Devil steals fish, ii. 155.
Devil tries to destroy churches, ii. 263.
Devil with the three golden hairs, ii. 71.
Devil and Soldier, ii. 76.
Devil's mother or grandmother, i. 58 note, 66, 99, 142 note, 165.
Devil's Treasure, ii. 225.
Devil's Visit, ii. 38, 301.
Dido on Esthonian tales and the "Kalevipoeg," i. xxii., 133 note; ii. 299, 300.
"Die gelehrte Ehstnische Gesellschaft," i. xvii.
Divination by brooch and beetle, i. 19.
Diving Jinn, ii. 96 note.
Dog and cat, ii. 282.
Dog and Devil, ii. 76.
Dog-men, i. 5, 117.
"Donica," poem by Southey, ii. 147 note.
Donner on the "Kalevipoeg" and "Kalevala," ii. 300.
Dragon-slayer, ii. 6.
Dragons as saurians, ii. 7.
Draupadi, the heroine of the Indian Epic, the Maha-Bharata, ii. 23 note.
Drinking-bouts, i. 3, 45, 131.
Dvergar (dwarfs), Old Norse name for the Gnomes, ii. 113.
Dorpat, i. 56 note.
Ducks with gold and silver plumage, i. xxx., 202.
Dwarf and heroes, i. 115.
Dwarf's christening, ii. 8.
Dwarf's quarrel, ii. 25.
Dwarfs, headless, ii. 213.
Dwarfs stealing food, i. 121, 187, 207; ii. 26.
Eagle of the North, i. 2, 8, 227, 257, 268, 271.
East, magician of, ii. 239.
Edda (Grandmother), name applied to the two principal collections of Scandinavian mythological and heroic poems and legends, the Poetical Edda, or the Edda of Saemund, and the Prose Edda, or the Edda of Snore, i. 60 note, 91 note; ii. 29, 71 note.
"Ed-Dimiryaht" (a king of the Jinn, and one of the two chief Wezeers of Solomon), poem by Kirby, ii. 236.
Egg-born princess, i. 273.
Egg, Linda born from, i. 2, 9.
Egg, Suometar born from, i. 10 note.
Egg, magic, ii. 234.
Elemental spirits, ii. 96 note.
Elements, stories of spirits of, ii. 60.
Elsie, i. 240.
Elves, Tieck's story of, i. 236.
Emmu Lake and Virts Lake, ii. 144.
Endel or Endla, son of Ilmarine, ii. 87.
Endla, Lake, i. 88; ii. 85.
"Encyclopaedia Britannica," article on Esthonia in, ii. 300.
Envious sisters, story of, in the "Thousand and One Nights," ii. 9.
Epic of Esthonia, the "Kalevipoeg," i. 1.
Epic of Finland, the "Kalevala," i. 1.
Esau and Jacob, i. 19.
Esquimaux, i. 117 note.
Esthonia, article in "Encyclopaedia Britannica," ii. 300.
Esthonia, Epic of, the "Kalevipoeg," i. 1.
Esthonia, hero of, the "Kalevipoeg," i. 1.
Esthonia, language of, i. xv., xvi.
Esthonia, province of, i. xiii.
Esthonian ballads, &c., ii. 287.
Esthonian dances, i. 14.
Esthonian folk-tales, i. 145; ii. 1.
Esthonian Hercules, ii. 302.
Eusekuell, Lake at, ii. 142.
Faehlmann, Dr., work of, i. xviii.
Faithless fisherman, ii. 104.
Familiar stories of Northern Europe, ii. 48.
Famine personified, ii. 290.
Fate of Linda, i. 24.
"Faust," Goethe's, i. xxi., 214.
Feasts, public, i. 3, 6, 45, 131, 187, 195.
Feathers transformed to birds and warriors, i. 40.
Fellin, a town in Livonia, ii. 111, 135.
Fellin, church at, ii. 285.
Fenland or Finland, ii. 135 note.
"Festus," poem by Bailey, i. xxi.
Fetishism in Esthonia and Finland, i. xxvi.; ii. 167, 274 note.
Fight with the sorcerer's sons, i. 80.
Finland, Epic of, the "Kalevala," i. 1.
Finland, Gulf of, i. xiii.
Finland, Kalevide's journey to, i. 3, 5, 32, 38, 112.
Finland, names of, ii. 135 note.
Finn, the Irish hero, i. xxxii., 71.
Finnish Bridge, i. 4, 43; ii. 287.
Finnish Literary Society's publications, i. xxii.
Finnish magicians and sorcerers, i. 2, 3, 23, 26, 38, 41, 111, 220, 226, 260, 299; ii. 181, 260.
Finnish sorcerer seeks the hand of Linda, i. 2, 23.
Finnish sorcerer carries off Linda, i. 2, 26.
Finnish sorcerer and the Kalevide, i. 3, 38.
Finnish sorcerer slain by the Kalevide, i. 3, 41.
Finnish stories, ii. 29, 41, 60.
Finnish sword-smiths, i. 3, 42, 84.
Finnish-Ugrian race, i. xv.
Fire Island (Iceland), i. 5, 113, 114.
Fish, Devil stealing, ii. 155.
Fisherman, faithless, ii. 104.
Fisherman and his Wife, ii. 148.
Flies, Officious, ii. 285, 301.
Flood, ii. 182 note.
Floods, magic, i. 105, 107, 108.
Flute, story of magic, ii. 43 note.
Flute-player, Tiidu the, i. 303.
"Folk-lore," organ of the English Folk-lore Society, ii. 298 note.
Folk-tales in prose, Esthonian, i. xxii., 145; ii. 1.
Foot, stamping with, to open hidden door or to lay a ghost, i. 110, 124, 158; ii. 190, 193.
Forests in fairy tales, i. 211.
Foundling, i. 321; ii. 112.
Four gifts of the water-sprite, ii. 98.
Freemasons, ii. 236.
Free-shooters, ii. 191.
Frog, Northern, ii. 237.
Frost, two brothers and the, ii. 71.
Galland's "Thousand and One Nights," ii. 9.
Gallows dwarfs, ii. 211.
Ganander, a writer on Finnish mythology in the last century, ii. 296.
Garm, the dog which guards Helheim, in the Scandinavian mythology, i. 261.
Geese with gold and silver feathers, i. xxx., 202.
German Knights of the Sword, i. xiv., 194.
Germans in Esthonia, i. xv., 246, 248, 284.
Giallar Horn, the horn of Heimdall in the Scandinavian mythology, which he is to blow to summon the gods to battle at Ragnaroek, i. 136 note.
