Mrs. King 4 4 0 The B. of K——'s Lady 1 1 0 Mr. E. King 2 6 Collected at Kingswood 6 4 0 Harford Lloyd, Esq. 5 5 0 Mr. Thomas Ludlow 5 5 0 Mr. Christopher Ludlow 5 5 0 Mr. William Ludlow 3 3 0 From two Ladies 2 2 0 Mr. Thomas Ledyard 2 2 0 Mr. John Lawle 1 1 0 Mrs. Lloyd 1 1 0 Mr. Isaac Ludlow 1 1 0 Mr. Treat Ludlow 1 1 0 Dr. Lyne 1 1 0 Mr. Llewellyn, etc. 14 6 Miss Ludlow 10 6 Mr. Lewis 10 6 Mr. R. Ludlow 5 0 Mr. Lemon 5 3 Hon. and Rev. Mr. M. 10 10 0 Mr. Meyler, Sen. 2 2 0 Mrs. Merlott 2 2 0 Mr. Munkley 1 1 0 Mrs. Milliard 1 1 0 Mr. Maynard 1 1 0 Mr. Martin 1 1 0 Mr. Moss 1 1 0 Mrs. Moore 1 1 0 Mr. John Morgan 10 6 Mr. Maxwell 10 6 Mrs. M. 10 6 Mr. J. Maynard 2 6 Mrs. —— 5 0 Mr. John Needham 10 6 Mr. Nash 10 6 Mr. Overbury 1 7 0 Mr. Owen 1 1 0 Mr. Owen 10 6 Mr. Pynock 2 2 0 Widow Poole, Broad Street 2 2 0 Mr. Samuel Peach 2 2 0 Mrs. Parsons 2 2 0 Mrs. Poole, Bridewell Lane 2 2 0 Mrs. Pollard and Pierce 1 16 6 Mr. Purnall 1 1 0 Mr. John Parstow 1 1 0 Mr. Thomas Purnall 1 1 0 Mr. Power and Children 15 6 Mrs. Price 10 6 Mr. Parry 10 6 Mr. Power 10 6 Mr. Charles Prosser 10 6 Mrs. Poole 10 6 Collected at Chelwood, by Dr. Pearce 13 5 6 Ditto, at Peaulton 7 1 0 William Rewees, Esq. 10 10 0 Mrs. Roscoe 1 1 0 Mr. Rienke 1 1 0 Mrs. R. 1 1 0 Mr. Rogers 10 6 Mrs. Rogers 1 1 0 Mrs. Rowles 10 6 Mr. John Storck 5 5 0 Mr. Stonehouse, Mill Hill 3 3 0 Mr. Edward Stanfell 3 3 0 Mr. Joseph Sievier 2 12 6 Mr. Isaac Stephens 1 11 6 Mr. B. Stevenson 1 1 0 The Rev. Dr. Stonehouse 1 1 0 The Rev. Mr. Symes 1 1 0 Counsellor Skidmore 1 1 0 Mr. Thomas Seymour 1 1 0 Messrs. Simmonds and Woodman 1 1 0 Samuel Sedgeley, Esq. 1 1 0 Mr. Joseph Shapland 10 6 Mr. Daniel Searnell 10 6 Mr. Smith 2 6 Sundry small ones 6 6 Mr. Josiah Taylor 1 1 0 Dr. Townsend 1 1 0 Mr. Thomas 1 1 0 Mr. Tomlinson 1 1 0 Mr. Teague 10 6 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Thomas's Meeting 15 6 1 Unknown, 2 entries, each 2 2 0 Unknown 1 11 0 Unknown, 2 entries, each 1 1 0 Ditto, 3 entries, each 10 6 Samuel Webb 5 5 0 Mr. Peter Wilder 5 5 0 Mr. Edward Whatley 5 5 0 Mrs. Willis, in Rosegreen, Kingswood 5 5 0 Mr. F. Weaver 1 1 0 Mr. Samuel Waterford 1 1 0 Mr. Daniel White 1 1 0 Mr. Jos. and Charles Whittuck 1 1 0 Mr. Watts 10 6 Mr. Woodward 10 6 Mr. Abraham Whitluck 10 6 Mr. Wills 10 6 Mr. Whituck 2 6 Mr. Williams 5 0 Mr. J. Watts 5 0 A Widow 5 0 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Whitfield's Tabernacle, Mr. Rowand's, L3 4s 25 6 6 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Wesley's Room 23 15 0
Mr. Humphrey Trywell 1 1 0 Mr. John Smith 1 1 0 Mr. Joseph Smith 1 1 0 Mr. Saunders 1 1 0 Mrs. Towgood and Mr. Baines 10 3 Collected at Rev. Messrs. Haine's, Skirven, and Foote's Meetings 18 14 8 The Rev. Mr. Spencer and Friends 7 14 0
Counsellor Allen 1 1 0 Thomas Allen, Esq. 1 1 0 Counsellor Bingford, etc. 1 3 0 Rev. Mr. Burroughs 10 6 Mr. Chubbs 5 3 James Hervey, Esq. 10 6 The Rev. Mr. Stansbury 5 0 Dr. Taylor 1 1 0 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Wilson's 10 15 6 Ditto at Rev. Mr. Harris's 2 8 0
Mr. John Blatch 1 1 0 Mr. William Ballard 1 1 0 Mrs. Ann and Eleanor Ballard 10 6 Mrs. Mary Drewett 1 1 0 Mrs. Eleanor Ellis 5 0 Mrs. Eleanor Froud 1 19 6 Mr. Henry Phipps Rendall 5 0 Mrs. Sarah Rendall 5 0 Jeffery Whitaker, Esq. 2 2 0 Mrs. Thomas Whitaker 1 1 0 The General Collection 1 7 0
George Buck, Esq. 2 2 0 Charles Davie, Esq. 10 6 Mr. Greening 1 1 0 Walter Shallabar, Esq. 5 5 0 Mrs. Saltren 1 7 0 Unknown 5 3 Rev. Mrs. John Whitefield 2 2 0 Collected at Rev. Mr. Samuel Lavington's 35 19 6
Collected in Barnstaple 31 15 6 From the parishes of Withredge and Thelbridge 17 1
Edward Madgwicke, Esq. 4 4 0 Mrs. Gifford 3 3 0 Mr. Thomas Roe and Dr. Pultney, etc. 1 2 0 Mr. Matthew Cummings 1 1 0 Rev. Mr. Henry Field 2 2 0 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Field's 13 16 5
Collected at the Rev. Mr. Bryant's 9 6 0
Miss Whitty 10 6 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Rooker's 31 5 6 Ditto at Rev. Mr. Sutton's 11 18 0
Collected at the Rev. Mr. Steel's 11 0 0
William Snooke, Esq. 10 10 0 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Beddom's 19 10 0
From an unknown lady, per Mrs. Blackmore, of Manchester 6 6 0 Collected at Rev. Messrs. Phillips', Jenkins', and Butterworth's 20 17 8-1/2
Rev. Mr. Howlett, a clergyman 10 6 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Saunder's 9 14 9
Mr. Belsham 2 0 0 Joseph Barham, Esq. 1 1 0 Mr. Bayley 1 1 0 Mrs. Berthray 10 6 Messrs. Costins 2 2 0 Mr. Custerson 10 6 Mr. Dunton 3 0 Mr. Franklin 5 0 William Foster, Esq. 1 1 0 John Howard, Esq. 5 5 0 Mrs. Hensman 1 1 0 Mr. King 3 3 0 Mr. Leach 10 6 Messrs. Negus 1 11 6 Mr. Odell 5 5 0 Mr. Palmer, Sen. 2 2 0 Mr. Palmer, Jr. 1 1 0 Rev. Mr. Joshua Symonds 1 11 6 Mrs. Sanderson 1 1 0 Mr. Wilsher 1 1 0 Mr. Wells 10 6 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Symmonds 13 6 7-1/2
Collected at the Rev. Mr. Lilley's 11 1 1-1/2
Collected at the Rev. Mr. Crabtree's 6 18 3-1/2 Rev. Mr. Sykes, Vicar 10 6 The Rev. Mr. —— 10 6 The Rev. Mr. Smith 1 1 0 Collected by ditto of his people 5 5 0 Ditto of the Rev. Mr. Wesley's people 8 0 0
Richard Richardson, Esq. 10 10 0 Collected by the Rev. Mr. Stillingfleet 6 16 6
Collected at the Rev. Mr. Wesley's 6 6 4-1/4
Mr. Crosbie 10 10 0 Mrs. Crosbie 10 10 0 Mr. Robert Hayward 10 10 0 Mr. Robinson and Son 6 6 0 Mr. Cumberland and Sons 6 6 0 Mrs. Sarah Cumberland 5 5 0 Miss Crosbie 2 2 0 Mr. Joseph Frost 2 2 0 Rev. Mr. B. Mills, Rector 1 1 0 Miss M. Crosbie 1 1 0 Mr. William Hollman 1 1 0 Unknown 1 1 0 Mr. Charles Darby and Wife 10 6 Mr. Umfreville 12 6 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Saville's 3 18 10-3/4 Mrs. Lucas 2 2 0 Mrs. Darby 1 1 0 Mrs. Wright 1 1 0 —— Palmer, Esq. 1 1 0 Mrs. Lyng 1 1 0 Mr. Knock 1 1 0 Mr. Ely 1 1 0 Mr. Chaplin 10 6 Mr. Mast 10 6 Mrs. Mast 5 3 Mr. Leech 10 6 Mr. Sleckles 10 6 Mrs. Webster 10 6 Mr. Bullen 8 0 Mr. Rutter 5 3 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Lincoln's 4 18 10
