We are headquarters for A. P. W. Brand Toilet Paper. A light, soft tissue of the finest quality, made from absolutely clean, pure stock.
We will deliver anywhere in the city 10,000 sheets and a handsome nickel-plated holder for the sum of $1.00
Send us a trial order and be convinced that the A. P. W. Brand is not only the best but also the most economical toilet paper on the market.
RAT-NOX Destroys Rats, Mice and Roaches
(Do not die in house)
Most economical and effective remedy.
In self sealing boxes made with a view to convenience in handling, 15 and 25 cents. OMEGA NOVELTY COMPANY, Milwaukee, Wis.
Test It Yourself—FREE
A real Hair Restorative? Yes—that's just it—a real one at last—one that invigorates the roots and promotes the restoration of the hair to its original beauty, luxuriance and color.
Better than any argument is the Restorative itself—for you to try. We are only too glad to throw ourselves wholly on the merits of Golden Rule Hair Restorative, so we years ago set aside thousands of dollars to spend on big free Sample bottles.
If we didn't know what our preparation would do this would be reckless extravagance. But we do know and believe that the quickest way to help you to find it out is to place a bottle of it in your bands.
We know the annoyance of having one's hair fall and turn gray, perhaps while you are still young. It is the result perhaps of some unusual worry or care, but that does not prevent friends and neighbors from the knowing nod that says, "Growing old."
Not so, it is only a run down condition of the roots of the hair—just as the body gets run down. But you should not permit this. It is not necessary and this needless look of age impairs your usefulness and popularity in society and business.
Golden Rule Hair Restorative simply invigorates the roots—waking them up—toning them up—rejuvenating them until they are rendered lively and vigorous as in youth, The obvious result is that the growth of the hair is promoted. Hair can starve and wither like any plant that gets its life from its roots. If the roots are vigorous and healthy, the hair is bound to be natural.
We want you to accept a large sample bottle with our compliments.
We want you to know what a remarkable remedy this is. If you don't need it yourself, get it for some friend. The truth is, however, that everyone should use Golden Rule Hair Restorative as a dressing for the Hair to keep it healthy, just as you use a dentrifice to keep the teeth dainty and healthy.
Get this bottle and try it. Remember its continued use tends to stop hair from falling by promoting a vigorous growth of healthy hair. Remember that it restores color to the hair. It is harmless and a trial will convince you that it is just what we claim for it. Send to us today, enclosing 10c to pay postage and packing, and the bottle will come by first mail—in a plain wrapper with full explanations.
The Citizens' Wholesale Supply Co. Department C. - Columbus, Ohio
Have You Piles? Why Suffer Longer When ROSSMAN'S PILE CURE IS AT HAND
44-1/2 South St., Glens Falls, N. Y., June 3, 1909. G. A. McKinstry, Hudson, N. Y. Dear Sir:—By the advice of my druggist, Mr. Bert H. Bentley. I bought and used your Pile Cure and have found it a wonder. I have been around the world and have used all kinds of salves, but never found anything equal to yours.
In the year 1900 I enlisted in the U. S. Regulars and went to the Philippines. Was operated upon for hemorrhoids and was all right for three months. When itching developed, went to the hospital, where I was told I had itching piles.
I have been doctoring for nine years for same and found no relief until I used a box of Rossman's Cure. I think it wonderful.
Wishing you further success, I remain, Yours very truly, WM. F. CARTER. Subscribed and sworn before me this 3rd day of June, 1909 J. E. POTTER, Notary Public.
Mailed on receipt of price, 50 cents. Geo. A. McKinstry Successor to A. McKinstry & Son, Druggists 609 Warren Street, HUDSON. N. Y.
Don't Wait
Until tomorrow before you investigate our method of treating Drug, Liquor and Tobacco addictions with Hill's Chloride of Gold Tablets.
Do it Now
We remove desire of patients we accept for treatment, if directions are followed, and do it without pain or suffering. Can be given Secretly without the knowledge of the patient. Testimonials SENT FREE. Give it a Trial. For sale by Druggists, or sent on receipt of $1.00.
There may be other Remedies nearly as good, but there are none better than ATH-LO-PHO-ROS Searles' Remedy for Rheumatism and Neuralgia Write us for Our Booklets ATHLO-OINTMENT for Stiff and Sore Joints
ATHLO-TABLETS for Constipation
Scheffler's Instantaneous Hair Colorine By the use SCHEFFLER'S HAIR COLORINE, the hair may be colored eight natural shades.
No. 1. Black No. 2. Dark Brown No. 3. Light Brown No. 3a. Medium Brown No. 4. Dark Drab No. 5. Light Drab No. 6. Auburn No. 7. Blonde
This colorine has been the recognized standard for 25 years and is easy to apply. Directions come with each box. The shades obtained by the use of Scheffler's Hair Colorine are natural looking also leaves the hair soft and glossy.
NEW YORK HAIR COMPANY 737 Broadway, N. Y. City. Sole Agents and Distributors For Sale where you got this book. Price $1.00
NEW KIND SALTED PEANUTS Did you ever try them? If not, you ought to ask your Druggist, Confectioner or Grocer for them at once and insist on having no other kind but "Marple Bros. New Kind Salted Peanuts." If you buy them once you will never again buy any of the other cheap kinds.
Our peanuts are prepared so different from the old way, making them very nutritious and healthy. They are especially favored by the ladies to serve at all social functions. Once you try them, you will always buy them. Put up only by
MARPLE BROS., Toledo. O. For Sale where you got this book.
TANGLEOOT THE ORIGINAL FLY PAPER For more than 25 years the standard of quality All others are imitations
The Hygeia nursing bottle, with a wide mouth food-cell and a breast, is the safest, cleanest, most natural, and simple nursing bottle for the feeding of infants. Mothers will make no mistake if they buy the Hygeia. It will save them much anxiety and trouble in feeding their babies.
It is widely and generally known, and stands at the head of all nursing devices. Be sure you get the Hygeia. The name is on the breast-nipple; also, on the food receptacle. Beware of imitations! Beware of infringements!
On sale by all druggists. Manufactured by the HYGEIA NURSING BOTTLE CO. 1336 Main St. Buffalo, N. Y.
All of our stores sell THE NEW BACHELOR CIGAR It's one of the best sellers
W. P. Cabler's ROOT JUICE (Compound)
TONES, SOOTHES and HEALS the Mucous Linings of the Stomach, Bowels and Bladder, INVIGORATES the Liver and Kidneys. UNSURPASSED for General Debility, Nervous Weakness, Stomach troubles, Kidney affections and General Break-Down. The quick, beneficial results obtained from the use of ROOT JUICE is surprising thousands of people throughout the country. The compound is certainly a remarkable TONIC STOMACHIC and seems to benefit from the very start, all who take it.
Manufactured by W. P. Cabler ROOT JUICE MED. CO., Fort Wayne, Ind.
I-DE-LITE CLEANS-DUSTS-POLISHES all varnished or waxed woodwork, floors, pianos, furniture, white enamel, automobile bodies with ease and satisfaction.
A spoonful on a dampened cheese cloth wiped over the varnish and polished with a dry cheese cloth will pick up all the dust, remove the grease, smoked or blued spots, cover scratches and restore the original lustre or finish.
I-DE-LITE does not contain alcohol, ether, turpentine, benzine, vinegar, common paraffine or coal oil, anyone of which will in time ruin fine varnish.
Easy to apply, a pleasant and purifying odor.
What is SALIODIN? Quantitative and Qualitative Analyses SALIODIN DENSTEN
Manufactured by the Saliodin Chemical Co. SCRANTON. PA. SALIODIN Dose, Grs. X to XXX 1 Oz.
