485 Main St., Buffalo, N.Y.
November, 1892. Book No. 2.
In teaching fancy dances, more rapid progress will be made by forming exercises characteristic of the movements to be executed.
This dance comprises a hopping movement and the laws of opposition must be observed with the hands and arms, therefore I will give a few exercises which must be thoroughly practised.
In describing, the letter R denotes right foot, L, the left.
Hop four times on L. (one bar, four counts.)
Hop four times on R. (one bar, four counts.)
Hop four times on L. (one bar, four counts.)
Hop four times on R, turning completely around towards the right hand. (one bar, four counts.)
Repeat the whole movement by hopping first on R, then on L, then on R, then on L, turning towards the left hand.
This exercise lays the foundation for the fling.
Exercise No. 2.
Stand on L, extend R to second position, (count one.)
Bring the R up back of L, (count two.)
Extend R to second position, (count three.)
Bring R up in front of L, (count four, one bar.)
Go through the same positions with L, to the same number of counts, (one bar.)
Repeat again with R, (count four, one bar.)
Hop four times on R, turning towards the right hand, (count four, one bar.)
This makes four bars.
Repeat the entire movements with L, which will bring the turn the last time on L, towards the left hand, completing the eight bars.
Note—In placing the R or L in second position, do not extend it too far out, let the toe only touch the floor, the heel well raised. The toe should be pointed towards the floor as much as possible in all movements.
Exercise No. 3.
This exercise I introduce for the changing of weight from one foot to the other.
Hop on L, and at the same time and count, extend R to second position, (count one.)
Hop again on L, and at the same time and count, bring R up in front of L, (count two, R is now up.)
Hop on to R and at the same time, and count, extend L to second position (count one.)
Hop again on R, and bring L up in front, toe pointed, (count two.) Repeat changing from one foot to the other, until an easy movement has been acquired.
Exercise No. 4.
Hand Movements—Place right hand on the hip, the fingers towards the back, raise the left well up with the fingers towards the head which makes a rounding position of the arm, or describing a half circle from the shoulder to the fingers, the head should be inclined a little to the left.
Hold this position, (count four, one bar.)
Reverse it, right up, left on hip, (count four, one bar.)
Repeat the left, (count four, one bar.)
Reverse it, right up, left on hip, (count four, one bar.) while the turn is being made.
Keep this position, right up, left on hip, (count four, one bar.)
Note—The movements of the feet will be changed from R to L.
Reverse it, left up, right on hip, (count four, one bar.)
Repeat, right up, left on hip, (count four, one bar.)
Reverse it, left up, right on hip, (count four, one bar.) 8 bars will complete the hand movements, leaving them in position for the next step.
As the effect of the dance depends largely upon the artistic movements of the hands, this exercise should be well studied.
Abbreviation Left hand up, while the R foot is moving and the L hopping.
Right hand up while the L foot is moving and the R hopping.
Left hand up, while the R foot is moving and the L hopping.
Right hand up, while turning with hopping step on R foot.
Keep the right hand up after turning for the beginning of the next step.
Step One.
Part First, One Bar.
Position—Left hand up, right on hip. Hop on L and at the same time and count, extend R toe to second position, heel raised, (count one.)
Hop on L, and at the same time and count, bring R up back of L, toe pointing down, (count two.)
Hop on L, and at the same time and count, extend R to second position, heel raised, (count three.)
Hop on L, and at the same time and count, bring the R up in front of L, toe pointing down, (count four.)
Part Second, One Bar.
Change the position of the hands, and at the same time and count, hop on to R, (which is up in front.) extending L toe to second position, heel raised, (count one.)
NOTE—The change of hand positions, hopping on to R, extending L to second position, must be done to one count.
Hop on R, and at the same time and count, bring L up back of R, toe pointed down, (count two.)
Hop on R, and at the same time and count, extend L to second position, (count three.)
Hop on R, and at the same time and count, bring L up in front of R, toe pointed down, (count four.)
Part Third, One Bar.
Change the position of the hands, and at the same time and count, hop on to L and extend R toe to second position, (count one)
Hop on L again and bring R up back of L, (count two.)
Hop on L again, and extend R toe to second position (count three)
Hop on L again, and bring R up in front, (count four.)
Part Fourth, One Bar, Turning.
The R foot is now up in front.
The position of the hands should be changed the Right up etc.
Hop on to R, and at the same time and count, bring the L up back of R, (count one)
Hop again on R, and at the same time and count bring the L around in front, (count two.)
Hop again on R, and at the same time and count, bring the L around back, (count three.)
Hop again on R, and at the same time and count, bring the L around in front (count four.) The four parts require four bars.
Note—A complete turn should be made during the four counts given, turning one fourth on each hop of the R foot.
Turn towards the right hand when turning on the right foot.
In bringing the L around from front to back, or back to front, it should be carried as closely as possible to the calf of the R leg, the toe always well pointed down.
Part Fifth.