"Giant's Daughter," and poem by Chamisso, i. 115, 116 note.
Gifted brothers, ii. 22.
Gifted servants, ii. 24.
Gifts of water-sprite, ii. 98.
Glass mountain, ii. 40.
Gnomes, ii. 113.
God disguised as beggar, ii. 182.
God, name of, engraved on Solomon's seal, ii. 236.
God, names of, i. xxvii.
God-daughter of the Rock-maidens, i. 321.
Gods, Esthonian and Finnish, i. xxvii.
Gods, stories of the, ii. 60.
Gods, white and black, ii. 136, 137.
"Goethe," poem by Kenealy, i. xx.
Goethe's "Faust," i. xxi., 214.
Gold king, i. 52.
Gold mountain, i. 19.
Gold shoes of Tuhka Triinu, ii. 6.
Golden, an epithet of endearment, i. 92.
Golden apples, ii. 14.
Golden land, i. 152.
Gold snakes, ii. 224.
Gold-spinners, i. 208.
Goldsmith's "Goody Two-Shoes," i. 249 note.
Gomme, Alice Bertha, "The Traditional Games of England, Scotland, and Ireland," vol. i. 1894, i. 91 note.
Good deed rewarded, ii, 128.
"Goody Two-Shoes," i. 249 note.
Goose-Tony, ii. 2.
Gottland, island of, identified with Kungla, i. 15 note.
Gould, S. Baring, on the "Kalevipoeg," i. 112 note, 117 note; ii. 300.
Grass-mother, i. xxix., 13 note.
Grateful prince, i. 152.
Grave of Kalev, i. 3, 21, 30, 54, 134.
Grave, visits to father's, ii. 41.
Greenland, i. 117 note.
Grey women in "Faust," i. 214 note.
Grimm's "Kinder und Hausmaerchen," ii. 48, 71.
Grosse's German version of the "Kalevipoeg," i. xix.; ii. 300.
Grotta-Soengr, the Mill-Song, one of the poems in the Edda of Saemund, ii. 71 note.
Gulliver's remark respecting the Brobdingnagians, i. 115.
Hades (Porgu), i. xxxi.
Hades, Kalevide's first journey to, i. 87.
Hair, beliefs connected with, ii. 19.
Hand grasped by magician or giant, i. 176; ii. 22, 189.
Hans, crafty, ii. 115, 211.
Harju or Arju, province of Esthonia, i. xiv., 14 note.
Harrien, German name of province of Harju, i. 14.
Hasan of El Basrah, story in the "Thousand and One Nights," ii. 25.
Hasib, story in the "Thousand and One Nights," ii. 234 note.
Hat of nail-parings, i. 91, 103; ii. 25.
Hat, soldier's, ii. 130.
Haycock, wonderful, ii. 133.
Headless dwarfs, ii. 213.
Heath legends, ii. 111, 132.
Hedgehog, Kalevide's meeting with, i. 4, 81.
Heidelberg, Wolfsbrunnen, near, ii. 86 note.
Heimdall, horn of, in Scandinavian mythology, i. 126 note.
Helena the Fair, Princess, Russian story, ii. 41 note.
"Helga," poem by W. Herbert, i. 60.
Helheim, the Scandinavian Hades, i. 261 note.
Hell (Porgu), i. xxxi.
Hell-hounds, i. 261; ii. 192.
Hell-Maiden, ii. 242.
Hemlock used to poison witch, i. 233.
Hen, Salme born from, i. 2, 9.
Heracles and Hylas, i. 115 note.
Herald, voyage of, i. 139 note.
Herald of War, i. 63; ii. 287.
Herbert, William, "Helga, a poem in eight cantos," London, 1815, i. 60 note.
Hercules of Esthonia, ii. 302.
Herd-boy, royal, i. 279.
Herd-boy, sinking in heath, ii. 133.
Herd-boys, i. 84.
Hero of Esthonia, the Kalevipoeg, i. 1.
Heroes and dwarf, i. 115.
Heroes and water-demon, i. 64.
Heroes carried by eagles, i. 2, 8.
Heroes, last feast of, i. 129.
Heywood, Thomas, "Hierarchies of the Blessed Angels," London, 1635, ii. 147 note.
Hialmar, hero of the Hervarar Saga, i. 60 note.
"Hiawatha," poem by Longfellow, i. xx., 81 note.
Hidden treasures, i. 135; ii. 194.
Holger or Olger, Danish hero expected to return, i. xxxii.
Holy Cross, Church of, ii. 285.
Hornet and spider, ii. 284.
Horse, bewitched, ii. 193.
Horse of Kalevide, i. 3, 58, 128, 130.
Horse of the tempest, i. 15.
Horses devoted to the Devil, ii. 181, 187.
Horses, white, i. 59, 142, 260.
House-spirit, i. xxxi. 207; ii. 167.
How the sea became salt, ii. 70.
How seven tailors went to war in Turkey, i. xxiii.
Hunter's lost luck, ii. 191.
Hurt, Pastor, collection of Esthonian folk-lore, i. xxiv.; ii. 301, 302.
Hylas and Heracles, i. 115 note.
Iblees (Satan), entering ark with ass, ii. 76 note.
Iceland (Fire Island), i. 114 note.
Idiot's luck, ii. 14.
Iliad, origin of, i. xi.
Ilma, Lake, i. 87, 110.
Ilmarine or Ilmarinen, the Vulcan of Esthonia and Finland, i. xxi., xxx., 4, 83; ii. 120, 159.
Ilmarine, wife of, i. 291 note.
Ilmatar, the Daughter of the Air, the mother of Vaeinaemoeinen, and the creatrix of the world in the first Runo of the "Kalevala," where she apparently represents the Spirit of God floating on the surface of the waters, i. 71 note; ii. 60.
Inexhaustible wallets, &c., i. 265.
Ingoldsby Legends, ii. 159.
Insatiable wife, ii. 48.
Invasions, i. 129, 132.
Irish lakes, water-nymphs in, ii. 147 note.
Irmi, name of dog, i. 25 note.
Iru, Mount, i. 27, 51.
Island of Dagoe, i. xiii.; ii. 222, 283.
Island of Fire (Iceland), i. 5, 114.
Island of Oesel, i. xiii.
Island Maiden, i. 3, 32, 50.
Israel's work on the "Kalevipoeg," i. xix.; ii. 300.
Jacob and Esau, i. 18 note.
Jacobs on "junior right," i. 18 note.
