You cannot lawfully condone an offence by receiving back stolen property,
The exemption of females from arrest applies only in civil, not in criminal matters.
Every man is bound to obey the call of a sheriff for assistance in making an arrest.
The rule "Every man's house is his castle" does not hold good when a man is accused of crime.
Embezzlement can be charged only against a clerk or servant, or the officer or agent of a corporation.
Bigamy cannot be proven in law if one party to a marriage has been absent and not heard from for five years.
Grand larceny is when the value of property stolen exceeds $25.00—When less than that, the offence is petit larceny.
Arson to be in the first degree must have been committed at night and the buildings fired must have been inhabited.
Drunkenness is not a legal excuse for crime, but delirium tremens is considered by the law as a species of insanity.
In a case of assault it is only necessary to prove an "offer or attempt at assault."
Battery presumes physical violence.
Mayhem, although popularly supposed to refer to injury to the face, lip, tongue, eye, or ear, applies to any injury done a limb.
A felony is a crime punishable by imprisonment in a State prison; an "infamous" crime is one punishable with death or State prison.
A police officer is not authorized to make an arrest without a warrant unless he has personal knowledge of the offense for which the arrest is made.
An accident is not a crime, unless criminal carelessness can be proven. A man shooting at a burglar and killing a member of his family is not a murderer.
Burglary in the first degree can be committed only in the night time. Twilight, if dark enough to prevent distinguishing a man's face, is the same as "night" in law.
Murder to be in the first degree must be willful, premeditated and malicious, or committed while the murderer is engaged in a felonious act. The killing of a man in a duel is murder, and it is a misdemeanor to accept or give a challenge.
False swearing is perjury in law only when willfully done, and when the oath has been legally administered. Such qualifying expressions as "to the best of my belief," "as I am informed," may save an averment from being perjured. The law is that the false statement sworn to must be absolute. Subornation of perjury is a felony.
The color, odor, taste and purity of water can be ascertained as follows: Fill a large bottle made of colorless glass with water; look through the water at some black object. Pour out some of the water and leave the bottle half full; cork the bottle and place it for a few hours in a warm place; shake up the water, remove the cork, and critically smell the air contained in the bottle. If it has any smell, particularly if the odor is repulsive, the water should not be used for domestic purposes. By heating the water an odor is evolved that would not otherwise appear. Water fresh from the well is usually tasteless, even if it contains a large amount of putrescible organic matter. All water for domestic purposes should be perfectly tasteless, and remain so even after it has been warmed, since warming often develops a taste in water which is tasteless when cold.
Take chloride of calcium, crude, 20 parts; common salt, 5 parts; and water, 75 parts. Mix and put in thin bottles. In case of fire, a bottle so thrown that it will break in or very near the fire will put it out. This mixture is better and cheaper than many of the high-priced grenades sold for the purpose of fire protection.
Get a piece of lead pipe and use it as a funnel to introduce about 1-1/2 ounces of sulphite of potassium into any outside holes tenanted by rats. Not to be used in dwellings. To get rid of mice use tartar emetic mingled with any favorite food; they will eat, sicken and take their leave.
Tomato in Bright's Disease.
When Thomas Jefferson brought the tomato from France to America, thinking that if it could be induced to grow bountifully it might make good feed for hogs, he little dreamed of the benefit he was conferring upon posterity. A constant diet of raw tomatoes and skim-milk is said to be a certain cure for Bright's disease. Gen. Schenck, who, when Minister to England, became a victim to that complaint, was restored to health by two years of this regimen.
Relief for Asthma.
An old friend of the editor of this book writes: "I have been a sufferer from asthma for twenty-five years, and for more than a dozen years have used the following recipe with great benefit. It is not a cure, but in my case gives almost instant relief. Take equal parts of powdered stramonium leaves and powdered belladonna leaves and mix thoroughly; to each ten ounces of the mixture add one ounce of powdered saltpeter (nitrate of potash); mix all thoroughly. I always keep some of this in a small tin box. When I wish to use it I pour a little of the powder into the cover of the box, light it with a match, cover the whole with a little paper cone with the point cut off. I place the point of the cone in my mouth, and breathe the smoke into my lungs with the air. The first trial is very hard; it almost strangles, but if persevered in will give great relief. This is much better than stramonium alone. The saltpeter makes it burn freely, and also helps to give relief. When my home was in Northern Indiana, I used to buy the leaves in Chicago already powdered. Now I send to New York. I find it cheaper to do this than to gather and dry the leaves. It is also almost impossible to dry and pulverize the leaves at home. By using a paper cone and breathing through it, little or no smoke is wasted, and the box and paper can be carried in the pocket and used as occasion requires."
For Swollen Feet.
Policemen, mail carriers, and others whose occupation keeps them on their feet a great deal, often are troubled with chafed, sore and blistered feet, especially in extremely hot weather, no matter how comfortably their shoes may lit. A powder is used in the German army for sifting into the shoes and stockings of the foot soldiers, called "Fusstreupulver," and consists of 3 parts salicylic acid, 10 parts starch and 87 parts pulverized soapstone.
Rules for Fat People and for Lean.
To increase the weight: Eat to the extent of satisfying; a natural appetite, of fat meats, butter, cream, milk, cocoa, chocolate, bread, potatoes, peas, parsnips, carrots, beets, farinaceous foods, as Indian corn, rice, tapioca, sago, corn starch, pastry, custards, oatmeal, sugar, sweet wines, and ale. Avoid acids. Exercise as little as possible, and sleep all you can.
To reduce the weight: Eat to the extent of satisfying a natural appetite, of lean meat, poultry, game, eggs, milk moderately, green vegetables, turnips, succulent fruits, tea or coffee. Drink lime juice, lemonade, and acid drinks. Avoid fat, butter, cream, sugar, pastry, rice, sago, tapioca, corn starch, potatoes, carrots, beets, parsnips, and sweet wines.
When Quinine Will Break Up a Cold.
It is surprising, says a family physician, how certainly a cold may be broken up by a timely dose of quinine. When first symptoms make their appearance, when a little languor, slight hoarseness and ominous tightening of the nasal membranes follow exposure to draughts or sudden chill by wet, five grains of this useful alkaloid are sufficient in many cases to end the trouble. But it must be done promptly. If the golden moment passes, nothing suffices to stop the weary sneezing, handkerchief-using, red-nose and woe begone looking periods that certainly follow.
A Mistaken Idea.
The old adage. "Feed a cold and starve a fever." is characterized by the Journal of Health as very silly advice. If anything, the reverse would be nearer right. When a person has a severe cold it is best for him to eat very lightly, especially during the first few days of the attack.
Hints on Bathing.
There has been a great deal written about bathing. The surface of the skin is punctured with millions of little holes called pores. The duty of these pores is to carry the waste matter off. For instance, perspiration. Now, if these pores are stopped up they are of no use, and the body has to find some other way to get rid of its impurities. Then the liver has more than it can do. Then we take a liver pill when we ought to clean out the pores instead. The housewife is very particular to keep her sieves in good order; after she has strained a substance through them they are washed out carefully with water, because water is the best thing known. That is the reason water is used to bathe in. But the skin is a little different from a sieve, because it is willing to help along the process itself. All it needs is a little encouragement and it will accomplish wonders. What the skin wants is rubbing. If you should quietly sit down in a tub of water and as quietly get up and dry off without rubbing, your skin wouldn't be much benefited. The water would make it a little soft, especially if it was warm. But rubbing is the great thing. Stand where the sunlight strikes a part of your body, then take a dry brush and rub it, and you will notice that countless little flakes of cuticle fly off. Every time one of these flakes is removed from the skin your body breathes a sigh of relief. An eminent German authority contends that too much bathing is a bad thing. There is much truth in this. Soap and water are good things to soften up the skin, but rubbing is what the skin wants. Every morning or every evening, or when it is most convenient, wash the body all over with water and a little ammonia, or anything which tends to make the water soft; then rub dry with a towel, and after that go over the body from top to toe with a dry brush. Try this for two or three weeks, and your skin will be like velvet.
Tea and Coffee.
Tea is a nerve stimulant, pure and simple, acting like alcohol in this respect, without any value that the latter may possess as a retarder of waste. It has a special influence upon those nerve centers that supply will power, exalting their sensibility beyond normal activity, and may even produce hysterical symptoms, if carried far enough. Its active principle, theine, is an exceedingly powerful drug, chiefly employed by nerve specialists as a pain destroyer, possessing the singular quality of working toward the surface. That is to say, when a dose is administered hypodermically for sciatica, for example, the narcotic influence proceeds outward from the point of injection, instead of inward toward the centers, as does that of morphia, atropia, etc. Tea is totally devoid of nutritive value, and the habit of drinking it to excess, which so many American women indulge in, particularly in the country, is to be deplored as a cause of our American nervousness. Coffee, on the contrary, is a nerve food. Like other concentrated foods of its class, it operates as a stimulant also, but upon a different set of nerves from tea. Taken strong in the morning, it often produces dizziness and that peculiar visual symptom of overstimulus which is called muscae volilantes—dancing flies. But this is an improper way to take it, and rightly used it is perhaps the most valuable liquid addition to the morning meal. Its active principle, caffeine, differs in all physiological respects from theine, while it is chemically very closely allied, and its limited consumption makes it impotent for harm.
To Straighten Round Shoulders.
A stooping figure and a halting gait, accompanied by the unavoidable weakness of lungs incidental to a narrow chest, may be entirely cured by the very simple and easily-performed exercise of raising one's self upon the toes leisurely in a perpendicular position several times daily. To take this exercise properly one must take a perfectly upright position. With the heels together and the toes at an angle of forty-five degrees. Then drop the arms lifelessly by the sides, animating and raising the chest to its full capacity and muscularity, the chin well drawn in, and the crown of the head feeling as if attached to a string suspended from the ceiling above. Slowly rise upon the balls of both feet to the greatest possible height, thereby exercising all the muscles of the legs and body; come again into standing position without swaying the body backward out of the perfect line. Repeat this same exercise, first on one foot, then on the other. It is wonderful what a straightening-out power this exercise has upon round shoulders and crooked backs, and one will be surprised to note how soon the lungs begin to show the effect of such expansive development.
Care of the Eyes.
