GENEALOGIES, the Records of the Descents and Alliances of Families, are necessarily associated with the Armorial Ensigns borne by those Families, and by the several Members and Branches of them. Still, it does not apparently follow, in the same manner, as a matter of necessity, that the study and investigation of Genealogies should be interesting and even attractive, because interest and attractiveness are inseparable from Heraldry. And yet, Ido not hesitate to claim for genealogical researches the favourable regard of students of Armory, on the very ground of the interest which they are certain to feel in such researches; and also in confident reliance on that inherent power of attraction, inseparable from the subject itself, that will not fail both to win their favourable regard, and to lead them on from one inquiry to another.
The very act of tracing up some eminent and illustrious personage, from generation to generation of his forefathers, noting down the alliances that have interwoven one thread of a brilliant line with others not less lustrous; or, the reverse of this process, the following the lineage of some worthy of the olden time onward down the stream, observing both the tributaries that flow into the main channel and the streamlets that issue from it—all this, when once it has been systematically undertaken, leads the student through the most picturesque regions of historical romance.
The popular idea of Genealogy may be, that it consists in placing in a formal order of arrangement a series of dry names, connected with dates that (if it be possible) are even more dry. It is not uncommon to dispose of many things precisely in the same way, when an opinion is formed without even the slightest attempt to judge of a question by its true merits—it is so easy to decline the trouble and to avoid the effort attendant on inquiry and investigation, and so pleasant to become the possessor of an "opinion" and "views," without any outlay in acquiring them. AMap has no value in the estimation of those who ignore Geography: the claims of Archology are disregarded by all who are content to remain in ignorance even of what it implies: and History itself becomes and continues to be a dead letter, so long as an acquaintance is formed only with the exterior of its volumes. And, in like manner, Genealogy appears under a very different aspect to those who know it only by name, and to lovers of Biography and History who are familiar with its lucid and yet ever suggestive guidance. Without written Genealogies, who can clearly understand the political and historical position of the rival Princes of the red and white Roses; or of HENRYVII. and the "last of the Plantagenets"; or of Queens ELIZABETH TUDOR, MARY STUART, and JANE GREY? Or who, without similar aid, will follow out the fortunes of the Houses of BEAUCHAMP and NEVILLE and DUDLEY, and connect them with the existing noble lord of Warwick Castle; or, when reading of the DE CLARES, the BOHUNS, or the PERCIES, will see at a glance the connection between "STRONGBOW" and the "red Earl GILBERT," or will understand the significance of the white swan Badge of the STAFFORDS, or will read at sight the quartered Shield of the Duke of NORTHUMBERLAND, of to-day, and will discern the line that connects the living Earl PERCY with the "HOTSPUR" whose fame was two centuries old when SHAKESPEARE wrote of him? And further, who, that is unable to accomplish such things as these, can appreciate History, can enjoy it and apply its lessons aright?
In arranging a Genealogy the utmost conciseness is essential, all details being left for full description elsewhere. All the members of the same family are placed side by side, on the same level, in their order of seniority; and all are connected by lines with one another and with their parents. Successive generations also, throughout all the branches of any family, or in allied families, have their places on the same levels; and the connecting and distinguishing lines are continued throughout. Examples of Genealogies treated in the most scientific and yet simple manner, easy to be understood, and perfect as models for students, may be obtained in any Part of the Herald and Genealogist, formerly edited by the late Mr. J.G. NICHOLS, F.S.A., Parliament Street, Westminster. Irefer to this excellent Periodical, because it is not possible for me here in the space at my disposal to set forth a really useful example of a Genealogy: and, Imust add, because it is most desirable that students of Heraldry should form such an acquaintance with Mr. Nichols, as may be acquired through his works. Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, now edited by Mr. W.B. BANNERMAN, is another Periodical, which ought to be in the hands of all Genealogists.
In Genealogies, this mark = denotes alliance by marriage, and it is placed between the names of a husband and wife: and the lines that proceed from this mark, thus,
= / /
point out their issue. The initials S.P. (of the Latin words Sine Prole, "without issue") show where a line or a branch ceases. Other abbreviations and signs in general use will suggest their own signification.
As I began this Chapter with quotations, so with a quotation I conclude it. "There are some persons," writes Mr. LOWER, in his "Curiosities of Heraldry" (p. 292), "who cannot discriminate between the taste for pedigree" (or genealogy) "and the pride of ancestry. Now these two feelings, though they often combine in one individual, have no necessary connection with each other. Man is said to be a hunting animal. Some hunt foxes; others for fame or fortune. Others hunt in the intellectual field; some for the arcana of Nature and of mind; some for the roots of words, or the origin of things. Iam fond of hunting out a pedigree." And, gentle reader, when you have joined the chase genealogical, Ipromise you, so also will yoube.
The College of Arms— The Lyon Office of Scotland— Grants of Arms— Tax on "Armorial Bearings," and on "Arms Found"
"They were conspicuous for judgment, experience, learning, and elegance; they gained honour wherever they were employed." —NOBLE, History of the College of Arms.
"What is your Crest and Motto?—Send name and county to ——'s Heraldic Office. For plain Sketch, 3s. 6d. In heraldic colours, 6s." —Morning Newspapers.
I. The HERALDS OF ENGLAND, who before had been attached to the Household either of the Sovereign or of some Personage of exalted rank, were incorporated as a Fraternity by RICHARDIII., aPrince whose historical reputation is by no means in harmony with that early act of his reign, which has done such good service to English History—the Foundation and Establishment of the COLLEGE OF ARMS, or, as it is commonly called, the HERALDS' COLLEGE.
The Letters Patent, issued for this purpose by RICHARD III., bear date March the 2nd, 1483, the first year of his reign. Very important privileges and immunities, with high powers and authority, were granted to the incorporated Heralds: and the "right fair and stately house," called "Pulteney's Inn," situate in the metropolitan parish of All Saints, was assigned to them as their permanent official residence. The Charter granted to the Heralds by the last Plantagenet Sovereign was confirmed by his successors.
The buildings of the College were destroyed by the great fire of 1666; but all the records and documents fortunately escaped, having been removed to Whitehall; and the edifice was subsequently rebuilt, chiefly at the cost of the Heralds themselves, where it now stands between St. Paul's Cathedral and the Thames. There, in the College of Arms, are still carefully preserved all that the early Heralds recorded and transmitted to our times. There, not the least valuable of the contents of the College, an unique Library is in the keeping of Guardians, who understand its true uses, as they appreciate its preciousness. And there also the Headquarters of English Heraldry are as duly established, as those of the British Army are at the Horse Guards in Whitehall.
The great change that has come upon London since the Heralds rebuilt their official home, has already caused some structural alteration in the building, and has resulted in the College of Arms now appearing out of place in its original position in the City. Other changes, which follow in such rapid succession in that busy neighbourhood, render it by no means improbable that the site of their College may be required for some great "City improvement"; and so the Heralds may be constrained to establish themselves in the more congenial regions of the metropolitan "far west." This, as I am disposed to consider, is one of those consummations that are devoutly to be desired.
The times have been in which Heraldry could not number amongst its true friends the official Heralds of the College of Arms: but, happily, avery different, and in many most important respects a thoroughly satisfactory condition of things now obtains at the College. So far as the Heralds are concerned, as a body of learned, accomplished, and courteous gentlemen, Heraldry now is admirably represented amongst us, and faithfully supported. What still is deficient in the existing constitution of the College of Arms, as a National Institution, is adaptation to existing circumstances, sentiments, and requirements. It is but a truism to assert that, as a National Institution, the College of Arms does not fill its proper position: and, to all who are familiar with the facts of the case, it is equally obvious that this is simply because the College does not vindicate its indisputable title to that position which really is its own.
Heraldry is decidedly popular. This popularity also is assuming a more practical, and at the same time a more enduring form, through gradually becoming the result of a correct appreciation of the true character of Heraldry, and of its intrinsic value. At a time in which people are beginning to feel and to admit that they ought to know something about Heraldry, the College of Arms ought to take the lead in making Heraldry still better understood, still more justly appreciated, still more popular. The time, also, is indeed come in which it is the bounden duty of the College of Arms to impress upon the community at large, that the sole source and fountain-head of authority in all matters armorial, under the Sovereign, centres in itself. This is to be accomplished by the same process, and only by the same process, by which the College of Arms may win for itself thorough popularity and universal confidence. If the College requires fresh or increased powers, application to that effect should be made to the Legislature. The Heraldry of Scotland has been dealt with by Parliament: and it would be equally easy to obtain such a statute as would enable English Heraldry to do justice to itself, while fulfilling its own proper duties.
Without abating or compromising in the slightest degree its own dignity or the dignity of Heraldry, the College of Arms requires to be transmuted from an exclusive into a popular Institution. It requires, not indeed to have its object and aim and system of action changed, but to have them expanded, and expanded so widely as to comprehend all the heraldic requirements of the age. This is a subject of too urgent importance not to be noticed here; but still, it is not possible to do more than to notice it in very general terms.
Upon one specific point, however, a few plain words may be spoken without hesitation, and may be left by themselves without comment. The Fees and Charges of all kinds for granting, matriculating, confirming, and recording the rightful possession of armorial Insignia must be arranged upon a perfectly fresh system, with such provisions and modifications as may adapt them to every variety of circumstance and of requirement. This is a question which can be regarded only from one point of view by every true lover of Heraldry, and consequently by every true friend of the College of Arms.
II. The National Heraldic body in Scotland, entitled the LYON OFFICE, is under the presidency of the Lyon King of Arms. The Chief of the Scottish official Heralds from May 1796 to a recent period had been a Peer of that realm; and the duties of the office, accordingly, had been discharged for seventy years by a Lyon Depute. But, on the death of the Earl of KINNOUL, in February 1866, it was determined to remodel in some respects the arrangements of the Lyon Office; and Mr. GEORGE BURNETT, who had long been "Lyon Depute," was appointed by Her Majesty to be "Lyon King." He has been succeeded by Sir J. BALFOUR PAUL. The Arms of the Lyon Office I have already given, No. 266.
The action of the Scottish Lyon King of Arms, and of the Institution over which he presides, after having degenerated from the worthy standard of earlier days, has revived under far happier conditions, and with prospects that are eminently gratifying. It may be fairly expected, indeed, that the most salutary results will be produced by the very decided "tendency" that for some time has existed, "to cultivate the rules and principles of that earlier age, to which"—writes Mr. Seton—"we are indebted for a system of Scottish Heraldry, whose purity certainly has not been surpassed in any other corner of Christendom." These words occur in a highly interesting memoir of the Lyon Office, in the fourth chapter of the work entitled "The Law and Practice of Heraldry in Scotland," an able and admirable volume, published in 1863 in Edinburgh, which shows the growing popularity of a true Heraldry north of the Tweed, and proves that in the author, Mr. Seton, Scottish Heraldry possesses an advocate no less powerful than zealous and judicious.
III. Arms and Armorial Insignia are granted only through the College of Arms in England, and through the Lyon Office in Scotland, in both realms with the direct sanction of the Crown expressed in England by the Earl Marshal. In Ireland all Grants are made by Ulster King of Arms with the same sanction.
It is to be observed and kept in remembrance that the sole right to Arms is a Grant from the College or the Crown, or Inheritance by lineal descent from an ancestor to whom a Grant was made or in whom a right to bear Arms has been officially recognised and registered by the Crown.
All "Grants" and "Confirmations of Arms" (Confirmations, that is, of the Claims of certain individuals to bear certain Arms, by some uncertain right and title duly set forth and approved and thereafter legalised by the Crown) are formally and regularly recorded, with a full blazon of the insignia, at the College or Offices of Arms.
It is very greatly to be desired that, in addition to this time-honoured usage of the Heralds in making these records, some simple plan could be adopted for the periodical registration at the College of Arms of all armorial insignia that are borne by right. Almost equally desirable, also, it would be to make a corresponding registration, as far as might be possible, of whatever insignia are borne without any right. The contents of both registers would form unquestionably useful publications of a periodical character. In connection with any such project as I have just suggested, it appears to me that good service might be rendered to the cause of true Heraldry amongst us, if Badges and Mottoes (without any other insignia whatever) were formally granted by the College, under certain conditions, and at the cost of a small Fee.[9]
[Footnote 9: I leave this sentence as it has hitherto stood in the book. Badges are now granted and recorded, but a prior right to arms is required. —A.C.F.-D. 1908.]
In new Grants of Arms, as in so many formal documents, something of the early form of Expression, with some traces of its piquant quaintness, are still retained. Very quaint indeed, and very extravagant also, is the style that was generally adopted by the Heralds of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, and yet characteristic of both the men and their times. As an example of one of these old documents, an example of no common interest in itself, Inow give the Grant of Arms to JOHN SHAKESPERE, the Poet's father, in the year 1596. Two draft copies of the original Grant are preserved in the College of Arms; the following transcript is printed from the later of the two copies, the earlier having been used to supply any word or passage that now is wanting in the other. The insertions thus obtained are printed in brackets.