Jalopeura, Finnish name for lion and lynx, i. 89 note.
Jamasp, story of, in the "Thousand and One Nights," ii. 234 note.
Jann = Jinn, i. 72 note.
Jannsen, Harry, "Esthonian Tales," i. xxii.; ii. 300.
Jaerva (the Lake District), province of Esthonia, i. xiv.
Jephthah, i. 152 note.
Jerwen, German name of province of Jaerva, i. xiv.
Jews, Passover of, i. 265 note.
Jews, persecution of, i. 155.
Jinn of Arabia, ii. 96 note.
Jinn, oblique eyes of, i. 72 note.
Jones, W.H., and Kropf, L.L., "The Folk-Tales of the Magyars," London, 1889, ii. 30 note.
Joodar, story in the "Thousand and One Nights," i. 199 note, 265 note; ii. 229.
Joyce, P.W., "Old Celtic Romances," 2nd edition, London, 1894, i. 71.
Jullanar of the Sea, story in the "Thousand and One Nights," ii. 96 note.
Jumal or Jumala, name of God, i. xxiii., 8.
Junior right, i. 18 note.
Jutta, foster-daughter of Vanemuine, and Queen of the Birds, i. xxviii., 85.
Jutta, priestess of Hertha, i. 86 note.
Kaepae, a brook flowing into Lake Peipus, in which the Kalevide's sword was sunk, i. 4, 6, 75, 140.
Kalev, Kallev, or Kaleva, a mythical giant-king of Esthonia, the father of the Kalevipoeg, i. 1.
Kalev, arrival in Esthonia, i. 2, 8.
Kalev, wooing of Linda, i. 16.
Kalev, marriage of, i. 2, 16, 17.
Kalev, children of, i. 2, 18, 22.
Kalev, death of, i. 2, 18.
Kalev, burial of, i. 2, 21.
Kalev, visits to grave of, i. 2, 21, 30, 54, 134.
Kalevala, the country of Kaleva, i. 1.
Kalevala, name chosen by Loennrot for the great Finnish Epic, first issued by the Finnish Literary Society in thirty-two Runos or Cantos in 1835, and subsequently enlarged and recast, and published in 1849 in fifty Runos, since when it has been reprinted several times, the best edition of the text being that issued by the above-mentioned Society in 1887. More or less complete translations have appeared in English, French, German, Swedish, Magyar, and Russian, besides specimens in Danish and Italian. Of these versions, the most elegant appear to me to be the abridged Swedish translations of Herzberg, in prose and verse. The recent German translation of Paul is most esteemed in Finland; though it was that of Schiefner, published in 1852, which inspired Longfellow to write his "Hiawatha." The "Kalevala" commences with creation-myths, and the birth of the patriarch-minstrel and culture-hero Vaeinaemoeinen; proceeds with Vaeinaemoeinen's unsuccessful wooing of the Lapp girl Aino; and the rest of the poem is mainly occupied with the negotiations and wars of the three heroes, Vaeinaemoeinen, Ilmarinen, and Lemminkainen, with Louhi, the witch-queen of Lapland. The adventures of Kullervo, the morose and wicked slave, who corresponds to the Kalevipoeg in so many particulars, that he was certainly originally the same character, form a long episode, extending from Runos 31-35 inclusive. The last Runo contains a strange confused story of the Nativity, and ends with the consequent departure of Vaeinaemoeinen from Finland. Many episodes and parallels of the "Kalevala" reappear in the "Kalevipoeg," i. xi., xviii., xxi., xxx., 1, 7, 8, 10, 33 note, 34 note, 35 note, 39 note, 40 note, 71 note, 85 note, 88 note, 93 note, 291 note; ii. 81, 147 note, 149, 154, 160 note, 160.
Kalevide, a hero of the race of Kalev, the usual title of the Kalevipoeg, i. xviii., 1.
Kalevide, birth of, i. 2, 22.
Kalevide, childhood of, i. 2, 22.
Kalevide, hunting of, i. 2, 25.
Kalevide swims to Finland, i. 3, 32.
Kalevide, meeting with the Island Maiden, i. 3, 32.
Kalevide and Finnish sorcerer, i. 3, 38.
Kalevide and sword-smiths, i. 3, 42.
Kalevide, return of, i. 3, 49.
Kalevide visits his father's grave, i. 3, 21, 30, 54, 134.
Kalevide ploughing, i. 3, 58.
Kalevide wades through Lake Peipus, i. 4, 72, 122, 142.
Kalevide, journeys to Porgu, i. 5, 87, 124, 142.
Kalevide, voyage of, i. 5, 110.
Kalevide, death of, i. 6, 141.
Kalevide, a Berserk, i. 39 note.
Kalevipoeg, the son of Kalev, a mythical giant-hero and king of Esthonia, whose adventures are related in the poem of the same name. See Kalevide.
"Kalevipoeg," the national Epic of Esthonia, i. xviii., 1.
"Kalevipoeg," origin of poem, i. xviii.
"Kalevipoeg," bibliography, ii. 299.
"Kalevipoeg," editions of, ii. 301.
"Kalevipoeg," tales illustrative of, i. 147.
"Kanteletar," the "Daughter of the Harp," the name applied to the great collection of Finnish songs and ballads compiled by Loennrot, and published by the Finnish Literary Society, i. 10 note, 20.
Karkus, name of a mythical king, ii. 136.
Katrina finds egg which produces Suometar, i. 10.
Katrina, name of Cinderella, ii. 4.
Keightley, Thomas, "The Fairy Mythology, illustrative of the Romance and Superstition of various Countries," new edition, London (Bohn), 1860, ii. 282 note.
Kenealy, Edward Vaughan, "Goethe, a New Pantomime," London, 1850, i. xx.
Kenealy, "A New Pantomime," London, 1863, i. xx.
Kenealy, "Poems and Translations," London, 1864, i. 76.
Kertell, treasure at, ii. 224.
Khaleefeh the fisherman, story of, in the "Thousand and One Nights," ii. 270.
Kidd the Pirate, ii. 195.
Kiisike (Pussy), a fairy child, i. 245.
Kikerpaerae, swamp of, i. 64.
King of Esthonia, Kalev becomes, i. 2, 9.
King, Kalevide chosen, i. 3, 58.
King Karkus, ii. 136.
King of the Misty Hill, i. 259.
King's Wood, i. 27.
Kirby, W.F., "Ed-Dimiryaht, an Oriental Romance, and other Poems," London, 1867, ii. 236.
Kirby and Kaarle Krohn on Pastor Hurt's collections of Esthonian folk-lore, i. xxiv.; ii. 301, 302.