The position of the hands should be kept the same as in part fourth, the right up.
The entire four parts are now repeated, beginning with the L foot, as described below, somewhat abbreviated.
Hop on R, extend L to 2nd position, (count one.)
Hop on R, bring L up back, (count two.)
Hop on R, extend L to 2nd position, (count three.)
Hop on R, bring L up in front, (count four.)
Part Sixth.
Hand positions changed, left up.
Hop on L, extend R to 2nd position, (count one.)
Hop on L, bring R up back, (count two.)
Hop on L, extend R to 2nd position, (count three.)
Hop on L, bring R up in front, (count four.)
Part Seventh.
Hand positions changed, right up.
Hop on R, extend L to 2nd position,(count one)
Hop on R, bring L up back, (count two.)
Hop on R, extend L to 2nd position (count three.)
Hop on R, bring L up in front, (count four.)
Part Eight Turning.
Hand positions changed, left up
Hop on L, bring R up back, (count one.)
Hop on L, bring R around in front, (count two.)
Hop on L, bring R around back, (count three.)
Hop on L, bring R around in front, (count four.)
Turning one fourth on each hop, towards the left hand. This completes one step, 8 bars, fully described for both feet.
Step Two.
Part First.
At the finish of step one, the left hand will be found up in position to begin step two.
Hop on L, and at the same time and count, extend R to second position, (count one)
Hop on L, and at the same time and count, bring the R up back, (count two.)
Hop on L, and at the same time and count, bring the R around in front, (count three.)
Hop on L, and at the same time and count, bring the R in front, (count four.)
Part Second.
Hand positions changed, right up.
Hop on to R, and at the same time and count, extend L to 2nd position, (count one.)
Hop on R, and at the same time and count, bring L up back, (count two.)
Hop on R, and at the same time and count, carry L around in front, (count three.)
Hop on R, and at the same time and count, carry L around back, (count four)
Part Third.
Hand positions changed, left up.
Hop on L, and at the same time and count, extend R to second position, (count one.)
Hop on L, and at the same time and count, bring R up back, (count two.)
Hop on L, and at the same time and count, bring R around in front, (count three.)
Hop on L, and at the same time and count, bring the R around back, (count four.)
Part Fourth. Turning.
Hand positions changed, right up.
Hop on R, and at the same time and count, bring the L up back, (count one.)
Hop on R, and at the same time and count, bring the L around in front, (count two.)
Hop on R, and at the same time and count, bring the L around back, (count three.)
Hop on R, and at the same time and count, bring the L around in front, (count four.)
Turn one-fourth on each hop towards the right hand.
Caution—Be sure to carry the heel close to the calf of the leg as the foot is being brought around, also, the toe pointed well down.
Part Fifth.
The hands will be found in the correct position at the finish of part fourth, for part fifth, right up etc, part fifth, sixth, seventh and eight are the same as first, second, third and fourth, only reversed.
Hop on R, L to 2nd position, (count one)
Hop on R, L up back, (count two)
Hop on R, L around in front (count three)
Hop on R, L around back (count four)
Part Sixth.
Hand positions changed, left up.
Hop on L, R to 2nd position (count one)
Hop on L, R up back, (count two)
Hop on L, R around front, (count three)
Hop on L, R around back (count four)
Part Seventh.
Hand positions changed, right up.
Hop on R, L to 2nd position (count one)
Hop on R, L up back, (count two)
Hop on R, L around front, (count three)
Hop on R, L around back, (count four)
Part Eight. Turning.
Hand position changed, left up.
Hop on L, R up back, (count one)
Hop on L, R around front, (count two)
Hop on L, R around back, (count three)
Hop on L, R around front, (count four)
Turning one fourth on each count towards the left hand, each part, one bar, full step, eight bars. At the finish of this part the hands will be found in position for the next.
Step Three
Part First
Left hand up etc.
Hop on L, and at the same time and count, extend R to second position, (count one)
Hop on L, and at the same time and count, bring the R up back, (count two)
Hop on L, and at the same time and count, bring the heel of R, (toe well raised) in fifth position front (count three)
Hop on L, and at the same time and count, change the position of the R, the toe to the toe of L, the heel well raised (heel and toe movement) (count four.)
Part Second.
Hand positions changed, right up.
Hop on R, and at the same time and count, extend L to second position, (count one)
Hop on R, and at the same time and count, bring the L up back, (count two.)
Hop on R, and at the same time and count, bring the heel of L, (toe well raised) to fifth position front (count three.)
Hop on R, and at the same time and count, change the position of the L, from heel to toe, the heel well raised, (count four.)
Part Third.
Hand positions changed, left up.
Hop on L, and at the same time and count, extend R to second position, (count one.)
Hop on L, and at the same time and count, bring R up back, (count two.)
Hop on L, and at the same time and count, bring the heel of R (toe well raised) to fifth position front, (count three.)
Hop on L, and at the same time and count, change the position of the R from heel to toe, the heel well raised, (count four)
Part Fourth. Turning.
