Padlock, Badge, 241 Paignel, John: Arms, 196 Painted Chamber, Westminster, 246 Pale, Pale-wise, In Pale, Paly, 53, 54, 141 Pall, 141 Pallet, 53, 141 Palliot, French Writer on Heraldry, 244 Paly Bendy, 60, 141 Panache, 141, 213, 214 Parliament, 328 Parr, Queen Catherine, 229 Party, Parted, 33, 142 Passant, Passant Guardant, Passant Reguardant, Passant Repassant, 85, 142 Pastoral Staff, 142 Pate, or Forme, 57, 142 Pateshulle, J. de: Arms, 51 Patonce, 56, 142 Patriarchal, 55, 142 Paul, Sir J. Balfour, 307 Pawne, Peacock, 76 Peach-Branches, 147 Pean, 41, 142 Pebmarsh, Brass at, 196 Pech, Sir John, 147 Pedro, King of Castile, 248 Peer, 142 Peerage, 143; Privilege of, 330 Peerage Dignities, 327 Peeress in her own Right, 173 Pegasus, 143, 276 Pelham: Arms, 76; Badge, 224 Pelican, 76, 132, 143 Pellet, 72, 143 Pembridge, Sir R. de: Crest, 214, 216 Pembroke, the Earl of, 163; De Valences, Earls of, 52, 323 Pembroke College, Cambridge, 163 Penbrugge: Arms, 52 Pendent, 143 Pennon, 3, 143, 246 Per, 33, 143 Perceval: Motto, 139 Perci, Percy: Arms, 70, 83, 167; Crest, 91, 216; Badges, 224, 241, 246; Seals, 241 Perci, Henry de, 78, 182, 203, 210 Perci, Henry de, 3rd Baron, 182; Agnes de, 160 Percy Shrine, Beverley Minster, 27 Percy Effigy, at Beverley, 159 Peterborough, 147; Cathedral and Deanery, 231 Petrasancta, Silvester de, 40 Petre, the Baron: Supporters, 92 Peverel: Badge, 224; Catherine, 225 Peverel Garbe, 133 Peyvre, Sir R. de: Arms, 62, 203 Philip, "the Hardy," 160 Philippa, Queen, of Hainault: Badge, 230, 232; Heraldry of her Monument, 169, 322 Phoenix, 143 Pickering, Sir T. de: Arms, 204 Pigot: Arms, 17 Pile, In Pile, 62, 143 Pirepound, Sir R.: Arms, 204 Planche, Mr., 9, 74, 96, 195, 235 Plantagenet, The Royal House of, 17, 188; Livery Colours of, 135; Arthur, 190 Planta Genista, 17, 143, 227 Plate, Plattee, 72, 143 Plenitude, 144 Plume, 144 Points, or Stops, in Heraldry, 46 Points of a Shield, 33, 144; In Point, 144 Pole: Motto, 139 Pomme, Pommee, 56, 144 Poninge, Sir T. de: Arms, 202 Popinjay, 76, 144 Port, 144 Portcullis, 144; Pursuivant, 130 Portland, Duke of: Supporters, 91 Potent, 41, 57, 144 Poudree, Powdered, 45, 144 Poutrel, Sir R.: Arms, 201 Potent, 41 Preieres, Sir J. de: Arms, 202 Precedence, Order of, 295; in the Royal Family, 299; of Women, 298 Prelates: Arms, 173 Pretence, Escutcheon of, 120, 170, 314 Preying, 144 Prince, Princess, 144 Princes and Princesses of the Royal Family; Armorial Insignia, 269, 270; Coronets, 144 Proper, 42, 81 Provence: Arms, 38 Purfled, 144 Purpure, 41, 48, 144 Pursuivant, 130, 144 "Pursuivant of Arms," by Mr. Planch. See Planch Pycot, Sir B.: Arms, 202
Quadrate, 55, 145 Quarter, 64, 145. See Canton Quarter Pierced, 55 Quartering, 34, 145; Simple, 34; Compound, 34, 165; Grand, 167; Marshalling by, 165; the Bordure and Tressure, 170 Quarterings, Quarters, 34, 165; Grand, 34, 165 Quartered Coats, Marshalling of, 165 Quarterly Quartered, 34, 145 Quarterly Quartering, 34, 146 Quarterly Pierced, 55 Quatrefoil, 146 Queen Alexandra, 268, 269 Queen Victoria, 263 Queen's College, Oxford, 97 Quency, De: Arms, 17 Queue Fourche, 86, 125, 146 Quilled, 146 Quintefueil, 17