FORMULA Each Grs. xx of Saliodin contains approximately: Salicylic Acid, (Aceto-Salicylate), Grs. xv Iodine (Iodate) Equivalent to Iodide Potass, Grs. xv Acetic Acid (Acetate) Equiv. to Acetate Potass, Grs. v Aconite, Equiv. to Tr. Aconite R. Gtts. iv Bryonia, Equiv. to Tr. Bryonia, Gtts. v Colchicum, Equiv. to Vin Colchicum R. Gtts. xv Capsicum, Equiv. to Tr. Capsicum Gtts ii Oil Gaultheria, m iii
Saliodin is an "Iodated Aceto-Salicylate with Adjuvants" and the specific treatment for every form of uric acid diathesis. "Saliodin" is a solvent and eliminant of uric acid and is a happy combination of Salicylic Acid, Iodine, Acetic Acid, Aconite, Bryonia, Colchicum, Capsicum and Gaultheria and chemically appears in the form of a pink greyish powder soluble in water 1 to 3—dose grs. X to grs. XXX for the exclusive use of physicians—put up in one-ounce bottles; price, per ounce, $1.50. Is manufactured only by the Saliodin Chemical Co. "Saliodin" is specifically indicated in Rheumatism. Gout, Neuralgia, Malaria and La Grippe; is analgesic, antipyrectic, an intestinal antiseptic, diaphoretic, diuretic, expectorant, deobstruent, sialagogue, cholagogue, emmenagogue, gouocococidal, anti-syphilitic and alterative. Doctor, you may prescribe Saliodin with confidence wherever iodine or salicylate is indicated. Used both internally and externally.
No Iodism, no Salicylism. Not less than 15 grains at a dose to adults, and in acute cases repeat every 2 or 3 hours or oftener. In gonorrhoea, Saliodin is a specific.
Peter Van Schaack & Sons, 138 Lake St., Chicago, Ill. Depositary and Distributers for Chicago and tributary district.
London Agents: Messrs. Thomas Christy & Company.
Send for samples and literature to the Saliodin Chemical Co., Scranton, Pa., U. S. A.
Guaranteed under the Food and Drug Act of June 30, 1906. No. 383.
As a Mouthwash As a Gargle For the Teeth For Cuts For Burns For Wounds For Boils Or Mosquitoes For Insects For Bee Stings For the Complexion Prevents Pimples and Blotches For the Bath—Relieves Skin Eruptions For the Toilet—Destroys Body Odors After Shaving gives instant relief to tender Skins In all cases of emergency meeting anticipation at all times in a hundred different ways.
Don't Forget To Try "Queen Bess" Perfume
One drop of "Queen Bess" has in it the fragrance of a garden in bloom—delicate—subtile, clinging, haunting, and elusive—it does not force itself upon the senses—it just seems as though it should be.
If you are particularly critical in your choice of perfumes, let us convince you in the most forceful way possible that "Queen Bess" is what you have been looking for and could not find.
That you may be able to see this matter of "perfumes" from our standpoint, we will give you a free sample upon your presenting coupon in the back of this book, at the store where you got it.
But note what that adjective means—"Good." The good things of this life are none too many in number, and unfortunately we are forced in nearly every instance to prove at our own expense the superiority or inferiority of each article, or commodity—whether it be an investment, a friend or a household necessity.
A true toilet water is not a luxury—it is an absolute necessity to those who appreciate the highest form of health and appearance.
A true toilet water invigorates and adds to the general health of the skin tissues.
A true toilet water relieves skin irritations—unreliable imitations aggravate them. It is the imitation that is the most costly sort of luxury.
The Toilet Water de luxe is Baldwin's Vivian Violet. It is made of only the best material, and in its composition—it is the triumph of the art of distillation,
The odor of Vivian Violet Toilet Water is delicate though lasting and delightful to the most refined taste.
Baldwin's products have a reputation of 40 years behind them. When buying your Face Powder, Perfumes and Toilet Water insist on Baldwin's.
Guaranteed under the Food and Drug Act. June 30, 1906. Serial No. 29077. The Baldwin Perfumery Co., Chicago Perfume, 50c per oz. Toilet Water, 4 oz. bot. 50c. Face Powder. 50c box
The snow white odorless powder does not check perspiration.
Easy to use and its effect lasts for hours.
Takes all the odor out of perspiration without injurying the skin or the clothing—a pure antiseptic powder.
Is highly recommended by physicians as the best antiseptic and deodorant powder for destroying offensive odors of the body.
Its wonderful soothing qualities makes it indispensable in the home. Relieves chafing, scalding, sunburn, windburn and nothing can equal it after shaving. For bad smelly feet it has no rival.
DROSIS DESTROYS ALL ODORS from excessive perspiration, not by overpowering with another odor, but by its own process of elimination, effects an entire absence of any odor whatsoever,
DROSIS IS NOT ABSORBED BY THE PORES and is a necessity, positively indispensable on the toilet table of every lady.
DROSIS CONTAINS NO ALUM Use Drosis freely after the bath. Write us for a sample THE DROSIS COMPANY, 44 Lewis Block, Buffalo, N. Y.
Reduce Your Weight By Bathing Use Louisenbad Reduction Salt (for The Bath)
Removes superfluous fat and gives a slender firm, stylish figure. Merely use a little twice a week in warm water when taking a bath. No need of taking drugs or starving yourself; no need of devoting hours to tiresome exercise, or of wearing uncomfortable reducing garments. Louisenbad Reduction Salt enters the pores in a natural way, prevents formation of superfluous fat and reduces it where it exists by transforming the fat into strength giving blood and muscle. It brings to your own tub the salts such as are found in the reducing bath springs of Europe—patronized by royalty, famous for centuries. Endorsed by the Medical Profession. Praised by those who have used it.
Wash Away Your Fat
Reduce it by a refreshing, toning bath. Give Louisenbad Reduction Salt a fair trial. Price $1 per package or 6 packages for $5. For sale at all first class Drug Stores or sent in plain sealed wrapper, express prepaid on receipt of price by
Karl Landshut, 127 Dickey Building Chicago
Guaranteed under the Food and Drug Act. June 30, 1906. Serial No. 495.
This unrivaled remedy is the result of many years study and experience in the special treatment of diseases of the lungs and throat, by Dr. J, H. Guild, graduate of New York Medical College and New York Chemical Laboratory, a practitioner in Bellevue and New York Charity Hospital, and a physician of recognized ability and distinguished eminence. This article has been the standard remedy for Asthma for a quarter of a century. It has found its way on its own merits to every civilized country on the globe. The growing demand, its great popularity and general use stamp it as absolutely the most successful and satisfactory remedy that has ever been placed on the market. No other preparation has met with such great and uniform success as a permanent cure of Acute or Chronic Asthma, especially Spasmodic Asthma. Hay Fever, etc. Absolutely harmless; can be used by the most delicate with perfect safety, whether young or old, and never falls to give immediate relief and perfect satisfaction. Thousands of testimonials from all over the world are reciting the most marvelous cures. The remedy is handled by all leading wholesale drug houses. Ask your drug house for it.
LARGE SIZE, $1.00. SMALL SIZE, $0.25. DR. J. H. GUILD; Rupert, Vt.
CARMICHAEL'S GRAY HAIR RESTORER Positively Restores Gray or Faded Hair to Its Natural Color
Is not a Dye, but a Restorative.