[Transcriber's Note: All brackets except footnote references are in the original. Letters in braces {} ("curly brackets") were printed as superscripts.]
To all and singuler Noble and Gentelmen of what estate [or] degree bearing arms to whom these presentes shall come, William Dethick alias Garter principall King of Armes sendethe greetinges. Know yee that, whereas by the authoritie and auncyent pryveleges perteyning to my office from the Quenes most excellent Ma{te} and by her highnesse most noble and victorious progenitors, Iam to take generall notice and record and to make declaration and testemonie for all causes of arms and matters of Gentrie thoroughe out all her Majestes Kingdoms, Domynions, Principalites, Isles, and Provinces, To th' end that, as manie gentelmen, by theyre auncyent names of families, kyndredes and descentes, have and enjoye certeyne enseignes and cotes of arms, So it is verie expedient in all ages that some men for theyr valeant factes, magnanimite, vertu, dignites, and desertes, may use and beare suche tokens of honour and worthinesse, whereby theyre name and good fame may be the better knowen and divulged, and theyre children and posterite in all vertu (to the service of theyre Prynce and Contrie) encouraged. Wherefore being solicited and by credible report informed that John Shakespeare of Stratford uppon Avon in the counte of Warwik, whose parentes and late antecessors[10] were for theyre faithefull and va[leant service advaunced and rewarded by the most prudent] prince King Henry the Seventh of [famous memorie, sythence which tyme they have continewed at] those partes, being of good reputacion [and credit; and that the] said John hathe maryed [Mary, daughter and one of the heyrs of Robert Arden, of Wilmcote, in the said] counte, esquire.[11] In consideration whereof, and for the encouragement of his posterite, to whom such Blazon [or Atchevement] by the auncyent custome of the lawes of armes maie descend, Ithe said Garter King of Armes have assigned, graunted and by these presentes confirmed this shield or cote of arms, viz. Gould, on a bend sables a speare of the first, steeled argent; and for his crest or cognizance a falcon, his winges displayed, argent, standing on a wrethe of his coullors, supporting a speare gould, steeled as aforesaid, sett upon a helmett with mantelles and tasselles as hath ben accustomed and dothe more playnely appeare depicted on this margent. Signefieng hereby, and by the authorite of my office aforesaid ratifieng, that it shalbe lawfull for the sayd John Shakespeare gent. and for his cheldren, yssue and posterite (at all tymes and places convenient) to bear and make demonstracion of the said Blazon or Atchevement uppon theyre Shieldes, Targets, Escucheons, Cotes of arms, Pennons, Guydons, Ringes, Edefices, Buyldinges, Utensiles, Lyveries, Tombes or Monumentes, or otherwise, for all lawfull warrlyke factes or civile use and exercises, according to the lawes of armes, without let or interruption of any other person or persons for use or bearing the same. In witnesse and perpetuall remembrance hereof I have hereunto subscribed my name, and fastened the seale of my office endorzed with the signett of my armes, At the Office of Armes, London, the xx. daye of October, the xxxviij. yeare of the reigne of our Soveraigne Lady Elizabeth, by the grace of God Quene of England, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faythe, etc. 1596.
[Footnote 10: Above the word antecessors is written Grandfather.]
[Footnote 11: Gent. was first written, and it is altered to esquire.]
Like other documents of its class, in this Grant the language is framed after certain regular forms; so that it is to be read without that exact observance of particular expressions, which is rightly bestowed upon legal and historical records. The interest inseparable from this Grant is enhanced in no slight degree by the strong probability that John Shakespere made his application to the College of Arms by the advice and in consequence of the request of his son. Had the worthy Garter been able to divine the "dignities and desertes" of the son, he might possibly have employed formal language of a still more complimentary character, when drawing up a Grant of Arms for the father.
A much more curious specimen of the heraldic style and form of expression (and also of the spelling) of the earlier days of the Queen ELIZABETH era, is a Grant of Augmentation and Crest, by LAWRENCE DALTON, Norroy King of Arms, to JOHN BENNETT, of Newcastle-on-Tyne, Gentleman, A.D. 1560. The Preamble to this Grant, which is printed in full in Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica (p. 48), is thus written:—
To All and Singuler as well nobles and gentles as kings herauldes and officers of Armes as others w{ch} thes presentes shall see Reade or heare Lawrence Dalton Esquire Al's Norrey Kinge of Armes of thest and west p'tyes of Englande fro the Ryver of trent northwarde Sendythe Due and humble comendacons and greatinge fforasmuche as awncyentlye fro the begynnynge and not w{th}owt great Delyberacon Equitie and Reason hyt hathe byn by the moste noble and famous princes Constytutyd and ordeynyd that men of wysdom knoledge vertue and of noble lyefe and Coorage haue byn notoryowslye commendyd to the Woorlde w{th} Sonndrye monumentes and Remembrances w{th} tokens of honnor for A testamonye of theyre good Desertes As Amonge the Romayns y{e} Erecc'on of Statues and Images w{th} tytles and Appellac'ons of honnour And of more latre Dayes w{th} the moste p'te of nac'ons bearinge of Signes and tokens in Shyldes callyd Armes w{ch} be the Demonstrac'ons and Evidences of noblenes vertue and woorthynes that to eu'ry man accordinge to theyre Desertes be Dyu'slye Dystrybutyd Wherby such signes and tokens of the woorthye and cooragyous might appeare before the cowarde vnwoorthye and Ignorant Even so yt ys yet obs'vyd that suche w{ch} have merytyd or donne com'endable s'vice to theyre prince or countrye or by theyre woorthye and Lawdable lyefe Do Daylye encrease in vertue wysdom and knowledge shulde not be forgoten and so put in oblyvyon but rewardyd w{th} som token of honnor for the same the Rather to move and styrre other to the Imytac'on of lyke noblenes vertue and woorthynes ffor w{ch} purpose hyt was not therefor w{th}owt great provydence ordeynyd and yet ys that there Shulde be officers and herauldes of Armes to whose office hyt shulde be appropryate to kepe in Regestre tharmes pedegrees and Descentes of nobles and gentles w{th} theyre woorthye and valyant actes and to have power and awethorytye to allowe and Ratefye vnto the woorthye Som awgmentac'on token or Remembrance of noblenes for theyre seyde woorthynes And now beinge Desyryd—
And so forth, worthy Mr. Norroy having forgotten such "signes and tokens" as stops, while carefully showing what style and form it is not desirable for us to adopt, however excellent may be his system of building up honourable insignia upon a foundation of nobleness, virtue, and worthiness.
I add one other early document of another kind, which is an excellent model for present use by the Heralds of our own days, the orthography having by them been duly corrected.
EXAMPLE OF A CONFIRMATION OR RECORD OF ARMS:— Theis are the anncient Armes and Creast, belonging to the name and famely of LEECHFORDE in the County of Surrey, descended from the LEECHFORDS in Buckinghamsheire. Which at the request of S{R} RICHARD LEECHFORDE of Shelwood in the County of Surrey Knight, IWILL'M SEGAR Garter, Principall King of Armes have blasoned, and sett forth in coullors, according as they are here depicted in the margent. Viz." (here follows a written blazon).... "Testifying hereby the saide armoryes to belong vnto the saide S{R} RICHARD LEECHFORD and to his yssue, to vse, beare, and shewe forth at all tymes, and in all places, at their free lib'ty and pleasure. In Witnes wherof....
&c. &c., with Seal and Signature, and the Date 3rd of JAMESI.
I presume that an argument in support of the abolition of all Taxation of "Armorial Bearings," on the plea of the utter absurdity of a tax upon an honourable distinction, would be met with the reply that "Armorial Bearings" are taxed purely as "luxuries," and without the slightest reference to their intrinsic character. If the validity of this plea must be admitted, still this tax might be levied with what may be styled a becoming heraldic discrimination.
For example:—Arms distinguished by "Augmentations of Honour" might be altogether exempted; ahigher rate might be fixed in the case of Arms that are ensigned with Coronets, and that display Supporters. Arms borne by unquestionable right, and which are duly recorded at the College, might be rated at a comparatively low charge, certainly not to exceed five shillings a year. On the other hand, all Arms or armorial insignia borne with a very questionable right, or without even the pretence of any right whatever, might be subjected to the ordinary tax for "Armorial Bearings" of their class multiplied (according to circumstances) by four, six, or ten.
The tax estimated by the aid of the multiplication-table, that has just been suggested, would extend, under a special schedule possessing a high multiplying power, to any self-constituted "Establishment" or "Office," which, powerless to "grant" Arms, undertakes—in consideration of a very trifling fee—to "find," and either to "sketch" or to "colour" them. Exceedingly simple is the process, by means of which this undertaking is accomplished. It consists in consulting a printed Armory; and, when the desired "Arms" have been "found" in its well-stored columns, they then at once are assigned to the applicant, in conformity with the comprehensive and beautifully simple theory, that all persons having the same surname and who also live (or were born) in the same county are equally entitled to bear the same Arms. Probably it does not occur to the patrons of advertising Heraldry-dealers, that upon precisely the same principle every person who has the same "name and county" with any officer who may be "found" in the Navy or the Army List, might assert a right to whatever rank and title such an officer may enjoy by virtue of his commission.
The almost universal desire to possess some kind of armorial insignia, implies a corresponding recognition of the necessity to obtain them from some Institution or Personage, supposed to be competent and authorised both to determine what they should be, and to impart a right to accept and to assume and bear them. It rests with the Heralds of the College of Arms to take the initiative in a course of action, which would direct all aspirants for heraldic distinctions, as a matter of course, to their own doors. The Heralds, who really are Heralds, and who alone are real Heralds, may rely on the support of Public Opinion. If a fictitious Heraldry is not only prevalent, but in some sense actually in the ascendant, it is not because the counterfeit is preferred to the genuine, but because it is unconsciously mistaken for it. In very many instances, indeed, adetermination to obtain "Arms" is coupled with an ignorance of Heraldry so complete, as to ignore the existence of any such thing as a Heraldry that is fictitious.
A popular College of Arms, without any serious difficulty, might establish its own authority with all classes of the community; and, at the same time, it would not fail to impress upon the public mind the very decided difference that exists between the heraldic and the non-heraldic acceptation of the expression—"an escutcheon of pretence." Much real good would certainly result from the rude shock that would be given to many a complacent display of armorial insignia, by showing the proud blazonry to be abated with the baton sinister of heraldic untruth and unwarrantable assumption. And better still it would be to show to all who possess, or who desire to possess and to bear "Arms," that the "Pride of Heraldry" is a worthy and a noble pride, because it is the Pride of Truth and Right.
MISCELLANEOUS:— Coins— Seals— Heraldry in Architecture; in Monuments; in Illuminations; in Encaustic Tiles— Heraldic Personal Ornaments, and various Heraldic Decorations— Conclusion.
"The Spandrels over the Wall-arcading are exquisitely beautiful... Those in the western arm contained Shields of a large number of the great men of the day ... the few which remain are nobly executed." —GLEANINGS FROM WESTMINSTER ABBEY, by G.G. Scott, R.A.: 2nd Edition, p.33.
I. The HERALDRY OF THE COINAGE, in addition to the Shields of Arms of successive Sovereigns, exemplifies the changes that have taken place in the form and adornment of the Crown, and it also is rich in various Badges and Devices having an historical significance.
In Coins the Royal Shield is sometimes quartered by a cross charged upon it, as in the silver penny of EDWARDVI. A medival ship, having a sail covered with heraldic blazonry, appears on the Noble—a coin worthy of its name. Afigure of the King in armour (not particularly well proportioned to the size of the vessel), his sword in one hand, and his Shield of arms in the other, is also represented in these fine examples of medival numismatic art. Aship without any sail, but in its stead charged with the Royal Shield heightened by a Cross, forms the reverse of another excellent coin, the Angel, the obverse bearing a figure of ST. MICHAEL with his lance thrusting down the dragon. The Angel of EDWARDIV. on either side of the Cross has the initial E and the white rose of York; and the legend is— PER : CRVCEM : TVA : SALVA : NOS : XTE : REDEMPT : ("By thy Cross save us, ORedeemer Christ!"). ACrowned Rose, with a Royal Cypher, is another favourite device; as in the Shilling of Henry VIII., with the legend— POSVI : DEV : ADIVTOREM : MEVM : ("I have placed God (before me as) my helper").