Hand positions changed, right up.
Hop on R, and at the same time and count, bring the L up back, (count one.)
Hop on R, and at the same time and count, bring the L around front, (count two)
Hop on R, and at the same time and count, bring the L around back, (count three.)
Hop on R, and at the same time and count, bring the L around in front, (count four.)
Turn one-fourth on each hop towards the right hand.
Note—The following four parts are the same as the preceeding, only the movements are reversed. The hands are now in position for part fifth, the right up, etc.
Part Fifth.
Right hand up.
Hop on R, L to 2nd position, (count one.)
Hop on R, L up back, (count two.)
Hop on R, L heel 5th position front, (count three)
Hop on R, L toe 5th position front, (count four.)
Part Sixth.
Hand positions changed, left up.
Hop on L, R to 2nd position, (count one.)
Hop on L, R up back, (count two)
Hop on L, R heel 5th position front, (count three)
Hop on L, R toe 5th position front, (count four)
Part Seventh.
Hand positions changed, right up.
Hop on R, L to 2nd position, (count one)
Hop on R, L up back, (count two)
Hop on R, L heel 5th position front, (count three)
Hop on R, L toe 5th position front, (count four.)
Part Eight. Turning.
Hand positions changed, left up.
Hop on L, R up back, (count one)
Hop on L, R around in front, (count two.)
Hop on L, R around back, (count three.)
Hop on L, R around in front, (count four.)
Turning one-fourth towards the left hand on each count.
The hands are in position for the beginning of the next step, left up.
As I have a little space here owing to a slight error. I will call attention to the music for the Highland Fling. Properly accented music for the dance is of the utmost importance, and I am prepared to furnish the same in manuscript to my patrons for one dollar orchestra parts. There is no printed copy of the music I use to my knowledge. Will furnish first violin part for twenty-five cents.
Address all communications to
PROF. GRANT, 485 Main Street, Buffalo, N.Y.
Step Four.
Part First.
Hand positions, left up.
Hop on L, and at the same time and count, extend the R to second position, (count one.)
Hop on L, and at the same time and count, bring R up in front, toe pointed down, (count two.)
Hop on L, and keep the R where it is (count three)
Hop on L, and keep the R where it is (count four.)
Note.—As the R is keep in front there will be a downward movement at each hop.
Part Second.
Hand positions changed, right up.
Hop on R, and at the same time and count, extend L to second position, (count one.)
Hop on R, and at the same time and count, bring L, up in front, (count two.)
Hop on R, and keep the L where it is (count three)
Hop on R, and keep the L where it is (count four.)
Part Third.
Hand positions changed, left up.
Hop on L, and at the same time and count, extend the R, to second position (count one.)
Hop on L, and at the same time and count, bring the R up in front, (count two.)
Hop on L, and keep the R where it is, (count three.)
Hop on L, and keep the R where it is, (count four)
Part Fourth, Turning.
Hand positions changed, right up.
Hop on R, and at the same time and count, bring L up back, (count one.)
Hop on R, and at the same time and count, bring the L around in front, (count two.)
Hop on R, and at the same time and count, bring the L around back, (count three.)
Hop on R, and at the same time and count, bring the L around front, (count four.)
Turn one-fourth towards the right hand on each hop. Hands are in position to begin part fifth.
Part Fifth.
Hand positions, right up.
The following four parts are the same as the preceding, only reversed.
Hop on R, L to 2nd position, (count one.)
Hop on R, L up in front, (count two.)
Hop on R, L still in front, (count three.)
Hop on R, L still in front, (count four.)
Part Sixth.
Hands position changed, left up.
Hop on L, R to 2nd position, (count one.)
Hop on L, R up in front, (count two.)
Hop on L, R still in front, (count three.)
Hop on L, R still in front, (count four.)
Part Seventh.
Hand positions changed, right up.
Hop on R, L to 2nd position, (count one.)
Hop on R, L up in front, (count two.)
Hop on R, L still in front, (count three.)
Hop on R, L still in front, (count four.)
Part Eight. Turning.
Hands positions changed, left up.
Hop on L, R up back, (count one.)
Hop on L, R around in front, (count two.)
Hop on L, R around back, (count three.)
Hop on L, R around in front, (count four.)
Turning one-fourth on each hop towards the left hand. Hands are in position for the next step.
Step Five.
Part First
Hands positions, left up.
Hop on L, and at the same time and count, extend R to second position, (count one.)
Hop on L, and at the same time and count, bring R up back, (count two.)
Hop on L, and at the same time and count, extend R to second position, (count three.)
Hop on L, and at the same time and count, bring R up in front, (count four.)
Part Second.
Hand positions changed, right up.
Hop on R, and at the same time and count, extend L to second position, (count one.)
Hop on R, and at the same time and count, bring L up back, (count two.)
Hop on R, and at the same time and count, extend L to second position, (count three.)
Hop on R, and at the same time and count, bring L up in front, (count four.)