Mr. Gamaliel Andrews 1 1 0 Mr. Boosey, Sen. 3 3 0 Mr. Boosey, Jun. 1 1 0 Mr. Thomas Boosey 1 1 0 Mr. Barnet 1 1 1 Mr. Thomas Bennet 10 6 Mrs. Barber 10 6 Mr. Crackenthorp 10 10 0 John Churchman, Esq. 4 4 0 Mr. Darcy Clark 2 2 0 Mr. John Church 1 16 0 Mr. Thomas Davey 3 3 0 The Rev. Mr. Davidson 2 2 0 Mr. Death 2 2 0 Mrs. Anne English 6 6 0 Mr. John English 3 3 0 Deacon Fuller 4 4 0 Mr. Fordham 10 6 Mr. Harriott 5 5 0 Mr. Halls 1 1 0 The Rev. Dr. Hall, Dean of Bocking 1 1 0 Mr. Hall 10 6 Mr. Joseph Josline 10 6 Mr. John Lambert 5 5 0 Mr. Isaac Livermore 1 6 0 Mr. Thomas Lake 2 2 0 Mr. Livermore, Glazier 1 1 0 Mrs. Mayor 6 6 0 Rev. Mr. Powell, Rector 2 2 0 Mr. Quincey 10 6 Mrs. Reeve 5 5 0 Mr. Richard Sayer 6 6 0 Dr. Stapleton 5 5 0 Mr. Joseph Saville 3 3 0 Mr. John Tabor 6 6 0 Mr. Samuel Tabor 5 5 0 Mrs. Anne Tabor 2 2 0 Unknown 2 1 6 Ditto, per the Rev. Mr. Davidson 1 1 0 Mr. John Watkinson 2 2 0 Mr. Samuel Watkinson 10 6 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Davidson's 33 9 9
The Rev. Mr. Bland 5 0 Mr. Duncom 5 0 —— Noyse, Esq. 10 6 Mrs. Noyse 10 6 Mrs. Thompson 10 6 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Sexton's 7 3 6
His Grace the Duke of Bolton 3 3 0 The Rev. Mr. Burroughs 10 6 —— Castle 10 6 —— Covey 10 6 Mr. England 1 1 0 The Rev. Mr. Hinchman 10 6 The Rev. Mr. Ingham 10 6 Collected at Rev. Mr. Ingham's 4 9 10 Mr. Portsmouth 10 6 Mrs. Payton 2 2 0 Mr. Russell 1 1 0 From Sundries 3 4 0 Mr. Vicary 10 6 Rev. Mr. Underwood 10 6
Collected of Mr. Beach and other Friends of Religion 8 1 9
Mr. Samuel Anthony 2 2 0 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Darby's 7 7 9
Collected at the Rev. Mr. Harris' 4 12 8-3/4
Brought by Mr. Robert Barlow 10 10 0
Mr. Thomas Prentice 5 5 0 Collected and sent by the Rev. Mr. Newton, near Norwich 1 17 0
Collected by the Revs. Messrs. Skeys 20 3 3
The Right Rev. the Bishop of Derry 10 10 0 Mrs. Browne 10 0 0 Mrs. B. Bethell 5 5 0 Mrs. Bethell 5 5 0 William Blake, Esq. 3 3 0 Mrs. Bearsley 2 2 0 Mr. John Bleakley 1 1 0 Thomas Bury, Esq. 1 1 0 Countess of Charleville 5 5 0 Mr. Colborne 2 2 0 Mr. Benjamin Colborne 2 2 0 Mr. Cox 1 1 0 Governor Dinwiddie 3 3 0 The Rev. Dr. Dechair 2 2 0 Mrs. E—— 1 1 0 The Rev. Mr. Frank 1 1 0 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Frank's 26 10 4-1/2 Dr. Gusthart 2 2 0 Hall Atfield, Esq. 10 6 Mr. William Hoare 1 1 0 Mrs. Hervey 10 6 Mr. Jones 10 6 The Rev. Mr. Jessie 1 1 0 Major Maine 5 5 0 Mr. Allen 1 1 0 Andrew Millar, Esq. 5 5 0 Mr. Richard Marchant 3 3 0 Mr. Edward Marchant 1 1 0 Mrs. Magee 1 1 0 John Miller, Esq. 1 1 0 Dr. Moysey 1 1 0 Mr. Parker 1 1 0 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Parsons 11 8 11 James Roffey, Esq. 5 5 0 Mrs. Revead 1 1 0 William Roffie, Esq. 1 1 0 Hon. Richard Salter 5 5 0 The Rev. J. Sparrow 1 1 0 Mrs. Shally 1 1 0 Mr. Speering 5 0 Unknown 5 3 John Wentworth, Esq., Governor of New Hampshire 21 0 0 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Wesley's 6 1 5
Collected at the Rev. Mr. Potts 2 0 6
Collected by the Rev. Mr. Phene 6 6 0
Collected at the Rev. Mr. Watkins 1 13 0
Collected at Rev. Messrs. Cassel's and Morgan's 5 9 3
Collected at the Rev. Mr. Gillerd's 5 1 6
Rev. Mr. Hart, Vicar 11 6 Collected at the Rev. Mr. J. Berry's 30 0 0
Collected at the Rev. Mr. Joel Orchard's 11 13 6
The Rev. Mr. Taggart 1 1 0 The Rev. Mr. Cox 10 6 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Blake's 17 4 4
The Rev. Dr. Edwards and three of his parishioners 3 13 6 Collected of the Rev. Messrs. Jackson's and Lloyd's people 56 7 2-1/2 Collected of the Rev. Mr. Butterworth's people 10 19 6 Collected of the Rev. Messrs. Simpson's and Alcott's people 39 14 10-1/4 Mr. Cleve 1 16 0 Mrs. Tibbits 1 1 0 Mr. Mayor 1 1 0
The Rev. Mr. Davis 1 11 6 Mr. Freeman 2 2 0 Mr. Kimber 1 1 0 Mr. Wilkins 1 1 0 The Rev. Mr. Johnson 10 6 Mr. Wavel 10 6 Mr. Francis Turner. 10 6 Mr. John Reeve and Unknown 10 0
Collected at the Rev. Mr. Dunscomb's 9 4 9
The Rev. Mr. Robinson 10 6 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Mills 8 14 7
The Rev. Mr. Ford 2 2 0 Mr. U. 1 1 0 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Ford's 12 14 3-3/4
Mr. John Abbott 2 2 0 Mr. Buxton 1 1 0 Mr. Joseph Bott 10 6 Mr. Joseph Choate 1 1 0 Mr. John Choate 10 6 Mr. John Decks 1 1 0 Dr. —— 10 6 The Rev. Mr. Dowdle 10 6 Mr. John Fordham 10 6 Dr. Godfrey 1 11 6 Mr. Edward Harrington 10 6 Mrs. Elizabeth Mason 10 6 Mr. Midcalf 10 6 The Rev. Mr. Petto 10 6 Mrs. E. Powel 15 0 Mr. Robert Rist 1 1 0 Mr. Edward Seach 2 2 0 Mr. Robert Salmon 2 2 0 Mr. Shuttleworth 10 6 Unknown 1 1 0 Messrs. Urwine 3 13 6 Mrs. Urwine 10 6 Mr. John Wright 2 2 0 Two Widows 10 6 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Petto's 7 9 7
Of Mr. Robinson, by a Person unknown 21 0 0 Ebenezer Hollick, Esq. 10 10 0 Mr. Richard Forster 5 5 0 Miss Patterson 3 3 0 Mr. Eaton 3 3 0 Mr. Lincoln 2 2 0 Dr. Randall, Professor of Music 2 2 0 The Rev. Mr. Robinson 1 7 0 Mrs. Biggs 1 7 0 Mr. Purchase 1 1 0 Mrs. Hawthorn 1 1 0 Alderman Gifford 1 1 0 The Rev. Mr. Jones (Ely) 1 1 0 Mr. Mayor 1 1 0 Messrs. Penticross & Decoetligon 1 1 0 Unknown, by Mr. Brooks 1 1 0 Mrs. Lancaster and Mrs. Halsall 15 9 Dr. Smith, Vice-Chancellor 10 6 Mr. N. V. Stephens 10 6 Mr. Juet 10 6 Mr. Pike 10 6 Mrs. Lake 10 6 Mr. William Blows (Whittier) 0 10 6 Mr. Rayner (Duxford) 10 6 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Robinson's 22 10 3-1/2 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Saunders' 17 5 5
Collected at the Rev. Mr. Reynolds' 5 12 8-1/2
—— Scotto Esq. 5 5 0 Dr. Rumsey 1 1 0 Mr. Lasenby 1 1 0 Mr. John Harden 1 1 0 Mr. Putnam 13 0 Mr. Hepburn 10 6 Mr. Richard Wheeler 10 6 Mr. John Priest 10 6 Mr. Putnam 10 6 Mr. Simson 10 6 Mr. Treacher 10 6 The Rev. Mr. Spooner 10 6 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Cock's and Mr. Spooner's 6 8 8
Collected at the Rev. Mr. Cromwell's 4 8 6