Clear as water, absolutely harmless, odorless and clean. Contains no Sulphur, Lead, or nothing of a sticky or greasy nature. Besides restoring it to its natural shade, it renders it soft and fluffy. No matter how long your hair has been gray, faded or bleached, Carmichael's Gray Hair Restorer will bring it back to its original color.
$1.00 Per Bottle or 6 Bottles for $5.00 Money Back Guarantee
Makes the hair soft and fluffy, prevents the formation of dandruff and the falling out of the hair. Invigorates the scalp and stimulates the growth of the hair.
This Tonic when used in conjunction with Carmichael's Gray Hair Restorer simply works in a marvelous manner, "not only removing dandruff and stopping the falling out of the hair," but in some way the combination of the two, gives the hair a most beautiful, glossy tint, which everybody so much desires.
Price 50c a Bottle
Our purpose is to supply only the best and highest grade "Toilet Preparations" that can be made. These articles possess not only useful, but healthful properties, free from all deleterious and dangerous substances, therefore, we can positively guarantee them.
Sorority Girl Massage Cream 25 and 50 cts. Sorority Girl Skin Tonic 25 and 50 cts. Sorority Girl Vanishing Cream 50 cts. Sorority Girl Hygienic Bath Oil 50 cts. Sorority Girl Beauty Powder 50 cts. Sorority Girl Rouge (Paste and Liquid) 25 cts. Sorority Girl Eye-Brow Pencils 10 cts. Sorority Girl Toilet Water 50 cts. and $1.00 Sorority Girl Non-Alcoholic Perfume 75 cts. Sorority Girl Perfume, per oz $1.00
Beware of imitations and so-called "just as good" preparations. Insist on having the genuine "Sorority Girl" articles.
R. A. CARMICHAEL & CO., Detroit, Michigan
Without Cost, We will prove to you
That Young's Victoria Cream is a better cream for your complexion than you have ever used before. That there is simply nothing like it for keeping the skin in perfect condition. Being made from the sweetest absorbable oils it is a perfect skin food. It is antiseptic and will remove pimples and eruptions. As a bleaching cream for freckles, tan and brown patches there is nothing equal to it. All we ask of you is to try it.
Please use the FREE COUPON given in another part of this book.
Young's Victoria Cream, Powder and Soap give the same good results that you get in a beauty parlor. Hundreds of parlors are using these goods in their work. Young's Victoria Cream, 25 and 50 cents per box; Powder, 35 cents per box; Soap, 15 cents per cake. Do try this splendid Cream at our expense.
Frederick H. Young & Co. TOLEDO, OHIO
BYRUD'S SURE Corn and Wart Cure STOPS THE PAIN AT ONCE Clean and Easy Not a plaster to slide all over your foot and make it sore Not a greasy salve. No rags. JUST PAINT IT ON. PRICE 15 CENTS Byrud's Instant Relief Stops Pain and Promptly Cures Sprains Bruises Toothache Neuralgia Sciatica Pleurisy Pains in back Pains in chest Swellings Frost bites Bronchitis Chilblains Croup Cramps Lumbago Stiff Joints Rheumatism Tonsilits Hoarseness Sore throat Boils All Inflammations Ulcerated Teeth
Byrud's Instant Relief is the safest and most powerful external Remedy made. Byrud's Instant Relief is absorbed so readily an quickly that it penetrates to the seat of pain and gives immediate relief. Instant Relief does not contain any cocaine, morphine or other opiates.
Price 25 cents at all Druggists
Cure Any Cough That is Curable
Get from the drugstore, and mix together in a large bottle, 2 ounces of glycerine, 8 ounces of pure whisky and 1/2 ounce of virgin oil of pine. Shake well and take a teaspoonful every four hours. It will quickly heal any irritation of the mucous surface in throat and bronchial organs.
This formula was used and recommended for many years by the late Dr. W. A. Leach, who claimed it would break up a cold in twenty-four hours and cure any curable cough. The well-known healing properties of pine, in its action on the respiratory organs, are present in the genuine virgin oil of pine. This, combined with its absolute freedom from opiates and narcotic drugs of any description, makes it an invaluable remedy for the family medicine chest.
In the case of young children, a drop of the pine on a little sugar provides a pleasant, as well as effective remedy for coughs and colds. Oil of pine is also frequently used in this way by preachers and public speakers, to relieve hoarseness and other affections of the vocal organs. Its effect is almost instantaneous. The genuine virgin oil of pine is put up in half-ounce vials for dispensing through druggists and prepared only in the laboratories of the Leach Chemical Co., Cincinnati, O., who guarantee its freshness and purity.
Is Your Stomach Wrong? Suffer with Constipation, Sluggish Liver, Dyspepsia, Feel Bad All Over? YOU NEED A COURSE OF HOLLISTER'S ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA
It Neutralizes the stomach, cleanses the Mucus Membranes, assimilates the food you eat, thus giving you all the good there is in your meals, regulating the bowels perfectly. For Dyspepsia, sour and distressed stomach, do not take large doses but prepare every morning one full dose by pouring boiling water over a heaping teaspoonful of the Mixture and let it draw out the strength take of the Tea so prepared one-fourth of this amount after each meal and at bed time. TRY IT. YOU WILL BE SURPRISED AT THE RESULT AFTER A WEEK'S TREATMENT. An unfailing Remedy for SICK HEADACHES, RHEUMATISM, BLOOD DISEASES, and all STOMACH, KIDNEY, LIVER and BOWEL DERANGEMENTS. Write us care DEPT. C. for special advice to meet the requirements of your case. If not sold by your dealer send us 35c for a large package, double the size of any 25c package. One package contains more health and life giving principles than $5.00 worth of any other remedy. The Genuine by Hollister Drug Co., Madison, Wis.
Stomach and Liver Trouble
Quickly Cured
Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Remedy is a positive remedy for all Stomach, Liver and Intestinal Trouble, Gastritis, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Pressure of Gas around the Heart, Sour Stomach, Distress After Eating, Nervousness, Dizziness, Fainting Spells, Constipation, Congested and Torpid Liver, Yellow Jaundice, Sick Headache and Gall Stones.
The above ailments are caused by the clogging of the intestinal tract with mucoid and catarrhal accretions, backing up poisonous fluids into the stomach, and otherwise deranging the digestive system. I want every sufferer of these diseases to test this wonderful treatment. You are not asked to take this treatment for a week or two before you will feel its great benefits—only one dose is usually required. I say, emphatically, it a positive, permanent remedy and I will prove it to you if you will allow me to.
The most eminent specialists declare that 75 per cent of the people who suffer from Stomach Trouble are suffering from Gall Stones. I firmly believe that this remedy is the only one in the world that will cure this disease. Sufferers of Stomach and Liver troubles and Gall Stones should not hesitate a moment, but purchase this remedy at once. I would be pleased to send you the names of people who state they have been cured of various aliments and speaking the highest praise of this medicine. Don't suffer with agonizing pains—don't permit a dangerous surgical operation, which gives only temporary relief, when this medicine will permanently help you.
You are not asked to take this treatment for a week or two before you feel its great benefits. One dose is all that is necessary to prove its wonderful powers to benefit.
Absolutely harmless. Guaranteed by the Pure Food and Drug Act. Serial No. 25793.
GEO. H. MAYR, Mfg. Chemist Mayr Bldg, 154-156 Whiting Street CHICAGO For Sale and Recommended by Central Drug Stores and Others, Price $1.00 a Bottle. Worth $100.00.
Crown Headache Powders
A Quick Relief and a Reliable Remedy for Sick Headache, Neuralgia and Nervous Affections, Headache Caused by Over-eating, or Drinking, Sudden Change, or Exposure, Overwork or Fatigue. An Excellent Remedy for a Bad Cold or LaGrippe.