Such are a few examples of the early Heraldry of English Coins. More recently, and particularly in our own Coinage, Heraldry and Art have declined together, so that feeble designs, but too commonly executed with lamentable consistency, are associated with heraldic inaccuracies which continue uncorrected to this day—witness the tressure of Scotland often incorrectly blazoned on the Royal Shield; and poor BRITANNIA, in her old position, sitting forlorn on the copper and bronze coinage, as if conscious of being constrained to display on her oval Shield an obsolete blazonry, that placed the reign of Queen VICTORIA in the eighteenth century![12]
[Footnote 12: The specimens of the existing Coinage of Europe, displayed at the Universal Exposition, at Paris, showed that if the art of the English Mint is now at a low ebb, the prevailing standard of numismatic art is not a single degree higher, the coins of France alone being in many respects an honourable exception to the general rule.]
II. To what has been already said on the value of heraldic SEALS I desire here to add a few words, in the hope of inducing all students of Heraldry to study them with the most diligent care.
Casts of fine impressions are not difficult to obtain. Almost every accessible fine Seal has been copied by Mr. Ready, of the British Museum, who supplies admirable casts at a very moderate cost. The Scottish Seals of the late Mr. H. Laing, of Edinburgh, were purchased on his decease by the authorities of the British Museum. The most satisfactory casts are made in gutta-percha, which may be gilt by simply rubbing a gold powder with a soft brush upon them, after slightly warming their surfaces. Moulds for reproducing casts or impressions may be made in gutta-percha; and from these moulds casts, also in gutta-percha, may be obtained. The process is very simple: the gutta-percha, softened by immersion in hot water, is pressed upon an impression in relief, until a perfect intaglio is formed. When this mould is cold and hard, it will stamp an impression upon gutta-percha softened in the same manner.
I add to the examples of fine heraldic Seals that I have already given, the richly traceried Seal bearing the armorial Shield of JOHN, Lord BARDOLF, of Wormegay in Norfolk, about A.D. 1350; No. 442. This most beautiful Seal, which in the original in diameter is only one and one-sixth inches, has been somewhat enlarged in the engraving, in order to show the design more plainly. The arms of BARDOLF are—Az., three cinquefoils or.
The liberality and kindness of Mr. Laing enable me to associate with the Seal of Lord BARDOLF a small group of additional examples of Scottish Seals: two of them are good illustrations as well of English as of Scottish Heraldry, and they exemplify the usage of introducing Gothic traceries into the composition of Seals with Shields of Arms: in both these examples, however, the leading outlines only of the traceries remain, and the rich cusping (which is so perfect in the Seal of Lord BARDOLF) is lost. No. 443, the Seal of WILLIAM MURE, A.D. 1397, has a Shield bearing—Arg., on a fesse az. three mullets of the field. No. 444, the Seal of THOMAS MONYPENY, A.D. 1415, has the Shield couche charged with Az., achevron between three crosses crosslets fitche issuing from as many crescents arg.: the Crest, on a helm, is a bird, probably a popinjay or parrot. The Seal of RICHARD STUART, No. 445, probably about 1350, may be compared with No. 414, p. 249: in the smaller and earlier example, the solitary individual who represents the crew may be assumed to be Richard Stuart himself; his vessel displays two banners which are evidently affected by contrary currents of air, and a pennon.
The noble Seal, No. 446 (see Frontispiece), engraved from a most perfect impression recently discovered appended to a document in the guardianship of the Dean and Chapter of Westminster, represents its illustrious owner, THOMAS DE BEAUCHAMP, K.G., third Earl of WARWICK, in armour, with his shield and jupon charged with the armorial insignia of Beauchamp (gu., afesse between six crosses crosslets or), and with the same insignia repeated upon the bardings of the charger upon which the Earl is mounted. The engraving of the Seal itself appears on the Frontispiece to this Volume: and the Counter-Seal, one of the most beautiful and most perfect examples in existence of the early seal-engraver's art, is here represented in No. 447. The Shield displayed on this Counter-Seal is charged only with the Arms of the NEWBURGHS (cheque or and az., achevron erm.), from whom the Earldom of Warwick passed by inheritance to the House of Beauchamp. The inscription is commenced on the Seal, No. 446, and continued on the Counter-Seal, No. 447, and is as follows:— S : THOE : COMITIS : WARRWYCHIE : ANNO : REGNI : REGIS : E : T'CII : POST : CQVEST[Vm] : ANGLIE : SEPTIO : DECIO : ET : REGNI : SVI : FRANCIE : QVARTO— "The Seal of Thomas, Earl of Warwick, in the seventeenth year of the reign of King Edward III. (of that name) after the Conquest of England, and the fourth of his reign over France." Thus, the date of the execution of this fine Seal is the year 1344. The Earl himself died in 1369.
A second Beauchamp Seal is also represented in the Frontispiece. This is the Seal of RICHARD DE BEAUCHAMP, K.G., fifth Earl of WARWICK, who died in the year 1439. The Heraldry in this example is particularly interesting. The Shield, charged with Newburgh and Beauchamp quarterly, is couche from the helm of the Earl which is ensigned with his coronet and crest; and on either side is a bear with a ragged staff, the famous Badges of the BEAUCHAMPS: No. 448 (see Frontispiece). The Inscription is— SIGILL : RIC : DE : BELLO : CAMPO : COMIT : WARWICH— "The Seal of Richard de Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick" (see pages 223 and 224).
III. In GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE Heraldry is always a consistent, beautiful, and most effective accessory. Indeed, so thoroughly is the spirit of Heraldry in harmony with the great Architecture which grew up in the Middle Ages, that Heraldry must be considered rather as an element of its nature than as an allied Art. Gothic Architecture is essentially heraldic; and hence, as well as from its elastic nature and its equally consistent and happy applicability to every use and requirement, it is peculiarly appropriate as our own national style.
From the earliest years of its existence as a definite Science, Heraldry is found to be most intimately associated with the Gothic Architecture of England: and happy it was for the early Heralds, that in their days the English Gothic was at work in the full strength of its first maturity. And this alliance was never interrupted, or permitted to decline from its original cordiality. As long as the Gothic flourished, Heraldry held its own place in Architecture. And in the finest works that exist amongst us, relics of the grand Gothic Ages of English Architecture, Heraldry is ever present to adorn them with its graphic records. In the spandrels of arcades, in panels, upon bosses in vaulting, in stained glass, in encaustic floor-tiles, and indeed in almost every position in which such ornamentation could be admissible, the early Herald is found to have been the fellow-worker with the early Gothic architect. Gothic Architecture, accordingly, has preserved for us very noble collections and specimens of the most valuable illustrations of our national Heraldry. Canterbury and York Cathedrals, and the Abbey Churches of Westminster and St. Alban's, with the Chapel of King's College, Cambridge, are especially rich in heraldic treasures: and Westminster Hall and the northern Castles of Alnwick and Warkworth may be specified as noble examples of secular Architecture, which retain their heraldic enrichments.
IV. Gothic MONUMENTS, and in common with them their successors of the Renaissance era, abound in every variety of armorial blazonry. And fine examples of heraldic Monuments are no less abundant, than are the Shields and other insignia that appear on particular memorials. The principles which directed the selection of Shields to be introduced into the composition of early Monuments are worthy of careful consideration: and the same remark is no less applicable in the case of Architecture. Imust be content to specify a very small group of heraldic Monuments of especial interest and value. In Westminster Abbey: the Monuments of Queens ALIANORE of Castile, PHILIPPA of Hainault, ELIZABETH TUDOR, and MARY STUART; the Monuments of King EDWARDIII. and King HENRYVII.; and those of ALIANORE DE BOHUN, Duchess of GLOUCESTER, the Countess of LENNOX, the Countess of DERBY, the two DE VALENCES, Earls of Pembroke, EDMUND, Earl of Lancaster, Lord BOURCHIER, and Sir GILES DAUBENEY, K.G. In Canterbury Cathedral: the Monuments of the BLACK PRINCE, and of HENRYIV. and JOANNA of Navarre. In Salisbury Cathedral: the Monument of Earl WILLIAM LONGESPE. In St. Alban's Abbey Church: the Monuments of HUMPHREY, Duke of GLOUCESTER, and of the Abbots WHEATHAMSTEDE and RAMRYGE. Also, other fine Monuments in the Churches at Elsyng in Norfolk, Ewelme and Northleigh in Oxfordshire, King's Langley in Hertfordshire, and Cobham in Kent; in Beverley Minster, and in the Beauchamp Chapel at Warwick.
V. In the ILLUMINATIONS of the Middle Ages Heraldry has a place of honour: and in the revival of that early Art, which is held in such high estimation at the present day, Heraldry ought to occupy a position of corresponding prominence. This implies in the Illuminators of to-day some knowledge of Heraldry, and at least some degree of familiarity with good early examples. Iventure to suggest, therefore, to students of Illumination the study both of the Herald's Art and his Science, as no unimportant part of their preparation for the practice of the Art of Illumination on the principle of the sagacious maxim of a great modern painter, quoted by Mr. RUSKIN in his "Seven Lamps of Architecture"—"Know what you have to do, and then doit."
VI. In the ornamentation of early ENCAUSTIC or INLAID PAVEMENT TILES, Shields of Arms and various heraldic devices frequently occur: and in many examples the Shields of Arms are arranged with much skill and in excellent taste, to form decorative compositions in combination with foliage and traceries. Numerous heraldic Tiles of a very interesting character remain in the Cathedrals of Worcester, Gloucester, and Exeter; and in the Churches of Great Malvern, King's Langley, the Abbey Church of St. Alban, and many others. The student will observe that the devices upon these Tiles are frequently reversed, evidently the result of the neglect to reverse the designs upon the original dies or stamps.
VII. Heraldic blazonry was highly esteemed in the Middle Ages as a becoming decoration for PERSONAL COSTUME. The Knights wore their Coats of Arms, and they carried and used their Shields of Arms, and their armorial insignia were displayed upon their weapons and upon the various accessories of their personal equipment. The Ladies adapted this usage to their own Costume, and they also wore Mantles and Dresses of Arms; and many of their personal ornaments were strictly heraldic. Without even suggesting now to our Ladies any revival of heraldic costume, properly so called—such as dresses, mantles, or shawls emblazoned with the bearings of armorial shields—I certainly do desire to see Heraldry exercising a powerful influence in all designs for personal ornaments, the works of the goldsmith and the jeweller more especially. Badges also may supply the motive for designing many patterns that are to adorn fabrics used for costume: and, in like manner also, the designs woven into carpets, curtains, and various other fabrics may be derived with the greatest advantage from the same source. The loom is employed in blazoning heraldic insignia in white damask: why should it not work, under judicious and cautious guidance, in silk and velvet, in satin and every woollen fabric?[13]
[Footnote 13: I have lately seen a design for the embroidery of a dress for a young lady of the Clan CAMPBELL; its characteristic features are the Scottish Thistle and the Myrtle, the latter the Badge of the Campbells. Imay express my approval of the motive of this design: others, as I have reason to believe, have approved the treatment of it.]
It must be understood, however, that heraldic ornaments and devices, unless they be of such a character that they are universally applicable, must have a reference to the wearer, or they degenerate at once into heraldic parodies. Personal ornaments, costume, furniture, if heraldic, must display devices that have a significance as well as a beauty: such costume and ornaments must be, not "becoming" only to the wearer, but (in the heraldic acceptation of that term) "belonging" also. And so in every instance.
For purposes of universal decoration and adornment, Heraldry is no less applicable now than when EDWARDIII. or HENRYIV. reigned in England. Happily, ataste for furniture and all the appliances of every-day life in the Gothic style is gradually becoming prevalent; and this is inseparable from the use of Heraldry for the purposes of ornamentation. Ipresume that the fallacy of regarding the Gothic style of Art as exclusively ecclesiastical in its associations and uses, or as no less necessarily inseparable from medival sentiments and general usages, is beginning to give way to more correct views, as the true nature of the Gothic and its original universal employment are better understood. Iconsider it to be unnecessary for me, therefore, to enter here, in support of my own sentiments, into any detailed explanations to show that the revival of a Style of Art which flourished in bygone ages, and with it the revival of Heraldry as it was invented and grew into its early dignity and popularity, are in no way or degree whatever connected with an implied return to the mode of life of four, five, or six centuries ago. We have used Roman and even what we intended to be Greek Architecture in nineteenth-century England; we are still in the habitual use of Roman and Greek designs for every variety of decoration; and of late we have added Egyptian and Scandinavian works of Art to the deservedly prized collections of models, that we have formed for the express purpose of imitating them: and yet we do not consider that we thus in any way bind ourselves to adopt Roman, or Greek, or Egyptian, or Scandinavian costumes or customs; nor in our use of the Arts of Antiquity do we perceive any demonstration of retrogression in ourselves.