In consequence of the increase of affections of the eye, a specialist has recently formulated the following rules to be observed in the care of the eyes for school work: A comfortable temperature, dry and warm feet, good ventilation; clothing at the neck and on other parts of the body loose; posture erect, and never read lying down or stooping. Little study before breakfast or directly after a heavy meal; none at all at twilight or late at night; use great caution about studying after recovery from fevers; have light abundant, but not dazzling, not allowing the sun to shine on desks or on objects in front of the scholars, and letting the light come from the left hand or left and rear; hold book at right angles to the line of sight or nearly so; give eyes frequent rest by looking up. The distance of the book from the eye should be about fifteen inches. The usual indication of strain is redness of the rim of the eyelid, betokening a congested state of the inner surface, which may be accompanied with some pain. When the eye tires easily rest is not the proper remedy, but the use of glasses of sufficient power to aid in accommodating the eye to vision.
How and When to Drink Water.
According to Doctor Leuf, when water is taken into the full or partly full stomach, it does not mingle with the food, as we are taught, but passes along quickly between the food and lesser curvature toward the pylorus, through which it passes into the intestines. The secretion of mucus by the lining membrane is constant, and during the night a considerable amount accumulates in the stomach; some of its liquid portion is absorbed, and that which remains is thick and tenacious. If food is taken into the stomach when in this condition, it becomes coated with this mucus, and the secretion of the gastric juice and its action are delayed. These facts show the value of a goblet of water before breakfast. This washes out the tenacious mucus, and stimulates the gastric glands to secretion. In old and feeble persons water should not be taken cold, but it may be with great advantage taken warm or hot. This removal of the accumulated mucus from the stomach is probably one of the reasons why taking soup at the beginning of a meal has been found so beneficial.
What Causes Coughs.
Cold and coughs are prevalent throughout the country, but throat affections are by far more common among business men. Every unfortunate one mutters something about the abominable weather and curses the piercing wind. Much of the trouble, however, is caused by overheated rooms, and a little more attention to proper ventilation would remove the cause of suffering. Doctor J. Ewing Mears, who was thus afflicted, said to an inquirer: "The huskiness and loss of power of articulation so common among us are largely due to the use of steam for heating. The steam cannot be properly regulated, and the temperature becomes too high. A person living in this atmosphere has all the cells of the lungs open, and when he passes into the open air he is unduly exposed. The affliction is quite common among the men who occupy offices in the new buildings which are fitted up with all modern improvements. The substitution of electric light for gas has wrought a change to which people have not yet adapted themselves. The heat arising from a number of gas jets will quickly raise the temperature of a room, and unconsciously people rely upon that means of heating to some extent. Very little warmth, however, is produced by the electric light, and when a man reads by an incandescent light he at times finds himself becoming chilly, and wonders why it is. Too hot during the day and too cold at night are conditions which should be avoided."
The principal methods of developing the physique now prescribed by trainers are exercise with dumbbells, the bar bell and the chest weight. The rings and horizontal and parallel bars are also used, but not nearly to the extent that they formerly were. The movement has been all in the direction of the simplification of apparatus; in fact, one well-known teacher of the Boston Gymnasium when asked his opinion said: "Four bare walls and a floor, with a well-posted instructor, is all that is really required for a gymnasium."
Probably the most important as well as the simplest appliance for gymnasium work is the wooden dumbbell, which has displaced the ponderous iron bell of former days. Its weight is from three-quarters of a pound to a pound and a half, and with one in each hand a variety of motions can be gone through, which are of immense benefit in building up or toning down every muscle and all vital parts of the body.
The first object of an instructor in taking a beginner in hand is to increase the circulation. This is done by exercising the extremities, the first movement being one of the hands, after which come the wrists, then the arms, and next the head and feet. As the circulation is increased the necessity for a larger supply of oxygen, technically called "oxygen-hunger," is created, which is only satisfied by breathing exercises, which develop the lungs. After the circulation is in a satisfactory condition, the dumbbell instructor turns his attention to exercising the great muscles of the body, beginning with those of the back, strengthening which holds the body erect, thus increasing the chest capacity, invigorating the digestive organs, and, in fact, all the vital functions. By the use of very light weights an equal and symmetrical development of all parts of the body is obtained, and then there are no sudden demands on the heart and lungs.
After the dumbbell comes exercise with the round, or bar bell. This is like the dumbbell, with the exception that the bar connecting the balls is four or five feet, instead of a few inches in length. Bar bells weigh from one to two pounds each and are found most useful in building up the respiratory and digestive systems, their especial province being the strengthening of the erector muscles and increasing the flexibility of the chest.
Of all fixed apparatus in use the pulley weight stands easily first in importance. These weights are available for a greater variety of objects than any other gymnastic appliance, and can be used either for general exercise or for strengthening such muscles as most require it. With them a greater localization is possible than with the dumbbell, and for this reason they are recommended as a kind of supplement to the latter. As chest developers and correctors of round shoulders they are most effective. As the name implies, they are simply weights attached to ropes, which pass over pulleys, and are provided with handles. The common pulley is placed at about the height of the shoulder of an average man, but recently those which can be adjusted to any desired height have been very generally introduced.
When more special localization is desired than can be obtained by means of the ordinary apparatus, what is known as the double-action chest weight is used. This differs from the ordinary kind in being provided with several pulleys, so that the strain may come at different angles. Double-action weights may be divided into three classes—high, low, and side pulleys—each with its particular use.
The highest of all, known as the giant pulleys, are made especially for developing the muscles of the back and chest, and by stretching or elongating movements to increase the interior capacity of the chest. If the front of the chest is full and the back or side chest deficient, the pupil is set to work on the giant pulley. To build up the side-walls he stands with the back to the pulley-box and the left heel resting against it; the handle is grasped in the right hand if the right side of the chest is lacking in development, and then drawn straight down by the side; a step forward with the right foot, as long as possible, is taken, the line brought as far to the front and near the floor as can be done, and then the arm, held stiff, allowed to be drawn solely up by the weight. To exercise the left side the same process is gone through with, the handle grasped in the left hand. Another kind of giant pulley is that which allows the operator to stand directly under it, and is used for increasing the lateral diameter of the chest. The handles are drawn straight down by the sides, the arms are then spread and drawn back by the weights. Generally speaking, high pulleys are most used for correcting high, round shoulders; low pulleys for low, round shoulders; side pulleys for individual high or low shoulders, and giant pulleys for the development of the walls of the chest and to correct spinal curvature.
The traveling rings, a line of iron rings, covered with rubber and attached to long ropes fastened to the ceiling some ten feet apart, are also valuable in developing the muscles of the back, arms and sides. The first ring is grasped in one hand and a spring taken from an elevated platform. The momentum carries the gymnast to the next ring, which is seized with the free hand, and so the entire length of the line is traversed. The parallel bars, low and high, the flying rings, the horizontal bar and the trapeze all have their uses, but of late years they have been relegated to a position of distinct inferiority to that now occupied by the dumbbells and pulley weights.
What To Do
If an artery is cut, red blood spurts. Compress it above the wound. If a vein is cut, dark blood flows. Compress it below and above.
If choked, go upon all fours and cough.
For slight burns, dip the part in cold water; if the skin is destroyed, cover with varnish or linseed oil.
For apoplexy, raise the head and body; for fainting, lay the person flat.
Send for a physician when a serious accident of any kind occurs, but treat as directed until he arrives.
Scalds and Burns—The following facts cannot be too firmly impressed on the mind of the reader, that in either of these accidents the first, best, and often the only remedies required, are sheets of wadding, fine wool, or carded cotton, and, in the default of these, violet powder, flour, magnesia, or chalk. The object for which these several articles are employed is the same in each instance; namely, to exclude the air from the injured part; for if the air can be effectually shut out from the raw surface, and care is taken not to expose the tender part till the new cuticle is formed, the cure may be safely left to nature. The moment a person is called to a case of scald or burn, he should cover the part with a sheet, or a portion of a sheet, of wadding, taking care not to break any blister that may have formed, or stay to remove any burnt clothes that may adhere to the surface, but as quickly as possible envelop every part of the injury from all access of the air, laying one or two more pieces of wadding on the first, so as effectually to guard the burn or scald from the irritation of the atmosphere; and if the article used is wool or cotton, the same precaution, of adding more material where the surface is thinly covered, must be adopted; a light bandage finally securing all in their places. Any of the popular remedies recommended below may be employed when neither wool, cotton, nor wadding are to be procured, it being always remembered that that article which will best exclude the air from a burn or scald is the best, quickest, and least painful mode of treatment. And in this respect nothing has surpassed cotton loose or attached to paper as in wadding.
If the Skin is Much Injured in burns, spread some linen pretty thickly with chalk ointment, and lay over the part, and give the patient some brandy and water if much exhausted; then send for a medical man. If not much injured, and very painful, use the same ointment, or apply carded cotton dipped in lime water and linseed oil. If you please, you may lay cloths dipped in ether over the parts, or cold lotions. Treat scalds in same manner, or cover with scraped raw potato; but the chalk ointment is the best. In the absence of all these, cover the injured part with treacle, and dust over it plenty of flour.
BODY IN FLAMES—Lay the person down on the floor of the room, and throw the table cloth, rug, or other large cloth over him, and roll him on the floor.
DIRT IN THE EYE—Place your forefinger upon the cheek-bone, having the patient before you; then slightly bend the finger, this will draw down the lower lid of the eye, and you will probably be able to remove the dirt; but if this will not enable you to get at it, repeat this operation while you have a knitting-needle or bodkin placed over the eyelid; this will turn it inside out, and enable you to remove the sand, or eyelash, etc., with the corner of a fine silk handkerchief. As soon as the substance is removed, bathe the eye with cold water, and exclude the light for a day. If the inflammation is severe, let the patient use a refrigerant lotion.
LIME IN THE EVE—Syringe it well with warm vinegar and water in the proportion of one ounce of vinegar to eight ounces of water; exclude light.
IRON OR STEEL SPICULAE IN THE EYE—These occur while turning iron or steel in a lathe, and are best remedied by doubling back the upper or lower eyelid according to the situation of the substance, and with the flat edge of a silver probe, taking up the metallic particle, using a lotion made by dissolving six grains of sugar of lead and the same of white vitriol, in six ounces of water, and bathing the eye three times a day till the inflammation subsides. Another plan is—Drop a solution of sulphate of copper (from one to three grains of salt to one ounce of water) into the eye, or keep the eye open in a wineglassful of the solution. Bathe with cold lotion, and exclude light to keep down inflammation.