DIRECTIONS:—Place one powder dry on the tongue and swallow with a draught of water, or, if convenient, with warm tea or any other warm drink. Repeat in twenty minutes if necessary. For children in proportion to age.
For a Cold or LaGrippe take one powder with three grains of quinine and a warm drink at bed-time.
Trade Mark registered and guaranteed by The F. A. Weck Company under the Food and Drugs Act, June 30, 1906. Serial No. 3101.
These powders contain no Morphine, Opium, Anti-pyrine or chloral.
Price 10 cents a package of 4 powders; or 25 cents a box of 12 powders.
If you are unable to obtain them from your druggist send us the price in stamps and we will forward them to you by return mail.
THE F. A. WECK CO. Manufacturing Pharmacists 5210 Shattuck Ave., BERKELEY, CAL.
USE IN THE PRIVACY OF YOUR BOUDOIR And no one need know that you were ever troubled with superfluous hair growths.
You will find MANDO FOR SUPERFLUOUS HAIR not only a painless, inexpensive depilatory, but a harmless one as well. Used successfully for 15 years.
Don't Experiment With Dangerous Depilatories
Any druggist will tell you that the market is now being flooded with preparations loudly claiming to permanently remove superfluous hair growths.
Such depilatories often do more harm than good, leaving behind tiny scars or blemishes, or a tell-tale redness on the skin—ofttimes even injuring the delicate texture.
Isn't it better and safer to buy a preparation like MANDO that has been successfully used by thousands of women during the past 15 years. A depilatory of established reputation among druggists and department stores.
Simply go to any of the Central Drug Co.'s stores and ask for convincing proof of Mando's power.
A generous sample will be given free.
Mando leaves no scars, blemishes or red marks on the most delicate skin.
If you would rather write us confidentially do so.
Josephine LeFevre Co., Phila.
Worth Its Weight In Gold But It Only Costs a Quarter DR. JUCKET'S COMPOUND SALVE is a boon and a blessing for all Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Sunburns and Sprains.
It should always be on hand for emergencies. This wonderful curative Salve is a specific for Kidney Disease, Pleurisy, Bronchitis, Piles, Sore Back and Neuralgia.
Its effect is immediate and soothing. Comes in compact form, sealed in foil, and always retains its strength.
Full directions in each package. Price 25c—-at your druggist
Noblesse Toilet Preparations The Highest Possible Standard of Purity
Guaranteed by Noblesse Laboratories under the Pure Food and Drugs Act of June 30, 1906 Serial No. 21811
Skin Food & Form Builder Feeds the tissue, strengthens the muscles and obliterates wrinkles. Price 50c
Natural Blush Rouge Gives a natural tint to pale cheeks and Lips. Price 25c
Natural Blush Rouge Liquid Gives natural tint to pale cheeks and lips. Price 25c
Noblesse Cleansing Cream A substitute for soap and water, keeps the skin smooth, clear and healthy. Price 50c
Noblesse Cream Bouquet is the best Greaseless, Antiseptic, Liquid Face Cream obtainable; it is excellent in cases of Sunburn Tan, Chafed and Chapped Skin. Also used by Gentlemen of discretion after shaving. Price 25c
Noblesse Finger Nail Powder Gives a brilliant and lasting polish and preserves the nail. Price 25c
Noblesse Tooth Powder For cleansing and preserving the teeth, and purifying the breath. Price 25c
Noblesse Depilatory Powder Removes superfluous hair without pain or injury. Price $1.00
Noblesse Delightful Face Powder Is chemically pure and keeps the skin as smooth as satin. Three shades—Naturelle, Brunette and White. Price 50c
Skin Whitener and Flush Worm Eradicator Cleanses the pores of black-heads, pimples, freckles and moth patches and bleaches the skin. Price 50c
For Sale and Recommended by Central Drug Co., Detroit & Chicago Congress Drug Co., Chicago Ashland Drug Co., Chicago Independent Drug Co., Chicago. Auditorium Pharmacy Co., Chicago Standard Drug Co., Cleveland
Crane's Celebrated Lotion For the Hair and Head. Removes Dandruff and Scurf.
Prevents the Hair from falling out. Promotes its growth and Cures Scale Heads. 50c and 75c PER BOTTLE
It is not a dye, will not discolor the hair. Made in Newark for the last 61 years. Use no other. Send us 10c for sample free.
RAY S. G. MFG. CO. Manufacturers 44 Wakeman Ave. Newark, N. J.
ALBANY CHEMICAL CO. Manufacturing Chemists ALBANY, N. Y . A full line of Medicinal, Photographic and Technical Chemicals. Call for A. C. Co. Brand.
Bryans' Great Asthma Remedy
A faithful trial will convince anyone of the true merit and worth of Bryans' Asthma Remedy, Professor P. J. De Lara, of Detroit, Mich., says:
"I cannot speak too highly of Bryans' Asthma Remedy; which has been so beneficial to me. For over thirty years I have suffered with Asthma and have spent thousands of dollars for medicines from the best specialists in Europe and America without any relief, and up to three months ago I lost hope in any kind of treatment; some reputable doctors told me I never could be cured. I then heard of Bryans' Asthma Remedy and took on myself to try it. The result astonished me. After using nine or ten boxes the disease abated and by degrees left me, and I am glad to say that I have no more of those severe spasmodic attacks and consider myself permanently cured."
Bryans' Asthma Remedy, 10, 25 & 50 cent Metal Boxes. Made only by
Bryans' Drug House, Rochester, N. Y.
STRAUS BROTHERS COMPANY Established 1879 Distillers, Importers Telephone Main 2892 and Automatic 8892 203-205 East Madison Street, CHICAGO
IT IS SOMETHING WORTH KNOWING THAT RIKER'S ANTISEPTIC TOOTH POWDER Cleanses without wearing, Polishes without scratching.
And Keeps the Mouth always in Perfect Condition.
See coupon in the back part of this book, tear it out and get a free sample. It will be worth the trouble. Also ask to see other Riker Requisites for the Toilet. They will interest you.
THE SAMURAI PERFUME CO. Yokohama New York Importers and Manufacturers PERFUMES, POWDERS, CREAMS, SOAPS, ROUGES, SACHETS, ORIENTAL ODORS EXCLUSIVELY Corylopsis Sandalwood Orange Blossom Cherry Blossom Flowery Kingdom Geisha Lotus Rajah Mikado Delhia Ask your dealer for a sample of Samurai Greaseless Massage Cream and Corylopsis Talcum, or write us. Dept. C. Save Money by buying our 1 lb. size can Corylopsis Talcum. PRICE 25C
By means of THE "J. B. L. CASCADE"
Have you read of the wonderful cures made by the Internal Bath? Do you know that it goes to the root of all disease and eradicates the cause? Do you know that many of the greatest physicians in the world endorse and prescribe this treatment, and also that among its patrons are some of the most distinguished people in all parts of the world, as well as hosts of others from whom we have grateful letters, which we should be pleased to furnish to those interested upon application?
Do you know that an occasional Internal Bath is a better preventive of illness and preserver of health than any other single means? Do you know that it makes beautiful complexions? Do you know it cures constipation and prevents and cures appendicitis? The record of its benefits reads like a revelation to those hitherto unacquainted with it.
It is used by means of the "J.B.L. Cascade"—the only scientific appliance for this purpose—by hundreds of the best known people in all parts of the world, by innumerable ministers, lawyers, and those persons whose intelligence gives unequivocal weight to their testimony.