Knapsack, magic, ii. 72.
Knights of the Sword, i. xiv., 134.
Koehler, R., notes on Kreutzwald's Tales, ii. 301.
Kou, one of the names of the Thunder-God, i. xxviii.; ii. 158.
Kover or Kower, Crooked, ii. 131 note.
Koit (Dawn) and Aemarik (Evening Glow), ii. 30, 299.
Koiva, River, i. 139.
Kon, a frog or toad, ii. 237 note.
Korkuell, Lake, ii. 135.
Kratt, one of the names of the house-spirit, i. xxxi.; ii. 167, 169.
Kreutzwald, Dr., and his works, i. xix., xxii., xxiii., 39 note; ii. 301.
Kristina, Cinderella called in Finnish, ii. 4 note.
Krohn, Kaarle, on Pastor Hurt's Esthonian Folk-lore collections, i. xxiv.; ii. 301, 302.
Krohn, on distribution of Esthonian legends, i. xxv., 301.
Kullervo, a hero of the "Kalevala," who, though the slave of Ilmarinen, corresponds to the Kalevipoeg; he ultimately commits suicide by falling on his own sword, i. xxi., 1, 8 note, 22 note, 33 note, 42 note, 85 note, 291 note; ii. 160 note.
Kungla, a country of fabulous wealth, possibly the island of Gottland, i. 15, 28, 182, 187, 304.
Kurat, the Evil One, one of the names of the Devil, i. xxx.
Kuri vaim, evil spirit, ii. 199.
Kylliki, a heroine of the "Kalevala," who refused the hand of the Sun and Moon, but was afterwards carried off by Lemminkainen, i. 10 note.
Laeaene, the West Country, a province of Esthonia, i. xiv., 8; ii. 49.
Lady-bird, i. 19 note.
Lady of the Waters, ii. 95.
Lais, church of, ii. 145.
Lake-dwellers, ii. 98.
Lake legends, ii. 135.
Lake Emmu, ii. 144.
Lake Endla, i. 88; ii. 85.
Lake at Eusekuell, ii. 142.
Lake Korkuell or Oiso, ii. 135.
Lake Peipus, i. xiv., 4, 72, 122, 142; ii. 136.
Lake Virts, i. xiv.; ii. 144.
Lalli, a port near Lindanisa, i. 118.
Land of Ten Thousand Lakes (Finland), ii. 135.
Lane's "Thousand and One Nights," ii. 76 note.
Lapland, Louhi, witch-queen of, in the "Kalevala," ii. 149.
Lapland, Kalevide's voyage to, i. 5, 112.
Lapland stories, i. xvi.; ii. 29, 38.
Last feast of the heroes, i. 129, 131.
Latham, R.G., "Nationalities of Europe," 2 vols, London, 1863, i. xxiii., xxvii., 9 note, 33; ii. 38 note, 112 note, 302.
Lauma, Lithuanian Nightmare, ii. 112 note.
Leal, coiners of, ii. 192.
Lemminkainen, one of the heroes of the "Kalevala," i. xxix., 34 note, 40 note.
Lennuk, the Flyer, the Kalevide's ship, i. 5, 112.
Letts, demons compared to, i. 67, 69.
Letts, war with, i. 137.
"Light Princess," story by George Macdonald, i. 211 note.
Lijon, festival of, ii. 33.
Lind or Lindu, a bird, i. 10.
Linda, the wife of Kalev and the mother of the Kalevipoeg, born from an egg, i. xxviii., 2, 10; ii. 85 note.
Linda, marriage of, i. 2, 16, 17.
Linda, mourning of, i. 2, 20.
Linda, children of, i. 2, 18, 22.
Linda, carried off by Finnish sorcerer, i. 2, 26.
Linda, transformed to a rock, i. 2, 27.
Linda, fate of, i. 24.
Linda, shade of, in Porgu, i. 127, 129.
Lindanisa, "Linda's Bosom," the Kalevide's capital, now called Tallin, Revel, or Reval, i. 6, 118, 119, 131.
Lindu, the daughter of Uko, the queen of the birds, i. xxviii., 9 note, 10 note, 147.
Lion, Kalevide compared to, i. 89.
Lithuanian tales, ii. 112 note, 182 note, 224.
Lithuanian Thunder-God. See Perkunas.
Little Red Riding Hood, ii. 39, 276.
Livonia, province of, i. xiii.
Longfellow's "Hiawatha," i. xx., 81 note.
Loss of the Kalevide's sword, i. 72.
Lots cast for princess, ii. 23.
Louhi, witch-queen of Lapland, in the "Kalevala" (may not this name, though feminine, be connected with Loki?), ii. 149, 154.
Loewe's translation of Kreutzwald's Tales, i. xxii.; ii. 301.
Lucky egg, i. 308.
Lucky rouble, i. 25 note; ii. 6.
Maasika (Strawberry), i. 321.
"Mabinogion," old Welsh romances, translated by Lady Guest, ii. 272 note.
Macdonald, George, story of the Light Princess, i. 211.
Macgillivray's adventure in the Solomon Islands, i. 139.
Maelstroem, i. 114 note.
Magic cudgel, ii. 25, 74.
Magic egg, ii. 234.
Magic flute, ii. 43 note.
Magic hat, i. 91, 103; ii. 25.
Magic knapsack, i. 265; ii. 72.
Magic reel, i. 177.
Magic saddlebags, i. 265, note.
Magic shoes, ii. 25.
Magic, skill of Lapps, Finns, and Esthonians in, i. 20 note.
Magic sword, i. 198.
Magician in the pocket, i. 321.
Magician's heirs, ii. 24.
Magpie speaking, ii. 4.
Magyar Folk-tales, ii. 30 note.
Maha-Bharata, Indian Epic, i. 25 note; ii. 25, 234 note.
Maiden of Island, i. 3, 32.
Maiden at the Vaskjala Bridge, ii. 34.
Maiden's Wood, i. 27.
Maidens who bathed in the moonlight, ii. 233.
Maidens in Sarvik's palace, i. 5, 90.
Maidens spinning, i. 5, 90, 209.
Mail-clad warriors, i. 134.
Man in the moon, ii. 29, 164.
Man with the bast shoes, ii. 278.
Mana, God of Death, i. 143; ii. 17.
Mana tark = necromancer, ii. 223 note.
Manx dog, ii. 192 note.
Mare, white, i. xxvi., 99, 142.
Martin and his dead master, i. xxxii.; ii. 188.