DISLOCATED THUMB—This is frequently produced by a fall. Make a clove hitch, by passing two loops of cord over the thumb, placing a piece of rag under the cord to prevent it cutting the thumb; then pull in the same line as the thumb. Afterwards apply a cold lotion.
CUTS AND WOUNDS—Clean cut wounds whether deep or superficial, and likely to heal by the first intention, should always be washed or cleaned, and at once evenly and smoothly closed by bringing both edges close together and securing them in that position by adhesive plaster. Cut thin strips of sticking plaster, and bring the parts together; or, if large and deep, cut two broad pieces, so as to look like the teeth of a comb, and place one on each side of the wound, which must be cleaned previously. These pieces must be arranged so that they shall interlace one another; then, by laying hold of the pieces on the right side with one hand, and those on the other side with the other hand and pulling them from one another, the edges of the wounds are brought together without any difficulty.
Ordinary Cuts are dressed by thin strips, applied by pressing down the plaster on one side of the wound, and keeping it there, and pulling in the opposite direction; then suddenly depressing the hand when the edges of the wound are brought together.
CONTUSIONS are best healed by laying a piece of folded lint, well wetted with extract of lead or boracic acid, on the part, and, if there is much pain, placing a hot bran poultice over the dressing, repeating both if necessary every, two hours. When the injuries are very severe lay a cloth over the part, and suspend a basin over it filled with cold lotion. Put a piece of cotton into the basin, so that it shall allow the lotion to drop on the cloth, and thus keep it always wet.
HEMORRHAGE, when caused by an artery being divided or torn, may be known by the blood issuing out of the wound in leaps or jerks, and being of a bright scarlet color. If a vein is injured, the blood is darker and flows continuously. To arrest the latter apply pressure by means of a compress and bandage. To arrest arterial bleeding, get a piece of wood (part of a broom handle will do), and tie a piece of tape to one end of it. Then tie a piece of tape loosely over the arm, and pass the other end of the wood under it; twist the stick around and around until the tape compresses the arm sufficiently to arrest the bleeding, and then confine the other end by tying the string around the arm. A compress made by enfolding a penny piece in several folds of lint or linen should, however, be first placed under the tape and over the artery, If the bleeding is very obstinate, and it occurs in the arm, place a cork underneath the string, on the inside of the fleshy part, where the artery may be felt beating by any one; if in the leg, place a cork in the direction of a line drawn from the inner part of the knee toward the outer part of the groin. It is an excellent thing to accustom yourself to find out the position of these arteries, or, indeed, any that are superficial, and to explain to every person in your house where they are, and how to stop bleeding. If a stick cannot be got, take a handkerchief, make a cord bandage of it, and tie a knot in the middle; the knot acts as a compress, and should be placed over the artery, while the two ends are c around the thumb. Observe always to place the ligature between the wound and the heart. Putting your finger into a bleeding wound, and making pressure until a surgeon arrives, will generally stop violent bleeding.
BLEEDING FROM THE NOSE, from whatever cause, may generally be stopped by putting a plug of lint into the nostrils; if this does not do, apply a cold lotion to the forehead; raise the head, and place over it both arms, so that it will rest on the hands; dip the lint plug, slightly moistened, into some powdered gum arabic, and plug the nostrils again; or dip the plug into equal parts of powdered gum arabic and alum, and plug the nose. Or the plug may be dipped in Friar's balsam, or tincture of kino. Heat should be applied to the feet; and, in obstinate cases, the sudden shock of a cold key, or cold water poured down the spine, will often instantly stop the bleeding. If the bowels are confined, take a purgative. Injections of alum solution from a small syringe into the nose will often stop hemorrhage.
VIOLENT SHOCKS will sometimes stun a person, and he will remain unconscious. Untie strings, collars, etc.; loosen anything that is tight and interferes with the breathing; raise the head; see if there is bleeding from any part; apply smelling-salts to the nose, and hot bottles to the feet.
IN CONCUSSION, the surface of the body is cold and pale, and the pulse weak and small, the breathing slow and gentle, and the pupil of the eye generally contracted or small. You can get an answer by speaking loud, so as to arouse the patient. Give a little brandy and water, keep the place quiet, apply warmth, and do not raise the head too high. If you tickle the feet, the patient feels it.
IN COMPRESSION OF THE BRAIN from any cause, such as apoplexy, or a piece of fractured bone pressing on it, there is loss of sensation. If you tickle the feet of the injured person he does not feel it. You cannot arouse him so as to get an answer. The pulse is slow and labored; the breathing deep, labored, and snorting; the pupil enlarged. Raise the head, loosen strings or tight things, and send for a surgeon. If one cannot be got at once, apply mustard poultices to the feet and thighs, leeches to the temples, and hot water to the feet.
CHOKING—When a person has a fish bone in the throat, insert the forefinger, press upon the root of the tongue, so as to induce vomiting; if this does not do, let him swallow a large piece of potato or soft bread; and if these fail, give a mustard emetic,
FAINTING, HYSTERICS, ETC.—Loosen the garments, bathe the temples with water or eau-de-Cologne; open the window, admit plenty of fresh air, dash cold water on the face, apply hot bricks to the feet, and avoid bustle and excessive sympathy.
DROWNING.—Attend to the following essential rules: 1. Lose no time. 2. Handle the body gently. 3. Carry the body face downward, with the head gently raised, and never hold it up by the feet. 4. Send for medical assistance immediately, and in the meantime act as follows: 5. Strip the body; rub it dry, then wrap it in hot blankets, and place it in a warm bed in a warm room. 6. Cleanse away the froth and mucus from the nose and month. 7. Apply warm bricks, bottles, bags of sand, etc. to the armpits, between the thighs, and to the soles of the feet. 8. Rub the surface of the body with the hands inclosed in warm, dry worsted socks. 9. If possible, put the body into a warm bath. 10. To restore breathing, put the pipe of a common bellows into one nostril, carefully closing the other, and the mouth; at the same time drawing downward, and pushing gently backward, the upper part of the windpipe to allow a more free admission of air; blow the bellows gently, in order to inflate the lungs, till the breast be raised a little; then set the month and nostrils free, and press gently on the chest; repeat this until signs of life appear. The body should be covered the moment it is placed on the table, except the face, and all the rubbing carried on under the sheet or blanket. When they can be obtained, a number of tiles or bricks should be made tolerably hot in the fire, laid in a row on the table, covered with a blanket, and the body placed in such a manner on them that their heat may enter the spine. When the patient revives, apply smelling-salts to the nose, give warm wine or brandy and water. Cautions.—1. Never rub the body with salt or spirits. 2. Never roll the body on casks. 3. Continue the remedies for twelve hours without ceasing.
HANGING—Loosen the cord, or whatever it may be by which the person has been suspended. Open the temporal artery or jugular vein, or bleed from the arm; employ electricity, if at hand, and proceed as for drowning.
APPARENT DEATH FROM DRUNKENNESS—Raise the head; loosen the clothes, maintain warmth of surface, and give a mustard emetic as soon as the person can swallow.
APOPLEXY AND FITS GENERALLY—Raise the head; loosen all tight clothes, strings, etc.; apply cold lotions to the head, and send for a surgeon.
SUFFOCATION FROM NOXIOUS GASES, ETC.—Remove to the fresh air; dash cold vinegar and water in the face, neck, and breast; keep up the warmth of the body; if necessary, apply mustard poultices to the soles of the feet and to the spine, and try artificial respirations as in drowning, with electricity.
LIGHTNING AND SUNSTROKE—Treat the same as apoplexy.
General Rules
Always send immediately for a medical man. Save all fluids vomited, and articles of food, cups, glasses, etc., used by the patient before taken ill, and lock them up.
As a rule give emetics after poisons that cause sleepiness and raving; chalk, milk, eggs, butter, and warm water, or oil, after poisons that cause vomiting and pain in the stomach and bowels, with purging; and when there is no inflammation about the throat, tickle it with a feather to excite vomiting.
Vomiting may be caused by giving warm water, with a teaspoonful of mustard to the tumblerful, well stirred up. Sulphate of zinc (white vitriol) may be used in place of the mustard, or powdered alum. Powder of ipecacuanha, a teaspoonful rubbed up with molasses, may be employed for children. Tartar emetic should never be given, as it is excessively depressing, and uncontrollable in its effects. The stomach pump can only be used by skillful hands, and even then with caution.
Opium and other Narcotics—After vomiting has occurred, cold water should be dashed over the face and head. The patient must be kept awake, walked about between two strong persons, made to grasp the handles of a galvanic battery, dosed with strong coffee, and vigorously slapped. Belladonna is an antidote for opium and for morphia, etc.; its active principles; and, on the other hand, the latter counteract the effects of belladonna. But a knowledge of medicine is necessary for dealing with these articles.
Strychnia—After emetics have been freely and successfully given, the patient should be allowed to breathe the vapor of sulphuric ether, poured on a handkerchief and held to the face, in such quantities as to keep down the tendency to convulsions. Bromide of potassium, twenty grains at a dose, dissolved in syrup, may be given every hour.
Alcoholic Poisoning should be combated by emetics, of which the sulphate of zinc, given as above directed, is the best. After that, strong coffee internally, and stimulation by heat externally, should be used.
Acids are sometimes swallowed by mistake. Alkalies, lime water, magnesia, or common chalk mixed with water, may be freely given, and afterward mucilaginous drinks, such as thick gum water or flaxseed tea.
Alkalies are less frequently taken in injurious strength or quantity, but sometimes children swallow lye by mistake. Common vinegar may be given freely, and then castor or sweet oil in full doses—a tablespoonful at a time, repeated every half hour or two.
Nitrate of silver when swallowed is neutralized by common table salt freely given in solution in water.
The salts of mercury or arsenic (often kept as bedbug poison), which are powerful irritants, are apt to be very quickly fatal. Milk or the whites of eggs may be freely given and afterward a very thin paste of flour and water. In these cases an emetic is to be given after the poison is neutralized.
Phosphorus paste, kept for roach poison or in parlor matches, is sometimes eaten by children and has been willfully taken for the purpose of suicide. It is a powerful irritant. The first thing to be done is to give freely of magnesia and water; then to give mucilaginous drinks as flaxseed tea, gum water or sassafras pith and water; and lastly to administer finely powdered bone-charcoal, either in pill or in mixture with water.