It is known that seven-tenths of all disease arises from the retention of foreign matter in the human system, also that the greater part of this waste is held in the colon, which is nature's sewer, hence the flushing of this sewer removes the greatest cause of disease. While immeasurably the best treatment for constipation, indigestion, etc., there is scarcely any known disease for which the "J.B.L. Cascade" may not be confidently prescribed.
This hygienic, drugless treatment saves hundreds of dollars yearly in doctors' and druggists' bills. We want to send to every reader of this publication, sick or well, a simple statement setting forth this treatment. It contains matter which must interest every thinking person. Write for our pamphlet. "The What, The Why, The Way," which will we sent free on application.
TYRRELL'S HYGIENIC INSTITUTE, Dept. 160 B., 134 W. 65th St., New York City,. U. S. A.
Palmer's New York Since 1847 Best Perfumes Made GUARANTEED TO PLEASE THE MOST FASTIDIOUS SOLON PALMER, Perfumer, New York FOR SALE BY Central Drug Company; Detroit and Chicago Independent Drug Company; Chicago Auditorium Pharmacy Company; Chicago Congress Drug Company; Chicago Ashland Drug Company; Chicago Standard Drug Company; Cleveland
"Zel" Transparent Tooth Brushes Exchanged If Bristles Come Out As clear and lustrous as crystal glass—Each bunch of bristle, fastened with an expanding anchor, cannot loosen. Made in a variety of patterns. For Sale at All Toilet Counters HOLTON & ADAMS (INCORPORATED) Sole Agents for the United States and Canada 29-31 East 22nd St. Success Magazine Bldg. NEW YORK CITY
Hundreds of rubber fingers massage impurities out. Water flowing through washes impurities away.
Knickerbocker Spraybrush
"Purifies Pores"
Combines shower-shampoo-massage.
You won't bathe in water full of body impurities after using a Knickerbocker Spraybrush
Slips over any faucet. Bathes you in fresh flowing water—any temperature desired—without waiting for tub to fill.
Gives shower—needle spray—and frictional bath. Saves time, labor and water. Absolutely sanitary and self-cleaning.
Ideal for scalp massage and shampoo for men and women. No home should be without one. Absolutely guaranteed for one year.
Prices, $3.00 to $5.00 according to size and style. Mail Orders promptly attended to.
The Housekeeper that wants to keep the pans and other kitchen articles bright and clean, the bath room, tile floors, painted walls and woodwork, and then take all the stains from the hands,
MUST USE Skidoo Soap A Creamy Paste, in sanitary cans for only 10c. Sold everywhere. Made only by THE YEAZELL-GOLDSTEIN CORPORATION Columbus, Ohio
Dyspepsia Cured Free The Grover Graham Dyspepsia Remedy is sold under a positive guarantee that it will cure dyspepsia, heartburn, gastritis or any form of stomach disorder, no matter how chronic or severe. Let us send you the names and addresses of thousands who have been cured by our preparation, when all else had failed. The very first dose removes all distress, tones the weak stomach, prevents fermentation and restores digestion. When digestion ceases a slow form of starvation begins, and the vital organs, deprived of their substance, become debilitated. Good digestion is essential to health; proper assimilation of nourishment means pure rich blood, strong nerves, sound sleep and makes life worth living. The most chronic cases of Stomach Disorder are immediately corrected by our remedy. The Grover Graham Dyspepsia Remedy is prepared from the McDermott formula, the greatest European Specialist. It is sold under a guarantee to cure. Instant relief insured. In evidence of good faith we will send, absolutely free of charge to any dyspeptic who has not already used our remedy, sufficient of our preparation to demonstrate its truly wonderful and remarkable properties, Write Grover Graham Co., Newburgh, N. Y., for full particulars, or purchase a trial size bottle at the store where you procured "Things Worth Knowing."
SPONGES We are headquarters for sponges of every variety. Our buyer makes sponge buying a specialty and the selections are most carefully made so that our reputation for carrying the finest and largest assortment in this market is well known.
Try Our 40 and 60 B:
Genuine Mediterranean Bath Sponges—Bleached
These goods, though not perfect shapes, are as strong and durable and just as fine quality as the most expensive grades.
Half the Cost of Imported
Absence of duty reduces its cost 50 per cent.
Of the six American Champagnes exhibited, Great Western was the only one awarded the gold medal at Paris exposition, 1900.
Your grocer or dealer can supply you
Sold everywhere Pleasant Valley Wine Co. Rheims, N. Y. Oldest and Largest Champagne House in America
I-RON-DE-QUOIT PORT WINE If you are sick or run down, or feel the need of a stimulant, it will pay you to exercise care when making your selection. You need something that is both a food and a tonic. What could be better than a Pure Wine?
For seventy-eight years Irondequoit Port has been sought for this purpose. It is pure, nourishing and distinctive in BODY and FLAVOR, due to a special grape—the Oporto—of which it is made and of which we are exclusive growers.
FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS Irondequoit Wine Company Rochester, N. Y.
Arend-Adamick Kumyss
Is a perfect food for Consumptives, Invalids and Convalescents, retained by the most delicate stomach. Avoid all imitations.
TELEPHONE AND MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED A. AREND DRUG CO. G. H. ADAMICK, Manager Phone, Main 3506 Fifth Ave. and Madison St., Chicago. To Be Had Where You Got This Book
THE 20th CENTURY WONDER Roachine Pack Chemical Co. Inc. Waukegan Ill. KILLS ROACHES AND WATER BUGS A pleasant odored powder NOT A FOOD NOT A POISON NOT A LIQUID NOT A PASTE NOT A CURE ALL Sold on its merits. You will be a booster if you try it. YOUR Druggist has IT. Pack Chemical Co., Inc. Chicago and Waukegan, Illinois Our Goods Guaranteed by Us Under the Food and Drugs Act of June 30,1906 Serial Number 27905.
If Mother Nature has failed to do her duty by you it's quite easy to take matters into your own hands
Empress Instantaneous Hair Color Restorer.
Will change your faded or gray hair to any shade desired. No after washing. Just one single application with the Empress, that's all. Fully guaranteed under the Pure Food and Drug Act.
10 different shades.
Empress Shampoo Soap
A combination of best vegetable oils, cochin and coconut oil, makes best shampoo imaginable. Is the most thorough scalp cleaner, relieves scalp irritation and leaves hair bright, soft, fluffy and easy to make up. FOR SALE WHERE YOU GOT THIS BOOK
Are simply what the name implies; "SOFT SPOTS" of light new air-pumping, pneumatic rubber, attached to a shapely leather innersole scientifically made to conform to all pressure of the foot.
The hermetically sealed globules are air chambers and act as pneumatic cushions to the entire body, taking up the jar when walking, the weight of the body when standing, giving infinite relief to the entire Nervous System
Worn inside the shoe—leather side up. Positively Prevent and Cure NERVOUS HEADACHES FLAT FEET and FALLEN INSTEPS CALLOUSES and FOOT TROUBLES
If your dealer cannot supply you, we will on receipt of price and size of shoe. Arch Cushions $1.00 Per Pair
20 Mule-Team Borax in Packages
Nature's Great Cleansing Agent—Destroys the Dirt and SAVES YOUR CLOTHES by not attacking the fabric or its colors, and is therefore economical. Not to be confounded with washing powders or so-called "Borax Powders" most of which contain no Borax, but are heavily adulterated with soda, a strong alkali which rots, ruins and shrinks the clothes.