Marya, Cinderella called, in Slavonic tales, ii. 4 note.
Meadow Queen, or Grass-Mother (Muru eit), the goddess of the meadows and of the home-field, i. xxix., 11, 188, 235, 259.
Megissogwon, a magician slain by Hiawatha, i. 81 note.
Melusina, ii. 48.
Mermaid, ii. 49.
Mermaid and Lord of Pahlen, ii. 106.
Michael Scot, ii. 172 note.
Michel the Beggar, ii. 168.
Milk-cans cleaned with pebbles, ii. 89.
Milky Way, i. 9 note, 147.
Misty Hill, King of the, i. 259.
Moon, man in, ii. 29, 164.
Moon-painter, ii. 29, 159.
Moon seeking the hand of maidens, i. 10, 11, 148.
Moon, sons and daughters of, ii. 29.
Moon stolen by sorcerers, i. 20 note; ii. 148, 154 note, 160 note.
Moon-stories, ii. 29, 159.
Moon, woman in, ii. 29, 37.
Moon-dwellers, i. 186.
Morality of Esthonian folk-tales, i. 155.
Moth, sorcerer in form of, ii. 16.
Mother of the Grass. See Meadow Queen.
Mother of the Waters, i. xxix.
Mother of the Wind, i. xxix., 218; ii. 106.
Mouse speaking, i. 125; ii. 186.
Mouse and cat, ii. 282.
Mundane egg, i. 8 note.
Muru eit = Grass-Mother. See Meadow Queen.
Mussel-shells as boats, i. 202.
Mustapall, i. 64.
Mustukene (Blackie), name of dog, i. 25 note.
Mythology, Esthonian, i. xxvi.
Naglfar, nail-ship in Scandinavian Mythology, i. 91 note.
Naeki neitsi, mermaid, ii. 49.
Nail-parings, hat of, i. 91, 103; ii. 25.
Nakula, one of the heroes of the Indian Epic, the Maha-Bharata, ii. 23 note.
Name, calling by, an omen of death, ii. 262.
Narova, river flowing from Lake Peipus to Narva, ii. 141.
Narva, a port-town on the east frontier of Esthonia, i. 304.
"Nationalities of Europe." See Latham.
Nativity, travesty of, in "Kalevala," i. xxvii.
Nature-worship among Esthonians and Finns, i. xxvii.
Necromancers, i. xxx., 20; ii. 233 note.
Neus, works of, i. xxiii., 9 note, 33, 39 note; ii. 302.
Nicholas, story of Silly, ii. 71 note.
Nicodemus, i. 146, 192, 200.
Nightmare, Lauma, or Lithuanian, ii. 112 note.
Noah and the Ark, ii. 76 note.
Nocturnal church-goers, ii. 226.
Noor Ed-Deen and Shems Ed-Deen, story of, in the "Thousand and One Nights," i. 86 note.
North Cape, i. 112 note.
Northern Frog, ii. 237.
Northern Lights, spirits of, i. xxxi., 5, 111, 117, 149; ii. 107.
Nose-tree, i. 203, 306.
Nuckoe, Plague in island of, ii. 272.
Oak sacred to Taara, i. xxvii.
Oak forest of Taara, i. 8, 56.
Oak-tree, great, i. xxvii., 3, 34, 39, 47, 111.
Odyssey, origin of, i. xi.
Oesel, Island of, i. xiii.
Officious flies, ii. 285, 300.
Oiso, district and lake of, ii. 135, 142.
Olaf the architect, i. 282.
Olaf, St., and the giant Wind-and-Weather, ii. 282 note.
Old Boy (Vana pois), usual Esthonian euphemism for the Devil, i. xxx., 153; ii. 10, 132, 144, 151, 192.
Old Father (Vana isa), frequent epithet for God in Esthonian, i. xxvii., xxx.; ii. 144, 150 note.
"Old Harp" (Vana kannel), Pastor Hurt's collection of Esthonian songs and ballads, i. xxiv.
Old Hornie (Vana Sarvik), one of the names of the Devil, i. xxxi., 89 note; ii. 195.
Olev the master-builder, possibly a brother of Kalev, i. xxii., 2, 108, 111, 118, 119, 139; ii. 282 note.
Olevide, a hero of the race of Olev; the term is often applied to his son, the Olevipoeg, the companion, and perhaps the cousin, of the Kalevide. The Olevide is, however, frequently called by his father's name, Olev, i. xxii., 6, 108.
Olevide meets the Kalevide, i. 108.
Olevide builds ships, i. 111.
Olevide builds Lindanisa, i. 119.
Olevide appointed successor to the throne, i. 139.
Olger or Holger, a famous Danish hero, one of Charlemagne's Paladins (Ogier le Danois), who is expected to return, i. xxxii.
Oriental tales, ii. 233.
Origin of bugs, ii. 127, 181.
Origin of the swallow, ii. 283.
Origin of the wolf, ii. 274.
Orphan and foundling stories, i. 84, 236.
Orphan-boy and the Hell-hounds, i. 261.
Orphan-boys, i. 4, 85, 261.
Orphan's hand-mill, i. 260.
Orphan's Wood, i. 27.
Orpheus, ii. 60.
Othin, i. 261 note.
Ox, great, i. xxvi., 88, 130.
Ox of Videvik, ii. 30.
Ox, strange tale of an, ii. 24.
Oxenford, John, on the "Kalevipoeg," ii. 302.
Oxen of Ukraine, i. 270.
Paertel = Bartholomew, i. 310.
Pahlen, Lord of, and mermaid, ii. 106.
Palace of Sarvik, i. 4, 5, 94, 127.
Palmerin, a legendary Emperor of Constantinople, whose adventures and those of his family are contained in a series of three romances of chivalry, the last and most celebrated of which relates to his grandson and namesake, Palmerin of England, i. xxxii.
Pandavas, five princes, the reputed sons of Pandu, the heroes of the Indian Epic, the Maha-Bharata; their names were Yudhishthira, Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula, and Sahadeva, ii. 23 note.
Parika Heath, ii. 111.
Paristaja, one of the names of the Thunder-God (? = Sanscrit, Parjanya), i. xxviii.
Parting of brothers, i. 55.
Passover, Jews', i. 265 note.
Pastor Hurt's collections of Esthonian Folk-lore, i. xxiv.; ii. 301.
Peacock and Peahen, story in the "Thousand and One Nights," ii. 76 note.
Peas given to the watchers of the dead, i. 157, 256.
Peipa the witch, ii. 137.