In no case of poisoning should there be any avoidable delay in obtaining the advice of a physician, and, meanwhile, the friends or bystanders should endeavor to find out exactly what has been taken, so that the treatment adopted may be as prompt and effective as possible.
Keep still. When trouble is brewing, keep still. Even when slander is getting on its legs, keep still. When your feelings are hurt, keep still, till you recover from your excitement at any rate. Things look differently through an unagitated eye. A doctor relates how once in a commotion he wrote a letter, and sent it, and wished he had not. "I had another commotion and wrote a long letter; but life had rubbed a little sense into me. I kept that letter in my pocket against the day when I could look it over without agitation and without tears. I was glad I did. Less and less it seemed necessary to send it I was not sure it would do any hurt, but in my doubt I leaned to reticence, and eventually it was destroyed."
The greatest height at which visible clouds ever exist does not exceed ten miles.
Air is about eight hundred and fifteen times lighter than water.
The pressure of the atmosphere upon every square foot of the earth amounts to two thousand one hundred and sixty pounds.
The violence of the expansion of water when freezing is sufficient to cleave a globe of copper of such thickness as to require a force of 27,000 pounds, to produce the same effect.
During the conversion of ice into water one hundred and forty degrees of heat are absorbed.
Water, when converted into steam, increases in bulk eighteen hundred times.
In one second of time—in one beat of the pendulum of a clock—light travels two hundred thousand miles. Were a cannon ball shot toward the sun, and were it to maintain full speed, it would be twenty years in reaching it, and yet light travels through this space in seven or eight minutes.
Strange as it may appear, a ball of a ton weight, and another of the same material of an ounce weight, falling from any height will reach the ground at the same time.
The heat does not increase as we rise above the earth nearer to the sun, but decreases rapidly until, beyond the regions of the atmosphere, in void, it is estimated that the cold is about seventy degrees below zero. The line of perpetual frost at the equator is 15,000 feet altitude; 13,000 feet between the tropics; and 9,000 to 4,000 between the latitudes of forty degrees and forty-nine degrees.
At a depth of forty-five feet under ground, the temperature of the earth is uniform throughout the year.
The human ear is so extremely sensitive that it can hear a sound that lasts only the twenty-four thousandth part of a second.
Sound travels at the rate of one thousand one hundred and forty-two feet per second-about thirteen miles in a minute. So that if we hear a clap of thunder half a minute after the flash, we may calculate that the discharge of electricity is six and a half miles off.
Accent and Pronunciation Accidents and Emergencies Aeronautics, Dictionary of Age, To Tell, of Any Person Age, When One Becomes of Alphabet of Advice to Writers Amendments to the Constitution Analogies in Nature, Queer Appalling Depths of Space, The Apparel for Men, Proper Art of Not Forgetting, The Asthma, Relief for
Baby's Mind, Development of the Balls and Evening Receptions Bank, Doing Business with a Bathing, Hints on Beauty and Health Bees (Memory Rhyme) Bell Time on Shipboard "Best Man." Duties of the Birthdays (Memory Rhyme) Birth Stones Blonds and Brunettes, Colors for Brain, The Wonderful Human Bread, Salt-Rising Bride's Trousseau Bright's Disease, Tomato in Burial Alive, To Guard Against Business Law in Brief Bust, To Develop the
Canary Birds, Care of Capital Letters. The Use of Chamois Skins Change, How to Make Character as Seen in Faces Check, How to Draw a Check-Raising Made Easy Cities, Nicknames of Cities, Principal American College Colors Color Contrast and Harmony Colors, How to Select Colors for Blonds and Brunettes Complexions, Men and Constitutional Law, Principal Points of Constitution of the United States, The Copyright, The Law of Cost and Price Marks Coughs, What Cures Counterfeit Money, How to Detect Courtship and Marriage, Etiquette of Criminal Law, Points of Cuckoo, The (Memory Rhyme) Cure for Love, A
Days of the Week Death Sentence of the Savior Debutantes, Etiquette for Declaration of Independence, The Declaration of Independence, Signers of the Dentifrices, Useful and Injurious Dictionary of Aeronautics Dictionary of Dreams Discount, Trade Distances by Water from New York Distances that Stun the Mind Divorce and Marriage Dog, Senator Vest's Eulogy on the Doing Business with a Bank Don't Be Buried Alive Dower, The Right of Dreams and Their Meaning Dress and Etiquette, Formalities in
Engagement and Wedding Rings English Grammar in a Nutshell Etiquette of Courtship and Marriage Etiquette of the Visiting-Card Evolution Theory, The Exercise, Physical Eyes, Care of the Eyes, Character Indicated by the Fables, Modern Facts about Sponges Facts about the Liberty Bell Facts of General Interest Facts, Handy, to Settle Arguments Fat People and Lean, Rules for Female Figure, The Perfect Feminine Height and Weight Finding, The Law of Fingers and Hands, Various Forms of Flag, The Language of the Flowers, The Language of Formalities in Dress and Etiquette Friendly Advice on Many Subjects
Geographical Nicknames Girdle of Venus Glue, Test for God, The Name of, in Fifty Languages "Good Bye, God Bless You" Grammar, English, in a nutshell Grammar, Short (Memory Rhyme) Grammar, Spelling and Pronunciation
Hair, Curious Facts About Hair and Scalp, Care of the Hand Grenades Hands and Fingers, Various Forms of Hands, Care of the Handy Metric Table Happiness Defined Health Line Health and Beauty Height and Weight Height of Noted Structure Holidays, Legal, in Various States Horse's Prayer, The Horses, To Tell the Age of Housekeepers Should Remember, What Hypnotism, The Mysteries of
Independence, The Declaration of Indorsement of Checks, etc. Infant Feeding and Management Interest Rules, Short Invitations and Announcements
Jefferson's Political Policy Jewelry, Correct Form of
Keep Still
Lady's Chance of Marrying, A Language of Flowers, The Language of Precious Stones Last Words of Famous Men and Women Law, Business, in Brief Law, Points of Criminal Letter Combinations Liberty Bell, Facts About the Loisette's Memory System Love, A Cure for
Magna Charta Marriage and Courtship, Etiquette of Marriage and Divorce Measures and Weights Mecklenburg Declaration, The Memory Rhymes Memory System, Loisette's Merchants' Cost and Price Marks Metric Table, Handy Months, Derivation of the Names of the Months, The (Memory Rhyme) Mottoes of the States Mourning Colors the World Over Mourning Customs
Name of God in Fifty Languages Names of Men, Meanings of Christian Names of Women, Christian Name, What's in a Nature's Wonders, Some of Nicknames, Geographical Nicknames of Cities Notes and Acceptances Nursing of Infants
"Oh, I Wish I Was in Eden" Opportunity—Ingalls' Famous Sonnet Opportunity—Poem Osteopathy, The Claims of Palmistry, The Mysteries of Palm-Reading, Chart for Parliamentary Law, Principles, of Patent, How to Obtain a Philosophical Facts Phrenology, Dr. Spurzheim's Physical Exercise Piano, How to Care for a Points of Criminal Law Poisons and Their Antidotes Population of Principal Cities Poor Richard's Sayings Presidents, Ages and Deaths of the Presidents of the United States Precious Stones, The Language of Pronunciation and Accent Pronunciation, Common Errors in Pronunciation, Simple Rules of Punctuation
Quinine to Break Up a Cold
"Raised" Checks Rats, How to Get Rid of Recipes, Trade Secrets, etc. Reputation, Lines of Riddles, Old and New Riding, Rules for (Memory Rhyme) Rights of Married Women Road, Rule of the
Salt-Rising Bread Scalp and Hair, Care of the Science and Statistics, Facts of Shakespeare's Counsel Shaving, Hints on Short Rules for Spelling Shoulders, To Straighten Round Single Tax, The Skin, Care of the Social Forms Sparrow, The English Spelling, Short Rules for Sponges, Facts About States, Mottoes of the States, The Names of the Steps in the Growth of American Liberty Swollen Feet, Relief for
Tea and Coffee Teeth of Children, The Teeth, The Care of the Theosophy Things That Are Misnamed Toasts and Sentiments Toothache Time in Which Money Doubles Trade Discounts Trademarks, The Laws of Trees, Big Trees, Maximum Age of
United States, Constitution of
Visiting-Card, Etiquette of the
Water, How and When to Drink Water, To Tell Pure Wedding and Engagement Rings Wedding Anniversaries Wedding Customs Weights and Measures Weights and Measures, Handy What Housekeepers Should Remember What's in a Name? Wine, How to Serve, etc. Woman's Lunch, A Workingmen Easily Gulled Writers, Alphabet Of Advice to
[Transcriber's note: The rest of the book is advertisemnts. Ads are separated by a row of hyphens.]
Things Worth Knowing about Dr. Graves' Tooth Powder ARE TOO MANY AND TOO WELL KNOWN TO PRINT ON THIS SMALL PAGE BUT- HERE ARE A FEW 3,360,000 cans sold in 1910 5 girls can make 75 gross in one day 42,000 druggists in the U. S. A., carry GRAVES' 200 tons of Tooth Powder made in 1910 If so many people use GRAVES' why can't you?
Perfect Form Health Brace
Develop your chest from 3 to 6 inches.
Compels Deep Breathing and insures long life
Consumption claims thousands whose stooped shoulders and cramped lungs prevent them from inhaling the health-giving, revitalizing air
SPECIAL PRICE, $1.50 for a $2.00 QUALITY
Products Worth Knowing.
"Now my mouth and teeth really DO FEEL CLEAN."
"Isn't it a Godsend we had it in the house when the youngster cut his hand."
