25th. BRET HARTE, b. 25 Ag. 1839 I. Plain Language from Truthful James, II:234-236 II. The Outcasts of Poker Flat, 20-Pt. I:30-46 III. Ramon, 11:285-288 IV. Her Letter, 8-Pt. I:113-115
26th. I. Holley's An Unmarried Female, 8-Pt. II: 26-36
We are as liable to be corrupted by books as by companions. —HENRY FIELDING.
27th. I. Scott's Coronach, 15:33-34 II. Lochinvar, 10:36-39 III. A Weary Lot Is Thine, 10:40-41 IV. County Guy, 12:154-155 V. Hail to the Chief, 12:203-204
28th. LEO TOLSTOI, b. 28 Ag. 1828 I. The Prisoner in the Caucasus, 19-Pt. I:141-186
29th. OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES,b. 29Ag. 1809;d. I. The Ballad of the Oysterman, 7-Pt. I:105-106 II. My Aunt, 7-Pt. I:23-24 III. Foreign Correspondence, 7-Pt. I:77-80 IV. The Chambered Nautilus, 14:108-109 The Royal George lost 29 Ag. 1782 V. Cowper's On the Loss of the Royal George, 10:148-149
30th. I. Scott's Brignall Banks, 10:41-43 II. Hunting Song, 12:230-231 III. Soldier Rest, 12:277-278 IV. Proud Maisie, 10:258 V. Harp of the North, 12:286-287
31st. THEOPHILE GAUTIER, b. 31 Ag. 1811 I. The Mummy's Foot, 19-Pt. I:90-108
S. 1ST. SIMEON FORD, b. 31 Ag. 1855 I. At a Turkish Bath, 9-Pt. II:74-77 II. The Discomforts of Travel, 9-Pt. II: 123-127 III. Boyhood in a New England Hotel, 9-Pt. I:123-126
2nd. AUSTIN DOBSON, d. 2 S. 1921 I. Ballad of Prose and Rhyme, 12:335 II. Carman's Vagabond Song, 12:330 III. Colum's Old Woman of the Roads, 14:311 IV. Peabody's House and the Road, 12:344 V. Daly's Inscription for a Fireplace, 13:294
Old wood best to burn; old wine to drink; old friends to trust; and old authors to read. —ALONZO OF ARAGON.
3rd. IVAN SERGEYEVICH TURGENIEFF, d. 3 S.1883 I. The Song of Triumphant Love, 19-Pt. I: 109-140 II. Wordsworth's Sonnet Composed Upon Westminster Bridge, Sept, 3, 1802, 13:211
4th. SIR RICHARD GRENVILLE, d. 4 (?) S. 1591 I. Tennyson's The Revenge, 10:222-229 II. Wordsworth's To the Skylark, 12:40-41 III. On a Picture of Peele Castle, 14:44-47
5th. I. Some Messages Received by Teachers in Brooklyn Public Schools, 7-Pt. II:144-147 II. Emerson's Labor, 2-Pt. I:138-145
6th. I. Wordsworth's Resolution and Independence, 11:48-54 II. Yarrow Unvisited, 14:53-55 III. Intimations of Immortality, 13:89-96 IV. Ode to Duty, 13:96-98 V. The Small Celandine, 14:112-113
7th. I. Milton's Echo, 12:25-26 II. Sabrina, 12:26-27 III. The Spirit's Epilogue, 12:27-29 IV. On Time, 13:52-53 V. At a Solemn Music, 13:53-54
8th. I. Wordsworth's Lucy, 15:114-118 II. Hart-Leap Well, 10:134-142 SIEGFRIED SASSOON, b. 8 S. 1886 III. Dreamers, 15:223
9th. SIR HUMPHREY GILBERT, drowned 9 S. 1583 I. Longfellow's Sir Humphrey Gilbert, 10:160-161 Battle of Flodden Field, 9 S. 1513 II. Elliot's A Lament for Flodden, 10:251-252 III. Wordsworth's Stepping Westward, 14:158-159 IV. She Was A Phantom of Delight, 14:159-160 V. Scorn Not the Sonnet, 13:175-176
To desire to have many books, and never use them, is like a child that will have a candle burning by him all the while he is sleeping. —HENRY PEACHAM.