Part Third.
Hand positions changed. Both hands for this part are placed upon the hips.
Hop on to both feet about six inches apart, (count one.)
Hop from both feet and cross them, weight on both, the left ahead, (count two)
Hop again front both feet and separate them about six inches, (count three.)
Hop again and cross them, this time the right in front, (count four.)
Part Fourth. Turning.
Hand positions changed. The right up, the left remaining upon the hip.
Hop on R, and at the same time and count, bring the L up back, (count one.)
Hop on R, and at the same time and count, bring the L around in front, (count two.)
Hop on R, and at the same time and count, bring the L around back, (count three)
Hop on R, and at the same time and count, bring the L around in front, (count four.)
Turning one-fourth on each hop, towards the right hand. The hands are now in position for part five.
Part Fifth.
Hand positions the same as part fourth, right up. We now have a repetition of the first four parts, beginning with the left foot.
Hop on R, L to second position, (count one.)
Hop on R, L up back, (count two.)
Hop on R, L to second position, (count three.)
Hop on R, L up in front, (count four.)
Part Sixth.
Hand positions changed, left up.
Hop on L, R to 2nd position, (count one.)
Hop on L, R up back, (count two.)
Hop on L, R to 2nd position, (count three.)
Hop on L, R up front, (count four.)
Part Seventh.
Hand positions changed, both hands on hips.
Hop on to both feet separated, (count one.)
Hop on to both feet crossed, the R in front, (count two.)
Hop on to both feet separated, (count three.)
Hop on to both feet crossed, the L in front, (count four.)
Part Eighth. Turning.
Hand positions changed, the left up, the right remaining upon the hip.
Hop on L, bring R up back, (count one.)
Hop on L, bring R around in front, (count two.)
Hop on L, bring R around back, (count three.)
Hop on L, bring R around in front, (count four.)
Turning one-fourth on each hop towards the left hand.
Note—So far, the work has been divided into parts of one bar each, eight parts finishing the step, making eight bars.
Step Six.
A double step combining one and two.
Part First.
Hand positions, left up.
Hop on L, and at the same time and count, extend R to second position, (count one.)
Hop on L, and at the same time and count, bring R up back, (count two)
Hop on L, and at the same time and count, bring R around in front, (count three.)
Hop on L, and at the same time and count, bring R around back, (count four.)
Hop on L, and at the same time and count, extend R to second position, (count five)
Hop on L, and at the same time and count, bring R up back, (count six.)
Hop on L, and at the same time and count, extend R to second position, (count seven.)
Hop on L, and at the same time and count, bring R up in front, (count eight, two bars.)
Part Second.
Hand positions changed, right up, etc.
Hop on R, and at the same time and count, extend L to second position, (count one.)
Hop on R, and at the same time and count, bring L up back, (count two.)
Hop on R, and at the same time and count, bring L around in front, (count three.)
Hop on R, and at the same time and count, bring the L around back, (count four.)
Hop on R, and at the same time and count, extend the L to second position, (count five)
Hop on R, and at the same time and count, bring the L up back, (count six).
Hop on R, and at the same time and count, extend L to second position, (count seven).
Hop on R, and at the same time and count, bring L up in front, (count eight) (two bars).
Part Third.
The same as part first.
Hand positions changed, left up.
Hop on L, extend R to second position, (count one)
Hop on L, bring R up back, (count two).
Hop on L, bring R around in front (count three).
Hop on L, bring R around back, (count four).
Hop on L, extend R to 2nd position, (count five.)
Hop on L, bring R up back, (count six.)
Hop on L, extend R to 2nd position, (count seven)
Hop on L, bring R up in front, (count eight) two bars.
Part Fourth.
Hand positions changed, right up.
Hop on R, and at the same time and count, extend L to second position, (count one.)
Hop on R, and at the same time and count, bring L up back, (count two.)
Hand positions changed, left up.
Hop on L, and at the same time and count, extend R to second position, (count three).
Hop on L, and at the same time and count, bring R up back, (count four) one bar.
Part Fifth. Turning.
Hands positions changed, right up.
Hop on R, and at the same time and count, bring L up back, (count one.)
Hop on R, and at the same time and count, bring L around in front, (count two.)
Hop on R, and at the same time and count, bring L around back, (count three.)
Hop on R, and at the same time and count, bring L around in front, (count four, one bar)
Turn one-fourth at each hop towards the right hand. The following will be a repetition of the preceeding movements, beginning with L foot.
Part Sixth.
Hand positions changed, right up.
Hop on R, L to 2nd position, (count one.)
Hop on R, L up back, (count two.)
Hop on R, L around in front, (count three.)
Hop on R, L around back, (count four.)
Hop on R, L to 2nd position, (count five)
Hop on R, L up back, (count six.)
Hop on R, L to 2nd position, (count seven.)
Hop on R, L up in front, (count eight, two bars.)
Part Seventh.
Hand positions changed, left up.