Remarks Frequently made by users of Hydrox PEROXIDE OF HYDROGEN. The Always Reliable Antiseptic. You cannot depend on cheap Peroxides in an emergency. They're dear at any price. For Ideal Cleanliness, Comfort and Hygiene use HYDROX PEROXIDE Cream Tooth Powder Dental Paste Soap Talc Face Powder "The Aristocrats of Toilet Preparations" All Drug Stores Sell Them. HYDROX CHEMICAL CO. NEW YORK SAN FRANCISCO CHICAGO
This is a reproduction of the handsome New Style Package of ST. JACOBS OIL which has a world-wide reputation as The Great Remedy For Pain No other oil or liniment has ever received the cordial approval of the medical and nursing professions the world over. ST. JACOBS OIL is the safest, surest and best pain relieving agent. Highest Prize Medals Awarded at International Expositions for being the best pain cure. Good for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sore Throat, Chest Colds, etc. Just rub it on the affected parts. The pain may resist a dozen treatments—but it can't resist St. Jacobs Oil. Send for Illustrated Booklet Containing Free Music Offer. Price 25c., 50c. The 50c Bottle Contains 3 Times as Much as the 25c Size. St. Jacobs Oil Ltd. Baltimore, Md.
For more than a quarter of a century Stiefel's Medicinal Soaps, the pioneer products in the field, have been the standby of physicians everywhere, and many of the varieties have, originally through the recommendation of the skin specialist or the family physician, become household remedies and toilet accessories in the homes of the refined and particular. The ideal, logical and scientifically approved care of the scalp calls for the use of STIEFEL'S Superlative BORACIC ACID SHAMPOO SOAP A most effective remover of Dandruff. Cleanses the scalp and opens the pores. Leaves the hair loose and fluffy, so that "You CAN do a thing with it" next day. Price: 25 cents per cake. Tear out the Coupon printed on page 381 and get a free sample Sole Agents for the U. S. Schering & Glatz 150-152 Maiden Lane New York THE OLDEST YET MOST UP-TO-DATE
Listen To These Men
THERE'S NO USE TALKING—your appearance has much to do with your success, yes, any man's success in business. A small investment with us will give you the right appearance, the appearance of real prosperity.
Many men are wearing clothes made by us because they're stylish, reliable and may be had at very reasonable prices.
We import many of our own goods and always display a large line of exclusive novelties at very attractive prices.
The proprietors of this publication are our customers. Our work pleases them and they think it will please you. We know it will.
We would very much appreciate a call and if you will mention this advertisement we will allow you an extra cash discount of 5%.
Our household accounts are subject to premiums, and make buying clothes easy. Drop us a card and we will mail you pamphlet giving full information, also samples.
MISSELHORN & NELSON TAILORS Telephone, Main 3906 19 South Fifth Ave., Chicago
Orthopedic Apparatus
For all deformities including spinal curvature, hip joint disease, weak legs, bow legs, knock knees, club feet, flat feet, etc.
Shoes for the Lame
All apparatus made in our own factory.
By skilled mechanics on short notice.
Estimates cheerfully given. Send for catalog "D."
SHARP & SMITH Manufacturers of Orthopedic Apparatus. Shoes for the Lame, Artificial Limbs. Trusses, Crutches, Abdominal Supporters, Elastic Stockings. 103 N. Wabash Ave., Chicago Two Doors North of Washington Street
DOWNS' Obesity Reducer
Will Reduce your Fat
Downs' Obesity Reducer is unlike other reducing remedies in that it does not require other medicines to strengthen up the system after it has performed its function of relieving the patient of superfluous fat. On the contrary Downs' Obesity Reducer not only does away with obesity, but it strengthens the entire system, discharges all impurities and tones up the blood.
It is easy to take; being put up in pill and capsule form.
Downs' Obesity Reducer contains no injurious drugs; a child might take it in any quantity without harmful effects. It is not one of the so-called "new discoveries." It has been used successfully for over thirty years and has never produced an evil effect. Scores of people have been reduced by it from 20 to 80 pounds and never felt better than while taking and after taking.
Guaranteed by the Downs' Chemical Company, Chicago, under the Pure Food and Drugs' Act of June 30, 1906. Serial Number 17092.
Regular price for a full month's treatment is $2.50.
Finest Razors in the World. Hand Forged Satisfaction Largest Factory in the U. S. Guaranteed Ask for the Geneva Standard Brand, Made by Geneva Cutlery Co., Geneva, N. Y., U. S. A.
PURE OLIVE OIL Is a health building food. It builds firm solid flesh, aids digestion and clears the complexion. Dress Your Food With CHIRIS (pronounced Sheris) Olive Oil It is the first pressing of the choicest French Olives. Every package put up and sealed at the factory, at Grasse, France. AMERICAN AGENTS Antoine Chiris Company, 18-20 Platt St., New York
Don't Be Cut Open! Don't Suffer! Promptly Use MEYS POULTICE (HYGROSCOPINE) For Pains, Wounds, Swellings, Burns, Bites, Stings, and all INFLAMMATIONS Meys Poultice is in air-tight glass jars. 12 ozs. net; 20 ozs. net; 2 lbs. net; and 5 lbs. Meys Poultice is a safe, clean, soothing dressing—is antiseptic and anesthetic; does not soil or stain. It dissolves in water; lasts 24 hours as a dressing. Meys Poultice is indorsed by physicians everywhere. It has no equal as a treatment in Pneumonia, Pleurisy, Bronchitis, Croup, Rheumatic Joints, Carbuncles, Old Ulcers, Infections, Pelvic Pains, Ovaritis, Erysipelas, Orchitis, Tonsillitis, Enlarged Glands and Appendicitis.
Prevent Disease Australian Eucalyptus Globulus Oil "Kangaroo" Brand Recommended by the highest medical authorities for sick-room and household use as a general Antiseptic, Disinfectant and Deodorant. It is non-poisonous and non-irritating. Used the world over. Take no substitute but see that you get our "Kangaroo" Brand.
Euca-Scentol A fragrant but powerful Antiseptic and Inhalant. Invaluable to those exposed to infection and contagion; to travelers; and for use in crowded cars, theatres, etc. Mosquitoes and other insects shun it. Use it when on the water or at summer resorts.
Either of the above sold by or obtained through any druggist in original bottles only.
Australian Eucalyptus Chemical Co. 305 N. Michigan Ave. Chicago, III.
Sample Free For Relief To Prove Why It Cures
PLEASE TRY Kondon's with our compliments, for catarrhal sore throat—or colds or any catarrhal trouble. Pleasant, pure, quick to stop distress and speedily cures. Don't delay. Sold by over 35,000 druggists—or write us for free sample.
Kondon's (in sanitary tubes) gives Quick relief. Snuff a bit of this aromatic, soothing, healing Jelly well into the nasal passages. Take a small portion internally, leaving in the throat as long as possible, rub the throat well with the Jelly—you'll find almost instant relief. Get a 25c or 50c tube today of your druggist or send penny postal to us for free sample.
Kondon Mfg. Co., Minneapolis. Minn. 25c or 50c Sanitary Tubes at all Druggists. Sample FREE
SPRING HOUSE POLAND, MAINE Can boast of two things that are unsurpassed, if equalled, in the United States.
Poland Spring Hotel, which is the most delightful summer resort in the State of Maine.
And the famous Poland Spring Water, known all over the civilized world for its purity and sweetness and beneficial effects, has not its equal for kidney trouble, diabetes, gall-stones, and various other ailments of a similar nature.
The Spring House is the most magnificent of any spring house m the world having cost more then $100,000.
"POLAND" WATER IS the purest, most efficacious and lightest of all natural mineral waters.
HIRAM RICKER & SONS South Poland, Maine Proprietors SPRAGUE, WARNER & COMPANY, Chicago Western Agents
Brown's Wonder FACE CREAM Wonder Face Cream is recognized by both users and dealers to be the best face cream on the market, is the best looking package and the most goods for the money.
Wonder Face Cream will prevent an oily skin, whether this is caused by the use of a grease cream, or by oil extuding from the skin itself. No other face cream is equal to Wonder Cream for this purpose.
As a cleanser it is superior to soap. It penetrates the skin and removes the secretions which if allowed to remain will cause blackheads and pimples.
Wonder Face Cream contains no grease and will not grow hair. It will remove tan and sunburn, give the user a fresh complexion, whiten the skin, will gradually remove freckles and when used with massage will remove wrinkles. One jar will convince you. If you do not think this possible give it a trial.
Every person going out in the sun or wind, especially on automobile rides, requires a face dressing, and only a non-grease cream can be used. Wonder Face Cream is perfect for this purpose. An invisible dressing of Wonder Cream will protect the face, preventing sunburn, roughening of the skin, etc, No one will suffer from sunburn if they will put on a dressing of Wonder Face Cream before going out.
Put up in 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.75 jars.
A household remedy. Perfectly harmless. Can be used on both adults and children.
Wonder Salve cures sore throat and colds, inflammation of lungs or chest, frost bite, neuralgia, chilblain, tired or aching feet, rheumatism, burns, boils, sprains, bruises, croup, earache, warts, appendicitis, eczema, sores at long standing, mumps, sore corns, cuts, piles and fistulas, deafness after scarlet lever, is best cure for pneumonia. Brown's Wonder Salve cures first by removing inflammation or irritation of the parts; second by regulating the circulation when from any cause it has become impaired. With the cause of the inflammation removed and the circulation brought to its normal condition nature does the healing. Put up in 25c, 50c and $1.00 sizes, and hospital size of $1.75.
If not obtainable at your druggist, goods will be sent by mail on receipt of price. Safe delivery guaranteed.
R. H. BROWN & CO. 2701 Menlo Avenue, Los Angeles, Cal.
Collis Famous Corset Ankle Supports With Removable Bones The only real support for weak or sprained ankles Men's, Ladies' and Misses'. Price, per pair $1.00 Children's. Price per pair .50 Made in Tan or Black Leather. When ordering state size shoe worn.
Dr. Bull's Elastic Ankle Supports Merc. Silk
Men's, Ladies' and Misses'. Price per pair $1.50
The feature of our Elastic Support is, they are made to fit and conform perfectly with ankle, giving free instep movement recommended by leading physicians.
When ordering state size shoe worn.
The Harvard Athletic Supports Price each 75 cents Made in three sizes, small, medium and large. These are used for all classes of Athletic Sports, such as Baseball, Football, Basket Ball, and all other indoor games. When ordering, enclose 5 cents extra for mailing goods. H. J. COLLIS MFG. CO. :: Taunton, Mass.
Gillette, O.V.B. Durham, Duplex, Enders, Keen Kutter, Ward and Clark Safety Razor Blades.
OLD BLADES better than new—when—you use "Meehan's" Razor Stropper. We guarantee every one of them to be in perfect condition. If a fair trial fails to convince you of its being the most economical stropping device on the market, come and get your money back.