Radclyffe, Radcliffe: Arms, 58 Radiant, Rayone, 146 Radstock, the Baron: Supporters, 99 Ragged Staff, 134, 146, 198, 321 Ragule, Raguly, 34, 146 Ram, 76 Rampant, Rampant Guardant and Reguardant, 84, 85, 146 Ramryge, John, 147 Ramryge, Thomas, Abbot of St. Albans, 25, 76, 97, 204, 231, 323 Ramsey: Arms, 76 Randolf, Sir J., 202 Rayonne, 35 Ready, Mr., his Casts of Seals, 317 Rebus, 146, 221 Recercelee, 56, 147 Red Ensign, 255 References to Authorities, 13 Reflexed, Reflected, 147 Regalia, 139 "Regimental Colour," the, 257 Reguardant, 85, 147 Rein-deer, 102, 147 Reptiles, in Heraldry, 79 Respecting, 147 Rest. See Clarion Ribbon, Riband, 58, 147; of the Garter, 279; Bath, 285; Thistle, 281; St. Patrick, 282; Star of India, 288 Rich, Earl of, 208 Richard I.: Arms, 88, 259; Crest, 220; Seals, 88, 209; Badges, 228 Richard II.: Arms, 206, 259; Crest 91, 216; Badges, 27, 216, 228, 233; Roll of Arms of his Era, 13 Richard III.: Arms, 260; Badges, 228; Supporters, 264; incorporates Heralds, 130, 304 Richard, Earl of Cornwall, and King of the Romans, 68, 93 Richard, Earl of Warwick, 208 Richmond, Henry, Duke of, 190, 192 Richmond, John de Dreux, Earl of, 165 Richmond and Lennox, Ludovic Stuart, Duke of, 117 Richmond Herald, 130 Rising, Roussant, 81, 147 Riveres: Arms, 51 Robert II. of Scotland, 264 Robsart, Earl Ludovic: Monument, 240 Rolls of Arms, 12, 29 Romans, Richard, King of the, 68, 93 Rompu, 148 Roringe, Sir R. de: Arms, 202 Ros, de, Barony, 329 Ross, Euphemia, Countess of, 94; Marg., Lady de, 161; the Earl of, 94 Rosamond, Fair, 90, 188 Rose, 148; en Soleil, 149; of England, 149, 228; of Lancaster, 149, 228; of York, 149, 228; Badge of Edward I., 228; in Modern Cadency, 193 Rossel, Sir G.: Arms, 17, 202 Rouge Croix, Pursuivant, 130 Rouge Dragon, Pursuivant, 130 Roundle, Roundlet, 71, 72 Rous, Sir Thomas le, 201 Royal Arms, 118 Royal Badges, 227, 229, 268; Banners, 266; Personages, their Arms, 174; Mottoes, 265; Red Cross, 294; Standards, 250, 266; Supporters, 264 Royal Family, junior members of, 179 Royal Livery, 136 Rue, Chaplet of, 108 Ruskin, Mr., 323 Rustre, 69, 149
Sable, 41, 48, 149 Saggitarius, Sagittary, 149, 258 Sails, Heraldic, 250 Saint Alban, Abbey Church and Arms of, 25, 75, 204, 322; Heraldic Tiles at, 324 Saint Albans, Duke of, 191 Saint Andrew: Arms, 61; Banner, 254 Saint Anthony: Badge, 154 Saint Edmund. See Edmund Saint Edward, the Confessor. See Edward Saint George: Arms and Banner, 54, 251, 253, 279; Ensign, 256; Chapel, 171 Saint John, of Jerusalem, Knights of, 275, 294 Saint Michael and Saint George, Order of, 288 Saint Michael's Church, St. Albans, 157 Saint Patrick: Arms and Banner, 61, 262; Order of, 281 Saint Paul: Badge, 153 Saint Paul, Mary de, 163; Guy, Count de, 163 Saint Vincent, the Viscount: Supporters, 99 Saint Waly, Sir R. de: Arms, 204 Salamander, 149 Salient, 86, 149 Salisbury, Longespe, Earl of, 90, 95, 188 Salisbury, D'Eureux, Earl of, 188 Salisbury Cathedral, 323 Salisbury, Marquess of: Supporters, 92 Saltire, Saltire-wise, In Saltire, 61, 149 Sanglier, 106, 149 Sans, 52, 149 Saracen's heads, 73 Savage-man, Wood-man, 149 Saw, Frame Saw, 150 Saxony: Dukedom and Arms, 113, 267 Scales, Rob. de: Arms, 78 Scarpe, Escarpe, 150 Science of Heraldry, 24, 30, 326 Scintillant, 150 Scotland, Bordure Company, 191; Early Heraldry of, 94; Heraldry of, 198; Royal Heraldry of, 258; Royal Arms of, 67, 83, 170, 258; Crests, 91, 244, 264; Badge, 151, 228; Illegitimacy