Hop on L, R to 2nd position, (count one.)
Hop on L, R up back, (count two.)
Hop on L, R around in front, (count three.)
Hop on L, R around back, (count four.)
Hop on L, R to 2nd position (count five.)
Hop on L, R up back, (count six.)
Hop on L, R to 2nd position, (count seven.)
Hop on L, R up in front, (count eight, two bars.)
Part Eighth.
Hand positions changed, right up.
Hop on R, L to 2nd position, (count one.)
Hop on R, L up back, (count two.)
Hop on R, L around front, (count three.)
Hop on R, L around back, (count four.)
Hop on R, L to 2nd position, (count five.)
Hop on R, L up back, (count six.)
Hop on R, L to 2nd position, (count seven.)
Hop on R, L up in front, (count eight, two bars.)
Part Ninth.
Hand positions changed, left up.
Hop on L, R to 2nd position, (count one.)
Hop on L, R up back, (count two.)
Hand positions changed, right up.
Hop on R, L to 2nd position, (count three.)
Hop on R, L up back, (count four, one bar.)
Part Tenth. Turning.
Hand positions changed, left up.
Hop on L, bring R up back, (count one.)
Hop on L, bring R around in front, (count two.)
Hop on L, bring R around back, (count three.)
Hop on L, bring R around in front, (count four.)
Turn one-fourth on each hop towards the left hand, one bar. The step completed, sixteen bars.
Step Seven
Part First.
Hand positions the same as the finish of step six, left up.
Hop on L, and at the same time and count, extend R to second position, (count one.)
Hop on L, and at the same time and count, bring R up back, (count two.)
Hop on L, and at the same time and count, extend R to second position, (count three.)
Hop on L, and at the same time and count, bring R up in front, (count four.)
Part Second.
Hand positions changed, both on hips. Run forward, the first step with R which is up, (count one.)
The second step with L, crossing it over the R, (count two.)
The third with R, crossing it over the L, (count three.)
One hop on R, as you are, the L kept back and up, (count four.)
Note—This is a running step forward, crossing the feet and hop on the foot you step with last, which leaves the L up for a backward run, don't walk it.
Part Third.
Hand positions the same, on hips.
Run backward, the first step with L, which is already back, (count one.)
The second step with R, bringing it around back of L, which makes a cross of the feet, (count two.)
The third step with L, bringing it around back of R, (count three.)
Hop on L, the same foot you stepped with last, (count four.)
Note—It is more difficult to run backward, crossing the feet than forward, for a small child it may be made a strait forward and backward run, three steps and a hop backward.
Part Fourth. Turning.
Hand positions changed, right up, left on hip, part third was finished on L.
Hop on R, and at the same time and count, bring L up back, (count one.)
Hop on R, and at the same time and count, bring L around in front, (count two.)
Hop on R, and at the same time and count, bring L around back, (count three.)
Hop on R, and at the same time and count, bring L around in front, (count four.)
Turn one-fourth on each hop towards the right hand.
The hands are in position for the next part, which is the beginning of a repetition of the preceding four parts only reversed.
Part Fifth.
Hands positions, right up, etc.
Hop on R, L to 2nd position, (count one.)
Hop on R, L up back, (count two.)
Hop on R, L to 2nd position, (count three.)
Hop on R, L up front, (count four.)
Part Sixth.
Hand positions changed, both on hips.
Run forward, L first, (count one.)
Run forward, R next, (count two.)
Run forward, L next, (count three.)
Hop on L, as you are, R up back, (count four.)
Part Seventh.
Run backward, R first, (count one.)
Run backward, L next, (count two.)
Run backward, R next, (count three.)
Hop on R, as you are, L up back, (count four.)
Part Eighth. Turning.
Hand positions changed, left up, right on hip.
Hop on L, R up back, (count one.)
Hop on L, R in front, (count two.)
Hop on L, R in back, (count three.)
Hop on L, R in front, (count four.)
Turn one-fourth on each hop towards the left hand, eight bars. The hands are in position for the beginning of the following step.
Step Eight
Part First.
Hand positions, left up, etc.
Hop on L, and at the same time and count, extend R to second position, (count one.)
Hop on L, and at the same time and count, bring R up back, (count two.)
Hop on L, and at the same time and count, extend R to second position, (count three)
Hop on L, and at the same time and count, bring R up in front, (count four.)
Hop a little forward on to R, and at the same time and count, bring the L up back (count five).
Hop again on R, and keep the L where it is (count six).
Hop back on to L, and at the same time and count, keep the R in front, toe pointed down, (count seven.)
Hop again on L, and keep the R, where it is (count eight, two bars.)
Part Second.
Hand positions changed, right up.
Hop on R, and at the same time and count, extend L to second position, (count one.)
Hop on R, and at the same time and count, bring L up back, (count two)
Hop on R, and at the same time and count, extend L to second position, (count three)
Hop on R, and at the same time and count, bring L up in front, (count four.)