A Sharp Razor Blade is the most essential point for the "Home Shaver." NO Safety Razor Set is complete without "Meehan's" Razor Stropper.
ONLY one insertion of blade in holder is necessary for sharpening both sides of both edges at the same time.
NO complicated parts—simple construction—easy to operate.
NO possible chance of an accidental cut when inserting blade or stropping—when—you use "Meehan's" Razor Stropper.
$2 For Sale Where You Got This Book
Every woman can be beautiful if she uses Geo. W. Laird's "Bloom of Youth"
Kings, Emperors, Sultans, Millionaires, Statesmen and men of influence all bow to women's beauty. Then it is not to be wondered at that women do all in their power to attain that wonderful charm. A clear, smooth, soft, white, beautiful skin is far more attractive than the most costly costume. LAIRD'S "BLOOM OF YOUTH" will remove all imperfections of the skin—tan, freckles and all other discolorations—leaving it clear and beautiful. Laird's "Bloom of Youth" has been in use the past fifty years and improved from time to time, until now it is simply a perfect toilet preparation.
Woman should use every legitimate means in her power to make herself attractive if nature has not been generous to her and blessed her with a clear, soft, beautiful skin. She should use some of the artificial means of attaining the desired effect. We would recommend the use of LAIRD'S "BLOOM OF YOUTH." It has been in use the past fifty years by millions of society ladies, actresses and opera singers both in this country and in Europe.
Sold at all druggists and fancy goods stores. Price 75c a bottle. Manufactured by GEO. W. LAIRD, CLIFFSIDE. N. J. For sale where you got this book.
"I wish to state that we have been using your Baby Food for one year and have met with nothing but the best of results.
It was only after trying, I think, all other kinds of foods, which only seemed to make matters worse, that a trial was made of DENNOS FOOD, which, we feel, is a life saver. The photo and the boy's condition will best testify as to the merits of DENNOS FOOD.
Yours very truly," (Signed) Ralph Krows. 316 Union St., Seattle.
600,000 Babies Die every year—almost invariably from improper feeding! Doctors agree that the only substitute for mother's milk is fresh cow's milk, scientifically modified. That is why physicians and mothers alike are giving much heartfelt welcome to
the wonderful new cereal preparation which adds to cow's milk all vital nutritional elements—flakes the indigestible curd completely, and Saves Babies' Lives.
I am using DENNOS FOOD in my practice and find it very satisfactory. (Signed), W. C. Emery, M. D., Kenton, Ohio.
I had tried several foods with very little success until we put our baby on DENNOS. DENNOS FOOD is a Godsend to mothers. (Signed) Mrs. M. Lawrence. 1734 Sycamore St., Cincinnati, Ohio.
SOLD BY YOUR DRUGGIST Ask your doctor about "Dennos" Write to DENNOS FOOD CO. 911 Western Ave., Seattle for Free Sample and Baby Book.
Sweetola High Grade Chocolates MADE FOR A DISCERNING PUBLIC Packed in Packages containing either BITTER SWEET CHOCOLATES MILK CHOCOLATES CHOCOLATES and BON BONS ASSORTED CHOCOLATES MADE BY The Chicago Chocolate Co. 3233 West Lake Street Phones Kedzie 2261 and 5888 CHICAGO
Dr. Lemke's Golden Electric Liniment is a powerful pain expeller and a reliable house remedy. It alleviates and heals external and internal pain and inflammation, both for man and beast. It is an extraordinary and valuable liniment. Price, $1.00 and 50c.
Dr. Lemke's St. Johannis Drops is a valuable medicine. In thousands of cases these drops have alleviated pain and cured Sickness; yes, in a great many cases saved lives in attacks of spasms, colic, cramps and cholera. In case of excitement and anxious feelings in the head and nerves these drops. bring quick relief. A very important medicine. Price, 50c and 25c.
Dr. Lemke's Laxative Herb Tea has a salutary effect on the whole system in cases of colds, biliousness, costiveness and intermittent fevers. It thoroughly cleanses the blood, creates appetite, works on the liver, kidneys, bladder and produces a regular stool. Price, 50c and 25c.
These remedies have been in use over 40 years and have enjoyed a gradual increase in sales through their good work. They are for sale by druggists and prepared by Dr. H. C. Lemke Medicine Co., 1538 Elburn Ave., Chicago
TYPEWRITERS Special prices for serviceable machines as low as $12, $15, and $20 I sell all makes Rebuilt and some nearly new. Write me for special price on any make or model preferred. Telephones: Franklin 1737 Automatic 32-326 WALTER H. FOX, 106 N. La Salle St., Chicago, Ill.
The Perfect Removable Buffer with 3 Extra Chamois The Metal Band being removable, the Chamois may be easily replaced, making the polisher practically everlasting. In 4 sizes; 4-1/2, 5, 6 and 7 inches. 3 colors: Ebony, Cocobola and Olive wood. Manufactured by The Manicure Novelty Mfg. Co. 140 SULLIVAN STREET, NEW YORK Inquire where you got this book
SANFORD'S INKS For Permanent Records MUCILAGE, LIBRARY PASTE The Only Ink for a fountain Pen A Necessity in Every Office and Home
You Must Have An Antiseptic Always on Hand to protect yourself against disease-breeding Bacteria. Be absolutely sure that it is (a) free from poison; (b) reliable; (c) easily applied; (d) free from objectionable odor.
How can you be sure of finding these four properties in an antiseptic? Read the official reports on SALUBRIN from eminent authorities, professors of Medicine in the Royal university of Lund, Sweden. Buy from your druggist a bottle of SALUBRIN, and read the circular, containing such reports; or drop us a postal card, giving your address, and we will mail you absolutely convincing proofs. There is no other antiseptic remedy equal to SALUBRIN.
PARTICULAR PEOPLE DEMAND Calder's SAPONACEOUS Dentine Made for 60 years It cleans and polishes the teeth, making them white and beautiful. It keeps the gums a natural red, the breath fragrant. BUY IT ANYWHERE The material used in Calder's Dentine is made especially for it.
LUNE DE MIEL (HONEYMOON) The New Perfume A charming new perfume of exquisite odor. Cut Glass bottle in satin lined case Beautifully put up.
An unusually attractive package at a moderate price. Lune de Miel (the French for Honeymoon) is probably the most delightful perfume on the market. It's fragrance is not alone pleasing but lasting.
Lune de Miel perfume is now enjoying the same large demand in America as it has in Europe.
Lune de Miel Toilette Water, Sachet. Face Powder and Soap. THE CROWN PERFUMERY CO. OF LONDON 30 EAST 20th STREET, NEW YORK
Burnishine Did It!
Warranted not to contain anything injurious to the metal. Works quick and easy.
For cleaning or polishing Copper, Brass, Zinc, Tin, Nickel, Silver and all kinds of metals.
Put up in cans 4-oz., 1/2-pint, 1-pint, 1-quart, 2-quart. 1-gallon For sale by all dealers J. C. PAUL & CO., Mfrs. CHICAGO
MT. CLEMENS BITTER WATER Nature's Great Laxative and Tonic For Biliousness and Indigestion Prepared from and containing all of the Remedial Merit of the famous MT. CLEMENS MINERAL WATERS The Original The Long Green Bottle Born in Mt. Clemens 1886 The dose is small—It's not bad to take—100 per cent. satisfaction Analysis and History for the asking Mt. Clemens Mineral Springs Water Co. Mt. CLEMENS, MICHIGAN
Ask Your Druggist The Canton SEAMLESS Hot Water Bottle, as the name implies, is SEAMLESS—it cannot possibly leak. The highest grade materials are used in its construction, making it the most DURABLE seamless water bottle ever devised. Guaranteed two years. Made in all sizes. Ask Your Druggist
"Dead Stuck" for Bugs Big Bugs, Little Bugs— All sorts of Bugs are exterminated by "DEAD STUCK" Price 25 Cents per Can—All Druggists Manufactured by THE PENN CHEMICAL CO., Inc. Philadelphia. Pa.
SANITAS THE BEST DISINFECTANT Powerful, Fragrant and Non-poisonous "Sanitas" Disinfecting Fluid, 20-oz. bottle, 40 Cents "Sanitas" Crude Disinfecting Liquid, 8-oz. bottle, 25 Cents "Sanitas" Oil, 4-oz. bottle, 40 Cents "Sanitas" Jelly (Salve), 4-oz. jar, 40 Cents "Sanitas" Disinfecting Toilet Soap, per cake, 15 Cents Remember an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure. Write for book, "How to Disinfect." THE "SANITAS" CO., U. S. A. 636 to 642 West 55th Street, New York
For 90 Years GRAY'S OINTMENT Has stood the test for Burns, Boils, Carbuncles, Sores of All Kind, Frost-Bite and all External Inflammations. A box should be kept in every home. Immediate application to the wound has saved thousands of cases of Blood-Poison. 25 cents from your Druggist or W. F. GRAY & CO. Nashville, Tenn. Write for Booklet.
Dr. Lindley's Golden Remedy FOR EPILEPSY 15 Years of Successful Treatment Golden Remedy has stood the test of time; it is no new thing, but a well tried remedy which stands alone as the only medicine that will stop Fits in 24 hours; of course to do away with them altogether it must be taken from 1 to 3 years, although many cases have been cured in much less time than this, depending upon the severity of the case. Golden Remedy is also of great value in the treatment of the following troubles: Nervous Headache. Great Nervous Excitability. Insomnia or Sleeplessness. Hysteria. St. Vitus Dance. Spasms and Convulsions of Men, Women and Children.
Those Who Seek the Best Get Borden's Malted Milk Those Who Accept Substitutes are Losers Malted Milk Dept. BORDEN'S CONDENSED MILK CO. NEW YORK
EVERY WOMAN is interested and should know about the wonderful Marvel Whirling Spray Syringe
The Marvel by reason of its peculiar construction, dilates and flushes the vaginal passage with a volume of whirling fluid, which smooths out the folds and permits the injection to come in contact with its entire surface, instantly dissolving and washing out all secretions and discharges.