Don't fail to ask your dealer for our valuable booklet
The Magic Crystal
You will appreciate the delightful flavors and high quality of Blue Ribbon Gum MADE IN SIX FLAVORS Licorice Cinnamon Pepsin Spearmint Mint Blood Orange Made By BLUE RIBBON GUM CO. 903 Wrightwood Ave., CHICAGO
An ointment containing Mustard, Menthol and other curative remedies which act quickly and powerfully,
FOR Coughs, Colds in Chest, Pneumonia, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup, Sprains.
FOR Rheumatism, Pleurisy, Headache, Neuralgia, Chilblains, Sore Muscles, Stiff Joints, Lame Back.
Wherever there is inflammation, pain or congestion.
Better than a Mustard plaster. Will Not Blister.
25c and 50c a Jar at all Druggists THE MUSTEROLE CO., Cleveland, Ohio
ASTYPTODYNE A Natural Remedy from Natures Healing Pine. Antiseptic-Styptic-Anodyne.
Heals all kinds of sores, wounds and cuts. Relieves Pain—Toothache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism. A splendid remedy for colds, sore throat, and Bronchial Affections.
Astyptodyne Healing Oil, Astyptodyne Cough Remedy, Astyptodyne "Tro-Ke,"
Astyptodyne Croup and Pneumonia Salve. These and others, are prepared by Astyptodyne Chemical Company WILMINGTON, N. C.
Booklet mailed on application
A Noted Physician of Much Learning Worked Twelve Years to Get the ORANGEINE Formula just right. To relieve pain, he knew he must reach the cause.
Orangeine does this, better than strong drugs.
Each dose is a five grain powder, combining seven well known remedies in perfect balance, to relieve HEADACHE, NEURALGIA, COLDS, GRIP, FATIGUE. A remedy for general household use. Full formula on every package. This store has supplied Orangeine Powders for years, with excellent results.
The Two Creams Every Woman Needs PLEXO
Greaseless Cream A superb toilet cream of delicate fragrance made from the purest ingredients. Imparts the velvety softness so much desired by the well-groomed woman of today. Indispensable to motorists, golfers and bathers. Protects against the sun and wind. Apply before going outdoors and massage until it vanishes.
Cleansing Cream will positively remove all impurities. Will impart a fresh complexion to all women striving to retain a fair skin. Plexo Cleansing Cream is absolutely pure and wholesome having no irritating qualities. Exposure usually plays havoc with a delicate complexion, but the application of Plexo Cleansing Cream will keep a most sensitive skin in excellent condition.
Try these two creams. They are exactly what you need for keeping your skin smooth, soft and clear.
PISO'S REMEDY the Best Cough and Cold Medicine. 46 Years on the Market. A copy of Piso's Nursery Rhymes will be mailed free to any applicant. Address. THE PISO COMPANY. Warren. Pa.
FOR HALF A CENTURY COE'S COUGH BALSAM Has been the leading remedy for Whooping Cough, Croup, Coughs, Colds, Asthma and all Throat and Lung Diseases.
It is the best and cheapest Cough Remedy in the world and will break up a Cough quicker than anything else. Try it.
HEGEMAN'S CAMPHOR ICE with Glycerine, for Chapped Hands and Face, Sore Lips, Cold Sores, Sunburn, Chilblains, Etc.
Hegeman's Camphor Ice is the original and oldest preparation of the kind in the world. All others are simply imitations.
THE Daisy Fly Killer is a tightly sealed ornamental metal box provided with five holes, into which are secured felt wicks, and contains a fly killing material. When filled with water and the cork replaced, and is thoroughly shaken (keeping it level), the fly-killing material inside mixes with the water and is absorbed through the wicks, which become moist and sweet from the inside contents, the flies being attracted by the moisture and sweetness in the wicks, get a taste of it and will soon die, The fly-killing material inside is sufficient to last through the season, for when the water evaporates there is enough of the fly-killing material inside to stand many fillings with water and prove effectual as a fly-killer. After several fillings, it is better to sweeten the water with a teaspoonful of sugar before putting it in the Daisy.
Daisy Fly Killer placed anywhere attracts and kills all flies. Neat, clean, ornamental, convenient, cheap. Lasts all season. Made of metal, cannot spill or tip over, will not spoil or injure anything.
GUARANTEED EFFECTIVE HAROLD SOMERS Manufacturer 150 De Kalb Ave. Brooklyn, New York
MOST POWERFUL PURGATIVE WATER KNOWN 1/4 The Quantity Required by Others Absolutely harmless as it contains almost exclusively Sulphate of Soda. NO REPULSIVE SMELL NOR BITTER TASTE VILLACABRAS NOT FOLLOWED BY CONSTIPATION No Gripes No Pains Can be taken indefinitely as a laxative without ill effects. Invaluable in long standing cases of stubborn constipation: INFANTS AND ADULTS HENRY E. GOURD 35 South William Street NEW YORK
Are You Sore? Sore Head, Sore Nose, Sore Throat? Sore Lips, Sore Face, Sore Chest? Sore Muscles, Sore Back, Neuralgia? COLDS IN THE HEAD? Catarrh, Fever Blisters? Sore Joints, Sore Feet? Frost Bites, Soft Corns? MUSCULAR RHEUMATISM? Burns, Cuts, Sprains, Bruises? Swellings and Inflammations? Use Paracamph First Aid To The Injured It Cools. It Soothes. It Cures. Unequaled for use after Shaving. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. 25c, 50c, and $1.00 Bottles. All Druggists.
Hair on the Face Arms or Neck can be easily removed—quickly and without pain or irritating the skin. DELATONE does the work best of all hair removers. For sale at all Drug Stores.
(TRADE MARK) CELERY-VESCE GRANULAR EFFERVESCENT Sold at Your Druggists 10c, 25c 50c and $1.00 For Headache, Neuralgia, Sweetens the Stomach Braces the Nerves Clears the Brain Pleasant as Cream Soda SPEEDY, EFFICIENT HARMLESS Century Chemical Co. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. Address Dept. T. W. K. 1911 "The proof of the pudding is in the eating." And we want you to test CELERY-VESCE for yourself. So when sending your own address, if you will send the addresses of a dozen friends who suffer of HEADACHES or BAD STOMACHS we will send you by mail a quarter package of CELERY-VESCE free of charge. WRITE NOW
Cirage Francais Or French Dressing For Ladies and Children's Boots & Shoes Trunks, Harness, Carriage Tops, &c. Manufactured by B. F. Brown Boston, Mass.
Many who have tried for five and ten years, and have spent hundreds of dollars for a cure without effect, have had the most pleasing results in a short time from the use of ALETA. Hard crusts and scales, as well as the most simple cases of dandruff, yield to the applications of this remedy. Itching scalps and eczematic troubles are effectually treated. One of our most prominent physicians made this remark: "IT IS THE FIRST TIME FOR ME TO HAVE ANY SATISFACTION FROM A DANDRUFF CURE."
ALETA is applied but once a week. It is as clean as water upon the head; it contains no oils or other substance to gum the hair or to make it sticky. IT DOES THE WORK.
Hair grows faster and looks better when the scalp is clean and healthy, and there is no remedy which brings these good conditions so readily and perfectly, as the ALETA
PRESCRIBED by ethical physicians and recommended by druggists as being the best preparation on the market for all kinds of Inflammation and Congestion. Pneumonia, Croup, Colds, Pleurisy and any and all ailments where Inflammation appears GOWANS subdues and conquers it. Gowans is absorbant and antiseptic—it acts quickly and with a bottle of Gowans Preparation in the home you feel absolutely secure. In the Fall, in the Winter, in the Spring, you know that Croup and Pneumonia come, they must be combated at once and with a bottle of Gowans Preparation you are master of the situation. Buy today!