Hop a little forward on to L, and at the same time and count, bring the R up back, (count five)
Hop again on L, and keep the R where it is, (count six)
Hop back on to R, and at the same time and count, bring L up in front, toe pointed down, (count seven.)
Hop again on R, and keep the L where it is, (count eight, two bars.)
Part Third.
Hand positions changed, left up.
A repetition of part first.
Hop on L, R to 2nd position, (count one.)
Hop on L, R up back, (count two)
Hop on L, R to 2nd position, (count three.)
Hop on L, R up in front, (count four.)
Hop forward on to R, L up back, (count five)
Hop again on R, same position, L still back, (count six.)
Hop back on to L, R up in front, (count seven)
Hop again on L, same position, R kept in front, (count eight, two bars.)
Part Fourth.
Hand positions changed, right up.
Hop on R, and at the same time and count, extend L to 2nd position, (count one.)
Hop on R, and at the same time and count, bring the L up back, (count two.)
Hand positions changed, left up.
Hop on L, and at the same time and count, extend the R to second position (count three.)
Hop on L, and at the same time and count, bring the R up back, (count four.) one bar.
Part Fifth. Turning.
Hand positions changed, right up.
Hop on R, and at the same time and count, bring the L up back, (count one.)
Hop on R, and at the same time and count, bring the R around in front (count two.)
Hop on R, and at the same time and count, bring the L around back.(count three.)
Hop on R, and at the same time and count, bring the L around in front, (count four.) one bar.
Turning one-fourth on each hop, towards the right hand. The positions of the hands, unchanged for the next part.
The following five parts will be a repetition of the preceding, only reversed.
Part Six.
Hand position, right up.
Hop on R, L to 2nd position, (count one)
Hod on R, L up back, (count two).
Hop on R, L to 2nd position, (count three).
Hop on R, L up in front, (count four.)
Hop forward on to L, R up back, (count five)
Hop again on L, R as it is, (count six.)
Hop back on to R, L up in front, (count seven.)
Hop again on R, L as it is, (count eight, two bars.)
Part Seventh.
Hand positions changed, left up.
Hop on L, R to 2nd position, (count one.)
Hop on L, R up back, (count two.)
Hop on L, R to 2nd position, (count three.)
Hop on L, R in front, (count four.)
Hop forward on R, L up back, (count five.)
Hop again on R, L as it is, (count six.)
Hop back on to L, R up in front, (count seven)
Hop again on L, R as it is, (count eight, two bars)
Part Eighth.
Hand positions changed, right up.
Hop on R, L to 2nd position, (count one.)
Hop on R, L up back, (count two.)
Hop on R, L to 2nd position, (count three.)
Hop on R, L up in front, (count four.)
Hop forward on L, R up back, (count five.)
Hop again on L, R as it is, (count six.)
Hop back on to R, L up in front, (count seven.)
Hop again on R, L as it is, (count eight, two bars.)
Part Ninth.
Hand positions changed, left up.
Hop on L, R to 2nd position, (count one.)
Hop on L, R up back, (count two.)
Hand positions changed, right up.
Hop on R, L to 2nd position, (count three.)
Hop on R, L up back, (count four, one bar.)
Part Tenth. Turning.
Hand positions changed, left up.
Hop on L, R up back, (count one.)
Hop on L, R around in front, (count two.)
Hop on L, R around back, (count three.)
Hop on L, R around in front, (count four.)
Turning one-fourth on each hop towards the left hand, one bar. The step completed, sixteen bars.
Step Nine
Part First.
Hand positions the same as the finish of step eight, left up.
Hop on L, and at the same time and count, extend R to second position, (count one.)
Hop on L, and at the same time and count, bring R up in front, (count two.)
Hands positions changed to hips.
Run forward, stepping first with R, (count three.)
Run forward stepping with L, (count four, one bar)
Part Second.
Hand positions changed, left up.
Hop on L, and at the same time and count, extend R to 2nd position, (count one.)
Hop on L, and at the same time and count, bring R in front, (count two.)
Hop on L, and at the same time and count, extend R to 2nd position, (count three.)
Hop on L, and at the same time and count, bring R up back, (count four, one bar.)
Part Third.
Hand positions changed to the hips.
Run backward, R first, (count one.)
The L next, (count two.)
The R next, (count three.)
The L next, (count four.)
Note—In running backward, cross the feet as much as possible, letting one foot nearly take the place of the other, one bar.
Part Fourth. Turning.
Hand positions changed, right up.
Hop on R, and at the same time and count, bring the L up back, (count one.)
Hop on R, and at the same time and count, bring the L around in front, (count two).
Hop on R, and at the same time and count, bring the L around back, (count three.)
Hop on R, and at the same time and count, bring the L up in front, (count four)
Turn one-fourth on each hop towards the right hand. The following four parts will be the same as the preceeding, only reversed. The hands are in position for the following part.
Part Fifth.
Hand positions, right up.
Hop on R, L to second position, (count one.)