Ask your druggist for it. If he cannot supply the MARVEL, accept no other, but send stamp for illustrated book—sealed. It gives full particulars and directions invaluable to ladies. Address MARVEL CO. 44 East 23d Street, New York For Sale where you got this book. $3.00
"WHERE THERE'S LIFE, THERE'S HOPE" Rev. W. W. Brown's Asthma Remedy A Preventive of Paroxysms or Choking Spells. All we ask for this wonderful remedy is a fair trial. Why not try it? Address: W. W. BROWN, Sioux City, Iowa
PECKHAM'S CROUP REMEDY Is the Children's safe-guard for Cough, Colds, Croup, Whooping Cough. Mothers, get a bottle to-day, you may need it to-night. Sold where you got this book. 35c
CHAVETT DIPHTHERIA PREVENTIVE 50 Cents A pleasant fruity syrup, used by thousands of families to safeguard children against Diphtheria, Scarlet Fever, Diseased Tonsils and all throat infections. It should always be kept on hand for immediate use. Its value is well worth knowing.
CHAVETT SOLACE 50 Cents A standard household remedy for all distressed conditions, Neuralgic or Rheumatic. A comforting insurance against loss of time due to pain, headache or la grippe. One bottle proves its value. CHAVETT LABORATORY, 200 W. 61st Street, Chicago
"LUSTR-ITE" A brand on Manicure Goods which is recognized and stamped with the approval of its thousands of users. Standing for purity and quality of manufacture. LUSTR-ITE Specialties are sold by The Central Drug Company, State and Washington St., Chicago. The Floridine Manufacturing Co. NEW YORK
Physiological Tonicum
This is what may be described as a scientific iron tonic. In it the Ferric and Ferrous Oxides are combined in exactly the same proportions as they are found combined in the normal human blood; hence it is that the Physiological Tonicum is a blood maker, or, if the term be preferred, blood purifier—it corrects the blood. Thus it is that this tonic (which may be used in connection with other medicine) is useful in nearly all diseases, save such as are characterized by plethoric states, or full-bloodedness.
In any instance where the physician wants to prescribe iron which will cause no untoward effects, such as disturbing the stomach, affecting the teeth, etc., this PHYSIOLOGICAL TONICUM is the best preparation of iron he can find in the market.
Price 4-ounce bottle, 50 cents. Price 12-ounce bottle. $1.25. Prepared solely by Boericke & Tafel, Publishers of Hensel's Scientific Works in the United States and Germany and sole authorized depositaries for his Physiological preparations. For Sale by the Store where you got this book.
Everybody Admires a Beautiful Complexion. DR. T. FELIX GOURAUD'S Oriental Cream or Magical Beautifier
An Indispensable and Delightful Toilet Requisite for Fashionable Women. A daily necessity for the ladies' toilet whether at home or while traveling. It protects the skin from injurious effects of the elements, gives a wonderfully effective beauty to the complexion. It is a perfect non-greasy Toilet Cream and positively will not cause or encourage the growth of hair which all ladies should guard against when selecting a toilet preparation. When dancing, bowling or other exertions heat the skin, it prevents a greasy appearance.
Gouraud's Oriental Cream has been highly recommended by physicians, actresses, singers and women of fashion for over half a century and cannot be surpassed when preparing for daily or evening attire.
Gouraud's Oriental Cream cures Skin Diseases and relieves Sunburn. Removes Tan, Pimples, Blackheads, Moth Patches, Rash, Freckles and Vulgar Redness, Yellow and Muddy Skin, giving a delicately clear and refined complexion which every woman desires.
No. 11. For sale by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. Ferd. T. Hopkins, Prop., 37 GREAT JONES STREET, New York
Oriental Cream or Magical Beautifier Trade Mark THE MOST ELEGANT AND DELICATE PREPARATION FOR THE SKIN EVER INVENTED For Tan, Pimples, Freckles, Morphew & All Blemishes of the Cuticle. Prepared by Ferd. T. Hopkins, Successor to T. Felix Gouraud 37 Great Jones St. - New York Price $1.50 per bottle. [End Illustration text]
Employed and prescribed by leading Physicians Everywhere. SIMPLEX STEAM VAPORIZERS LEAD Size 5x8 Nickel Plate Complete Croup Kettles, Warm Vapor Inhalers and Nursery Vaporizer. No. 1 with 8 oz. Boiler and restricted Alcohol Flame, Complete Price $1.50
No. 2 with 8 oz. Boiler al Copper Boiler and Jacket, handsome instrument Price 1.00
No. 3 with 16 oz. Boiler Hospital Size with restricted alcohol lamp Price 2.00
No. 4 with 20 oz. Boiler with Retaining Chest works 1/2 hour with flame Price .75
No. 6 with 16 oz. Boiler A kettle with improved vent tube, highly finished Price .25
SIMPLEX INHALERS and BENZOIN KETTLES For Whooping Cough, Grip, Colds, Lost Voice Bronchitis, Singers', Speakers' and Smokers' Throats. Delivered postpaid with Direction and Formulae.
SIMPLEX LAMP MFG. CO., Brooklyn, N. Y. Geo. H. Bells Patents Sold at all leading drug stores.
Nardine A name to be remembered by every housekeeper, as it is the name of one of the best household remedies on earth. It is divided into a series of specifics. Each specific is intended to eliminate a certain group of disorders as follows:
No. 1. Catarrh, cold in the head, grip, neuralgia, hay fever, asthma.
No. 2. Eczema, itching, salt-rheum, sunburn, mosquito bites, boils, burns, bruises, chapped and cracked hands, and all forms of skin eruptions.
No. 3. Sore throat, bronchitis, lung trouble, whooping cough, croup.
No. 4. For indigestion (catarrh of the stomach) cause sour stomach and foul breath.
No. 5. For piles and chafing.
No. 6. For Chilblains, tender feet, callouses, bunions, and corns.
No. 7. For complexion, blackheads, pimples, skin eruptions.
No. 8. For toothache, headache, earache, deafness.
Sold by all leading druggists everywhere. Price 25 cents or sent direct from this office on receipt of price. Trial box free.
Nardine Med. Co, Schenectady, N. Y.
WE SELL ALEXANDER'S REMEDY FOR ASTHMA and HAY FEVER "Don't fail to give it a trial"
The Sweet Babee Nursing Bottle
Patented May 3, 1910
Has no neck, therefore is washed on the inside like a tumbler, and filled without a funnel. Every mother is familiar with this style nipple; we have simply added the large bottom to fit the opening of the bottle. It is reversible and will not collapse. Endorsed by doctors and nurses as the most sanitary nursing bottle made. For sale by all druggists. Price complete 25c.
THE YANKEE CO., Mfrs., Utica, N. Y.
Below we mention some of our Special Brands:
"GILT EDGE" Oil Polish
Blacks and polishes ladies' and children's boots and shoes; SHINES WITHOUT RUBBING; always READY for use. Price 25c.
"DANDY" Combination for cleansing and polishing ALL kinds of russet or tan boots and shoes. Price 25c. "STAR" size, 10c. Also Oxblood and Brown Combinations in same sizes and at same prices.
"ELITE" Combination for those who take pride in having their shoes look A-1. Restores color and lustre to all black shoes. Polish with a brush or cloth. Price 25c "BABY ELITE" size, 10c.
"FRENCH GLOSS." For blacking and polishing ladies' and children's boots and shoes; SHINES WITHOUT RUBBING. (See cut.) Price 10c.
"QUICK WHITE" makes dirty CANVAS shoes clean and white. In liquid form so it can be quickly and easily applied. No white dust. Will not rub off. A sponge in every package, so always READY for use. Two sizes, 25c and 10c.
"BULLY SHINE." A waterproof paste polish for all kinds of black shoes and old rubbers. Blacks, polishes, softens and preserves. Contains oils and waxes to polish and preserve the leather. Large tin boxes, Price 10c. Boxes open with a key.
Ask for Whittemore's Shoe Polishes if you want the BEST,
Leslie Safety Razors AND SPIRAL STROPPER LESLIE STANDARD The Shaving Outfit of the World
Contains Leslie Safety Razor and Spiral Stropper and 6 Leslie Blades.
Pronounced by its users to be far in advance of all other shaving and stropping devices.
In handsome leather lined and covered case. No.1. Special Leslie Finish $5.00 No.2. Gold Plated 7.50
LESLIE TOURIST The Leslie Tourist Safety Razor with 12 Leslie blades, identical with the $5.00 outfit with the exception of the Leslie stropper. The true test of any razor is the blade, and without reservation or qualification, we pronounce this the finest and most efficient "No Hone, No Strop" Safety Razor ever produced. This outfit will out-shave and out-last all other makes of safety razors and, in doing so, will afford far greater comfort and satisfaction. In handsome leather lined and covered case. No.3. Special Leslie Finish $3.50 No.4. Gold Plated. 5.00
————————————- LESLIE JUNIOR The Vest Pocket Safety Razor Realizing the enormous demand for a really first-class Safety Razor that will far excel all others now in use, at the popular price of $1.00, we have brought out the Leslie Junior Safety Razor which consists of the unequaled Leslie Holder and six regulation Leslie blades. In handsome leather lined and covered case. No. 5. Special Leslie Finish $1.00 No. 6. Gold Plated 2.00
MADE BY Leslie Manufacturing Company, Boston, U. S. A.
Retain a "Bloom of Youth" By Using Luxtone Beauty Secret
A dainty invisible CREAM POWDER and SKIN TONIC combined, which freshens the complexion and tones down the HARD LINES as tho' by magic. It FEEDS the tissue, REFINES the texture, INSTANTLY beautifies, and PERMANENTLY benefits.
ONLY under the Luxtone label will you find the REAL "Beauty Secret." Accept NO other, for THEN YOU ARE SAFE, Price 75c, 50c, 25c.
LUXTONE RUBITINT. A delicate coloring for cheeks and lips; when combined with the "Beauty Secret," produces an effect truly captivating. Price 50c, 25c.
LUXTONE ALMONDOLIVE CREAM. The cream for making flesh and banishing wrinkles. Price $1.00.
LUXTONE COLD CREAM. The cream that cleanses clear through. Price 50c, 25c.
LUXTONE CUCUMBER CREAM. The only cream for sunburn. Price 50c.
Manufactured only by BLANCHE W. MOE, 314 W. 42nd Street NEW YORK, N. Y.
Look for our Trade Mark
El Perfecto Veda Rose Rouge A WONDERFUL BEAUTIFIER
Sold in the highest class stores in many places all over the world. It is famous for giving a perfectly natural tint to the cheeks.