It is the same with Medival Heraldry and Gothic Art. We may apply to our own times, our own uses, our own delight, what the old Heralds and the Gothic Artists have taught us, without even dreaming of wearing armour or re-establishing the feudal system. True Heraldry (for it is with Heraldry that I am now more especially concerned) is a Science, and it also is an Art, for all time—for our times, and for future times, as well as for the times that are past. If we understand and appreciate it, we shall not fail to use and to apply it aright.
From the initial-letter of my first Chapter I suspended the Shield borne by that Sir WALTER SCOTT, of Abbotsford, whose name will ever be a household word with every lover of what is chivalrous and knightly. Here I place the Seal, No. 449, of an earlier Sir WALTER SCOTT, of Branxholm and Kirkurd—a Knight of another branch of the same distinguished House, who differenced the Shield of Scott so as to bear—Or, on a bend azure a mullet and two crescents gold.
The Dignity of Earl— Of Baron— The Parliament of 1295— Landed Qualifications— Creation of the Title Duke of Cornwall— The Title of Marquis— The Premier Baron of England— The Peerage of Scotland— Scottish remainders— Daughter Inherits in her own right— Determination of an Abeyance— The Right to Create Peers of Ireland— Rights and Privileges of a Peeress— The Daughters of Peers— Anomalies of the English Scale of Precedence.
Although the name of the dignity of Earl is derived from a Saxon word, the dignity itself, like all others, is more Norman than Saxon in its character. At the period of the Conquest, and whilst the Norman dynasty was on the throne, there were a number of people who bore this title. At that time and for long afterwards, certainly well into the Plantagenet period, an Earl within his earldom was little short of a petty sovereign. Issues of justice and many other rights of regality were in his hands, and he occupied a position very much akin to a viceroy for the King, seeing that what he did he did in his own name and as Earl, or "comes," of the County. The High Sheriff was the "vice-comes." Some of the earldoms had more extensive rights of regality than others, some were actual palatinates, and all earldoms originally were honours in fee heritable by the heir-general. Earldoms had a territorial nature, and the Earl took his "third penny" in the issues of the Courts in his earldom.
The only other dignity at that period was that of Baron, and just as the Earls of to-day have little in common save dignity and title with the Earls of the past, so the Barons originally were very unlike the latest creations of modern Prime Ministers in the name of the King. At the Norman Conquest, and for long afterwards, the Barons, an indeterminate number, were those who held their land in barony.
It is a matter of much uncertainty at what date Parliament came into being. The word goes back to a much earlier period, and is used concerning a variety of meetings which are now generally regarded as meetings of different Councils and not of Parliament, but historians are agreed that whether or not any earlier meetings can be properly described as Parliaments, the Parliament of 1295 was properly and fully constituted in all its elements. To this Parliament all those who were personally summoned by the King in their own names and were not nominated or elected by other people are Peers, and of these Peers those who are not described as Earls are Barons. It should, however, be noted that Bishops and Abbots were summoned by right of the offices they held, and there are certain other officials who were summoned also because of their offices and could be distinguished from the Barons and Earls. There is no shadow of doubt that the reason for the summoning of the Barons was the fact that they were great subjects and important because of their ownership of land. It was landowners who had to provide the military services for the country, and Parliament was chiefly concerned, not in law-making, but in authorising and consulting as to military expeditions, or in providing the subsidies necessary for these expeditions, and the other services of the Crown. In addition to this Peers exercised some of the judicial functions of the Crown. But law-making was done by the King and his Council until a later period. The landed qualifications which justified the summoning of a man to Parliament as a Baron usually descended to his heir and similarly justified the summoning of that heir; and in that way, but without any intention to that end, the right of summons and the right of peerage became hereditary. Originally it had been arbitrary and at the discretion of the Crown. It was not until the reign of Edward IV. that the hereditary peerage character of a barony was fully recognised, and with that recognition came the divorce of the territorial idea from the right of peerage. Like ancient earldoms, ancient baronies were honours in fee heritable by the heirs general. Save that William the Conqueror was Sovereign Lord of the Duchy of Normandy and as such Duke, the dignity of duke did not exist in England until 1337, when Edward the Black Prince was created Duke of Cornwall with remainder to his heirs the eldest sons of the Kings of England. That was the creation of the title now enjoyed by the Prince of Wales, but this Duchy of Cornwall and the Duchy of Lancaster are really Duchies as distinguished from the Dukedoms enjoyed by other people having the designation of Duke.
The title of Marquis dates from 1386, when Richard II. created Robert de Vere Marquis of Dublin; and the title of Viscount from 1440, when the Viscounty of Beaumont was created. The first Barony by Letters Patent was created in 1387, but the oldest surviving barony by patent now in existence dates from 1448, when Sir John Stourton was created Baron and Lord Stourton of Stourton, co. Wilts. The present Lord Mowbray, Segrave and Stourton, who has inherited the barony of Stourton, also claims, as Lord Mowbray, to be the premier baron of England although the barony of Mowbray is placed on the roll of precedence after the baronies of Le Despenser and De Ros. Although earldoms were granted by charters from the earliest period, because, attached to the earldom, were also material rights which needed to be conveyed, patents did not come into use for baronies until it was desired to limit the succession of the peerage to the heirs male of the body of the grantee, which is a limitation and a less heirship than is comprised in the enjoyment of an honour in fee simple. Privilege of peerage with all it entails has been a slow growth of accretion; and save for place and precedence and the right of any peer or peeress to be tried in the House of Lords, and the now limited and threatened right of peers to legislate, little of privilege of peerage remains.
The peerage of Scotland is very similar to that of England, and, before the Union, the principal difference between the two countries was the persistency with which the Scottish peerage remained attached to the land. Until a late date a patent creating a Scottish peerage erected certain lands into a barony or earldom as the case might be, and entailed those lands with the dignity. The difference arising from this form of procedure was more than counterbalanced by the recognised and constantly-adopted procedure of resigning a Scottish inheritance into the hands of the Crown, and then obtaining what is known as a "Novodamus," with either the same or different limitations.
The many Scottish remainders, which are quite unknown to English peerage law, are all a consequence of this territorial nature of a Scottish peerage. One of the chief differences at the present time between an English and a Scottish peerage is to be found in those which are heritable by females. Unless governed by special remainder contained in the instrument of creation, aScottish peerage, which in the event of failure of a male heir devolves upon a female heir, differs from an English one in its manner of descent. In Scotland the elder daughter inherits as of right, standing in the line of heirship next after her youngest brother and before any uncle or a younger sister. On the other hand, such an inheritance is only known by virtue of a special remainder in England. All Baronies by writ are Baronies in fee in England, and heritable by the heir general, which means that they can if necessary devolve upon females. If the only child of a peer having such a peerage be a daughter she inherits in her own right, but if his issue is two daughters, then the peerage falls into abeyance between them, because under the law of England there is no seniority amongst daughters, and as both of them cannot enjoy one single peerage, neither of them has it, and it remains in abeyance until the Crown interferes or until by the natural course of events one line becomes extinguished by the extinction of all issue of the one daughter, when the peerage then at once devolves upon the heir of the other. Sometimes an abeyance will last several hundred years, sometimes it may end with the lapse of one or two; but at any time during the continuance of an abeyance the Crown may, at its entire pleasure, signify that any co-heir shall enjoy the peerage. This is what is termed the determination of an abeyance, and this is effected by the issue of a writ of summons to Parliament if the co-heir be a male or by the issue of letters patent in the case of a lady. The co-heir in whose favour the abeyance is determined then at once enjoys the peerage with the same designation and precedence as those who have held it hitherto, and his or her heir succeeds in due course.
Although there is one judgment to the contrary, it is now pretty universally admitted that there is no such thing as an Irish Barony by writ. With the union of England and Scotland, no further peerages of either country were created, and subsequent peerages were either of Great Britain or of Ireland; and it has been already judicially decided by the House of Lords that the power to create a Scottish peerage does not now exist in the Crown. There is no similar judgment in relation to a peerage of England, but the fact is that no attempt has since been made to create one, and though the point up to the present time still has to be decided, it is certainly a matter for argument whether or not such a right remains. Since the union of Great Britain with Ireland no further peerages of Great Britain or of England have been created, but the right to create peers of Ireland was specifically retained under certain conditions and has been constantly taken advantage of. Other peerages since created have, however, been of the United Kingdom. Whether or not we shall ever have peerages of the Empire remains a matter for the future.
Since the latter part of the seventeenth century it has been the custom for peers and peeresses in their own right to sign simply by the designation of their peerage. The peeress by marriage prefixes her Christian name or initials to her husband's title. It is statute law in Scotland, but not in England, that no person may sign his surname without prefixing a Christian name or initials. Apeeress by marriage who is also a peeress in her own right signs first her husband's title, adding her own afterwards; for instance, the signature of the Countess of Yarborough is Marcia Yarborough, Fauconberg and Conyers. One cannot call to mind in recent times any instances in which the peeress in her own right has married a peer of lower rank than her own, and until such a case occurs it is difficult to forecast what the signature should be. Apeeress by marriage after re-marriage loses all privilege of peerage and precedence, and all right which she acquired by marriage, but as a matter of courtesy she usually retains her peerage designation if her subsequent marriage is to a commoner.
The daughter of a peer if married to another peer takes the precedence of her husband and relinquishes her own, but she retains it if she marries a commoner; and one of the anomalies of the English scale of precedence is to be found in the following circumstances. If the two elder daughters of a Duke were to marry an Earl and a Baron respectively, whilst the youngest daughter were to run away with the footman, she would, nevertheless, rank as the daughter of a Duke above her sisters ranking as wives of an Earl and a Baron.