Collected at the Rev. Mr. Woodman's 6 12 0 The Rev. Mr. Leighton, of Uxbridge 1 1 0
Collected at the Rev. Messrs. Noyse's and Dobb's 7 8 0 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Colville's of Goodhurst 17 6
The Rev. Mr. Perronet 1 1 0 The Rev. Mr. Benge 1 1 0 The Rev. Mr. Delasay 5 0 Mr. Claris 1 1 0 Mr. Lapine 10 6 Collected at the Rev. Messrs. Sheldon's and Chapman's. 15 17 2 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Perronet's 2 3 0 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Wesley's 2 16 8
William Gordon, Esq., and Lady 2 2 0 —— Brooks, Esq. 1 1 0 Dr. Craddocke 1 1 0 Mr. Poley 10 6 Mr. Stubbs 10 6 Unknown 2 0 Collected at Messrs. Neal's & Meremeth's 3 10 6-1/2 Collected at the Tabernacle 11 2 2-3/4
Collected by the Rev. Mr. Benj. Fullar and the Rev. Mr. Henry Williams 28 7 0
Collected at the Rev. Mr. Adams' 23 10 6
Collected at the Rev. Mr. Lamb's 12 12 5 Persons unknown, sent to Messrs. Pewtress & Robarts 2 2 0
Collected at the Rev. Mr. Handcox's 12 12 10-1/4
Collected at the Rev. Mr. Thomas White's 5 14 9
Collected at the Rev. Mr. Bingham's 13 13 6
Collected at the Dissenting Meeting 2 18 7-1/2
Collected at the Rev. Messrs. Holt's and Ashdown's 8 1 6
Collected by the Rev. Mr. Bocking 7 10 0 A Clergyman 10 6 A Gentleman 7 6
Collected by the Rev. Mr. John Say 3 15 8
Mr. Joseph Allen 1 1 0 Mr. Edward Addicott 1 1 0 Dr. Andrews 1 1 0 Mr. Abbot 10 6 A. C. 10 6 Mr. Charles Barring 3 3 0 Mr. Bellfield 1 1 0 Mrs. Buckland 1 1 0 Mr. Caleb Blight 10 6 Mr. Britland 10 6 Mr. John Bowrug 10 6 Mr. Bastard 10 6 Mr. Bidwell 10 6 Mrs. Elizabeth Battersby 5 3 Benjamin & Elizabeth Binham, each 1 0 Mr. Cranch 2 2 0 Mr. Samuel Coade 1 1 0 Mr. John Carter, per Mrs. Trowbridge 1 1 0 The Rev. Mr. Clark 1 1 0 Mr. Peter Clark 1 1 0 Mr. William Clark 1 1 0 Mrs. Coleman 1 1 0 Mr. William Coward 1 1 0 Mr. Coffin, Sen. 1 1 0 Messrs. Clark & Mayne 11 0 Mr. Cross 10 6 Mr. Charlock 10 6 Mr. Coffin, Jr. 10 6 Mr. Thomas Coffin 10 6 Miss Coffin 5 3 Mr. Casely 10 6 Mr. Joel Cadbury 10 6 Mr. John Catbury 5 0 Mr. John Cadbury 5 0 John Duntze, Esq. 6 6 0 Mrs. Dickers 4 4 0 John Duntze, Esq., Sr. 3 3 0 Mrs. Durnsford 10 6 Capt. Dawson 10 6 Mr. Dennis 10 6 Mr. Richard Durnsford 5 3 Mrs. Evans 1 1 0 Mrs. Ann Enty 1 1 0 Mr. Richard Evans 1 1 0 Mr. Matthew Frost 10 6 Dr. Glass 3 3 0 Mr. Thomas Gearing 2 2 0 Madam Gould 1 10 0 Mr. Jonathan Green 1 7 0 Mr. James Green 1 7 0 Mr. Thomas Glass 1 1 0 Mr. Benjamin Grant 1 1 0 Dr. Gifford 1 1 0 Mr. G. A. Gibbs 1 1 0 Mrs. Glyde, widow 1 1 0 Mr. John Gifford 1 1 0 Mr. Joseph Gillett 1 1 0 Mrs. Glyde 12 6 Mr. Samuel Glyde 10 6 Mr. William Grigg 5 3 Mr. John Holmes, Jr. 3 3 0 Mrs. Mary Hollworthy 2 2 0 Mr. Harris 1 1 0 Mrs. Hallett, widow 1 1 0 Mrs. Hillman, widow 1 1 0 Mr. William Hornsey 10 6 Miss Handlugh 10 6 Mr. William Holmes 10 6 The Rev. Mr. Hogg 10 6 Rev. Mr. Richard Hale 10 6 Mr. Hornsey 5 3 Mr. Hartsel 5 3 Mrs. Jones, widow 1 1 0 Mr. John Jerwood 1 1 0 Mr. Herman Kattencamp 3 3 0 Mr. Abraham Kenneway 2 2 0 Mr. Wm. Kenneway, Sen. 1 1 0 Mr. William Kenneway 1 1 0 Mr. William Kent 1 1 0 Mr. Kelley 1 1 0 Matthew Lee, Esq. 5 5 0 Mrs. Lee 2 2 0 Mrs. Lavington 1 1 0 Mr. William Luke 10 6 Capt. Luke 10 6 Mr. John Luke 10 6 Mr. Luscombe, Sr. 10 6 Mr. Humph. Mortimore 1 1 0 Mr. Samuel Milford 1 1 0 Mr. Mandrott 1 1 0 The Rev. Dr. Musgrave 1 1 0 Dr. Musgrave, M.D. 1 1 0 Mrs. Katharine Moore 10 6 The Rev. Mr. Moore 11 6 Mr. Killow Nation 2 2 0 Mr. James Newman 1 1 0 Mr. Ogburn 5 3 Mr. Samuel Parminter 5 5 0 Mrs. Praed 3 12 0 Mr. John Vowler Parminter 2 2 0 Mrs. Pope (widow) 1 1 0 Mr. Joseph Pope 1 1 0 Mrs. Parminter 1 1 0 Mr. Benjamin Peckford 1 1 0 Mr. John Phillips 1 1 0 Mr. Matthew A. Paul 1 1 0 Mr. William Pittfield 1 1 0 Mr. Robert Prudom 10 6 Mr. Pengelly 10 6 Paddington Meeting 1 19 6 The Rev. Mr. Chancellor Quick 2 2 0 Mr. John Reed 1 11 6 Mrs. Ridler 1 1 0 Mr. Reeves 4 0 Mrs. Stockes, by the Rev. Mr. Towgood 3 3 0 Mr. Thomas Smith 2 2 0 Mr. Samuel Short 2 2 0 The two Miss Shepherds 2 2 0 Mr. John Stoodley 1 16 0 Mr. John Stephens 1 7 0 Mr. Charles Stoodley 1 1 0 Mr. George Sealey 1 1 0 Mr. John Shorland 1 1 0 John Shapley, Esq. 1 1 0 Mr. Joshua Saunders 1 1 0 Mr. Edward Score 10 6 Mr. Samuel Sweetings 10 6 Mr. Strong 10 6 Mr. Spry 10 6 S. C. 10 6 Mr. Sams 1 0 Mrs. Skinner 2 6 Mr. Jonathan Tucker 2 2 0 The Rev. Mr. Stephen Mr. William Tucker 1 11 6 Towgood 1 1 0 Miss Townsends 1 1 0 Messrs. Tozer and Davis 1 1 0 The Rev. Mr. Tozer 1 1 0 The Rev. Mr. Micajah Towgood 1 1 0 Mr. Tanner 10 6 Mrs. Mary Trowbridge 10 6 The Rev. Mr. Turner 10 6 Mr. Tucker 10 6 Mr. Henry Tarrant 6 9 The Rev. Mr. Tarrant 5 3 Unknown, per Rev. Mr. Towgood 3 12 0 Ditto, per ditto 2 2 0 Mrs. Vowler 2 2 0 Unknown 3 3 0 Ditto 1 9 0 Ditto 1 3 6 Ditto 1 1 0 Ditto 15 9 Ditto, per Mrs. Pope 10 6 Ditto 10 6 Ditto 6 9 Ditto, per Mr. Morris 5 3 Ditto 5 3 Ditto 5 0 Ditto 5 0 Ditto 3 6 John Waldron, Esq. 3 3 0 Mr. John Waymouth 2 2 0 Mr. Henry Waymouth 2 2 0 Mr. Samuel Waymouth 2 2 0 Mrs. Mary Waymouth 1 10 0 Miss Waymouth 1 7 0 Mrs. Sarah Waymouth 1 7 0 Mr. Benjamin Withers 1 7 0 Mr. Joshua William, Sr. 1 1 0 Mr. Joshua William, Jr. 10 6 James White, Esq. 1 1 0 Mr. Franklin Waldron 1 1 0 Mr. Thomas Williams 1 1 0 Mrs. Whites 10 6 Mr. Edward White 10 6 Collected at the New Meeting 25 8 5-1/2 Ditto at Bow 19 9 9-1/2 Ditto at the Rev. Mr. William's 5 17 5-1/2 Ditto at Rev. Mr. Lewis' 3 17 9 Ditto at the New Baptist Meeting 3 16 6
Collected at the Rev. Mr. Bond's 3 17 0
Collected at the Rev. Mr. Cardale's 4 11 2-1/2 Rev. Mr. Cardale 2 2 0
Mr. T. Bunn 5 5 0 Mr. Smith 4 4 0 Mr. and Mrs. Bayley 2 2 0 Mr. Walter Sheppard 2 2 0 Mr. William Sheppard 2 2 0 Mr. John Allen 2 2 0 Mr. Mortimer's House 2 2 0 The Rev. Mr. Housdon 1 1 0 Mr. Burril 1 1 0 Mrs. Sheppard 1 1 0 Mr. Z. Bailey 1 1 0 Mr. Handcock 1 1 0 Mrs. Handcock 1 1 0 The Rev. Mr. Clarke 1 1 0 Mrs. Pritchard 1 1 0 Mr. Henry Allen 1 1 0 Mr. Matthews 1 1 0 Mr. Dan. and Mrs. Letitia Wayland 1 1 0 Mr. J. Allen and Mrs. Rachel Tymball 1 1 0 Mr. Henry Sheppard 10 6 Mrs. Lacey 10 6 Mr. Griffith 10 6 Mr. Ames 10 6 Mr. James Jordan 10 6 Mr. Benjamin Ball 10 6 Some Silver 12 6 The Rev. Mr. Kingdon 1 1 0 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Kingdon's 18 18 6 The Rev. Mr. Sedgefield 2 2 0 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Sedgefield's 12 16 6