Peipus or Peipse, Lake, i. xiv., 4, 6, 44, 71, 72, 237; ii. 98.
Perkunas, Lithuanian and Lettish Thunder-God (the Slavonians called him Perun; the Finnish word Piru (Devil) may be connected with this), i. xxviii., 24 note.
Perm, identified with Kungla, i. 15 note.
Pernau, ii. 283.
Peter, i. 25 note; ii. 6.
Peter, St., disguised as beggar, ii. 182 note.
Pihgast, Pleskau, or Pskov, lake, district, and town of, i. xiv.
Piirisilla, the sorcerer, ii. 19.
Piker, one of the names of the Thunder-God, i. xxviii.
Pikker, one of the names of the Thunder-God, i. xxviii., 24, 26; ii. 155.
Pikne, one of the names of the Thunder-God, i. xxviii., 24; ii. 28.
Pikne's trumpet, ii. 149 note.
Plague legends, ii. 271, 291.
Plantain-leaf as boat, i. 265.
Plate, gold and silver, in Porgu, i. xxx., 66, 93, 95, 203.
Pleskau, Pihgast, or Pskov, district, lake, and town of, i. xiv., 73, 173.
Pliha, River, ii. 142.
Poestion, J. C, "Lapplandishe Maerchen, Volksagen, Rathsel und Sprichwoerter. Nach lapplaendischen, norwegischen, und schwedischen Quellen. Mit Beitraegen von Felix Liebrecht," Vienna, 1886, ii. 38.
Pohjola, the North Country, Finnish name for Lapland, i. 8 note, 40 note.
Poles, invasion of, i. 132, 137; ii. 142.
Polyphemus, ii. 38, 159.
Poor brother and the rich one, ii. 267.
Popular Poetry of Esthonians, ii. 302.
Porgu, Hell or Hades, i xxxi., 4, 5, 6, 66, 110, 124, 142, 164; ii. 154.
Porgu neitsi, the Hell-Maiden, ii. 242.
Pouka, the Irish, i. xxxi.
Poverty, personified, ii. 269.
Powerful crayfish and the insatiable wife, ii. 48.
Prince Ahmed, story of, in the "Thousand and One Nights," i. 246 note.
Prince, Grateful, i. 152.
Prince who rescued his brothers, ii. 10.
Princess, Egg-born, i. 273.
Princess Helena the Fair, Russian story of, ii. 41 note.
Princess, lots cast for, ii. 23.
Princess Rannapuura, ii. 37.
Princess who slept for seven years, ii. 44.
Prince, L.C. Alexander, "Ancient Danish Ballads, translated from the originals," 3 vols., London, 1860, i. 115 note.
Pskov, Pihgast, or Pleskau, district, lake, and town of, i. xiv.
Puck, i. xxxi.
Puehalepp, church at, ii. 283.
Puuk, one of the names of the house-spirit, i. xxxi.
Puulaene ja Tohtlaene (wooden man and birch-bark maid), ii. 181.
Ragnaroek, the Twilight of the Gods, the end of the world in the Scandinavian mythology, when the evil powers will break loose, and fight with the gods, to the mutual destruction of most of the combatants, after which the earth will be destroyed by fire and water and regenerated, i. 90 note, 108 note, 261 note.
Ralston, W.R.S., "Russian Folk-Tales," London, 1873, ii. 41 note.
Rannapungern, estate of, ii. 142.
Rannapuura, Princess, ii. 137.
Rat, Devil transformed into, ii. 181.
Raven speaking, i. 110, 215.
Rebuliina, Princess, i. 275.
Red cock, symbolic of fire, i. 108, 234.
Red Riding-Hood, ii. 38, 276.
Reel, magic, i. 177.
Reindeer, swift, ii. 21.
Reinthal's translation of the "Kalevipoeg," i. xix., 301.
Return of the Kalevide, i. 49.
Revel, Reval, or Tallin, Cathedral of, i. 21.
Revel, church at, ii. 282.
Revel, town of, ii. 104.
"Revue des Traditions Populaires," ii. 133 note, 299, 300.
Rich brother and the poor one, ii. 267.
Riddles, i. 115.
"Riesenspielzeug," the "Giant's Toy," poem by Chamisso, i. 116 note.
Riga, Gulf of, i. xiii.
Ring of dwarf, i. 194.
Ringen, castle and church at, ii. 225.
River Koiva, i. 139.
River Narova, ii. 142.
River Pliha, ii. 142.
River Voehandu, i. 137.
Rock-Maidens, god-daughter of the, i. 321.
Rogoe, arrival of Plague in island of, ii. 271.
Roland, horn of, i. 136 note.
Rose-bush, maiden transformed to, i. 181, 302.
Rosicrucians, ii. 96 note.
Rougutaja, an Esthonian god, i. xxviii., xxix., 22.
Rougutaja's Daughter, ii. 45.
Rowan-tree, i. 228; ii. 4.
Rumours of War, i. 61.
Run-for-food (name of dog), ii. 6.
Russian tales, ii. 41 note.
Saad Jaerv, a lake north of Dorpat, i. 56.
Saari, a place mentioned in the "Kalevala," i. 10 note.
Sack, Devil pounded in, ii. 15.
Sahadeva, one of the heroes of the Indian Epic, the Maha-Bharata, ii. 23 note.
St. George's Dogs (wolves), ii. 277.
St. Olaf and the giant Wind-and-Weather, ii. 282 note.
St. Peter disguised as beggar, ii. 182 note.
St. Petersburg, Government of, i. xiii.
Salme, a maiden sprung from a hen, who married the Youth of the Stars, i. 2, 7.
Sampo, a magic mill constructed by Ilmarinen in the "Kalevala," ii. 71 note, 154 note.
Sand Mountain, i. 228.
Sarvik, the Prince of Porgu (Hades), usually called Vana Sarvik or Old Hornie, i. xxx., 5, 89, 97, 126, 142.
Sarvik, palace of, i. 94, 127.
Saurians as dragons, ii. 7.
Saxon, term for everything above the common in Esthonia, i. 146.
Schaibar in the "Thousand and One Nights," i. 246 note.
Schiefner on the "Kalevipoeg," and Esthonian tales, ii. 301, 302.
Schoolboy sold to Devil, ii. 146.
Schott on the "Kalevipoeg," ii. 302.
Seaforth, hag seen by Lord, ii. 272 note.
Seal of Solomon, ii. 236.
Serpents, king of, i. 321; ii. 233.
Servants, gifted, ii. 24.
Shoemaker, compassionate, ii. 182.