10th. I. Wordsworth's Nuns Fret Not, 13:175 II. Lines, 14:253-255 III. We Are Seven, 10:252-255
11th. JAMES THOMSON, b. II S. 1700 I. Rule Britannia, 12:208-209 II. Collins's On the Death of Thomson, 15:59-60 III. Lowell's A Winter Ride, 12:331 IV. MacKaye's The Automobile, 13:290
12th. CHARLES DUDLEY WARNER, b. 12 S. 1829 I. Plumbers, 8-Pt. I:150-151 II. My Summer in a Garden, 7-Pt. I:6l-74 III. How I Killed a Bear, 9-Pt. I:59-70
13th. GENERAL AMBROSE EVERETT BURNSIDE, d. 13 S. 1881 I. Lincoln's Letter to Burnside, 5-Pt. I:118 II. Collins's Ode Written in 1745, 15:34 III. The Passions, 13:81-85 IV. Ode to Evening, 13:85-88 V. Dirge in Cymbeline, 15:112-113
14th. DUKE OF WELLINGTON, d. 14 S. 1852 I. Tennyson's Ode on the Death of the Duke of Wellington, 13:151-161 DANTE, d. 14 S. 1321 II. Longfellow's Dante and Divina Comedia, 13:239-244 III. Parsons's On a Bust of Dante, 14:152-154
15th. I. Wordsworth's The Solitary Reaper, 14:160-161 II. Jonson's Hymn to Diana, 12:14 III. Pindaric Ode, 13:37-42 IV. Epitaph, 15:46-47 V. On Elizabeth L. H., 15:47
16th. ALFRED NOYES, b. 16 S. 1880 I. Old Grey Squirrel, 14:306 JOHN GAY, baptized 16 S. 1685 II. Black-Eyed Susan, 10:32-34 CHARLES BATTELL LOOMIS, b. 16 S. 1861 III. O-U-G-H, 7-Pt. I:143
It does not matter how many, but how good, books you have. —SENECA.
17th. I. Turner's The Harvest Moon, 13:249 II. Letty's Globe, 13:245-246 III. Mary, A Reminiscence, 13:246-247 IV. Her First-born, 13:247-248 V. The Lattice at Sunrise, 13:248
18th. DR. SAMUEL JOHNSON, b. 18 S. 1709 I. Macaulay's Dr. Samuel Johnson, 2-Pt. II:39-79
19th. HARTLEY COLERIDGE, b. 19 S. 1796 I. Song, 12:166-167 II. Sonnets, 13:227-230 III. Coleridge's Frost at Midnight, 14:22-25 IV. Love, 10:44-47 V. France: An Ode, 13:99-103
20th. WILLIAM HAINES LYTLE, d. 20 S. 1863 I. Antony to Cleopatra, 14:238-240 II. Hood's The Death Bed, 15:131 III. Autumn, 13:148-150 IV. Ruth, 14:157-158 V. Fair Ines, 12:168-169
21st. SIR WALTER SCOTT, d. 21 S. 1832 I. Sir Walter Scott, 17-Pt. I:65-73 II. The Maid of Neidpath, 10:39-40 III. Pibroch of Donald Dhu, 12:201-203 IV. Wandering Willie's Tale, 20-Pt. II:75-103
22nd. I. Wordsworth's My Heart Leaps Up, 13:274 II. Laodamia, 11:143-150 III. There Was a Boy, 14:156-157
23rd. Battle of Monterey, 23 S. 1846 I. Hoffman's Monterey, 10:206-207 II. Lovelace's The Grasshopper, 12:30 III. To Lucasta, 12:129-130 IV. To Althea, 12:130-131 V. To Lucasta, on Going to the Wars, 12:198
The words of the good are like a staff in a slippery place. —HINDU SAYING.