Hop on R, L up in front, (count two.)
Hands on hips.
Run with L, (count three).
Run with R, (count four).
Part Sixth.
Hand positions changed, right up.
Hop on R, L to 2nd position, (count one.)
Hop on R, L up in front, (count two.)
Hop on R, L to 2nd position, (count three.)
Hop on R, L up back, (count four.)
Part Seventh.
Hands on hips.
Run backward, L first, (count one.)
Run backward, R next, (count two.)
Run backward, L next, (count three.)
Run backward, R next, (count four)
Part Eighth. Turning.
Hand positions changed, left up.
Hop on L, R up back, (count one.)
Hop on L, R around in front, (count two).
Hop on L, R around back,(count three.)
Hop on L, R around in front, (count four.)
Turning one-fourth on each hop towards the left hand, eight bars.
Note—In this step there are quick changes of the hands to be made, and the crossing of the feet must be observed, forward or backward, to obtain the right effect. The forward run is only two steps, the backward four.
Step Ten.
Part First.
Hand positions, the same as at the finish of step nine, left up.
Hop on L, and at the same time and count, extend R to 2nd position, (count one)
Hop on L, and at the same time and count, bring R up back, (count two.)
Hop on L, and at the same time and count, extend R to second position, (count three).
Hop on L, and at the same time and count, bring R up in front, (count four.)
Hop forward on to R, and at the same time and count, raise L in back, (count five).
Hop back on to L, and at the same time and count, bring R, up in front dashing it towards the floor, (count six.)
Hop on L, and at the same time and count, dash R towards the floor, (count seven)
Hop on L, dash R again, (count eight) two bars.
Part Second.
Hand positions changed, right up. The following part is the same as the first, only reversed.
Hop on R, L to 2nd position, (count one.)
Hop on R, L up back, (count two)
Hop on R, L to 2nd position, (count three).
Hop on R, L up in front, (count four.)
Hop on to L, R up back (count five.)
Hop back on to R, L in front with dash, (count six.)
Hop on R, dash L, (count seven.)
Hop on R, dash L, (count eight) two bars.
Part Third.
Hand positions changed, left up. Counterpart of part first.
Hop on L, R to 2nd position, (count one.)
Hop on L, R up back, (count two.)
Hop on L, R to 2nd position, (count three.)
Hop on L, R up in front, (count four)
Hop forward on to R, L up back, (count five.)
Hop back on to L, R in front with dash, (count six.)
Hop on L, dash R, (count seven.)
Hop on L, dash R, (count eight.) two bars.
Part Fourth.
Hand positions changed, right up.
Hop on R, L to 2nd position, (count one)
Hop on R, L up back, (count two.)
Hand positions changed left up.
Hop on L, R to 2nd position, (count three).
Hop on L, R up back, (count four. One bar.)
Part Fifth. Turning.
Hand positions changed, right up.
Hop on to R, L up back, (count one).
Hop on R, L around in front, (count two).
Hop on R, L around back, (count three).
Hop on R, L around in front, (count four.)
Turn one-fourth on each hop towards the right hand. Hands are in position for the next part. The following parts are the same as the preceding only reversed.
Part Sixth.
Hand positions, right up.
Hop on R, L to 2nd position, (count one).
Hop on R, L up back, (count two).
Hop on R, L to 2nd position, (count three.)
Hop on R, L up in front, (count four.)
Hop on to L, R up back, (count five.)
Hop back on to R, L in front with dash (count six)
Hop on R, dash L (count seven.)
Hop on R, dash L, (count eight.)
Part Seventh.
Hand positions, left up.
Hop on L, R to 2nd position, (count one.)
Hop on L, R up back, (count two.)
Hop on L, R to 2nd position, (count three).
Hop on L, R up front, (count four.)
Hop on to R, L up back, (count five.)
Hop back onto L, R in front with a dash, (count six).
Hop on L, dash R, (count seven.)
Hop on L, dash R, (count eight.)
Part Eighth.
Hand positions changed, right up.
Hop on to R, L to 2nd position, (count one.)
Hop on R, L up back, (count two.)
Hop on R, L to 2nd position, (count three.)
Hop on R, L up front, (count four.)
Hop on to L, forward R up back, (count five.)
Hop back on to R, L up in front with a dash, (count six.)
Hop on R, dash L, (count seven.)
Hop on R, dash L, (count eight.)
Part Ninth.
Hand positions changed, left up.
Hop on to L, R to 2nd position, (count one.)
Hop on L, R up back, (count two.)
Hand positions changed, right up.
Hop on R, L to 2nd position, (count three.)
Hop on R, L up back, (count four.)
Part Tenth. Turning.
Hand positions changed, left up.
Hop on to L, R up back, (count one.)
Hop on L, R around in front, (count two.)
Hop on L, R around back, (count three.)
Hop on L, R around front, (count four.)
Turning one-fourth on each count, towards the left hand.
Step Eleven
Part First.