Abated, Abatement, 100, 207 Abbotsford, 1, 326 Abased, 100 Aberdeen, Earl of: Arms, 68 Abergavenny, Earl of: Arms, 187 Abeyance, 330, 331 Accolle, 100 Accosted, 100 Accrued, 82 Achievement, Achievement of Arms, 100 Addorsed, 86, 100 Admirals, 256; "Admiral of England," 250 Admiralty, Flag of, 256 schylus, 6 Affronte, 100 Aggroupment of Arms, 158, 163 Agnes de Percy: Seal, 160 Agnus Dei, as a Badge, 147, 276 Alant, Aland, 100 Albany, Duke of, 271 Albemarle, Earl of: Supporters, 92 Albert, H.R.H., the late Prince. See Prince Consort Albert Medal, 293 Alerion, 96, 100 Alianore de Bohun. See Bohun Alianore of Aquitaine: Arms, 259 Alianore of Castile and Leon: Arms, 162, 166; Monument, 322 Alianore, Daughter of Edward I., 77 Alice of Hesse, H.R.H., the Princess, 271 Alliance, Heraldic Record of, 159, 164; Feudal, 194 Allusive Heraldry, 15 Alnwick Castle, 322 Alphabet, the Letters of the, in Heraldry, 135 Aluminium, 47 Ambulant, 100 Angels, Heraldic figures of, 75; as Supporters, 75, 247 Anglo-Saxon Shields and Standards, 5, 55 Anglo-Saxon Sovereigns, Arms attributed to the, 18, 259 Anjou, Geoffrey, Count of, 188 Anjou, Queen Margaret of, 97 Annandale, Arms in, 198 Anne Boleyn, Queen, 229 Anne Stuart, Queen, 253; Arms, 260, 262; Badge, 229; Motto, 265 Annulet, Annulett, 72, 100, 101, 120; in Modern Cadency, 193 Antelope, 80, 101 Anthony, Saint; his Cross, 101, 154 Antique Crown, 101 Anvers, Sir T. de: Arms, 202 Appaume, 101 Aquitaine: Arms, 259 Archbishop, 101; Marshalling his Arms, 173 Archdeacon, L'Ercedeckne: Arms, 196 Arched, Archy, 101 Arderne, Sir J.: Arms, 201 Argent, 40, 101 Argyll, Duke of: Supporters, 91; Duchess of, 271 Arm, Armed, 80, 101, 102 Armagh, See of: Arms, 141 "Armes Parlantes," 16, 76, 102 Armorial Bearings, 39, 101; Tax on, 313 Armory, 2, 101 Arms, Shields and Coats of, 2; Aggroupment of, 158; Attributed, 18; Combination of, 158; of Community, 102; of Dominion, 102; of Heiress and Co-heiress, 170, 172; of Herald Kings, 173; of Husband and Wife, 167, 171; of Knight, 174; of Office, 102; Official, 174; of Parlante, 102; of Peeress in her own right, 173; of Prelate, 173; of Royal Personages, 174, 258; of Unmarried Lady, 173; of Widow and Widower, 173 Arms, Grants and Confirmations of, 308 "Arms found," 313 Arms, right to bear, 308 Arragon, Queen Catherine of: Arms, 229 Arrow, 102 Art, Heraldic, 24, 27, 326 Art, Gothic, 325 Artificial Figures and Devices in Heraldry, 78 Arthur Plantagenet, 190 Arthur Tudor, The Prince: Badge, 231 Arundel: Arms, 17, 203 Arundel, Fitz Alans, Earls of, 89, 191, 215 Arundel, Thomas Fitz Alan, Earl of, 118 Arundel, Radulphus de: Arms 191 Arundel, the Baron: Supporters, 92 Ascania, Bernhard of, 113 Ashton: Badge, 147 Ashwelthorpe: Monument, 215 Asscheby (Ashby), Sir R. de: Arms, 203 At gaze, 80, 81, 102; At speed, 81 Athole, Duke of: Supporters, 91 Attires, Attired, 81, 102 Attributed Arms, 18 Aubernoun, Sir J. d': Pennon and Arms, 143, 246 Augmentation, Augmented, 102 Augmentations of Honour, 204; by "Royal Favour," 206 Austria, The Emperor of, 97 Avellane, 57, 102 Aventinus, 6 Azure, 41, 47, 102
Badge, 102, 103, 175, 220; Varieties of, 221, 222; Examples of, 224, 241; marked for Cadency, 192, 226; in Seals, 164, 225; peculiarly appropriate for present use, 227; to supersede Crests, 218, 227; borne by Ladies, 277; Royal, 220; in Modern Heraldry, 309 Badge, of Ostrich Feathers, 230; of Garter, 278; of Thistle, 280; of St. Patrick, 281; of Bath, 283, 284, 285; of Star of India, 288 Badge, Yorkist, 121 Badges, granted and recorded, 309 Badges, worn by, 251 Badlesmere, Sir B. de: Arms, 202 Balliol: Arms, 66; Sir Alexander de, Seal, 103, 210 Balliol College, Oxford, 66 Bannebury, Sir R. de, 202 Branded 103 Banner, Armorial, 3, 103, 247; blazoning of, 39; made on field of Battle, 248; Royal, 266; marked for Cadency, 192, 252; on Seals, 239; at Sea, 250; of Leicester, 14; of Templars, 13, 276 Banneret, 103; creation of, 248 Bannerman, W. Bruce, 302 Bar, 51, 103; examples of, 201 Barbarossa, The Emperor, 113 Barbed, 103 Barbel, 77, 103 Barded, Bardings, 103 Bardoff: Arms, 182; John Lord, 318 Barkele. See Berkeley Barnacles, Breys, 103 Baron, 103, 104, 328; Baroness, 104 Baronet, 104 Barre, de: Arms, 103, 162; Joan de, 162, 224; Henry de, 162; John de, 77 Barrule, Barruly, 52, 104 Barrulet, 51, 106, 182 Barry, 52, 104 Barry Bendy, 60, 104 Bars Gemelles, 52, 103, 126 Bar-wise, 53, 104 Base, 33, 105 Basilisk, 105 Basinet, 105, 218 Basingborne, Wm. de: Arms, 70 Bassett: Arms, 62 Bat in Heraldry, 79 Bath Herald, 131 Bath, Order of the, 283; Knights of, 284; Companions of, 284; Insignia of, 284; Stalls of Knights, 286 Bath, Marquess of, 92 Baton, 105; Sinister, 190, 191 Battled, or Embattled, 105 Bayeux Tapestry, 5 Beacon, Fire Beacon, 105 Beaked, 105 Bear, in Heraldry, 76; Bear and Ragged Staff, 221, 321 Bearer, 105 Bearings, Armorial Bearings, 39, 105. See Arms Beasts, in Heraldry, 76 Beatrice, H.R.H., The Princess, 271 Beauchamp, Earl Richard de, 164, 171, 208, 319; his Badges, 221; at Jousts at Calais, 223 Beauchamp, Earl Thomas de, 169, 319, 320 Beauchamp, K.G., Earl Richard, 146 Beauchamp, of Warwick: Arms, 169, 171, 183; Badges, 146 Beauchamp, of Bletshoe: Arms, 183 Beauchamp, of Elmley: Arms 183 Beauchamp, at Carlaverock: Arms, 183 Beauchamp: Differences, 187 Beauchamp Chapel, the, at Warwick, 169, 187, 322 Beaufort: Arms and Differences, 189, 190, 192; Badge, 140, 233 Beaufort, Margaret de, 169, 170, 233 Beaufort, John de, 189, 190, 236 Beaufort, Henry de, 189 Beaumont, Bishop Lewis de: Effigy and Arms, 159 Beaumont, Sir J.: Crest, 216 Beaumont, Viscount, 329 Beausseant, 13, 276 Bec, Bishop Anthony, 56 Beckyngton, Bishop: Rebus, 147 Bedford, Isabelle, Countess of, 223 Bedford, John, Duke of, 181 Bedford, the Duke of: Supporters, 91 Bees, in Heraldry, 79 Beeston, Arms, 79 Bell, 105 Belled, 105 Bend, 58, 105, 191; Examples, 201; Sinister, 60 Bendlet, 58, 105, 191; in Cadency, 182; Sinister, 191 Bendwise, or Bendways, distinction between, 59 Bend-wise, In Bend, 59, 105 Bendy, 59, 105 Bennett, John: Grant of Arms to, 311 Bere, Sir de la: Crest, 206 Berham, Sir Wm. de, 202 Berkeley: Arms, 183, 196, 241; Badge, 138, 224, 241; Crest, 138, 241 Berkeroles, Sir Wm. de: Arms, 202 Bermyngham, Sir Wm. de: Arms, 201 Bernhard, of Ascania, 113 Beverley Minster, 27, 106, 159 Bezant, 71, 105; Bezantee, 72 Bilbesworth, Sir H. de: Arms, 97 Billet, Billette, 64, 70, 105 Birds, in Heraldry, 76, 105 Birds of prey, 80 Bird-bolt, 102, 105 Bishop, 105, 173 Bishops, Suffragan, 106 Black Prince, See Edward Blasted, 82, 106 Blazon, 31, 106; Epithets and Terms in, 80, 106; modern refinement of, 52 Blazoning, 31, 39, 45, 106; Descriptive, 46, 106; in Tinctures, 47 Blazonry, 31, 106 Blondeville, Ranulph de: Arms, 195 Blue Ensign, 256 Bluemantle, 130 Bluet, Sir Wm.: Arms, 202 Blundell: Arms, 65 Blyborough, Monument at, 106 Boar, in Heraldry, 106; Boar's Head, 76 Bohemia, the King of, 230 Bohun, De, Earl of Hereford: Arms, 59, 89; Crest, 91; Badge, 155, 164, 251 Bohun, Alianore de, 162, 169, 323 Bohun, Mary de, 153 Bohun, Earl Humphrey de, 59, 83 Bohun, Sir Gilbert de, 59 Bohun, Oliver de, 201, 225 Boleyn, Queen Anne: Arms, 207, 229 Bolingbroke, the Viscount: Supporters, 99 Bologne, Godfrey de, 96 Bordet, Sir R.: Arms, 202 Bordoun, Sir J.: Arms, 17, 106, 141 Bordure, 43, 68, 106; Examples, 26, 181; Quartered and Impaled, 169; Compone, 192; Wavy, 192; of France, 124 Bostock, Hugo: Arms, 97 Boterels, Sir R. de: Arms, 203 Botiler, Le: Arms, 50, 58, 115. See Butler Botone, Botone Fitche, 56, 106 Bottetourt: Arms, 241 Bottreaux, Margaret: Seal, 240 Bouget, Water Bouget, 106 Bourchier, Lord: Arms, 241, 323 Bourchier, Sir H. de: Arms, 110, 216 Bourchier Knot, 106, 133 Bourdon, 17, 106 Bow, Bowed, 107 Bowen Knot, 107, 133 Braced, 107 Bradestone, Sir T. de: Arms, 223 Brewys, Sir Wm. de, 187 Brey, Sir Reginald de: Badge, 60, 104 Breys, 107 Brian, Bryan, Sir Guy de: Arms, 62 Brittany: Arms, 14, 165 Brittany, John, Duke of, 163 Brivere, Sir W. de: Badge, 135, 138 Brisure, Brizure, 107 Bromesgrove, 217 Bronscombe, Bishop, 125 Broom-plant, 17 Brownlow, the Earl: Supporters, 92 Bruce, de: Arms, 161, 198 Bruce, Margaret, Lady de Ros: Seal, 164 Bruce, King Robert de, 150 Bruce, Robert de, Earl of Carrick: Seal, 224 Brunswick: Arms, 262 Brus, Sir Bernard de: Arms, 50 Buccleuch, Duke of: Difference, 191 Buck, 116 Buckle. See Fermail Burgh, de: Arms, 164 Burgh, Elizabeth de: Arms, 164 Burgh, Hubert de: Arms, 69 Burgh, William de: Arms, 163 Burgonet, 107 Burke, Sir B.: his "Peerage," 98 Burnett, George, Esquire, Lord Lyon, 307 Burton, Abbot: Rebus, 147 Butterflies, in Heraldry, 79 Buttons, Heraldic, 222 Bygod, Sir R., 202 Byron: Arms, 119