24th. I. Noyes's Creation, 15:204
25th. FELICIA DOROTHEA HEMANS, b. 25 S. 1793 I. Landing of the Pilgrim Fathers, 10:151-153 II. Poe's Annabel Lee, 10:56-57 III. To Helen, 12:176 IV. The Bells, 12:234-238 V. For Annie, 12:305-308
26th. I. Holmes's Latter-Day Warnings, 7-Pt. I:34-35 II. Contentment, 7-Pt. I:35-38 III. An Aphorism, 8-Pt. II:44-52 IV. Music Pounding, 7-Pt. I:80-81
27th. I. Holmes's The Height of the Ridiculous, 8-Pt. I:118-119 II. The Last Leaf, 14:167-168 III. The One-Hoss Shay, 11:236-241
28th. I. Morley's Haunting Beauty of Strychnine, 9-Pt. I:135 II. Guiterman's Strictly Germ-Proof, 7-Pt. I:141 III. Burgess's Lazy Roof, 8-Pt. I:149 IV. My Feet, 8-Pt. I:149
29th. EMILE ZOLA, d. 29 S. 1902 I. The Death of Olivier Becaille, 21-Pt. I:53-93
30th. I. Lowell's Without and Within, 8-Pt. II:72-73 II. She Came and Went, 15:134 III. The Sower, 14:144-145 IV. Sonnets, 13:251-253 V. What Rabbi Jehosha Said, 14:282-283
If you are reading a piece of thoroughly good literature, Baron Rothschild may possibly be as well occupied as you—he is certainly not better occupied. —P. G. HAMERTON.
1st. LOUIS UNTERMYER, b. 1 O. 1885 I. Only of Thee and Me, 12:339 II. Morris's October, 14:105-106 III. Bunner's Candor, 8-Pt. I:11-12
2nd. French Fleet destroyed off Boston, October, 1746 I. Longfellow's Ballad of the French Fleet, 10:202-204 II. Mrs. Browning's Sleep, 15:21-23 III. The Romance of the Swan's Nest, 10:79-83 IV. A Dead Rose, 12:191-192 V. A Man's Requirements, 12:192-194
3rd. WILLIAM MORRIS, d. 3 0. 1896 I. Summer Dawn, 12:172 II. The Nymph's Song to Hylas, 12:173-174 III. The Voice of Toil, 12:290-292 IV. The Shameful Death, 10:277-279
4th. HENRY CAREY, d. 4 O. 1743 I. Sally in Our Alley, 12:142-144 II. Van Dyke's The Proud Lady, 10:296
5th. I. Poe's Ulalume, II:302-306 II. Arnold's The Last Word, 15:43 III. A Nameless Epitaph, 15:48 IV. Thyrsis, 15:86-97 V. Requiescat, 15:120-121
6th. GEORGE HENRY BOKER, b. 6 O. 1893 I. The Black Regiment, 10:207-210 II. Lamb's Letter to Wordsworth, 5-Pt. II:129-132 III. Letter to Wordsworth, 5-Pt. II:136-143 IV. Letter to Wordsworth, 5-Pt. II:143-145
7th. SIR PHILIP SIDNEY, d. 7 O. 1586 I. The Bargain, 12:87 II. Astrophel and Stella, 13:178-180 III. To Sir Philip Sidney's Soul, 13:181 EDGAR ALLAN POE, d. 7 O. 1849 IV. The Murders in the Rue Morgue, Pt. I:1-53
A little before you go to sleep read something that is exquisite and worth remembering; and contemplate upon it till you fall asleep. —ERASMUS.