Shoes, magic, ii. 25.
Shoes, man with the bast, ii. 278.
Shooting feats, ii. 23, 191.
Silly Nicholas, story of, ii. 71 note.
Sisters, Three, ii. 43.
Siuru, a mythical blue bird, the daughter of Taara, i. xxviii., 10 note, 96, 131; ii. 292.
Slave-girl born from a crow, i. 2, 10.
Sleep of the Kalevide, i. 4, 39, 61, 74, 82, 131.
Sleepy Tony, ii. 50.
Slyboots, i. 187.
Smiths, Finnish, i. 42.
Smith's son, murder of, i. 46, 84.
Smithy of Ilmarine, i. xxx., 4, 83.
Smithy, underground, ii. 83, 116.
Snake animating a clay image, i. 247
Snake, maiden transformed to white, i. 312.
Snake-bite, charm against, ii. 298.
Snakes, golden, ii. 224.
Snow-white, the Glass Mountain, and the Despised Youngest Son, ii. 40.
Sohni, name of the Kalevipoeg, i. 18.
Soldier and the Devil, ii. 76.
Soldier's hat, ii. 130.
Solomon, Seal of, ii. 236.
Solomon Islands, Macgillivray's adventure in, i. 139 note.
Son, of the Thunder-God, ii. 149.
Song-God's departure, ii. 81.
"Song of Vala," a poem by W. Herbert, appended to his "Helga," an abridged paraphrase of the "Voeluspa," one of the poems in the Edda of Saemund, i. 60 note.
Soothsayers, i. xxxi., 19, 20.
Sorcerer in form of moth, ii. 16.
Sorcerer, Finnish. See Finnish Sorcerer.
Sorcerer's sons, fight with the, i. 4, 80.
Sorcerers, i. xxxi.
Sorcerers of Lake Peipus, i. 4, 72, 82.
Sorcerers stealing sun and moon, ii. 148, 154 note, 160 note.
Sorcery in Esthonia, Finland, and Lapland, ii. 148.
Southey's poem of "Donica," ii. 147 note.
Spider and hornet, ii. 284.
Spiders, magic, ii. 17.
Spirit of the Whirlwind, ii. 110.
Spirits of the Northern Lights, i. xxxi., 5, 111, 117, 149; ii. 107.
Spirits of the Elements, stories of, ii. 60.
Stamping with heel or foot. See Foot.
Stars seeking the hand of maidens, i. 12; ii. 10, 148.
Stead, W.T., "More Ghost Stories," London, 1892, ii. 273 note.
Stepmothers, i. 85 note, 276, 280; ii. 5, 46.
Stick, magic, ii. 25.
Stones for cleaning milk-cans, ii. 89.
Stories of the Gods and Spirits of the Elements, ii. 60.
Stories of Northern Europe, ii. 48.
Strange tale of an ox, ii. 24.
Sulev or Sullev, ancestor of a race of heroes, apparently a brother of Kalev, i. xxxii., 2, 33 note.
Sulevide, a hero of the race of Sulev, usually applied to the Kalevide's companion and cousin, i. xxii., 6.
Sulevide visits the Fire Island, i. 114.
Sulevide wounded, i. 136.
Sulevide, death of, i. 138.
Sun seeking the hand of maidens, i. 10, 11, 148.
Sun, sons and daughters of, ii. 29.
Sun stolen by sorcerers, i. 20 note; ii. 148, 154 note, 160 note.
Suometar, Finland's daughter, born from an egg, i. 10 note.
Suomi = Finland, also the name of the journal issued by the Finnish Literary Society, ii. 135 note, 300.
Surtur, the leader of the Sons of Fire, at Ragnaroek, in the Scandinavian mythology, i. 108 note.
Swallow, origin of, ii. 284.
Swan-maiden stories in Lapland, i. xvi.
Swedes, ii. 23, 50, 142.
Swiftfoot, Quickhand, and Sharpeye, ii. 12.
Swift-footed Princess, ii. 23.
Sword of Damocles, ii. 8.
Sword of the Kalevide, i. 3, 41, 44, 70, 72, 74, 83, 140.
Sword-smiths, the Kalevide and the, i. 42, 84.
Taara or Ukko, principal God of the Esthonians, i. xxvii., 4, 6.
Taara, daughters of, i. xxvii., 9 note, 10 note; ii. 86, 292.
Taara, halls of, i. 141.
Taara, oak forest of, i. 8, 56.
Taara, race of, i. 7.
Taara, Vanemuine at hill of, ii. 81.
Tailors, how seven, went to war in Turkey, i. xxiii.
Talking trees, ii. 125, 301.
Tallin, one of the names of the town of Revel, ii. 104.
Tapio, the Finnish God of the Forests, ii. 127, 131 note, 296.
Tartar, Devil compared to a, i. 156.
Tartars, invasion of, i. 137.
Tear-down (name of dog), ii. 6.
Third Calendar's Story ("Thousand and One Nights"), i. 35 note.
Thor, Scandinavian Thunder-God. Notwithstanding the name of Taara, and the fact that Thursday is sacred to him, it is worth noting that Taara and Thor have no attributes in common; Thor corresponding to the Esthonian Aeike, i. xxvii., 24 note, 107 note.
"Thousand and One Nights." The various stories quoted, and which are also referred to under their separate headings, will be found in the versions of Galland, Lane, and Burton; but chiefly the two latter, i. 35, 72 note, 86 note, 187, 199 note, 246 note, 265 note; ii. 9, 25, 76 note, 229, 234 note, 270.
Three Sisters, ii. 43.
Three Wishes, ii. 45.
Thunder-God, i. xxviii., xxxi., 24; ii. 20.
Thunder-God, daughter of, i. xxviii., 71.
Thunder-God, son of, i. xxviii.; ii. 149.
Thursday, sacred to Taara, i. xxvii.
Tieck's German story of the Elves, i. 236.
Tiidu the Flute-player, i. 303.
Time, lapse of, in other worlds, i. 184.
Tohfat El Kulub, story of, in the "Thousand and One Nights," i. 72 note.
Tohtlaene, birch-bark maid, ii. 181.
Tont, or house-spirit, i. xxxi., 236; ii. 167.
Tontla, Wood of, ii. 237.
Tony, Goose, ii. 2.
Tony, Sleepy, ii. 52.
Tora, name of God among the Chuvash of Kasan, i. 6.
Treasure at Kertell, ii. 224.
Treasure-bringer, ii. xxxii., 88, 168.
Trees, bleeding, i. 238.