Cabossed, or Caboshed, 81, 107 Cadency, 107, 178; Marked, 179; Marks of, 107, 179; by Label, 179; by Bordure, 181, 192; by Bendlet, 181, 189; by Canton, 182, 191; by Change of Tinctures, 182; by Change of Charges, 182; by Small Charges, 182; by Official Insignia, 184; by Single Small Charge, 186; of Illegitimacy, 187, 192; Marked on Badges, Banners, Crests, Mantlings, Standards, and Supporters, 192, 22, 249; Modern, 193 Cadency, King Richard II. on, 200 Cadency, unpierced mullet, 139 Cadet, 107 Calais, Citizens of, 198 Calf, 76 Caltrap, 107 Calvary Cross, 55 Calveley: Arms, 76 Cambridge, H.R.H., the Duke of, 270 Camden, 139, 230 Camoys, Eliz., Lady, 169 Camoys, Thos., Lord de, 110, 169 Camoys, the Baron: Supporters, 92 Campbell: Arms, 71; Badge, 324 Canterbury: Arms of See, 141; Arms of Deanery, 135; Archbishop of, 101; Heraldry of the Cathedral, 236, 322 Canterbury, Wm. de Courtenay, Archbishop of, 184 Canting Heraldry, 16, 107 Canton, Cantoned, 64, 107; in Cadency, 180, 190 Canton and Quarter distinction, 65 Cantons, Chiefs and Inescutcheons of, 204 Canvyle, Sir G. de: Arms, 204 Caple, Sir R. de: Arms, 202 Carbuncle. See Escarbuncle Carew, Sir Nicholas: Arms, 89 Carlaverock, Roll of, 12, 258 Carlisle, 13 Carlisle, Earl of: Supporters, 92 Carnarvon, Earl of: Supporters, 92 Carrick, Earl o, 224 Carru, Sir N., 204 Cartouche, 37, 107 Castile and Leon: Arms, 17, 102, 166 Castile and Leon, Queen Alianore of, 166 Castile and Leon, Ferdinand III., King of, 166; Pedro, King of, 248 Castle, 102, 107 Castle-acre Priory, 44 Catherine, Queen, of Arragon, 229 Catherine Parr, Queen, 229 Cavalry Standards, 256 Cave: Motto, 138 Cavendish: Motto, 138 Celestial Crown, 107 Centaur, Sagittarius, 108, 258 Cercele, Recercele, 56, 108 Chaffinch, 76 Champagne: Arms, 124 Chandos, Sir P. de, 62; Sir John, 248 Chapeau, 108, 213, 215 Chaplet, 108 Charge, 38, 108; Miscellaneous, 70; Secondary, 183; Single Small, 186 Charlemagne: his Crown, 262 Charles I., 191, 279; Arms, 260; Badge, 229; Crown, 266 Charles II., 103, 192, 205, 279; Arms, 260; Badge, 229 Charles V., of France, 78, 122 Charlestone, Sir. J.: Arms, 96 Charteris, 139 Chartham, 120 Chastillon: Arms, 163, 168; Guy de, 163 Chaucer, Geoffrey, 200 Chaworth, De: Arms, 164; Matilda de, Seal, 164 Cheque, Chequy, Checky, 43, 108 Chess-rook, 109 Chester, County Palatine of, 195; Arms, 195, 267; Ranulph, Earl of, 195 Chester, Earls of, 195 Chester Herald, 130 Chevron, Chevronel, Chevronne, Chevrony, 61, 109; Examples, 203 Chief, 33, 49, 109; Examples, 201 Childrey, Brass at, 154 Chivalry, High Court of, 200, 201; Order of, 275 Cholmondeley: Motto, 139 Christchurch, Oxford, 236 Church-Bell. See Bell Cinquefoil, 109 Cinque Ports: Arms, 168 Civic Crown, 109 Clare, De: Arms, 61, 196; Badge 109 Clare, Gilbert de, the "Red Earl," 95 Clare, in Suffolk, 196 Claremont Nesle: Arms, 169 Clarence, Lionel, Duke of, 164, 180 Clarence, Thomas, Duke of, 181 Clarenceux, 109, 130, 131; Arms, 131 Clarendon, K.G., Earl of, 57 Clarendon, Sir Roger de: Arms, 191 Clarendon, the Earl of, Supporters, 99 Clarion, 109 Clasps, 290 Clechee, 57, 109 Cleveland, Duke of: Difference, 191 Clifford, Lord, 50, 51 Clintone, Clinton, Sir J. de, 50, 201; of Maxtoke, 201; Badge, 224 Close, 109, 116 Closed, 81 Closet, 109 Cloue, 71, 109 Coat of Arms, 3, 109, 324 Coat Armour, 109 Cobham Monuments, 323 Cockatrice, 79, 110 Cockayne: Arms, 76 Co-Heiress: Arms, 170 Coinage, Heraldry of the, 316 Coleville, Sir R. de: Arms, 201 Collar, 110, 130; of the Garter, 278; of the Thistle, 200; of St. Patrick, 281; of the Bath, 283; of the Star of India, 287 College of Arms or Heralds' College. See Herald College of Arms, Arms of, 131 Colour, 40, 41, 47, 110 "Colours," 110, 265 Combattant, 86, 110 Combination of Arms, 158, 165 Compartment, 110 Complement, 111 Compone, Compony, or Gobony, 43, 111; Bordure, 191 Compound Badges, 133 Compound Quartering, 34, 111 Compounded Arms, 111, 158, 164 Confessor, the, 206. See St. Edward Confirmation of Arms, 308; Example, 312 Conjoined in Eure, 111 Connaught, H.R.H. Duke of, 271 Consort, H.R.H., the late Prince: Arms, 266; Difference, 266; Coronet, 267, 294; Crest, 267; Supporters, 267; Motto, 267 Contoise, 111, 211 Contourne, 111 Controversy, the Scrope and Grosvenor, 200 Corbet: Arms, 17 Cork, Earl of: Supporters, 92 Cornish Chough, 111 Cornwall, Edmund, Earl of, 94; Richard, Earl of, 68, 83, 94, 204 Cornwall, Piers Gaveston, Earl of, 95 Coronet, 111 Costume, Heraldry of, 324 Cosynton, Sir S. de: Arms, 223 Cotise, Cotised, 53, 58, 111 Couchant, Dormant, 86, 111 Couche, 38, 111 Count, Countess, 112 Counter, 112 Counter-changing, 44, 112, 254 Counter Compone, 43, 112 Counter Embattled, 112 Counter Passant, 86 Counter Potent, 41 Counter Rampant, 86 Counter Salient, 86 Counter-Seal, 112 Counter-Vair, 41 Couped, 54, 87, 112 Couple-Close, 112 Courant, 81, 112 Courtenay, William de, Archbishop, 184; Peter de, Bishop, 226 Courtenay Earl Edward de, 141, 214; Badge, 226 Courtesy, Titles of, 112 Courthope, William, Esq., late Somerset Herald, 9 Coventry, Earl of: Supporters, 99 Coward, Cowed, 86, 112 Crampet, 112 Crancelin, 112 Crawford, Deverguilla: Seal, 239 Crenelated, 113 Crescent, 68, 113; in Modern Cadency, 193 Cresset, 113 Crest, 113, 174, 208; Early, 213; Marked for Cadency, 193; Differenced, 216; as originally worn, 218; two or more, 219; superseded by Badge, 218, 227; of England, 90, 264; of Scotland, 90, 264; of English Princes, 90, 266; of Edward III., 99; German, 212 Crest-Coronet, 113, 119 Crest-Wreath, 113, 120, 123 Crests, Inheritance of, 219 Cretinge, Sir J. de: Arms, 202 Crined, 114 Crombe, de: Arms, 62 Cross, 54, 114; Throughout, 54; Couped, or Humette, 54; Voided, 55; Fimbriated, 54; of St. George, 54, 253; of St. Andrew, 61, 253; of St. Patrick, 61, 253; of St. Anthony, or Tau, 55; Greek, 55; Latin, 55; Quarter-pierced, 54; Quarterly-pierced, 55; on Degrees, 55; Calvary, 55; Heraldic Varieties of, 55; Quadrate, 55, 145; Patriarchal, 55, 142; Fourche, 55, 125; Moline, 55, 138, 193; Recercele, 56, 150; Patonce, 56, 142; Fleury, 56, 125; Fleurettee, 56, 125; Pomme, 56; Botone, or Trefle, 56, 106; Crosslet, 56; Cleche, 57, 109; Patee, or Forme, 57, 142; Maltese, and of eight points, 57; Potent, 57, 144; Avellane, 57, 103; Fitche, 58, 121 Crosslet, Crossed Crosslet, 56 Crown, 114, 139, 266 Crown of India, Order of, 294 Crozier, 114 Crusader Kings, The: Arms, 43 Crusades, 4 Crusile, Crusily, 56, 115 Cubit-Arm, 115 Cumberland, H.R.H. Duke of, 271 Cummin: Arms, 95 Cup, Covered Cup, 115 "Curiosities of Heraldry," by Mr. M. A. Lower, 303 Cushion, Pillow, Oreiller, 115 Cyclas, 153 Czar, The: Arms, 92
Dacre Knot, 115, 134 Dageworth, Sir J.: Arms, 51, 201 Dalmenhurst: Arms, 269 Dancett, 35, 70, 115, 157 Danse. See Dancett Darcy, D'Arcy: Arms, 65 Darnley, Lord: Arms, 68 Daubeney, Sir Giles, K.G., 323 D'Aubigny: Arms, 170 Debased, 115 Debruised, 115 Decoration, Heraldic, 324 Decrescent, In Detriment, 80, 115 Deer, 80, 115 Degrees, 55, 116 Deincourt: Arms, 70 Delamere, Sir John, 96; Sir G., 202 Demembered, Dismembered, 116 Demi, 116 Demi-Eagle, 99 Demi-Lion, 87 Denbigh, Earl of, 98 Denmark: Arms, 83, 268 Dependency, Feudal, 194 Depressed, 116 Despencer, Le: Arms, 171; Barony, 329 Despencer, Isabelle le, 171; Bishop Henry le, 186, 215; John le, 150 Devon, Earl of, 214 Dexter, 32, 33, 116 Deyville, Sir J. de, 202 Diaper, Diapering, 44, 116 Difference, Differencing, 116, 177, 190, 194 Differenced Shields, 186, 200 Differences, Temporary, 177; Permanent, 177; for Distinction only, 199; of Illegitimacy, 187 Dignities, 31 Dimidiation, Dimidiated, 116, 162, 167 Disclosed, 116 Displayed, 81, 116 Disposition, Disposed, 45, 116 Distinguished Service Order, 292 Ditzmers: Arms, 269 Dividing and Border Lines, 34, 116 Dolphin, 7, 77, 78, 82, 116 Dormant, 86, 116 Double-queued, 116 Doubling, 116 Douglas: Arms, 74; Crest, 149; Badge, 224; Augmentation, 206 Douglas Sir James, 74; Lord William, 74; the first Earl, 74 Douglas and Mar William, Earl of, 94 Dove-tail, 35, 116 Doyle, 139 Dragon, 79, 116 "Dresses of Arms," 324 Dreux, De: Arms, 116, 165 Dreux, J. de, Duke of Brittany, 163, 165 Drummond, John: Seal, 244 Drury: Arms, 154 Dublin, De Vere, Marquess of, 136, 329 Dublin: Arms of, See, 141 Ducal Coronet, 117 Duchess, 117 Duchies of Cornwall and Lancaster, 329 Dudley, Earl Robert, 208 Dudley, Thomas: Seal, 216 Duke, 116, 329 Dunboyne, the Baron: Supporters, 92 Durem, Sir G. de, 202 Durham, 14
Eagle, 117; Heraldic, 25, 76; in Stained glass at York, 92; sculptured in Westminster Abbey, 92; with one Head, 92; with two Heads, 93; Imperial, crowned, 95; with Nimbus, 95; Drawing of, 98; Austrian, 98; French, 98; as Supporter, 99; as Badge, 148 Eagles and Hawks, 81 Eaglet, 95, 99, 117 Earl, 117, 327 Earl Marshal, the, 131 Eastern, Radiated, or Antique Crown, 118 Ecclesal Ekeleshale: Arms, 197 Ecclesiastics, Heraldic decoration of their Vestments, 159 Echingham, De: Arms, 71 Edinburgh, H.R.H., the Duke of, 280 Edmond, Son of Edward I., 181 Edmund, Saint: Arms, 19, 206, 259 Edmund, Earl of Cornwall, 94 Edmund, Earl of Lancaster, 123, 179, 181, 323 Edward, Saint, the Confessor: Arms, 19, 181 Edward I.: Label as Prince Royal, 178; Arms, 259; Badge, 228; Barding of Charger, 103; Rolls of Arms of his era, 13 Edward II.: Label as Prince Royal, 178; Arms, 259; Badge, 228; Roll of Arms of his era, 13 Edward III.: Label as Prince Royal, 178; Arms, 259; quarters France Ancient, 123; Crest, 90, 99, 213, 263; Badges, 227, 232; Supporters, 237; Heraldry of his Monument, 26, 169; Roll of Arms of his era, 13; Heraldry in his time, 9; his love of Heraldry, 223; founds the Order of the Garter, 276 Edward IV.: Arms, 260; Supporters, 91, 264; Badges, 229; Coins, 317; grants Augmentations, 213 Edward V.: Arms, 260 Edward VI.: Arms, 260; Supporters, 264; Badges, 229; bears the Ostrich Feather Badge, 230; Coins, 316 Edward VII. Vide King Edward the Black Prince: Arms, 134, 178, 191; Crest, 91, 215; Badge, 230, 231; Motto, 234; First English Duke and Prince of Wales, 116, 234, 329; at Navaret, 248; his Will, 234; his Monument, 26, 233 Eglesfield, Robert de: Arms, 97 Eglintoun, Earls of, 11 Eleanor. See Alianore Electoral Bonnet, 118, 263 Elford, Monuments at, 215 Elizabeth, Queen: Arms, 260; Supporters, 264; Badges and Mottoes, 229, 265; Changes Colour of Ribbon of the Garter, 126, 279; her Monument, 322 Elizabeth, Countess of Holland and of Hereford, 161 Elsyng, Brass at, 216, 323 Eltham, Prince John of, 26, 124, 165, 181, 250 Embattled, and Counter Embattled, 34, 118 Emblazoning, 47 Emblems, 9 Embowed, 82, 118 Embrued, 118 Endorse, Endorsed, 53, 118 Enfiled, 118 England: Arms, 27, 83, 89, 258; Royal Heraldry of, 258, 267; Patron Saints of, 19; Lions of, 87, 258; Crest, 90, 263; Supporters, 91, 264; Badges, 149, 228; Crowns, 266; Flags, 253 England, Bordure Wavy, 191, 192 Engrailed, 34, 118, 197 Enhanced, 118 Ensign, 255; Red, 255; White, 256; Blue, 256 Ensigned, 119 Entire, Entoire, Entoyre, 119 Enveloped, Environed, 119 Epithets, Heraldic, and Descriptive Terms, 80 Equipped, 119 Eradicated, 82, 119 Erased, 87, 119 Ermine, Ermines, Erminois, 41, 42, 119 Erne, 96, 119 Erneford, Wm. de: Arms, 96 Erskine: Arms, 53 Escallop or Escallop-Shell, 59, 77, 78, 120 Escarbuncle, 15, 119 Eschales: Arms, 17 Escroll, 119 Escutcheon, 119; of Pretence, 120, 170, 314 Esquire, 120 Essex, Henry, Earl of, 216 Essex, Earl of, Geoffrey de, 15 Essex, the Earl of: Supporters, 92 Estate, 120 Estoile, 120 Estoteville, Sir N. de: Arms, 202 Estwick: Motto, 139 Etone, Sir N. de: Arms, 96 Eureux, D', of Salisbury, 188 Ewelme, 323 Exeter Cathedral, 111, 231 Exeter, Hollands, Dukes of, 181; John Grandison, Bishop of, 184 Exeter, Marquess of: Supporters, 92 Expression, Styles and Forms of, 30