8th. JOHN HAY, b. 8 O. 1838 I. Little Breeches, 7-Pt. I:45-47 EDMUND CLARENCE STEDMAN, b. 8 0. 1833. II. The Diamond Wedding, 7-Pt. I:107-114
9th. S. W. GILLILAN, b. O. 1869 I. Finnigin to Flannigan, 9-Pt. I:92-93 II. Dunne's On Expert Testimony, 9-Pt. II:13-16 III. Work and Sport, 9-Pt. II:87-92 IV. Avarice and Generosity, 9-Pt. II:144-146
10th. WILLIAM H. SEWARD, d. 10 0. 1872 I. Lincoln's Letter to Seward, 5-Pt. I:111-112 II. Walker's Medicine Show, 18:213
11th. I. Keats's To Autumn, 13:142-143 II. Carew's Epitaph, 15:48 III. Disdain Returned, 12:133-134 IV. Song, 12:134 V. To His Inconstant Mistress, 12:135
12th. ROBERT E. LEE, d. 12 O. 1870 I. Robert E. Lee, 16-Pt. II:62-73 DINAH MULOCK CRAIK, d. 12 O. 1887. II. Douglas, Douglas, Tender and True 12:310-311
13th. SIR HENRY IRVING, d. 13 O. 1905 I. Sir Henry Irving, 17-Pt. II:39-47
14th. JOSH BILLINGS (H. W. SHAW), d. 14 O. 1885 I. Natral and Unnatral Aristokrats, 7-Pt. I:48-51 II. To Correspondents, 9-Pt. I:73-74 III. Russell's Origin of the Banjo, 9-Pt. I:79-82
And when a man is at home and happy with a book, sitting by his fireside, he must be a churl if he does not communicate that happiness. Let him read now and then to his wife and children. —H. FRISWELL.
15th. I. Tennyson's Tears, Idle Tears, 12:272-273 II. Shakespeare's Over Hill, Over Dale, 12:19 III. Poe's Assignation, 4-Pt. I:81-101
16th. I. Nye's How to Hunt the Fox, 8-Pt. I:70-78 II. A Fatal Thirst, 7-Pt. II:148-150 III. On Cyclones, 9-Pt. I:83-85
17th. WILLIAM VAUGHN MOODY, d. 17 O. 1910 I. Gloucester Moors, 11:320
18th. THOMAS LOVE PEACOCK, b. 18 O. 1785 I. Three Men of Gotham, 12:257-258 II. Shakespeare's Silvia, 12:91-92 III. O Mistress Mine, 12:92 IV. Take, O Take Those Lips Away, 12:93 V. Love, 12:93-94
19th. LEIGH HUNT, b. 19 O. 1784 I. Jenny Kissed Me, 12:158 II. Abou Ben Adhem, 11:121-122 CORNWALLIS surrendered at Yorktown, 19 O. 1781 III. Tennyson's England and America in 1782, 12:209-210
20th. I. Shakespeare's The Fairy Life, 12:20 II. When Icicles Hang by the Wall, 12:22 III. Fear No More the Heat of the Sun, 15:37 IV. A Sea Dirge, 15:38
21st. SAMUEL TAYLOR COLERIDGE, b. 21 0. 1772 I. Youth and Age, 14:264-265 II. Kubla Khan, 14:80-82 III. Thompson's Arab Love Song, 12:339
I wist all their sport in the Park is but a shadow to that pleasure I find in Plato. Alas! good folk, they never felt what true pleasure meant. —ROGER ASCHAM.
22nd. I. Shakespeare's Crabbed Age and Youth, 12:94 II. On A Day, Alack the Day, 12:95 III. Come Away, Come Away, Death, 12:96 IV. Rittenhouse's Ghostly Galley, 13:296 V. O'Hara's Atropos, 15:199
23rd. I. Townsend's Chimmie Fadden Makes Friends, 9-Pt. I:105-109 II. Tompkins's Sham, 18:169
24th. I. Tarkington's Beauty and the Jacobin, 18:19
25th. THOMAS BABINGTON MACAULAY, b 25 O. 1800 I. Country Gentlemen, 2-Pt. II:110-119 II. Polite Literature, 2-Pt. II:119-132 Battle of Balaclava, 25 0. 1854. III. Tennyson's Charge of the Light Brigade, 10:217-219 IV. Tennyson's Charge of the Heavy Brigade, 10:219-221
26th. I. Vaughan's Friends Departed, 15:10-11 II. Peace, 15:160-161 III. The Retreat, 15:161-162 IV. The World, 14:245-247
27th. THEODORE ROOSEVELT, b. 27 0. 1858 I. Colonel Theodore Roosevelt, 16-Pt. II:74-94
28th. I. Zola's Attack on the Mill, 20-Pt. I:47-102
I never think of the name of Gutenberg without feelings of veneration and homage. —G. S. PHILLIPS.