Rev. Mr. John Wigmore 10 6 Unknown 10 6
Collected at the Rev. Mr. Whitehead's 13 6 6
Alderman Harris and Friends 7 7 0 Esquire Wade 2 2 0 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Dickinson's 13 14 3 Ditto at the Rev. Mr. N. Phene's 52 6 9 Sent afterwards by Rev. Mr. Phene 2 17 0
The Rev. Mr. Phillips 1 1 0
Mr. Robert Waller 5 5 0 The Rev. Mr. Williams 1 1 0 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Williams' 39 4 2
The Rev. Mr. Ashworth's Collection 4 0 0
Collected at the Rev. Mr. Chamberlain's 1 18 0
The Rev. Mr. Ring 1 1 0 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Ring's 2 3 0
Collected by Mr. Occom at the Meeting 1 11 3-1/4
John Radcliffe, Esq. 5 5 0 Miss Ann Ireland 5 5 0 Mr. Brown 5 5 0 Mr. Simson 4 4 0 Mr. John Dearmer 4 4 0 The Rev. Mr. Hickman 3 3 0 Mr. Vincent 3 3 0 Mr. John Dermer 3 3 0 Mr. Thomas Dermer 3 3 0 Mr. Richard Tristam 3 3 0 Mr. John Gutherage 3 3 0 Mr. William Wiltshire, Jr. 3 3 0 The Rev. Mr. W. 2 2 0 Mr. John Stephens 2 2 0 Mr. John Goodwyn 2 2 0 Mrs. Brown 1 1 0 Mr. John Creasey 1 1 0 Mr. Isaac Field 1 1 0 Mr. Philip Rudd 1 1 0 Mr. Hide 1 1 0 Miss Sukey Field 1 1 0 Mr. William Childs 1 1 0 Mr. Moore 1 1 0 Mr. Thomas Baldock 15 9 Mrs. Flack 10 6 Unknown 10 6 Mr. Henry Croesy 10 6 Mrs. Wiltshire 10 6 Mr. John Newman 10 6 Mr. Patternoster 10 6 Mrs. Warby 10 6 Mr. William Crawley 10 6 Miss Sally Smith 5 3 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Hickman's 13 7 8-1/2 Collected at the Rev. Mr. James' 84 0 7
The Rev. Mr. Haskell 1 1 0 Mrs. Downing 10 6 Thomas Drake, Esq. 10 6 Mr. Robert Daw 5 0
Collected by Mr. Occom 15 9
Collected at the Rev. Mr. Addington's 28 1 6
The Rev. Mr. Whitmore 2 3 0
Collected at the Rev. Mr. Hartley's 12 6 5-1/2
Dr. Leigh, Vicar 10 10 0 Collected of the people of the Established Church 13 18 0 Mr. John Lea 3 3 0 Mr. Benj. Dickinson 2 2 0 Mr. Jeremiah Marshall 2 2 0 Mr. James Kershaw 2 2 0 Mr. David Stansfield 2 2 0 Mr. William Buck 2 2 0 Mr. Joseph Hollings 1 1 0 Collected at Halifax Meeting 10 13 6 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Knight's 4 4 8-1/2
Rev. Mr. James Scott 5 5 0 Mr. John Priestly, Sr. 5 5 0 Mr. Joseph Priestley 5 5 0 Mr. William Priestley 5 5 0 By Sundry Persons 1 16 6 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Scott's 16 3 4-1/2
The Corporation of Hull 21 0 0 The Corporation of the Trinity House, at Hull 21 0 0 Alderman Watson & Son 10 10 0 Alderman Wilberforce 10 10 0 Alderman Cogan 5 5 0 Robert Wilberforce, Esq. 5 5 0 William Thornton, Esq. 5 5 0 H. Etherington, Esq. 5 5 0 Joseph Sykes, Esq. 5 5 0 Mr. P. Green 4 4 0 Joseph Pease, Esq. 3 3 0 The Rev. Mr. Arthur Robinson, Vicar 2 2 0 Cornelius Cayley, Esq. 2 2 0 Benjamin Blaydes, Esq. 2 2 0 Nathaniel Maisters, Esq. 2 2 0 Mr. Robert Macfarland 2 2 0 Mrs. Frances Wilkinson 2 2 0 Mrs. Jane Wilkinson 2 2 0 Mr. Richard Moxon, etc. 1 1 0 The Rev. Mr. Clarke 1 1 0 Gardner Egginton, Esq. 1 1 0 Mr. Spivie 1 1 0 Mr. Hickson 1 1 0 Mrs. Hannah Hall 1 1 0 Peter Thornton, Esq. 1 1 0 A Providential Guinea 1 1 0 Mrs. Ann Thompson 10 6 Mrs. Lydia Finley 5 0 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Burnet's 24 0 0 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Beverly's 17 0 0
Collected at the Rev. Mr. Tom's 13 2 1
Collected at the Rev. Mr. Field's 23 9 0
Dr. Wiltshire 10 10 0 The Rev. Mr. Jones 2 2 0 The Rev. Mr. Whitehead, etc. 1 11 6 The Rev. Dr. Sterling. 1 1 0 Rich. Richardson, Esq. 1 1 0 Mr. Collett 1 1 0 Mr. Squires 10 6 Mr. Dearmer 10 6 Rev. Mr. Hews, Curate 2 6 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Jones' 11 5 1
Mr. Carter 3 3 0 The Rev. Mr. Smithson 3 3 0 Mrs. Price 2 12 6 Mr. Allnut and Children 2 12 6 Mr. Edmund Ball 2 2 0 Mr. Hartley's Family 2 2 0 Mr. Haydon 2 2 0 Mr. Shrimpton 2 2 0 Mr. John Hollis 2 2 0 Mr. Hannon 1 1 0 Mrs. Aldersey 1 1 0 Mrs. Salter 1 1 0 Mr. Grove 1 1 0 Mr. Blackwell 1 1 0 Mrs. Ives 1 1 0 The Rev. Mr. Llewellin, Clergyman 1 1 0 Mrs. Galpin 1 1 0 Mrs. Kiddle 10 6 Mr. Crouch 10 6 Mrs. Gibbons 10 6 Mr. Goodwin 10 6 Mr. Doney 10 6 Mr. Lee 5 3 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Smithson's 7 7 11-1/4
Collected at the Rev. Mr. Gainsborough's 8 14 10-1/2
Mr. Thos. Shelley, Jr. 1 1 0 Mrs. Shelley 10 6 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Thomas' 3 17 0 Collected at the Baptist Meeting 1 4 0
Collected at the Rev. Mr. Clarke's 7 9 0 Rev. Mr. Smith, Clergyman 10 6
From an Unknown Friend, by Rev. Mr. Saunders 5 5 0 Mr. Isaac Rudd 2 2 0 Mr. Thomas Jeeves 2 2 0 Dr. Samuel Rogers 2 2 0 Mrs. Whittenburg and Children 2 2 0 Mrs. Upton and Children 2 2 0 Mr. Sprat 2 2 0 Richard Isles, Esq. 2 2 0 Miss Isles 2 2 0 Mrs. Dimsdale 2 2 0 Mrs. Came 2 2 0 Mrs. Chamberlain 1 1 0 Mrs. Gatward 1 1 0 Mrs. Haynes 1 1 0 Mrs. Man 1 1 0 Mr. Lawrence 1 1 0 Mr. Rackstraw 1 1 0 Mr. Haynes 1 1 0 Mr. Benjamin Young 1 1 0 Mr. Worsley 1 1 0 Mr. John Flack 1 1 0 Mr. Thomas Plows 10 6 Mr. John Page 10 6 Mr. Samuel Saunders 10 6 Miss Martha East 10 6 Mrs. Hanscombe 10 6 Mr. John Harrod 10 6 Rev. Mr. John Saunders 1 1 0 Mr. J. Wood 10 6 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Saunders' 20 11 9
Mr. John Barnard 4 4 0 Mr. John Flindall 4 4 0 Mr. John Turner 3 3 0 Miles Wallis, Esq. 3 3 0 Mr. George Nolcut 2 2 0 Messrs. John and Jos. Flindall 2 2 0 Mr. Ralph Hare 2 2 0 Mr. John May Dring 2 2 0 Mr. John Scott 2 7 3 Mr. Daniel Wade and two Sisters 2 2 0 Unknown 1 12 6 Mr. Ralph 1 1 0 Mr. Ralph's Sister 10 6 Mr. George Death 1 1 0 Mr. Abbot 1 1 0 Mrs. Abbot 1 1 0 Mr. Philip Dikes 1 1 0 Mr. Joseph Byles 1 1 0 Mr. J. Hall 1 1 0 Mr. Paul Smith 1 1 0 Mr. John Beardwell 1 1 0 Mr. Robert Sporle 1 1 0 Mr. William Clarke 1 1 0 Mrs. Clark 10 6 The Rev. Mr. Scott 10 6 Rev. Mr. Lathbury 5 3 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Edward's 33 8 6