Hand positions the same as at the finish of step ten, left up.
Hop on L, and at the same time and count, place the toe of R to the hollow of L foot, (count one.)
Hop on L, and at the same time and count, place the heel of R in fifth position front, heel well raised, (count two.)
Hop on L, and at the same time and count, place the toe of R where the heel was, (count three.)
Hop on L, and at the same time and count, place the heel of R in fifth position again, (count four.)
Part Second.
Hand positions changed, right up.
Hop on to R, and at the same time and count, place the toe of L, to the hollow of R foot, (count one.)
Hop on R, and the same time and count, place the heel of L in fifth position front, toe well raised, (count two.)
Hop on R, and at the same time and count, place the toe of L where the heel was, (count three.)
Hop on R, and at the same time and count, place the heel of L in 5th position again, toe raised, (count four.)
Part Third.
Hand positions changed, left up. This is a counterpart of part first.
Hop on L, R toe to hollow of L foot, (count one.)
Hop on L, R heel in 5th position front, (count two)
Hop on L, R toe where heel was, (count three.)
Hop on L, R heel in 5th position front, (count four)
Part Fourth. Turning.
Hand positions changed, right up.
Hop on R, and at the same time and count, bring L up back, (count one.)
Hop on R, bring L around in front, (count two.)
Hop on R, bring L around back, (count three.)
Hop on R, bring L around front (count four.)
Turn one-fourth on each hop, towards the right hand. The hands are in position for the following part.
Note—When the toe if place to the hollow of the foot, turn the heel well out.
Part Fifth.
Hand positions, right up.
The following parts are a repetition of the preceding, only reversed.
Hop on R, L toe to the hollow of R, (count one.)
Hop on R, L heel to 5th position front, (count two)
Hop tn R, L toe where heel was, (count three.)
Hop on R, L heel to 5th position front, (count four)
Part Sixth
Hand positions changed, left up.
Hop on L, R toe to the hollow of L, (count one.)
Hop on L, R heel to 5th position front, (count two)
Hop on L, R toe where heel was, (count three.)
Hop on L, R heel in 5th position front, (count four)
Part Seventh.
Hand positions changed, right up.
Hop on R, L toe to hollow of R, (count one)
Hop on R, L heel in 5th position front, (count two)
Hop on R, L toe where heel was, (count three.)
Hop on R, L heel in 5th position front, (count four)
Part Eighth. Turning.
Hand positions changed, left up.
Hop on to L, R up back, (count one.)
Hop on L, R around in front, (count two.)
Hop on L, R around in back, (count three.)
Hop on L, R around in front, (count four.)
Turning one-fourth on each hop towards the left hand, make the turn completely around on all parts marked turning.
Hand positions changed, right up.
Hop on R, and at the same time and count, bring the L, up back, (count one.)
Hop on R, bring L around in front (count two.)
Hop on R, bring the L around back, (count three)
Hop on R, bring the L around in front, (count four)
Turn one-fourth on each hop, towards the right hand.
Repeat the above four times, increasing the tempo of the music, (four bars.)
Change position of the hands quickly and hop on to the L turning rapidly towards the left, four bars.
Bow and retire.
To the following able, and experienced teachers of dancing, who have become subscribers in part, or whole for my work on stage and fancy dancing. I wish to express my thanks, as it is both gratifying and encouraging. I hope to be instrumental in imparting new ideas to all, no matter how much knowledge they may have stored away.
Prof. J.E. Davis, Toronto, Canada. " J.C.H. Vance, Cleveland, Ohio. " M.B. Gilbert, Portland, Me. " R.H. Taylor, Nashua, N.H. " B.L. Deming, Middletown, Conn. " W.F. Favorite, Columbus, Ohio. " B.L. Clendenen, Clinton, Iowa. " S.T. Horcheler, Rochester, N.Y. " Ed Foley, Danby, Vt. " D.B. Alsdorf, Newburgh, N.Y. " E. Thayer, Des Moines, Iowa. " J.A. Hawkins, Mansfield, Ohio. " C.W. Bagley, Chelsea, Mass " Doring & Giegler, New York City. " W.J. Graham, Baltimore, Md. " H.A. Neidentohl, Waynesboro, Pa. " John O'Malley, Sacramento, Cal. " William Jones, Togus, Me. Miss C.R. Vansant, Zanesville, Ohio.
Says Prof. Davis,
"Good luck to your new venture."
Prof. O'Malley,
"I received Step One of the Highland Fling, and concluded that if all of your dances were explained as well, would send for some."
Prof. Clendenen,
"I have paid five to fifteen dollars to several teachers this season for "so called" manuscript on stage dancing, and have found more information, and clear explanation in Book One, than from any manuscript received."
I shall issue some good work on artistic step dancing, which I shall endeavor to make plain to all, and shall try my utmost to lead you on to more difficult steps, and all I ask of my subscribers, is a little indulgence and patience, as I am over-run with work.
Yours fraternally,