29th. JOHN KEATS, b. 29 O. 1795 I. Ode on a Grecian Urn, 13:137-139 II. The Eve of St. Agnes, 11:68-83
30th. ADELAIDE ANNE PROCTER, b. 30 O. 1825 I. A Doubting Heart, 12:312-313 II. Marlowe's Passionate Shepherd, 12:97-98 III. Raleigh's Her Reply, 12:98-99 IV. The Pilgrimage, 12:314-316
31st. Hallowe'en I. Burns's Tam O'Shanter, 11:253-260
N. 1st. I. Bryant's The Death of the Flowers, 14:118-120 II. The Battle-Field, 15:26-28 III. The Evening Wind, 12:50-52 IV. To a Waterfowl, 13:147-148
2nd. I. Arnold's Rugby Chapel, 15: 97-104 II. Campion's Cherry-Ripe, 12:103 III. Follow Your Saint, 12:103-104 IV. Vobiscum est Iope, 12:105
3rd. WILLIAM CULLEN BRYANT, b. 3 N. 1794 I. The Mosquito, 8-Pt. II:58-61 II. To the Fringed Gentian, 14:114-115 III. Song of Marion's Men, 10:199-201 IV. Forest Hymn, 14:34-38
4th. EUGENE FIELD, d. 4 N. 1895 I. Baked Beans and Culture, 9-Pt. I:86-89 II. The Little Peach, 8-Pt. I:86 III. Dibdin's Ghost, 9-Pt. II:44-46 IV. Dutch Lullaby, 12:250-251
To divert myself from a troublesome Fancy 'tis but to run to my books ... they always receive me with the same kindness. —MONTAIGNE.
5th. I. Lowell's What Mr. Robinson Thinks, 7-Pt. I:115-117 II. Field's The Truth About Horace, 9-Pt. I:17-18 III. The Cyclopeedy, 9-Pt. I:127-134
6th. HOLMAN F. DAY, b. 6 N. 1865 I. Tale of the Kennebec Mariner, 9-Pt. II:10-12 II. Grampy Sings a Song, 9-Pt. II:64-66 III. Cure for Homesickness, 9-Pt. II:129-130 IV. The Night After Christmas (Anonymous), 9-Pt. I:75-76
7th. I. Gibson's The Fear, 15:216 II. Back, 15:216 III. The Return, 15:217
8th. JOHN MILTON, d. 8 N. 1674 I. Sonnets, 13:198-205 II. L'Allegro, 14:9-14 III. On Milton by Dryden, 13:272
9th. I. Lincoln's Letter to Astor, Roosevelt, and Sands, 9 N. 1863, 5-Pt. I:119 II. Arnold's Saint Brandan, II:137-140 III. Longing, 12:188-189 IV. Sonnets, 13:253-256
10th. HENRY VAN DYKE, b. 10 N. 1852 I. Salute to the Trees, 14:290 II. The Standard Bearer, 10:307 VACHEL LINDSAY, b. 10 N. 1879 III. Abraham Lincoln Walks at Midnight, 14:298
11th. Armistice Day, 11 N. 1918 I. Wharton's The Young Dead, 15:213 II. Meynell's Dead Harvest, 14:292 III. Tennyson's Locksley Hall, 14:223-238
We have known Book-love to be independent of the author and lurk in a few charmed words traced upon the title-page by a once familiar hand. —ANONYMOUS.