Collected at the Rev. Mr. Curtis' 12 0 0
Collected at the Rev. Mr. Boyce's 20 7 3 From several of Mr. Boyce's people 6 6 9 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Browne's 3 13 6 From Rev. Mr. Matlock 14 6 Mr. Buswall 2 0
The Rev. Mr. Fawcett, in Books 10 10 0 Mr. John Watson 10 10 0 Mr. John Broome and Son 10 10 0 Messrs. Cranes 10 10 0 Mr. Joseph Austin 6 6 0 Messrs. John & Francis Lea 5 5 0 Mr. Nich. Pearsall and Son 5 5 0 Mr. Jefferys and Son 4 4 0 Mrs. Longmore 4 4 0 Mr. Henry Penn 3 3 0 Mrs. Bate 3 3 0 Mr. Nicholas Penn 2 2 0 Mr. John Symonds 2 2 0 Mr. Francis Best 2 2 0 The Rev. Mr. Orton 2 2 0 Dr. Johnstone 2 2 0 Mr. Thomas Richardson 2 2 0 Mr. Samuel Read 1 11 6 Mr. Talbutt 1 11 6 Mr. John Wilkinson 1 1 0 Mrs. Aaron 1 1 0 Mr. John Butler 1 1 0 Mr. John Pearsall 1 1 0 Mr. John Baker 1 1 0 Mr. John Lea 1 1 0 Mr. Benjamin Lea 1 1 0 Mr. Harper 1 1 0 Mr. Hanbury 1 1 0 Mr. Hornblower 1 1 0 Mr. James Hill 1 1 0 Mr. John Richardson 1 1 0 Mr. John Cooper 1 1 0 Mr. John Wright 1 1 0 Mr. Broom, Sr. 1 1 0 Miss Symonds 10 6 By Sundry Persons 14 2 6 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Fawcett's 21 4 7-1/2
Collected at the Rev. Mr. Whitford's 6 17 8
Collected at the Rev. Mr. Neil's 5 5 0
Collected at the Rev. Mr. Hall's 6 7 6
Collected at Rev. Messrs. Dowley and Kidman's 16 15 2
Collected at the Rev. Mr. Johnson's 16 10 7 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Wesley's 8 8 0 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Endfield's 15 1 0 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Hall's 11 13 4 Collected by Sundries 9 6 0
Lady Margaret Ingham 5 5 0 Mrs. Medhurst 5 5 0 Mr. C. Barnard, in Testaments 4 4 0 Collected at the Rev. Mr. John Edwards' 15 3 10-1/2 Collected by the Rev. Mr. Thomas Whittaker 14 14 0 Collected by the Rev. Mr. Wesley's People 8 1 6-1/2
Mr. Haylock 1 11 6 Mr. Barker 10 6 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Curtis's 5 2 1
Collected of Sundries and at Rev. Mr. Johnson's 20 4 10-3/4
Henry Moore, Esq. 6 6 0 Hon. Wm. Campbell, Esq. 5 5 0 Robert Cook, Esq. 3 3 0 William Jennings, Esq. 3 3 0 —— Kedington, Esq. 1 16 0 Mrs. Bradley 1 1 0 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Hubbard's 11 17 10
Collected at the Rev. Mr. Francis' 5 10 6 M. H. 10 6 Mr. William Innell 10 6 Mrs. Fuller 5 0
Collected at the Rev. Mr. Moore's 3 14 1
Collected at the Rev. Mr. Bakers 4 3 1
Collected by Mr. Scott 2 15 6
Collected at the Rev. Mr. Morgan's 8 0 0
Mr. Forster 1 1 0 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Cooper's 14 9 3-3/4
Collected at the Rev. Mr. Purchase's 4 13 8
Mrs. Prosper 5 5 0 The two Mrs. Maynard's 3 12 0 The two Miss Todds 3 3 0 Mrs. Travers 3 3 0 Dr. Milner 2 2 0 Mr. Fullagar 2 2 0 Mr. Wicking 2 2 0 Mr. Sawkins 2 2 0 Mr. Beal Boreman 1 11 6 Mrs. Heath 1 11 6 Mrs. Savage 1 1 0 Mrs. Polhill 1 1 0 Mrs. Sharp 1 1 0 Mr. Prentice 1 1 0 Mr. Winter 1 1 0 Mr. Pierce 1 1 0 Mr. Joseph Harris 1 1 0 Mr. Jesser 1 1 0 Mr. Dawson 10 6 Mrs. Dean 10 6 Messrs. Knowlden & Blythe 9 6 Mr. Bleigh 5 3 Mr. Leicester 2 6 Collected at the Rev. Messrs. Lewis', Jenkins', and Wyethe's 17 9 0 Collected by Mr. Occom 7 18 9-1/2
Unknown 1 1 0 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Trotter's 12 11 3-1/4
Rev. Mr. Peter Fabian 1 1 0 The Rev. Mr. Hewgo, Curate of Newton 10 6 Mr. Joseph Tozer 2 2 0 Mr. Samuel Flammark 1 1 0 Mr. Joseph Westcott 1 0 6 Mr. John Matthews 1 1 0 Mr. John Tozer and Family 1 13 6 Mr. William Flammark 10 6 Mrs. Mary Matthews 10 6 Sundries 4 9 6
Thomas Urry, Esq. 5 5 0 Mr. Kirkpatrick 5 5 0 Dr. Cook 2 2 0 Mr. Sharp 2 2 0 Mrs. Trattle 2 2 0 Mr. Stephen Leigh 1 11 6 The Rev. Mr. Sturch 1 1 0 Mr. Richard Cooke 1 1 0 Mr. Thomas Cooke 1 1 0 Mr. Temple 1 1 0 Mr. John Clarke 1 1 0 The Rev. Mr. Atkins 1 1 0 Mr. Till 1 1 0 Mr. Brown 1 1 0 Counsellor White 1 1 0 Mr. Holliere 1 1 0 Mrs. Whitehead 1 1 0 Farmer Cook 1 1 0 Mr. Douglas 1 1 0 Mr. Caleb Cook 1 1 0 Dr. Cowlam 10 6 Mr. Upward 10 6 Messrs. Lucas & Hollier 10 6 Captain Pike 10 6 Mr. Nichols 10 6 Mr. Wilson 10 6 Mr. John Taylor 10 6 Rev. Mr. Edwards 10 0 Sundry persons 1 2 3 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Atkins' 7 8 10-1/2 Sent afterwards by Mr. Kirkpatrick 18 1 6
Rev. Mr. Ryland 1 1 0 Joseph Churchill, Esq. 1 1 0 Mr. Edward Whitton 10 6 The Rev. Mr. Timms 5 3 Mr. Dicey 5 3 Mr. Win 4 6 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Rylands 20 11 8-1/2 Ditto at the Rev. Mr. Hextal's 24 3 0
Collected at Rev. Messrs. Sloss' and Allistone's 41 15 9 Capt. Scott 1 1 0 Collected of Rev. Mr. Wesley's people, by ditto 2 11 8-1/2 Collected of Dr. Eaton's people Mr. Fellows 2 2 0 Mrs. Burden 1 1 0 Mr. Immings 1 1 0 Mr. Benj. Bull and Son 1 1 0 Mr. Seagrage 1 1 0 Alderman Hornbuccle 1 1 0 Mr. Foxcroft 1 1 0 Mr. J. Buxton 10 6 Mr. Wilkinson 10 6 Mr. Stubbins 10 6 By Sundries 1 0 6
Collected at the Rev. Mr. Willotts 8 5 0
Collected at the Rev. Mr. Haughton's 8 3 9
Mayor and Corporation 21 0 0 Sir Walter Blackett 10 10 0 Collected of Sundries 3 8 0 —— Cookson, Esq. 5 5 0 Joseph Ord, Esq. 4 4 0 Mr. Airy 2 2 0 Unknown 1 1 0 Messrs. Widdrington & Gibbons 1 1 0 Dr. Stoddart, etc. 16 6 Mr. Donaldson 1 1 0 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Lowthian's 21 4 11-1/2 Ditto at Rev. Mr. Ogilvie's 15 15 0 Ditto at Rev. Mr. Shields 15 4 3-1/2 Ditto at the Rev. Mr. Richardson's 8 18 8 Ditto at Rev. Mr. Atkins' 13 10 0 Ditto at Rev. Mr. Murray's 23 8 0 Ditto by the Rev. Mr. Wesley 6 3 1 Ditto by Rev. Mr. Peel, of Hexham 2 18 0 Ditto, and paid into the Bank 3 6 6