Trees for birds to rest on, ii. 4.
Trees, talking, i. 238; ii. 125, 300.
Trumpet, Pikne's, ii. 149 note.
Tuehi, the Empty One, or rather, perhaps, the Contemptible One, name of one of the principal demons, or of the Devil. In the "Kalevipoeg" he is represented as Sarvik's brother-in-law, i. xxx., 5, 99, 105; ii. 149 note.
Tuehja = Tuehi, i. xxx., 84.
Tuhka-Triinu, Ash-Katie, Cinderella, ii. 4.
Turkey, how seven tailors went to war in, i. xxiii.
Turkey-disease, i. 307.
Twelve daughters, ii. 59, note, 87.
Twilight, story of, ii. 30.
Two brothers and the frost, ii. 71.
Ukko or Uko, principal God of Finns and Esthonians, often called Taara by the latter, i. xxvii., 6, 22, 62; ii. 86, 284.
Uelemiste jaerv, Upper Lake, near Revel, formed of Linda's tears for the death of Kalev, i. 21; ii. 104.
Underground people, ii. 98 note.
Underground smithy, ii. 116.
Unnatural brothers, i. 189; ii. 41, 70, 207.
Unnatural sisters, ii. 43.
Vad Velen, the Yellow Plague in Britain, ii. 272 note.
Vaeinaemoeinen, a patriarch and culture-hero, the principal character in the "Kalevala," identical with the Esthonian Vanemuine, i. xxi., xxvii., xxix., 7; ii. 60.
Vaeinaemoeinen worshipped by Finns, i. xxvii.; ii. 81.
Valkyrior, the maidens of Othin in the Scandinavian mythology, who choose the heroes destined to fall in battle, i. 60 note.
Vampyrism (this is said to be still prevalent in Eastern Europe, though it has disappeared from Western Europe along with witchcraft. The best preventative or cure is cremation), i. xxxii.; ii. 188.
Vana, Old, term of respect applied to gods and devils, ii. 144 note.
Vana isa. See Old Father.
Vana kannel, "Old Harp," i. xxiv.
Vana mees, "Old Man," one of the epithets for the Devil, ii. 181.
Vana pois. See Old Boy.
Vana Sarvik, "Old Hornie." See Sarvik.
Vanemuine, God of Music among the Esthonians, identical with the Finnish Vaeinaemoeinen, i. xxi., xxix., 7; ii. 60, 81, 299.
Vanemuine, farewell to Esthonia, ii. 85.
Varrak, a wise Laplander, i. 5, 113, 132.
Vaskjala bridge, Maiden of the, ii. 34.
Videvik (Twilight), Koit, and Aemarik, ii. 30.
Villein, Prince, i. 275.
Villina Hills, ii. 145.
Virgilius the Enchanter, ii. 20 note.
Virgin Mary worshipped by Finns, i. xxvii.; ii. 81.
Virts, Lake, i. xiv.
Virts Lake and Emmu Lake, ii. 144.
Viru, native name for Esthonia proper, i. xiv., 8.
Vladinin, Prince of Kief, the suzerain of the mythical Russian heroes, i. xxxii.
Voehandu River, i. 137.
Voyage of the Kalevide, i. 110.
War, Herald of, i. 63; ii. 287.
War, rumours of, i. 61.
Water-lily, girls transformed to, i. 225; ii. 46.
Water-mother, i. xxiv., ii. 61.
Water-nymphs of Irish lakes, ii. 147 note.
Water-sprite, gifts of, ii. 98.
Water of strength and weakness (this is perhaps connected with the Russian Water of Death and Life, the first of which heals the wounds of a dead body, and the second restores it to life), i. 90, 100, 127.
Waters, Lord of, seeks the hand of Linda, i. 15.
Waters, Lady of the, ii. 95.
Were-wolves, ii. 277.
Weil, G., "Biblische Legenden der Muselmaenner aus arabischen Quellen, zusammengetragen und mit juedischen Sagen verglichen," Frankfort-on-Main, 1845, ii. 236.
Whirlwind, spirit of the, i. xxxi.; ii. 110.
White Horse. See Horses. (I have forgotten to notice elsewhere that the White Horse is a universally sacred emblem. It occurs more than once in the Apocalypse (Rev. vi. 2, xix. 11, 14)).
White Mare. See Mare.
Why the dog and cat and cat and mouse are enemies, ii. 282.
Wicked farmer's wife devoured by wolves, i. 291.
Widow of Laeaene, i. 2, 9.
Widows at magic well, ii. 145.
Wiek, German name for the province of Laeaene, i. xiv., 8 note.
Wierland, German name for the province of Viru, or Esthonia proper, i. xiv.
Wife, insatiable, ii. 48.
Wife-murderer (Bluebeard), ii. 1.
Will o' the Wisps, ii. 111.
William Tell expected to return, i. xxxii.
Wind seeks the hand of Linda, i. 15.
Wind magician, i. 19, 20.
Wind-mother, i. xxiv, 218; ii. 106.
Wind sorcerers, i. xxix., xxxi.
Wind-and-Weather, name of a giant, ii. 282 note.
Winds, King of, ii. 95.
Wishes, Three, ii. 45.
Wishing-rod, i. 91, 105, 108, 198.
Witch-Bride, ii. 45.
Witch Peipa, ii. 137.
Witch poisoned with hemlock-roots, i. 233.
Witch riding on cock, ii. 140.
Witch's coil, i. 218.
Wolf, i. 52, 84, 97, 171; ii. 31.
Wolf, creation of, ii. 274.
Wolf, Devil changed into, ii. 181.
Wolf stories, ii. 274.
Wolf and Devil, i. xxxi.; ii. 76 note, 274.
Wolfsbrunnen, near Heidelberg, ii. 86 note.
Woman in the Moon, ii. 29, 37.
Wonderful Haycock, ii. 133.
Wood of Tontla, ii. 237.
Wood-goddess, ii. 196.
Woodcutter, compassionate, ii. 124.
Wooden man and birch-bark maid, ii. 180.
Woodpecker and Iliawatha, i. 81 note.
Word-sorcerers, i. xxxi.
Yellow Plague in Britain, ii. 272 note.
Yggdrasil (properly Yggthrasil), the sacred ash-tree of Scandinavian mythology, i. 39 note.
Ymir, giant from whose body the earth was formed, in the Scandinavian mythology, i. 60 note.
Youngest son, despised, ii. 44.
Yudhishthira, one of the heroes of the Indian Epic, the Maha-Bharata, i. 25 note; ii. 23 note.
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