Could Not Say Half Enough. Anything we might say would not be half enough in behalf of the wonderful results our patrons have derived from the use of Gowans Preparation. The proof of its efficacy being in the greatly increased sales, starting by buying a quarter of a dozen the demand has been so great we now purchase the hundred dollar quantity several times a year. TRAGLE DRUG COMPANY, July 16,1910. Richmond, Va.
An Excellent Remedy Claremont, N. C. GOWAN MEDICAL COMPANY, Durham. N. C. Gentlemen:—l have used Gowans Preparation in pneumonia and find it an excellent remedy—it acts promptly and surely. I recommend its use in cases of inflammation of any kind. D. M. MOSER, M. D.
All Druggists—$l, 50c., 25c. Take no substitute; there is nothing just as good. Beware of imitations. Buy Gowans.
GOWAN MEDICAL CO., Durham, N. C. Chicago, ILL.
JETUM dyes straw hats, all kinds of wood, metal and leather goods.
KLENZUM cleans white straw hats.
JETUM in Black, Blue, Brown, Green, Red and Gray, will dye your old or rusty hat, and make it look like new.
JETUM Black will dye tan and white kid shoes, pocket books, belts and all leather goods. Also anything in wood or metal, such as picture frames, furniture of all kinds, brass or iron fixtures; in fact anything you want black USE JETUM.
A Child Can Do It.
You'll try It won't You?
Allen's Cough Balsam for hoarseness, coughs and throat Irritations HAS THE ENDORSEMENT OF All WHO HAVE USED IT FOR Coughs and Colds
A trifling, seemingly insignificant cough, if neglected, works down the throat to the bronchial tubes and finally to the lungs, and unless checked, may result seriously. At the first sign of a cough take Allen's Cough Balsam.
Bronchitis Barking, backing, rasping, and irritating the throat are the constant accompaniments of this disease. Don't delay a minute when you have this ailment. A few doses of Allen's Cough Balsam will usually bring relief and frequently break it up.
Sore Throat, Quinsy, Tonsilitis These troubles are confined to the throat and breathing tubes, and should be cured at once, or more serious ailments develop, Allen's Cough Balsam is prepared for just such cases and has been used for over 50 years.
Its good effects can be noticed at once.
ALLEN'S COUGH BALSAM Contains no opium in any form. Perfectly harmless. LARGE, MEDIUM AND TRIAL SIZE BOTTLES. ALL DEALERS
Painkiller is transported to all corners of the earth because nothing as good can be found to relieve Cramps, Colic, Diarrhoea and similar bowel complaints; also it quickly reduces the swelling caused by bruises and promptly drives the pain away. Saves much suffering and many a doctor's bill.
READ THIS TRIBUTE: R. H, Moore, Franklin, Ky., writes: I have been selling PERRY DAVIS PAINKILLER for 37 years and have often wondered at the steady sale with so little advertising for same. This I consider is strong evidence that the remedy has merit, and in fact I feel assured that I sell but few remedies that would stand this test.
OF ALL DEALERS IN MEDICINE 25c, 35c, and 50c Bottles
Most widely known and endorsed by eminent Specialists—
Guaranteed under the Food and Drug Act, June 30, 1906. Serial No. l5055.
It is a natural spring water, bottled at the springs under directions of a competent bacteriologist. Corrects all disorders of the Kidneys and Bladder. Eliminates any excess of Uric Acid in the system. Especially effective in the treatment of Bright's Disease, Albuminuria, Gout, Rheumatism, Pyelitis, Cystitis, Gravel, etc.
Sold by leading druggists and mineral water dealers everywhere.
Turn the Gray Hair Back Bring the Lost Hair Back
DUPONTS HAIR RESTORATIVE, the ideal hair preparation, restores gray hair to its natural color, by giving health and activity to the glands which supply the coloring pigment from the blood to the hair.
It brings back lost hair by giving life and vigor to the torpid or paralyzed scalp nerves.
It is not a dye, does not stain the skin or scalp. One bottle will prove its worth. Sold by all druggists.
Price, $1.00
DRINK Rex Bitters for Constipation
Guaranteed by the Manufacturer under the Food and Drugs Act. Serial No. 1177 Lauber's FEMAFORM CONES Physicians Prescription Womans Greatest Remedy SOOTHING AND HEALING
Non-irritating Germicide Antiseptic and Astringent Cones most useful remedy for all forms of womb complaints. Sold only in boxes, $1.00 per box at drug stores or direct from the manufacturers by mail.
Made by LAUBER & LAUBER CO. Chicago, Ill., U. S. A.
Anyone Can Enjoy This Delightful Turkish Bath At Home—Cost 2 cents
Surface Bathing Is Insufficient—-The Turkish Bath Is The Only Effective Method Of Purifying The Pores—-The "Robinson" Makes All Simple, Delightful and Economical.
Here's the rejuvenation cabinet for every home. Here's the producer and preserver of clear, clean skin, good spirits, great physical exuberance that puts a sharper edge on the enjoyment of living. The "Robinson" Thermal Bath Cabinet is wonderfully simple. A bath in it costs only 2 cents and takes only 15 minutes. How much better this is than having to go to some hotel or public Turkish Baths and pay out a lot of money for something not a whit better and not one-tenth as convenient. Have it in your own home and use it every time you feel like it. It will keep you from going "stale". It will make you bright and care free. The great physical luxury it affords will be a constant delight to you. Read below how you can get our great $2.00 book free. It tells everything.
Look Out For Substitutes—Make Sure You Get The "Robinson."—It's The Original Thermal Bath Cabinet
It is made under the direction of Prof. Charles M. Robinson, the originator of thermal bath cabinets. It is the one having the four curtain top enabling you to heat up the cabinet before entering and to use the cabinet as a cooling room before leaving by dropping the curtains one at a time.
[Transcriber's note: The two remaining paragraphs are missing.]
You can depend on Digesto because it is the best Malt Extract on the market, only the choicest materials being used in its manufacture, making a highly concentrated liquid food.
Physicians recommend Digesto because of its remedial value to the convalescent, tired housewife, anaemic women and people in a general rundown condition. Digesto builds wasted tissues, makes rich, red blood and aids digestion. For the nursing mother it is nigh indispensable as an aid to Nature in supplying food for two.
[Transcriber's note: The remaining text on this page is missing.]
Helen Marlowe's "Blush of Roses"
Helen Marlowe's "Blush of Roses" is a scientifically prepared liquid rouge so perfectly natural in effect, that its use defies detection on the closest scrutiny. It is easily applied; a delicate tint is obtained by one light application; a deeper tint by more than one. Unlike the majority of rouges now before the public it does not give that blotched appearance to the face.
"Blush of Roses" is an absolutely water-proof rouge. Surf bathing will not remove it. It remains a soft beautiful pink until it is washed off with pure soap and water. "Blush of Roses" is not removed by perspiration. "Blush of Roses" is guaranteed to be perfectly harmless.
"Blush of Roses" is used and highly recommended by the most refined ladies in private and public life. Price 50 cents. Prepared only by
HELEN MARLOWE CO., Cincinnati, Ohio Sold by the Central Drug Co. Independent Drug Co. Auditorium Pharmacy Co., Ashland Drug Co., Congress Drug Co., of Chicago, III. All stores of Central Drug Co., Detroit, Mich., and Standard Drug Co., Cleveland, Ohio
A scientifically Prepared Remedy (For Disturbances of the Menstrual Functions) Sold Only Through the Medical and Drug Profession; for Medical Purposes Only.