Mr. Mayor 1 1 0 John Ruggles, Esq. 5 5 0 Mr. John Scott & Sons 5 5 0 Mr. Wm. Barnet & Son 4 4 0 Mr. Thomas Paul 3 3 0 Rev. Mr. Tapps, Curate of St. George's 2 2 0 Rev. Mr. Philip Pyle 2 2 0 Rev. Dr. Wood 2 2 0 Dr. Peck 2 2 0 Alderman Crowe 2 2 0 Alderman Woods 2 2 0 Aldermen Ives and Jeves 2 2 0 Alderman Rogers 1 1 0 Mr. Lincoln 2 2 0 Messrs. Day and Watts 2 2 0 Mr. John Woodrow 2 2 0 Mr. Jeremiah Pestle 2 2 0 Charles Weston, Esq. 2 2 0 Mr. Claxton Smith 2 2 0 Mr. Stephen Gardiner 2 2 0 Philip Stannard, Esq. 2 2 0 Mrs. Corsbie 1 3 0 Mr. Baldy and others 1 3 0 Mr. Patterson and Sister 1 11 6 Rev. Mr. Burcham 1 1 0 Mrs. Cubit 1 1 0 Mr. Robert Sewell 1 1 0 Mr. William Firth 1 1 0 Mr. Hinsman 1 1 0 Capt. Smith 1 1 0 Mr. Thomas Harvey 1 1 0 Mr. John Ives 1 1 0 Mr. Sidley Reymes 1 1 0 Mr. James Wheeler 1 1 0 Mr. Gimmingham 1 1 0 Mr. John Reymes 1 1 0 Mr. Hopson 1 1 0 Messrs. Smith & Barlow 1 1 0 Rev. Dr. Newton 1 1 0 Mr. Beardman 1 1 0 Mr. Partridge 1 1 0 Mrs. Pie (10s. 6d.) and others 1 9 0 Mr. Whinnard 10 6 Mr. Ferguson 10 6 Mr. Ollyett 10 6 Mr. Wiggit 10 6 Mr. Shalders 10 6 Mr. Beavers 10 6 Collected at the Rev. Dr. Wood's Chapel 32 1 6 Alderman Marsh 3 3 0 Samuel Wiggett, Esq. 3 3 0 Mr. James Tompson 3 3 0 Mr. Coldham 2 2 0 Mr. Bayley 2 2 0 Mr. William Taylor 2 2 0 Peter Finch, Esq. 2 2 0 Mr. William Carter 2 2 0 Mr. Nasmith 2 2 0 Mr. William Fell 1 1 0 Rev. Mr. John Hoyle 1 1 0 The Rev. Mr. Bruckner 1 1 0 Mr. Charles Marsh 1 1 0 Dr. Manning 1 1 0 Mr. James Smith, Sen. 1 1 0 Mr. Philip Taylor 1 1 0 Mr. Charles Dalrymple 1 1 0 Mr. Wright Smith 1 1 0 Mr. Martineau 1 1 0 Mr. John Baldy 1 1 0 Mr. Peter Fromow 1 1 0 Mr. James Barrow 1 1 0 Mrs. Chamberlain 1 1 0 Miss Pointer 1 1 0 Mrs. Lessingham 1 1 0 Mr. Thomas Newman 1 1 0 Mrs. Bird 1 1 0 Mr. Frederick Friday 10 6 Mr. J. Trull 5 3 Miss Lincolnes 5 3 Mr. Christopher Newman 5 0 Mrs. Newman 5 0 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Hoyle's Chapel 8 11 6-1/2 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Fisher's Chapel 5 18 0
Collected at the Rev. Mr. Bloomfield's 6 13 2
Rev. Mr. Reader 2 2 0 Mr. Merriman 2 2 0 Rev. Mr. Penrose, Mayor, etc. 2 2 0 From Sundries 9 10 0 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Reader's 6 17 0 Ditto at the Rev. Mr. Lewis' 1 3 6
Mr. Pearson 1 1 0 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Rae's 8 0 6 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Dean's 8 3 4
Mrs. Horton 1 1 0 Mrs. Wainhouse 10 6 Mrs. Holmes 10 6 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Hesketh's 3 0 3
Collected at the Rev. Mr. Drake's 9 4 7 The Rev. Mr. Bull 10 6
From Merton College 5 5 0 The Rev. Mr. Kilner 1 1 0 The Rev. Mr. Stillingfleet 1 1 0 The Rev. Mr. Blaney 1 1 0 Mrs. Kent 2 2 0 Mr. Archdale Rook 1 1 0 Mr. Thomas Plater 1 1 0 Mr. William Fox 1 11 6 Mr. Samuel Fox 1 11 6 Mrs. Prime 5 3 Collected at Burford, per Mr. Darby 1 9 1 Ditto at Whitney, per ditto 1 10 0
Collected at the Rev. Mr. Haggerstone's 4 15 6
Collected at the Rev. Mr. Panting's 3 6 2
Mr. William Kingdom 10 10 0 Mr. William Sheppard 5 5 0 Mr. John Bayley 5 5 0 Mr. William Clarke 5 5 0 Mr. William Deane 5 5 0 Rev. Mr. Zachary Mudge 2 2 0 Mr. Culme 2 2 0 Mr. John Jones 2 2 0 Messrs. William and Philip Cookworthy 2 2 0 Mr. Mignam 2 2 0 Mr. John Fox and Son 2 2 0 Mr. Francis Cock 2 2 0 Mr. Henry Pitt Sutton 2 2 0 Mr. Joseph Squire 2 2 0 Mr. John Harris 2 2 0 Mr. William Batt 2 2 0 Mr. Connell 2 2 0 Mrs. Holdens 1 6 3 Mr. William Phillips, Mayor 1 1 0 Rev. Mr. John Bedford 1 1 0 Mr. George Leach 1 1 0 Major Yeo 1 1 0 Capt. B——g 1 1 0 Dr. Huxham 1 1 0 Dr. Mudge 1 1 0 Mr. Joseph Collier 1 1 0 Mr. John Browne 1 1 0 Mr. Sugars 1 1 0 Mr. Frey 1 1 0 Mr. Roger Trend 1 1 0 Mr. Charles Fox 1 1 0 The Rev. Mr. Vivian 1 1 0 Mr. John Snook 1 1 0 Anthony Porter, Esq. 1 1 0 Widow Elworthy 1 1 0 Mr. William Pierce 1 1 0 The Rev. Mr. Julian 1 1 0 Mr. D. Jardine 1 1 0 The Rev. Mr. Kinsman 1 1 0 Mrs. Ann Gwennap 1 1 0 Mr. Peter Bayley 1 1 0 The Rev. Mr. Gibbs 1 1 0 Mrs. Loval 1 1 0 Mrs. Bickford 19 6 Mr. Sherdevoyne 13 0 The Rev. Mr. Dodge 10 6 Rev. Mr. Gandy 10 6 Rev. Mr. Lemoyne 10 6 Mr. Miotts, Jr. 10 6 Mr. Michael Nichols 10 6 Mr. P. Lyman 10 6 Mr. George Perry 10 6 Mr. Jacob Austin 10 6 Mr. John Cock 10 6 Miss Jennys 10 6 Mr. Stone 10 6 Mrs. Wilcocks 10 6 Mr. Bicknar 10 6 Mr. William Pearce, Jr. 10 6 Mr. Elias Romery 10 6 Mr. Erthur 10 6 —— Julian, Esq. 10 6 Mrs. Ellery 10 6 Mr. J. Wills 10 6 J. Moorshead, Esq. 10 6 Mr. John Collier 10 6 Mr. Samuel Champion 10 6 Mr. How 10 6 Mr. J. Symonds 10 6 Mr. Joseph Pearce 10 6 Mr. Freeman 10 6 Mr. Husbands 10 6 Mr. John Wallis 10 6 Dr. Scott 10 6 Mrs. Fuge 10 6 Mr. Omony 10 6 Mr. Perry 10 6 Mrs. Tope 10 6 Mr. Putt 10 6 Mr. Henry Hewer 10 6 Mr. Burt 10 6 Unknown 10 6 Captain Sparks 10 6 Mr. Dunsterfield 10 6 Mr. Carter 10 6 Mrs. Dengey 10 6 Mr. James 10 6 Mr. Lovell 10 6 Sundry persons 2 19 3 Ditto 2 14 6 Ditto 2 4 6 Ditto 1 10 9 Ditto 1 10 6 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Mends' 15 15 7-1/4 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Rennel's 9 15 0 Ditto at the Tabernacle 7 15 8-1/2 Ditto at Rev. Mr. Gibbs' 4 18 8
Hon. Commissioner Rogers 5 5 0 John Lloyd, Esq. 3 3 0 Mr. Blackmore 2 2 0 Mr. Poleman 2 2 0 Mr. Samuel Young 1 16 0 Hon. Col. Burleigh 1 7 0 Mr. Philip Justice 1 1 0 Mr. Ralph Paine 1 1 0 Dr. Vincent 1 1 0 Madam Durrell 1 1 0 Major Campbell 1 1 0 Dr. Wolcombe 1 1 0 Dr. Colvil 1 1 0 Mr. Jane 1 1 0 Mr. Heath 1 1 0 Rev. Mr. John Stokes 10 6 Mr. Austin 10 6 Mr. Moore 10 6 Mr. Atkinson 10 6 Mr. Nicholas Mercator 10 6 Mr. William Crossman 10 6 Mrs. Hooper 10 6 Mrs. Spry 10 6 Mr. George Patrick 10 6 Mr. James Howell 10 6 Mr. Hinckstone 10 6 Mr. Matthew Watson 10 6 Mr. John Scott 10 6 Mr. Brooking 10 6 Mr. James Helling 10 6 Mr. Nash 10 6 Mr. John Row 10 6 Mr. Robert Jeffery 10 6 Mr. William Phillips 10 6 Mrs. Dillon 10 6 Mrs. Ivey 10 6 Mr. P. Langmaid 10 6 Mr. Rodds 10 6 Mrs. Mary Bennett 10 6 Mr. Lawrence Rowe 10 6 Captain of Marines 10 6 Mr. Weggan 10 6 Mr. Mullis 10 6 Mr. May 10 6 Mr. Harding 10 6 Mr. Baron 10 6 Mr. Jeffery 10 6 Mr. Lampen 10 6 Mr. Weston 10 6 Mr. Hatcher 10 6 Mr. Yeo 10 6 Mr. John Linzee 10 6 Mr. Robert Bennett 10 6 Unknown 10 6 Sundry persons 4 5 9 Ditto 1 7 3 Ditto 8 9 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Whitefield's Tabernacle 22 0 0 Ditto at Rev. Mr. Wesley's 4 17 0