Marks in, 191; Supporters, 264; Mottoes, 265; Scottish Supporters, 237; Differenced Shield of, 205; Early Seals of, 161 (see Laing, Mr.H.) Scots, Mary Queen of, 68 Scott, Sir Walter, of Abbotsford, 1, 326 Scott, Sir Walter, 1, 326 Scottish Seals, Laing's Catalogue of, 11. See Laing Scrope, Le: Arms, 58, 200; Badge, 224 Scrope, Sir R. le, 58, 200; Thos. le, 186; Controversy, 200 Scudamore: Arms, 152; Motto, 138 Seals: their value in Heraldry, 10, 317; Early Scottish, 11; Casts of, 317; Suggestive of Supporters, 238; Examples, 317 Seax, 150 Secondary Charges, 183 Seeded, 82, 150 Segrave: Arms, 83; Sir John, 89 Segreant, 150 Sejant, 86, 150 Semee, 45, 150; de lys, 125 Seton, Mr., his "Scottish Heraldry," 9, 68, 94, 138, 198, 260, 307, 308 Sevans, Septvans: Arms, 120 Seymour, Queen Jane, 229 Shakefork, 151 Shakespeare: Arms, 151; grant of Arms to, 309 Shamrock, 151, 228 Shelly: Arms, 17 Shield, or Escutcheon, Heraldic, 14, 37, 151; Parts, Points, and Divisions of, 32; Varieties, 35; Bowed, 35; Bouche, 36; Couchee, 38; Differenced, 200; treatment, 38 Shield-belt. See Guige Shield-boss, 15 Shields-of-Arms, 2 Ship, 151 Shoveller, 151 Sickle, 225, 266 Simple Quartering, 34, 151 Single Small Charges, for Difference, 186 Sinister, 32, 33, 151 Sinople, 41, 151, 158 Six-foil, 151 Sleswick: Arms, 269 Slipped, 82, 151 Someri, Sir J. de: Arms, 204 Somerset, Henry, Duke of, 189, 190; John, Duke of, 236 Somerset Herald, 130 Sottone, Sutton, Sir R. de: Arms, 203 Southacre, 216 Southampton, the Baron: Supporters, 92 "Soutiens, Les," 244 Spain, Queen of, 272 Spear, 151 Spiritual Peers, 105 Spur, 151 SS., Collar of, 110, 130, 151. See Collar St. Quintin: Arms, 62 Staff, crook-headed, 115 Stafford, De: Arms, 61; Badge, 153 Stafford, Sir H. de: Standard, 251 Stafford, Sir Humphrey de: Crest-wreath, 217 Stafford Knot, 133, 151, 251 Stag, 116 Stains, 42 Stall-Plate, 151, 278 Standard, 152, 251; Anglo-Saxon, 5; Anglo-Norman, 5; Badges on, 220; Marked for Cadency, 192; Royal, 252, 266; Recording, 252 Staple, 152 Stapleton: Badge, 152 Star, 152 Star of India, Order of, 287 Statant, Statant Guardant, 85, 152 Staunton Harcourt, 217 Stephen: Arms, 88; Badges, 108, 228 Steward, Alexander, Earl of Menteith: Seal, 94 Steward, Board of, 199 Stewart, Margaret, Countess of Angus, 94 Stirrup, 152 Stock, 152 Stormerk: Arms, 269 Stourton: Badge, 224; Lord, 329 Strange, Le Strange: Arms, 89 Strange, Hamon Le, 89; Sir J. Le, 204 Stringed, 152 "Strongbow:" Seal, 62 Stuart, Ludovic, 117; Sir Richard: Seal, 319; Badge, 233 Stuarts: Arms, 124; Livery Colours, 135 Subordinaries, 42, 64 Suns and Roses, Collar of, 110, 152. See Collar Supporters, 152, 175, 237; their probable Origin, 94, 237; their heraldic Significance, 243; rightly supported, 243; Royal, 264; of the United Kingdom, 265; of Scotland, 264; granted by the Lord Lyon, 237 "Supports, Les," 244 Surcoat, 153, 192 Surmounted, 153 Surrey, Earl of, 162, 207 Swan, 81, 153, 251 Sweden: Arms, 269 Sword, 153 Swyneborne: Arms, 17 Sykes: Arms, 72 Symbolical Expression and Record ancient and universal, 5