12th. RICHARD BAXTER, b. 12 N. 1615 I. A Hymn of Trust, 15:164-165 II. Arnold's The Future, 14:275-278 III. Palladium, 14:278-279 IV. The Forsaken Merman, 11:291-296
13th. ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON, b. 13 N. 1850 I. Robert Louis Stevenson, 17-Pt. I:133-146 II. Foreign Lands, 12:248-249 III. Requiem, 15:142
14th. BOOKER T. WASHINGTON, d. 14 N. 1915 I. Booker T. Washington, 17-Pt. I:172-190
15th. WILLIAM COWPER, b. 26 N. 1731 I. To Mary, 12:243-245 II. Boadicea, 10:181-182 III. Verses, 14:221-223 IV. Diverting History of John Gilpin, 11:241-251
16th. I. Cone's Ride to the Lady, 10:311 II. Hewlett's Soldier, Soldier, 15:212
17th. Lucknow relieved by Campbell, 17 N. 1857 I. Robert Lowell's The Relief of Lucknow, 11:184-187 II. Roberts's The Maid, 10:305
18th. I. Joseph Conrad, 17-Pt. I:147-166
Read not to contradict and confute, nor to believe and take for granted, nor to find talk and discourse, but to weigh and consider. —LORD BACON.
19th. I. Lincoln's Gettyburg Address, 5-Pt. I: 107-108
20th. THOMAS CHATTERTON, b. 20 N. 1752 I. Minstrel's Song, 15:40-41 CHARLES GRAHAM HALPINE, b. 20 N. 1829 II. Irish Astronomy, 8-Pt. II:79-80 III. Davis's The First Piano in a Mining-Camp, 9-Pt. I:34-44 IV. Dunne's On Gold Seeking, 9-Pt. I:99-102
21st. VOLTAIRE, b. 21 N. 1694 I. Jeannot and Colin, 22-Pt. I:1-16 BRYAN WALLER PROCTER (Barry Cornwall), b. 21 N. 1787 II. The Sea, 12:72-73 III. The Poet's Song to His Wife, 12:242-243 IV. A Petition to Time, 12:252
22nd. St. Cecilia's Day, Nov. 22nd. I. Dryden's Song for St. Cecilia's Day, 13:61-63 II. O May I Join the Choir Invisible, 15:185-186 JACK LONDON, d. 22 N. 1916 III. Jan the Unrepentant, 22-Pt. II:136
23rd. I. Carryl's The Walloping Window Blind, 9-Pt. II:35-36 II. Marble's The Hoosier and the Salt-pile, 8-Pt. II:62-67
24th. I. Arnold's Growing Old, 14:281-282 II. Lyly's Spring's Welcome, 12:15 III. Cupid and Campaspe, 12:86 IV. Lindsay's Auld Robin Gray, 10:30-32
25th. I. Irving's The Devil and Tom Walker, 3-Pt. II:37-57
Montaigne with his sheepskin blistered, And Howell the worse for wear, And the worm-drilled Jesuit's Horace, And the little old cropped Moliere— And the Burton I bought for a florin, And the Rabelais foxed and flea'd— For the others I never have opened, But those are the ones I read. —AUSTIN DOBSON.