Madam Farr 1 1 0 Mr. Marshal 1 1 0 Mr. Bogue 10 6 Captain Ball 10 6 Mr. Gillard 10 6 Mr. Binney and Banwick 10 6
Mr. Samuel Clark 5 5 0 Mrs. Green 3 3 0 Mr. Pike 3 3 0 Mr. Joliff and Ladies 1 11 0 Rev. Mr. Nairn, Rector 1 1 0 Mr. Sutton 1 1 0 Mr. John Green 1 1 0 Mr. Bird 1 1 0 Mr. Hyde 1 1 0 Mr. George Milner 1 1 0 Mr. D. Durrell 1 1 0 Mr. George Olive 1 1 0 Mr. Martin Kemp 1 1 0 Miss Frances Welch 1 1 0 Mr. Miller 1 1 0 Mrs. Elizabeth Pike 1 1 0 Mr. Bayly, Mrs. Pain, and Mrs. Campbell 1 0 6 Rev. Mr. Ashburner 10 6 Mr. Sherran 10 6 Mr. James Bristowe 10 6 Mr. Budden 10 6 Mr. J. Budden 10 6 Mr. G. Durrell 10 6 Mr. Tito Durrell 10 6 Mrs. Oliver, Sen., and Mrs. Oliver, Jr. 15 9 Mr. Thomas Stephens 10 6 Mr. Farr Strong 10 6 Mrs. Thompson 10 6 Mrs. Haseldon 10 6 Mr. Frith 10 6 Mr. John Bird 10 6 Mr. William Taverner 10 6 Mr. John Sweetland 10 6 Mrs. Mary Linthorn 10 6 Mr. Richard Rix 10 6 Mr. Basset 5 3 Mrs. Jolliff 5 3 Mr. J. Stodely 5 3 Mrs. Elizabeth Christian 5 0 Mr. Lacey 2 6 Mr. Spurrier 2 6 Sundry Persons 2 17 0 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Howell's 7 18 6 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Ashburner's 7 0 6-1/2
Mr. William Pike 10 10 0 The Rev. Mr. Walter, Chaplain to the Dock 10 6 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Wren's 25 11 4-1/2
Mr. Pierson 2 2 0 Mr. Whitewood & Unknown 1 1 0 Mr. Millard 10 6 Mr. Daniel Hayward 10 6 Mr. Thomas Symms 10 6 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Lacey's 5 5 9 Collected at the Tabernacle 4 2 10-1/2
Mr. Samuel Rickards 1 1 0 Mr. James Rickards 1 1 0 The Rev. Mr. Dark 10 6 The Rev. Mr. Beal 10 6 The Rev. Mr. Ash 10 6 Mr. Smith 5 0 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Ash's 7 7 6
The Rev. Mr. Wainman 1 1 0 Unknown 2 6
Collected at the Rev. Mr. Madgwick's. 10 1 9
The Rev. Mr. J. Samuel 1 1 0 Mr. John Comley 1 11 6 Mr. Thomas Comley 1 11 6 Mrs. Comley 1 1 0 Mr. Tarver 1 11 6 Mr. Clement Sharp, Sen. 1 1 0 Mr. Clement Sharp, Jr. 1 1 0 Mr. Madgwicke 1 1 0 Mr. Newman 1 1 0 Mr. Bernard 1 1 0 Mr. Waldron 1 1 0 Mr. Richard Sharpe 1 1 0 Mr. Fanner 1 1 0 Mr. Newlands 1 1 0 Mr. John Hewlett and Sisters 1 1 0 Mrs. Collier 1 1 0 Sundry Persons unknown 1 11 6 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Samuel's 11 4 9 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Finch's 3 3 0
Mr. N——n 5 5 0 Collected at the Rev. Messrs. Wright's and Horsey's 16 2 0
Collected at the Rev. Moses Gregson's 16 15 0
Collected at the Rev. Mr. Aulton's 11 15 6
Collected at the Rev. Mr. Thorp's, and the Rev. Mr. Moult's 21 18 9-1/2 A Private Benefaction, sent by Rev. Mr. Moult 1 1 0
Mrs. Ward 4 4 0 Mr. Edward Fordham 2 2 0 Mr. John Fordham 2 2 0 Mr. Joseph Forster 1 6 0 Mr. George Fordham 1 11 6 Mr. Coxall 1 11 6 Mr. Butler 1 1 0 Mrs. Beldham 1 1 0 Mrs. Wright 1 1 0 Mr. John Phillips 1 1 0 Mr. John Newling 1 1 0 Mrs. Coxall 10 6 Mr. Philips 10 6 Mrs. Beldham 10 6 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Wells' 6 10 1-1/2
The Mayor 1 1 0 Rev. Mr. Merrick 1 1 0 Rev. Mr. Camble 1 1 0 Rev. Mr. Noon 1 1 0 Mr. Davidson 1 1 0 Mrs. King 1 1 0 Mrs. Girl 1 1 0 Mr. Harrison 10 6 Mr. Willats 10 6 Mrs. Noon 10 6 Unknown 10 6 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Noon's 18 11 7-3/4 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Armstrong's 7 2 5 A Clergyman and a person unknown, by the Rev. Mr. Armstrong 2 2 0
Unknown 5 0 0 Mr. George Rainier 2 2 0 Mr. John Garret 2 2 0 The Rev. Mr. Bradbury 1 1 0 Mr. Cornelius Friend 1 1 0 Mr. Daniel Friend 1 1 0 Mrs. Elizabeth and Sarah Friend 1 1 0 Mrs. Abbot 1 1 0 Mr. Thomas Curling 1 1 0 Mrs. Kemp 1 1 0 Unknown 1 1 0 Mr. Small, Jr. 1 1 0 Mr. Cracraft 10 6 Unknown 10 6 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Bradbury's 11 13 9-3/4
Collected at the Rev. Mr. Gwenap's 70 10 0
Collected at the Rev. Mr. Field's 12 10 6
The Rev. Mr. Jellard 2 2 0 Mrs. Stephenson 1 11 6 Unknown 10 6 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Jellard's 13 0 0
Collected at the Rev. Mr. Bishop's 5 5 0
Collected at the Rev. Mr. Williams's 9 17 10 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Phillips' 2 0 6
Mr. Samuel Foot 3 3 0 Mr. Goadby 1 1 0 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Lewis's 15 0 0 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Thomas's. 5 17 9
Mr. Toller 1 16 0 Masters John and Thomas Toller 5 0 Mr. Ostler 1 1 0 Mr. Channing 1 1 0 Mr. Anstice 1 1 0 Messrs. Adams, Phillips, & Vaux 15 6 Mr. Chapman 10 6 Mr. Lock 10 6 Sundry Persons 1 11 3 Rev. Mr. Thomas 5 3 The Rev. Mr. Kirkup 10 6 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Kirkup's 14 10 0-1/2
Madame Rollestone 10 10 0 Mr. Bartholomew Bray 3 3 0 Mrs. & Miss Messer & Mr. Bulkley 2 12 6 Rev. Mr. Rooke, V. of St. Michael's 1 1 0 Rev. Mr. Wm. Kingsbury 1 1 0 Mr. Walter Taylor 1 1 0 Mr. Taylor, Sen. 1 1 0 Mr. Joseph Taylor 1 1 0 —— Norris, Esq. 1 1 0 Mrs. Bissault 1 1 0 Mrs. Percival 1 1 0 Mr. Peter Bernard 1 1 0 Mr. Thomas Bernard 1 1 0 Mrs. Bernard 1 1 0 Mr. Joseph Bernard 10 6 Mrs. Raymond 10 6 Mrs. Heckwich 10 6 Unknown 10 6 Mrs. Forithorne 2 6 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Kingsbury's 9 1 0
Collected at the Rev. Mr. Edge's 21 10 4
Collected by the Rev. Mr. Richard Alliot of Coventry 6 10 0
Collected at the Rev. Mr. Rae's 3 14 0
Collected at the Rev. Mr. Lee's 7 11 0-3/4 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Waugh's 9 9 0 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Somervil's 11 9 0-1/4 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Wesley's 2 17 0
Collected at the Rev. Mr. Blackie's 8 4 0-1/4
Collected at the Rev. Mr. Ball's 18 19 0
Collected at the Rev. Mr. Davis' 6 18 1-1/4
Collected of the Rev. Mr. Pye's People.