Dr. Martel's Female Pills is a preparation of unequaled excellence, which acts as a positive tonic on the female reproductive organs, and imparts to them the proper functional action nature demands in normal, healthy women, without untoward action. Dr. Martel's Female Pills possess only virtues of the highest possible value. It re-establishes the proper action of the generative organs by restoring their vitality, and not by merely stimulating them excessively (and temporarily), as do so many other agents of this class.
In the treatment of all disturbances of the menstrual functions arising from debility, anemia or nervousness, Dr. Martel's Female Pills are of unsurpassed value. This preparation is a uterine and ovarian sedative, and is of special service in treating congestive and inflammatory conditions of these organs which are accompanied with unusual pain.
Amenorrhea.—When the menstrual flow is scanty or suppressed, as a result of sudden exposure to cold, worry, fright, grief or other violent mental shocks.
Menorrhagia.—Profuse menstruation is at once relieved by Dr. Martel's Pills. The preparation instantly restores vigor to the uterus which has been lost through the excessive flow of blood. It is advisable to begin the use of the preparation a few days in advance of the flow in those cases which are disposed to menstruate profusely at each visitation.
Menopause.—The nervous and mental disturbances which frequently precede and succeed the final cessation of ovulation and menstruation respond readily to the anti-spasmodic and tranquilizing action of Dr. Martel's Pills. Where hysteria, melancholia, moroseness and despondency are conspicuous factors, the preparation can be used to great advantage. The improvement in the mental state of the patient after the administration of this product is always durable and pronounced.
Dysmenorrhea.—In the treatment of congestive, neuralgic, mechanical or membranous types of dysmenorrhea, the action of Dr. Martel's Pills is particularly gratifying.
It is a well known, and scientifically proven fact, that all women are not constitutionally or temperamentally alike. Where some respond readily to one mode of treatment others do not. For this reason we have prepared a preparation designed for such instances. This remedy is Dr. Martel's Special Female Pills. $5.00 Box.
Nervous? Suffer From Indigestion, Irregular Kidneys, Bowel Trouble, Appendicitis, Gall Stones—Here Is Relief
When your head aches; when your breath is bad; when your bowels or kidneys are irregular; when your appetite fails or the twinges of indigestion make you regret each meal; when your nervous system has gone to pieces—then is your stomach sending its wireless message for help.
The trouble may be in the stomach itself—indigestion—dyspepsia, and their nightmare evils.
The intestinal tract may be deranged or the liver clogged, or it may be gall stones. Your case may not have reached the gall stone stage. It may be of a different nature—threatened appendicitis, for example. In any case, whether it be bad stomach, torpid liver or weakened and inflamed bowels—the answer to that wireless should be Fruitola and Traxo.
These are two remarkable preparations used in combination, which for the past 20 years and more have released thousands from the pangs of dyspepsia and have saved as many from operations for gall stones and appendicitis.
Fruitola cleanses, lubricates and soothes all the channels of the digestive system, without the least pain, griping or resulting weakness. It is nutritive in effect. It revives the appetite, clears the way for perfect digestion and thorough assimilation, allows Nature to make pure blood, firm flesh, strong muscles, healthy tissue and store up vital energy. A whole bottle of Fruitola is to be taken at once; this to be followed by small doses of Traxo to complete the strengthening and toning effect on the stomach, to insure regular, natural action of bowels and kidneys and to give permanence to all the benefits of the treatment. The gentle action of Traxo on the kidneys removes waste and by keeping the liver active it frees the general circulation of bile—it clears the eye and complexion and brings the glow of health to the cheeks.
Pinus, the great rheumatism remedy, has saved thousands of sufferers after long years of agonizing attacks. Joints swollen and misshapen by Inflammatory Rheumatism, nerves and muscles overpowered by the intense misery of Chronic Rheumatism and Sciatica have been restored to health and strength—pain and swelling banished by the marvelous properties of Pinus, a product of California's wonderful soil and sun.
Fruitola, Traxo and Pinus are guaranteed under the Pure Food and Drugs Act. They are entirely vegetable and there is not a single ingredient that can harm the most sensitive system when taken as directed. They are made from the natural products of California, the land of health and sunshine.
Stop your suffering and suspense at once. Get the most wonderful remedies from your druggist today. If he doesn't have them he can get them for you promptly. Every wholesale druggist keeps them. Get our booklet anyway and read the living testimony. If not at your druggist's, write us.
PINUS MEDICINE CO., Los Angeles. Cal.
O-B-E-S-I-T-Y, C-A-V-E-C-K T-A-B-L-E-T-S
A Reducing Tonic Successful, Harmless and Positive When Directions are Followed.
The Way To Do.
There are just three ways of reducing fat: starvation, exercise and medical treatment. Anyone can reduce by starvation methods. Let him eat nothing for three weeks and the fat will drop from his bones, but the after effects are bad. Debilitated looking wrinkles. Use Gaveck Tablets, eat most anything.
K-E-E-P Y-O-U-N-G by not taking on flesh. That makes one look old and flabby. Gaveck Tablets are harmless, a reducing tonic to the system. Give them a fair trial. Beware of imitations.
DO NOT DIET Gaveck Company Chicago 4611 Kenmore Ave. Price $1.00
Coupon for Free Samples Present this coupon at any drug store named on the back hereof and receive absolutely free a sample cake of STIEFEL'S SUPERLATIVE BORACIC ACID SHAMPOO SOAP one of a great many varieties of Stiefel's Medicinal Soaps which have for more than a quarter of a century been the stand-by of physicians everywhere. Name City State Address
Free Coupon This Coupon is worth 25 cents. When signed will entitle the holder to one trial box of Young's Victoria Cream at any drug store named on the back. The coupon and 25 cents in cash for one large box of Cream or the coupon and 10 cents for a box of Victoria Powder. Name _____ Address______ MUST BE WRITTEN PLAINLY
[Transcriber's note: These addresses are on the back of the two coupons on the previous page.]
The Central Drug Company, 32 North State Street, Chicago
Independent Drug Company, 203 State Street, Chicago
Auditorium Pharmacy Company, 320 Wabash Avenue, Chicago
Ashland Drug Company, Clark and Randolph Streets, Chicago
Congress Drug Company, Wabash Ave. and Van Buren St., Chicago
The Central Drug Company, 219 Woodward Avenue, Detroit
The Central Drug Company, 89 Woodward Avenue, Detroit
The Central Drug Company, 153 Grand River Avenue, Detroit
The Standard Drug Co., (10 Stores), Cleveland
The Central Drug Company, 32 North State Street, Chicago
Independent Drug Company, 203 State Street, Chicago
Auditorium Pharmacy Company, 320 Wabash Avenue Chicago
Ashland Drug Company, Clark and Randolph Streets, Chicago
Congress Drug Company, Wabash Ave. and Van Buren Street, Chicago
The Central Drug Company, 219 Woodward Avenue, Detroit
The Central Drug Company, 89 Woodward Avenue, Detroit
The Central Drug Company, 153 Grand River Avenue, Detroit
The Standard Drug Co., (10 Stores), Cleveland
A luxurious toilet necessity—producing a smooth, velvety complexion. Its impalpable fineness and softness makes Pozzoni's cooling, refreshing and beautifying to the most delicate skin.
THINGS WORTH KNOWING ABOUT POZZONI'S THEY ARE MERITS ALL ITS OWN A. The only powder put up in a wooden box which retains all the delicate perfume and medication until entirely used up. B. Perfumed with genuine Tyroline Rose Geranium C. On the market since 1874. D. A powder whose flesh color is an exact imitation of the skin E. The only powder which really clings and won't rub off. F. Our "special pink." A powder that is not a rouge.