26th. COVENTRY PATMORE, d. 26 N. 1896 I. To the Unknown Eros, 13:169-171 II. The Toys, 15:140-141 III. Lamb's The Old Familiar Faces, 15:73-74 IV. Hester, 15:75-76
27th. I. Wordsworth's Influence of Natural Objects, 14:251-253 RIDGELEY TORRENCE, b. 27 N. 1875 II. Torrence's Evensong, 12:346 III. Burt's Resurgam, 13:292
28th. WILLIAM BLAKE, b. 28 N. 1757 I. The Tiger, 12:42-43 II. Piping Down the Valleys, 12:246 III. The Golden Door, 15:172 WASHINGTON IRVING. d. 28 N. 1859 IV. Rip Van Winkle, 19-Pt. II:71-96
29th. LOUISA MAY ALCOTT, b. 29 N. 1832 I. Street Scenes in Washington, 8-Pt. II:74-76 JOHN G. NEIHARDT, married 29 N. 1908 II. Envoi, 15:200 III. Cheney's Happiest Heart, 14:318 IV. Dargan's There's Rosemary, 13:287
30th. SAMUEL LANGHORNE CLEMENS (Mark Twain), b. 30 N. 1835 I. Colonel Mulberry Sellers, 7-Pt. II:31-40 II. The Notorious Jumping Frog, 7-Pt. I:122-131
D. 1st. I. Keats's In a Drear-Nighted December, 12:268 II. Gray's Progress of Poesy, 13:76-80 III. Doyle's Private of the Buffs, 11:284-285
2nd. I. Lowell's The First Snow-Fail, 15:135-136 II. Daniel's Love Is a Sickness, 12:108 III. Delia, 13:181-182 IV. Darley's Song, 12:170-171
When evening has arrived, I return home, and go into my study.... For hours together, the miseries of life no longer annoy me; I forget every vexation; I do not fear poverty; for I have altogether transferred myself to those with whom I hold converse. —MACHIAVELLI.
3rd. GEORGE B. MCCLELLAN, b. 3 D. 1826 I. Lincoln's Letter to McClellan, 5-Pt. I:109-110 Battle of Hohenlinden, 3 D. 1800 II. Campbell's Hohenlinden, 10:188-189 ROBERT Louis STEVENSON, d. 3 D. 1894 III. Providence and the Guitar, 19-Pt. II: 96-138
4th. I. Sudermann's The Gooseherd, 20-Pt. II:62-74
5th. CHRISTINA GEORGINA ROSSETTI, b. 5 D. 1830 I. One Certainty, 13:265 II. Up-Hill, 12:322-323 III. Hayne's In Harbor, 15:142-143 IV. Between the Sunken Sun and the New Moon, 13:265-266 V. Goldsmith's When Lovely Woman Stoops to Folly, 13:273
6th. R. H. BARHAM, b. 6 D. 1788 I. The Jackdaw of Rheims, 11:173-179
7th. CALE YOUNG RICE, b. 7 D. 1872 I. Chant of the Colorado, 14:291 ALLAN CUNNINGHAM, b. 7 D. 1784 II. A Wet Sheet and a Flowing Sea, 12:73-74 III. Hame, Hame, Hame, 12:309-310 IV. Bailey's After the Funeral, 8-Pt. I:42-44 V. What He Wanted It For, 9-Pt. I:90-91
8th. I. A Visit to Brigham Young, 9-Pt. I:47-52
9th. STEPHEN PHILLIPS, d. 9 D. 1915 I. Harold before Senlac, 14:315
This habit of reading, I make bold to tell you, is your pass to the greatest, the purest, and the most perfect pleasures that God has prepared for his creatures.... It lasts when all other pleasures fade. —TROLLOPE.
10th. EMILY DICKINSON, b. 10 D. 1830 I. Our Share of Night to Bear, 13:282 II. Heart, We Will Forget Him, 13:282 III. Ruskin's Mountain Glory, 1-Pt. II:59-69
11th. I. Webster's Reply to Hayne, 6-Pt. I:63-105
12th. I. Herford's Gold, 9-Pt. II:9 II. Child's Natural History, 9-Pt. II:37-39 III. Metaphysics, 9-Pt. II:128 IV. The End of the World, 9-Pt. I:120-122
13th. WILLIAM DRUMMOND, b. 13 D. 1585 I. Invocation, 12:24-25 II. "I Know That All Beneath the Moon Decays," 13:196-197 III. For the Baptist, 13:197 IV. To His Lute, 13:198 V. Browne's The Siren's Song, 12:23 VI. A Welcome, 12:111-112 VII. My Choice, 12:112-113
14th. CHARLES WOLFE, b. 14 D. 1791 I. The Burial of Sir John Moore, 15:31-33 II. Clough's In a Lecture Room, 14:272 III. Qua Cursum Ventus, 12:317-318 IV. Davis's Souls, 14:317
15th. I. Mrs. Browning's Sonnets from the Portuguese, 13:232-239
16th. GEORGE SANTAYANA, b. 16 D. 1863 I. "As in the Midst of Battle There Is Room," 13:287 II. MacMillan's Shadowed Star, 18:273
When there is no recreation or business for thee abroad, thou may'st have a company of honest old fellows in their leathern jackets in thy study which will find thee excellent divertisement at home. —THOMAS FULLER.