Tabard, 130, 154 Talbot: Badge, 224 Tanfield, 215 Tapestry, Bayeux, 5 Tau Cross, 55, 226 Tawke: Arms, 154 Tax on "Armorial Bearings," 313 Teck, Arms of, 270 Templars, Order of, 276; their Banner, 13, 276 Templars, Barristers of the Temple, 276 Temple Church, London, 15; at Beverley Minster, 107 Tenent, 154, 244 Tenne, Tawny, 42, 154 Tetlow: Arms, 23 Tey: Motto, 139 Thistle, 68, 154, 228; Order and Insignia of the, 280 Thomas of Woodstock, Duke of Gloucester, 148, 181, 232, 235 Thomas, Duke of Clarence, 181 Thorpe, Sir E. de: Helm and Crest, 215 Throne: heirs apparent, 227 Through, 54 Tierce, In Tierce, Per Tierce, 155 Tiles, Encaustic, 323 Timbre, Timbred, 154, 155 Tinctures, 40, 155; Law of, 43, 46; Blazoning in, 47; Change of, for Cadency, 182 Tiptoft, John, Lord: Seal, 215 Titles, 31 Tong, 217 Torse, 113, 155 Torteau, Torteaux, 72, 155 Tower, Turret, 155 Transposed, 155 Trefle, or Botone, 56, 155 Trefoil, 155 Treille, Trellis, 71, 155 Tremaine: Arms, 75 Tressure, 66, 67, 155; impaled and quartered, 170; incorrectly blazoned, 317 Tricked, In Trick, 42, 155 Trippant or Tripping, 80, 81, 155 Triton, 155 Trivet, 155 Trompintoun, Trumpington, Sir R. de, 17, 155 Trotton: Brass at, 110, 169 Trumpet, 155 Trumpington: Brass at, 17, 158 Trussed, Trussing, 155 Trussell, Tressell: Arms, 71 Trusses, 81 Tryvett: Arms, 155 Tudor, Arthur: Badge, 130, 233 Tudor, Margaret, 170 Tudor: Badge, 144; Livery Colours, 135; Rose, 156, 228 Tun, 148, 156 Tyndall: Crest, 146 Tyndalls, 141 Tynes, 81, 156
Ufford, Sir Ralph de: Arms, 164, 186 Ulster, Badge of, 104. See Baronet and Herald Ulster, William, Earl of, 163 Ulster King-of-Arms, 131, 308 Unde, Undy, 35, 156 Unguled, 80, 156 Unicorn, 91, 156, 264, 265 "Union Jack," 54, 156, 252; the First, 253; the Second, 253, 254 Union Device, 102, 205 United Kingdom: Supporters, 265 Unmarried Ladies: Arms, 173 Urde, 57 Uriant, 82, 156
Vair, 41, 42, 156 Valence, De: Arms, 163, 168, 323 Dimidiating Claremont Nesle, 168 Valence, Earl William de, 45, 53, 77, 217; Earl Aymer de, 163 Vandalia: Arms, 269 Vane. See Fan Varied Fields, 42, 59 Vavasour, William le, 51 Vele, De: Arms, 76 Vere, De: Motto, 138 Vere, Robert de, 136, 206 Verley, Sir Philip de, 96 Vernon, Sir William, 217 Vert, 41, 48, 156 Vervels, Vervals, 156 Vesci, William de, 56 Vested, 156 VICTORIA, QUEEN: Arms, 263 Victoria Cross, 293 Victoria, H.R.H. Princess, 271 Victorian Order, 291 Victoria and Albert, Order of, 294 Villiers, de L'Isle Adam, Phillippe de, 57, 275 Viscomes, 156 Viscount, Viscountess, 156 Vivre, 157 Voided, 55, 157 Vol, 96, 157 Volant, 81, 82, 157 Volunteers: Motto and Flag, 256; Decoration, 294 Vulned, 157 Vulning, 81
Wachesham, Sir G. de: Arms, 201 Wadesles, Wadsley, De: Arms, 147 Wake: Arms, 51, 179; Sir J., 202 Wake Knot, 133, 157 Waldegrave: Arms, 14 Wales, Native Princes of, 83 Wales, the Princes of, always K.G., 278; also Earls of Chester, 195 Wales, H.R.H. The Prince of: his Armorial Insignia, 269, 270; his Label, 134, 178; his Coronet, 139; his Badge, 231; his eldest son's Label, 270 Wales, Princess of, 270 Walford, Mr., 9 Walled, 157 Waltone, De: Arms, 68 Warkworth, 322 Warrenne, De, the Earls: Arms, 43, 45, 199 Warwick, the Earls of, 56; Arms and Seals, 95, 169, 171, 183, 319 Water Bouget, 157 Wattled, 157 Wavy, Unde, 35, 157 Wedone, Sir R. de: Arms, 202 Welles: Arms, 72 Wellington, the Duke of: Arms, 23; Supporters, 91; Augmentation, 102, 156, 204 Westminster Abbey, Heraldry of, 19, 26, 53, 68, 92, 111, 169, 286, 322 Westminster Hall, Heraldry of, 27, 91, 215, 