Fabulous Beings, in Heraldry, 79 Fairfax: Motto, 138 Falconer: Arms, 17 False, 120; False Cross, 55; False Escutcheon, 66; False Roundle, 72, 120 Fan, or Winnowing Fan, or Vane, 120 Fan-Crest, 120, 210 Faroe Islands: Arms, 264 Fauconberg, Sir Wm.: Arms, 203 Feathers, in Heraldry, 120. See Ostrich Feathers Fees, for Grants of Arms, &c., 308, 310 Felbrigge, Sir S. de, K.G., 121 Felbrigg, Brass at, 121 Femme, 120 Fenwick, John: Arms, 44 Fer-de-Moline, or Mill rind, 120 Fermail, Fermaux, 121 Ferrers, De: Arms, 185; Anne, de, 185; Margaret, de, 170; William, Lord, of Groby, 185; Lord, of Chartley, 215 Fess or Fesse, 50, 121; Examples, 201 Fesse-Point, 33, 121 Fesse-wise, In Fesse, 51, 121 Fessways, 105 Fetter-lock, 121 Feudal Alliance and Dependency, Heraldic Record of, 159, 194 Feudal Influence, in Heraldry, 201 Feudal Tenure, 274 Field, 38, 121; Varied Fields, 42; "Of the Field," 43 Fife, H.R.H. Duchess of, 271 File, 121 Fillet, 121 Fimbriation, Fimbriated, 54, 121 Finned, 82 Fish, in Heraldry, 77, 82, 103, 121 Fishbourne, Giles de: Arms, 78 Fitched, 57 Fitchee, 58, 121 Fitton: Motto, 138 Fitz Alan, of Bedale, 52 Fitz Alan, Earl of Arundel, 83, 89, 118, 215 Fitz Parnel, Earl Robert, 195 Fitz Payne, Sir R. le: Arms, 204 Fitz Ralph: Arms, 196 Fitz Walter, Robert Le: Arms, 51 Fitz Warine, Fitz Waryn: Arms,14; Sir Fulk de, 186 Fitz Urse: Arms, 76 Flags, 257; Military, 256, 257; Four remarks upon, 257 Flanches, Flasques, 68, 69, 122 Flanched, 191 Fleur de Lys, 122; quartered by Edward III, 124; Removed from Royal Shield of England, 262; in Modern Cadency, 193 Fleurie, or Fleury, 56, 125 Fleurette, Florette, 56, 125 Flexed, 125 Flighted, 102, 125 Flodden Field, 205 Fly, 125 Flory-counter-flory, 35 Foliated, 125 Forme, 57 Forneus, Sir R. de: Arms, 62 Forth, Viscount: Seal, 244 Fountain, 72, 125 Fourche, Queue Fourche, 55, 86, 125 Fraise, 193 "France Ancient," 122, 124; "France Modern," 122, 125; "Bordure of France," 124; "Label of France," 123; Imperial Eagle of, 99 Fraser, Wm.: Seal, 193 Frederick II., Emperor: Arms, 92 Frere: Arms, 58 Fret, Frette, Frette, Fretty, 64, 71, 125, 133 Froissart, 248, 273 Fructed, 82, 125 Furs, 40, 42, 125 Furnival, De: Arms, 182, 203 Fusil, Fusille, Fusily, 70, 125 Fylfot, 125 Fynderne, Wm., 156
Gad, Gadlyng, 125 Galley, 125 Gambe. See Jambe Garb, 125, 195, 201 Garnished, 125 Garter, Order of the, 125, 276; Insignia of the, 125, 278; Stalls and Garter Plates of Knights, 278; Officers, 278 Garter King-of-Arms, 126, 130; Arms, 131 Gaveston, Piers: Arms, 95 Gemelles. See Bars Gemelles Gem-Ring, 126 Genealogies, 300 Genet, 126 Geoffrey, Count of Anjou, 188 George, Saint: Arms, 19, 126, 253; Chapel of, 103 George, The, of the Garter, 126, 278; The Lesser, 126, 278 George I.: Arms, 263 George II.: Arms, 263 George III.: Arms, 263 George IV.: Arms, 263 Gerattyng, 126 German Empress, 271 Germany, the Emperor of: Arms, 92 Germany, the King of: Arms, 92 Geytone, Sir J. de: Arms, 201; Sir P. de, 202 Ghent, Prince John of, 179, 189, 232, 235, 241 Giffard: Arms, 152 Giffard, Sir A., 72; Sir J., 89, 204 Gimmel-Ring, 126 Girt, Girdled, 126 Gliding, 82 "Glossary of Heraldry," The Oxford, 31 Glossary of Titles, Names, and Terms, 100 Gloucester, Alianore, Duchess of, 323. See De Bohun Gloucester, Humphrey, Duke of, 181, 236, 323; Thomas, Duke of, 232, 235, 322 Gloucester, Thomas le Despencer, Earl of, 171 Gloucester, Ralph de Monthermer, Earl of, 95 Gloucester Cathedral, Tiles at, 323 Gold, 42, 47 Golpe, 72 Gonfannon, 126 Gorged, 127 Gorges, R. de: Arms, 127 Gothic Architecture, Heraldry in, 321 Gothic Art, its Heraldic Character, 325 Gothic Monuments, Heraldry of, 322 Gough, Lord: Arms, 23 Goutte, Gutte, 127 Grafton, Duke of: Supporters, 91; Differences, 191 Graham, Robert: Seal, 242 Grand Quartering, Grand Quarters, 35, 127, 166 Grandison: Arms, 5, 96, 184 Grandison, Bishop John de, 184 Grants of Arms, 308; Example, 309 Great Malvern, Tiles at, 323 Great Yarmouth: Arms, 168 Greek Cross, 55 Greenland: Arms, 269 Greville, Earl of, 208 Grey: Arms, 52; Crest of Sir Richard de Grey, K.G., 215 Grieces, 127 Griffin. See Gryphon Grosvenor: Arms, 195; Sir R. de, 58, 200 Gryphon, Griffin, 79, 80 Guardant, 85, 127 "Guide to the Study of Heraldry," by Mr. Montagu, 2, 9, 191 Guige, 127 Gules, 41, 48, 127 Gurges, Gorges, 127 Gyron, Gyronne, Gyronny, 34, 64, 70, 127
Habited, 127 Hainault, the Counts of: Arms, 83 Hainault, Queen Philippa of, 230, 232 Hames, Haimes, 127 Hamilton, Crest, 150, 213 Hamilton, Duke of, 150 Hamilton, Sir Gilbert de, 150 Hammer, or martel, 127 Hanover, 263; Arms, 262 Harcourt, Sir R.: Arms, 217; Harecourt, or Harcourt: Arms, 51, 182 Hardinge, Viscount: Supporters, 92 Hardwick, Earl of: Supporters, 92 Harp, 127 Harris: Arms, 76 Harington Knot, 133 Harsyck, Sir J.: Crest, 216 Hart, 81, 116, 127 Hastilude, 128 Hastings, the Earl, 196; Edmund de, 196; Edward, Lord, 133; Sir Hugh, 216 Hastings: Arms, 136; Crest, 216 Hatchment, 128 Hatfield, Thomas, 215 Hauriant, 82, 128 Hautville, Sir G. de: Arms, 203 Hawk's Bells, Jesses, and Lure, 105, 128 Hay: Arms, 66, 119 Headfort, the Marquess of: Supporters, 92 Hedge-hog, 76 Heightened, 128 Heights, 128 Heiress, Arms of, 170 Helena, H.R.H., the Princess, Princess Christian, 271 Helm, Helmet, 128, 174 Hemenhale: Arms, 51 Hempbrake, Hackle, 130 Heneage Knot, 130, 133 Henry I.: Arms, 88, 260; Badge, 228 Henry II.: Arms, 260; Badges, 228 Henry III.: Arms, 259; Badge, 228; Rolls of Arms of his Era, 13 Henry IV.: Label, as Duke of Lancaster, 181; Motto, 110, 235; Arms, 259; quarters "France Modern," 125; Badges, 228; Crown, 266; Seal, 235 Henry V.: Arms, 260; Badges, 153, 228; Crown, 114, 266 Henry VI.: Arms, 260; Badges, 229; Supporters, 91, 228, 264; Crown, 114, 266; Motto, 265 Henry VII.: 126, 279; Arms, 260; Badges, 229; Supporters, 264 Henry VIII.: 126, 191, 207, 279, 295; Arms, 260; Badges, 229; Supporters, 264; Coins, 317 Henry, 3rd Earl of Lancaster, 181 "Herald and Genealogist," 302 Heralds of England, Incorporated, 304 Herald, 130, 212 Heraldic Sails, 250 Heralds' College, 130, 304 Heraldry, Early Love, of in England, 2; Early Influence, 2; Definition and True Character of, 3; of the twelfth century, 4; Utility of, 4; English Medival, 5; Ancient, 6, 9; English, its Career, 9; Early English Literature of, 12; its Allusive Character, 15; Canting, 16; Revival in England, 20, 24, 306; Debasement, 21, 22; a Science, 24, 27, 30, 326; an Art, 24, 27, 326; Style of Art in, 24, 30; Treatment of Animate Creatures in, 24, 27; Language of, 29; Nomenclature, 29; Style and Forms of Expression, 30; Birds in, 76; Beasts in, 76; Human Beings in, 73; the Lion in, 83, 86; the Eagle in, 9, 91; Scottish, 131; of Monuments, 322; Royal, 258; of the Coinage, 316; its present Popularity, 304; in Architecture, 321; of Illuminations, 324; in Inlaid Tiles, 323; of Costume, 324 "Heraldry of Fish," by Mr. Moule, 77, 121 Hereford, De Bohuns, Earls of, 59; Elizabeth, Countess of, 161 Hereford Cathedral, 214 Herison, Herrison, 76, 131 Heriz, De (Harris): Arms, 76 Heron: Arms, 17 Herring, 77 Herschel, Sir J.: Arms, 23 Heytesbury and Homet, Lord, 225 Heytesbury, the Baron: Supporters, 99 Hill, Hillock, 131 Hind, 81, 116 Hirondelle, 77, 132 Hoftot, Sir R. de, 202 Hoist, 132 Holland, Counts of, 83; Elizabeth, Countess of, 161 Hollands, of Exeter, 181, 206; of Kent and Surrey, 181, 206 Holland, John, Earl of Huntingdon: Seal, 258 Holstein: Arms, 269 Honour, Augmentations of, 204 Honour-Point, 33, 132 "Honours," Regimental, 256 Honourable Insignia, Medals, and Clasps, 175 Hoofed, 80 Hospitallers. See St. John, Knights of Hotspur, Henry, 169 Howard: Arms, 205; Augmentation, 205; Crest, 91, 216; Badge, 224 Howard, Thos., Duke of Norfolk, 205 Human Beings, in Heraldry, 73 Humette, 54, 132 Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester, 181, 236, 322 Hungerford, 225; Badge, 224 Hungerford, Lord, 240; Sir Walter de, 225, 247; Sir Robert de, 225, 249 Huntingfield, Roger de: Arms, 72 Huntercumbe: Arms, 52 Huntley, the Marquess of, 68 Hurst, 132 Hurt, 72, 132 Husband and Wife, Marshalling their Arms, 167, 171 Hussy: Arms, 225
Iceland: Arms, 269 Illegitimacy, Cadency of, 132, 187 Illuminations, Heraldry of, 323 Imaginary Beings, in Heraldry, 79 Imbrued, Embued, 132 Impalement, Impaled, 132, 168, 249; of the Bordure and Tressure, 170 Impaling, 181 Imperial Crown, the, 114, 264; Imperially Crowned, 132 Imperial Service Order, 292 Incensed, Inflamed, 132 In Bend, 59, 132 In Chevron, 62, 132 In Chief, 50, 132 In Complement, 80 In Cross, 55, 132 In Fesse, 51, 132 In Foliage, 82, 132 In Full Course, 81 In Lure, 81, 132 In Orle, 66 In Pale, 54 In Point, 63 In her Piety, 81, 132 In Pretence, 132 In Pride, 81, 132 In Quadrangle, 132 In Saltire, 61 In Splendour, 80, 132 Increscent, 80, 132 Indented, 35, 132 Indian Empire, Order of, 290 Inescutcheon, 65, 132 Infantry Colours, 256 Innes, Walter: Seal, 11 Innes, or De Ynays, Wm.: Seal, 11 Insects, in Heraldry, 79, 82 Invected, or Invecked, 35 Inverted, 81 Ireland: Badge, 151, 228; Heraldry of, 308; Chief Herald of, 131 Ireland, Bordures, 191 Ireland, De Vere, Duke of, 206 Irradiated, 132 Isabel, of France: Seal, 124, 161 Isabel, Countess of Bedford, 223 Isabel le Despenser, 171 Isle of Man: Arms, 9, 74 Islip, Abbot: Rebus, 147 Issuant, 132