17th. JOHN GREENLEAF WHITTIER, b. 17 D. 1807 I. Amy Wentworth, 10:53-56 II. The Barefoot Boy, 14:169-172 III. My Psalm, 15:180-191 IV. The Eternal Goodness, 15:192-196 V. Telling the Bees, 11:308-310
18th. PHILIP FRENEAU, d. 18 D. 1832 I. The Wild Honeysuckle, 14:113-114 L. G. C. A. CHATRIAN, b. 18 D. 1826 II. The Comet, 20-Pt. II:104-114
19th. BAYARD TAYLOR, d. 19 D. 1878 I. Palabras Grandiosas, 9-Pt. I:58 II. Bedouin Love Song, 12:174-175 III. The Song of the Camp, 11:288-290 IV. W. B. Scott's Glenkindie, 10:48-51
20th. I. Ford's The Society Reporter's Christmas, 8-Pt. I:57-65 II. The Dying Gag, 9-Pt. II:119-122
21st. GIOVANNI BOCCACCIO, d. 21 D. 1375 I. The Falcon, 20-Pt. II:1-11
22nd. EDWIN ARLINGTON ROBINSON, b. 22 D. 1869 I. Miniver Cheevy, 7-Pt. I:147 II. Vickery's Mountain, 14:303 III. Richard Cory, 14:309
23rd. MICHAEL DRAYTON, d. 23 D. 1631 I. Idea, 13:182 II. Agincourt, 10:176-181 III. Stevenson's The Whaups, 12:70 IV. Youth and Love, 12:231
Life being very short, and the quiet hours of it few, we ought to waste none of them in reading valueless books; and valuable books should, in a civilized country, be within the reach of every one. —JOHN RUSKIN.
24th. Christmas Eve I. Guiney's Tryste Noel, 15:202 II. Rossetti's My Sister's Sleep, 15:137-139 MATTHEW ARNOLD, b. 24 D. 1822 III. Dover Beach, 14:279-280 IV. Philomela, 12:56-57
25th. I. Milton's Ode on The Morning of Christ's Nativity, 13:42-43 II. Thackeray's The Mahogany Tree, 12:252-254 III. Thackeray's The End of the Play, 14:283-286 IV. Domett's A Christmas Hymn, 15:178-179
26th. THOMAS GRAY, b. 26 D. 1716 I. Elegy, 15:12-17 II. Ode to Adversity, 13:70-72 III. Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College, 13:72-76
27th. CHARLES LAMB, d. 27 D. 1834 I. Landor's To the Sister of Elia, 15:76-77 II. A Dissertation upon Roast Pig, 5-Pt. II:40-51 III. Detached Thoughts on Books and Reading, 5-Pt. II 70-79
28th. I. Hawthorne's The Birthmark, 3-Pt. I:23-51
29th. JOHN VANCE CHENEY, b,. 29 D. 1848 I. Cheney's Happiest Heart, 14:318 II. Emerson's Terminus, 14:267-268 III. Clough's Say Not the Struggle Nought Availeth, 14:272-273 IV. Lamb's Old Familiar Faces, 15:73-74
30th. RUDYARD KIPLING, b. 30 D. 1865 I. Without Benefit of Clergy, 19-Pt. I:54-89
31st. I. Shelley's The World's Great Age Begins Anew, 12:284-286 II. Burns's Auld Lang Syne, 12:261-262 III. Lowell's To the Past, 13:161-163 IV. Lamb's New Year's Eve, 5-Pt. II:11-21