259 Westphalia: Arms, 262 Weylande, Sir N. de, 202 Wheathamstede, John de, Abbot of St. Albans, 75, 147, 323 Wheathampstead Church, Brass at, 79 Wheat-Sheaf. See Garbe Wheel, Catherine Wheel, 157 White Ensign, 256 Whitworth, Shield at, 14 Widow, Widower: Arms, 173 Wife and Husband, Marshalling their Arms, 171 William I., 329; Arms, 18, 88, 258 William II.: Arms, 88, 258; Badge, 227 William III. and Mary: Arms, 260 William III.: Arms, 262 William IV.: Arms, 263 Winchelsea: Seal of the Mayor of, 168 Windsor Herald, 130 Windsor, St. George's Chapel, 171 Wingfield: Arms, 17 Winnowing Fan. See Fan Wings in Crests, 212 Woodstock, Duke Thomas of, 181, 232; Badge, 149 Worcester, Charles, Earl of, 190; Henry, Earl of, 189, 190; John, Earl of, 215 Worcester Cathedral, 230, 323 Wortele, Worteley, De: Arms, 197 Wreath, Orle, Crest-Wreath, Wreathed, 157 Wyllers, De: Arms, 66 Wyndesor, Wm. de: Seal, 214, 242 Wynford, the Baron: Supporters, 99 Wyvern, Wivern, 72, 157
Yarborough, Countess of, 331 Yarmouth, Great: Arms, 168 Yngelfeld, Sir R. de: Arms, 202 York, Dukes of, 179 York, Archbishop of: Arms, 101 York, Rose of, 149, 228; Collar of, 110; Livery Colours of, 135 York Cathedral, Heraldic Glass at, 92 York Herald, 130
Zouche, de La: Arms, 72; Differenced Arms, 186
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Punctuation in the Index and in Figure captions has been silently regularized, and invisible periods (full stops) have been supplied. Inconsistent hyphenization is as in the original.
Author of "The Monumental Brasses of England," [England,'] [Contents] Earliest Heraldic Shields and Banners ["Earlies Heraldic" with invisible t] a fine shield of the thirteenth century in Westminster Abbey [Westminister] 7. _Potent_ (note different shape of divisions) [_Potent_) note] thus, the Arms of the Earl de WARENNE are _Cheque or and az._ [elsewhere spelled "Warrenne"] _armes parlantes_ (see p. 16) [p. 15] It is a very common error to overload heraldic blazoning with commas ["commas" here means "inverted commas", i.e. apostrophes] for DE HEMENHALE, No. 79,— [No, 79] _Az., billette, on a canton or a raven ppr._ [Here and in a few other passages, a term is used before it has been defined.] _Arg., alion rampt. gu., crowned or [gu. crowned]
[Glossary] Buckle. See Fermaile. [elsewhere spelled "fermail"] Saltire. An ordinary, in form a diagonal cross: Nos. 120, 121, 122. [Nos. 120, 121. 122.] famous as the sinister supporter of the Royal Shield of England. [of England,] extend to the becoming heraldic declaration and record [text unchanged: error for "becoming the..."?]
[Four consecutive illustrations are captioned "No. 330." (See text.)] Abordure compone may, indeed, be used [compone] Sir WM. KIRKETOT— [Sir.] impaled in the sinister half of his Shield [sinster] The Arms of the Lyon Office I have already given, No. 266. [printed "265" corrected by unknown hand]
[Index: Heraldry] Canting, 16; ["Cantin , 16" with invisible g]
"Fig(s)." in text has been regularized to "No(s)." in the following:
No. 35. ... (See No.87.) [(See Fig. 87.)] gyronny (No. 147) ... Nos. 30 and33 [(Fig. 147) and Figs.] when the piles are intended to converge, as in No. 128 Eagles and Hawks with expanded wings, as in No. 206 The CREST ... vide No. 441 The INSIGNIA ... shown in No. 435.