JAMBE, Gambe, 87, 132 James I. of Scotland: Badge, 229; Supporters, 264 James IV. of Scotland: at Flodden, 205; Supporters, 265 James V. of Scotland: Crest and Motto, 264; Garter Plate, 68 James VI. of Scotland—James I. of Great Britain: Arms, 260; Supporters, 91, 265; Badges and Motto, 154, 229, 265; creates Baronets, 104; his proclamation for first "Union Jack," 253 James II.: Arms, 260; Supporters, 264; Badge, 229; frames Statutes for Order of Thistle, 280 James: Motto, 138 Jane Seymour, Queen, 229 Jardine: Arms, 198 Jefferay: Motto, 138 Jelloped, 133 Jerusalem: Arms, 43 Jessant, Jessant de lys, 133 Jesses, 133 Jewellery, Heraldic, 324 Joan, Daughter of Edward I., 95 Joan, Countess of Surrey: Seal, 162 Joanna, of Navarre, Queen: Badge, 126, 228 John, King: his Seal as Prince, 88; Arms, 259; Badge, 228 John, Prince, of Eltham, 26, 124, 165, 181, 250 John, Prince of Ghent, 179, 189, 232, 241 John de Dreux, 163, 165 John, Duke of Bedford, 181 John de Warrenne, Earl of Surrey, 162 Johnston: Arms, 198 Joust, 133 Jowlopped, or Jelloped, 133 Jupon, 133 Juxon, Archbishop, 279
KAISAR-I-HIND medal, 294 Kent, De Burgh, Earl of, 70; Hollands, Earls of, 181 Key, 133 KING, H.M. THE: Crown, 114, 266; Arms, 263, 267; Banner, 252 "King Maker," the, 198, 208 King, Mr.: his "Hand-book of Engraved Gems," 6 King-of-Arms, 130, 133, 177. See Herald King's College Chapel, Cambridge, Heraldry of, 25, 322 "King's Colour," 257 King's Langley, Monument at, 323 Kinnoul, Earl of, 154, 307 Kirketot, Sir Wm., 202 Kirkpatrick: Arms, 198 Kirton, Abbot: Rebus, 147 Knights, Knighthood, Knightly Orders, 117, 133, 175, 273 Knights of St. John, 57, 275; Templars, 13, 275 Knot, 133, 224 Kyrkeby: Arms, 65
LABEL, or File, 134, 178; Forms of, 134; Points of, 134, 178; Differenced, 179, 180; a Royal Difference, 178; as borne by Princes Royal, 178; by Black Prince, 178; by Princes of Wales, 178; of Brittany, 179; of France, 179; of Lancaster, 179, 180; of York, 179; borne as a Badge, 193; in Modern Cadency, 193 Laci, Lacy, De: Arms, 83, 89, 161 Laci, Earl Henry de: Crest, 210 Lacy Knot, 134 Ladies, Unmarried: their Arms, 173 Ladies', Heraldic Costume, 160, 161, 324; their right to bear Badges, 227 Laing, Mr. H., his "Catalogue of Scottish Seals," 11, 161, 193, 211, 224, 239, 242, 265, 317 Lamb, 76 Lambert: Arms, 76 Lambrequin, 135. See Mantling Lambton: Arms, 76 Lancaster, Label of, 179; Rose of, 149, 228; Badge of, 153; Livery Colours of, 135; Collar of, 110 Lancaster, Edmund, Earl of, 123, 179, 181, 323; Henry, Earl of, 183, 239; Thomas, Earl of, 211; John of Ghent, Duke of, 179 (see John of Ghent); Matilda of, 163, 186 Lancaster Herald, 130 Lance-Rest. See Clarion Lane, Jane, 205 Language of Heraldry, 29, 30 Langued, 80, 135 Latimer, George, Lord, 187; William le, 142, 214 Latin Cross, 55 "Law and Practice of Heraldry in Scotland," by Mr. Seton, 9, 68, 94, 198, 260, 307 Law of Tinctures, 43 Leaves in Heraldry, 102, 135 Leechford, Sir R.: Confirmation of Arms to, 312 Legh, Gerard, 22 Leicester, Banner of, 14 Leicester, Robert, Earl of, 195 Leicestershire Families, their Arms, 196 Lennox, Countess of: Arms, 68, 323 Leon: Arms, 83, 166. See Castile Leopard, Leopard, 84, 135, 258 L'Ercedeckne: Arms, 196 Leslie: Arms, 94; Euphemia, Countess of Ros, 94 "Lesser George," the, 126 Le Strange. See Strange Letters of the Alphabet, in Heraldry, 135 Leveson: Arms, 17, 102 Leybourne, Sir W. de: Arms, 90 Lichfield, Joust at, 223 Lincoln, Earls of: Arms, 89, 161, 203 Lincoln, Henry, Earl of: Crest, 210 Lincoln and Pembroke, Margaret, Countess of, 161 Lindsay, Sir W.: Seal, 242 Line, Border Line, Lined, 135 Lion in Heraldry, 25, 27, 76, 83, 87, 135; Heraldic Treatment of, 23, 92; of England, 88, 258; of Scotland, 67, 259; as a Crest, 90; as a Supporter, 90, 91, 264; Percy Lion, 216; Howard Lion, 216; Examples of Lions, 203 Lion's Face, 87; Head, 87; Jambe, 87 Lioncel, 87, 135 Lion-leopard, Lion-leopard, 85 Lionel, Prince, of Clarence, 164, 180 Lisle, Arthur, Viscount, 190 Little Easton, Brass at, 110, 216 Livery, Badges depicted on, 220 Livery Colours, 135 Lodged, 80, 135 Lomelye, Lumley, Sir R.: Arms, 202 London, City of: Arms, 153 Longespe, William, Earl of Salisbury, 83, 90, 188, 323 Lord Lyon, 131, 238, 307 Lorn: Arms, 135 Lorraine: Arms, 97; Duchy of, 96 Loterel, Luterell: Arms, 76, 182, 196, 212 Loterel, Luterell, Sir A., 182; Sir G., 182, 212 Louis VII., of France, 122 Louise, H.R.H., The Princess, 271 Loutre, 76 Louvaine: Arms, 167 Lower, Mr. M. A., 9, 302; on Crests, 222 Lozenge, 37, 69, 135 Lozengy, 135 Luce, or Lucy, 17, 77, 135 Lucy: Arms, 17, 170; Sir Anthony, 78; Geoffrey de, 78 Ludlow Church, 231 Lullingstone, 147 Lunenburgh: Arms, 262, 278 Lure, 81, 135 Luterell. See Loterel Lyhart, Bishop Walter: Rebus, 147 Lymphad, 135 Lyon Office, 131, 307; Depute, 307
MAHON, Sir W.: Motto, 244 Maintenance, Cap of, 136 Malet, Sir R., 202; Sir T., 202 Malmesbury, Earl of: Supporters, 99 Maltese Cross, 57 Man, Isle of, 9, 74 Manche, Maunche, 136 Mandeville, Geoffrey de, 15 Manfee, Sir W.: Arms, 203 Mantle, 136 Mantling, Badges depicted on, 220 Mantling, or Lambrequin, 136, 175, 213; Marked for Cadency, 192 March, Mortimers, Earls of: Seals, 242 Margaret, of Anjou, Queen, 97; of France, 123, 160, 168; Bruce, 161; Beaufort, 169; Tudor, 170; Countess of Lincoln, 161; de Ferrers, 170 Marks of Cadency, Marking Cadency. See Cadency Marlborough, Duke of, 95, 98 Marmion, Sir R. de: Crest, 215 Marny, Sir R. de: Seal, 213 Marquess, Marquis, Marchioness, 136 Marriage, Heraldic Record of, 168 Marshalling, 137, 159; by Combination, 165; by Quartering, 166; Quartered Coats, 167; Arms of Husband and Wife, 167, 171; Crests, 174; Helms, Coronets, Mantlings, Mottoes, Supporters, Badges, and Various Insignia, 174, 175 Martel, 17, 137 Martlet, 77, 137; in Modern Cadency, 193 Martin: Crest and Motto, 139 Mary Tudor, Queen: Arms, 260; Supporters, 264; Badges, 229; grants Derby House to the Heralds, 130 Mary Stuart, Queen: Arms, 260 Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots: her Signet, 265; Heraldry of her Monument, 281 Mary, The Princess, of Teck, 270 Mary de Saint Paul: Seal, 163 Mascle, Mascule, 69, 137 Masoned, 137 Matilda de Chaworth, 164; of Lancaster, 163 Maufee, Sir Wm., 202 Melfort, Earl: Seal, 244 Membered, 137 Menteith, Earl of, 94 Merchant's Mark, 137 Mercy, Order of, 293 Mere, De la. See Delamere Mere, De la: Arms, 52 Merevale, Brass at, 215 Merit, Order of, 286 Mermaid, Merman, or Triton, 137 Metals, 40, 42, 138 Methuen, the Baron, 95 Military Flags, 257 Mill-rind. See Fer-de-Moline "Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica," 302 Mitre, 138 Moline, 56, 138 Molines, Molyneux, De: Arms, 56 Monecastre, Sir W. de: Arms, 202 Monson, the Baron: Supporters, 92 Montacute, De, Montagu: Origin of the Name,16; Arms, 70, 95 Montagu, Mr., his work on Heraldry, 2, 9, 196 Montfort, De: Arms, 60; Sir —— de, 203 Montgomerie, Sir W. de, 96 Montgomerie, Earl of Eglintoun: Arms, 10 Monthermer, Sir Ralph de, 95, 99 Moon, the, 80, 138 Moor's heads, 73 Monypeny, Thomas: Seal, 319 Mortimer, De: Origin of the Name, 16; Arms, 65, 169; Differences, 182; Crest, 141 Mortimer, Edmund de, Earl of March: Seal, 242 Mortimer's, 65 Motto, 138, 174, 219; Royal, 219 Moule, Mr., his "Heraldry of Fish," 77, 121 Mound, 139 Mounpynzon: Arms, 76 Mount, 139 Mounteney, De: Arms, 197; Sir E. de, 197; Sir J. de, 197; Sir T. de, 197 Mowbray, Segrave and Stourton, Lord, 89, 329 Mowbray, Sir J., 203; Roger de, 89; Supporters of Baron, 92; Thomas de, Duke of Norfolk, 207, 216, 233 Mullet, 139; in Modern Cadency, 193 Mundegumri, John: Seal, 10 Mural Crown, 139 Muralle, Walled. See Walled Mure, Wm.: Seal, 319 Murrey, 135 Muschamp: Arms, 79
Naiant, 82, 140 Naissant, 140 Names, 31 Nassau: Arms, 261 Natural Objects, in Heraldry, 79 Naval Crown, 140 Navarre: Arms, 124, 228 Naveret, Battle of, 248 Nebule, or Nubuly, 34, 140 Nelson, Admiral Lord: Arms, 23 Neville: Arms, 61; Differences, 187; Badge, 146 Neville, George de, Lord Latimer, 187 Neville, Earl Richard de, 198, 208, 222 Newburgh: Arms, 320, 321 Nicholas, Sir N. Harris, 9; on Ostrich Feather Badge, 230; on "Union Jack," 253 Nichols, Mr. J. Gough, 9, 15, 302 Nimbus, 140 Nomenclature, Heraldic, 29 Norfolk, the Duke of, 131; Arms, 205; quarters Mowbray, 89; Supporters, 91; Crest, 216; Earl Marshal, 131 Norfolk, Thomas Mowbray, Duke of, 233 Normans, their Shields and Standards, 5 Norroy, 130. See Herald Northleigh, 323 Northumberland, Earls of: Arms, 78, 89, 247 Northumberland, Henry, 1st Earl of, 167; the Duke of, 91 Nortone, Sir J. de: Arms, 203 Norway: Arms, 83 Norway, H.M., Queen of, 271 Norwich: Arms of the See, 185; Henry, Bishop of, 185 Nova Scotia, Badge. See Baronet Nowed, 82, 140
Octofoil, in Modern Cadency, 193 Official Insignia, 175; in Cadency, 184 Official Arms, 174 Ogress, 72, 140 Oldenburgh: Arms, 269 Oldham, Bishop: Rebus, 147 Onslow: Motto, 138 Opinions, 140 Oppressed, Debruised, 140 Or, 40, 140 Orders of Knighthood. See Knighthood Order of Merit, 286 Ordinaries, 42, 49; their structural Origin, 14, 64 Ordinary of Arms, 140. See Armory Oreiller, 140 Orle, In Orle, 66, 140 Ornaments, 209, 210 Osbaldistone, Frank, 1 Ostrevant, Comt of, 230 Ostrich Feather Badge, 141, 216, 230 Otter, 76 Ousflet, Sir G. de: Arms, 202 Overall, Sur tout, 141 Overt, 141 Ownership, Badges as a sign of, 103 Oxford, De Veres, Earls of, 206 Oxney, John: Rebus, 146 |