Mr. Benjamin Roebuck 5 5 0 Mr. Samuel Greaves 3 3 0 The Rev. Mr. Pye 2 2 0 Mr. Vennor 2 2 0 Mrs. Parker 2 2 0 Messrs. John & Roger Wilson 1 1 0 Mr. Samuel Wilson 1 1 0 Mrs. Roebuck, Sen. 1 1 0 Mr. John Smith 1 1 0 Mr. Bennett 1 1 0 Mrs. Winter 1 1 0 Mr. Windle & Mr. Love 1 1 0 Mr. Bridges 1 1 0 Mr. William Smith 1 1 0 Mrs. Smith, Sen. 1 1 0 Mr. Nutt 1 1 0 Mrs. Holy 10 6 Mr. Andrews 10 6 Mr. William Marshall 10 6 Mr. Loy 10 6 Mr. Robert Hall 10 6 Mr. Joseph Wilson 10 6 Mr. Worrell 10 6 Mr. Samuel Parkin 10 6 Mr. Littlewood 10 6 By Sundries 1 13 0 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Pye's 15 12 0
Collected of the Rev. Messrs. Evans's and Dickinson's People.
Mrs. Eddowes 1 16 0 Mr. Shore, Sen. 1 1 0 Mrs. Robarts 1 1 0 Mr. Robarts 1 1 0 The Rev. Mr. Evans 1 1 0 The Rev. Mr. Hall of Stannington 1 1 0 Mr. Simmons 10 6 Mr. Kaigh 10 6 Mr. Samuel Hall 10 6 Mr. Haynes 10 6 Mr. Marshall 10 6 Mr. Nathaniel Hall 10 6 From Sundries 19 9 Collected at the Rev. Messrs. Evans' and Dickinson's Meeting 7 3 9
Collected of others in Sheffield.
Messrs. Broomhead 2 2 0 Mr. G. Greaves 1 1 0 Mr. John Fenton 1 1 0 Mr. Roger Wilson 10 6 Mr. G. Woodhead 10 6 Mr. John Winter 10 6 Unknown 2 6 Mr. Kenyon and two others 15 6 Mr. Matthews 10 6 Mr. Moore 5 0 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Bryant's 5 5 3 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Wesley's 2 17 0
Collected at the Rev. Mr. Wilson's 4 0 8
Rev. Dr. Wilberforce 1 1 0 Dr. Jackson 1 1 0 Mrs. Wingfield 1 1 0 Middleton Trollop, Esq. 1 1 0 Mr. Adams 1 1 0 Mr. Torkington 10 6 Mr. Woodroffe 10 6 Rev. Mr. John Ralph 10 6 Dr. Tathwell 10 6 Mrs. Delamore 5 0
The Rev. Mr. Archer 1 1 0
—— Gainsborough, Esq. 10 10 0 Mrs. Margaret Fenn 5 5 0 Mr. John Burket, Sen. 5 5 0 Mr. Holman 4 4 0 Mr. Thomas Burket 3 3 0 Mr. John Burket, Jr. 2 2 0 Rev. Mr. Heginbothom 1 1 0 Mrs. Holman, Jr. 1 1 0 Mr. Stow 1 1 0 Mr. Watkinson of Lavingham 1 1 0 Mr. Stockdell (Clark) 1 1 0 Mr. Darby 1 1 0 Miss Shepherd 1 1 0 Mr. Barker 10 6 Mrs. Addison 10 6 Mr. Ellis 10 6 Mr. John Holman 10 6 Mrs. Holman 10 6 Miss Holman 10 6 Mr. Brabrook 10 6 Mr. Thomas Stow 10 6 Mr. English 10 6 Mrs. Pawlett 10 6 Unknown 10 6 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Heginbothom's 4 12 6 Thomas Fenn, Esq. 5 5 0 Mr. T. Fenn, Jr. 3 3 0 Mrs. Fenn 2 2 0 Mr. Thomas Gibbons 2 2 0 Mr. Addison 1 16 0 Mr. John Ralling 1 11 6 Mr. William Gibbons 1 1 0 Mr. Abraham Greggs 1 1 0 Mr. Chaplain 10 6 Miss Ralling 10 6 Miss Burket 10 6 Miss Stow 10 6 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Lombard's 2 7 3
The Rev. Mr. Hallam 1 1 0 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Hallam's 10 18 11-1/4
The Rev. Mr. Perronett and Friends 1 16 9
Collected at the Rev. Mr. Stenger's 5 6 8 Ditto at the Rev. Mr. Bligh's 2 11 10-1/2 Ditto at the Rev. Mr. Wesley's 1 13 6
Collected at the meeting 5 6 9
Collected by the Rev. Mr. Hurrion 11 16 6
Collected by the Rev. Mr. Phene 10 10 10
Mrs. Turner 2 12 6 Mrs. Temple 2 2 0 Mr. Whittaker 1 1 0 Mr. Amos Simon 1 1 0 Esquire Mortimer 1 1 0 Mr. James Shrapnell and son 11 6 Mr. Butlar 10 6 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Waldron's 16 18 0 Ditto at the Rev. Mr. Cross' 15 6 6 Ditto at Mr. Rawling's 2 4 8
Governor Pool 2 2 0 The Rev. Mr. Blake 2 2 0 Mr. Wascot 2 2 0 Mrs. Welman 2 2 0 Mr. Follaquire 2 2 0 Mrs. Halliday 2 2 0 The Rev. Mr. William Johnson 1 1 0 Mr. Kirkpatrick 1 1 0 Mr. Jefferies, Sen. 1 1 0 Mr. Joseph Jefferies 1 1 0 Mrs. Follaquire 1 1 0 Rev. Mr. John Ward 10 6 Rev. Mr. Joshua Toulmin 10 6 Mr. Handcocke 10 6 Mrs. Stone 10 6 Mr. Harrison 10 6 Mr. Norma 10 6 Mr. Joseph Cornish 10 6 Mr. William Stow 10 6 Mrs. Peacock 10 6 Mr. Samuel Reed 10 6 Dr. Cabble 10 6 Mr. Thomas Grove 10 6 Mr. J. Furnival 10 6 Mr. Nobb 10 6 A Lady unknown 10 6 Miss Smith 5 0 Mr. J. Burcher 5 0 Mr. Jowitt 2 6 Unknown 2 6 Ditto 2 0 Mr. Slowar and a poor Widow 3 6 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Johnson's 19 4 1
Mrs. Fryer 4 4 0 Mr. John Fryer 2 2 0 Mr. William Elliott 1 1 0 Mr. William Kennaway, Sen. 1 1 0 Mr. Simon Morris 1 1 0 Mrs. Burgess 1 1 0 Madam Collier 1 1 0 Mr. John Woolcombe 10 6 Mrs. Thomas 10 6 Captain William Sherville 10 6 Mr. Reynolds 10 6 Captain Coleman 10 6 Mr. George Culverwell 10 6 Mr. Watton 10 6 Mr. Samuel Hill 10 6 Miss Bultell 10 6 The Rev. Mr. Pitts 10 6 Unknown 10 6 Mrs. Love 5 3 The collection 27 4 3 |