This article of great merit has been manufactured by the El Perfecto Veda Rose Co. for over fourteen years, is harmless and never fails to give satisfaction. Any rouge bordering on the shade of El Perfecto Veda Rose is an imitation. Use the original which is known to be the most perfectly natural shade ever before manufactured.
El Perfecto Veda Rose CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL.
SANDHOLM'S SKIN LOTION is a clear liquid used externally. Eradicates all skin and scalp trouble by absorbing the germ—returns the skin to normal condition. IT HAS NO EQUAL for
Salt rheum, Eczema, Rash, Tetter (Herps), Scald head, Milk scald, Plant poisoning, Hives, Mosquito bites, Small burns or scratches, Barbers' Itch, Parasitic diseases, Scaly or scabby eruptions of the skin, Itching piles, Acne, Psoriasis, Pimples, Blackheads, Cracked hands and lips, etc. A perfect antiseptic after shaving.
WHAT IS MORE DESIRABLE THAN A CLEAR, HEALTHY SKIN? Remove the blotches, Pimples and hideous red marks by the free use of SANDHOLM'S LOTION. When used as a massage, Sandholm's Lotion is the greatest skin beautifier ever discovered, and produces that velvety softness of the skin which is so much admired. One trial will convince you of its merits.
Manufactured by SANDHOLM DRUG CO. Des Moines, Iowa
ABILENA America's Truest and Purest Natural Laxative. One of the most remarkable of all natural phenomena is the FAMOUS WELLS OF ABILENA from which flows a perfect laxative water.
Scientists of today, with the accumulated knowledge of 1,000 years to guide them, have not been able to manufacture a harmless, non-irritating laxative which relieves constipation and stimulates the liver as AbilenA Water does.
You will never need laxative medicines of any kind—pills, tablets, capsules, salts, artificial waters—if you occasionally drink a wine-glass of AbilenA when conditions call for a laxative or cathartic.
AbilenA comes to you pure—just as it flows from the Famous Wells of AbilenA—harmless as the water you drink—clear, sparkling, vitalizing. It flushes and cleanses the system thoroughly, and in the gentlest way possible. Instead of irritating the delicate membranes of the stomach and bowels, as drugs and artificial waters are very apt to do, it relieves congestions and soothes these membranes, and it stimulates liver activities.
There is no magic in the name, AbilenA, nor no special virtue simply because it happens to be America's only natural cathartic water, but its splendid clinical value and effect is due solely to the fact that AbilenA is almost wholly pure and true Sodium Sulphate—the world's truest representative of this ideal laxative and reconstructive base, All the other waters on the markets are largely solutions of Epsom salts, consequently are nauseous, harsh and irritating. The same thing is more or less true with pills, powders and the manufactured cathartics.
AbilenA is a safe, sure, inexpensive laxative and cathartic, convenient and pleasant to take, suited for old and young alike, a cure for constipation and biliousness, and truly the ideal family remedy.
AbilenA is America's Only Bottled Natural Cathartic Water.
We will mail, free, upon application, "The Natural Method," an interesting booklet on the importance of normal elimination and a study of the comparative values of the better known cathartics.
Read the following and be convinced. There's hope for you.
Forty-five years ago my father, who was himself a doctor, had a vicious cancer that was eating away his life. The best physicians in America could do nothing for him. After nine long years of awful suffering, and after the cancer had totally eaten away his nose and portions of his face (as shown in his picture here given) his palate was entirely destroyed together with portions of his throat. Father fortunately discovered the great remedy that cured him. He lived over 40 years and no return of the disease.
The same discovery has now thousands who were threatened with operation and death. And to prove that this is the truth we will give their sworn statement if you will write us. Doctors, Lawyers, Mechanics, Ministers, Laboring Men, Bankers and all classes recommend this glorious life-saving discovery, and we want the whole world to benefit by it.
HAVE YOU CANCER, Tumors, Ulcers, Abscesses, Fever Sores, Goitre, Catarrh, Salt-Rheum, Rheumatism, Piles, Eczema, Scald Head, or Scrofula in any form?
Ask your Druggist for MIXER'S CANCER & SCROFULA SYRUP.
It will cost you nothing to learn the truth about this wonderful home treatment without the knife or caustic. And if you know anyone who is afflicted with any disease above mentioned, you can do them a Christian act of kindness by telling them of our great treatment and how to get it.
Forty years' experience guarantees success. Ask your Druggist for illustrated Booklet FREE, showing half tones of many people cured, with their testimonials.
Manufactured by MIXER MEDICINE CO., 151 Jefferson St., HASTINGS, MICH.
YOUR FEET as well as any part of your body, should be properly treated and taken care of. If you are in need of a positive and GUARANTEED Remedy, something entirely different from the every-day-SO-CALLED "CORN CURES," an article for removing CORNS and CALLOUSES, and for Relief of PAINFUL BUNIONS—Buy a 25c tube of
Goodwin's Chiropody Corn Salve
For tired, aching, swollen, bad-smelling or burning feet there is nothing to compare with Goodwin's Foot powder. These articles are for sale and recommended by your druggist. Man'f'd by Goodwin German Foot Remedy Co. Chicago, Ill.
Strong's Arnica Tooth Soap Cleanser and Mouth Wash In One
Polishes the teeth to dazzling whiteness, while its fragrant antiseptic foam reaches every part of the mouth—neutralizing all tooth-destroying acids, preventing discoloration and decay.
Strong's Arnica Tooth Soap comes in a handy metal box—nothing to break or spill. A convenient cake that insures beautiful teeth, healthy, gums and a sweet breath. At your druggist, 25 cents.
Strong's Arnica Jelly Keeps Your Skin Smooth No need to endure the discomfort of sunburn or winter chapping. Apply with finger tips, rub gently into pores. In collapsible metal tubes, 25 cents.
NOTE.—If your druggist does not have these goods, send price to us. We will forward them prepaid.
Guaranteed under the Food and Drug Act, June 30, 1906. Serial No. 1612 C. H. STRONG & CO., Chicago, U. S. A.
Delays are dangerous unexpected changes are apt to bring on Coughs and Colds.
MARES COUGH BALSAM will not allow a Cold or Cough to run to the dangerous point. It checks the irritation and drives out the inflammation. If you have children you ought to have a bottle of this medicine on the mantel. 25c a bottle at all Drug Stores.
Mares Cathartic Capsules tone the stomach, help the liver and clean the bowels.
FOR WOMEN ORANGE BLOSSOM Dr. J. A. McGill's Famous Female Suppositories Are a famous remedy for all female diseases. The Orange Blossom is simple and harmless. Every lady can treat herself. Suffering women call and get a free sample and book telling how At the store where you got this book. $1.00
Grube's Method After 3 minutes, no pain! For Complete Eradication of TOE CORNS, SOLE CORNS, BUNIONS, CALLOUSES, SOFT CORNS, HEEL CORNS.
Kills the Seed. Leaves Smooth Skin
One Drop Corn Remover
ADVISE no cutting with knife.
USE eraser to remove hard part. Rub well.
APPLY "One Drop," covering corn completely to kill seed of the trouble; cover it with tissue paper; peel it off third day.
RESULT a normal smooth skin. Put cotton between toes when soft corns.
When Properly Applied, Gives Relief in 3 Minutes.
EXCELSIOR CHEMICAL COMPANY, 3100 State Street, Chicago.
For Sale at the Store where you got this book.
"Look Out for the Pennies, and the Dollars Will Take Care of Themselves" —An Old Saying
Look Out For the Blood Cells and the Body Will Take Care of Itself
You can't expect to be well, or to ever accomplish much in the world if the blood and nerve cells are lacking strength and vitality. As the blood races through your body—head and brain, every little cell should be brim full of life and power. Then you feel the vim and "go" that will make you a power among your fellow men. No nervousness, no indecision, no signs of the weakling if you use Dr. Hoag's
The great nerve and tissue builder. This goes straight to the cells of the blood and enriches them and puts new strength into them so they can combat and throw off disease.
This is undoubtedly the greatest and grandest REBUILDER AND STRENGTHENER that modern medicine has produced.
Cell Tissue Tonic is particularly recommended for Paleness and Weakness, Debilitation, Stomach and Bowel Trouble (of both infants and adults), Hysteria, Fainting Spells, Insomnia (sleeplessness) and Poor Assimilation of Food.
All druggists sell Dr. Hoag's Cell Tissue Tonic. Price $1.00 per bottle. Or it is sent direct upon receipt of price. Address Dr. C. A. Hoag Company, 25 West Kinzie St., Chicago, Ills.
Dr. Hoag's "Home Doctor Book" contains instructions on care of sick and sick room as well as much other valuable information. Sent to anyone FREE upon request.
DR. C. A. HOAG CO., Chicago, Ill.
Wright's Rheumatic Remedy Wright's Catarrhal Balm Two Great Medicines
These well known Canadian Medicines are of a high order of excellence and of the greatest value. Prompt in action and relief.
Try a bottle of WRIGHT'S RHEUMATIC REMEDY for your rheumatism. It dissolves Uric acid quickly, stops pain, takes out the grit in the joint, establishes a good circulation, very soon puts the patient on the road to ease and comfort. A truly wonderful medicine. One dose a day. Usually one bottle sufficient. Just one Dollar.
All Singers, Speakers, Voice users, Children, in fact everybody should use WRIGHT'S ANTISEPTIC CATARRH BALM. It clears out the head, stops the ringing noises, heals the tender places, keeps the germ away, gives the clear voice, clean throat, and free air passages. "Just a little on the finger tip" inserted in the nostril during the day, and upon retiring works wonders. Keep a box handy, it saves the doctor bill. 50 cents per box.
The Wright Medicine Co. PERU, INDIANA or from The Central Drug Co. Cor. State & Washington Sts., CHICAGO, ILL.
ONE OF THE "THINGS WORTH KNOWING" IS THAT Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy DOES RELIEVE Asthma and Hay Fever 25 CENTS AND ONE DOLLAR Free Sample on Request NORTHROP & LYMAN CO., Inc. Buffalo, N. Y.
One of the Best External Remedies Known
The Dr. D. P. Ordway Plasters
A broad statement, yet true. Better than filling the system up with drugs.
Rheumatism, Weak Lungs, Asthma, Backache, Lumbago, Strains, Bronchitis, Female Weakness and all other transient aches and pains. A strengthening support wherever applied. 25c each |